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Genetic mechanisms leading to

primary amenorrhea in balanced
X-autosome translocations
Mariana Moyses-Oliveira, M.Sc.,a Roberta dos Santos Guilherme, M.Sc.,a,b Anelisa Gollo Dantas, B.S.,a
Renata Ueta, B.S.,a Ana Beatriz Perez, Ph.D.,a Mauro Haidar, Ph.D.,c Rosane Canonaco, M.D.,d
Vera Ayres Meloni, M.D.,a Nadezda Kosyakova, Ph.D.,b Thomas Liehr, Ph.D.,b
Gianna Maria Carvalheira, Ph.D.,a and Maria Isabel Melaragno, Ph.D.a
Genetics Division, Department of Morphology and Genetics, and c Departament of Gynecology, Universidade Federal de
Sa~o Paulo; d Genetics Division, Hospital do Servidor Pu ~o Paulo, Sa
 blico do Estado de Sa ~ o Paulo, Brazil; and b Institute of
Human Genetics, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Objective: To map the X-chromosome and autosome breakpoints in women with balanced X-autosome translocations and primary
amenorrhea, searching candidate genomic loci for female infertility.
Design: Retrospective and case–control study.
Setting: University-based research laboratory.
Patient(s): Three women with balanced X-autosome translocation and primary amenorrhea.
Intervention(s): Conventional cytogenetic methods, genomic array, array painting, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and quantitative
reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Karyotype, copy number variation, breakpoint mapping, and gene expression levels.
Result(s): All patients presented with breakpoints in the Xq13q21 region. In two patients, the X-chromosome breakpoint disrupted
coding sequences (KIAA2022 and ZDHHC15 genes). Although both gene disruptions caused absence of transcription in peripheral
blood, there is no evidence that supports the involvement of these genes with ovarian function. The ZDHHC15 gene belongs to a
conserved syntenic region that encompasses the FGF16 gene, which plays a role in female germ line development. The break in the
FGF16 syntenic block may have disrupted the interaction between the FGF16 promoter and its cis-regulatory element. In the third pa-
tient, although both breakpoints are intergenic, a gene that plays a role in the DAX1 pathway (FHL2 gene) flanks distally the autosome
breakpoint. The FHL2 gene may be subject to position effect due to the attachment of an autosome segment in Xq21 region.
Conclusion(s): The etiology of primary amenorrhea in balanced X-autosome translocation patients may underlie more complex mech-
anisms than interruption of specific X-linked candidate genes, such as position effect. The fine mapping of the rearrangement break-
points may be a tool for identifying genetic pathogenic mechanisms for primary amenorrhea.
(Fertil SterilÒ 2015;103:1289–96. Ó2015 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.) Use your smartphone
Key Words: X-chromosome, reciprocal translocation, female fertility, primary amenorrhea, to scan this QR code
position effect and connect to the
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this article now.*
Discuss: You can discuss this article with its authors and with other ASRM members at http:// * Download a free QR code scanner by searching for “QR
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remature ovarian insufficiency degined as the cessation of ovarian UI/L) before the age of 40 years (1). Pre-
(POI, OMIM [Online Mendelian function associated with elevated go- mature ovarian insufficiency causing
Inheritance in Man] 311360) is nadotropins serum levels (FSH R40 hypergonadotropic hypogonadism oc-
curs in 1% of reproductive-age women,
Received November 25, 2014; revised January 15, 2015; accepted January 21, 2015; published online and the most severe cases exhibit
March 4, 2015. gonadal dysgenesis and primary amen-
M.M.-O. has nothing to disclose. R.d.S.G. has nothing to disclose. A.G.D. has nothing to disclose. R.U.
has nothing to disclose. A.B.P. has nothing to disclose. M.H. has nothing to disclose. R.C. has orrhea (2). The pathogenic mechanisms
nothing to disclose. V.A.M. has nothing to disclose. N.K. has nothing to disclose. T.L. has nothing leading to POI are complex and hetero-
to disclose. G.M.C. has nothing to disclose. M.I.M. has nothing to disclose.
This study was supported by Fundaça ~o de Amparo a  Pesquisa do Estado de Sa ~o Paulo (grant 2011/
geneous, including chromosomal,
51690-1). genetic, autoimmune, metabolic, infec-
Reprint requests: Maria Isabel Melaragno, Ph.D., Department of Morphology and Genetics, Universi- tious, and iatrogenic factors (3, 4).
dade Federal de Sa ~o Paulo, Rua Botucatu 740, CEP 04023-900, Sa ~o Paulo, SP, Brazil (E-mail: Despite diagnostic advances, 50% of
cases remain idiopathic (5). Genetic
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2015 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2015 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
causes can be identified in approximately 20%–25% of cases,

VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015 1289


with X-chromosome abnormalities being the most frequent S~ao Paulo/Hospital S~ao Paulo’’ (CEP 0394/10) and performed
genetic cause of POI, including aneuploidies, deletions, after written informed consent was obtained from the pa-
isochromosomes, and X-autosome translocations (6, 7). tients, controls, or their parents.
Women with balanced X-autosome translocations are a
rare and clinically heterogeneous group of patients whose Classic Banding Cytogenetic Analysis and Clinical
most common phenotype is POI (8, 9). The consequences of Report
balanced X-autosome translocations in female carriers
depend mostly on the location of the breakpoints and on Chromosome analyses with G and replication banding, as well
the X-chromosome inactivation pattern (10). In these as nucleolar organiser regions (NOR) staining, were performed
women the normal X-chromosome is preferentially on 72-hour lymphocyte cultures from the patients and, when
inactivated, and most X-linked genes remain functional possible, from their parents according to standard procedures,
only in the derivative chromosomes. Thus, high-resolution based on a total of 40 metaphase cells.
breakpoint mapping in women with balanced X-autosome Patient 1 was a 26-year-old woman, second child of a
translocations has proven to be valuable in searching candi- nonconsanguineous and healthy couple. She was born at
date genomic loci for diseases (11–13). term with a birth weight of 2,500 g (3rd–10th centile) and
Studies on women with rearrangements involving with an undocumented length and birth head circumference.
X-chromosomes indicate that breakpoints in patients Her developmental milestones were delayed. She presented
with POI are usually concentrated in the long arm of the X- with severe impairment in all cognitive and adaptive behavior
chromosome, in a specific region that spans from Xq13 to domains, including total dependence on self-care and
Xq27 called the ‘‘Xq critical region,’’ which is assumed to be communicative skills, and autistic behavior. At 24 years old
responsible for the maintenance of ovarian function and she did not speak or communicate and was unable to read
normal reproductive lifespan (9, 14). This Xq critical region or write. At the same age the patient had not reached
for ovarian function is often divided into two portions, menarche, and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging showed
Xq13-Xq21 and Xq23-Xq27, the former being frequently dis- reduced uterine size and nonvisualized ovaries. At that age
rupted in X-autosome translocations (9, 15, 16). Despite the her serum FSH concentration was 119.35 mUI/L, LH 293 UI/
fact that the importance of the Xq critical region in POI is L, E2 12.1 pg/mL, and P 0.5 ng/mL. Additionally, the clinical
well known, the molecular pathogenic mechanism that evaluation showed short stature and minor facial dysmorphic
causes this association is still unclear. The majority of the features. Standard blood karyotype revealed a de novo,
genes disrupted at the X-chromosome breakpoints were apparently balanced translocation between chromosomes X
discarded as candidates because they apparently are not and 3, as follows: 46,X,t(X;3)(q13;q11)dn (Fig. 1A).
expressed in human or mouse ovaries, or their mutation Patient 2 was a 42-year-old woman with normal hall-
analysis failed to demonstrate a role in POI (16–18). This fact mark developmental milestones. At the age of 16 years she
points to the hypothesis that the interruption of genes in the had not reached menarche, and her serum FSH concentration
Xq critical region is not the cause of ovarian failure. Several was 76.0 mUI/L and LH 16.5 UI/L. At 17 years of age, pelvic
other hypotheses have been considered, most of them related ultrasound showed reduced uterine and ovarian size. Two
to an effect position mechanism altering gene expression in years later the patient started hormone replacement therapy.
the X-chromosome breakpoint flanking regions or in the Overall, she had a normal clinical morphologic evaluation.
autosomes involved in the rearrangements (19–21). Standard blood karyotype showed an apparently balanced
We therefore used the array painting method to map the translocation between chromosomes X and 9:
rearrangement breakpoints in three women with balanced 46,X,t(X;9)(q13;p11.1) (Fig. 2A).
X-autosome translocations and primary amenorrhea, deter- Patient 3 was a 35-year-old woman with normal hall-
mining whether the breakpoints disrupted gene sequences. mark developmental milestones. At the age of 33 years she
For disrupted genes, expression assays were performed to had not reached menarche, and transvaginal ultrasound
address the impact of the gene interruption in transcription. showed reduced uterine dimensions and nonvisualized
ovaries. Her serum FSH concentration was 161.5 mUI/L, LH
51.4 UI/L, E2 13 pg/mL, and P 0.4 ng/mL. At 33 years
MATERIALS AND METHODS of age, hormone replacement therapy was initiated. She pre-
Subjects sented with normal clinical morphologic evaluation. Stan-
We studied three women with balanced X-autosome translo- dard blood karyotype showed an apparently balanced
cation and primary amenorrhea, who originally presented to translocation between chromosomes X and 2: 46,X,t(X;2)
genetic and endocrinologic public services in S~ao Paulo state, (q21;q12) (Fig. 3A).
Brazil. Eight female individuals, aged 7–51 years, were
selected from the healthy population as control individuals Genomic Array
for gene expression investigation.
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leuko-
cytes using the Gentra Puregene kit (Qiagen-Sciences). The
Ethical Approval Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Nsp/Sty 6.0 array
This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Commit- was used to detect copy number variation, and the data

tee ‘‘Comit^e de Etica em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de were analyzed with Genotyping Console 3.0.2 and

1290 VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015

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Breakpoint definition for patient 1. (A) Partial G-banding karyotype and ideogram of the chromosomes involved in the rearrangement. (B, C) Array
painting results showing (B) X-chromosomal breakpoint and (C) chromosome 3 breakpoint in the color change region. (D, E) FISH in metaphase cells
using (D) RP11-34P8 and (E) RP11-1072D12 probes, showing three hybridization signals, including split signals in the derivative chromosomes.
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.

Chromosome Analysis Suite software (Affymetrix) based on FISH for Breakpoint Definition in Heterochromatic
GRCh37/hg19. To determine the imbalance pathogenicity, Regions
gene content and overlapping benign copy number variations
For patient 2, FISH was performed in lymphocyte metaphase
regions were considered, according to the Database of
using chromosome 9 pericentromeric probes, according to
Genomic Variants (
Weise et al. (24), to determine the autosome breakpoint local-
ization. Another FISH was performed using commercially
available alphoid probes for chromosomes X and 9 centro-
Microdissection, Amplification of the Derivative
meric regions to further characterize the rearrangement.
Chromosomes, and Reverse Chromosome Painting
Glass needle–based chromosome microdissection was per-
formed as previously described by Liehr et al. (22). Briefly, Array-CGH of the Dissected and Amplified DNA
both derivative chromosomes involved in each patient's For each array-CGH reaction, the dissected and degener-
translocation were collected from lymphocyte culture– ated oligonucleotide primed amplified derivative chromo-
derived metaphase cells spread on coverslips. Collection was some's DNA from the same patient—der(X) and
done with extended glass micro-needles controlled by a der(A)—was labeled: one of them with Cy3 and the other
micro-manipulator under an inverted microscope. Approxi- with Cy5, using the Universal Linkage System Labeling
mately 10 copies of the entire derivative chromosome or the Kit (Agilent Technologies). Both labeled dissected DNA
chromosome arm affected by the translocations were were hybridized to the same CGH array SurePrint G3 (Agi-
collected. The DNA collected was amplified by degenerated lent Technologies). The hybridization resulted in the chro-
oligonucleotide primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR), as mosomal material from one side of the translocation
previously described (23). The chromosomal origin of the mi- breakpoint being labeled in a different color than the ma-
crodissected segment was assessed by reverse chromosome terial on the other side of the breakpoint. After scanning
painting (i.e., fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH] on with a DNA Microarray scanner (Agilent Technologies),
normal chromosome spreads), as previously described by the differential labeling of the two derivative chromosomes
Liehr et al. (22). resulted in high hybridization ratios proximal to the

VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015 1291



Region affected by X-chromosome breakpoints in patients 1 and 2. (A) Partial G-banding karyotype and ideogram of the chromosomes involved in
patient 2's rearrangement. (B) Genome view of the Xq13.3 cytoband and the FGF16 syntenic block, including breakpoints in patients 1 and 2 (BP,
red bars), the microduplication (blue bar) described by Dudding et al. (35), and the genes conserved in the syntenic block in red (ZDHHC15 - FGF16 -
ATRX). The FGF16 gene is located approximately 2 Mb downstream of patient 2's breakpoint.
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.

breakpoint and low ratios distal to the breakpoint, or vice 513), RP11-980D8 (chrX:94,336,369–94,495,561), and RP
versa (for an example, see Fig. 1B and C). 11-1148D23 (chr2:105,763,767–105,913,091). They were
Two different slide designs were used: SurePrint G3 fluorescein isothiocyanate or tetramethyl rhodamine isothio-
Custom CGH 8x60k (Agilent Technologies) for the X-chromo- cyanate labeled by nick-translation and hybridized on meta-
some breakpoint definition, and SurePrint G3 Unrestricted phase spread as previously described (25).
1x1M (Agilent Technologies) for the autosome breakpoint
definition. The SurePrint G3 Custom CGH 8x60k array was
Expression Analysis of the Disrupted Genes
designed with 46,928 probes for chromosome X and 13,072
backbone probes, selected from the best-performing oligos Whole-blood RNA was extracted from the patients and con-
in Agilent's electronic library. The SurePrint G3 Unrestricted trol individuals using the PAXgene Blood RNA MDx Kit (Qia-
1x1M array followed the standard manufacturer design gen-Sciences). Ribonucleic acid concentration and purity
from the catalog (AMADID 021529) that covers the entire were assessed using a NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer
genome, excluding repetitive sequences. For the 8x60k (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and integrity was assessed by
design, each CGH-array reaction defined the X-chromosome agarose gel electrophoresis. The complementary DNA
breakpoint from one patient. For the 1x1M design, pairs of (cDNA) was synthesized using High Capacity cDNA Reverse
dissected derivative chromosomes from different patients Transcription (Life Technologies) using 770 ng of total RNA.
were mixed in a pool before the labeling step, thus one For quantitative reverse transcription–PCR, Gene Expression
CGH-array reaction defined the three autosome breakpoints. Assays (Life Technologies) with TaqMan probes were per-
formed. The assays Hs00911606_m1 (ZDHHC15) and
Hs02339405_m1 (KIAA2022) were used for genes of
FISH for Breakpoint Mapping Validation interest, and the assays Hs99999905_m1 (GAPDH) and
Bacterial artificial chromosome probes spanning the break- Hs99999903_m1 (ACTB) were used as internal controls. All
point regions degined by the array-CGH results were selected samples of cDNA were assayed in technical triplicate, in 12-
through the University of California, Santa Cruz genome mL reaction volumes with standard PCR conditions of 96-
browser. The following probes were applied: RP11-34P8 Well Fast Thermal Cycling (Life Technologies). The cycle
(chrX:73,914,389–74,105,538), RP11-1072D12 (chr3:95,897, threshold (CT) was determined during the geometric phase
890–96,067,315), RP11-203K12 (chrX:74,592,669–74,748, of the PCR ampligication plots, as recommended by the

1292 VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015

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Region affected by autosomal breakpoint in patient 3. (A) Partial G-banding karyotype and ideogram of the chromosomes involved in the
rearrangement. (B) Genome view of the region downstream to chromosome 2 breakpoint in patient 3, including segment affected by the
autosomal breakpoint of patient 3 (BP, red bar) and the FHL2 gene, located 121.6 kb downstream of the breakpoint.
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.

manufacturer. Acquired data were analyzed using ViiA 7 autosomal breakpoints with a resolution range of 1.8–95.6 kb,
software v1.2.2 (Life Technologies). A qualitative analysis depending on the amount of repetitive sequences in the break-
was performed to assess presence or absence of expression point region.
in patients and controls. The presence of expression in con- The breakpoint definition of patient 1 is described in full
trols was considered only when the TaqMan assay showed to illustrate the methods used (Fig. 1), whereas results for the
amplification in all control individuals with a maximum CT others are summarized in Table 1.
value of 38 and maximum CT deviation of 3.

Patient 1
RESULTS For patient 1, breakpoint definition by array painting indi-
Banding cytogenetic analyses and genomic array indicated cated that the X-chromosomal breakpoint in Xq13.3 disrup-
that all patients presented with balanced X-autosome trans- ted the KIAA2022 gene and that the autosomal breakpoint
locations, without cryptic genomic imbalances. Addition- in 3q11.2 did not affect gene coding sequences (Table 1).
ally, replication banding studies showed that the normal The localization of both breakpoints was validated by FISH,
X-chromosome was preferentially inactivated in all three using RP11-34P8 (Xq13.3) and RP11-1072D12 (3q11.2)
cases. probes. For each probe a split signal on each of the derivative
Array-CGH of the microdissected and amplified DNA from chromosomes was observed (Fig. 1D and E). The gene expres-
the derivative chromosomes defined the X-chromosomal and sion assay did not detect any KIAA2022 gene expression in


X-chromosome and autosome breakpoints definition by array painting.

Resolution of the
Patient Karyotype Breakpoints genomic coordinates breakpoint definition (kb) Gene disruption at the breakpoint
1 46,X,t(X;3)(q13.3;q11.2)dn chrX:73,977,371–74,073,029 95.6 KIAA2022
chr3:95,953,332–96,033,144 79.8 Intergenic breakpoint
2 46,X,t(X;9)(Xq13.3; p11.1) chrX:74,628,683–74,633,728 5.0 ZDHHC15
chr9 - array painting not informative – –
3 46,X,t(X;2)(q21.33;q12.1) chrX:94,376,126–94,380,742 4.6 Intergenic breakpoint
chr2:105,853,844–105,855,644 1.8 Intergenic breakpoint
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.

VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015 1293


patient 1's peripheral blood, whereas normal KIAA2022 long-range PCR followed by Sanger sequencing) are generally
expression levels were found in all controls (CT mean 35.1; time-consuming or technically challenging. Furthermore,
CT SD 1.0). because such rearrangements do not result in large gains or
losses of genetic material, they are undetected by chromo-
somal microarray-based genome-wide surveys (27). There-
Patient 2
fore, other methodologies, such as array painting, are more
For patient 2, array painting indicated that the X-chromo- appropriate for achieving breakpoint mapping with a high-
somal breakpoint in Xq13.3 disrupted the ZDHHC15 gene resolution definition (28).
(Table 1); data were validated by FISH, which showed split In this study, three balanced X-autosome translocations
signal in both derivative chromosomes with RP11-203K12 identified in women with primary amenorrhea were charac-
(Xq13.3) probe. No ZDHHC15 gene expression was detected terized using the array painting technique, to better under-
in patient 2's peripheral blood, whereas all control individuals stand the genetic contribution in primary amenorrhea.
presented normal expression levels (CT mean 35.4; CT SD 1.1). Although it is not possible to exclude the involvement of
The array painting method was not informative for the auto- autosomal genes and other X-linked genomic regions in the
somal breakpoint because that was located in the chromo- onset of ovarian insufficiency, the fact that all three patients
some 9 heterochromatic region. Reverse chromosome presented with breakpoints in the Xq13q21 region highlights
painting after chromosome microdissection showed cross- the importance of this chromosomal region in primary amen-
hybridization in 9p12 and 9q13–21.1 due to sequences known orrhea pathogenesis. The high-resolution breakpoint map-
to be homologous to each other (26). Thus, the autosomal ping revealed that two of our patients had neighboring
breakpoint was further analyzed by FISH, to better charac- X-chromosome breakpoints, approximately 0.6 Mb apart, in
terize the rearrangement. Fluorescence in situ hybridization the Xq13.3 chromosome region. Considering the X-chromo-
with centromeric and pericentromeric probes for chromosome some breakpoint distribution in patients with balanced
9 confirmed that the autosomal breakpoint affected the chro- X-autosome translocation, independently of the phenotype,
mosome 9 centromeric region. However, the probe for the there is not a higher frequency of breaks in Xq13q21 (29),
chromosome 9 centromere showed three signals: one in which excludes the hypothesis that this region is prone to
normal chromosome 9 and one in each derivative chromo- breakage.
some, indicating that the autosomal breakpoint affected the In patient 1, the rearrangement disrupted the KIAA2022
chromosome 9 centromeric region (Supplemental Fig. 1, gene, which is highly expressed in the brain and encodes a G
available online). Another FISH reaction was performed protein–coupled purinergic receptor related to neurite exten-
with commercial centromeric probes for chromosomes X sion (30). The literature shows that the KIAA2022 loss of
and 9; it indicated that an autosomal break appeared in region function, caused by chromosomal rearrangements or point
9p11.1 to 9q11.1. Thus, the derivative X chromosome con- mutations, results in cognitive impairment and autistic
tains centromeric alphoid sequences from chromosomes X behavior (11, 31), features compatible to our patient. Thus,
and 9 (Supplemental Fig. 1). Overall, patient 2's karyotype the severe intellectual disability in patient 1 could be
was defined as 46,X,t(X;9)(q13.3;cen). attributed to KIAA2022 gene disruption. However, the
literature does not provide links between KIAA2022 gene
Patient 3 and ovarian function or development. Additionally, the
functions of the breakpoint flanking genes located up to
For patient 3, the array painting indicated that the break-
1 Mb upstream and downstream of X-chromosome and
points in Xq21.33 and 2q12.2 did not disrupt any gene
autosome breaks were assessed (Supplemental Table 1). In
(Table 1). The localization of both breakpoints was validated
patient 1, for the X-chromosome and autosome flanking
by FISH, using RP11-980D8 (Xq21.33) and RP11-1148D23
region, the function of the identified genes with respect to
(2q12.1) probes. For each probe, a split signal on each of the
ovarian function has not been reported.
derivative chromosomes was observed.
In patient 2, the disrupted gene, ZDHHC15, encodes a
palmitoyl acyltransferase, an enzyme that promotes a post-
DISCUSSION translational modigication of proteins by the addition of the
To properly interpret the clinical impact of a balanced chro- lipid palmitate (32). The literature reported a woman with a
mosomal rearrangement, the precise breakpoint definition is balanced X-autosome translocation and ZDHHC15 disrup-
fundamental for determining the occurrence of gene disrup- tion that also caused absence of gene expression in peripheral
tions. For this reason, mapping balanced X-autosome trans- blood (33). However, this patient presented with severe intel-
location breakpoints with a high resolution is essential to lectual disability, a feature not observed in our patient 2, and
assess the genetic mechanisms leading to primary amenor- a description of her ovarian function or endocrinologic eval-
rhea. Despite the recognition of this approach as a powerful uation was not given. Mansouri et al. (33) suggested that the
tool in searching pathogenic genomic regions, the investiga- ZDHHC15 gene is a strong candidate for nonsyndromic se-
tion of balanced chromosomal rearrangements involving the vere X-linked intellectual deficiency (#300577, MRX91);
X chromosome is generally performed only by low-resolution however, recent studies indicated that this hypothesis needs
techniques, such as karyotyping. This occurs because the to be validated (34).
breakpoint definition of balanced chromosomal aberrations The palmitoylation is critical for protein localization and
using cytogenomic and molecular methods (e.g., FISH and function in several cell signaling pathways; however, this

1294 VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015

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modification does not have a clear involvement in gonadal also to autosomal genes (21). Thus, an autosome segment
development, and the ZDHHC15 gene does not show partic- attached to Xq21 because of a translocation could be sub-
ular expression in the ovary. In patient 2, the function of the jected to this down-regulation, configuring a position effect
X-chromosome flanking genes with respect to ovarian func- on autosomal genes, specifically in the developing ovary.
tion has not been reported. The region affected by the chromosome 2 breakpoint in
Dudding et al. (35) screened for X-chromosome patho- patient 3 presents a high density of regulatory elements,
genic copy number variations in 50 women with normal kar- including enhancers and insulators. The FHL2 gene is mapped
yotype and POI, and microduplications were detected in two to 2q12.2, 121.6 kb from patient 3's autosomal breakpoint
cases, one of these encompassing the ABCB7, UPRT, and (Fig. 3B), and is expressed in ovary granulosa cells (40). This
ZDHHC15 genes. Despite these authors' reasoning that these gene encodes a protein that coactivates the transcription of
genes may be dose sensitive, they highlight that ZDHHC15 factors that are involved in both testicular and ovarian differ-
gene expression is restricted to a few tissues, not including entiation. In ovarian differentiation, the presence of FHL2
ovary. protein and its direct interaction with WT1 are responsible
The mechanism by which chromosomal rearrangements for the transcriptional up-regulation of DAX1, which is
involving the genomic region that encompasses ZDHHC15 required for ovarian development (41). In accordance with
causes ovarian dysfunction may be more complex than the hypothesis proposed by Rizzolio et al. (20), the FHL2
dose sensitivity of disrupted or duplicated genes. The gene could be down-regulated in oocytes during ovary devel-
ZDHHC15 gene belongs to a syntenic block highly conserved opment, disturbing gonadal formation and causing primary
through evolution (Fig. 2B). In this conserved syntenic region, amenorrhea. This hypothesis needs to be confirmed by further
ZDHHC15, FGF16 and ATRX genes are maintained in this analysis.
exact gene order and in linkage on chromosomes of different In conclusion, our study emphasizes the importance of
species, from human to fish genomes (36, 37). This the precise breakpoints definition in balanced X-autosome
evolutionary constraint against chromosomal breakage is rearrangements, to better understand the genetic contribu-
thought to be necessary for distant cis-regulatory elements tion to primary amenorrhea. Most studies of the genetic
to remain in the vicinity of the genes they act on (38, 39). mechanisms leading to ovarian insufficiency in balanced
Therefore, conserved blocks of synteny can be used to X-autosome translocations tend to focus only on the X-chro-
search for the likely target genes of position effect causing mosome breakpoint localization, neglecting the impact of the
disease (38, 39). autosome regions on this disease. In patient 3 the autosome
Recent studies have suggested that the FGF16 gene may breakpoint definition was extremely valuable, because a
act as a key regulator in ovary development, especially in gene flanking the chromosome 2 breakpoint may be subject
oocyte growth (36, 37). Thus, in patient 2, the break in the to a position effect, causing an alteration in ovarian develop-
FGF16 syntenic block repositioning part of this genomic ment. Although disruptions in coding sequences were
segment to chromosome 9 may have disrupted the observed in two patients, there is no known evidence linking
interaction between the FGF16 promoter and its cis- these genes with ovarian function. Furthermore, the effect
regulatory element, altering FGF16 gene expression and position seems to be the most possible pathogenic mechanism
causing primary amenorrhea (Fig. 2B). Depending on the leading to ovarian dysfunction in patients 2 and 3. Thus, our
genomic architecture resulting from the microduplication results support the hypothesis that the etiology of primary
described by Dudding et al. (35) (e.g., position and amenorrhea in balanced X-autosome translocations may un-
orientation of the extra copy), a position effect affecting derlie more complex mechanisms than interruption of spe-
FGF16 gene expression could also explain the POI observed cific X-linked candidate genes, such as position effect.
in their patient (Fig. 2B).
In patient 3, the rearrangement affected the Xq21 chro- REFERENCES
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1296 VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015

Fertility and Sterility®


Chromosome 9 breakpoint definition by FISH for patient 2 using centromeric and pericentromeric probes for chromosome 9. (A) Scheme of the
regions assessed by the centromeric and pericentromeric probes that were used, and the breakpoint localization indicated by the black line. (B)
FISH signals in the normal chromosome 9, derivative chromosome 9, and derivative chromosome X; regions investigated by the probes are
indicated on top, and intensities of the signals are represented on right. The probe for chromosome 9 centromere (labeled in green) showed
three signals: one in normal chromosome 9 and one in each derivative chromosome, indicating that the autosomal breakpoint affected the
chromosome 9 centromeric region. (C) FISH in metaphase cells using centromeric probes for chromosomes X and 9, labeled in green and red,
respectively, showing that the autosomal breakpoint appeared in the region covered by the chromosome 9 centromeric probe.
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.

VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015 1296.e1




Breakpoints flanking genes.

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
Genes Genomic coordinates (Hg19) Genes Genomic coordinates (Hg19) Genes Genomic coordinates (Hg19) Genes Genomic coordinates (Hg19)
TSIX chrX:73,012,039–73,049,066 MTHFD2P1 chr3:95,373,266–95,402,037 SLC16A2 chrX:73,641,327–73,753,764 LOC100287010 chr2:104,995,307–105,024,790
XIST chrX:73,040,485–73,072,588 MIR8060 chr3:96,078,807–96,078,883 RLIM chrX:73,802,810–73,834,461 LINC01102 chr2:105,050,804–105,129,215
JPX chrX:73,164,158–73,290,217 EPHA6 chr3:96,533,424–96,728,971 KIAA2022 chrX:73,952,690–74,145,287 LINC01103 chr2:105,104,913–105,126,967
FTX chrX:73,247,970–73,513,409 ABCB7 chrX:74,273,006–74,376,175 LINC01114 chr2:105,363,094–105,374,177
MIR421 chrX:73,438,211–73,438,296 UPRT chrX:74,493,893–74,524,732 LINC01158 chr2:105,421,882–105,467,934
MIR374B chrX:73,438,381–73,438,453 ZDHHC15 chrX:74,588,261–74,743,337 POU3F3 chr2:105,471,968–105,473,471
MIR374C chrX:73,438,383–73,438,453 TTC3P1 chrX:74,960,372–74,962,914 LINC01159 chr2:105,485,683–105,489,053
MIR545 chrX:73,506,938–73,507,044 MAGEE2 chrX:75,002,822–75,005,079 LOC102724691 chr2:105,552,698–105,654,954
MIR374A chrX:73,507,120–73,507,192 PBDC1 chrX:75,392,763–75,398,145 MRPS9 chr2:105,654,482–105,716,418
ZCCHC13 chrX:73,524,024–73,524,869 LOC101927492 chr2: 105,713,509–105,719,402
SLC16A2 chrX:73,641,327–73,753,764 GPR45 chr2: 105,858,199–105,859,924
RLIM chrX:73,802,810–73,834,461 TGFBRAP1 chr2:105,880,846–105,946,171
ABCB7 chrX:74,273,006–74,376,175 C2orf49 chr2:105,953,815–105,965,271
UPRT chrX:74,493,893–74,524,732 FHL2 chr2:105,977,282–106,015,575
ZDHHC15 chrX:74,588,261–74,743,337 LOC285000 chr2:106,209,553–106,227,016
TTC3P1 chrX:74,960,372–74,962,914 NCK2 chr2:106,361,519–106,510,730
MAGEE2 chrX:75,002,822–75,005,079 C2orf40 chr2:106,682,112–106,694,609
UXS1 chr2:106,709,758–106,810,795
Note: Refseq genes (Annotation Release 105) located up to 1 Mb upstream and downstream of X-chromosome and autosome breaks were considered as breakpoint flanking genes. In patient 2, the autosome breakpoint affects chromosome 9 centromeric region. In
patient 3, there are no genes flanking the X-chromosome breakpoint.
Moyses-Oliveira. Amenorrhea in X-autosome translocations. Fertil Steril 2015.
VOL. 103 NO. 5 / MAY 2015

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