Hostage Rescue Considerations - Risks Inc PDF

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Building Assault



Risks Incorporated
Hostage Rescue Operations

Group Organization


Team Selection Team Formed

Intelligence Tactical Unit Supplies and HQ/Training

Unit Equipment Location


Intelligence Recce and

operations Surveillance

Direct Actions
Against Criminals

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Risks Incorporated
Hostage Rescue Operations

Warning Order
Warning order

Command Group

Crisis commander
Tactical Team Relevant Government officials
Local Police liaison
Civil emergency response liaison
Public relations liaison
Tactical team liaison

Local Fire Services Medical Media

Police at the Response Relations

Ambulances Hospital
at the Preparedness

1. Warning order: this will be issued by the duty officer or official on duty at
emergency control center
2. Command group: This will consist of relevant officials needed to co-
ordinate the incident. If someone is not needed, they should not be there!
All command group personnel need to understand that all details of any
operations etc. must be kept 100% secret.
➢ Crisis commander: this is the person in overall command of the

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Hostage Rescue Operations

➢ Relevant government officials: liaisons with federal government

➢ Attorneys: Needed to ensure and actions are legal
➢ Local police liaison: Needed to ensure co-ordination between
tactical team and local police.
➢ Civil emergency response liaison: Needed to ensure fire service
and medical response personal are ready to deal with fires or
➢ Public relations liaison: Needed to ensure only official information
is given to media.
➢ Tactical team liaison: This is the direct link between the tactical
team and the command group. Should know and have trained with
the tactical team to be able to give accurate advice to the command
3. Tactical Team: Will provide intelligence to the command group and
conduct any operations.
4. Media Relations: This person (female) or group will provide official
information and co-ordinate the media. Media needs to be controlled so
they do not compromise the tactical operation.
5. Medical Response: Hospitals need to be prepared to deal with any
casualties from the incident, there must also be sufficient ambulances at
the scene of the incident to deal with and evacuate any casualties.
6. Fire services: needed to be at the scene to quickly deal with and fires
and possible assist tactical team with use of ladders.
7. Local police: Will be needed to cordon off the area around the incident
and prevent anyone entering or leavening. Can also be used for limited
support of the tactical team.

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Operations Assessment
1. Has the incident started?

a. If no:

What is the source of the information on potential incident, is it reliable?

What actions to counter or intercept criminals will you take?

b. If yes:

2. What has happened?

3. When did it start?

4. Where is the location of the incident? Get maps, details etc.

5. Who and how many criminals involved?

a. Ex-partner:
b. Work or college:
c. Friend:
d. Group:
e. Unknown:

6. Are the criminals armed?

7. For what reason have they taken hostages?

a. Publicity for a cause

b. Mental illness
c. Financial gain
d. Crime gone wrong

8. What demands have been made?

9. Have any other police or security agencies been informed and what
action have they taken?

10. How as the incident progressed?

11. Possible type of action needed? Lethal or non-lethal, covert or overt

12. What are limitations do you will have to work within?

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Hostage Rescue Operations

13. Manpower needed:

14. Support needed:

15. Time for rehearsals

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Consideration for Building Assaults

Initial Planning
1. Intelligence reports on threat and situation
2. Maps / Satellite photos
3. Videos and photos of location
4. Get information on the internal layout of the location
5. Asses the construction of the location
6. Asses available logistical and support services

Recce (Reconnaissance)

1. Drive by
2. Walk by
3. CTR (Close Target Reece)
4. Static

Drive By
1. Time of day
2. Select approach routes
3. Select suitable vehicle
4. Select driver and observer
5. Armed or unarmed
6. Cover story
7. Plan counter-surveillance
8. Plan objectives
9. Select exit routes
10. Plan emergency procedures

Walk By
1. Time of day
2. Select approach routes
3. Select drop off point
4. Single or pairs – close or spaced out
5. Armed or unarmed
6. Cover story
7. Plan counter-surveillance
8. Plan objectives
9. Select exit routes
10. Pick up point
11. Plan emergency procedures

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Hostage Rescue Operations

1. Time of day
2. Select approach routes
3. Select drop off point
4. Single or pairs – close or spaced out
5. Armed or unarmed
6. Cover story
7. Plan counter-surveillance
8. Plan objectives
9. Method of CTR
10. Access to target location
11. Time on target location
12. Cameras or listening devices to be planted?
13. Select exit routes
14. Pick up point
15. Plan emergency procedures

1. Locations for surveillance available?
2. Overt?
3. Covert?
4. Cameras?

1. Select cover team
2. Select assault team
3. Select operations control location
4. Select location for supporting medical or fire services
5. Select pre-assault surveillance team or method
6. Plan weapons and equipment requirements
7. Brief teams on operation
8. Brief teams on layout of location, fire hazards and construction details
9. Rehearsals

1. Select approach routes
2. Select drop off points
3. Select final approach routes
4. Select form up points

Method of Entry
1. Pretext
2. Loud
3. Covert

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Hostage Rescue Operations

4. Distractions

1. Be aware of boobytraps
2. Achieve objectives
3. Give first aid if required
4. Search location
5. Secure evidence
6. Exit location
7. If operation is overt call in supporting ambulance, fire services and crime
scene investigators if required

1. Select exit routes
2. Select pick up points
3. Ensure prisoners and evidence are secured
4. Plan for counter attacks
5. Plan for emergences

Reorg & Disperse

1. Rearm if required
2. Dispose of weapons if required
3. Give first aid if required
4. Change and dispose of cloths if required
5. Change vehicles
6. Process prisoners and evidence
7. Debrief if time and situation allows
8. Exit area for safe house or location

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Example of Operational Orders

The rescue of two hostages form a three-story building in the city of G

A. Ground

Describe the area of operations:

(1) Aids: Photos, video, models, sketches of target. Use colour codes for
walls and rooms of target. Photos of criminals and hostages or good
(2) Maps/street plans of general area.
(3) Salient features: Any prominent features, good sniper/observation
positions, command post, first aid point, ERV etc.
(4) The target area: area around the target, garden fences/walls, garden, out
buildings, walls (colour code) – windows – doors of building, guards
locations, vehicle parking etc.
(5) Inside the target building: room layout, location of guards, location of
hostages etc.

B. Situation


Guards Estimated total of 6, split up on following tasks:

(1) one static guard on road outside building in red car
(2) one static guard manning main door of building
(3) two guards guarding hostages in rooms?
(4) two guards resting in rooms?

b. Dress: Civvies: jeans, shirts, belt webbing.

c. Weapons: AR15s, pistols... Never seem to carry more than 3 mags.
d. Morale: very nervous and on edge, they are believed to be former military
personnel and fairly professional.
e. Enemy leadership: Mr X.

Own Forces

(1) Command Group: Location, team members, weapons, special equipment?

Task: command and mobile support.
(2) Support/Sniper group: Location, team members, weapons, special
equipment? Task: take out threats, observation and mobile support.
(3) Assault teams: Location, team members, weapons, special equipment? Task:
Assault the building and rescue hostages

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Dress: (1) military: all to wear assault vests, Black uniform, boots, and black
balaclava. (2) Civilian: change of civvies, money, rations, water bottle etc. in
small bags.

Communications: every man to have a radio with earpiece and mike. Cell phone
as back up etc.

Atts and Dets

Command Group: Nil

Support/Sniper group: Nil
Assault Teams: Nil
Local police: manning cordon, tasks?
Local medical personnel: location, tasks?

C. Mission

The rescue of two hostages form a three story building in the city of G

D. Execution

General outline: the operation will be carried out in 5 phases

(1) Move to target area.
(2) From up at target area
(3) Assault
(4) Reorganization
(5) Withdrawal

Move to target area:

(1) Final equipment check

(2) Teams move in own vehicles to designated areas

From up at target area:

(1) Teams will form up covertly at designated areas and prepare for the


(1) On the command “release pitbull’s” the assault will commence. This will be
0 hour.
(2) Sniper 1 will cover guard on road outside building in red car. If he spots
assault teams he is to be shot. If guard in car is shot all snipers are to

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Hostage Rescue Operations

engage any targets they have. Sniper go to SOP’s when assault teams
enters building
(3) Assault team 1 to enter top floor on red side of building and clear red
(4) Assault team 2 to enter top floor on white side of building and clear white
(5) Entry opposed command group will provided support.
(6) All guards will be considered hostile until ALL hostages secure. When a
hostage is secure assault team commanders to broadcast “sunflower
recovered” when both hostages are secure command group commander
to broadcast “sunflowers in basket. Relevant assault team will go firm and
provide security + first aid to hostages
(7) When both hostages are secure guards who do not resist will be asked to
surrender and be arrested. Relevant assault team will clear remainder of
(8) Snipers 1, 2, 3 will arrest guard on road outside building in red car if he
has not been alerted to assault.
(9) Any guards fleeing building will be intercepted by local police on cordon.


(1) Hostages/wounded team members will be removed for building to waiting

(2) Any arrested guards will be taken to X police station. Their weapons are to
be unloaded and taken to X police station.
(3) The crime scene will be handed over to X for criminal investigation
(4) Teams will move to form up locations and check equipment


(1) Teams will move back to HQ location

(2) Teams will write reports and be de-briefed.

Coordinating Instructions


(1) Move to target area: ASAP

(2) From up at target area: ASAP
(3) Assault: 0 hour.
(4) Reorganization: 0 + 5 minutes
(5) Withdrawal: 0 + 15

Actions on

(1) Operation compromised before form up: Straight to assault

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Hostage Rescue Operations

(2) Operation compromised while formed up: Straight to assault

(3) Hostage executed: Straight to assault
(4) Assault team entry opposed: Fight though, call support.
(5) Team members wounded or killed: Fight though, evacuate when building
(6) Guards in barricade location with hostages: Use demos etc.

E. Service and support

(1) Dress: combat uniforms, boots, flak vests, Balaclavas, belt kit, 2 water
bottles, mag pouches for X mags etc. d. Spare civvy clothes and light
(2) Weapons: Personal weapons. MI6s with 10 x 30-round mags, 9 mm
pistols 2 X 15-round mags.
(3) Special weapons: 4 X Shotguns 50 rounds 30 buck – 20 Slug. Smoke
grenades, Flash bangs, demo’s charges, loudspeaker, etc.


(1) Each person carries 3 field dressings.

(2) Each group in Assault Team has a medic.
(3) Doctor in ambulance.
(4) Surgical team on standby in X hospital

Command and signal

Communications net: All call signs are on the same channel X and frequency X.
Command group also on civil support channel X and frequency X.

Call signs:

(1) Command group: Alpha 1,2,3,4 etc.

(2) Sniper group: Bravo 1,2,3,4 etc.
(3) Assault Groups: Charley + Delta 1,2,3,4 etc.
(4) Use clear for civil support.


All personnel have radio, earpiece and mike. Command group 2 IC has extra
radio on civil support channel. Tactical liaison with local command group has
radio on teams channel and frequency. Radios should only be use for tactical
communications, no chatter.


Tactical liaison with local command group: “control”

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Commander of command group “co-ordinator”

2 IC of command group “administrator”
Local police “monkeys”
Local medical personnel “butchers”

In event communications break down team leader to use cell phones. A red flare
will initiate the assault. Green smoke thrown from building means hostage
secured, yellow some both hostages secure. Red smoke support required, enter
building through same entrances as assault teams.

Password: Question: Pesos? Answer: Dollars.

Synchronise watches.



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Hostage Rescue Operations

Example Hostage Rescue Operations

The story is set in Britain, where in a country house fifty miles outside of London
the ambassador of LUSKA and his aides have been taken hostage by an armed
terrorist group. The alarm has been raised by a passing delivery salesman who
thought he heard shouting and shots coming from the grounds of the house. This
was backed up by an anonymous phone call made to the local police. We pick up
the story from this point.

At the police station, the desk sergeant informs the senior duty officer. The duty
officer, knowing that there is a laid down procedure to follow concerning "key
points" or target houses, initiates it. The alert is passed up the chain of command
to senior officer level. Whilst this is happening it is confirmed that terrorists do
indeed hold the LUSKAN ambassador and five of his aides hostage. The
commissioner of police has by this time been informed of the situation, and he in
turn alerts the government and also requests that certain military anti-terrorist
units are put on stand by. A "COBRA" team is set up. This involves government
representatives, police and anti-terrorist experts. They report directly to the Prime
Minister, or a senior cabinet minister. In the past contingency plans for all such
occasions have been drawn up, rehearsed and carried out for real in some
cases. So these teams are well equipped to plan, prepare and execute any plan
of action. Meanwhile the Ambassador's house and surrounding roads are
"cordoned off'. Check points stop all vehicles from entering the area. The woods
and surrounding grounds of the house are ringed by police, trying to keep
reporters and the like from getting within two or three hundred yards. Police
snipers and marksmen take up tactical positions around the house. They keep up
a running commentary of what is happening over their radios back to a mobile

Communications by telephone with the terrorists are initiated by the COBRA

team negotiator. Plans of the house are sought from the appropriate planning
department by COBRA. From contact with the terrorists and from information
received from the police sniper teams, it is assessed that there are five terrorists
holding six hostages. One of them is a pregnant woman.

The Prime Minister decides to increase the alert state of the Military Anti-Terrorist
Team. They are flown from their base by helicopter to a house not too dissimilar
to that of the Ambassador's residence. Here they are briefed, and are shown
detailed plans of the Ambassador's house. They then meticulously formulate
plans, and rehearse methodically, storming the "look-alike" property.

Back at COBRA HQ, the negotiator is battling to gain time. The terrorists
demands are being considered. The deadline of six hours is considered
unreasonable. It is now noon. From previous communications, the negotiator has

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Hostage Rescue Operations

established the identity of the leader of the terrorists. An in depth intelligence

profile of him is being flashed up on the computer screens.

It is thought prudent at this point to invite the military commander of the Anti-
Terrorist Team to take part in COBRA negotiations. He is flown from the Team's
training location and on arrival at COBRA'S HQ near to the Ambassador's
residence, he is rally briefed with all the latest intelligence details. The COBRA
negotiator finally persuades the terrorists to release the pregnant hostage. This is
done without incident.

She is immediately interviewed about the situation. Positions of terrorists,

numbers, what type of weapons. Have they got grenades, are the pins in or out.
Are explosives rigged, detonators attached. She will be very closely and expertly
questioned until every bit of usable information has been gleaned from her. From
the information received a detailed plan of action is


L = Lobby Area
C == Cloakroom
S = Stairway

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Hostage Rescue Operations

R.R. = Reception Room

D.R. = Drawing Room
H = Hall Entrance
W = Windows
B.D. = Back Door
X = Terrorists
O = Hostages
D = Door
F = Front Door

From this description of the situation by the released hostage the Anti-Terrorist
Team Commander will formulate his plan. If time permits he will fly back to his
team and practice them using all the latest intelligence he has at his disposal. An
assault on the practice house using the GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT exactly as
described will be rehearsed diligently. Then variations will be gone into.
Meanwhile, back at the Ambassador's, one of his aides has tried to jump through
a window and was shot dead by the terrorists. The Prime Minister, aware that the
deadline is only one hour away and on the advice of her team, including
psychologists, that since the shooting, the terrorists are very unstable, decides to
send in the Anti-Terrorist Team. The Chief Constable formally hands control of
the incident over to the Military.

The complete Anti-Terrorist Team and their equipment are flown to the incident
area. The Team in this case is seventeen strong. A Sniper Group of eight, an
Assault Group of eight and the Team Commander. Their equipment includes flak
vests, anti-flash hoods, gas-masks (respirators), stun grenades, gas canisters,
Heckler-Koch machine pistols, 9mm Browning pistols, pump action shot guns (for
blowing hinges off doors), silencers, etc., etc., basically these teams can have
any equipment that they request.

The Team Commander will now usually meet with the COBRA Team and will
formally tell the Government Minister present that now a Military option has been
sanctioned, his Team will storm the building with the aim of "neutralising" the
terrorists and rescuing the hostages. And that it could result in the loss of life on
both sides. He will also formally state that no member of his Anti-Terrorist Team
should be held responsible for the death of any "innocent person". I cannot recall
any previous prosecution of a member of an Anti-Terrorist Team involved in a
situation where innocent bystanders or hostages were killed. Likewise, if you
study past cases of hostage or hijack situations, more often than not "prisoners
are not taken". The Anti-Terrorist Team are now fully briefed and poised to strike.
The police have been moved from the immediate vicinity and are basically just
keeping the "cordon" in place. Well away from the house.

The Anti-Terrorist Team will now put their Snipers into position and the Assault
Team will move into place. Let us look at the Plan overleaf. The situation is
exactly the same as described in the ground floor layout. So as not to confuse

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Hostage Rescue Operations

the issue, only the position of the Terrorists, Hostages and Rescue Team are
shown. All other details are the same as Fig. 1.

If you look at your two GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT PLANS I will try to explain the
actions of the Anti-Terrorist Team. Firstly, the Sniper Group have taken up their
positions and are constantly seeking targets. They are in direct radio contact with
all members of the team. There are eight snipers and their radio messages would
read something like as follows.

Number 1 Sniper TARGET.

Number 2 Sniper NO TARGET.
Number 3 Sniper NO TARGET.

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Hostage Rescue Operations

Number 4 Sniper NO TARGET.

Number 5 Sniper NO TARGET.
Number 6 Sniper NO TARGET.
Number 7 Sniper TARGET.
Number 8 Sniper NO TARGET.

If a target is lost, the Sniper concerned breaks in on air and says Number 1 NO
TARGET, or vice versa if a Sniper picks up a target. This constantly lets the
Team Commander know approximately how many Terrorists his Sniper Team
can (Take Out) at any time.
In our scenario we have two targets! The Team Commander gives the order to
"Go". Simultaneously the following events will occur.

Number 1 and Number 7 Snipers fire in volley and "take out" their targets.
Terrorists 2 and 4 are dead. All other Snipers observe their arcs of fire and cover
the Assault Groups. Assault Group 6 throw stun grenades and maybe gas into
the RECEPTION ROOM, quickly entering and shooting Terrorist Number 1. They
then start removing the hostages out of the window to Assault Group 9 who lead
them to safety. Meanwhile, Assault Group 7 have entered their window and killed
Terrorist Number 5, or if he makes a run for it out of the back door, he will be
taken out by Sniper Number 2.

Assault Group 8 will have entered their window unopposed and quickly taken out
Terrorist Number 3. Or if Terrorist Number 3 had bolted through the front door he
would have been taken care of by Sniper Number 5. Once in the house the
Assault Groups would systematically go through it room by room from floor to

The main threat to this operation came from Terrorist Number 3, who, if he was a
fanatical professional could have threatened the Reception Room area. So it was
imperative for Assault Group 8 to get in fast to take him out. However, Assault
Group 6 and perhaps Sniper Number 7 would have been covering the door area

I apologise if all this sounds complicated, but if you study Figs 1 and 2 and read
through the text slowly you will eventually get the idea. It is the only way that I
can explain things to you.

This was an ideal operation, lets look at some of the things that can and do go
wrong. We will take it for granted that our "rescue team" are all expert shots and
are not prone to accidents like tripping over at inopportune moments and
consider some of the technical and tactical things that can go against you.

Some Questions and Answers

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Risks Incorporated
Hostage Rescue Operations

Q. What happens if the Team are spotted moving into position, or when in
A. They usually have a "crash action" plan prepared, which involves immediate
storming of the building.

Q. What happens if the windows or entry points for the Assault Group have been
booby trapped by the Terrorists?
A. If they are not spotted and dealt with, or the operation called off, the Team will
probably fail in it's mission

Q. What happens if you get a "stoppage" (your weapon fails to fire), at a crucial
A. Weapons are thoroughly checked for weak magazine springs, damaged
ammunition etc., before the assault, however, all Team members carry a back-up
pistol and it is just a question of either how quickly you can "clear" your stoppage,
or draw and fire your back-up weapon.

Q. If one or more of the terrorists is walking around with a hand grenade with it's
safety pin removed, what happens when he is shot?
A. If he is taken out by the Sniper Group, you've got problems if he is in the
vicinity of the hostages, because the grenade will explode. If he is not in a crucial
position, the only problem is to the Assault Group whose job it is to take him out.
All Assault Groups are aware of this problem and will usually very quickly take
cover, or if time permits, clamp a hand around the Terrorist's hand. This has
been done, and is standard practice on Aircraft Hi-jacks, where the problem of
grenade wielding terrorists is more common. It is worth mentioning that
occasionally grenades have failed to explode. This would suggest that a "striker"
test to check the firing mechanism has not been carried out properly before

To conclude then, Anti-Terrorist operations are usually directed from a very high
political level, which in itself makes them vulnerable to the media. The media
have and will continue to be a serious source of potential danger to the Anti-
Terrorist Squad. Teams now have to spend valuable time learning how to cope
with and use the media to their own advantage.

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