Speaking Test Forecast

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Table of Content

Speaking Part 1: .................................................................................1

Topic: Study .................................................................................................................................. 1
Topic: Major subject.................................................................................................................. 4
Topic: Work .................................................................................................................................. 7
Topic: Accommodation - The area you live in............................................................................ 12
Topic: Hometown Countryside ............................................................................................... 17
Topic: Weekend ......................................................................................................................... 20
Topic: Spending time with others .............................................................................................. 22
Topic: Taking photos .................................................................................................................. 24
Topic: Art .................................................................................................................................... 25
Topic: Cinema ............................................................................................................................. 26
Topic: Emails .............................................................................................................................. 27
Topic: Dreams ............................................................................................................................ 29
Topic: Mirrors ............................................................................................................................. 31
Topic: Science ............................................................................................................................. 33
Topic: Memory ........................................................................................................................... 34
Topic: Daily routine .................................................................................................................... 35
Topic: TV Program ...................................................................................................................... 36
Topic: Cars .................................................................................................................................. 38
Topic: Lost and Found ................................................................................................................ 39
Topic: Websites .......................................................................................................................... 40
Topic: Time management .......................................................................................................... 41
Topic: Street market .................................................................................................................. 42
Topic: Mobile phone .................................................................................................................. 43
Topic: Watching sports .............................................................................................................. 44

New Topics: ...................................................................................................................... 45

Topic: Talents ............................................................................................................................. 45

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Topic: Books and Reading habits ............................................................................................... 46
Topic: Meeting places ................................................................................................................ 48
Topic: Boring things.................................................................................................................... 49
Topic: Advertisements ............................................................................................................... 51
Topic: Collecting things .............................................................................................................. 53
Topic: Old buildings .................................................................................................................... 54
Topic: Watches ........................................................................................................................... 55
Topic: Computers ....................................................................................................................... 56
Topic: Sitting down..................................................................................................................... 57
Topic: Home / Room decoration ................................................................................................ 58
Topic: Evening time .................................................................................................................... 59
Topic: Doing sports .................................................................................................................... 60
Topic: Outdoor places ................................................................................................................ 61
Topic: Popular kids ..................................................................................................................... 62

SPEAKING PART 2 & 3........................................................................... 63

Topic: Special occasions ............................................................................................................. 63
Topic: Habits............................................................................................................................... 66
Topic: Decisions.......................................................................................................................... 69
Topic: Place you want to live in ................................................................................................. 72
Topic: Help ................................................................................................................................. 75
Topic: Moving ............................................................................................................................. 78
Topic: Advice .............................................................................................................................. 80
Topic: Skills ................................................................................................................................. 84
Topic: Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 87
Topic: Ambition .......................................................................................................................... 90
Topic: Happy events ................................................................................................................... 93
Topic: Cake ................................................................................................................................. 96
Topic: New place ........................................................................................................................ 99
Topic: City ................................................................................................................................. 102
Topic: Countryside ................................................................................................................... 104

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Topic: Walking .......................................................................................................................... 107
Topic: Spending time................................................................................................................ 109
Topic: Rules .............................................................................................................................. 112
Topic: Place that you dislike ..................................................................................................... 115
Topic: Clothes ........................................................................................................................... 118
Topic: Job ................................................................................................................................. 121
Topic: Story .............................................................................................................................. 124
Topic: Friends ........................................................................................................................... 127
Topic: Lesson/Course ............................................................................................................... 130
............................................................................................... 134
Topic: Song ............................................................................................................................... 137
Topic: Learning languages ........................................................................................................ 140
Topic: Products......................................................................................................................... 143
Topic: Necessity ....................................................................................................................... 146
Topic: Free ................................................................................................................................ 149
Topic: Conversation ................................................................................................................. 152
Topic: Toy ................................................................................................................................. 155

New Topics ..................................................................................................................... 158

Topic: Positive change.............................................................................................................. 158
Topic: Popular people .............................................................................................................. 160
Topic: Day out .......................................................................................................................... 163
Topic: Important events ........................................................................................................... 165
Topic: Quiet place .................................................................................................................... 167
Topic: River / Lake .................................................................................................................... 170
Topic: Concentration ................................................................................................................ 172
Topic: Lost and Found .............................................................................................................. 174
Topic: Stay healthy ................................................................................................................... 176
Topic: Family member.............................................................................................................. 178
Topic: Neighbour ...................................................................................................................... 180
Topic: Contest / Competition ................................................................................................... 182

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Topic: Busy ............................................................................................................................... 184
Topic: Gift ................................................................................................................................. 187
Topic: Opinion .......................................................................................................................... 190
Topic: Inventions ...................................................................................................................... 192
Topic: Traffic jam...................................................................................................................... 194
Topic: Phones ........................................................................................................................... 196
Topic: Talking ........................................................................................................................... 199
Topic: Communication ............................................................................................................. 201
Topic: Help ............................................................................................................................... 205
Topic: Traditional product ........................................................................................................ 207
Topic: Learning languages ........................................................................................................ 209
Topic: The Elders ...................................................................................................................... 212
Topic: Important things............................................................................................................ 215
Topic: Advices........................................................................................................................... 218
Topic: Time-saving ................................................................................................................... 220
Topic: Feelings .......................................................................................................................... 222

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Speaking Part 1:
Topic: Study

1. Do you work or study?


2. Which universities do you go to?

The university I go to is called XXX University, which is a top-

proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected because I thought my
grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar compared to the enrollment requirement of
the previous year.

3. How do you usually spend your school day?

I usually spend my school day with a combination of homework, class, and spending time with
friends. I also sometimes like to participate in a club or other extracurricular activity during lunch

4. What technology do you use when you study? / Which technology can help you learn better?

There are lots of websites and apps that can quiz you and test your knowledge. All you have to

to catch up on some class content.

5. Why did you choose your school I university?

Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate
Besides, my parents also rooted for me to go there as they believe four years of study there
would be a big help for my future career.

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6. Is it good to study in the morning or in the afternoon? / Do you prefer to study in the morning
or in the afternoon?

the work, you have the rest of the day off. And the afternoon is usually a better time of day to
early as possible.

7. Who is more important for you at school, teachers or students?

I think the students are more important. I mean, the teachers are obviously playing a key role at
much easier to be excited

with them.

8. Do you like your school?

exams, 1 often have a blast studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have
ever given me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school
whom I hang out with all the time.

9. Which part of your school do you like?

I really like the campus. There are tons of really old buildings, which gives the whole place a

buildings, and there are even a few garden areas t

hang out.

10. How do you improve your study efficiency?

around me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on
my study so that I stay on track and avoid wasting all my time.

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11. Which part do you hope your school to change?/Which part of your school needs an

Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the
gym on our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped because everything in the gym is

hope our school can do something about it.

12. Are you looking forward to working?

proper job after graduating from college. It will be a huge change of lifestyle and I will be able to


13. Describe your education

I started school when I was 7. I finished my primary education 5 years later and I went to
secondary school at 12. Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted pupils in my hometown.
In my country, high school education lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the

14. What kind of school did you go to as a child?

provides both high-quality education and a supportive environment, so I think I was quite lucky.

15. Do you think your country has an effective education system?

promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too
much about grades and schools consequently focus on an exam-driven curriculum, which I find
quite impractical.

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Topic: Major subject

1. What is your major?

takes four years to earn the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program because coding

2. Do you like your major?

like. For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as
fun as watching paint dry because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand.

3. Why did you choose to study that (major)?

Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that I
have lots of passion for that field. I never feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching
nce I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I went
to a college, I would take computer science as my major.

A: ll! studying, especially when I take

coding courses related to game design. They give me a lot of fun through the learning curve
because becoming a game designer is kind of my dream. So I always have a blast learning about

different perspectives are out there. Plus, storytelling is a really big part of the culture, I like
reading books f
my horizons.

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5. What kinds of help can this major bring to your future job?

I believe this major will help me communicate well with others in a future job. For instance,
knowing how to write well means that I can make my points to them and not create any
confusion. That helps us work together better as a team. Studying literature also helps you be
more detail-oriented, which is always helpful.

6. Will you continue doing wha

I don't think I will be bored if I make a living off of it. Plus, the income level of specialists in this
field is also higher than average, so I can have a comfortable life by working as a programmer.

7. What is your plan after finishing school?

8. When did you decide to choose your major?

If memory
wanted to do for a living. But after I took some science classes in high school, I found that I really
ided to pick biology as my

9. Which subjects are more difficult? Do you think your major is difficult?/ What do you dislike
about your major?

Personally, subjects in the sciences to me

stuff li
heads or tails of it, honestly. Alts subjects are easier by a long shot, in my opinion.

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10. What have you learned from the courses?

nk and Witte critically. It sounds kind of vague. But it basically

a very useful skill. It helps with communication and making your point in the best way possible.

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Topic: Work

1. Do you work or study? What work do you do?

rrently working full-

2. Do you like your job?

rewarding to be able to help

people ever
hand out bonuses twice a year!

3. Do you want to change your job? Will you do the same job in the future?

No, I don't want to hop on

ve now.

4. What is the most interesting part of your job?

I work at a coffee shop, so I think the most interesting part of my job is the people. I get to meet
so many people dining my shift. Some of them have fascinating personalities. Sometimes I even
strike up a chat with them and learn something random. One time a customer showed me photos
of his cat.

5. What technologies do you often use at work?

with each othe

standard word- processors and other typical office software. Most of my job involves phone calls

6. Which part is difficult in your job?

I thin

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7. How do you spend your work day?

I usually arrive at the office before 9 A.M. and start my day with a morning meeting with my boss
and co-workers, which really helps me and others know the agenda of the day as well as keep
everyone on the same page. Then the long day of work begins and I need to work overtime until
8 P.M. most days.

8. Is it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon?

through work you have the rest of the day off. And the afternoon is usually a better time of day

9. Have you ever changed your job? / Why did you choose to do that type of job?

of times. Before working at this company, I had full-time jobs at an

right now in terms of business scale. And most importantly, I get paid more for my current job,
which is the main reason I job-hopped.

10. What did you gain the most from your job? /What do you learn from work?

Well...The most valuable lesson I learned from work is how to collaborate with my coworkers.
in a real job, a ton of tasks need
I coordinated a marketing
event with my colleagues, it was of the essence to make Slue everyone was on the same page, or

11. Which do you think is more important, colleagues or work itself?

I think that colleague

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12. What do you do to improve your productivity?

I take a 5-minute break and

some coffee, I feel pumped up and have more energy.

13. Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which part of your working
environment needs improvement?

really bugs me to have to wear a uniform day in and day out. Plus, I have to be really careful
keeping the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined at my workplace. It would be great if we
could have a casual Friday.

14. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development?

u the tasks at work sometimes and have

and I really know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my resume
later since it requires excellent workmanship.

15. Do you miss being a student?


exams to do. I like bein

16. What are your responsibilities?

Well, I work as a business analyst in a large software company and my responsibilities include
understanding and documenting the requirements of the clients, competitor analysis, market
research, then converting the requirements for the programmer, tracking the project, updating
the CEO about the progress, collaborating with the developers, communicating the clients for
further changes, testing the software from a high level and making sure that the software is
delivered to the clients before deadline. Those are in fact the main responsibilities I have in my

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job. However, due to the dynamic nature of the software industry, I often need to perform
additional tasks as required for making a project successful.

17. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?

Being a business analyst was not my initial career plan. I started my career as a programmer.
While I worked with another large software company, they promoted me to this position and I
found it more challenging and demanding. I started enjoying my work and then decided to work
as a business analyst. The business analyst position of a company requires these kinds of works
and the responsibilities are equally demanding and challenging. I think I chose to work in this
position initially because I was promoted to this position but I have continued this position
because I enjoy my work.

18. What do you dislike about your job?

I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position. However, the part I least
enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a deadline. Sometimes the time
estimation is to
adamant to listen to. Once a deadline is fixed, they want to have it religiously followed. Besides,
I often need to cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays. This is another
part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

19. Is it very interesting?

Yes, I found my job challenging but rewarding. As a business analyst, I got the chance to meet up
with influential individuals in the financial world as well as cooperate with Forbes Fortune 500
companies. These were such unique experiences that other positions could hardly offer.

20. What do you dislike about your job?

I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position. However, the part I least
enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a deadline. Sometimes the time
estimation is to re
adamant to listen to. Once a deadline is fixed, they want to have it religiously followed. Besides,

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I often need to cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays. This is another
part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

21. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

I might try to work as a part-time web strategist for a large web development company. But I
have not given it that much thought. I would love to continue my current job role for the next

software company.

22. Describe the company or organization you work for

I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. The name of this company is IT Vista
and I joined there 2 years ago. My colleagues and superiors are extremely friendly, in fact, my
first day at work was such a unique experience that I will remember it forever. If I recall my
memory of that particular day, I was nervous. It was like being on an alien planet with no friends
or known persons. I sat at my desk and filled up some necessary forms and other employees
came to my desk to greet me. I was intimidated when the HR manager asked me for a document
that I forgot to bring. But I got back my harmony and usual myself when I found that my boss,
the HR manager, and other colleagues were amiable. My CEO called me into his room and
described my job responsibilities and tried to motivate me. That was really impressive as it
completely erased my fear and anxiety. So I would say I am one of the lucky people to have such
an amicable workplace.

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Topic: Accommodation - The area you live in

1. What kind of house or apartment did you live in when you were a child?

When I was a kid, I lived in a bungalow in the suburbs. My parents and I barely fit into it, but that
just made it cozy. I remember we filled our home with lots of antique furniture. It gave the house
a nice atmosphere. We moved to an apartment later, but I always missed our first home.

2. What kind of house or apartment are you living in right now? / Do you live in a house or an
apartment?/ What kinds of accommodation do you live in?


rise. It has a really nice view of the city.

3. What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in in the future? / Do you want to live
in a house or an apartment in the future?

in a big house in the middle of nowhere. It might sound a little lonely, but I

have any nosy neighbours. And if it was somewhere nice, you could probably have a great view
of the stars.

I live in a high-rise apartment in an older part of the city. So the front of it is actually old-fashioned.
It has these r
feel like I live in a castle! I love coming home to it every day.

5. Do you think the place you are living at right now is suitable for a family with children?

Yes, I do think so. I believe my neighbourhood is fairly safe and I live around the corner from a
great elementary school. It's a top-notch school district. So there are a lot of families with kids in
this neighbourhood already. I moved here when I was a child myself. There are also beautiful
parks near the neighborhood which are awesome for kids.

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6. Do you think the place you are living at right now is suitable for elders?

being able to navigate the neighbourhood safely, as the school nearby creates a lot of traffic on
weekdays and the loud kids may become a nuisance. If an elderly person decided to move here,

7. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? I Do you like your living place?

cheap for a young guy like me.

Plus is the main reason why

8. How is the area surrounding your home like?/Are there any good facilities near your home?
/Do you like the area that you live in?

My living place is
my apartment, which is great for a foodie like me. And we also have a giant grocery store across


Well, I used to live in a smaller city for college, but now I live in a big city. I moved to the city just
a few months ago for a job I found here. One significant advantage of this big city is that there
are more job opportunities than in the city I moved from. There are a lot more differences
between them

10. Are there any shops or facilities around there? /Where do you like to go in that area?

-minute drive for me, which


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11. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?

been more high-rise buildings built nearby so the area is denser than before. Besides, my favorite
improvement of this area is the building of an outdoor gym where I work out on a regular basis.

12. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area needs?/Are the transport
facilities to your home very good?

Um ... my neighborhood is pretty close to perfect, but it would be better if there was a subway
station within walking distance of my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers
n of extending a

13. Do you know any famous people in the area you live in?


though. I would definitely love to hang out with a celebrity.

14. Do you know anyone who lives nearby? /Are you familiar with your neighbors?

s across
to each other.

15. How long have you lived there?

-going and nice, so we get along really well with each


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16. Will you move home in the near future? I Will you live there in the future? I Will you live
there for a long time? /Do you plan to live there for a long time?

But I do like this area, so it might be a tough choice.

17. Please describe the place where you live.

I live in the quieter part of a big city. Meaning I can take transit downtown very easily but all the

in my neighborhood. And a lot of families live here too.

18. What is your favorite room?/What part of your home do you like the most? /Please describe
the room you live in.

time. It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I got to decorate it myself. That really
makes me feel at home -
just relax.

19. What are your roommates like? Who do you live with?

Well, currently, I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty
co us love playing video games, so we
us to have a game night together
every Saturday.

20. What do you usually do in your flat?

most at home. After all, I got to decorate it myself. So everything is to my taste. I usually just sit
a nice way to kill time.

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21. What room does your family spend most of the time in?

room to kick back and relax. My mom and dad sit on the couch together. I like sitting on the
loveseat. We all watch TV or just have quiet time as a family.

22. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

To me, living in a house would be much better, because, you know, I need my own space so that
I can concentrate on my work. Besides, I can change the size and design of the house in any way
I like. I can't do that if I live in a flat.

ence between where you are living now and where you have lived in the

Let me think...I think that life in the countryside is more peaceful, and the air is so fresh, while in
a big city like Hanoi, the air is very dirty. However, living in a city is much more convenient,
because you can buy anything you want.

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Topic: Hometown Countryside

1. Where are you from?/Where is your hometown?/ Which city are you living in?

My hometown is Jinan, which is a city in Shandong province. I really love it because there're tons
of amazing attractions in the inner city, and the people living in Jinan are very warm and friendly.

2. Do you like your hometown?/ Which part of your hometown attracts you the most?/ Where
is the most impressive place in your hometown?

Festival there, which is a really cool annual event in my hometown. Tons of visitors come to my
city to see it every year. I love being a tour guide and showing my friends from other cities this
tourist attraction.

3. How long have you lived in your hometown?/ Do you think you will continue living there for
a long time?

because my entire social circle is there and the cost of living is pretty low. However, I also want
to work in a different city for a few years to broaden my horizons.

4. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?

Well, I think everything is good except the air pollution. There are tons of parks and museums in
my hometown, so children can do tons of interesting and educational activities. But the air quality
... you know, I often see the buildings outside my window looming in the smog... It really

5. Do you prefer to live in the country or in the city?

more exciting to me. There are always cool things going on, and everything is convenient and
close by. Plus, there are more job opportunities and things to see and do in cities, especially big

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6. Do you want to live in the country in the future?

tell where life will take me. 1 might want to just keep living in the city.

7. Is that a big city or a small place?

largest city of the province by land area.

8. Do you like the city you are living in now?

living anywhere else. There are always cool things happening here. For example, a lot of singers
come to our city for their conceits. It definitely keeps me on my toes.

9. How long are you going to stay there?

ck to my hometown
since living in Jinan practically costs an arm and a leg.

10. Is there anything you dislike in your city?

I love the city I live in. But of course, every rose has its thorn. Sometimes, the buses are really
slow here. So as a commuter, I often get fed up with having to wait for long periods of time. I just
want to get places on time, but the public transportation can make that easier said than done.

11. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?

not satisfied about with my hometown is the traffic there. Lots

hometown are common and often fatal.

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12. Do you know any famous people in your area?

No, I have little correspondence or communication with my neighbours. It is my father who does
most of the talking with people in the neighbourhood, so he must know some famous people in
my area.

13. For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?

Cities generally have better infrastructure, education systems and advanced health care facilities.
You get to meet people from all walks of life, learn to coexist with people from different ethnicity,
race, caste and culture; hence you become more tolerant, open-minded and start respecting
each other differences. Whereas countryside people are less tolerant, the caste system still
prevails and the powers lie with a certain group of people. 14. Do you know much about the
history of your hometown?

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Topic: Weekend
1. What do you often do on weekends?

On weekends, I usually sleep in and try to hang out with my friends. We all get pretty busy with
work and school, so weekends are sometimes our only chance to spend time together. We like
going to the mall or se

2. Did you do anything special last weekend?

No, not really. I had a pretty quiet weekend. I just hung out by myself at home. It might sound
boring, but it was actually really re
have time to just kick back and relax. So I'm glad I had a chill weekend.

3. What do you want to do next weekend?

ther in a while,
so it would be nice to have a meal together. We always have a ton of fun when we try to cook

4. Do you like playing alone or with others?

I like playing with

going to the beach by yourself can allow you to reflect and enjoy some quiet time. But I have way
more fun when I go with my friends. We get to bond and do lots of activities together.

5. What are the activities you want to do in the future?

done it before, and it seems like a really good way to burn some fat and get in shape.

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6. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

Usually, people hang out at the mall or go to bars on the weekends. Those are probably the two
most popular places to chill with friends and just shoot the breeze. Some people also like doing
outdoor activities, like Tai chi in the park. Others go for inns and exercise a lot.

7. What are the differences of family activities between now and in the past?

I think that in the past, family activities were more low-key. You know, families would just sit
around playing card games or something. But nowadays, lots of families like doing outings
together. They might go to a nice restaurant or

8. Do you like working on weekends?

Well, if the work revolves around things that I love, like writing or photography then yes I do love
working on weekends. It makes working for others so much easier. But, doing things that I am
doing on weekdays even on weekends is something I try to avoid.

9. Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?

We as individuals are accountable first to ourselves and then towards others. So, working for the
company even on weekends is something I do not support. In my opinion, a person should work
on himself or herself on weekends as it will help him or her to improve their personality.

10. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?

Weekends for me have always been the source of entertainment since childhood and I remember
cherishing them for as long as I can go back down the memory lane. They are important for me
even now and so there is not much of a difference. However surely, there is more of awareness
on what different things can be done on weekends.

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Topic: Spending time with others
1. Do you like talking with people?


something new.

2. How do you like spending time with your friends? / What leisure activities do you do with
your friends?

I like going for walks with my friends. Sometimes we go to a park and just shoot the breeze .
Other times, we go to the mall and check out the stores. We mostly just window-
still a good time. It's also fun to go to the movies together. It always gives us something to talk
about afterwards.

3. What activities need teamwork or collaboration?

I think a good example is a team sport like basketball or soccer. When you're playing a sport like
that, you have to depend on your fellow teammates to win the game. Sports are great for
collaboration because it encourages people to work together to achieve a goal. It can help
improve communication as well.

4. Do you remember a time when you need to cooperate with others?

Yes, for sure. When I was in high school, I often had to do group projects. For one of them, we all
had to work together to make a model of a cell. It was pretty difficult since it required making
tiny shapes. But we did a good job by cooperating and dividing up the works equally.

5. Do you prefer to study alone or together with others?

for a big test. You can share your study notes and help each other out. But for the most part, I
find other people too distracting. I would rather just do my own things .

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6. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Whenever I have some free time, I really like to read or watch a movie. When I read a good book,

way to kick back and relax. I like watching them with my friends as well.

7. Could you describe a time when you studied with others?

In my first year of university, I joined a study group for one of my classes. We had a big test
coming up, so we all brought our study notes and discussed the class materials together. It was
really great because we could help fill in what other people were missing.

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Topic: Taking photos
1. Do you like taking photos?

to take photos with friends. You can capture a lot of happy memories that way.

2. Do you like taking selfies?

Yes, sometimes I like taking selfies. When I get dressed up, I like to take a picture of myself to
just nice to have good photos of yourself. It can make you feel more
confident. But I try not to take too many selfies. Otherwise, it makes you vain.

3. What is your favorite family photo?

I really like a family photo we took on vacation. My family and I went to a beautiful town by the
sea. We all went to the beach and someone offer to take a photo of us. In the picture, you can
see the ocean in the background. We all look very happy together.

4. Do you want to improve your photography skills?

It would be great to improve my picture-

hire a professional to teach me. But I think that watching some online tutorials would make a
nd tips for good

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Topic: Art
1. Do you like drawing?

I put a few of them on the walls in my room. It makes the space feel special.

2. Do you like to go to the gallery?

think you have to unders

friend and have conversations about the different paintings and sculptures. You can end up with
some interesting observations.

3. Did you want to learn more about art?

love to learn more about art. I never took any art classes in high school or university. So I
would be interested in learning about different art styles and techniques. It would even be
e for one day.

4. Did you learn drawing when you were a kid?

Yes, I learned to draw when I was a kid. My mom is really good at it. She taught me everything I
know. We would always spend time drawing things together. Drawing buds was my favourite. It
was a

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Topic: Cinema
1. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

Yeah, as a kid I went to the cinema with my parents a lot. It was nice to go to the movies as a
family . On the way home ' we talked about our favourite parts of the movie and bonded that
way . Sometimes, they even let me invite my friends so we could all go together.

2. Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?

Yes, I really like going to the cinema with my friend

3. Do you still enjoy watching the movie you loved as a child?

There are some movies that I still enjoy. When I was a kid, I liked a lot of animated movies. Most

taste in movies has definitely changed a lot, so I've outgrown some of the movies I liked as a kid.

4. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?

I usually prefer watching movies at the cinema. Sometimes the other audience members can be
tter experience as a viewer. The sound system and the huge
screen make the movie come to life. Plus, sometimes the audience reactions actually make the
viewing experience more excitement.

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Topic: Emails
1. Do you often send emails? / How often do you write an email?

other than asking teachers about assignments

2. When would you send emails to others?

teachers about assignments. And I have a part-time job, so I also email coworkers if I'm trying to
communicate with them at work. For example, I often need to report about my project to my
employer via emails.

3. Is sending emails popular in Vietnam?

talk over

of communication.

4. Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?

I would say sending emails will be less popular in the future. People usually just text,

Even in the workplace, things are getting more casual when it comes to communication. So I

5. Do you prefer contacting others by text messages or emails?

n, so

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6. Do you prefer contacting others by talking on the phone or sending emails?

a friend, I like having a conversation over the phone . So phone calls are nicer and more personal.

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Topic: Dreams
1. Can you remember the dreams you had? / Do you often remember your dreams?

Yeah, I can remember my dreams pretty often. They usually don't make any sense, though. It
always makes my friends laugh when I share the details. They definitely make for interesting

be able to remember them in full.

2. Do you share your dreams with others?

share my dreams with other people. Sometimes, if I have a really weird or funny


3. Do you think dreams have a special meaning?

or desires. For example, many students have dreams about failing exams during finals season.
Besides, some people have dreams of becoming rich or marrying someone they have a crush on.
Those types of dreams can be very revealing.

4. Do you want to make your dreams come true?

e. So I don't think

it would be fun if those dreams came true. But otherwise, I think they should stay dreams.

5. Why do people have dreams?

now a lot about the human brain. But I think that people have dreams as a way of

expressing thoughts and feelings. A lot of people dream about things they want as well.

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6. Have you studied any subjects or courses about dreams?

course about dreams. I would love to know why we have dreams in the first place . It would also

secrets or desires. I think that you can learn a lot about a person depending on their dream. But

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Topic: Mirrors
1. Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often?

looking at my own reflection.

2. Have you ever bought mirrors?

and you want to quickly check your reflection. I also bought a tall antique mirror for my room. It

3. Do you usually take a mirror with you?

not too worried

4. Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?

Yes, I would for sure. I love having minors, especially big ones in my bedroom. I think minors can
make the room feel bigger than it actually is. Besides, I love how minors make my room brighter
since they reflect light instead of absorbing it.

5. Do you use mirrors in clothing stores when you buy clothes?

the clothes fit my

me decide if I should buy the clothes or not.

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Topic: Science

1. Do you like science? Do you think it is difficult?

my head around the more complicated concepts. In high school, science was one of my weaker

2. When did you start to learn about science?

Like most people, I started learning about science in elementary school. The first thing I can
remember learning about is magnets. The teacher showed us how magnets could attract and
repel each other. I remember that It was really fun! to play around with magnets and feel the
magnetic force between them.

3. Which science subject is interesting to you?

about. Plus, we have much more in common with animals than one might think!

4. What kinds of interesting things you have done with science?

Well, when I was in high school, we actually got to do a dissection of a frog. It might sound gross,
but it was helpful for educational purposes. And I actually did learn a lot about the different body
parts. I remember that my partner was really freaked out. But I found it really interesting.

psychology. Psychology is surprisingly easy to understand. A lot of it is common sense. But there

subject though.

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Topic: Memory
1. Why do some people have good memories while others just don't?

Well, some people keep their brains active . They like doing things like learning a new language
or playing a new instrument. That helps you keep your memory sharp. Others are really busy and

2. Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things?

overwhelmed very easily. They can record information for much longer than we can. Also, people

too much on our phones.

3. Are you good at memorizing things?

ay at memorizing things. I wouldn't say I have the sharpest memory. But I can always

4. Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

important birthday coming up, and it totally slipped my mind. The day of, she was a little upset
that I forgot to call and wish her a happy birthday. I felt really bad.

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Topic: Daily routine
1. What is your daily study routine? / Do you have a daily routine?

Yes, I have a daily routine, in the morning, I get up and have a nice breakfast. Then I start work. I
work from home, so I can take a break and make lunch for myself. After work, I like relaxing by

2. Have you ever changed your routine?

ne a lot of times. When I was a student, I changed my routine

based on my classes and how much homework I had. Then, the first time I got a job, I had to
rearrange my personal life. I had to get used to waking up early for morning shifts.

3. Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?

things done. If you just wing it every day, you might get distracted and unmotivated. Having a
daily routine makes your studies easier to get through. It keeps you on track.

4. What part of your day do you like best?

I think my favorite part of the day is when I'm done work. I can make a nice dinner for myself, or
maybe even go out with friends. It'
report to anyone. I can enjoy my free time before the next work day begins.

so usually I stay in bed for a while and scroll through

social media until I feel more awake. After that, I take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, blush
my teeth, and make sure I look put together before I start the day.

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Topic: TV Program
1. Do you still watch TV?

Yes, I definitely still watch TV. After a long day of work, if s nice to sit on the couch and put a show
on. Sometimes my friends and I even watch TV together. Last year, we watched an entire show
from start to finish . We would get together one night a week until we had watched all the

2. What kinds of TV programs do you often watch?

ng TV. My favourite comedy show is The Big Bang

it several times.

3. Do you think kids are watching too much television?

Yes, I did, but my parents limited how

my brain to rot. So they made sure that I spent more time playing outside. That being said, I had
lots of favourite TV shows that I really enjoyed.

4. What are the impacts of watching TV programs on children?

Well, I think TV programs can be very educational and informative for children, especially when

impact of children watching TV. But watching TV for a long time can be bad for their eyesight.

5. What kinds of TV programs do you think should be broadcast more? / What about the current
TV programs do you think could be improved?

t they should feel

like a lecture. But they should be focused on more serious things. There are way too many reality
TV shows. Those shows are a total waste of time and resources.

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6. Do you think children watch too much TV nowadays?

Yeah, I think kids spe

sit on the couch and watch something mindlessly. They should play outside more or hang out

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Topic: Cars
1. Did you enjoy travelling by car when you were a kid?

Yes, I really liked traveling by car when I was a kid. It always felt really exciting, especially if we
were going somewhere far away. I liked staring out the window and watching everything go by.

2. What types of cars do you like? / What type of cars would you like to buy in the future?

I really like hybrid or electric cars. I think

your car, pretty much the way you charge a phone. On the downside , those cars are super

3. Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?

and just relax.

4. What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?

Whenever there's a traffic jam, I usually listen to music and sing along to keep myself occupied .

to keep myself from get

stuck in traffic.

5. Which color do you prefer for a car?

I really like dark blue or black for a car. Some people like flashier colors , like red or yellow. But I
think those are too attention-grabbing . Darker colors are better for everyday use. It's just a

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Topic: Lost and Found
1. What will you do if you find something lost by others?

It depends on

there in case the person comes back looking for it.

2. Do you report to the police when finding something lost by others? Why?

It depends on the value of the lost items. If it's something replaceable or not that valuable, like a
a cellphone or a
wallet, I would definitely report it to the police. They can take care of finding and contacting the
person who lost their stuff .

3. Have you ever lost things?

a house key. I've lost that

a couple times and had to get it replaced. One time, I even lost my phone while I was shopping
at the mall. Luckily, someone turned it in and I got it back.

4. Will you post on social media if you lose your item?

Normally , I
on social media platforms. So, if I lost something, like a wallet at a mall, I would check the lost
and found instead of asking my followers.

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Topic: Websites
1. What kinds of websites do you often visit?

online magazines, so I also like to visit sites that have articles about the newest trends and topics
in pop culture.

2. What is your favorite website?

Honestly, I spend the most time on Youtube, which is a international video sharing website. There
are so many interesting videos to check out. You can find cute animals, movie reviews, and
tutorials for pretty much anything you can think of. I could spend hours just clicking through
different videos.

3. Are there any changes about the websites you often visit?

Well, there have definitely been changes in which websites I use. For example, there are a lot
more advertisements than there used to be. Besides, video websites have all added the bullet
chatting function in recent years, which allows users to send comments that fly across the screen
like bullets. It's really entertaining.

4. What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

I think that social media sites are really popular. People spend a lot of time on sites like Facebook
and Instagram. They just want to stay connected with each other, and with everything going on
in the world . People also check the news online, so some major news sites are also pretty
commonly used.

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Topic: Time management
1. How do you plan your time in a day?

Usually, I make a list of everything I need to do. Then I decide what needs to be done first. I also

helpful system . It helps me get through each day.

2. Is it easy to manage time for you?

distracted and end up wasting time. So you have to stay very focused and dedicated. Sometimes
things come up and you have to manage your time differently. It's not always easy to stick to the
plan .

3. When do you find it hard to allocate time?

I find it hard to allocate time when I have a lot going on. For example, when I was in university, I
was also working a part-time job. So it was hard to split my time between shifts at work and my

4. Do you like being busy?

For the most part, I enjoy being busy. Whenever I have too much free time, I get really bored.
Then I get lazy. I end up just lying around the house doing nothing. But when I'm busy, I feel like
I have a purpose. I have something to get me up in the morning and keep me motivated.

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Topic: Street market
1. What do people usually buy on the street market?

where you can try amazing snacks. People also find unique objects at a street market. You can
find antique items, as well as handmade crafts. Sometimes you can also get vintage clothing.

2. Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on the street market?

I prefer shopping at a street market. Shopping malls may have brand-name stores, but street
markets have unique items. I love finding antique or handmade objects. Plus, you can often
barter at a street market. So you can get a good deal on your purchase. But at a shopping mall,
the prices are fixed.

3. When was the last time you went to a street market?

If my memory serves right , the last time I went to a street market was three or four years ago. I
went with my friends. We decided we wanted to try some cool snacks. So we checked out all the
food stalls. We each picked something different. Then we shared all the food. Everything was so

4. Are there any street markets in Vietnam?

Yes, there are tons of street markets in Vietnam. Our country is a small one but we have
thousands of markets. As far as I know, even the smallest towns have more than one street

in total in Vietnam.

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Topic: Mobile phone
1. What was your first mobile phone? / Do you remember your first phone?

Yes, I do. I got

But I was really excited because I could finally text my friends. It's pretty old-
standards . But it was perfect for me at the time.

2. Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls?

I usually use my mobile phone for texting. I think that phone calls are more common among the
older generations. For example, my parents almost never text. They just call me when they want
to talk to me. But my friends and I always text. It feels more natural than a phone call .

3. Will you buy a new one in the future?

phone with a more advanced camera. Since I take most of my

photos on my phone, it would be nice to have a camera that can take higher-quality shots.

4. How has your mobile phone changed your life?

My mobile phone is basically involved with every aspect of my life. I communicate with everyone

my phone has made staying in touch a lot easier. It also helps me organize my day, do online
shopping, and a million other things.

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Topic: Watching sports
1. Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

paced sport. I always prefer watching games on my big flat-screen TV over laptops or cellphones.

sit on my comfy couch and watch a good game.

2. Do you like to watch live sports games?

Tickets to those kinds of events can be very expensive.

really cool to go to a game sometime.

3. Who do you like to watch sports games with?

inks the referee has

4. What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

to pick a team to support and watch the games. Plus, the football team in my hometown has
always been one of the best players in Vietnam. So I will definitely try to watch more of their

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New Topics:
Topic: Talents
1. Do you have a talent, or something you are good at?

quite good at taking nice photos with good

composition. My friends have asked me for my help to take photos of them to post on social
un to capture their happiness. Plus, it gives me a sense of satisfaction.

2. Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

have the luxury to get familiar with photography at young age. Back in the day, our family
iscover this ability, up until I was able to
purchase a smartphone for myself.

3. Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

Yes, I do think so. Even if a living from taking photos, photography teaches you to
n advantage.

4. Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

A: Yes, my sister is also really good at photography and always takes very unique shots. She takes

B: No, my f
in other areas. For example, my dad is very handy. He can basically fix
sting photo. The
rest of my family is the same way.

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Topic: Books and Reading habits
1. Do you read books?

Yes, I really enjoy leading books. Books are really entertaining, but they also help me keep my
mind active. Reading a book is sometimes a better option than just scrolling through social media.

2. Are your reading habits now different than before?

A: Yes, my reading habits are really different. W

B: much. Even when I get busy with work/study, I

3. Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Anyway, the novel was adapted into a film about ten years ago. It was really popular, even with

4. Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?

movies, in
plot. You can see it acted out right in front of your eyes. Plus, movies have lots of cool visual

5. How often do you buy books?

often. I prefer borrowing them from friends or going to a library. So I

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6. When do you usually read books?

would like to, but I just have a very busy schedule.

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Topic: Meeting places
1. Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends? / Where do you usually meet with
your friends?

I usually meet with my friends at a coffee shop, or sometimes at a restaurant. We all have busy

other while sharing some delicious food or exotic drinks. It always helps us feel close.

2. Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others?

Yes, defini
crowded, like malls. You should also avoid places that are supposed to be quiet, like libraries. So
my friends and I prefer to hang out somewhere cozy and easy to talk, like a coffee shop, a park
or a restaurant.

3. Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your
childhood? / Have the meeting places changed now from when you were young?

Yes, I think meeting places have changed a lot. When I was a kid, I often hung out with my friends
either at my home or their homes. We loved to share our toys with each other. But nowadays, I
prefer to go to recreational places like coffee shops and karaoke bars, where I can talk with my
friends while having some fun.

4. Why are some meeting places better than others?

based on personal feelings. Some people would prefer open areas like
malls or recreational centers, whereas others value privacy of a coffee house or at their personal
homes. So, different people may have different preferences in terms of the meeting place.

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Topic: Boring things
1. What kinds of things are boring to you? / When are you bored?

thing for
hours on end. m standing in line for something.

2. What will you do when you feel bored?

of just sitting around all day. Even if we just go somewhere and shoot the breeze, we have a great

and we can hang out for a few hours. If my friends are busy, I try to entertain myself by watching
un to scroll through social media for a while.

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

As a kid, I was really obsessed with counting things. So I think the most boring thing I did when I
was young was counting things around my house. There was no point to it. Once, I even went
outside and counted the blades of grass. I guess I really had nothing better to do.

4. Do you think school is boring?

I think that it depends on the subject.

you eager to learn.

5. Compared with your childhood, are you more or less bored?

have work to keep me occupied. Now, I have a lot of things that keep me busy, which also keep
me from being bored. Plus, I have more friends that I can go kill time with.

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6. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?

When I was young, I definitely had a better imagination. So I would spend hours making up games

myself, I would just draw or write stories. I would also spend some time watching movies.

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Topic: Advertisements
1. Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or Internet advertisements?

thing for
hours on end. m standing in line for something.

2. What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

example, why would I want to spend a fortune on perfume or a fancy watch? It just seems very
silly to me. The ads make it seem like you need these products. But in reality, there are better
things to buy.

3. Do you share advertisements with others?


4. Do you want to work in advertising in the future?

A: But you
know, advertising requires creativity and problem-solving skills. You have to convince people that
they should want your product. I think I would be really engaged by a job in this field.

B: in


5. What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

watch are usually for things like clothes or books, since that is the bulk of my online shopping
habits. The internet then shows me ads based on my browsing history.

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6. Where can you see advertisements?

websites and
sometimes show up in the middle of videos that you watch. Even on social media, advertisements

7. Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

Actually, yes I have! I once bought a pair of wireless headphones because I kept seeing
advertisements for them. They were pretty expensive, but the ads made them look so
convenient. Plus, they were fairly stylish for that kind of accessory. So I decided to take the plunge
and I actually loved the product.

8. Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

Most advertisements make you watch the whole thing, especially if they pop up in the middle of
. I would rather just
focus on the thing I wanted to see in the first place. Sometimes ads can be interesting, but mostly

9. Can you often remember the advertisement you see?

No, I usually forget ads after I see them. Only a few of them stand out. I tend to remember ones
with cute animals or funny jokes. But for the most part, I

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Topic: Collecting things
1. Do you collect things?

A: Yes, I love to collect coins. I collect all types of currencies from

in the end,
it just becomes clutter. I try to only keep things that are essential for my everyday life.

2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?

spoils. I also have a stuffed animal that I loved to play with as a kid. It has a lot of sentimental
value to me. It reminds me of the good times in my childhood.

3. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

personal items that have been passed down through generations, they can preserve important
family memories. Things like old coins and old clothes can also show you what life was like in the
in that way.

B: I only
keep things that are important for everyday use. Sometimes it can be nice to have old things for

from the past.

4. Where do you usually keep things you need?

I usually keep important things in a drawer in my room. For example, all my important documents
are in a folder in one particular ry day, like my
car keys, I keep those in plain sight so I can find them q
to them.

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Topic: Old buildings
1. Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?

Yes, there are lots of old buildings that I see every day on my way to work/school. I really admire
the style of the buildings. They seem to preserve a lot of history. They look outdated compared
to the modem buildings around them. But I think that makes them stand out in an interesting

2. Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?

Yes, I definitely think we should keep old buildings in cities. For one, those buildings represent a

have some buildings

that stand out.

3. Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?

A: I prefer living in an old building. I think old buildings have a sense of character. The
architectural style is so beautiful and detailed. Sometimes it f

B: I prefer living in a modem house. Old buildings can be charming. But they often lack some basic
facilities like air conditioning or good plumbing. Modem houses offer a lot more. Plus, old
buildings are often worn out or even get mold in some places, which makes me want to live in a
newly built building.

4. Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?

history of these architectures. The background stories around these buildings always manage to
touch my heart, such as the cathedral in Milan an iconic destination for tourists and architecture
lovers alike for its impressive Gothic design.

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Topic: Watches
1. Do you wear a watch?

their phones for that. But I think watches are better
just check the time without having to see a bunch of notifications on your screen. Plus, watches
are very stylish.


feeling of something on my wrist. It feels very heavy and it always bumps into things.

2. Have you ever got a watch as a gift?

A: watch as a gift before. My dad gave me one for my birthday. It was a well-
designed watch. I was shocked by how detailed the clock face was. Plus, it had a leather strap. It
I thanked him a ton and made sure to wear the watch every day.

watches. I just find them clunky. Plus, if I want to check the time, I can look at my phone. So I

3. Why do some people wear expensive watches?

I think that some people wear luxury watches to show off their wealth. They want to show people
that they can afford all kinds of expensive items. Some people wear those kinds of watches
because they believe luxury watches are very durable and can last for a lifetime. It really depends
on the person.

4. Do you think it is important to wear a watch? Why?

something to keep track of

-have item for most people.

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Topic: Computers
1. In what conditions would you use a computer?

I would use a computer for anything that would take too long to do by hand. For example, if I had
to write a long essay or an article, I would prefer to type it up on a computer. Computers are also
helpfu to search for something online instead of going
through a library.

2. When was the first time you used a computer?

I first used a computer when I was a little kid. My mom was showing me how our family computer
worked. She let me click all kinds of things on the screen. She was very patient and explained
how to use the computer properly. That helped me get used to computers at a very young age.

3. What would your life be like without computers?

I think my life would be pretty difficult without computers. Computers make so many tasks easy
writing it out

having a lot of fun playing computer games.

4. In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

I think it would be hard to use a computer if I was trying to do something artistic. For example,
some people can create amazing artworks using computer programs. But I don t know how to do
that. So I would have to rely on drawing by hand in order to make some art.

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Topic: Sitting down
1. Where is your favourite place to sit?

I really like sitting on my apartment balcony.

gets dark out. Sitting on my balcony makes me feel at peace.

2. Do you always sit down for a long time?

A: ry active person. So I usually sit around at home. I can spend hours

B: to
waste it by sitting on the couch and watching TV. I like to exercise or hang out with my friends. I
definitely hate having a sedentary lifestyle.

3. Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?

st sitting on my

4. When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?

A: Yes, I usually sat on the floor as a kid. Sometimes my parents would encourage me to sit
properly on the couch. But I often marched to the beat of my own drum and liked being on the
floor. It felt more fun and interesting to me. I could play with my toys on the floor and nobody
would bother me.

B: parents always encouraged me to sit on the

couch. They said it was more proper than being on the floor. Plus, the floor got dirty very quickly.

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Topic: Home / Room decoration
1. What is your favorite room in your home?

I can also
in my room. It makes me feel very at peace.

2. How do you think decorating your room can make you feel happier?

I think that decorating my room can make me feel happier because it makes me feel more at
home. When I paint my room with the color I like, I feel more comfortable in the space. I can also
hang things I enjoy on the walls, like my favorite movie posters or nice artwork.

3. What kind of decoration do you want to have?

been thinking of buying

some indoor plants. They are the best trendy decor idea and they look fabulous in any corner of
the house. There are even air purifying plants also available in the market.

4. Do Vietnamese people like redecorating their home?

I thi
redecorating our house but my mom always wants to buy new stuff to decorate the home.

5. ?

I would like to paint my home with neutral and easy-to-obtain colors, neither of which are

fashionable nor my favorites.

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Topic: Evening time
1. Do you like the morning or evening?

most of the day. I
and evening can get.

B: I like to stay up late and enjoy the quiet.

with other people. So I enjoy being awake long into the night.

2. What do you usually do in the evening?

and relax. I like to do that by reading a book or just scrolling through social media. Sometimes I
like to hang out with my friends if I have enough energy.

3. What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?

When I was little, I liked to have my mom read a story to me. It was really calming and it helped
me fall asleep. Other times, I liked to make up little games to play by myself. I think it was just
because I was an imaginative kid. I liked to entertain myself.

4. Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the

Well, my options were more limited in the past. I

fun things like eating at nice restaurants or doing karaoke . But now that I have my own salary, I
can afford to do fun things in the evening. So I like going out with my friends and having a good

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Topic: Doing sports
1. What sports do you like?

of back and forth, especially badminton, but I think that makes it

small space to play in. You have to make every move count. I love how fast-paced both of those
sports are.

2. Where did you learn how to do it?

It was actually my uncle who got me into sports. I would go over to his house and we would play
basketball on his driveway. He taught me lots of techniques. Then I joined a basketball team
when I was in elementary school. It was lots of fun. I still remember it fondly.

3. Did you do some sports when you were young?

Yes, I was involved in lots of sports when I was young. I joined a basketball team when I was in

also played badminton and soccer a lot. I enjoyed any sports that kept me on my toes.

4. Do you think students need more exercise?

Yes, students need more exercise. Nowadays, students prefer to spend their time sitting around

try to do more exercise. Group sports are a great way for them to be active while bonding with

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Topic: Outdoor places
1. Do you often go outdoors?

A: Yes, I love to go outdoors so I do it as often as I can. I like going to a park near my house and

appreciate your surroundings at the same time. Whenever I have free time, I go for a walk

that much to begin with. But I also tend to like the indoors better. My friends like to go on hikes

2. Do you think parents should take their children outdoors often? Why?

Yes, I think parents should take their kids outdoors whenever they can. Nowadays, kids tend to

air. They should also learn to appreciate nature and care about the environment.

3. Where did you enjoy playing when you were a child?

I think the best place was a large park that was only a 5-minute walk down the road from my
home. My friends and I often met and did all kinds of amusing things together there. Since there
was an open grass field there, we could run around and take part in just about any kind of game
that we could imagine.

4. ls it important for children to play outdoors?

Yes, I think so. Playing outdoors is not

make friends with those of the same hobby easily. Moreover, when children play outdoors, they

really helpful for concentration development.

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Topic: Popular kids
1. Why are some kids more popular in school? / What kinds of people usually get popular at

Well, there can be lots of reasons for some kids being more popular than others. Kids who are
rich and can afford trendy clothes tend to be pretty popular. Kids who are confident and outgoing
also tend to have a lot of friends. Other kids just seem to gravitate towards those types of people.

2. Do you think rich kids are more popular than other kids?

It really depends on the group of kids. Some kids might find wealth exciting and cool, so they

to say what kids will care about.

3. Are you popular kid when you were at school?

and we manage to won the city championships twice during my 4 years in primary school.
Moreover, my study results was stable at top 5 in my class, hence my name was proudly printed
on the school notice broad. Students from other classes knew my name and everyone want to
be my friends. It was awesome when you were well-known at school.

B: No, I was never famous when I was studying during my schooling years. Back in the day, I
completely kept for myself, sat at the back of the class and hang out with only a few selected

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Topic: Special occasions

Part 2: Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen
You should say:
What you waited for
Where you waited
Why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting

I took last September.

the world since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So passing this exam really mattered
to me and it was especially important to my career. I took lots of online classes and studied law

know I had that kind of grit before I started preparing for the exam.

Anyway, after I finished the exam, I waited about two months to get the result. That was the

drift away from th

The only thing that helped me blow off some steam was chatting with other candidates in an
online chat room.

Fortunately, it turned out that I passed the exam and by a lot! I was over the moon and burst into
tears seeing my good score. I really felt like all my effort paid off at that moment. You know, I'm
finally qualified to be a lawyer!

wait, but at
the end of the day, it was all worth it!

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Part 3:

1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?

People usually need to wait on a number of different occasions, including when they are lining
up for something or waiting for an appointment. Sometimes people have to wait in very long
lines at stores, especially if it is a busy time to go shopping. Sometimes people need to wait in
traffic. Waiting for a medical or dental appointment can also take a long time. Most people need
to wait for things very often throughout their lives.

2. Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?

Usually, adults behave better when waiting than children. Children often do not understand why
they have to wait for something, whereas adults know why they are waiting. Children get restless

wait for a long time in one spot, not moving. Adults can wait more patiently than children because
they have more experience and they have better self-control.

3. Compared to the past, are people less patient now, why?

I suppose that people are less patient now because it is easier nowadays to do things without
having to wait at all. People have become accustomed to instant gratification. You can order
packages online that arrive the next day, and you can order food from a restaurant delivered to
your home. It is very easy to avoid waiting, so when people do have to wait for something, they
are less patient.

4. What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?

Well, a positive effect is that, in some cases, it can teach people patience. When they have to
wait in line for a long time, they have to learn how to manage their impatience and still be polite.
But a negative effect is that it can make people very aggressive. Not everyone can keep their
temper in check. When people have to wait in a long line on the highway, you can often get
drivers with road rage who act recklessly just to get ahead.

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5. Is it a good thing to be patient all the time? /Should people be patient all the time?

. But in general,
patience is a good trait to have. Being impatient can make you feel anxious and irritable. Plus,

the highway, or you might have to wait a long time for your meal. But if the situation is out of

IELTS Speaking Forecast 2nd Quarter of 2022 IELTS Fighter| 65

Topic: Habits

Part 2: Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop
You should say:
Who your friend is
What habit he/she was
When you noticed this habit
And explain why you want to develop this habit

working out on a daily basis. He

especially likes recreational cycling.

Actually, he developed this habit about two years ago when he planned to lose some weight and
get in shape. He set a goal to lose five kilos in two months. And biking worked like a charm for
him, so he decided to make it a regular fitness activity for himself.

The place where he goes biking the most is a park that was recently built near our apartment. It

path that has been built alongside the lake. My roommate usually goes biking there about two
or three times a week. Each time he spends at least an hour there.

Since we live together, I know his habit very well. Sometimes I go biking wi

assignments. I do hope that I can start riding daily and stick to it. For one, it would be a great way
for me to relieve my back pain. Besides, cycling at a beautiful place helps me blow off some

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Part 3:

1. What habits should children have?

I suppose that children should get into the habit of cleaning their rooms and picking up after
themselves. They should be aware of whatever mess they create, and they should take care of it
as much as they can. It teaches them to be responsible and proactive. They can develop these
habits by doing simple tasks, like making their bed every day. Once they have enough practice,

2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?

I think that parents should first demonstrate good habits themselves. Children learn from
observation, and if they see their parents doing things like regular flossing or eating breakfast

importance of developing good habits to their kids. If children understand the importance and

3. What influences do children with bad habits have on other children?

Well, children are heavily influenced by what their peers do. Kids just want to fit in with their
friends. So if they see their friends developing bad habits, like skipping school or being rude to
their teachers and parents, they might pick up those habits as well. Children with good habits can
easily be swayed by children with bad habits to develop poor behaviour. Plus, if kids with bad


4. Why do some habits change when people get older?

I think that some people just outgr

anymore. For example, young people might get into the habit of staying up late and partying a
s they get older and have to manage

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5. What are the common habits of adults?

Well, there are some basic habits like having a good sleep schedule, eating balanced meals every
day, and having good hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth. Most people would consider
those essential habits to develop if you really want to act like an adult. Unlike young people,
adults avoid staying out late and partying all the time. Adults also do things like exercising
regularly, budgeting and handling other responsibilities like paying bills.

6. Should adults encourage good habits in children by talking to them or by leading by example?
I suppose that parents need to do both - they should explain why having good habits are
important, and they should lead by example. Children need to see good habits in action in order
to develop their own good habits and positive routines, so it is very important that they see their
parents demonstrating good habits when they are growing up. Children often mimic their

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Topic: Decisions

Part 2: Describe a difficult decision that you once made / have good result
You should say:
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make

I made when I was choosing a rental department. This

summer holiday, I found a part-time job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of
the student residence because the building was closed dining summer holidays.

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Finally, I narrowed down my choice to two

next to a beautiful lake in our city. But the drawback is its distance from my workplace. I would
have to take a bus for 40 minutes to commute there.

The other apartment is practically a shoebox and the decor is pretty worn-out. Despite all that,

walking distance of the office.

was really torn about which one to rent. Eventually, I signed the lease for the apartment near the
lake so I could enjoy a better lifestyle. It turns out I made the right decision. Even though I had to
get up really early every morning for work, I could have some fun biking along the lakeshore after
work, which helped me blow off some steam. So I definitely made the right call.

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Part 3:

1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?

People make a number of decisions throughout the day. One of the most basic but consistent
choices is what to eat every day. Sometimes they might have to choose between cooking a meal

not at work or school. There are lots of options for things to do during leisure time, so they have
lots to choose from.

2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group discussion?

I think that

it might be harder to figure out what you really want. But in other cases, you might actually want

outside your expertise.

I think that young people are u

express their individualism. Young people grow up having to do everything their parents say, so
once they become teenagers or young adults, they are less likely to follow parental advice. They
want to prove their independence and show that they can make their own decisions about their
life. They may even try to lead a life that is completely different than the life their parents want
them to have.

4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?

Middle-aged people usually have to make more important decisions than younger people, since
most middle-aged people have a lot of family and work responsibilities. This means that any
decision they make will affect other people, so they may spend more time doubting themselves
and second-

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-aged people have had lots of experiences
wrong call. So they know to think twice before making a decision.

5. How do people usually make decisions?

t they might gain from the situation, and

people they trust. They might ask their friends or family for advice in order to make the right call.

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Topic: Place you want to live in

Part 2: Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it
What it is famous for
And why you would like to live there

Speaking of a city that I want to live in, the first one that comes to mind is definitely Weihai, which
is located in the easternmost part of Shandong province. That area is close to the sea, which
makes it a hotspot for lots of people.

d him and toured there twice. It

terrific attractions in the city.

My favorite part of the city is a long bike path that has been built alongside the sea. You can feel
the soft sea breeze and even enjoy the sparkling sun on the water while riding, which is fantastic.
I went biking with my friend there every time I visited this city. When we got tired, we loved to
lie on a nearby beach and enjoy soaking up the sun. It definitely made us feel like a million bucks.

As an inlander, I really yearn for the feeling of living by the sea. So I really love that city. It has
breathtaking views and fresh air. You could easily find a place to kick back and relax. And I heard
from my friend that the housing price there is way cheaper than metro cities like Beijing and

looking forward to moving there in the future.

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Part 3:

1. Why do more and more people live in the city?

be able to get your dream job, depending on what field you want to work in. For example, if you
want to work in
cities are also known as cultural hubs. So people also move there for the entertainment and

2. How does this affect the environment and nature?

Well, when more and more people move to cities, those cities need to expand to accommodate
them. So they end up taking up more and more natural resources as they grow bigger. That

populated cities can also mean an increase in demands on the infrastructure. Having to update
things like public transit systems might result in more pollution.

3. What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?

I think young people t

provide them with a great job. They also focus on what the culture is like. For example, they
might prioritize a city that has a great nightlife or lots of entertainment opportunities. However,
older people might focus more on the scenery. People who have retired already might want to
live somewhere they can relax and be surrounded by nature.

4. What are the differences between the young and old when choosing where to live?

I think youngsters prefer to have better work and recreational facilities to find well-paid jobs or
hang out with their friends in restaurants and shopping centers. On the other hand, older people
like to have access to hospitals where they can go for their regular health checkups. They also
like parks where they can do some simple exercises to make themselves fit and healthy.

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5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?

One big advantage is convenience. When you live in the suburbs, you usually have to commute
pretty far to work. But in the city, your job could be a short bus ride away. There are also lots of
food options in cities that are open at all hours of the day. But cities can be really crowded.
Sometimes people have to be packed like sardines in a bus or a subway train during rush hours.

6. Why do so many people choose to move from the countryside to the city?

high-paying jobs, than the countryside. Some cities, like Shanghai, are economic hubs with lots
of opportunities for all types of people, which is the reason that tons of people move to cities to
pursue their career dreams. Plus, cities are more diverse. You can find interesting communities
and a variety of cuisines. So compared with the lifestyle in cities, living in the country can be
boring and tedious.

7. In what ways does technology contribute to the development of cities? How can technology
influence urban areas?

technology contributes to the public transit system the most. As far as I know, there are tons of
Chinese cities that are building or expanding their subway system nowadays with state-of-the-

have a subway system. Besides, technological innovations also influence the city services a lot.
For example, the increase of surveillance cameras helps cities reduce crime rates.

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Topic: Help

Part 2: Describe a time when you helped a friend

You should say:
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it

friend lose weight. If memory serves correctly, it happened

about half a year ago. At the time, my friend Lisa was upset about failing to lose weight. She
knows that I managed to lose 10 kilograms in two months. So she asked me for help.

I sent my diet plan and recipes to Lisa, the ones that worked like a charm on me. The diet plan
contains meat, and Lisa was really satisfied with that since she could still enjoy meat dining the
diet. Plus, I told Lisa that the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to go through
the workout and diet every day with her. I suggested that she could find someone in her social
circle with the same goal as her and form a team to encourage and support each other.

Lisa was totally on board with what I said. So she started a fitness team with three friends of hers.
Of course, they all used my diet plan and recipes. I remember Lisa lost 5 kilograms in a month,
and every member of the team lost weight more or less.

To express her gratitude for my help, Lisa treated me to a good dinner a month later. And she
happily told me that she shared my method with others who want to keep fit. It gave me a sense
of achievement to know that what I said was so helpful.

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Part 3:

1. How do people usually help each other?

I think that people usually help each other with small, everyday challenges. If your neighbor
needs an ingredient for a recipe or a tool for a minor repair, you can often lend it to them without
thinking twice. People might also help strangers. If they not
something in the aisle of a grocery store, they can take a second and help out. I think all those
little things are helpful.

2. How is online help different from real-life help?

Online help is a bit more limited in terms of what it can accomplish. A lot of it is customer service.
If you have an issue with an online purchase or even an in-store one, you can often go to that

you f -to-face connection with another person.

3. Should school be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?

do think they play a big part in that process. For example, teachers can implement opportunities
for cooperating into their lesson plans. They can assign group projects that require students to
work well together, in that way, they can help students practice cooperation while showing them
how important it is to work as a team.

4. What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?

having a hard
support and advice. It can be pretty awkward asking for dating advice from your parents. But
nts. It can be equally

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5. What abilities or traits are important to teamwork?

I suppose that to have effective teamwork, everyone needs to be cooperative and patient with
each other. It can

avoid doing things their own way. They need to be open and good at communication to make it

6. What are the traits of people who like to help others?

ly means that

considerate and always look for ways to be of assistance. I think that those traits are hard to

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Topic: Moving

Part 2: Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school

You should say:
When you moved
Where you moved
Why you moved
And how you felt about it.

Actually, I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. This summer holiday, I found a part-time
job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of the student residence because the
building was closed during the summer holidays.

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually, I decided to rent a newly

city. The drawback is its distance from my workplace. I have to take a bus for 40 minutes to
commute there. But to enjoy a better lifestyle, I signed the lease for the apartment.

Anyway, after deciding the move-out date, I asked three good friends to give me a hand packing
up my stuff. I even called a moving company for a van. We spent a whole day moving everything
into my new apartment. We were all worn out after the fact. I treated all my friends to a nice
meal at a restaurant nearby.

And then I had a fresh start! I got to decorate the home in the way I wanted and I also began to
early every morning for work, I have fun biking along the lakeshore every night, which helps me
h my new life.

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Part 3:

1. Why do people move to a new home?

People move to a new home for many different reasons. The most common reason is that they
need more space because they have a new addition to the family, whether it be a pet or a child.
It can be hard to have multiple kids and pets in a small house. People may also move to a new
home if they have to move to a new city for work. Some people who live in a city might choose
to move to the country because they want more outdoor space.

2. What problems will people face after moving to a new place?

People can face many problems after moving to a new place; they might need to do repairs, or
they might realize that there is a problem with the new neighbours. It is important for people to
do a lot of research and complete a house inspection before moving to avoid as many problems
as possible. People might also realize that things might be more expensive in a new city, especially
rent and utilities. People might have to readjust their budget or spend their money differently.

3. How do people solve these problems?

ul to befriend the people

people who can give you good advice when

it comes to finding the best restaurants and essential places like hospitals and grocery stores.
Dealing with new expenses can be handled by rearranging your budget or saving up beforehand.

4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?

ul, time-
consuming, and expensive. Moving requires a lot of research and preparation, so it can be very
time-consuming especially if you are also working full time. Moving is also very expensive; if you
are renting, you need to pay at least two months of rent upfront, and if you are buying you need
to provide a down payment. It is better to move less often.

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Topic: Advice

Part 2: Describe a time you gave advice to others.

You should say:
Who you gave the advice to
What advice you gave
Why they needed your advice (whether they took your advice)
And explain how useful the advice was (/the result).

The first one that comes to mind is the suggestion I gave to my friend Lisa. If memory serves
correctly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, Lisa was upset about failing to lose
weight, so I shared the method I used to drop some weight and suggested that she try it out.

I told her that the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to go through the
workout and diet every day with her. I actually managed to lose 10 kilograms with this trick. So I
suggested that if she could find anyone in her social circle with the same goal as her and form a
team to encourage and support each other, then she mi gilt have half a chance to lose weight.

My words seemed to inspire her and she was totally on board with what I said. So she started a
fitness team with three friends of hers. Lisa said they always went to the gym together and
cheered each other up when they were tired or hungry. It really worked like a charm; Lisa lost 5
kilograms in a month, and every member of the team lost weight more or less.

To express her gratitude for my suggestions, Lisa treated me to a good dinner a month later. And
she happily told me that she shared my method with others who want to keep fit. It gave me a
sense of achievement to know that my suggestion was so helpful and really worked.

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Part 3:

1. Should people prepare before giving advice?

Well, it depends on the situation; sometimes people will ask you for advice out of the blue, and

giving someone advice and in that case, you can prepare beforehand. This is especially true if
giving advice is part of your job, such as if you are a teacher, mentor, or therapist, in those cases,

2. Is it good to ask for advice from strangers online?

for advice from strangers online. And children or

teenagers should especially be cautious about seeking advice online because they can't tell
whether the strangers are helping them or steering them wrong. Plus, people online are not
always who they say they are. It can be very dangerous to share a lot of personal information
ing strangers
online for anything.

3. What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?

I think that people who give advice to others have a few specific personality traits, including
empathy and patience. These people are very empathetic and understanding because they can
relate to a problem that their clients might be going through and give relevant advice. As in, they
can stand in their client's shoes and understand their situation as much as possible, so they can
come up with the best advice based on each individual situation. Plus, they need to be patient
because sometimes people coming to get advice might be in an agitated or confused state of

4. What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

If you hear a lot of advice, you might become even more confused than before you asked them.
If you ask for advice from more than two people and they all have different opinions about what
you should do, that can be very frustrating and not helpfu ryone has their

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own perspective. They might give you opposite advice but all make sense, in that case, you would

trusted friend. They can always give you all the advice you need.

5. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

I think that in general, parents want their children to succeed and be happy. So they give them
advice that will help with that. For instance, if children are facing a problem, parents will
encourage them to work through it and not give up. Or they might tell their children to see the
blight side of the problem and not just complain about it. Everyone wants their kid to do well, so
they give them the best advice they can.

6. What advice do parents often give to teenagers about making friends?

get others to accept you when you start the conversation first. We can often see that outgoing

others actively. A lot of parents also tell teenagers not to give in to peer pressure. Sometimes
when you make friends, you might be tempted to follow along with
stick to your guns and avoid doing anything stupid.

out wit
parents help too much, they might make the situation even worse. They can just teach their
children what qualities a good friend should have and let them choose who to be friends with.

8. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients); What
personal qualities should experts have?

I find that in general, experts are very calm and helpful when they give advice. They make sure
to give their client all the right information. And if needed, they can explain it more than once so
their client gets the frill picture. So to be an expert in something, you should be patient and

IELTS Speaking Forecast 2nd Quarter of 2022 IELTS Fighter| 82

in your field.

ul than advice from friends. Even though

your friends might know you even better than your parents do, your parents have way more

listen to my parents before my friends.

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Topic: Skills

Part 2: Describe a difficult skill that you would like to learn

You should say:
When you knew it
How you would leant it
Where you can learn it
And explain why it is difficult

interested in is computer assembly. I think it would be cool to learn it.

About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, the monitor went black all of a sudden.
I called my uncle for help. He knows digital devices like the back of his hand. After he checked
out the computer thoroughly, he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which
caused the blackout. I thought that it would cost me an arm and a leg to buy a new one, but my
uncle said he would help me build my new computer.

I was light by his side as he went through the process of assembling it. Honestly, it was way more
complicated than I thought. There were lots of lines and cables that I had no idea where to
connect. But my uncle only took half an hour to get it done. And the new computer runs way
faster than the old one.

He taught me that a great advantage of this skill is that it allows you to personalize the computer
in the way you want, which really fascinates me. So I'm really looking forward to learning tills
skill. I actually watched an online video that teaches rookies how to build a computer, but I still

computer needs an upgrade again, he will be there and teach me step by step.

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Part 3:

1. What skills do students /young people need to learn?

I think that students (young people) need to leant time management and organizational skills.

responsibilities, in order to stay on top of their tasks, they need to know how to spend their time

need to learn how to communicate well with not only their peers but their teachers and bosses
as well. Being an effective communicator is one of the best qualities you can have, especially
when it comes to the workforce.

2. Do you think parents nowadays really care about helping their children learn those skills?

Yes, most parents are invested in helping their children gain those skills. They want their kids to

I think that parents are trying to teach their kids how to develop these strengths, or at the very

kids can acquire these important skills.

3. Is it hard for students to learn skills?

turally inclined towards. For example, if someone is shy and reserved, they might find it
hard to build up their communication skills. But I suppose that as a student, you have access to
lots of resources and educators who can help you develop those skills
and they can do that by being open-minded and willing to put in the hard work.

4. Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?

Yes, I suppose that it can be hard for old people to learn new skills. Some of them might feel too
set in their ways to pick up additional skills. For example, some old people are wary of computers
-minded and
benefit from them.

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5. Is a good teacher very important for students learning experience? Why?

Yes, I would say that having a good teacher is crucial to having a good learning experience. They
good teacher, students will feel
confused and possibly overwhelmed by all the things they have to learn. They might walk away
thinking that learning is just a painful and difficult process. A good teacher is there to guide
students and make the learning experience a positive one.

6. Which way is faster for people to learn new skills, from books or from life?

I suppose that it is faster to learn a new skill in a real-life situation than from a book. Books can
be very useful to review a new skill, but real life is the best way to learn. You can read all about
sewing, but you will not be able to sew until you actually try. Then, once you have learned a new
skill, the best way to become an expert is to practice. Reading can only get you so far.

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Topic: Preparation
Part 2: Describe something important you prepared for
You should say:
What it was;
When you prepared for it;
What you did;
And explain why you prepared for it.

I'd like to talk about the time I prepared for an important exam. Actually, I've always dreamed of
being a lawyer because lawyers have decent pay and they can get respect from others for their
expertise. So I made it my life's goal to be a lawyer.

But it isn't a piece of cake. You have to pass the National Judicial examination which I studied

since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So I had to pull myself together and take the
exam until I passed, or else I wou
half a year preparing for it. I took lots of online classes and studied law day in and day out. I
literally dreamed about legal cases several times. To be honest, I didn't even know I had that land
of grit before I started preparing for the exam.

Anyway, after I finished the exam, I waited about two months to get the result. Fortunately, it
turned out that I passed the exam and by a lot! I was over the moon. I really felt like my efforts
paid off at that moment. You know, I'm finally qualified to be a lawyer!

So it was one of the most important challenges that I went through . And the experience has
given me more confidence. It made me believe that if you work hard enough, your effort will pay

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Part 3

1. How can you be a well-prepared person?

I suppose that in order to be a well-prepared person, you need to manage your time well. You

on top of all of your responsibilities by making plans or budgets for the tasks beforehand. That
way, you can be prepared for whatever comes your way. You should also be flexible. You have to

2. How can parents help children get organized?

I think parents can help children get organized by identifying their daily tasks . If a child can make

one task at a time. Parents can also help children manage their time well. Urey can break up the
day into sections and help then- kids plan what to do for each hour.

3. On what occasions do people need to be organized?

People need to be organized for important events, especially ones that require a lot of work and
effort, like vacations. When you go on a trip, you need to keep track of all the details, like your
flight and hotel. If you don't want to mess up the trip, you should be organized during the journey
People also have to be organized in their day-to-day life, especially if they work in a professional
setting. For example, many people have to deal with countless emails, files and calls in the office
during the day, so they have to know how to manage their work efficiently

4. Does everything need to be well prepared?

Well, yes, I think that everyone can benefit from being more prepared and organized in their
lives. When people are well prepared, they can feel more confident. Being organized also helps
with time management; if you are well organized, you can complete more tasks in a day. Also,
people in your life will come to think of you as reliable and trustworthy if you are consistently
prepared. This is true in both your work life and your personal life.

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5. Do people need

Yes, I suppose that being organized and prepared comes very naturally to some people, but for
others it can be really difficult. For some people who suck at time management or are just new
in a professional field, having someone else to help them get organized is necessary. As a result,
there are a lot of professions that help people become organized, including accountants, travel
agents, guidance counselors, professional cleaners, and teachers. Family and friends can also
help each other become more organized by giving advice and lending a helping hand when

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Topic: Ambition
Part 2:
You should say:
What your ambition is;
How long you have had this ambition;
How you plan to achieve it (or what you have done);

I've always dreamed of being a lawyer. If memory serves correctly, I started having this idea three
years ago. At the time, a friend of mine had just become a professional lawyer. She told me tons
of benefits of being a lawyer, like the decent pay and respect from others for your expertise. So
I made it my life's goal to be a lawyer.

But it isn't a piece of cake. First of all. you have to pass the Na
of the most difficult qualification exams in Vietnam as well as in the world since the pass rate is
only about 10% every year. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in Vietnam, you have
to read and study tons of law' books and memorize countless legal clauses, which can stress you

I actually took the exam last year. I took lots of online classes and studied law day in and day out.
even know I had that
kind of grit before I started preparing for the exam.

few people can pass it on their first try. So I'm still working on it. I have to pull myself together

pressure on me, but the prospect of being a cool lawyer helps me stick to making this dream
come true.

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Part 3

1. Is it important for children to have ambitions?

They should have a goal that they can work towards. It helps keep them motivated through
everyday life. Plus, it gives them a sense of achievement when they accomplish their goals.

2. Are all ambitions good in life?

n be too self-centred or
or who they might hurt in their pursuit of wealth. I think those kinds of goals are too vain and
here are definitely some ambitions that I would consider toxic.

3. What are the important qualities to achieve our ambitions?

I suppose that in order to achieve your ambitions, you need to be hard-

not enough to know what you want to do. You need to make a realistic plan and dedicate yourself
to following it , no matter how hard it might get. You have to be willing to put your best effort
into making your dreams come true. Besides, you have to be persistent, even if it takes a few
tries. Most of the time, you can't make it in one shot. If you don't have the grit, you might quit
before you make it.

4. What ambitions do children usually have?

Children usually have big ambitions about what their future will look like. Adults like to ask
children, what do you want to be when you glow up? Children always have really exciting answers
like astronaut, inventor, celebrity, or famous athlete. And basically all of those dreams have to
do with someone they look up to. Children also may have ambitions about then personal lives,
like when they will get married and have their own families. It's funny to hear kids say that, but I
actually think it's a reflection of different kids' personalities and backgrounds.

n their work?

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Some people are very ambitious at work because they want to get promoted to a higher level in
their job. They might start out as an intern or an assistant, but they have ambitions of eventually
becoming a manager or CEO. Some people become more ambitious due to deep-seated
insecurity. They constantly feel like they have to be better than others, especially when they are
in a competitive environment. The stress of being washed out or left behind drives them to
rmal in Vietnam because the society we live in right now is way
more competitive than it was in the past.

their lives. They mig

f how much

7. How do people balance work and life?

It can be hard to balance work and life, but it is very important to do so in order to avoid
exhaustion and burnout. There are many different strategies to avoid burnout. One strategy is to
ensure that your work life and your home life are physically separated , either by going into work,
or, if you work from home, having a separate area of your home for work. It makes it easier to
devote more time to your family. Another strategy is to set boundaries with your work , such as
by refusing to work past your contracted hours .

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Topic: Happy events
Part 2: Describe a happy event you organized.
You should say:
What the event was;
Where you had it;
Who helped you to organized it;
And explain how you feel about it.

A few months ago, I prepared an event for my family. Specifically, it was a celebration party for
my sister.

She passed the National Judicial examination about two months ago.
qualification exams in Vietnam as well as in the world since the pass rate is only about 10% every
year. But my sister was up for the challenge . She was really committed to preparing for the exam.
She spent about half a year preparing for it and waited about two months to get the result. I'd
never seen her be so anxious and stressed before. Fortunately, it turned out that she passed the
exam and with flying colour!

Since she was finally qualified to be a lawyer. My father asked me to throw a party for the whole
family as a celebration. It was no big deal , but there were a lot of things I needed to take care of,
like booking a restaurant and choosing the menu while considering my mom and sister's special

took me some time to check everything off my list but it was totally worth it.

We had a blast that day. I gave my sister a great gift on behalf of the entire family to celebrate
her big occasion. She was so grateful for what I did. Well, I was glad that all her efforts paid off.
So preparing a celebration party for her and my family was definitely my pleasure.

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Part 3

1. When do people normally send gifts to others?

People normally send each other gifts on special occasions, like birthdays or holidays.
Anniversaries are also a good occasion for gifts. For example, people give their significant others
gifts on the anniversary of when they started dating, or when they got married. Sometimes

less traditional, but I

2. Do people give gifts or red packets during traditional festivals?

Yes, a lot of people give both gifts and red packets during traditional festivals. For example, Lunar
New Year is a very important celebra

to give out gifts like fruit baskets, tea, and candy or chocolate. It definitely helps the festival feel
like a special time of year.

3. Is it hard to choose a gift?

you might be unsure of their tastes. So it can be hard finding something that they'll like. In other

4. Is clothing a good gift? Is it easy to choose a piece of clothing as a gift?

I suppose that in some cases, clothing can be a good gift. If you know the person well and feel

However, it can be tricky to get a piece of clothing as a gift, in addition to knowing what styles of
clothing they prefer, you need to know their size. It can be awkward if you get them something
a pretty safe

5. Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?

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It seems to me that most people feel happy when they receive an expensive gift. Gifts are a way
of showing someone that you care about them. When that gift is expensive, people will feel

even feel overwhelmed by getting a luxury gift, especially if the person that gave you the gift is
not very well off.

6. What do people usually consider when choosing gifts?

trying to brea

going the extra mile. But people also consider the sentimental value of a gift. They want to make
sure that the gift is meaningful to the person receiving it. It might be related to a special memory
that the two of them share.

7. Is it stressful to prepare gifts for important occasions?

I think that in some cases, it can be stressful. If you don't know the person very well, it might be
hard to pick something nice for them. For example, a lot of people who are invited to weddings
may not know the couple very well. They could be distant relatives or casual friends. But they
need to pick something thoughtful as a wedding gift. It can still be stressful if you know the person
well, though. Some couples even fight because they aren't satisfied with their anniversary gift.
Sometimes you just don't know if the gift is the right one.

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Topic: Cake
Part 2: Describe a special cake you received from others.
You should say:
When it happened;
Where it happened;
Who you got the cake from;

A few months ago, I got a cake from my friends to congratulate me for passing an important
exam. That's the most unique cake I've ever seen.

If memory serves correctly, about two months ago, I passed the National Judicial examination.
s in the world since the pass
rate is only about 10% every year. But my girlfriend was up for the challenge. I spent about half
a year preparing for it and waited about two months to get the result. Fortunately, it turned out
that I passed the exam and with flying colour!

Since I was finally qualified to be a lawyer, my friends decided to throw a party for me as a
celebration. They ordered a rectangular cake, not a round one. I thought it was a folded black
robe for a lawyer when they opened the box. It turned out that it was a fondant cake that they
customized into a suit shape. There was even a red tie on it. I was blown away. The cakemakers
did such an amazing job. It was definitely a piece of art .

And it was the first time I tried a cake with black cream. I was even a little hesitant to eat it at
first, but it tasted heavenly. My friends said they hoped the cake can bring me good luck and help
me land my first job as a lawyer at a big law film. I'm so grateful to them for being so thoughtful.
And the cake really left a mark on me.

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Part 3

1. What is the difference between special food in Vietnam and other countries?

Well, a lot of special foods in Vietnam use more unique parts of the animal. For example, you can
hat these dishes use every part of the animal, in contrast,
some foreign countries have special dishes that avoid using meat altogether, or they might be
better known for desserts instead of savoury food. It really depends on what the culture is in that
particular part of the country.

2. Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special occasions?

When it comes to Vietnamese food, there are hundreds of choices that come to mid. But the one
I want to talk about is Banh Chung, a traditional food that most Vietnamese people eat during

express our gratitude to the ancestors and homeland, but it also a time for family gathering.

3. Should special food be easily available?

For example, C m is only available in the autumn, which is a signature food for Mid-Autumn Day

4. Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?

family or
significant other to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their birthdays or anniversaries, or even an
engagement. Even though it might cost you an aim and a leg, the memories and joy from the
meal you enjoy with them will make it worth every penny

5. Do you think it is good to communicate when eating with your family?

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spend quality time together because parents are working and kids are attending school. Everyone
needs to eat, so mealtimes are an ideal opportunity to catch up and see how everyone is doing.
Actually dinner is very important for me and my family, because it is a rare chance for us all to
talk. Some families even have strict lilies such as no phones at the table so that they can
communicate better.

6. Do people usually cook special food in Vietnam?

Well, yes I think for the most part, we do cook special foods for certain occasions. Even though
more people are getting used to buying specialties like mooncakes or Banh Chung at grocery
stores, tons of Vietnamese people still enjoy the process of making them at home. For example,

the holiday more joyous an


7. When do people have special food? (like festival food or food for special events)

It seems to me that people eat food that they wouldn't normally eat when they have something
also like to celebrate a new house or graduation with a fancy feast. Besides, you can cook and

certain purposes. It makes those events more meaningful and memorable.

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Topic: New place
Part 2: Describe a time you visited a new place.
You should say:
Where it is;
When you went there;
Why you went there;
And explain how you feel about the place.

Well, visiting new places helps individuals break the monotony of their hectic schedule and gives
them a sense of satisfaction. Here, I would like to talk about a trip that I went on with my family.

Last year, I decided to visit my friend in Hà Giang in Northern Mountainous area, which is a
beautiful hill station, with my family. As this hill station is around 300 kilometers from my
hometown, my family and I decided to go there by car to comfortably travel to this place.

I came to know about his place when my friend posted some photos and videos of his tours,
which impressed me a lot. He also told me how adventurous their journey was and this
encouraged me to go on this trip. We embarked on our journey in the early morning, and we
stopped at many places to have some food and drinks and to capture some awesome photos of
the surroundings.

Before the start of our journey, we booked rooms at hotels in advance through a mobile app to
avoid any accommodation problems. We spent almost three days there, and during that period,
we visited historical sites, tasted local meals and did some activities, like paragliding and river

This journey helped us spend some quality time together in a tranquil environment and
experience something extremely new and different. This place has breathtaking views and fresh
ely worth visiting.

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Part 3

1. Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist?

lot of people get overwhelmed by how fast-paced cities are. But I really enjoy living in a city
because there are so many exciting opportunities there. Whether it's a cool job or something fun

2. How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?

I guess most young children are pretty excited to go to school for the first time. Of course, there
are some kids who are anxious about a new environment. They might not have a good first day.
But for the most part, kids are curious about school. They're excited to be with then friends and
learn about the world. So overall, I think the first day at school can be really fun for them.

3. What might young people feel at their first workplace after they just graduated from college?

part of that, but it can also be a very scary process. For example, a lot of young people are worried

to adjust to those huge life changes. Some young people might even have imposter syndrome.

4. How do young and old people react differently to new thing?

as old
willing to embrace it. Old people, on the other hand, might be too overwhelmed by new things.

harder to embrace change as you get older.

5. Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?

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I think that some people want to go to college far from home because they want to have brand-
new experiences. If you stay in
things. You might even get stuck in a bit. By moving somewhere far away from home for school,

back home.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad or working abroad?

Well, one big advantage is that you get to experience a new place. You can learn about the local
the chance to meet
otherwise. Plus, you can take in the natural scenery and do some sightseeing. On the downside,

shock might make you feel out of place.

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Topic: City
Part 2: Describe a city that you think is interesting.
You should say:
Where it is;
What the city is famous for;
How you knew this city;
And explain why you think it is very interesting.

Let me talk a

also known as Sai Gon, located here in the south of this S-shaped country.

Historically speaking, this city is a centuries-

which is B vercrowded with a population of more

still attracting more and more people, including foreigners and immigrants, on a yearly basis.
Foreigners come here to do business or to explore the local culture as tourists. Immigrants from

n Vietnam.

Hà N i, the capital.

point of view of food choices. Here I can find so many different types of cuisine and, if l can afford
it, I can enjoy eating almost all kinds of food, ranging from Vietnamese, Indian, Korean, Japanese
to French, Italian, American, or even Brazilian. Being a person with a voracious appetite, I
definitely love this city.

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Part 3

1. What advantages can tourism bring to a city?

spend more and more money at local restaurants and other businesses. So that helps support

as tour guides and work with visitors. Plus, with lots of tourists showing up, the city is more likely
to invest in improving the infrastructure .

2. Why do some young people like to live in cities?

I think some young people like living in cities because there are more opportunities for them

to find something in a city. Plus, cities have a lot more options for food and entertainment.

weekends. Young people thrive in cities for those reasons.

3. Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?

Well, most elderly people live in the countryside. Cities are great and they have a lot of resources
for older people, such as good healthcare in major hospitals. But cities are also very fast-paced.
Thee hustle and bustle of daily life there can be overwhelming for the elderly. So I think that as
people get older, they tend to move out to the countryside. Things are much more relaxed in
rural areas.

4. Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?

Well, yes. I mean, tourism can bring a lot of great benefits as it develops. However, there are
definitely some drawbacks. When it comes to natural scenery, too many tourists can disturb and
even damage the environment. That can be a disadvantage for the people who live there and
want to enjoy that scenery for themselves. Moreover, some tourists may be disrespectful of the
local culture, which leads to clashes with the local citizens.

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Topic: Countryside
Part 2: Describe a place in a countryside/village that you visited.
You should say:
Where it is;
When you visited this place;
What you did there;
And how you feel about this place.

Vietnam, my homeland, is a country with abundant natural beauty, from beaches to forests and
from waterfalls to vast and green paddy fields. But, in my humble opinion, the countryside of my
country is even more beautiful, and today, I would like to talk about one such enjoyable
countryside which I visited about a couple of years ago.

Anyway, visiting the countryside once in a while is one of my favourite things to do. So, when a
couple of my friends told me that they were going to visit the beautiful countryside in the
southern part of Vietnam, I became really excited. Our trip began around 8 am in the morning,
and after riding the bus for about 4 hours, we finally arrived at our destination.

Needless to say, we were all taken aback by the sheer beauty of the landscape around us as the
scenery just stretches off into the horizon, as far as our eyes could see, with miles and miles of
rice fields shimmering in the heat haze. The paddy fields were divided into broad rectangular
ing sounds
of the birds from the forest there invited us to watch them fly under the blue and beautiful sky.

want to return back to our home in the city.

Anyway, I would surely go back to that place in future because this is where I could find my peace
and serenity. Besides, I would go back to that beautiful countryside also because it would remind
me again how we could live a very simple life and yet become very happy.

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Part 3

1. Is there anything special about the villages in your country?

Well, of course I think that the villages in my country are special in their own way. Lots of villages
e hustle and bustle of
major cities. I know tons of people love to visit the farms in spring for the views. Plus, the local

experience in cities. For example, many villages have ancestry temples where the local villagers
who have a place on the family tree worship their ancestors.

2. Why do people want to go to the countryside?

I think people want to go to the countryside so they can relax. In the city, everything is so fast-

more space. You can enjoy the natural scenery without bumping up against people or getting
stuck in a crowded area. Life goes at a slower pace, which can be a nice change.

3. What do people usually do when going to a village?

I suppose that people are either visiting family or going to a tourist spot when they go to a village.

more common for people to visit family or friends who live out in villages instead of the major

4. Do you think people will live in the village in the future?

I would say that more and more people are gravitating towards cities. There are usually more job
opportunities there, especially if you want to work in fields like finance or technology. But villages
are charming and more laid-

rather live somewhere more relaxed.

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5. Do you think everyone likes the countryside?

ut on the other
hand, some people need the busyness of a city in order to thrive. So they might hate being stuck
out in the countryside. They might get bored with the slower pace of life. Plus, the countryside
doesn't have as many opportunities as big cities. So that might be frustrating for some people as

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Topic: Walking
Part 2: Describe a long walk you ever had.
You should say:
When this happened;
Where you walked;
Who you were with;
And explain how you felt about this long walk.

I would like to talk about a long walk that I have taken recently. So this was a walk around Hoan
Kiem Lake. I do this walk quite regularly actually, usually in the late evening, and usually whenever
I am feeling under pressure at work or school.

That night, the fresh air and tranquil atmosphere around the lake made me feel relaxed but quite
energetic at the same time, and it helped me to refresh my mind to get ready for a new day to
u feel quite safe, so
-pocketed or something like that, you can really
just concentrate your mind on other more important things.

Surrounding the lake is a long spacious pavement, where people usually go jogging and walking,
and after taking a long walk I just sat there on a bench, taking in the peaceful atmosphere. Most
of the time I was just gazing at the stars, trying my best to let my mind unwind and meditate.

The reason I took this walk was because I had just had a huge fight with my best friend and he
had started questioning some things about my life, and it made me feel really awful. So following
that, we had an argument and all of a sudden I started questioning our relationship. Things just
started feeling very bizarre, so I went looking for something that would calm my mind.

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Part 3

1. What outdoor activities do people like?

I think people like outdoor activities where they can get some exercise and socialize at the same
time. For example, going for a walk is a great activity because you can enjoy the scenery while
catching up with your friends. Doing something more active like biking, swimming, or playing a


2. What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?

In the past, I suppose that children were a lot more imaginative. They liked playing games like
cops and robbers where they would chase each other around. I also think they were much more
active, in the old days, kids liked activities like climbing trees or catching bugs in the nature.
Physical exercise was a big priority. But nowadays, kids are addicted to video games. Of course
they do outdoor activities, like riding a scooter or playing with a frisbee, but you can often see
kids watching cartoons or playing games on their phones or tablets when they are in a park which
is not good for then health.

3. Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?


ds or doing an exciting
recreational activity for themselves, leisure tune helps them avoid getting overwhelmed by their
responsibilities .

4. Do women have more leisure time than men?

force, they tend to
have an equal number of responsibilities, in fact, depending on the situation, women are often
busier than men because they may take on extra household duties. In some families, the women
are still expected to do more of the parenting,
stereotype that women just sit around doing nothing while men are working.

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Topic: Spending time
Part 2: Describe someone you really like to spend time with.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How you knew him/her;
What you usually do together;
And explain why you like to spend time with him/her.

The friend I like to spend my time with more than any other friend is Nam. I met him when I was
only 8 years old and was in primary school. After that, our intimacy developed and we became
best friends.

One day he forgot to bring his physics book to the school and I helped him with my book. We
talked for a long after our classes and our friendship started to begin. We went to college
together but we got admitted to two different universities. Since we are studying in the same city
now, we visit each other's house and thus we meet at least twice a month.

He is a kind and talented person who helps people and always wished the best for others. He is
studying mathematics and he has a talent in mathematics. Sometimes he explains some complex
mathematical theories in a very simple and interesting way which helps me a lot in my studies.
He is passionate about reading books and often shares his books with me. We often exchange
our thoughts about books and politics.

I like to spend time with him because we have many common interests. I never feel bored
spending time with him. Since we are friends for a long time, we understand each other very
well. A good friend always extends helping hands when we are in need, and Nam does it always
for me and for others. We do so many fun stuff together and help each other in our studies. Good
friendship, understanding and common interests make us close friends and those are the primary
reasons I like to spend time with him so much.

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Part 3

1. What kind of people are easy to get along with?

to different kinds of people, you can trust diem to get along with mostly anyone. Plus, it's helpful

2. How do leaders get along with their subordinates?

I suppose that in general, leaders try to connect with their subordinates. In the past, it was more
common for there to be a lot of distance between a manager and then employees. Companies
usually had a strong corporate culture
employees that much. But nowadays, leaders want to get to know the people who work for them.

strive to make their employees feel respected and cared for so that they can be happy workers.

3. Do people have time for themselves nowadays?

I would say that most people struggle to have time for themselves. Most adults are working full-
time jobs in addition to taking care of their families. It can be very difficult to find time to just
-life balance. As the cost

4. Do you like talking with older people? Why?

from people my age. They know a lot more about history, and they can share lots of details about
what life used to be like. For example. I love having a chit-chat with my grandparents. They can

people have more life experience. So they usually have great advice because they have a good

5. Do you think employees should establish relationships outside of work with their bosses?

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A good relationship at work makes person's job easier and faster than if they work alone. What I
mean is that such connections between people lead to a situation when all individuals work
together as a team in order to solve problems and achieve goals. Needless to say that such type
associations makes persons less nervous and stressed since they can rely on their colleagues. For
example, when I worked in Vingroup, managers of this company often offered their employees
team buildings. That is because this firm has a strong position and a motto. Success is always a
collaborative work. The results are seen with the naked eye - Vingroup is one of the most
wealthiest companies in Vietnam.

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Topic: Rules
Part 2:
You should say:
What it is;

How others feel about the rule;

School plays an important role in our life as this makes our platform is the first step of our journey
today I am
going to talk about one of these rules.

When I was 11 years old, I was admitted is high school. It is a good place with a glorious building.
I was promoted from primary school, and I am very frustrated and nervous about this school.
This school have a large number of younger girls, which makes me more afraid. Every school have
its rules and regulations according to situations; this school also have many rules. But some rules
are very odd and cause violence among students as bullying, intolerance, physical punishments
giving a lot of homework, etcetera.

The rule which makes me displeased is daily homework. It is most difficult of doing homework. It
is very hard to participate in extracurricular activities with a study burden. Their fear of failure
makes me more pressured and stressed every daily homework causing violence between
students. Good students can easily manage their study burden, but weak students will become
possessive. Such conditions cause the grouping formation among students who ranked on the
study level, and that is the worse for all kinds of students. Good students become proudly, and
weaker one become guilty and in future became a bad member of society. School and teachers
should be trained in such a way that they undertake all kinds of students and syllabus should be
arranged in such way that students can study with fun and joy, not with fear of failure.

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Part 3

1. What are the rules students should follow at school?

I suppose that a good rule to stall with is respecting everyone a

to people or harass them in any way. I also think that students should try to show up to class on
time and avoid interrupting lessons. It can be very distracting to the other students who are trying
to learn.

2. Are the rules at school good or bad, why?

Well, for the most part, rules at school are good. They help keep everything in order. They can
also remind students of what behaviour they should be exhibiting. For example, rules that forbid
bullying are important because they keep everyone in line. However, some rules can be a little
over the top. For example, some schools forbid female students from having long hair, which
sounds ridiculous. If there are too many unnecessary rules, students might just get frustrated at

3. What rules should children follow at home?

I think children should follow some basic rules, like going to bed on time and only watching TV
when their parents allow them to. They need to listen to their parents when it comes to their

often set for the sake of the children's growth, both mentally and physically. So children need to
listen to their parents and follow' their rales.

4. How are people punished when parking at a wrong spot?

In most cases, people get punished for parking in the wrong spot by getting a ticket. That ticket
usually comes with a hefty fine. Most people think parking tickets are ridiculous, and that it

If you park in front of a fire hydrant, for instance, you might make it harder for the firefighters if
an emergency happened.

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5. Do people in your country often break rules?

No, I think that in most cases, people in my country are very law-abiding. But of course, there are
ably related to

But when it comes to something more serious, like the lockdowns and mandatory testing for
Covid- k the rules.

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Topic: Place that you dislike
Part 2:
You should say:
What the place is;
Why you went there;
Why you don't want to go there again;
And explain how you feel about the place.

Speaking of a place I don't want to go to anymore, the first one that comes to mind is a new park
in my hometown.

bike path that has been built alongside the lake. I really love recreational cycling. So, in order to
try out the new bike lane, I decided to cycle at the park with several friends of mine who have
the same interest.

But we had no idea that there were bees everywhere in tire park. The humming of bees never
stopped around us. I mean, even though bees are good for the eco-system there, they were a
pain in the neck to visitors at the park. I was so freaked out when some bees landed on my jacket.
I also couldn't eat any snacks because once I opened a bag of chips, lots of bees swarmed around
me. Although I hied so hard to avoid them, a bee stung me in the arm when I was riding. It hurt
so much and gave me a big bump .

So I really regretted visiting there. It was totally a disaster that I didn't see coming. If it weren't
for the bees, we would've breathed in fresh air and enjoyed the sparkling sun on the water-while

disappointed that day and none of us want to go there again.

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Part 3

1. What type of apartment do most people in your country like to live in?

Well, it depends on whether a person is living in the city or the countryside. In small cities, most
of the people live in independent houses. Only a few metropolitan cities have high-rise buildings.
In the rural areas, people either live in houses built out of mud or brick depending upon their
financial status. One more interesting fact is that majority of the population in my country lives
in rented accommodation.

2. Do people in your country like to invite others as guests?

Yes, people in my country absolutely love to invite others as guests. In fact, in our culture, the
guests are given the high status. Normally, people like to invite each other for dinners during the
holidays. I believe that Vietnamese culture gives a lot more value to relationships as compared
to the western world and that is why people here love to develop strong bonds with their
neighbors and relatives.

3. Do people take gifts when they visit each other?

Well, I feel that this is a tradition, which is now slowly dying out. Earlier people were very formal
-handed. People
used to carry fruits or some other items like clothes during their visits, but I see this trend is
changing now. People are becoming more casual and do not consider it important to take a gift
when they are visiting someone. The gifting process is now limited to the holiday season or
special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

4. What is the difference between the houses in the city centre and the suburbs?

There are many differences between the houses located in posh areas of the city and those
located in the outskirts. The primary difference is the price, the houses in city centers are
generally expensive, whereas those in suburbs are generally more affordable. Another reason
why people move to suburban areas is that because they can build large houses there and these

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areas are less crowded as compared to city centres. Naturally, there is ample parking space and
less traffic congestion in the suburbs.

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Topic: Clothes
Part 2: Describe a piece of clothing you have that was given by someone.
You should say:
What it was;
Who gave it to you;
When you got that;
And whether you liked it or not.

I did receive a piece of clothing recently from others - to be specific, my mom. It was a gift from
her to congratulate me for passing an important exam.

About two months ago, I passed th

qualification exams in Vietnam as well as in the world since the pass rate is only about 10% every
year. I was really committed to preparing for the exam. I spent about half a year preparing for it
and waited about two months to get the result. Fortunately, it turned out that I passed the exam
and with flying colour!

Since I was finally qualified to be a lawyer, my mom promised to give me a fancy gift. Then a
month later, I received the first suit in my life. My mom said it could be my first professional
outfit. It's a double-breasted suit with grey stripes, which is made of 100% wool. Honestly it looks
t have any
outfits suited for an office. So I was over the moon when I saw this suit, which was exactly what
I needed.

Anyway, my mom hopes the suit can bring me good luck and help me land my first job as a lawyer
at a big law firm. I'm so grateful to her for being so thoughtful. And I've planned to wear it for my

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Part 3

1. Have you ever given clothes to others?

Yes, I give my friends and my cousins clothes all the time. In fact, we often exchange clothes if

people clothes is much

wear something a couple times before giving up on it.

2. Why do people dress casually in everyday life but dress formally at work?

Well, in everyday life, you don't have to meet a certain standard. You're just hanging out with

You need to look th

the workplace. It shows a lack of respect for your coworkers and boss.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?

One advantage of uniforms is that it puts everyone on equal footing. Especially in school, people
can get very focused on appearances. They might judge others based on what they wear. But if
age is

4. Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?

Well, fashion is very connected to culture. It represents different cultural values and is influenced
by societal trends. So when you look at different countries, all of which have different values and
ge of fashion styles. Besides, clothing depends on the
environment, so if s natural that countries with colder climates would wear warmer, heavier
clothing, while light and bright clothing would be more popular in tropical countries .

5. Do you think dressing formally makes people look more professional?

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Yes, I think that wearing formal attire makes you look more professional. Clothing is a huge part
-shirt and jeans, you
come across as
suit, then you look poised and mature, which helps you appear professional to others. Formal
clothes can make a world of difference when it comes to self-presentation.

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Topic: Job
Part 2: Describe a person whose work/job is useful to society.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How you knew him/her;
What type of work he/she does;
And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society.

Every honest job is noble in my opinion if it somehow helps others. For this cue card topic, I would
like to talk about a person who is a teacher and in my opinion, her job is quite important to society
as well as to the country.

The name of this teacher is Mary and she is an English teacher in a high school located in our
area. She is in fact, a much-revered teacher among her students and colleagues and I like the
invaluable contribution she has for teaching in an excellent way. Besides, she is an honest person
with many other excellent qualities that make her an exemplary person in our society.

Teaching, in my opinion, is a very noble profession and makes society a better place by
eradicating our ignorance and by creating an enlightened generation. This profoundly important
job is done by teachers who are doing a really great job for all of us. In this present era, formal
educational institutes help us to enhance our knowledge and prepare us for the future. Creating
an illuminated society is the main purpose of the education and teachers are helping us to acquire
the wisdom and knowledge we need to lead a better life. This is why I personally think that a
teacher's job is one of the most important jobs in our society.

Speaking of Mary, I was one of her favourite students and her teaching style was quite unique.
Her excellent teaching style helped me learn many grammatical rules and use English more
fluently. As a teacher, she was quite devoted and punctual. She must be very proud that some of
her students are in important positions nationwide and some of them still visit her.

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Part 3

1. What jobs are well-paid?

There are lots of jobs that pay well. For example, nowadays programmers, especially the good
ones who graduated from top-level universities, can easily find high-paying jobs, which is also
why tons of college graduates flock to IT companies. Besides, being a lawyer is a good profession
-ranking position. After all, lawyer's always have
to deal with tons of complex matters.

2. What are the changes in working conditions?

I suppose that in general, working conditions have improved. Overall speaking, worker's

conditions. A lot of job

overwork people as much. For example, I know there are more companies that have started
allowing workers to take a nap after lunch and some of them even provide lounge chairs.

3. What are the impacts of the epidemic on the work environment?

Well, one impact of the epidemic is that many work environments have become remote. So many
people are working from home now, which is great for some people but more challenging for
others, like parents who have young children at home. Going forward, that might mean that a

be gone for good

because of the lockdowns during the pandemic.

4. Which jobs in your country have low wages? Why are their wages low?

Unfortunately, a lot of essential jobs have low wages. People who work in the service industry
usually just get minimum wage. People who do manual labour also have
low wages. For example, factory workers and labourers are some of the lowest-
such a shame because those jobs are really important for keeping society functioning. But it also

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doing those jobs can be easily replaced.

5. What working skills or skills useful for work should be taught to high school students?

It seems to me that high school students should have to study accounting. A lot of high schools
already have this kind of class in their curriculum, but it's not often a required course. I think
learning how to do that kind of math is really helpful for lots of jobs in business or finance High
school students should also learn some basic technology skills. Urey should be exposed to
different software and learn how to use a computer well.

6. What working skills or skills useful for work should be taught to college students?

writing classes by any means but they should learn how to communicate well and make a
persuasive argument. It will help them advance in their careers, no matter what field they go
into. It might also be helpful for them to learn coding. It might seem weird, but coding comes up
in a surprisingly high number of jobs .

7. Do you think younger people should be lower-paid than older people?

No, I don't think that younger people should be paid less than older people if they are performing
the same job at the same level of experience. However, if an older person has been working at a
company for many years, they may have a higher level of pay due to their experience, and that
is normal. If two people start a new job at the same time, one young and one old, they should be
paid the same salary. Age does not automatically guarantee more pay.

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Topic: Story
Part 2: Describe a story someone told you and you remember.
You should say:
What the story was about;
Who told you this story;
Why you remember it;
And explain how you feel about it.

Childhood stories were fascinating and when I was a child I had been extremely fond of those
bedtime stories. Here, I would love to describe one such childhood tale that has made a lasting
impact on my mind.

The story was about a prince who fought and scored victory against a mighty giant to rescue his
princess. Prince was a benevolent ruler who helped his countrymen and was a courageous
fighter. He was happily married to the love of his life the princess. They acted kind-hearted
kings and queens for the country and people loved them very much. Once a giant came to their
territory and tried to abduct a small kid. The prince was out of the country at that moment and
the princess tried to force the giant to leave. That annoyed the giant and he abducted the princess
instead. When the prince returned to the country and found out about the incident. He was filled
with anger and decided to search for his wife. The journey he took, was full of surprises and
different puzzles. But, he finally reached to the abyss and found the queen. He had to fight with
the giant and killed him in the end to get his princess back.

My grandmother told me the story multiple times and I used to insist her to tell me this very story
before going to sleep. As a child, the storyline opened me to an all-new fantasy world which was
largely created by my endearing grandmother. Most probably, I have thought a lot about the
things happened in this story and as a result, I have still remembered the story.

my mind. As a child, I really enjoyed the story. I was almost the same age the Prince in the story
was and every time he faced a new challenge, the narrative changes and revealed another

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challenge. So, I feel the twists and turns made it even more stimulating. In the end, I would just
-teller. She intelligently narrated the
story and made me hooked to it every time.

Part 3

1. Do young children like the same stories as older children?

No, I think that young children have different tastes in stories than older children. Preschoolers
and even older children tend to like stories that have a lot of action and more complicated plots.

ry or thrilling. Emm... they also like really silly stones.

I once saw kids giggling just by looking at a photo of a kid playing on a swing in a children's book.

2. How has technology changed storytelling?

Well, I believe technology has really opened up the possibilities for storytelling. Animation is a

n can look almost as convincing as real

life. There are so many different art styles that can be used in animation, which helps create really
interesting and beautiful stories for moviegoers.

3. How do people tell stories to children?

I think people usuall

want to expose theft children to anything too dark or adult for them. So they tell stories that are
just fun and entertaining. Sometimes, they even use silly voices to make the kids laugh. Telling

serious or mature.

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4. Why do children like stories?

to a really good
story you get totally wrapped up in it. Stories are distracting, but in a fun way. They can make
you laugh, or they can even make you cry. Besides, when children listen to stories, they get to
learn about the world in a sense. Stories help them understand some more serious topics, but in

children understand the meaning of perseverance more easily.

5. Some children watch TV for a long time; do you think that is good or not?

Well, most homes nowadays have a television in addition to computers and tablets, so children

addicted to TV and never get any physical exercise or social interaction. Actually I think that
having limits on screen time for kids is a good idea. Every family is different, but generally
speaking, kids need to spend more face-to-face time with their family and friends. And spending
more time outside instead of watching TV is very helpful to their physical development as well.

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Topic: Friends
Part 2: Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.
You should say:
Who he/she is
When you met him/her
Why you want to know more about him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her

Well, the person I'd love to meet again is a 60-year-old lady I saw at a traditional culture exhibition
several weeks ago. She's a folk artist who specializes in paper-cutting.

people are familiar with. She actually cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories.
And you can see how she has presented many storylines in paper cuttings. She even bound them
into a book form. I was amazed by how creative she is for her age.

She said she teaches a paper-cutting course in a college. I admire how energetic she is at her age,
but what I didn't expect is that she cares a lot about the development of our traditional culture.
She said she found that there are less and less young people who take an interest in this art form.

that tell traditional Chinese stories and create videos of them. She is such a great role model to
young people like me and definitely earns my admiration.

a pity that I didn't get to talk longer with her and haven't seen her since. I really want to know


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Part 3

1. What are the ways to make new friends?

As far as I know, people usually make new friends by going to parties or social events. They just
introduce themselves and then they go from there. Or they make friends with the people who
are naturally around them . For instance, they might become friends with their coworkers. Or if

2. What qualities make a good friend?

It seems to me that a good friend is someone who is patient and kind. They can keep a level head,

what . So they should be someone that you can turn to when you are having a bad day. Besides,
a good friend should have some common interests. It can be hard to develop a strong bond if you
don't share any interest or hobbies.

3. How do you maintain friendships?

Friendships can be very hard to maintain. Nowadays, people are so consumed with their work or
studies, to the point that they can start to neglect their personal relationships. But in order to
maintain a friendship, both parties have to make each other a priority. It means that you have to
prioritize your friends, even when you have lots of other things to take care of. You should also
make sure that you communicate your needs. If you start to feel neglected, you need to be
comfortable expressing that to the other person.

4. On what occasions do people like to make friends?

people go to university, they want to make friends in their classes so they have a friendly face in
also nice to make friends outside of class, so that they can have people to
help them out as they adjust to university life. People also like making friends at their jobs.
Getting along with your coworkers can make a world of difference.

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5. Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?

I suppose that haring some similar hobbies and interests as your friends is important, but not
essential. Making friends can be easier if you have more hl common with them. Many people
become friends as a result of their similarities, and they stay friends for a very long time because
of those interests. However, as the saying goes, opposites attract; some people are best friends
e singing but your friend likes boating.

other's interests and learn a lot from each other.

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Topic: Lesson/Course
Part 2: Describe a lesson/course you remember.
You should say:
What the lesson was about;
Where you had it;
Why you remember it;
And explain how you feel about the lesson.

Well, I would like to share with you about a really pleasant experience in an English class I had at
my university.

During one of our grammar lessons, the regular teacher was sick so the school had to send in a
teacher to cover her place. And the substitute teacher, Thomas Hall, delivered an amazing lecture
in English about how he thinks we should all learn languages through watching films.

Throughout the two hours, he explained to us the process of learning a language and how films
can serve as an effective way to immerse yourself in a language. Basic elements like vocabulary
and grammar can be easily absorbed if we focus on dialog in a TV show, and so in the long run,
our overall language skills can be improved. This method helps us to learn any language
effortlessly and in a short period of time.

At first, we were all skeptical about the ideas he introduced, however, after watching a short
video to practice and doing a trial test, we were all convinced that learning by watching movies
was not hard at all and we could apply this to enhance our performance at school.

I enjoyed this lesson so much because I find this method to be particularly effective for me. I
always felt unmotivated when learning by traditional methods and my results were never
desirable. But when I tried learning English using my favourite movies, you know what? My
English got better and better and very soon I was able to remember thousands of new words and
write really complicated essays. Now, I can even proudly say that I have mastered the English

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Part 3

1. Which can help you remember things better, words or photos?

Well, it depends on the person. Some people are visual learners, so photos can help them
remember a concept. But other's retain information better when they can read about it. I think

2. Why do some people have better memory? / What may

I suppose that in some cases, it can be due to genetics. Some people are a heady predisposed to
have a better memory But a good memory also depends on other factors that are within your
control. For example, you can remember things better when you have a healthy diet and you
exercise regularly. Those things improve your brain function and improve your memory. Besides,
some people who actively challenge themselves with new activities, like learning a language or
an instrument, tend to have a better memory because it keeps their brain active.

3. Why can some people remember some little things in life?

I think some people pay attention to the little things because they matter to them. It might seem
weird to remember details that most people don't pay attention to, but they can be important
depending on the person. As far as I know, many trained detectives and police officers are very
good at observing and recalling the details of crime scenes that normal people wouldn't notice
and remember. Other people are able to remember the little things because they have a very

special efforts to improve their memory.

4. Are young people better at memorizing things than old people? Do young people have a
better-memory than old people?

can stay young as we age. And you can see tons of scientists who are in their seventies, eighties

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and even nineties but are still active at work. Even compared to young people nowadays, they
could still have a sharp memory. So I don't believe that the aging of the brain affects one's
memories. If someone has a healthy brain when they are old, they will be as good at memorizing
things as young people.

5. Do men and women have differences in memory?

Yes, there are actually some differences in memory when it comes to men and women. I
remember I read an article somewhere says that on average, males and females have greater

women are better at remembering things like names, faces, and conversations. They also have
better short-term memory tha
other hand, men are typically better at things like navigation. So they can remember directions

6. Do people like things with sentimental value?

Yes, I believe people like hanging onto things that are associated with certain memories. For

you're older. Some people save their favorite toys, while others keep sports medals and other
memorabilia. As people grow older, they save things from important occasions like graduations
and weddings. Even though the object itself might lose value over time, the memories that it
holds are priceless.

7. Can technology' help people remember things better? How?

Yeah, definitely. One good example is photography In the past, it was really rare to own a camera
because they were really expensive. But nowadays, basically every cell phone has a camera built
into it. You can take pictures and videos of a moment instead of only preserving it ill your mind.
Then, later on, you can lookback at those pictures and videos to fully remember the occasion.

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8. How to forget a bad memory?

You can forget a negative memory in a few different ways. First, it might help to talk to someone
about it, like a friend or family member. You can even cry on their shoulder. Real friends and

and it also can be a really effective strategy to make you less sad or scared. Besides, you can try
to think of some good memories instead. For example, if the painful memory happened at your
school, think of a good memory from school instead.

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Part 2: Describe a person who you follow on social media.
You should say:
Who he/she is;
How you knew him/her;
What he/she posts on social media;
And explain why you follow him/her on social media

The person that I follow on social media is Priyanka Chopra. She is my inspiration as she has
followed her heart and dreams to achieve the position that she holds in the present scenario. She
is an incredibly amazing woman who has never failed to be admired by everyone and to inspire
the country.

I know Priyanka Chopra as she won the Miss World Title in 2000 and has been doing great work

tremendous efforts to entertain the people of the nation through the best movies. Not only this
but she has proved herself as a global icon too. She was also listed in the 100 most influential
people in the world which is motivational for all the young people who want to pursue their

She is active on multiple social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. She posts
motivational thoughts, pictures, videos from events and conferences, and also videos related to
her work. She has a huge following among the youngsters.

I follow Priyanka Chopra on social media as I look up to her due to her greatly inspiring journey
from a simple girl to a global icon. She has inspired me a lot. I connect with her when she speaks
about her life. I believe she has achieved the zenith of success in her life due to being dedicated
and putting in her best efforts.

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Part 3

1. What can people do on social media?

People use social media for lots of different things. A lot of people use it to post updates from
al things.

can also use social media to promote a small business or connect with like-minded people by
commenting on posts.

2. Do you think older people and younger people will you the same kind of social media

No, I think that older people use different social media sites than young people. Young people
tend to prefer using social media apps like TikTok. They have shorter attention spans, so they like
software that lets them scroll through lots of posts very quickly. But older people like social media
that lets them talk with others or get into long conversations. So they prefer more
communication-based apps like Facebook or Zalo.

3. Do older people spend much time on social media?

through posts from thousands an

going from post to post. But older people prefer having face-to-face talks and longer

4. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?

Yes, I definitely think that television and newspapers are still useful. Even though a lot of people
pay more attention to social media when it comes to reading about the latest trends and topics,
TV and newspapers are valuable because in general, they go through a lot more fact-checking.

important to look at sources drat have lots of research behind them. For example, there were

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tons of rumors on the internet that have proved to be false during the pandemic. But you can
count on the reports on TV and in newspapers.

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Topic: Song
Part 2: Describe an interesting song.
You should say:
What the song is;
What story the song tells;
Whether the song is popular;
And explain why you think it is interesting.

I'm crazy about singing. And I've always preferred songs with beautiful and touching lyrics. So
one of the interesting songs I'd like to share with you is an inspirational song composed and sang
by an American singer-songwriter whose name is Bea Miller.

If memory serves correctly, in my sophomore year of high school, one of my friends sang a

liking to that song and looked it up online right away. Then I found the original singer of it. Bea
Miller. Her voice in that song is explosive and full of energy.

listening to it non-stop. The song is catchy and the lyrics are very inspirational. It tells the story

encourage people to believe everyone is unique in their own way .

I love the story of the song, so I memorized all the lyrics and learned how to sing it. Unlike most
cheesy and mushy songs about romance, this song is written to reveal a social issue. Honestly,
it's the first song about discrimination that I'd listened to at the t
and interesting song. I really expect to listen to more songs like this that explore the deeper things
in life.

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Part 3:

1. Why are music competitions popular in Vietnam?

who really shine at it . Competitions are always entertaining because people easily pick favourites
and get invested in the action. Music is something tha
get hooked on music competitions. Combining those two enjoyable elements definitely makes
for fun television. Plus, sometimes the next household name can come out of those competitions.

2. What kinds of music do young people in Vietnam like?

I think the most popular music genres among young people in Vietnam are western pop and rock
music. Country music is also popular and most of my friends love Taylor Swift for her cult albums
that won tons of awards. I know lots of people are also into K-

3. What kinds of people like traditional music?

never lis
Young people might not always have the proper historical context to fully appreciate traditional
music. Besides, most of the classic songs are elegant and slow-tempo s

upbeat music.

4. What are the differences between live concert and online concert?

I suppose that the energy levels are pretty different. W

of the other audience members. A huge draw of live concerts is that you can sing along with the
band, in person, and enjoy the energy from a huge crowd. So the sound and visuals are pretty
different too. On the other hand, a nice advantage of online concerts is that you save a lot of
money on tickets and travel. But if you want to go see live music, it always costs you an arm and

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overpay for
resale tickets because they are often sold out quickly.

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Topic: Learning languages
Part 2: Describe something that helped you learn a language.
You should say:
What it is;
What language you learned;
How it helped you learn the language;
And how you felt about it.

Well, I'm crazy about singing, and I found music is a very effective tool for learning English. I
realized it works like a charm when I was in sophomore year of high school. At the time, one of
my friends sang a beautiful song
I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online light away. The song is catchy and the
ill stays
confident and strong. The songwriter tries to encourage people to believe everyone is unique in
their own way.

I love the story of the song, so I memorized all the lyrics and learned how to sing it. Then I found

the present perfect tense until I read the lyrics of this song. And when I sang along with the song,
I also learned some basic ways to link words , which is important in English pronunciation.

Since then, I've really enjoyed listening to songs in English to understand more about the

listening to music in a foreign language can be helpful for developing language skills like listening,
vocabulary, and grammar. Different music also gives you access to cultures in different countries

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Part 3

1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

I think one of the biggest challenges people face when learning a new language is memorizing
vocabulary. You have to know so many different words, and for some languages like Japanese,
a different kind of grammar.

You basically have to rewire your brain.

2. Do you think language learning is important? Why?

other languages. For one, it helps you connect with people from
different countries. You can gain a lot of perspective by talking with people in their own language.
Learning foreign languages helps you learn about cultures and expand your worldview. Another
benefit to learning a language is that it helps keep your mind sharp. Studies have shown that
doing activities like learning a language can help improve your memory. In addition, being
bilingual or trilingual definitely give you an edge when it comes to job hunting, especially when

3. Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group? Why?

I suppose that the best way to study is to do both. Studying alone is better for memorization and
review, whereas studying in a group is better for understanding new complex topics. When
learning a language, I think it is absolutely essential to have a study group, because then you have
an opportunity to practice speaking the language with other people. You can also quiz each other

than you would alone.

The best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself in that language. I think that everyone
learns better by living somewhere where die language is spoken, so that they can hear it every
day and practice speaking it every day as well. However, sometimes full immersion is not

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possible, in which case it might be better to learn by surrounding yourself with media in the target
language; you can listen to the radio in the target language, or watch TV and movies in that

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Topic: Products
Part 2: Describe something in your home that you broke and then repaired.
You should say:
What it is;
How you broke it;
How you repaired it;
And how you felt about it.

I repaired a computer before. To be specific, I had the help of my uncle.

About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, the monitor went black all of a sudden.
My uncle knows digital devices like the back of Iris hand. He checked out the computer
thoroughly, and he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old. Some of them had
burned out, which caused the blackout. He told me he could fix it with me. Even though I'd never
thought I could do that, I decided to be his helper and learn some tricks from him.

So, my uncle asked me to buy lots of parts from a local computer market and we started to fix
the computer together. He instructed me how to remove the broken parts and replace them with
the new ones. I tried to install them one by one according to his instructions. But it turned out to
be way more complicated than I thought. There were lots of lines and cables that I would have
had no idea where t
managed to fix it with his guidance, which gave me a great sense of achievement.

I'm grateful to my uncle. If it weren't for him, I probably would have spent at least ten or twenty
million Dong on a new computer. Plus, I'm happy I learned a computer repairing skill. I believe it
will be useful in the future.

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Part 3:

1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?

ing paid more than ever, which

demonstrates the increased value of IT jobs in some way. And the value of jobs in a certain

without technology as long as we don't decide to live an off-grid life. Even all the traditional jobs,
like doctors, teachers, and police, are heavily assisted by IT workers and their products. I believe
IT jobs will be even more valuable in the future.

2. Is the quality of products worse than before?

Generally speaking, I would say that the quality of products has declined. Now that most products
are mass-
before. Back when more things were made by skilled craftspeople and artists, the quality was a

important for something to be cheap rather than high-quality, otherwise, they are luxury goods
for the rich, not for the public. So yes, products are a lot lower-quality than they used to be, but

3. What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?

I suppose that this really depends on the person, because some people are naturally very handy
and good at repairs, whereas others are not. For people who are handy, they can have a lot of
fun repairing things, like home appliances, furniture or even the house itself. For those who think
repaying something is complicated or annoying, they might just glue together a broken gadget,
such as a toy, an ornament or a photo frame. They would rather have anything bigger and more
valuable repaired by professionals.

4. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?

a battery replacement for your iPhone isn't a piece of cake, let alone something more

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complicated. If you try to repair your phone and you make a mistake, that could become an even
bigger problem, and you may even need to get a new phone, which would cost you an arm and
a leg. If you go to a phone store, they have trained specialists who know exactly what to do to fix
tire problem quickly. That is why many people prefer to go to a special store.

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Topic: Necessity
Part 2: Describe the thing that you cannot live without (except phone and internet).
You should say:
What it is;

How long you have had it for;

And explain how you felt when you were without it.

the first one that comes to mind is a funky home karaoke machine I bought three or four years

At the time, I happened to watch a livestream show hosted by a famous livestreamer. He was

So I bought one on the live stream.

It was about ten million Dong, which really cost me an arm and a leg. But it's proved that I made

to your TV through an HDMI cable or even WIFI. What's better, it even has a colorful LED lighting
system, which is a must-have for a cool karaoke room.

Just think about it, you can do karaoke singing at home anytime you want to. Actually since I
bought it, having a karaoke party has become the most popular fun event in my family. So it's
really essential to me and my family. Even though sometimes they don't join me, I enjoy singing
alone as well. I often pick a newly released song by my favorite singers and sing them on the
karaoke machine. Believe or not, it works like a charm whenever I want to blow off some steam.
So I really can't imagine how tedious my life would be without it.

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Part 3

1. Why do children always bring toys with them wherever they go?

I think children like bringing toys with them because it gives them a sense of comfort and security.
Toys make children feel at home, so when they have to leave to go grocery-shopping or run other
errands with their parents, it helps to have a toy with them. Toys also keep children entertained.
Children love playing with toys when th
toy while they wait in line with their parents at the store.

2. Why do many people have difficulty throwing things away?

hey might have really

good memories associated with an object, which makes it tough to throw it away. For example,

their best friend when they were young. It might seem silly to some people, but lots of items hold
treasured memories.

3. Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?

Some children are attracted to new things like electronics because they want to be like their
friends. As they get older, children experience more and more peer pressure to be like others
around them. They can become very competitive, so they always want to have the latest gadget
or the newest clothes. Children also get bored of things more quickly than adults, because a lot
of children have short attention spans. This means that they will want new stuff more often.

4. What do you think influences people to buy new things?

I suppose dial people buy new things for many different reasons, but one of the biggest influences
would be advertising. People are constantly seeing ads everywhere they look, from then phone,
to theft emails, to magazines and billboards. A lot of companies will track your purchases on their
website, and then send you targeted ads based on what you like to buy. This can make it hard to
resist, especially if you have a lot of expendable income to spend on new stuff.

5. Do people have more choices now when they are shopping?

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arily have
more choices in terms of what they buy. The items that people buy tend to stay within the same

changed. However, people have many more options now about how to shop, due to the rise of
online shopping. People can choose to have their items shipped to them, or to order them to be
ready for pick up at the store.

6. Does social media increase sales?

Yes, I would say that social media, if used effectively

companies have a marketing department dedicated to increasing sales through social media and
other forms of marketing. They could advertise their products directly or work with social media
influencers. Plus, you can see new purchases that your friends share on Facebook or Zalo, which

way for companies to connect with people who may not otherwise have heard about their

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Topic: Free
Part 2: Describe something you received for free.
You should say:
What it was;
Who you received it from;
Where you received it;
And explain how you felt about it.

Well, the first one that comes to mind is the five-time trial I got at a gym. If memory serves
correctly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, I was upset about failing to lose weight
again! So I decided to pay for a membership at a gym and see how it would go.

It's a gym that my friends recommended to me. When I went there the first time, the gym
happened to have a promotion that if I posted their advertisement on my social media account
and got 30 likes, they would give me a trial card so that I could use the gym 5 times. Of course, I
accepted it. How could I turn down free stuff, fight?

At first I thought the gym only provided work-out equipment. But it turned out they actually gave
me VIP level service. They assigned an instructor to me to provide advice and guidance. The
instructor who helped me a lot said if no one supervises you, the pain and stress might make you
want to quit. So whenever I was tired or hungry, the instructor would try to cheer me up. And he
even texted and reminded me not to eat snacks at night

They really went the extra mile by giving way better service than I expected. For the sake of good
service, I subscribed to their membership. And I have strongly recommended this gym to others
who want to keep fit. Their service is worth every penny.

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Part 3

1. Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?

No, I suppose that higher education should be sponsored by the government. We are living in a
society in which the majority of available jobs require a degree in higher education. So if the
tuition is too high, young people from poor families might lose their opportunities to receive a
college education, which costs them a brighter future. As such, universities, colleges, and trade
schools should be sponsored by the government just like elementary and middle schools are.
There should still be an academic or skill-based requirement to get in, but money should not be
an issue. I think that is the fairest solution.

2. Is it good or bad for people to have free education in the future?

I think free education would be a very good tiling because it would help people to get out of
poverty. Often the people who cannot access higher education are from impoverished families,
and it becomes a cycle of poverty because without higher education, you cannot get a high paying
job. Free education would make things more equal for everyone, and would get more people into

higher education free.

3. What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

A lot of companies will give their customers gifts in order to encourage them to buy more
products or services. Some gifts might include a holiday gift that is sent out to their regular
customers, a discount code that they can use on a purchase, or a sample kit of new products.
These gifts are great for marketing. And they are also a good way to ensure that customers are

their friends. Many large companies give gifts regularly.

4. Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?

better. When a company gives out free samples or trials, it means you can try out more of the

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company's products without paying money. Besides, some companies like giving out free-
coupons at events, which means you can spend less on their products. So, all customers like and
expect all kinds of free gifts provided by various companies.

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Topic: Conversation
Part 2: Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend.
You should say:
Who you spoke with;
Where you were;
What the conversation was about;
And explain why you think it was interesting.

when I was chatting with my friends about how to keep fit. I have two
friends, Lisa and Sarah, who live practically within spitting distance of me. We hang out together
a lot. Several months ago, we had a meet-up at a coffee shop. At the time, Lisa was upset about
failing to lose weight, so we stalled talking about fitness and diet.

Sarah has the best figure among us. So she shared the method she used to drop some weight.
She thinks losing weight can be as hard as quitting smoking, which I'm totally on her side. She
also mentioned the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to go through the
workout and diet everyday with you. She actually managed to lose 10 kilograms with this trick.
So she said that if we can find people in our social circle with the same goal and form a team to
encourage and support each other, then we might have half a chance at losing the weight.

I think she's totally on point. We all agreed to go to the gym together and cheer each other up
when we are tired or hungry. So we were all on the same page and decided to start a fitness

mark on me .

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Part 3

1. Should people prepare before giving advice?

have time to prepare an answer. Other times, you might be able to prepare. This is especially
true if giving advice is part of your job, such as if you are a teacher, mentor, or therapist, in those

2. Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?

be cautious about seeking advice online. They can't tell whether the strangers are helping them
or harming them. Plus, people can he about their identities online. It can be very dangerous to

contacting strangers online for anything.

3. What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?

I think these people are very understanding and patient. They can relate to a problem that then
clients are facing and give good advice. They can imagine how their clients feel and understand
their situation as much as possible. That way they can give the best advice based on each
individual situation. Plus, they need to be patient because sometimes people might be upset
when they ask for advice.

4. What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

If you get too much advice, you might get confused. I mean, if you ask for advice from more than

normal that everyone has their own perspective. They might give you opposite advice but all
make sense. In that case, you might not be able to decide what to do next. So it might be better
to ask just one trusted friend.

5. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

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Parents want their children to succeed and be happy. So they give them advice that will help with
that. For instance, if children are facing a problem, parents will encourage them to not give up.
Or they might tell then' children to be optimistic instead of complaining. Everyone wants their
kid to do well, so they give them the best advice they can.

6. What advice do parents often give to teenagers about making friends?

befriend someone when you start the conversation fust. A lot of parents also tell teenagers not
to give into peer pressure. Sometimes when you make friends, you might be tempted to follow


their friends. If parents help too much, they might make the situation even worse. They can just
teach their children what qualities a good friend should have. They can let them choose who to
be friends with.

8. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to patients); What personal
qualities should experts have?

Well, experts are very calm and helpful when they gave advice. The try to give us all the right
information. And if needed, they can explain it more than once so we can fully understand. So to

things get hard. Otherwise, yo

er than you or your

don't mean to. I always listen to my parents before my friends.

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Topic: Toy
Part 2: Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.
You should say:
What it was;
Who gave it to you;
How often (How) you played with it;
And explain why it was special for you.

gave it to me when I was ten. I was so excited because toys like that were all the rage. It was a
Tamagotchi, which was the type of toy that most of the kids in my class had.

Basically, the toy was this little pod with a screen that showed the digital pet. When you first get
it, a little egg shows up, and then your pet hatches from it. I remember being so amazed that I
had something so special. You could feed the pet, play with it, and do other tasks to keep it happy
and healthy. I remember showing it off to all my friends. They were so excited for me.

I played with it all the time. Once, I even got in trouble because I started playing with it during
class. It was actually a really great way to learn the concept of responsibility as a kid. I had to take
care of it as if it was a real pet. If I neglected it, the pet would be sad and sick-looking. I was really
invested in taking care of it.

time. It was such a cool toy, and I felt so grateful that I had caring parents who were willing to
get it for me.

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Part 3

1. What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

Well, in the past, toys were a lot simpler. Kids would play with things like blocks or puzzles. Some
kids had dolls, but they weren't fancy or anything. Nowadays, dolls are super customizable and
come with tons of outfits and accessories. Kids also have more advanced toys, like remote cars,
electronic toys and even smart toys that can link with smartphones. Plus, some kids have really
complicated LEGO sets that they play with.

2. Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

It seems to me that parents should spend more time with their kids. Buying toys for then kids is

with their kids. And I believe kids love hanging out with their parents. When they have their
parents with them they also get to bond and build up that relationship. Nothing is more valuable
than spending time with your family.

3. Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

examples of kids' advertising. For example, if a museum is trying to attract more kids, they might
have child-
advertising for toys and other things can make kids too materialistic. So that should be monitored
and restrained to some extent.

4. How do advertisements influence children?

Advertisements can appeal to kids really effectively. By using bright colours and interesting
visuals, they make the kids think that they need whatever product is being advertised. They might
even influence kids to ask their parents for a certain toy. It can have the effect of making kids
greedy and obsessed with having the newest thing. Kids can fall prey to advertisements very

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5. What are the differences when choosing toys for boys and girls? / Do boys and girls like the
same toys?

I think boys usually like toys that they can be more active with. For example, they might like kites
because they can run around and bum some energy with them. They're also obsessed with toys
that can move, like cars and trams, which seem more interesting for them than toys that can't.
Girls, on the other hand, are predisposed to socializing. So they are more in favor of toys that
they can talk to or pretend to talk to. For example, dolls are popular with girls because they can
dress them up and use their imagination to play with them.

It seems to me that when you get a gift for a kid,

their tastes. For example, if you know that a kid really likes dinosaurs, getting them a robotic

complicated or expensive. They might break it, or get frustrated with it and not enjoy it.

7. What do parents usually buy for their children to make them happy?

about getting them the newest gadget, though, in general, a lot of parents like to show their love
joy. When parents give their kids
something thoughtful, their kids feel happy because then they know that their parents care about
their interests. Like active kids are definitely happier to receive a skateboard from their parents
than something else like a plush toy.

8. Can girls play with toys that boys like to play with?

Yes, absolutely. I think that nowadays, most toys are unisex, meaning that either girls or boys
would enjoy playing with them. But when it comes to toys that are specifically geared towards

sense to separate toys like that. If girls find those toys fun, then they should be able to play with

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New Topics
Topic: Positive change
Part 2: Describe a positive change in your life.
You should say:
What the change was about ;
When it happened ;
Who helped you;
And explain how it affected you later in life.

Well, I started working out by cycling on a weekly basis from about half a year ago. Honestly, it
was a really wonderful change I made in my life.

As for how I adopted such a healthy habit, well, long story short, several months ago, I had to see
a doctor for my back pain caused by my sedentary lifestyle. At the time, my best friend, Penny,
started trying to talk me into cycling with her in our spare time. Quoting her, work and study are
just a part of our lives. We work to live rather than live to work. Her words truly woke me up to
make a change in my lifestyle.

most is a park that was recently built near our apartment. It has a really good location because
ing there about two or three times a
week. Whenever we get tired, we sit on the lawn nearby and enjoy the sunlight, which is super

Anyway, after sticking to this habit for three months, my back pain is gone for good. Plus, actually,
working out regul

me to make such a great change. She definitely brings out the best in me!

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Part 3

1. Is it easier for young people to change?

Yes, I think that usually it is easier for young people to change because they are less set in their
ways than older people. Older people have a particular way of doing things, so it is harder for
them to change. Young people are still figuring out who they are and what their values are, so
change comes much easier to them. Still, there are always exceptions, and some young people

2. Is it easy for old people to change?

I think that old people have a much harder time changing than young people, because they are
used to a certain way of doing things. They can sometimes get stuck in the past and have trouble
changing their ways or trying new things. Old people may even get upset if they are asked to

are sometimes called stubborn.

3. How can people change their daily routine if they want to?

I think that people can change their daily routine in lots of little ways. They could try biking to
work instead of driving or taking public transportation. Or they could start the day by exercising.
They can form little habits that build up to bigger changes over time. They can also change how

day-to-day routine.

4. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?

When people keep making changes, they might find it hard to establish a regular routine. You

you might have a different commu

neighbours and coworkers if you move around a lot.

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Topic: Popular people
Part 2: Describe someone who is well known/popular in your town, area or country.
You should say:
What she/he does;
How you know him/her;
Why this person is well known/popular;
And explain whether you like this person or not, and why.

Well, speaking of a celebrity in my hometown, the first one that comes to mind is a 60-year-old

as me, which definitely caught my attention. So the video really piqued my interest. The old lady
-cutting since she was a kid. But as she got older, she found
that there are less and less young people who take an interest in this art form, and we are losing
the culture of paper-cutting.

In order to change the situation, she came up with the idea of promoting the folk art on social
media. She cuts paper into comics that tell traditional stories and creates videos of them. After
lots of attempts, she really made it work! Her story and artwork have already been covered by
lots of local media and now she is an authentic Internet celebrity. Since her videos went viral,
tons of young people have become interested in the art of paper-cutting.

You know, just like lots of other people, I was amazed by how creative she is for her age, which
was why I like her a lot. She is such a great role model to young people like me and definitely
famous person in my hometown.

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Part 3

1. What kinds of people are popular at work?

I think people who take charge and get things done are popular at work. People are drawn to
them because they exude confidence. People who have a good sense of humour are also popular
all the tasks you have to do at work. When you have

presence and want to spend time with them.

2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work?

in charge, that sense of authority can actually be what makes people keep their distance. Nobody
wants to get too

employees and bosses.

3. Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at

I think that having a good relationship with your colleagues is more important. Obviously, the
ideal situation is to do both successfully. But I think that even though doing well at work is really

you spend every work- r to

do well at your
relationships with your colleagues.

4. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school? / What are the advantages and
disadvantages of being popular in school?

ry hard

IELTS Speaking Forecast 2nd Quarter of 2022 IELTS Fighter| 161

who like you and want to spend time with you. But a disadvantage is that being popular might

start looking down on less popular people.

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Topic: Day out
Part 2: Describe a special day that you .
You should say:
What day it was;
Where you went;
What you did;
And explain how you felt about it.

-day trip I
had. The destination was a traditional village in a Northern province. I have a friend who lives
there, so I visited her as well as toured the village during the last National Day holiday.

hill. And there

beautiful street art paintings in the village. Plus, I enjoyed all kinds of iconic specialties at a street
market there but I only spent a couple thousand Dong .

bicycles to ride around there. The cherry on top is that the bike rental was dirt-cheap. We cycled
two hours but were only charged 10,000 VND. It was such a nice ride. We could feel the soft
breeze and enjoyed the sparkling sun on the water while riding, which was fantastic.

Anyway, I only spent a little over 500,000 VND during the whole trip, which was literally the
-time riding
around an highland area. And I loved the breathtaking views and fresh air. Most importantly, I
felt completely free from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a great experience for sure.

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Part 3

1. Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?

with friends if you want to blow off some steam. There are lots of other fun activities you can do,
easy to get caught up in the hustle and

relax. Otherwise, you can wind up getting burned out.

2. How do people spend their leisure time in your country?

There are a variety of activities that people can do during their leisure time in my country. Some
people are more outdoorsy and prefer to go to parks, hiking trails, the beach, or outdoor sporting
events. Others prefer to stay indoors, so they might go to cinemas or shopping malls. Also, there
are a lot of really great leisure activities for people who enjoy art, like painting or pottery classes.

3. How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?

In some cases, technology can limit the way people spend their leisure time. For example, in the
past, it was more common to go out and do things with your friends. But nowadays, you can see
people just hanging out at home and scrolling on their phones instead of doing anything active.
out with your friends in person, you can all jump on a video call and spend time that way.

4. Do you think only old people have time for leisure?

Well, I think that old people probably have the most time for leisure, other than young people

y not
the only ones who have time for leisure. If young people establish a good work-life balance, they
should be able to find time to relax.

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Topic: Important events
Part 2: Describe an important event you celebrated.
You should say:
What the event was;
When it happened;
Who attended the event;
And explain how you feel about the event.

Well, a few months ago, I held a party to celebrate my success in an important exam. At the time,
I had just passed the National Judicial examination.
exams in Vietnam as well as in the world since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So
passing this exam really mattered to me and it was especially important to my career. I took lots
of online classes and studied law day in and day out. I literally dreamed about legal cases several
times. To be honest, I d
exam. I spent about half a year preparing for it and waited about two months to get the result.
urned out that I
passed the exam and by a lot!

Passing this exam means that I was finally qualified to be a lawyer. So, to commemorate this
milestone, I decided to throw a party to celebrate it with my best friends. I booked a restaurant
that we all like and chos
our favourite recreation activity to do together. It took me
some time to check everything off my list but it was totally worth it.

We had a blast that day. Everyone congratulated me. They even gave me a great gift to celebrate
my big occasion. I'm so grateful to them for being so thoughtful. Anyway, the party really left a
mark on me. Actually, I have planned to throw myself a party every time I reach a goal. After all,
when all your efforts have paid off, you should definitely reward yourself.

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Part 3

1. Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

Yes, I love to celebrate important events because it is a great way to bring people together.
Sometimes, when life gets very busy, it can be hard to make time for your friends. If there is an
important event to celebrate, then everyone has a reason to see each other and have fun.
Celebrations can be a really great way to catch up with friends and have a good time.

2. What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?

People usually celebrate events like weddings, graduations, anniversaries, job promotions and
birthdays. Basically any major life event can be a reason to have a celebration. Birthday and
anniversary celebrations happen every year, but weddings and graduations happen less often, so
life because it is encouraging, and makes people feel proud of their accomplishments.

3. Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?

I think that the type of event determines how many people you celebrate it with. Larger events
like weddings often have a very large group of people, because the bride and groom want to
invite all of their family and friends. Smaller events like birthdays can have just a few people in
attendance, because sometimes people want to celebrate with their closest friends rather than
everyone they know. Oftentimes the guest list depends on the person throwing the party; some
people prefer larger parties and others prefer small.

4. Do people often celebrate festivals with families?

Yes, I think that some people really enjoy celebrating festivals with families. In my country the
biggest festivals are spring festival and Mid-Autumn festival. It makes sense to celebrate these
occasions with your family, because usually these festivals are about being grateful for what you
have and showing your love towards other people. You can also celebrate festivals with friends
as well as with family.

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Topic: Quiet place
Part 2: Describe a quiet place you like to go.
You should say:
Where it is;
How you knew it;
What you do there;
And explain how you feel about the place.

I have a friend who lives here, so I visited her as well as toured the village during the last National

any noise of engines and hours.

My favorite part of the village is a long bike path that was built alongside the island. My friend
and I rented bicycles to ride around there. I felt the soft breeze and even enjoyed the sparkling
sun on the water while riding, which was fantastic. I also saw some villagers fishing on the water
in their small boats, which seemed like a lot of fun. Honestly, during the day of my tour, I didn't
hear anything loud other than the seagulls. Most locals there make their living from fishing, and
they have a very simple lifestyle, which adds a relaxing and peaceful vibe to the village as well.

Anyway, it was my first time experiencing what is like to live in the countryside. I felt I was
completely free from the hustle and bustle of the city. It helped me find some peace of mind. So

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Part 3

1. Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?

Well, my country has a pretty big population. So our major cities are usually very crowded. Even
in the countryside, there are always more and more people setting up houses and taking up

think there are still so

in the city becomes too overwhelming.

2. Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

loud outside. Living in quiet places can help them feel more relaxed. In
have too much going on.

3. Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?

would have a TV.

of the house. So when you have people watching TV, watching videos on their phone, or maybe
even playing video games all over the house, it can easily get really noisy. It can get very

4. Why do some people like to use noise as background sound when they are working or

of those who need music to stay focus and avoid sleepiness. While this seemed weird, but
actually there have been several scientific researches confirmed that music has the ability to
improve cognitive performance, energy levels and critical thinking.

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5. Which place is quieter, the city or the countryside?

I think the countryside is definitely quieter, in

noise from cars, public transportation, and crowds of people. Plus, you have bars and restaurants
playing music and the general commotion of a city, in the countryside, there are less people so

life in the countryside tends to be very peaceful.

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Topic: River / Lake
Part 2: Describe an important river / lake in your country.
You should say:
Where it is located;
How big/long it is;
What it looks like;
And explain why it is important.

River , which is in the south of China. I learned about it last year when
I visited a village in Guangdong province, which is called ShiBanSha Village. I have a friend who
lives there, so I visited her as well as toured the village during the last Nationa
small island just in the middle of Xijiang River.

My friend told me a lot about the river. I have a poor memory, but there are still some major
the ortant water
along the shores and countless ships
running back and forth on the river. So it plays an important role as a transportation link for many

Plus, the river has a positive impact on coastal tourism. Take Shibansha Village as an example.
My favorite part of the village is a long bike path that was built alongside the river. My friend and
I rented bicycles to ride around there. You can feel the soft breeze and even enjoy the sparkling
sun on the water while riding, which is fantastic. Many tourists are fond of the cycling trail there.
Nowadays, this village has become a hotspot for lots of people, which definitely boosts the local

So, because of all these reasons, we have to protect the river


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Part 3

1. How can rivers and lakes benefit local people?

I think rivers and lakes offer locals a lot of benefits. For one, they can enjoy all the perks of natural
resources. They can spend their leisure time swimming in the water or just relaxing on the shore.
Plus, they can do fun activities like boating or jet- in
nature every so often. Another benefit is that rivers and lakes bring in tourists, which can boost
the local economy by providing jobs.

2. Do you think rivers and lakes attract tourists?

Yes, livers and lakes definitely attract tourists. People will flock in from all over just to enjoy some
natural beauty. When a liver or lake is particularly beautiful, people will come to take photos and
enjoy the scenery. Some livers have very unique features that make people take notice and want
to visit. Besides, there are lots of activities people can do on or around the water, such as fishing

tons of tourists go there for.

3. How do rivers and lakes affect local tourism?

Well, rivers and lakes can often draw in tourists from the surrounding areas. People will drive for
hours just to enjoy some natural beauty. Plus, local business can cater to tourist by holding all

money at local restaurants and businesses. So industries like hospitality, restaurants, and leisure
can benefit from having more tourists.

4. Are rivers and lakes good for transport? Why?

I suppose that rivers and lakes can be good for transport, because people can take boats and
ferries to get around. Rivers also provide a natural place to separate parts of a city, so highways
and other roads can be built along the rivers in a convenient pattern. Lakes can make
transportation easier because you can have a ferry that crosses the lake a few times a day.
Overall, lakes and rivers can be very useful in terms of transport.

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Topic: Concentration
Part 2: Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study.
You should say:
What it is;
How does it help you;
What do you think about it;
And explain why you think it is helpful.

Speaking of something that helps me focus, off the top of my head, the first thing I can think of

3 million VND. Even though they cost me an arm and a leg, I have to say it was worth it.

I bought them as a birthday gift for myself. At the time, I was swamped with several difficult

around me, especially people talking. I tried to block out the noise by wearing earphones and

they claimed to be the best noise cancelling headphones.

Unlike normal headphones, they have a noise cance

I think this is really a great product to

technology for creating such an awesome gadget. I even bought a security chain for these
earbuds in case lose them. After all, they mean a lot to me.

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Part 3

1. Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?

in the past, ch

their own devices, we live in an age of instant gratification. Kids are used to getting what they
want very quickly, which makes it hard for them to slow down and do a task that takes longer
than a few minutes.

2. ?

Yes, I definitely think technology has a negative ef

they get used to playing games on their tablets instead of focusing on conversation, it makes it
hard for them to sit and focus on the person in
getting what they want and getting it fast. Social media teaches them to crave instant
gratification. That makes it hard for them to focus on tasks that take longer than a few minutes.

3. What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?

I think any job that has high stakes requires a lot of concentration. For example, any job in the

on someone or administering medical aid to save their lives. You also need a lot of concentration
if you work in construction. If you get distracted while operating heavy machinery, you could

4. Can exercise help people improve concentration?

Yes, I think exercise can be a lot of help when it conies to improving concentration. For example,
yoga is commonly cited as a form of exercise that helps with mindfulness. When you have to slow
down and focus on your breathing, it helps you become more focused in general. Being aware of
your body is always emphasized with yoga. That can easily translate to other parts of your life.

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Topic: Lost and Found
Part 2: Describe an occasion that you lost something in a public place.
You should say:
What you lost;
When and where you lost it;
What you did to find it;
And explain how you felt about it.

Speaking of something I lost, off the top of my head, the first thing I can think of is a pair of
3 million
VND, which really cost me an arm and a leg. So it really got me down when I lost them.

It happened last year when I was on a trip to the Sapa. I have a friend who moved to the city last
year, so I was taking a bus to visit her. On the highway, the bus was stuck in traffic for a long time.
I was annoyed by the horns and noise horn other passengers. So I put on my earbuds and they

where I put it but still had no clue. Finally, I had to call the bus company to check their lost and
found. Honestly, I thought it was impossible to find such a small item in a public place. But
unexpectedly, the company said their bus cleaner found one. You know, I felt like I won the
lottery. I went back and got it right away. I thanked them a lot!

Anyway, the accident taught me a lesson as well. After I found it, I bought a security chain for
these earbuds in case I lose them again. After all, they mean a lot to me.

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Part 3

1. What kinds of things do people usually lose?

People usually lose things that they use very often, like their phones, wallets, or keys. These
things are very easy to use because we use them so often throughout the day, that sometimes

y if

2. What do people often do when losing things?

Well, one thing that people can do is to retrace their steps, so they think back to where they have
been that day, go back to those locations, and hopefully find what they los
people can put up lost signs or call friends to help them look. Plus, if they lose something like
keys or wallets, they can use things like mobile trackers that attach to their keys or wallets so
that they can find them through a GPS system.

3. Is it an effective way to use rewards to find lost things?

Yes, I think offering rewards can be an effective way to find lost things. For example, many people
will put up signs offering a cash reward if they have lost a pet. This provides a good incentive for
people to get out and look for the lost pet and return it to its proper owner. On the other hand,
sometimes people will see these signs and Ignore them because they are too busy to go out and

4. What kinds of people may lose things often?

I think that scatterbrained people are most likely to lose things often because they are very easily
distracted and have trouble focusing. This means that it is harder for them to keep track of their
stuff, so they may be more likely to lose things. Older people with memory issues are also more

things too, since they are unable to stay organized.

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Topic: Stay healthy
Part 2: Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy / Describe an activity you do to
stay healthy.
You should say:
what it is
how often you do it / When you do it / Who you do with
how you do it (or, how easy or difficult it is to do)
and explain how it helps to keep you fit / why it is important to keep fit.

Well, I work out by cycling on a weekly basis, stalling about half a year ago. It works like a charm
to keep fit and healthy.

Actually I barely worked out before that. I always worried that exercising too often might take
lots of time away from study/work. But several months ago, I had to see a doctor for my back
pain caused by my sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, my best friend, Penny, started trying to
talk me into cycling with her in our spare tune. Quoting her, we work to live rather than live to
work. Her words truly woke me up.

most is a park that was recently built near om apartment. It has a really good location because
our city. We usually go biking there about two or three times a
week. We also like to ride somewhere far on weekends and challenge ourselves on more difficult
routes. It adds a ton of fun to cycling and we never get bored doing this exercise.

Anyway, after sticking to this habit for three months, my back pain is gone for good. Cycling is a
very good work-
fitness for me. I believe I will stick to it in the future.

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Part 3

1. How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?

I think both children and old people like to do group activities to keep fit and healthy. The type
of activity vanes between each age group, though. Children like fast-paced games and sports,
such as tag or playing baseball or soccer. They like to stay on their feet and have lots of fun that
way. Old people like to do activities that put less strain on their bodies, such as yoga or tai-chi.
However, the social aspect is a plus for both children and old people.

2. What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?

In my country, people can do a wide range of activities to keep fit and healthy. Firstly, it is
important to exercise every day, so people can either walk or run every day, work out at a gym,
or join a fitness class. Many people also like to do their physical activity outdoors, by going on
hikes or swimming. Besides, people need to be sure to eat healthy, so they may choose to buy
foods from health food stores and avoid ordering in takeout.

3. How can parents help and guide their kids to stay healthy?

Parents can help keep their kids healthy by encouraging them to eat healthy foods and get lots
of exercise. Parents should be good role models for their kids by providing healthy meals at home
and doing activities as a family that involve fitness and movement. Parents should also enroll


4. Do you think it is good for governments to utilize popular celebrities to help build health

I suppose that to some degree, it can be effective for the government to depend on celebrities
to help people improve then awareness of then health. This can be especially effective among
young people, who look up to then celebrity idols as role models. If their favorite celebrity is
encouraging them to do more exercise and be aware of what they eat, they might change their
habits so they can be more like that celebrity.

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Topic: Family member
Part 2: Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future.
You should say:
Who he/she is;
What kind of person he/she is / whether you worked together before;
What kind of work you would like to do with him/her;
And explain how you felt about this family member.

Speaking of a family member who I want to work with, the first person who comes to mind is my

I know her pretty well.

We have so much in common! But I have to say that she is more creative than I am. For example,

book. Her perception of the characters fascinates me every time. Besides, we both like cycling.
But she prefers to discover more unusual cycling trails. She always persuades me to ride
somewhere far and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. It adds a ton of fun to cycling.

all businesses
when she was a freshman in college. And she especially has great expertise in marketing.
Honestly, I learned more about business from her than from books.

So, because of all these reasons, I think she is the perfect match when I need a business partner.

no idea what we can do together for now, but I could ask her for help. She definitely has more
unique ideas.

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Part 3

1. What kinds of family businesses are common in your country?

There are many types of family businesses in my country, including grocery stores, coffee shops,
restaurants and pubs, movie theaters, and other recreational businesses. I would say that family
businesses are usually much smaller than bigger chain businesses, which gives them a more
homey, comforting feel, in my town growing up, several of the smaller grocery stores were run
by families, and people preferred to shop at these businesses in order to support the families.

2. Is it good to work with family members? Why?

I think that for the most part, it can be good to work with family members. Your family are the

You already have a foundation of trust and respect.

business with family. People can take business decisions very personally. They might even be
biased when it comes to the important things.

3. Why do people want to do family business?

o otherwise. Plus, you can

pass down the business to the next generation. When the business stays in the family, it becomes
part of a valuable family tradition.

4. What benefits are there when working for big companies?

Working for big companies can provide many benefits. Most big companies are very well
established, so losing your job is unlikely. Big companies also have great name recognition. So a
job with a big company can open lots of doors for you. Finally, since big companies tend to make
a big profit, they can afford to give their employees things like health and dental insurance.
Depending on the company, you might even get unique employee perks.

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Topic: Neighbour
Part 2: Describe an interesting neighbor.
You should say:
Who he/she is;
How you knew him/her;
What you do together;
And explain why he/she is interesting.

I'd like to talk about my new neighbor. I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. And I got
to meet my current neighbor, Penny. She is three years older than me. Since
same age, we hit it off quickly and became friends.

have so much in common! But I have to say that she is more creative than I am. For example,

book. Her perception of the characters fascinates me every time. Besides, we both like cycling.
But she prefers to discover more unusual cycling trails. She always talks me into riding
somewhere far and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. It adds a ton of fun to cycling.

businesses when she was a freshman in college. And she especially has great expertise in
marketing. Honestly, I learned more about business from her than from books.

So, because of all these reasons, I think she is pretty captivating. I always hang onto every word
she says . So I really like sp
well. I hope we can be good friends for life.

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Part 3

1. Do you think people are familiar with their neighbours?

I think that for the most part, people are usually familiar with their neighbors. Sadly I

at least know their neighbors and are on good terms with

good relationship with your neighbors because then there is always someone close by if you need
help or need to borrow something.

2. How can people improve the relationship with neighbours in a community?

should try to help them out. For example, if they need you to run an errand or they need to

relationship with them. Plus, one easy way to improve relationships is to be friendly whenever
you see your neighbours, and ask them how they are.

3. How do children build relationships with others in a community?

Well, for one, parents can have play dates and birthday parties so that their kids in the community
get to know each other. For another, children tend to be very social. They love to play with other
un activities that they can do
-and-seek, that
can bring them together as a group.

4. Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbours?

closest to you, so if there is ever an emergency, they are there to help you. You can also socialize
with your
your neighbors definitely has more benefits than drawbacks. Not only does it help make everyone
feel at peace, but it also creates good bonds and helps develop a sense of community.

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Topic: Contest / Competition
Part 2: Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in.
You should say:
What the contest/competition is about;
Where the contest/competition will take place;
When it will be held;
And explain why you would like to participate in it.

can sign up for the race. I was overwhelmed when I heard about it because I really want to join
this contest.

Actually, I work out by cycling on a weekly basis, starting about half a year ago. At the time, I had
to see a doctor for my back pain caused by my sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, my best friend,
Penny, started hying to talk me into cycling with her in
weekly routine of cycling with Penny. The place where we go biking the most is a park that was
recently built near our apartment. Coincidentally, the starting stage of the race is at the park we
often visit. I believe I could have an edge in the game because I know the route there like the
back of my hands .

faith in myself that I can handle them nicely. Penny and I usually ride somewhere far on weekends
and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. So I think those tough practices might be the
key to win the race.

really want to test my cycling skills and stamina through this competition. I'm sure I'll enjoy the
challenge and maybe expand my circle of cycling friends as well.

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Part 3

1. What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?

There are definitely lots of singing contests on TV. People love to watch talented singers compete
against each other to win the top prize. Dance contests are also pretty popular nowadays. People
also get very invested in contests where people have to do intense physical challenges. It can be
very entertaining to watch people do amazing feats of physical strength and endurance.
Sometimes, they even have to do things like eating unusual foods. It all makes for good TV.

2. Why are competition shows popular?

I think competition shows are popular because people love the drama that comes from it. When
their stories. People choose favourites and might even bet on who they think will win. Plus,
depending on the contest, you might get to see really cool things. You can watch amazing dancers
or see people do tough physical challenges.

3. What kinds of industries need competition? Why?

I think that competition is important in almost every industry because it encourages people to
be their best. Competition can become toxic and negative, but friendly, civil competition is always
a good thing. Competing with other people in your industry can make you think outside the box
and develop new ideas. In my opinion, the food service industry, the fashion industry and the
acting industry are probably the most competitive.

4. Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?

competing against others, it can motivate them to try harder so that they can stand out and
succeed. But on the other hand, if people get too competitive, it might create a toxic work
environment. They might not see their coworkers as equals. Instead, they might just see them as
obstacles they need to overcome.

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Topic: Busy
Part 2: Describe a time when you were very busy.
You should say:
When it was;
What you had to do during that time;
How you managed it;
And explain how you felt about being much busy.

Well, last year when I was a junior, I was busy preparing for an important exam called the National
Judicial in the
world since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So passing this exam really mattered to
me and it was especially important to my career. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws
and rules, you have to read and study tons of law books and memorize countless legal clauses,
which can stress you out.

To pass this exam once and for all, I was really busy as a beaver. I spent about half a year preparing
no exaggeration to say that I
online classes and studied law day in and day out. I literally dreamed about legal cases several


before. Fortunately, it turned out that I passed the exam and with flying colours! I was over the
moon. It means that I was finally qualified to be a lawyer! You know, there tons of benefits of
being a lawyer, like the decent pay and respect from others for your expertise. I always made it
my life's goal to be a lawyer. So, even though I was burnt out for half a year, I think all my hard

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Part 3

1. Are you often busy?

- occupied during the work-day. Then,

when I get home, I try to keep an active social life. So that means going out with my friends
whenever I have the chance. I also like to visit my family and spend quality time with them on
the weekends. Plus, on top of a

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?

One big advantage is that people can avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle. Instead of sitting around
and wasting their time on meaningless activities, they can do things that fulfill them. They can
work out, hang out with friends, and do other things that bring them joy. But a downside is that
people can get too busy and forget to set aside time for relaxing. They might get overly stressed

3. What kinds of pressure people may experience at work?

At work, people might feel the pressure to constantly outperform their coworkers. Some
companies make you feel like you have to compete against others in order to stand out. That can
result in a very toxic work environment. Other's might feel pressure to get a promotion and work
their way up through the company. Depending on the job, people might also feel pressure to hit
a certain target every day. For example, salespeople are often expected to sell a certain number
of products per day. That can be very stressful.

4. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?

I think that whenever possible, children should learn by playing games. In a low-stakes
environment, they can have the time and space to learn new things without feeling overly
stressed. Plus, they can have fun through the game itself. If you put them into high-pressure
situations, they're bound to get anxious and have a bad experience. It might make them not want

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to learn things anymore. That can ultimately have a bad effect by making them unwilling to
engage in new activities.

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Topic: Gift
Part 2: Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.
You should say:
What gift you would like to buy;
Who you would like to give it to;
Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her;
And explain why you choose that gift.

I was actually planning on giving a gift to someone to be specific, my girlfriend.

About two months ago, my girlfriend

most difficult qualification exams in Vietnam as well as in the world since the pass rate is only
about 10% every year. So passing this exam really mattered to me and it was especially important
to her career. But my girlfriend was up for the challenge. She was really committed to preparing
for the exam. She spent about half a year preparing for it and waited about two months to get
ortunately, it turned out that
she passed the exam and by a lot!

Since she was finally qualified to be a lawyer, I promised to give her a fancy gift. After months of
searching, I finally made up my mind to buy her a Dior dress as her first professional outfit. It's a
black and white one-piece dress. The top part is very slim, and the lower part is a big skirt. It also
comes with a belt and buttons with Dior's logo. Honestly, it looks so elegant and I believe it would
suit her to a tee in the office.

I hope this gift can bring her good luck and help her land her first job as a lawyer at a big law firm.
Plus, Dior is her favorite fashion brand so I can't think of any reason she won't like it. It will cost
me an arm and a leg, but I'm really happy for my girlfriend so it's a great pleasure for me to
choose a good gift for her.

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Part 3

1. When do people normally send gifts to others?

People normally send each other gifts on special occasions, like birthdays or holidays.
Anniversaries are also a good occasion for gifts. For example, people give their significant other's
gifts on the anniversary of when they started dating, or when they got married. Sometimes
people give gifts to mark special achievements, like someone's graduation. That may be a little
less traditional, but I would say it's a nice way to celebrate someone.

2. Do people give gifts or red packets during traditional festivals?

Yes, a lot of people give both gifts and red packets during traditional festivals. For example,

envelopes to bring happiness and blessings to whoever receives

also common to give out gifts like fruit baskets, tea and candy or chocolate. It definitely helps the
festival feel like a special time of year.

3. Is it hard to choose a gift?

Yes, it can be hard to choose a gift.

But if

4. Is clothing a good gift? Is it easy to choose a piece of clothing as a gift?

I suppose that in some cases, clothing can be a good gift. If you know the person well and feel

However, it can be tricky to get a piece of clothing as a gift. In addition, to knowing what styles
of clothing they prefer, you need to know their size. It can be awkward if you get them something


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5. Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?

It seems to me that most people feel happy when they receive an expensive gift. Gifts are a way
of showing someone that you care about them. When that gift is expensive, people will feel

even feel overwhelmed by getting a luxury gift, especially if the person that gave you the gift is
not very well off.

6. What do people usually consider when choosing gifts?

People usually try to consider things

ul without being too expensive.
Sometimes, they might specifically loo
going the extra mile. But people also consider the sentimental value of a gift. They want to make
sure that the gift is meaningful to the person receiving it. It might be related to a special memory
that the two of them share.

7. Is it stressful to prepare gifts for important occasions?

hard to pick something nice for them. For example, a lot of people who are invited to weddings
may not know the couple very well. They could be distant relatives or casual friends. But they
need to pick something thoughtful as a wedding gift. It can still be stressful if you know the person
well, though. Some couples even fight because they aren't satisfied with their anniversary gift.
Sometimes you just don't know if the gift is tire right one.

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Topic: Opinion
Part 2: Describe a time when you were asked to give your opinion.
You should say:
when it was;
why you were asked to give your opinion;
what opinion you gave
and explain how you felt about giving your opinion.

Well, once I gave an opinion to my best friend, Penny. She was hesitant about giving up on writing
an important exam, which was the National Judicial ex
qualification exams in Vietnam as the pass rate is only about 10% every year.

She spent about half a year preparing for it. But later, she had to see a doctor for her serious back
pain caused by her sedentary lifestyle. The doctor said she had to do nothing but rest for a few

solution, I suggested that she put the exam aside for a while. I also talked her into cycling with
me in our spare time. I think work and study are just a part of our
our health for an exam.

weekly routine of cycling. We usually go biking about two or three times a week. After sticking to
this habit for three months, her back pain is gone for good.

she was very grateful to me. It was my words that helped her realize that health always comes
first and she should establish a good work-life balance. What she said really flattered me. I was
happy that I could help my friend.

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Part 3

1. Do children like to change their opinion?

I think children can be quite stubborn when it comes to changing their opinion. They might not
even know why they hold a certain opinion. But they might stick to it nonetheless. For example,
some children hate taking baths. They won't want to change their opinion because they don't
enjoy it. So you might have to explain why baths are helpful, or try to make the experience more
fun for them.

2. What kinds of jobs require people to frequently give opinions?

I suppose that if you work in advertising or marketing, you have to get used to giving your opinion.
That type of work is very subjective and depends on creative ideas. A lot of work goes into
marketing campaigns in particular. You have to speak up and pitch ideas on how to make the
campaign successful. Or if -level , you have to give your opinion on the campaign

3. What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?

People might be worried that they'll be judged for their opinions. A lot of people are concerned
about being the odd one out. If ever , there

want to make people feel bad for their ir opinions might


4. Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?

It could be very beneficial if schools asked students for their opinions about lessons. For one, it
would make the students feel like their perspectives matter. That can encourage them and make
them more optimistic about their school experience. For another, schools could use this
information to improve the curriculum or other aspects of the learning experience. This could
result in more student satisfaction, which could also lead to better academic performances.

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Topic: Inventions
Part 2: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.
You should say:
What it is;
What benefits it has brought;
How it influences people of different ages;

Speaking of an invention that makes

As far as I know, it was an MIT professor who first came up with the idea for noise-canceling
headphones. One time when he was doing some work during a flight, he found himself often
distracted by all the noise on the plane. He tried to block out the noise by wearing earphones

headphones that could help reduce background and surrounding noises.

By now, there have been tons of generations and types of noise-canceling headphones. Unlike

what you do, you can switch on the noise cancelling mode and the headphones

Actually people can use noise-canceling headphones in many different settings. For example,
when your baby gets on a plane, the noise can freak them out. Wearing noise-canceling
headphones is a very smart solution. Besides, for students and workers, those kinds of
headphones are a great product to help them focus when they study / work. Plus, they might

technology for creating such an awesome gadget.

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Part 3

1. What is the most helpful innovation at home (kitchen)?

I think the most helpful innovation at home is the microwave. Honestly, I use it all the time. Even
-top, I love using the microwave to make quick,
great for warming
up leftovers. My favourite thing to do is make a cup of hot chocolate in the microwave. It always
hits the spot and helps me feel cozy and relaxed.

2. What household appliances make us lazy?

Well, there are probably a good deal of household appliances that make us lazy. The first one
that comes to mind is automatic can openers. It takes barely any energy to open a can with a
manual opener. The battery-
convenient. Honestly, I think microwaves can make us lazy too. Instead of making proper meals,
we get used to premade meals that we just throw in tire microwave for a few minutes.

3. What kind of invention can be used at school?

There are lots of modem inventions that can be used at school. One of the most obvious ones is

simple calculations without a calculator. But when they move on to more complex types of math,
a calculator is super helpful. More basic inventions like mechanical pencils and ballpoint pens are

4. Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?

lace human teachers. Al might be able to get programmed

human teachers do. Being a teacher is as much about building relationships with students as it is
about teaching them information. Teachers
and with their guidance and support kids can grow up into happy, independent adults. Al can be

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Topic: Traffic jam
Part 2: Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam.
You should say:
When and where it happened
How long you were stuck due to bad traffic
What you did while waiting
And explain how you felt when you were stuck in that traffic jam.

In the city where I live, traffic jams occur on a daily basis. But the one that really left a mark on
me is the time I took a bus for a trip.

It happened last year when I was on a trip to Thanh Hoa. I have a friend who moved to the city
last year, so I was taking a bus to visit her. On the highway, the bus was stuck in traffic for a long
time. There was a lane under construction, so all the vehicles had to merge into the remaining
lane, causing traffic to move at a snail's pace.

I was annoyed by the horns and noise from other passengers. So I put on my earbuds, which are
a pair of Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds, and listened to some music. They filtered out all the
background noise right away, which made me feel better. But the traffic barely moved in an hour.
The young lady next to me seemed bored as well, so I started up a conversation with her. Then I

learned a lot about business from her during the trip.

So, even though it took me two extra hours to arrive at my destination that day, my journey was
delightful because of my conversation with the lady. It was the first time I had such a good talk
with a stranger on public transportation, which is why I remember that traffic jam like it was

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Part 3

1. How can we solve the traffic jam problem?

I suppose that there are several ways to improve traffic jam problems. One of the biggest ways
is to improve road infrastructure. That could mean opening more lanes on major highways, or

improve public transportation so that there are less cars on the road. Motivating people to find
other ways of commuting can help reduce traffic on major roads and highways.

2. Do you think developing public transport can solve traffic jam problems?

Yes, I think developing public transportation is a great way to solve traffic jam problems. If there
are less people driving on the roads,
jams. So it could help to either expand bus and subway systems, or reduce the cost of fare. Both
of these methods provide motivation for people to commute instead of driving their own car.
Plus, .

3. Do you think the highways will help reduce traffic jams?

I would say that highways can help reduce traffic jams to a certain degree. When there are
highways with lots of lanes, it helps spread traffic out, which helps prevent traffic jams. Plus, it
decreases the amount of traffic on local roads, which helps during rush how. However, highways
can also encourage traffic jams because everyone will opt to take the highway instead of

are meant to help prevent.

4. What are good ways to manage traffic?

There are several good ways to manage traffic. For one, you can improve public transportation.
That motivates people to commute instead of driving their own cars, which reduces the number
of cars on the road and thus prevents more traffic jams. You can also manage traffic by having
features built into roads like roundabouts, which can help move traffic along more efficiently,
spacing out intersections is also helpful,since it prevents too many cars from piling up in one area.

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Topic: Phones
Part 2: Describe a time you used your cellphone to do something important.
You should say:
What happened;

How important the cellphone was;

And explain how you felt about the experience.

a time I used my cellphone to go to an online class when I was stuck in a traffic jam.

It happened last year when I was on highway. Unfortunately, the bus I took was stuck in traffic
for a long time. There was a lane under construction, so all the vehicles had to merge into the
remaining lane, causing traffic to move at a snail's pace.

The traffic jam made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach. I had an online class in two
hours and I was supposed to be ready for it at home. It was a very important class about the
National Judicial examination that I was preparing for. Even though there was only half an hour
left before class started, I was still in the traffic jam. Just when I was getting desperate, a great
idea popped into my mind. I could use my cellphone to watch the online class. So I tried to
download the video conferencing app I needed through mobile data. The network was way better
than I thought. Finally, I managed to watch the lecture on the bus.

Anyway, it took me two extra hours

cellphone, I would have totally missed the class. So my cellphone was such a life-saver. To be
honest, I think smartphones nowadays are literally powerful mini computers that you can do
everything on.

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Part 3

1. What are the differences between young people and old people when using a cellphone?

I think young people are more dependent on their cellphones. They use their phones for
everything, like taking photos and videos, playing online games, and doing more serious things
like banking and paying bills. Lots of them are anxious when they're away from their cellphones.
However, old people can be very wary when it comes to using cellphones. They tend to just use
them to make phone calls or occasionally send texts. Sometimes, they play simple games like
solitafre on their phones to pass the time.

2. Which one is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or to read messages?

It seems to me that using a cellphone to read messages is more important. It's true that making
hat people are talking on
the phone less. Plus, cellphones are very convenient for sending and receiving text messages.
And you know, people nowadays prefer having a conversation over text because it gives them
more time to respond, which is less stressful than making phone calls. So from people's cellphone
habits, I can see that texting is more important than making phone calls.

3. Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public?

No, I think that would be a very restrictive law. On the one hand, most of us have experienced

hand, while mak


4. What are the functions of mobile phones? / What do you usually do with a cellphone?

There are several good ways to manage traffic. For one, you can improve public transportation.
That motivates people to commute instead of driving their own cars, which reduces the number
of cars on the road and thus prevents more traffic jams. You can also manage traffic by having
features built into roads like roundabouts, which can help move traffic along more efficiently.

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5. Why can't we live without mobile phones?

about it -
use our phones to talk to our loved ones, take pictures of the important moments in our lives, do
our banking, and a whole host of other things to be dependent on mobile phones

daily tasks.

6. Is it rude to make a phone call late at night?

I think it can be rude, depending on the circumstances. If you call someone late at night, you run
ght be interrupting their personal life. If

mind if i s important.
reason, you should wait until the next day.

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Topic: Talking
Part 2: Describe a person you enjoyed talking with.
You should say:
Who he/she is;
When you talked;
What you talked about;
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her.

I'd like to talk about a new friend I made. I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. And I
the same age, we hit it off quickly and became friends.

We have so much in common! And we basically talk about everything with each other. Plus,

Harry Potter fan like me. But she has lots of insights about the characters in the books. Her
perception of the characters fascinates me every time. Besides, we both like cycling. One thing
we like to do is share bikes and equipment with each other. Penny prefers to discover all kinds of


businesses when she was a freshman in college. And she especially has great expertise in
marketing. Honestly, I learned more about business from her than from books.

So, because of all these reasons, I think she is pretty captivating. I always hang onto every word
finitely an interesting person I enjoy talking with. I hope we can be good friends
for life. I really like spending time with her.

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Part 3

1. Where do young people like to meet?

I would say that young people like to meet in places with a fun, energetic atmosphere. For
example, they might like meeting in a popular café or restaurant instead of somewhere quieter

the mall to walk around and window-shop. Some young people may like to meet in more private
places, but I think that in general they go to places that are fun to be in.

2. What do young people talk about when they meet up?

al lives. So instead of just

friends with, and other things along those lines. As a young person, life can be very
upport system of people who are going through
similar things. They can talk about any friendship or relationship issues with each other, and they
can support each other in looking for jobs.

3. Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?

Yes, I suppose that it's important to be honest when talking with friends. Your friends are the
people that you should trust with your honest thoughts and opinions. You should feel
comfortable enough sharing how you really feel with them. Of course, you should try to avoid
being cruel or mean. If your honest opinion is going to hurt their feelings, you need to be gentle

4. On what occasions do people talk with strangers?

make small talk and get to know the person you're standing in line with. You might also chat with

Strangers can be surprisingly friendly toward each other, given the right circumstances.

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Topic: Communication
Part 2: Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend (as part of your work or
You should say:
What the discussion was about;
What opinions you and your friend had;
What was the result of the discussion;
And why you think the discussion was interesting.

I have two friends, Lisa and Sarah, who are also my classmates. Several months ago, in our history
class, the teacher asked US to do a group discussion. And the three of us formed a group right

It was a topic about a traditional culture in Vietnam. There are less and less young people who
take an interest in the folk art of paper- of the art form. So
the teacher asked us to come up with some creative ways to change the situation.

The three of us brainstormed hard. I said holding some traditional culture exhibitions might work.
arah came up with the idea of promoting
the folk art on social media. But it would be a huge challenge to make the video go viral on the
internet. Then Lisa suggested that we cut paper into comics that tell traditional stories. I thought
she was totally on point. We all agreed that we could present many storylines through paper
cuttings, create videos of them, and then post them online.

The discussion ended up going really smoothly. The teacher liked our group's idea very much and
gave us a compliment in class. It also gave us a great sense of accomplishment. So it was a really
interesting discussion that left a mark on me.

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Part 3

1. When do children normally form their own views?

It seems to me that children usually form their own views when they're in elementary school.

up and start learning about the world in class, they begin to form opinions on things. For example,
they might start getting ideas about how they want to treat people, and how they want to be
treated in return. They may also start developing their views on other cultures when they learn
about them in school.

2. Do children have strong opinions?

Yes, I think children have strong opinion

think that matters as much. As kids are growing up, they may feel very strongly about their
opinions because it's all they know. Instead of being able to consider multiple perspectives and
adjust their

owy day, even

unsafe to be in the snow.

3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?

I suppose that to a degree, parents should request that their kids listen to them. There may be
some cases where the parents go too far with parenting. Children could lose their confidence in
making decisions bit by bit. They might second guess everything they've decided on their own.
However, for the most part, parents should have authority over then kids. Most of the time, they
sure children listen to their commands
crossing a street without looking.

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4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?

Well, communication is a necessary skill in most industries, but especially business and other
make tr
Communication is also really important if you work in education, since effective learning comes
from good communication.

5. How can you be a good listener?

Being a good listener is a really difficult skill to master. Many people listen with the intention of
giving advice, or relating it to their own lives in some way. This technique can be helpful, but

They just want to say how they feel and be supported, in order to be a good listener, you should
ask the person if they want your opinion, or if they just want to vent.

6. At what age do kids start picking up a hobby or interest?

six. Around that age.


you can try out different things. Wh rn an instrument,

by about age 6, kids can start trying new things and finding what suits them.

7. What is the importance of listening?

Listening is very important because communication is dependent on it. You cannot have good
communication, or a good relationship, without effective listening skills. If someone feels that
they are not being listened to, they may become upset or resentful. It might end up affecting the
relationship, or even cause a falling out. So, listening is how we show people that we care about
their views. Being a good listener can help you in your relationships with family, friends, your
significant other, and your work colleagues.

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8. Do children often express and share their views with others?

true that some kids naturally love sharing then thoughts with
others, like family or friends. But as far as I know, many kids who are introverted often hate
talking about what they think with others. Plus, strict parenting can cause children to be afraid
of expressing their views. You know, some parents are harsh with their children and often criticize
them whenever they speak. Children growing up in those families can be very reluctant to express

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Topic: Help
Part 2: Describe a time when you helped a child.
You should say:
When it was;
How you helped him/her;
Wiry you helped him/her;
And how you felt about it.

elementary school. What he learned was pretty interesting. For example, his art teacher taught
the class a lot about different art techniques, like drawing stick figures and making paper lanterns.
Once they learned how to make paper cuttings. So their homework was to make a paper cutting

My little nephew
took me just a few minutes to cut two butterflies. Then I asked him to make his own paper cuts

way that I talk to an adult. So I started showing him how to fold a piece of paper in half step by
step. I asked him to draw an image on it and cut it along the lines. When he unfolded the paper,
it really looked like a butterfly. He was over the moon and thanked me a lot.

Later, we also made some other beautiful paper-cut crafts and stuck them on windows. I was so
glad that I could help a seven-year-old boy learn some paper cutting skills. It also taught me that

because kids usually need to march to the beat of their own drums.

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Part 3

1. Do you often help kids? How?

in my job. But I have some younger cousins who often look to me for advice. I try to give them
helpful suggestions when they need them. For example, my younger cousin recently asked me
for tips on h
few pointers. I gladly gave her some advice and encouragement.

2. Why is it necessary to do volunteer service?

s you to be a better citizen. If you

never contribute your time to helping others, it makes you less empathetic to the people around
you. On the other hand, volunteer service teaches you about the needs of others in your
community, which helps you understand and care more about the people that you meet. Plus, it
gives you a different perspective by seeing firsthand what kinds of needs there are in the world.


I suppose that
opportunities to volunteer. For example, schools could set up an after-school program where
students volunteer within the local community. They could help out at nursing homes or soup
kitchens, depending on where help is needed most. This could give them a hands-on experience
with volunteering that shows them the importance of lending a hand and serving others. I think

4. Who benefits more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people helped?

It seems to me that in general, the people who are being helped benefit more from volunteering.
They get what they need and hopefully they also get to have a positive encounter with the people
who are there to help them out. But on the flip side, I do think that volunteers also benefit a lot
from volunteering. It definitely makes you feel better when you help others. It reminds you to be
grateful for what you have and to be kind.

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Topic: Traditional product
Part 2: Describe a traditional product in your country.
You should say:
What it is;
When you tried this product for the first time;
What it is made of;
And explain how you feel about it.

kinds of paper- in our culture for people to buy

or even make some beautiful paper-cut crafts and stick them on windows as window decorations
for the spring festival.

Anyway, I learned more about paper cutting from art classes in primary school. I still remember
clear as day that my art teacher taught us to make paper cuts. She told us that the art of paper
cutting goes back to ancient times when paper was invented in our country and has been carried
on for thousands of years.

Nowadays, people often buy exquisite paper-

artists think outside of the box in very cool ways. Not too long ago, I saw a 60-year-old lady on
-cutting. She cuts paper into comics that
tell traditional stories and makes them into a portfolio to publish. I was amazed by how creative
she is for her age.

traditional art products. In -cutting. You

know, paper-cutting is a unique folk art. It would be a huge loss to my country if it disappeared.

those products. It will be absolutely valuable to our society.

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Part 3

1. Why are traditional products important?

I would say that traditional products are important because they can preserve a sense of history
and culture. If you do away with traditional products completely a country might start to lose its
unique identity. Traditional products can hold a lot of cultural knowledge that would otherwise
be lost. Plus, they can draw in people from other countries and cultures who want to learn more
about the tradition that goes into making them.

2. Do you think tradition is important for a country?

Yes, I think tradition is really important for a country. While it's good to be open to new ways of

away , a country might start to lose its identity. It might not be easily distinguishable from other
countries, which results in less diversity in the world. Tradition is related to cultural knowledge,
which is very important for making a country feel united.

3. What are the traditional products of your country?

Well, Vietnam is famous for a lot of enriched cultural products. First, without stating the obvious,
Ph - the iconic dish that represent for Vietnamese cuisine - has become the quintessential must-
try street food in Hanoi for any visitors. Besides, there are many other tangible products like Bat
Trang ceramic pots or the elegant traditional dresses - Áo Dài.

4. Why is it important for children to learn about traditional product?

products because it gives them an

appreciation for their
ir country. As a result, they may
feel out of touch with their culture and look to other countries instead. But if children leant about
traditional products from their own country, they can celebrate what makes their country special.

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Topic: Learning languages
Part 2: Describe something that helped you learn a language.
You should say:
What it is;
What language you learned;
How it helped you learn the language;
And how you felt about it.

Well, I'm crazy about singing, and I found music is a very effective tool for learning English.

I realized it works like a charm when I was in sophomore year of high school. At the time, one of
my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at
I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online right away. The song is catchy and the
confident and strong. The songwriter tries to encourage people to believe everyone is unique in
their own way.

I love the story of the song, so I memorized all the lyrics and learned how to sing it. Then I found

the present perfect tense until I read the lyrics of this song. And when I sang along with the song,
I also learned some basic ways to link words , which is important in English pronunciation.

Since then, I've really enjoyed listening to songs in English to understand more about the
listening to music in a foreign language can be helpful for developing language skills like listening,
vocabulary, and grammar. Different music also gives you access to cultures in different countries

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Part 3

1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

I think one of the biggest challenges people face when learning a new language is memorizing
vocabulary. You have to know so many different words, and for some languages like Japanese,
you have to memorize character t used to a different kind of grammar.

You basically have to rewire your brain.

2. Do you think language learning is important? Why?

rn other languages. For one, it helps you connect with people from
different countries. You can gain a lot of perspective by talking with people in their own language.
Learning foreign languages helps you learn about cultures and expand your worldview. Another
benefit to learning a language is that it helps keep your mind sharp. Studies have shown that
doing activities like learning a language can help improve your memory. In addition, being
bilingual or trilingual definitely gives you an edge when it conies to job hunting, especially when

3. Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group?

I suppose that the best way to study is to do both. Studying alone is better for memorization and
review, whereas studying in a group is better for understanding new, complex topics. When
learning a language. I think it is absolutely essential to have a study group, because then you have
an opportunity to practice speaking the language with other people. You can also quiz each other

than you would alone.

4. What is the best way to learn a language?

The best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself in that language. I think that everyone
learns better by living somewhere where the language is spoken, so that they can hear it every
day and practice speaking it every day as well. However, sometimes full immersion is not

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possible, in which case it might be better to learn by surrounding yourself with media in the target
language, you can listen to the radio in the target language, or watch TV and movies in that

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Topic: The Elders
Part 2: Describe a skill that you learned from older people.
You should say:
What it is;
Who you learned it from;
How you learned it;
And how you feel about it.

I once learned how to assemble a computer from my uncle. About a year ago, when I was playing

digital devices like the back of his hand. He checked out the computer thoroughly, and he found
that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which caused the blackout. So he said he would
help me build my new computer. I'd never thought of doing it ourselves, so my uncle decided to
teach me this amazingly cool skill.

He asked me to buy lots of parts from a local computer market and I started to build the new
model following his instructions. I tried to install the new parts one by one according to the ways
he told me. But it turned out to be way more complicated than I thought. There were lots of lines
and cables that I had no idea where to connect. I would've messed it up if he wasn't there. He
taught me step by step. Eventually I managed to make it with his guidance, which gave me a great
sense of achievement.

Having this skill means that you can personalize the computer in the way you want. So I think it's

gy way better than I do, which I

really admire him for.

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Part 3

1. What can children learn from their parents or grandparents?

values they should have. They

a meal or how to do chores around the house. Children can also learn a lot from then

kids to learn about what their parents were like when they were their age. Besides, children can
learn empathy from their grandparents. They can help then grandparents with chores and help
them handle some challenges. The process of giving their grandparents a hand can make children
kinder and more compassionate.

2. From whom can children learn more, parents or grandparents?

I think that in general, children can learn more from their parents. Grandparents have a lot of
important information that they pass on to children. But parents usually do most of the work of
raising them. Since the parents are with their kids day in and day out, they can teach them
important life skills, like how to manage their time well and how to communicate with others.
More importantly, they can illustrate how to become well-rounded people with good values.

3. What kind of help do you think older people need?

I suppose that older people usually need help adjusting to changes in modern society. For
example, as technology advances, older people might need assistance navigating new software.
They might struggle to work their phones or figure out how to use social media. So the younger
generation can help out with that. As people get old, they also need help with everyday tasks,
like running errands or even making food for themselves.

4. What skills can young people learn from older people?

It seems to me that young people can learn lots of practical skills from older people. Young people
are usually very skilled with technology, but they're not always good at the offline stuff. For

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know how to use a screwdriver or do other household tasks.

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Topic: Important things
Part 2: Describe the thing that you cannot live without (except phone and internet).
You should say:
What it is;

How long you have had it for;

And explain how you felt when you were without it.

Emm I
the first one that comes to mind is a funky home karaoke machine I bought three or four years

At the time, I happened to watch a livestream show hosted by a famous livestreamer. He was

So I bought one on the live stream.

It was about a million VND, which really cost me an arm and a leg. But it's proved that I made the

to your TV through an HDMI cable or even WIFI. What's better, it even has a colorful LED lighting
system, which is a must-have for a cool karaoke room.

Just think about it, you can do karaoke singing at home anytime you want to. Actually since I
bought it, having a karaoke party has become the most popular fun event in my family. So it's
really essential to me and my family. Even though sometimes they don't join me, I enjoy singing
alone as well. I often pick a newly released song by my favorite singers and sing them on the
karaoke machine. Believe it or not, it works like a charm whenever I want to blow off some steam.
So I really can't imagine how tedious my life would be without it.

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Part 3

1. Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?

Some children are attracted to new things like electronics because they want to be like their
friends. As they get older, children experience more and more peer pressure to be like others
around them. They can become very competitive, so they always want to have the latest gadget
or the newest clothes. Children also get bored of things more quickly than adults, because a lot
of children have short attention spans. This means that they will want new stuff more often.

2. Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things (such as clothes)?

sentimental value to their things. They might have really

good memories associated with an object, which makes it tough to throw it away. For example,
someone may hold onto something
their best friend when they were young. It might seem silly to some people, but lots of items hold
treasured memories.

3. Is the way people buy things affected? How?

I suppose yes, a lot have changed in people s spending habits. Most buyers now are careful when
they decide to purchase goods. They usually take numerous elements into consideration such as
brands, durability, budget or the amount of nutritious one product can bring. Furthermore, it
took them longer to make a purchase because they want to get as much information about the
product as possible, especially on previous consumers reviews from social media or

4. What do you think influences people to buy new things?

I suppose that people buy new things for many different reasons, but one of the biggest
influences would be advertising. People are constantly seeing ads everywhere they look, from
their phone, to their emails, to magazines and billboards. A lot of companies will track your
purchases on their website, and then send you targeted ads based on what you like to buy. This

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can make it hard to resist, especially if you have a lot of expendable income to spend on new

5. Why do children always bring toys with them wherever they go?

I think children like bringing toys with them because it gives them a sense of comfort and security.
Toys make children feel at home, so when they have to leave to go grocery-shopping or run other
errands with then parents, it helps to have a toy with them. Toys also keep children entertained.

toy while they wait in line with their parents at the store.

6. Do people have more choices now when they are shopping?

People definitely have more choices in terms of how they shop, but they don't necessarily have
more choices in terms of what they buy. The items that people buy tend to stay within the same

changed. However, people have many more options now about how to shop, due to the rise of
online shopping. People can choose to have their items shipped to them, or to order them to be
ready for pick up at the store.

7. Does social media increase sales?

companies have a marketing department dedicated to increasing sales through social media and
other forms of marketing. They could advertise their products directly or work with social media
influencers. Plus, you can see new purchases that your friends share on social media, which might
get you interested in buying those things social media is a great way for
companies to connect with people who may not otherwise have heard about their business.

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Topic: Advices
Part 2: Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestion about
your work/study.
You should say:
Who the person is
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions.

time my boss gave me some advice. If memory serves correctly, I had

just started an internship at a marketing firm. I
couple weeks were hard to adjust to. My boss was very gracious, though and fielded any
questions I had.

graduating from college. So she had a lot of experience despite being relatively young.

One day, I told her that I was feeling in over my head. I said that even though I had some
s internship. My
boss gave me some great advice. She told me that you should never self-reject. In other words,
. You should always have faith in yourself and avoid taking
yourself out of the running for opportunities
percent qualified.

Her words really left a mark on me. She inspired me to have more confidence in myself, which
actually helped me to do a better job at work. With her help, I felt way better about my
capabilities and started to consider a long-term career in
this field full- in myself to pursue this career without
her words of wisdom.

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Part 3

1. When should parents encourage their children?

I think parents should encourage their childr

are having difficulty in school, for example, parents should let them know that they have support
and they can get through it ck.
ir hard work
has been paying off.

2. Should parents always encourage their children?

Yes, I suppose that parents should always encourage their children. Of course, they have to be
careful not to overdo it. Otherwise, their children might get too cocky from always having positive

children develop confidence in themselves. It makes them feel loved and acknowledged by then
parents. Life can be tough, and encouragement from loved ones can help them get through

3. Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback? Why?

, I think
that people put more emphasis on negative feedback because criticism sticks out more to people
than praise does. I suppose that both types of feedback are valuable. But focusing too much on

have a balance. Positive feedback is just as important.

4. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work?

Well, people need to know how they can improve. If you only ever got positive feedback, you

receptive to negative feedback as well. Although it might make them feel embarrassed or upset,
they need to look at it as a chance to do better. That being said
feedback in a constructive way .

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Topic: Time-saving
Part 2: Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time.
You should say:
What it is;
How you implement it;
How it helps you save time;
And explain how you feel about the way (about your change).

. If memory serves correctly, I had

the idea to make this change a few months ago. I was tired of the buses always being delayed or
stuck in traffic on my way to work/school. It made me late a handful of times, which was very
stressful and frustrating. I looked up the route to work and realized that I could actually bike
there instead. Of course, it would require me to buy a bike and be prepared to get more exercise.
But it seemed like it was worth it.

Instead of going straight to biking every day, I decided to warm up first. I got a nice bike and
started going on short rides around the neighbourhood. I wanted to make sure that I enjoyed
biking and could manage a bike ride with all my work/school stuff in my backpack. It was a bit
hard to adjust to at first. But I worked my way up to doing longer distances. Finally, I felt confident
that I could manage the thirty-minute bike ride to work/school.

Now that I bike to work/school, I save about twenty minutes every morning. Even though the

Plus, I get to exercise, which helps keep me in shape. All in all, I feel very positively about this
chang .

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Part 3

1. What can people do to save time?

I think people can make lots of little changes to save time. Instead of taking a bus or subway to
work, they could try biking or carpooling with their coworker's to get there faster. That can cut
down on their commute time very easily. If they want to save time on getting food, they can use
an app to order their meals ahead of time, then pickup their
waiting in line to order at the restaurant.

2. Does technology help people save time? How and Why?

Yes, I suppose that technology often helps people save time. For example, as I mentioned earlier,
people can use apps to order their food ahead of time. That way, they can just stop by and pick
up their

phone with someone else, you can just shoot them a text and get a fast reply.

3. Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching students to save time?

Well, I would say that parents can help teach their kids how to save time. They can give them lots
of tips and draw from their experience
think they have to be responsible for that. Students can leant how to be efficient in school as
well. For example, teachers will often show students different shortcuts when it comes to things
like memorization and calculations. So I think the responsibility is split between teachers and

4. Do people who can manage time well become successful more easily?

Yes, I definitely think that people who are good at time management can become successful
more easily. Since they know how to organize their time well, they can stay focused and efficient
at their tasks instead of falling behind. That helps them to work harder and smarter, which makes
them stand out. They can easily work their way up the ladder at their jobs
how to manage time so you can be effective in all areas of your life.

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Topic: Feelings
Part 2: Describe something that surprised you.
You should say:
What it is;
How you implement it;
How it helps you save time;
And explain how you feel about the way (about your change).

A few months ago, several friends of mine threw a surprise party to celebrate my success in an

most difficult qualification exams in my country since the pass rate is only about 10% every year.

stressed before. Fortunately, it turned out that I passed the exam and by a lot!

Passing this exam means that I was finally qualified to be a lawyer. So I was over the moon and
shared this great news with my best friends through social media right away. But it was weird
that no one responded.

Just when I was getting really upset, one of them called me to meet them for dinner at a
congratulated me together and even gave me a dress as a gift to celebrate my big occasion. They
hoped the dress would bring me good luck and help me land my first job as a lawyer at a big law

Later I learned that they had actually prepared tins party a few days before because they had
faith in me that I would pass. You know, I was so grateful that I could have such a good group of
friends. I believe my memory of this surprise party will never fade away.

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Part 3

1. How do people express happiness in your culture?

I would say that people usually express happiness by doing celebratory things together. For
example, a lot of people will go out with then friends. They might go to a nice restaurant or do
something more fun like karaoke. When people are happy, they tend to be very friendly and
generous as well. They might smile at strangers and leave extra big tips at restaurants. Besides
external things, there are usually visual indicators
then facial expressions.

2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?

Yes. it seems to me that happiness has a huge effect on people. When you're in a good mood,
you tend to have a good appetite, be more active and even sleep better. I believe happiness have
. If
ir life to
the fullest.

3. How can people be happy?

I suppose that people can be happy in lots of ways. One of the biggest ways is by spending quality
time with their loved ones. Whether
the people that are close to us can help us feel happy and at peace. People can also be happy by
accomplishing their goals. For some people, that means getting a promotion and having a great
career. For others, it means improving then health and hitting milestones in then fitness journeys.

4. Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?

I don't think it's good for people to be unhappy. In some rare cases, being unhappy might
motivate them to change things in their life and work towards being happier. So in that sense, it

make you have a very negative outlook on life. It might even cause you to treat others poorly

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