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Essentials of Physical Activity

Dr. Bill Gordon
Oral Roberts University
Spring 2024
Essentials of Physical Activity, Gordon - Spring
Oral Roberts University

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Essentials of Physical Activity, Gordon - Spring 2024
Table of Contents
Essentials of Physical Activity by Huber, Fritz ED.D., C.S.C.S. 1

Bibliography 247
Essentials of Physical Activity
Sixth Edition5HYLVHG

Fritz Huber, ED.D., C.S.C.S

Chairman and Associate Professor
Department of Health, /HLVXUHDQG6SRUW 6FLHQFHV
Oral Roberts University

eddie bowers publishing co., inc.

eddie bowers publishing co., inc.
P.O. Box 130
Peosta, Iowa 52068-0130 USA

ISBN 978-1-57879-098-2

Copyright © 2016 by eddie bowers publishing co., inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any means—electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior
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Printed in the United States of America.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Lifestyle and Health 2
Learning Objectives 2
Key Terms 2
Historical Search for Health 3
The Current Health Search 3
Major Health Problems Today 4
The Cost of Poor Health 5
Changing Lifestyle 5
Contributors to Health or Disease 6
Lifestyle and Health 7
Summary 10
Review Questions 10

Concept of Health Fitness 12
Learning Objectives 12
Key Terms 12
What is Health? 13

iv Essentials of Physical Activity

Concept of Physical Fitness 13

Principles of Conditioning 15
Adaptation and Progression 15
Types of Exercise 16
Health Benefits from Regular Physical Exercise 16
Exercise and Aging 18
Summary 19
Review Questions 20

The Cardiorespiratory System 22
Learning Objectives 22
Key Terms 22
Requirements of the Cell 23
The Cardiorespiratory System 23
Summary 28
Review Questions 29

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
and Aerobic Exercise 30
Learning Objectives 30
Key Terms 30
Cardiovascular Disease 31
Risk Factors for Developing Cardiovascular Disease 32
Aerobic Exercise 35
Mode of Aerobic Exercise 38
Progression of Aerobic Exercise Program 38
Benefits of Regular Aerobic Exercise 39
Deconditioning 40

Contents v

Summary 40
Review Questions 41

The Skeletal Muscular System
and Strengthening Exercises 42
Learning Objectives 42
Key Terms 42
The Skeletal Muscular System 43
Types of Muscle Contractions 43
Modes of Strength Training 44
Anaerobic Metabolism 46
Principles for Training Muscles 46
Summary 49
Review Questions 50

Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 52
Learning Objectives 52
Key Terms 52
Medical Clearance 53
Exercising Session 53
Hydration 57
Exercising in the Heat or Cold 58
Exercise Program Design for Health Fitness 60
Summary 62
Review Questions 63

vi Essentials of Physical Activity

Body Composition and Health Fitness 64
Learning Objectives 64
Key Terms 64
Overfatness, Disease, and Related Costs 65
Body Composition 65
Assessment of Body Composition 66
Factors Affection Body Fat 67
Energy Balance Equations 69
Benefits of Exercise for Fat Reduction 70
Eating Disorders 71
Summary 73
Review Questions 73

The Physically Active Lifestyle and Aging 74
Learning Objectives 74
Key Terms 74
Making Exercise a Regular Habit 75
Developing a Physically Active Lifestyle 76
Physical Activity and Aging 76
Summary 79
Review Questions 79

Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 80
Learning Objectives 80
Key Terms 80

Contents vii

Eating for Health 81

Seven Basic Nutrients 81
Vitamins and Minerals Supplementation 89
Purchasing and Preparing Foods 91
Dietary Guidelines 92
Eat Well-Balanced Meals 94
Snacks and Desserts 94
Guidelines for Controlling Caloric Intake 94
Summary 95
Review Questions 96

Managing Stress and Back Injuries 98
Learning Objectives 98
Key Terms 98
Stress 99
Perception of Stress 99
Symptoms of Stress 99
Role of Physical Activity in Stress Management 101
Effective Stress Management 101
Types of Back Problems 102
Decreasing Back Injuries 103
Guidelines for Back Exercises 104
Specific Exercises for Preventing Back Problems 104
Other Lifestyle Factors 105
Summary 106
Review Questions 106

Exercise Management for Special Populations 108
Learning Objectives 108

viii Essentials of Physical Activity

Key Terms 108

Exercising for Special Populations 109
Arthritis and Exercise 109
Asthma and Exercise 110
Cancer and Exercise 110
Diabetes and Exercise 112
Fibromyalgia and Exercise 114
Hypertension and Exercise 116
Obesity and Exercise 116
Pregnancy and Exercise 118
Summary 120
Review Questions 120






Essentials of Physical Activity


Lifestyle and Health

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter emphasizes the importance of Degenerative diseases
lifestyle to health. Historical accounts of the Health
search for health and statistical evidence of Health-care costs
factors that contribute to health and death are Life expectancy
discussed. After reading this chapter you Lifestyle
should be able to:

1. Discuss various searches for health and

understand the multi-billion dollar
industry surrounding that search (page

2. Understand the change in leading

causes of death from 1900 to 2012 and
list the present most common degenera-
tive diseases (page 6).

3. Know the four primary contributors to

health and the role each play (pages 6 -

4. List seven lifestyle characteristics that

can affect health (page 9).

Chapter 1 / Lifestyle and Health 3

Historical Search for Health The Current Health Search

People are increasingly becoming health con- Today the search for health seems to have inten-
scious and are seeking knowledge about sound sified. In “The Morality of Muscle Tone” Barbara
health practices. While it may seem to be a new Ehrenreich observed that the quest for health has
trend, people have always searched for health. In become the new morality of the 1980’s and 90’s.
1513, Ponce de Leon, at 53 years of age, orga- As politicians, Wall Street, and some religious
nized and led an expedition in search of the foun- leaders have abandoned virtue, it has reappeared
tain of youth in the New World. He believed in in “healthism,” i.e. health as a transcendent value.
the legend of a fountain that, when bathed in, Of the books on the weekly Top Ten best-selling
would restore youth, vigor, and beauty. Instead of list, often two or three are health-related books,
finding it, he discovered Florida and died after he usually extolling some new diet.
was shot by an Indian’s arrow. The estimated $50 million that was spent in
Centuries earlier, during the time of the United States on diet, exercise, and health
Confucius, Chinese emperors hired alchemists to books in 1982, has grown to over $1 billion in
mix doses of gold and mercury into a solution to 2013. However, that is a small amount compared
be drunk because these metals appeared not to to the total amount spent for all diet, exercise, and
tarnish. Unfortunately, mercury is poisonous and health-related products. The National Sporting
caused death, rather than longevity. The ancient Goods Association reported that in 2014 Ameri-
Egyptians and Romans ate large quantities of gar- cans spent $60 billion on sport equipment (e.g.
lic to lengthen their lives. Europeans tried a vari- stationary bikes, weight training equipment, golf,
ety of roots and insects. etc.). Additionally, $20 billion was spent on nu-
The ancient Greeks placed great value on tritional supplements and over $17.6 billion on
health and fitness. Greek teachers emphasized health club memberships. If you combine all ex-
exercise, good nutrition, sanitation, and discipline. penditures on fitness, sports, and leisure areas,
The Old Testament Scriptures tied sound health Americans spend more than $330 billion per year.
practices to religious laws, especially in sanita- With the growth of the internet and social
tion, cleanliness, and diet. media, entrepreneurs have cashed in on the
The late 19th century, in the United States, population’s search for an attractive, thin body that
saw a great migration to the West. Many people is equated to a healthy body and are promoting
went to discover gold or to start a new life, but various products that promise to help reach that
historians estimate that at least 25% and perhaps goal. Scarcely a day goes by that we don’t read
as high as 50% went to the West, particularly the several of the following claims in relation to some
Southwest, in search of health. product: The easy way to health; Lose weight
Many people have searched for health in the without diet or exercise; or Recommended by a
form of medicines, tonics, and special foods. In leading medical center. Although exercise has
the past, opium preparations have frequently been clearly been demonstrated to be beneficial to
taken as painkillers with the result that large num- health, appearance and longevity, many individu-
bers of unsuspecting people became addicted. The als choose to have expensive surgical procedures
same was true for “medicinal liquids” taken to performed to improve their physical appearance
soothe the nerves and calm the stomach. Such liq- with little regard to their health.
uids usually contained large amounts of alcohol Numerous diet pills, diet aids, body wraps,
and often led to alcoholism in many that inno- and electrical stimulation devices are being pro-
cently used them. It has been reported that in the moted as beneficial for rapid weight loss, one
late 1800’s when a current popular soft drink was pound or more per day. If anyone is searching for
first developed, it contained cocaine. health, these are definitely not ways to obtain it,
since any program that recommends more than
two or three pounds weight loss per week is sus-

4 Essentials of Physical Activity

pect and probably doesn’t work or is detrimental the increased life span. However on the other hand,
to health. If it does work, the weight loss is water the incidence of both heart disease and cancer has
that will be rapidly regained. Advertisements that virtually tripled since 1900, and those diseases are
claim quick and easy ways to health should be currently the leading causes of death.
viewed with skepticism. Today, modern medicine has eliminated most
The search for health has led to many “cures” of the early deaths due to infectious diseases lead-
over the centuries with some actually improving ing to a large increase in life expectancy from 1900
the quality of life. Unfortunately, most have had to 1950 (see Figure 1.1). With these premature
no effect on health other than to waste time and deaths no longer shorting the life span of Ameri-
money, with some even causing death. The present cans, degenerative diseases have come to the fore-
consensuses of the allied health professions place front and have taken over as the leading causes of
the burden of health in the hands of the individual, death. Degenerative diseases are primarily dis-
making it each person’s responsibility to adopt a eases of lifestyle. They often begin undetected
healthy lifestyle. early in life and progressively cause deterioration
in health, as we grow older. Often we feel that we
are in a healthy state because we have no outward
Major Health Problems symptoms, of disease. Sometimes the first symp-
tom of a disease is also the last, since 40 to 50%
Today of all heart attack victims die before they reach
the hospital after their first heart attack. Coro-
Health problems today are different from what nary arteries can be occluded (obstructed) as much
they were at the turn of the century. Table 1.1 com- as 70 to 90% with atherosclerosis (build up of fatty
pares the leading causes of death in 1900 to those deposits on the inner walls of arteries) before any
of 2012. On the one hand, the infectious diseases noticeable symptoms appear. This is why health
of 1900 have been significantly reduced or are not is far more than just the outward appearance of
present on the 2012 list, and thus accounting for freedom from disease.

Table 1.1
Leading Causes of Death in 1900 and 2012 in the United States

Causes of Death in 1900 Causes of Death in 2012

• Tuberculosis • Heart Disease

• Pneumonia • Cancer
• Diarrhea and Enteritis • Chronic Lung Disease
• Heart Disease • Stroke
• Liver Diseases • Accidents
• Injuries • Alzheimer’s Disease
• Stroke • Diabetes
• Cancer • Pneumonia and Influenza
• Bronchitis • Kidney Disease
• Diphtheria • Suicide

Chapter 1 / Lifestyle and Health 5

Figure 1.1
Life Expectancy at Birth from 1900 to 2010 in the United States

INSERT (new)
Years FIG 1.1
of Age

The Cost of Poor Health walking behind a horse-drawn plow, tended ani-
mals, built their own homes, and often fought for
survival. The food they ate was not processed or
In the economic arena, the effects of poor health
are becoming vividly clear. In 1996, the total
With advanced technology, occupations be-
health-care costs topped the $1 trillion mark for
came less physically demanding. Walking behind
the first time, up 60% from 1990 (see Fig. 1.2).
a plow for the farmer gave way to riding on a trac-
Presently, health care costs are increasing approxi-
tor. Walking to school, church, and the grocery
mately $100 billion each year. The 2014 expendi-
store gave way to riding in the automobile. Wood-
ture represents 24% of the federal budget and is
burning stoves that required chopped wood for fuel
30% greater than the budget for the entire Defense
evolved to automatic furnaces. Today, 95% of our
Department. General Motors spends more on
population lives in cities and is accustomed to
health benefits for its employees than it does on
work-saving devices, such as power lawn mow-
buying steel for making cars. Poor health is ex-
ers, elevators, golf carts, and weed eaters. The new
pensive for everyone. Unhealthy lifestyles are the
discoveries and lifestyle changes have been a
biggest contributing factor to the staggering
mixed blessing for health.
health-care costs in the United States.
In the years from the birth of Christ to 1900,
life expectancy at birth advanced only 20 years
(from 25 to 47). In the 100 years since 1900 (see
Changing Lifestyle Figure 1.1) however, life expectancy at birth ad-
vanced 30 years (from 47 to 77). But before draw-
The way we live today is not the way our forefa- ing erroneous conclusions attributing the increased
thers lived. The American lifestyle has changed life expectancy to lifestyle, we must look more
significantly over the last 100 years. At the turn carefully at the reasons for the increased life span.
of the twentieth century, 70% of the American During the past one hundred years, the medi-
population lived in the country and was physically cal profession has made many landmark discov-
active in food production. They tilled the soil by eries. Whereas infectious diseases such as typhoid

6 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 1.2
Total Health-Care Costs Increments since 1950 in the United States.

INSERT (new)
FIG 1.2
of Dollars HERE

fever, smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, scarlet
fever, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and
Contributors to Health or
others caused by microorganisms killed hundreds Disease
of thousands every year in the past, these diseases
are almost unheard of today. Medical science has The United States Department of Health and Hu-
won the battle against most infectious diseases man Services Centers for Disease Control and
through the use of vaccinations and modern medi- Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia has identified four
cines. In 1900 the death rate from tuberculosis was factors that contribute to the cause of death and
195 per 100,000 persons, but today it is two per disease.
100,000 persons. We used to fear outbreaks of
polio but since the Salk vaccine of the 1950s, this 1. Health Care - Health care is the
disease no longer presents a threat. organization and administration of
Most of the increase in life expectancy has health services by professionals in our
come from conquering infectious diseases and im- society. It involves doctors, nurses,
provements in living conditions. Public health hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and
policies, improved sanitation, vaccinations, anti- related health-care personnel and
septic surgery, and other medical discoveries have facilities. Occasionally this area is to
all contributed to the increase. In Figure 1.1, the blame for the death of a person because
slope of the curve has flattened since 1950. Ironi- of the misdiagnosis of a problem, wrong
cally, the last 50 years is when most of the expen- prescription of medication, or some
sive and technologically advanced medical inno- other neglect or lack of knowledge.
vations were introduced.
2. Environment - The evidence is clear
that environment (physical, social,
economic, and family) can affect our

Chapter 1 / Lifestyle and Health 7

health. Living and working in high- ships with others, leisure time activities,
pollution areas contribute to higher rates plus all other aspects of living, reflects
of emphysema and lung cancer. Other the individual’s lifestyle.
environmental problems may be stress,
toxic materials, transportation, and so
Lifestyle and Health
3. Genetics - A person’s basic cell struc-
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ture and characteristics are determined
has evaluated 10 common leading causes of death
by heredity. The tendency toward heart
and has allocated the proportion of each of these
disease, cancer, hemophilia, sickle cell
four contributing factors to the cause of death.
anemia, diabetes and certain other
Table 1.2 reveals their results.
diseases may be present at birth.
These statistics clearly place the majority of
However, heredity alone rarely causes
the responsibility for maintaining good health with
the disease. Usually the tendency
the individual. Over 50% of the causes of all deaths
interacting with an individual’s lifestyle
are due to lifestyle (see Figure 1.3). Heart disease
and environment can delay or hasten the
and stroke are often combined into a category of
prospects of the disease.
cardiovascular disease; these two diseases together
account for 40% of all deaths. In cardiovascular
4. Lifestyle - The way we live influences
disease, lifestyle is the major contributing factor,
our health and can be a major cause of
and when environment is combined with lifestyle,
our own diseases and death. In some
over 65% of cardiovascular diseases have control-
cases we are literally digging our own
lable components. When Joseph Califano was sec-
graves. Lifestyle involves total behav-
retary of the Department of Health, Education, and
ior, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
Welfare, he concluded that the individual them-
52 weeks of the year. The number of
selves can do more for their own health and well-
sleeping hours, the food consumed, the
being than any doctor, hospital, drug, or medical
fluids drank, the type of work, relation-

Table 1.2
The Contribution of Four Factors to the Ten Common Causes of Death in the United States

Ten Common Health Care (%) Environment (%) Genetics (%) Lifestyle (%)
Causes of Death
Heart Disease 12 9 28 54
Cancer 10 24 29 37
Stroke 7 22 21 50
Diabetes 6 0 68 26
Cirrhosis of Liver 3 9 18 70
Influenza and Pneumonia 18 20 39 23
Vehicular Accidents 12 18 1 69
Other Accidents 14 31 4 51
Suicide 3 35 2 60
Homicide 0 35 2 63

8 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 1.3
Seven Lifestyle Characteristics that Effect life Expectancy.

Health Care
Environment INSERT
20.3% Lifestyle
FIG 1.3 50.3%

In addition to the statistics from the Centers studied are shown in Table 1.3. The results have
for Disease Control and Prevention, other research demonstrated that if at age 45 you follow three or
has shown that lifestyle does significantly affect fewer of the seven lifestyle habits, your life ex-
health. The American Institute for Cancer Re- pectancy is an additional 22 years, or age 67. If,
search reports that 35% of cancer deaths are caused on the other hand, you follow six or seven of the
by diet and 33% by smoking. Mormons and Sev- habits, your life expectancy increases by 33 years
enth-Day Adventists have been the target of nu- to an age of 78 years.
merous studies because of their healthful lifestyle Hans Kugler, in his book “Slowing Down the
that emphasizes good diet, exercise, avoidance of Aging Process”, summarizes some of the key
alcohol and caffeine, and positive family relation- lifestyle behaviors and their health benefits for
ships. Mormons have a cancer rate of only 60% longevity. Smoking two or more packs of ciga-
of the national average, and Seventh-Day rettes per day subtracts eight to nine years from
Adventists have a cancer rate of only 50% of the your life. You lose one year for each 10 pounds
national average. Additionally, Seventh-Day of excess weight you carry plus an additional six
Adventists have one-third of the bronchitis and to 10 years off for bad nutrition. However if you
emphysema (both related to smoking), half of the exercise regularly, can add six to nine years to your
expected heart disease, and half of the diabetes of life.
the national average. They also have a greater life Today there are several known cultures that
expectancy. Studies comparing death rates in Ne- appear to have long life expectancies, many over
vada and Utah revealed that the death rate in Ne- 100 years and some surpass 120 years. All these
vada was 35% higher for all ages than that of Utah. cultures follow very similar lifestyles that include
The primary difference between the two states was a diet low in fat, cholesterol, processed sugar, salt,
the heavy Mormon population in Utah. and calories. In addition, the members lead physi-
Dr. Nedra Belloe and her associates have con- cally active lives consisting of hard physical work
ducted an ongoing study in California of the rela- and live in a quiet, peaceful, and relaxing envi-
tionship between lifestyle characteristics and life ronment filled with few worries, and low stress.
expectancy. The seven characteristics they have

Chapter 1 / Lifestyle and Health 9

Table 1.3
Seven Lifestyle Characteristics that Effect Life Exectancy.

1. Exercise moderately.

2. Refrain from smoking.

3. East breakfast everyday.

4. Sleep seven to eight hours per night.

5. Maintain a normal, healthy body weight.

6. Eat three meals per day and avoid snacks.

7. Drink alcohol in moderation, or obstain completely.

Table 1.4
Three Cultures with Life Expectances Over 100 Years

Vilcabambans of Southern Ecuador

Hunzkuts from the Himalayas of Northern Pakistan

Caucasian group in Russia between the Black and Caspain Seas

Life insurance companies report that 83% of

deaths before age 65 could have been prevented
with a healthy lifestyle. Studies at the University
of Tennessee and at the Massachusetts General
Hospital reveal that lifestyle was a major contrib-
uting factor in more than 78% of the hospital ad-

10 Essentials of Physical Activity

Summary Review Questions

The search for health dates far back into history. 1. What personal expenditures have you
Currently, the health search is a multi-billion dol- made in the past year that relates to
lar industry. Effective and not so effective items your “search for Health”?
for maintaining health are available to the health
and fitness consumer. The cost of health care and 2. What were the five leading causes of
prevalence of heart disease virtually command a death in 1900 and 2012 and what
change to positive lifestyle behavior. The four factors have affected the change be-
factors that contribute to the cause of death and tween these two periods?
disease consist of inadequate health care, the en-
vironment, genetics, and lifestyle. Lifestyle is the 3. Define degenerative diseases; list the
one factor that each individual can positively con- most common ones.
trol. Life expectancy and quality of life can be
improved through proper nutrition, maintaining 4. List and explain the four primary
normal body weight, exercising, adequate rest, contributors to health and disease.
refraining from smoking, and drinking alcohol in
moderation or abstaining. 5. What are seven lifestyle characteristics
that can affect life expectancy?

6. What percent of cancer deaths are

caused by diet and what percent by

Chapter 1 / Lifestyle and Health 11


Concept of Health Fitness

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter describes an over-all Aerobic Exercises

concept of health fitness and the Anaerobic Exercises
benefits of exercise to one’s health. Body Composition
Upon completion you should be able to: Cardiorespiratory Fitness
1. Define health and understand the
Flexibility Exercises
five health fitness components
(pages 13-14). Health Fitness
Individuality Principle
2. Explain the components of perfor- Muscular Endurance
mance fitness (page 14-15). Muscle Development Exercise
3. Understand the concepts of the four Muscular Strength
principles of general conditioning Overload Principle
(i.e. overload, specificity, individual- Performance Fitness
ity, and reversibility) (pages 15). Physical Fitness
Reversibility Principle
4. Explain the four general categories Specificiy Principle
of exercises (page 16).
5. Understand the many health ben-
efits of regular physical exercise to
the body (pages 16 - 18).
6. Discuss the relationship exercise
has on aging (pages 18 - 19).

Chapter 2 / Concept of Health Fitness 13

What is Health Components of Health Fitness:

Although it is sometimes difficult to define what 1. Cardiorespiratory Fitness - Healthy

is meant by “good health”, it is usually easy to and efficient functioning of the heart,
identify the effects of “poor health”. Some people lungs, blood vessels, and the blood is
experience frequent, recurring illnesses that cause considered Cardiorespiratory (CR)
them to be hospitalized. Others suffer from less fitness. This system functions to deliver
severe problems that prevent them from going oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of
about their normal daily activities for a period of the body and remove waste products.
time. Most of us experience a feeling of being Efficient functioning of this system is
unwell at some point in our lives. not only important for sustaining life,
For many years, health was considered by but is essential for performing all
most people as “absence of disease.” If a person physical activities. To develop the CR
was not sick or had no disease, the individual was systems, activities must employ large-
said to be healthy. The current view of health is muscle groups contracting in a rhythmic
that it is more than simply the absence of disease. manner for an extended period of time
Suppose you view two persons, neither of whom (e.g. running, walking, swimming, and
are sick. Being free from disease, they are con- etc.).
sidered healthy. One person is overweight, is of- 2. Muscular Strength -The ability of the
ten tense and anxious, and has difficulty walking skeletal muscles to exert maximal
up a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. The amount of force is called muscular
other is of normal weight, is physically fit, has strength. Adequate strength is important
energy to enjoy numerous activities after a day’s for health in order to perform daily
work, and is also happy and relaxed. Both have tasks more efficiently, to decrease joint
an outward freedom from disease, but they differ and muscle injuries, and to delay the
significantly in their quality of life and are not weakening of muscles and bones with
really in equally good health. aging. To develop muscular strength,
Just as wealth is more than absence of pov- weight-training devices are utilized to
erty and happiness is more than absence of sor- place a workload above the amount the
row, health is far more than absence of disease. muscles are accustomed to.
Health is freedom from diseases plus the posses-
sion of physical fitness, which promotes quality 3. Muscular Endurance - The ability of
living as well as longevity. the skeletal muscle to perform repetitive
contractions and/or maintain a contrac-
tion for an extended period of time is
called muscular endurance. Proper
Concept of Physical Fitness muscular endurance enhances posture,
prevents low back pain, improves
Most authorities agree that there are two general muscle tone, and self-esteem. To
categories of physical fitness. One is fitness re- develop muscular endurance, the
lated to health that is called health fitness and the muscle is repeatedly contracted beyond
other category is fitness related to efficiency of daily levels (e.g. sit-ups, push-ups and
movement and sports skill that is called perfor- pull-ups).
mance fitness (see Figure 2.1).
4. Flexibility - The ability to move a joint
through the full range of motion without
discomfort or pain is called Flexibility.
Flexibility ensures efficient body
movements and is essential for prevent-

14 Essentials of Physical Activity

ing muscle and joint injury. To develop Components of Performance Fitness:

good flexibility, stretching exercises are
performed to the point of discomfort 1. Agility - The ability to move the body
and held. quickly in different directions, including
5. Body Composition - The ratio of lean stopping and starting is called agility.
tissue (i.e. bones, muscles, and body
organs) and fat in the body is referred to 2. Power - The explosive use of strength
as body composition. Excess body fat is refers to power and is similar to muscu-
related to increased health problems lar strength except it is strength per unit
(e.g. cardiovascular disease, hyperten- of time.
sion, stroke, and cancer) and early 3. Reaction time - The ability to react
death. On the other hand, too little body quickly to a stimulus, such as, moving
fat also compromises health by disrupt- quickly to return a fast tennis serve is
ing the reproductive system, decreasing termed reaction time.
temperature regulation, and limiting
protective cushioning of internal organs 4. Balance - The skill to maintain equilib-
and joints. To maintain healthy body rium when stationary (static balance) or
composition, caloric intake and expen- while moving (dynamic balance) is
diture must be in balance. referred to as balance.
5. Speed - The quickness of movement,
The five components of health fitness are es- such as how fast one can run 50 meters
sential to good health and wellbeing. When these is called speed.
components are improved, there is a decreased risk 6. Coordination - The ability to grace-
of diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle such as fully and smoothly integrate movements
heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis. of different body parts at the same time
One advantage of activities that promote health is termed coordination. This is neces-
fitness is the fact that they may be done alone or sary when performing an activity such
with others. Generally, competition is only with as kicking a ball, catching a ball, and
oneself to fulfill individual goals. performing dance steps.

Figure 2.1
Components of Physical Fitness

Health Fitness
• Cardiorespiratory Fitness
• Muscular Strength
• Muscular Endurance
• Flexibility
• Body Composition

+ Physical
Performance Fitness
• Agility
• Power
• Reaction Time
• Balance
• Speed
• Coordination

Chapter 2 / Concept of Health Fitness 15

These six components of performance fitness and physiological systems are depen-
are important for an individual to successfully dent on the type of overload being used.
participate in sports activities. These components This implies that “you get what you
however, are not essential for a person to have train for.” In other words specific
good health, but the health fitness components exercises must be done to improve
usually do contribute to success in sports. Many specific components of physical fitness
sports such as tennis, gymnastics, basketball, foot- for specific organs, muscles, and joints.
ball, badminton, and racquetball rely heavily on For example, jogging will improve
both health fitness and performance fitness com- cardiorespiratory fitness but will not
ponents. Participation in skill-related sport activi- increase flexibility.
ties will assist in maintaining a level of health fit-
3. Individuality - The individuality
ness; however these activities by themselves will
principle brings to light the many
not develop good health fitness.
factors that contribute to individual
variation in conditioning response.
Genetic factors have an influence on the
Principles of Conditioning conditioning response from exercise,
but the general adaptation from the
In order to improve physical fitness a condition- overload will be similar from person to
ing program will be necessary. The components person. Clearly, conditioning benefits
of health fitness improve if increased demands are are optimized when exercise programs
placed upon the bodily systems that they are de- are designed to meet the individual
pendent upon. Additionally, physical fitness is an needs and capacities.
individual matter with every person possessing
4. Reversibility - The reversibility prin-
different abilities and needs. Some may need to
ciple states that the beneficial adapta-
work more on flexibility while others might need
tions from the conditioning process are
to work to develop muscular strength. However,
transient and reversible. Simply put,
to improve physical fitness, there are four basic
“use it or lose it.” The human body is
principles that need to be followed by everyone
very efficient and will not maintain
in order for improvement to occur.
unused or neglected areas of the body.
These areas will be eliminated or
1. Overload - The overload principle
converted into another form and stored.
states that exercising at a level of
In only a few weeks, significant condi-
intensity higher than is normally
tioning benefits will be lost.
performed will cause the body systems
being stressed to adapt to that intensity
and enable the body to function more
efficiently. The overload principle Adaptation and Progression
applies equally to the development of
health and performance fitness compo- As a person overloads the body, it will adjust, and
nents. As important as overload is for improvements in fitness will occur. As the body
improvement to occur, the overload adapts to the overload, one must progressively
must not be excessive so as to cause increase the resistance or amount of work per-
injury. The principle of overload is formed for continued improvement and increased
accomplished through manipulating health benefits. By progressing slowly, the chance
combinations of frequency, intensity of injury is limited and a person will gradually
and time. improve. Health fitness should be a lifetime goal
that can not be achieved quickly and then forgot-
2. Specificity - The specificity principle
refers to adaptations in the metabolic

16 Essentials of Physical Activity

Types of Exercise holding the stretched position for 15 to

60 seconds. Flexibility exercises should
not be confused with stretching exer-
Following the conditioning principle of specific- cises used as part of a warm-up (Chap-
ity, the body will adapt according to the type of ter 6).
overload (i.e. exercise). There are basically four
general categories of exercises, and each has spe- 4. Anaerobic - The primary function of
cific application for benefiting different systems anaerobic exercises is to develop
of the body. performance fitness such as speed,
agility, and strength. They include
1. Aerobic - The primary function of sprinting, strength training, agility drills
aerobic exercises is to develop the used in sports activities, and other high-
cardiorespiratory system. By placing an intensity activities of short duration.
overload on the heart, lungs, and Anaerobic exercises are especially
exercising muscles; improvements in important for sport skill performance
oxygen delivery and utilization occur. but are not a necessary part of an adult
These types of exercises are beneficial conditioning program for health fitness
in preventing heart disease and improv- (chapter 5).
ing functioning of the immune system.
Aerobic exercises use large muscle Of the four types of exercise, aerobic, muscle-
groups in a repetitive, rhythmic motion development, and flexibility form the core of a
for an extended period of time. They good health fitness conditioning program. Inter-
include walking, jogging, cycling, estingly, all three must be included for the condi-
swimming, and exercise to music. tioning program to achieve health fitness.
Guidelines for aerobic exercises will be
described in chapter 4.
2. Muscle-development - The primary Health Benefits from Regular
purpose of muscle-development exer-
cises is to develop the muscles of the
Physical Exercise
body that control movement and
maintain posture. These exercises The benefits of exercise upon the body depend
include weight training using machine upon the type of exercises performed, the inten-
weights and/or free weight as well as sity and duration of the exercise, and the number
calisthenics. They are vital in develop- of times the exercises are done each week. Some
ing strength, muscle endurance, muscle health benefits occur immediately after perform-
tone, and good posture. Muscle-devel- ing a single exercise bout, however most require
opment exercises are an essential and many months of consistent conditioning to reap
important part of a good conditioning full benefits. Listed below are some of the benefi-
program. These will be discussed in cial adaptations that can be expected when a com-
Chapter 5. prehensive conditioning program is followed.

3. Flexibility - The primary reason for 1. Heart - With aerobic conditioning,

flexibility exercises is to improve or resting and submaximal exercise heart
maintain joint range of motion. Through rate decreases. The size and weight of
appropriate stretching techniques, risk the heart will increase along with stroke
of injuries is reduced and efficiency of volume (i.e. the amount of blood
movement is increased. Flexibility ejected from the heart each contraction)
exercises consist of stretching either during rest and exercise. This allows the
alone or with a partner and require oxygen needs of the body to be met
with less work by the heart.

Chapter 2 / Concept of Health Fitness 17

2. Blood and its Vessels - Regular exer- joint. The development of muscle tissue
cise will increase blood volume aug- is a significant factor in slowing down
menting oxygen transport and cooling the aging process.
the body when in a hot environment. It
5. Body Composition - Both aerobic and
can also improve the blood lipids by
strengthening exercises work to de-
lowering cholesterol, low-density
crease excess body fat. Through aerobic
lipoprotein (LDL - bad cholesterol), and
conditioning the body improves its
triglycerides. In addition, high-density
ability to mobilize fat from fat stores
lipoprotein (HDL - good cholesterol)
and use it for energy and increases the
will increase. The blood vessels im-
amount of fat used in a 24-hour period.
prove by having greater elasticity and
Weight training on the other hand,
distensibility (ability to expand or
increases muscle mass, which is more
stretch). Because of this, resting and
metabolically active than fat tissue,
submaximal blood pressure decreases
causing increased caloric expenditure
and lessens the workload of the heart. In
over the day.
addition, the blood vessels increase in
cross-sectional area and create more 6. Bones - Regular exercises consisting of
capillaries which function to deliver weight bearing and strengthening
more oxygen to cells, thus enabling all activities increase calcium deposition in
the body’s cells to function better. Also, the bones being overloaded. Weak
the blood vessels will increase their bones lead to low bone mass and/or
ability to dilate and constrict allowing osteoporosis (porous and brittle bones)
delivery of the blood to areas where the which affects 54 million Americans and
need is greatest at any given time. are responsible for more than 2 million
fractures each year at a cost of $14
3. Pulmonary System - Regular exercise
billion. Calcium supplementation alone
improves the functioning of the pulmo-
will not decrease this disorder; exercise
nary system in several ways. The lungs
is needed.
will have a greater capacity to inhale
and exhale and will also allow more 7. Psychological - A regular exercise
oxygen to be diffused into the blood. program favorably modifies the psycho-
During submaximal exercise, condi- logical state. These benefits include a
tioned individuals breathe less than reduction in anxiety, a decreased level
before they began a conditioning of depression, and an improved self-
program. This improved ventilatory esteem. Exercise negates the harmful
economy increases the oxygen avail- effects of stress. In addition, regular
ability. conditioning can greatly improve ones
personal appearance, enhancing self-
4. Skeletal Muscles - Aerobically condi-
concept and body image.
tioned muscles will utilize more fat for
energy than unconditioned. Strength- 8. Immune System - Aerobic condition-
trained muscles will be stronger and ing improves the natural immune
more resistant to fatigue. Also hypertro- function of the body. Natural Killer
phy (increase in cross-sectional area) cells increase their activity in inactivat-
will occur, however the amount is ing viruses and the metastatic potential
dependent upon type of training, of tumor cells. In addition, aerobic
gender, genetics and maturation. exercising slows the age-related de-
Tendons and ligaments also increase in crease in T-cell function, which defends
strength, decreasing joint injuries and against viral and fungal infections, and
improving the function of an injured assists in regulating other immune
mechanisms. Also, regular exercise

18 Essentials of Physical Activity

develops the body’s antioxidant func- tion and Civil Services, NASA, and Purdue Uni-
tions and increases intestinal transit versity reported less sickness, better health, bet-
time. However, high intensive exercise ter job performance, and fewer health insurance
or a rapid increase in training has the claims among employees who were physically fit.
opposite effect and decreases the body’s Businesses are beginning to realize that they can’t
immune system. Numerous studies have afford to hire unfit employees. In the last ten years
shown that physically fit persons are more than three hundred companies have started
sick less often, see their doctors less, are fitness programs for their employees.
hospitalized less, and spend less on
medical care than persons who are not
physically fit.
Exercise and Aging
The Journal of the American Medical Asso-
ciation published a major study in 1989 where Regular physical conditioning delays or slows the
13,344 people were followed over an average of aging process (see Figure 2.3). For years, the de-
eight years. Figure 2.2 shows the results indicat- crease in physiological functioning of the aging
ing that the fit males and fit females had a signifi- body was considered to be the normal result of
cantly lower death rate from cancer, cardiovascu- growing old. However, recently researchers have
lar disease, and all diseases combined than the started to separate poor health fitness from the
unfit males and unfit females normal physiological decline due to aging. Even
A study from the Massachusetts General Hos- if a sedentary lifestyle has been followed for de-
pital reported that 86% of hospitalizations prob- cades, starting a conditioning program will gen-
ably could have been prevented if patients had erate benefits and slow the aging process. Studies
followed a healthful lifestyle. Separate studies have shown that even into the ninth decade of life,
done on employees of Northern Natural Gas, the body will adapt and improve with a health fit-
Tenneco, Mesa Petroleum Company, Allen Brad- ness conditioning program. The sooner an inac-
ley Co., New York State Department of Educa- tive individual begins to exercise (after medical

Figure 2.2
Death Rates for Fit and Unfit Males and Females

 INSERT (new)

FIG 2.2

Cardiovascular Cancer All Causes
Fit Male Unfit Male Fit Female Unfit Female

Chapter 2 / Concept of Health Fitness 19

Figure 2.3
Percent of Physiological Function of Active and Sedentary Individuals as Compared to a Sed-
entary 20 Year Old

Compared to a Sedentary 20 yr old
Percent of Physiological Function

INSERT (new)
 FIG 2.3 Active

HERE Sedentary

Years of Age
clearance from a physician), the greater the delay
in the aging process and the sooner an increase in
health benefits. However, it is never too late to
begin an exercise program. Even after decades of Health includes absence of disease and the pos-
sedentary living, possibly including a heart attack, session of sufficient physical fitness that allows
a healthier and more productive life can be gained. one to live a full life of quality and quantity. Health
Geneticist Leonard Hayflick has stated that fitness includes cardiorespiratory fitness, muscu-
on the basis of his research on cell division and lar strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and
deterioration, mankind could expect a life span of good body composition. Performance fitness in-
110 to 120 years. He reports that human cells in a cludes agility, power, reaction time, balance,
perfect environment continue to divide until they speed, and coordination. To improve health or
stop according to their genetic code. Evidence is performance fitness, the principles of overload,
mounting that the way people live their lives is specificity, individuality, and reversibility must be
significantly affecting health and life expectan- followed. Exercises for improving fitness include
cies. aerobic, anaerobic, muscle-development, and flex-
ibility activities. A regular conditioning program
will benefit all systems of the body and as a result
improve the quality of life.

20 Essentials of Physical Activity

Review Questions
1. Discuss the statement “Health is the
absence of disease.”

2. List and define the five health fitness


3. List and define the six performance

fitness components.

4. Explain the four principles of exercise.

5. List and explain the four general

categories of exercise, and discuss
the benefits of each to different parts
of the body.

6. Discuss at least six health benefits

from regular physical exercise.

7. Which type of blood lipid is increased

with aerobic exercise?

Chapter 2 / Concept of Health Fitness 21


The Cardiorespiratory System

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter explains the anatomy and Anemia
physiology of the cardiorespiratory Arteries
system and its relationship to health Arterioles
fitness. Upon the completion of this Atrium
chapter you should be able to: Blood Pressure
1. Know the four basic needs of cells Cardiac Output
(page 24).
Coronary Vessels
2. Understand the four components of Diastolic Blood Pressure
the cardiorespiratory system (pages Heart Rate
23 - 28). Hemoglobin
3. Describe the function of the lungs in Hypertension
exercise (page 25). Ischemic
4. Describe the four methods that help Myocardium
blood return to the heart (page 26). Stroke Volume
Systolic Blood Pressure
5. Understand the significance of
systolic and diastolic blood pressure Valsalva Maneuver
(page 27). Varicose Veins
6. Understand the importance of Ventricle
hemoglobin (page 28).

Chapter 3 / The Cardiorespiratory System 23

Requirements of the Cell The Cardiorespiratory

The basic unit of life in the human organism as
well as in all other life forms is the cell. More
than one trillion cells are in the human body. It The cardiorespiratory system functions to deliver
would take about 40,000 blood cells to fill the a constant supply of oxygen to all the cells of the
typewriter letter O. Every minute about three bil- body and to remove carbon dioxide. The four com-
lion cells in our body die, and three billion new ponents of the cardiorespiratory system are 1)
cells are formed to replace them. heart, 2) lungs, 3) blood, and 4) blood vessels.
Every cell has a specific function. Some cells
are specialized to cause movement (muscle cells),
some are specialized to carry messages (nerve 1. Heart
cells), and others are specialized to carry on other
functions such as digestion and reproduction. The heart is a muscular pumping organ with four
However, for all cells to function, regardless of chambers (see Figure 3.1): two upper chambers
their structure and purpose, there are four require- (right and left atriums) and two lower chambers
ments: 1) every cell needs oxygen; 2) every cell (right and left ventricles). The heart functions as
needs nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vi- a double pump that provides the force to trans-
tamins, and minerals); 3) every cell needs water; port blood through the body to every cell. Each
and 4) every cell needs to get rid of waste prod- time the heart muscle (myocardium) contracts, it
ucts. Of the four requirements, the need for oxy- creates a pressure that forces blood into the arter-
gen is the most critical since the body can survive ies to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
for weeks without food and days without water The heart has a tremendous capacity to vary in
but only minutes without oxygen. the number of times it contracts (i.e. beats) per

Figure 3.1
Anatomy of the Human Heart and the Direction of Blood Flow

Reprint with permission from Williams & Wilkins Publishing

24 Essentials of Physical Activity

minute. An adult’s heart rate may vary from 40 person’s heart will beat almost half as much as an
to 80 beats per minute at rest (see Table 3.1) to as unfit person’s heart. The fit (conditioned) heart
high as 160 to 200 beats per minute during maxi- may beat as much as 43,200 fewer times per day
mal exercise. than that of the unfit heart. Obviously the slower
The resting and submaximal heart rate varies the heart beats, the better the heart muscle itself
considerably between fit and unfit persons. This can receive blood to feed its cells. The heart muscle
is due to the strength of contraction of the myo- receives its own blood supply only when it is at
cardium. Table 3.2 shows that at rest a highly fit rest and not contracting.

Table 3.1
Health Fitness Standards for Resting Heart Rate Per Minute in Adults Without Heart Disease

Health Fitness Resting Heart Rate

Standard Per Minute

Excellent < 60

Good 61 - 65

Average 66 - 70

Poor 71 - 80

Very Poor > 80

Table 3.2
Cardiac Output at Rest and Maximal Exercise for a Fit and Unfit 20 Year Old

20 Year Activity Heart Stroke Cardiac

Old Level Rate X Volume = Output

Unfit Rest 75 bpm 67 ml 5L

Fit Rest 50 bpm 100 ml 5L

Unfit Maximal 200 bpm 100 ml 20 L

Fit Maximal 199 bpm 160 ml 32 L

Chapter 3 / The Cardiorespiratory System 25

The stronger the heart muscle, the more blood commonly known as a heart attack. The severity
can be pumped and delivered to the cells of the of the heart attack depends upon the location and
body. The amount of blood pumped from the heart size of the infarction. The heart attack may be
per contraction is called stroke volume. When the unnoticed by the individual, or it may result in
stroke volume is multiplied by the heart rate per their death.
minute, cardiac output is obtained. Cardiac out-
put reflects the functional capacity of the circula-
tion to meet the demands placed upon it. At maxi- 2. Lungs and Breathing
mum workloads, a highly fit heart can pump 25
to 30 quarts of blood per minute, whereas an unfit The major function of the lungs is to provide a
heart may pump eight to ten quarts. However, car- location for gas exchange between the blood and
diac output at rest and during submaximal exer- ambient air. Within the lungs are over 300 million
cise is similar in both the fit and unfit. As shown microscopic sacs called alveoli where air is lo-
in Table 3.2, the fit heart has a greater stroke vol- cated inside and blood is on the outside. If the
ume allowing a slower heart rate as an indicator alveoli were opened and laid flat they would cover
of cardiorespiratory fitness. half a tennis court, presenting a great surface area
for gas exchange. During respiration, oxygen
Coronary Blood Flow. Although tremendous moves from the inhaled air through the alveoli and
quantities of blood are pumped through the atrias into the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide
and ventricles every minute, the heart itself does from the blood diffuses into the alveoli and out of
not receive any nutrients or oxygen from this blood the lungs on exhalation.
flowing through its chambers. Rather, the heart is As the inspired air moves through the pas-
dependent on its own vascular system called the sageways to the lungs it is moistened, filtered of
coronary vessels. foreign particles, and brought to body tempera-
The coronary arteries supply the blood to the ture. Breathing is an involuntary response regu-
heart (cardiac) muscle and branch off from the lated by several systems, however the higher brain
aorta. Cardiac muscle requires a constant supply centers can override allowing for temporary vol-
of oxygen, and when the body is at rest it utilizes untary control. Normal healthy lungs are not a lim-
up to 80% of the oxygen carried in the blood flow- iting factor in exercise. These organs are very
ing through the coronary vessels. During increased efficient at moving large volumes of air into and
rate of contraction (e.g. exercise or stress), blood out of the body, as well as conducting gas ex-
flow through these arteries must also increase to change with the blood. Smoking (e.g. tobacco and
meet the oxygen need of the heart. When fat filled marijuana) or living in a high pollution environ-
plaque deposits occur in the coronary arteries (i.e. ment including one with second-hand smoke will
atherosclerosis), the flow of blood to the myocar- cause damage and ruptures to the alveoli decreas-
dium is reduced. This presents no problem at rest ing the efficiency of the lungs and possibly caus-
even with up to 80% blockage, however as greater ing early death.
and greater demands occur, the supply becomes The diaphragm and intercostals are the chief
less and less sufficient. muscles involved in breathing. During exercise,
When the demand of the heart muscle for oxy- these muscles must work more intensely, and for
gen is not met by the coronary blood flow, the unfit individuals the constant contraction and re-
area of the heart deficient in oxygen becomes is- laxation of the diaphragm may lead to a sharp pain
chemic (i.e. lack of oxygen due to inadequate in the side of the lower chest. This side ache is
blood supply). This lack of oxygen can result in due to a lack of oxygen to the diaphragm muscle
angina pectoris, a pain in the chest that usually and will cause an exerciser to decrease the work-
radiates to the left shoulder and arm, a warning out intensity. However, this muscle will adapt as
signal of impending heart damage. Ischemia to the body becomes conditioned, and soon this side
the myocardium can lead to death of the affected pain will no longer occur.
area, called a myocardial infarction, which is more

26 Essentials of Physical Activity

3. Blood Vessels to squeeze through in single file. When combined

with the low pressure in the capillaries, a red blood
The blood vessels of the body form the circula- cell’s transition time through these vessels takes
tory system through which oxygen and nutrients approximately 1.5 seconds. This produces an ex-
are transported to all the cells of the body and car- tremely effective method for gas exchange be-
bon dioxide and waste products are transported tween the blood and tissue. The density of capil-
away. This transporting system consists of three laries in human skeletal muscle is over 2,000 per
different categories of blood vessels: 1) arteries, square millimeter of tissue. Similar capillaries are
2) capillaries, and 3) veins. located in the lungs and are positioned next to the
Arteries are tubes that carry blood away from alveoli for gas exchange in the lungs.
the heart and are divided into groups called large The final category of blood vessels is the
arteries, small arteries, and arterioles. Large ar- thinned walled veins, which guide the blood back
teries are able to withstand high pressures due to to the heart. Small veins called venules collect the
the walls being composed of several layers of con- blood from the capillaries and empty into progres-
nective tissue and smooth muscle. Even though sively larger vessels (veins) until reaching the
these walls are impervious to gases because of heart. The veins are constructed of less smooth
their thickness, they are still elastic but only stretch muscle and connective tissue than the arteries
slightly under high pressure. The large arteries making them very expandable but not very elas-
branch into smaller arteries. tic. The low pressure of the venous blood requires
The small artery walls have similar construc- additional assistance to return the blood back to
tion and characteristics as the large arteries but the heart. This is especially needed when the body
have fewer layers of connective tissue and smooth is in an upright position and gravity is pulling the
muscle. These walls are still too thick for gases to blood down into the legs.
penetrate. The small arteries branch further into
smaller vessels called arterioles. Returning Blood Flow - There are four methods
The walls of the arterioles have smooth the body uses to help return blood in the veins
muscle circling the vessels and function to regu- back to the heart. The first is a series of flap-like
late regional blood flow. This is accomplished by valves spaced at short intervals in the veins. These
contracting or relaxing the smooth muscles sur- thin, membranous valves permit a one-way blood
rounding the vessel causing the internal diameter flow toward the heart. Sometimes however, valves
to be altered. During exercise the arterioles lead- in a vein become defective and no longer main-
ing to the liver and digestive system constrict caus- tain the one-way blood flow. This condition is
ing a reduction of blood flow to these areas, while called varicose veins and generally occurs in the
at the same time, the arterioles leading to the skin surface veins of the legs. Persons who stand mo-
and working skeletal muscles are dilated causing tionless or are on their feet for long periods of
an increase flow. By redistributing blood flow to time, such as dentists, nurses, and checkout
those areas in greatest need (i.e. exercising counter persons are susceptible to pooling of blood
muscles), an increase in oxygen is made avail- in the veins, leading to varicose veins. This disor-
able. Also with additional blood flow to the skin, der can become painful and lead to other prob-
the extra heat generated by the contracting skel- lems requiring surgery.
etal muscles will be better able to dissipate. The second method for assisting venous blood
The second category of blood vessels is called to the heart is the active contraction and relaxing
capillaries. Capillaries are microscopic, thin of skeletal muscle. Because the walls of the veins
walled tubes that connect arteries to the veins. This are thin, skeletal muscle contracting in a rhyth-
thin wall consists of a single layer of endothelial mic action squeezes the veins to propel the blood
cells, which allow oxygen in the blood to diffuse similar to milking a cow. After exercising (e.g.
into the surrounding tissue and carbon dioxide running), an active cool down (e.g. walking)
from the tissue to enter the blood. The capillaries should be performed during the recovery to fa-
are very narrow vessels, causing the red blood cells cilitate blood flow to the heart. By standing still

Chapter 3 / The Cardiorespiratory System 27

after exercising, blood will pool in the legs due to Blood Pressure - The ejected blood from the left
gravity and dilated arterioles, decreasing blood ventricle has a tremendous force behind it that
flow to the heart and brain sometimes causing the creates pressure against the artery walls and is
individual to become faint. called systolic blood pressure. This surge in pres-
Smooth muscle wrapping the veins also as- sure causes the arterial wall to distend and snap
sists blood flow back to the heart and is the third back to its original size, causing the characteristic
method. This smooth muscle contracts and relaxes pulse felt in the superficial arteries (e.g. carotid
causing a “milking” action similar to the skeletal and radial). The systolic blood pressure represents
muscle in pushing the blood to the heart against the work of the heart.
gravity. However, this method is not as effective When the heart relaxes, the pressure against
as compared to the squeezing action of the skel- the artery walls decreases as the blood flows away
etal muscle due to the small amount of smooth from the heart into the arterioles and indicates
muscle involved. peripheral resistance. This pressure is called di-
The forth method the body uses to help return astolic blood pressure and measures how quickly
blood to the heart is the change in thoracic pres- the blood flows from the arterioles into the capil-
sure. During respiration, intrathoracic pressure laries.
decreases with inspiration and increases with ex- Average values for blood pressure range
piration. This change in pressure compresses and widely (see Table 3.3). Blood pressure usually
expands the thin walled veins located in the tho- increases with age, and this increase is often ac-
racic cavity. Once again, a “milking” action is cre- cepted as a normal part of aging. However, this
ated and forces blood to the heart. During weight increase is not desirable because it may indicate
lifting and other straining type activities, intratho- that the vascular system is providing greater re-
racic pressure can be increased greatly by hold- sistance to the blood flow due to inelasticity of
ing ones breath, or more accurately called the the arteries.
Valsalva maneuver. Normal resting blood pressure is considered
120/80 mmHg (systolic pressure/diastolic pres-
Valsalva Maneuver - The Valsalva maneuver is sure), but 100/70 mmHg and 130/85 mmHg are
a forced exhalation against a closed glottis and is also normal. Blood pressure varies throughout
commonly performed while lifting heavy objects the day according to activity, stress, and anxiety
or straining. This procedure stabilizes the trunk levels. It is also directly related to cardiac output
and increases the action of muscles attached to and arterial resistance to blood flow. High blood
the chest. Unfortunately, this increase in intratho- pressure (i.e. hypertension) is called the silent
racic pressure collapses the thin walls of the veins killer because there are no outward signs or symp-
located in the thoracic region and greatly reduces toms and can go undetected until a stroke, heart
blood returning to the heart. Several physiologi- attack, or kidney failure occurs. It is extremely
cal consequences occur due to performing this important that blood pressure is taken regularly.
maneuver. First blood pressure rises abruptly and If blood pressure is high, it can be controlled through
increases the strain on the heart. For an individual diet, sodium restriction, aerobic exercise, relax-
with an underlying heart disease this could be fa- ation techniques, and if necessary, medication.
tal. Following the abrupt rise in blood pressure If we consider only resting blood pressure, a
is a sharp decrease in blood flow to the heart and 35-year-old person with normal resting blood pres-
a drop in blood pressure below resting values. Due sure of 120/80 mmHg can expect to live to age 76
to this low pressure, blood flow to the brain is years. On the other hand, a person with resting
diminished causing dizziness, seeing spots, and blood pressure of 150/100 mmHg or greater can
fainting. Not holding the breath but exhaling dur- expect to live only to 55 years of age. This repre-
ing the straining activity can lessen all of these sents 23 years of reduced life expectancy. Indi-
negative consequences viduals should know their blood pressure and, if
necessary, take the corrective lifestyle changes to
lower it.

28 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 3.3
Health Fitness Standards for Resting Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure

Health Fitness Standard Systolic Diastolic

Excellent 105 - 115 60 - 72

Good 116 - 125 73 - 80

Average 126 - 135 81 - 88

Poor 136 - 150 89 - 97

Very Poor > 150 > 97

4. Blood. volume (three to four liters). Water in the blood is

needed to maintain cardiac output and blood pres-
Over 98% of the oxygen transported in the blood sure, as well as a medium to transport nutrients
is carried by the red blood cells. The blood con- and remove waste. In addition, water from the
tains over 25 trillion red blood cells with each blood is used as the major source of sweat to cool
housing about 280 million hemoglobin molecules. the body. Each day the body loses water through
The normal hemoglobin content for an adult male perspiration, respiration, urine, and feces. If this
is about 15 grams per 100 milliliters of blood at water loss is not replenished, a dehydrated state
sea-level conditions and for females it is about 14 occurs leading to strain on the circulatory system
grams per 100 milliliters. Oxygen specifically at- and poor thermoregulation.
taches to the iron portion of the hemoglobin in One of the benefits of an exercise program is
the red blood cell. Therefore, it is critically im- that it will increase one’s plasma volume. This
portant to have a good source of iron in your diet. elevated blood volume enhances both the trans-
Low iron intake causes a reduced concentration porting of oxygen and the regulating of body tem-
of hemoglobin leading to a disorder called iron- perature.
deficiency anemia. Symptoms range from slug-
gishness to a reduced capacity to perform even
low levels of exercise. Women are at a higher risk Summary
than men for developing iron-deficiency anemia
due to iron loss during menstruation. Women on
a vegetarian diet are at an even higher risk since The cell is the basic unit of life in the human or-
the iron contained in vegetables are not as readily ganism. Cells have varied functions, but all cells
absorbed by the body as compared to the iron from require oxygen, nutrients, and water, and must get
meat sources. Inadequate daily iron intake occurs rid of waste products. It is the responsibility of
frequently among 30 to 50% of females in the cardiorespiratory system to fulfill these needs of
United States. every cell. The cardiorespiratory system is made
Water is the single largest constituent of the up of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood.
blood and makes up approximately 50% of its

Chapter 3 / The Cardiorespiratory System 29

Review Questions
1. What are the four survival requirements
of cells?

2. List the four components of the cardio-

respiratory system.

3. Define cardiac output and distinguish

between a fit person’s heart and an unfit
person’s heart.

4. Describe the differences between

systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

5. What blood pressure reading is consid-

ered average?

6. Why is hypertension referred to as the

“silent killer?”

7. Distinguish between arteries, veins, and


8. Diagram and label the structures of the



Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Factors and Aerobic Exercise

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter examines the controllable and un- Aerobic Exercise
controllable risk factors for developing cardio- Atherosclerosis
vascular disease. In addition, information will Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
be given on aerobic type exercises that are Cholesterol
needed to improve the cardiorespiratory sys- Controllable Risk Factors
tem and decrease the incidence of cardiovas-
cular disease. When you complete this chap-
ter you should be able to: Frequency, Intensity, and Time
Heart Rate Training Zone
1. Explain the process of atherosclerosis High-density Lipoprotein (HDL)
(page 31). Hypertension
2. Describe the controllable and uncontrol- Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)
lable risk factors of cardiovascular Measuring Heart Rate
diseases (pages 32-34). Uncontrollable
3. Know the consequences of Hyperten-
sion and how it can be controlled (page
4. Understand what makes an exercise
aerobic (page 35).
5. Determine your own heart rate training
zone for aerobic exercise (pages 36 -
6. Understand the components of the
overload principal for developing
cardiorespiratory fitness (page 38).
7. Analyze various aerobic activities in
terms of their strengths and weaknesses
(page 39).
8. Describe the physiological and psycho-
logical adaptations from aerobic condi-
tioning (page 39).

Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 31

Cardiovascular Disease 4. The artery narrows, decreasing blood

flow through the vessel and to the heart
or brain.
The term cardiovascular disease includes more
than 20 different diseases that affect the heart The atherosclerotic process takes place largely
(cardio) and arterial blood vessels (vascular). without symptoms during rest and low levels of
Heart disease and related cardiovascular problems activity until the arteries are 80% occluded
cause 50% of all deaths in the United States. For (closed). At this point, if the occluded artery is in
the year 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and the heart, angina pectoris may be experienced
Prevention estimated the total cost of cardiovas- during physical activity or periods of stress. If
cular disease at $444 billion (see Figure 4.1). The the occluded artery is in the brain, brief black-
underlying cause in 95% of cardiovascular dis- outs, dizzy spells, or numbness of the face may
eases (e.g. heart attack, stroke, and hypertension) be experienced (see Figure 4.2).
is atherosclerosis. The atherosclerotic process At one time authorities considered atheroscle-
occurs in the following manner: rosis to be a part of aging and an old person’s dis-
ease. Medical evidence discovered over the past
1. Chemical changes of various com- 50 years reveals that atherosclerosis is not just an
pounds and oxidation of cholesterol in old person’s disease but begins in the very young
low-density lipoprotein occur. and progresses. Autopsies done on Americans
2. Lesions (fatty streaks) begin to protrude killed in the Korean War revealed that 77% had
on the inside of the arterial wall com- some degree of coronary atherosclerosis. Unfor-
posed of several lipids (cholesterol, tunately, recent studies have found that by age five,
triglycerides, and phospholipids). fatty streaks are common in the coronary arteries
of American children.
3. Minerals, especially calcium, also As the arteries continue to narrow because of
deposit on the inner layer of the arterial atherosclerosis, a time will come when blood can-
wall and are called plaque. not flow through the artery resulting in a heart

Figure 4.1
Direct and Indirect Costs Related to Cardiovascular Disease in 2010


INSERT (new) 203

FIG 4.1 114
Billions 100
of Dollars
50 HERE 44 49
0 34

32 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 4.2
Steps Leading to a Heart Attack or Stroke


Blockage of ‘ Atherosclerosis Blockage of
Blockage of
Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis ‘ Blockage of
Carotid Artery
Coronary Artery Carotid Artery

Symptoms of Symptoms of
Symptoms of Symptoms of
Heart Attack Stroke
Heart Attack Stroke
Heavy Pain in Left Weakness or 'LϞFXOW\
Heavy Pain in Left Weakness or Difficulty
Pressure in Arm, Neck, Numbness One Understanding
Pressure in Arm, Neck, Numbness One Understanding
Chest Shoulder Side of Body Speech
Chest Shoulder Side of Body Speech

Dizziness Nausea Sudden, Severe Trouble

Dizziness Nausea Sudden, Severe Trouble
Headaches Talking
Headaches Talking

Profuse Shortness of Unexplained Sudden Loss

Profuse Shortness of Unexplained Sudden Loss
Sweating Breath Unsteadiness of Vision
Sweating Breath Unsteadiness of Vision

attack or a cerebral vascular accident. If the selves or with the assistance of a physician and
blocked artery supplied a very small part of the are called controllable risk factors.
heart or brain, the heart attack or stroke may go
unnoticed. That results in a “silent heart attack”
or a “transient ischemic attack” in the brain. If 1. Uncontrollable Risk Factors
the artery supplied a larger portion of the heart or
brain, the person may experience any or all of the Heredity - A history of cardiovascular diseases
symptoms as described in Figure 4.2. If the artery in a family means increased risk for the disease.
is supplying a major portion of the heart, death A history usually means family members (parents,
may occur immediately as it does in 40 to 50% of grandparents, brothers, and sisters) have died from
the cases. some cardiovascular disease before age 60. Influ-
encing factors may be an inherited genetic pre-
Risk Factors for Developing disposition of the body to deal effectively with
blood fats. Some families have such a strong in-
Cardiovascular Disease herited genetic weakness that few males have lived
past age 40.
Many factors have been identified that contribute
to the quickening of the atherosclerosis process Gender - Statistics reveal that cardiovascular dis-
and cardiovascular disorders. They basically fall ease is more prevalent in men than in women, es-
into two categories: 1) those that cannot be pecially before age 45. This is probably due to the
changed and are called uncontrollable risk fac- protective function of the female sex hormone,
tors; and 2) those we can change either by our- estrogen, in delaying the atherosclerosis process.

Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 33

Unfortunately, the beneficial effects of estrogen affected. Hypertension may begin in childhood or
end after menopause leading to more deaths from during the adult years. It is a silent disease, often
cardiovascular disease in women then men after with no symptoms and if left untreated, it greatly
age 55. increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kid-
ney failure. The Centers for Disease Control and
Age - Growing older increases the chances of de- Prevention report that while 66% of hypertensives
veloping cardiovascular diseases. Sixty percent of were aware of their high blood pressure, only 24%
deaths to persons over the age 65 years are due to had it under control. The earlier in life the prob-
heart attacks as compared to only 11% of deaths lem starts, the more severe the consequences. High
in persons 15 to 24 years of age. blood pressure can be controlled through a com-
bination of diet, weight loss to an acceptable body
composition, aerobic exercise, and medication.
2. Controllable Risk Factors
Smoking - Smoking is estimated to cause 440,000
Fortunately, research has identified factors related premature deaths each year (see Figure 4.3) with
to cardiovascular diseases that can be controlled. an additional 41,284 premature deaths due to sec-
These factors are related to lifestyle and make the ond hand smoke. Smoking is responsible for 87%
greatest contribution toward reducing these dis- of all deaths due to lung cancer, 30% of all cancer
eases. Key factors are briefly summarized here deaths, and 21% of deaths due to heart disease.
and are discussed in greater detail throughout the Additionally, smoking leads to chronic bronchi-
book. tis, emphysema, and, if done during pregnancy,
low birth weights. While the number of persons
Hypertension - More than 70 million Americans smoking each year continues to decline, there is
have hypertension, more commonly known as still over 18% of all Americans adults smoking in
high blood pressure (Chapter 3), with approxi- 2012.
mately 44% of the blacks and 31% of the whites

Figure 4.3
Disease Distribution of 480,317 Deaths Attributed Annually to Cigarette Smoking

Other Other
Cancers 7% Diseases

INSERT (new) 7% Chronic Lung

Disease 24%

Coronary Heart
Disease 26%
FIG 4.3
Stroke 9%
Lung Cancer

34 Essentials of Physical Activity

Body Fat - As excess body fat increases so does 17% of those with a good history of physical ac-
the incidence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 tivity died.
diabetes, hypertension, various cancers, and os-
teoarthritis. With as little as 20 pounds of excess Elevated Blood Fats - A number of fats (i.e. lip-
body fat, the chances of a heart attack triple. In ids) are found in the blood and are essential for
2012, over 35% of American adults were consid- normal physiological functioning. These blood lip-
ered obese with an additional 32% overweight or ids include cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycer-
having excessive body fat. On the other hand, very ides, and fatty acids. Research has shown that high
low body fat also leads to a variety of disorders. blood levels of cholesterol (see Table 4.1) are re-
These consist of abnormal physiological function- lated to atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is an essen-
ing leading to organ malfunctioning, osteoporo- tial component for the formation of cell mem-
sis, psychological problems, premature death, and branes, vitamin D, and sex hormones. The adult
menstrual irregularities for a female. Healthy body body synthesizes enough cholesterol to meet its
composition is 5 to 15% body fat for males and daily needs; however infants and children require
15 to 25% for females. additional cholesterol through the diet. Consump-
tion of animal tissue (e.g. eggs, meat, and cheese)
Poor Physical Fitness - The American Heart As- adds cholesterol to the body. In order for choles-
sociation includes lack of physical activity as one terol to be transported through the blood, the liver
of the primary risk factors of cardiovascular dis- encases it with a protein and forms a lipoprotein.
ease. In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and There are two main types of cholesterol car-
Prevention stated the 48% of adult Americans rying lipoproteins: 1) low-density lipoproteins
were not active enough to meet minimum physi- (LDL) and 2) high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
cal activity guidelines. There is a 2.24 times in- Low-density lipoproteins are the primary trans-
creased risk of early death for those with any level porters of cholesterol and normally carry between
of body fatness as compared to a fit individual of 60 and 80% of the total blood cholesterol. These
similar body composition. In addition, regular lipoproteins are known as “bad” cholesterol be-
physical activity reduces the risk of developing cause they have the greatest affinity for the cells
hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. of the arterial walls where the cholesterol is de-
A recent study of 17,000 Harvard alumni revealed posited. These depositions begin the early stages
that those who regularly exercised at least three of atherosclerosis. Aerobic exercise, body fat, and
hours per week suffered 64% fewer heart attacks diet affect LDL concentration.
than those who did not exercise. Also, of those Good cholesterol called HDL protects against
who had a heart attack, 49% who did not exercise cardiovascular disease by acting like a scavenger.
regularly died within four weeks, whereas only HDL removes cholesterol from the arterial walls

Table 4.1
Blood Cholesterol Level Guidelines


• Total Cholesterol < 200 mg/dl 200 - 239 mg/dl > 239 mg/dl

• LDL Cholesterol < 130 mg/dl 130 - 159 mg/dl > 160 mg/dl

• HDL Cholesterol > 44 mg/dl 35-44 mg/dl < 35 mg/d

Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 35

and transports it back to the liver for conversion energy for the working muscles. This need for
into bile and excreted through the intestinal tract. oxygen must be met by the cardiorespiratory sys-
Regular aerobic exercise increases HDL levels, tem or the contracting muscles will come to a stop.
whereas smoking, using steroids, and being dia- An exercise is considered aerobic if it uses large
betic decrease the levels. An estimated 71 million muscle groups in a repetitive, rhythmic motion
American adults have high blood cholesterol lev- for over three minutes. For a list of typical aero-
els. bic activities refer to Table 4.2.

Emotional Stress - Stress that causes tension

within the body can lead to a number of physical Table 4.2
ailments including heart disease. Persons under
Typical Aerobic Activities for Cardiorespira-
high emotional stress have been found to have
tory Fitness
elevated blood cholesterol levels, elevated blood
pressure, and increased incidence of heart disease.
• Aerobic Exercise Machines
Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetes is a disorder in • Bench-Stepping
which the body has chronically elevated blood • Bicycling
sugar (glucose) levels. This condition occurs be- • Cross Country Skiing
cause the body is unable to transfer glucose from • Exercise to Music
the blood into the cells where it can be used for • In Line Skating
energy. Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death • Rope Jumping
by disease in the United States. It can cause sev-
• Rowing
eral diseases including cardiovascular, kidney, and
peripheral vascular that lead to blindness and limb • Running
amputation. • Stair Climbing
There are two types of diabetes mellitus. Type • Swimming
1 is insulin-dependent, requiring daily injections • Walking
of insulin to maintain normal blood glucose lev-
els and is genetically related. Type 2 diabetes is
non-insulin dependent and approximately 90% of
the 22 million diabetic Americans have this type. By improving the cardiorespiratory system,
The cells in the type II diabetic’s body have a re- the risk of developing cardiovascular disease de-
sistance to insulin and are related to obesity. Treat- creases. For an aerobic exercise to benefit the car-
ment includes diet and exercise to control blood diorespiratory system, it must follow the overload
glucose levels and reduce body fat. Diabetics have principle (Chapter 2). This principle has three
two to four times higher heart-disease problems components: 1) frequency, 2) intensity, and 3)
than nondiabetics. The life expectancy of a 35 year time.
old untreated diabetic is 63 years, compared to
the normal life expectancy of 76 years.
1. Frequency
The minimum frequency of performing an aero-
Aerobic Exercise bic exercise to produce an improvement in the
cardiorespiratory system is three days per week.
Aerobic exercise is a term used to describe a type As the number of days per week of aerobic activ-
of activity that derives its energy from aerobic ity increases, so does the benefit. However for
metabolism. Exercising muscles requires energy health fitness, no more than five days per week is
to contract and move the body. For muscles to recommended. Aerobically exercising six or seven
contract repeatedly for an extended period of time, days per week only minimally increases health
oxygen is required to maintain the availability of

36 Essentials of Physical Activity

fitness benefits but causes a greater chance of be- To feel your pulse, use the index and middle fin-
coming injured. gers pressed gently against the artery. The thumb
should not be used as it has a pulse of its own and
may cause an incorrect pulse count. The two most
2. Intensity common arteries used for taking the pulse during
exercise are the 1) carotid and 2) radial.
Exercise intensity per aerobic session must be in The carotid artery is located on either side of
the Heart Rate Training Zone for positive adap- the throat (larynx). It lies in the valley between
tations to occur in the cardiorespiratory system. the Adam’s apple and the neck muscle. This ar-
The training zone falls between 60 to 90% of your tery is usually the easiest to locate quickly, how-
maximum heart rate (see Figure 4.4). Maximum ever there are special receptors located in the walls
heart rate can be determined by performing a of the carotid that are responsible for detecting
maximum exercise test in a laboratory setting or changes in blood pressure. By pressing too firmly
can be predicted by subtracting one’s age from while taking the pulse, these baroreceptors will
220. However, when predicting the maximum send a message to the heart to slow down its con-
heart rate there is an error of plus or minus 10 tractions. This slowing of the heart rate may cause
heartbeats per minute. For health fitness, the in- dizziness or faintness and will cause an incorrect
tensity should be maintained between 70 to 80% heart rate reading.
of maximal heart rate. Minimal adaptations oc- The radial artery is located on the palm-side
cur at or below 60% of maximum heart rate, but of the wrist. This artery can be felt at the wrist,
greater than 80% will also increase the chance of just to the thumb side of the forearm muscle ten-
injuries. dons coming from the forearm. With practice the
radial artery will be easy to locate, and at this site
Measuring Heart Rate. An easy method to mea- there are no baroreceptors to slow the heart rate.
sure heart rate is by feeling the pulsing blood as
the left ventricle pushes it into the aortic artery. To determine resting heart rate per minute,
count your pulse rate for 60 seconds. During ex-

Figure 4.4
Heart Rate Training Zone (60- 90%) for Age-Predicted Maximum Heart Rate

190INSERT (new)

Heart 170
in Beats
FIG 4.4 166

t Rate
130 Trai ning Z
120 117 114 111
110 105 102 99
96 93
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Age in Years
Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 37

ercise take a 10-second pulse count and multiply to numbers. A perceived exertion number between
this number by six for your exercising heart rate 12 and 18 corresponds to the heart rate training
per minute. To keep the exercise heart rate at the zone of 60 to 90% with 14 equaling 70%. This
appropriate training zone, the pulse rate should procedure is not as accurate as heart rate but is
be checked every five to 10 minutes. If there is easier to use.
difficulty in taking the pulse during the aerobic
activity (e.g. swimming), stop and take the 10-
second reading immediately. When you stop ex- 3. Time
ercising, the heart rate only stays at that level for
approximately 15 seconds before it begins to de- The amount of time spent performing the aerobic
crease rapidly. Don’t be tempted to take a six-sec- activity determines the magnitude of benefits to
ond-pulse count because it is easier to multiply the cardiorespiratory system. The minimum
by 10 mentally. This shorter time span magnifies amount of exercise time required for an aerobic
any counting error by a factor of 10 possibly caus- exercise to cause physiological adaptations is 20
ing the exercise intensity to be out of the training minutes. However less time is required when the
zone. intensity of the workout is high. The reverse is
Another method for determining aerobic ex- true for lower exercising heart rates, which need
ercise intensity is by using the ratings of perceived a longer duration to gain positive adaptations.
exertion scale. Swedish physiologist named Table 4.4 shows the approximate heart rate and
Gunnar Borg developed this scale. He discovered time needed to gain similar cardiorespiratory im-
a relationship between the perception of exercise provement.
intensity and heart rate (see Table 4.3). The Borg
scale has word descriptions that represent how
hard you perceive you are exercising matched up

Table 4.3
Perceived Exertion of Aerobic Exercise Scale

• 6
• Very, Very Light 7
• 8
• Very Light 9
• 10
• Fairly Light 11
• 12
• Somewhat Hard 13
• 14
• Hard 15
• 16
• Very Hard 17
• 18
• Very, Very Hard 19

Reprint from Borg, 1985

38 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 4.4
Aerobic Exercise Intensity and Duration for Similar Cardiorespiratory Improvements


% of Maximum
Heart Rate Minimum Optimal

60 % 40 minutes 60 minutes
70 % 30 minutes 45 minutes
80 % 20 minutes 30 minutes
90 % 10 minutes 20 minutes

Mode of Aerobic Exercise lar aerobic exercise requires a commitment and

belief that the minimal time spent each week will
There are no differences in the cardiorespiratory increase your productivity, longevity, and quality
benefits with different types of aerobic exercise, of life. To increase enjoyment and fitness, as well
as long as the frequency, intensity, and time are as limiting excessive amounts of stress to indi-
similar. However, in following the Specificity vidual body parts, it is best to perform several dif-
Principle (Chapter 2), the type of aerobic activity ferent aerobic activities during the week.
performed will cause specific adaptation to other
bodily systems (i.e. muscular, skeletal, and ner-
vous). Because of this, the testing mode must be
the same as the aerobic exercise to measure the
Progression of Aerobic
magnitude of improvements from the condition- Exercise Program
ing process. If bicycling is used to improve the
cardiorespiratory system, the fitness gains will be For the body to continue improving cardiorespi-
best demonstrated by being tested riding a bike. ratory fitness, the overload must increase periodi-
Other testing modes (i.e. running, swimming, or cally until the desired fitness level is reached.
walking) will measure cardiorespiratory fitness but Small progressive increases in the aerobic exer-
will not fully expose the physiological adaptation cise program will allow the body to adapt to each
achieved from the exercise training on a bike. higher workload without excessive stress causing
When deciding which form of aerobic exer- injuries. The maximal amount of overload increase
cise to participate in, a few guidelines should be per week for achieving health fitness is 10%. For
considered. In following the Principle of Individu- example, running 10 miles during a week can be
ality, no single mode of aerobic exercise is the followed by running 11 miles the next week fol-
best for everyone. Each method has strengths and lowed by 12.1 miles the week after that. To in-
weaknesses specific to that activity (see table 4.5). crease the overload by changing the intensity in-
One important factor in choosing is to pick the stead of duration, the heart rate for one workout
exercise that will be most enjoyable and will be per week will be increased by 10% (i.e. from 150
the easiest to incorporate into ones lifestyle. Regu- beats per minute to 165).

Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 39

Table 4.5
Strengths and Weaknesses of Common Modes of Aerobic Exercise


Aerobic Machines Develops leg strength. Cost for purchase & upkeep.
Low Stress to joints. Ony concentric contraction.
Read or watch TV. Storage of machine.

Cross-Country & Develops both upper & lower body. Cost for purchase & upkeep.
Rowing Machines Low stress to joints. Only concentric contractions.
Storage of machine.

Exercise to Music Music and variety of movements. Cost for classes.

Social interaction. Mainly develops lower-body.

Lap Swimming Develops upper-body strength. Must be a skilled swimmer.

Low stress to joints. Pool is required.
Good for disabilities. Minimal lower-body use.

Outdoor Cycling Develops leg strength. Cost for purchase & upkeep.
Low stress to joints. Little upper-body development.
Use as transportation. Weather conditions.

Running Minimal cost. Stressful to joints.

Convenient. Little upper-body development.
Requires minimal skill.

Walking Minimal cost. Greater time per session.

Convenient. Little upper-body development.
Low stress to joints.

Benefits of Regular Aerobic larger and more numerous mitochondria (i.e.

where aerobic metabolism occurs) and increased
Exercise aerobic system enzymes causing improved oxy-
gen utilization. In addition, the conditioned
If the aerobic conditioning stimulus follows the muscles have a greater capacity to mobilize, de-
Overload Principle, the majority of the physiologi- liver, and use fats for energy aiding in maintain-
cal adaptations will develop independent of sex ing cellular integrity.
and age. These improvements will develop regard-
less of the mode of aerobic activity. Some of the
following changes take place after only one exer- Cardiorespiratory
cise session, however most of these require many
months of regular aerobic exercise to be fully ac- The heart increases in weight and volume with
quired. long-term aerobic conditioning. The left ventricu-
lar cavity enlarges and the myocardium becomes
thicker and stronger. These changes cause an in-
Metabolic Changes crease in the stroke volume during both rest and
exercise. Because of the greater stroke volume,
The skeletal muscles used during the aerobic ex- the heart rate decreases at rest and while perform-
ercise will become more efficient in deriving ing submaximal activity.
greater amounts of energy from aerobic metabo- Aerobic conditioning reduces both systolic
lism. These conditioned muscles will develop and diastolic blood pressure at rest and during

40 Essentials of Physical Activity

submaximal activity. This decrease is most notice-

able in hypertensive individuals, allowing many
to avoid medication and its unwanted side effects.
Plasma volume increases and blood flow to work- Risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease
ing muscles become greater. Better distribution that are uncontrollable include heredity, gender,
of blood also occurs which helps cool the body in and age. Controllable risk factors include high
a hot environment. blood pressure, smoking, obesity, lack of aerobic
exercise, elevated blood fats, stress, and diabetes.
Regular aerobic exercise can decrease the inci-
dence of cardiovascular disease by improving the
Other Changes cardiorespiratory system. For an aerobic exercise
to cause positive adaptations the Overload Prin-
Regular aerobic activity leads to a reduction in ciple must be followed. This includes performing
body fat percentage. Also there are psychological the aerobic activity three to four days per week
benefits that include a reduction in anxiety and (frequency), at 60 to 90% of age-adjusted maxi-
depression. In addition, aerobic exercise improves mal heart rate (intensity), and for 20 to 60 min-
mood, self-esteem, self-concept, and general per- utes per session (time). All types of aerobic exer-
ception of personal worth. Finally, exercise per- cises produce similar results, however these oc-
formance increases with the conditioning activity cur only in the systems and muscles used for the
causing faster times and quicker recovery from activity. Typical adaptation to an aerobic condi-
exercise. tioning program are lower resting and exercising
heart rates, a stronger and more efficient heart,
increased oxygen utilization, and decreased blood
Deconditioning pressure. Once the aerobic conditioning program
is stopped the acquired adaptations start to be lost
When an individual stops participating in an aero- in 10 to 14 days.
bic exercise program, the Principle of Reversibility
(see Chapter 2) will occur. Deconditioning be-
comes noticeable after 10 to 14 days no aerobic
activity. However, a significant reduction in both
metabolic and exercise capacity will be seen as
the length of no (aerobic exercise) activity con-
tinues with the majority of the acquired condition-
ing adaptations lost within several months. The
rate of decrease is dependent on the conditioned
level prior to stopping, but even highly conditioned
athletes with years of intense aerobic training will
lose most of their adaptations within six months
of becoming sedentary.

Chapter 4 / Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Aerobic Exercise 41

Review Questions
1. What condition is the cause of 95% of
heart attacks and stroke?

2. Discuss the process of atherosclerosis.

3. List the uncontrollable and controllable

risk factors that contribute to cardiovas-
cular diseases.

4. What are the initial symptoms of an

individual suffering from a heart attack?

5. Describe the differences between LDL

and HDL.

6. Define anaerobic exercise.

7. What are the Overload Principle

requirements for aerobic exercise to
benefit the cardiorespiratory system?

8. Which two arterial locations are recom-

mended for counting one’s heart rate?

9. List the strengths and weaknesses of

swimming, cycling, running and
aerobics to music as a mode of aerobic

10. List the cardiorespiratory adaptations

from regular aerobic exercise.

42 Essentials of Physical Activity


The Skeletal Muscular System
and Strengthening Exercises

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter explains the basic anatomy Anaerobic Metabolism
of the muscular-skeletal system and the Concentric Muscle Contraction
importance of muscular strength and en- Delayed Onset of Muscle Sore-
durance. It also gives specific guidelines ness (DOMS)
that should be followed in order to develop Dynamic Strength Training
the muscular system. Upon completion Eccentric Muscle Contraction
of this chapter you should be able to:
1. Describe the structure of skeletal Isokinetic
muscle (page 43). Isometric Muscle Contraction
2. List the characteristics for the three Motor Neuron
main muscle fiber types (page 43). Motor Unit
Muscular Endurance
3. Demonstrate the three types of Muscular Strength
muscle contractions (page 44). Repetition Maximum (RM)
4. Explain the Overload Principle as it Sets
pertains to strength training (pages
Static Strength Training
Strength Training
5. Describe specific guidelines for Tendon
developing muscular endurance and Type I Muscle Fibers
strength (page 48). Type IIa Muscle Fibers
Type IIb Muscle Fibers
6. Name five adaptations to strength
training (page 48).

Chapter 5 / The Skeletal Muscular System and Strengthening Exercises 43

The Skeletal Muscular maximal force such as when sprinting, jumping,

or serving a tennis ball.
System Type IIa muscle fibers are called “intermedi-
ate” because their characteristics are similar to
Fitness of the skeletal muscles of the body is of both Type I and IIb fibers. Type IIa fibers can con-
utmost importance. According to the American tract very rapidly and they have the capacity for
College of Sports Medicine, strength training that both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. These
is adequate to develop and maintain muscle should skeletal muscle fibers have the greatest potential
be part of a well-rounded fitness program for for adaptation to the overload placed upon them.
adults. Human movement depends on muscles The form of activity determines the specific
generating forces on the skeletal system causing kind of adaptation (Specificity Principle) that will
the bones to move about their joint axes. Skeletal occur in each muscle fiber type. Through condi-
muscles are also responsible for holding fixed tioning, all fibers in the exercising muscles will
body positions such as sitting or standing. In ad- develop their existing characteristic potential
dition, muscle contractions will generate a large based upon the type of overload. Each individual’s
amount of heat and may be used to help maintain skeletal muscle fiber type composition is deter-
body temperature in a cold environment (e.g. shiv- mined by genetics. Recent research has suggested
ering). that with many years of high intensity overload
The body has more than 660 skeletal muscles, training may cause some fiber type transforma-
which account for about 45% of the male’s body tion. The normal fiber type ratio is 50% Type I
weight and 35% of the female’s weight. Approxi- (slow twitch) and 50% Type 11 (fast twitch). This
mately 75% of skeletal muscle is water, 20% is ratio averages out to a range from 60% Type I and
protein, and five percent is composed of various 40% Type II to 40% Type I and 60% Type II. Many
minerals, enzymes, fats, and carbohydrates. The elite athletes of power/strength or endurance
functional unit of the muscle is the muscle cell events possess a fiber type distribution that devi-
called the fiber. Each muscle is made up of thou- ates from the norm of less than 40% or greater
sands of individual muscle fibers, with each sur- than 60% Type I fibers, respectively. However,
rounded by connective tissue. The connective tis- the majority of athletic events require use of both
sue comes together at the end of the muscle to Type I and II fibers to be successful (see Figure 5.
form a tendon, which is attached to a bone. 1).
Human skeletal muscle is not made up of iden-
tical fibers with similar contractile and metabolic
characteristics. Rather each muscle is composed Types of Muscle
of several different fiber types. The three main
skeletal muscle fiber types are 1) slow twitch Contractions
(Type I), 2) fast twitch (Type IIb), and 3) interme-
diate (Type IIa). When a person is ready to move, a motor pro-
Type I muscle fibers possess the potential for gram is engaged and communicated to the appro-
great aerobic metabolism. These fibers are well priate skeletal muscle fibers via the nerve fibers
suited for aerobic activities and are resistant to called motor neurons. One motor neuron may
fatigue. However, their contractile rate is slow and attach (innervate) to just a few muscle fibers as in
their force-generating capacity is low. Type I fi- the fingers or several thousand as in the thigh. The
bers are recruited first by the body for all types of motor neuron and all of the fibers it innervates is
activity. called a motor unit. All fibers in a motor unit are
Type IIb muscle fibers have a great anaero- the same type and when stimulated, all will con-
bic (this concept will be further explained later in tract. The body regulates the strength of muscle
this chapter) capability. This fiber can generate contraction by recruiting the appropriate number
10 times the force during contraction as that of of motor units. The greater the requirement of
Type I fibers at five times the speed. These Type strength, the greater the number of motor units
IIb fibers are used when the body needs to apply activated. There are three types of skeletal muscle

44 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 5.1
Skeletal Muscle Type I Fiber Composition of Elite Athletes in Various Sports and Conditioned
College Students

contractions: 1) isometric, 2) concentric, and 3) muscle shortens, it pulls the attached

eccentric. bones toward each other causing
movement in the joint. An example of
1. Isometric - The term isometric is an action causing a concentric contrac-
derived from two Greek words: 1) “iso” tion is picking up a book.
meaning the same and 2) “metric”
meaning measure. An isometric muscle 3. Eccentric - When the external resis-
contraction occurs when the muscle tance is greater than the force generated
fibers generate a force to shorten the by the muscle, the muscle fibers
muscle’s length, but they are unable to lengthen while tension is developed.
overcome the external resistance. As a This type of contraction is called
result, no movement occurs in the joint eccentric muscle contraction and acts
or muscle. Nevertheless, the muscle as a brake to control the speed of
fibers are still creating a tremendous movement caused by a force. This type
amount of force. An example of an of contraction causes the greatest
action causing an isometric contraction amount of muscle soreness if the
is pushing against a wall. muscle is unaccustomed to the amount
of force being generated.
2. Concentric - The most common type of
skeletal muscle contraction is called
concentric muscle contraction. This
action occurs when the muscle fibers
Modes of Strength Training
contract forcefully enough to overcome
Various strength training methods are used to
any external resistance and actually
develop muscular endurance and muscular
shortens the muscle’s length. When the

Chapter 5 / The Skeletal Muscular System and Strengthening Exercises 45

strength. Each type has specific benefits as well training and can be further subdivided
as limitations. However, all resistant type activity into isotonic and isokinetic. Isotonic is
comes under one of the two strength training cat- derived from two Greek words: 1) “iso”
egories: 1) static and 2) dynamic (see Figure 5.2). meaning the same and 2) “tonus”
meaning tension. Isotonic training uses
1. Static Strength Training - With static several different methods, but all have
strength training the muscle generates resistance that remains constant
a force to contract, but there is no throughout the range of motion. Typi-
change in muscle length. This type of cal isotonic devises are free weights
resistance training is generally called (i.e. barbells and dumbbells) and weight
isometric and is performed against an machines. All isotonic devices have an
immovable object (e.g. wall or inherent limitation (see Table 5.1), that
doorframe). The big advantage of throughout the lifting range of motion
isometric exercises is the cost because there are different positions where the
no specialized equipment is needed. muscles are not overloaded as much as
The disadvantage is that muscle devel- other positions. To overcome this
opment from the overload only occurs limitation, weight machines have been
at the specific angle of training. In designed to vary the resistance through-
addition, the straining nature of isomet- out the lifting motion. This is attempted
ric exercises may lead to the Valsalva by having the mechanical levers move
maneuver (chapter 3) which should be during the lifting phase of the exercise.
avoided by individuals with cardiovas- As the levers change, so does the torque,
cular disease. causing a change in resistance through
the lifting motion. At best, these devises
2. Dynamic Strength Training - Strength do alter the amount of torque causing
training involving muscle and joint some increase in muscle overload in
movements is called dynamic strength certain body positions while the amount
of weight being lifted does not change.

Figure 5.2
Strength Training Modes, Methods

Strength Training Modes

Strength Training Modes

Static Exercises Dynamic Exercises

Static Exercises Dynamic Exercises

Isometric Isotonic Isokinetic

Isometric Isotonic Isokinetic

Constant Variable Pneumatic Rehab

Immovable Constant Variable Pneumatic
Immovable Resistance Resistance & Hydraulic Rehab
Devices Resistance Resistance & Hydraulic Devices
Devices Devices Devices Devices Devices
Devices Devices Devices

Free Weight Cam

Free Weight Cam
Weights Machines Machines
Weights Machines Machines

46 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 5.1
Comparison of Various Stregth training Devices


Free Weights Good transfer to sports skills. Need a spotter.

Ease of progression. Lifting technique required.

Weight No spotter required. Cost of equipment.

Machines Little skill needed. Large weight increments.
Ease of performance. Not sport specific.

Hydraulic No spotter required. Cost of equipment.

Machines Variable resistance. No eccentric contradictions.
Ease of performance. Little transfer to sport skills.

Elastic Bands Minimal cost. Poor strength development.

and Tubing Use anywhere.
Good for rehabilitation.

Isokinetic is derived from two Greek words: of this product in the muscles interferes with en-
1) “iso” and 2) “kineo” meaning to move. An ergy production and muscle contraction. The main
isokinetic strength training method involves mus- fuel source for the anaerobic system comes from
cular contraction through a full range of motion carbohydrates (glucose), thus fats are not used
performed at a constant velocity. The velocity of during intense exercise.
movement is the resistance factor instead of weight Activities that primarily use anaerobic me-
used in other dynamic training methods. Any force tabolism are high intensity but short in duration.
applied against the equipment results in an equal Examples of these are strength training, sprint-
reaction force making it possible for the muscles ing, jumping, and playing intermittent type sports
to exert a maximal contraction throughout the full such as football, baseball, and basketball. Some
range of motion. These devises lend themselves aerobic benefits are gained from intermittent ac-
for use in the rehabilitation of muscle and joint tivities if performed with limited rest for an ex-
injuries. Since there is no active external forces tended time period. However, much greater aero-
being applied against the movement, injured or bic benefits will be acquired if aerobic activity is
surgically repaired limbs can be strengthened performed for that same amount of time.

Principles for Training

Anaerobic Metabolism Muscles
Unlike aerobic metabolism (Chapter 4), energy
released through the anaerobic system does not The four principles of physical conditioning
require oxygen. The anaerobic system can gener- (Chapter 2) hold true for strength training just as
ate large quantities of energy very rapidly, how- they did for aerobic exercise. By incorporating
ever this is only possible for a very limited time these principles when designing a strength train-
(less than three minutes). A byproduct of anaero- ing program, health fitness goals may be more
bic metabolism is lactic acid, and accumulation readily achieved. As little as 60 minutes per week

Chapter 5 / The Skeletal Muscular System and Strengthening Exercises 47

of strength training is all that is needed for a suc- the amount of resistance the muscles must gener-
cessful program. ate against the force. This is typically the weight
lifted, but some strength training devices use elas-
1. Overload Principle tic bands or hydraulic systems. Intensity is based
either on the maximal amount of repetitions (i.e.
The Overload Principle consisting of frequency, repetition maximum or RM) a weight can be lifted
intensity, and time components must be followed before muscle fatigue set-in or percentage of the
for the skeletal muscles to adapt to strength train- maximal amount of weight that can be lifted one
ing. In addition, skeletal muscles require a mini- time (% of 1 RM). The greater the resistance, the
mum of 48 hours rest between strength training fewer repetitions achieved and the greater the
sessions for cellular repair. If the training work- improvement in strength.
outs consist of just muscular endurance (e.g. sit- Time or the duration of the strength training
ups, pushup, and pull-ups), only 24 hours is exercise refers to the number of repetitions per
needed. weight lifting set. Muscular endurance and
Frequency of strength training refer to the strength are closely related but are separate com-
numbers of sets (i.e. muscular contractions re- ponents of physical fitness. By placing both on
peated to failure) performed for a certain exer- opposite ends of a continuum, their relationship
cise. Research has shown that one set per muscle to strength training repetitions can be understood
group will cause an increase in strength. As the (see Figure 5.3). As the maximal amount of rep-
number of sets increase, so does muscular strength. etitions performed increases, the exercise will im-
However, after three sets the law of diminishing prove muscular endurance. The opposite is true
return takes over, and the extra amount of time for muscular strength, however. For developing
spent does not equal the added increase in strength. both muscular endurance and strength, 8 - 12 RM
The intensity of strength training depends on should be utilized.

Figure 5.3
Continuum for Strength Training

INSERT (new)

< 5 RM 8 TO 12 RM > 15 RM

48 Essentials of Physical Activity

2. Specificity Principle Muscle Soreness. Along with any increase in

physical training, muscle soreness occurs. There
The adaptations from strength training are spe- are two types of muscle soreness: 1) acute and 2)
cific to the type of overload imposed upon the delayed. Acute muscle soreness begins near the
muscular - skeletal system. The following is a list end of the training session or immediately after it
of guidelines for developing specific muscular stops. This type of soreness is due to ischemic
function. conditions and a build up of lactic acid in the ex-
ercised muscles. This is only temporary and within
1. To develop muscular strength, perform a few hours the soreness will diminish.
5 RM or less. The second type of muscle soreness occurs
24 to 48 hours after the unaccustomed workload
2. For muscular endurance or toning, lift and is called Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness
15 RM or greater. (DOMS). This soreness is much more intense and
lasts for several days. The cause for DOMS is
3. To improve both muscular endurance actual cellular damage and happens predominately
and strength or for health fitness, from performing eccentric muscle contractions.
perform all strength training exercises 8 After the muscle repairs this damage it becomes
to 12 RM. stronger and is able to handle this same workload
without soreness or damage. This is the natural
4. For muscular bulk/body building, lift adaptation process from strength training.
large volumes of weight per muscle
group. Adaptations to Strength Training. With weekly
strength training sessions the body will adapt neu-
5. One strength training session per week rologically and physiologically. To what extent
will increase muscular strength, how- will be based upon the specific type of overload,
ever two sessions are better, and three the months of training, and muscle fiber compo-
will show the most gains. sition. The following is a list of what can be ex-
pected from strength training:
6. Muscular development for sports skills,
the strengthening exercises should 1. The central nervous system increases
mimic the skill pattern and speed of activation, which improves synchroni-
contraction. zation of motor units and creates more
efficient neural recruitment patterns.
7. To develop muscular power, the lifting
exercises must be performed explo- 2. Muscle fibers increase in size (hyper-
sively. trophy) but not in number (hyperplasia).

8. A novice starting a strength training 3. Anaerobic metabolism increases.

program should develop muscular
endurance first then progress to muscu- 4. Ligament and tendon strength increases.
lar strength.
5. Bone mineral content increases making
9. During the lifting or straining phase the bones stronger and decreasing the
exhaling should occur, and while risk of osteoporosis.
lowering the weight inhaling should
take place. NEVER HOLD THE 3. Reversibility Principle
TRAINING (see Valsalva maneuver Once the three days per week strength training
Chapter 3). sessions are discontinued, detraining begins, and

Chapter 5 / The Skeletal Muscular System and Strengthening Exercises 49

the body reverts back to a pretraining state. This

reversing of the gained muscular, skeletal, and
neural adaptations begins to occur after 10 to 14
Muscular endurance and strength are basic re-
days of inactivity. However with two training
quirements for daily living as well as for sports
sessions per week, most adaptations can be main-
performance. Skeletal muscles are made-up of
tained. With even one strength training session
three main fiber types with each having specific
per week, some gains will remain. Interestingly
characteristics. When muscles are stimulated by
once the strength training resumes, the previous
the nervous system to contract, they generate a
strength trained state will be regained in less time
mechanical force by pulling on the bones. To de-
than the original adaptation.
velop the skeletal muscles, an overload must be
applied. The type and amount of overload will
4. Individuality Principle determine the specific adaptations to the muscles
regardless of gender, age, or genetics. By ma-
The extent of muscular development from a
nipulating the amount of sets, repetitions, and re-
weekly strength-training program is not only de-
sistance, muscular endurance and/or strength can
pendent on the type of overload but also the
be acquired. There are several methods in achiev-
individual’s gender, age, and genetics.
ing the desired strength training goal along with a
Regardless of gender, skeletal muscle can
variety of devices to utilize. Strength training re-
generate three to eight kilograms of force per
quires the skeletal muscles to generate anaerobic
square centimeter of cross sectional area. How-
energy through metabolism, causing specific ad-
ever, males posses a greater absolute strength due
aptations to this system. If weekly training ses-
to their greater muscle mass. This occurs because
sions stop, detraining occurs and the acquired ben-
males have much higher levels of testosterone,
efits are lost. It is never too late to begin a strength
allowing greater muscular hypertrophy. Even af-
training program and reap its many benefits.
ter years of intense strength training, most females
will be unable to develop large muscles naturally.
The aging process causes a decrease in skel-
etal muscle motor units and muscle fiber atrophy
leading to a reduction in muscle mass and strength.
However, with an active lifestyle including regu-
lar strength training this inevitable decline is dras-
tically slowed. Recently, studies have clearly
shown that skeletal muscles of elderly individu-
als who have been sedentary for many decades
can adapt to strength training and develop mus-
cular endurance, strength, and hypertrophy even
into the ninth decade of life.
Genetic predisposition will determine the ex-
tent of skeletal muscle adaptation to high resis-
tant strength training. The greater the Type II
muscle fiber percentage in the overloaded muscle,
the greater the amount of muscular hypertrophy,
strength, and power. Also the higher the level of
testosterone will cause greater and faster adapta-
tion to strength training. This is true for both males
and females, young or old.

50 Essentials of Physical Activity

Review Questions

1. Muscles account for approximately

what percent of total body weight in
males and females?

2. What are the recommended sets,

repetitions, and resistance for develop-
ing both muscular endurance and

3. Define the differences between muscu-

lar strength and muscular endurance.

4. List the three major muscle fiber types

and two characteristics of each.

5. Discuss gender differences with regard

to absolute strength and muscle hyper-

6. Explain the three types of muscle

contractions and give an example of

7. List five adaptations to strength train-


8. Define DOMS and tell what causes it to


9. Name the three methods of strength

training and an advantage of each.

10. How quickly does detraining start to


Chapter 5 / The Skeletal Muscular System and Strengthening Exercises 51


Starting an Exercise Program
for Health Fitness

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter explains the importance of Acclimatization

properly preparing the muscles and joints Ballistic Stretching
for physical activity. This includes how to Controlled Stretching
warm-up, cool-down, and increase flex- Cool-down
ibility for health fitness. After reading this
chapter you should be able to:
Flexibility Training
1. Understand the importance of General Warm-up
warming up the body before starting Hydration
to exercise (page 53). Hyperhydrated
Medical Clearance
2. Explain the differences between Range of Motion
controlled stretching and flexibility Rehydration
training (pages 53-57). Specific Warm-up
Static Stretching
3. Describe the importance of proper
hydration levels during exercise
(pages 57-58).

4. List the physiological adaptations

from heat acclimatization (page 59).

5. Design a health fitness exercise

program for yourself (pages 60 -

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 53

Medical Clearance 1. Warm-up

Before beginning any exercise program a physi- Prior to any exercise activity a warm-up should
cian should be consulted to determine if a com- be performed. There are several benefits that oc-
plete physical examination is necessary before cur from a properly warmed body (see Table 6.1)
medical clearance is given. This is especially true including fewer injuries. A good warm-up con-
for individuals with any disease or physical limi- sists of three parts: 1) general warm-up, 2) con-
tation (e.g. overweight or pregnant). According to trolled stretching, and 3) specific warm-up.
the recommendations of the Surgeon Generals’
Report on Physical Activity and Health states that General Warm-up - The general warm-up in-
previously inactive men over age 40 and previ- cludes general body movements utilized to warm
ously inactive women over age 50, as well as the body to a mild sweat or flushing of the skin
people at high risk for cardiovascular disease, and to slightly increase respiration. These move-
should first consult a physician before beginning ments are usually unrelated to the anticipated ex-
a program of vigorous physical activity. ercise activity or sporting event and are performed
for two to three minutes. Examples of a general
warm-up are calisthenics, walking, and jumping
Exercising Session
Controlled Stretching - Mild stretching prior to
Each exercise session should contain four com- the exercise activity helps to improve joint mo-
ponents: 1) warm-up, 2) exercise, 3) cool-down, bility and function. This type of light stretching is
and 4) flexibility training. By utilizing all four, not designed to increase flexibility but to prepare
the conditioning session will be more productive the joints to be utilized during the workout. Each
with a decreased chance of injuries. stretching activity requires slow-controlled move-
ments with a three to four second hold at the point
of discomfort and may be repeated up to three
times. Figures 6.1 to 6.9 are examples of stretch-
ing exercises that can be utilized for most physi-
cal activities.

Table 6.1
Physiological Consequences of a Proper Warm-up

1. Increased blood flow through the active muscles.

2. Facilitation of oxygen delivery to the muscles.
3. Greater efficiency of movement.
4. Increased speed of muscle contraction.
5. Facilitation of nerve transmissions.
6. Improved myocardial blood flow.
7. Reduced myocardial workload at the start of exercising.

54 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2

Shoulder Stretch Across the Chest. Grab your Shoulder Stretch Behind the Head. Raise an arm
elbow and slowly pull it across to the opposite overhead and flex it next to the ear. Grab the elbow
shoulder. Hold this position while relaxing the and slowly pull it behind your head. Hold this
stretched muscles. Repeat using the other arm. position while relaxing the stretched muscles.
Repeat using the other arm.

Figure 6.3 Figure 6.4

Shoulder Stretch to the Side. Grab a tall station- Trunk Stretch to the Side. Stand with hands
ary object with one extended arm at shoulder overhead and feet shoulder width apart. Grasp
height. Turn your body away from the arm, wrist with one hand and pull the arm down the
stretching the anterior shoulder. Hold this side. Hold this position while relaxing the
position while relaxing the stretched muscles. stretched muscles. Repeat to the other side.
Repeat using the other arm.

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 55

Figure 6.5 Figure 6.6

Thigh Stretch. Standing near an immovable Achilles Stretch. Stand facing an immovable
object, rest one hand against it for balance and object and place hands upon it for balance.
support. Flex the opposite side leg and grasp the Extend one leg back while flexing the other. The
foot pulling the foot toward the buttocks. Hold extended leg’s foot is flexed with the heel in
this position while relaxing the stretched contact with the floor and toes pointing forward.
muscles. Switch legs and repeat. Hold this position while relaxing the stretched
muscles. Switch legs and repeat.

Figure 6.7 Figure 6.8

Groin Stretch. Sit on the floor with knees flexed Hip Stretch and Trunk Twist. Sit upright on the
and soles of feet together. Grasp ankles and pull floor with one leg flexed across the other. Turn
toward the groin while pressing down with the toward the bent leg and using the opposite side
elbows on the knees. Hold this position while arm, press against the knee. Look and twist the
relaxing the stretched muscles. trunk as far as possible. Hold and relax the
stretched muscles. Repeat by switching the legs
and twisting in the opposite direction.

56 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 6.9 2. Exercise Activity

Hamstring Stretch. Sit on the floor with one leg
flexed and pulled to the groin. With the other leg The largest portion of time spent during the work-
extended, bend at the waist and lower the chest out session should be devoted to the exercise ac-
toward the thigh. Hold this position while tivity. This is the component for which the major-
relaxing the stretched muscles. Switch leg ity of physiological, neurological, and psychologi-
positions and repeat. cal adaptations occur if the Overload and Speci-
ficity Principles are followed (Chapter 2). For
health fitness, the exercise activity should consist
of aerobic exercise (Chapter 4) and/or strength
training (Chapter 5). If the physical activity is a
sport then skill drills and/or game play will take
place during this part.
Regardless of the type of exercise being per-
formed, proper athletic attire specific for the physi-
cal activity is important to limit the risk of inju-
ries. This includes footwear, undergarments, out-
erwear, and protective equipment. The price of
such apparel may appear costly, however this is
minimal compared to the cost of a visit to the emer-
gency room and the associated physical discom-

3. Cool-down
Specific Warm-up - The type of physical activ- The cool-down begins as soon as the exercise ses-
ity being performed during the workout will de- sion has ended and is designed to bring the body
termine the kind of exercises utilized for the spe- back to near resting levels. A brief period of low-
cific warm-up. The purpose of this final part of intensity activity such as light jogging, swimming,
the warm-up is to allow the participant to become cycling, or walking will facilitate the body’s re-
familiar with the conditioning, training, or play- turn to the pre-exercise state. An active cool-down
ing environment. The specific warm-up for an is important immediately after a workout, other-
aerobic workout would start by performing the wise the blood will pool in the exercised muscles.
aerobic activity at a low intensity. This would be This pooling will decrease the volume of blood
followed by a slow increase in the aerobic exer- returning to the heart and will cause a decrease in
cise intensity until reaching the desired heart rate cardiac output (Chapter 3). If this occurs, blood
training zone percentage (Chapter 4). If the exer- flow to the brain is diminished causing
cise activity is going to be strength training, then lightheadedness, dizziness, and possible fainting.
each lifting exercise will be executed first using By actively contracting and relaxing skeletal
little resistance for 10 to 15 repetitions, followed muscles, blood flow is “milked” back to the heart
by more intense lifting. For a sporting activity, maintaining cardiac output. Other benefits of an
the specific warm-up would provide a skill re- active cool-down are to facilitate removal of lac-
hearsal for the actual activity for which the warm- tic acid, to replenish oxygen stores, and to help
up is being utilized. Examples include swinging a dissipate heat.
golf club, throwing a baseball, and warm-up vol-
leying in tennis.

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 57

4. Flexibility Training tendon unit but never pain, and is held for 15 to
60 seconds. The longer the stretched position is
Stretching to improve or maintain the range of held and the more times it is repeated the greater
motion of the major joints in the body should be the improvements in flexibility. The exercises used
an important component of every exercise session. for controlled stretching may also be used for flex-
As a person ages, the connective tissue surround- ibility training (see Figures 6.1 to 6.9).
ing each skeletal muscle and its fibers that form Static stretching can be performed alone or
the tendon (Chapter 5) loses some of their elastic with the help of a partner. Partner static stretching
components. This causes a decrease in muscle- has the potential to more efficiently improve
tendon flexibility and joint range of motion, lead- muscle-tendon flexibility and joint range of mo-
ing to a greater risk of injuries. A sedentary tion. There are two basic stretching techniques
lifestyle also causes a decrease in resilience that used with a partner, and these are designed to uti-
magnifies this aging process. Injuries to the lize the neuromuscular physiology. The first uses
muscle-tendon unit will likewise cause a decrease reciprocal innervation of the spinal column. When
in flexibility due to the scar tissue formed during a muscle (agonist) is contracted, the muscle per-
the healing process. However, if controlled stretch- forming the opposite movement (antagonist) will
ing is performed as the body is repairing this in- be induced to relax. As this relaxation occurs, the
jury, the joint range of motion will be maintained partner stretches the antagonist muscle to the point
and the healed site will be less susceptible to fu- of discomfort and holds this position for 15 to 60
ture injury. seconds.
A planned, deliberate, and regular flexibility The second method of partner stretching uses
training program will progressively increase the the concept of maximal contraction of a skeletal
pliability of the muscle-tendon unit leading to a muscle leads to maximal relaxation in that same
decreased chance of muscle, tendon, and joint in- muscle. This technique requires the partner to re-
juries. Beginning a flexibility training program at sist the maximal contraction of the muscle soon
any age will cause improved functioning in the to be stretched. After this maximal isometric con-
muscle-tendon unit and will increase its range of traction (Chapter 5), the partner stretches this
motion. muscle to the point of discomfort while it is re-
Flexibility training should begin towards the laxing and holds this position for 15 to 60 sec-
end of the cool-down while the muscles, tendons, onds.
and ligaments are warm and pliable. There are two For maximum results from partner stretching,
types of stretching methods used for flexibility each exercise should be repeated up to five times.
training. ººThe first method is called ballistic Disadvantages of this method include the require-
stretching and consists of bouncing or rhythmic ment of a partner and the extra amount of time it
motions. This technique has the potential for caus- takes to complete each stretch. If partners are per-
ing injuries to the muscle-tendon unit due to large forming this technique on each other, the time
and uncontrollable amounts of momentum gener- doubles.
ated from the quick movements. Also the stretch
reflex phenomenon causes an increase in muscu-
lar tension making it more difficult to stretch the Hydration
muscle and defeating the purpose of flexibility
training. Maintaining proper body hydration levels during
The second method of flexibility training is an exercise session is critical for health, safety,
called static stretching and involves holding a and optimal performance. Dehydration leads to
position for a period of time. Static stretching uses heat illnesses (i.e. muscle cramps, heat exhaus-
slow and controlled movement to reach the held tion, and heat stroke) and possible death. Normal
position. This position should be at the point of hydration levels become more difficult to main-
feeling some discomfort in the stretched muscles- tain as the exercise session increases and/or the

58 Essentials of Physical Activity

exercising environment has high temperatures less than 10% carbohydrate concentration and less
with or without high humidity. There are three than seven grams of sodium per liter should be
distinct hydration periods for optimal body fluid consumed. The carbohydrates (Chapter 8) will
levels: 1) pre-exercise, 2) during exercise, and 3) help maintain blood glucose levels and delay on-
post-exercise. set of fatigue.

1. Pre-Exercise Hydration 3. Post-Exercise Hydration

Proper hydration levels before starting the physi- Immediately after the completion of the exercise
cal activity is necessary regardless of the length activity and during the cool-down period, rehy-
of the exercise session or environmental condi- dration should begin. Any type of fluid is accept-
tions (i.e. hot or cold). Any fluid deficit prior to able as long as it does not contain caffeine or al-
exercise can potentially compromise thermoregu- cohol. Both of these drugs are diuretics and de-
lation during the session. This dehydrated state feat the rehydration effort. If a person is a com-
increases the cardiovascular strain and limits the petitive athlete, the rehydration fluid should con-
body’s ability to transfer heat from the contract- tain carbohydrates to help replenish the depleted
ing muscles to the skin surface where heat can be skeletal muscle glycogen stores.
dissipated. This condition also causes a decrease
in performance for both aerobic and anaerobic
During the 24 hour period prior to the exer-
Exercising in the Heat or
cise session adequate fluids should be consumed Cold
to promote proper hydration. Starting about two
hours before the exercise activity, approximately The human body must maintain internal (core)
500 milliliters or 17 ounces of water should be temperature within a very narrow range for nor-
ingested. This fluid intake should be consumed mal physiological functions. Failure to do so will
gradually to elevate the hydration level above result in death. The body is very adept at regulat-
normal values causing a hyperhydrated state. If ing core temperature in varying environmental
this pre-exercise water is consumed too quickly, conditions during exercise. However, certain pre-
the kidneys will slow their reabsorbtion rate lead- cautionary procedures should be followed to elimi-
ing to excretion of the excess ingested water. nate the potential for thermal illnesses.

2. Hydration During Exercise Hot Environment

During exercise, humans typically drink insuffi- Exercising in a hot environment places additional
cient amounts of fluid to negate water loss from stress on the body’s cooling mechanisms. Skel-
sweat. Without adequate fluid replacement dur- etal muscles only use approximately 40% of their
ing physical activity, internal body temperature generated energy to contract; the other 60% is
rises along with heart rate, and sweat rates de- given off as heat. To dissipate this heat buildup,
crease. To minimize the chance of developing heat the body must dilate the arterioles leading to the
illnesses, fluid intake should equal sweat rate. This skin capillaries (Chapter 3) allowing the blood to
approximates 150 milliliters (4 oz) to 350 millili- transport heat from the core to the skin. However,
ters (10 oz) every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise. this means that there will be less blood flowing to
The best fluid replacement is cool water for physi- the exercising muscles for its metabolic needs.
cal activities lasting under one hour. When exer- Another mechanism the body uses to remove
cising longer than one hour, a sport drink with excess body heat is through the evaporation of

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 59

sweat. This is the body’s major physiological de- exercise sessions can increase in time and inten-
fense against overheating. The water secreted sity. Elderly individuals without a compromised
from the sweat glands comes mainly from the cardiovascular system can adapt to a hot environ-
blood. This causes a decrease in plasma volume ment and regulate core temperature as easily as
and limits the amount of blood available for skin younger individuals.
capillaries to dissipate heat and also limits the High humidity and high environmental tem-
amount of oxygen for muscle metabolism. If ex- peratures decrease the effectiveness of sweating.
ercising continues with the diminishing blood As relative humidity increases, less sweat evapo-
volume, core temperature will rise and heat ill- rates to cool the body and there is a greater risk
ness will occur. This is precisely the reason for for developing heat illnesses (see Table 6.3). When
having proper hydration before and during exer- an unacclimated individual exercises in a hot and
cise. humid environment they are at higher risk regard-
less of conditioning level. On days with high tem-
Acclimatization to Heat - Physical activities that peratures and humidity, exercise should be per-
are non-taxing when conducted in a cool environ- formed outside during the morning or early
ment become difficult when performed in a hot evening hours or conducted in an air-conditioned
one. However, repeated exposure to a hot envi- building.
ronment while exercising causes the body to adapt, Warm-weather clothing should be of light-
resulting in an improved capacity and less discom- weight material and be loose fitting to permit air
fort (see Table 6.2). Major acclimatization occurs circulation and sweat evaporation. Light colored
during the first week of heat exposure and is com- clothing is cooler since it reflects heat rays as op-
pleted after 10 days. The first few days of exer- posed to dark colored clothing, which absorbs light
cise in a hot environment should be of low inten- rays.
sity and last less than 30 minutes. Thereafter, the

Table 6.2
Physiological Adaptations Due to Heat Acclimatization.

> Improved blood flow to the skin capillaries.

> Better distribution of blood flow.

> Sweating at a lower core temperature.

> Increased sweat output.

> Lower concentration of electrolytes in the sweat.

> More effective sweat distribution over the skin surface.

60 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 6.3
Heat - Stress Index

Cold Environment present fitness level after receiving medical clear-

ance from a physician. There are several tests that
Exercising in a cold environment places less stress will measure the participant’s initial level on each
on the body to maintain core temperature than a of the five health fitness components (Chapter 2).
hot environment. The large amount of heat gener- The evaluating procedures and fitness rating scales
ated by exercising muscles can sustain a constant are located in the laboratory sections of this book
core temperature in air as cold as - 30 degrees C (see Laboratories).
(-22 degrees F) without the need for heavy cloth-
ing. Hydration is still a concern in a cold environ-  Body Mass Index, Laboratory 1.
ment; even though there is less sweating, greater  Cardiorespiratory fitness evaluation,
amounts of water vapor are needed to humidify Laboratory 5.
the inspired (Chapter 3) dry, cold air. Asthmatics
 Muscular endurance/strength evaluation,
should not exercise in a cold environment since
Laboratory .
the dry air may cause an attack.
Clothing for exercising in the cold should  Flexibility evaluation, Laboratory .
consist of several layers so that as the body warms
layers can be removed. Also, the material against These fitness tests will assist the individual
the skin should be effective in allowing water va- in discovering areas of health fitness that need
por to escape from the body’s surface. Hats and more attention and others that only require main-
gloves are important, as these coverings will keep tenance. With the results from these laboratories,
the skin surface from freezing in a subfreezing a health fitness exercise program can be designed
climate. that meets the individual’s specific needs. To fit
all the important components into a busy sched-
ule takes careful planning and requires dedication
Exercise Program Design for and sacrifices. However, the benefits to be gained
Health Fitness are great (Chapter 2). The exercise program de-
sign must follow the four Principles of Condition-
When designing an exercise program for achiev- ing: 1) overload, 2) specificity, 3) individuality,
ing health fitness a person must first determine and 4) reversibility. Guidelines on designing a

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 61

health fitness exercise program can be found on gressively increase the overload until a fitness
Tables 6.4 and 6.5 and Figure 6.10. Once the ex- level of “Good” (Tables 7.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5)
ercise program is started, it is important to pro- has been reached in all health fitness components.

Table 6.4
Determining Starting Levels for a Strength and a Flexibility Training Program Based on Three
Muscular and Three Flexibility Tests

Figure 6.10
Determining Starting Level for an Aerobic Exercise Program Based on Body Mass Index and
Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2 MAX) From a 1.5 Mile Run/Walk

62 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 6.5
Starting Exercise Levels for Aerobic, Strength, and Flexibility Training for a Health Fitness
Program Based on Classification from Figure 6.10 and Table 6.4


LEVEL Freq. Inten. Time Day/Wk Sets RM Day/Wk Reps Time

I 3 50% 10min 2 1 20 7 3 25sec

II 3-4 60% 20min 2-3 2 15 5 3 20sec

III 3-5 70% 30min 2-3 2-3 8-12 3-4 2-3 15sec

IV 3-6 80% 30min 3 3 8-12 3 2 10sec

Before beginning an exercise program, medical
clearance should be obtained from a physician.
When designing an exercise program the first pro-
cedure is to determine one’s present fitness level
on the five health fitness components. With this
information an exercise program can be designed
to meet the individual’s needs. Each exercise ses-
sion should contain four components: 1) warm-
up, 2) exercise activity, 3) cool-down, and 4) flex-
ibility training. The warm-up consists of a gen-
eral warm-up followed by controlled stretching
and ending with a more specific warm-up. After
the exercise session a cool-down should be per-
formed to assist the body in returning to pre-exer-
cise level. Flexibility training is designed to in-
crease the range of motion in a joint and can be
part of the cool-down. Static stretching is the best
method to improve flexibility and can be per-
formed alone or with a partner. When exercising,
it is critical to be properly hydrated to decrease
the risk of developing heat illnesses.

Chapter 6 / Starting an Exercise Program for Health Fitness 63

Review Questions
1. What is the importance of performing a
good warm-up before exercising?

2. Explain the difference between con-

trolled stretching and flexibility

3. Why is a cool-down period important

after exercising?

4. Describe proper hydrating techniques

that decrease the chance of heat ill-

5. How does the body cool itself in a hot


6. What physiological changes occur when

the body acclimatizes to a hot environ-

7. When designing an exercise program

for health fitness, what components
should be included?


Body Composition
and Health Fitness

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter explains the importance of un- Adipocyte
derstanding body composition and energy ex- Anorexia Nervosa
penditure in assisting one in achieving a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
healthy and fit body. Health fitness standards Binge Eating Disorder
for body fat percentage and body mass index Bioelectrical Impedance
are presented. Caloric intake and caloric ex-
Body Mass Index (BMI)
penditure are examined as well as the ben-
efits of having a physically active lifestyle. Bulimia Nervosa
Upon completion of this chapter you should Energy Balance Equations
be able to: Essential Fat
Hydrostatic Weighing
1. Know some of the health problems and
Lean Tissue
diseases associated with being in an
overfat condition (page 65). Overfat
2. Know the difference between body Skinfold Measurement
weight and body composition (pages 65-
Storage Fat
3. Explain the difference between essential
fat and storage fat (pages 65-66) .

4. Distinguish between acceptable and

unhealthy ranges for body fat for males
and females (page 65).
5. Understand the technique for measuring
body composition using the skinfold
method (page 66).
6. Understand the energy balance equa-
tions and its relationship to weight
control (pages 69-70).
7. List the benefits of exercise in fat
reduction (pages 70-71).
8. Describe three eating disorders and
characteristics of each (pages 72-73).

Chapter 7 / Body Compositioin and Health Fitness 65

Overfatness, Disease, and Today, the health care cost of overfat-related

illnesses in the United States is over $305 billion
Related Costs annually with the American taxpayers financing
about half of this cost through Medicare and Med-
In 1990, the American population was 30% over- icaid. An additional $300 billion could be added
weight (overfat), and the resulting increase in dis- to the annual expense if intangible cost associ-
eases due to overfatness (see Table 7.1) threat- ated with pain and suffering were included. This
ened to breakdown an already overburdened health staggering number of dollars spent is not due to
care system. This prompted the United States De- America’s lack of concern about their excess body
partment of Human Services, in conjunction with fat. On the contrary, Americans appear to be ex-
over 20 health and fitness organizations, to de- tremely concerned with body image as surveys
velop a set of health goals to be achieved by the indicate that up to 70% of females and 40% of
year 2000. These goals were published under the males have tried weight reducing diets. This ob-
title “Healthy People 2000: National Health Pro- session with weight control has lead to the lucra-
motion and Disease Prevention Objectives”. One tive industry of diet books and weight-control clin-
of the goals was to reduce the prevalence of ics making over $51 billion annually.
overfatness among American adults to no more
than 20% by the year 2000. Unfortunately by the
year 2000, 64% of the American adult population Body Composition
were either overweight (33%) or obese (31%)
putting over 160 million Americans at a higher Human body mass can be categorized into two
risk for a variety of diseases. With most of the main groups. The first is lean tissue, which con-
Healthy People 2000 physical activity and fitness sists of muscles, bones, and organs. The second
objectives not met, Healthy People 2010 was cre- body mass category is fat, which is subdivided
ated. The Healthy People Consortium headed by into essential and storage.
federal agencies in concert with state agencies and
alliance of national organizations, developed ad-
ditional objectives for 2010. Unfortunately as the Essential Fat
decade came to an end, most objectives were not A certain amount of body fat is required for nor-
being met and many outcomes were actually be- mal physiological functioning and is called essen-
low their 2000 level. In December 2010, Healthy tial fat. This fat is stored in the marrow of the
People 2020 was launched with the objective of bones and lipid tissues of the nervous system. In
increasing healthy weight in adults 20 years and addition, important storage sites of fat are located
older to 33.9% and decrease adults with obesity in or around the heart, muscles, lungs, liver, spleen,
to 30.5%. intestines, and kidneys. Included in this essential

Table 7.1
Various Health Problems Related to Overfatness

š ȼCoronary
Artery Disease š ȼSurgical
š ȼHigh
Blood Pressure š ȼKidney
š ȼType
2 Diabetes š ȼCirrhosis
of the Liver
š ȼCancer
&DQFHU š ȼHigh
Blood Cholesterol 

š ȼOsteoarthritis
š ȼGout
*RXW š ȼVaricose

66 Essentials of Physical Activity

fat is the sex-specific fat for females that is im- two general techniques used to determine body
portant for hormonal production, menstruation, composition. The first is direct evaluation, through
bone development, and childbearing. Essential fat a process of chemical analysis and dissection. For
is 3 - 5% for males and 10 - 15% for females. obvious reasons, this method is only performed
on animal carcasses or human cadavers.
Storage Fat The second technique utilized for evaluating
body composition is through indirect analysis us-
Fat that accumulates in fat tissue (adipocyte) is ing a variety of methods. A quick review of the
termed storage fat. Some storage fat is located in most common methods and their limitations are
the visceral, but it is mostly located under the skin listed below:
and is called subcutaneous fat. Storage fat serves
as a body insulator against the cold and as protec- 1. Hydrostatic Weighing - A technique
tive padding against physical trauma. In addition, using Archimedes’ principle of density
it functions as an energy reserve. With just 4.5 kg to determine body composition and is
(10 lbs.) of storage fat, a 68 kg (150 lbs.) male has called hydrostatic weighing. Fat has a
enough stored energy (35,000 Calories) to run 296 density of 0.90 grams per cubic centi-
miles nonstop at a nine minute per mile pace. meter as opposed to average lean tissue,
The acceptable percentage of body fat is dif- which has a density of 1.10 grams per
ferent for males and females. For competitive ath- cubic centimeter. This means that fat
letes, the body fat percentage is much lower than has a greater volume per weight allow-
for those attempting to gain health fitness (see ing it to float in water where as lean
Table 7.2). There are however, minimal and maxi- mass with a higher density will sink.
mal standards of acceptable body fat to maintain During hydrostatic weighing the
a healthy body. individual is submerged under water
where weight is measured. The greater
amount of body fat, the lower the
Assessment of Body underwater weight will be. Several
calculations must be made to determine
Composition the percentage of body fat. This proce-
dure is highly accurate but does require
The accurate appraisal of body composition is an water submersion, special equipment,
important component of health fitness. There are and a skilled technician.

Table 7.2
Body Fat Percentage Standards for Males and Females


Unhealthy <5% <15%

Athletic 5 - 10% 15 - 20%

Good 11 - 15% 21 - 25%

Acceptable 16 - 20% 26 - 30%

Overfat >20% >30%

Chapter 7 / Body Composition and Health Fitness 67

2. Skinfold Measurement - The second however, it still does not consider the
best method for determining body fat proportional composition of the body.
percentage is the skinfold measurement The body mass index is easy to calcu-
of specific subcutaneous fatfold sites. late (see Laboratory 10) and shows if a
This technique is based on the knowl- person is at a high risk for developing
edge that in young adults 50% of total cardiovascular diseases, but does not
body fat is located under the skin. As a measure body comosition. The Ameri-
person ages, the percentage of subcuta- can College of Sports Medicine has
neous fat to total body fat slightly stated that a BMI of 21 to 23 for women
decreases. The most common anatomi- or 22 to 24 for men is considered
cal locations for taking skinfold mea- desirable. When BMI exceeds 27.3 for
surements are the triceps (back of the women and 27.8 for men, there is a
upper arm), pectoralis (chest), suprailiac significant increased risk of cardiovas-
(hip), umbilicus (abdomen), thigh, cular disease.
axilla (side of ribs), and supscapular
(upper back). All measurements are
taken on the right side of the body in a
standing position. A specially designed
Factors Affecting Body Fat
caliper is used to measure the skinfold
thickness in millimeters. With a trained There are two factors affecting a person’s amount
technician, the results are usually within of body fat (see Figure 7.1). The first factor is
two percentage points of hydrostatic genetics, which plays a role in predisposing a per-
weighing. son to gaining excess weight and becoming
overfat. However this in and of itself will not cause
3. Bioelectrical impedance - A common excess accumulation of body fat. This person must
technique used to measure body compo- also be in a sedentary environment with access to
sition is called bioelectrical impedance. food above the daily physiological requirements.
This method is based on the fact that Lifestyle is the second factor in affecting the de-
electrical flow is facilitated by high velopment of overfatness, determining 75% of the
electrolyte water content in the cells of time if a person will acquire excess body fat. This
the body. Since fat cells have low water factor includes living environment, social eco-
and electrolyte content, impeded nomical status, activity level, and accessibility to
electrical flow will be directly related to high caloric foods.
the quantity of body fat. A painless, low Daily caloric expenditure determines what ef-
voltage electrical current is introduced fect lifestyle has on body fat accumulation. There
to the body and the resistance to the are three components that determine the amount
current flow is recorded and converted of calories burned each day (see Figure 7.2). The
into a body fat percentage. Though very first component is thermogenesis, which utilizes
simple to use, this method is not always 10% of daily caloric requirements. This energy
reliable. Two factors that can greatly is used by the body to break down consumed food
decrease the accuracy are the body into its parts and to transport them throughout the
hydration levels and room temperature. body. The second component in burning calories
is physical activity, which includes such things as
4. Body Mass Index - The body mass exercise, gardening, and housework. On the job
index (BMI) is derived by dividing an physical exertion also fits in this category making
individual’s weight in kilograms by a combined total caloric expenditure of only 20%.
height in meters squared. This method The third component of daily caloric expen-
is better than the old height/weight chart diture is resting metabolic rate and is composed
used by many insurance companies; of basal, sleeping, and resting (e.g. sitting, read-

68 Essentials of Physical Activity

Figure 7.1
Factors That Contribute to Body Fat

25% 7.1

Figure 7.2
Components of Daily Caloric Expenditure


FIG 7.2 20%

Physical Activity
Resting Metabolic

Chapter 7 / Body Composition and Health Fitness 69

ing, and watching TV) metabolisms. This com- caloric consumption and expenditures; they do not
ponent burns 70% of the calories expended each specify the type of body mass (fat or muscle) lost
day with basal metabolic rate (BMR) using the or gained. If caloric intake exceeds expenditure,
most. BMR is the minimum level of energy re- body weight will increase in the form of storage
quired to maintain bodily functions in a resting, fat as seen in individuals with a sedentary lifestyle.
awake state and is directly related to the amount However, if caloric consumption is greater than
of lean body tissue. Women have a 5 - 10% lower output due to intense physical activity, then the
BMR than men of the same age and weight, due added weight may be in the form of larger muscles
to their higher percentage of body fat. Also, as a and denser bones as is found with body builders.
person ages, BMR declines mainly because of a There are three ways in which an individual
lower physical activity level leading to a decrease can achieve a decrease in body weight. The first
in lean body tissue. Clearly the best way to ex- method is to decrease caloric intake while main-
pend more calories each day is to increase lean taining the present energy expenditure level. This
body mass through regular exercise. is the least desirable method of losing body weight
because the weight loss comes from not only fat
stores but also from lean tissue. When following
Energy Balance Equations a low calorie diet, the body perceives the envi-
ronmental condition as one of famine and tries to
conserve body fat stores. To accomplish this, BMR
The three energy balance equations state that for is slowed allowing the body to survive with fewer
body weight to be stable caloric intake must equal daily calories. Once the goal weight has been
expenditures (see Figure 7.3). These equations reached, the amount of calories needed to main-
only look at total body weight in relationship to tain this weight would be less than before going

Figure 7.3
The Energy Balance Equations for Body Weight

FIG 7.3



70 Essentials of Physical Activity

on the diet. This causes the individual to either 4.5 kg (10 lbs.) of fat. In addition, this method is
have to maintain this low caloric intake or gain ideal for athletes where a proper diet of high nu-
back the weight with a greater amount of body fat tritional value is required for optimal performance.
than before starting the dieting. Research has The final way to lose weight is to slightly de-
found that up to 66% of the weight lost from just crease caloric intake (< 500 Calories below regu-
dieting is regained within one year, and all is re- lar daily amounts) and increase the amount of calo-
gained by five years. In addition, a low caloric ries burned each day (~ 250 Calories) through ex-
diet will not meet the Recommended Dietary Al- ercise. This method works best for those needing
lowances for vitamins and minerals, which will to lose over 4.5 kg (10 lbs.) of fat weight. This
lead to deficiencies and possible disorders. combined approach is much less likely to cause
The second method to decrease body weight hunger pains. Also, exercise protects against the
is by maintaining present caloric consumption and loss of lean tissue and enhances the utilization of
increasing energy expenditure. This technique fat from the adipocytes.
keeps the body from going into the “starvation
mode” and will create additional lean tissue caus-
ing an increase in BMR. With the caloric intake
staying stable, one should never feel “deprived”
Benefits of Exercise for Fat
of eating and resent the weight loss process. In- Reduction
creased caloric expenditure in the form of exer-
cise also leads to improvements in other health Regular exercise with or without diet restriction
fitness areas. Generally, maintaining caloric in- presents many positive benefits for the individual
take and increasing caloric expenditures will be needing to reduce body fat. The best type of exer-
the best method for those needing to lose less than cise for fat loss is a combination of strength train-

Figure 7.4
The Effects of Eight Weeks of Stength Training, Aerobic Exercise, and/or Low Caloric Diet on
Body Composition in Obese Women

FIG 7.4

Chapter 7 / Body Composition and Health Fitness 71

ing and aerobic activity (see Figure 7.4). Strength cally active fat stores. This means that the last
training increases lean body mass causing an el- place where fat was deposited will be the first fat
evation in BMR. This leads to a higher daily ca- used, and no type of exercise or special equip-
loric expenditure because lean tissue is more meta- ment will cause otherwise.
bolically active than fat tissue. On the other hand,
aerobic exercise increases the mobilization and
utilization of fat from fat stores (see Figure 7.5).
Other benefits from aerobic activity include: an
Eating Disorders
improved cardiovascular system, a decrease in
blood pressure, and an increase in HDLs (Chap- Only overfat individuals need to lose weight in
ter 4). With regular exercise, it is possible to in- the form of fat. Ideal body weight is based on body
crease body weight but actually fit in smaller size composition and the attainment of optimal health
clothing. This is possible because fat has a greater fitness rather than on body shape or weight. Many
volume per weight than muscle. Weight is not a healthy-weight or thin women and men are striv-
good indicator of fat loss; a better method would ing to lose additional body weight to achieve some
be by clothing fit. arbitrary weight. An individual’s perception of
Many individuals seek to reduce body fat at body fatness and strong environmental pressures
specific anatomical locations. This spot reduction can cause some to believe they are overfat when
is based on the belief that an increase in skeletal in reality they are not. Poor self-concept and an
muscle activity under the fat storage site will fa- unrealistic body weight goal (see Table 7.3) can
cilitate this fat’s utilization. Unfortunately this lead to eating disorders and possibly death.
does not occur; the mobilization of fat to be used In the United States, the prevalence of eating
for energy comes first from the most metaboli- disorders is between 5 - 10% of the population

Figure 7.5
The Percentage of Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolized During Aerobic Activity

FIG 7.5


72 Essentials of Physical Activity

with approximately 90% being female. The great- abnormalities of the immune system.
est number of people with eating disorders is found Anorexics cannot overcome this disease
among young college females who comprise up by themselves; a professional trained in
to 20% of this population. Three common eating eating disorders is required. If help is
disorders recognized by the American Psychiat- obtained quickly, many of the physical
ric Association are 1) anorexia nervosa, 2) bu- complications can be reversed.
limia nervosa, and 3) binge eating disorder.
2. Bulimia Nervosa - Another eating
1. Anorexia Nervosa - An eating disorder disorder is bulimia nervosa and is more
in which a preoccupation with body prevalent than anorexia nervosa.
weight leads to self-starvation is called Bulimia is characterized by eating
anorexia nervosa. An anorexic indi- regular or large meals (binges) followed
vidual possesses a great fear of becom- by intentionally emptying (purging) the
ing fat and has a distorted image of their food out of the stomach by self-induced
body believing they are fat rather than vomiting, use of laxatives, or intense
actually underweight. These individuals exercise. Bulimia occurs primarily in
typically begin a diet and at first feel in young women with a morbid fear of
control and pleased with their weight becoming fat. Most bulimics are
loss. To increase the weight loss, they healthy-looking, good students or
combine exhaustive exercise, laxatives, athletes, extremely sociable, and
and diuretics. As they lose excessive pleasant. Medical problems associated
weight, their health begins to deterio- with this disease include amenorrhea,
rate. Typical problems from an anorexia tooth erosion, cardiac arrhythmia,
behavior are amenorrhea, digestive ulcers, and kidney damage. Bulimics
problems, anemia, growth of fine body need assistance in overcoming this
hair, depression, osteoporosis, and disorder and require professional help
from a trained eating disorder specialist.

Table 7.3
Warning Signs of Eating Disorders

✔ A preoccupation with food, calories, and weight

✔ Concern about being or feeling fat
✔ Self-criticism of one’s body
✔ Secretly eating or stealing food
✔ Unwillingness to eat in front of others
✔ Periods of severe caloric restriction
✔ Use of laxatives
✔ Mood swings
✔ Wide fluxuations in weight over short period of time
✔ Vomitus or odor of vomitus in the bathroom

Chapter 7 / Body Composition and Health Fitness 73

3. Binge Eating Disorder - Individuals

with binge eating disorder consume
Review Questions
large amounts of food in a short period
of time; however, unlike bulimia 1. Distinguish between body weight and
nervosa purging is not included. Binge body composition.
episodes are often triggered by emo-
tional and/or psychological events (e.g. 2. What are acceptable body fat percent-
loneliness and anxiety) instead of ages for males and females?
physical hunger. These binges usually
occur in private and are followed by 3. List and explain three techniques for
feelings of guilt, shame, and depression. determining body fat percentage.
This disease requires professional help
from a trained specialist. 4. Define anorexia nervosa, bulimia
nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

5. List five health problems related to

excessive body fat.
6. What are the three methods for losing
Overfatness is a serious situation in the United body weight?
States causing a variety of health problems and
early death. Health care costs for overfat-related 7. Explain why lean tissue has an effect on
illnesses are over $305 billion annually. The hu- basal metabolic rate.
man body requires a minimal amount of fat for
proper physiological functioning. Excess fat is 8. List the three ways in which energy is
stored in many locations with approximately 50% expended in the body.
in the subcutaneous area under the skin in young
adults. Lifestyle plays the largest role in affecting
body fat accumulation. However, by following the
energy balance equations, body mass can be modi-
fied. The best method for losing body fat is by a
slight reduction in caloric intake and adding exer-
cise consisting of both strength training and aero-
bic activity. Eating disorders are prevalent on col-
lege campuses especially among female students
and athletes.


The Physically Active Lifestyle
and Aging

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter recommends establishing a regu- Aging Process
lar exercise routine and sticking to it not for Cognitive Functioning
just a few days, weeks, or months but for a Exercise Habit
lifetime. The message is that regular exercise Physically Active Lifestyle
should be developed as one would develop a Socio-Cultural
lifelong health habit. Guidelines for regular
World Health Organization
exercise and recommendations for an active
lifestyle are discussed. When the chapter is
completed you should know:
1. Guidelines for disciplining yourself to
have a consistent exercise program
(pages 75-76).

2. Daily physical activities that can be

added to improve health fitness (page

3. The physiological and psychological

benefits of being physically active as
one ages (pages 77-78).

4. The social-cultural benefits of being

physically active as an older individual
(page 78).

Chapter 8 / The Physically Active Lifestyle and Aging 75

Making Exercise a Regular an exercise session as little as once a

month is not a concern, but missing a
Habit workout once a week could soon
become missing twice a week and
Regular physical exercise, performed on most eventually lead to the loss of the
days of the week, reduces the risk of dying pre- exercise habit.
maturely. In addition, it promotes psychological 3. Modify exercise rather than discon-
well being and decreases the risk of cardiovascu- tinue it when an injury occurs. If an
lar diseases that claim the lives of nearly one mil- injury prevents the performance of the
lion Americans every year. Interestingly, even with normal exercise routine then the work-
the knowledge of these benefits, many Americans out should be modified, not eliminated.
do not exercise on a regular basis; about 20% meet There are many types of aerobic and
the minimum physical activity standards from the strength training activities that can be
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obe- utilized without aggravating or making
sity of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- the injury worse. If the disability is
vention. The greatest benefits from exercising permanent, then appropriate modifica-
regularly occur later in life; thus causing many tions should be made to the exercise
young adults not to realize its importance until program. An injury must not be allowed
they are faced with a heart attack or have devel- to stop the acquisition of health fitness.
oped type 2 diabetes.
Starting an exercise habit is not difficult, 4. Remember that the more hectic and
however maintaining it is. The following are busier the daily schedule is, the more
guidelines that can assist in making exercise a important the exercise session be-
regular habit. comes. Exercise reduces stress and
enhances mental concentration, allow-
1. Place into the weekly schedule the ing a greater amount of work to be
days and times designated for exer- performed more efficiently. Solutions to
cise. Determine the days of the week problems come faster, and less mental
that will best accommodate an exercise fatigue occurs.
program, and designate them as “exer- 5. Continue to exercise regularly into
cise days”. Also, find a suitable time old age. The need for exercise increases
during each of these exercise days to with age because low activity causes
reserve for the workout. There are only muscles to atrophy, bones to weaken,
minimal differences in benefits from and body fat to increase. A continued
exercising during the morning, noon, or sedentary lifestyle often leads to
night; the key is choosing a time that is disability, this causes a person to no
most convenient and that causes the longer be self-sufficient or have the
least disruption to the daily schedule. freedom to move about.
2. Discipline the mind to exercising 6. Wear appropriate exercise attire
during the scheduled time regardless including footwear and undergar-
of feelings. Only an illness or important ments. Wearing correct clothing for the
family event should cause a missed type of activity will enhance the enjoy-
workout. When more than one exercise ment of the exercise and decrease the
session must be missed during a week, risk of injury. Also, use the exercise
the workout should be rescheduled. If attire just for working out to increase its
there are frequent interferences with a longevity. Running shoes should be
particular time, the schedule should be used strictly for running and not for
adjusted to avoid the conflict. Missing everyday activities. These shoes need to

76 Essentials of Physical Activity

be replaced after every 500 miles of use When playing golf, walk and pull or
due to the loss in their protective carry the golf clubs. By playing 18
cushioning. Once the shoes are re- holes of golf without riding in a cart, up
placed, they may be used for normal to five miles could be walked.
5. Develop hobbies that require physical
effort. Choose leisure activities or
hobbies that involve frequent physical
Developing A Physically movements such as: gardening, danc-
ing, and hiking. Also participate in
Active Lifestyle leisure sports such as: bowling, horse-
shoes, sailing, and table tennis. While
Following an exercise program on a regular basis these activities will not produce fitness
is only part of having health fitness. Exercising gains alone, they will increase the
one hour per day each week means the other 161 amount of physical effort used during
hours in the week may be inactive. While seven the week.
hours of exercise per week will improve one’s
health, recent research has found that a mostly An easy method to remember how much and what
sedentary lifestyle will limit the benefits gained type of physical activity needed for each week for
from exercise. To enhance the benefits of exercis- health fitness, follow the Physical Active Pyra-
ing one must seek ways to be more active in daily mid (see Figure 8.1).
living. The following are ways to create a more
physically active lifestyle:

1. Use the stairs rather than the elevator Physical Activity and Aging
or escalator. When a choice can be
made at work, school, or shopping, use At the beginning of the 20th century only four
the stairs. By just climbing two flights percent of the United States population was over
of stairs per day, enough calories will be 65 years of age. By the year 2020 this group of
expended to burn approximately .5 kg senior citizens will increase to 20% of the Ameri-
(one pound) of fat in a year. can population and by 2050 there will be over 89
million senior citizens in the U.S.A. This increase
2. Park farther away from the store or in the number of older adults may have dire con-
office for the walk to and from the sequences for society if they do not embrace physi-
car. If riding the bus or train for com- cally active and healthy lifestyles. Advancing age
muting, get off one stop earlier for an is associated with potential sensory, motor, and
extended walk. Walking two additional cognitive changes impacting elderly people’s abil-
blocks per day allows an individual to ity to function independently in society.
expend enough calories in a year to lose In recent years, researchers have established
over 2.5 kg (5 lbs.) of fat. that hereditary factors play an important role in
3. Walk or bicycle; don’t ride. Try to how one grows old. However, additional factors
make walking or bicycling the first influence the aging process and can modify the
choice for transportation. Not only will outcome. The largest aging modifier is a healthy
health fitness improve, but also money lifestyle consisting of regular physical activity and
will be saved from less gasoline used, good nutrition. By participating in regular physi-
and the environment will be cleaner. cal activity throughout one’s life a number of
physiological, psychological, and socio-cultural
4. Avoid laborsaving devices. Push the benefits occur.
lawn mower to cut the grass instead of
using a riding or self-propelled mower.

Chapter 8 / the Physically Active Lifestyle and Aging 77

Figure 8.1
Physical Activity Pyramid


INSERT (new) Watching,

Usage & sitting
for > 30 minutes

FIG 8.1
Leisure Muscle
Activities Exercises
Bowling, Golfing, Stretching,

HERE Gardening

Aerobic Exercises
Lifting Weights
2 – 3 times per week
Recreational Activities
Rowing, Swimming, Hiking, Basketball, Tennis,
Brisk Walking, Cycling Dancing, Martial Arts
3 – 5 times per week
Daily Activities
Climbing Stairs, Pushing/Pulling Doors Open/Close, Parking Away
and Walking to Work/Store, Walking the Dog, Carrying Groceries
Everyday as Much as Possible

Fi 8 1 Ph i l A ti it P id
Cardiorespiratory Fitness (Chapter 2) found that older individuals on regular
- Maximal aerobic capacity was thought aerobic exercise programs have favor-
to decline at about 10% per decade with able cholesterol levels as compared to
advancing age. However, recent studies sedentary individuals of the same age.
have shown that by maintaining one’s An additional area that affects blood
aerobic activity level, little decline lipid levels is body composition.
occurs in aerobic capacity. In addition, Individuals with healthy body fat
when sedentary senior citizens increase, percentages have a more positive
even modestly, their levels of physical cholesterol level as compared to overfat
activity, drastic improvements in persons of the same age.
cardiovascular function will result.
Muscular Endurance and Strength
Blood Pressure (Chapter 4) - Hyperten- (Chapter 5) - Muscle endurance and
sion is a serious medical problem that strength decline with advancing age.
afflicts more than 73 million Americans. Adequate levels of muscular strength
Both systolic and diastolic blood are critical for the performance of daily
pressure increases with advancing age. living activities. Until recently strength
However, with a low intensity walking training was considered potentially
program, significant decreases in both dangerous for the elderly. However,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure over the late few years research has
have been found in hypertensive adults shown that strength training can be
over 60 years of age. performed safely in both males and
females as old as 90 years of age with
Blood Lipids (Chapter 4) - Aging is
strength gains over 100%.
associated with an increase in choles-
terol levels that can cause development Flexibility (Chapter 6) - Aging is
of cardiovascular disease. Studies have associated with changes in the elasticity

78 Essentials of Physical Activity

of connective tissue resulting in de- Cognitive Functioning - Decrements in

creases in range of motion of the joints. cognitive functioning occur as one ages.
Most declines in flexibility are directly However, there is a wide variation in
linked to a decrease in physical activity. decreases depending upon the cognitive
Stretching exercises in the older indi- task. Regular exercise has been shown
vidual will increase flexibility and joint to postpone age-related declines in
range of motion. Central Nervous System processing
speed and in both fine and gross motor
Balance - Age related declines in
performance. Elderly people who
postural stability and dynamic balance
participate in sporting activities that
are risk factors for falls and injuries in
require adjusting to a constantly chang-
the older adult population. An exercise
ing environment (racquetball and
program emphasizing walking, flexibil-
tennis), are able to maintain higher
ity training, and strength training will
levels of coordination and better
improve balance and decrease body
reaction times than sedentary individu-
swaying in senior citizens thus increas-
als of similar age.
ing their mobility and self-sufficiency.
Social Functioning - Regular physical
Depression and Anxiety - The inci- activity enhances many socio-cultural
dence of depression increases signifi- variables in the elderly. In 1997, the
cantly with age and is associated with a World Health Organization published a
decline in physical activity. Participa- summation of their findings (see Table
tion in regular physical exercise has 8.1) indicating that the social benefits of
been shown to reduce mild to moderate exercise for older individuals are
levels of depression and to beneficially significant.
affect a person’s state of mind and
anxiety level.

Table 8.1
A Summary of the Social Beneits of Physical Activity for Older Persons By the World Health

Empowering Older Individuals in Society

Enhancing Social and Cultural Integration

Allowing the Formation of New Friendships

Widening Social and Cultural Networks

Permitting Role Maintenance and New Role Acquisition

Encouraging Intergenerational Activity

Chapter 8 / the Physically Active Lifestyle and Aging 79

Summary Review Questions

Having a physically active lifestyle requires more 1. Discuss the recommendations for
than just maintaining a regular exercise program. increasing activity beyond a regular
It also includes making all aspects of one’s life exercise program.
more physical. Today, there are many modern
devices for saving time and labor. However, avoid- 2. List three ways to make exercise a
ing many of these devices will allow a person to regular habit.
reap the benefits of being more physically active.
During the aging process, many bodily changes 3. What will be the percentage of Ameri-
occur; but with regular exercise most of the de- cans who are 65 or older in the year
cline is slowed. Even though an individual has 2020?
been sedentary into later years, increasing physi-
cal activity will reverse many harmful physical 4. Name three physiological benefits of
and psychological changes and will enhance so- continuing physical activities into old
cial functioning. age.

5. List the social benefits of regular

physical activity for the elderly.


Basic Nutrition
for Health Fitness

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter discusses basic nutritional re- Antioxidant
quirements for health fitness. The function of, Calories
and the need for carbohydrates, fats, protein, Carbohydrate
vitamins, minerals, and fluids in the body are Complex Carbohydrate
explained. Simple and complex carbohy- Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
drates, fiber in the diet, and triglycerides are
detailed in terms of their affects on the health
of the body. Basic food groups, recommended Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
daily menus, calories, and nutritional informa- Glycemic Index
tion are provided in chart and table form. When Minerals
you complete this chapter you should be able Protein
to: Recommended Dietary Allowances
1. Describe the role and function of the Saturated Fats
seven basic nutrients in the body (page Trans Fats
81). Triglycerides
United States Department of
2. Explain the food sources and recom-
Agriculture (USDA)
mended daily intake of the seven basic
nutrients (pages 81). Unsaturated Fats
3. Describe the seven basic food catego-
ries (pages 81-89).

4. List the guidelines for controlling caloric

intake (page 94).

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 81

Eating For Health Table 9.2

The Seven Basic Nutrients
Health is very dependent upon the foods and flu-
ids consumed. Poor eating habits have been asso-
ciated with hyperactivity in children, physical fa- ➔CARBOHYDRATES
tigue, mental fatigue, depression, stunted growth,
and numerous other problems. Five of the 10 lead- FIBER
ing causes of death have been associated with diet:
1) heart disease, 2) cancer, 3) atherosclerosis, 4) ➔ FATSFATS
stroke, and 5) type 2 diabetes.
The body is composed of the elements out- PROTEINS
lined in Table 9.1. These elements are constantly
being used to provide energy for the body, to build VITAMINS
new cells, to repair old cells, and to regulate the
various body processes. Since the body is unable
to absorb these elements through the skin, they
must be gained through daily consumption of
foods and fluids. WATER

Seven Basic Nutrients

1. Carbohydrates
Nutrients are chemical parts of food and liquids
that have specific functions in the body. The two The primary function of carbohydrates is to pro-
overall functions of nutrients are 1) to provide vide all the cells of the body with energy. While
essential elements the body needs to sustain life most cells use a combination of both fats and car-
and 2) to provide energy for the body. The essen- bohydrates for energy, the central nervous system
tial elements needed for health fitness are found (i.e. brain and nerve tissue) uses almost exclu-
in seven basic nutrients (see Table 9.2). sively carbohydrates for energy. In activities of

Table 9.1
Percentage of the Basic Elements of the Body


Element Percent Element Percent

Oxygen 65 Calcium 1
Carbon 18 Phosphorus 1
Hydrogen 10 Sodium 1
Nitrogen 3 Potassium, chlorine,
sulfur, magnesium,
and 15+ others 1


82 Essentials of Physical Activity

short duration requiring high energy, such as in requirement for energy is low, then the glucose is
sprinting and strength training, skeletal muscles changed into fat and stored in adipocytes (fat cells)
use carbohydrates extensively for energy since fat
metabolism is a slower energy producing process Types of Carbohydrates - There are two basic
requiring oxygen. types of carbohydrates: 1) simple, which are
Carbohydrates must be present in the diet for mainly mono-, and disaccharides and 2) complex
fats to be completely utilized for energy. If a diet or polysaccharides. Simple carbohydrates consist
is low in carbohydrates, then proteins from the of sugars, (see Table 9.3) and complex carbohy-
skeletal muscles will be broken down and used in drates consist of starch and cellulose (fiber). In
place of carbohydrates to meet this need. This pro- processed foods, simple carbohydrates go under
cedure of catabolizing muscle tissue will cause the names of brown sugar, honey, corn syrup, le-
problems in the body. On the other hand, excess vulose, and dextrose. Regardless of the name, the
carbohydrate consumption will cause this nutri- body handles them all as sugars and must convert
ent to be converted into fat and stored. each of them into the usable form called glucose.
When carbohydrates are eaten, enzymes in the A complex carbohydrate is composed of many
mouth, stomach, and small intestine begin to break sugars (50 to over 1000) combined together to
the carbohydrates down into their simplest form form a complex molecule. Complex carbohy-
(i.e. sugar). After this process has been accom- drates are primarily found in vegetables, grains,
plished in the small intestine, the sugar can pass seeds, and fruits. Of the carbohydrates in the
through the intestinal wall and is absorbed into American diet, approximately half come from
the blood stream. Once in the blood it is trans- starches and half from sugars.
ported to the liver for conversion into glucose and Over the last few years, a new system for clas-
then released back into the blood stream to be sifying carbohydrates has been developed; and is
transported to body cells for energy. For glucose known as the glycemic index (see Table 9.4). The
to enter most cells in the body insulin is required. glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based
Insulin is a hormone secreted by special cells in on their immediate effect on blood glucose lev-
the pancreas and functions to transport the glu- els. Carbohydrates that digest quickly cause a fast
cose out of the blood and into the cells. If the cells and sharp elevation in blood glucose level are

Table 9.3
The Six Common Simple Carbohydrate Types


Sucrose (table sugar) Sugar beets and sugar cane

Fructose Fruits and honey

Galactose Milk

Lactose Dairy products

Maltose Grains and cerals

Glucose Fruits, corn syrup and honey

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 83

given a high index ranking. Carbohydrates that person’s dietary habits, overfatness, and lack of
digest slowly, releasing glucose gradually into exercise.
the blood over a long period of time are consid- When the diet contains excessive amounts of
ered a low glycemic food. High glycemic foods refined simple carbohydrates (sugar) found in soft
can trigger excessive insulin release due to the drinks, bakery goods, and similar products; the
rapid increase of blood glucose level. High insu- body is being robbed of important nutrients. Table
lin causes the liver to produce triglycerides and sugar is called “empty calories” because it con-
very low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) and re- tains no vitamins, minerals, or fiber. Also refined
leases them into the blood. Because of this, high sugar sticks to the teeth and, with the bacteria
glycemic foods can accelerate atherosclerosis present in the mouth, causes tooth decay (dental
(Chapter 4) making it a contributing factor in caries).
cardiovascular disease. In addition, the excess
insulin will transport too much glucose out of
the blood and into the cells causing low glucose 2. Fiber
levels (hypoglycemia) leading to weakness and
hunger. The person then eats again, when it is Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate of which
really not necessary, demonstrating how high cellulose is the most common form and is found
glycemic foods lead to a craving for more sugar. primarily in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Since
Over a period of years, the up-and-down ef- the body does not possess the enzymes necessary
fect of high blood glucose and high insulin lev- to break down fiber, it has no caloric value, and it
els followed by low blood glucose and low insu- passes through the small and large intestine rela-
lin can cause the cell to become resistive to insu- tively unchanged.
lin. Also, the insulin generating cells of the pan-
creas can become over-worked and slow their
production of insulin. In time the blood glucose Function of Fiber - Although several specific
level remains elevated and a condition of diabe- purposes of fiber have been established, much is
tes develops. Most type 2 diabetes (Chapter 4) is yet to be learned about its importance in the diet.
due to this factor and is caused in part by the Fiber promotes regular bowel movements by ab-

Table 9.4
Sample of High Glycemic and Low Glycemic Foods


Sugar Legumes

Potatoes Whole fruits

Bananas Whole wheat

White bread Brown rice

White rice Beans

Sodas Nuts

Fruit juice Leafy vegetables

84 Essentials of Physical Activity

sorbing water in the large intestine making the bowel movements per day with soft stools,
stools soft and large. Thus, elimination from the chances are there is not enough fiber in the diet.
body is easily preformed with no straining or push- Like any nutrient, too much of a good thing can
ing. With a high fiber diet, constipation is rare lead to problems. Excess fiber in the diet can lead
and so are hemorrhoids. to diarrhea, gas, and cause dehydration and min-
High-fiber diets also quicken the transit time eral loss.
of food from intake to elimination. Waste prod- The sources of fiber should vary (see Table
ucts of metabolism stay in the large intestine three 9.5). Bran found in grain serves as one of the best
times longer with a low-fiber diet. This allows the sources of fiber. However, if the grain has been
waste products some of which may consist of toxic refined, the bran is lost and the fiber is gone. Dur-
chemicals and carcinogenic agents (i.e. cancer ing the refining process most of the vitamins, min-
causing), a longer time to irritate the large intes- erals, and fiber is lost. After a food is refined, some
tine. This may be a strong factor in diverticulosis, of the vitamins and minerals are restored (en-
colitis, and possibly colon cancer. Authorities rec- riched); and occasionally additional vitamins are
ommend one to two bowel movements a day. added (fortified), but the fiber is still absent. There-
Lack of fiber in the diet has also been associ- fore, unrefined grains are best in order to receive
ated with high blood cholesterol, appendicitis, the fiber they possess. While bran from grains is a
gallbladder diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Fiber good fiber source, at least half the fiber should
is absolutely an essential part of a healthful diet, come from vegetables and fruits. Cooking veg-
not so much for what it does but for what it pre- etables and fruits causes them to lose some of their
vents. fiber. Therefore, people should eat raw vegetables
and fruits as much as possible.
Sources of Fiber - The amount of fiber required Breakfast cereals are an excellent source of
each day in the diet is one gram per 100 calories fiber if properly selected.Table 9.6 lists the break-
(20 – 35 grams). A typical American eats 14 to 15 down of carbohydrates in selected high-fiber ce-
grams daily, but vegetarians eat as much as 30 to reals. A breakfast of Corn Bran, Multi Bran Chex,
40 grams. Most current authorities recommend a or 40% Bran Flakes topped with strawberries or a
safe amount of fiber of at least 25 grams per day. banana can start the day off with a low glycemic
If a person does not normally have one to two index and high fiber meal.

Table 9.5
Fiber Content in Selected Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains


Broccoli 1 medium stalk 6

Apple 1 medium 5
Almonds 1/4 cup 5
Cabbage 1/2 cup 4
Peas 1/2 cup 3
Potato with skin 1 medium 3
100% whole
wheat bread 2 slices 2
Banana 1 medium 2
Orange 1 medium 2
Strawberries 1/2 cup 1
Carrots 3/4 cup 1

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 85

Table 9.6
Fiber Amounts in Selected Breakfast Cereals


(1 serving) (grams) (grams) (grams) (grams)

All Bran 21 7 5 9
Raisin Bran 31 11 14 6
40% Bran Flakes 23 13 5 5
Multi Bran Chex 25 15 6 4
Cracklin Bran 21 10 7 4
Shredded Wheat 19 16 0 3
Grape Nuts 23 17 3 3
Cheerios 20 19 1 2
Total 23 18 5 2
Special K 20 16 3 1
Fruit Loops 25 12 13 0
Apple Jacks 26 12 14 0

3. Fats contain high saturated fat are coconut and palm oil.
Although fats are essential for health, saturated fats
Fats provide most cells of the body with energy. are not and should be reduced in the diet.
At rest about 66% of the cells' energy comes from Unsaturated fats, which are polyunsaturated
fat and 34% from carbohydrates. Fats are also and monounsaturated, do not appear to cause
important as carriers of vitamins (A, D, E, and health problems to the same degree as saturated
K), as protectors of vital body organs, and as in- fats. They are found primarily in vegetables but
sulators of the body. They are also an important also are in oils (e.g. safflower, canola, corn, pea-
part of cell walls and hormones, and serve to de- nut, olive, soybean, and cottonseed) and marga-
press appetite. Excess fat in the diet is stored in rine used in baking and cooking.
adipocytes (Chapter 7). Another type of fat is cholesterol that is re-
Some fat in the diet is essential for normal quired by the body and is manufactured by the
body functioning; however, most American con- liver. Cholesterol is found in most cells and is a
sumes too much fat everyday. At the turn of the basic structure for several hormones. It is normally
century, fat accounted for 25 to 30% of Ameri- present in the blood attached to lipoproteins such
cans' daily caloric intake compared to 40 to 45% as HDL and LDL (Chapter 4).
today. Teenagers tend to have poor dietary habits, Trans fatty acids (trans fats) are not a natural
and often 50% of their diets are fat. Problems from occurring fat but are formed during a manufac-
excess fat intake include overfatness and elevated turing process. Trans fats are created when hy-
blood fats leading to cardiovascular disease (Chap- drogen atoms are forced into unsaturated fats to
ter 4). make them solid at room temperature. This food
processing technique is called hydrogenation and
Types of Fats - Triglycerides are the most com- can be found on nutrition labels with terms as
mon fats in the diet and are either saturated or “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils. In
unsaturated. Saturated triglycerides (saturated 2006, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
fats) are found primarily in animal products such began to require all nutritional labels to list the
as beef, pork, lamb, lobster, shrimp, milk, cheese, amount of trans fat in the food.
butter, cream, and eggs. Two plant sources that also

86 Essentials of Physical Activity

Dietary Fat Sources - The daily requirement for calories. One cup of whole milk is 150 calories
fat appears to be between 10 and 30% of caloric compared to 85 calories in one cup of skim milk.
intake. To evaluate fat intake, count the grams of The difference in calories is exclusively due to
fat eaten each day. Table 9.7 presents a recom- the fat in the fried potatoes and in the whole milk.
mendation for daily fat intake on the basis of a The type of fat is more important than the
person’s situation. Reduction of daily intake of amount when looking at blood cholesterol levels.
fat is possible by increasing low-fat foods and High blood cholesterol levels greatly increase the
decreasing or avoiding fatty foods. By substitut- risk for cardiovascular diseases (Chapter 4) but
ing low-fat meat and milk products, a person can the amount of cholesterol in the food consumed
significantly reduce fat intake. One baked potato has minimal effect on this level. The biggest in-
is 100 calories, but one cup of French fries is 480 fluence on blood cholesterol levels is the type of

Table 9.7
Daily Amount of Fat Grams Intake According to Different Situations

THE PERSON IS/HAS: Grams of fat/day

° Overfat, sedentary, or has high blood lipids. <40

° A history of heart disease in the family. <40

° Acceptable body fat, average blood lipids,

and regular exerciser. 40 - 60

° Lean body fat, low blood lipids, and

exercises vigorously daily. 60 - 80

Table 9.8
Fat Types and Their Effect on Blood Cholesterol Levels



Mono- Olive, canola Liquid Lowers LDL

Unsaturated & peanut oil Raises HDL

Poly- Corn, fish & Liquid Lowers LDL

Unsaturated soybean oil Raises HDL

Saturated Whole milk, Solid Raises LDL

butter, cheese, Raises HDL
coconut &
red meat

Trans Fatty Margarine, Solid or Raises LDL

Acid vegetable Semi-solid Lowers HDL
shortening &
vegetable oil

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 87

fats in the diet (see Table 9.8). Substituting mono 40% fat, chicken and turkey without the skins and
and polyunsaturated fats for saturated and trans fish contain only 10 to 15% fat. The digestion of
fats can achieve a healthier diet. protein releases acids that the body neutralizes
with calcium which may be taken from the bones.
Long-term usage of high-protein diets could
4. Protein weaken bones and lead to osteoporosis (Chapter
The major functions of proteins are to build, re- The excess protein in the diet does not build
pair, and maintain cells. They form the major part excess cells; instead it is converted in the liver to
of muscle tissue and are essential for muscle con- fat and stored in adipocytes. When the body con-
traction. They are an important part of hemoglo- verts protein to fat, ammonia is produced. Since
bin as well as numerous hormones. Excess pro- ammonia is toxic to the body, it is changed into
teins in the diet are converted to fat and stored. urea and eliminated by the kidneys in the urine.
Normally the body does not use proteins for en- Since urea is also toxic, water is drawn from the
ergy, but in emergencies, proteins can be converted body cells to dilute it, and excess water is lost from
to carbohydrates and used for energy. the body in the urine. Therefore, a high-protein
The basic units, or building blocks, of pro- diet can cause the body to lose excess amounts of
teins are amino acids. There are over 100 natu- body water and leads to dehydration. Many per-
rally occurring amino acids, but only 20 are re- sons on high protein diets enjoy quick and large
quired for the human body. These 20 amino acids weight losses. However, the weight loss is only
can be combined in numerous ways to make the water, not fat, and will return as soon as the diet is
approximately 50,000 different protein contain- ended.
ing compounds in the human body. Ten amino
acids cannot be synthesized by the body and are Vegetarian - Many people, including current nu-
called "essential" amino acids. A complete pro- tritional scientists, believe the human body func-
tein is one that contains all the essential amino tions best by only consuming vegetables, fruits,
acids, whereas an incomplete protein does not and grains. It is possible to receive all the essen-
contain all the essential amino acids. Sources of tial amino acids without eating meat. A very im-
complete protein include eggs, milk, meat, fish, portant point, however, is that the vegetarian must
and poultry. emphasize a variety of foods in the diet, especially
The average American consumes too much soybeans, peas, lentils, and beans, and must
meat. Most people plan their meals around the supplement these with cheese, milk, and eggs. By
meat they are serving; and at restaurants the main consuming a variety of nonmeat foods from these
entree is usually meat. The daily need of protein areas, all the essential amino acids can be attained.
is about 0.8 to 1.2 gram per kilogram of body The only nutrient missing in a vegetarian diet is
weight for the normal adult and 1.5 to 2 grams Vitamin Bl2, which occurs naurally in meat
per kilogram of body weight for the adolescent, sources only, can be obtained through a vitamin
the body builder, and the pregnant woman or nurs- supplement.
ing mother. This means that adults need only three
to four ounces of protein per day to meet all their
protein needs. 5. Vitamins
High-Protein Diet - Several potential health prob- Vitamins are organic substances required for op-
lems are associated with a high-protein diet. Per- timal health. They help regulate nearly all meta-
sons on a high-protein diet eat an excess amount bolic reactions, help convert carbohydrates and
of meat. The high-meat diet will result not only in fat into energy, and assist with bone and tissue
excess protein consumption but also in high fat repairs. The body cannot manufacture vitamins
intake, with the fat being in the form of choles- (except for vitamin D with the help of sunlight)
terol and saturated fat. Beef and pork are 20 to so they must be ingested daily into the body. The

88 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 9.9
Adult DRI Amounts for Vitamins, Their Function and Major Source


A .9 mg Tissue growth and repair, especially Vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes,

skin and membranes; night vision spinach), cantaloupe, watermelon

D .015 mg Bone calcification Milk, fish, sunshine (naturally formed

in the body due to the sun’s rays

E 15 mg Prevent cell membrane damage and Wheat germ, walnuts, sunflower

scar tissue, may help to delay aging seeds, almonds

K .12 mg Assists in the clotting of blood Vegetables, especially spinach

cauliflower, cabbage

B-1 1.2 mg Aids in carbohydrate metabolism Wheat germ, rice, peanuts, sunflower
Thiamin seeds, soybeans

B-2 1.3 mg Health skin, aids in metabolism to Wheat germ, soybeans, cheese
Riboflavin give us energy

B-3 16 mg Converts fats and proteins to Soybeans, fish, chicken, sunflower

Niacin energy, may help lower cholesterol seeds, wheat germ, sesame seeds

B-5 5 mg Aids in nerve impulse transmission, Soybeans, wheat germ, rice, broccoli,
Pantothenic aids in obtaining energy from foods sweet potatoes, milk, fish

B-6 1.7 mg Metabolism and synthesis of Wheat germ, sunflower seeds,

Pyridoxine proteins soybeans, beans, rice, fish

B-9 .4 mg Production of body protein Beans, spinach, soybeans, peanuts

Folacin (hemoglobin, RNA, and DNA) wheat germ, oranges

B-12 90 mg Needed for the formation of red Fish, dairy products, eggs, meat
Cyanocobalamin blood cells (not found in plants)

C 90 mg Holds cells together, strengthens Fruits, especially citrus, melons and

Ascorbic blood vessels, helps wounds to heal, strawberries; vegetables, especially
Acid may fight infections and viruses broccoli, spinach, greens, cauliflower

H .03 mg Aids in fatty-acid production and Soybeans, wheat germ, peanuts,

Biotin metabolism of proteins mushrooms, fish, eggs

most recent set of dietary recommendations es- lion each year on vitamin and mineral supplements
tablished by the Food and Nutrition board of the of which most exceed the body’s needs. In the
Institute of Medicine are called Dietary Reference United States, health problems due to a vitamin
Intakes (DRI). These recommendations apply to deficiency are rare.
healthy individuals (see Table 9.9).
Although taking less than the DRI for an ex- Types of Vitamins - Two major categories of vi-
tended period of time may lead to health prob- tamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-
lems, an excess of the DRI will not improve a soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K and must be
person’s health. In fact, consistently consuming ingested with fat. If fat is not present, they will
excessive amounts of certain vitamins can lead to pass out of the digestive tract and will not be ab-
medical problems. Americans spend over $30 bil- sorbed into the body. Therefore, when taking a

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 89

vitamin supplement, it should be taken with a major minerals and 2) trace minerals. Major min-
meal. Once absorbed into the body, fat-soluble erals are those for which the body has a large daily
vitamins can be stored in fat, muscles, and the liver requirement of over 100 milligrams and include
to be used when needed. calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium,
Water-soluble vitamins are readily absorbed magnesium, and sulfur. The specific role of the
into the body but are just as readily passed out of major minerals in the body is fairly well under-
the body in urine and perspiration. They are not stood. Trace minerals are needed daily in smaller
stored in the body and, therefore, need to be in- amounts. These include copper, iodine, zinc, iron,
gested daily. Water-soluble vitamins include B, manganese, and more than fifteen others.
B2, B6, B12, C, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin,
and folacin.
7. Water
Antioxidants - During the process of aerobic
metabolism or by exposures to tobacco smoke and The human body is made up of 50 to 70% water
radiation, free radicals are created. A free radical making it extremely important to consume enough
is a chemically unstable molecule or ion contain- fluids daily. The body requires approximately
ing an unpaired electron (radical) and can exist eight glasses of water a day. Some of this liquid
independently (free). Free radicals will react with may be in the form of milk, soup, and juices, but
other molecules (fats, protein, and DNA) to re- it is best to get most of the fluids from water.One
place its missing electron. This process causes should drink enough fluids daily so that the urine
damage to cell membranes and mutation of genes. becomes so diluted it is almost clear and color-
Free radicals have been linked to aging, cancer, less at least once during a 24 hour period.
cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Most fruits and vegetables are also good
Antioxidants protect the body from free radi- sources of water such as tomatoes, eggplant, cau-
cal damage by limiting their formation. In addi- liflower, lettuce, strawberries, and watermelon
tion, antioxidants can donate electrons to free radi- which consist of over 90% water. The amount of
cals as well as repair damage caused by free radi- water ingested daily will vary from eight glasses
cals. The most noted antioxidants are vitamin E, in a normal day to an equivalent of 10 to 12 on
vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which are found in hot or exercising days when extra fluid is lost
vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise improves through perspiration.
the body’s normal physiological antioxidant de- Caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, tea,
fense system but repeated strenuous exercise may and colas should be avoided or the amount de-
cause an increase in free radical formation and creased significantly. Caffeine is a diuretic as well
cellular damage. as a central nervous system stimulant and can
cause irregular heartbeats, formation of acid-pep-
sin digestive juices in the stomach, and fibrocystic
6. Minerals breast disease in women. A cup of coffee contains
100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine; a cup of tea
Minerals comprise four percent of body weight contains 50 to 75 milligrams; a 12-ounce cola
and are essential for many vital body processes. contains 60 milligrams; and a cup of hot choco-
Not only are minerals needed for health, but also late contains about 50 milligrams.
the proper balance among minerals is critical.
Minerals work closely together, and each affects
the other. Mineral imbalances can cause dehydra- Vitamins and Minerals
tion, heart attacks, and many other health prob-
lems. Table 9.10 outlines the minerals, their adult Supplementation
DRI’s, primary functions in the body, and major
dietary sources. With a good balanced diet, all the vitamins and
Minerals are divided into two categories: 1) minerals required by the body can be obtained.

90 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 9.10
Adult DRI Amounts for Minerals, Their Functions and Major Source


Calcium 1000 mg Needed for formation of teeth and Dairy products, broccoli, sesame
bones, nerve impulse transmission seeds, salmon

Chloride 700 mg Forms stomach acid, maintains acid- Common salt, processed foods
base balance of the blood

Chromium .035 mg (male) Maintain blood glucose level Meat, fish, poultry
.025 mg (female)

Copper .9 mg Helps to combine iron with Beans, nuts, seafood


Fluorine 4 mg (male) Helps prevent tooth decay Most drinking water, fish
3 mg (female)

Iodine .15 mg Important part of thyroid hormones Vegetables, fish, dairy products

Iron 8 mg (male) Important part of hemoglobin Vegetables, grains, meat, poultry

18 mg (female)

Magnesium 420 mg (male) Part of enzymes that metabolizes Peanuts, wheat germ, spinach,
320 mg (female) nutrients into energy meat, milk

Manganese 2.3 mg (male) Bone formation Nuts, legumes, whole grains

1.8 mg (female)

Molybdenum .045 mg Coenzyme Legumes, whole grains, nuts

Phosphorus 700 mg Formation of teeth and bones, acid- Dairy products, fish, eggs, whole
base balance of blood wheat, beans, nuts

Potassium 4700 mg Functions with sodium for nerve Abundant in most plant and animal
impulse transmission, water balance foods

Selenium .055 mg Antioxidant Organ meat, seafood

Sodium 1500 mg Nerve impulse transmission, water Common salt, processed foods
balance, acid-base balance of blood

Zinc 11 mg (male) Component of enzymes and proteins Red meat, seafood

8 mg (female)

NK – Not known but needed in small amounts

However, with busy schedules, diets often con- Natural vs. Synthetic - The human body identi-
tain many processed and refined foods causing fies vitamins and minerals by their chemical struc-
many individuals to not meet their DRI. There- tures. Vitamin C has the same chemical structure
fore, it seems prudent to take one multivitamin whether it is derived from citrus fruit or if it is
plus mineral supplement per day with not more synthetically made. People who promote "natu-
than 100% of the DRI as a good insurance policy ral" or "health" food are doing so to capitalize on
against any possible deficiency. Megadoses of the public's interest in good health and willing-
vitamins and minerals should be avoided as they ness to pay more for it. Today, the supplement and
will not improve health or athletic performance health food industry is a multibillion-dollar busi-
but can lead to many health problems (see Table ness.

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 91

Table 9.11
Health Problems Associated With Megadoses of Vitamins

Vitamin C Gout, Hemolytic Anemia, and Diarrhea

Vitamin B6 Liver Disease and Nerve Damage

Vitamin B2 Vision Impaired

Vitamin E Headaches, Fatigue, Blurred Vision, Muscular

Weakness, and Gastrointestinal Disturbance

Vitamin A Nervous System Damage

Vitamin D Kidney Damage

Purchasing and Preparing white rice, since brown rice has not been refined.
Buy cereals with as much of the whole grain in
Food them as possible. Read the nutritional breakdown
on the box and notice the fiber content. Look at
Purchasing and preparing food are two important the complex carbohydrate and sugar content keep-
aspects of good nutrition. When grocery shopping, ing it high in complex carbohydrates and low in
a person should purchase most of their food from sugar. Notice bread ingredients because some
the fresh produce and fresh frozen section. Most breads claim to contain whole-wheat flour and
of the daily caloric intake should come from fresh, look brown due to the caramel coloring. Look for
whole foods, not processed ones. Buy fruits and ingredients such as wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat
vegetables that are in season, and plan meals berries, or perhaps a combination of grains such
around them. Recipes for delicious meatless dishes as rye, barley, or oats. The coarser and grainier
using vegetables and rice are plentiful. By shop- the bread, the healthier the product will be.
ping at roadside markets with locally grown pro- When preparing fruits and vegetables, peel
duce, the nutritional value of foods is usually su- and trim as little as possible. Raw fruits and veg-
perior. etables keep vitamins and minerals. If cooking the
When choosing meats, poultry and fish should fruit or vegetable, scrub it immediately prior to
be first choices. Many grocery stores have fresh cooking but do not soak it. Cook as briefly as pos-
fish, both freshwater and ocean varieties. Chicken sible and serve immediately. Microwave cooking
is always an economical buy, and there are nu- of vegetables is also good because little water is
merous appetizing ways to prepare it. Chicken, used.
turkey, and fish, when properly prepared, provide Skin the poultry and bake, broil, stir fry, or
a dish high in protein and low in fat. boil it, then use it in salads and casseroles. Fish is
Each individual needs to become a label reader also healthier if it is broiled or baked. Experiment
and not get confused by the words fortified and with various recipes and seasonings to find some-
enriched. These products have lost most of their thing just as tasty as fried chicken or fish.
vitamins and minerals with only a handful of nu- Several other practices will help to maintain
trients added back. Emphasize brown rice over a healthful eating style. Use vegetable oils instead

92 Essentials of Physical Activity

of solid shortening not only in frying but also in ing between the healthier food choices within a
baking. For instance, if a cookie recipe calls for group as well as not including healthy fats or daily
one cup of butter, use half oil and half margarine. physical activity. In September 2011, the Harvard
The amount of sugar called for in most recipes School of Public Health created the Healthy Eat-
can be cut by one-third to one-half and not affect ing Plate (see Figure 9.2) to fix the flaws of the
the taste or texture. To increase fiber in the diet, USDA MyPlate using the latest research and in a
bran and wheat germ can be mixed in or sprinkled more user friendly format. The following describes
on most foods without affecting taste or texture. the components of the Healthy Eating Plate.
Bran is great in muffins and breads.
1. Stay Active - The Healthy Eating
Plateencourages daily physical activity
Dietary Guidelines which helps in maintaining a healthy
body weight. This important element is
not included in the government’s
The United States Department of Agriculture MyPlate.
(USDA) in June 2011, revised the Food Guide
Pyramid called MyPyramid with MyPlate (see 2. Whole Grain - The body uses carbohy-
Figure 9.1) to illustrate the five food groups and drates for energy and sources are whole
to remind consumers to make healthy food grains such as oatmeal, whole-wheat
choices. The MyPlate icon also lists a governmen- bread, and brown rice. Digestion of
tal website as an educational tool to assist the con- whole grains is slower (low glycemic
sumer. Unfortunately, the USDA MyPlate has sev- index) than refined grains such as white
eral shortcomings, which includes not distinguish- flour and white rice. Whole grains keep

Figure 9.2
The United States Department of Agriculture MyPlate Food Guide

INSERT (new)
FIG 9.1

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 93

blood glucose and insulin levels from antioxidants.

rising quickly followed by a sharp 5. Fruits – Raw whole fruits are a very
decline, delaying hunger and possibly important part of a meal as they are
preventing the development of type 2 important sources of vitamins, minerals,
diabetes (Chapter 4). and fiber, however less is needed than
3. Healthy Oils - Plant oils as well as vegetables.
omega-3 fatty acids improve cholesterol 6. Healthy Proteins – Excellent sources
and protect the heart when used in place of protein are fish, poultry, beans, and
of saturated fats and trans fats. Good nuts that also contain other healthful
sources of healthy unsaturated fats nutrients. The Healthy Eating Plate
include olive, canola, and other plant encourages limiting red meat and
oils. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found avoiding processed meat that increases
in cold-water fish such as salmon and the risk of heart disease, diabetes, colon
tuna. This information is not included in cancer, and weight gain. Recently, eggs
MyPlate. have been found not to be as bad as
once thought. Even though they contain
4. Vegetables – Consuming an abundant high levels of cholesterol, research is
variety of vegetables with each meal showing that dietary cholesterol has a
will deliver many benefits. vegetables limited effect on blood cholesterol
contain important vitamins that support levels. Eggs are also good sources of
good eye health and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Figure 9.2
The Harvard School of Health Healthy Eating Plate

INSERT (new)
FIG 9.2

94 Essentials of Physical Activity

7. Water – Consumers need to drink (Peanut butter could be substituted for

plenty of water. Coffee and tea with meat, and a tossed salad could replace
little or no sugar is also an alternative, carrots and celery. Yogurt is also good and
however these do contain caffeine is easy to make at home without all the
which is a diuretic. Fluids to avoid are added sugar of the ones made commer-
sugary drinks, since these are contribu- cially.)
tors to obesity and diabetes. Milk and
dairy products should be limited to 1 - 2 Dinner
servings each day as well as fruit juices, 1. 4-6 ounces baked fish or chicken
which are high in calories. 2. 1 medium baked potato, sweet potato, or
brown rice
3. 1/2-3/4 cup fresh steamed broccoli or
Eat Well-Balanced Meals 4.
spinach salad
1/2-3/4 cup carrots or corn
5. Water
People today tend to skip meals, especially break- 6. Piece of fresh fruit or fruit salad
fast. Lack of time is the usual excuse, but it is
important to eat balanced meals each day. Each
person needs to determine how many calories to
consume each day in order to lose, maintain, or
gain weight. For each meal (i.e. breakfast, lunch,
and dinner), approximately 30 % of the total daily Snacks and Desserts
calories should be consumed. The remaining 10
percent may be divided up into midmorning, Snacks and desserts can have a place in the daily
midafternoon, or evening snacks. Do not wait until diet. Some suggestions for snacks include raw
evening to consume all the calories since it ap- vegetables, fruit, cold cereals, or popcorn (limit
pears that food eaten after 2:00 P.M. tends to be salt and butter). Raw nuts are good but only in
stored as fat. Eating most of the calories before limited quantities because they are high in calo-
2:00 P.M. gives the body more hours to digest and ries. Dried fruits can satisfy a craving for some-
burn them. thing sweet. Most grocery stores have raisins,
The following examples are suggestions for dried apples, bananas, prunes, and so on. Here
what one-day of meals, including snacks, might again the amount should be limited because of the
look like: high sugar content. Desserts don't have to be elimi-
nated from the diet, only modified or decreased.
Breakfast Cutting a piece of dessert in half may eliminate
1. 6 ounces orange juice or 1 whole orange 100 to 300 calories from the meal and still satisfy
2. Bowl of high-fiber cereal the sweet tooth.
3. Banana
4. 1 slice 100% whole-wheat toast with jelly,

no margarine or butter
8 ounces skim milk
Guidelines for Controlling
Caloric Intake
1. Sandwich of tuna or chicken on 100% 1. Sit down to eat at the kitchen or dining
whole-wheat bread with lettuce room table. Get used to eating in one
or sprouts place. Don't eat in front of the TV, at
2. Carrot and celery sticks your desk, at a movie, or at an athletic
3. Fresh fruit (apple, pear, orange, etc.) contest. This alone could eliminate
4. 8 ounces skim milk several hundred calories a day.

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 95

2. Eat only at specific times. This will cut

down on unnecessary snacking.
3. Use a smaller plate when possible. A Health is very dependent upon the foods and flu-
small plate that is filled can look like it ids consumed each day. The seven basic nutrients
has more food than a large with the are carbohydrates, fiber, fats, proteins, vitamins,
same amount of food. minerals, and water. Low glycemic complex car-
4. Eat slowly. Not only is this better for bohydrates should be increased in one's diet and
digestion, but it allows the appestat simple sugars decreased. Saturated fats and trans
signals to reach the brain when the fats should be decreased in the diet. High-protein
stomach is full, before over eating diets are undesirable, and it is possible that a highly
occurs. varied, semi-vegetarian diet can serve one best in
most situations. Adding a daily multivitamin plus
5. Using a caloric counter application for
mineral supplement to one's diet will create a good
your cell phone or tablet is an easy way
insurance policy against nutritional deficiency.
to approximate the number of calories
Sweets, soft drinks (including diet), and alcoholic
in most foods. This creates an easy way
beverages should to be avoided or limited.
to make better food choices when eating
6. Don't use food as a reward.
7. Make a shopping list when buying food
and stick to it. Don't buy on impulse.
8. Don't shop for groceries when hungry.
9. Store food at home out of sight. Don't
keep cookies and unhealthy snacks on
the counter.
10. Clear the table immediately after a
11. Whenever possible, eat raw, unproc-
essed fruits and vegetables.
12. Little things mean a lot. One snack or
drink every day could add up to 36,500
calories in one year or about 10 pounds.
A daily half-hour walk could burn
67,700 calories in one year or 18

96 Essentials of Physical Activity

Review Questions

1. What are the two overall functions of


2. List the seven basic nutrients needed for

maintaining health of the body.

3. What is the primary function of carbo-


4. Which body cells use only carbohy-

drates for energy?

5. A restricted carbohydrate diet with high

energy demands could have what affect
on protein in the body?

6. Explain the glycemic index.

7. What is the function of insulin from the


8. What is fiber, and what is its function in

the body?

9. List the primary sources of fiber and

how much fiber one should have a day.

10. What is the function of fats in the body?

11. Compare saturated and unsaturated


12. What is the function of protein in the


13. What happens to excess protein in the


14. Distinguish between fat-soluble and

water-soluble vitamins.

15. Explain the differences between the

USDA Food Guide MyPlate and the
Healthy Eating Plate.

Chapter 9 / Basic Nutrition for Health Fitness 97


Managing Stress
and Back Injuries

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter examines ways to manage Back Strain/Sprain
stress and back injuries to improve a Deep Breathing
person’s health fitness. Even those who Muscle Relaxation Exercises
are physically fit still encounter stressors Meditation
every day, and how they handle these Posture
will increase their health fitness or
Ruptured Disc
distract from it. When you complete this
chapter you should: Slipped Disc
1. Know examples of four groups of Stressor
stressors (page 99).
2. Understand the role that perception
plays in reducing stress (page 99).
3. Recognize the immediate and long-
term affects of stress on the body
(page 99).
4. Understand the immediate and long-
term benefits of physical activity
relative to stress page 101).
5. Describe at least six behaviors that
can assist with effective stress
management (page 101).
6. Know the types of back problems
and some recommendations for
preventing them (pages 102 - 103).
7. Be able to describe guidelines and
exercises that promote a healthy
back (pages 104 - 105).

Chapter 10 / Managing Stress and Back Injuries 99

Stress On the other hand, if the person's spiritual dimen-

sion is weak and there is fear and worry or a lack
of self confidence, the stressor probably will be
Hans Selye, who is considered by most experts as viewed in a negative light, and the stress response
the leading authority in the study of stress, de- will be greater.
fines stress as the “response of the body to any Second, perception is influenced by the intel-
demand made upon it.” Stress is the body’s re- lectual ability. If a person has previous knowledge
sponse to counteract any stressor. It is the body’s on how to complete a task, the stress response is
way to maintain homeostasis, or internal environ- usually minimal. On the other hand, if the stres-
ment. Whenever the body’s equilibrium is upset, sor has not yet been experienced and is a chal-
the body attempts to return it to homeostasis. lenge to the intellect, the stress response will be
There are four classifications of stressors: great.
The tendency too often is to think negatively,
1. Social stressors: relationships with family, dwell on problems, and focus on aches and pains.
friends, and co-workers; financial concerns; Dwelling too long on negative thoughts can cause
changes in one’s life; etc. the subconscious mind to begin to take control
and paralyze the conscious mind. The body will
2. Environmental stressors: heat, humidity, react, and sickness and depression can result.
cold, noise, heavy traffic, overcrowding, When negative thoughts occur, a healthy response
pollution, etc. is to capture them, control them, evaluate them,
and change them into positive thoughts for medi-
3. Physical stressors: illnesses, injuries, lack tation. Positive statements should be repeated
of sleep, caffeine or nicotine, etc. many times a day until they are driven into the
subconscious mind. Then the body will begin to
4. Psychological stressors: fear of losing react according to the positive thoughts. Control-
one’s job, worry over grades in school, ling one’s thoughts is imperative for good health.
loneliness, anger, guilt, lack of self-esteem, Negative thoughts can lead to feelings of defeat,
frustration, etc. anxiety, distress, and depression; and these emo-
tions can spark many health problems.

Perception of Stressors
Symptoms of Stress
The perception of the significance of a stressor
often determines the body’s response to it. More Often the results of poorly handled stress are ob-
often than not, stressors are intangible, symbolic, vious. Symptoms include feeling tense, having
and subject to each person’s interpretation. If the cold and clammy hands, and sleeping difficulties
mind perceives the stressor as significant or “real”, (see Table 10.1). Recognizing when the body is
the body's stress response will be set in motion, not responding satisfactorily to stress is the first
but this will not occur if the mind perceives the step to overcoming poor stress management.
stressor as insignificant. If a person does not successfully manage the
Perception is influenced by several factors. stress and positively adapt to the stressors, the
First, the spiritual dimension of the person influ- stress response will lead to health problems. Selye
ences perception. If the person has a positive be- believes that when the body is under a chronic
lief system, faith, and self-confidence, the person state of stress, it is in a constant state of readiness
is less likely to perceive the stressor as a serious to respond, and almost any disease may develop.
threat, and the stress response will be minimal. Some of these diseases are shown in Table 10.2.

100 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 10.1
Immediate Symptoms of Stress

• Pounding of the Heart • Depression

• Tension • Trembling

• Insomnia • Pain in the Neck

• Fatigue • Irritability

• Dizziness • Nervous Tic

• Grinding of the Teeth • Sweating

• Pain in the Low Back • Lack of Concentration

Table 10.2
Symptoms From Long Term Stress

• High Blood Pressure • Ulcers

• Chronic Low Back Pain • Chronic Neck & Shoulder Pain

• Heart Disease • Stroke

• Migraine Headaches • Tension Headaches

• Arthritis • Chronic Fatigue

• Depression • Insomnia

Chapter 10 / Managing Stress and Back Injuries 101

Role of Physical Activity in 1. Improves the health and fitness of the

body. Regular exercise helps the body to
Stress Management better withstand day to day stressors.
2. A positive self-concept. Regular exercise
According to the American National Institute of promotes and improves self-confidence and
Mental Health, physical activity has both imme- thus decreasing the number of stressors.
diate as well as long term benefits. When engaged
in physical activity, immediate benefits include:

1. Takes the mind off the problem. It is Effective Stress Management

difficult to worry when focused on a
physical activity. When the activity is over, Since stress is inescapable in today’s society, it is
the thought processes become more effi- vital that one learns how to successfully manage
cient. it. While it is beyond the scope of this book to
thoroughly discuss stress management techniques,
2. A relaxed feeling when it is over. Physical the following are some general guidelines:
activity is invigorating and when it is over
reduced anxiety occurs. Muscles tension is 1. Plan ahead - Most stress is due to lack of
relieved, and an improved feeling of self planning ahead or becoming over commit-
worth occurs. ted. Effective planning involves setting
3. Breakdown of the chemicals released realistic goals. Do not plan so much for a
during the stress response. Physical day, week, or month that it is impossible to
activity quickens removal of stress hor- accomplish it all. Also, prioritize tasks to be
mones allowing the body to return to done so that time will not be wasted on
homeostasis faster. unimportant activities. Develop a list of
things to be done, prioritize them, and then
4. Releases endorphins. Physical activity set a specific time aside for doing each one.
causes the body’s natural tranquilizers to be
released. 2. Replace fear with positive thinking - Fear
of physical danger can be beneficial by
Many business executives wisely conduct an inducing the extra physical energy needed
exercise program at 5:00 or 6:00 P.M., after a busy to escape. Too often, however, fear is not of
day of work, to help relieve the tensions of the a physical danger but of failure. This type of
day. Exercise has been shown to be beneficial in fear is harmful to the body because the
the treatment of depression. Therapists prescribe common response is lethargy instead of
aerobic exercise as a therapeutic mode to treat causing an active response. Attempt to
depressed patients. However, not all physical ac- replace fears with positive thoughts about
tivity will necessarily provide the same benefits. oneself and develop a positive self-concept.
Participation in sports activities such as golf, ten- 3. Relaxation - Like aerobic exercise, relax-
nis, and racquetball may not assist the body in ation techniques can reduce the potential
relieving stress the same way that aerobic activi- harmful side effects of stress. There are
ties do such as jogging, walking, and cycling. In several relaxation procedures.
competitive sports, where there is pressure to per-
form well or to win, stress may be increased rather Deep Breathing Exercises are simple
than decreased. ways to help reduce stress. Take deep
Long-term benefits of physical activity in- breaths and let the air out slowly. With

102 Essentials of Physical Activity

each breath feel the stress going from the as arthritis, rheumatism, a cancerous tumor grow-
body. Repeat 5 to 10 times. ing on the spine, osteoporosis, or infection. It may
result from a fall, a blow to the spinal column, or
Muscle Relaxation is another way to
pregnancy. But the vast majorities (over 85%) of
reduce stress. Lie down in a quiet and
back problems are not caused by any of these rea-
peaceful place and alternately contract
sons. Instead, they are due to muscle deficiency
and relax the muscles beginning at the
caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. Two of the
feet and working up to the head.
most common back problems are back strain/
Meditation is another method to aid in sprain and slipped disc.
relaxation. Studies demonstrate that, with
practice, after 5 to 10 minutes of medita- 1. Back Strain/Sprain
tion, heart rate and metabolism have
slowed down indicating its effectiveness The most common back problem is a back strain/
in stress management. There are several sprain which may occur as the result of working
meditation techniques. One method is to hard in the garden, moving the furniture, or un-
sit quietly, eyes closed, and repeat a dertaking some other physical activity in which
simple word or phrase. Another is to take the back muscles were required to do more than
a mental vacation and picture yourself at they were capable of doing at that moment. The
some location that is especially peaceful injured muscles or tendons cause inflammation,
to you. fluid build-up, muscle spasms, and painful pres-
sure on the nerve endings. The muscle spasms
4. Avoid Caffeine and Nicotine - When constrict the blood vessels and cause further com-
feeling under tension or stress, avoid plications by limiting blood flow to the injured
caffeine and nicotine. Both substances are area, decreasing the amount of oxygen and nutri-
stimulants and add to the stress reactions of ents to reach the area and delay the removal of
the body. waste products.
5. Support Social Groups - Numerous studies The immediate treatment for a back strain/
are confirming the need to be a part of a sprain is rest, aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce the
positive social group to reduce stress and inflammation, and perhaps a muscle relaxant pre-
related disease. Intimacy, openness, and scribed by a physician to relax the muscle spasm.
sharing all help to reduce stress and im- Usually in a few days the pain will be gone, but it
prove health. will return if a preventive program is not followed.

2. Slipped Disc
Types of Back Problems Although a slipped disc may be the most talked
about back ailment, it accounts for only five per-
An estimated 80% of the American adult popula- cent of back problems. Back strains/sprains ac-
tion has suffered from low-back problems at one count for the other 95%; however, if a back strain/
time or another. Back problems account for more sprain is severe enough, it can mimic a slipped
lost man-hours than any other occupational injury disc.
and consequently accounts for a significant por- A slipped disc is technically not slipped. The
tion of mounting health costs. Americans spend cartilage that serves as a cushion between the ver-
more than $100 billion a year for tests and treat- tebrae is known as a disc. When excess pressure
ments from orthopedic physicians, osteopaths, is placed upon the disc, it may herniate (rupture).
physical therapists, and chiropractors. When this occurs, some of the jelly like center of
Back problems can take several forms. The the disc bulges out of the disc and pushes against
pain may result from pathological problems such the nerves in the spinal cord. These nerves are

Chapter 10 / Managing Stress and Back Injuries 103

extremely sensitive, and any amount of pressure

against them can trigger excruciating pain.
Decreasing Back Injuries
A long history of repeated attacks of muscle
strain/sprain can begin the process of disc dete- Three of the most common reasons for back prob-
rioration. Initially, the disc deterioration may cause lems are 1) weak abdominals and spinal muscles
no symptoms and go unnoticed. This process may with poor hip, spine, and leg flexibility, 2) poor
eventually lead to a ruptured disc. postural habits and body mechanics, and 3)
overfatness. By incorporating specific flexibility
and strengthening exercises into a regular fitness
Symptoms of a Ruptured Disc.
program, back injuries can be decreased.
Although a ruptured disc is often
difficult to diagnose, two symptoms are Strength Exercises - Four specific muscle groups
usually present. The first symptom, is that support the vertebral column, the pelvis, and
pain going down one or both of the legs the abdomen must have adequate strength to pre-
called sciatica. A ruptured disc is most vent back problems.
commonly located in the lower back
where it places pressure on the sciatic 1. Back Muscles support the entire vertebral
nerve. If there is no pain down the leg, column and must be strong. If they are
the problem is probably not from a disc weak, heavy work will strain them and
rupture. The second symptom, strongly cause back pain.
indicative of a ruptured disc, is pain in
2. Abdominal Muscles must be strong to keep
the lower back when lifting one straight
the pelvis tilted up and prevent it from
leg off the floor while lying in a supine rotating down (giving a potbelly or sway-
position. If the straight leg can be lifted back appearance). When the pelvis is
at least 70 to 80 degrees without caus- rotated down, undesirable pressure is placed
ing pain in the low back, the chance of on the vertebrae of the lower back, on the
a ruptured disc is minimal (this test discs, and on the nerves that branch from
should never be performed when the spinal cord to the muscles in the low-
significant back spasms are occurring). back area and legs.
If, on the other hand, the straight leg
can be lifted only 20 or 30 degrees 3. Gluteal Muscles are also important for
stabilizing the pelvis and assist in prevent-
before pain is felt; this is an indication
ing it from rotating down in front. They are
of a possible ruptured disc and a physi-
attached to the back of the pelvis and the
cian should be seen. upper part of the back of the thighs.

Treatment for a Ruptured Disc. 4. Iliopsoas Muscles must be strong and

Very often a ruptured disc requires flexible. This muscle group has its upper
surgery. However, unless there is a attachment on the inside of the vertebral
change in lifestyle, the problem will column of the lower back. It runs through
return following the recovery from the pelvic girdle and attaches to the front of
surgery. It is possible for a ruptured the upper thigh. This muscle group is
disc to heal in time without surgery and important in hip flexion and also supports
not recur if there is a significant and stabilizes the lower part of the back.
lifestyle change.

104 Essentials of Physical Activity

Flexibility - Three key muscle groups which keep The goal is to do 50 without stopping. After
the body upright are always mildly contracting a month of performing 50 curl-ups daily,
during sitting, standing, walking, or jogging. These then gradually replace them with bent knee
muscle groups are the 1) back, 2) hamstrings, and sit-ups. For example, do 45 curl-ups and
3) iliopsoas. Because they are mildly contracting five sit-ups for two weeks. Then progress to
for much of the day, they will develop tightness if 40 curl-ups and 10 sit-ups for two weeks. If
specific types of stretching exercises are not per- no pain occurs during the sit-ups, continue
formed. to increase them until all 50 are sit-ups.
(Sit-ups should be avoided when recovering
from a back problem.)
Guidelines for Back Exercise 2. Pelvic raises - Lie on the back with knees
flexed, feet flat on the floor, and arms at the
1. Learn to distinguish between pain and sides resting on the floor. Raise the pelvis as
discomfort. Pain while exercising is a signal high as possible by contracting the gluteal
to stop. Some discomfort is to be expected muscles, and then lower the pelvis back to
and will go away shortly after the exercise the floor. Begin with five and add one or
is finished. Exercise should not be done two each week until 50 can be performed
when pain is present. without stopping.
2. Progression will be slow if recovering from 3. Side leg raises - Lie on one side of the body
a back problem, allow three to six months to with the head resting in one hand with the
achieve the strength and flexibility needed arm bent and elbow on the floor. Raise the
for the back to resist strain/sprain. In fact, upper leg as high as possible keeping the
noticeable improvement for a month or two knee straight and hip moving forward.
is not uncommon. Move the leg slowly up and down. Begin
with five on each side the first week and
3. Exercise every day when first beginning a add one or two each week until performing
back exercise program since the number of 50 without stopping.
repetitions will be so few. After achieving
satisfactory levels of strength and flexibility, 4. Knees to chest or low-back stretch - Lie
the exercises need to be performed only on the back with legs straight. Bend and
three days per week for maintenance. raise right knee and hug it to the chest with
the hands. Repeat using the left knee and
4. A warm-up should be performed before then with both knees together. Begin by
exercising. If there is back discomfort, doing three a day, and then add one per
taking a short walk, a warm bath, or shower week until able to do 20. When just recover-
before doing the back exercises will help. ing from a back problem, this exercise will
cause some discomfort in the back muscles.
However, as the back heals and flexibility
Specific Exercises for increases, the discomfort will disappear. As
flexibility increases, reduce the repetitions
Preventing Back Problems to 10, and add the next exercise.

1. Curl-up - Lie on the back with knees bent. 5. Hamstring stretch - Sit on the floor with
Raise the head, contract the stomach one leg straight and the other bent. Bend
muscles, and reach up until touching the forward at the waist over the stretched leg
knees, then lower back down to the starting reaching the fingers toward the toes. Switch
position. Begin by doing five repetitions, the legs and repeat. Perform this exercise
and add one or two repetitions each week. after mastering the low-back stretch with no

Chapter 10 / Managing Stress and Back Injuries 105

discomfort. Start with three repetitions it would be “tall” (Think tall). Adherence to the
holding for 10 seconds, and add one per following three practices will lead to good pos-
week until 10 repetitions can be done. ture:
6. Quadriceps stretch - Lay on the side of the
1. Hold your head up high and tall. Feel as
body with both legs bent. Grab the top leg
though you are trying to touch the ceiling
at the ankle and gently pull back, stretching
with the top of your head.
the quadriceps. Switch to the other side and
repeat with the other leg. Start with three 2. Raise your chest, rib cage, and shoulders.
repetitions, hold for 10 seconds, and add
3. Tilt your pelvis backward by contracting
one per week up to 10 repetitions.
your abdominal muscles and your gluteal
7. Back extensions - Lie face down on the muscles.
floor with the elbows by the chest, forearms
on the floor and hands under the chin. In addition to practicing the above postural
Gently raise the trunk by contracting the habits, try to remember to place one foot on a stool,
back muscles. Once the chest is as far off chair, or other object when standing for long peri-
the ground as possible, slowly return the ods. Also, alternate the feet to allow shifts of
body to the starting position. Perform this weight while keeping the back from excessively
exercise only after back pain has stopped. swaying (lordosis). When sitting place the feet,
Begin by doing two, and add one each week with knees bent, on a stool or a footrest. The chair
until performing 14. should have a good, firm seat with a cushion. Do
not slump. The same advice applies while driving
8. Hanging - Whether upright or inverted,
a car. The knees should be bent. Move the seat of
hang for 30 to 60 seconds each day. Hang-
the car as close to the steering wheel as feasible
ing helps the vertebral column to elongate,
to prevent swayback. It is also helpful on long trips
which reduces the pressure on each verte-
to stop at rest areas that furnish tables or benches
bral disc. (Do not hang inverted if you have
that may be used for back exercises and stretch-
heart disease or high blood pressure).

Other Lifestyle Factors 2. Lifting Habits

Several additional factors are crucial in prevent- Improper lifting of heavy objects or carrying heavy
ing back problems. These include posture, lifting objects can place considerable pressure on the
habits, weight reduction, and stress management. vertebral column and lead to back problems. Thus,
proper lifting technique is extremely important.
When lifting objects from the floor, the knees
1. Posture should be bent so that the lifting is done with the
legs rather than the back. When placing groceries
Good posture is a habit, and habits are formed by into the trunk of a car, hanging up clothes, or reach-
constant repetition. Good posture results from ing for objects, lift or lower the object as close to
strong muscles; and strong muscles require a the body as possible. When lifting objects while
strength development exercise program. By de- turning, the feet and entire body should be rotated
veloping good positive habits and strong muscles, as a unit, since there is less stability and support
most back problems can be avoided. of the vertebrae in this position.
If there was one word that best conveys the
mental image of good posture and body alignment,

106 Essentials of Physical Activity

3. Weight Reduction Review Questions

Excess body fat places undesirable stress on the 1. Define stress and homeostasis.
vertebral column. An extra 20 or 30 pounds often
carried on the abdomen, places considerable strain 2. What are four groups of stressors?
upon the back and can lead to back pain. Also this
additional abdominal fat causes the individual to 3. Discuss the role that perception can have on
maintain a poor posture position while sitting and stress.
4. What are some immediate and long-range
symptoms of poor stress management?
4. Stress Management
5. What are some immediate and long-term
If a person is under constant stress, all the muscles benefits of physical activity relative to stress
in the body become tense. The slightest movement management?
can cause a strain/sprain in a back muscle. Per-
sons with low-back pain often have a recurrence 6. List five recommendations in addition to
when they are involved in a stressful situation. It regular aerobic exercise for effective stress
is important to effectively manage stress. management.

7. List four lifestyle factors that are crucial for

preventing future back problems.
Summary 8. List the exercises that are prescribed for
preventing back problems.
Stress management involves the total person.
Regular physical activity, prioritized time man-
9. Distinguish between back sprain/strain and
agement, positive thinking, relaxation and medi-
herniated disc.
tation, avoidance of stimulants, and positive so-
cial interaction all contribute to effectively assist
10. Which muscle groups need to be strength-
in stress management. To overcome or decrease
ened for maintaining a healthy back?
the chance of having back pain, a person needs to
increase flexibility and strength in the back, ab-
domen, hip, and thighs. With 80% of the adult
population suffering from back pain during some
portion of their life, it is important that appropri-
ate exercises are performed regularly.

Chapter 10 / Managing Stress and Back Injuries 107


Exercise Management
for Special Populations

Learning Objectives Key Terms

This chapter examines the role exercise Arthritis
plays in the management of different
disorders. Even those with chronic
diseases can improve their quality of life Cancer
by incorporating appropriate exercise Fibromyalgia
into their lifestyle. When you complete Hyperglycemia
this chapter you should: Obesity
1. Know how exercise benefits those
with diabetes (pages 112-113). Pregnancy
Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Be able to describe lifestyle Type 1 Diabetes
changes that need to be made for Type 2 Diabetes
someone with hypertension (pages
3. Know examples of the benefits of
exercise for individuals with
fibromyalgia (page 114-115).
4. Understand the three groups that
asthmatics fall into concerning
exercise (page 110).
5. Recognize the differences between
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
arthritis (page 109).
6. Understand how exercise helps with
the treatment of cancer (pages 110-
7. Describe how exercise and diet can
be used to combat obesity (pages

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 109

Exercising for Special grows older. The two most common types are os-
teoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoar-
Populations thritis is a degenerative joint disease and is local-
ized to the affected joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is
Over the last decade, physical activity has emerged an inflammatory disorder caused by activity of the
as one of the key factors in the prevention and immune system against joint tissue. This inflam-
management of chronic conditions. Current re- matory response affects many joints and other
search clearly demonstrates that regular, moder- organs.
ate-intensity physical activity provides substan- Previously, the traditional treatment for arthri-
tial health benefits. Therefore every adult Ameri- tis was rest. Current practices have moved toward
can, including those with chronic disorders, should joint mobility due to the evidence of the benefi-
accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-in- cial effects of exercise in limiting the symptoms
tensity physical activity on most, but preferably of the disease. Joint protection is of major impor-
all, days of the week. This recommendation is the tance when exercising and should follow the rec-
minimum standard to confer important health ben- ommendations listed in Table 11.1.
efits but does not represent the optimal amount of Exercise benefits for those with arthritis in-
physical activity for health. clude increased muscular strength, endurance, and
As it is for all adults, a medical evaluation flexibility. In addition, the arthritic exerciser may
should be performed before beginning an exer- develop an improved sense of well-being, an en-
cise program. This is especially important for those hanced quality of sleep, and a healthier body. Aero-
with chronic disorders. The following informa- bic exercise should be performed three to five days
tion is designed to be used in conjunction with per week with an intensity of 60 to 80% of maxi-
the physician’s recommendations for exercise mum heart rate. The emphasis should be placed
and is not intended as a substitute. on progression of increasing duration over inten-
sity building until 30 minutes of continuous aero-
bic exercise is reached. Strength training should
use pain tolerance to set resistance in affected
Arthritis and Exercise joints using two to three repetitions initially and
building up to 10 – 12 repetitions. Flexibility train-
Arthritis is a condition affecting the joints and is ing is a key exercise component to decrease joint
characterized by inflammation, degeneration, and stiffness and should be performed one to two ses-
pain. Over 52 million Americans have some form sions per day. Table 11.2 list exercise recommen-
of arthritis with an increasing prevalence as one dations for individuals with arthritis.

Table 11.1
Recommendations for Exercising with Arthritic Joints

1. Perform low-impact activities

2. Stay away from contact sports and sports with rapid stop-and-go activities

3. Avoid stair climbing and prolong one-legged stances

4. If pain or swelling occur or persist, reduce load on joint

5. Wear insoles and shoes for maximum shock absorption for weight-bearing activities

110 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 11.2
Exercise Program for Arthritis



Walking & Jogging Increase time to exhaustion 50 - 80% Max HR
Treadmill & Stair Increase work capacity 4 - 7 days/week
climbing Improve blood pressure 30 - 60 min/session
Cycling & Swimming Reduce cardiovascular risk

Muscular Strength/
Circuit weight training Increase maximal number Low-resistance with high
of repetitions repetitions 2 - 3 days/week

Stretching Maintain or increase range 2 - 3 sessions/week
of motion

Asthma and Exercise training should consist of 20 to 60 minutes in du-

ration, three to seven days per week. Any type of
aerobic exercise mode is acceptable but exposure
Asthma is a chronic illness generally discovered to cold air, low humidity, or air pollutants should
during early childhood and affects over 25 mil- be avoided. A warm and humid environment is
lion Americans. Asthma is a reversible condition generally best tolerated by asthmatics, such as
characterized by airflow obstruction and increased found at an indoor swimming pool.
bronchial responsiveness to both allergic and en- Resistance training is also beneficial for the
vironmental stimuli. There is a wide variability asthmatic. Machine or free weights can be utilized
of severity between individuals with asthma. Some using low resistance and high repetition (15 – 20
mild cases are only noticeable when the asthmatic RM) two to three days per week. Strength train-
comes in contact with a trigger stimulus such as ing the respiratory muscles through breathing ex-
allergens or exercise. In severe cases, symptoms ercises has been shown to decrease the intensity
are characterized by mostly irreversible airflow and number of asthmatic symptoms and cause a
obstruction even with medication. reduction in the amount of medical services re-
Individuals with asthma notice that this dis- quired. Table 11.3 list exercise recommendations
order has a large variability in its severity during for individuals with asthma.
attacks. With concerns to exercise, the asthmatic
population can be grouped into three categories:
1) exercise-induced asthma with no other symp-
toms; 2) mild asthma where ventilatory restric- Cancer and Exercise
tion does not limit submaximal exercise; and 3)
moderate to severe asthma where ventilatory re- Cancer is a collection of several hundred diseases
striction does limit submaximal exercise. Exer- that possess uncontrolled cellular proliferation
cise-induced bronchiospasm occurs in 50 to 100% with the potential for these cells to spread to other
of individuals with asthma. Exercise with appro- parts of the body (metastasize). It is estimated that
priate medical regimen is critical in improving the 1.6 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed each
fitness level and quality of life for each asthmatic. year in the United States with over 589,000 Ameri-
For cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular cans dying annually. Exercise is an important ad-

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 111

Table 11.3
Exercise Program for Asthma



Cardiorespiratory: (avoid
exercise in cold/dry air) Develop more efficient Increase duration
Walking & Treadmill breathing patterns over intensity
Stair Climbing Increase work capacity 3 - 7 days/week
Swimming & Aquatic Increase time to exhaustion 30 min/session
Exercise Be less sensitive to dyspnea comortable pace

Muscular Strength/
Free & machine weights Increase number of Low-resistance with
repetitions high repetitions
2 - 3 days/week

Stretching (< 20 sec hold Increase range of motion 3 - 4 times/week
below discomfort point) 3 - 4 sessions/week

junctive treatment for patients with cancer. People may be due to either the disease itself or from the
with cancer, as well as those who have survived, anticancer treatment (see Table 11.4) which will
may have specific physical limitations because of pose challenges to exercising. The specific ef-
cancer being multidimensional. These limitations fects of cancer on the ability to exercise are deter-

Table 11.4
Effects of Different Anticancer Treatments



Chemotherapy Fatigue Fatique

Nausea Lung Scarring
Anemia Heart Muscle Disease
Muscle pain Leukemia
Weight gain Nerve Damage

Radiation Fatigue Fractures

Pain Cardiac Scarring
Skin Irritation Lung Scarring
Pulmonary Inflammation Decreased Flexibility

Surgery Fatigue Pain

Pain Nerve Damage
Decrease Range of Motion Decrease Flexibility

Immunotherapy Fatigue Muscle Disease

Flu-like Illness Nerve Damage
Nerve Damage

112 Essentials of Physical Activity

mined by the tissue affected and the extent of in- per week, performing at least six to eight differ-
volvement. ent exercises consisting of both upper and lower
Exercise training is safe and beneficial for body movement. Table 11.5 list exercise recom-
cancer patients but the goals for exercise vary ac- mendations for individuals with cancer.
cording to the individual’s situation. For those un-
dergoing treatment for cancer, the objective of ex-
ercising is to maintain strength, endurance and
physiological function. For cancer survivors, ex-
Diabetes and Exercise
ercising should have the goal of returning them to
their former level of physical and psychological Over 29 million people in the United States have
function. Exercise reduces fatigue and improves diabetes (diabetes mellitus). Diabetes is a group
functional ability, mood, and quality of life. Be- of metabolic diseases characterized by an inabil-
fore each exercise session, all cancer patients ity to sufficiently produce or properly use insulin
should assess their general health status. This is resulting in hyperglycemia. There are two main
especially important for those actively receiving categories of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused
chemotherapy. Individuals experiencing vomiting, by a deficiency of insulin requiring regular insu-
diarrhea, or a fever should delay their workout lin injections or the use of an insulin pump. Type
session. Cancer patients with low platelet count 2 diabetes is the result of the body’s insulin re-
(< 50,000/mm3) will have an increased risk of ceptors become insensitive or resistance to insu-
bleeding and steps should be taken to prevent falls lin. This is the most common form and affects over
and elevated blood pressure. 90% of all those suffering from diabetes. Regard-
Aerobic exercise should consist of moderate less of the type of diabetes, this disease affects
intensity activities performed at least every other the blood vessels and nerves causing several com-
day for 15 to 40 minutes per session. Resistance plications to occur. These include vision impair-
training should be conducted two to three days ment, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease,
atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Table 11.5
Exercise Program for Cancer



Recumbent Cycling Improve quality of life Every other day
Walking Reduce fatigue Symptoms limited,
Stair Climbing & Rowing Increase work capacity moderate intensity
Swimming & Aquatic Improve mood 15 - 40 min/session
Exercise Maintain body weight

Muscular Strength/
Circuit weight training Increase strength 8 - 12 repetitions
Free & machine weights Increase endurance 2 - 3 days/week

Stretching Increase range of motion 5 - 7 sessions/week

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 113

Exercise is an important component of dia- Type 1 diabetes requires modification in in-

betes management and provides several benefits sulin dosage and carbohydrate ingestion when
(see Table 11.6). For type 2 diabetes, exercise may beginning an exercise program. Often, a reduc-
be considered a method of treatment. But for type tion of the insulin dosage and/or increase in car-
1 diabetes, exercise is used to minimize the af- bohydrate intake is needed to avoid hypoglyce-
fects of disease and is an important part of a mia that can result from exercise (see Table 11.7).
healthy lifestyle. Aerobic, muscular strength/en- This adjustment is dependent on the intensity and
durance and flexibility training are all appropri- duration of exercise. Supervised exercise or exer-
ate modes for most individuals with diabetes. cising with a workout partner is recommended in
case a hypoglycemic event occurs. Symptoms of
hypoglycemia include confusion, dizziness, irri-
tability, headache, and nausea.
Table 11.6
Aerobic exercise is important to maximize
Benefits of Exercise for the Diabetic blood glucose control in diabetics. Properly fit-
ting and supportive shoes are required for weight-
bearing exercise (e.g. walking and jogging) due
❑ Improved Insulin Sensitivity to peripheral neuropathy causing feet ulcerations.
Those with advance peripheral neuropathy should
❑ Weight Conrol
participate in non-impact exercises (e.g. swim-
❑ Improved Lipid Profiles
ming and cycling). Resistance exercises are safe
for diabetics, although those with kidney disease
❑ Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease or vision impairment should avoid heavy lifting
or straining. Table 11.8 lists exercise recommen-
❑ Reduction in Blood Pressure dations for individuals with diabetes.

❑ Better Glucose Tolerance

❑ Stress Management

Table 11.7
Avoiding Exercise-Induced Hypoglycemia

❖ Measure blood glucose immediately before starting workout and during

workout if longer than 30 minutes.

❖ Consume carbohydrates if glucose < 100 mg/dl.

❖ Delay workout if glucose is > 300 mg/dl or > 240 mg/dl with Ketone Bodies.

❖ Avoid exercising during peak insulin action.

❖ Reduce insulin dose on days of exercise.

❖ Consume carbohydrates after exercise and monitor closely.

❖ Avoid exercise late at night to avoid hypoglycemia while sleeping.

114 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 11.8
Exercise Program for Diabetics



Walking & Jogging Increase time to exhaustion 50 - 90% Max HR
Increase work capacity 4 - 7 days/week
Peripheral Neuropath Improve blood pressure 20 - 60 min/session
Cycling & Swimming Reduce cardiovascular risk

Muscular Strength/
Free weight &/or Increase maximal number Low-resistance with
weight machines of repetitions high repetitions

Stretching Maintain or increase range 2 - 3 sessions/week
of motion

Fibromyalgia and Exercise The type of exercises that will benefit

fibromyalgia patients should be light to moderate
intensity. Some individuals may respond better
Approximately 5.8 million Americans are diag- when exercises are performed in 5 – 10 minutes
nosed with fibromyalgia. This rheumatological sessions spaced throughout the day. Developing
disease affects both men and women. Eighty per- and maintaining a flexibility program is also es-
cent of those affected with fibromyalgia are sential. Passive and static stretching exercises can
women between the ages of 20 and 50 years. reduce the stress and tension in tight muscles.
Fibromyalgia is a multidimensional condition Stretching should be preformed intermittently
characterized by chronic diffused pain and ten- throughout the training session to enhance train-
derness at specific anatomical location. Additional ing tolerance. Each stretching exercise should not
symptoms include sleep disturbance, chronic fa- be held longer than 15 – 20 seconds.
tigue, depression, anxiety, morning stiffness, and Resistance training should be incorporated
exaggerated perception of physical work. into the exercise program of individuals with
Individuals with fibromyalgia are typically fibromyalgia. Strengthening exercises must focus
sedentary and in poor physical condition due to on muscular endurance using light to moderate
the associated pain and general fatigue. Specific resistance for 15 – 20 repetitions. Fibromyalgia
exercises that are poorly tolerated are vigorous or individuals should never strength train to the point
high-impact activities as well as sustained over- of muscular failure as this will exacerbate the
head movements. Exercising can produced simi- symptoms of this disorder. Cardiovascular condi-
lar benefits for individuals with fibromyalgia as it tioning should consist of low-impact, non-weight-
does for healthy individuals. However, the primary bearing, low-intensity aerobic exercises. When
goal of exercising for those with fibromyalgia is first beginning an exercise program, start out with
to restore and maintain functional ability. Benefits short exercise bouts and progressively increase the
specific to individuals with fibromyalgia can be duration as exercise tolerance improves rather than
found in Table 11.9. increase intensity. Table 11.10 lists exercise rec-
ommendations for individuals with fibromyalgia.

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 115

Table 11.9
Benefits of Exercise for Individuals with Fibromyalgia

Table 11.10
Exercise Program for Fibromyalgia



Recumbent Cycling Decrease pain, anxiety and Increase duration
Walking & Treadmill depression over intensity
Stair Climbing Increase work capacity 2 - 3 days/week
Swimming & Aquatic Increase time to exhaustion 20 - 40 min/session
Exercise Reduce cardiovascular risk 50 - 60% Max HR

Muscular Strength/
Circuit weight training Increase number of Low-resistance with
repetitions high repetitions

Stretching (< 20 sec hold Increase range of motion 3 - 4 times/sessions
below discomfort point) 3 - 4 sessions/week

116 Essentials of Physical Activity

Hypertension and Exercise Obesity and Exercise

Hypertension or high blood pressure affects more Obesity is a disorder of excess body fat resulting
than 70 million Americans and is defined as hav- in poor health and quality of life. Currently, 31%
ing a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or of American adults are considered obese, increas-
greater and/or diastolic blood pressure of 90 ing the risk and severity of disease. There are sev-
mmHg or greater. In 1993, the Joint National Com- eral ways to define obesity as found in Table 11.13.
mittee advocated regular aerobic exercise as an The primary cause for obesity in the United States
effective treatment for or in combination with is diet and physical inactivity. However, environ-
medication for decreasing hypertension. To pre- ment and heredity may play a role in predispos-
vent morbidity and mortality from high blood pres- ing an individual to becoming overfat. Years of
sure, blood pressure should be lowered and main- unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle causes
tained below 140/90 mmHg while concurrently unique problems for obese individuals. Besides
modifying cardiovascular risk factors through the typical health problems associated with obe-
lifestyle changes (see Table 11.11). sity (Chapter 7), dermatitis, impaired agility, and
The benefits of exercise training on hyperten- heat intolerance can cause discomfort during ex-
sion are reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood ercise.
pressure. Physically active hypertensive individu- The primary objective of exercise in the treat-
als also have a lower mortality rates. The condition- ment of obesity is to increase energy expenditure
ing program for hypertensive individuals should in- while minimizing the potential of injury. Research
clude aerobic, muscular endurance, and flexibility clearly shows that even a modest weight loss of
exercises. Aerobic exercise guidelines are similar to 10% can dramatically improve obesity related dis-
the recommendations for healthy adults (Chapter 4). eases. Exercise alone will not be effective if the
However, individuals with blood pressure greater obese individual is unmotivated to make additional
than 180/110 mmHg should only begin aerobic train- lifestyle changes. Employing low-intensity aero-
ing after initiating drug therapy since untreated hy- bic and resistance exercises as well as modifying
pertension may limit exercise tolerance. Resistance one’s diet is the only method for making signifi-
exercises are important for hypertensive individu- cant decreases. For permanent lifestyle changes
als but should focus on muscular endurance using to occur, behavior therapy will also be required.
15 – 20 RM (Chapter 5). Increasing the range of Table 11.14 list exercise recommendations for
motion is needed for most individuals and normal obese individuals.
flexibility training guidelines should be followed
(Chapter 6). Table 11.12 list exercise recommenda-
tions for individuals with hypertension.

Table 11.11
Lifestyle Changes for Hypertensive Individuals

1. Decrease weight, if Body Mass Index over 25

2. Limit alcohol intake
3. Increase aerobic activity
4. Reduce sodium intake
5. Maintain adequate potassium, calcium & magnesium intake
6. Stop smoking
7. Reduce intake of saurated fat & cholesterol

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 117

Table 11.12
Exercise Program for Hypertension



Walking & Jogging Increase time to exhaustion 50 - 80% Max HR
Treadmill & Stair Increase work capacity 4 - 7 days/week
Climbing Improve blood pressure 30 - 60 min/session
Cycling & Swimming Reduce cardiovascular risk

Muscular Strength/
Circuit weight training Increase maximal number Low-resistance with
of repetitions high repetitions

Stretching Maintain or increase range 2 - 3 sessions/week
of motion

Table 11.13
Classification of Obesity by Percentage of Body Fat, Weight and Body Mass Index

Midly Moderately Severely

Obese Obese Obese

Percent Over Ideal 21 - 40% 41 - 100% > 100%

Body Weight

Body Mass Index 30 - 34 35 - 39 > 39

Percent Body Fat

Female 32 - 37% 38 - 45% > 45%
Male 22 - 27% 28 - 35% > 35%

118 Essentials of Physical Activity

Table 11.14
Exercise Program for Obesity



Stair Climbing & Rowing Reduce cardiovascular risk 40 - 60 min/session
Walking & Treadmill Increase time to exhaustion 50 - 60% Max HR
Recumbent Cycling Increase work capacity 5 - 7 days/week
Swimming & Aquatic Reduce body weight Increase duration
Exercise over intensity

Muscular Strength/
Circuit weight training Increase strength 8 - 12 repetitions
Free & Machine Increase muscular endurance 2 - 3 sets/exercise
weights 2 - 3 days/week

Stretching Increase range of motion 5 - 7 sessions/week

Pregnancy and Exercise ditional benefits include improved psychological

well-being, prevention of type 2 diabetes, and
control excessive weight gain. Women who were
Traditionally, pregnancy has been treated similar previously exercising before becoming pregnant
to an illness because it places enormous demands can continue with their moderate to even vigor-
on a woman’s body. This led to the recommenda- ous exercise program. For pregnant women not
tions for pregnant women to be advised to rest already involved in an exercise program, they
and avoid unnecessary physical activity. Today, should follow a low intensity program. The type
moderate exercise is encouraged as decades of of exercise should be based on comfort and con-
research has found that physically active moth- venience. Non-weight-bearing exercises such as
ers-to-be gain positive health benefits without stationary cycling and aquatics may be more com-
placing the fetus at increased risk. Exercise can fortable as pregnancy advances. Avoid ballistic
be dangerous however if excessive, leading to exercises, Valsalva maneuver (Chapter 3), and
hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, and premature la- exercising in the supine position. Additional pre-
bor for the mother. For the fetus, excessive exer- cautions include: avoid exercising in hot, humid
cise may cause hypoxemia, hyperthermia, hy- environments; consume adequate fluids (Chapter
poglycemia, and low birth weight. In addition, 6); and limit exposure to falling/contact/impact
certain conditions require that exercise be consid- activities (e.g., soccer, boxing, and skydiving).
ered cautiously. The American College of Obste- During pregnancy there is an increase chance of
tricians and Gynecologists has compiled a list of joint injury due to the presence of relaxin, a hor-
contraindications for exercise during pregnancy mone that causes joint laxity in preparation for
and is listed in Table 11.15. the deliver of the baby. Also, exercise should stop
The benefits of regular exercise during preg- in the event of vaginal bleeding, feelings of dis-
nancy consist of counteracting the effects of de- comfort, abdominal pain/cramping, ruptured
conditioning and combat fatigue. Muscular membranes, or abnormal/excessive increase in
strength is maintained with exercise which will blood pressure or heart rate. Table 11.16 list exer-
improve posture, decrease back pain, speed de- cise recommendations for pregnant women.
livery and hasten recovery from pregnancy. Ad-

Chapter 11 / Exercise Management for Special Populations 119

Table 11.15
Contraindications for Exercise during Pregnancy

1. Pregnancy-induced hypertension

2. Incompetent cervix

3. Intrauterine growth retardation

4. Premature rupture of membranes

5. Persistent second or third trimester bleeding

6. Preterm labor during prior or current pregnancy

7. Preeclampsia or toxemia

8. Valvular or ischemic heart disease

9. Restrictive lung disease

10. Multiple pregnancy at risk for premature labor

11. Low body fat and/or history of anorexia nervosa

Table 11.16
Exercise Program for Pregnancy



Walking & Treadmill Increase time to exhaustion 50 - 60% Max HR
Recumbent Cycling Increase work capacity 3 - 5 days/week
Swimming & Aquatic Reduce body weight 30 - 50 min/session
Exercise Increase duration Increase duration

Muscular Strength/
Avoid Valsalva maneuver Increase muscular endurance 12 - 15 repetitions
Free & Machine 1 - 2 sets/exercise
weights 2 - 3 days/week

Stretching Increase range of motion 2 - 3 sessions/week

120 Essentials of Physical Activity

Summary Review Questions

Being physically active should be the goal of ev- 1. List four lifestyle factors that are crucial for
ery American. Even those with chronic conditions preventing hypoglycemia.
can benefit from an appropriate exercise regimen.
Before beginning an exercise program with any 2. List the benefits of aerobic exercise for
disorder, proper medical evaluation is required. those with hypertension.
By following the guidelines for exercise in con-
junction with the physician’s recommendation, an 3. What are the main goals of exercise for
attenuation of the condition’s symptoms will oc- individuals with fibromyalgia?
cur along with an improvement in the quality of
life. 4. What type of exercise environment is best
tolerated by asthmatics?

5. Distinguish between osteoarthritis and

rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Discuss the different goals of exercise for

those being treated for cancer compared to
cancer survivors.

7. Define obesity in terms of body mass index

and percent of body fat.

8. List five contraindications for exercise

during pregnancy.


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Williams, P. (2008) Vigorous exercise, fitness and incident hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
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Williams, P. (2013) Effects of running and walking on osteoarthritis and hip replacement risk. Medicine and
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Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(5), 933-939.
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medication use. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(11), 1933-1941.
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15(3), 337-340.

Bibliography 149

Zhang, P., Sui, X., Hand, G., Hebert, J., & Blair, S. (2014) Association of changes in fitness and body
composition with cancer mortality in men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(7),

Adams, G. (2002) Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual (4th Ed). Boston: McGraw Hill.
American College of Sports Medicine. (1998) ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise
Testing and Prescription (3rd Ed). Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
Heyward, V.H. (2002) Advanced Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription. (4th Ed). Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics.
Hoeger, W. & Hoeger, S. (2006) Principles & Labs for Physical Fitness. (5th Ed). Belmont, CA:
Howley, E. & Franks B. (2003) Health Fitness Instructor’s Handbook (4th Ed). Champaign, IL:Human
Kravitz, L. (1998) Anybody’s Guide to Total Fitness (5th Ed). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Roberts, S., Robergs, R., & Hanson, P. (1997) Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescription: Theory and
Application. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

150 Essentials of Physical Activity


Glossa ry of T e rm s
Acclimatization – The process of chronic adaptation to a given environmental stress.

Adipocyte – A fat cell that has the ability to increase in size and number.

Aerobic Exercise – A continuous exercise required oxygen that last longer than three minutes and
involves using major muscle groups in a repetitive motion.

Aging Process – A progressive loss of physical and mental capacities that eventually culminates in death.

Anaerobic Exercise – An activity requiring quick burst of speed or large amount of strength using the
stored energy within the muscle cells and last less than two minutes.

Anaerobic Metabolism – The chemical process by which energy is made available for the body without
the utilization of oxygen.

Anemia – A reduction below normal in the number of red blood cells or in the quantity of hemoglobin in
the blood.

Anorexia Nervosa – An eating disorder involving self-starvation.

Antioxidant – A substance that prevents the formation of free radicals in the body that are a natural by-
product of oxidation and are thought to cause the development of chronic diseases.

Arteries – The vessels that carry blood away from the heart to various parts of the body.

Arterioles – The small branches of arteries.

Arthritis – A general term referring to an inflammation of the joints causing pain, swelling, and restricted

Asthma – A chronic condition often of allergic origin marked by labored breathing and constriction of
the chest.

152 Essentials of Physical Activity

Atrium – The upper chamber on either side of the heart which transmits blood it receives to the same side
Back Strain/Sprain – A dull and continuous pain in the back often due to a sudden action using fatigued
or out of conditioned muscles and usually resolves itself with rest and time.

Ballistic Stretching – An exercise designed to increase the range of motion of a joint by utilizing
bouncing movements.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) – The amount of calories the body needs to maintain normal bodily
functions in a resting state.

Binge Eating Disorder – An illness characterized by episodes of consuming large amounts of food in a
short period of time brought on by an emotional or psychological event.

Bioelectrical Impedance – A method of determining body fat percentage by measuring the resistance to
a low-level current passed through the body.

Blood Pressure – The force exerted by the blood against the artery walls.

Body Composition – The ratio of fat tissue mass to lean tissue mass in the body and has a direct affect on
an individual’s health.

Body Mass Index (BMI) – A measurement to estimate the risk of disease from excess body weight and
is determined by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters.

Bulimia Nervosa – An eating disorder consisting of recurring binge-eating followed by purging.

Calories – A unit by which energy is measured.

Cancer – A collection of diseases characterized by the presence of malignant tumors of potentially

unlimited growth that expand locally by invasion and throughout the body by metastasis.

Capillaries – A microscopic blood vessel between an artery and a vein where the interchange of various
substances between the blood and tissues take place.

Carbohydrate – A group of chemical substances composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that can be
used efficiently as an energy source.

Cardiac Output – The amount of blood the heart can pump out of the left ventricle per minute.

Cardiorespiratory Fitness – A healthy functioning heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood allowing the
body to perform moderately strenuous activity over an extended period of time.

Glossary of Terms 153

Cognitive Functioning – The operation of the mental process in which an individual becomes aware of
thought and perception, including all aspects of perceiving, thinking, remembering, and moving.

Complex Carbohydrate – A form of carbohydrate consisting of three or more simple-sugar molecules

bonded together in varying patterns.

Concentric Muscle Contraction – The characteristic of skeletal muscle to generate a force as the muscle
fiber shortens.

Controlled Stretching – A procedure preformed prior to exercising for improved joint mobility during
the following physical activity and consists of gently elongating the muscles that will be used.

Cool-down – A process of gradually allowing the exercised body to return to its pre-exercise resting

Coronary Vessels – The vascular system of the heart which supplies the heart muscle with blood.

Deep Breathing Exercises – A technique designed to reduce or alleviate stress through slow and held

Degenerative Disease – A disorder characterized by a change in the cell from a healthy functioning state
to a less functionally active form.

Dehydration – A decrease in water content of the body below normal levels.

Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – A temporary muscle soreness and stiffness that occur 24
to 48 hours after performing unaccustomed eccentric muscle contractions and last for three to
four days.

Diastolic Blood Pressure – The force of the blood against the artery walls during the relaxation period of
the heart.

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) – A set of nutrient intake values for health people in the United States
and Canada. These values are used for planning and assessing diets.

Dynamic Strength Training – A conditioning technique designed to improve skeletal muscle function
by applying resistance to joint movements.

Eccentric Muscle Contraction – The characteristic of skeletal muscle to generate a force as the muscle
fiber lengthens.

Energy Balance Equations – Three propositions that state what will happen to body weight if caloric
intake is different than or equal to caloric expenditures.

154 Essentials of Physical Activity

Essential Fat – The lipid component of the body that is necessary for normal bodily functions and is
found in cell membranes, bone marrow, nervous system, and etc.

Exercise Habit – A physical activity designed to promote health that has become an important part of the
person’s life.

Fiber – The portion of ingested food that cannot be broken down by intestinal enzymes and juices and
functions to absorb organic wastes and toxins and make the stool softer.

Fibromyalgia – A complex multidimensional condition characterized by the presence of chronic diffuse

pain and tenderness at specific anatomic locations.

Flexibility – The ability to move a joint through a full range of motion without discomfort or pain.

Flexibility Exercise – A technique or movement designed to improve or maintain joint range of motion.

Flexibility Training – A series of exercise movements designed to increase the joints range of motion in
the body and alleviate muscle tightness.

Glycemic Index – A rating of the increase in blood glucose after the ingestion of a standard amount of

Health – A state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.

Health Fitness – The appropriate functioning body that allows quality living and longevity.

Heart Rate – The number of contractions per minute of the cardiac ventricles.

Hemoglobin – The oxygen-carrying pigment of the red blood cells.

Hydration – The absorption of water by the body.

Hydrostatic Weighing – A method of determining body composition using a water submersion


Hyperglycemia – An excess of glucose in the blood.

Hyperhydrated – The increase in body water content above normal levels.

Hypertrophy – The increase in size of skeletal muscle due to the increase size of individual muscle

Glossary of Terms 155

Individuality Principle – A conditioning effect that acknowledges the variation in the conditioning
response from exercise due to a person’s physical, psychological, and heredity makeup.

Insulin – A hormone secretion of the pancreas necessary to convert carbohydrates into energy and
sometimes used therapeutically to control diabetes.

Ischemic – The diminished flow of blood to a tissue.

Isokinetic – A strengthening exercise that uses resistance at a constant velocity throughout the range of

Isometric Muscle Contraction – The characteristic of skeletal muscle to generate a force without a
change in muscle length.

Isotonic – A strength training exercise that involves a constant resistance throughout the range of motion.

Lean Tissue – The components of the body that is not fat.

Life Expectancy – The average longevity of a person from a specific population is projected to live from
a given point in time.

Lifestyle – A method in which an individual chooses to live that includes dietary habit, physical activity
level, personal hygiene, sleep pattern, social interaction, and spiritual commitment.

Medical Clearance – A physical examination by a physician to determine if there should be any
limitations placed upon an individual starting an exercise program.

Meditation - A technique designed to reduce or eliminate stress by focusing on a non-stressful word,

object, or location.

Minerals – The inorganic substances found naturally in food and play a vital role in the development and
maintenance of the body.

Motor Neuron – A nerve fiber that transmits an impulse to a skeletal muscle fiber.

Motor Unit – A motor neuron and all of the skeletal muscle fibers it attaches to.

Muscle Development Exercise – An activity designed to improve the functioning ability of the muscles
that control body movement and posture.
Muscle Relaxation – A technique designed to reduce or eliminate stress by alternating contracting and
relaxing of skeletal muscles.

156 Essentials of Physical Activity

Muscular Endurance – The ability of skeletal muscle to contract repetitively or to maintain a contraction
for an extended period of time.

Muscular Strength – The ability of skeletal muscle to exert maximal amount of force during a single

Myocardium – The thickest layer of the heart wall and is composed of cardiac muscle.

Obesity – The excessive accumulation of storage fat in the body.

Osteoarthritis – A gradual destruction of the cartilage of a joint and overgrowth of bone in the joint.

Overfat – A condition of excess body fat as determined from body composition analysis.

Overload Principle – A conditioning process that uses an exercise workload greater than is normally
performed to cause the body’s systems to adapt and enable the body to function at a higher level.

Performance Fitness – The ability of an individual to successfully participate in sporting activities that
requires good coordination, agility, and balance.

Physical Fitness – The ability to perform physical effort beyond normal daily activities without undue

Physically Active Lifestyle - A method in which individuals will includes additional body movements
into their normal daily life for reasons other than the specific development of fitness.

Posture – The natural and comfortable bearing of the body in normal, healthy persons promoting normal
functioning of the body’s organs and increasing the efficiency of the muscle to minimize fatigue.

Pregnancy – The condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body after union of an ovum
and spermatozoon.

Protein – A major nutrient composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen and is required in the
growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissue.

Purging – An intentional emptying of the stomach and/or bowels by self-induced vomiting and/or use of

Range of Motion (ROM) – The movement of a joint from full extension to full flexion.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) – The nutrient intakes suggested for the maintenance of
health in people in the United States.

Glossary of Terms 157

Repetition Maximum (RM) – The number of times a strengthening exercise can be performed before the
muscle fatigues.

Rehydration – The process of returning fluids to the body during recovery from a dehydrated state.

Resistance – An external load used to oppose the contractile force of skeletal muscle.

Reversibility Principle – A deconditioning process that causes the physiological adaptations gained from
exercise to be lost due to inactivity.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – An autoimmune disorder marked by severe inflammation of the joints and
sometimes other organs.

Ruptured Disk - A herniated disk or pad of cartilage between vertebrae and pressing against the spinal
cord causing excruciating pain.

Saturated Fat – A type of fatty acid in which all carbon atoms are joined by single bonds, allowing the
maximum number of hydrogen atoms to bond to the molecule and are usually solid at room

Set – The number of times a particular strength training exercise is performed to muscle failure during a

Skinfold Measurement – A technique for determining body fat percentage by assessing the amount of
fat beneath the skin.

Slipped Disc – A rupture of a disk or pad of cartilage between vertebrae and pressing against the spinal
cord causing excruciating pain.

Socio-Cultural – The interactions people have with each other and with their environment.

Specificity Principle – A process that causes adaptations to only occur within the bodily systems being
used during exercise and is dependent upon the type of exercise performed.

Specific Warm-up – A procedure used to prepare an individual for participation in a physical activity by
allowing them to become familiar with the playing or workout environment.

Static Strength Training - A conditioning technique designed to improve skeletal muscle function by
using an immovable resistance that will allow no change in muscle length during muscle

Static Stretching - An exercise designed to increase flexibility in a joint by placing the muscles in an
elongated position and holding that position for an extended period of time.

Stress – The body’s response to a stimulus consisting of a mobilization of bodily resources for

158 Essentials of Physical Activity

Stressor – A situation or event that elicits the stress response.

Storage Fat – The lipid held in adipose tissue.

Strength Training – A conditioning procedure that utilizes resistance exercises to improve muscle

Stroke Volume – The amount of blood pumped from the heart per contraction.

Systolic Blood Pressure – The force of the blood exerted against the arterial walls during the contraction
of the heart.

Tendons – A cord or band of strong white fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone.

Triglycerides – A lipid that consists of three fatty acid molecules attached to a glycerol molecule and is
stored in fat cells.

Trans Fats – A form of fatty acids derived from the process of hydrogenation and believed to increase a
person’s risk for coronary artery disease.

Type 1 Diabetes – A metabolic disorder caused by the destruction of the insulin producing beta cells of
the pancreas.

Type 2 Diabetes – A metabolic disorder caused by changes in insulin secretion or sensitivity of the body
to insulin.

Type I Muscle Fiber – A specialized contractile tissue in skeletal muscle that is highly aerobic, contracts
slowly, and resist fatigue.

Type IIa Muscle Fiber – A specialized contractile tissue in skeletal muscle that contracts rapidly and has
the capacity for both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

Type IIb Muscle Fiber – A specialized contractile tissue in skeletal muscle that contracts rapidly, is
highly anaerobic, and fatigues quickly.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – A governmental agency designed to provide
protection, management of, and make public policy on issue regarding food, agriculture, and
natural resources.

Unsaturated Fat - A type of fatty acid in which some carbon atoms are joined by double bonds, causing
a fewer number of hydrogen atoms to bond to the molecule and are usually liquid at room

Glossary of Terms 159

Valsalva Maneuver – An increase of intrathoracic pressure by forcible exhalation against the closed

Varicose Veins – The unnaturally and permanently distended, swollen, and knotted veins usually found
in the legs.

Veins – The blood vessels that carry blood from various parts of the body back to the heart.

Ventricle – The lower chambers of the heart which pumps blood to various parts of the body.

Vitamins – The organic substances that are found naturally in food and play a vital role in the
development and maintenance of the body.

World Health Organization (WHO) – The most widely recognized international agency responsible for
studying and controlling disease on a global basis.

160 Essentials of Physical Activity

Index 161


A Ballistic Stretching, 57
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), 69
Acclimatization, 59 Binge Eating Disorder, 72, 73
Adipocyte, 66 Bioelectrical Impedance, 67
Aerobic, 16 Blood, 17
Aerobic Exercise, 35, 38, 39 Pressure, 26, 27, 77
Age, 33 Vessels, 26
Agility, 14 Blood Lipids, 77
Aging, 77 Body Composition,14, 17, 65
Aging Process, 77 Assessment, 66
Amino Acids, 106 Body Fat,33, 67
Essential, 106 Body Mass Index (BMI), 67
Anemia, 28 Body Weight, 66
Anaerobic, 16 Bones, 17
Anaerobic Exercise, 16 Bran, 84
Anaerobic Metabolism, 43, 46 Bulimia Nervosa, 72
Anorexia Nervosa, 72
Antioxidants, 89 C
Anxiety, 78
Arteries, 26 Caffeine, 89
Arterioles, 26 Calcium, 90
Arthritis, 109 Caloric Expenditure, 93
Asthma(tics), 116 Calories, 95
Atherosclerosis, 4, 31, 38, 99 Cancer, 8, 110
Atrium, 23 Capillaries, 26
Carbohydrates, 81, 82
B Simple, 82
Complex, 82
Back, 102 Carbon Dioxide, 23
Flexibility, 103 Cardiac Output, 25
Problems, 102 Cardiorespiratory (CR) Fitness, 13, 39, 77
Strain/Sprain, 102 Cardiorespiratory System, 22
Strengthening Exercises, 103 Cardiovascular Disease, 7, 31
Balance, 14, 78 Carotid Arteries, 36

162 Essentials of Physical Activity

Cell, 23 Fiber, 82-84

Center of Disease Control & Prevention, 7 Fibromyalgia, 114
Cereals, 84 Flexibility, 13, 16, 77
Cholesterol, 31 Flexibility Training, 53, 57
Circulatory System, 26 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 85
Cognitive Functioning, 78 Food Guide Pyramid, 92
Complex Carbohydrates, 82 Free Radical, 89
Concentric Contraction, 44 Frequency, 35
Cool-Down, 53, 56 Fruit, 93
Coordination, 14
Coronary Arteries, 4 G
Coronary Vessels, 25
Gender, 32
D Genetics, 7
Glucose, 46
Death Rates, 18 Glycemic Index, 83
Death, Causes of, 7
Deep Breathing Exercise, 101 H
Degenerative Diseases, 4
Dehydration, 57 Harvard School of Public Health, 93
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS), 48 Health, 3, 13
Depression, 78 Health Care, 6
Diabetes, 35, 112 Costs, 5, 6
Diaphragm, 25 Health Fitness, 10, 13
Diarrhea, 84 Healthy Eating Pyramid, 93
Diastolic Blood Pressure, 27 Heart, 16, 23
Diet, 99-117 Heart Attack, 32
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), 88 Heart Disease, 7
Dynamic Strength Training, 45 Heart Rate, 36
Measuring, 36
E Heart Rate Training Zone, 36
Heat Illness, 60
Eating Disorders, 71 Hemoglobin, 28
Eccentric Contraction, 44 Heredity, 7, 32
Endorphins, 101 High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), 34
Energy Balance Equation, 69 High-Fiber Cereals, 85
Environment, 2 High-Protein Diet, 87
Hot, 58 Hydration, 57
Cold, 60 Hydrostatic Weighing, 66
Exercise, 53, 56 Hyperglycemia, 112
Exercise Habit, 75 Hyperhydrate, 58
Hypertension, 33, 116
F Hypertrophy, 48
Hypoglycemia, 113
Fat, 34
Essential, 65 I
Fats, 85
Saturated, 85 Immune System, 17
Unsaturated, 85 Individuality Principle, 15, 49

Index 163

Infectious Diseases, 5 Osteoarthritis, 40

Insulin, 82 Overfat, 65
Intensity, 35 Overload Principle, 15, 47
Iron, 110 Oxygen, 14, 23, 25, 53
Ischemic, 25
Isokinetic, 45
Isometric Contraction, 44 P
Isotonic, 45
Perceived Exertion, 37
L Performance Fitness, 13
Physical Fitness, 13, 34
Lactic Acid, 59 Physically Active Lifestyle, 76
Lean Tissue, 65 Plaque, 32
Life Expectancy, 4 Posture, 105
Life Span, 5 Power, 14
Lifestyle, 5, 7, 76 Pregnant, 118
Lifting Habits, 105 Principles of Conditioning, 46
Ligaments, 48 Protein, 87
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), 31 Psychological State, 17
Lungs, 25 Pulmonary System, 17
Pulse, 28, 34
M Purging, 72

Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2 Max), 61 R

Medical Clearance, 53
Meditation, 102 Radial Arteries, 36
Menstruation, 28 Range of Motion, 57
Minerals, 89 Reaction Time, 14
Major, 89 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), 87
Trace, 89 Rehydration, 58
Mitochondria, 39 Relaxation Technique, 101
Mormons, 8 Repetition Maximum (RM), 47
Motor Neutrons, 43 Resistance, 47
Motor Unit, 43 Respiration, 28
Muscle Development, 16 Resting Metabolic Rate, 69
Muscle Relaxation, 102 Reversibility Principle, 15, 40, 48
Muscle Soreness, 48 Rheumatoid Arthritis, 109
Muscular Endurance, 13, 44, 77 Risk Factors, 32
Muscular Strength, 13, 44, 77 Controllable, 32
Myocardium, 23 Uncontrollable, 33
Ruptured Disc, 103
Natural Killer Cells, 17
Nutritional Supplements, 89 Saturated Fats, 85
Sciatica, 103
O Sedentary, 19
Sets, 47
Obesity, 116 Seven Basic Nutrients, 81

164 Essentials of Physical Activity

Seven Lifestyle Habits, 9 V

Seventh-Day Adventists, 8
Skeletal Muscles, 17, 43 Valsalva Maneuver, 27
Skinfold Measurement, 67 Vegetables, 82, 85, 87
Slipped Disc, 102 Vegetarian, 87
Smoking, 8, 33 Veins, 26
Social Functioning, 78 Varicose, 26
Socio-Cultural, 78 Ventricles, 23
Speed, 14 Vitamins, 87
Static Strength Training, 45 Fat-Soluble, 88
Static Stretching, 57 Water-Soluble, 89
Storage Fat, 66
Strength Training 44, 48, 103, W
Stress, 35
Symptoms, 99 Walking, 35, 53, 76
Management, 101 Warm-Up, 53
Stressors, 99 General, 53
Stretching, 53 Controlled, 53
Controlled, 53 6SHFLÀF
Partner, 53 Water, 89
Stroke, 7 World Health Organization, 78
Stroke Volume, 25
Sweat, 58
Systolic Blood Pressure, 27

Tendons, 43
Thermogenesis, 68
Time, 35, 37
Tooth Decay, 83
Trans Fats, 85
Triglycerides, 85, 98
Type 1 Diabetes, 112
Type 2 Diabetes, 112
Type I Muscle Fiber (Slow Twitch), 43
Type IIa Muscle Fiber (Intermediate), 43
Type IIb Muscle Fiber (Fast Twitch), 43

United States Department of Agriculture

(USDA), 92
United States Department of Human Services, 6
Unsaturated Fats, 85



1 Lifestyle Appraisal and Body Mass Index 1

1A Lifestyle Assessment 

2 Determining Resting and Exercising HeartRate 

3 Warm-up/$HURELFExercise/Cool-down 

4 Heart Rate Training Zone 

5 &5$VVHVVPHQW 1.5-Mile2.4 km Pre-field Test 

6 Exercise Prescription to Improve CR Fitness  



9 Assessment of Muscular Endurance 1




1 2-Mile NP -RJZDON 1

1 Reassessment of )OH[LELOLW\ 





1 Measuring and Coping With Stress 2

1$ Stress Inventories 25

1 Daily Caloric Intake and Expenditure 2




NAME ______________________________ SECTION _______ DATE ______________

INTRODUCTION: Lifestyle (daily behavior) affects health more than any other factor (e.g.
environment and genetics). Research has shown that poor health practices increase the risk
of illness and premature death.
Poor body composition is one result of a sedentary lifestyle. Excess body weight in the
form of fat is associated with a number of specific health risks that include an increase in
hypertension, strokes, adult-onset diabetes, cancers, and osteoarthritis. One simple technique
used to determine excess body fat and its associated health risks is the body mass index
Self-responsibility is paramount in developing a healthy lifestyle. However, educators
and health professionals are important resources for learning and understanding about
developing a good lifestyle.

1. To determine your lifestyle category and health risk associated with your BMI.
2. To become motivated to improve your health.

 Listen carefully to your instructor’s directions on how to fill out the Lifestyle Assessment
form found on the following two pages.
 Have your height and weight measured so that you can determine your BMI.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. Lifestyle Assessment Score from page . ___B__ ___B__ ______ ______ ______

from page . ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

$dd each row and column together for a grand total score of: __________

2. What is your present lifestyle category (see Appendix A)?__________________________

Also record these results on page , Lab 5 Results #.

3. What is your height _______, weight ________, and BMI (see Appendix -) _______?
Also record these results on page , Lab 1 Results #

4. What is the disease risk for your BMI (see Appendix A)? __________________________

5. Are you planning on making some lifestyle changes? _____________________________

Are you satisfied with your BMI? _____________________



ANSWERS (check only one)
almost frequently often sometimes almost
Personal Health Care always never
1. I avoid exposure to tobacco smoke. _______ _______ _______ ______ _______

2. When I am sick or injured, I take appropriate action to

recover quickly. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

3. I brush my teeth a minimum of twice a day. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

4. I floss my teeth every day. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

5. I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Drugs and Alcohol

1. I do not ride in a vehicle in which the operator (this
includes me) is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______
2. I avoid the use of all tobacco products. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______

3. I choose not to consume alcoholic beverages every day. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______
4. I only use drugs or medications when prescribed by a
physician. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______
5. I read and follow the instructions provided with any drug
or medication I take. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

Physical Fitness
1. I do some light stretching before exercising and gradually
increase my intensity during the work-out. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

2. I perform a variety of resistance exercises to help keep my

body strong, a minimum of 2 days per week. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

3. I drink plenty of water (or sport drink) before, during, and

after a work-out. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

4. I exercise aerobically (continuous jogging, walking,

cycling, & etc.) for a minimum of 20 minutes 6 to 7 days per
week. _______ ________ ________ _______ ______

5. I stretch to improve/maintain my flexibility a minimum of

3 days per week. _______ ________ ________ _______ ______

TOTAL NUMBER OF CHECKS IN EACH ROW _______ ________ ________ _______ ______


(TRANSFER THESE NUMBERS TO PAGE 1) = _____ = ______ = _____ = _____ = _____



Answers (check only one)
almost frequently often sometimes almost
Psychological always never
1. I feel good about myself and the way I act. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
2. I find it easy to get along with others without ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
compromising my beliefs or morals.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
3. I go to sleep quickly and wake up rested.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
4. I enjoy life and the challenges it brings.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
5. I have control over my emotions.

1. I am happy with my spiritual life. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______

2. Prayer is an important part of my life. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______

3. I read the Bible everyday. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______

4. I look for opportunities to share my beliefs with others. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______

5. People can tell I’m a Christian by the way I lead my life. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______

Personal Behavior
1. I rarely worry about making decisions. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
2. I accept responsibility for my actions. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
3. I set realistic goals for myself. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
4. Developing close, personal relationships is easy. ______ ________ _______ ________ _______
5. I feel at ease when placed in a new or unfamiliar
environment. ______ ________ ________ ________ _______

1. At each meal I try to consume food that is high in fiber.
______ ________ ________ ________ _______
2. When choosing foods, I consume those with low levels of
fats and oils.
______ ________ ________ ________ _______
3. I don’t add salt to my food.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______
4. I eat several servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______
5. I eat a variety of foods each day and limit my
consumption of sweets.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______


______ ________ ________ _________ _______
X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5
= _____ = _____ = ______ = _____ = _____





NAME ______________________________ SECTION ________ DATE _____________

INTRODUCTION: The amount of oxygen consumed by the body at rest and during aerobic
activity is proportionate to cardiac output (see Chapter 3). Heart rate is a component of
cardiac output and gives a simple measurement of cardiac stress or work load. Heart rate can
be determined indirectly by measuring the pulse of contraction at an artery.
Resting heart rate is an indicator of cardiorespiratory (CR) fitness. Healthy hearts have
a strong myocardium (muscle), which allows it to eject a greater amount of blood into the
arteries with each beat (contraction). This physiological characteristic allows the oxygen
needs of the body to be met with fewer beats per minute. Normally, the lower the resting heart
rate, the healthier the heart and the better the CR fitness.

1. To become proficient in determining heart rate by measuring your own pulse.
2. To determine the effect of body position and various activities on heart rate.

1. Locate either your carotid or radial pulse.
2. After performing each activity listed below for 2 minutes, determine your 1 minute heart rate
by counting your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 (see Appendix B).
3. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. What was your heart rate after resting in the following positions for 2 minutes?

lying still: ____________/min sitting comfortably: ____________/min

standing at attention: ____________/min

2. What was your heart rate after performing the below activities for 2 minutes or 1 lap?

casual walking: ____________/min walking briskly: ____________/min

3. What is your CR fitness level (see Appendix A) using your lying still HR? ______________

4. Why does body positioning affect heart rate? ____________________________________


5. Why is there a difference in the heart rate between casual walking and walking briskly?







NAME ______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ____________

INTRODUCTION: Every workout should consist of four basic parts (see Chapter 6): (1) warm-
up, (2) activity, (3) cool-down, and (4) flexibility training. The warm-up, is designed to increase
body temperature and blood flow to the working muscles and consists of general body
movements (calisthenics or brisk walking), followed by 5 to 10 minutes of light stretching. The
activity for each workout is composed of either aerobic, anaerobic, strength, or a combination
of these. The cool-down allows the body to gradually return to pre-workout level and consist of
low intensity movements (slow jog/walk) followed by flexibility training. Flexibility training is
intended to increase the range of motion in a joint, which will decrease the chance of injury.


1. To familiarize the student with good warm-up activities.

2. To demonstrate proper jogging/walking technique (see Appendix C).
3. To introduce the student to correct cool-down activities.

 The instructor will demonstrate proper jogging and walking techniques and will lead the
class in a 2 minute walk followed by controlled stretching (see Chapter 6).
 Jog/walk IRUPLQXWHV and record DYHUDJH heart rate per minute.
 Following the jog/walk, perform the cool-down.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.


 What was your heart rate after youUFRROGRZQ? __________PLQ

 Briefly describe the proper walking technique. ___________________________________


 Which two areas or joints did you feel a lack of flexibility or tightness?



 Why is it important to have a good warm-up and cool-downDVSDUWRI\RXUZRUNRXW?







NAME ______________________________ SECTION ________ DATE _____________

INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United
States (see Chapter 4), and half of all Americans living today will die from this disorder. The
single biggest risk factor for developing CVD is a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a
deteriorating CR system. Aerobic exercise (e.g. jogging, walking, cycling, and etc.) develops
the CR system and decreases the risk of developing CVD. For aerobic exercise to be
beneficial, it must be performed at an intensity of 60 to 90% of your maximum heart rate, which
is called your “training zone”.

1. To determine your heart rate training zone.
2. To jog/walk 1 mile (1600 meters) in your 60 to 70% training zone.

1. Determine your heart rate training zone by filling in the table below and filling in the chart on
Appendix B
2. After a good warm-up, jog/walk 1-mile (1600 meters) in your 60 to 70% training zone.
Check your heart rate after each lap and finish this lab by performing a good cool-down.
3. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. What is your heart rate training zone? CONSTANT: 220
(Also fill in the chart on Appendix B)
MINUS YOUR AGE: - ________________

MAXIMAL HEART RATE = ________________

MULTIPLY BY X .6 (60%) .9 (90%)


TRAINING ZONE = _______ to ______

2. What is your 60 - 70% training zone heart rate? (60%) ______/min (70%) _______/min.

3. What was your finishing HR per minute after your 1-mile (1600 meters) jog/walk? _______

4. How long did it take you to jog/walk 1-mile (1600 meters)? _________________________

5. Was this distance easy for you to complete? ______ How was this intensity? _________




&5$66(660(17 1.5-MILE2.4 KM PRE-FIELD TEST

NAME ______________________________ SECTION _______ DATE ______________

INTRODUCTION: For individuals IROORZLQJ an aerobics program, the 1.5-mile field test is a
good indicator of CR fitness. With this information the individual can assess his or her current
risk for CVD and can determine a starting point from which to develop a program for

1. To measure your CR fitness level.
2. To estimate your current risk of developing and dying from CVD.

1. Warm-up properly.
2. Run or walk the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) field test as quickly as possible.
3. Cool-down.
4. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

 What was your finishing heart rate? ________________/min

 Did you run or walk the field test? ________________

What was your field test time? ____________________

$OVRUecord this time on page , Lab 6 Results # 1
DQGon page 1, Lab  Results # 1.

 Did you complete the field test at an even pace? ________

Did you have to slow down during the field test? ________

Did you speed up on the last lap of the field? ___________

 What is your CR fitness level (see Appendix ' column one)? _______________________

 What is your present risk of developing CVD (see Appendix ()? _____________________





INTRODUCTION: Recent statistics indicate that fewer than 20% of all American adults
exercise regularly enough to promote physical fitness. To benefit from an aerobic program
and decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, the overload principle (see Chapter 4) must
be followed. This principle consists of the following three parts: (1) frequency, (2) intensity,
and (3) time (F.I.T.).
Frequency is the number of days per week an aerobic activity is performed. To improve
the CR system, a minimum of 3 days per week are required. However, greater benefits will be
achieved by increasing the number of days of aerobic activity per week.
Intensity refers to how hard the aerobic activity is performed and is determined by
measuring the heart rate. For improvement to occur in the CR system, the aerobic activity
must be performed in the training zone (see Lab 4). For a healthy individual, the higher the
percentage in the training zone the greater the CR benefits.
Time represents the continuous length of the aerobic activity per workout. A minimum
of 20 minutes is needed for healthy individuals to improve their CR system. Once again, as
duration increases so will the benefits.
When creating an aerobic exercise prescription to improve the CR system, individuals
must consider two additional principles. The first is the principle of specificity, which states that
the body makes specific adaptations to the type of overload (training) placed upon it. Thus, to
run a faster field test, one must train the body by running. The second is called the hard day /
easy day principle. The body requires time and rest to make positive adaptations leading to
increased performance. By varying the workout intensity (heart rate) from day to day,
individuals will improve their CR system while decreasing the chance of injuries. In addition,
the accumulative number of miles or amount of time spent doing the aerobic exercise per week
should not increase by more than 10% each week.

1. To improve your CR system and decrease CVD risk.
2. To develop a plan that will decrease your 1.5-mile (2.4 km) field test time.

1. Determine your final 1.5-mile (2.4 km) field test time goal (see Appendix D).
2. Write an aerobic exercise prescription to help guide you to your field test goal.
3. Warm-up, jog/walk 1-mile (1600 meters) and cool-down.
4. Answer the questions on the following page and hand this to your instructor at the end of
the lab.



NAME ________________________________ SECTION __________ DATE _________
1. What was your 1.5-mile (2.4 km) pre-field test time (from Lab 5)? ___________

2. What is your goal for the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) field test time (see Appendix D)? _______

3. What was your 1-mile (1600 meters) jog/walk time today? __________

4. What was your average heart rate on the 1-mile (1600 meters) jog/walk? __________
5. Fill in the chart below with your jog/walk exercise prescription to reach your field test goal
(see Appendix K).
1 Sunday
2 Sunday
3 Sunday
4 Sunday
5 Sunday




NAME _______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: Flexibility or range of motion (see Chapter 6) is the amount of movement in

a joint. Flexibility allows joints to move with greater ease and efficiency, as well as with quicker
responsiveness and coordination. The benefits of increased flexibility are a reduced risk of
injury and improved mobility.

1. To measure the range of motion at designated joints.

1. Listen to the instructor’s explanation and demonstration of the 3 different flexibility tests
(see Appendix G).
2. Warm up followed by jogging/walking 1 mile (1600 meters) at 70 - 75% of training zone
(see Appendix B).
3. Cool-down
4. With a partner, administer each test and record the results below.
5. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. What is your 70 - 75% training zone heart rate? (70%) ______/min. (75%) _______/min.

2. How fast did you jog/walk the 1-mile (1600 meters)? ______________

What was your average heart rate for the 1-mile (1600 meters)? __________/min.

3. What is your Sit and Reach score? _______________________

Also record this score on page 2, Lab 3 Results #.

What is your fitness level for the Sit and Reach (see Appendix G)? ___________________

4. What is your Shoulder Lift score? ________________________

Also record this score on page 2, Lab 3 Results #.

What is your fitness level for the Shoulder Lift (see Appendix G)? ____________________

5. What is your Achilles Stretch score? _____________________

Also record this score on page 2, Lab 3 Results #.

:Kat is your fitness level for the Achilles Stretch (see Appendix *)? ___________________




NAME _______________________________ SECTION __________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: Interval training or intermittent exercise consists of short bursts of intense

activity alternated with rest periods. By dividing an intense workout with rest periods, a greater
amount of high-intensity exercise is possible than if it were performed continuously. Interval
training can develop either the aerobic or anaerobic system, depending upon the length of the
exercise and rest intervals. For aerobic interval training, the length of the exercise interval must
be greater than two minutes followed by a rest interval of similar length. The intensity of the
exercise should be slightly greater than the pace required to achieve a targeted time for a given
distance. However, the exercise intensity must be less than your maximum to stress the
aerobic system instead of the anaerobic system. The exercise/rest interval should be repeated
several times. Because of the higher intensity during these workouts, interval training should
only be performed once a week to decrease the incidence of injuries.

1. To learn another method of developing the CR system.
2. To understand aerobic interval training and how it will decrease field test times.

 Warm-up to prepare for the interval training.
 Calculate the pace you must maintain to complete the -mile (2 km) field test in the
desired time (see Appendix I).
 Jog/walk at the required pace for HDFKH[HUFLVHLQWHUYDO followed by a rest LQWHUYDO VORZMRJ
ZDON lasting until your heart rate reaches 60% in your training zone (approximately 1/2 lap).
 Repeat the intervals  times.
 Perform the cool-down after your last exercise interval.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

 What is your mile (2 km) field test time goal (see Appendix ')? ___________

 What is your 1 lap interval pace (see Appendix I)? __________

What is your 2 lap pace if a lap is shorter than mile (400 meters)? __________

 What is your 60% training zone heart rate (see Appendix B)? ________/min.

 Did you maintain your jog/walk interval time for all  intervals? ___________

After each rest interval of 1/2 lap, did your heart rate drop to 60%. _______________

 Will you be incorporating aerobic interval training into your weekly CR training? _________

Why? ___________________________________________________________________




NAME ______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ____________

INTRODUCTION: Muscular endurance (see Chapter 2) is the ability of a muscle to repeat or

sustain a muscular contraction for an extended period of time. With muscular endurance, the
individual will have the ability to resist fatigue when holding/carrying an object or repeating a
movement for an extended period. It decreases the susceptibility to injuries and allows the
individual to accomplish a greater amount of work and maintain better posture.
To measure muscular endurance of all muscles in the body would take considerable
time. However, by using tests that are representative of key areas where muscular endurance
is needed for good health, the individual will be able to determine areas of weakness.
For improvement in muscular endurance, the individual must follow a training program
adhering to the principles of overload and specificity (see Chapter 5). A minimum of 3 days
per week is required for improvement in muscular endurance.

 To determine muscular endurance in the abdominal and upper body areas.
 To jog/walk 1 miQXWHV between 80 to 85% of heart rate training zone (see AppendixB).

 Warm-up followed by performing the 3 tests for assessing muscular endurance (see
Appendix F).
 Jog/walk 1miQXWHV between 80 and 85% of heart rate training zone followed by acool-
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1 - 2. What was your score on the 3 tests and your fitness level (see Appendix F)?

Sit-ups ___________ Fitness Level _________________________

Push-ups ___________ Fitness Level _________________________

Flex-arm Hang ___________ Fitness Level _________________________
(Also record these scores on page 3, Lab 4 Results #1.)

 What is your 80 - 85% training zone heart rate? (80%) ______/min. (85%) _______/min.

 How fDU did you jog/walk LQthe 1PLQXWHV? ______________

What was your average heart rate for the 1PLQXWHVjog/walk? ________/min.

 Why is it important to have good muscular endurance in the abdominal area? __________





NAME _______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: To increase muscular strength and/or muscular endurance, an individual

must follow the overload principle (see Chapter 5). Lifting weights or using other resistance
devices is necessary for an overload to be achieved. By manipulating the resistance (e.g.
weight), along with the number of repetitions and sets, a variety of outcomes are possible.
To develop muscular strength, high resistance with low repetitions is required (3 to 6
RM). On the other hand, for muscular endurance (i.e. muscle toning) low resistance with high
repetition is needed (> 15 RM). To gain both muscular strength and muscular endurance 8 to
12 RM is necessary. The number of sets per exercise will also determine the amount of
overload. Two sets will show improvements, but 4 to 5 sets will show greater results sooner.
For a resistance training program to be beneficial, a minimum of two days per week are
required: however, resistance training every other day will show greater gains.
Appropriate breathing technique is necessary while lifting weights or resistance training
to decrease the chance of injuries. This technique requires the individual to exhale while lifting
or straining to decrease the Valsalva Maneuver (see Chapter 3) and to inhale during the
lowering or relaxing. The breath should never be held during any stage of the strength training
Muscle soreness (see Chapter 5) should occur and is an important part of the muscle
physiological adaptation. However, extreme soreness or stiffness is not required and should
be avoided. Beginners should start a resistance training program using a resistance of 50 to
60% of 1 repetition maximum (RM) and adjust according to the desired training results after
the first 2 to 3 week starting period VHH$SSHQGL[/ .

1. To determine your present muscular strength.
2. To practice correct breathing techniques while resistance training.
3. To design a resistance training program to achieve your musculoskeletal goals.

 Listen to your instructor’s explanation on the correct lifting and breathing techniques used
on the 5 required weight lifting exercises.
 For each exercise find and record your 1 RM on the Resistance Training Log on the next
page. Use Appendix L to determine your starting lifting weight.
 Turn in the Resistance Training Log (Lab 1A) to your instructor at the end of the semester.
It’s your responsibility to train and record your weight lifting progress.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. What type of resistance mode will you use (machine, free weights, or both)? ___________

2 - 4. What 3 additional resistance exercises are you going to perform during your workout?

_______________________, ______________________, & _________________________

5. Which 2 days are you planning on strength training? _____________ & ______________




NAME ____________________________ SECTION __________ DATE __________


Bench Triceps
Press Pect. Maj. REPS
Deltoid SETS
Shoulder Triceps
Press Deltoid REPS
Arm Biceps
Curls Brachialis REPS

Lat Lat. Dorsi
Pulls Teres Maj. REPS
Biceps SETS
Leg Quadriceps
Press Hamstrings REPS
Gluteals SETS



LAB 1$

NAME ____________________________ SECTION __________ DATE __________


Bench Triceps
Press Pec. Maj. REPS
Deltoid SETS
Shoulder Triceps
Press Deltoid REPS
Arm Biceps
Curls Brachialis REPS
Lat Lat. Dorsi

Pulls Teres Maj. REPS
Biceps SETS
Leg Quadriceps
Press Hamstrings REPS
Gluteals SETS





NAME _______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: Circuit training (cross fitness+,,7) is designed to improve muscular

endurance (see Chapter 5) and/or CR fitness (see Chapter 2). The training consists of
progressing from one station to another performing a different exercise at each station. Each
exercise is performed for a short period followed by a short rest interval to allow the individual
to change to the next exercise. To enable circuit training to overload both the CR and
musculoskeletal systems, an individual should alternate between both weight lifting/calisthenics
and aerobic type exercise stations. When performing the weight lifting exercises, the individual
should lift a weight 40 to 50% of 1-RM. All exercises should be performed as quickly as
possible while maintaining good form and technique. The circuit is performed 2 to 5 times.

1. To experience and understand the concept of circuit training.
2. To learn another method of developing physical fitness.

1. Warm-up properly.
2. Follow the instructor’s directions on what exercises will be performed at each station.
3. Perform the circuit twice using 45-second exercise stations followed with a rest period of
15-second for the first circuit. The second circuit will have 30-second exercise stations and 30-
second rest period. After completion of each circuit, check and record your heart rate.
4. Cool-down.
5. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.


 What was your heart rate after the first circuit? ________/min.

 After the second circuit? _______/min.

 Did you enjoy the circuit training? _____________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________

 Will you be incorporating circuit training into your training program? _________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________

 What is RQHRIthe benefitV of circuit training? ___________________________________




LAB 12


NAME _______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: The overload principle states that in order to develop any physiological
system, the system must be worked harder than it is accustomed to. This can be achieved by
increasing either frequency, intensity, or time (see Chapter 4). By increasing the time (i.e.
distance) while maintaining the frequency (days per week) and intensity (heart rate),
individuals will overload CR system, initiating adaptations that will lead to improved fitness and
faster field test times.

1. To increase your jog/walk distance without decreasing the intensity.
2. To improve your CR fitness level
3. To decrease 1.5-mile (2.4 km) field test time.

1. Warm-up followed by a 2-mile (3.2 km) jog/walk at a 70 - 75% training zone heart rate (see
Appendix B).
2. Check average for the first and second mile.
3. Cool-down including flexibility training.
4. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

 What is your 70 - 75% training zone heart rate? (70%) _____/min. (75%) ________/min.

 What was your first mile (1600 meters) time? _________

What was your DYHUDJHKHDUWUDWHIRUWKHILUVWmile (1600 meters)? __________PLQ

 What was your QGmile (1600 meters)WLPH? _________

What was your average heart rate for the 2nd mile (1600 meters)? __________PLQ

 Was it difficult maintaining the 70 - 75% intensity for the 2-miles (3.2 km)? ___________

 Did you have to speed up or slow down to maintain your 70 – 75% training heart rate?





NAME ______________________________ SECTION ________ DATE _____________

INTRODUCTION: After being on an exercise program for several months, an individual must
re-evaluate each component of physical fitness (see Chapter 2) to determine if the program is
meeting his or her individual’s goals. The next several labs will be reassessing four physical
fitness components: (1) flexibility, (2) muscular endurance, (3) body composition, and (4) CR
Flexibility or range of motion(see Chapter 6) is the amount of movement in a joint.
Flexibility allows joints to move with greater ease and efficiency, as well as with quicker
responsiveness and coordination. The benefits of increased flexibility are a reduced risk of
injury and improved mobility.

1. To re-evaluate the range of motion at designated joints.

1. Listen to your instructor explaining the 3 different flexibility tests (see Appendix I).
2. Warm up, followed by a 1.5-mile (2.4 km) jog/walk at 80 - 85% of training zone (see
Appendix B).
3. Cool-down.
4. With a partner, administer each test and record the results below.
5. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. What is your 80 - 85% training zone heart rate? (80%) _____/min. (85%) _______/min.

2. How fast did you jog/walk the 1.5-mile (2.4 km)? ______________

3. What was your average heart rate for the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) jog/walk? _________/min.

4. What were your flexibility scores on the 3 tests and your fitness level (see Appendix G)?

From Lab 7 Today’s # Today’s Fitness Level

Sit & Reach __________ __________ __________________________

Lift __________ __________ __________________________

Stretch __________ __________ __________________________

5. Did you improve your flexibility fitness level? ___________________

Why? ________________________________________________________________





NAME ______________________________ SECTION __________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: After being on an exercise program for several months, the exercising
individual must re-evaluate each component of physical fitness to determine if the program is
meeting his or her goals.
Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to repeat or sustain a muscular
contraction for an extended period of time (see Chapter 2). With muscular endurance, the
individual will have the ability to resist fatigue when holding/carrying an object or repeating a
movement for an extended period. Good muscular endurance decreases the susceptibility
to injuries and allows the individual to accomplish a greater amount of workmaintain better
To measure muscular endurance of all muscles in the body would take considerable
time. However, by using tests that are representative of key body areas where muscular
endurance is needed for good health, an individual will be able to determine if his or her
present workout is meeting his or her muscular endurance needs.

 To re-evaluate muscular endurance in the abdominal, hip flexors, and upper body areas.
 To jog/walk 1.5-miles (2.4 km) between  to 8% of heart rate training zone (see Lab
 -RJZDON1.5-mile (2.4 km) ZLWKDQLQWHQVLW\between  and 8% of heart rate trainingzone.
 Cool-down followed with IOH[LELOLW\WUDLQLQJ.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1 What was your score on the 3 tests and your fitness level (see Appendix ))?
From Lab 9 Today’s # Today’s Fitness Level

Sit-ups ________ __________ __________________________

Push-ups ________ __________ __________________________

Flex-arm Hang ________ __________ __________________________

 What is your  - 8% training zone heart rate? (%) _____/min. (8%) _______/min.

 How fast did you jog/walk the 1.5-mile (2.4 km)? __________

 Did you improve your muscular endurance fitness level? ______________

Why? __________________________________________________________________

 Average heart rate for the 1.5-mile (2.4 km) jog/walk? _________





NAME ______________________________ SECTION __________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: After following a healthy lifestyle and an exercise program for several
months, it is important to re-evaluate the program to determine if it is meeting the individual’s
goals. By reassessing lifestyle and body mass index (BMI), the effectiveness of behavior
changes can be measured.

 To UHassess your present lifestyle and BMI.
 To compare the results with the measurements from Lab 1.
 To demonstrate the benefits of following a healthy life style.
 Listen to your instructor explaining how to fill out the Lifestyle Assessment form /DE$ .
 Determine your BMI by measuring your height and weight.
 Warm-up followed by 1-mile (16NP) jog/walk.
 Cool-down followed by flexibility training.
 Answer the questions below and this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

1. Lifestyle Assessment score from page . ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

from page . ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Total score (add rows/columns): _____ Lifestyle Category (see Appendix A)____________



2. )URP /DE Zhat were your height _______, weight _______, and BMI _______?

What are your present height _______, weight ______, and BMI (see Appendix J) _____?

 What is you present disease risk for your BMI (see Appendix A)? ____________________

 Why do you think your BMI did or did not change? ______________________B_________



5. What was your 1-mile (16NP) jog/walk time? _____________________



ANSWERS (check only one)
almost frequently often sometimes almost
Personal Health Care always never
1. I avoid exposure to tobacco smoke.
_______ _______ _______ ______ _______
2. When I am sick or injured, I take appropriate action to
recover quickly.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
3. I brush my teeth a minimum of twice a day.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
4. I floss my teeth every day.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
5. I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Drugs and Alcohol
1. I do not ride in a vehicle in which the operator (this
includes me) is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______
2. I avoid the use of all tobacco products. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______

3. I choose not to consume alcoholic beverages every day. _______ ________ _______ _______ _______
4. I only use drugs or medications when prescribed by a
physician. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______
5. I read and follow the instructions provided with any drug
or medication I take. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

Physical Fitness
1. I do some light stretching before exercising and gradually
increase my intensity during the work-out. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

2. I perform a variety of resistance exercises to help keep my

body strong, a minimum of 2 days per week. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

3. I drink plenty of water (or sport drink) before, during, and

after a work-out. _______ ________ ________ _______ _______

4. I exercise aerobically (continuous jogging, walking,

cycling, & etc.) for a minimum of 20 minutes 6 to 7 days per
week. _______ ________ ________ _______ ______

5. I stretch to improve/maintain my flexibility a minimum of

3 days per week. _______ ________ ________ _______ ______

TOTAL NUMBER OF CHECKS IN EACH ROW _______ ________ ________ _______ ______


(TRANSFER THESE NUMBERS TO PAGE 14) = _____ = ______ = _____ = _____ = _____



Answers (check only one)
almost frequently often sometimes almost
always never
1. I feel good about myself and the way I act.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
2. I find it easy to get along with others without
compromising my beliefs or morals.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
3. I go to sleep quickly and wake up rested.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
4. I enjoy life and the challenges it brings.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
5. I have control over my emotions.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
1. I am happy with my spiritual life.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
2. Prayer is an important part of my life.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
3. I read the Bible every day.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
4. I look for opportunities to share my beliefs with others.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
5. People can tell I’m a Christian by the way I lead my life.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
Personal Behavior
1. I rarely worry about making decisions.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
2. I accept responsibility for my actions.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
3. I set realistic goals for myself.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
4. Developing close, personal relationships is easy.
______ ________ _______ ________ _______
5. I feel at ease when placed in a new or unfamiliar
______ ________ ________ ________ _______
1. At each meal I try to consume food that is high in fiber.
______ ________ ________ ________ _______
2. When choosing foods, I consume those with low levels of
fats and oils.
______ ________ ________ ________ _______
3. I don’t add salt to my food.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______
4. I eat several servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______
5. I eat a variety of foods each day and limit my
consumption of sweets.
______ ________ ________ _________ _______


______ ________ ________ _________ _______
X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5
= _____ = _____ = ______ = _____ = _____



NAME ______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ____________

INTRODUCTION: Periodic testing must occur to evaluate the effectiveness of a conditioning

program. For an individual following an aerobic conditioning program for just a few weeks, the
1.5 mile (2.4 km) field test is a good indicator of CR fitness (see Chapter 2). With this
information the individual can assess his or her current health fitness level and the risk for
developing CVD (see Chapter 4).

1. To measure your CR fitness level.
2. To estimate your current risk of CVD.

1. Pair up with a partner to record each other’s lap times below.
2. Warm-up properly.
3. After your 1.5 mile (2.4 km) field test, perform a proper cool-down.
4. Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor.

1. What was your pre-field test time IURP/DE? _________________ RUN OR WALK
(circle one)


Lap 1 _______ Lap 4 ________ Lap 7 _______ Lap 9 _______

Lap 2 _______ Lap 5 ________ Lap 8 _______ Lap 10 _______

Lap 3 _______ Lap 6 ________

Witness Signature ________________________________

2. What is your PRESENT field test time? ____________________ RUN OR WALK

(circle one)
What is your age? _______________

3. What is your present CR fitness level (see Appendix D)? __________________________

4. Did your CR fitness level improve from the pre-field test? ___________

Why did or did not your CR fitness level improve? _______________________________


5. What is your current CVD risk (see Appendix E)? ________________________________




NAME ______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ____________

INTRODUCTION: Stress is the combined physical and emotional response to a stimulus that
disrupts the body’s homeostasis (see Chapter 10). Stress is an unavoidable part of living and
consists of two types: (1) good (eustress) and (2) bad (distress). Constant amounts of distress
can result in various health disorders including hypertension, CVD, depression, ulcers,
headaches, and insomnia. Since stress can not be avoided, it is crucial that each individual
learns how to deal with the stress in positive ways. Exercise is a eustress and helps to combat
distress; however, exercise is not always practical and additional methods are needed.

 To measure your stress level from the number of stressors WKDWKDYH
RFFXUUHGin the past year.
 To practice some additional stress reduction techniques.

 Take the stress inventory on the following page and record the results below.
 Listen to the instructor as he or she leads you through several different stress reducing
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.

 What was your stress inventory score (see Lab 1A)? _____________

 What is your stress level (see Lab 1A)? __________________________

 Which stress reducing method did you like the best? _____________________________

 Will you be using any of these stress reducing methods? _____________________

 Why? __________________________________________________________________





If you are a full time student or under 25, use the Student Stress Inventory. Circle the number next to the life event that has
happened to you in the past year. After you have gone through the entire list, add up your score.


Death of a spouse 100 Change in work responsibilities 29
Divorce 73 Son or daughter leaving home 29
Marital separation 65 Trouble with in-laws 29
Jail term 63 Outstanding personal achievement 28
Death of close family member 63 Spouse begins or stops work 26
Personal injury or illness 53 Starting or finishing school 26
Marriage 50 Change in living conditions 25
Fired from work 47 Revision of personal habits 24
Marital reconciliation 45 Trouble with boss 23
Retirement 45 Change in work hours, conditions 20
Change in family member’s health 44 Change in residence 20
Pregnancy 40 Change in schools 20
Sex difficulties 39 Change in recreational habits 19
Addition to family 39 Change in church activities 19
Business readjustment 39 Change in social activities 18
Change in financial status 38 Mortgage or loan under 25 % of salary 17
Death of close friend 37 Change in sleeping habits 16
Change to different line of work 36 Change in number of family gatherings 15
Change in number of marital arguments 35 Change in eating habits 15
Mortgage or loan over 25 % of salary 31 Vacation 13
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30 Christmas season 12
Mortgage or loan payment behind 29 Minor violations of the law 11

Students Stress Inventory

Death of a close family member 100 Problems with your boss or professor 25
Jail term 80 Outstanding personal achievement 29
Final year or first year in college 63 Failure in some course 25
Pregnancy (to you or caused by you) 60 Final exams 20
Severe personal illness or injury 53 Increased or decreased dating 20
Marriage 50 Change in working conditions 20
Any interpersonal problems 45 Varsity athlete 20
Financial difficulties 40 Change in major 20
Death of close friend 40 Change in sleeping habits 18
Daily arguments with roommate 40 Several days of vacation 15
Major disagreements with your family 40 Change in eating habits 15
Major change in personal habits 30 Family reunion 15
Change in living environment 30 Minor illness or injury 15
Beginning or ending a job 30 Minor violations of the law 11

SCORE ______________ 149 & Below LOW STRESS

301 & Above HIGH STRESS

INTERPRETATION: A score below 150 points means you are experiencing low stress from life events. A score of 150 to
300 means you are experiencing moderate stress from life events and extra demands will be made on your coping skills.
However, if you scored over 300, points you are experiencing severe stress and must take appropriate measures to reduce this

Modified from Holmes, T.H. and R.H. Rahe. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
11:213-218, 1967. Used with permission of Pergamon Press Ltd. Oxford, England.

223 2



NAME _______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ___________

INTRODUCTION: Body weight fluctuates according to hydration levels and the balance
between daily caloric intake and expenditure. In order for an individual to decrease, increase,
or maintain his or her body weight, he or she must follow the energy balance equations (see
Chapter 7). To decrease body weight caloric intake must be below expenditures. For an
increase in weight, additional caloric consumption above expenditure is required. By matching
daily caloric intake to expenditure, an individual will maintain a stable body weight.
Consuming food and fluids without regard to nutritional value will lead the body to a
diseased state (see Chapter 9), as well as limits physiological and cognitive development. By
learning the nutritional and caloric value of foods/fluids, an individual will be able to make
appropriate choices to improve his or her health.
The calories consumed each day are converted into energy that will be either stored
(e.g. fat) or used to perform work (e.g. exerciseDQGGDLO\OLYLQJ). The body expends energy in
three ways: (1) basal/resting metabolic rate, (2) digesting and assimilating, and (3) physical
activity (see Chapter 7).

1. To become aware of your personal dietary habits and nutritional needs.
2. To determine daily caloric intake.

 Listen to your instructor’s directions on how to record the amount of each food and liquid
you consumed during a 24 hour period on the following page (see Lab 1A) and the method of
analysis you will be using.
 Warm-up, followed by a 2-mile (3.2 km) jog/walk at 70 to 75% of your training zone (see
Appendix B).
 Cool-down, including flexibility training.
 Answer the questions below and hand this page to your instructor at the end of the lab.
 Turn in your 24-hour nutritional analysis to your instructor next week.

1. What is your 70 - 75% training zone heart rate? (70%) _____/min. (75%) ______/min.

2. What was your 2-mile (3.2 km) finishing time? _____________

3. What was your average heart rate for the 2-mile (3.2 km) distance? _____________

4. How did this pace feel? ____________________________________________________

5. Could you have gone farther at this pace? __________________

Why? ___________________________________________________________________


225 2



NAME ______________________________ SECTION _________ DATE ____________

Record your intake of all food and fluids you consumed during a 24-hour period on the chart
below. Remember to also list the amount of each food and fluid you consumed.











A Lifestyle, Body Mass Index, and Resting Heart Rate Charts 

 B Heart Rate Count and Heart Rate Training Zone 

C Proper Walking and -RJJLQJ7echnique 

 D 1.5-Mile NP :DONRU5XQ-Mile NP &\FOH500-Meter Swim Field Tests  2 

E Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Disease 

 F Muscular Endurance Tests and Standards 


 H 2-Mile NP WalkRURun5-Mile NP Cycle800-Meter Swim Field Tests 

I Lap Interval Time for PLOH NP 'LVWDQFH 

 J Body Mass Index (BMI) Chart 

 K Determining Starting Level for an Aerobic Exercise Program 

 L Estimating Training Loads From 1 Repetition Maximum (1RM) 





Very Healthy < 40

Healthy 4 - 70

Average 71 - 100

Unhealthy 101 - 130

Very Unhealthy > 13



Underweight < 19 High

Normal 19 – 24 Low

Overweight 25 – 29 Moderate

Obesity 30 – 34 High

Obesity II 35 – 39 Very High

Extreme Obesity > 39 Extremely High



Excellent <56

Very Good 56 - 60

Good 61 - 65

Average 66 - 70

Fair 71 - 75

Poor 76 - 80

Very Poor > 80



10-Second 1-Minute 10-Second 1-Minute 10-Second 1-Minute
Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate
7 42 16 96 25 150
8 48 17 102 26 156
9 54 18 108 27 162
10 60 19 114 28 168
11 66 20 120 29 174
12 72 21 126 30 180
13 78 22 132 31 186
14 84 23 138 32 192
15 90 24 144 33 198


Determine Maximum Heart Rate

Constant 220

Minus Age – ________

Equals Predicted
Maximal Heart Rate = ________

Calculating Heart Rate Training Zone

__________ X .60 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 60%

__________ X .65 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 65%

__________ X .70 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 70%

__________ X .75 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 75%

__________ X .80 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 80%

__________ X .85 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 85%

__________ X .90 = ___________

Maximal Heart Rate 90%



Fitness Walking Technique
Proper fitness walking technique requires an erect posture with the head in a neutral position. To
watch where you are stepping without bending the neck forward use the eyes only to scan the walking
surface for a safe path. The arms should be relaxed and held at the side with a 90-degree bend at the
elbows. The hands should also be relaxed with fingers slightly flexed. The arms should swing forward
and backward in a vertical plane, not crossing in front of the body or hands traveling higher than the
chin. The arms and legs move in opposition to each other with the right arm moving forward at the
same time as the left leg followed by the left arm and right leg. To increase walking speed, the arms
must move briskly. During each leg stride both feet must be in contact with the ground and each
support phase of the walking cycle must be on an extended leg.

Each support phase of the walk During each stride, both feet must be
cycle must be on an extended leg. in contact with the ground.

Jogging Technique
Proper jogging technique consists of a comfortable erect body alignment. The neck should not bend
forward; instead use only the eyes to scan the jogging surface. The arms should swing forward and
backward in a vertical plane, not crossing in front of the body and are used for rhythm and balance
only. The elbows are bent with the hands and fingers relaxed and being carried slightly lower than
elbow height. The arms and legs move in opposition to each other with the right arm moving forward at
the same time as the left leg followed by the left arm and right leg. The leg stride should be short with
the foot landing beneath the knee. The landing should be softly on the heel and roll up through the
midpoint of the foot to the toes for the push-off.




Level of Pts Under 25 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 - 64 65 & Over

CR Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Superior 40 <16:30 <17:30 <17:30 <18:30 <18:30 <19:30 <19:30 <20:30 <20:30 <21:30 <21:30 <22:30
Excellent 39 16:30 17:30 17:30 18:30 18:30 19:30 19:30 20:30 20:30 21:30 21:30 22:30
38 16:45 17:45 17:45 18:45 18:15 19:45 20:00 21:00 20:45 21:45 21:45 22:45
37 17:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 20:00 20:15 21:15 21:00 22:00 22:00 23:00
36 17:15 18:15 18:15 19:15 19:15 20:15 20:30 21:30 21:15 22:15 22:15 23:15
35 17:30 18:30 18:30 19:30 19:30 20:30 20:45 21:45 21:30 22:30 22:30 23:30

Good 34 17:45 18:45 18:15 19:45 20:00 21:00 21:00 22:00 21:45 22:45 22:45 23:45
33 18:00 19:00 19:00 20:00 20:15 21:15 21:15 22:15 22:00 23:00 23:00 24:00
32 18:15 19:15 19:15 20:15 20:30 21:30 21:30 22:30 22:15 23:15 23:15 24:15
31 18:30 19:30 19:30 20:30 20:45 21:45 21:45 22:45 22:30 23:30 23:30 24:30
30 18:15 19:45 20:00 21:00 21:00 22:00 22:00 23:00 22:45 23:45 23:45 24:45
29 19:00 20:00 20:15 21:15 21:15 22:15 22:15 23:15 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00
28 19:15 20:15 20:30 21:30 21:30 22:30 22:30 23:30 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15
27 19:30 20:30 20:45 21:45 21:45 22:45 22:45 23:45 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30

Fair 26 20:00 21:00 21:00 22:00 22:00 23:00 23:00 24:00 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45
25 20:15 21:15 21:15 22:15 22:15 23:15 23:15 24:15 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00
24 20:30 21:30 21:30 22:30 22:30 23:30 23:30 24:30 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15
23 20:45 21:45 21:45 22:45 22:45 23:45 23:45 24:45 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30
22 21:00 22:00 22:00 23:00 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45
21 21:15 22:15 22:15 23:15 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00
20 21:30 22:30 22:30 23:30 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15
19 21:45 22:45 22:45 23:45 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30
Poor 18 22:00 23:00 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45
17 22:15 23:15 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00
16 22:30 23:30 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15
15 22:45 23:45 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45 26:30 27:30 27:30 28:30
14 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00 26:45 27:45 27:45 28:45
13 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15 27:00 28:00 28:00 29:00
12 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30 27:15 28:15 28:15 29:15
11 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45 27:30 28:30 28:30 29:30
Very Poor
10 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00 27:45 28:45 28:45 29:45
9 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15 28:00 29:00 29:00 30:00
8 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30 27:30 28:30 28:15 29:15 29:15 30:15
7 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45 27:45 28:45 28:30 29:30 29:30 30:30
6 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00 28:00 29:00 28:45 29:45 29:45 30:45
5 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15 28:15 29:15 29:00 30:00 30:00 31:00
4 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30 27:30 28:30 28:30 29:30 29:15 30:15 30:15 31:15
3 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45 27:45 28:45 28:45 29:45 29:30 30:30 30:30 31:30
2 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00 28:00 29:00 29:00 30:00 29:45 30:45 30:45 31:45
1 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15 28:15 29:15 29:15 30:15 30:00 31:00 31:00 32:00
0 >26:15 >27:15 >27:15 >28:15 >28:15 >29:15 >29:15 >30:15 >30:00 >31:00 >31:00 >32:00

1.5-MILE (2.4 KM) RUN, 3.5-MILE (5.6 KM) CYCLE, & 500-METER SWIM


Level of Under 25 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 - 64 65 & Over

CR Pts Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Superior 40 <9:00 <11:00 <10:00 <12:00 <11:00 <13:00 <12:00 <14:00 <13:00 <15:00 <14:00 <15:00
Excellent 39 9:00 11:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 15:00
38 9:15 11:15 10:15 12:15 11:15 13:15 12:15 14:15 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15
37 9:30 11:30 10:30 12:30 11:30 13:30 12:30 14:30 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30
36 9:45 11:45 10:45 12:45 11:45 13:45 12:45 14:45 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45
35 10:00 12:00 11:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00

Good 34 10:15 12:15 11:15 13:15 12:15 14:15 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15
33 10:30 12:30 11:30 13:30 12:30 14:30 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30
32 10:45 12:45 11:45 13:45 12:45 14:45 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45
31 11:00 13:00 12:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00
30 11:15 13:15 12:15 14:15 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15
29 11:30 13:30 12:30 14:30 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30
28 11:45 13:45 12:45 14:45 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45
27 12:00 14:00 13:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00

Fair 26 12:15 14:15 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15
25 12:30 14:30 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30
24 12:45 14:45 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45
23 13:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00
22 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15
21 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30
20 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45
19 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00
Poor 18 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15
17 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30
16 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45
15 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00
14 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15
13 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30
12 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45
11 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00
Very Poor
10 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15
9 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30
8 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45
7 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00
6 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15
5 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30
4 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45
3 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00
2 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15 23:15 25:15
1 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30
0 >18:30 >20:30 >19:30 >21:30 >20:30 >22:30 >21:30 >23:30 >22:30 >24:30 >23:30 >25:30



The following chart will help you estimate your chance of developing a cardiovascular disease
(CVD). REMEMBER, this will only give you an estimate and is not intended as a diagnosis.

DIRECTIONS: Examine each category below and determine the most appropriate box that
represents you. Add up the numbers in the chosen boxes to find your total score and compare
to the scale at the end of the chart to determine your risk of developing CVD.

AGE 10 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 Over 6
years years years years years years

0 1 2 3 4 5

One close Two close One close Two close

No family relative relatives relative relatives Three
HEREDITY history of with CVD with CVD with CVD with CVD relatives
CVD after age after age before age before age with CVD
60 60 60 60

0 1 2 3 4 5

MASS 19 - 24 25 - 29 < 19 30 - 34 35 - 39 > 

0 1 2 3 4 5
LEVEL Excellent &5WHVW
0 1 2 3 4 5
Female \UV 50 \UV RYHU\UV Male Male
GENDER under age RU RU RU 6 - 5 over 
40 0DOHXQGHU years years
Male 0DOH
\HDUV 20 \UV \UV
0 1 2 3 4 5

If you total score is: 0-5 Below Average Risk

6 - 10 Average Risk
11 - 15 Moderate Risk
16 - 20 High Risk
21 - 25 Dangerous Risk



The following three tests are designed to measure upper body and trunk muscular endurance.
Each test is described below and followed by the testing standards according to age and

DIRECTIONS: The sit-ups test measures the muscular endurance of the abdominal muscles.
Record the maximum number of sit-ups performed in one minute and check fitness level on
the Sit-ups Standards chart below.

a. Lie on the floor with knees bent, heels approximately 12 inches from the buttocks.
b. A partner will hold the feet securely to the floor by holding the ankles firmly.
c. With arms crossed against the chest and hands on each shoulder, perform as many
sit-ups as possible in 1 minute.
d. For a sit-up to be complete, the back of the forearms must touch the thighs followed
by the shoulders touching the floor. DON’T ALLOW THE BUTTOCKS TO

15 - 19 Years 20 - 29 Years 30 - 39 Years 40 - 49 Years 50 - 59 Years 60 - 69 Years
LEVEL Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Excellent >48 >42 >43 >36 >36 >29 >31 >25 >26 >19 >23 >16

Good 42-47 36-41 37-42 31-35 31-35 24-28 26-30 20-24 22-25 12-18 17-22 12-15

Average 38-41 32-35 33-36 25-30 27-30 20-23 22-25 15-19 18-21 5-11 12-16 4-11

Fair 33-37 27-31 29-32 21-24 22-26 15-19 17-21 7-14 13-17 3-4 7-11 2-3

Poor <32 <26 <28 <20 <21 <14 <16 <6 <12 <2 <6 <1

DIRECTIONS: The push-ups test measures the muscular endurance of the chest and elbow
extensor muscles. Record the maximum number performed in one minute and compare to the
Push-ups Standards chart that follows on the next page.
a. Lie on your stomach with hands shoulder width apart and under the shoulders.
b. Maintain a straight body and legs (females modify with bent knees) throughout
the movement.
c. For a push-up to be considered to be completed, the elbows are straight at the top
and lowered until chest touches your partner’s fist on the floor.

15 - 19 Years 20 - 29 Years 30 - 39 Years 40 - 49 Years 50 - 59 Years 60 - 69 Years
LEVEL Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Excellent >39 > 33 >36 >30 >30 >27 >25 >22 >21 >20 >18 >16

Good 29-38 25-32 29-35 21-29 22-29 20-26 17-23 15-21 13-20 11-19 11-17 12-15

Average 23-28 18-24 22-28 15-20 17-21 13-19 13-16 11-14 10-12 7-10 8- 10 4-11

Fair 18-22 12-17 17-21 10-14 12-16 8-12 10-12 5-10 7-9 2-6 5-7 2-3

Poor <17 <11 <16 <9 <11 <7 <9 <4 <6 <1 <4 <1


DIRECTIONS: This test measures the muscular endurance of the back, shoulders, and arm
flexors. Record the maximum number of pull-ups performed (males) or hanging time (females)
and compare to the Pull-ups / Flexed Arm Hang Standards chart below.

MALES (Pull-ups)
a. Grasp a bar in an over-grip with hands shoulder width apart that is high enough to
keep the feet from touching the floor (knees may be bent).
b. For a pull-up to be counted, the arms must start straight and then bend to elevate
the body until the chin goes over the bar.

FEMALES (Flex Arm Hang)

a. Grasp a bar in an over-grip and shoulder width apart that is high enough to keep the
feet from touching the floor (knees may be bent).
b. Time begins when the chin is placed over the bar with the arms flexed and stops
when the chin drops below the bar.


15 - 19 Years 20 - 29 Years 30 - 39 Years 40 - 49 Years 50 - 59 Years 60 - 69 Years
FITNESS Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
LEVEL (#) (sec.) (#) (sec.) (#) (sec.) (#) (sec.) (#) (sec.) (#) (sec.)

Excellent >15 >34 >14 >28 >12 >22 >9 >18 >7 >16 >5 >4

Good 12-14 20-33 10-13 18-27 8-11 15-21 5-8 11-17 4-6 8-15 3-4 6-13

Average 8-11 10-19 6-9 8-17 4-8 7-14 2-4 4-10 2-3 1-7 1-2 1-5

Fair 5-7 3-9 2-5 2-7 1-3 1-6 1 1-3 1 0 0 0

Poor 0-4 0-2 0-2 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



The following three tests are designed to measure flexibility of the hamstrings, shoulders and
Achilles. Each test is described below and followed by testing standards.


DIRECTIONS: The Sit and Reach Test measures the flexibility of the lower back and
hamstrings. After completing the test compare your results to the Sit and Reach Standards on
the chart at the bottom of this page.
a. Sit on the floor with shoes removed and facing the flexibility box.
b. With knees fully extended and feet four inches apart, place the box against the flat
bottom of the feet.
c. Extend arms straight forward with one hand placed on top of the other, palms down.
d. Reach forward as far as possible and hold the position until measured to the nearest
half inch.
e. The best of three trials is recorded. The test administrator makes sure the legs
remain straight by placing a hand on the knees and both hands remain even.


DIRECTIONS: The Shoulder Lift Test measures the flexibility of the shoulders. After
completing the test compare your results to the Shoulder Lift Standards chart on the bottom of
this page.
a. Lie on your stomach with arms extended and holding a straight edge.
b. With the forehead maintaining contact with the floor, raise the arms as high as
c. The greatest distance achieved between the floor and the straight edge is recorded
of the three trials.


DIRECTIONS: The Achilles Stretch Test measures the flexibility of the ankles. After
completing the test compare your results to the Achilles Stretch Standards chart below.
a. Stand facing the wall with extended arms and legs straight with toes facing forward.
b. Lean against the wall with the hands and press the hips to the wall while maintaining
straight legs.
c. Your partner will measure the ankle angle with a goniometer and record the best of
three trials.

Fitness Level Sit-and-Reach Shoulder Lift Achilles Stretch
Excellent > 23 inches > 26 inches < 60 degrees
Very Good 21.5 - 23 inches 24.5 - 26 inches 60 - 69 degrees
Good 18.5 - 21 inches 21.5 - 24 inches 70 - 79 degrees
Average 16.5 - 18 inches 18.5 - 21 inches 80 - 89 degrees
Fair 13.5 - 16 inches 14.5 - 18 inches 90 - 99 degrees
Poor 11.5 - 13 inches 10.5 - 14 inches 100 - 110 degrees
Very Poor < 11 inches < 10 inches > 110 degrees



$1'800-METER SWIM FIELD TESTS67$1'$5'6


Level of Pts Under 25 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 & Over

CR Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Superior 40 <22:00 <23:00 <23:00 <24:00 <24:00 <25:00 <25:30 <26:30 <27:00 <28:00 <28:30 <29:30
Excellent 39 22:00 23:00 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00 25:30 26:30 27:00 28:00 28:30 29:30
38 22:15 23:15 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15 25:45 26:45 27:15 28:15 28:45 29:45
37 22:30 23:30 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30 26:00 27:00 27:30 28:30 29:00 30:00
36 22:45 23:45 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45 26:15 27:15 27:45 28:45 29:15 30:15
35 23:00 24:00 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00 26:30 27:30 28:00 29:00 29:30 30:30

Good 34 23:15 24:15 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15 26:45 27:45 28:15 29:15 29:45 30:45
33 23:30 24:30 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30 27:00 28:00 28:30 29:30 30:00 31:00
32 23:45 24:45 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45 27:15 28:15 28:45 29:45 30:15 31:15
31 24:00 25:00 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00 27:30 28:30 29:00 30:00 30:30 31:30
30 24:15 25:15 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15 27:45 28:45 29:15 30:15 30:45 31:45
29 24:30 25:30 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30 28:00 29:00 29:30 30:30 31:00 32:00
28 24:45 25:45 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45 28:15 29:15 29:45 30:45 31:15 32:15
27 25:00 26:00 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00 28:30 29:30 30:00 31:00 31:30 32:30

Fair 26 25:15 26:15 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15 28:45 29:45 30:15 31:15 31:45 32:45
25 25:30 26:30 26:30 27:30 27:30 28:30 29:00 30:00 30:30 31:30 32:00 33:00
24 25:45 26:45 26:45 27:45 27:45 28:45 29:15 30:15 30:45 31:45 32:15 33:15
23 26:00 27:00 27:00 28:00 28:00 29:00 29:30 30:30 31:00 32:00 32:30 33:30
22 26:15 27:15 27:15 28:15 28:15 29:15 29:45 30:45 31:15 32:15 32:45 33:45
21 26:30 27:30 27:30 28:30 28:30 29:30 30:00 31:00 31:30 32:30 33:00 34:00
20 26:45 27:45 27:45 28:45 28:45 29:45 30:15 31:15 31:45 32:45 33:15 34:15
19 27:00 28:00 28:00 29:00 29:00 30:00 30:30 31:30 32:00 33:00 33:30 34:30
Poor 18 27:15 28:15 28:15 29:15 29:15 30:15 30:45 31:45 32:15 33:15 33:45 34:45
17 27:30 28:30 28:30 29:30 29:30 30:30 31:00 32:00 32:30 33:30 34:00 35:00
16 27:45 28:45 28:45 29:45 29:45 30:45 31:15 32:15 32:45 33:45 34:15 35:15
15 28:00 29:00 29:00 30:00 30:00 31:00 31:30 32:30 33:00 34:00 34:30 35:30
14 28:15 29:15 29:15 30:15 30:15 31:15 31:45 32:45 33:15 34:15 34:45 35:45
13 28:30 29:30 29:30 30:30 30:30 31:30 32:00 33:00 33:30 34:30 35:00 36:00
12 28:45 29:45 29:45 30:45 30:45 31:45 32:15 33:15 33:45 34:45 35:15 36:15
11 29:00 30:00 30:00 31:00 31:00 32:00 32:30 33:30 34:00 35:00 35:30 36:30
Very Poor
10 29:15 30:15 30:15 31:15 31:15 32:15 32:45 33:45 34:15 35:15 35:45 36:45
9 29:30 30:30 30:30 31:30 31:30 32:30 33:00 34:00 34:30 35:30 36:00 37:00
8 29:45 30:45 30:45 31:45 31:45 32:45 33:15 34:15 34:45 35:45 36:15 37:15
7 30:00 31:00 31:00 32:00 32:00 33:00 33:30 34:30 35:00 36:00 36:30 37:30
6 30:15 31:15 31:15 32:15 32:15 33:15 33:45 34:45 35:15 36:15 36:45 37:45
5 30:30 31:30 31:30 32:30 32:30 33:30 34:00 35:00 35:30 36:30 37:00 38:00
4 30:45 31:45 31:45 32:45 32:45 33:45 34:15 35:15 35:45 36:45 37:15 38:15
3 31:00 32:00 32:00 33:00 33:00 34:00 34:30 35:30 36:00 37:00 37:30 38:30
2 31:15 32:15 32:15 33:15 33:15 34:15 34:45 35:45 36:15 37:15 37:45 38:45
1 31:30 32:30 32:30 33:30 33:30 34:30 35:00 36:00 36:30 37:30 38:00 39:00
0 >31:30 >32:30 >32:30 >33:30 >33:00 >34:00 >35:00 >36:00 >36:30 >37:30 >38:00 >39:00

2-MILE (3.2 KM) RUN, 5-MILE (8 KM) CYCLE, & ½ MILE (800 METER) SWIM

Level of Pts Under 25 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 & Over

CR Fitness Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Superior 40 <13:00 <15:00 <14:00 <16:00 <15:00 <17:00 <16:00 <18:00 <17:00 <19:00 <18:00 <20:00
Excellent 39 13:00 15:00 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00
38 13:15 15:15 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15
37 13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30
36 13:45 15:45 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45
35 14:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00

Good 34 14:15 16:15 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15
33 14:30 16:30 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30
32 14:45 16:45 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45
31 15:00 17:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00
30 15:15 17:15 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15
29 15:30 17:30 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30
28 15:45 17:45 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45
27 16:00 18:00 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00

Fair 26 16:15 18:15 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15
25 16:30 18:30 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30
24 16:45 18:45 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45
23 17:00 19:00 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00
22 17:15 19:15 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15
21 17:30 19:30 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30
20 17:45 19:45 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45
19 18:00 20:00 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00
Poor 18 18:15 20:15 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15 23:15 25:15
17 18:30 20:30 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30
16 18:45 20:45 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45 23:45 25:45
15 19:00 21:00 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00 24:00 26:00
14 19:15 21:15 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15 23:15 25:15 24:15 26:15
13 19:30 21:30 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30 24:30 26:30
12 19:45 21:45 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45 23:45 25:45 24:45 26:45
11 20:00 22:00 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00 24:00 26:00 25:00 27:00
Very Poor
10 20:15 22:15 21:15 23:15 22:45 24:15 23:15 25:15 24:15 26:15 25:15 27:15
9 20:30 22:30 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30 24:30 26:30 25:30 27:30
8 20:45 22:45 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45 23:45 25:45 24:45 26:45 25:45 27:45
7 21:00 23:00 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00 24:00 26:00 25:00 27:00 26:00 28:00
6 21:15 23:15 22:15 24:15 23:15 25:15 24:15 26:15 25:15 27:15 26:15 28:15
5 21:30 23:30 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30 24:30 26:30 25:30 27:30 26:30 28:30
4 21:45 23:45 22:45 24:45 23:45 25:45 24:45 26:45 25:45 27:45 26:45 28:45
3 22:00 24:00 23:00 25:00 24:00 26:00 25:00 27:00 26:00 28:00 27:00 29:00
2 22:15 24:15 23:15 25:15 24:15 26:15 25:15 27:15 26:15 28:15 27:15 29:15
1 22:30 24:30 23:30 25:30 24:30 26:30 25:30 27:30 26:30 28:30 27:30 30:30
0 >22:30 >24:30 >23:30 >25:30 >24:30 >26:30 >25:30 >27:30 >26:30 >28:30 >27:30 >29:30


LAP INTERVAL TIME FOR 0,/( .0 ',67$1&(


Aerobic Center Indoor Track

-Mile Time 1-Lap Time -Mile Time 1-Lap Time -Mile Time 1-Lap Time

:00 : :00 1:3 2:00 2:09

:30 : :30 1:3 2:30 2:1

1:00 1:0 :00 1: 2:00 2:1

1:30 1:0 :30 1:4 2:30 2:1

1:00 1:0 :00 1:4 :00 2:

1:30 1:11 :30 1:4 :30 2:2

1:00 1:13 :00 1:50 :00 2:2

1:30 1:16 :30 1:53 :30 2:

1:00 1: :00 1:5 :00 2:

1:30 1:2 :30 : :30 2:3

1:00 1:2 :00 2:0 :00 2:

1:30 1:2 2:30 2:0 30 2:4

¼ Mile (400 Meters) Track

-Mile Time 1-Lap Time -Mile Time 1-Lap Time -Mile Time 1-Lap Time
:00 : :00 2:30 2:00 3:
:30 : :30 2:3 2:30 3:

1:00 1: :00 2: 2:00 3:

1:30 1: :30 2: 2:30 3:

1:00 1: :00 2: 2:00 3:

1:30 1: :30 2: 2:30 3:

1:00 : :00 : :00 :

1:30 : :30 : :30 :

1:00 : :00 3:0 :00 :

1:30 : :30 3: :30 :

1:00 : 2:00 3: :00 4:

1:30 : 2:30 3: :30 4:



Weight Height in Inches

(Lbs) 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
100 20 20 19 18 18
105 21 21 20 19 19 18 18
110 22 22 21 20 20 19 18 18
115 23 23 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18
120 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 19 19 18 18
125 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 18
130 26 25 25 24 23 22 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18
135 27 26 26 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 18 18
140 28 27 26 26 25 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 20 19 18 18
145 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 18 18
150 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 23 23 22 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18
155 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18
160 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 19
165 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 19
170 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 20
175 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 20 20
180 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21
185 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 23 22 21
190 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 23 22
195 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 23
200 40 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23
205 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24
210 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 26 26 25 24
215 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 26 26 25
220 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 26 25
225 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 29 28 27 27 26
230 40 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 27
235 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 27
240 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28
245 40 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 29 28
250 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 29
255 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30
260 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 30
265 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 32 31
270 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
275 40 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 32
280 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
285 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
290 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 34
295 40 39 38 37 36 35 34
300 40 39 38 37 36 35




1.5-Mile Time min VO2 max 1.5-Mile Time min VO2 max
<7:30 >7 13:0 3
7:30 7 1:0 36
8:00 6 14:0 3
8:30 6 1:0 3
9:00 5 15:0 3
9:30 55 1:0 3
10:00 5 16:0 
10:30 49 1:0 2
11:00 4 17:0 2
11:30 44 1:0 2
12:00 42 18:0 2
12:30 40  
  >1:00 <25
Adapted from Wilmore, Jack and Costill, David. Training for Sport and Activity. Third Edition.
Dubuque: W. C. Brown. 1988. p. 368




LEVEL Freq. Intensity Time

> 28 NA I 3 days 50% MHR 10 min

28 or less < 30 I 3 days 0% MHR 10 min

28 or less 31 – 40 II 3-4 days 60% MHR 20 min

28 or less 41 – 50 III 3-5 days 70% MHR 30 min

28 or less > 50 IV 3-6 days 80% MHR 40 min

243 2


RM 1 5 8 10 12 15 RM 1 5 8 10 12 15

%1RM 100 87 80 75 67 65 %1RM 100 87 80 75 67 65

10 9 8 8 7 7 240 209 192 180 161 156

20 17 16 15 13 13 250 218 200 188 168 163

30 26 24 23 20 20 260 226 208 195 174 169

40 35 32 30 27 26 270 235 216 203 181 176

50 44 40 38 34 33 280 244 224 210 188 182

60 52 48 45 40 39 290 252 232 218 194 189

70 61 56 53 47 46 300 261 240 225 201 195

80 70 64 60 54 52 310 270 248 233 208 202

90 78 72 68 60 59 320 278 256 240 214 208

100 87 80 75 67 65 330 287 264 248 221 215

110 96 88 83 74 72 340 296 272 255 228 221

120 104 96 90 80 78 350 305 280 263 235 228

130 113 104 98 87 85 360 313 288 270 241 234

140 122 112 105 94 91 370 322 296 278 248 241

150 131 120 113 101 98 380 331 304 285 255 247

160 139 128 120 107 104 390 339 312 293 261 254

170 148 136 128 114 111 400 348 320 300 268 260

180 157 144 135 121 117 410 357 328 308 274 267

190 165 152 143 127 124 420 365 336 315 281 273

200 174 160 150 134 130 430 374 344 323 288 280

210 183 168 158 141 137 440 383 352 330 295 286

220 191 176 165 147 143 450 392 360 338 302 293

230 200 184 173 154 150 460 400 368 345 308 299


"Essentials of Physical Activity." Huber, Fritz ED.D., C.S.C.S. pp. 1-245. 2016. Eddie Bowers
Publishing Company, Inc. (245 pages).

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