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tC- lOMSME(QC )/1 Z2O2 3-BR-I- CIC- Commissionerate of Industries and Comm

{Comp ut E'F
E’rce ”
' < • •• z •- w •• w w i xm iy w I I - I Nc

Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce
Government of Assam
Industrial Estate, Bafnunimaidam
• Guwahati

Generated from eoffice by Chandan Tatukdar. jA(CT), JUNIOR
ASSISTANT, Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce on 2 szoez 2Oz ‹ a :i z PM
23-B R-I-CI C-Commission erate of Industries and Commerce (Computer

Proposal for Upgradatioq of Quality Control Laboratories

Table of Contents

Section / Title Page No


T”^ “i. *r ”” .! .If“ “. "” ”",’

! t ' ' “. . .. '”i '‹

1.2 Organizational Objectives 1
1.3 Organizational Structure 1
L4 Organizational Attivities 4
1.5 Proposal in Brief 5

x F—. c’” I . r* r ‹”’“ :z r' I”. ' L.’ ’ • ‹j i

2.1 Laboratory Accreditation from NABL

2.2 Recognition by Bureau of Indian Standards 10
2.3 Proposal Details 11
2.4 Organizational Aspects 13
2.5 Capacity Building 18
2.6 Proposed Financial Outlay 18
'” l . ' .”.,- •. .. ›”. -. .,. :

3.1 Need on account of Economic Changes

L2 Based on SWOT Analysis of the Office 19
33 Ne6d for hIABL Atcreditation 20
5.4 Need for BIS Recognition 21
3.5 Need for Formation of Society 22
J 3.6 xeed for Organizational Upgradation 24
3.7 Need for ’Office Pool of Funds’ 25

r-‹• . :t !r. ’: I-.

'.. “\ ..”.” .“.' “'..'..' '. --<..”

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & C0mmerce, Govt. of Assam i

Generated from eoffice by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT),
)UNIOR ASSISTANT, Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce on
z s xo‹ x zoz ‹ ay 1 z pl I
ic-IOMSME(OC)/1 Ż2õ23- BR-I-ČIC-iȘDMmiSsionerate of .Industries and Com merce (Computer N‹

, ,- Upgrzdati0n f Quality COntrO( ÚborațońeS


1. introdučtion

In 196a, the‘Government of Assam had introduced the Quality Control scheme through the
(then) Industries Department in order to promote quality œnsciousness among”st the
upcoming small s’cale units of the state and to provide testing and quality assurance
certification facilities to such units.

The Quality Control Office was established in 1970 along with a mechanical and chemical
laboratóry at the lnduštrfal Estate in 8amunimaïdam, Guwahati. Subsequently, the above
office was’ upgraded as the Senior Quality Control Office in order to meet the increased
demands for quality control services amongst the industrial units in the state.

Organizational Objecti'veS

The objectives of the Senior Quality Control Office hąve been listed under Sub section 1.2
and these may be referred to therein.

Organizational Structure

As stated at above, the Senior Quality Control Office functions under the aegis of the
Department of Industries & Cqmmerce, Government of.Assam. There are four Quality
Control laboratories In the state located in Guwahatî, Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar. Of the
above laboratories, only the QC Gowahatt is functioning smoothly. The other
' laboratories are in need of renovation and strengthening.
the existińg organizatíonał structure of the above-OC (aboratory system is River› at Page No.
3 of the Proposal (under Sub-section 1.3). It may be noted that the QC Laboratories in places
like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar rdpon directly to the Office of the Commissioner of
”Industries & Commerce, Assam. Appendiż¢ I gives the status of the QC Laboratories of the
Department of Industries & Comme e G e nment of Assam.

Organizational Activities

5xisting’Testîrig Facilities under the Office

The QC Laboratory at Guwahati under the Office of the Senior Quality Contra) Officer has the
testing facilities to test items like steel, cement, PVC pipe, potable water, paper, textiles,
paint etc. Moreover, the above existing facilities had been upgraded recently in order to
make the QC Laboratory fit to get accreditation status from National Accreditation Board for
Calibration & Testing Laboratories (NABL)”. This is necessary to obtain recognition from the
Bureau of lndfan Standards (BIS). This will enable the QC Laboratories to test items like steel,
cement, drinking water etc, as a BIS recognised laboratory.

Office of țhe Senior Quality Control Officer

Oepartment of Industries B Commerce, GovL of Assam -A

Generated from eOffice by Chan an taÏ’ukdar, JMNIOR ASSISTANT. COm missionerate of industries and Commerce an 2s z0.Ïx2O24 Ø . z țvj
jA‹cY: )
IC !OMSME( QC)/1/2O23-BR -I-C fC -Commissi CÏn er fiIt.e of Industri s
A nd Com” me rce (Computer
Proposàl Llpgradation of Quality Control Labòratories .

-; ' ' New Faciiïties: Settíng up of AssaYing & Hallmarking Centre

The Government of india has identifiéd the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as the sole
” agency to implement the scheme for hallmarking of gold jewellery in India. The jewellers can
be licensed under the BIS Hallmarkiñg Scheme and they can get their jewellery hallmarked
from any recognized Assaying & Hallmarking Centre. The above scheme could not
materialize in Assam as there is no such Centre in the entire N.E: Region. However, a few
Jewellers .often go to Kolkata to get their jewellery hallmarked there. Due to absence of
recognised Ha/lmarking Centre, the customers of gold”jewelIery are not getting the benefits
” of above Hallmarklng scheme. In order to bridga this gap, the Senior Quality Control Office
under the Industries & Commerce Department has set up an Assaying & Hallmarking Centre
at” Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21. The centre had been officia!(y inaugumted in May 2013.
Presently,'the Centre has received BIS recognition to start its functioning.

Up-coming Facilities '"”

The following up-coming facilities are planned under the auspices of the Office of the Senlor
Quality Control Officer:
{a) Gemstone Testing Laboratory
(b) Common Facility Centre tfor providing facilities to local jewellery manufacturers]

This document has been prepared and submítted in connection with the Proposat tor the
Upgradatlon of the Quality Control LaboratÒries under the Department of Industries &
'” Commerce, Government of Assam.

The basic purposé of the upgradation is to strengtften the functioning of the laboratories
under the above offïce and to make them compliant with the requÏrements for accreditation
by the National Accredïtation Board for Testtng ànd Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is
an autonomous body under the aegis of Departrtient of Science & Technology,’Government
, of India. lt may be noted that the Government öf India has authorised NABL as the soie
”' accreditatlon body for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. This accreditation will îaciI›tate
the above QC Laboratories to seek recognitlon from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS). Such recognition from the 815 will enable
the DC Laboratorie4 to get substantial additional business from the testing of items like
, steel, cement, potable water etc. (most of which are covered under ‘Mandatory
Certification* by BIS under various statutory provfsions l ThÎS will dlSO help the local industry
which has to presently go outsïde fôr carrying out their tests. Recognition from the BI5 under
ics LRS Scheme will enable the QC Laboratories to serve the MSME settor in Assam by
testing of items like steel, cement, potable water etc. This will boost the status and revenues
of MSME units of Assam, apart from that of the QC Laboratory system of the Department.

This sub-section gives the gist of the proposal. The same ha4 been summarized below under
Point No 2 éf the.Executive summary and may be referred to therein.

Office of tfte Senior Qualil:y Control Officer

! Department of Industries & Commerca, Govt. of Assam B

üenerated frpm eOffice by chandón”

Talukdar. JA(CT), JUN|OR ASSTSTAN.T. “COFFlmilssianerate
of Industries and CommérCe
on 25/Q4zz o24 0ï: ‹2 PM
Of IndUstries and Comm”erce (Com
puter No
t/pgradation of Quality Contro/ LaDorafo/ies

,A z. Details ofthe Proposal

This se‹::tioń gives the detaiłs of the present proposal for the” Upgradation of the auality
ConŁrol Laboratories under the Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer, Department of
lndustries & Commerce, Government of Assam. The basic purpose of the upgradation is to
strengthen the functioning of the laboratories under the above office and 5o make them
comp\iani with the ’requirements for aCCreditation by the National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Całibration Laboratories (NABL), which is an autonomous body under the aegis
of Oepartment of Science & Technołegy, Government of lndia. Thts accreditation will
facilitate the above QC Laboratories to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards
|BIS) under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS). Such recognition wi(( eną bte the QC
Laboratories to get substantial additional business from the testing of items like steel,
cement, pótabte water etc. (many of which are covered under ’Mandatory Certification’ by
BIS under various statutory provfsions).

Laboratory Accreditation from NABL

Laboratory Accreditation: The concept of Laboratory Accreditation was developed to

provide a means for third-party certification of the competence of lmboratories to perform
specific type|s) ol testing and calibration. Laboratory Atcreditation provides formal
recognition of competent Laboratories, thus providing a ready means for customers to find
reliable testing and calibration services in order to meet their demands. Laboratory
accreditation uses criteria and procedures specifically developed to determine technical
competence. The criteria are based .on the international standards called ISO/IEC 17025 or
ISO 15JB9, which are used for evaluating Laboratories throughout the world. T!ne
globalization of Indian economy and the liberal\2dtion policies initiated by the Government
in reducing trade barriers and providing greater thrust to exports makes it imperative for
Accredited Laboratories to be at international level of competence as per ISO 1702'i or
equivalefit standards. Accordingly, the Government .of India established the NABL, as
described below.

National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL): This is an
autonomous body under the aegis at Department of Science & Technology, Government of
India. NABL is registered under the Societies Act, 1860. The Government of India has
authorised NABL as the sole accréditation body for Testing and Calibration Laboratories.
As on date, more than 1600 laboratories have NABL accreditation. NABL accreditation is not
I a one-time phenomenon. Once the laboratory gets accredited for some specific tests or
calibration parameters, accreditation to a laboratory shall be vatid for a period of two years
and NA8L shati conduct periodiCaT surveillance of the laboratory on annual basis. Appendix
ill gives the process of accreditation by NABL.

Progress in FY 2013-14: A proposal has been sanctioned by the Department of Industries &
Commerce for funds in connettion with NABL accreditation in the fields of steel and textiles.
Steps |ike Notice Inviting Tender for consultant; repair and calibration of machines has been
.taken in the above mentioned fields of steel and textiles.

Offica of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industrlss 8 Commerce, Govt. of Assam

/nerated fKom eOffice by Chandan

Talukda F, jA(CT). jUNIOR 6
ASSISTANT, Comm issionerate f Industries and COmmerce on 2 szpez 2 yą j
D O 2 PM
-BR-’I -CIC -û.Olvlmissio nerate of indUS
tries and Cômmerce (Computer o
" Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

Recognition by Bureau of lndian Standards

The Bureau of lndian standards (BIS), the. National Standàrds Body Qf India responsable”for
:’ ” formutating indian Standards was established under”The Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
” ” . . 19B6. To’protect the interest of consumers, BIS operates a Product Certification Scheme.
” Ünder the‘scheme, BIS grants licenses to such manufacturers who are capable of p?oducing
goods on continuous basis as per relevant fndian Standards. The 8fS Product Certification
Scheme is essentiafly voÏuntary in nature. However, the Government of ïndia, on
considerat(ons of public health and saiety, security, infrastructure requirements and mass
1 • consumption has enforced mandatory certification on various products through Orders
issued from time to time under various Acts.

Testing being necessary adjunct to product quality eva/uation, the need for making available
required testing facilities arises. As ft is neither physically possible nor economically viable
for BIS laboratories to deve(op testing facilities for each and every product covered under
BIS Product Certification Scheme, a 1aboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) has been
’‘ formulated”with the objective of having sufficien’t number of outside laboratories in India
and abroad to cater to the needs of Product Certification Scheme.

The Laboratory Recognition Scheme is'govemed by the provisions under Section 10 (1) h of
The BIS Act 1986 and the BIS Rules’, 1987 (10Ï2) {a) & {b)j. Thèse statutory provisions confer
ùpon BIS, powers to recognize any laboratory in lndia or in any other country for carrying
out testing of samples In relation to use of the Standard Mark and such other functions as
may be necessary. As per the Laboratory Recognitlon Scheme (LRS) of the BIS; the taboratory
, seeking recognition shaft have accreditation to lS/ISO/IEC 17035 Or ISO/IEC 17025. The
accreditation body (through whlch the Accreditation is taken by.the appficant lab) shali be a
full member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC) and/or
International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC). NABL fuffils tlje above crïterion.
Hence, NABL accreditation will facilitate the QC Laboratories under the Department of
Industries & Commerce, Assam to seek recognition from the Bureau of lndian Standards
(BIS| under Section 10 (1) h of The BIS Act 1986 and the BIS Rules, 1987 [10[2) (a) & (b)].

Appendix IV gîves additional detàils of the Laboratory Recognitfon Scheme (LRS) of the
‹ Bureau of Indian Standards.

The present proposal seeks to upgrade the Quality Control Laboratories under the
Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam. The basic purpose of the
above mentioned upgradation is to strengthen the functioning of these Laboratories and to
make therri compliant with the requirements for accreditation by the National Accreditation
Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is an autonomous body
the aegis Qf Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. As stated earlier,
the Gov’ernment of India has authorised NABL as the sole accreditation body for Testing and
Calibration Laboratories. Further, this accreditation wlll facilitate the above QC Laboratories
to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards (B/S) as per the provisions of the BIS

Offise of tbe SenJor Ouality Control Offices

Department Of Industries & Commerce, GovL of Assam

'^,^e ra t ed from +°Office boy Chandan Talîikdar, QA(CT), JUffIOR AS

!STANT, Co is 7
siane rate at lodustries and
Commerce on 2 s zo4xzoz4 o :‹”z Pal
IC -IOMSME(Q g )/ 1 / 2023-B R-)-CIC -Commi
SSiC!*!er ät f2 öf Ïndustrie s an d COmm rCe (Computer
e 0
Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

ALt. Such recognition from the BIS wilt enable the QC Laboratories to get substantial
additional business from th”e testing of item's iike steel, cement, potable water etc. which will
”boost tfieir;status and revenues. Iri view of the above; it is proposed to get Accreditation
“from NABL in the following fields

• Steel {physical & chemica()

• cement (physical & chemical)
• Drinking water (physical, chemical & microbiological)
” • Plywood (physical & chemical).

. Already, a proposal has been sanctioned by the Department of industries & Commerce for
funds in connection with NABL accreditation in the fields of steel and textiles. Steps like
Notice Inviting Tender for consultant; repair and calibration of machines has been taken in
the above i¿ientioned fields of steel and textiles.
' The foÏlöwing aspects are cover.ed under ihe preseht proposal:
”” ' • Orgp‘nizàtional U’pgradation
• : Formation of Society
”• Rejuvenation of QC Laboratories at Tézpur, Silchar & Bongaigaon

The above cümponents òf the Proposat are dïscussed in detail in the fotlowing sub section.

The details and need of the above prop°'°! for organizational upgradation are given in
Section 4” of the Proposal. The same has been summarized below. It may be noted that the
above upgradation proposal Involyes .no creation of new posts or purchases of items
requiring additional financial outlay.

organizational Aspects

Organizationai Lfpgradation

The. proposal seeks to upgrade the Quality Control Lab0ratories under the Departrrient
of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam as follows:
•” Upgradation of the Office of the Qua/itY Control Offices to Deputy Dlrector |QuaIity
Control) or Project Ma.nager IQuality Control) by utilizing existing post of the
Department; and

• Placing all the existing QC Laboratories in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar
under the control of the•above Deputy Director (Quality Control) or Project Manager

• (Quality Control).

The proposed organizational structure of the QC Laboratory system is given ai: Page
No. 6 of the main body of the Proposal.

At present, the QC Laboratories are funCtfoning directly under the Commissioner of

Industries & Commerce, Assam. Since they have no direct linkages with one another, the
'functioning of the laboratories is not coordinated. The infrastructural facilities and
utilization of manpower of the QC Laboratories at Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar have

Office of the Senior Quality Confroî Offî@

Department of lndustr.ies & Commerce, Govt, of Assam
Generated from eoffice by ChanÖar\,
TaJùkdar, Jè( CT), JUNIOR AS/!STANT, COIT} i85i n F
a d ate at Industries and
Commerce on 25/o4z2024 0ï: 1 2 PMI
-lC-IOMSME(QC) Z1/2023-B R-I-CIC-Somm issionerate of
Industries and Commerce (Computer No
! 1314301/ 2023/
fiFOgOSü1 Upgrd¢ÏatiOfl of Q‹tafi( fi:0ntt0l 1aboFatOfiz’S

become sub-optirrial. The present proposal seeks to rejuvenate and streamline the
functioning of the above Laboratories by placing them under the proposed Deputy
Director (Quality Control) or Project Manager {Quality Control).

The above upgradation need not be done by creation of post. Existing post of Deputy
Director / Project Mannger in the Department of Industries & Commerce may be utilized
and designated as Deputy Director (Quality Control) or Project Manager (Quality
Control) to head the entire QC Laboratory system of the Department.

(b) Formation of Society

The propnsal also seeks to form a ’Quality Control Society’ under the Department of
Industries & Commerce in order to perform certain taskf in relation to the Dualité
Control Laboratories of tf\e above Department. the Additional Oirector of the Office of
the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Assam may act as its Chairman whiîe the
Deputy Oirector (Quality Control) or Project Manager (Quality Control} {or the Senior
Quality Control Offirer in case the above posts are not created) may function as its
Memher Secretary. The proposed Society shall have some management and fînancia\
functions to be detailed at Sub-section 2.4.2 of the Proposaf (Page Nos. J3-16). ”thèse
are summarited below:

Steering Committee of the Society: A Steering Commlttee of the Society will be formed
to monitor the activities and performance of the Quality Contro| Laboratory system. The
Deputy Director {QUal ttY Control) or Project Manager (Quality Contro!) |or the Senior
Quality Control Officer in case the above posts are not created] will submit all
expenditure verified by the Audit cell, all activities carried out by the laoorat’ories,
proposal in connection with up gradation of laboratories like procurement of
consumables, training etc. The Steering Committee of the Society will examine all the
expenditure, proposal submitted by Deouty Dir 'CtO£ {Quality Control) or Project
Manager (Quality Control) [or the Senior Quality Control Officer in case the above posts
are not created] and it will be empowered to take necessary decision after tf\oiough
examTnatio». The Committee with issue necessary instruction to Senior Quality Control
Officer after taking final nod from the Commis’sioner of Industries & Commerce, Assam
of the decision taken by the above Committee. The Steering committee may be fcrmed
with the following officers:

1 Additional Director
Office of the Commissioner of Industries &
Commerce, Assam
• 2 Joint Director (SP),
Office of the Commîssioner of Industries &
Commerce, Assam
3 Senior Finance & Accounts officer,
Office of the Commissioner of Industries &
Commerce, Assam

Office of tAe Senior Quality Control Dtlicer

Department of Industries B Commerce, Govt. of Assam

Generated from eoffice by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT), JUNIOR A
Industries and Commerce on 2 s xo‹ z zoz‹ o‹. z Pr
SSISTANT, Commissionerate of
IOMS ME(QC)/1”?2O33-BR -I- CIC-Comrñissi
O ñe F ate of lndustri?s and
COmm r C e (ComplJ t
proposal ' , Upgradation of Quality tOrItroI LaboratOFieS

” ”4 ” Oeputy Director (Qua)lty Control) or Projéct”Manager IVlember Secretary

(Quality’Control)’[or.the Senldr Quality Control
Cifficer in case the aboye posts are not Créated}
“ ” ”. Office of the Commissioner of Industries & ” ' '
'” ” . - Commerce, Assam

”” ' .’ ” ” The Steering Committe’e of the Society will stt once i”n every three months.

Operation of ‘Office Po”ol of Funds". It is proposed to create an ‘Office Pool of Funds’

*, . ”” under the Society to meet the expenses needed to ooerate and maintain the QC
Labératories. It may be noted that NABL accreditation / BIS recognition is not a one-time
phenomenon. Once the laboratory gets accredited / recognized for some specific tests
or calibration parameters, accreditation / recognition of the laboratory shall be valid for
a specified period only and NABL / BSS shall conduct periodical surveillance of the
laboratory on annual basis. Hence, the maintenance of all equipment has to be
undertaken as per the norms for both preventive a»d breakdown maintenance, in order
that tfie organization is compliant with the accreditation standards of NABL. In addition,
z:ertain expenditures like payment of electricity bills, purchases of consumables, training
of staff,’ calibration / repair / servicing of Equipment etc. have to be undertaken In time
s’othat.the laboratories can function effectively.

At present, the revenues being earned from the testing and inspëctiÖn fees are
depo5ited to the Government exchequer through treasury chaI1an. The above
'mechanism has been suggested in order to avoid the present difficuities in the smopth
t’ ” functioning of the Office due to factors like frregular upkeep of machinerles; Non-
° caliLiratiori of machineries; lrregular payment”of Ëlectritity Bitts due to late release of
funds; lrregular procurement of consumables hampering the smooth working of .the
. Iaboratorie5; Lack of Laboratory managerrient system as per national / international
standard and Non recognition of the QC laboratory from BIS & non accreditation of

The above mentioned Office Pool”of Funds thus created under the Society will be utilized
for purposes such as proper maintenance and repairing of machineries; annual
calibration” of machineries; meeting the overhead expenses like electricity bill, fax etc.;
training of laboratory personal for up'gradation of skills; exposure trip of the existing
manpower to explore new opportunities;’ technology procurement and business
deveIopment;"recognition of laboratory from Bureau of Indian Standards & its timely
rénewal; accreditation of laboratory from NationaI”Accred¡tation Board for Calibration &
' Testing of Laboratories; promotion & publicity of the laboratory for effective marketing
and organizing seminar for quality awareness among smâlJ sCale industrial sector.

” . The Senior Quality Control Officer will submit the expenditure proposal to the Steering
' Committee highlighting the requirements along with the financial outlay, The Steering
Committee after examination of the proposaJ and if fund position is satisfactory will
approve the expenditure proposal. The amou'nt approved will be kept from the revenue

" Office oftfie Senior Quality Control Œficer ' ”

” Depaftrnent of Industries &.Commerce, Govt.,ef Assam
üMS ME( QC) /’1/”2O2 ’3 /.BR -I .-CIC -C0m mis si o n er ate
i 1 $.ï 4ÛO1/ZO2-3/ BR A N CH -I
.' . : • . of Industries and (Computer o
pioposal Upgradatlox of Quality Côntro1 Laboratories t

”collection. and the balance will be deposited into the Government exchequer through
Treasury Challan.

“ ”” “ ” The.' Senior Quality Contro( ”Office will maintain proper accounts and other relevant
records as per existing financial norms with respect to the above Office POoI of Funds of
the SoClety. The accounts of the Senior Quality Control Offices (incl. the above proposed
Office ’Pool of Funds of the Society) wiIÏ be audited by the Audit Cell headed by
Finance & Accounts Officer (FAO) under the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
Assam once in. every three months, The Senior Quality Control Offfter will prepare an
annual report in each flnancial year giving full account of its activities during the
previous Financial Year & submit a œpy to the Commissioner of Industries &
Commerce, Assam incfuding the utilization of the above proposed Office Pool of Funds of
the Society.

’‘¡1, Appendix Il gives details related to the Formation of Society.

(r) Réjuvenation of. QC Laboratories at Tezpur, Bongaigaon & Silchar

This composent has two aspects:

• To ”activate the above QC Laboratories and make them act as collection offices /
:contact offices ’of the QC Laboratory at ”Guwahati to secure additional testing
avenues (1’ Phase in short term)
• To augmenting the machineries and equipment, officers and staff etc. and making
the above’QC Laboratories compliant with the NABL / BIS requirements (2' d Phase in
the longer term)

* Capaci Building

’Measures wi]I be taken for the capacity building of the officers and staff tô handle the
requirements for NABL accreditation / BIS recognîtion. lt may be noted that NAB1
accreditatlon requires that the laboratories seeking accreditation be assessed in accordante
with ISO/IEC 1702s:2005 [for testing and calibration laboratories). As per ISO/IEC
17025'2005; the laboratory management has to ensure the competence of the personnel
who operate the equipment or who perform the tests, evaluate the results and sign test
reports ànd calibration certificates. (Section S.2.1), The concerned personnel shaft have the
. required training and experience as wëlt as personal tertification as deemed necessary. The
management shatî have to formufate the goais for their training. Hence, the capacité
, . building of the officers and staff has to be done on a continuons basis. Moreover; exposure
trip ” will be provided to the ex/sting Dfficers for exploring new ideas and opportunities,
business development and technolngy procurement, appoir\tment of consultant for new
”””. ventures etc.

Proposed Financial Outlay

' '’* ' . ”” .’” .There is no financial requirement”under the present proposal for creation of posts and the
purcfiase of equipment & machinery:

Oiiite of the Senior Quality Control 0ffic9r

Department of lndustries & Commerce, Govt.”of Assam
*8nerated !YO!T* BOffice by‘ Chalidàn Talukdar,
tfi IO SME(QC) /1/2O23-BR -’I-ClC-Commissionerate ,of
;/t3}tgŚ .J /2OZ3/BftANCH-I
lndustries and Commerce (Computer N‹
' -” ” Proposal

3. Need for the Proposal

Section 3 gives the need for the”proposal from the following grounds and the same may be
referred to in this regard: (Table at next page may be seen for a brief summary)
. • Ne’ed on account of Economic Changes
• Based on SWOT Analysis of the Office
• Need for NABL Accreditation
• Need for BfS Recognition
• Need for Formation of Society
• Need for Organizational Upgradation
• N,eed for ’Office Pool o f Funds’

4. Concluśion
In conclusion, it is again stated that the basic purpose of the upgradatjon of the QC
LabDratories under the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam is to
' strengthen their functioning. The above upgradation proposal does not involve the creation
of new posts or purchases of items requiring additional financial outlay. The existing post of
Deputy Director / Project Manager of the Department may be used for this purpose to head
all the QC Laboratories under the under the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
Government of Assam. This will strengthen the functioning of these laboratories and revive
the moribund laboratories in places like Tezpur, gongaigaon and Silchar. Further, a Society is
,’ proposed to be formed so as to enable the smooth functioning of the above laboratories by
• enabling them to receive guidance from the Steering Committee of the Society as well as
”readymade infusion of funds through the proposed mechanism of ‘Office Pool of Funds’
'under the Society.

The above proposal seeks to make these laboratories compliant wtth the requirements for
accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(NABL), whlch has been authorized by the Government of India as the sole accreditation
body for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. This accreditation wil! facilitate the above QC
”Laboratories to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) under Section 10
(1) h of The BIS ACt 1986 and the BSS Rules, 1987 [10(2) (a) & (b)].

It rńay be ńoted that such recognltion from the sis will enable the above QC Laboratories to
• ' get substantiaf additiona) business from the testing of items like steel, cement, potable
water”etc. which will boost the status and revenues of these QC Laboratories. Recognition
from BIS for the QC Laboratories will help the MSME sector in the state in areas like steel,
”; cement, drinking water, paint, textiles etc. for convenient testing of their output and this will
‘; help such units to secure additional markets.

Hence, the Covemment may approve the proposal in the larger interest of the Industrial
sector of the state as well as for the smoother and coordinated functioning of the above QC
” , ” Laboratories under the Commissioner of lndustries & Commerce, Government of Assam.

Office of the 3enior Quality Control Officer

Department of lndustries & Oommerce, Govt. oi Assairi

’ ” ” *“ ’ ”’ " ” '” * ' 12

Ger\erated from eOffice by Chandan -Talukdar, jA(CT), jUNlOR
ASslsTAfłT, COltimissioneraŁe of Industries
and Cammerce on 25/04/2p z• o‹: z PM
” ” ” *”'/””“‘" *t” ”" “Tt” ” t”“”

Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

SI. Sub Sestion Remar%sin8ref

”1 ' Need on account of Economic Changes In order to catch the emergent economic frends and to match the group demand for qvaJly products in the maNe\ the
Government of Assam has initiated steps to upgrade the existing Quality Control Laboratory to maka them compliant with the " 0
requirements for NABL accreditation which lull help them to becomP BIS recognized. The proposal will facilitate the same.
? 8ased on SWOTAnalysis of lbe office Based on the SWOT Analysis at I?age Nos. 19 and 20, it is obvious that the OC Laboratories yndef the Department need to
be sttenglhened to mee[the oppoitunities and threats on account of the evolving economic circumstances.
3 Need for NABL ACcreditation Na#onaî Accreditation Board for TesËng and CaIibfdÎiDf\ Laborat0ries (NABL) is an autonomous body under the aegis of
Department of Science & Technology, Govemment of India. NABL is authorized by the Govemment of India as the sole
accredîtation body for Testirg ans Calibration Laboratories in India. N/\BL accréditation wilt bring many beneîits listed at
Page No. 21.
4 Need for BIS Recognition The recognition from BIS will help the NSW sector in Assam, since the units will be easily able to access the QC
Laboratories without taking the effort and time la contact BIS recognized laboratories outside the region. further, such users
of BTS recognized lad0ratory will •@z 8reater access for their products, when these are tested by accredited / recognized
laboratories. 'O
5 Need for Formation of Society The formation of the Society is neéded as this will streamline fhe management of the OC Laboratories as envisaged under
lS/l50/IEC 17025, act as ’a source of management and technical control on the activities of the Quality Control Laboratories
functioning under the aegis of the Department through the f¢rmafion and operation of the Steering Cormilfee Df Ihe Society
as descnbed under Sub-section 2.4.2 (at Page Nos.,13-14) and through the operation of the ‘Once Pool of Funds'. Fulher, o’
the existence of similar societies formed by several State Covernmenl DepaXments as listed at Page Nos. 22-24 supports
the proposed step.
6 Need for Organizational Upgradation This proposal will entail no creation of post in the Department as existing post of the Department of Industries & Commerce
can be utilized. A senior oflicer of suitable level will be available and empowere‹i to deal with organizations like NABL and
BIS as per the requirements of IS/ISOñEC 17015:2005. The QC Laborabries in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaa and Silchai
which are now moribund can be reactivated under the above set up. The above Upgradation will enable th9 QC Laboratories
to serve the MSME sector of Assam in a meanfigful way for sting lheir needs for quality certification. The above
Upgradation will improve the revenues and status of the QC Laboraory system functioning under the Department.
7 Need for ’Office PoDI of Funds' This is necessary for the timely and regular payment of electricity bills, maintenance and calibration of test equipment,
purchases of consumables, training of stall, calibration of equipment etc. have to be undertaken in time so that the
laboratories can function effectively and meet the NABL / BIS standards for the suitability, calibration ard maintenance of
test equipment used by the Office as provided under of 1S/ISO/IEC 17025:200a.

Office of Ïhe Senior Quality Controî”Dfficer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam
i.c-,i0Ns> (QC)/ yz”o23-au-i-cic-Com„,;ssisnerate of in
dustries. and Commërce (Compu.ter N‹
Upgrêdätion ol Quality Control Laboratories


1.1. Background
In 1964, the Government of Assam had introduced the Qua(ity Control scheme through the
(then) Industries Oepartment. This was done in order to promote quality consciousness
amongst the upcoming small”scale uñits of the state and to provide testing and quality
assurance tertification facilities to such units.

The Quality Control Office was established in 1970 along with a mechanical and chemical
laboratory at the Industrial Estate in Bamunimaida’m, Guwahati. Subsequently, the above
office was upgraded as the Senior Quality Control Office in order to meet the increased
demands for quality control services amongst the industrial units in the state.

1:2. Organizatiorial ObjeÙives

The objectives ofthe Senior CtuaIity.Control Office include the foîlowing:

• To promote quality consciousness among the industrial units.of the state and to support
them to produce quality goods;
• To provide testing faCfiities to cottage & smart scale industries and to assist them in
attaining uniform product standards;
• To provide technical sUggestJons regardjng the process of manufacturing, mixing
perceritage of raw materials and Inventory control to reduce the cost of production
besides ensuring the quality of the final product;
• To”provide testing and certification facilities to variods small scale industries conforming
to the BIS standards and other standards laid down by the purchasers from time to time;
j' and
• To ensure (in its own services) total customer focus and satisfaction by communicating
with them more effectively, adhering to strict time schedules of completion of job and
by reporting accurate and reliable results.

1.3. Organizational Structure

As stated at above, the Senior Quality. Control Office functions under the aegis of the
Department of Iridustries & Commerce, ”Government of Assam. There are four Quality
Co”nt”rol Laboratories in the state as follows:
• ÔC Laboratory.- Guwahati-;
• üC Laboratory - Tezpur;
• CIC Laboratory - Bongaigaon,‘and
• QC Laboratory - Silchar.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer .

Department of Industries & Commerce, Covt of Assafiz 1

fndUstrîes and Commerce on 25 x04/2o2e oj , j g pjq
IC-IOMS ME(Q Cț/1/ 2Õ 23 -BR-I-CIC- Commis
sionera te of l'ndustries a nd Comm”erce ”
,.T3l /2ßZ3 er No
Upgradation of.Quality Control Laboratories t

Of the above laboratories, only the first named (viz. the QC Laborätory at Guwahati) iS
functioning smoothly. The others are in need of renovation and stren,gthenlng.

The existing organizational structure of the above QC Laboratory system is given at overleaf
(Page No. 3). It may be noted that the”QC Laboratories in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and
Silchar report directly to the Office of the Commissioner Of Industries & Commerce, Assam.

The above system oi QC taboTatories functions as per the guidelines laid down by the
Commìssione’r’ of Industries & Commerce, Assam. The manpower structure at the different
laboratories is summarized below in a tabular format.

Appendix I gives the Guwahati

status of the’ above
Tezpurlaboratories of the Department
B0ngaigąon Silchar of Industries
Total &
Commerce, Government of Assam.
Senior QG Ofścer
CenpaloCof Revenues
The Oficer of revenues by the Senior Quality Control Office
1 is tabulated below for the past
few years.
QC EXaminer 6 1 1 1 9

Financial Year .Revenues

(Rs. in Lakh)
2006-07 9.92
2007-08 11.30
2008-09 16.77
2009-10 ' 13.22
2010-11 1s.29
2011-12 21.50

Officè of the Sepior Quality Control Officer

Department •f Industries ß Commerce, Govt. of Assam 2

Gt Fi E'Fi t ed from eoffice by Chand an Talukdar, jA(CT},

JUNIOR ASSISTANT, Commissionerate of
Industries and Commerce o n 2 s z0<zyoyą O j. ¿ p{V¡




QC Officer Assistant Manager Central QC Officer Q0 Officer QC Officer QC Officer

Tezpur Bongaigaoh 3llchar 0

oc nc QC OC
Eaamlner Examiner Examiner Examiner

QC Laboratory DC Laboratory QC Laboratory QC Laboratory

Tezpur Guwahati Bongaigaon Sllchar

Organizational Structure of the QualitY Control Laboratories (Existing) q

Oifice of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Ospartmenr ef Industries & Commerce, GDv1 of Assam 3
0M SME(QC)/1/”2O23- BR-I -CIC-CC} M SS io Fï erate of InduS trie s and Comm r Ce (Compute r hI‹

Upgradation of Quality Conùol Laboratories

Organizational Activities

Existing Testing FacÏlities underthë Office

The QC Laboratory at Gowahati under the Offtce of the Senior Quality Control Offices has the
iollowing testing faCilities:
Phpieal & Chemical meeting of Steël.
Physical & Chemical testing of Cement
Physicat & Chemical testing of Plywood
PhySiCal & Chemical testing of PVC pipe
Physicat, Chemical & microbiologicai test of potable water.
Testing of Paper as per relevant IS standard.
Testing of Textile, Paint as per relevant IS ständard.
Quality assurance of Steel furniture, black board, chalk pencil etc-
Quality assurance of tent, tarpaulin etc.

the above existing facilities had been upgraded recently in order to make the QC
Laboratory fit to get accreditation status from National Accreditation Board for Calibration &
Testing Laboratories (NABL). This is necessary to obtain recognition from the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) under Section 10 (1) h of The BIS Act 1986 and the BIS Rules, i g7
(1D{2) (a) & (b)]. This will enable the QC Laboratories to test items like steel, cement,
drinking'water etc, as a BIS recognised laboratory..

New Facilities: Setting up of Assaying & Hallmarking Centre

The Covernment of India has identified the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as the sole
.”agency to implement the scheme for hallmarking of gold jewellery in India. The scheme is
voluntary in nature. The BIS Hallmarking Scheme. is as per the international criteria fQr
hallmarking (Vienna Convention, 1972). The jewel\ers can be licensed under the 815
Hallmarking Scheme and they can get their jewellery I allmarked from any recognized
Assaying & Hallrriarking Centre. The latter are recognised as per the relevant BIS criteria, in
line with the international standards. The above scheme could not materialize in Assam as
there is no /\staying & Hallmarking Centre in the entire N.E. Region. However, a few
Jewellers often go to Kolkata to get their jewellery hallmarked there. Due to absence of
recognised Hallmarking Centre, the customers of gold jewellery are not getting the benefits
of above Hallmarking scheme.

In order to bridge this gap; the Senior Quality Control Office under the .Industries &
Commerce Department has set up an Assayíng & Haitmarking Centre at Bamunïmaidam,
Gawahati-21. The centre had been offlcially inaugurated on 13 t* May 2013. Presently, the
Centre hàs received BIS recognition on 8'h Nov 2018 to start its function. This will facilitate
services of Assaying & Hallmarking”of Gold & Si|ver jewellery to the licensees of the NER
under BIS Halimarking Scheme. The cé'ntre is the first of its kind In the entire NE Region of
lrtdia and equipped with state-of-art equipments for the Assaying & Nallmarking centre. Tne

Office ofthe Senïor Quality Condom OfFfcer

t r•n In us ’iœ & C
t ț , lOMSME( QC)Ź1ñ2O23 -BR-I-CIC -Co”mm issio ner ćï t
e of l F I dustri eS a Fl d C0mm” rc
.ï 3} 43Çł1/2OZ 3 / BR, AN C H -I e e (ComplJ t Зr N‹
Upgradation ofOua(ity Control Laboraforfes t

óssayíng & 'Ț9StÏng fäCflÍfies of.the centre are in the’ line with the National/ International
stan’da”rd. ”

' Üp-coming Facilitieś ” ” ”” .”

The following up-coming facilities are planned under the auspices of the Office of the Sen›or
Quality Control Officer:

(t) Gemstone Testing Laboratory

’* °' The above activity is planned in order to rendèr public service to the people of Assam so
as to instil consumer confidence among them. This is needed since the booming
gemstone business of the state is getting mixed up with synthetics and imitation stones.
It is hence proposed to provide commercial service for identification, authentication and
certificatlon of the gemstones, based on the non-destructive analysis of the gemstones.
The report will also indicate a qualitative assessment of the gemstone based on 4 ’Cs‘
(Cut, Carat weight, Colour and Clarity). Special chąracters )ike spectroscopìc result,
optical.effects and external flaws are to be mentioned in the report.

(d) Common Facility Cantre (for providing facilities to local jeweliery manufacturers]

It is planned to establish a. common facilitation centre for the benefit of small-scale

jewellery makers of the state. Any.small manüfacturer now had access to these facilities
here. The ceńtre will offer a host of sarvices at nominal cost to Ehe small scale jewe\hers
of the state.

z.s. Proposal in Brief

This document has been prepared and submitted in connection with the Proposal for the
Upgradation of the Quality Control Laboratories under the Department o£ Industries &
Commerce, Government of Assam. The proposal has major components as follows:

(a) Organizational Upgradation

The‘proposal seeks to upgrade the Quality Control Laboratories under the Department
of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam as follows:
• Upgradation of the Offiče/of’the Quality Control Officer to Deputy Director (Quality
, Control) or Project Manager (Qua(ity Control) by utilizing existing post of the
Department; and
• Placing all the existing QC Laboratories in places like Tezpur, 8ongaigaon and Silchar
un.äer the control ef the above Deputy Director (Quality Control) òr Prpject Manager”
(”Quality Control).

The proposed organizational structure of the CtC Laboratory system is given at Page
No. 6 as cončepțualized under the present proposal.

!’ 0ffi'ce of thè Senior Quality Control Ofłicer

' Depârtmént o( Industries &‘Commerce, ĞovŁ of Assam

18 .
*GÏenèraÎed from eOffice Y ”Chandan Talukõar, QA(CT), JuNJOR ASSISTANT',
CDmrnissionerate of Industries and Commerce on 2'З zü4/2oz4 o :‹z Plot
U had tIOn Of Quality Control Laboratories " ” “ "" ""” ""“*' “”




• QC Ot fiser ur Assistant Manager Central QC Officer QC Officer QC Olf Si1ch
QC Officer Bongaigaon iCer ar
Tezp O

Examiner Examiner

QC Laboratory Tezpur QC Laboratory QC Laboratory QC Laboratory

Gvwahati Bongaigaon Silchar

Organizational Structure of the Quality Control Laboratories (Proposed)

¿ Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 6

t C -I0MS ME(Q C)/ .1 X.20 23 -8R -I-CI C-Com m issionerate
of Industries and” Commerce (Computer N‹

(b) Formation of Society

The proposat also ”sedM to form a Society under the Depâr\ment of lndu”stries. &
Commerce, Government of Assam to perform certain tasks in relation to thü above
Quality Control Laboratories. The proposed Society shall have some manage’ment and
financiàl functions to be detailed in the subseqüent sections.

(c) Rejuvenation of QC Laboratories”at Tezpur, Bongaigaon & Silchar

This component has two aspects:

To activate the above QC Laboratories and make them aCt as collection offices /
contact offices of the QC Laboratory -at Guwahati to secure additional testing
avenues {J° t Phase in short term)
To augmenting the machineries and equipment,”officers ând staff etc. and making
the above QC Laboratories compliant with thé NABL / BIS requirements (2 n* Phase in
the longer term)

[The details and need of the above proposal for organizational upgradation are given
in the subsequent sections of this Proposal.]

The basic purpose of the upgradation is to strengthen the functioning of the laboratories
under the above office and to make them compliant with the requirements for accreditation
by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is
an autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Government
of India. The Government of India has authorised NABL as the sole accreditation body for
Testing and Calibration Laboratorfes.

As per the Laboratory Reco$nitiOn Sc’neme fLR5) of the BJS; the laboratory seeking
recognition shall have accreditation to IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or 1SO/IEC 17025 in the respective
field of testing, such as Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Microbiological, as applicable.
The accreditation body (through which the Accreditation is taken by the applicant tab) shall
be a fu1! member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC) and/or
International laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC). It may be noted that NABL fulfils
the above criterion.

Hence, this accredttation will facilitate the above QC Laboratories to seek recognition from
the Bureau of /ndian Standards |BlS).under Section 10 |1) h of The BIS Act 1986 and the BIS
Rules, 1987 [10(2) (a) @ (b)]. Such recognition from the BIS will enable the QC Laboratories
to get”Substantial additional business from the testing of items like steel, cement, potable
water etc.. which will boost the status and devenues of the QC Laboratories under the
CoMrrlÏ5Sioner af Industries & Commerce, Government.of Assam.

It may be noted that the BIS Product Certification scheme Is essentially voluntary in narure.
However, the Government of India, On considerations of public heatth and safety, security,
infrastructure requirements and mass consumption has enforced mandatory certification on
various products through Orders issued from time to time under various Acts. The list of

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. af Assam

enerated from eOffice by chandan Talukdar, jA(CT},
)UNIOR ASSISTANT, Commissionerate of
Industries and Commerce on zs xo‹z zoz‹
o :‹z pM
ÿC-IoMSME(QC)’/1/2023-BR-I-CIC-Commissionerate’ of Industries and Commerce (Computer No.
Upgradation of Quality C0OtF«i Labôratories

by. BIS iricTudes Packaged drinking water (IS

items covered under Mandatary Certificatiori (IS 269), Portland
14543);” Cement items such as 33 grade Or’dinaFy Portland Cement
Slag Items covered under
Cement (IS 455), 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (IS 8112) etc;
the (Quality
ETectrical Wires, Cables, /\pp|iünces and Protection Devices and Accessories
Control) tubular
order, 2003; Steel tubes for structural purposes (IS 1161), Mind steel tubes,
products Steel tubes
and other wrought steel fittings Part 1 Mild steel tubes (IS 1239(Pt1)],
used for (plain and
watür wet\s (Up to 200 mm dia.) (IS 4270); ca lvanized steel sheets
c orrugate d)
under IS 277 etc.
new posts OI pU rChdSe S ^f it e ” 5
Yhe above upgradation proposal involves no creation of
requiring additional financiai outlay.

The Proposal gives the following details:

(a) Details Of the Proposal: giving the aspects like:

• Organîzational tJpgradati^’
• Formation of Society
Bongaig aon and Silchar;
• Rejuvena tion of the QC Laboratories at Tezpur ,

, (b) The Need for the PropoSat; ÂDd

(c) Conclusion.
pages given hereafter.
The pertinent details may be perused in the following

Off:ce öf the Senior Quality Control Officer 8

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of AsS6lzt

Gt/nerated from eÒffice by Chandan Talukdar. JÀ(CT ), )UNIOR ASSISTANT, Commissio nerate of lndu stries and Commerce on 2s zO4 z2O24 pi :1 2 PM
I MS ME(Q C )/1” / 2023- BR -I-”CIC -C om mis sio nera
of ln d”ustries and (Comput
!!q 31. 01/ 2023 XBRANCH-I Commerce
' , IJpgrad6tiox of Qfiałity Cótt(rol Laborataries

Details of the Proposal

This Petion gives the details of the present proposal for the Upgradation of the Quality
Control Laboratories under the Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer, Department of
Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam. The basic puroose ol the upgradation is to
strengthen the functioning of the laboratories under the above office and to make them
compliant with the requirements for accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is an autonomous body under the negls
of Department of Science & Tgchnology, Government of India. This accreditation will
facilitate the above QC Laboratories to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS). Such recOg/?ition trDm the Bls will
enable the CIC Laboratories to get substantial additional business from the testing of items
like steel; cement, potable water etc. (many of which are covered under ’Mandatory
Certification’ by B!S under various statutory protrisions).

” As stated earlier, the above upgradation proposal involves no creation af po‹ts or purchases
ot items requiring add‹tiona1 financial outlay.

2.1. Laboratory Accreditation from NABL

Laboratory Accreditation

The concept of Laboratory Accreditation was developed to provide a means for third-party
certification of the competence of faboratorier to perform specific typo|s) of testing and
calibration. Laboratory Accreditatian pravides förmat recognition of competent laboratories,
thus providing a ready means for customers to find reliable testing and calibration services
in order to meet their demands. Laboratory Accredi¢ation enhances customer Confidence in
accepting testing/ calibration reports issued by accredited taboratories.

Laboratory accreditation uses criteria and procedures specificaI|y developed to determine

technical competence. Specialist technical asSé5sOFs tonduct a thorough evaluation of atl
factors in a laboratory that affect the production of test or- calibration data. The criteria are
based on the international standards called ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO 15189, which are used for
evaluating Laboratories throughout the world.

The globalization of Indian economy and the liberalization policies initiated by the
Government in reducing trade barriers and providing greater thrust to exports makes it
i›iperacive for Accredited Laboratories to be at international level of competence as per ISO
17025 or equivalent standards. Accordingly, the Government of India established the NABL,
as described below.

National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories

National Accreditation Board for Testing and 'Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is an
autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Government of

Office of the Senior Quality Control Ołficer nerated from eOffice by Chandan Tąlukdar, jA(CTj,
Department of lndustrfes B Commerce, Govt. of Assam juNlOR ASSISTANT, COmmissionerate of

and Commerce on 2s zo‹ x zoz‹ o :‹z płvl
QC Jź'1 /2O23t ł3R-1-ClC-CommissidnI2rćIte e s (Com”pu”te
Of lńd tri and
iI3 1 01/ZOZ 3 X B RANCH-I ' .
'” ' Proposal ' *” . ”” Upgradation ol Quallty Cońtrol Laboiatońes
!t . ” ””

India. NABL is registered under the Societie's Aet. 18âa. .It has bee’n established with the
objective at providing Government, Industry Assoctatfons” and Industry in general with a
” scheme for. third party assessment of the quality and technical corripetence of testing and
” calibration laboratories.

The Government of India has authorised NABL as the pie accreditation body for Testing
* and Calibration Laboratories. The major sectors in which NABL has granted accreditation
are Textiles, Automobiles, Power, Telecom, Petroleum, Food, Health and Environment. As
• on date, more than 1600 laboratories have NABL accreditation, out of which ZO% are
Government laboratories.

I\WABI accreditation is not a one-time phenomenon. Once the laboratory gets accredited for
some specific tests or calibration parameters, accreditation to a laboratory shall be valid for
a period of two years and NABL shall conduct periodical surveillance of the laboratory on
annual, basis. Laboratory shall apply for renewal of accreditation to NABL at least six months
before the expiry of the validity of accreditation.

Appendix III gives the process of accreditation by NABL.

Progress in FY 2013-14
A proposa|” has been sanctioned by the Department of Industries & Commerce for funds in
connection with NABL accreditation in the fields. of steel and textiles. Steps like Notice
Inviting Tender for c0nsultant; repair and calibration of machines has been taken in the
above mentioned fields of steel and textiles.

2.2. Recognition by Bureau of Indian Standards

The Bureau of Indian standards (BIS), the National Standards Body of India responsible for
fcirrnulating Indian Standards was established under The Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
1gs6. To protect the interest of consumers, BIS operates a Product Certification Scheme.
Under the scheme; BIS grants licenses to such”manufacturers who are capable of producing
goods on continuous basis as per relevant Indian Standards. Testing being necessary adjunct
to product quality evaluation, the need for making available required testing facilities arises.
” ” To support the product ’certification sCheme, which requires testing of products on re 8ular
basis for.checking conformity to the relevant Indian Standards, BIS has established a network
.of eight laboratories. As it is neither physically possible nor economically viable for BIS
Laboratories to develop testing facilities for each and every product covered under BIS
Product Certification Scheme, a Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) has been formulated
with the Objective of having sufficient number of outside laboratories in India and abroad to
cater to.the needs of Product Certification Scheme.

” The BIS Product Certification Scheme is essentially voluntary in nature. However, the
' ' .“ Government of India, on considerations of public health and safety, security, infrastructure
réguirements and mass consumption has enforted mandatory certification on various
, products through Orders issued from time to time under various Acts.

" ” • ' , . ” Office of the Senior Quality Control Dfficer

' ” Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. oI’Assan 1

enerated from eOffi¢e by Chandan Talukdar, jA
(CT) JUNIOR ASĄIĄTANTp COmmissionera Łe of Industries and Cammerce
zszoez2oz‹ o1 : jz ppj
IC - I0MSME(QC) /1/ 2O23 -B R- f-CI C-C OMmissionera
industrie s and £? (CompUt £? r N‹
. \ 31 1/ 2023 X BFtANCH:-I
.ii. Proposal Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

The list of items covered under Mandatory Certification by BIS includes Packaged drinking
water (iS 14543); Cement items such -as 33 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (IS 269),
Portland Slag Cement (IS 455), 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement” (IS 81121 etc; Items
covered under the Electrical Wires, Cables, Appliances and Protection Devices and
Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2D03; Steel tubes for structural purposes (IS 1161), Mild
steel tubes, tubular products and other wrought steel fittings Part 1 Mild steel tubes [IS
1239(Pt1 l, Steel tubes used for water wells (up to 200 mm dia.) (IS 4270); Galvanized steel
sheets (plain and corrugated) under IS 277 etc.

, The Laboratory Recognition Scheme is governed by the provisions under Section 10 (l) h of
’' The BIS ACt 1986 and the BIS Rules; 1987 [10(2) {a) & (b)]. These statutory provisions
confer upon BIS, powers to recognize any laboratory in India or in any other country for carrying
out testing of samples in relation to use of the Standard.Mark and Such other functions as
may be necessary. The Rules also provide for de-recognition- of a recognized laboratory by
the Bureau for non-fulfillment of any condition laid down at the time of recognition. The
' ' guidelines for recognition and de-recognition of the laboratories have been laid aown by the
' , Bureau in:this scheme. BIS also maintains a register of such Laboratories as are recognized by
› it for testing of samples of articles or processes I» relation to relevant Indian Standards.

”' As per the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) of th+ BIS; the laboratory seeking
recognit”ion shatt have accreditation to lS/ISO/IEC 17025 or 150/IEC 17025 in the respective
field of testing, s\Jch as Mechanical, ElectriCal, Chemical and Microbiological, as applicable.
I' . The accreditation body (through which the Accreditation is taken by the applicant lab)
shall be a full member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co operation (APLAC)
• International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC). It may be noted that NABL fulfils
the above criterion.

.! * Hence, this accreditation will facilitate the QC Laborataries under the Department
of Industries & Commerce, Assam to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) under Section 10 (1) h of The BIS Act 1986 and the BIS Rules, 9g7 [z0(2) (z) & (b)].

Appendix IV gtves additional details of the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) of the
Bureau of Indian Standards.

2.3. Proposal Details

The present proposal seeks to upgrade the auality Control Laboratories under the
Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam. The basic purpose of the
above mentioned upgradation is to strengthen the functioning of these laboratories and
• make them compliant with the requirements for accreditation by the National Accreditation
Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), which is an autonomous body
the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. As stated earlier,
the Government of India has authorised NABL as the sole accreditation body for Testing and
Calibration Laboratories.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of industries & Commerce, Covt. of Assaizi 1
' enerated from eOfficq by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT), )UNIOR ASSISTANT, C
ommissionerate of I-ndustries and Commerce zs xo‹x zoz‹ a :‹z pM
IOMSME(Q C) ?1/2Ö2 3-BR-I-CIC -Commissiona rate
131 01/ 2023/ BRANCH-I of industries and Somm.erce (Computer No
Pmpose Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

The above accreditation gives” a format recogniti0n to competent Ïaboratories, thus

providing customers with assurance that the testing & calibration services provi’ded are
reliable and meet their requirements. Labora\ory actreditation also enhances the customer
confidence in accepting testing reports. The globBlÏZation of lndian economy and the
îiberalization ’policies initiated by the Government in reducing trade barrière and providing
greater trust to exporté make it imperative for the accredited laboratories to be at
international level of competence.

Further, this accreditation will facilitate the above QC laboratories to seek recognition
from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as per the provisions of the BIS Act. Such
recognition from the BIS will enable the QC Laboratories to get substantial additional business
from the testing of items like steel, Cement, potable water etc. which will boost their
status and revenues. It may be noted that many of these items are covered under the
under ’Mandatory Certification’ by BIS under various statutory provisions.

In view of the above, it As proposed to get Accreditation from NABL in the following fields

• Steel |physicaI & chemical)

• Cement (physical & Chemical)
• drinking water (physical, chemical & microbiological)
• Plywood (physical & chemical).
! ›
“ The fotlowing aspects will be covered under the present proposaT:

SI. Component of the Proposal Objective

1 Organizational Upgradation To piaco all QC laboratories of the Department of
Industries & Commerce under the”controI of Deputy
0ireCtor / Project Manager {QC) for improved
functional coordination
2 Formation of Society To form a Society under the Department of
Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam to
perform certain tasks in relation to the above Quality
Control Laboratories.
Formation of Society The proposed Society shall have some management
|Continued] and financial functions to be decailed in rhe
subsequent sections.
' 3 Rejuvenation of QC To activate the above QC Laboratories Ond make
Laboratories at Tezpur, them aEt as collection offices / contact offices of the
Sitchar & Bongaigaon QC Laboratory at Guwahati to secure additional
testing avenues {under 2” Phase in short term)
Io augmenting the machineries and equipment,
officers and staff etc. and making the above QC
Laboratories compliant with the NABL / Bl5
requirements (under 2nd Pf ase In the longer term)

Office of the Senior Qualify Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 12

- tGenerated from eofficÀ by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT), )UNIOR
ASSISTANT, COmmissionerate of Industries and Commerce on z s xo‹ z
zoz ‹ o‹ : z PN
-IC-IOM SE E(QC*)/ f”ń2 O2J-BR-I- CIC-CO
mrńissione xc i te of Í F l òustri es
,f3T4 Oì /2OZ3 XBR Co”m M er ce, (Comp.uter N‹
Upgradation of Quallty Con(rol Laboratories

The above components of the Proposal are discussed in detàil in the following sub-settion.

2.4. Organizational Aspects

This sub section discusses the details of the upgradation proposal for the following
• Organizational Upgradation
• Formation of Society
'” • Rejuvenation of QC Laboratories at Tezpúr, 5i(char & Bongaigaon

2.4.1. Organizational Upgradation

The present proposal seeks to upgrade the Quality Control Laboratories under the
Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam as follows:
• Upgradatlon of the Office of the Quality Cońtrol ”Officer to Deputy Oirector (Qua(ity
Control) or Project Manager (Qualitÿ Control)” by utilizing existing post of the
Department; and
e Placing att the existing QC Laboratories in píaces like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar
under the control of the above Deputy Oirector {Quality Control) or Project Manager
(quality Control).

The proposed orgațiizational struHure of the QC Laboratory system is given at earlier at

Page No. 6 of this Proposal.

At present, the QC Laboratories are functioning directly under the Commissíoner of

Industries & Commerce, Assam. 5¡nce they have no direct íinkages with one another, the
functioning of the Laboratories is not coordinated. The infrastructura) facilities and utilization
of manpower of the QC Laboratories at Tezpur, Bongaìgaon and Siłchar are becoming sub-
optimal. The present proposal seeks to rejuvenate and streamline the functioning of the
above Laboratories by placing them under the proposed Deputy Director (Quality Control) or
Project Manager (Quality Control).

ft noted that the above upgradation need not be done by creation of post. Existing
post of Deputy Director / Project Manager in the Department of Industries & Commerce,
Government of Assam may be utilized and designated as oeputy Director {Quality Control)
or Project Manager ÎQuality Control) to head the entire QC Laboratary system of the

. 2.4.2. Formation of Society

As stated earlier, NABL accreditation / 8I”S recognition is not a one-time phenomenort. Once
the laboratory gets accredited for some specific tests or Calibration parameters,
aćcreditation / rècognition conferred to a laboratory shall be valid for a period of two years
and NABL / BI5 shall conduct periodical surveillance of the laboratory on annual basis.

Office of the Sefłior Qualİty Control Officer

tłepartment of Industries & Commerce, Sovt. of Assa 13
LIC - I0MSME(QC) /1/ 2Ö23 -BR -I-CI C-COmmissi
onerate of İndustries and Commerce
f3I OI X2O23 / BRA (Computer No
Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

”w . Laboratory shall apply for renewal of accreditation to NAßL at least six months before the
expiry of the validity of accreditation. In cåse of shortfall in.upk”eep and number of functional
equipment, strength of manpower, adequacy of the power supply etc.; then such NABL
aćcreditatíon / els recognition maY be uzithdrawn.

Hence; the maintenance of a|I equipment has to be undć'rtaken as per the norms for both
preventive and breakdown maintenance, in arder that the organizatio» is compliant with the
accreditation / recognition standards of NABL / BIS respectively. In addition, certain
expenditures like payment of electricity bills, purthases of consumables, training of staff,
, calibration of equipment etc. have to be undertaken in time so that the laboratories can
function effectively and meet the NABL / BIS norms. The present proposal seeks to carry out
such maintenance gnd other expenditures through the following mechanism.

Formation of Society under Department of Industries & Commerce

A ’Quality Control Society’ may be formed under the Department of Industries & Commerce
to perform certain tasks ¡n relation to the Quality Control Laboratories functioning under the
aegts”of the above Department. The Additiona\ Director of the Office of the Commissioner of
Industries & Commerce, Assam may act as its Chairman.whiíe the Deputy Director {Quality
Control) or Project Manager (Quality Control) [or the Senior Quality Control Officer in case
the above posts are nor created) may function as tts Member Secretary.

The proposed Society shall have some management and financial functions to be detailed

Steering Committee of the Society

A Steering Committee of the Society wiìì be formed to monitor the activities and
performance of the Quality Control Laboratory system. The Deputy Director (Quality
Control) or Project Manager (Quality Cońtrol) [or the Senior Quality Controł Officer in case
the above posts are not created] will submit aid expenditure verified by the Audit cell, all
activities Carried out by the laboratories, proposal in Connection with up gradation of
laboratories like procurement of consumables, training etc.

The Steering Committee of the Society will examine all the expenditure, proposal submitted
by Deputy Director {Quality ContrDl] or Project Manager (auality Control) for the Senior
Quality Contro] Officer in case the above posts are not created] and it will be empowered to
take necessary detision after thorough examination. The Committee will issue necessary
instruction to Senior Quality Control Officer after taking finaf nod from the CoI+tmiSsfoner of
Industries & Commerce, Assam Of the decision taken by the above Committee.

The Steering committee may be formed with the following officers:

Office of the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,


Office of the Senior Quality Control Of(İcer

Depa Industries

Spпerated from
eoffice by Chandan Talukdar, JA(CT›, )UNIOR ASSISTANT,
Commissionerate of Industries zoz‹ a : z PM
and Commerce on zs xo‹z
-ic-I0 M SME(QC) /1/ZO23- B R - I- CIC - Com missionera”te of Industries.
..•t3 I Of 2023
and (Computer No
Upgradation of Oijatity Control Laboratories

2 ' ”Joint Director (SP), Member.

Office of the Commissioner of industries & Commerce,
3 Senior Finance & Accounts officer, Member
Office of the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
• Assam
4 Deputy Director (Quality Control) or Project Manager Member Secretary
(Quality Controll [or the Senior Quality Control Officer in
case the above posts are nat created]
Office of the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
The Steering Committee of the Society will sit once in every three months.

Operation of ’Office Pool of Funds’ ”

ft is proposed to create an ‘Office Pool of Fu»ds‘ under the Society to meet the expenses
needed to operate and maintain the QC Laboratories. It may be noted that NABL ”
accreditation / BIS recognition Is not a one-time phenomenon. Once the laboratory gets
accredited / recognized for some specific tests or Calibration parameters, accreditation /
recognition of the laboratory shall be valid for a specified period only and NABL / BIS shalt
conduct periodical survetTlance of the laboratory on annual basis. Hence, the maintenance of
all equipment has to be undertaken as per the norms for both preventive and breal‹down
maintenance, in ordef that the organization is comp1iant with the accreditation standards of
NABL. In addition, certain expenditures like payment of electricity bills, purchases of
consumables, training of staff, calibration / repair / servicing of equipment etc, have to be
undertaken in time so that the laboratories can’function effectively.

At present, the revenues being earned from the testing and inspection fees are deposited tu
the Government exchequer through treasury challan. The above mechanism has been
suggested in order to avoid the present difficulties in the smooth fun”ctiuning of the Office
due to factors like Irregular upkeep of machineries; Non-caffbracion of machineries; Irregular
payment of Elactriciry Bills due to late release nf funds; Irregular procurement of
consumables hampering the smooth working of the laboratories; Lack of Laboratory
management system as per national / international standard and Non recognition of the QC
laboratory from BIS & non accreditation of NABL,

The above mentioned Office Poo1 of Funds thus Created under the Society wlll be utilized for
purposes such as proper maintenance and repairing of machineries; annual calibration of
machineries; meeting the overhead expenses like electricity bitt, fax etc.; t£2ining of
laboratory personal for up gradation of skills; exposure trip of the existing manpower to
explore new opportunities; techno|agy procufement and business development; recognition
ofi laboratory from Bureau of Indian Standards & its timely renewal; accreditation of
laboratory from National Accreditation Board for Calibration & Testing of Laboratories;

Office of the Senior Quality Control Of(icer

Department of InduStries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 15
Cjenerated from eoffice by Chandan Ta|ukdar,
jUNIOR ASSISTANT, CommiSsionerate of Industries
and Commerce on zs xo‹z zoz‹ a : z
IC-IOMS N E CoC ,)/ î /ZO2J-BU-I- j -
Commlssionerate t3dustrl 'S a n d COITIfT} ' +Ce”
OJ/2 O2JZBR ANCH (Comp t@F N‹
of Upgradation of Quality Ooritral L4boraiories

promotion â publicity of the laboratory for effective marketing and organizing serriinar for ,'
auality awareness. among small scale industrial sector.

The Senior Quality Control Officer will submit the expenditure proposal to the Steering
Committee highlighting the requirements along with the financial outlay. The Steering
Committee after examination of the proposa) and if fund position is satisfactory will approve
the expenditure proposal. The amount approved wi\\ be kept from the revenue collection
and the balance witI be deposited into the Government exchequer through Treasury Challan.

The Senior Quality Control Office will maintain proper accounts and other relevant records
as per the existing financial norms wfth respect to the above Office Pool of Funds of the
Society. The atcounts of the Senior Quaiity Control Officer (ind. the above proposed Office
Pool of Funds of the Sotiety) will be audited by the Audit Cell headed by Finance & Accounts
Officer (FAO) under the Commissioner of Industries & Cpmmerce, Assam once in every three
months. The Sen’ior Quality Control Officer will prepare an annual report in each financial
year glving futt account of its actlvittes during the previous Financial Year & submit a copy to
the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Assam including the utilization of the above
proposed Office Pool of Funds of the Society.

Appendix t! gives details related to the Formation of Society.

Need for Office Pooi of Funds

The above mechanism has been suggested tn order to avoid the present difficulties in the
smooth functienfng ef the Office due to factors like:
* x Irregular upkeep of machineries
x Non calibration of machineries
x Irregular payment of Electricity Bills due to late release of funds
x Irregular procurement of consumables hampering the smooth working of the
x Lack of Laboratory management system as per riational / international standard
x Non recognition of the OC iaboratory from BIS & non actreditation of NABL.

The abov”e mentioned Office Pool of Funds thus created will be utt\ized for the following

Propér maintenance and repairing of machineries / equipment

* Annuaf ca(ibration of machineries
Meeting the overhead expenses tile electricity, bil), fax etc.
Training of laboratory persona( for up gradatio'n of skills
•' Recognition of laboratpry from Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) & its time)y renewal
Accreditation of laboratory from National Accreditation Board for Calibration & Testing
Laboratories (NABL)
Prorriotion & publicity of the laboratory for effective marketing
! Organizing seminar for Quality awareness amo»g smat T scale industrial sector

Office of the Senior Quality Control Œficer

Department of InüustrÎæ & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 16
erated from eOffice by ’Chandan
Talukdar, jA‹c-r), JUNIOR AS TA IT, COlTl
missionerate of IndUstria and
s Commerce on 25 xo‹ z zoz‹ o1
IC -I0MSME( OC) / ? 2023-BR-I
-CIC-COMM issionerate of industri
I3 1 01/ 2OZ 3/ B RANCH-I es and Commerce (computer
lj{lgFdd8tł0łł Of Qudliły C0f›trOl ł.ab0rątórieS .
”. . t

2.4.3 Rejuvenation of QC Laboratories at Tezpur, Silchar & Bongaigaon ”

At present, the following QC Laboratories are functionlng directly under the ¢ommiśsioner
of industries & Commerce, Assam.

• QC Laboratory — Guwahati;
• QC Laboratory - Tezpur;
• QC Laboratory - Bongaigaon; and
• QC Łaboratory — Silchar.

Of the above laboratories, on\y the first named [viz. the QC Laboratory at Guwahati) is
functioning smoothly. The others are in need of renovation and strengthening.

Since the above QC Laboratories have rio direct linkages with one another, the functioning of
the,laboratories is not coordinated, The infrastructural facflitTes and utilization of manpower

” of the QC laboratories at Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar are becoming sub Optima). The
- present proposal seeks to rejuvenate and straamline the functioning of the above
Laboratories by placing them under the proposed Oeputy Director (Quality Control| or
Project Manager (Quality Control).

The rejuvenation of the above QC proposed to be done under the

fofłowing mode(:

! ' .. Short Term Approach (1s Phase)

Under the short term, the aim will be to activate the above QC Laboratories and make them
act as collection oiiices j contact offices of the QC Laboratory at Guwahati. This will enable
the QC LaboratOFY ystem under the Department to secure additional testing avenues. The
aIlocati”on of area under the different QC Laboratories is as fot\ows for co\\ection and contact

Si. Locatfon of the QC laboratory Distńcts for Collection & Contact Purposes

1 Tezpur Sonitpur, Lakhimpur and Dhemaji

2 Bongaigaon 8ongaigaon, Chirang, Xokrajhar and Dhubri
3 Siłchar Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj
• 4- Guwahati Ocher Oistricts

The above will keep the manpower of the above QC Laboratories engaged optimally and
Improve their tech^!CBt aQd management capabi(ities. It will help the local units to establish
easy contact with the QC Laboratory system of the Department and facilitate the collection
of samples and conveying of test results.

In the future, QC Laboratory may be started at Tinsukia to cater to the districts of Upper
Assam like Tiosukia, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar, Jorhat and GoTaghat.

0ffiCe of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assgm 17

and Com g *g n 2S /Os / zo2+ gf: rz j>tq
J-BR-)- | - • mlssionerate of lnöustries and
CofTlmerce (Co mpute
tlpgradatlün of Quality Control Laboratories

Longer Term Approach {2 *. Phase) ” ” ” ' '

In the fénger term, efforts will be taken to augment the machineries and equipment,”officers
and staff étc. of the QC Laboratories at Tezpur, Bongaigaon and silchar and making the
above QC Laboratories compliant with the NABL / 815 requirements.

2.S.. Capacity Building

IVleasures will be taken for the capacity building of the officers and stat to handle the
requiréments for NABL accreditation / BIS recognition. It may be noted that NABL
accreditation requires that the laboratories seeking accreditation be assessed in accordance
with iSO/IEC 17025:2005 (for testing and calibration laboratories).

As per ISCi/IEC 17O25:2005; the laboratory management has to ensure the competence of
the personnel who operate the equipment or who perform the tests, evaluate the results
and sign test reports and calibration cenificates. (Section 5.2.1) The concerned personnel
shall have thé required tFafning and experience as well as personal certification as deemed
necessary..The management shall have to formulate the goals for their training.

'• As per the Laboratory ReCognition Scheme {LRS) of the BIS; the laboratory seeking
recognition shall have accred]tation to IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17ß25 in the respective
fie)d of testing, such as Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Microbiological, as applicable.
Thé acEreditation body {through which the ACcreditation is taken by the applicant Tab} shall
be a full member of Asia PacifiC Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC) and/or
•t ' International Laboratory Accreditat(on Co-operation {iLAC). lt may be noted that NABL fu\fies
the above criterion.

Hence, the capacity buitding of the officers and staff has to be done on a continuous basis.

Moreover; exposure trip will be provided to the existing officers for exploring new ideas and
opportunities, business development and technology procurement, appointment of
consultant for new ventures etc.
Z.6.. Proposed Financial Outlay

There ts no financial requirement under the present proposal for creation of posts and the
purchase of equipment & machinery.

Office ofthe Senior Quality Control Ofßcer

Department of Industries 6 Commerce, GovL of Assam 18

ierata from eofrrce bg 31

chandari Talukdar, jA(C ), JUNIOR AS sISTANT, Ca„iSsionerate
of Industries and Commerce on
zs zo‹z zoz‹ o : 2 PM
’”IC -IOMSME{ QC) ”1?2023- BR-I-CIC-’C Om
.t3 1 01/ 2023/ BRANCH-I missioner
ate of Industries and om m e rc e (Com pLl”ter
’ ' '” PTOgOSgl Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

Need for the Proposal

3.1. Need on account of Economic Changes

As mentioned earlier, the 1964, the Government of Assam had introduced the Quality
Control scheme through the (then) Industries Department. This was done in order to
promote quality consciousness amongst the upcoming smgll scale units of the state and to
• provide testing and quality assurance certification facilities to such units. In order to
” implement the scheme; the Quality Control Office was established in 1970 alo»g with a
mechanical and chemical laboratory at the Industrial Estate in Bamunimaidam, Guwahati.
Subsequently, the above office was upgraded as the Senior Quality Control Office in order to
* meet the increased demands for quality control ‹ervices amDngst the industrial units in the

It may be noted that when the mbove Quality Control Laboratory was established at
Guwahati, the industrial development in the country was still in its infancy. Ouring the last
few years, there has been substantial growth in the manufacturing sector as well as service
sector. The various sectors of the economy have undergone structural and qualitative
transformation. A national strategy for according appropriate recognition and importance of
standard is to be evolved and integrated with the growth and development”of production
and export in various sectors of national economy. The public sector and private sector
(including small scale Industries} have to intensify efforts to produce quality goods so as to
help in inducing faster growth, increasing exports and making available goods to the
• satisfaction of the consumer.

In order to catch the above emergent trends and to match the growing demand, the
" Government of Assam had initiated to upgrade the existing Quality Control Laboratory at
Guwahati with a number of new schemes with focus on growth and to tap the emerging
area & dynamic trend of market, The approach has been to harness the unutilized potential
& to matth the growing demznd by encouraging best practices, training, bridging gap etc.
hence it is necessary to upgrade the existing faciJitjes r the QC Laboratories of the Office
and to make them compliant w/th the requirements for NABL accreditation.

3.2. Based on SWOT Analysis of the Office

• The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis of the s'enior Quality
Control Office is f\Jrnished below.

S¢reng¢hs • Adequate demands for its service.

• Has been able to create market standing by way of increasing
generation of revenue.
• Own tand and building. Adequate space exists for the
development of additional infrastructure.
• Emergence of new market.

Office of ths Senior Quality Control Officer

” Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 19

enerated from eoffice by Chandan Taluk‹jar, 32

TIC -!OM SME( QC)/ t /2O2 3-BR -I -CIC-Comm
issi ôrierate of 'lndustries and Commerce (COlvlput
't.131 01/2OZ 3 /BRANC È!- er No
I . ' Llpgradation ofQua(îty Con1rol Laboratorias

Weaknesses • Discharging its role in 6 traditional way which needs ”

diversification iri order to catch the modern-trend.
• Inadequate scope for skill up gradation.
i r LaCk of Budgetary ”allocation for proper up keeping of
• Lack of Budgetary allocation for proper for calibration of
• Inadequate financial resource in terms of day to day requirement
of consumable both for mechanical and chemical laboratory.
• Due to new dimension and emphasis on quality, the scope for
professional service has expanded considerably.
• The new concept has opened up new area of work.
• Establishment of Gas cracker project and subsequent
development of ancillary based upon down stream product witI
further add to free size of the market.
• Due to adequate trust-in food processing sector by the Govt. of
India during 11* plan, scope to expand activities will be
• There is scope to take collaboration project with CFTRI.
• As the machinery are not calibrated yearly and the laboratory is
not in tune as per ISO1702S, hence there is possibility the
creditabitity ol the cert ficate may be challenged.
• Though customer focus is ohe of the major concerns of the
organization, without a proper Quality management system it
will be difficult to achieve the objective.
• Provision of Technical advice with respective to the process
presupposes of the process mapping which is a part and parcel of
Quality management system.
• Without adequate knowledge on process management it may
become difficult if lot impossible to achieve the objective and

Based on the above SWOT Analysis, it is obvious chat the QC laboratories need to be
strengthened to meet the opportunities and threats on account of the evolving economic

3.3. Need for NABL Accreditation

As staced earlier, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
. (NABL) is an autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology,
Government of India. NABL is registered under the Societies Act, igso. it was been
established with the objective of providing Government, Industry Assoclations and Industry
in general with a scheme for third-party assessment of the quality and technical competence
of testing and calibration laboratories. The Government of India has authorised NABL as the
' ' sole accreditation body for Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

Office of the Senior Ouality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Coizimerce, Covt. of Assam 20

' ' “ '•'• •° J°fC*i, Jt'Mo Assis A r, c«mmissi nerà t
Cf tHdustries ancf _ommerce on asxo4xzoZ4 O : ‹z Pr
-I I0 MSME(QC)/ ) y2O2 3-BR-I-CIC-COmm
issionerate of industries and Com
t, 131 01/ 2023/ BRANCH-I merce (Computer No
t “ Proposal Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

The benefits of accreditation by NABL include:

• Potential increase in business due to enh, anced customer confidence and satisfaction.
• Savings in terms of time and money due to reduction or etimination of the need for re-
testing of products.
• Better control of laboratory operations and feedback to laboratories as to”whether they
have sound Quality Assurance System and are technically competent.
• Increase of confidence in Testing / Calibration data and personnel performing work.
' ' • Customers can searc’h and identify the laboratories accredited by NABL fOr their specific
' requirements from the directory of Accredited Laboratories.
In addition; the users of accredited laboratories will ’enj0y greater access for their products,
in both domestic and international markets, when tested by accredited laboratories.

Further; as per the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) of the BIS; the laboratory seeking
recognition shall have accreditation to IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 1702S in the respective
field of testing, such as Mechanical, Electrical, Chemicdl a ?f d Microbiological, as
applicable. The accreditation body (through which the Accreditation is taken by the applicant
Tab) shall be a full member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC}
and/or (nternationaf Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC). It may be noted that NABL
fulfils the above criterion.

3.4. Need for BIS Recognition

Recognition from the Bureau of Indlan Standards (BU) under its laboratory Recognition
scheme (LRS) will enable the QC Laboratories of the Department of industries & Commerce,
Assam to get substantial additional business from the testing of items like steel cement,
potable water etc. This wilt boost the status and revenues of the QC Laboratories System of
the Government of Assam due t0 enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction.

As it is neithër physically possible nor economically viable for B1S laboratorîes to devefop
testing facitities for ea¢h and every product covered under BIS Product Certification
Scheme, a Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) has been formulated with the objective of
hüVihg Sufficient number of outside laboratorïes in lndia and abroad to cacer to the needs of
Product Certification scheme.

The laboratory Recognition Scheme is governed by the provisions under Section 10 (1) h of
“ The BIS Act 1986 and Rule 10(2) of the Bl5 Rules, 1987. The LAC inter-alia advises BIS on
policy matters re\atfng to formulation of guidelines for facilitating the Bureau in recognizing
any laboratory in India or abroad for the purpose of testing and associated activities in
accordance with sub-rute (Z) of Rule 10. These statutory provisions confer upon BIS, powers
to recognize any laboratory in lndi6 DT in any other country for carrying out testing of
samples in relation to use of the Standard Mark and such other functions as may be
necessary. The Rules also provide for de-recognition of a recognized laboratory by the
Bureau for non-fulfillment of any condition laid down at the time of recognition. The

Office of the Senior Quality Control Offices

Department of Industries & Commerce, Gavé of Assan 21

Generated from eOffice by

Chandan” Talukdar, JA(CTR. )UNIOR ASSISTANT, Corivnissionerate of Industries
and Commerce on 2s x04z 2g24 g1 : j g pjV|
IC'-I0MSME(QC)/1/ O23- B.R- I’-CIC - Cómmissienerate
131 01/ 2023/ BRANCH-I of l'ndustries and Commerce (Computer No
Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

guidelines for recognition and dé recognition of the laboratories have been laid down in this
Scheme: :BIS also maintains a register’of such laboratories as are recognized by it for testing
of samples of articles Or processes in relation to relevant Indian Standards.

The recognition from BIS will help the MSME sector in Assam, since the units will be easily
able to access the QC Laboratories of the Department of Industries & Commerce, Assam
* without taking the effort and time to contact.BIS recognized laboratories outside the region.
Intending customers can search and identify the laboratories recognized by 815 from the
, website of the organization. Further, such users of BU recognized laboratory will enjoy
greater access for their products, in both domestic and International markets, when tested
, by accredited/ recognized laboratories.

3.5. Need for Formation of Society

As proposed a ‘Quality Control Society' may be formed under the Department of Industries
& Commerce to perform certain tasks in relation to the Quality Control Laboratories
functioning under the aegis of the above Department. It is proposed that the Commissioner
of Industries & Commerce, Assam may act as its Chairman while the Deputy Director
(Quality Control) or Project Manager (Quality Control) [or the Senior Quality Control Officer
in case the above posts are not created]’ may function as its Member Secretary. The
proposed Society shall have some management and financial functions as detailed earlier.

The formation of the Society is needed on the following counts:

(a) streamlined management of the QC Laboratories as envisaged under I5/ISO/IEC 17025

(Vide Section 4 of the Standard titled ‘Management Requirements‘);

(b) Acting as a source of management and technical control on the activities of the Quality
Control Laboratories functioning under the aegis of the Department through the
formation and operation of the Steering Committee of the Society as described under
Sub-section 2.2.2;
(c) Operation of the ‘office Pool of Funds’ for the timely and regular payment of
electricity bills, maintenance and calibration of test equipment, purchases of
consumables, training éf staff, calibration of equipment etc. have to be undertaken in
time so that the Laboratories can function effectively and meet the NABL / BIS
standards for the suitability, calibration and maintenance of test equipment used by the
(d) Existence of similar societies formed by State Government Departments as listed below
for the smooth performance of certain functions of these Departments {Partial List):

Office of51. Name

the Senior of Name of the Society
Quality Control OffÌcer Functioos
No. Oepartment
Department of lndustries & Commerce, GovL of Assam 22
1 Forest & Joint Forest Involvement of people living in
Environment Management periphery of forests in the
Committees formed afforestation and ego-
by various Forest development activities
Divisions [Ref:]

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131 01/ 2023/BR‘NCH
s:I’ Upgradalion of Quality Control Laboratories

SI. Name Of Name of the Society Functions .

No. Department
Forest& Ässam Project on Capacity building of forest
Envronment Forest”and department personnel,
{Continued] Biodiversity rehabilitation of Forest
Conservation Society Department’s infrastructure
and equipment to income
generation and livelihood
security of forest dependent
|Ref: www.â]
2 Agriculture ARIAS Society Implementation of the Assam
|Assam Rural Rural Infrastructure &
Infrastructure & Agricultural Services Project /
Agricultural Services Assam Agriculture
Society] Competitiveness Project
funded by the World Bank to
stimulate the agrarian growth
in Assam
Agriculture Assam Small Farmers’ Catalyzing agro industrial
|Continued] Agri-Business growth in Assam based on
Consortium (ASFAC) principles of ecological
sustainability, economic
efficiency and social equity
3 Panchayat & Rural ASRLMS Implementation of National

Development Assam State Rural Rural Livelihoods Mission in
Livelihoods Assam with aim of enhancing
Mission Society socio-economic condition of
the rurnl power of the state.
4 Social Welfare State Child Protection To implement the Integrated
State Society Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
(SCPS) Assam and all other child protection
related schemes
(Ref: www,
”S Health & Family State Health Society , TD Carry Out the functions of
Welfare Assam the National Rural Health
Mission in Assam ancl to assist
the Department
Health & Family Assam State AIDS For implementing the National
Welfare Control Society AIDS Control Programme ”
[Continued] (NACP) Phases II & Ill (from 99-
till date)

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 23

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S siorieri ¿Ite oF Industri s
131 O1/ZOZ3/BRANCH- e A nd Comrrierce (Computer N‹
Uppradatlon of Quality Control Laboratories

5l. Name of Name of the Society Functions

fiio. , Department
6” ' Administrative Assam Administrative For the functional 'and financial
Reforms & Training Staff College Sciciety autonomy of the Assam
Administrative Staff College
|Memo No TRG.73/ 2010/166-A
dated 7t° Nov 2012)
7 Labour & Assam Skill Implementation of National
Employment Development Skilf Development Mission incl.
Initiative Society Modular Em IDyable Skill {MES)
(Ref: Speech of Hon‘ble chief
Minister of Assam for Annual
Plan, 2013-14)
8 Education Assam Institute of, Management education,
{Higher Education) Management research’and consu1tancy
[Ref: www.aimguwahati:edu.inj
9 Education Assam Madhyamik Implementation of Rashtriya
(Elementary Siksha Abhijan Samiti Madhyamik Siksha’Abhijan
Education) (RMSA),’ a comprehensive and
integrated flagship programme
of the Government of India, in
the state of Assam for
providing quality education to
all children in the age group 14-.
16 years of age for Secondary
Schools and 16-18 years of age
for Higher Secondary Schools
Education ”Assam Sarba Siksha Implementation of the Sarva
(Elementary Abhijan Mission Siksha Abhijan ›n Assam for
Education) the improvement of
elementary education up to
Class VIII

3.6. Need for Organizational Upgradation

As stated earlier, the present proposal seeks to’ upgrade the Quality Control Laboratories
under the Department of industries & Commerce, Government of Assam by upgrading the
" Office of the Quality Control Officer to Deputy Director (Quality Control).or Project Manager
(Quality Control) by utilizing existing post of the Oepartment; and by placing all the existing
QC Laboratories in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Si char under the control of the above
Oeputy Director (Quality Control) or Project Manager (Quality Control).

The proposal is needed on the following counts:

'’ fa) This proposal will entail rio creation of post in the Department as existing .post of the
Department of Industries & Commerce can be utilized.

OfFfce of the Ssnior Quality Control Officer.

Department of Industries & Commerce, GovL of Assay z

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Chandan .Ta1ukdar, JA(CTR,
of Industries and Commerce on 25/o s/2
d Qj, jp py
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3t 301/ZO23/BRANCH-I
., .' Upgradation of Otiatity Control Laboratories

(b) A senior officer of suitable Ievel wit! be available and empowered to deal with '”
organizations like National Accreditation. Board far Testing and Calibration Laboratories ”'
”(NABL) and Bureau of Indian ” Standards (BIS) .as per the requirements of IS/ISO/IEC
17025:2005. Special reference is drawn to Sub-sections 4.1.5 ta), (b), (i) and (j) and 4.2.1
of the above document in this regard:

(c) The QC Laboratories in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar which are now
moribund can be reactivated under the above set up. In the short term, the existing
” manpower can be used for collection of samples and acting as contact point for MSME
sector in the nearby districts. In the long term, the above QC Laboratories can be
revitalized to meet the NABL / BIS criteria for accreditation and recognition.

(d) The above Upgradation will enable the QC Laboratories to serve the MSME sector of
Assam in a meaningful way for meeting their needs for quality certification. “”

(e) The above Upgradation will improve the revenues and status of the QC Laboratory
system functioning onder the Department of Industries & Commerce, Assam.

3.7. Need for ‘Office Pool of Funds’

" As mentioned, NABL accreditation / BIC recognition ’is not a one-time phenomenon. Once
the laboratory gets accredited / recogñized for some specific tests or calibration parameters,
• accreditation to a laboratory shall be valid for a period of two years and NABL /BIS shall
coriduct.periodicaI surveillance of the laboratôry on annual basis. Laboratory shall apply for
renewal of accredîtation to NABL at least six months before the expiry of the validité of
a accreditation or renewal of validity period of BIS recognition.

lt may be noted that the maintenance of all equipment has to be undertaken as per the
norms for both preventive and breakdown maintenance, in order that .the organization is
compliant with the accreditation standards of NABL / recognition requirements of BIS.' In
I addition, certain expenditures like payment of electricity bills, purchases of consumables,
training of staff, calibration of equipment etc. have to be undertaken in time so that the
laboratories can function effectivelÿ and meet the NABL / BIS standards for the suitability,
calibration and maintënänce oftest equipment used by the Office.

The presdnt proposal seeks to carry out such maintenance and other expenditures through
the creation and operation of ’Office Pool of Funds’.


Office of the Senior Quality Côntrol Officer.

'' Depaftmertt of Industries & Commerce, GovL of AS$am 25

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1S1‘ 3’O1”T2O23/ BRANCH-I
,’) Proposal Laboratories

. In conclusion it"is again stated that the basic purpose of the upgradation of the Q›
Laboratories under the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam is to
strengthen their functioning. The above upgradation proposal involves no creation of new
posts or purchases of items requiring additional financial outlay. The existing post of Deputy
Director / Project Manager of the Department may be used for this purpose to head all the
QC Laboratories under the under the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Government
of Assam. This will strengthen the functioning of these laboratories and revive the moribund
laboratories in places like Tezpur, Bongaigaon and Silchar. Further, a Society is proposed to
be formed so as to enable the smooth functioning of the above laboratories by enabling
them to receive guidance from the Steering Committee as well as ready made infusion of

The above proposal seeks to make these laboratories compliant with the requirements for
accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(NABL), which has been authorized by the Government of India .as the sole accreditation
body for Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

As per the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) of the BIS; the laboratory seeking
' recognition shall have accreditation to IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17025 in the respective
field of ”testing. The accreditation body (through which the Accreditation is ta”ken by the
applicant lab) shall be a full member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation
(APLAC) and/or International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation {ILAC). It may be noted
that NABL fulfils the above criterion. Hence, this accreditation with facilitate the above QC
' /.” Laboratories to seek recognition from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) u”nder Section 10
•,. ” (1) h of The Bis Act 1986 and the BIS Rules, 1987 [10(2) (a) & (b)].

It may be noted that such recognition from the BSS will enable the above QL Laboratories to
get substantial additional business from the testing of items like steel, cement, potable
water etc. which wilt boost the status and revenues of these QC Laboratories. Recognition
from BIS for the QC Laboratories will help the MSME sector in the state in areas like steel,
cement, drinking water, paint, textiles etc. for convenient testing of their output and this wi|I
help such units to secure additionaI’markets.

Hence, the Government may approve the proposal in the interest of the industrial sector
of the state as well as for the smoother functioning of the above QC Laboratories under
the Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Government of Assam.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Ihdustries & Commerce, Govt. of ASsam 26

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ef Industries and Commerce (Compute o
Proposal Upgradation of Quality Conbol Laboratories

Proposal for Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

List of Appendices

Page No

Office a/tha Senfor Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, GovL of Assam 27

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O1/’2O23/ BRANCH‹I
Proposal Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

Appendix I
Existing Status of the QC Laboratories’
[Including Hallmarking Services]

• The Senior Quality Control Office functions under the aegis of the Department of Industries &
, Commerc’e, Government of Assam. The above office has four Quality Control laboratories as follows:

• QC Laboratory — Guwahati;
• QC Laboratory — Tezpur;
a QC laboratory — Bongaigaon; and
• QC Laboratory — Silchar.

Of the above laboratories, only the first n amed (viz. the QC Laboratory at Guwahati) is functioning
smoothly. The others are In need of renovation and strengthening. The following gfves the existing
status of the above QC Laboratories.

! Esme ol QC Hdnpower
Guwahali Senior Quality Control Officer - 1 No As listed at below Running smoothly
Central Quality Control Officer 1 No
Qua1ity Control Examiner - 6 No

Tezpur Quality Control Officer - 1 No Uhiversal Testing Machine — Not running smoothly ”"
Quality Control Examiner —1 No
Cornpressioh Testing
Machine —1 No
Quality Control Olfcer - 1 No Universal Testing MaChina- Defunct
Quality Control Examiner — 1 No 1no
(Out Of Order)
Silchar Quality com s‹ oircer -1 No Universal Testing Machine- -Do
QuaI4y Control Examiner — 1 No 1no
(Out Of Older )

List of Equipment of QC Laboratory at Guwahati

As fo1Iows:

• SectionSI. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity

I§Iechanisal SectionJ.1 Universals Testing Machine (OOO T Cap.} Rockwell Hardness Tester
1.2 Vickers Hardness TeslJng Machine
1.3 Strock)ein Apparatus
1.4 Strocklein Apparatus
fi “

office of fhe Senior 0uaTity Control Officer

Department of Industrial & Commerce, Govt. of AS$am 28

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13't O1/ 2023/ BRANCHtt (Computer”’
t/pgradation of Quality Confro[ Ladorafories

, Section . 5l. No. Name of the Equipment Quantity

• 2. Electrical Section 2.1 Torsion Testing Machine 01 no.
2.2 E/eclrfca! Bulb Test”ng Machine 01 no.
2.3 Kelvin Oouble Bridge 01 no.
2.4 Cord Grip Test Apparatus 01 no.
2.5 Gauge Apparatus
2.6 High Voltage Tested 01 no.
2.7 Tumbling Barrel 01 no.
3. PVC Section 3.1 Hydraulic Test Apparatus 01 no.
3.2 Deep Freeze 01 no.
3.3 lmpacl Testing Machine 01 no.
3.4 Tensile Testing Machine 01 no.
4. Textile Section 4.1 Tensile Testing Machine 01 no.
4.2 Pressure Head Test Apparatus 01 no.
4.3 Hot Air Oven 01 no.
4.4 Humidity Control Oven 01 no.
4.5 Beasley Balance 01 no.
4.6 Crockmeter 01 no.
4.7 Perspirometer 01 no.
4.8 Round Cutter 01 no.
4.9 Washing Fastness Tester 01 no.
4.10 Shrinkage Template 01 no.
4.11 Bursting Strength Tester 01 no.
4.12 Digital Electronic Lighf Fastness Tester 01 no.
4.13 Bundasman Tester 01 no.
4.14 Pressure Head Tester 01 no.
4.15 Sdn Gr9y Scale 02no.
4.16 Electronic Weighiñg Balance 01 no.
4.17 Ph lyleter D1 no.
4.18 Elemendorf Tearing Strength Tester 01 no.
4.19 Flammability Tester 01 no
4.20 Spray Tesfer 0J rio.
5. Cement Section 5.1 C0mpfession Testing Machine OJ no.
5.2 Vibration Testing Machine 01 no. ”
5.3 Liquid Limit Device 01 no.
|’ 5.4 Air Permeabili(y Apparatus 01 no.
5.s Le-ChateIier Flash 0T no.
5.6 Auto Clave 01«o.
5.7 Shrinkage Bar Mould 03 nos.
I.8 Expansion Serological Water Balh 01 no.
” 5.9 Vicat Apparatus With Initial Needle, Final Needle 01 no
5.10 Hygromeler, Thermometer 04 no. each

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 29

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11 01/2OZ 3/BRÄNCH-I
, ” ' . ’ ' ”” ” ' Upgradation Df Qyalily Control Laboratories

0CtiOf\ SI. No. . Name of the Equipment Qtiäntity

Cament Sectlofï 5.11 Harid Gloves 01 no.
[Continued] ” 5.12 Length Corñparatâr 01 no. ”
8.1 Abrasion Testing Machine . 01. no.
.7. Coal & Coke ” 7.1 Muffle Furnace 01 no.
Paint Settion Scralch Hardness Tasteir(Aútomátic) 01 no.
, 8.2 FlDw Cup Viscometer 01 no.
8.3 Corrosiori Cabinet 01 no.
84 Salt Spray Chamber 01 no.
Air Compressor 01 no.
8.6 Flexibility 8 Adhesion Tester 01 no.
8.7 Hegman Gauge Sede 01 no.
8.8 Clossometer 01 no.
8.9 Wet Abrasion Tester fI1 no.
8.1D Basoater 01 no.

9. Workshop 9.1 Lathe MACHINE 01 no.

92 Poer Hacksaw 01 no.
9.3 Surface Grinder - 01 no.
9.4 Drilling MACHINE 01 no.
9.€ Vertical Gnnder 01 no.
9.6 /\ir Compressor 01 no.
Electúcal Single Pan Weighing Balance 01 no.
9.8 Moister Meter 01 no.
9.9 Weighing Balance .01 no.
9.10 Microscope 01 no.

› ” . .'
tsetting up of Assaying & Hallmarking Centre

tThe Government of India has identified the Bu'reau of Indian Standards (BIS) as the sole agency to
jmplement the scheme for hatlmarking of gold jewellery in India. The scheme is voluntary in nature.
The BI5 Hallmarking Scheme is as per the international criteria for hallmarking (Vienna Convention,
1972). The jewellers can be licensed under the BIS Hallmarking Scheme and they can get their
jewellery hallmarked from any recognized Assaying & Hallmarking Centre. The latter are recognised
tas”per the relevant BIS criteria, in line with the international standards.

The above scheme could not materialize in Assam as there is no Assaying & Hallmarking Centre in
)he entire N.E. Region. However, a few jewellers often go to Kolkata to get their jewellery
” hallmarked there. Due to absence of recognised Hallmarking Centre, the customers of gold jewellery .”
'are not getting the benefits of above Hallmarking scheme. . ”

!• order to bridge this gap, the Senior Quality Control Office under the Industries & Commerce
”Department has set up an Assaying & Hallmarking Centre at Barnunimaidam, Cuwahati-21. The

Office of the Senior Quality Control Offiser

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Ässam 30 ””” ”

,' G neratdd from eoffice by €hanrtan Talukdar, QA(CT), JUNIOR ASSTSTANY, C”ommissianerate of {ndustries and Commerce on 2 5/O4z2024 OT:12 PM
BIC-|0MSME(QC)/1/ 2023-BR-I-CIC-Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce
131 301/ 2023/ BRAN tHtl (Computer
Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

centre had beeri offictally inaugurated on 13" May’2ß13. Presently, the Centre is waiting for BIS
recognition to start its function.


e First of its kind in the entire NE Region of India

• State-of-Art Equipments for the Assaying & Hallm0rking centre.
• Assaying & Testing facilities of the centre are in the line with the National/ International


• To facilitate services of Assaying & Hallmarking of Gold & Silver jewellery to the licensees of
the NER under BIS Hallmarking Scheme.

Receipt of Revenues
The receipt of revenues by the Senior Quality Control Office is tabulated below for the past few

Financia I Year Revenues

(Rs. in Lakh)
2006-07 g.s2
2007-08 11.30
2008-09 1S.77
2009-10 13.22
2010-11 15.29
2011-12 2150

Olfice of the Senior Quality Control Officer

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UpgradatTon of Quálity Control Laboratorles

”- . Appendix II
Formation of Society

A Society can be defined as a company or association of persons united together by mutual consent to
deliberate, determine and act jointly for some common purpose. (Cliner vs. Stone) In 1854 in England, to
acknowledgé the separate existence of a society from its members an act called the ‘The Literary and
Scientific Institution Act* was passed. In the same line an act was also passed in India in 1860 i.e. the
Societies Registration Act’ (Act XXI of 1860)
'’ 1n India, an institution of non commercial nature for promotion of charitable activities like education, art,
, religion, culture etc. has to register itself :
; as a publjc charitable trust, or
under Societies Registration Act,1860, or
,\ under Section 25 of the Companies Act ,1956
The Societies Registration Act, 1860 is an act for the registration of literary, scientific and charitable
societies. The object of the Act as stated in the preamble is to make provision for improving the legal
conditions of Societies established for promotion of literature, science, fine arts, for diffusion oi useful
knowledge or for charitable purposes.
Such an association has to be registered since it gives the society a IeBaI status and is also essential for:
•, opening bank accounts
.- obtaining registration and approvals under Income tax act
lawful vesting of properties of societies
recognition to the society at all forums and before all authorities
The Act is applicable to all societies formed either prior to commencement of the Act or formed after
commencement of the Act so as to provide them with a legal status for carrying out the purpose for which
they have been formed.

Who can férm a society?

As per the Act, a society can be formed by ”Any Seven or more persons associated for any literary, scientific
or charitable purpose, or for any such purpose as described in Section 20 of this Act, may, by subscribing
their names to a memorandum of association, and filing the same with registrar of joint stock companies (or
as amended by respective state acts) form themselves into a society under this Act”.

Besides indiyiduals the following persons are e|igible for subscribing to the memorandum of the society :

Foreigners: The Act does not bar foreigners from subscribing to the memorandum of the
” society therefore, Tn effect foreigners can subscribe to the memorandum of the society.
° Partnership firm: The position of Partnership firm regarding its eligibility to subscribe to the
memorandum of the society is not clear from provisions of the Partnership Act 1932, Societies
Registration Act 1860 or any other judicial decision. However simple analogy can be drawn by
keeping in view the provisions of Sec 25(4) of Companies Act, 1956 which permits a partnership
firm to become a member of a Section 25 company and provides that the firm may be a
-member of.any association or company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act
1956. However on dissolution of the firm, the membership of the firm to such an association or

OiFics of the Senior Quality Control Officer

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J3‘ 3Ô1/ 2OZ 3/ BRANCH-I
Proposal Upgradatlon of, Quality Control Laboiatories

company will lapse. Therefore drawing a parallel from the above, we may deduce that a
partnership firm may subscribe to the memorandum of society.
Limited company: Company can subscribe to the memorandum of society
Registered society: A registered society can subscribe to memorandum of association of
proposed soc!ety.

Various state governments by their amendments have expanded the provisions in the Act for formation of
the societies.

Purpose for which a society can be formed

Section 20 of the act specifies the following purpose for which the society may be registered:
Grant of charitable assistance
Creation of military orphan funds
Societies established at the general presidencies of India
Promotion of science, literature, fihe arts, instructions or diffusion of useful knowledge,
.diffusion of political education, foundation or maintenance of libraries, public museum and
galleries of paintings, works of art, collection of natural history, mechanical and philosophical
inventions, instruments , designs

Registration of Society
A registered society implies that the soCietY has a legal entity which binds the members to a certain extent.
The society enjoys a legal status separate from its members and can acquire and hold property and can sue
and bé sued.

The registration of the society is to be done under the act wherever obtaining and nat in the state where the’
benefit is claimed (Radhaswami Satsang Sabha,Dayal Bagh vs. Hanskumar Kishan Chand)

Sec 3 (2) of the Act means that the society which seeks registration should not have a name identical with
that of another society which was previously registered and whose registration is subsisting.

Ail the subscribers (minimum 7) should sign the memorandum of association and the signatures should be
attested by an Oàth Commissioner, Notary Public, Gazetted Officer, Advocate, Chartered Accountant or
magistrate zst Class with their rubber/official stamp and complete address.

However persons desirous of forming a society should also become members of the first Governing Body.

The Rules and regulations of the Society should be signed by atleast 3 members of the Governing Body.

The following documents are required to be filed with the registrar (or respective”registering authority of the
respective state):
Covering letter requestîng for registration
The memorandum of association in duplicate along with a certified copy. The memorandum
should be typed with serially numbered pages.
Duplicate copy of the rules and regulations of the society duly signed
Where there is a reference to any particular existing places of worship, sufficient docurñentary
proof establishing legal competence and control of applicant society over such place should be
›- Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value sworn by the president or secretary

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Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

of the society stating relationship with the subscribers duly attested. ”

Documentary proof such as House Tax receipt,.”rent receipt Tn respect of premises shown as
registered office of the society or no objection certificate from the owner of the premises.

The society can be registered with a nominal fee of Rs.SO/- which is payable in cash or demand draft

After verification of the documents and ensuring the compliance of provisions the registrar certifies the
registration of the society.

It should be noted that it cannot be presumed that the society is duly registered under the Act by just
obtaining the certificate of registration from the Registrar, but it is presumed to be registered by the copies
of the Rules and regulations and memorandum being certified under Sec 19 the Act

However, once the society becomes registered and obtains its legal entity, the activities and the members
become bound by the objects of the memorandum.

An unregistered society does not enjoy the legal status and therefore exists in fact and not under the law.

Memorandum of Association
Memorandum is the charter of the society. It is the document depicting and describing the objects of its
existence and its operations.

The memorandum as per the Principal Act (Section 2) and Acts passed by various state governments should
contain the :

Name of the Society

The objects of the Society
The names, addresses and occupation of the members of the governing body
The place of the registered office of the Society

The memorandum should be a neatly typed document on good quality durable paper with serially
numbered pages since these documents are to be kept as permanent records, Also, there should be a one
and a half margin on left side of ea¢h sheet of paper while typing and it should be typed on one side only.

The memorandum should also contain the names, addresses and full signatures of the seven and more
persons subscribing their name to the memorandum of association. The signatures should be duly witnessed
and attested.

Along with the memorandum ol association, a certified true copy oi the Rules and Regulations of tlne Society
signed by atleast three of the members of the first governing body should be filed.

Rules and Regulations

The rules and regulations of the society are framed to guide the members of the governing body or the
persons entrusted with management of the society to regulate the functions of the society and for its
internal management.

These rules and regulations help in achieving the objects of the society and are binding on its members.

A copy of the rules and regulations certified to be correct by nat less than three members are required to be

lity C
Department of Industries & Commerce, GovL of Assam
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” Proposal Upgradàtion of Quality Control Laboratories

fîled with the registrar along with the other documents at the time of the registration of the society.

The rules and regu\ations also lay down the rules for the meetings. The rules should normally contain
guidelines for meetings, quorum, proxy, minutes, and resolutions.

It cannot be presumed that a society is duly registered under the Act by just obtaining the certificate of
registration from the registrar, but it is presumed to be registered by the copies of the Rules and Regulations
and the Memorandum of Association being certified under Section 19 of the Act.

Member(s) in the memorandum shall be a person(s) who has been admitted according to the rules and
regulations of the society and should have paid the subscription and signed the list of members. No person
shall be entitled to vote or be counted as a member in any of the proceedings of the society whose
subscription has.been in arrears for a period exceeding three months.

The rights and duties of thèse members are:

Right to receive notices
Right to vote
Right to receive copies of the bye laws
Right to receive statement of accounts
Right to attend general meetings

Duties and Liabilities

To work towards attainment of the objectives of the society
To attend the meetings regularly and exercise their democratie right as and when necessary.
A society may act against the members for:
- recovery of arrears of membership subscription
- recovery of any retained property or damages to the property caused by the members
- for mis-utilisation / mis-appropriation of funds of the society
” - forging any deed, document, money receipt etc. causing loss of fund or loss of credibility of the

Governing Body

Governing Body under the Act can be said to be consisting of the Governor’s council, Committee, trustees or
some other body by whatever name called to whom or to which by the rules and regulations of the society
the management of its affairs is entrusted. Property belonging to the society registered under the Act is
deemed to be vested in the Governing Body of the society if not vested in trustees.
General Body

General Body comprises of alt the members who have subscribed to the memorandum of the society

In certain NGO’s there is no distinction between the General Body and the Governing Body. It is permissible
to have common members among both the General Body and the Coverning Body. However for good
governance, sometimes there are more members in the general body from which the Governing Body is
elected in the Annual General Meeting

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’ ” ' ! ' ””

Genera| Meetings: Annual General Meeting (AGMÎ is a meeting õf thé general body i.é. of all the members
who have.subscribed to the memorandum of the society normally held once in a year to discuss and
approve the important matters like review of yearly activities, approval of audiced accounts, and
appointment of auditor. The ACM is to be conducted wițhln six months of the end of the financial year since
the annual activities and accounts are adopted in this meeting.

Other general meetings can also be called during t'he year to discuss certain matters of importance It
required. Such meetings are called the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

° All members of the society have a right to participate in the meeting.

Board Meetings/ Governing Body Meetings: The meetings of“the Governing Body are held to take
administrative decisions for the organisation. These meetings are held as per the time interval specified in
the rules and regulations of the societY. They can also be held more frequently if need arises for them.
Generally the meetings should be held at atleast in an interval of three months if the time interval for
holding the governing body meetings is not specified in the rules and regulations. These meetings are
important for an organisation since these meetings the matters related to management of the organisation
” is taken in collective manner.

Notice: A notice for every meeting should be given to all the members according to the time limit as
mentioned ir the bye laws and the time limit for issue of the notice for any meeting should be provided in
the bye laws. The notice for the meetings has to be given in writing. Generally a 21 days notice should be
given for a general meeting and 7 days notice for a governing body meeting.

Agenda: Along with the notice for the meeting, the ’Agenda‘ for the meeting should be enclosed which
provides the details regarding the relevant items to be dișcussed during the meeting.

Quorum: The bye laws of the organisation should also specify the quorum required for different meetings.
‘Quorurń’ Implies the minimum number of members who must be present in the meeting to make the
proceedings of the meeting valid. If the required quorum is not present then the meeting is generally
adjourned to the.same day of the next week, at the same time and the same place. In case the quorum is

İ still not present in the adjourned meeting then the meeting can be taken as a valid meeting. However
proxies are not considered as part of Łhe quorum.

Proxy: A member entitled to attend and vote in a meeting can appoint a proxy on his behalf who can attend
and vote in the meeting who is referred to as the ProxY .A proxy form has to be filled up and submitted at
least 2 days before the date of the meeting òf the society.

Minutes: It is important to record the minutes of the meetings since they are the formal record of the
proceedings of the meetings. The r/iinutes can be recorded on loose sheets chronologically prepared and
bound togëther or a bound register. The pages of the minutes should be serially numbered.

The minutes of the previous meeting are to be read and confirmed at the beginn'•B Of a meeting. Thereafter
the minutes are signed by the chairman and subse9uently they cannot be altered or corrected.

be members are required to sìgn the attendance register during the meeting.

In case of a combined general body and governing body meeting, care should be taken to write separate
minutes źor the General Body meeting and the Governing Body meeting. Also care should be taken to

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” Upgradation of Qualil:y Control Laboratories

maintain the required quorum as required for the typé of meeting being conducted

Resolutions: F”or any decisions taken at the meetings by the member's, to formally apply the decisions a
resolution stating the decision taken has to be passed in writing. It Ts required for the organisation to
mention the decision taken during the meeting in the shape of a resolution along with the number of votes
in favour and against the decision

While framing the rules and regulations the number of members required to pass a resolution is to be
mentioned in the rules and regulations.

A society after its registration may require at any time to change its name, or to alter, abridge or amend its
• objects and /or the rules and regulations at any time. A society may be required to change or alter its
objects, rules and regulations at any time for any reasons or if the Government requires it.
Alteration/ Amendment of Memorandum of Association

The memorandum of a society contains the aims and objectives of Ehe society within which the society has
to operate. Any activity undertaken beyond the aims and objectives specified in the memorandum Shall
make the activity invalid. Section 12 of the Societies Registration Act 1860 gives the procedure for alteration,
amendment oi abridgement of the aims and objectives .The Act gives a specific procedure which is very
systematic and the steps mentioned has to be adopted as given the Act. The Section 12 in the Act iS given as:

’Whenever it shall appear to the governing body of any society registered under this Act, which has been
established for any particular purpose or purposes, that it is advisable to alter, extend, or abridge sUch
purpose to or for other purposes within the meaning of this Act, or to amalgamate such society either
wholly ar partially with any other society, such governing body may submit the proposition to the members
of the society in a written or printed report, and may convene a special meeting for the consideration
theréof according to the regulations of the society; but no such proposition shall be carried into effect unless
such report shall have been delivered or sent by post to every member of the society ten days precious to
the special meeting convened by the governing body for the cônsideration thereof, not unless such
proposition shaI1 have been agreed to by the votes of three-fifths of the members delivered in person or by
proxy, and confirmed by the votes or three-fifths of the members present at a second special meeting
convened by the governing body at an interval of one month after the former meeting.’

The procedure given in the Act is mandatory and not optional. In a decision of Allahabad High Court,
Shridhar Mishra vs. Jaichander Vidyalankar AIR 1959, it has been stated that:

’It is impossible to accept the suggestion that a society is not bound by the Societies Registration Act .A
private institution need not get itself registered under the Societies Registration Act. But if an institution
chooses to get itself registered under the Act, the institution is bound by the provisions of the Act, whether
the procedure laid down in sec.12 of the Act is directory or mandatory is another question. But a society
registered under the Act cannot altogether ignore Sec.12 of the Act.’

, The proposal for alteration or extension a( the purposes of the society has to be passed at the special
meeting convened by a special majority of members.
Section 12 of the Societies Registration Act 18G0 has laid down the following steps for alteration, extension
• or abridgement of the aims and objectives of a society which have to be followed:
Submission of the proposal by the governing body to the members of the society
•t 10 days notice to members about holding of a special meeting,
convening a special meeting for the consideration of the proposal,
Appro’val of the proposal by 3/5th of members,
Convening second special meeting after a month, and

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Confirmación by 3/5th of members present at the second special meeting

Certain State Acts have more provisions regarding the alteration of the objects clause. Sorr›e of these
provisions are:
'‘+ Section 9 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act states that the changes should be filed with
the Registrar within 30 days along with a fee of Rs. 20.The order of ftegistrar refusing to register
amendment is appealable in the court of law.
Section 11 of Madhya Pradesh Act states the circumstances in which the Registrar may order
amendment of objects clause.
Section 9 of the West Bengal Societies registration Act states that the resolution should be
passed by 3/oih majority. The amendments should be filed with the registrar within 3Ddays.
Section 9 of the Telangana Area Societies Registration Act states that the resolution for the
alteration is required to be voted by Z/3rd majority of members present.

Alteration/ Amendment of Rules and Regulations of the Society

' The society during the course of its working may find the need to alter its rules and regulations according to
the change in work:ing of the management of the society or due to other needs felt by the management and
the members. The Societies Registration Act however does not contain any provision as to the change in the
rules and regulations, but it is alwzys beneficial for the Society to follow Section 12 guidelines of the
Societies Registration Act, 1860. Certain State Acts have specific provisions in their respective State Societies
Registration Act for alteration of the rules and regulations of the society. Some of the provisions specifically
given in these state acts are:
' Section 4 A of the Bihar Societies Registration Act states that a corrected copy of the rules and
regulations certified by at least three members of the governing body should be sent to the
' inspector general of Registration
- ” Section 4A of the Gujarat (Amendment) Societies Registration Act and U.P. Societies Registration
(Amendment) Act states ihat the corrected and certified copy of the rules should be sent to the
> registrar within 30 days of alteration.
'- Section 4A of the Orissa Societies Registration(Amendment) Act states that a certified and
corrected copy of the rules should be sent to the registrar within 2 months of the alteration
'” ': Section 4A(6) of Pondicherry Societies Registration(Amendment) Act states that a certified and
corrected copy of the rules should b”e sent to the registrar within 15 days of the alteration
Section 10 of the Xarnatal‹a Societies Registration act slates that resolution is to be passed for
the amendment by 3/Sth of the majority. The corrected and certified copy of the rules should be
sent to the registrar within 30 days of alteration with a fee of Rs.10 along with it.
- Section 4A of the Gujarat(Amendment) Societies Registration Act and Section 8(3) of West
Bengal Societies Registration Act ttates that the corrected and certified copy of the rules should
be sent to the registrar within 30 days of alteratio?
Séction 4A of the Assam (Amendment) Societies Registration Act states that a corrected copy of
the rules and regulations certified by at least three members of the governing body should be
sent to the registrar
Section 11 & IS of the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act states that the alteration
should be registered with the registrar and gives the circumstances under which amendment can
be ordered by the registrar.

Change of name of the Society

During the course of its working the members of the society might feel a need to change the name of their
society, however; the Societies Registration Act 1B60 does not specify any specific procedure for change of
the name of the society. For the change of the n6me, the society has to follow the same procedure which

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has been laid down in the Act under Section 12.However certain State Governments have inserted
amendments in the Societies Registration Act givlng procedure for change of name, specifying how the
society can change the name by pąssing a resolution in the Generał meeting with consent of appropriate
majority of its members.

In general, va’rious state acts under section 12,12A,12B give the following procedure for change of the name
of the society:

Convene a general meeting for the purpose of the Change of the name
A resolution should be passed by a majority
The notice in writing of the change of name, which has to be signed by the Secretary of the
’ society along with seven members(as in case of the registration of the memorandum of ,.
association), should be submitted to. the registrar.

. ’ The name of the society if accepted by the registrar is registered and the change of name is effected from
the date of the registration. However the registrar may refuse to register the change of name in case the
name proposed is identical to some other society or for reasons that the name may be deceiving to the
public or the name°suggests patronage of Government or connection with any body constituted by the
Government or any other authority. The change of name does not affect any legal proceedings which are
already present for the society.
Every society registered under the Act may sue and be sued in the name of the President, Chairman or
principal secretary or t‹vstees as determined by the rules and regulations of the society.

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Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

Appendix III
Process of Accreditation by NABL

The process of accreditation by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(NABL) is given below as per the information given in their website:


• Prepare your laboratory's application for NABL accreditation, giving aI| desired information
and enlisting the test(s) / calibration(s) along with range and measurement uncertainty for
which the laboratory has the competence to perform. Laboratory can apply either for all or
part of their testing / calibration facilities. Formats NABL 1S1,NABL 152 & NABL 153 are to
be used by Testing, Calibration & Medical Laboratories respectively for applying to NABL for

• Laboratory has to take special care in filling the scope of a”ccreditation for which the laboratory
wishes to apply. In case, the laboratory finds any clause (in part or full) not applicable to the
laboratory, it shall furnish the reasons.

• Laboratories are required to submit three sets”of duly filled in application forms for each fietd
of testing / calibration along with two sets of Quality Manual and Application Fees.

• NABL Secretariat on receipt of application will issue acknowledgement to the laboratory. After
scrutiny of application for it being complete in all respects, a unique Customer Registration
Number will be allocated to laboratory far further processing of application.

• NABL Secretariat shall then nominate a Lead Assessor for giving Adequacy Report on the
Quality Manual / Application submitted by the laboratory. A copy of Adequacy Report by Lead
Assessor will be provided to Laboratory for taking necessary corrective action, if any. The
laboratory shall submit Corrective Action Report.

• After satisfactory corrective action by the laboratory, a Pre-Assessment audit of the laboratory
will be organised by NA8L. Laboratories must ensure their preparedness by carrying out its
internal audit before Pre-Assessment.

“" Sta g IeI

• NABL Secretariat shall organise the Pre-Assessment audit, which shall normally be carried by
Lead Assessor at the laboratory sites.

• The pre-assessment helps the laboratory to be better prepared for the Final Assessment. it
also helps the head Assessor to assess the preparedness of the laboratory to undergo final
Assessment apart from Technical Assessor(s) and Total Assessment Man-days required vis-à-
vis the scope of accreditation as per application submitted by the laboratory.
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NropHsal Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

• A copy of Pre-Assessrrient Report will be provided to Laboratory for taking necessary

correctiv”e action on the concerns raised during audit, if any.

• The laboratory shall submit Corrective Action Report to NABL Secretariat.

• After laboratory confirms the completion of corrective actions, Final Assessment of the
'» laboratory shall be organised by NABL.

Stage III

• NABL Secretariat shall organise the Final Assessment at the laboratory site(s) for its
compliance to NABL Criteria and for that purpose appoint an assessment team.

• The Assessment Team shall comprise of a Lead Assessor and other Technical Assessor(s) in the
relevant fields depending upon the scope to be assessed.

• Assessors shall raise the Non-Conformance(s), if any, and provide it to the laboratory in
I prescribed format so that it gets the opportunity to close as many Non-Conformance(s) as
they can before c|osing meeting of the Assessment.

• The Lead Assessor will provide a copy of consolidated report of the assessment to the
laboratory and send the original copy to NABL Secretariat.

• Laboratory shall take necessary corrective action on the remaining Non-Conformance(s) /

other concerns and shall submit a report to NABL within a maximum period of 2 months.


• After satisfactory corrective action by the laboratory, the Accreditation Committee examines
the findings of the Assessment Team and recommend additional corrective action, if any, by
the laboratory.

• Accreditation Committee determines whether the recommendations in the assessment report

is consistent with NABL requirements as well as commensurate with the claims made by the
laboratory in its application.

• Laboratory shall have to take corrective action on any concerns raised by the Accreditation

• Accreditation Committee shall make the appropriate recommendations regarding

accreditation of a laboratory to NABL Secretariat.

• Laboratories are free to appeal against the findings of assessment or decisién on accreditation
by the Director, NABL.

• Whenever possible NABL will depute its own technical personnel to be present at the time
of assessment as Coordinator and NABL Observer. Sometimes, NABL may at its own cast
depute a newly trained Technical Assessor as "Observer" subject to convenience of the
laboratory to be accessed.

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t ” Stage V

• Accreditation to a laboratory shall be valid for a period of 2 years and NABL shall conduct
periodical Surveillance of the laboratory at intervals of one year.

• Laboratory shall apply for Renewal of accreditation to it at least 6 months before the expiry of
the validity of accreditation.

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Pmposl Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratorfes

Appendix IV
Laboratory Recognition Scheme of BIS


The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS}, the National Standards Body of India responsible for
formuTat¡ng Indian Standards was established under The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986. To
! ’
protect the interest of consumers, BIS operates a Product Certification Scheme. Under the scheme,
BIS grants licenses to such manufacturers who are capable of producing goods on continuous basis
as per relevant Indian Standards. Testing being necessary adjunct to product quality evaluation, the
need for making available required testing facilities arises. !t is in this context that BIS has
established a network of eight IabotatorieS of its own in the country to cater to testing of samples
generated from its Product Certification Scheme.
The Laboratory Recognition Scheme is governed by the provisions under Section 10 (1) h of The BIS
Act 1986 and the BIS Rules, 1987 [10{2) (a) & (b)]. Thèse statutory provisions confer upan BIS,
powers to recagnize any fäboratory in India or in any other Country for carrying out testing of
simples in relation to use of the Standard Mark and such other functions as may be necessary. The
Rules also provide for de-recognition of a recognized laboratory by the Bureau for non fuIfiI|ment of
any condition laid down at the time of recognitian. The guidelines for recognition and de-recognition
of the laboratories have been laid dawn by the Bureau in this scheme. BIS also maintains a register
of such laboratories as are recognized by it for testing of samples of articles or promesses in relation
to relevant Indian Standards.

” The Competent Authority for operation of the scheme is Sc.C & Chief (Laboratortes).

Objectives of BIS-LRS

It is neither physically possible nor economically viable for BIS laboratories to develop testing
facilities for each and every product covered under BIS Product Certification Scheme. Accordingly,
this Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) has been formulated with the objective of having a
sufficient number of outside laboratories in India and abroad, jn addition to BIS tabs to cater to
the needs of Product Certification Scheme.

LaboratoryAdviso y Comnnittee(LAC)

The Laboratory Advisory Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards is one of the six statutory
advisory committees of the Bureau and advises BIS on policy matters relating to establishment and
operation of tts laboratories and other laboratory re|ated matters. LAC members are Bureau
members. The LAC advises BSS on policy matters relating to:

,t. ' (i) Establishment, operation and expansion of laboratories.

'! ’ (ii) Testing activities to support research and development programme of the Bureau.

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(iii) Participation in National and International Accreditation System for testing and also for ,
(iv) Formulation of gutdeîines for facilitating the Bureau in r ecognizing any laboratory in
India ôr abroad for the purpose of testing and associated activities in accordance with
sub-rule (2) of Rule 10.
(v) Öther related îaboratory matters.

Scoge of BIS-LRS

1 This scheme lays down the criteria, terms and conditions of recognition, renewal, suspension, de-
recognition, appeal, complaint handling mechanism, administrative instructions for testing & issuing
. test reports and charges relating to recognition of outside labs.

2 Tbe recognition shall in no way be a guarantee from BIS concerning utilization of lab for testing of
samples drawn under BIS Product Certification Scheme.

Criteria for Recognition

1 Cr'iteria'for recognition of laboratories in India

1,1 Accreditation: The laboratory seeking recognition shall have accreditation to IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or
ISO/IEC 17025 in the respective field of testing, such as Mechanical, Electrical, Chemicni and
Microbiological, as applicable. The accreditation body (through which the Accreditation is taken by
the applicant Tab) shall be a full member of Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation
(APLAC) and/or International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC).

1.2 Laboratory:

(a) The laboratory shall be manned by regular, qualified and competent personneJ.

(b) The lab will have complete in-house test facilities for the relevant Indian Standard. It shall be fully
equipped .to test the product strictly !n accordance with test methods given in the relevant Indian
Standards with exemptions such as:

Specia\ized test for which limited facility is available in the Country or the test which are not
routinely required, e.g. radioactive test in packaged drinking Water and pull out test in HSD / TMT

The exceptions will be specifically considered and allowed by the Competent AuthorTty on merit of
the case

(c) In case of breakdown of testing facility, subcontracting may be allowed by BSS till the equipment
is repaired or for a period of six months whichever is-less. The sub- contractor shall be accredited as
per IS/ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17025 or a BIS recognized lab for the same parameter. Under any
exceptional circumstances subcontracting may be permitted by BIS on merit of the individual case.

(d) Availability of adéquate electrical power and water supply, where such inputs are required for

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{e) Lab shall give declaration regarding applicable statutory clearances.

(f) The lab shall be independent, without having linkage to any organization or its subsidiary which is
a licensee under BIS Product Certification Scheme. If there Is any perceived conflict of interest due to
any reason, recognition will not be granted.

(g) All testing related activities including receipt a”nd preparation of samples and all activities relating
to contract review Shall be carried our in a single premise. Hence the tab should have adequate and
” proper space as well as Infrastructure for storage of samples before and after testing in the same

(h) The fee as prescribed by BIS from time to time shall have to be paid by the laboratory.

(i) Travelling and stay expenses of the auditors shall be borne by the auditee laboratory as per
entitlement of the auditors.

.1.3 Testing Charges: The testing charges declared by the laboratory for the relevant Indian
Standards for which lab is recognized, shall be valid for a period of three years. However, in the
event of any revision of the Indian Standard or issuance of an amendment to the Indian Standard,
the revision of testing tharges shall be considered and made effective with the prior approval of the
Competent Authority.


• 3.1 Application for Recognition

3.1.1 A laboratory iñterested in obtaining recognition and fulfilling the Criteria as laid down at 1.5
” shall apply in the application form as prescribed (Annexure-1). The lab shall Submit the application in
duplicate along with application fees and documents as described below:

a) Two copies of current valid Laboratory Quality Manual as per IS/150/IEC 17025 or 150/IEC/17025.

b) Duly filled in check list {Annexure-2).

c) An Undertaking as prescribed (Annexure-4).

d) Documents authenticating the premises of laboratory in India: Certificates/documentary

evidence from Registrar ol Firms/Directorate ol Industries/ Industries Centre/ Munic”ipal
Corporation/Local Body/Central Insecticides Board or Drug Controller/Pollution Control Board or any
such Competent Authority indicating premises of the applicant lab will be accepted for the purpose
of authentication of premises.

e) Documents establishing legal identity of laboratory in India: Registration Certificate with Service
Tax Authorities/ Registrar of Societies / Certificate of Registration by Company Registrar/
Memorandum of Article in case Applicant lab is a Limited COmpany/Partnership Deed in case the
applicant lab i"s under Partnership/ Certificate from a Chartered Accountant (CA) establishing the

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” ”*” ”proprietorship of the’laboratory business entity in case õf proprietorship lab / Affidavit on Non-
Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- by Proprietor that he Is the sole Proprietor duly attested by Notary
t Publc will be accepted for the purpose of establishing legal identity of the lab.

fj Document authenticating the premises of overseas laboratory: Any document from local
àilthorìty/ Covernment, authenticating laboratory premises as per law of the country.

g) Documents authenticating legal identity of overseas laboratory: Any document from local
authority/ Government, establishing legal identity of the laboratory as per íaw of the country.

•” • B.1.2 The application is to be signed by the Director{s), Proprietor, Partner(s) or the Chief Executive
!’ . Officer (CEO) or any other person so authorized for the purpose by the management. The name and
designation of the person signing the application shall be recorded legibly in the space for the
purpose in the application form. In case of authorized signatory, a certificate from the top
management of the lab on its official letter head bearing seal of the laboratory clearly attestìng the
signature of the authorized signatory.
*, 3.1.3 The applicațion shall be addressed to Head, Corporaté Quality Assurance & Policy Department
(CQAPD), Central laboratory, Plot No.20/9, Sïte łV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad-201010,

3.2 Scrutiny of application

A) l applications shall be scrutinized with respect to criteria laid down at 1.S and requirements as per
3.1. BIS reserves the right to return an application which is iñcomplete and found deficíent in respect
aî following:

” a) App|icatfon form is incomplete.

, b) Application fee with requisite service tax or any other Government levy as applicable not

'! c) Proof of legal identity and authentication of premises not submitted.

d) Application is unsigned or not sigued by the authorized signatory.

e) Scope of recognition applied for (product/iS wise fïst} not Submitted,

f) EmployeesØ list with qualification/experience not submitted.

g) List of equipment, IS wise and clause wise for each IS with calibration status not submitted (as per
the format given in application form).

h) The scope applied for includes any product not covered under BIS Product Certification Scheme or
the product is noc a related product/ raw material.

i) Testing facilities are partial as dec(ared by the applicant and reasons for the.same with justification
not provided.

Office of the Genior Quality Control Œficer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 46

generated from eoffice b’y Chandan Talu dar. QA(CT),
JUNIOR ASSISTANT, COMmİssionerat of Industries
and Commerce on 2 5zO4/2oes o : z Pill
IC -I0MS ME( Q.C)/ i/ 2ö23”-”BR-I -CIC-Commission erate of Industries and
(Comp nt’er No
1,3 301/ZOZ 3 /
.. Proposal L/|›gradafiOfi oÎ Qtiality COntfOl S Âb0rdt rÎ9S

jj Latest Quality Manual not submitted.

k) Proof of accreditation to ISO/IEC 17035 or IS/ISO/I”EC 17025 not submitted.

3.3 Processing of.application

3.3.1 Recording - All applications found to be complete with ltsted documents and other
prerequisites shall be recorded. Every application shall be assigned a serial number to be known as
'Application Number‘ and same shall be recorded in a register maintained for the purpose. in all
future correspondence, reference must be made to the 'Application Number'.
3.3.2.once the app|ication is recorded, application fee is not refundable.

* 3.3.3 Adequacy audit - Adequacy audit of the application and quality manual will be done.
deficiencies observed, if any,.will be conveyed to the applicant lab fOr clarification/compliance
within given timeframe.

3.3.4 Initial Audft - After satisfactory adequacy audit, a team for initial audit shall be tonstituted and
communicated to the applicant lab.

!’ !'” 3.3.5 Audit - On deposit of audit fee, the team from BIS will visit the lab for.onsite assessment of the
lab&s compliance to the procedures and the activities enumerated in the documented
'” ” rrianagement system and relevant management system standard. The audit will also tover the
Iab'g'S requisite infrastructure and demonstration of its technical competence in testing the
products for which recognition is sought from BIS

3.3.6 Audit fee - Initial audit fee shall be payable in advance by the applicant tab as per C1.Z; the
details ot which shall be provided by B!S. The initial audit fees shall be payable within prescribed
period. Travelling and stay expenses of the auditor(s) shall be borne by the laboratory as per their
respective entitlements.

3.3.7Responsibilities of applicant lab - The lab shall provide the following assistance to the audit
team during the assessment:

'”’; a) Arrangements of travel, stay and local guidance etc ””

.Ji .' ''''
;: b) Ensure availability of all concerned personnel for the purpo5e of assessment.

c) Due co-operation to the auditor{s).

d) Necessary infrastructure and logistics to facilitate smooth conduct of assessment.

3.4 Rejection of application

3.4.3. Application shall be liable for rejection, if

b) Lab does not take corrective actfon (s) on deficiencies observed during adequacy audit within 45

Offite of the Seniof Quality Control Œiicer from eOffice .by Chandan
.' Depart/xe»t of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assa«i Taluküar, jA(cT›, jUNIOR
CommissioneraLe of
Industries and Commerce

zSzo‹z2oz‹ of :jz plq

-“Ie-IOMSME(QC ›7 172023-BR -I- CIC - of Industries and Commerce (Computer
t3 01/ 2023/Bt RAN H-I
. Upgradation of Quality Control Laboratories

’! ” *b) Lab does not confirm readiness tor audit within 4S days of ”intimat‹on from BIS.

c) Plan-payment of any prescribed fees.

d) Lab does not take/inform corrective action within stipulated time as agreed between lab and
audit team leader/CQAPD but not exceeding 45 days.

e|Lab gives false declaration in the application with respect to infrastructure, testing facilities,
calibration /0RM/SRM and competence of testing personnel.

• f) Lab violates provisions of BIS Act, Rules, Regulations or ¡t does not fulfill any of the conditions for
grant of recognition.

g) Any Conflict of Interest as per

h) Any other (Past antecedents etc)

3.4.2 Procedure for rejection of application

a) A notice for rejection stating the reason(s) thereof, with the provision of personal hearing shall be
served to the lab giving 15 days time to reply,

b) If no repty is received within the stipulated ttme or if the reply is unsatisfactory or if the p\ears)
extended at the time of personal hearing are not acceptable to the Competent Authority, the
appticatton shall be liable for rejection.

3.5 Process for Recognition - Before considering grant of recognitlDn to the Jdb, Corrective actions
taken by the lab on the Non-conformittes (NCs), if any, observed during the Audit shall be physically
verified by BIS, if needed, for its closure. Any nonconformity /inadequacy observed in scrutiny of
assessment report shall aIso”be brought to the notice of lab for necessary corrective actions/
clarifications within specified time which shall also be verified by BIS. If necessary, follow-up audit
may also be arranged.

Based on the findings of the audit team and recommendations made after due scrutiny the
Competent Authority shall take a decision on the grant of recognition to the lab or otherwise. The
Recognition shall be granted for an initial period of three years on payment of necessary recognition
fee. The name of the Lab so recognized will be hosted on BIS website.

A laboratory recognized by BIS shaI|:

a) Not use the recognition in any manner to which BIS may object.

b) Inform BIS about any Change made to the Management System which formed the basis for the
grant of the recognition.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officar

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 48

'tenerated from eOffice by Chanda rr Talukda r, )A(CT).
jUNIOR A5SISTAMT, Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce on 25 zoez2oz ‹ oj:1£ Plot
”IN -IOMSME(OC) X1/2023-BR -I-CIC -Commissio nerate of Industries and Commerce (Comp
131 301/ 2023/ BRANCH-I
” Upgradation of Qualify Con(rol 4
c) Upon de-recognition or expiry of the recognition, discontinue claiming BIS recognition and
withdraw all publicity material (both in print and electronic media)which contFiin any reference

d) Submit a monthly statement of samples received and test repor\s issued for 81S samples in the
prescribed format (Annexure-7) on every Sth day of the month for the prer:eding munth to CQAPD,
• Central Laboratory, Plot No.20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad, Distt-Ghaziabad-
201010, email: ctpolicycell@ bis.

e) Inform BIS about shifting of premises and removal/relocation of any test equipment/test facility
covered under the scope of recognition.

g) Inform BIS if the accreditation as per lSflsO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17O2¿i is withdrawn/ expired.

f) App|y for renewal six months before validity of recognition expires.

h) Update their test facilities in view of issuance of amendment or revision of any Indian Standard
covered in the scope and confirms availability of appropriate test facilities to BIS.

i) Extend full cooperation to BIS in matters of investigation concerning recognition and/or testing.

j) Provide any information sought by BIS in relation to testing of samples.

k) Keep Bis ialarmed about changes with respect to testing personnel clearly indicating the name,
qualification, experience, nature of engagement (i.e. full time, part time, consultant, on call etC.) and
the effective date.



5.2 Validity - the recognition shall be granted for a period of three years. The effective date of
recognition shall be from the date of realization of fee for recognition.

5.2 Surveillance Audits - Grant of recognition shall be followed by at least two surveillance audits
during first two years of operation of recognition to verify the effective implementation and
maintenance of management system established by the lab. Under special circumstances,
surveillance visits may be increased with specific orders from the Competent Authority.

5.3 Special visits - In addition to surveillance audits, special audits for Inclusion of IS in the existing
“ scope (extension of scope), verification of corrective actions, revocation of suspension, visits for
investigation of complaints and surprise visits mny be carried ouc with approval of Competent
'! authority.

S.3.1 Alf the audits except surprise visiis and yisit for investigation of complaints shall be charged as
per CI.2. Travelling and stay expenses of the auditor(s) will be borne by the laboratory as per their

Office oftAe Senior Quality Control Ollicer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam 49

Generated from eoffice by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT), )UNIOR ASRI STANT, C ommissionerate of Industries
and Commerce on 2 s fO</2oz‹ ay:1z pl I
-BR-I-CIC -Commissioner¿t te of Industries and CommerC e
OU/ 2OZ37 BRANCH-I (Computer No
Upgradaliort of Quality Control Laboratories

5.4 Supervisory visits ‘9' Supervisory visits may be paid by Sc-G & Chief(Labs) or any other senior
officers (not below the Ievel of Head of Lab) specially nominated by the Competent Authority to the
recognized laboratories to ensure that the LRS is strictly tollowed. No expenses for such vis‹ts will be
charged from recognized laboratories.

5.5 Audit Team '9• Team for initial audit, renewal audit, surveillance audit, verification audit and
follow-up audit etc. will be constituted by the Competent Authority.

The lab will not make any request for change in the audit team once constituted by the Competent
AuthDrity unless there is conflict of interest with proper justification.’

5.5 Non-conformity @ Non-conformity (NC) observed during audit shal/ be conveyed to the lab. The
permitted time for taking corrective action(s) for any NC shall be maximum 45 days.”During course of
tendency of any NC having dfrec8 bearing on the quality of test results, the lab shall not issue any
test report for the related tests.

5.7 Suspension ’O' During the operation of the scheme, recognition of lab may be suspended by the
Competent Authority due to any of the following reasons:

(a) Lab fails to observe terms & condition of the Lab Recognition Scheme.

(b) Break down of system as observed during audits or otherwise.

(c) flan intimation of significant changes in |ab management (as per signed undertaking submitted).

(d) Lack of cooperation to BIS in.conduct of audits or in resolving various related issues.

(e) Prima-facie evidence suggests that the test results repo2ed by the lab are not genuine/valid.

{f) Failure to take corrective actions on DCs reported during audits within stipulated timeframe.

(g) shifting of laboratory premises.

(h) Prolonged closure of laboratory due to any reason whatsoever.

(i) Repeated occurrence of similar NCs.

(j) Ac¢redltatlon body withdraws accreditation during its validity period.

! (k) Occurrence of any natural calamity that affects the operations of the laboratory.

(\\ Lab continues testing and issuing of test reports for product{s) related to BIS Product Certification
.i Scheme which is beyond scope of recognition, without seeking formal inclusion of the product(s) in
their scope of recognition.

. \' ,’ ’' ” (m) Complaint is established.

Office oi the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industrial & Commece, GovL of Assam 50

, Genérated from eoffice by Chandan Talukdar, QA(CT), JUNIOR
ASSISTANT, Commissianerate of Industries and Commerce on 2 5zO4/2o2s Q : 2 Pf4
tC - lOMS ME”( QC)/1/ 2õ2 Ș-BR -I- CIC -COI+i missienerate of
Industri es and Commerce (Co mputer No.
’,: .Îî''!” •î , ” ” * "”"‘, “ "."
;,’! „’; : ' Proposal Upgradation of Quality Contfo] Laboratories

'” - “ 5.7.1 Partial Súspension 'gE buring the operation of the scheme, recognition of lab may be
Suspended partially for a produk/ a group òf products/ product fïeid due to any Qf the following
reasons:” ” "” "

a) !nabîiity of laboratory to demonstrate capability of testing of a product or a group of products.

• ” . ” . ""
b) Failure to take cõćrective actions”on NC re/›orted during aud›t within stipulated timeframe.

- • “ c) Repeated occurrence of similar NCs pertaining to a product or a group of products or product


dj Accreditatio‘n body withdraws accreditation for the partičular product(s)/field(s) of testing/related

.’ , . parámeter.

' ”! ” ’5.7.2 Under Suspension the lab shall not accept and test ä”nÿ sample forwarded by BIS or by BIS
licensees for tests. to be carried out as per STI under Product Certification Scheme. However, in case
‘'.; ‘: pf partial suspeńsipn, the lab shall not accept and test any śąmple of the product/a group of
prodUcts/prQduct field(s) for which the lab was placed under partial suspension. .

5.7.3 Samples pending with the lab at the time of suspension/ partial suspension shall not be tested
without prior approval of the Competent Äuthorïty. Lab shall furnish to CQAPD,8IS the details of
samples pending for testing õr under test at the time of suspension/partial suspension within two
"" days from the date of receipt of intimation of suspension/partial suspension in the prescribed
format (AnneKure-6). The Competent Authority wìll take a“decision on testing or otherwise of
' samples already under test/pending for testing depending upon ground(s] of suspension and
. communicate the same to the lab. If statement is rtot received, BSS wifi not consider test reports of
such samples..

5.8 Maximum përiod of suspertsion/partial suspension Ø The period of Suspension/partial

suspension shall not exceed three months. It may be extended beyond three months in special case
with valid reaso’n(s) by the Competent Authority and sha\\ nat exceed slx months. 7he lab shall be
derecoęnized after this period.

5.9 Ițevocation öf suspension/pãrtial suspension Ø When necessary corrective actions are

con”flrmed by the lab, Competent Authority may consider revocation of suspension based on
satisfactory assessment Including on-site verification, if necessary.

5.9.1 Recogñltion fee is payable even during period of suspension. '

5.10 Change in the scoție of recognition

5.10.1 Extension of5cope - The laòor’atory may apply for extension of scope of recognition in the
prescribed format tAnnexure-3) along with requisite fee's. For the purpose, the lab shah Indicate the products, the rele

.Office of the Srnior Ouałity Controlofficer

Depaùment of Induśtrles & Commerce, GovL of Assam

IГą’eqeFatTO, I.CDI i eofflce by Chandan Tälukdar, }A(C T ), JUNIOR ASSISTANT, COmrT issianerate of
Industries and Commerce on 2 s/O4x2oz‹ a : 2 PM
!IC — IOMSME(QC) z IZ2O23-8R-I-CIC-C mmissioneraté of Industries ”and
301/ZOZ3/BRANCH-I Commer
Upgradation of.Quality Control Lâborator\es

S.10.1.1 Audit for extension of scope rriay be clubbed with surveillance/renewal audit if due, by
increasing the number of man-days, if felt necessary for which the lab will pay the audit fee for”
additionat man-days also. Any request for extension of scope on the spot during survéillance/
renewal/ verification audit shall not be entertained.
5. ”20.1.2 Assessme'nt fpr extension of scope if clubbed with surveillance audit and performance is not
found satisfactory in a particular field of testing; inclusion pertaining to that field will not be
considered till performance is assessed again and found satisfactory. However, if overall
performance is not found satisfactory inclusion will not be considered until performance is assessed
as satisfactory,

5.10.2 Deletion from scope '8' Any Indian Standard (IS) may be deleted from the scope of
recognition for any if the following reasons:

(i) Supersession/withdrawal of the IS.

(fi) Lab is assessed incompetent for any particular product.

(iii) Lab requests for deletion of any IS (s).

5.11 Renewal, Deferment, Expiry and De-recognition

5.11.1 Ré'newai For renewal of recognition the lab shall apply to CQAPD, BIS on application form as
prescribed (Annexure-1) at least six months before validity date of the recognition along with”
a requisite fees as prescribed (schedule as per clause 2) and related documents. A renewal notice in
advance may be sent to the lab well in advance. However, non-receipt oi such notice (rom CQAPD,
BIS cannot bé considered as ground for n”ot applying’for renewal in”time as the onus of applying for
’* renewal lles sole(y with the laboratory.

5.11.1.Z Laboratory Quality Manual is required to be submitted with renewal application only if
there is ariy significant change ¡n the manual. If no change, the lab will submit a declaration to this
.| effect.” A renewal audit similar to the initial audit'wilI be carried out before considering further
renewal. The lab shall pay in advance the renewal audit fees as prescribed (schedule as per clause

5.J:1.1.4 Renewa! appllcatiDn fees and renewal audit fees (for the audits already carried out) are
non-refundable. If the renewal process is delayed due to any of the following reasons on the part of the fab,
recognition if renewed by the Competent Authority will be valid from a fresh da.te:

a) Non compiiañce by the lab to”the requirements necessary to process renewal.

b) The lab is not ready for renewal audit/ follow up audit.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt of Assam S2

tGenerated from ”eOffice by Chandan Talukdar, jA(CT),
JUNIOR ASSISTANT, CommissioneraLe of Industries and Commerce on zszo‹z2oz‹ of :jz plq
- C-I0MSME(QC) /h 'zoz -BR -I- CI
C -C O
1;3 301/ ZOZ3Ÿ BR ANCH- t mmissionèrate lñdustries and Commerce (Comput
Mpgradatlon of Quality Control Laboratori4s
”, . ”• ” . ” .
.,. ”' . c) Performance is not satisfactory as assessed during renewal audit.

During the tnterim period between the validité date and fresh date of recognition, the recogfiition
“” shall stand expired.

5.11.1 ,6 Samples pending with the lab at the time of expiry of recognition shaI| not be tested
without prior approval of the Competent Authority. Lab shall furnish to CQAPO, BIS the details of
samples”pending for testing or under test at the time of expiry within two days from the date of
receipt of intimation of expiry in the prescribed format (Annexure-6). The Competent Authority will
take a decision on testing or”otherwise of samples a|ready under test/pending for testing depending
upon ground(s) of éxpiry and communicate the same to the lab. if statement is not received, 8lS will
not consider test reports of such samples

. Renewal application received after 30 days of validityshall be treated as application for
fresh recognitjon.

5.11.2 Defermont of Renesvaî Reasons for deferment of renewal - Renewal of recognition may be deferred for a maximum
period‘ofsix months due tQ any of the following reasons:-

'" ” . ' (a) The.lab is under suspension/ partial suspènsion at the end ofvalidity period.

(b) Any comp\aint against the lab is under investigation or decision on some related issues is pending
at.the end of validity period.

• 5.11,2.2 Deferment-cum-expiry notice with the option of personal hearing will be sent to the
laboratory giving IS days time to reply. If no reply is received within the stipu\ated period or reply is
found unsatisfactory, or if the pleads) extended at the time of personal hearing are not acceptable to
theCompetent Authority, the recognition shall be allowed to expire.

S.II.2,3 Samples pending with the lab at the time Of deferment of recognition shall nat be tested
without prior approval of the Competent Authority. Lab shall furnish to CQAPD, BIS th+ details of
- ” samples pending for testing or under test at the time of deferment within two days from the date of
receipt of intimation of deferment in the prescribed format(Annexure-6). The Competent Authority
wilt take a decision én testing or otherwise of samples already u»der test/pending for testing
depending upon ground(s) of deferment and comrñunicate,the same to the lab. If statement is not
received, BIS will not consider test reports ol such samples period of deferment of renewal may be extended beyond six months in exceptional
situation with approval of the Competent Authority. The renewal of deferred recognition may be considered on satisfactory compliance of the
requirement for which renewal was deferred.

S.11.Z.6 Recognition fee is payable even during period of deferment.

Office of the Senior Quality Control Officer " ”

Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assarx 53

•ner,pted fromm eÔfflqe fay Chandan 66 ”

Tzïlukdar, (CT)+ JUNIOR AS
SISTANT , CommissianeraEe of
Industries and Commerce on 2 s/o4z zpza , j¿ p¡ùj
of Industries and Commerce
t,3 301/2OZ3/BRANCH-I Upgradatïon of Quality Control Laboratories

’! t!t' ': ' ” S.11.3 Expiry of Recognition:‘ The recognition shall stand expired at the end qt validité period:
a) Ïf renewaÏ is not sought by the lab along with requisite fees

b) If recognition is ñot renewed by the compétent Authority

c) If recognition is renewed from a fresh date.

' “ ' 5.11.4 De-recognition The laboratories may be de-recognized any time during the recognition period by the
Î ’ Competent Authority for any of the following reasons:

(a) If the laboratory surrenders recognltion

(b) If continuation’of the recognition ofthe laboratory would not be of any assistance to certification
” activities of BIS;

|c) If the laboratory does not carry out thé test(s) propér(y and does not take corrective steps to
improve as advised;

'' ’' ' (d) lfthe laböratory does not maintain adequate secrecÿ pertairïing to the sample(s) under test and
test resutts;

{e) if the laboratory or its personnel are found to be not free from any commercial,financiaI.or other
pressures whiCh might influence their technical judgment;

: • (f) If the lab acts/works directly or ¡ndirectly against the interest of BIS in any form or in.any manner;

(g) If the Laboratory is found indulging in un”ethicaI practites,

(h) If the laboratory Is found violating any of the terms & conditions of recognition & does not
comply with fhe,undertaking given alohg with the application.

- (i) Repeated suspensions {more than two) during an operative period.

(j) ff the partial suspensions suspension continues beyond the permissible period for reasons for
which the lab is responsible.

”'’ For the reasons mentioned above, the recognition of the lab shall be suspended with
flTlmediate effect (if not already u»der suspension) with approval of CA. Simultaneously, a notice for
de-recognition shall be given to the lab with provision of personal hearing to explain as to why such
proposed action may not be taken against the lab. if no reply is received within stipulated time or if
the reply Is found unsatisfactory or if the plea(s) extended at the time of personal hearing are not
acceptable to the Competent Autt›ority, the lab shaT\ be de-recognized.

. ” Office of the Senlor Quality Cin\roi Officer

Department of Industries & COmmerca, Govt. of Assam 5

eoffics by Chandan Talukdar, QA(CT), JUNIOR

ASSISTANT, C ommissianerate of Industries and Commerce
on 25zO4/2ozs o :‹z Pin
IOMSME(6 C) z f/ 202.3-’BR -i -C fC -Commissionerate of Industries and
Commerce (Compute
Mpgradption of Quality Contral Laboratorles

|“, The cooling period for any de-recognized lab shall be minimum 6 months and'maximum shall be one

S.11.S Appeal: Any lab aggrieved by the order of de-recognition may file an appeal to the concerned
: ADG, BIS within a perlod of 60 days from the date of the order of derecognition.

5.12 Complaint/ Feed back

Any Complaint received against a lab will be examined/investigated and action as deemed fit by the
Competent Authority will be taken. Furthér, the Competent Authority may also take aCtion against
the lab basing on feedback received from Regional Offices (ROs)/Branch Offices (BOs).

5.13 Special Situations

5.13.1During the operation of recognition, a number of special situations arise on account of

changes in the management/structure of the lab. The situations may be of the following type:

a) Change iri address of the łaboratory premises;

b) Change in the name of łaboratory without chąnge of ownership and management;

c) Change in the ownershlp of the laboratory, with or without change in the name;

d) Division of the laboratory into two or more units with one of them retaining the original name;

e) Division of the laboratory into two or more units none retaining the original name; ”

f) Merging of two or more laboratories into one entlty with change in name or retaining one of the
original names.

5.13.2In case ofs.13.1(a), the lab is required to intimate the Bureau in advance about shifting of the
laboratory and stop testing at the old premises. On receipt of this information, the recognition will
be suspended by the Competent Authority. On completion of shifting the lab will Intimate this fact to
Competent Authority along with the following documents:

(i) Any legal document as per cl. 3.1.1 (d) authenticating the new premises.

.ii) Certificate of Accreditation of the laboratory for the new premises as per lS/ISO/\EC 17025 or
} ISO/IEC 17025.

The Competent Authority in turn would arrange for verification audit at both locations and shall
consider revocation of suspension of recognition subject to satisfactory audit.

5.13.3 In case of 5.13.1(b), any of the legal documents as specified in 3.1.1 (e) shall be resubmitted
along with a fresh undertaking (Annexure-4) in the new name of the lab.

5.13.4In case of 5,.13.1(c), any of the legal documents as specified in 3.1.1 (e) shall be resubmitted,
along with a fresh’undertaking (Annexure-4) by the new owner/management.

Office of the Seniór Quality Control Officer

Departmani of Industries & Coiziserce, G@f. of Assarn

+°Office by Chahdan Talukdar. jA[CT}, JUNIOR ASSISTANT,
C Ommissionerate of Industnes and Commerce on 25yO4y 202s” 0 j: j g p]U¡
l'C-!OM SME( QC) zt /20 23-BR -I- CIC -C omm ission rat
e e of ind ustrie s and Commerce (Co m.put r
tI3 3301/2OZ e No
Upgradation”ofQuafify Gan(roi Laboratories

”5.13.s In case of S:If.y(d), the lab is”required to intimate the CA immediately and stop testing at all
the units. The lab will also not issue any test report.from any of the units. On receipt of this
information, the recognition will be suspended by the Competent Authority. The Competent
Authority shall consider revocation of suspension of recognition subject to satisfactory audit of the
recognized tab retaining the original name and On submission of the following documents by rhe lab:
(i) No objection Certificate from the other unit(E) and/ or any other suitable îegal document.

(ii) Fresh undertaking (Annexure-4) from the”lab.

,’ (iii) Any of tfie documents authenticating the premises as listed in 3.1.1 (d).

5.13.6 In Case of5.13.the), the units wi]l be treated as new entities and they may apply far
recognition afresh.

s.13.7 In case of merger of two or more labs into one entity with or without change of name, the
tabs shall stand de-recognized. The merged ntity shall be treated as new enrity & it may apply for
recognition afresh.

5.13.8 The procedure to deal yvlth specia) situation in case of labs located overseas will be same as
detailed ins.13.2 to 5.13.7 and documents mentioned in 3.1.3 If} and 3.1.1 (g) are required to be

5.14Lock out, Winding Up, Liquidation, Dissolution”and Closure etc of the lab: The fab drill inform
' ariy such situation with exact status of its functioning to the Competent Authority immediately. On
receipt of information, the Competent Authority will dedde suspension/de-recognition of the fab
depending upon the situation. In case of winding up,liquidation etc, full details regarding the
authorized owner of the company or the liquidator shall be provided by the lab to enable BIS to
lodge a c\aim for recovery, if any.


'g e n era t ed from eoffice by Chandan ” Talukdar.

ASSTSTANT, COmmissianerate of
Industries and Commerce on 2 $ /O4z 2g 4
z 0 : z PN

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