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Selected Lines

and Inbred Strains

Tools in the Hunt for the
Genes Involved in Alcoholism

Nicholas J. Grahame, Ph.D.

In their quest to elucidate the genetic influences contributing to alcoholism, researchers have
long used selected lines and inbred strains of rodents. Selected lines are obtained by repeatedly
mating those animals within a population that show extremely high or low values of the desired
trait. Inbred strains are generated by mating male and female siblings, irrespective of any
particular trait, over several generations. Both of these approaches have provided researchers
with extensive knowledge about the genetic and neurobiological mechanisms contributing to
alcohol-related traits. However, the use of these models is associated with some limitations,
mostly resulting from the inbreeding involved in generating such lines and strains. Nevertheless,
these models can offer some advantages over other genetic approaches, such as the analysis of
quantitative trait loci or the generation of transgenic and knockout mice. KEY WORDS: animal
model; animal strains; animal selectively bred for AOD (alcohol or other drug) preference;
selective breeding; genetic theory of AODU (AOD use, abuse, and dependence); phenotype;
quantitative trait locus; gene knockout technology; transgenic technology

reeding techniques to generate mal’s genetic material and studying the alcohol’s effects. This article briefly reviews
animals with desired traits have resulting effects on a behavior of interest. the strategies used in generating selected
long been a staple of genetic re- Alcohol studies using selected lines lines and inbred strains. The article
search, including alcohol-related research. and inbred strains rely on the study of then discusses some of the applications
Two of the oldest techniques for study- groups, or populations, of animals that of these models as well as some of the
ing the genetics of alcohol-related traits differ on a genetic level. At the same limitations associated with their use.
in animals are analyses of selected lines time, the animals’ environment can be
and of inbred strains, usually of rats or controlled rigorously in the laboratory
mice. The use of these animal models setting. Under these conditions, com- NICHOLAS J. GRAHAME, PH.D., is an
long predates the present revolution parisons of various populations allow assistant scientist in the Department of
in molecular biology, because it does alcohol researchers to investigate how Medicine, Indiana University School of
not necessitate advanced biological genes can influence a wide variety of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana.
techniques. Like newer models using alcohol-related behaviors (e.g., alcohol
molecular genetic techniques, however, consumption, tolerance, and with- This work was supported by National
these breeding approaches are based on drawal) as well as physiological traits Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
the concept of manipulating an ani- that may be important in mediating Alcoholism grant 1K01–AA–00283–01.

Vol. 24, No. 3, 2000 159

Generation of Selected variants (i.e., alleles) of the genes related selected lines, however, which should
Lines to drinking but similar alleles of genes differ from each other only with respect
unrelated to drinking (e.g., coat color).1 to the traits related to the behavior
Selective breeding has long been used in under investigation, inbred strains will
agriculture to enhance desired character- differ from each other on a wide variety
istics (i.e., phenotypes) in both plants
Generation of Inbred of traits both related and unrelated to
and animals. In the laboratory, researchers
Strains the behavior under investigation. For
create selected lines by exploiting the example, whereas selected lines bred for
In contrast with selected lines, in which
natural variability inherent in an ani- high and low alcohol consumption
unrelated animals with similar charac-
mal population and breeding those indi- should differ in the amount of alcohol
teristics are mated, or crossed, inbred
viduals that have either extremely high ingested but not in an unrelated trait
strains are created by crossing male and
or extremely low values of the pheno- (e.g., coat color), inbred lines may dif-
female siblings. The offspring of this
type of interest. For example, in regard fer in both alcohol consumption and
cross again are mated to each other and
to alcohol withdrawal, researchers might the unrelated trait.
so on for 20 consecutive generations.
mate either animals exhibiting the
The result of this procedure is a popu-
most severe withdrawal symptoms or
lation of animals in which only one
animals exhibiting the mildest with-
allele of every gene is present (i.e.,
Applications for Selected
drawal symptoms. After several genera-
which is homozygous for every allele).
Lines and Inbred Strains
tions of selective breeding, the resulting
Consequently, all animals within an
in Alcohol Research
lines will demonstrate stable differences
inbred strain are genetically identical,
in the phenotype of interest. Selected lines and inbred strains have
akin to identical twins. Researchers can
The most widely studied alcohol- provided two important contributions
reliably study these populations, because
related phenotype in selected lines has to studies exploring the genetics of
their genetic makeup has been effec-
been free-choice alcohol drinking. Although alcohol-related traits. First, these animal
tively fixed and will not change, except
many animals will not drink alcohol models have yielded extensive knowl-
for changes resulting from spontaneous
when given a choice between alcohol and edge about the genetic underpinnings
alterations (i.e., mutations) in an indi-
water, great variability exists in the amount of individual differences in alcohol-
vidual’s genetic material. Any differences
of alcohol individual animals within a related traits. For example, these lines
that exist between individual members
population will consume. Selective and strains have enabled researchers
of a strain most likely can be attributed
breeding for differences in this phenotype to formulate extensive theories on the
to environmental influences.
was first initiated in the late 1940s, causes of high alcohol intake in animals
To study the role of the genes under-
when Mardones and colleagues developed (e.g., Li et al. 1993). In principle, selected
lying the trait of interest, researchers
the UChA and UChB lines of rats that lines and inbred strains can be used to
must assess and compare numerous
exhibit low and high levels of alcohol determine the genetic factors that are
inbred strains. Differences between dif-
consumption, respectively (Mardones correlated with differences in any alco-
ferent inbred strains having the same
and Segovia-Riquelme 1983). Since hol-related behavior of interest as well
environmental history can be attributed
then, researchers have generated numerous as the effects of chance differences
to genetic differences. Alcohol researchers
sets of selected lines of rats and mice between the lines and strains (Crabbe
have used this approach since the late
that differ in free-choice alcohol intake. et al. 1990; Falconer and Mackay 1996).
1950s, when McClearn and Rodgers
As with the molecular biological The systematic differences between
(1959) published seminal articles demon-
approaches discussed in other articles animal strains or individual animals
strating differences in free-choice alcohol
in this journal issue, selected lines result with respect to an alcohol-related trait
consumption among numerous inbred
from the experimental manipulation (e.g., alcohol consumption level) fre-
strains of mice. In those studies, the
of genes that cause differences in a phe- quently are caused by genes that affect
level of free-choice alcohol consumption
notype. When selection occurs toward multiple phenotypes (i.e., have pleiotropic
differed over tenfold among the inbred
both high and low levels of the pheno- effects). Such pleiotropic effects may
strains tested. Furthermore, because the
type of interest (called bi-directional hint at the causes underlying a certain
animals were raised under identical
selection), the two lines will show pro- target trait. For example, both in selected
environmental conditions, these differ-
gressively greater differences (i.e., diver- lines and inbred strains of mice a
ences must have resulted from genetic
gence) throughout the generations with highly consistent, negative genetic cor-
differences between the strains. Unlike
respect to the trait of interest and in the relation exists between free-choice alco-
genes underlying this trait. With respect hol consumption and alcohol with-
to other traits and their underlying genes, This scenario describes the ideal situation, in which the
genes unrelated to drinking are inherited independently of
drawal. This means that selected lines
however, the two lines should remain the genes related to alcohol consumption. In reality, some and inbred strains which experience
similar. Thus, in the case of free-choice genes often are inherited together (i.e., are linked) even comparatively mild alcohol withdrawal
though their functions are unrelated—for example, because
alcohol consumption, selective breeding the genes are located next to each other on the same
also drink more alcohol and vice versa
results in two lines that have different chromosome. (Metten et al. 1998). Such a correlation

160 Alcohol Research & Health

Selected Lines And Inbred Strains

indicates that the genes influencing the proportion of those animals will exhibit tion—that is, all individuals in that pop-
severity of alcohol withdrawal also the trait of interest, allowing researchers ulation carry the same allele of a certain
affect alcohol consumption and implies to perform experiments (e.g., assessing gene. This fixation occurs both for genes
that alcohol withdrawal discourages the environmental and physiological that are relevant to the trait under inves-
voluntary alcohol drinking in mice. factors that affect alcohol intake or test- tigation (e.g., alcohol consumption) and
Analyses of the genetic differences ing medications designed to reduce for genes that are irrelevant to that trait.
between selected lines exhibiting high drinking) without having to eliminate For example, among inbred mice, animals
and low alcohol consumption also have many animals that do not meet the of the strain C57BL/6 (which readily
helped researchers assess neurobiological alcohol consumption criteria. drink alcohol) have a black coat, whereas
differences between selected lines. Such animals of the strain DBA/2 (which
studies have found consistent innate avoid alcohol) have a tan coat. Thus,
differences between high- and low- one could conclude that the same genes
consuming selected lines (McBride and that determine coat color also determine
Li 1998). For example, some animals Some animals alcohol consumption levels. To support
from high-preferring lines that have such a conclusion, however, scientists
never been exposed to alcohol (i.e., from high-preferring must determine whether a consistent
alcohol-naive animals) show lower lev-
els of the brain chemical (i.e., neuro-
lines that have never correlation between coat color and alco-
hol consumption exists in other inbred
transmitter) serotonin than do alcohol- been exposed to strains as well. In fact, researchers typi-
naive animals from low-preferring lines. cally must assess about 12 to 15 inbred
This type of analysis enables scientists alcohol show lower strains before the data have sufficient
to identify potential mechanisms
underlying alcohol consumption and
levels of the brain statistical power to detect a robust corre-
lation between two phenotypes (e.g.,
to distinguish those mechanisms from chemical serotonin. alcohol consumption and alcohol with-
the effects of alcohol consumption on drawal). Such a robust correlation,
brain function. Scientists would have which is represented by a correlation
difficulty conducting these analyses in coefficient r = 0.5–0.6, would mean that
humans, because controlling for their approximately 25 percent of the vari-
Potential Caveats of Animal Models
alcohol-drinking history is impossible. ance observed in alcohol consumption
When interpreting the results of such In addition to the previously mentioned resulted from variance in the other phe-
studies, however, one must always con- fact that animal models likely provide notype (i.e., withdrawal).
sider that free-choice alcohol consump- only an incomplete representation of Studies involving inbred strains there-
tion (or any alcohol-related phenotype) human behaviors as complex as alcohol fore require a relatively large number of
in rodents is a model for the human use and abuse, several other potential strains to detect moderate genetic corre-
condition that likely reflects some but problems exist in interpreting the find- lations. The analysis of numerous strains
not all of the elements contributing to ings of such research. Crabbe and col- decreases the likelihood that differences
human alcohol use and alcoholism. leagues (1990) have examined extensively between strains are caused by random
The second important contribution the caveats associated with experiments fixation of alleles and increases the like-
of inbred strains and selected lines to assessing genetic correlations in inbred lihood that the results also apply to
alcohol research has been that these strains and selected lines. For example, other strains or organisms (i.e., can be
animal models can consistently exhibit researchers must consider several factors generalized)—an important issue when
a phenotype otherwise considered rare when trying to determine whether the one hopes to apply the results to humans.
in the “outbred,” or nonselected, animals correlation between two traits (e.g., Although such an analysis of numerous
commonly used in laboratories. For alcohol consumption and alcohol strains is labor- and cost-intensive, it is
example, high free-choice alcohol con- withdrawal) actually arises from the the only way to identify correlated traits
sumption is an uncommon behavior pleiotropic actions of the gene or genes and calculate a corresponding correlation
in most rodents; accordingly, studies that underlie both traits rather than from coefficient.
on the effects of alcohol consumption the actions of two unrelated genes. The potential negative consequences
would have to involve many animals, The most important of these factors of inbreeding can affect not only inbred
most of which could not be used because is that to the extent possible, investigators strains but also selected lines. Although
they do not show the desired behavior. must ensure that differences among sev- selective breeding usually specifically
Certain inbred strains (e.g., C57/BL6 eral selected lines or inbred strains are avoids mating brothers and sisters,
mice or Fawn-Hooded rats), however, not caused by random differences resulting inbreeding still occurs, because the pop-
require little training to initiate alcohol from inbreeding. After repeated inbreed- ulation used for creating a selected line
consumption (George 1987), as do ing (which occurs in both selected lines (e.g., those animals showing the high-
selectively bred rats or mice (Froehlich and inbred strains), both alleles for many est free-choice alcohol consumption)
1995; Grahame et al. 1999). A large genes become fixed within a popula- often is relatively small. In general, the

Vol. 24, No. 3, 2000 161

smaller the population is in which titative trait—in other words, a pheno- Conversely, QTL studies may offer
selective breeding is performed and the type (e.g., alcohol consumption) that is some advantages over genetic correlation
longer selective breeding is carried out, determined by more than one gene, each studies. For example, the failure to detect
the greater is the level of inbreeding of which exists in several alleles. Using a genetic correlation using selected lines
(Falconer and Mackay 1996). This molecular genetic techniques, researchers and inbred strains does not mean that
inbreeding can result in the generation can locate such QTLs on the DNA such a correlation does not exist. Instead,
of random differences (i.e., genetic drift) and calculate the magnitude of their the correlation may be highly complex
between two selected lines. For example, contribution to the phenotype under and involve several genes having such
if some of the animals used for generat- investigation (for more information on diverse (and even opposite) effects that
ing a high alcohol-consuming selected QTLs, see the article in this issue by they mask a genetic correlation when
line by chance have a somewhat lighter Grisel, pp. 169–174). they act in concert. In such cases, the
coat color than the animals in the orig- Genetic correlation studies using QTL approach may enable researchers
inal population, the inbreeding inher- selected lines and inbred strains to iden- to find individual alleles that produce
ent in generating the selected line may tify the genes contributing to a certain such opposite pleiotropic effects. In
result in a population with a lighter practice, however, scientists rarely take
coat color, even though coat color is the trouble to look for QTLs underlying
unrelated to alcohol consumption. The genetic correlations without having ini-
emergence of such differences in traits tially observed such correlations in ani-
unrelated to the phenotype of interest Selected lines mal models. In fact, both selected lines
can greatly complicate the identifica-
tion of genes that help determine the
and inbred strains (e.g., Bice et al. 1998) and inbred strains
frequently provide a starting point for
phenotype of interest (for a more allow researchers QTL analyses, because these analyses are
mathematical presentation of this issue, easiest when the DNA to be examined
see Belknap et al. 1997). to examine the is derived from animals with two highly
Thus, to maximize the strength of
selective breeding—that is, to cause
entirety of a genetic divergent phenotypes.

systematic differences related to the correlation. Transgenic and Knockout Animals.

Two other approaches to examining the
selection phenotype to emerge and to
function of specific genes and their
minimize differences unrelated to the
effects on alcohol-related traits in animal
selection phenotype—experiments
models involve transgenic and knockout
involving selected lines should main- phenotype differ in several aspects from
mice. In transgenic mice, the gene of
tain as large a population of breeding the QTL approach. First, QTL studies
interest is altered (i.e., mutated) in a test
animals as is economically feasible. In investigate the influence of a single gene
tube and then introduced into the mice,
addition, the generation of replicate on the phenotype, whereas genetic cor-
enabling researchers to study the effects
selected lines that are bred from different relation studies traditionally have been
of that gene alteration. In knockout
animals to exhibit the same phenotype used to detect the influence of a group
mice, researchers inactivate the gene of
as the original lines can help researchers of anonymous genes that act in concert
interest, allowing them to draw conclu-
interpret differences between selected and which may affect several pheno-
sions on the function of that gene by
lines. A correlation that occurs in both types. In other words, selected lines
determining the consequences of its
the original selected lines and the repli- and inbred strains allow researchers to
absence. (For more information on these
cate lines can be considered highly reli- examine the entirety of a genetic correla-
animal models, see the article in this
able evidence that a true genetic corre- tion and do not attempt to dissect the
issue by Bowers, pp. 175–184). Like the
lation exists rather than a genetic drift genetic variance into pieces that are
QTL approach, these animal models
(Crabbe et al. 1990). each influenced by one specific gene.
attempt to analyze complex, alcohol-related
This approach improves the statistical
phenotypes by investigating the func-
power, and thus the replicability, of the
Comparison of Selected Lines and tions of individual genes.
analysis, because it does not try to break
Inbred Strains With Other Genetic In contrast to selected lines and
up genetic sources of variance into discrete
Approaches inbred strains, which take advantage of
units, which can be difficult to detect
the genetic variability that occurs natu-
Quantitative Trait Loci. Another reliably. The benefits of the genetic corre-
rally in a population, transgenic mice
approach to examining the pleiotropic lation approach are particularly great when
involve the generation of specific muta-
effects of alleles and dissecting genetic analyzing phenotypes for which genetic
tions in the gene of interest to create
correlations in a particular population factors play only a moderate role, such
new variant alleles. Such targeted muta-
involves the identification of quantita- as alcohol consumption. For these phe-
tions are tremendously useful for a trait
tive trait loci (QTLs). A QTL is a small notypes, each QTL may account only for
in which a known mutation exists in
section on the cell’s genetic material a small portion of the variance in the phe-
humans. This mutation can then be
(i.e., the DNA) that helps shape a quan- notype, often less than 10 percent.

162 Alcohol Research & Health

Selected Lines And Inbred Strains

reproduced in transgenic mice in order genetically define important alcohol- CRABBE, J.C.; PHILLIPS, T.J.; KOSOBUD, A.; AND
to study its effects in more detail. In BELKNAP, J.K. Estimation of genetic correlation:
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Furthermore, in contrast with normally order to understand how genetic differ- Selective breeding for alcohol preference in mice.
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occurring alleles found in selected lines
alcohol response. Genetically defined LI, T.-K.; LUMENG, L.; AND DOOLITTLE, D.P.
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using “artificial” alleles may result in animal models, such as selected lines and ated responses. Behavior Genetics 23:163–170, 1993.
phenotypes that are influenced by spe- inbred strains, will continue to form the
cific (and often unanticipated) develop- basis for this work. ■ Thirty-two years of selection of rats by ethanol pref-
mental and genetic parameters (for a erence: UChA and UChB strains. Neurobehavioral
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pain research, see Mogil and Grisel MCBRIDE, W.J., AND LI, T.-K. Animal models of
1998). For example, researchers may alcoholism: Neurobiology of high alcohol-drinking
Thanks are due to Julia Chester, Ph.D., behavior in rodents. Critical Reviews in Neurobiology
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experiments in which the mutations their comments on preliminary versions MCCLEARN, G.E., AND RODGERS, D.A. Differences
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researchers should not overlook the
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