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Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

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Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards

sustainability at a UK university: reporting and decision making
James Townsend*, John Barrett
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Campus greening is often the first step universities take towards sustainability. In order to infer the
Received 18 December 2012 current level of environmental performance and the progress being made it is imperative that univer-
Received in revised form sities measure and report their campus greening efforts. This paper shows that sustainability reporting
13 September 2013
can be a simple task and is of significant value for directing sustainable campus operations. To do this,
Accepted 1 November 2013
Environmentally Extended Input Output Analysis was used to derive the carbon footprint for the Uni-
Available online xxx
versity of Leeds. Being driven by financial data which is readily available to universities the assessment is
easy to conduct and maintain through time. Environmentally Extended Input Output Analysis provides
Sustainability reporting
complete coverage of the campus system and thus accounts for the majority of emissions sources.
Campus greening Accordingly, it enables comparisons of environmental performance to be made between institutions. The
Carbon footprinting reliability of comparisons falters when organisational boundaries vary between carbon footprints, and
Environmentally extended input output thus, in the interest of methodological consistency, a framework should be established that defines
analysis universal organisational boundaries which universities must adhere to. Interviews with university
Sustainable procurement procurement staff showed that carbon footprints can provide a screening assessment which identifies
emissions hotspots in supply chains. Such as assessment is currently lacking and provides evidence of
win win situations where emissions and costs can be reduced simultaneously. Although carbon foot-
printing considers only the environmental dimension of the triple bottom line, it is recommended that
universities intensify its application. For the institutions themselves the results will be of significant
practical value for directing initiatives such as sustainable procurement and for enhancing stakeholder
engagement with the sustainability agenda, whilst an increased application will help build much needed
momentum for sustainability reporting overall.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction environmental degradation and social inequality, many are

adjusting their practices to address sustainability (Stephens and
As institutions that produce cutting edge knowledge and Graham, 2010).
educate society’s future leaders (Lozano, 2006a; Stephens et al., For many universities, the first step towards sustainability is
2008), universities are major catalysts in the pursuit of a sustain- made through campus greening (Muller-Christ et al., 2014). This
able world. In response to key global concerns such as involves implementing an array of organisational and technical
measures to improve the environmental performance of the
campus; campuses themselves often imposing considerable im-
pacts on the environment (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008).
In order to build momentum in campus greening it is vital that
List of Acronyms: CF, Carbon footprint; DECC, Department of Energy & Climate efforts are measured and subsequently reported (Lozano, 2006b;
Change; Defra, Department for Environment; Food & Rural Affairs, DMU; De
Lozano and Huisingh, 2011; Velazquez et al., 2006). Measuring
Montfort University, EEIOA; Environmentally extended input output analysis, GHG;
Greenhouse gas, HLCA; Hybrid life cycle assessment, LU; Lancaster University, the progress of campus greening permits an analysis that can
NTNU; The Norwegian University of Technology & Science, PA; Process analysis, SP; facilitate improved environmental performance and can also unveil
Sustainable procurement, UCT; The University of Cape Town, UIC; The University of opportunities within the other dimensions of the university sys-
Illinois, Chicago; UoL, University of Leeds; WBCSD, World Business Council for tem: education, research and community outreach (Cortese, 2003;
Sustainable Development; WRI, World Resources Institute; YU, Yale University.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 7725972130.
Koester et al., 2006). For instance, areas of the campus can be
E-mail addresses: (J. Townsend), j.r. identified where students can gain critical hands on experience in (J. Barrett). their studies by undertaking sustainability projects (Koester et al.,

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
2 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

2006; Savanick et al., 2008). Further, reporting campus greening In order to quantify Scope 3 emissions it is necessary to consider
efforts indicates an institution’s commitment to sustainability and the environmental impacts of goods and services throughout their
thus may stimulate related research or community partnerships entire life cycle. For this, two methods are available; process anal-
(Ferreira et al., 2006; Lozano, 2011). ysis (PA) and EEIOA. Being distinct in their depth and width of
In spite of this potential, measuring and reporting the progress analysis, each method is best suited to particular enquiries
of sustainability initiatives remains in its infancy within higher (Wiedmann et al., 2009).
education (Lozano, 2011; Saadatian et al., 2013; Velazquez et al., PA produces results that are highly precise as data collection
2006). This can be attributed to the view that sustainability occurs at the relevant process level (Minx et al., 2008; Wiedmann,
reporting is an overly complex endeavour given that results should 2009). This makes it applicable for informing improvements in
provide reliable information that enables environmental perfor- business processes (Minx et al., 2008).
mance to both be compared with other institutions and tracked Only the main processes are considered in detail in PA, with
through time (Lozano, 2006b; Lozano and Huisingh, 2011). those existing outside of the delimited system excluded owing to
This paper shows that sustainability reporting can be a simple time and data restrictions (Suh et al., 2004). This incurs a cut off
task for universities. It also breaks ground by using empirical evi- error with system completeness typically around 50% (Lenzen,
dence to prove that the results are of significant value for directing 2001; Lenzen and Treloar, 2003). As system boundaries are
sustainability initiatives on campus. To do this, the carbon footprint unique by analysis it renders comparisons across organisations
(CF) for the University of Leeds (UoL) was derived using Environ- extremely difficult.
mentally Extended Input Output Analysis (EEIOA). The method was An economy wide approach, EEIOA inherently covers the com-
shown to be a robust basis for reporting, enabling consistency and plete system thus eliminating cut off error (Lenzen, 2001;
comparability in results. The CF results were also presented to Wiedmann, 2009). Further, being based on standardised environ-
university procurement staff who saw them as beneficial for mental and economic accounts it allows organisations to derive
guiding sustainable procurement (SP) practices; SP encompassing consistent, comparable estimates of Scope 3 emissions (Minx et al.,
an integral practice within campus greening (Lozano, 2006a; 2008; Wiedmann, 2009).
Wright, 2010). Note that CFs are readily acknowledged as a EEIOA however is associated with high level aggregation as
means for measuring campus sustainability (Klein-Banai and Theis, numerous facilities and commodities are grouped into single sec-
2013), and thus its application here is fit for purpose. tors in input output tables (Williams et al., 2009). As such, analysis
The structure of this paper is as follows; Section 2 provides at the product level is limited (Lenzen, 2001; Minx et al., 2008). This
context and outlines the rationale behind the paper. The methodo- can be addressed by modelling specific products and processes
logical options available for carbon footprinting and their applica- using PA in a Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment (HLCA) (Suh et al., 2004;
bility for deriving the CF of a large organisation are initially detailed. Minx et al., 2008). Here, the input output component of the model
The issue of methodological inconsistency is revealed, and the CFs ensures full system coverage, effectively combining the strengths of
for a number of universities are then scrutinised to identify the both methods.
sources of these inconsistencies. The paper goes on to explain how By allowing organisations to decide which method to utilise
establishing robust methodological foundations is imperative since when measuring their Scope 3 emissions CFs derived with the GHG
they could enable CFs to guide SP procedures, this pending the Protocol’s guidance are plagued with methodological in-
impact of practicality issues which are also outlined. Section 3 details consistencies (Dragomir, 2012; Sullivan, 2009). Methodological
how EEIOA was applied to derive the CF for the UoL and also how the consistency is vital so as to enable a credible analysis of organisa-
utility of the results for informing SP procedures was assessed. The tions’ CFs. Encouraging organisations to apply one specific method,
respective results are displayed in Sections 4 and 5, and are then at least as the basis of the assessment, would foster the greatest
discussed with reference to the literature in Section 6. Being capable progress in this respect.
of both comparing and tracking environmental performance, EEIOA
is shown to be a valuable tool for sustainability reporting. It also 2.2. Carbon footprinting within higher education
provides a screening assessment which is hugely beneficial for SP
since it indicates the environmental impacts of different purchase CFs have been derived for a number of universities worldwide
areas. Concluding remarks are presented in Section 7. (e.g. Klein-Banai et al., 2010; Letete et al., 2011; Lancaster
University, 2012; Larsen et al., 2013; Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013;
2. Background Thurston and Eckelman, 2011). However, the aforementioned
methodological issues regarding the accounting of Scope 3 emis-
2.1. Carbon footprinting: an overview sions have induced dubious results in certain cases. Universities
with a dubious CF cannot be certain of either the level or the
CFs quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that accrue as progress of their campus greening efforts. The value of the results
a result of an organisation’s activities (Huang et al., 2009; for informing sustainability initiatives will also be limited because
Wiedmann, 2009). Standardised guidelines that help organisa- of uncertainties regarding the accuracy and the scope of assess-
tions compile their CF are presented in the GHG Protocol (WRI and ment (Velazquez et al., 2006).
WBCSD, 2004, 2011). A key process within the Protocol is the Whilst an analysis comparing the levels of campus greening in
delimiting of organisational boundaries, the operations that an the aforementioned studies is implausible because of methodolog-
organisation owns or controls, and its operational boundaries. ical inconsistencies, an analysis aiming to identify the sources of
Setting operational boundaries, emissions sources are classified these inconsistencies is plausible and necessary. The CF results from
in accordance with three categories: Scope 1 (direct emissions), the studies are displayed in Table 1 and are evaluated in terms of
Scope 2 (emissions from purchased electricity) and Scope 3 (indi- their composition according to the GHG Protocol Scopes in Section
rect emissions). Traditionally, organisations have accounted for just 2.2.1. Their Scope 3 emissions sources are scrutinised in Section 2.2.2.
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in their CFs. However, with the
recognition that CFs are only robust when they consider all three 2.2.1. Overall composition of university carbon footprints
scopes (Matthews et al., 2008), Scope 3 emissions are increasingly Typical of the services sector, Scope 3 emissions dominate the
being accounted for. CFs (Suh, 2006). Where this is not apparent for UIC and UCT this is

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13 3

Table 1
Overview of university CF results.

Reference Case study Method Carbon footprint Carbon footprint (%)

(t CO2e)
Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3

(Lancaster University, 2012) Lancaster University (LU) HLCA 71,700 21 23 56

(Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013) De Montfort University (DMU) 51,080 6 15 79
(Thurston and Eckelman, 2011) Yale University (YU) 874,000 19 5 76
(Larsen et al., 2013) The Norwegian University of EEIOA 92,100 19 81
Technology & Science (NTNU)
(Klein-Banai et al., 2010) The University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) PA 275,000 64 17 19
(Letete et al., 2011) The University of Cape Town (UCT) 84,926 81 19

due to the application of PA; the exclusion of numerous Scope 3 A key requirement of SP is quantitative information that enables
emissions sources from the delimited campus systems causing greater understanding of the environmental impacts accumulating
considerable cut off error in results (Lenzen, 2001; Lenzen and within supply chains (Sundarakani et al., 2010; Young et al., 2010).
Treloar, 2003). This truncation means that neither CF is robust, Theoretically, CFs can fulfil this requirement; though the appraisal
and thus neither UIC nor UCT are considered in Section 2.2.2. of how this potential transfers into practice has been suppressed by
the isolation which exists between academics and practitioners
2.2.2. Scope 3 components within university carbon footprints (Burritt and Tingey-Holyoak, 2012; Wiedmann, 2009).
Construction is a major contributor to most of the CFs. For both A number of studies encompassing collaboration between these
DMU and NTNU construction contributes around 20% of the CF parties have shown that CFs can adequately inform SP procedures
(Larsen et al., 2013; Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013), whilst at YU it (e.g. Larsen and Hertwich, 2010; Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013). How-
contributes an even greater 26% (Thurston and Eckelman, 2011). ever, they failed to engage with the practicality issues which have
Transport emissions are also significant across studies, although the potential to constrain changes in procurement strategies and
their magnitude and the activities from which they originate varies. thus could devalue the use of CF results. A more thorough inves-
They comprise 29% of the CF at DMU and LU (Lancaster University, tigation is conducted in this study which engages with the drivers
2012; Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013), commuting being the main (Section 2.3.1) and the barriers (Section 2.3.2) of SP to better assess
contributor in both cases making up 18% and 16% of emissions the utility of CFs for informing its procedures.
respectively. Business travel induced the remaining 13% of trans-
port emissions at LU, but contributed only 2% at DMU where stu- 2.3.1. Drivers for change
dents’ trips from home to university was the next major contributor As different approaches are best suited for overcoming different
after commuting (Lancaster University, 2012; Ozawa-Meida et al., barriers (Lozano, 2006a), a combination of top down and bottom up
2013). approaches is the optimal vehicle for driving the sustainability
At NTNU transport emissions make up 16% of the CF (Larsen agenda within higher education (Barth and Rieckmann, 2012;
et al., 2013). However, it is not possible to attribute these emis- Clarke and Kouri, 2009).
sions to particular activities due to the lack of transparency in From the top, government intervention, either in the form of
transport sub categories. For instance, employees’ travels could regulatory requirements or a more supportive role, is vital for pro-
relate to either staff commutes or business travel. Similar issues are moting SP (Ageron et al., 2012; Wright, 2010; Wright and Wilton,
prevalent at YU where transport emissions make up 8% of the CF 2012). From the bottom, students are key stakeholders. Being their
(Thurston and Eckelman, 2011). principle customers, universities strive to fulfil the demands of cur-
Opacity in system boundaries is a key issue restricting the rent and potential cohorts (Ageron et al., 2012; Testa and Iraldo,
application of EEIOA (Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013; Weidema et al. 2010; Wright and Wilton, 2012). This is significant since students
2008). Ozawa-Meida et al. (2013) suggested that establishing a today are highly motivated by the prospect of helping to advance
common reporting framework which defines the organisational sustainability (Muller-Christ et al., 2014; Yuan and Zuo, 2013).
boundaries, and, by extension, the Scope 3 emissions that univer- Although students and the government can act as the stimulus,
sities should account for, will rectify this situation and allow EEIOA SP requires the commitment of management to truly become
to reach its full potential. operational (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008; Walker et al.,
Machinery and computers comprise another variable emissions 2008). Having high level advocates ensures that resources can be
source. They contribute almost 19% of the CF at NTNU (Larsen et al., devoted to fully mobilise procedures (Koester et al., 2006), whilst
2013), but only 3% at DMU where they had the same impact as such leadership can be consolidated through an overarching vision
manufactured products (Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013). Manufactured for sustainability which helps embed the agenda within the insti-
products were not analysed specifically at NTNU, instead they were tutional culture (Lidgren et al., 2006; Velazquez et al., 2006).
aggregated into a wider consumables category containing food and Coherence across the campus can also be ensured by creating a
books (Larsen et al., 2013). This subjectivity in aggregation com- sustainability committee to coordinate objectives and targets for SP
pounds the issue of inconsistent system boundaries. (Velazquez et al., 2006).
By actively encouraging all stakeholders to engage with the
2.3. Carbon footprinting and sustainable procurement institutional change processes, there is a far greater chance that
they will embrace the sustainability agenda (Disterheft et al., 2012).
Establishing robust methodological foundations for carbon This is since a participatory approach focuses on understanding and
footprinting is imperative since a reliable CF grants greater flexi- allows individuals to realise the value of the changes, changes
bility in campus greening (Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013). With a which they themselves help to create (Distertheft et al., 2012;
competent measurement of Scope 3 emissions, universities may be Juarez-Najera et al., 2010). Any scepticism preventing stake-
better able to guide their SP practices; SP encompassing the pursuit holders from collaborating can be eroded by raising their aware-
of economic, environmental and social objectives through the ness as to the successes of previous or ongoing sustainability
purchasing and supply process (Walker et al., 2010). initiatives on campus (Koester et al., 2006; Velazquez et al., 2005).

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
4 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

2.3.2. Barriers to change 3.2. Estimating the carbon footprint

Cultural resistance is a significant barrier to the implementation
of SP (Hoejmose and Adrien-Kirby, 2012; Lozano, 2006a; Velazquez Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for the year 2010/11 were
et al., 2005). This is especially true within universities given their measured previously by the UoL. Measurements were made
long established, deep rooted traditions (Stephens and Graham, directly and applied the emission factors advised by Defra/DECC
2010; Stephens et al., 2008). Accordingly, changing established (2011) other than for steam and low pressure hot water where a
ways of working can take a substantial amount of time and effort conversion factor of 0.21kgCO2e/kWh was used.
(Haake and Seurling, 2009). A two region input output model was used to derive the Scope 3
Limited awareness regarding sustainability also restricts the CF (see Wiedmann and Barrett, 2011; Wiedmann et al., 2009).
mobilisation of associated practices (Lozano, 2006a; Wright, 2010; EEIOA was applied since it inherently covers all upstream emission
Wright and Wilton, 2012). This occurs either due to a lack of un- sources in the campus system (Wiedmann, 2009; Wiedmann et al.,
derstanding of how to advance sustainability, or, more significantly, 2009).
a reluctance to engage with an agenda which staff perceive as The associated calculus has been addressed by Hendrickson
largely irrelevant (Velazquez et al., 2005; Wright and Wilton, 2012). et al. (2006) and Miller and Blair (2009), and will not be detailed
The latter attitude often arises from fears of disempowerment or here. A qualitative description of the basic steps within EEIOA is
diluted responsibilities (Baboulet and Lenzen, 2010; Foran et al., displayed in Fig. 1 however.
2005), thus reaffirming a desire to maintain the status quo. University expenditure data for the year 2010/11 was compiled
Since campus operations typically prioritise business efficiency to drive the input output model as in step 2 (Fig. 1). Data was
(Wright, 2010; Wright and Wilton, 2012), the potential costs and classified according to the material group; the type of good or
uncertain benefits of SP provide additional sources of resistance service being purchased (e.g. books, advertising and glassware),
(Ageron et al., 2012; Min and Galle, 2001). Despite suggestions of a and the purchase group; which department was accountable for
mutualistic relationship between reducing emissions and reducing the purchase (e.g. the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Arts and
costs in the life cycle of goods and services (Porter and van der Estates Services).
Linde, 1995), such a relationship rarely transpires from SP pro- Being driven by expenditure data, the Scope 3 CF was deter-
cedures (Seurling and Muller, 2008; Testa and Iraldo, 2010). Cases mined by what the university spent money on. For example, the
do exist however where SP has led to improved economic perfor- UoL spent money on business travel, catering and ICT products and
mance (e.g. Rao and Holt, 2005), but these are the exception rather so their emissions are included in the CF. Commuting, energy use at
than the rule. private halls of residence and the disposal of products purchased in
The viability of substituting goods and services for less polluting the university are examples of private activities undertaken by staff
alternatives depends on the nature of the goods or services in and students and so are excluded from the CF. The focus is firmly on
question and also on the organisational structure at the institution upstream (cradle-to-gate) emissions with no consideration of the
(Young et al., 2010), particularly the extent to which it supports the downstream (gate-to-grave) emissions induced by university ser-
sustainability agenda (Lidgren et al., 2006; Velazquez et al., 2005). vices. Note that downstream emissions are negligible when
Of central concern is that quality remains intact following the compared with upstream emissions however (Lenzen, 2001). The
substitution (Bala et al., 2008). As such, whereas interventions in scope of analysis is made clear in Table 2.
food, ICT, and paper are plausible, this is less so for other areas such Each material group was matched to the closest corresponding
as transport, especially air transport for which there are minimal economic sector(s) from the 123 contained in the input output
alternatives (Foran et al., 2005). Similarly, it will prove difficult to model. Following this, steps 3 and 4 (Fig. 1) could be completed. By
substitute specialised machinery that departments are dependent driving the model with expenditure data for individual purchase
upon for teaching and research (Baboulet and Lenzen, 2010; Larsen groups the CF for its respective department was derived. Driving
et al., 2013). the model with expenditure data for all purchase groups, the uni-
versity CF was derived.
3. Methods Results were aggregated into nine broad product categories (see
Appendix A) for ease of comprehension. They were also normalised
3.1. Case study: the University of Leeds by expenditure to decouple emissions from the size of a depart-
ment or product category and enable more efficient decision
The UoL is one of the 24 UK universities contained within the making (de Vries and te Riele, 2006). Full consumer responsibility is
Russell Group. As a member, the university is committed to con- employed in order to avoid double counting.
ducting leading edge research and to delivering an outstanding
learning experience to its students of which the university has 3.3. Assessing the utility of carbon footprints for informing
30,761, 23,823 undergraduates and 6938 postgraduates (University sustainable procurement
of Leeds, 2013a). The university also contains 7144 members of staff
(University of Leeds, 2013a). After having derived the CF, five semi structured interviews
The university is in the process of developing an overarching were conducted with a total six members of university staff that
sustainability strategy but has already mobilised a travel plan and had a role in procurement (Table 3). The interviews followed a brief
initiatives such as SP (University of Leeds, 2013b; c). It has also presentation of the CF results, both at the university level and the
recently launched a Carbon Management Plan which aims to department level. The department level results were differentiated
reduce the university’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 35% from according to the department the respondent worked in, thereby
a 2005/06 baseline by 2020/2021 (University of Leeds, 2011). A ensuring that the respondent was interested in the results and
range of interventions have been proposed across university knowledgeable when it came to evaluating their utility.
buildings to help move towards this target, with measures ranging The interviews were implemented in order to investigate per-
from improving efficiency and performance to mobilising action ceptions regarding the utility of CFs for informing SP procedures,
from staff and students (University of Leeds, 2011). Scope 3 emis- this in a heuristic sense (Oppenheim, 1992). By targeting staff with
sions data is currently being collated and will be included fully in a a role related to procurement it ensured that the study was fully
future plan. This study contributes to these efforts. engaged with the practical issues that can potentially constrain

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13 5

Fig. 1. Basic steps of environmentally extended input output analysis.

Adapted from Hendrickson et al., 2006.

Table 2
Scope of scope 3 analysis.

Emissions category Sub-category/description Included in carbon


Purchased goods and services Upstream emissions of purchased goods and services Yes
Transport Commuting No
Student’s home trips to and from university accommodation No
Business travel Yes
Visitor travel No
Upstream transportation and distribution of inputs Yes
Energy (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) Energy consumption at private halls of residence No
Indirect impacts of electricity generation Yes
Capital goods Upstream emissions of purchased capital goods No
Waste Disposal of waste generated in operations Yes
Leased assets Operation of leased assets not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 Yes
Downstream aspects Processing, use and disposal of sold goods and services No

Adapted from WRI and WBCSD, 2011.

changes in procurement strategies. Further, the flexible interview communication (5%), and public services (5%) all encompassed
agenda meant that these issues could be explored comprehen- modest emissions sources, whilst the remaining categories had
sively, with probes being used where appropriate to follow up only minor impacts.
interesting points (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The absolute emissions of all procured commodities can be seen
Interviews were recorded so that attention could be devoted in Appendix B.
towards the respondents. Accordingly, all analysis was made
following their completion. After coding the data following the 4.2. Department level
guidance provided by Tesch (1990), the analytical process pro-
gressed from exploratory to inferential when data was appraised Analysis here is restricted to Scope 3 emissions since data for
with reference to the literature. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions was unavailable at the department
Fig. 3 displays the Scope 3 CFs for individual departments, and
4. Carbon footprint results
the contributions that they make towards total indirect emissions
at the UoL. The CFs are extremely variable, both in terms of their
4.1. University level
total and their composition. Further, their emissions hotspots are
often areas associated with the service provided or research
For the year 2010/11, the UoL’s CF was 161,819t CO2e. Fig. 2
shows that just over half of the CF was made up of Scope 3 emis-
sions (51%), whilst Scope 2 emissions also made a significant Table 3
Details of interview respondents.
contribution (31%). Accordingly, the UoL accrues the majority of its
emissions indirectly through procurement, though it also induces a Interview number Respondent(s) Nature of department
considerable amount through electricity consumption. 1 A Central purchasing
Of the Scope 3 categories utilities and construction comprised 2 B Environmental
the main source of emissions (13%), with considerable impacts also 3 C Social Science-based
from machinery and computers (9%) and manufactured products 4 D and E Administrational
5 F Innovation Centre
(8%). Raw materials and chemicals (6%), transport and

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
6 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

Fig. 2. The University of Leeds’ Carbon Footprint according to the GHG Protocol Scopes and Scope 3 broad product categories.

conducted by the department. For instance, from Estates Services, 5. The utility of carbon footprints for informing sustainable
which is clearly the most emitting department inducing 28% of procurement
Scope 3 emissions, the vast majority of emissions originate from
utilities and construction (72%). 5.1. Functionality
After Estates Services “Unknown Spend” was the next biggest
contributor. This category was devised in order to satisfy total CF results effectively provide a screening assessment which
procurement spend which was not fulfilled upon summing indicates the environmental impacts of different purchase areas.
expenditure across purchase groups. Representing a hypothetical The quantitative nature of the results was regarded as highly
average it will be excluded from this analysis. As such, the Faculty of beneficial, as was expressed by Respondent D (2012) who referred
Medicine and Health, sourcing 16% of Scope 3 emissions, is the to using the results to justify SP procedures through the presence of
second most emitting department. Its CF is spread across a range of win win situations:
emissions sources as might be expected from such a diverse
“.to actually have some cold, hard data that we can show to
department with: raw materials and chemicals (25%), manufac-
people and say look, this is the reason we want to be greener in this
tured products (16%), machinery and computers (18%), transport
area because we can save money and save emissions, it will make a
and communication (11%), and public services (21%) all providing
proper difference”
notable contributions.
Normalising results by expenditure provides a different
perspective on results. Despite comprising the most emitting de- The value of win wins was unanimous across respondents, with
partments in absolute terms, Fig. 4 shows that Estates Services and such no brainer situations seen as vital for engaging management
the Faculty of Medicine are ranked amongst the middle ground in with the sustainability agenda and further leveraging SP pro-
terms of emissions intensities. cedures (Respondents A; D; E; F, 2012):
Both inducing 7% of Scope 3 emissions (Fig. 3), the Faculty of
“the results identify areas where there are quick wins, areas that
Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering are similar in
we could skew in our favour.this could be useful for targeting our
terms of absolute emissions. Biological Sciences however possesses
new projects”
an emissions intensity much larger than Engineering (Fig. 4), this
being due to the differences in procurement structures between the Respondent A, 2012.
departments. The largest contrasts occur between machinery and
computers, which sources 22% of emissions for Biological Sciences
Respondents also recognised the awareness raising potential of
and 50% for Engineering, and between raw materials and chem-
the results, the utility of which was seen to extend beyond SP and
icals, which sources 43% and 11% of emissions respectively. This
into sustainability policy in a broader sense:
pattern is to be expected since it is in accordance with the nature of
the research conducted within the departments, and, with chem- “.I think sometimes people need something shoving under their
icals generally being more emissions intensive than machinery, this nose, I think they need statistics to prove something so they think
transpires to the department level overall. more about the little things they do in their everyday life”
The 10 remaining departments make only minor contributions
to university Scope 3 emissions individually. However, when Respondent B, 2012.
combined they account for 24% of Scope 3 emissions and mitigation
opportunities do exist in these departments. For instance, emis- Beyond supporting current SP procedures and facilitating a
sions hotspots are evident for: food and drink (82% of emissions) in greater environmental conscience amongst individuals, the
Catering Services and paper and publishing (67% of emissions) screening assessment is particularly useful as it provides
within Media.

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13 7

Fig. 3. Departmental carbon footprints.

information on environmental impacts that were previously un- “.it’s been quite a difficult year because there’s not as much
known. For instance, numerous Respondents (C; D; E, 2012) were money to buy anything, a lot of the time people will just see who
surprised by the minor impact of paper: will do something the cheapest without even bothering to look at
the environmental side of it”
“Our paper wasn’t a problem area was still wouldn’t compare
to the public and business services, so it’s good for directing us Respondent D, 2012.
because it would be quite easy to get stuck on paper for the next
Respondents A (2012) and F (2012) attributed this disregard for
Respondent E, 2012. the environment to the lack of a clear message regarding sustain-
ability from higher governing levels within Higher Education and
beyond. Clarifying what is required in terms of both sustainability
Respondent F (2012), who was most knowledgeable in terms of
and SP was perceived as necessary to rectify this:
CF and SP issues, was more apprehensive regarding the utility of the
CF results however. This was owing to the limited precision in the “When our government knows more about sustainability, partic-
results: “the tool doesn’t recognise the detail, the processes in ularly procurement, and sets specific targets that are mandatory,
manufacturing and the waste generated”, which the respondent that’s when it’ll [the environment] come to the top of the pile”
argued were inadequate for directing specific purchasing decisions.
Respondent F, 2012.

5.2. Practicality issues Respondent F (2012) also alluded to the potential of pressure
coming from the bottom up, most notably from students who are:
University policy was widely perceived a major constraint upon “very switched onto the universities will have to
changes in procurement strategies (Respondent B; C; D, 2012). This listen to them because they want students to come to their institution
was exemplified by Respondent C (2012): “I feel a bit powerless and purchase their education”.
through the university system because we’re only supposed to use As such, it appears that combining pressure from the top down
certain suppliers”. Travel in particular was identified as an area and the bottom up could entail a mutualistic relationship capable of
where staff have little influence: propelling sustainability up the ladder of priorities.
“.there are specific rules about transport, you can’t turn round to
staff and say you can’t use it or it’s against university procedures to 6. Discussion
use domestic flights and’s a really grey area to be honest”
6.1. The applicability of EEIOA for sustainability reporting
Respondent B. 2012.

The aim of deriving an institutional CF is to provide a metric

Limited resources also appear to restrict the expansion of SP from which the level of campus greening can be inferred and im-
procedures. All Respondents (A; B; C; D; E; F, 2012) expressed that, provements in environmental performance can be facilitated
ultimately, procurement decisions are based upon cost, and the (Klein-Banai and Theis, 2013; Koester et al., 2006). If a CF provides
cheapest option usually prevails over the sustainable option: reliable information that allows environmental performance to

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
8 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

Fig. 4. Departmental emissions in absolute and intensity terms.

both be compared with other institutions and tracked through emissions across the UoL, DMU and LU, there is value in the com-
time, the aim will be successfully achieved (Lozano, 2006b; Lozano parison since it can inform future data collection. For instance,
and Huisingh, 2011). With a focus on the CF results derived for the knowing that commuting was the greatest source of transport
UoL, the efficacy of EEIOA for benchmarking environmental per- emissions at both DMU and LU suggests that commuting emissions
formance and constructing time series’ will be appraised in Sec- should be accounted for by the UoL in the future.
tions 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 respectively. Although these methodological inconsistencies constrain
benchmarking, the process is wholly more viable using results
6.1.1. Benchmarking derived from EEIOA compared with PA. This is since the cut off error
In order to benchmark environmental performance effectively it associated with PA truncates the campus system and inevitably
is imperative that results are obtained from consistent methodo- excludes major Scope 3 emissions sources, as was observed with
logical foundations. Guaranteeing full coverage of the campus the CFs for UIC and UCT (Lenzen, 2001; Lenzen and Treloar, 2003).
system (Lenzen, 2001; Minx et al., 2008), EEIOA ensures consis- Further, by defining universal organisational boundaries that must
tency to a certain extent. Methodological discrepancies can how- be adhered to by reporting entities, the methodological issues that
ever arise when particular Scope 3 emissions sources are not constrain EEIOA can be resolved (Ozawa-Meida et al., 2013). Steps
accounted for. should be made immediately towards such a framework as it pre-
With reference to Section 2.2.2, commuting is not considered in sents a solution for methodological consistency that is easily
the CF for the UoL unlike at DMU and LU, and thus it is not attainable.
possible to compare transport emissions effectively across the Caution should be exerted during the benchmarking process
institutions. This inference can be made due to the transparency in even when based upon robust methodological foundations. This is
emissions sources accounted for at each institution which acts to since, consistent with findings made by Klein-Banai and Theis
prevent unviable comparisons of environmental performance. (2013), CF results are heavily influenced by the nature of the
Such transparency is also necessary to resolve issues where institution. This is illustrated by the emissions from machinery
emissions sources are aggregated at higher levels as at NTNU and computers which make up 19%, 9% and 3% of the CFs at NTNU,
where manufactured products are aggregated into a wider con- UoL and DMU respectively. This pattern occurs since NTNU spe-
sumables category. cialises in engineering and experimental research which require
Where it is unclear which emissions sources have been considerable amounts of machinery. By contrast, the largest de-
accounted for it renders comparisons of CFs redundant. No mean- partments at DMU are social science oriented, and so machinery
ingful conclusions can be made from comparing transport emis- and computers have only a minor impact on the CF. The UoL
sions across the UoL, NTNU and YU because it is not possible to represents a middle ground, the range of emissions sources from
exact which transport activities are accounted for at the latter two numerous other departments reducing the impacts from ma-
institutions. By contrast, although no viable comparison of envi- chinery and computers in the dedicated engineering and medicine
ronmental performance can be made comparing transport departments.

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13 9

6.1.2. Time series With their long established traditions (Stephens and Graham,
Of critical importance when creating a time series is the ease 2010; Stephens et al., 2008), surpassing the cultural resistance
with which underlying data can be updated. With EEIOA this is a prevalent within universities can prove an arduous task (Haake and
simple process since financial data, the input which drives the Seurling, 2009). Awareness raising however neither disempowers
analysis, is readily available on a yearly basis. individuals nor dilutes responsibilities, two key stakeholder fears
Conversely, updating data for PA is a time and cost intensive which act to prevent institutional change (Baboulet and Lenzen,
process (Suh et al., 2004; Minx et al., 2008). Despite this, PA reflects 2010; Foran et al., 2005). Accordingly, CF results harness great po-
the effects of technological development more accurately than tential for increasing sustainability literacy across university
EEIOA as detailed input output tables are only issued on average stakeholders without provoking additional resistance. For instance,
every five years (Williams et al., 2009). Should secondary data by communicating CF results and the progress being made through
sources be utilised to speed up the process, this accuracy will likely related initiatives such as SP, stakeholders will witness the value of
be sacrificed however due to uncertainties in data quality (Williams the sustainability agenda and the changes it is stimulating on
et al., 2009). campus (Koester et al., 2006; Velazquez et al., 2005). CFs could also
Accounting for additional sources of Scope 3 emissions and encompass the focal point of workshops where stakeholders
recalculating results over time, possibly in relation to an emissions engage with sustainability issues and contribute ideas to accelerate
target, is also an easier task using EEIOA. Instead of demanding the progress of campus greening.
arduous calculations as with PA, only the current and historical
spend related to the newly considered activity are required to 6.2.2. Carbon footprints as a detailed analytical tool
calculate the emissions and to backcast data to the base year. Knowledge of emissions hotspots can be used to direct SP pro-
cedures at a broad level when altering the structure and volume of
6.2. The utility of carbon footprints for informing sustainable purchases. However, a more detailed analysis is also desirable for
procurement guiding specific purchasing decisions (Minx et al., 2008). For
instance, having identified manufactured products as a source of 8%
Interview findings confirm that CFs fulfil a vital requirement for of emissions at the UoL (Fig. 1), it would be useful to specify the
SP by providing quantitative information that allows environ- exact products responsible for the majority of this impact. As rec-
mental impacts within complex supply chains to be better under- ognised by Respondent F (2012), this is where CFs derived using
stood (Sundarakani et al., 2010; Young et al., 2010). Utilising this EEIOA falter due to the aggregation error incurring imprecise re-
information, CFs have two potential applications; the first is an sults (Williams et al., 2009).
elementary screening tool for identifying emissions hotspots, as Since information at the product level is rarely publicly avail-
discussed in Section 6.2.1; the second is a detailed analytical tool to able, the opacity in input output sectors makes it difficult to
explore potential SP strategies, as discussed in Section 6.2.2. Both determine whether to substitute computers from Brand X for those
applications are constrained by practicality issues but can also be from Brand Y; or, similarly, whether to focus mitigation efforts on a
driven by a number of factors as documented in Section 6.2.3. single product or an array of goods within a highly polluting pur-
chase area. Additional precision at the product level can be gained
6.2.1. carbon footprints as a screening tool by applying PA in a HLCA (Minx et al., 2008), although time and
CFs derived using EEIOA provide a screening assessment which data requirements are greater for such an assessment (Suh et al.,
indicates the environmental impacts of different purchase areas. 2004). All things considered, CFs derived using EEIOA have
The nature of such impacts are often previously unknown but are limited capacity for guiding specific procurement procedures.
clarified through the provision of quantitative results. This enables
the identification of emissions hotspots which can subsequently be 6.2.3. Wider practicality issues
prioritised for mitigation efforts through SP. Reaffirming findings made by Lidgren et al. (2006) and
The assessment provides evidence of win win situations where Velazquez et al. (2005), central policies within an institution
emissions and costs can be reduced simultaneously, the potential of constrain the development of SP procedures. This was particularly
which was recognised for justifying current SP procedures and true for transport which comprises an area where SP likely has little
leveraging them further. Targeting win wins could grant SP greater impetus. Ultimately, if staff need to be in a certain place at a certain
support on campus since procedures would comply with the cost time they will use transport, with the prospect of a large scale
imperative that characterises campus operations (Wright, 2010; switch towards videoconferencing being highly improbable (Foran
Wright and Wilton, 2012). et al., 2005). This highlights that regardless of what CF results
It would be naïve to assume that win wins will always transpire suggest, sustainable procedures cannot be implemented across all
in practice given that benefits from SP are often intangible (Seurling purchase areas.
and Muller, 2008; Testa and Iraldo, 2010). However, Rao and Holt Amidst budgetary constraints the cheaper, more economical
(2005) have shown that SP procedures can improve both envi- option usually takes precedence over the environmental option in
ronmental and economic performance, and universities have pre- procurement. This supports previous research conducted by Wright
viously been deprived of a tool capable of evaluating the potential (2010) and Velazquez et al. (2005). As such, being in control of
financial gains from SP (Ageron et al., 2012). Comprising such a tool, resources, the extent of SP procedures could rest largely in the
it is conceivable that CFs could guide SP procedures in such a hands of management (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008; Koester
fashion that tangible benefits become the norm rather than the et al., 2006).
exception. In the essence of win wins, proactive managers may be attracted
Additional value useful within procurement and also sustain- to using CFs to identify purchase areas where environmental op-
ability policy in general was associated with the awareness raising tions can be pursued without exerting additional pressure upon
potential of CF results. This provides capacity to elevate environ- budgets (Wright, 2010; Wright and Wilton, 2012). However, win
mental issues in the conscious of university stakeholders and to wins will have to be carefully scrutinised so as to ensure that the
overcome cultural resistance to change which was reaffirmed here quality of research and teaching does not suffer from the changes
as a key barrier to SP (Hoejmose and Adrien-Kirby, 2012; Lozano, made to procurement practices (Bala et al., 2008). This is especially
2006a). pertinent considering that the most polluting purchase areas are

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
10 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

often integral to their departments (Fig. 2). A sustainability com- The screening assessment can guide purchasing procedures at a
mittee may have a role here in coordinating SP policies that are broad level but it falters when it comes to directing specific de-
appropriate to specific departments (Velazquez et al., 2006). Such a cisions at the product level due to the aggregation error in EEIOA.
committee will be most effective if backed by management. This Further, purchase areas will exist where sustainable practices are
can be achieved through a sustainability vision statement which impractical regardless of what CF results suggest. This is due to
indicates an institutional commitment to advancing sustainability either the purchase area being indispensable to research and
within the university system (Lidgren et al., 2006; Velazquez et al., teaching in a department or constricting central policies.
2006). Advancing sustainability and its reporting in higher education
Where managers are less proactive at pursuing environmental should not be limited solely to carbon footprinting. Such practice
options in procurement, an initial stimulus may be necessary to would risk compartmentalisation since universities can only
mobilise SP procedures. Consistent with previous findings, gov- become truly sustainable when environmental progress occurs in
ernment intervention was recognised as key here (Ageron et al., tandem with social and economic progress. As such, future research
2012; Wright, 2010; Wright and Wilton, 2012), as was pressure should expand on the foundations laid here and address the means
from students (Ageron et al., 2012; Testa and Iraldo, 2010; Wright of reporting the entire triple bottom line. While such research gains
and Wilton, 2012). Together, both drivers may encapsulate a momentum however, universities should intensify their efforts to
mutualistic relationship. This would combine top down and bottom measure the progress of campus greening. This will generate much
up drivers as advocated by Lozano (2006a), and could be particu- needed traction for sustainability reporting, and, critically, the re-
larly effective given that students, the principle customers within sults will be of significant practical value for directing initiatives
higher education, attach considerable value to sustainability such as SP and enhancing stakeholder engagement with the sus-
(Muller-Christ et al., 2014; Yuan and Zuo, 2013). Further, govern- tainability agenda.
ments worldwide are also enhancing their support for the agenda.
Such pressure will be truly efficacious when university man-
agement acknowledges the importance of SP and thus devotes Acknowledgements
sufficient support to it (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008; Walker
et al., 2008). Should the priority of SP increase in such a fashion, CFs Thanks go to James Dixon-Gough, Richard Lewis and Adele
could likely become a necessity to guide related policy and report White whose cooperation was invaluable in satisfying data re-
its progress. quirements. Large thanks are also owed to all the anonymous
interview respondents who took time out of their schedules to
7. Conclusions assist this research.
The contribution by Professor John Barrett formed part of the
Measuring the progress of campus greening efforts, along with programme of the UK Energy Research Centre and was supported
sustainability reporting as a whole, remains in its infancy within by the UK Research Councils under Natural Environment Research
higher education. This is despite measurement being a necessity in Council award NE/G007748/1.
order to infer and improve upon current sustainability perfor-
mance. Utilising EEIOA to derive the CF for the UoL, this paper has
shown that sustainability reporting can be a simple endeavour for
universities. Financial data drives the analysis, and, being readily
available on a yearly basis, it is easy to track environmental per- Appendix A
formance through time. Further, encompassing an economy wide
Table A1
approach, EEIOA provides coverage of the complete campus sys- a, b and c. Composition of broad product categories
tem. This ensures that the assessment is comprehensive and that
Product category Commodity group
important sources of Scope 3 emissions are accounted for.
Accordingly, the method is preferable to the alternative, PA, for Raw materials & chemicals 2: Forestry products
which time and data restrictions mandate a delimited campus 7: Aggregates
37: Inorganic basic chemicals
system which excludes numerous sources of Scope 3 emissions. 38: Organic basic chemicals
Methodological inconsistencies arise with EEIOA when organ- 39: Fertilisers etc.
isational boundaries are defined differently by analysis. This results 42: Paints, varnishes etc.
in discrepancies as to which Scope 3 emissions sources institutions 43: Pharmaceuticals etc.
44: Soap, detergents etc.
have accounted for in their CFs. Where institutions are transparent
45: Other chemical products
regarding which emissions sources they have accounted for this Food & drink 8: Meat
prevents unviable comparisons of environmental performance. 9: Fish, fruit and vegetables
Transparency should be encouraged in sustainability reporting as a 11: Dairy products
whole for this purpose. Further, defining universal organisation 14: Bread, baked products
16: Chocolate and confectionery
boundaries that universities must adhere to would resolve the issue 17: Other food products
entirely, and the GHG Protocol should act here. 18: Alcoholic beverages
This paper is the first to directly engage with university pro- 19: Mineral waters and soft drinks
curement staff and document the value they perceive CF results to Paper & publishing 32: Pulp, paper and paperboard
34: Publishing and printing
hold with regards to decision making. CF results provide a
Manufactured products 23: Finished textiles
screening assessment that indicates the environmental impacts of 25: Carpets and rugs
different purchase areas. Such a tool has previously been unavai- 28: Wearing apparel, fur
lable and is capable of unveiling situations where emissions and 30: Footwear
costs can be reduced simultaneously. Win wins could gain SP 46: Man-made fibres
47: Rubber products
additional support from management as they provide an oppor- 48: Plastic products
tunity to advance sustainability without exerting extra pressure on

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13 11

Table A1 (continued ) Table B1 (continued )

Product Category Commodity group Rank Commodity Impact (t CO2-e)

Product Category Commodity group 8 Air transport 4632

9 Other chemical products 3952
Manufactured 49: Glass and glass products
10 Inorganic basic chemicals 2928
products (continued) 60: Cutlery, tools etc.
11 Organic basic chemicals 2564
77: Motor vehicles, trailers etc.
12 Other business services 2404
79: Other transport equipment
13 Publishing and printing 1360
81: Furniture
14 Meat 883
82: Jewellery, musical instruments etc.
15 Dairy products 881
83: Sports goods, games and toys
16 Hotels and restaurants 859
84: Miscellaneous manufactured products
17 Gas, steam and hot water 845
31: Wood and wood products
18 Pulp, paper and paperboard 806
Machinery & computers 62: Mechanical machinery
19 Fish, fruit and vegetables 787
66: Special purpose machinery
20 Insulated wire and cable 742
68: Domestic appliances
21 Public administration and defence 737
69: Office machinery and computers
22 Furniture 677
71: Insulated wire and cable
23 Water supply 626
72: Electrical equipment n.e.c.
24 Other land transport 594
73: Electronic valves and tubes etc.
25 Transport via railways 588
74: TV, radio transmitters etc.
26 Business/management consultancy activities 576
75: TV, radio receivers etc.
76: Medical, precision and Rank Commodity Impact (t CO2-e)
optical instruments
27 Plastic products 506
Utilities & construction 52: Cement, lime and plaster
28 Post and courier services 466
54: Basic iron and steel
29 Health care 454
55: Basic precious and non-ferrous metals
30 Sewage and refuse disposal 438
57: Structural metal products
31 Other food products 415
85: Electricity
32 Insurance and pension funding 397
86: Gas, steam and hot water
33 Electrical equipment n.e.c. 381
87: Water supply
34 Mineral waters and soft drinks 356
88: Construction
35 Paints, varnishes etc. 344
Product category Commodity group 36 Forestry products 320
37 Electronic valves and tubes etc. 298
Transport & 89: Sale, maintenance and repair of motor
38 Advertising 266
communication vehicles; retail sale of automotive fuel
39 Chocolate and confectionery 206
90: Wholesale trade
40 Medical, precision and optical instruments 190
91: Retail trade
41 Finished textiles 189
92: Hotels and restaurants
42 Bread, baked products 183
93: Transport via railways
43 Domestic appliances 170
94: Other land transport; transport via pipelines
44 Fertilisers etc. 157
95: Water transport
45 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 153
96: Air transport
46 Pharmaceuticals etc. 139
98: Post and courier services
47 Cutlery, tools etc. 111
99: Telecommunications
48 Alcoholic beverages 103
Business services 100: Banking and financing
49 Letting of dwellings 101
101: Insurance and pension funding
50 Soap, detergents etc. 93.5
104: Letting of dwellings
51 Wholesale trade 86.4
106: Renting of machinery and equipment
52 Basic iron and steel 82.8
107: Computer and related activities
53 Wearing apparel, fur 77.8
108: Research and development
109: Legal activities Rank Commodity Impact (t CO2-e)
110: Accounting etc.
54 Legal activities 63
111: Business/management consultancy activities
55 Glass and glass products 60.6
113: Advertising
56 Accounting etc. 58.9
114: Other business services
57 Basic precious and non-ferrous metals 52.2
Public services 115: Public administration and defence
58 Retail trade 52
116: Education
59 Structural metal products 50.7
117: Health care
60 Research and development 47
119: Sewage and refuse disposal
61 Jewellery, musical instruments etc. 44.5
121: Recreational, cultural and sporting activities
62 Retail sale of automotive fuel 42.9
63 Cement, lime and plaster 35.1
64 TV, radio receivers etc. 29
Appendix B 65 Computer and related activities 26.8
66 Carpets and rugs 20.3
Table B1 67 Mechanical machinery 19.3
a, b and c. GHG impacts of commodity groups 68 Motor vehicles, trailers etc. 17.5
69 Footwear 8.94
Rank Commodity Impact (t CO2-e)
70 Rubber products 8.69
1 Electricity 51,609 71 Sports goods, games and toys 7.52
2 UoL 28,303 72 Man-made fibres 6.59
3 Construction 17,218 73 Aggregates (stone, sand, gravel, etc.) 6.26
4 Miscellaneous manufactured products 10,729 74 Other transport equipment 5.14
5 Special purpose machinery 6509 75 Renting of machinery and equipment 4.28
6 Education 5619 76 Telecommunications 3.59
7 Office machinery and computers 5417 77 TV, radio transmitters etc. 2.49
(continued on next page) (continued on next page)

Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),
12 J. Townsend, J. Barrett / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2013) 1e13

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Please cite this article in press as: Townsend, J., Barrett, J., Exploring the applications of carbon footprinting towards sustainability at a UK
university: reporting and decision making, Journal of Cleaner Production (2013),

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