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Scen 1

PHẦN 1: THẢO LUẬN tình huống

Khi thảo luận lưu ý theo sơ đồ sau:
Bước 1: SV E (chairman) tạo tình huống để dẫn vào cuộc tranh luận.
Good morning and welcome everyone. If we're all here, let's get started. So, before the
meeting begin, let's read the minutes that recording our recent company’s problems
Also, we're here today to be announced that the multinational drink group UCC has made
an offer to purchase our company. Before making the decision, it's essential to weigh the
pros and cons so that it's time for everyone to have a careful discussion.

Như-B2: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến thứ 1 kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.

The offer of the multinational drinks group Universal Cola Corporation about the
purchasing of our company should be accepted. You know, UCC is a large corporation
with strong and sustainable economic resources. So they will invest in H&C Teas to grow
and make way for us to reach out to new and potential markets such as China and
Europe,... which all have a high population, as well as high demand. For example,
recognizing the potential for growth, Microsoft made strategic investments in LinkedIn- A
popular software development platform. As a result, their products successfully reach out
to the world.

B3: SV C&D:
- không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SVA&B (lần 1)
- kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
An : While UCC's resources and market access are tempting, selling our company entails
risks. One concern is losing control, as UCC may prioritize mass-market products over our
unique teas, harming our brand and customer loyalty. Also, the clash between our family-
like atmosphere and UCC's corporate culture could lower employee morale. Therefore,
exploring alternatives is essential.
Example: Starbucks acquired Teavana, a tea brand, in 2012 with hopes of expanding its tea
market. However, integrating Teavana into Starbucks' system faced numerous challenges.
Teavana stores failed to achieve expected sales figures, and ultimately, Starbucks had to
close all Teavana stores in 2017
Through 2 opposing opinions, I kindly agree with C&D’s view as this acquisition will
disrupt the current family-like atmosphere and stable management style at Herman &
Corrie Teasbreak which would raise the churn rate of employees. Therefore, the labor
productivity would be ineffective and that would lead to low-quality products.
Dung-B4: SV A&B:
- bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV C&D.
I will keep our opinion that Herman & Corrie Teas needs a lot more investment to grow
and enter new markets. That's our concern to help our company overcome the crisis now
instead of uniqueness or customer loyalty. And I think that UCC is the most suitable
corporation for us at least at present . They will be able to meet H&C Teas' demand
because they have great sales potential. In other words, our company will have a chance to
improve its image and to become more popular worldwide.

-tiếp tục đưa ra lý do thứ 2 vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến đó.

By the way, UCC will provide advanced production techniques and an efficient sales team.
Therefore, the Herman & Corrie Teas will increase opportunities in product sales overall.
The importance is the profit of our company will be strongly raised with the help of the
UCC. Herman & Corrie Teas will have a chance to raise the wage of workers, as well as
the price of shares.

B5: SV C&D: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV A&B (lần 2) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.

Trang: Acquired by UCC, despite their strong sales team, has its challenges. Initial
integration costs and potential product changes could affect short-term profits and alienate
loyal customers. Therefore, careful consideration is needed before proceeding with the

Example: Segway, known for its innovative personal transportation gadgets, lost its special
touch and let down its devoted fans when it was bought by Ninebot, a big Chinese
company. They stopped making their famous Segway scooter because it didn't fit Ninebot's
plans. This move disappointed a lot of people who loved Segway's cool gadgets. Now,
Segway is having a hard time staying popular and keeping its good name in the business.

Như-B4: SV A&B: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV
But there will be more sufficiency of employees about their salary, that causes the increase
of productivity rate in the company. I do believe that the profit we have will be over the
cost we spend on new systems and staff training. We will be able to change and refresh our
management style. I think that this is a great challenge as well as an opportunity for us to
improve our work style. About our tea blends or new packaging, they will be more
attractive and professional than our old ones so we will raise more customer satisfaction.
And it is considerable to give it a try.
New products can be more professional in the packaging process but the old ones are
somethings that create the signature of the company and besides, we can just cooperate
with them in the short term for the investment, also alternative solutions.

*Trong quá trình nhóm SVA&B và nhóm SV C&D, SV E có thể tham gia vào. SV E đưa ý
kiến lúc ủng hộ SVA&B, lúc ủng hộ SV C&D.

Đổi lượt tranh luận

Bước 5: SV E (chairman) hỏi ý kiến nhóm C&D.
After listening thoroughly to A & B's opinion, would you like to present other points of
B6: SV C&D: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến (lần 1) khác với với SV A&B kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.

An: Rather than selling immediately, we should explore alternative paths in line with our
values. Partnering with UCC offers access to resources and markets while preserving our
identity. Alternatively, investing in independent growth allows us to expand strategically
without compromising uniqueness. These options ensure alignment with our principles for
sustainable growth.

Example: [Ben & Jerry's (ice cream company)] partnered with Unilever, a multinational
consumer goods company, in 2000. This partnership provided Ben & Jerry's with access to
Unilever's distribution network and financial resources, allowing them to expand their
reach while maintaining their unique brand identity and commitment to social

Dung-B7: SV A&B: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV C&D (lần 1) kèm giải
thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
We all know that investing in independent growth allows H&C Teas to maintain our
uniqueness and expand strategically based on our own vision. However, it might be a
slower process due to limited resources and the need to establish ourselves in new markets.
You know, the relationship between the 2 companies will only stop at the term of the
collaboration. That means they won't be willing to support us if what they do doesn't bring
them profit. For instance, retailers sometimes co-brand products with other companies for a
limited time(Gucci and Adidas). This can be a successful marketing strategy, but if sales
figures aren't met, the co-branding might not be renewed.
B8: SV C&D:
- bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV A& B.
- tiếp tục đưa ra lý do (lần 2) vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến khác với với SV
Trang: Although it may slow down expansion and require significant resources to enter
new markets, the advantages of maintaining autonomy and integrity outweigh the possible
downsides. Keeping control ensures that strategic decisions remain in line with the
company's long-term objectives and distinct identity, potentially fostering more sustainable
growth in the long run.

Partnering with UCC allows Herman & Corrie Teas to protect its brand identity and
maintain customer loyalty. This collaboration ensures the preservation of the company's
traditional management style, family-like work environment, and environmental
commitment, while also upholding its reputation and trust among customers.
Như-B9: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến trái ngược với SV C&D (lần 2) kèm giải
thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
I agree that this offer accesses to resources and markets, which can boost H&C Teas’
growth. However, having a partnership with UCC could also lead to a loss of control over
decision-making and bad effect on our unique identity if we have to adapt to UCC's
standards. That’s the concern as you have mentioned before. Also, if we dare to lose a
number of old customers, we will gain better results in the worldwide market.
Example: Netflix's case study is an example. They started by catering to customers who
preferred DVDs by mail, but as technology and consumer preferences shifted towards
streaming, Netflix made a strategic pivot. They knew they might lose some existing
customers who weren't ready for streaming, but by focusing entirely on this growing
market, they were able to reach a much larger global audience.
B10: SV C&D: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV A&B.
An: Choosing alternatives over immediate sales reflects our dedication to long-term
objectives. Collaborating with UCC preserves our brand image while granting access to
resources. Conversely, independent growth ensures strategic expansion despite maintaining
control. These decisions align with our values for sustainable development.

Despite potential access to resources and markets, concerns arise about losing control over
decision-making and compromising H&C Teas' identity to conform to UCC's standards.
Additionally, the notion that losing old customers could improve global market results is
questionable, risking damage to the company's reputation. Rejecting the offer preserves
H&C Teas' integrity and values.
By prioritizing independence and brand integrity, H&C Teas is staying true to its values
and maintaining control over its destiny.While partnering with UCC could offer access to
resources and markets, but it may come at the cost of compromising the company's identity
and decision-making autonomy.
B11: SV E tóm tắt phần tranh luận và đưa ra quyết định
I think that covers it. Let me quickly go over today’s main points. According to A&B, It’s
necessary for the main operation of UCC as they could take over a wide range of progress
to boost our company image, also profit. While C&D suppose that the company's cultural
values alway be a top priority, as well as brand identity.Overall,rejecting the offer aligns
with the company's dedication to sustainable development and strategic growth while
safeguarding its core values.
KẾT THÚC PHẦN thảo luận / tranh luận

PHẦN 2: Hỏi đáp. Lưu ý phần câu hỏi cần được mở rộng (có ít nhất 2 câu hỏi tiếp
theo). Thứ tự hỏi không cần thiết phải theo sơ đồ bên dưới.

SV E: hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions. Sau đó SV E tiếp tục hỏi nhóm
SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions.
( Follow up question -Y):
Q: Customer Impact: How might customers perceive the acquisition by UCC, and what
steps can we take to reassure them about the continuity of product quality, service, and
values that they have come to expect from Herman & Corrie Teas?
Dung- A: Customers may have concerns about how the acquisition will affect product
quality, service, and values. To reassure them, we should communicate proactively about
our commitment to maintaining these aspects of our business. Providing channels for
feedback and addressing customer inquiries promptly can help build trust and loyalty
during the transition period.

Q: How can we ensure that our communication strategy effectively conveys our
commitment to customers during the transition period and beyond?
Như -A: To ensure our communication strategy effectively conveys our commitment to
maintain product quality, service, and values, we should Be transparent about the
acquisition process and any changes that may occur as a result . Also, we should
emphasize our dedication to preserve the core aspects of our business that customers value.

(question -N ):
Q: What specific strategies can Herman & Corrie Teas pursue to enhance its financial
performance and address operational challenges while maintaining its independence?
Trang: Herman & Corrie Teas can focus on enhancing its financial performance and
addressing operational challenges while maintaining independence by implementing
strategies such as investing in research and development to innovate new products,
exploring strategic partnerships or alliances with complementary businesses, and
expanding into new geographic markets where there is demand for premium tea products.
Q:How can Herman & Corrie Teas prioritize and allocate resources effectively to ensure
the successful implementation of these strategies while balancing short-term financial
goals with long-term sustainability?
Trang:We can develop a comprehensive strategic plan that outlines clear objectives,
timelines, and resource allocations for each initiative. Align these strategies with the
company's long-term vision and goals to ensure consistency and focus.

SV A&B hỏi nhóm SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions:

Như-Question: How might Herman & Corrie Teas pursue alternative strategies that align
with our long-term goals and values, rather than selling the company outright?
An - Answer: Instead of selling the company outright, Herman & Corrie Teas could
explore alternative strategies such as partnering with Universal Cola Corporation (UCC) or
investing in independent growth. These approaches would provide access to resources and
market expansion while preserving the company's brand identity and culture.
Dung- Q: If UCC Company buys it, can they come up with better strategies for our
company instead of the old strategies?
Trang - A: We cannot argue with the benefits of changing strategy, but is such a big
change really good when it can cause disruption, making the success of the new product
uncertain? Is that goal strategy suitable for our company?
Như- Q: We think the merger will help the company grow more, what do you think?
An: In our opinion, the merger will cause the company to lose its purpose. UCC company
will only aim at their vision and goals, which will cause our company to lose its core
values as the above examples said. So I still maintain my opinion.

SV C&D hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions

An - Question: How can Herman & Corrie Teas benefit from being acquired by UCC
while preserving our brand identity and company culture?
Như-Answer: Being acquired by UCC could grant Herman & Corrie Teas access to
resources and a broader market without sacrificing our unique identity. UCC's advanced
technologies and efficient sales teams could complement our strengths and foster growth
while maintaining our values and atmosphere.
Trang: In case the merger does not preserve our own identity but causes us to lose our core
values, is it really okay?
Dung-A: If a UCC Company has a strong and highly valued core identity and values, they
can benefit our company. At the same time, it can minimize negative impacts on corporate
Trang: Is the merger suitable for our development?
Dung-A: Deciding whether a merger with UCC Company is appropriate is a complex
decision. But we think a facelift could be a good new start for the company.
SV A&B và SV C&D hỏi SV E câu hỏi + follow-up questions
Như-A&B: We've grasped the opportunities and challenges of merging with UCC. I'd like
to hear your thoughts on how we can ensure that the value of Herman & Corrie Teas will
be preserved and enhanced throughout the merger process. How do you think we can
achieve this?
E: Transparency and communication will be crucial in preserving our company's value
during this merger. We'll prioritize our culture while also being open to adopting beneficial
practices from UCC. Establishing clear metrics to track progress will ensure the merger
delivers on its promises.
Dung-A&B: Considering the potential cultural differences between Herman & Corrie Teas
and UCC, how do you propose we integrate the two organizations while still preserving the
unique identity of our company?
E: Integrating the two organizations while preserving our unique identity demands
thorough planning. We'll begin by identifying shared values, fostering a culture that
embraces both entities. Encouraging collaboration and ensuring all employees feel valued
and included are vital. Through mutual respect and appreciation, we aim for a successful
integration while upholding the essence of Herman & Corrie Teas.
An - C&D: One of the concerning points about the merger is the change in company
culture and management. I'd like to know your opinion on how we can protect and
maintain our working culture in this context. How do you think we can deal with these
E: We'll protect our culture by involving employees in decisions and maintaining open
dialogue. Our focus will be on transparency and inclusivity to navigate the challenges of
the merger while preserving what makes us unique. Monitoring the impact on our culture
closely will guide our actions moving forward. Let's stay vigilant and proactive in
upholding our values.
Trang-C&D: With potential resistance from employees, how do you propose we address
their concerns and secure their commitment to the integration process?
E: Employee concerns are pivotal; we'll emphasize open communication and provide
platforms for them to voice their thoughts. Offering support and resources to ease their
adjustment to changes is crucial. By fostering a culture of transparency, inclusivity, and
support, we can navigate the integration successfully, ensuring our employees' engagement
and well-being.
GV chấm điểm dựa vào tiêu chí sau + rubric đính kèm:

+ Nội dung nói có ít nhất 2-3 ý (có giải thích và ví dụ dẫn chứng) trên 2 góc độ / quan
điểm khác nhau: 3đ

+ Nói trôi chảy, rõ ràng, tự nhiên, có ngữ âm, ngữ điệu tốt, phản xạ tự nhiên, không có lỗi
ngữ pháp hoặc lỗi phát âm dẫn đến người nghe hiểu nhầm ý hoặc không nắm rõ ý: 2đ
+ Phần trình bày mang tính chất cuộc nói chuyện, cần có ngữ cảnh vào và kết thúc,
KHÔNG mang tính độc thoại/ interview (nói dài/ vai) hoặc ĐỌC phần nội dung nói: 1đ

+ Trả lời câu hỏi. Nội dung câu trả lời nêu đầy đủ ý kiến, ví dụ, dẫn chứng, biết lập luận,
bảo vệ ý kiến của mình: 2đ

- Nếu SV không hiểu câu hỏi, có thể yêu cầu lặp lại / giải thích câu hỏi. Sau đó, SV
trả lời hết ý của câu hỏi (bao gồm giải thích, ví dụ, mở rộng …)

- Nếu SV không trả lời được câu hỏi, SV thông báo không trả lời được câu hỏi bằng
cách nói SORRY.

+ Nội dung có nhiều ví dụ thực tiễn và câu hỏi có chiều sâu, liên quan đến tình huống trình
bày. 2đ

Scen 2: The Ashley Cooper Search Agency (ACSA) specialises in finding top-class
properties for wealthy clients from all over the world. Its London office finds properties in
the UK, France and Germany for its clients. It has six relationship consultants who are
At present, relationship consultants are paid a salary, depending on their length of service,
and an end-of-year bonus. The company is reviewing the payment system. The
management is likely to cancel the bonus and adjust the salaries of the consultants.
Hold a meeting with people in the HR department to discuss if the payment system should
be changed.

PHẦN 1: THẢO LUẬN tình huống

Khi thảo luận lưu ý theo sơ đồ sau:
Bước 1: SV E (chairman) tạo tình huống để dẫn vào cuộc tranh luận.
Good morning and welcome everyone. If we've all here, let's get started. So, before the
meeting is began, let's read the minutes that recording our recent company’s problems
Also, we're here today to discuss about the current payment system for relationship
consultants and explore potential changes.And when considering changes to the payment
system at ACSA, several factors should be taken into account to ensure the decision aligns
with the company's goals and values while maintaining employee satisfaction and
motivation, so it's time for everyone to have a careful discussion.

B2: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến thứ 1 kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
Như-We strongly believe that our company has to cancel the bonus and adjust the salaries
of the consultants. The sum of that money will be used to improve our productivity by
hiring more multilingual consultants. As you can see our company wants to enlarge our
market share in finding top - class properties for wealthy clients from the UK, France, and
Germany, but we only have 6 multilingual consultants, so it'll be very hard to reach more
clients. Some top companies such as Nova Financial or Cushman & Wakefield UK have
hundreds of multilingual consultants. Those enterprises position them to handle a larger
client base and offer a wider range of services over the world.
B3: SV C&D:
- không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SVA&B (lần 1)
- kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
An - Cuts to bonuses and salary adjustments can negatively affect employees' motivation
and morale, leading to them quitting their jobs, especially relationship consultants who are
in high demand in the market.
EX:In 2019, Jetstar Pacific (now Vietjet Air) cut bonuses for pilots and flight attendants
due to declining business efficiency.
The cuts led to a wave of protests from employees, many of whom resigned.
(no) Regular bonuses can create an expectation among employees. If the bonus is canceled,
it might lead to disappointment and a sense of entitlement. Even if the bonus amount varies
depending on the company's profits, the anticipation of a bonus can boost morale in the
final months of the year.
B4: SV A&B:Dung
- bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV C&D. Sau đó
-tiếp tục đưa ra lý do thứ 2 vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến đó
-Before thinking about cutting bonus and salary adjustments, we think about this first, but
actually we can explain our situation and they will understand it, especially the one above
30, in this age they usually want to be stable. To support this, we can take a look at
Techpro Solution. They have to cut employee salaries because of fierce competition from
rivals, but the employees still continue to work there. They feel that staying with the
company will receive long-term benefits compared to seeking a new job in such a difficult
job market.
- We greatly appreciate our employees' effort so we gave some end-of-year bonus but we
have to prioritize the company development, so it's time for us to adjust the salary of
consultants. We advise to eliminate the bonus and use the money to support our employees
to learn other languages. We can send our employees to some language learning classes,
French or German, and help them to improve their foreign communication skills.
EX:IBM with SkillsBuild; McKinsey provides financial support for employees who want
to participate in foreign language courses, including tuition fees and travel expenses.

B5: SV C&D: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV A&B (lần 2) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
Trang - We know we need to prioritize company growth, but adjusting pay cuts is not
necessary. Because employees learn more languages, the purpose is also to make the
consulting work better. Being multilingual can sign with many customers to increase a
company's revenue. So I don't think those expenses should be deducted from wages
EX: Microsoft: Microsoft offers a tuition reimbursement program of up to $5,250 per year
for employees who are pursuing job-related degrees or certifications.
(yes) For long-term development, ACSA can potentially attract and retain top talent by
offering competitive base salaries by reallocating funds from bonuses to base salaries.
Also, Language proficiency opens doors to international markets.By investing in language
learning, multilingual consultants can better serve clients from different countries, then
build stronger reputation.
Như-B4: SV A&B: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV
Do you believe our employees will voluntarily learn other languages? Some may be
content with the current salary and bonus, so they don't want to spend time doing these
things, also our company is in London, where employees use English during work time,
and English is one of the most widely spoken languages globally. With all of these reasons,
I still strongly believe that our company has to cancel the bonus and adjust the salaries of
the consultants.

*Trong quá trình nhóm SVA&B và nhóm SV C&D, SV E có thể tham gia vào. SV E đưa ý
kiến lúc ủng hộ SVA&B, lúc ủng hộ SV C&D.

Đổi lượt tranh luận

Bước 5: SV E (chairman) hỏi ý kiến nhóm C&D.
After listening thoroughly A&B’s opinion, would you like to present another point of

B6: SV C&D: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến (lần 1) khác với với SV A&B kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
An - The bonus and adjust salaries of the consultants can bring many benefits to the
• Attract and retain the talents: They are the people who help us find customers, invite
customers to buy real estate and help the company generate revenue. The bonus and adjust
salaries can retain the most talented people for the business.
• Competitive bonuses will help businesses attract experienced and reputable experts in
their field.
EX:"Profit Sharing" Program: FPT spends 10% of pre-tax profits each year to share with
employees in the form of shares. Thanks to this program, many FPT employees have
become millionaires after many years of working with the company.
-> With this attractive remuneration policy, FPT has attracted and retained many talented
people over the years. The company is always rated as one of the best places to work in

B7: SV A&B: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV C&D (lần 1) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ. Dung
• Attract and retain the talents: As you said, all talented employees will find jobs with high
salaries, at first they will apply to our company because of the attractive salary, but how
long will they stay here? We do not have any commitments that they will stay here. All the
money we give them will go nowhere. We agree that talented employees will help the
company develop but we need sustainable growth. For instance, Tesla offers some training
courses to provide deep technical knowledge, however, some employees, after the training
courses, decide to leave the company and work for competitors such as Rivian or Lucid

• Competitive bonuses: as you said that it may help our company attract experienced and
reputable experts in their field, but this can cause negatives in the workplace. Ex: some
will think that: “I spend 8 hours at work like her but why does she have a greater bonus
than me?". Then they negatively impact collaboration among employees, and then reduce
(Yes)Eliminating bonuses to recruit more newbie is not essential as our company already
has a solid foundation built up by industry veterans.Not to mention, it also causes the
company to spend both time and money on training from the beginning without any
commitments that they will stay and dedicate to company for long time

Trang - B8: SV C&D: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV
A& B. Sau đó, SV C&D tiếp tục đưa ra lý do (lần 2) vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý
kiến khác với với SV A&B
Salaries and bonuses are very important because they are essential things that can attract
the talented and retain them. Besides salaries and year-end bonuses, we can give our
employees attractive remunerations such as health care, development opportunities such as
providing them with promotion opportunities, a friendly working environment, fair, equal
EX:Google also offers competitive salaries and benefits to employees, including
performance-based bonuses and stock awards. In addition, Google also creates a creative
and flexible working environment, attracting many talents in the technology field.
B9: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến trái ngược với SV C&D (lần 2) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
N-I agree that salaries and bonuses are very important in attracting the talented and
retaining them, but where is the money? However, we must address the case we are facing.
Considering our current situation, we have only six multilingual relationship consultants
that can easily communicate with clients from three countries. The workload is
overwhelming. We need money to hire more multilingual consultants, or improve our
employee's foreign communication. We have to be concerned about our company's
development so we can survive in this challenging environment. In conclusion, I firmly
stand by the decision to cancel the bonus and make necessary adjustments to the
consultants’ salaries.

B10: SV C&D: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV A&B.
An - I think salary adjustments and year-end bonus cuts are unnecessary. If we do not
increase the basic salary, we should still keep the fixed salary unchanged. As for salary and
bonus, we can replace it with profit sharing like FPT company, which can help align their
interests with the company's success and encourage them to make more efforts. We still
maintain our opinion.

B11: SV E tóm tắt phần tranh luận và đưa ra quyết định

I think that covers it. Let me quickly go over today’s main points. According to A&B,
investing in the quality of multilingual consultants should be highly prioritized, while
C&D suppose that the bonuses are a corner- stone in motivating and retaining employees
and also be an attractive charter for talent acquisition. Instead of simply canceling the
bonus and adjusting salaries, we can consider alternative ways to reward performance and
incentivize employees. This could include performance-based bonuses, profit-sharing
schemes, or additional benefits such as increased vacation days or professional
development opportunities.

KẾT THÚC PHẦN thảo luận / tranh luận

PHẦN 2: Hỏi đáp. Lưu ý phần câu hỏi cần được mở rộng (có ít nhất 2 câu hỏi tiếp
theo). Thứ tự hỏi không cần thiết phải theo sơ đồ bên dưới.

SV E: hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions. Sau đó SV E tiếp tục hỏi nhóm
SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions.
(question -Y):
Q:How do you think the elimination of end-of-year bonuses could impact employee morale
and retention within the company?

D-A:I'm concerned that eliminating end-of-year bonuses could lead to decreased morale
among consultants, as it removes a significant form of recognition and reward for their
hard work. But this only accounts for part of it
Q: So how could you boost their morale without bonuses?
N-A:We can convince them that once employees dedicate themselves, the company will
gain many achievements and thereby higher salaries, and instead of using the fund for
bonuses, it can be invested in the quality of the company.

(question -N):
Q:Do you believe that the current system of end-of-year bonuses effectively incentivizes
consultants to perform at their best throughout the year?
AnA:While the end-of-year bonus has been a traditional part of our compensation
structure, I believe that it may not always effectively motivate consultants throughout the

Q: So how do we motivate them to achieve their goals ?

TrangA:We could choose the method of commending employees who achieve top 3
achievements during the year so that from then on, they will strive to work to climb to the
top 3.
SV A&B hỏi nhóm SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions
-D- Q: How can we grow the company with so much expense without adjusting the
consultants' salaries and benefits?
- An : We can call on more investors to provide capital for the company to develop and
train employees. In addition, company policies can encourage more flexible employees to
optimize human resources. Just like Google, they have bonuses based on performance to
encourage employees to be more productive and attract more talent to them.
-N Q: What if no one invests and we cannot afford to pay the bonus?
- Trang : Then we should not cut employees' salaries to compensate for that. Instead, health
benefits such as health insurance, social insurance, and improving the working
environment are also motivations. motivate employees
-D Q: Can we distribute money to those who know more languages and reduce money to
those who know less languages instead of giving them bonuses?
- Trang : The bonus is like a gift for the effort they put in after each project. Besides we
should have fair wages for everyone because dividing one person's salary more than the
other can cause them to lose solidarity because they will feel they are not being treated
SV C&D hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions
-An Question: Are salary adjustments and bonus cuts really good although they can cause
the company to lose talent and reduce its reputation?
-NAnswer: During the period when the company needs additional costs to develop the
company and recruit new people, cutting bonuses and adjusting salaries is necessary.
Because that will help the company have more potential employees to attract more
- An Question: With the number of old employees, is it impossible to attract customers?
-D-Answer: They can, but the company needs funds to train them to know other languages
to attract more customers. And old employees are not necessarily ready to learn other
foreign languages, so having other employees who know other languages is a must.
-Trang Question: How can we retain old employees by cutting salaries and bonuses?
-N-Answer: Provide opportunities for employees to discuss their concerns and worries
about pay cuts and bonuses. Listen to their input and consider possible alternatives. The
restoration of salary and bonus will be based on the company's situation and what they
contribute to the company.

SV A&B và SV C&D hỏi SV E câu hỏi + follow-up questions

Questions - Y
D-A&B: After hearing the benefits and challenges of adjusting salaries and cutting
bonuses. What do you think a salary reduction can help the company grow?

E: In some cases, a pay cut may be a better option than laying off the employee. Firing
employees can harm the morale of those remaining and affect the company's reputation.
Besides, I think that salary reduction can encourage employees to work harder to earn
more income.

Như- Q: So how does that motivate them?

A: Like we said above, distinguishing between salary has good and bad sides. With
different salaries, our mentality will compare how their salaries can be achieved and
employees will work harder.

Như-Q: Can you articulate the good and the bad?

A: The good thing is that we can motivate them to improve their productivity to achieve
the desired salary. However, there will be some people in the company who don't think so,
they will question why I work like they have less pay. That caused the company's
solidarity to be lost.

Questions - N
Trang C&D: One of the worrying points is that salary adjustments and bonus cuts can lead
to talented people leaving the company. So what do you think about this issue?

E: When income is reduced, employees may feel unappreciated and lack motivation to
contribute to the company. If the company's salary and benefits are no longer competitive,
talented employees may find. Look for better opportunities elsewhere to compensate for
lost income.
An C&D: And how will we face that challenge?

E: Instead of just focusing on reducing costs by cutting salaries and bonuses, businesses
should focus on finding solutions to increase operational efficiency, increase revenue and
create more value for employees.

Trang Q: How important do you think employee valuation is?

A: That will help affirm their personal value in their field. Enthusiasm at work not only
helps the company increase revenue but also we will give them a higher salary
commensurate with the capacity they have. Personal interests are tied together with
company interests.

GV chấm điểm dựa vào tiêu chí sau + rubric đính kèm:

+ Nội dung nói có ít nhất 2-3 ý (có giải thích và ví dụ dẫn chứng) trên 2 góc độ / quan
điểm khác nhau: 3đ

+ Nói trôi chảy, rõ ràng, tự nhiên, có ngữ âm, ngữ điệu tốt, phản xạ tự nhiên, không có lỗi
ngữ pháp hoặc lỗi phát âm dẫn đến người nghe hiểu nhầm ý hoặc không nắm rõ ý: 2đ

+ Phần trình bày mang tính chất cuộc nói chuyện, cần có ngữ cảnh vào và kết thúc,
KHÔNG mang tính độc thoại/ interview (nói dài/ vai) hoặc ĐỌC phần nội dung nói: 1đ

+ Trả lời câu hỏi. Nội dung câu trả lời nêu đầy đủ ý kiến, ví dụ, dẫn chứng, biết lập luận,
bảo vệ ý kiến của mình: 2đ

- Nếu SV không hiểu câu hỏi, có thể yêu cầu lặp lại / giải thích câu hỏi. Sau đó, SV
trả lời hết ý của câu hỏi (bao gồm giải thích, ví dụ, mở rộng …)

- Nếu SV không trả lời được câu hỏi, SV thông báo không trả lời được câu hỏi bằng
cách nói SORRY.

+ Nội dung có nhiều ví dụ thực tiển và câu hỏi có chiều sâu, liên quan đến tình huống trình
bày. 2đ

Scen 3
PHẦN 1: THẢO LUẬN tình huống
Khi thảo luận lưu ý theo sơ đồ sau:
Bước 1: SV E (chairman) tạo tình huống để dẫn vào cuộc tranh luận.
Good morning and welcome everyone. If we're all here, let's get started. So, before the
meeting begins, let's read the minutes that record our recent company’s problems.
As we're all aware, the launch of the XWS line eighteen months ago didn't quite meet our
expectations in terms of sales performance. However, we see tremendous potential in this
product range, particularly given the growing interest in extreme outdoor sports and
So let's approach this with an open mind, ready to brainstorm innovative ideas and
strategies that will position the Wincote XWS jackets as the go-to choice for outdoor
B2: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến thứ 1 kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
D-Firstly is about the change in our product. We should relaunch our jackets with a new
better version. It comes in two sizes: medium and large but I think we should produce
more sizes to suit the needs of the market. And in terms of color, these jackets should be
relaunched with more various trendy colors instead of simple black and red for women and
just one black for men. The outer shell of the jacket should be remade of a special new
material like the combination of cotton and polyester. As a result, it is lightweight, hard -
wearing, very warm and weatherproof. And a removable liner makes the jacket suitable for
all seasons of the year and very convenient, doesn't it?
B3: SV C&D:
- không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SVA&B (lần 1)
- kèm giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
It’s a good idea but I'm thinking about some problems here:
An - Sizes: You mentioned the idea of producing more sizes to cater to our customers'
needs, including smaller or larger sizes. However, I believe that the demand for these sizes
might be limited. Additionally, producing multiple sizes can indeed complicate inventory
management and lead to higher production costs. We can observe this issue at ABC
garment company, where they ended up with excessive inventory of small-sized clothes
that remained unsold.
- Colors: mountaineers, hikers, snowboarders and anyone participating in extreme sports or
outdoor activities tend to wear simple clothes, are you sure changing colors is a good idea?
- The outer shell of the jacket should be remade of a special new material like cotton and
polyester: When engaging in extreme sports or outdoor activities, your body will sweat
profusely, and cotton and polyester might not be the best options. For instance, while
cotton provides good insulation, it tends to absorb water in humid conditions, adding
weight to the jacket. Similarly, polyester may hinder breathability, leading to discomfort
for the wearer.
- Using removal liner: It'll be not as convenient as you think, people will be so lazy to
remove this when summer comes, or after they put the liner in somewhere in their house,
and they do not remember, I’m sure that they will buy another jacket for the cold winter.
(BOTH) Because people these days, they all shape a minimalist lifestyle so that a jacket
with simple colors for flexible outfits go with a removal liner for long-term use regardless
of weather, should be one of the items that are indispensable in the closet. Additionally, it’s
researched that cotton material should be suitable the best for sport activities as stretch
cotton fabric helps absorb sweat well, dries quickly and stays cool
N-B4: SV A&B:
- bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV C&D.
But I think some of the reasons consumers don't like this product are their simple color and
not eye-catching. Therefore our jackets will not attract teenagers who mostly follow the
trend and fashion. And the old material we use is not favored by a large number of
consumers. If we haven’t had a backup for the material of these jackets, I think that
polyester and cotton will be the best choice for us right now.
-tiếp tục đưa ra lý do thứ 2 vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến đó.
About the price and promotion campaign. Men's and women's jackets prices are the same
110 dollars with a 20% discount for the purchasing of 2 jackets or more for the last week
of this month so our revenue will be improved because most of our customers receive their
wage on these days .
Our promotion campaign will be run on ecommerce platforms or Full-page advertisements
in magazines for people with outdoor and sports interests as well as Half-page
advertisements in newspapers, posters and point-of-sale advertisements. So that our
products will reach all age consumers.

B5: SV C&D: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV A&B (lần 2) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
Trang - As you mentioned, you want to implement the price and promotion campaign for
the last week of this month, which will likely result in increased income during that week.
However, what happens to our revenue afterward? Customers may delay their purchases
and wait for the next round of promotions.
Example: Take LuxuryFashion Boutique, for instance. By frequently offering discounts on
high-end designer items, they aimed to attract more customers and boost sales. Initially
effective, this strategy eventually led customers to expect discounts as the norm,
potentially harming the company's long-term prospects despite short-term gains.
Offering discounts for a fixed period of time can lead to stagnant purchasing, also it seems
impossible when someone has an excess demand to buy 2 things the same. But advertising
on social networking platforms could be an effective measure to make products easily
accessible to consumers.

D-B4: SV A&B: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV
While it's true some customers might wait for promotions, we can implement strategies to
mitigate this and achieve both short-term gains and long-term customer loyalty. We could
highlight what makes our products great, not just the discount. This gets people to buy
based on need, not just price. Or we could make frequent buyers feel special with points or
exclusive deals so they're happy to purchase even without a promotion. The Starbucks
Rewards program is another great example of customer loyalty in action. With
personalized recommendations, free drinks, and mobile ordering, Starbucks makes it easy
and rewarding to be a loyal customer.
By focusing on product quality, features, and customer experience, we can differentiate
ourselves from competitors who may rely solely on pricing promotions. This approach can
attract customers who prioritize value and willing to pay a premium for products that meet
their needs and expectations.

*Trong quá trình nhóm SVA&B và nhóm SV C&D, SV E có thể tham gia vào. SV E đưa ý
kiến lúc ủng hộ SVA&B, lúc ủng hộ SV C&D.

Đổi lượt tranh luận

Bước 5: SV E (chairman) hỏi ý kiến nhóm C&D.
After listening thoroughly A&B’s opinion, would you like to present other point of view?
B6: SV C&D: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến (lần 1) khác với với SV A&B kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
An - I prefer changing the sales marketplace for XWS. Colorado is a great place for selling
outdoor clothing and gear, but it is too competitive. It is home to various retail outlets,
including national chains and local businesses, selling a wide range of outdoor clothing and
gear. Depending on your target market and niche, competition for jacket sales may be
fierce, making it challenging to establish a foothold in the market.
N-B7: SV A&B: không đồng ý với quan điểm / ý kiến với SV C&D (lần 1) kèm giải thích,
dẫn chứng, ví dụ.

While competition in Colorado's outdoor clothing market is significant, XWS has some
strategies to establish a strong position in the market and achieve success. As I have
mentioned below, we could develop a user-friendly e-commerce platform to reach
customers beyond the Colorado marketplace. This expands our reach and mitigates
dependence on the local competitive landscape. This marketing campaign also helps to
reach our target audience and build brand awareness. Collaborating with complementary
businesses in the outdoor industry to cross-promote products and reach new audiences is
also worthy to give it a try. Let's take Glossier for an example, Glossier is a beauty brand
that has taken the e-commerce world by storm with its innovative approach to makeup and
skincare. Their website is a masterclass in building brand awareness through a user-
friendly experience.
As we all know that competition is the vital element for the development, so when our
company already has a widespread ecommerce foundation, then our pop-up could easily
catch customer’s attention and the social proof could increase the number of visitors who
are curious and willing to approach the booth.
B8: SV C&D: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 1 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV A& B.
Sau đó, SV C&D tiếp tục đưa ra lý do (lần 2) vì sao mình nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến khác
với với SV A&B

Trang - Shipping jackets within Colorado might cost more because of the state's
mountains, remote locations, and longer delivery times. Shipping them outside Colorado
will likely be pricier still. These higher shipping fees might discourage potential buyers,
especially if they can find similar jackets nearby.
Colorado frequently experiences severe weather, as highlighted by the active storm period
in June 2023, which included tornadoes and strong winds causing significant damage.
Although major floods aren't annual events, the combination of spring snowmelt and
summer thunderstorms can lead to flash floods and river flooding.
D-B9: SV A&B: nêu quan điểm / đưa ý kiến trái ngược với SV C&D (lần 2) kèm giải
thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ.
However, Colorado enjoys a generally mild climate throughout the year. While occasional
storms might occur, they are short-lived, and most years are characterized by pleasant
weather. In some cases, governments might support businesses affected by disasters.
Companies might be able to deduct losses from bad weather events on their tax
returns.This can provide some financial relief. Or if we lay off employees due to bad
weather impacting sales, extended unemployment benefits can help support those workers.
Moreover, take The Small Business Administration Loans for an example, they offer
disaster assistance loans to small businesses impacted by declared disasters. These loans
can provide working capital to cover operating expenses until business recovers.

B10: SV C&D: bảo vệ ý kiến lần 2 cùng với giải thích vì sao không đồng ý với SV A&B.
An - Government aid and tax relief after bad weather can be unreliable. It's sometimes
slow to reach our company. Layoffs have a long-term impact on employees, and loans
burden already struggling businesses with additional debt. To manage these challenges, I
strongly believe exploring new markets for our products is the best course of action.
There's undeniable potential out there, and I'm confident we can find a better market that
adapts our needs.
Terrain and Weather should be the most significant elements when a business considers a
place to grow. If this location is at risk of causing a disaster, it is best to consider another
location to continue doing business in a more favourable condition.
B11: SV E tóm tắt phần tranh luận và đưa ra quyết định
I think that covers it. Let me quickly go over today’s main points. According to A&B, it’s
necessary to diversify the product’s size and color. Besides the promotion and other
strategies should be added to our ecommerce booth, also changing the place due to the
extreme competition and severe weather. While C&D’s opinion is completely opposite. So
to the end of the discussion, we decided to keep the same size and color, change to the
suitable material as well as find a more favorable location and a more competitive
KẾT THÚC PHẦN thảo luận / tranh luận

PHẦN 2: Hỏi đáp. Lưu ý phần câu hỏi cần được mở rộng (có ít nhất 2 câu hỏi tiếp
theo). Thứ tự hỏi không cần thiết phải theo sơ đồ bên dưới.

SV E: hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions. Sau đó SV E tiếp tục hỏi nhóm
SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions.
( Question for A&B):
Q:Are there any innovative materials or technologies that we can incorporate into the XWS
jackets to enhance their functionality and appeal?
A:Utilize state-of-the-art waterproof and breathable membranes like Gore-Tex or eVent to
ensure that the XWS jackets provide reliable protection against the elements while
allowing moisture vapor to escape.

Q:What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of each proposed material or technology?
D-A: Each material or technology has its own set of advantages and limitations. For
example, advanced insulation materials like aerogel offer superior warmth-to-weight ratio
but may come at a higher cost. Moisture-wicking fabrics provide excellent moisture
management, but we need to ensure they maintain durability and breathability over time.

( Question for C&D):

Q:What pricing strategies will be most suitable for attracting price-sensitive customers
without compromising profitability?
A:Introducing limited-time offers, such as flash sales or weekend specials, can create a
sense of urgency and prompt price-sensitive customers to make a purchase before the offer
expires. An

E - Q:How will we effectively communicate these limited-time offers to our target

Trang - A: Communication channels such as email marketing, social media platforms,
website banners, and targeted advertising can be utilized to reach our target audience and
inform them about the limited-time offers.

SV A&B hỏi nhóm SV C&D câu hỏi + follow-up questions

N-Who are the main competitors for XWS in the Colorado outdoor clothing and gear

An - There are some potential competitors for us. One of them is the National Outdoor
Retail Chain. These large chains have a broad presence and offer a wide range of outdoor
brands. Or Independent Local Colorado Outdoor Retailers specialize in specific activities
or cater to a more niche audience Colorado-Based Outdoor Brands also could be direct
competitors if their products align with XWS's offerings.

D-Do you think that our brand would be more mature and developing if we do our best in
such a competitive market like this?
Trang - Competing in Colorado's challenging market could help your brand grow, but it's
not certain. Strong competition could pose difficulties for a new brand, potentially leading
XWS to sacrifice quality or lose focus, which could slow down brand development.

SV C&D hỏi nhóm SV A&B câu hỏi + follow-up questions

An - What is your strategy for marketing your ecommerce platform beyond Colorado?
D-To conquer the national market, XWS will leverage its user-friendly e-commerce
platform alongside targeted SEO, engaging social media campaigns, and strategic
influencer partnerships. Learning from e-commerce leaders, we'll implement captivating
product visuals and user-centric content to build a strong brand presence beyond Colorado.
Trang - How will your e-commerce platform and marketing strategy differentiate XWS
from existing competitors?
N-To stand out, XWS will combine its user-friendly platform with a niche focus (e.g., rock
climbing apparel) and innovative features (3D views) on the platform. Our marketing goes
beyond selling, creating valuable content and fostering a community around outdoor
adventures. Exceptional customer service and a focus on building trust will solidify XWS
as a distinct choice in the market.

SV A&B và SV C&D hỏi SV E câu hỏi + follow-up questions

D-A&B: If we still choose Colorado, XWS can compete in the crowded Colorado market.
Do you think so?
Even in a competitive market like Colorado, XWS can stand out by emphasizing its unique
competitive advantages like Innovative products, our impressive Brand Story as well as
exceptional customer service.

N-A&B: How do our innovative features compare to what existing competitors offer? Are
they truly unique, or can competitors easily replicate them?
That's a crucial question for XWS to consider before diving headfirst into a competitive
market like Colorado. But there's a breakdown to help us evaluate the uniqueness of our
innovative features. We can pinpoint the major players in Colorado's outdoor clothing and
gear market. These are the brands you'll need to compare your innovations against. Also,
even with some similarity, you can claim uniqueness by our one-of-a-kind product
experience for Colorado customers.

An - C&D: Severe weather impacts the company's costs. What's your perspective on this?
E: Severe weather can significantly impact a company's costs in several ways. It can
disrupt supply chains, delay shipments, increase insurance premiums, and lead to damage
or loss of property. Bad weather like floods and storms might force us to build stronger
buildings and roads, but it may cost a lot of money.
Trang - C&D: As A&B mentioned, waiting for government support appears to be slow. Do
you have any recommendations on how we can effectively tackle these challenges and
maintain business continuity?
E: To minimize the financial impact of property damage or loss, We should implement
comprehensive insurance coverage, business continuity planning, and disaster recovery
strategies. But if these things happen frequently, It'll be a challenging problem for us.
GV chấm điểm dựa vào tiêu chí sau + rubric đính kèm:

+ Nội dung nói có ít nhất 2-3 ý (có giải thích và ví dụ dẫn chứng) trên 2 góc độ / quan
điểm khác nhau: 3đx

+ Nói trôi chảy, rõ ràng, tự nhiên, có ngữ âm, ngữ điệu tốt, phản xạ tự nhiên, không có lỗi
ngữ pháp hoặc lỗi phát âm dẫn đến người nghe hiểu nhầm ý hoặc không nắm rõ ý: 2đ

+ Phần trình bày mang tính chất cuộc nói chuyện, cần có ngữ cảnh vào và kết thúc,
KHÔNG mang tính độc thoại/ interview (nói dài/ vai) hoặc ĐỌC phần nội dung nói: 1đ

+ Trả lời câu hỏi. Nội dung câu trả lời nêu đầy đủ ý kiến, ví dụ, dẫn chứng, biết lập luận,
bảo vệ ý kiến của mình: 2đ

- Nếu SV không hiểu câu hỏi, có thể yêu cầu lặp lại / giải thích câu hỏi. Sau đó, SV
trả lời hết ý của câu hỏi (bao gồm giải thích, ví dụ, mở rộng …)

- Nếu SV không trả lời được câu hỏi, SV thông báo không trả lời được câu hỏi bằng
cách nói SORRY.

+ Nội dung có nhiều ví dụ thực tiển và câu hỏi có chiều sâu, liên quan đến tình huống trình
bày. 2đ

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