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Impacts of Violence

Types of violence

Do you want your children to turn from this

CHILDREN Most violence against children involves at least one of six main
types of interpersonal violence that tend to occur at different
stages in a child’s development.

HAVE RIGHTS to this?

* Bullying (including cyber-bullying) is unwanted aggressive
behavior by another child or group of children who are neither
siblings nor in a romantic relationship with the victim. It involves
repeated physical, psychological, or social harm, and often takes
``We would not have a society if there´s no respect, equality and The impact that the violence on Children causes is that they are more likely to place in schools and other settings where children gather, and
smoke and consume alcohol and drugs that can damage badly their health and online.
engage in high-risk sexual behavior. This also can produce that in the, when they
grow up they develop criminal behavior. This also can cause them to have a
higher risk of mental health issues like traumas, anxiety, or depression. This is a
problem that can also cause even more serious problems that can attempt over
their health, this also can make that when they grow up to have a criminal * Youth violence is concentrated among children and young
behavior and also can cause them other diseases as cardiovascular problems. adults aged 10–29 years, occurs most often in community
settings between acquaintances and strangers, includes bullying
and physical assault with or without weapons (such as guns and
What is Violence against knives), and may involve gang violence. * Intimate partner
violence (or domestic violence) involves physical, sexual, and

children? emotional violence by an intimate partner or ex-partner.

Although males can also be victims, intimate partner violence
Violence against children is every related factor to physical or psychological damage to a disproportionately affects females. It commonly occurs against
child. This, including the traumas the kid is going to suffer when grown up. Violence
girls within child marriages and early/forced marriages. Among
against children can be executed by anyone both his parents, any of his family or in the
worst case, strangers. romantically involved but unmarried adolescents it is sometimes
called “dating violence”.

* Sexual violence includes non-consensual completed or

attempted sexual contact and acts of a sexual nature not
involving contact (such as voyeurism or sexual harassment); acts
of sexual trafficking committed against someone who is unable
The WHO (World Health Organization) Established in May of the year 2016, to to consent or refuse; and online exploitation.
make strengthening the role of protecting interpersonal violence victims. This, in
particular to women, girls and children. On another hand, apart from the high
percentages we get when looking for mistreats to women, many children are
related to high violence statistics too.

* Emotional or psychological violence includes restricting a

child’s movements, denigration, ridicule, threats and
intimidation, discrimination, rejection, and other non-physical
forms of hostile treatment.
Where is it Risk Factors Who responds for
mistreat situations?
Violence in opposition to kids is a multifaceted
hassle with reasons on the individual, near
A May 2016 World Health Assembly resolution
relationship, network, and societal levels. Important
endorsed the first-ever WHO Global plan of action
chance elements are:
on strengthening the role of the health system
within a national multisectoral response to address
interpersonal violence.
Violence is present everywhere. Although, there
* low income
are countries where violence sweeps the most
for example: According to this plan, WHO in collaboration with
* having incapacity or intellectual fitness problems
the Member States and other partners, is
committed to:
* figuring out as or being recognized as lesbian,
Sudán del Sur 67.5% gay, bisexual, or transgender
Eritrea 63.1% • Monitoring the global magnitude and
* dangerous use of alcohol and drugs
Libutti 60.5% characteristics of violence against children and
supporting country efforts to document and
Níger 54.6% (Nigeria) * records of publicity to violence.
measure such violence.
Centroafrican Republic 48.4%
Close-dating level:
Somalia 48.2% * loss of emotional bonding among youngsters and
• Maintaining an electronic information system that
summarizes the scientific data on the burden, risk
Mali 47.3% mother and father or caregivers
factors, and consequences of violence against
Siria 43.1% * bad parenting practices

Pakistán 42.9% • Developing and disseminating evidence-based

* witnessing violence among mother and father or
technical guidance documents, norms, and
Violence is present everywhere, no matter the standards for preventing and responding to
violence against children.
type of country, the race of children, nothing * early or compelled marriage.
matters for violent people, they just want • Regularly publishing global status reports on
country efforts to address violence against children
children. Many children who, end in drugs, * poverty
through national policies and action plans, laws,
alcohol, or furthermore committing suicide by * excessive populace density
prevention programs, and response services.
the traumas left.
• Supporting countries and partners in
* excessive concentrations of gangs and illicit drug
implementing evidence-based prevention and
Is this what you want for your children? response strategies.

Society level:
• Collaborating with international agencies and
organizations to reduce and eliminate violence
* social and gender norms that create weather
against children globally, through initiatives such as
wherein violence is normalized
the Global Partnership to End Violence against
* fitness, economic, academic, and social rules that
hold economic, gender, and social inequalities
* absent or insufficient social prote

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