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Họ và Tên: Nguyễn Minh Trí

Lớp C3 – STT: 34


by Daniel Sokolovsky
1 One of the biggest mistakes that companies continue to make today is thinking their service
2 or product is a one-size-fits-all solution. As a team of entrepreneurs and leaders with deep
3 experience in our industry, we believe that customer feedback is crucial for delivering a
4 desirable product. Startups need to involve customers as partners in their innovation journey
5 and prioritize addressing customer concerns to drive business growth.

6 It’s old-school thinking to eliminate customer feedback thinking that you’re the expert and
7 your customers should just let you do your job. In fact, customer feedback is invaluable for
8 improving products and services. Instead of disregarding it, businesses should integrate it into
9 updates and refine their offerings to better meet customer needs.

10 Like many businesses, my company aims to grow with our customers. I’ve found that if you
11 take the time to build a customized solution for one of your customers based on their
12 feedback, they’re more likely to stick around. You want to be the provider your customers
13 turn to when they need a solution like yours because they know you genuinely care about
14 their success. Their success is your success.

15 The faster you can build customer feedback into your service and product, the faster you can
16 outpace competitors. Fast innovation cycles are vital to keeping up with rapidly changing
17 market factors. By incorporating customer feedback into product updates, you can respond
18 swiftly to changing trends, consumer preferences and emerging technologies.

19 As a startup, we understand the risk customers take when choosing our company. By taking
20 the time to listen to our customers and then actively incorporating their feedback, we reduce
21 the chances of creating a solution that doesn't meet expectations. A customer-centric
22 approach can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensures resources are invested in
23 developing features or functionalities customers truly value.

24 In conclusion, incorporating customer feedback into the product or service should be an

25 important aspect to every company, not just startups. And while it might seem stressful at
26 first to open up your company to constructive criticism, the payoff will be well worth it.
Adapted from
Read the text and choose the best answer for each question.
1. What is a key approach for startups to enhance their business growth?
A: Ignoring customer feedback
B: Partnering with customers for new ideas
C: Assuming their product suits everyone
D: Focusing solely on their own ideas
Answer: B
L.4: Startups need to involve customers as partners in their innovation journey ….

2. How does customizing solutions for clients contribute to building loyalty?

A: Focusing solely on company objectives
B: Providing standardized solutions to all customers
C: Making solutions that fit what clients say they need
D: Making customers care about the company’s success.
Answer: C
L.10-12: … if you take the time to build a customized solution for one of your clients based on their
feedback, they’re more likely to stick around.

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

A: Winning competition
B: Building loyalty
C: Meeting customer needs
D: Reducing risk and costs
Answer: A
L.15-16: The faster you can build customer feedback into your service and product, the faster you can
outpace competitors.

4. How does a customer-centric approach benefit businesses?

A: Minimizes the risk of going bankrupt.
B: Helps startups avoid serious mistakes.
C: Makes startups listen to their customers actively.
D: Ensures resources are invested in valued features
Answer: D
L.21-23: A customer-centric approach can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensures resources are
invested in developing features or functionalities customers truly value.

Decide if each of the following statements is True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG).
5. Following up with customer complaints is a good way to address customer pain points and drive
business growth.

6. If companies think they know everything and expect customers to simply trust them to handle the
job, this is backward-thinking.
L.6-7: It’s old-school thinking to eliminate customer feedback thinking that you’re the expert and your
customers should just let you do your job.

7. Take customer feedback about your product into consideration enables you to adapt rapidly to
shifting trends even when preferences and technology evolve.
L.17-18: By incorporating customer feedback into product updates, you can respond swiftly to
changing trends, consumer preferences and emerging technologies.

8. Incorporating customer feedback into the product or service, a company can eliminate the risk of
creating a solution that fulfils gaps.
L.19-21: By taking the time to listen to our customers and then actively incorporating their feedback,
we reduce the chances of creating a solution that doesn't meet expectations.

Find an appropriate word from the text to complete the following sentences.
9. In e-commerce, there is a growing trend of offering …………… CUSTOMIZED products to cater
to the distinct tastes and needs of customers.

10. Our economy is in need of …………… ENTREPRENEURS who can successfully blend vision,
risk-taking, and resourcefulness to build sustainable businesses that contribute to their communities
and beyond.


SV thực hiện bài tập HW phần READING theo 4 bước như sau
Bước 1: Tìm 1 đoạn bài đọc (khoảng 350-400 từ, +/- 10%) trình độ PreInter hoặc
Intermediate với chủ đề về kinh tế phù hợp với nội dung trong tài liệu học tập

Bước 2: Thiết kế bài tập đọc hiểu gồm 10 câu hỏi theo yêu cầu sau (xem file HW mẫu
đính kèm, SV thực hiện cách trình bày, đánh số, trả lời giống như file mẫu):
+ 04 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm (ABCD)
+ 04 câu hỏi TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN. Trong đó phải có1 câu True, 1 câu False,
1 câu NOT GIVEN.
+ 02 câu hỏi điền vào chỗ trống bằng từ thích hợp lấy từ bài đọc
Bước 3: Cung cấp đáp án + Giải thích đáp án bằng cách ghi dòng của văn bản và trích
dẫn nội dung có liên quan đến đáp án trong bài đọc.

Bước 4: Ghi rõ trích nguồn bài Reading Text.

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