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1 Warm up

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. How often do you make phone calls in English?

2. What do you find difficult when you make phone calls in English?
3. How do you say your phone number in English?
4. How do you say your email address in English?

2 Focus on vocabulary

Part A: Match the verbs and phrasal verbs to the definitions.

1. check (v) a. understand or hear something someone says

2. repeat (v) b. not hear something that someone said

3. catch (v) c. have something and then not have it

4. speak (v) d. talk to someone

5. put through to (phr. v) e. say or do something again

6. lose (v) f. see if something is correct

7. miss (v) g. connect someone to someone else through a phone system

8. say (v) h. speak or tell something to someone

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Part B: Put the vocabulary from Part A into the correct gap in the following sentences. You may have
to change the form of the verb.

1. I think we our connection for a second there, I didn’t hear what you said.

2. Would I be able to to your manager, please?

3. I’m sorry, I didn’t what you said about the meeting later.

4. Can I just that I have the correct phone number for you?

5. Could you me someone in the IT department, please?

6. Sorry, I what time the meeting is later. Can you tell me again?

7. Did Nazir if he could come to the presentation tomorrow?

8. My number is 459 3284. Let me that, it’s 459 3284.

Part C: Now complete the following questions with words from Part A.

1. How often do you to your manager?

2. Have you ever your phone? What did you do?

3. Have you ever a plane? What did you do?

4. If you met Bill Gates, what would you to him?

5. Do you always your spelling before you send an email in English?

6. If someone calls your office, does reception them you? Or do

people usually call you directly?

Work in pairs and discuss the questions above.

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3 Understanding a conversation
Complete the conversation below with the following phrases in gaps 1-10.

Any particular time? could work for me

I’d be particularly interested to I don’t think we have a very good connection.
I’ll make a note of it just a moment
Shall we say thank you for calling
Who would you like to speak to? Would either of those days suit you?

Reception: Hello, this is the reception.

Meera: Good morning, I’d like to speak to Helena Davis, please?

Reception: I’m sorry, a police car just went past so I missed that.

Meera: Helena Davis, please? That’s D-A-V-I-S.

Reception: Ah yes, , please... Right, I’m putting you through to her now. Thank
Helena: Helena Davis, speaking.

Meera: Hi Helena, Meera Hosani, here. We spoke last Tuesday.

Helena: Oh, Hi Meera, , how are you?

Meera: No problem. I’m fine thanks. I just wanted to check with you on the best day to meet
at the conference and which of our products you were particularly interested in?
Helena: Yes, absolutely. Now, looking at my schedule, I think the best days to meet would be
either Tuesday or Thursday. Monday I have to give a presentation and Wednesday, I’ll
be in meetings with my colleagues most of the day. I’m likely to be catching a flight
fairly early on Friday.
Meera: Thursday . I don’t have many appointments that day.
Helena: Great.
Meera: 11 am?

Helena: ...

Meera: Hello? Can you hear me, Helena?

Helena: Hello, I’m sorry, I lost you for a second there. Can you repeat that?

Meera: Yes, no problem. I said 11 am. Is that OK?

Helena: Yes, fine. . And to answer your question about products,
see your range of face creams and soaps. But I’m open to learning
more about your other products too.
Meera: Fantastic. I’ll make sure I have them all with me.

Helena: Wonderful. We are looking at increasing our range and it would be really good to see
what you are offering.

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4 Reading comprehension
Read the following statements about the conversation on page three and decide if they are true (T)
or false (F).

1. The receptionist is in a police car.

2. Helena and Meera have not spoken to each other before now.

3. Helena might want to buy products from Meera.

4. Helena is available to meet on Wednesday.

5. They agree to meet on Thursday at 11 in the morning.

6. Meera sells beauty products.

7. Helena sells beauty products.

5 Giving information
Your teacher will give you some information and your partner some different information. Take it in
turns to read out the information that you have and write it down. Do not show your information to
your partner.






6 Listening for gist

Listen to the voice messages and write numbers 1 – 5 for a speaker after each of the following reasons
for calling.

a. Wants to change the location of a meeting.

b. Informing about an order that’s arriving and suggesting a website to look at.

c. Wants to send some samples to a customer.

d. Wants to make an order.

e. Call a customer about a problem with an order.

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7 Taking information

Write down the important information from each of the voice messages.

Speaker 1:
Phone number:

Speaker 2:
Interested in:

Speaker 3:
Units ordered:
Time of arrival:

Speaker 4:
Units ordered:
Units received:
Phone number of customer:

Speaker 5:

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8 Extended activity/Homework

Write a conversation like the ones you would have when you are at work.

Think about the following:

• What questions are you usually asked?

• What information do you usually have to give?
• Can you use any of the phrases you looked at today to improve the conversation?

You should:

• Write at least 100 words

• Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation












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6. Listening for gist

Speaker 1 (Male): Hi, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Stephen Friers, that’s S-T-E-P-
H-E-N and then F-R-I-E-R-S. I’m interested in making an order with you. My
number is 774-8932-5581. Alternatively, you can email me at Stephen-dot-
Friers at wilkex dot com. That’s W-I-L-K-E-X dot com. I hope to hear from you

Speaker 2 (Female): Hi Diedre, this is Stephanie. Someone called David Butler called for you. His
last name is B-U-T-L-E-R. He asked if you could send some samples to him at
89, Warren Street, that’s W-A-R-R-E-N Street. London. The post code is N10 8
U D, that’s en-ten-eight, you – dee. He’s particularly interested in products 15
and 55. Thanks.

Speaker 3 (Male): Hey, Ahmed, it’s Gabriel, just wanted to let you know I’ve ordered 3,400 units
for next week. They should be arriving at 4pm next Monday. Also, I think you
should check out the website of this other company I’ve been looking at. I think
they’ve got some interesting products that could really help us out. Have a look.
It’s www dot fan-taze dot co dot uk. That’s www dot f-a-n-t-a-z-e dot co dot

Speaker 4 (Female): Jed, it’s Chloe. We seem to have a problem with a customer’s order. He called
earlier to say he’s received 15,000 units, but he’d ordered 50,000. Can you get
back to him? His number is 02719 659152. Thanks!

Speaker 5 (Male): Sara, there’s been a change of plan. Instead of coming back to the office, can
you meet me at the client’s office? Their address is 925 Loughborough Street.
Put it in Google Maps. It’s L-O-U-G-H-B-O-R-O-U-G-H Street. The post code
is R14 9FL. Also, can you just send an email to them just to let them know
we’re coming. I need to leave now or I’d do it myself. Her email is Siobhan dot
Flannerty at cerebus dot com. The spelling is tricky, it’s S-I-O-B-H-A-N and then
F-L-A-N-N-E-R-T-Y. Then At. Then C-E-R-E-B-U-S dot com. Thanks, I’ll see you
there in about two hours.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
This is a general introduction and gets students to think about their needs for English when they are at work.
You may want to open the discussion to the class after they have talked in pairs so that students can hear about
difficulties that everyone has as they are likely to be similar (e.g., understanding pronunciation, accents and taking
down correct information).

2. Focus on vocabulary

Part A
5 mins.
This looks at some key vocabulary. Although students are likely to already know some of this vocabulary, it allows
them to look at how it can be used in a phone call context. Ask them to do the exercise unaided in the first
instance, but allow them to use a dictionary later if needed.

1. → f. 2. → e. 3. → a. 4. → d. 5. → g. 6. → c. 7. → b.
8. → h.
Part B
10 mins.
You may want to elicit the different forms of the verbs ahead of completing this (such as the past and past participle
forms). You may want to note that "I didn’t catch what you said" and "I missed what you said" mean roughly the
same thing, but give students more than one way to ask for information to be repeated. The second part puts the
same words into a wider context and gives them an opportunity to discuss and practise using the target vocabulary.

1. lost 2. speak 3. catch 4. check

5. put ≀ through to 6. missed 7. say 8. repeat
Part C

1. speak 2. lost 3. missed

4. say 5. check 6. put ≀ through to

3. Understanding a conversation

10 mins.
This gives further practice using the target verbs and provides students with some stock phrases which are often
used in a business call. Allow them to spend time looking at this and you may want to allow them to work in pairs
to complete it.

1. Who would you like to speak to?

2. just a moment
3. thank you for calling
4. Would either of those days suit you?
5. could work for me
6. Any particular time?

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7. Shall we say
8. I don’t think we have a very good connection.
9. I’ll make a note of it
10. I’d be particularly interested to

4. Reading comprehension

5 mins.
This helps students to check that they have understood the conversation. Ask them to underline where they find
the answers.

1. False. "...a police car just went past."

2. False. "Hi Helena, Meera Hosani, here. We spoke last Tuesday."
3. True. "I just wanted to check ...which of our products you were particularly interested in?"
4. False. "...Wednesday, I’ll be in meetings with my colleagues most of the day."
5. True.
6. True. "I’d be particularly interested to see your range of face creams and soaps."
7. True. "We are looking at increasing our range..."

5. Giving information

10 mins.
This gives students the chance to practice giving and listening to information.
Divide the students into pairs. Give the following information to each student. It is better if they work in pairs
but there are three sets of information in case your class size forces you to have a three. Ensure students read the
information to each other and don’t show each other what they have. You may want to go over how to give an
email address and website and practise saying the letters of the alphabet depending on the level of your students.
You may also want to review the way numbers are said.
Student A
1. 30, 050
2. 814
4. 0926 3728180
6. 671 Delaware Street, Brooktown, TX 07251

Student B
2. 52 Ridge Street, Reading, Berkshire, UK BE51 M29
3. 07832 549 0127
5. 1,945,302
6. 1,081

Student C

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3. 345,912
4. 359 Embassy Street, Regentville, MA445012
5. 0361 769 23658
6. 10,456

6. Listening for gist

5 mins.
This allows the students to listen and identify the reason for each call before listening more carefully for the
specific information.

a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1 e. 4

7. Taking information

5 mins.
Ask students o write down all of the information asked for. You may want to stop between each speaker to allow
students time to complete the information.

1. Stephen Friers
2. 774-8932-5581
4. David Butler
5. 89 Warren Street
6. N10 8 U D
7. products 15 and 55
8. 3,400
9. 4pm next Monday
11. 50,000
12. 15,000
13. 02719 659152
14. 925 Loughborough Street
15. R14 9FL

8. Extended activity/Homework

20 mins+.
This gives students an opportunity to write down a typical English conversation that they may have with a view
to improving what they say. Be sure to give students feedback on their work.

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