7 Water and Electrolytes

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Water and Electrolytes

• More essential than food
– Dehydration can kill faster than starvation

• Constitutes majority of the body (~60%)

– Reduces across lifespan (75% to 50%)
• 2/3 as intracellular
• 1/3 as extracellular (intravascular)
• Various tissues
• Solvent
• Transporter
– Metabolic waste
• Component of tissues
• Vital for hydrolytic reactions
• Regulation of body temperature
• Lubricant
– Saliva, ocular and synovial fluid
• Primary component of most food items

• Present as:
– Free
– Hydrates
• Oxidation
– Adsorped
– Absorbed
– Bound

• 1 ml per kcal for adults; 1.5 ml per kcal for infants

Water Balance
• Regulated by thirst
– Except for infants, elderly and sick, exercising athletes

• Hormones
– Vasopressin
• Antidiuretic
– Aldosterone
• Promotes reabsorption of sodium
• Releases potassium from the body
Water Balance
• Intake > Output = Edema

• Intake < Output = Dehydration

– Urine
• Obligatory- metabolic wastes
• Facultative- body needs and reabsorption
– Perspiration
– Vapor
– Feces
• Products of ionization
– Cations (+)
• Na, K, Ca, Mg
– Anions (-)
• Cl, HCO3, PO4, SO4
• Organic acids

• Extracellular fluids
– Na, Cl

• Intracellular fluids
– K, PO4
• Responsible for maintaining normal osmotic
equilibrium between body fluids
– Hypertonic
– Hypotonic

• Maintains acid-base balance

– Buffer system
– Protection from added/ excess acid or base
• Acidosis
– Reduction of body pH
– DM, ketosis
– Very low calorie diets
– Tiredness, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, fruity- smelling
breath, headache
• Severe cases may lead to death

• Alkalosis
– Increase of body pH
– Severe vomiting, antacid therapy, alcohol , diuretic and laxative abuse,
– Neuromuscular disturbances (tetany, muscle twitching, numbness and
tingling), lightheadedness and confusion

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