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@AstiMe _ ~Chapten-6 : a | The Crusis of Democratic Order _ ! _ ~ [Background oh Emengency © Sndina Gandhi had emerged as a jowening Header with tremendous Poputonity. —— _|BSC bound many initiatives of govt 40 be violative oy Constitution, & Congress paniy = sland of Count - against prindples 6 democracy and parliamentary Supnemary . - Congress alleged thal Court wan a eonsenvative institution and becoming Gn obstacle in way oh implementing pro-poor welbane programmes. | > Split in Congress had shanpened divisions between Indina Gandhi and her opponents. \ Economic Context $ S Congress had given ‘Ganibi Hatoo’ slogan in aledions. of 1971. 4 Social and economic condition in Sndia did not improve much aglen (91-12. 4 Bangladesh enisis pul a heavy strain on Sndia's economy — about 8 million people come to Sndia 'D.US govt stopped all aid 4o Sndia olen wan. LOA high evel of inblotion caused much handship +0 poopie. S Low and unemployment in industrial growth — veny high ~ in nual areaa Th - [Govt prose salariey of got am ploy ees — Monsoons \ailed io 1972-73.— decline in agricultural preductivily. ~ [GA general odmosphene of disgatishaction with prevailing onomic situation all over the country. LNon-Congriass opposition pardian wane able to onganise popular protests ebpurively, 4 Snemeasemend in aciivitien of Manxist gmoups, ~ not believe in panliamentany syclem. Gujarat ond Bhar Movements ¢ @IASTIME 2021 | All Cop: Lopate | classmate. ASTIME Ae ° : ls students protests in Gujarat ond Gihon. a idenis in Gujanat started an agiialion against inplation, and corruption | in Januany 1974 — joined by mayor opposition panties — became _ despread leading jo Imposition % President's nule — Opposition panties | demonded fresh elections — elections held in June, 1975 ~ Congress S Shudends in Bihan came togeiberc to protest against inblotion, hood security, unemployment and eormuption '9 March 1974 — Jayaprakash 2 Noayana lead sludents— non-vielent and will not limit itselh to Gthon — demanded dismissal e Congress govt in Bihan and gave a call hore total revolution in social, economic and political sphenss in orden to establish true demoenaty —govd mepused to resign — Raikoay employees gave a call bon a nationwide sinike — in 1975 IP ted a people's march to Parliament — supported by non-Congness opposition pordies — projecting IP as an alternative to Indira Gandhi —Gandhi believed that the movemont was motivated by parsonal opposition +o hen: Lonblict with Judiciary } ‘Three eonstitulional issues had emenged — Can Portioment abridge FRs? = Sc said it cannol 4 | Can Parliament euntail Tight to Propenty by making an amendment) — SC said Parliament eannot amend Constitulion in such O manner i thot right ane curtailed. i SC mejected that Parliament Qmended Constitution Saying that it ean abridge FRS bor giving ebbect to DP. - Ny Ablen SCs decision in 1973 in Keshavananda Bharat Care, anose hon Chieh Justice of Sndia’s ob 3 Judges and appointed Juste Sndig — appriniment became politic: | interpretations and political ideolo people stortted tolling Need fon a Veconey Post. — povt set! aside seniority ALN. Roy Os chitl Justice of Colly controvansial — consiiiutional pita wane getting mixed up rapidly — a Judiciary and bureau enacy ©IASTIME 2021 | All Copyrights Reserved. oO IASTIME eommilfed to vision ob executive and legislature — climax = High Count ~ declaring Snditta Gandhi's alecion invalid: [Dedaration of Emangency | _ [5 On 12 June 1975, Justice Jagmohan tal Sinha of Allohobad High Court || passed a judgement dedaning Sndina Gandhi's aledion to Lok Sabha invalid. |b Petition filed by Raj Nomain — a socialist leaden and a candidate, contested | against Gandhi in 1971. [b dud gamant meant sat legally che was No mone an MP and thenebone . | could not remain PM unless once again aeded as an MP within 6 months. 5 SC gronied her a partial etoy on. High Court onden on June 24 — could | Remaio an MP but unable to take pant in proceeding oh Lok Sabha. (Criete ANd RESPONS2s jus sae Tebladye vy» Opposition political parti led by JP Narayan pressed bon 9ndina Gandhi's resignation and organised a. massive demonsinodion in Dabhi's _ Ramlila grounds en 25 June 1975. (b Poltical mood oh Sndia had turned against Congress. [>On 25 June 1975, govt decaned that thane wan o thieat eb inlatnal | disturbances and tharebore, it Invoked Articte 352.0) Constitulion. lbFedenal disinibution of powsts remains practically suspended and all | Powers are eonegntrraied in. the hands ef union govt, once an emengenty declared. 4 Govt gets the power to curtail on mesinict all ort Ony of FRe duning lI emergency, ‘5 Onthe night ob 25 June 1975, PM Gandhi necommanded Imposition e) Emarcgancy to President Fokhruddin Ali Ahmed: [Consequences 4 AgHation 10 an abnupt stop — sinikta. wane banned = mony oppostion leaders wane put in jall — political. siluation bacame.very .quite.- Govt suspended freedom of press — Hewspapens wane get @IASTIME 2021] All Cop" its Reserved. 0 IASTIME . , [prior opproval bor oll matonial to be published — known as press eansonship: Z Z 'yGovt banned RSS and Jamait-e- Islami. — [ls Various FRs oh citizens slood suspended —induding wight oh eltizens +o move Count bor restoring thein FRs _ | Using preventive dotantion acts, govt made lange scale armests — during emergency. vet = 7 > Many High Counts gave Judgemants that even oplen declaration ob [_amengency, courts could enientain a wnit t habeas eornpus piled by | 0 parson challenging Nisher detention. z {530 April 1976, constitution bench of $C overt-nuled tligh Courts and | aceepted govt plea. —dunting Fmengenuy, govt could take" avoay eltigu’s [night to tie and Moerty. — Newspapers protested against censorship by Heaving blank spaces whene |) news iteams had been censonad, [te Mogazines = Saminan and Mainstream closed down. 4 Many journalists wene ornested bore voniting againct amengency. &, Changes 10 Constitution — elections of PIM, President ‘and Vice-President gould not be ehallenged in the Courd, ty And amendment was’ passed. ty duration of Wgishatune extended prom 5 40 6 years. Next elections toene held in 1978 ; Instead of: 1976. Contreover-siv, Reganding Emargency | Was the Emengoncy Necessany ? by Constitution simply Muniioned ‘Internal distunbancey' as meaaon bor declaring Emengeniy:— maven proclaimed bebone 1975 on this ground, > Govt argued — Oppotion must allow ruling panty 40 govertn according to its policies ~ hell brequant recourse to agfations, protests and collective action one nok qood ton democnaty. Ly Qndina Gandhi vorote ino. leHan to Shoh Commission that subversive pores warte tying to obstruct progressive programma ob gout ond @IASTIME 2021| All Copyrights Reserved. ONASIIME “ware otampling to dislodge ber brtom power Hhnovgh &\na-Conshtuvianal || Means: _ [tS.cr1_eonfinved to bork Congress during emergency) — —baleved that there | was an ‘\nternotional conspiracy against unily Sndia — bell that agitations by IP wene mainly by middle classes, who opposed 4o radical || Policies of Congress. 4 Indira Gandhi misused o constitutional provision meant for saving the country to save hen personal post. | What hoppenad duarcing Emengenyy? 4 Govt said — wanted to use emergency to bring law and orden, nestone || ebhicioney and Implement pro-poor walhare programmes — announced 0 20 | point programme — eland reforms, eland medisinibution © meyiew ob agricultural wages. ® woortkar’s pardidpaiion in management » enadication | of bonded labour ete Ly Most promises by govt remained unhulbilled. ji) i mut. 1b 9n all, 676 opposition leaders were anruted — Shah Coromission estimated | thal neonly 4 Lakh IS thousand people were annesied under preventive | detention Laws. 6 abt he ly Shah Commission reports — Dalhi Powat Supply Comporuifon Vo cut electelclty 4o all Mewspapen precses onae June, 1975. 4 Sanjay Gandhi, soo oh PM - did not. hold any obpicial. position — be gained cominol.oven administration and govt hunctions. Torlure and eustodial deaths — anbitrany relocation a poon people — ovar-onthusiarm about population coninsl. Lessons.oh the Emanganuy.¢ > Extrramdy dikhicult 4o do awey wlth. dernocnary in Sndia. 5 Brought out some ambiguities Regarding. emerganvy provision — Indennal Amengency can be proclaimed. only on grounda. of ‘onumed rebellion’ — adviea 10 President to prrodalm amungeny must be. given in waniiien by Coundl of Ministers. 4 ind [OO y ect aliy se Vee) its Reserved. @ JASTIME ste Page BR } value ob civil liberties. ‘5 Emargenuy made avanyone mone aware ° : | id tontmucus SA Aension between routine hunchoning of a demoematic govt an || political protects by partin and groups SS Acual implementation of emenginiy mule took place through police and administration — bolh could not hunction independently — Juried into political Instruments of ruling partly — according 10 Shah Commicsion 7 Report, administration and police become yulnanable to political pressures: Oclitics aden Ememgancy | a Se eee ‘SI9TT elections dunned into a meberendum on axperitnce ob emangency Ls opposition bought glection on slogan of — ‘Save Oemoenary’. Ls People's verdict wars dedsively ‘against omengency. _ I Lok Sobha Electons, 1977 US Weld in Moreh, 1977. _DSMayor opposition parties had coming closen in pre. emengancy pericd— hornmed a new panty - Janata Party = \eodership & IP Narayan. _>Some otber Congress toadens came out — honmed a separate panty — Conpness bon Demoenaw under \aad enship oh Jegjivan Ram —taten Monged with Jonata forty. |S dando Ponty made ais: aledion into a meyer endum on Emagen oy = compaig hocused on non-democnatic chanactan ob rtule and on Various sxexsses. — : — lb Public orinion was against Congress ' IP Nonayan became populan Symbol oh mestonartion ob demoenacy. [Congress Ponty wor dafeated in Lok Sabha fon the timst ime — | win only 154 seals. — less than 357, Votes, ty donate Pony andits allies won 930 out of 54z seals —won 295 seas itselh by Jonola Forty with clean majeniy, =Sti Congteess Party led by Indina Gandhi won — 353 seats — came-back FO POWAL Luo HUdCde y Lega é i’ tye e . [by Congress Poriy now identitied isd, witha particulan {declogy — elaiming to be only socialist Gnd pro-poor partly. ‘> Congrese's political success depended.on attnacting ptopledn the boris of [_shanp socal and ideological divisians. and appeal ah Yndina Gandhi. othe opposition Partin nelied mone and mone wp. non-Congnescism’ and realised the need to avoid a.division .0h/ non- Congress voles in the aedion. ly Qesue ob walhane ob backwand castes began to dominate paliticy since 1977 — fo state assembly alecions ajten \977, nonihann slates sleced Hon- Congress govte in which leaders of backward cantes played an Tmpont ani role. , 9 Sssue ob Reservations hon OBCs became vey coninavanslal in Bihan — bellowing His, Jonata govt Gppoinied Mondal Commission at the eanine Emangency and period around it — paniod of constitutional enisis-beween Jumtiediction o} Parliament, and Judidary, y Ly There Wan cleanly a tenston between Instituon-bared democnary and @©IASTIME 2021 | All Cop" its Reserved. Po Siinaiane and demoenayy based on spontaneous popular participation, ichanu Majumdar? — - — a ‘5 Participated in Tebhaga Movement bebone Independence 4 Founded Communist Pandy ob India (Marxist-L aninist). [Leknayak Jayapralash Narayan § Jo t90g — 1979 *Manxist in his youth Ls Founden 4s of Congress Socialist Panty:and: Socialist Panty [jo B hare of 1942 Quit Sndia Movententy 99° ve! [|= Beeame a Gandhiyan ‘and fnvolved in Bhoodan movement. [| Negotiations with Naga mebsls. = Became the syrbol eb epposition to Emengancy. |Shoh Commfsston ob Snquiny ¢ a «Appointed by Jonuta out in May 1977 headed by Justice IC Shah. eo inguine ‘into several aspects eh allegations 0} abuse ob authority, cesses and Malpractos committed and action jaken in wake ef | Emengency prodaimed on 5th June, 1975. | Moroni? Desai © 1896 — 1995 ‘ ‘© Freedom highten. and a Gandhi yan leaden ‘© Proponent ef Khadi #CM Ob Bombay Mote. = Deputy PM CragT- 69) # Joined Congnass: (0). © PM broom 1977 to 1979 — finst PM balon ing 40 @ non-Congness Party. at 4 OTC Piysaplisiii he OlasriMe CEO Chaudhary ehamtan Singh : [9 1902-1987 # PM ob India — July 1979 - Jonuany t9¢0. «Freedom tighten Founded Ghantiya Kranti Dal in 1967 Tote CM oh UP + One of the founders of Janata Partly in 1977 and became Depuly PM, |» Founder of Lok Dal | Jagjiman. Rams [= 1908 - 1986 \ ¢ Freedom dighter and Congress leaden from Bihar oe Dapuly PM— 1977-79 |e Membar of Constituent Assembly. [eA ccholon and oniule administrator. @IASTIME 2021] All Copyrights Reserved. Oo ASTIME shoplen-7 \_ } Rise of Popular Mevemants Chipko Movement - 7 _ - ee 5 Began in 2 on 3 villages of Uttarakhand. —when borrest dept rebused | panynission to villagers to bell ash Inees fon making agricultural i . Forest dept alllocatted same patch ob \and to o sports: manubaclunen bore commertial use — villages protested against this. |S Villagens demanded local communities eontrol oven Aatural resources Hike land, water and borests. SThey wanted govt to provide low cost materials to mall industries and ansurte development o) region without disturbing: tcologieat balance. - |S Betive participation o) wornen. 'SMovemant achiaved a victory when qovt Issued a ban on gelling 6} trees in Himalayan regione hon 15 years until green covert fully nestoned. [ Ponty based Movernunts$ Ly Popular movements Moy take borrm ob Sociol or political movements. |S Nationalist movernent — polHtigal movement. |b colonial paniod gave rise to independent social movements Uke ant= cane movament, Kisan Sabhas ond Trade Union Movement in cory oth century. [[> Trade Unlon movemanis had a strong Presence among indunt nial wonkens __ fo major citi — Mumbai, Kolkala and Kanpur. > Peasams movements — in Andhra Pradesh, weet Bangal, Bhan — under the leadenship of Mamxat-Leninlst woo nKeres , | Not panticpate in elections hormatly —Relained connections with polftical pantiey — these links ensuned a batten Teepnestmation of damands of | dfverse soelal sections in Party poltives. i Non- forty Movements ? @©IASTIME 2021] All Copyrights Reserved. ONASIIME er Ed [students and young , political adivists from vaniou, eedions of ob sodely— to ongonieing marginalised sections - Dalits and Adivasv. [Middle elass young activists Tounched service onganisotions and | constructive Programmes among rural poor. — came to be known ag voluntony organisations on voluntory sector organisations, chose to remain outside party polltics. 45 did not contest elections dy also called ‘non-party political Yonmations. y hoped thot dinect and active participation by local groups ob dtizens would be more ebbecive in nesolving local issues than pilltical pantien. & silll continue thee work in mural and unban anedr. Dalit Panthers | > Origins 3 3 __# Dalit Panthers — a militant organisation of Dalit youth — Vanmed in Maharashtra in 1972. i * bighting ogoinst panpetual earte based Tnequaltian ‘ond. material inhstan in post- independence period. eDamands ~ masercvotions and policies. of Sociol justin. |_ 2 Sndian Constitution abolished pracise oy untouchabllity — govt passed laws on thot in 1960s and 1970s — but social descrimination and viglante against ox-unlouchable groups continued. eDalit setlemenis in villages continued to ba set opant. rom main-village — denied access 19 Common source of drinking woler — woman wane dishonoured and abused — bored colleclive ainodiiny oven minor, symbolic issues oh conte pride. Legal mechanisms proved Inadequate to Stop economit and social ppmession.ob Dalits. ofoltical partisn supportied by Dollis wane not suceesshul in dedoral polltics. by Activities e Mostly centred around bighting Increasing ainocties on Dalits I @IASTIME 2021] All Copyrights Reserved. LASTIME _ various pants o} stale | etoniters protested against brutalities ob caste system. — . TT eDalit Panthers got Involved in electoreal compromises in post-amengency paniod — also ‘underwent many spi, - & Growl: _ - eHisan onganisation oh banmens from western UP and Hamyana. © One ob the leading ereganisations in haremen's movement of £05. /-e Demanded Nighen govt bloor prices hor sugarcane and wheat, _ ~abolitfon ef resintetions on inter-state movemant eh harm producs, quaminteed cuprly ob electricity at measonable nates, walving Tepayments dur on toans to farmers and provision ob & govt pansion hon honmens. & Charachenisties + . 2 S's activities to pressuunive the state bon accepting tts demands included rallies, demonstration, sit-ins ond jail bharo agitations. + Ongonised massive rallies. ose ob caste linkages } bonmens - Funds, nesoures and activities o BKU wane mobilised through: them nehoonks. *Distonced itsel bom all politvea) pontioy until only 90's. = Openated aga pressune group in polities with iis stnengih of shan numbers. One vy most successhu social movement oh BO's in this mespect — success & the movement wor an outcome oh paitiical bargaining powers that Hie mumberts” possessed. aFanmen’s organisations across statec mecnuiled thein membens bom [communtin that dominated meglonal electoral politien — ex: Shelkani Sanghatana %} Mahanashina and Rayota Sangha of Kannatoka -’ [Anit- Ar rack Movement I GPP eet IASTIME [ly A spontantous mobilisation ob women demanding @ ban on sole of alcoh || An their neighbourhoods - — ee ; 5 Rural women in memale villages prom Andhra Pradesh Vought a batle {| ogainet alcaholicm, matias and govt during Saplemben and Ocloben 1992. Origins £ lose oy Oubagunta in Nellore distnict of Andhra Pradesh had ennotied [| in Adutt LHeracy Drive in early 1990's. : [> Women complained op increased consumption oh a locally beued altohal — | Grenack — by men in thein families. 4 Indebiness grew with increasing scales eh alcohol consumption —men [_mamained absent trom thein jobs — contractors ob alcohol engaged in. [| enime yor securing monopoly oven annak Anade, [5 Women wee svonst suiyenats, — collapse, of amily aonomy — bean the _ brunt of violence brom male family members. ‘5 Women io Nellone came togaihen in spontaneour local initiatives 40 protes! | against ortnack and porced closune of wine shop— about 5000 villages gel ingpined and met together in medings passed neselutions yor | imposing prohibition and cent dhem.4o Disinicl Collecion- TLinkopeas lb Slogan —'prohibiifon on sale o) annack’.— demand touched upon. langert social, economic and political Issues oh naglon thot ablecled women's life. Stote govt collected huge mevenues bby way 9h toxes Imprsed onsale ob | onnack ond hence no}, vailling to Impose. a ban. - ; 2 This. movement provided a plathonm to discuss pnivate issues of domestic vilente bon the first time, 'pDuning Sole, wemen's movament poused on Issues eh Sexual violence against women, system of downy, genden inequalities ete, 4» Movement _made demands eb equal nepresentation. 40, women. in.policn during 1990's — Tand ond 744h amendaments have granted nesanvotions to women In politi. @IASTIME 2021] All Cop: Tope 06 IASTIME [Narmada @achao Ronda ony anovan Projects 0's, an amblifous Hae oy ae en a et lekoe go bi 798 medi [ Nonmada volley of cannal Indio. — consisting 30 big dams, 125 mediy | slgeed and onound 3,000 small dams to constructed on Narmada and | Ne anibutonias a 4 Sandon Sanqvan Project in Gujarat and Narmada Sagan Project in | Madhya Prodesh — most fmportant and biggest mulfi-pumposed dams, tsNanmada Bachan Aandolan —a movement to save Nanmoda, opposed eons muction o dams ond Questioned natune oh ongoing developmental 7 projects in Sndia. 5 Sandan Sanovar Projeck= 2.0 mulli-punpose megaeceale dame som em (+ it would benefit huge Anewr o Gujarat and three adjonning Stotes in tonms of, availability of drinking water and water hor Srnigation, generation of elecintuty and Increase in agricultural production: © n the protest ob construction eb dam 245 villages \rom these states vwoune expected to get submarged — mequined relocation eh anound two and a halk \akh people. ___| Debates and: Struggles? a |b Demanded a cogt benelit anal me lysis ob eantien majon devetopmental | prgects. [bsoriat costs \nduded borced resettlement of PRojert-abbected people, a sonious Loss ob thoin means ob MWelihood and e ‘ob ecological Nesounas. {AN considerations Ved NBA to shih brom tHe inflial demand bor || rehobilfotfon +o its pstiion of teal oppositfon- 40 dam. 1 Right to Rehabitation has been now Recognised: by govt ond judiciany. ! > A comprehensive Notfonal Rehabil ation Polley bormed by govt in s00 — an achievement eb the movements. { VG Prep aie tre ulture and'depletion 0: lyse “upheld govl's dedsion to go ahead with consinuction of dam whit “algo instructing 1o ensue proper rehabiliaton. _ _/SN@A continued a sustained agltanion jor mon — fe used evry ‘lable democratic siicolegy mobilisation ob suppont at inlertnational level public rallies in Support ob movement and * Salyagnaha. Tourney of NBA depicted a gradual process of disjunction beween political pontiy and social movemsnts ip Indian politi, > Amound 90! 's, NBA became part ob a larcgert alliance of people's movements. thon 20 years, ippeals to Judiciany, [OO Velvia liye ap Vi eee) eB ae classmate es —_____} | Regional Aspirations | : _ — —— eee Region and the Nation > 19906 — period eb rising negfonal a aspinations. ly These movements trequenlly Invoed “anmed assertions by people, || their nepnession by govt and a collapse of polieal and lesions) processes: "Sndion Appma ach SS dndian nation chal not deny the nights eh dithement magions and Vinguistie groups to retain their own cullure Ly Sndian nationalism sought +0 balance the principles of unity and | afvercsity, : a 4 9ndian approach war very dikherent brom one adopted In many European | sountnien where they sow cultural divensity as a threat to Nation [bS8ndia Adopted demoenacy — which allows political expressions ob Regional aspinations ‘and doss not look | upon them as ani-national. 5 Democnatic polities allows panties and groups to address ‘people on the basis of thein regional identity, aspiration and specibic regional problems. | Arteas ef Tension > / > 9scue oh Jammu and Kashmir. y Strong movements demanding separate country ,nom India. Mass agtatfons bor jonmation of Vinguistic states. | Strong pro- Hindi ogHations . [ss ond Kashmir | ‘Kashi fssue is aloays Seen QS G Major fssue between India and Pakistan. _ > IQK comprises three social and polliteal Regions — 7 Jammu ¢Kashmin and Ladakh @IASTIME 2021] All Cop its Reserved. chsenate 5 |S Kashmir vailey— heart ob Kashmin eegion — Kashmini speaking people — mosily Muslim with Hindu minontty. _ 5 Tammu region — mix of boothilis and plains — Hindus, Muslims and siichs 4 Ladakh regisn — mountainous — vary litle population — Buddhists and Muslims. [> Kashmiri Essue involves the fssue oh idaniity Known ws Kashminiyat and [aspirations of people of JaK hor political economy. (Roots of the Problems [SBebore 1947, JAK was oO Princely State — Hani Singh Hindu rulen — | did not want 40 merge with Ondia and tried to negotiate with India and | Pakistan to have an independent, stolus, Pakistani leaders thought = Kashmire negion belonged 40 Pakistan — because (Ob Much majarityen cn woutous 1; Popular. movament, ted by Sheikh Abdullah ob National Conjenence — wanted [Ao get rid of Maharaja — against Joing Pakistan, [SNational Con) erence —a seculom organisation — held a Long assodation with Congress. 4 Pakistan sent Anibal topilt ators to. eaplune Kashmin in Octoban 1997— th borced Maharaja to ask bon Sndian military help. 4 Ondia extended military support and dove back the inhittratons prom Kashmin Volley — only apter Mahanaja had signed an ‘Insinumenk o} Accession’ volth Indian govt. > Shelkh Abdullah tovk oven as PM ob slate of JK th Manch 194%. External and Sntennal Disputes ¢ External — Pakistan always claimed Kashmin vally should be g. part ob it —Sndia_rebened as illgal occupation — Pakistan dasenibes a “Azad Kashmir’, 4 anturnal — a dispule about Kashmin siotus within Sndian unlon— Seeucl provisions under Aniide 370 and 374 —Anlide 370 gives | ghtata autonomy — evn Constitution — all provisions of Sndian Constitution | | OTC iPirrap loin oO IASTIME sit 50 ane not applicable to state — laws passed by Parliament apply to JEK only th the clade agmees Delities SInce 94s “Spm shilkh Abdulloh Inilialed major Vand mebonms and other policies bon ondinany people. tb Ablen growing dighenence between him and egntral govt noulted dismissal tn 1953 and kept in detention bon number oh years. “S Behwren 1953 and 1974, Congress exenuised a Lot of Inklusnce on the I politicn ob TOR. are ___Notfenal Conherrence remained in power with aclive congress support. $n 1974, Sndina Gandhi reached an agreement with Shelkh Abdullah 2 ‘and Abdullah became em of J@K. : > Faneeg Ab Abdullah, Son ob Sheikh Abdullah became em — but dismissed ty Govennon — due to intervention cy Centre generated a beeling oh reserfinent in Kashmin. Smsumgency and Abten’ _ 5 By 1999) State hod ‘eome in grip 0} @ militant movement mobilised Ground cause of a separate Kashmiri nation. SSnsungents got monal, material and | military support {rom Pakistan 'y Throughout the peniod ‘bom 1990, INK expenienced Violence at hands of __ insurgents and thnough 0 Vonmy action _ 1b Farooq Abdullah demanded 1996's 5 assembly elections fon Regional AI aulonomy & abla winning |sepanaticm ond Beyond: —— - na lly Three streands— © some wont a sy it Sndia and Fi rakistan. tpanale _Kashmint natin © Some wont: nt gne || within 9 “Sndion union. ©IASTIME 2021| All Copyrights Reserved. ONASIIME OBa=0 [b Snstead of demanding @ separote nation, most oh Sapanatisis in dialogue one Arying do renegotiate a rralotionship ob State with India Punyed | TS Decade of 1980s — witnessed majon developments fo Punjab. Ly Punjab had 4o wait Till 1966 hort eneation ob Punjabi speaking stote. by Akali Dol - bormed in 1920 — as political wing ob Sikhs —\ed the movement 1 hor bortmation ef a ‘Punjabi Suba’. JPolitical Context : lb Akalis came to power in 1967 and 1977-ah1en neongenisotion.— eoallton govt 4 Akalis discovered that despite nedrawing of bound arts, thein-political | position memained. preCARiOudorss oo [ © govt was dismissed by Canine mid- Woy through its Aenm. | «did not enjoy sinong Support among Hindus: |e Sikh communtly was int artnally diphenentiated on carte and class Noes. Songness gat. mone support among Dalits than Akalis. 4 Duning 19708, a section of Akalls began to.demand politica), autonomy — a nesolution passed at thein eon} srcence. of Anand pun Sahib in. 1973-— assented negional autonomy and wanted 49 redefine eenine- stole Taladionship — spoke ob aspirations oh Stich Qaum and dedoned its goal om attaining bolbala ob Sikhs. x Quam — community on nation. x Bolbola~ dominance on hegemony, Ly Resolution had @ Umited appeal among Sikh masses. by Ablem Akall govt dicmigsed th 1980, Akali Del launched @movamant on advocating secession bom Sndia and erection ob. Khalisian. Gyde ob Vidlences 4 Formed armed Insurgancy— made thein headquat ure. inside~Gold en OTP reap lont mt rn STIME [Temple i in Amica - —tunned it into an anmed ‘ponies. _ ___b Govt of India cannied out “operation Glue star? in June 1984 in |_ Golden Temple — successhully blush out militants — also domoged histor | Aemple and deeply hurt sentiments eb Sikhs + iow Yndina Gandhi was assassinated on 31 October 1984 outside hen residence by her Sikh kh body gard. & Violence against S ‘Gikhs continued — more than 2000 Sikhs wen en killed _ in national capital — hundreds eb sikhs wane killed other ports of Sndia — subhened great amotional and heavy binancal loss. ‘53n 2005, pm Manmohan Singh expressed megnet oven \allings @ and || apologised 4o notion bor anti- Sikh violence. Read Tr foare? nim tron sire aeh +A ) 1) New PM Rajiv Gandhi fnlivoted a dilgut with moderate Alkali leaders — an agrexment way signed wlth Akali Dal’s President Hanchand Singh Longewal in Duly 1985 — known as ‘Rajiv Gandhi ~ Long eval Record” on ‘Punjab Record’ — Chandigarh would be inanskenned to Punjab — & Separate commission to nesolve bonden disputes brtoeen Punjab and Honyana — a tifbunal +o decide Shaning oh Ravi-Beas river voaden among Punjab, Haryana and: Rojasthan.— comprehensaton to and batten tneatment of those abbected by mmitilony — withdrawal of AFSPA in Punjab. : [Dd eyde oh violence 1 continued Neonly bona decade — Militany and Countan insurgency viglante led to @ - my XCeSses by police an ; __®} human nights. YP d Violations by Cantreal govt hod to Impose Srresidant® \ ( 's Mule in the dole and | electoral and poltticol process was suspended. — & Peace returned +0 Punjab b by midd middle o oh 19 90s. Ws” Ly Alance of Akali Dol ( (Badal) and @: ond @Ip scored a OT > Through religous Identiti continue to be Important bon rople politi had gradually moved back long seculom lings. ~ ©IASTIME 2021| All Copyrights Reserved. Majon victory én ‘The Nonth East | Ly Regional aspin ations — 1980s. ~ Ly Consists ob 7 sisters — “lenown ag ‘Seven Sigh ers’. = sp smoll connfdon oh about 22 kMS connects {t Fo mest oy the & couniny. by Shanes boundaries. with — © China, & Myanmar nd Bangladesh. ib Indio's goteway to South Fast Asia. Ly Tripura, Manipur and Khasi Hills ob Megholayo - enstohile Princely | States — merged with India ablen independence, S Nagaland Stote was Uneated in 1463 — Manipun, Tripuna and || Meghalaya in 1972— Mizoram and Anunachal Pradesh in 1927. [bRarctition ob Indig in 1947 meduced Nonth- East to @ band louded region [ and appected its economy — sudjened neglect in developmental teams [4 Politics to remained Insulated — undenwent major tmp gmaphic. changes . {|S Vast intennotignal borden.and weak..communicotion betwen North Eaat | ond rest ob Sndin added +9 delicate natune eb politin thene. H [Demands bom Audonomy § i |S Entire region accept Manipur and Trane eompnised Stale oh Assam at | (ndapendence, sb Ls Agsam govt Imposed Assamese Tanguaye ‘on them — epposition ond protest | ruots hnoughout State — major inibal communtiies leadems wanied +t separate brom Assam —bonmed Eastenn Sadia Tribal Union ~ later | tnanshorimed into Al Pandy Hill Leadens Conjemence in 1460 — demanded | arntbal State 1o be conved out from Assom— as a mesull, Cendnal govt enecded Meghaloya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. out of Assam— wpqraded Tripura and Manipur into states. ‘Reorganisation ob Nonth East was eompleted by 1972. Ly Dibhenend communtiies demanded jon Sapanaie states — demanded by mobilising public opinion, movamenis and i insungeny — Kanbis and Damasas wane rectotly granted Quionomy under Disinict Councils and Bodos wute mecently grenied Autonomous Cound. y OTC PirraP loiter e classmate, Date Sucessionish Movements | 7 _ _ [DINigo HMls area toas made an autonome disini¢t within Assam otjen Indapendance.—belleved thay wene never a part ob British India ~ hence et did not belonged Yo Sndion union. ly Movemank gained popul anily = Nssom govt ‘palled to respond adequately _ a “bh 1959 in M fional Front (MNF) ia 0 great amine dh 1959 io Migo Hils— bonmed Mizo | under leadership of Laldinga. 1549p 1966, MNF stonted an anmed campaign hor Independence —stonted a hoo decade long batle belwsen Mizo insurgents and Sndian Anmy ~ MNF bought a gueniila war — got support from Pakistani govt and | shatter. in then East Pakistan — Wwenyone was a loser at the end — Laldonga came back brom eyile in Pakistan and started negotiations (wlth Sadion goute | my Pers fanym wenn : SB peace agreement was signed between Rajiv Gandhi and Loldenga i 1986 — Mizonom was granted bull-bledged statehood: with epeial Powens and MNF agneed to give uP secessfonist struggle. > tisorcam — One OF most peacebul places in the meglon and big sinides |i Henacy and devel opment today. Ly Nagaland -a happy anding-led by Angami Zophu Phizo —a section ey Nagas dedaned Independence rom Sndia vwoay back in 95) — Naga Notional Cound! Launched an armed struggle bon Soventignty ob Nagas —signed an agreement wlth Govt of India — sitll owalte Q Yna) resolution. Movernents agatnst Qui sidenss b&b Assam Movem int — 1979 to 1985 — movement Ggainct pudsidens. 45 Assamese suspected that huge numbens O} Megat Bengali Muslim [[_ wane there brom Gongladesh — must be detected and deponted to |] reduce Indigenous Assamese into a minonity, 4y 301979) All Assam studant's Union (Ansu) — iad an anti- horelgner Movement against Meoal migration, domtnavon oy Bingalis and othen outsidans and faulty voter — demanded hall all ouleidens OrpPiysaP lactic rt || who had entered the state ablen 195) should be sent bok — q hollowed many novel methods and mobilised all sedfons of Assamsne prople — Involved many magic and violent incidents, G phar 6 years of tunmoil, Raji, Gandhi led Qovt entered into Negotiations with ASU leadens leading to signing eh an accond in 118 — honelgneds will be idendiled and deporied. NS ARSU and Asom Gana Sangram Parishad —tunned to a Regional politcal | party — Acom Gana Panichad (agp) — eame 40 powsn in 1985 volth promice ob resel ving bomeign national problem and to build @ ‘Yolden Assam’, ‘Ly Did not solve the problem ob Tonignatan ~ outed continues 40 be @ live Tesue in Assam’g politiny []Aecomodation ond National Snjeyation |. & Regional aspirations ane Very much apart oh democratic politio. YBest voy to mespond to regional aspirations ts through darmocnatic begotiations nathan than through suppression. Ly Regions must have O shane in deciding the destiny of aatlon. ‘Regional imbalance in economic development. eoninibutes to eeling ob regional discrimination. u ada 5 Federal System adopled by India iso blexible arnangement. ..... [ASTIME 2021 | All Copyrights Reserv: Ouse 6 J Chaplet 3 | a - velopm wos io Sndian politia Context ob the 19908 [> Mod erucial evelopment — dae at ob Congress party {n 1989 slehons —— won only 197 seals —Impnoved its penhormance and eame back tp | power Io 1991's elec lon, — Congmess system. [>Re oh ‘Mandal issue’ in notional polflics — decision b by National Front ; fot i in 1990 —40 Inmplamant | reecommendation oh the Commission that Ved fo violent | ‘onti- Mandal’ protests — known as ‘Mandal issue’ 5 Snitlation oh sinuclunal adjustment programme on Neo Economie I, Reforms = started by Rally Gandhi — visible in 199) and radically changed the direction of Sndian economy, & Damolition ob disputed sinuctume ot Ayodha — known as Babni Masjd io Decemben 1992 — symbolised and anigganed various changes in Qndian polifin — intensified debates about nature ok Sndian notionaligm and seculanism — wise oh BIP and politics ob ‘Hindutva’. 1b Assassination ob Rafiv Gandhi in Moy Isa) ted to change in | Veadanship ob Congress — assassinated by LTTE during election | eampatgn: Jour in Tomtl add —Amerged as single longest party in 1991'6 election — Nansimha Rao became pM. T || Eno ob Coalitions I i Qn 1999 eleeHon — Watfonal Front— an alliance o} Janata Dal and some othen negional panties — Vonmed © eoaliti on govt — BIP and Lebt Front did Not goin this govt Decline ob Congress $ ——— ly Defeat oh Congress paniy manked the end ol Sndion party System. b Began an ena oh mulli- panty System — np single bh Congress dominance over Panty secured a @IASTIME 2021| All Copyrights Reserved. @ JASTIME clean majonily eb seals in any Lok Sabha election held si now. [Regional panties played a enucial mole in boriming nuling alliances. | Altiance Politics ¢ ty 1999's — emengance oh Powarbul panties and movemanis thai mepnes ented Dalit and OBls. — Represented powendul negional. a ssantation — Played |_an important mole in United Front govt in 1996. | united Front was supponied by Congness. |b 3n 1989, both Left and BIP supported National Front govt because they | wanied to keep Congness aut oh power. 4 3n 1996, both Congress and Lebt supported the Non-Congness govt to Keep the @9P out of | 5 B3P continued touconsolidate: ite: position. in .alecions oh 1991 and 996 — | anenged as langast pardy in, 1996 eleclon and bonm govt — other i Parti¢n were opposed to its polities and BP govt.could no} gecune a majority io Lok Sobha — binally come to powsn by leading @ coalition govt brom Moy 1993 to June 1999 —me-eleded in Ocloben 1999 — Mal..Bibotti Bajpayte was eM duning bath NOA Qovts — bormed in | 1999 completed is pull term. ‘DB long phase ob coalition polities began in Sndia with.\989 elections — any govt could be bonmed only with participation on support eb many regional parties — applied to National Front in.1989.— Uniled Fnont in 19% and 1997 — NDA In 1997 — Aap Jed coalition in 199% — NDA in 1999 — UPA in. 2004. and 2009 — Anend shanged in aoid. oiffieal Rise eh Otben Backwand Classes ‘Manda’ Implemented + danoda Dal brought Aogethen a similar Combination ob, political gmoups with. strong support among opts ° Mandal Commission bunthan helped. in shaping the polities op 0BCs. b Emergence eb many panties tha Sought batters.oppontunthiea.pon 0BCs | LASTIME 2021 | All Copyrights Reserved. Oust ee ‘ion ond uploymnent = daims 0B(s should get adequate os Q ~ : ees in ‘administration ond have thein due shone ob ollical || power. 7 — | Patitcal gallousts ; — 7 (SINWs sow MISE 2 oh polliical -onganisation ¢ ob Dolits. & Backward ‘and nd Minority & eommuntties Employeon Federation (Bamcer) was bortmed in 1978 — not an ondinany Amade union of govt ampoyees — took a chrong poshion in Javour eh polltical powsn ‘to ‘bohujan — SC, ST, OBC and minonities — Dali Shosit Samaj Sanghansh Samiti and loten Bahujan Samaj Ponty (G5) emerged under teadenship ob Kanshi Ram. Y BSP — supported Laregely by Dalit voters te Punj obs Honyana, and UP — achieved a breakthrough in UP th 1989 and 199) elections. SGP has emerged as a major polttvea) plagen in up — sinongest Support ‘sill eomes. [[commanalism, Secularism, Demoenary | bb Bhartiya Jana Sangh had menged into Janata fanty —supjonters ob __encteshile Jana Sangh bonmed Bharatiya: Janata fanty (@3P) in 1980 |= GIP adopted a broaden polftical plathonm — embraced ‘yandhiyan | soxiolism’ as its ideology — began to emphasixe Hindu nationalist altmant in its tdeology — pursued pollfia of 'Hinduiva’ and adopted ||_strotegy of mobilising Hindus, : Ip Hindutva WMenally means ‘Hindunese’ — debined by its “ontiginaton ved. Savankan — meant that to be members ob Qndian notions avenyyone must accept Sndio as thein 'Yathentand’ an wall ar aa then haytand. eT wo daviopmants anound 1986 became eaninal to polltica o) IP aA o ‘Hindutva’ panty — — e Shah Bano Case in 1995 — a 62 yRan old divorced Muslim women piled a cane hort maintanance \rom bat bonmen husband — SC ruled To her hovoun — onthodox Muslim saw sC’s onden ar on GP aPlcia e | imenerence in Muslim Personal Low —gevt passed Muslim Wom (Protection of, Rights on Divorce) Act, 1926. |S Qnd development — onder by Faigabad disinict count i Feonuary 1986 — ordered that Gabri Masjid premises be unlocked so that Hindu eould | ober Prayers. _ __ - [by Babi Magid was a 16th century mosque in Ayodhya — built by Mire | Baqi — Gobun's Qenenal. ‘ |b iindus balieve that iF was built olen demolishing a temple fon Lond Rama — believed to be his binthplace. ly Dispute has contnutd for many decades. > BIP made this fssue its major eleclowal and political plank —RSS | and Vishva Hindu Parishad convenced a..semies ob symbolic. and mobilisational programmes, Demolition and abten é ; 4 3n December 1992, organisations supponting concimuction ob temple erganiced a Korseva — meaning voluntary service by devotees hor building Rom temple. 'ssttucdion became tense all oven Sndia — SC ondened State govt toroke cane - 4 Thousands ob people gothoned brom all over the eouniny ot Ayodhya on © Decembert 1992 And demolished the mocque & Violence in Mumbai enupted again in Ionuony 4993 and eontinued bon over tron weeks: Anti Muslim riots in Gujanat § bh 9n February-March 2002. OA bogey o ainain that was returning bom Ayodhya and wan hull of Komaev ak won stt on fire — 57 people died — suspecting hand of Muslime tn sting ine to the bogay — lange scale violence against @IASTIME 2021] All Ce eB ae 06 IASTIME Muslims began — Killed neanly Woo Muslims. > Accembly glections 40 be postponed. _ a > Gujanat niots show that governmantal mechinery “also becomes _ [ susceptible to sectarian passions» ‘[Emengence oh a New Consensus | Lok Sabha Elections 20043 Ty nA was deheated ond a a new coaliton govt led by congress — UPA | Game to power — received support broom Lejt Front pantia- 'b Thent was 0 negligible dijherance belween votes polled by UPR and NDA. 7 Qnowoing. Consensuss & Agreement ©M new economic policies. _b Aecept ance oh political and social claims of backward cartes. Tb Becaptance of mole of Stole level pardies in governance ob the eountny, Ls Emphasis on preag matic considerations mathan than Adeological positions and political allionces without Udeolo geal Agreements | Kanshi Ram; |e 193q— 2006 : eFounden e) Bohujan Samo} Panty (BSP), BAMCEG, Ds-<4. Je enedited valth Dalit Resurgence in north Sndian States. OG PieTaP Ret ene

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