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Human behavior jan 6,2024

1. Which motivational theory proposes that individuals have a hierarchy of needs, ranging from
basic physiological needs to higher-level needs like self-actualization?

 A) B) Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg)

 C) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

 D) Expectancy Theory

 D) Equity Theory

2. According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, which factors are considered motivators?

 A) Hygiene factors

 b Salary and working conditions

 c) Recognition and achievement

 DRelationship with colleagues

3. Expectancy Theory focuses on the relationship between:

 A) Effort and performance

 B) Performance and rewards

 C) Input and output ratios

 D) Individual needs and organizational goals

True/False Questions:

4. True or False: Equity Theory suggests that individuals compare their input-to-output ratios
with others to assess the fairness of their rewards.

5. True or False: According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, once a lower-level need is satisfied,
it no longer serves as a motivator.

Matching Questions:

6. Match the Motivational Theory with Its Key Concept:

 a. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

 b. Expectancy Theory

 c. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

 d. Equity Theory

 Key Concepts:

 i. Hierarchy of physiological and psychological needs

 ii. Relationship between effort, performance, and rewards

 iii. Motivational factors and hygiene factors

 iv. Comparison of input-to-output ratios for fairness

Short Answer Questions:

7. Explain the main idea behind Expectancy Theory and how it influences employee motivation.

8. Provide an example of a factor considered a "hygiene factor" according to Herzberg's Two-

Factor Theory.

These questions cover various motivational theories, including Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Two-Factor
Theory (Herzberg), Expectancy Theory, and Equity Theory

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