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CRE0010.1177/0269215518801440Clinical RehabilitationBarbalho et al.


Clinical Rehabilitation

Addition of blood flow restriction 2019, Vol. 33(2) 233­–240

© The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
to passive mobilization reduces
DOI: 10.1177/0269215518801440

the rate of muscle wasting in

elderly patients in the intensive

care unit: a within-patient
randomized trial

Matheus Barbalho1,2 , Angel Caroline Rocha3,

Thamires Lorenzet Seus3, Rodolfo Raiol4, Fabrício
Boscolo Del Vecchio5 and Victor Silveira Coswig6

Objective: To evaluate the addition of blood flow restriction to passive mobilization in patients in the
intensive care unit.
Design: The study was a within-patient randomized trial.
Setting: Two intensive care units in Belém, from September to October 2017.
Subjects: In total, 34 coma patients admitted to the intensive care unit sector, and 20 patients fulfilled
the study requirements.
Interventions: All participants received the passive mobilization protocol for lower limbs, and blood
flow restriction was added only for one side in a concurrent fashion. Intervention lasted the entire
patient’s hospitalization time.
Main outcome measurement: Thigh muscle thickness and circumference.
Results: In total, 34 subjects were enrolled in the study: 11 were excluded for exclusion criteria, 3 for
death, and 20 completed the intervention (17 men and 3 women; mean age: 66 ± 4.3 years). Despite both
groups presented atrophy, the atrophy rate was lower in blood flow restriction limb in relation to the

1Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal 6Faculdade

de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Pará,
de Goiás, Goiânia, Brasil Castanhal, Brasil
2Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade da
Corresponding author:
Amazônia, Belém, Brasil
3Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Católica de Matheus Barbalho, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde,
Universidade da Amazônia, Av. Alcindo Cacela, 287, Belém -
Pelotas, Pelotas, Brasil
4Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Centro PA 66065-219, Brasil.
Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, Brasil
5Escola Superior de Educação Física, Universidade Federal de

Pelotas, Pelotas, Brasil

234 Clinical Rehabilitation 33(2)

control limb (–2.1 vs. –2.8 mm, respectively, in muscle thickness; P = 0.001). In addition, the blood flow
restriction limb also had a smaller reduction in the thigh circumference than the control limb (–2.5 vs.
–3.6 cm, respectively; P = 0.001).
Conclusion: The use of blood flow restriction did not present adverse effects and seems to be a valid
strategy to reduce the magnitude of the rate of muscle wasting that occurs in intensive care unit patients.

Muscle atrophy, passive manipulation, intensive care unit, blood flow restriction

Received: 24 January 2018; accepted: 27 August 2018

Introduction Recently, a systematic review with meta-analysis

pointed out that exercises with blood flow restriction
All patients residing in an intensive care unit are at are positive in the treatment of people at risk of sar-
risk of acquiring quickly and significant muscle copenia, especially the elderly.11
wasting, which is likely to impede their recovery.1 The blood flow restriction method consists of
In this sense, muscle weakness and atrophy are two focal and partial occlusion of veins and arteries at
of the recurrent complications, since muscle the level of an arteriovenous junction, promoting a
strength losses from 4% to 5% are expected each decrease in blood flow.12 This intervention promotes
week from bed rest time2 and 10% to 15% from muscle mass and muscle strength gains in athletes,
complete rest.3 Mainly, it occurs due to metabolic physically active, and sick people.13 In addition, the
activity and circulatory issues3 to reduce neural use of blood flow restriction seems safe since it does
input2 related to the fact that lower limb muscles not increase the risk of thrombosis, as well as pre-
become antigravitational in supine position. sents a low risk of nerve damage in individuals who
After two months of inactivity, a muscle may perform vascular occlusion without force exertion,14
lose half of its volume4 and it is related to adverse and there are clear indications that the vascular
effects as muscle weakness and critical illness neu- restraint technique is beneficial for patients who
romyopathy. The combination of decreased muscle have undergone immobilization.15 Therefore, in
strength, limited muscle endurance, and muscular addition to the fact that blood flow restriction is an
wasting leads to incoordination of extremities’ innovative therapy in the intensive care unit, when
movements and may limit the ability of patients in associated with motor physical therapy, it could
their daily life activities.5 On the other hand, despite minimize the muscular wasting resulting from long-
passive mobilization protocols6,7 and neuromuscular term hospitalization. In this way, the purpose of the
electrical stimulation,1 there is no consensus about present study was to evaluate the effects of blood
effects on wasting rate reduction. flow restriction on muscle wasting of hospitalized
The purpose of passive mobilization is based on elderly individuals in intensive care unit, submitted
the maintenance of mass and muscle strength, and it to conventional motor physical therapy with passive
is frequently used in intensive care unit.8 In addition, mobilization protocol.
recent evidence suggests that blood flow restriction
may be an effective method for reducing the rate of
muscle wasting.9 This is due to the fact that blood
flow restriction can promote a monitored and con-
trolled tissue hypoxia, with consequent metabolite The study was a within-patient randomized trial in
accumulation, which increases local stress and con- which lower limbs were independently allocated
tributes to significant gains in muscle mass, even to one of the proposed interventions. This design
with very low external loads or even in walking.10 was chosen to avoid interindividual responses, and
Barbalho et al. 235

Figure 1. Flow diagram.

interventions were given concurrently. The regis- saturation <140 bpm, systolic blood pressure 90–
tration number is RBR-5kqsnp in the Brazilian 180 mmHg, arterial blood pressure <60 bpm, arte-
Registry of Clinical Trials. The Research Ethics rial blood pressure (PaO2) >90%, diastolic
Committee of the Catholic University of Pelotas 50–120 mmHg, respiratory rate of up to 30 breaths
(UCPel) under number 68338417.7.0000.5339 per minute, and absence of uncontrolled eletrocar-
approved the study, and all participants or their diogram arrhythmias.
legal guardians were informed of possible risks, After eligibility screening of the patients by the
benefits, and discomforts that test and training inclusion criteria, a simple random sampling was per-
protocols could cause. The inclusion criterion was formed to define the lower limbs that should receive
to be admitted to the intensive care unit sector of experimental blood flow restricted (BFR) or control
two reference hospitals in Belém, from September (CTL) treatments (Figure 1). To enable a blinded
to October 2017, and to be admitted to the passive analysis, randomization and data coding were accom-
mobilization protocol, with the following param- plished by the first author, while data analysis was
eters: partial pressure of oxygen/fraction of performed by the last author. In addition, due to the
inspired oxygen (PaO2 / FiO2) > 300, oxygen coma situation, it is possible to consider that subjects
236 Clinical Rehabilitation 33(2)

Table 1. Baseline descriptive data (n = 20). considering the length between the superior anterior
iliac spine and the patella superior border. Finally, the
Age (years) 66 ± 4.3
muscle strength scale was used to assess the overall
Body mass (kg) 79.6 ± 7
Height (cm) 172 ± 5
muscular strength, after the patient left the sedation
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 113.5 ± 12.6 state, and was able to obey commands and perform
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 66 ± 8.2 strength tests.17 However, in the present study, only
Basal heart rate (bpm) 73.7 ± 6.5 lower limb scores were used for post-sedation
Oxygen saturation (%) 96.5 ± 1.5 verification.

were blinded as well. Those who did not complete
evaluations or interventions, sessions were excluded. After Shapiro–Wilk’s tests for normality, data are pre-
After that, pre-intervention measures of thigh muscle sented as mean and standard deviation. Absolute val-
thickness and circumference were taken and the pas- ues were compared by two-way analysis of variance
sive mobilization protocol started, which was per- (ANOVA) for repeated measures (Trained/Untrained
formed once a day, throughout the patient’s Leg × Moment) with Bonferroni’s post hoc. When
hospitalization time. To perform blood flow restric- interactions were identified, deltas and absolute dif-
tion, the cuff (WCS, Scientific Clinic Leg) was placed ferences between pre and post were calculated and
in the thigh’s proximal region, and pressure is applied compared by paired t test. Effect sizes were calculated
to restrict the blood flow. Pressure values were estab- by Cohen’s d. For correlations, the Pearson coeffi-
lished at 80% of the patient’s anterior tibial artery sys- cient was calculated. The SPSS version 22.0 was used
tolic blood pressure. The intervention was held every for analysis, and significance was set at 5%.
day of the patient’s hospitalization. All participants
had a controlled diet verified by the nutritional sector
of the hospital.
After the cuff placed for the occluded limb, the In the data collection period, 34 individuals were
passive mobilization protocol was performed with admitted to the intensive care unit sector of the
three sets of 15 knee flexion-extension movements, hospital; 14 were excluded by exclusion criteria
considering 2 seconds in the flexion phase and (n = 11) and death (n = 3). For this investigation, 17
2 seconds in the extension phase. The sessions men and 3 women completed the intervention, and
were performed by professionals who work in the baseline descriptive data are presented in Table 1.
intensive care unit, duly masked and with specific Enrolled subjects ingested 1560 ± 156.5 kcal/day
uniforms, while the protocol of passive mobiliza- (60.5 ± 10 kcal were from proteins), and interven-
tion was performed alternately among the mem- tion lasted 11 ± 2.2 days. When the patient was
bers during the resting phase of the opposite limb. able to obey commands, the global and lower limbs
After an interruption of sedation and the patient muscle strength scale scores were 50.9 ± 2.78 and
with independent motor control, post-intervention 24.8 ± 3, respectively.
measures were performed. Considering absolute comparisons, within-sub-
The procedures for pre-blood flow restricted and jects analysis of thigh circumference showed signifi-
post-evaluation were through quadriceps muscular cant differences between moments (F = 257.81,
thickness, analysis using the ultrasound method η ² = 0.87, P < 0.001), while between-subjects analy-
(Toshiba Tossbe Model, linear transduction sis did not (F = 0.23, η² = 0.01, P = 0.63), with signifi-
7.5 MHz). The procedure was performed by placing cant interaction (F = 7.77, η² = 0.17, P = 0.008). For
the transducer in the medial thigh and proximal thigh muscle thickness, results were similar; within-sub-
to obtain the images and measurements; a single jects analysis showed significant differences between
analysis was performed on each participant, per- moments (F = 334.6, η² = 0.90, P < 0.001), while
formed by the same evaluator.16 The circumference between-subjects analysis did not (F = 0.22, η² = 0.01,
of the medial portion of the thigh was measured, P = 0.64), with significant interaction (F = 6.83,
Barbalho et al. 237

Table 2. Anthropometrical responses to passive manipulation and addition of blood flow restriction in intensive
care unit patients.

Group Control (n = 20) Blood flow restriction (n = 20)

Baseline Absolute Percentage ES Baseline Absolute Percentage ES

mean (SD) change (SD) change (SD) mean (SD) change (SD) change (SD)
Thigh circumference (cm) 48.2 (2.5) –3.6 (1.3)a –7.4 (2.8)a 1.40 48.1 (2.9) –2.5 (1.1)a,b –5.2 (2.2)a,b 0.86
Muscle thickness (mm) 11.2 (2.7) –2.8 (0.7)a –25.4 (6.5)a 1.03 11.2 (2.6) –2.1 (0.9)a,b –18.8 (7.2)a,b 0.80

ES: effect size.

aStatistically different change from baseline (P = 0.001).
bDifferent from the control limb (P = 0.001).

η² = 0.15, P = 0.01). Pairwise comparisons are pre-

sented in Table 2, where it is shown that all pre- to
post-changes were statistically significant
(P < 0.001). In addition, rate of muscle wasting was
6.5% lower when BFR was added to a passive
manipulation protocol and showed lower effect sizes.
Supplemental Figure 1 shows individual
responses to passive manipulation, with and with-
out BFR, for quadriceps muscular thickness and
thigh circumference. All individuals showed lower
muscle wasting in the restricted limb, and losses of
35% were evidenced.
Figure 2 presented correlations between the
length of the intervention for each individual and
percentage changes in quadriceps muscular thick-
ness (Figure 2(a)) and thigh circumference (Figure
2(b)). Significant correlations presented indicate
that longer periods of interventions lead to greater
rate of muscle wasting. It seems that for CTL limb,
muscle loss reached ~20% after 9 days, while for
BFR limb, losses of this magnitude were only evi-
denced after 12 days. No correlations were found
Figure 2. Correlations between the length of the
between initial body mass and quadriceps muscu- intervention for each individual and percentage
lar thickness changes for BFR (r = 0.17, P = 0.45) changes in quadriceps muscular thickness (a) and thigh
or CTL (r = 0.25, P = 0.28) limbs, which indicates circumference (b).
that total body mass cannot predict muscle loss.
limb showed statistically lower muscle loss in com-
Discussion parison to the limb that received the passive motor
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of physical therapy only.
the addition of blood flow restriction to a passive These findings are due to primary physiological
mobilization protocol on the rate of muscle wasting mechanisms in which occlusion training stimu-
from short-term hospitalization in an intensive care lates anabolic growth through metabolic accumu-
unit. The main results showed that blood flow lation,18 which stimulates subsequent increase
restricted and control group both groups presented of anabolic growth factors,19 when stimulated by
significant muscle wasting; however, the occluded an intramuscular environment.20 In addition to
238 Clinical Rehabilitation 33(2)

recruitment of fast-twitch fibers and increased frail or hospitalized patients.28 To the best of our
protein synthesis through the target pathway of knowledge, the present work is the first to investi-
rapamycin mammalian target of rapamycin gate the blood flow restriction in an intensive care
(mTOR),13,21 increased heat shock proteins,22 unit setting, being a successful innovative proposal
nitric oxide synthase-1,23 and decreased myostatin in the attempt to minimize the muscle mass loss,
expression were observed.12 through motor physiotherapy techniques.
Our results are in agreement with other that has Therefore, we recommend the application of
previously been reported with cancer patients in blood flow restriction in clinical situations in which
the intensive care unit,3 which investigated the the patient cannot perform conventional resistance
percentage of muscle mass loss in patients under training, such as muscular weakness, knee osteoar-
mechanical ventilation, sedation, caloric intake, thritis, ligament injuries,29 or coma, as demonstrated
and routine physiotherapy care, similar to the pre- in the present study. Here, we showed that the restric-
sent study. In a five-day period, the gastrocnemius tion of blood flow was proven to be superior to the
reduced its muscular volume between 13.1% and conventional treatment, as previously suggested.30
37.5%, and the quadriceps of 11.2% and 62.7%,3 We also recommend that application should be based
similar values that we found in the present study. on the blood pressure of each patient, by using some-
Although direct comparison cannot be made, it thing around 80% of the arterial blood pressure.
suggests a similar response in hospitalized elderly Notwithstanding, the recently widely subjective
individuals. method used to induce blood flow restriction, such as
Previous studies suggested that immobilization elastic bands, was not investigated here and should
in bed causes complications such as muscle wasting not be encouraged by our findings.
and decreased muscle strength, loss of bone mass, From our design, some limitations should be
and cardiovascular changes.4,24 Immobility, how- considered. First, it was not logistically possible to
ever, is not the only determinant of muscle wasting. blind professionals to apply the intervention.
In patients hospitalized in intensive care unit, the Second, we only measure muscle thickness of the
loss of muscle mass may also be caused by seda- quadriceps, and data from the other thigh muscles
tion, reducing protein intake, as well as frequent should be of interest. Finally, despite we recognize
infections and sepsis that contribute to muscle that our patients’ number is relative small, specific-
metabolism and, promoting protein catabolism.25,26 ity of situation (coma) and age range (elderly only)
Despite this, it is known that muscle is a hormone- defined as inclusion criteria should be considered.
active tissue; thus, the decrease of muscle mass In fact, we suggest that additional studies could
endangers the metabolism and health of intensive investigate blood flow restriction effects in a wide
care unit patients.27 age range population groups, muscle wasting
Our findings confirm that the use of blood flow responses in additional muscles, and follow-up
restriction is an effective strategy in cases of immo- measurements after sedation period, and investi-
bilization24 as well as in frail people.10,28 The study gate the mechanisms of muscle wasting process
conducted by Hylden et al.28 investigated the blood and blood flow restriction effects.
flow restriction use in hospitalized patients with
chronic weakness of quadriceps and ischiotibial, Clinical messages
who suffered from traumatic injuries. A low load •• Wasting of leg muscles in elderly people
(20% one-repetition maximum (1RM)) was used in in the intensive care unit was reduced by
knee extension, leg press, and reverse leg press, in restricting blood flow to the leg.
six sessions during two weeks. The results showed •• Longer immobilization periods were asso-
improvement of the torque in isokinetic test from ciated to a greater rate of muscle wasting.
13% to 37% and average power of 41% to 81%, •• No serious adverse effects were found
depending on the angle and speed of execution, from blood flow restriction in this spe-
with total work increased by 35% to 55%. Blood cific group.
flow restriction studies are still scarce involving
Barbalho et al. 239

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