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Directions for questions 1 to 25: Select the correct alternative from the given choices.

1. Which of the following most logically completes the Which of the following is an assumption on which
argument? the argument depends?
(A) The period to which the author of Samhita
In an ideal experiment, a researcher changes only belonged was a period of agricultural dominance.
the variables that are of interest and fixes all others. (B) Authors who did not have direct contact with
This level of control is often impossible in the real a profession could not depict it elaborately.
world and the accuracy of experiment is naturally (C) The literary and archaeological sources of the
expected to drift over time. However, the outcomes period are dependable.
of the ideal experiment do have adequate plausibility (D) The agricultural practices that are depicted in
and utility, assuming that ______. the book are accurately depicted.
(A) ideal experiments are conducted by considering
very few variables of interest. 4. Which of the following most logically completes the
(B) variables fixed at a certain level are likely to be argument below?
maintained at the same level. TV 12, although the most popular news channel
(C) ideal experiments cannot be performed without covering political events in Sardonia, has recently
changing all the variables related to the suffered a significant drop in its advertising revenues
experiment. because many of its viewers have started watching
(D) the variables that have significant influence on its rival channel. The subscription price for TV 12 is
the output of the ideal experiment are almost considered high, while the rival offers the channel
always considered. without any subscription. The management of
TV 12 has proposed to offer the channel without any
2. A study of compliance with medical appointments subscription, but this proposal is not likely to solve
has shown that people who took only one medical the problem because ______.
appointment showed a no-show rate of less than (A) most TV viewers leaving the channel did so
2%, while people who took multiple appointments because of the lower quality of programs.
with the doctors showed a no-show rate of more (B) the collection of subscription indicates higher
than 20%. This may be at least in part because program quality, for enhanced revenues can be
people who paid in advance for multiple spent on program production.
appointments are financially less prudent than those (C) the amount advertisers choose to spend
who took only one medical appointment. depends on the targeted audience, rather than
on actual circulation.
Which of the following, if true, can offer an (D) TV 12 channel supports, in a subtle way, a
alternative explanation to the one given above? political party that is quite dominant in Sardonia.
(A) Usually, people with minor ailments take one
appointment, while people with major health 5. A fossilized skeleton of a baleen whale has been
problems take multiple medical appointments. discovered in Lompoc, California. The anomaly
(B) Doctors lose money when a patient who has about the fossil is that the whale was not lying
taken an appointment does not show up at the horizontally, but vertically – standing on its tail. Given
agreed upon time. the observation that the skeleton of the animal living
(C) Mostly, people who took only one medical 25,000 years ago stands 80 feet high, we know that
appointment did so immediately prior to each rock strata of that depth would take
medical appointment during which they visited a million of years to form, but the carcass would
the doctor. have decomposed in just months.
(D) Patients seeking to make multiple appointments
with specialists need to pay more per Which of the following, if true, most helps to
appointment than they need to pay for a single reconcile the discrepancy observed above?
appointment. (A) Baleen whales’ bodies, which weigh hundreds
of tons, contain in large proportions, fat that
3. Although we do not have the correct authorship of decomposes quickly.
the book Samhita, we know that this Sanskrit work (B) Baleen whales frequently go to vertical position so
was written between 110 AD and 120 AD. Literary that they can reach the surface in the shortest
and archaeological sources from this period mention possible time in order to breathe using their lungs.
only three Sanskrit authors: Charaka, a royal patron (C) A volcanic eruption that occurred in the area
of Pallava Dynasty, Mohita, who was the minister in during that period caused the baleen whale to
a royal court and Kairav, a member of peasant be catastrophically buried in the sediment.
community. Given the fact that Samhita elaborately (D) The fossil of the animal has been found in the
depicts agricultural practices of the period, we can rock strata that belongs to a geologic age of
conclude that Kairav was the author of the book. 22,000 years ago.
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6. Sanskrit shared many similarities with languages as (B) The spread of a pathogen is not related to the
disparate as French, English, Persian and Russian. extent of biodiversity present.
Basing on these similarities, linguists conclude that (C) The abundance of specific species results in
all these languages derived from a common change in biodiversity.
language – Indo-European. But, while North Indian (D) Humans are less prone to infections when the
languages are predominantly Indo-European, South biodiversity is protected.
Indian languages mostly belong to the Dravidian
language family. To explain this, historians 9. Many countries are encouraging their citizens to
hypothesize that ancient people popularly known as reduce the release of greenhouse gases, which
Aryans from outside India invaded, bringing with cause global warming. One proposal is to replace
them the proto-Sanskrit language to northern India the existing manufacturing facilities with eco-friendly
some 3000 years ago. machinery that actually increase production, but
reduce greenhouse gas emission. Therefore, this
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the switch to modern machinery will help reduce
historians' hypothesis? atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.
(A) Rig Veda, a Sanskrit religious text that has been
dated at 1700 BC, was written in India. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the
(B) Linguists' views have differed significantly from argument?
the views of historians, especially in relation (A) The production cost of eco-friendly machinery,
with dating of ancient texts. which is currently high, has shown a fall as its
(C) Genetic studies prove that the genetic demand increased due to environmental
composition of Aryans was not identical to that of concerns.
people speaking languages similar to Sanskrit. (B) Eco-friendly machines require the same raw
(D) Indo-European languages are spoken in far materials for production of a product as those
more areas than those mentioned in the used by existing manufacturing facilities.
argument. (C) The manufacture of eco-friendly machinery
does not release greenhouse gases in more
7. Industrial pollution in industrial districts of Sardonia quantities than does that of existing
are an increasing problem for local residents – the manufacturing machinery.
air pollution in those districts has doubled the (D) Most manufacturing industries are either
incidence of respiratory problems among the unaware of the advantages of latest
residents. In order to address this problem, the technologies or disinclined to change their
government plans to increase pollution tax by 600% manufacturing processes.
when the pollutant levels are beyond a certain limit,
a limit currently in force, but not followed by most 10. Psychologists say that, when people face problems
industries. that are difficult to solve, setting them aside can lead
to new ideas or even flashes of insight. They argue
Which of the following, if true, would most strongly that this process, generally called incubation,
indicate that the plan will be successful? frequently reduces the time required to solve the
(A) Approximately one-fourth of industries in problem or induces creative thinking that helps find
Sardonia release pollutants beyond the limit an innovative solution.
mandated by the Sardonian government.
(B) In other industrial districts, high pollution taxes All of the following, if true, would explain the above
have strongly encouraged industries to upgrade EXCEPT
their production technologies, significantly (A) Human mind requires some rest when it faces
reducing pollutants. a serious problem that needs solution.
(C) Government officials expect that without the (B) If the initial approach is inaccurate, the more
enhanced penalties, pollution is likely to grow by people stick to the idea, the more they are
3 percent in the next five years. actually suppressing other ideas.
(D) The government's revenue from penalties (C) When people stop thinking about a demanding
increases significantly after the implementation problem, they get from the environment clues
of enhanced penalties for pollution. that help solve the problem.
8. Biodiversity has an effect on the transmission of (D) Even when people stop thinking about
disease-causing organisms (pathogens) such as a problem, their subconscious mind explores
bacteria, because most pathogens are generalists – the problem without any bias, resulting in
they infect more than one species of host. In many a possible solution.
cases, the hosts are abundant and resilient to
disturbances caused by humans. Consequently, 11. Advertisement: When you are worried about
these host species tend to persist when diversity is obesity, any major brand will minimize its potential
reduced, increasing in abundance relative to other incidence as well as our Slim-on. When the
species. Species living in ecological communities consumer is prone to pulmonary hypertension, as is
with high diversity tend to dilute the effect of hosts. the case for most, it is a different story: Slim-on
contains a special variant of fenfluramine,
Which of the following conclusions can most a common medicine used to prevent obesity,
logically be drawn from the above? a variant greatly effective with such proneness. So, if
(A) Pathogens that are generalists spread more you want better medicine for obesity prevention, you
rapidly than those that infect specific host should use Slim-on.
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Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the Which of the following, if true, best explains why the
argument in the advertisement? policy produced the reverse of its intended effect?
(A) Slim-on provides above-average level (A) After the policy was implemented, more
prevention for people who are not prone to registered companies paid through bank
pulmonary hypertension. transactions than they did before the
(B) Slim-on is frequently provided free of cost to implementation of the policy.
patients who visit doctors to prevent obesity. (B) Service providers, most of whom are from
(C) The market share of Slim-on increased by over unorganized sectors, offered their services to
150% during the past five years after the non-registered companies to avoid sales tax.
product was launched. (C) Before the implementation of the policy, many
(D) Fenfluramine, generally used in all obesity companies that paid petty amounts for services
prevention medicines, is far better at preventing purchased paid in cash.
obesity than other appetite-suppressants. (D) Sales tax constitutes only a minor portion of the
total tax collection undertaken by the Catalonian
12. Which of the following most logically completes the government.
argument below?
15. Government's programs to create awareness about
Sardinia's farmers are currently deciding between diabetes and about the reasons for the disease have
growing organic vegetables (vegetables grown been ineffective, with fewer people starting to
without using pesticides) and conventional undertake or undertaking physical exercise, which is
vegetables. Both crops are equally profitable under quite useful in preventing the incidence of the
normal conditions. Because of the recent government disease. Thus, an effective way for the government is
regulations, farmers cannot use pesticides beyond to improve citizens' response rate by targeting the
a certain level, a limitation that may reduce the per programs at the citizens that are prone to the disease.
acre yield of conventional vegetables. But we cannot
conclude that growing organic vegetables is more Which of the following, if true, would most support
profitable because ______. the recommendation above?
(A) the smaller-than-average size of conventional (A) There are other cost-effective ways using which
vegetables may be compensated by higher the government can increase the awareness
prices for those vegetables. about diabetes among citizens of Sardonia.
(B) growing organic vegetables might require higher (B) Many other governments are already using this
investment in other investments such as that on kind of programs successfully by undertaking
irrigation. the targeting process.
(C) both conventional vegetables and organic (C) Improvements in targeting audience improves
vegetables require equal amounts of investment. the quality of awareness program, prompting to
(D) the conventional vegetables that farmers grow people to attend more of such programs.
are well-adapted to the soil in which the (D) Response rates to carefully targeted programs
vegetables are grown. are considerably higher, on average, than the
response rates to other forms of awareness
13. The Life of Dorian was written in 1220 and is creation programs.
universally accepted to be a biography of the king of
ancient Bravia. Some scholars, however, question 16. Health department officials assert that the extreme
this gender attribution because they argue that the measures of the government to minimize
name Dorian was commonly given both for baby expenditure during the last year so that revenue
boys and baby girls. They quote the historical deficit is minimized has done nothing to impair the
evidence that the kingdom of Bravia was ruled by provision of healthcare for the under-privileged.
a queen, not a king. However, critics of the government contend that the
recent incidence of preventable diseases among the
Which of the following, if true, most supports the under-privileged across the state is traceable to the
scholars' argument? government's cost-cutting measures.
(A) It was quite common that many women ruled Which of the following, if true, would provide the
ancient Bravia when there was no male heir to strongest support for the position held by health
the throne. department officials?
(B) Literary evidence from that period described the (A) The government benefits by preventing
ruler of Bravia using words used only for the diseases as the government has to spend more
fairer gender. on treatment of those preventable diseases
(C) In a translation of the work, some masculine than on their prevention.
and some feminine pronouns are used to (B) The opposition parties in the country recently
describe the ruler's life. demanded that more funds be allocated to
(D) A minimum of five queens supposedly ruled healthcare as the funds already allocated were
ancient Bravia between 1100 AD and 1200 AD. not adequate.
(C) Despite major cutbacks in most other areas of
14. In order to increase its sales tax collection, the governance, the government has devoted more
government of Catalonia has mandated that every funds to healthcare for the under-privileged
registered company pay for the services bought only people than it did in the preceding year.
through bank transactions, which are automatically (D) There has been evidence that the prevalence of
listed as sales. But a year after the policy was the preventable diseases could have been
implemented, recent tax reports found that Catalonia’s minimized, if the government had released
overall tax collection had actually decreased. more funds.
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17. In setting goals for welfare programs to advance 20. Power Generation Department official: Annual
education among the poor, it is inadvisable to demand for power has been increasing by
conduct longitudinal surveys to understand the a minimum of 4% and the fossil fuel deposits are
needs of the population, because these surveys fast declining. We should therefore begin to curtail the
require a lot of time and manpower, making them power usage, which is why the government plans to
the costliest of all surveys. So, it would be propose passing ordinances mandating power
reasonable instead to set goals by taking into conservation in all areas of power consumption.
account all of the current and future goals of such
welfare programs. Which of the following, if true, most seriously calls
into question the plan of the government?
The argument given concerning the reasonable way (A) The proportion of power generated from fossil
to set goals presupposes that fuels has significantly been decreasing during
(A) current welfare programs currently meet the the last few years.
goals that have been set after use of (B) Most citizens and institutions do not minimize
longitudinal surveys. power consumption in the absence of forceful
(B) there are effective ways to estimate all of the conservation measures.
goals that are to be realized to advance (C) Residential consumers were less responsible
education among the poor. for the increase in demand for power than are
(C) the only goals worth achieving are achieved by industrial consumers.
welfare programs to advance education among (D) The proposed ordinance will not have significant
the poor. impact on the economic development of the
(D) ambitious goals in relation to educating the poor country.
are likely to be unachievable.
21. Which of the following most logically completes the
18. Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
argument below?
For Sardonian government, imposing general import
A photograph of the sky during night is taken with tariff to preserve the scanty foreign exchange
the camera shutter open for a longer period of time. reserves is difficult: how to protect the interest of
In such photographs, moving stars are seen as companies that increase foreign exchange reserves.
streaks of light, while those very stars appear to For at least some industries, imposing tariffs on
humans on the earth as bright spots. In one such some imports is essential. This disadvantage
photograph taken recently, a star was depicted as gradually wears off as the industries mature.
a very bright spot, rather than as a streak of light. Therefore, the import tariffs will be especially useful
Still the scientists believe that the star was moving at when the industries ______.
far higher speeds than were the other stars that (A) require technology up-gradation that generally
happens overseas.
were moving, because ______.
(B) need to import machinery initially, but earn
(A) the length of a streak depends on the camera
foreign exchange in the long run.
exposure time.
(C) cater to the needs of the consumers within the
(B) cameras whose shutters are open for short time
boundaries of the country.
cannot film stars.
(D) need to import more machinery that requires
(C) the star was far brighter than the other stars that
frequent replacement than do others.
were depicted as streaks.
(D) the star was moving directly toward the Earth.
22. When an innovative product is to be launched,
producers of that product usually overestimate the
19. Analyst: In biological research, the number of new market penetration of that product and develop
species reported or discovered every year has been targets accordingly. They seldom try to conduct
steadily declining in the recent decades. Several of a market survey, even though it is its consumers in
these biological 'explorers' are running out of areas the market, not the product itself, that decide the
to research on. So, it is likely that the discovery commercial success of the product.
of the fewer number of species every year is due to
the exhaustion of un-discovered species present Which of the following, if true, best accounts for the
on the Earth. ignorance of the market reaction to an innovative
Which of the following, if true, most seriously (A) If an innovative product succeeds, the
undermines the analyst's argument? commercial benefits accrue to the producers,
(A) In some areas, the number of species not to the consumers.
discovered is more that in other areas. (B) In the modern market with great diversity and
(B) The average time required for the discovery of technology, developing an innovative product
one species has been longer now than in the requires huge investments.
past. (C) The manufacturers of an innovative products
(C) Discovery of new species in deep ocean that is cannot accurately predict the reaction of the
the habitat of 80% of the Earth has been mostly market to an innovative product.
unexplored. (D) A truly innovative product that is to be
(D) The same species may be discovered by introduced to the market has no current
different biologists at different locations. consumers.

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23. A software company has developed a software that (B) Does the mature population of orange roughy
identifies bugs present in a code. Programmers who constitute a major chunk of all types of mature
used this software recently found fewer bugs in their fish populations?
programs and still were able to complete programs (C) Are the exports of orange roughy that constitute
comparable to those they would have developed a major portion of marine export revenue of the
without using the software. The usual coding of the country increasing?
program, however, requires more resources and (D) Are the Sardonian government's efforts to save
what they were able to save by using the new endangered species more effective than those
software is hardly any more than what they saved of other countries?
employing fewer resources. Therefore, using the
new software extensively would be unlikely to 25. Confronted with sectoral evidence that increased
increase financial benefit. expenditures on IT over time have coincided
with stagnant productivity, Bowen suggested that
Which of the following would be most useful in order without the currently high level of IT investment, the
to evaluate the argument? productivity trend might have been even more
(A) Whether there are specific type of bugs that dismal. This is a perfectly tenable rejoinder
delay the final products, but against which both to sectoral studies, but it fails to explain why in inter-
regular programming and the current software industry studies, industries with higher levels of
are equally ineffective. IT investment tend to have lower levels of
(B) Whether most of the programmers who used productivity improvement than industries with far
the software in the past found fewer bugs in the less IT investment, or why in several studies of firms
coding than the usual number of bugs before within one industry, IT-intensive firms perform no
using the software. better than low-IT firms. Thus, findings on IT and
(C) Whether the revenues the programmers receive productivity that hold across all three levels of
for coding have remained constant or not. analysis should be more convincing than
(D) Whether, for programmers who do not use the findings limited to one type of study design.
software, programming is an economically
viable option. In the argument given, the two portions in boldface
play which of the following roles?
24. In the past, Sardonia's population heavily depended (A) The first is the empirical observation that
on orange roughy, a unique Sardonian fish that has engenders some questions, while the second is
a lifespan of 100 years and thus have very slow an important consideration in answering those
maturation speed. Sardonia now consumes fewer questions.
orange roughy fish than its territorial waters produce, (B) The first is a hypothesis that explains a trend,
making it likely for their populations while the second is a relevant point to make that
to increase, and people are increasingly shifting hypothesis useful.
to other varieties of fish for consumption. Therefore, (C) The first is a premise that supports the main
the orange roughy populations are likely to increase conclusion, while the second is the main
soon. conclusion of that argument.
(D) The first is the main conclusion of the argument,
Which of the following would it be most useful to while the second is a qualification to that main
establish in evaluating the argument? conclusion.
(A) Are the people who switch to other fish varieties
for sustenance getting equally good nutritional

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