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MAY/ JUNE 2023


MARKS: 70 TIME: 2½ hours

This memo has 14 pages including the cover page


Learners are required to answer questions from TWO sections.

Learners' responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.

 A learner may not answer more than ONE question on the same genre.
 If a learner gives two answers where the first one is incorrect and the next one is
correct, mark the first answer and ignore the next.
 If answers are incorrectly numbered, mark according to the marking guidelines.
 If a spelling error affects the meaning, mark incorrect. If it does not affect the meaning,
mark correct.
 If the learner does not use inverted commas when asked to quote, do not penalise.
 For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I AGREE/I
DISAGREE. The reason/substantiation/ motivation is what should be considered.
 No marks should be awarded for TRUE/FALSE or FACT/OPINION. The
reason/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.

QUESTION 1: Cry, The Beloved Country [MARKS: 35]


1.1.1 (a). E (a murderer) ✓

(b). A (a shopkeeper) ✓
(c). C (a priest in Sophiatown) ✓
(d). B (lost son and wife) ✓
1.1.2 (a) Spending the money for the trip to Johannesburg. ✓ (1)
(b) The person for whom the money was saved might not come back to go to
school anymore. ✓✓ (2)

1.1.3 Johannes Pafuri (Mathew Kumalo) was an accomplice in the murder of Arthur Jarvis/
Richard Mpiring was a servant in the house of Arthur Jarvis. ✓ (1)

1.1.4 (a) despondence/ worried/concern/sad. ✓ (1)

(b) He has lost hope that Absalom will come back home in time for school. ✓ (1)

1.1.5 He is indecisive/hesitant.✓ He cannot make a firm decision about what to do to find

out where Gertrude and Absalom are. ✓ (2)

1.1.6  Mrs Kumalo gives food to the child who brings the letter.
 Msimangu is generous – gives money and time to Stephen Kumalo.
 Mrs Lithebe offers accommodation to both Stephen and Gertrude. (3)

1.1.7 Yes.  Being the only child, Absalom was probably too dependent and well
 Growing up in Ndotsheni did not prepare him for the world outside.
 Being the pastor’s son prepared him to plead guilty.

No  As the pastor’s son he would have been taught about morality and
respect for human life.
 He went to Johannesburg in search of Gertrude – he knew how
tempting Johannesburg was.
 He made other wrong decisions like impregnating a girl. (3)



1.2.1 The Harrison’s house ✓after the murder of Arthur Jarvis. ✓ (2)

1.2.2 B (has confidence in the police handling the matter). (1)

1.2.3 Being the pastor’s son, Absalom would respect the sanctity of life. / Absalom is part
of the people whose lives Arthur is fighting to improve/ Both Arthur and Absalom have
some connection with Ndotsheni. ✓✓ (2)

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1.2.4 (a) metaphor. ✓ (1)
(b) Jarvis will wait for all the preliminary details about Arthur’s murder made
available, just like someone tying up items together. ✓✓ (2)

1.2.5 He is agitated. ✓ With people being killed in their homes, there are very few safe
options left. ✓ (2)

1.2.6 (a) Hang them up/kill them by hanging. ✓ (1)

(b) The three murderers are arrested but one of them is convicted/ given a death
sentence. ✓✓ (2)

1.2.7 The conditions that breed criminals will still be there. ✓ (1)

1.2.8 Yes:  He had a large following across all races, including John Harrison. (3)
 He was fearless and well knowledgeable.
 As a white person, the government would find it difficult to detain him

No:  His father took over from where he left though in a different way.
 With so much following, his death would have galvanised more
support and desire to succeed.
 Arthur had the backing of the people he needed, including his father.


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QUESTION 2: Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [MARKS: 35]

2.1.1 (a). D (duality of mankind) ✓

(b). C (a murderer) ✓
(c). E (Utterson’s cousin) ✓
(d). A (bludgeoned to death) ✓
2.1.2 (a) The inclusion of Hyde in the will. ✓ (1)
(b) It is against the accepted conduct of medical practitioners. ✓✓ (2)

2.1.3 Mr Guest is a handwriting specialist. ✓ (1)

2.1.4 (a) sarcastic/ reprimanding/ disapproval. ✓ (1)

(b) He does not approve Jekyll’s relationship with Hyde. ✓ (1)

2.1.5 He is stubborn. He refuses to take Utterson’s advice about the relationship he had with
Hyde. ✓
He is cagey. He does not reveal the whole truth to Utterson. ✓

2.1.6  Both Guest and Pool are loyal to their respective masters.
 Dr Lanyon remains loyal to the doctor’ s code of conduct.
 Utterson works hard to maintain loyalty of his clients. (3)

2.1.7 Yes:  Scientific knowledge is never static but evolves all the time.
 A scientist is a lifelong learner.
 New discoveries may lead to improved medical care.

No :  It is unethical to create human species.

 If this research goes wrong, a lot of harm might occur.
 His experiments led to human suffering and death. (3)



2.2.1 Utterson’s office (home) ✓ after he received Hyde’s letter from Jekyll. ✓ (2)

2.2.2 B (of the least secrets he could reveal, many went to Guest.) ✓ (1)

2.2.3 He is killed by the person with whom he shares an attorney. ✓✓ (2)

2.2.4 (a) Metaphor/ hyperbole ✓ (1)

(b) The cruelty of the murder can only be done by a person who is mad. ✓✓ (2)

2.2.5 He is excited. He has clue about the authenticity of the handwriting. ✓✓ (2)

2.2.6 He is a product of Dr Jekyll’s experimentation. ✓ (1)

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2.2.7 (a) The murder of Danvers Carew. (1)
(b) The murder was committed with extreme force and cruelty to an innocent old
man. ✓✓ (2)

2.2.8 Yes:  None of the serious incidences happened in daylight.

 There were times when he was considerate.
 He was remorseful, paid compensation for the trampled child.

No :  Murder of any kind is to be condemned.

 All the incidences were unprovoked.
 He was tactless and antisocial. (3)



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QUESTION 3: Macbeth


3.1.1 (a). E (a very cruel leader) ✓

(b). B (sacrifices own affairs for state) ✓
(c). A (leader of the weird sisters) ✓
(d). C (dies of depression) ✓
3.1.2 It was a day of both good and evil. ✓ (1)

3.1.3 They are doing sordid work/ They represent dirty acts of deception, equivocation,
betrayal and death. ✓ (1)

3.1.4 Fleance escapes when the murderers kill Banquo. ✓ (1)

3.1.5 (a) demeaning /mocking/ disapproval. (1)

(b) Macbeth is chiding the weird sisters for their unpleasant appearance. ✓ (1)

3.1.6  Pointing his finger at them ✓

 Beating his chest with a fist ✓
 Shouting at them ✓ (2)

3.1.7 When the murderers attacked Banquo, Fleance was able to run away ✓ (1)

3.1.8  Macbeth is a loyal soldier of Duncan.

 Macduff remains loyal to Scotland even when his family is killed.
 Malcolm runs away but comes back to rescue the country. (3)

3.1.9 Yes :  Macbeth was ambitious but remained loyal to the King.
 He had no reason to kill Banquo before the prophecy.
 The war prophecies made him more arrogant.

No :  Macbeth is already thinking of Malcolm as an obstacle.

 He later follows them – thus reinforcing the association.
 He suffers from an error of judgement. (3)



3.2.1 Macbeth’s castle. ✓ After the killing of king Duncan. ✓ (2)

3.2.2 During the many years that he lived, the old man has never experienced anything
stranger than what he sees now. ✓✓ (2)

3.2.3 C (above 70) ✓ (1)

3.2.4 As a host Macbeth should protect Duncan rather than kill him. ✓✓ (2)
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3.2.5  Duncan’s horses ate one another. ✓
 There is daytime darkness. ✓
 Weaker birds kill stronger ones. ✓
[Any TWO]
3.2.6 (a) personification. ✓ (1)
(b) The killing of the king brings such disorder that even the sun cannot come out
to light up the world. (2)

3.2.7 He is agitated. ✓ The murder of Duncan brings both confusion and mistrust.✓ (2)

3.2.8 Yes:  Ross is consistently loyal to Scotland.

 He is brave enough to question inconsistences of events.
 His decisions are well thought out – even in joining Malcolm.

No :  He takes too long to move out of Macbeth’s circle of loyalists.

 He trusts too much and might be vulnerable.
 He is incapable of taking swift actions. (3)



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QUESTION 4: My Children, My Africa


4.1.1 (a). E (Mr M’s favourite pupil) ✓

(b). C (inspector of Bantu Schools) ✓
(c). A (hockey player) ✓
(d). D (standard six learner) ✓
4.1.2 The debating session/ the conversation after the debate. ✓ (1)

4.1.3 The location school was not as equipped as hers. ✓ (1)

4.1.4 Miss Brockway was the principal of Camdeboo School for girls. ✓ OR
Mr M was the principal of Zolile High School. ✓ (1)

4.1.5  Point a finger at Thami. ✓

 Raise her eyebrows. ✓
 Join her hands together. ✓ (2)

4.1.6 (a) metaphor/ hyperbole. (1)

(b) The excitement created at the debate was so explosive it was like a riot in
session. ✓✓ (2)

4.1.7  Mr M is a loyal servant of the people – educating the youths.

 Thami has been loyal to Mr M as his pupil.
 Isabel is a loyal member of the literature quiz. (3)

4.1.8 Yes:  His joining of the struggle squashed the dream Mr M lived for.
 Thami wanted to patronise Mr M and disempower him.
 The comrades found courage in Thami’s participation.

No :  Thami sacrificed his decision-making right because he respected Mr

M’s authority.
 He asked Mr M to leave school and join the protesters.
 He was ready to tell lies to save Mr M’s life. (3)



4.2.1 Zolile High School, ✓ during the literature quiz practice. ✓ (2)

4.2.2 Isabel’s father loves sport, especially cricket, so much that any conversation based
on sport is likely to take longer. ✓✓ (2)

4.2.3 C (patronised) (1)

4.2.4 It is ironic that the people who are free and wealthy would admire those that are poor
and oppressed. ✓✓ (2)
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4.2.5  Joining the literature quiz. ✓
 Accepting an invitation to visit the Dysons. ✓ (2)

4.2.6 (a) gloomy/ dispirited/defiant. ✓ (1)

(b) Thami is unhappy with Mr M’s domineering attitude that he henceforth decides
to defy it. ✓ (1)

4.2.7 disappointed/ regretful. ✓ Isabel is disappointed with Thami’s reluctance to honour

the invitation that she wants to invite him separately. ✓ (2)

4.2.8 The literature quiz. ✓ (1)

4.2.9 Yes:  Isabel genuinely forges a friendship with Thami, a black boy despite
the restrictions imposed by apartheid.
 She visits and competes well with Zolile pupils.
 She endorses the invitation to Thami and Mr M.

No:  Isabel is aloof at times, because she never thought Zolile could offer
strong competition.
 Her parents’ servants continued to live in squalor while she remained
 Her asking of questions to Thami was almost inquisitorial. (3)



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QUESTION 5.1: Eveline


5.1.1 (a). D (She is indecisive at the end and does not fulfil her desire to escape ) ✓
(b). A (He has worked on a few ships) ✓
(c). B (used to shout her name in front of the people) ✓
(d). C (a school friend of her father who fled to Melbourne) ✓ (4)

5.1.2 It was her father’s violence that gave her palpitations. ✓ (1)
5.1.3 The father is a violent man – he would go for her brothers✓/ he is stingy – it was (1)
difficult to get him to contribute for groceries✓/ he was quarrelsome – there were
squabbles when money was discussed✓/ he was abusive – used to threaten her with
violence ✓/ he was a drunkard – Saturday nights were the most difficult for her when
her father was drunk✓ (give only half a mark if there is no substantiation)
5.1.4 (a) Harsh ✓/Disrespectful ✓/ condescending ✓/ domineering ✓/overbearing ✓ (1)

(b) She wanted her to look less miserable/ she did not want her to wear her misery (1)
5.1.5 (a) Simile ✓ (1)

(b) she did not expect to suffer the same abuse her mother suffered (2)

5.1.6 The women’s standing in society was lower than that of men and as a result men (3)
oppressed women as is the case with Eveline’s father being violent towards her.
Women in her society looked up to men for support, and in Evelyn’s life such men
were Harry, who always contributed his share of the grocery money, and Frank who
wanted to take her away from her miserable family life

5.1.7 Yes (3)

 Even though she was just over nineteen, she was playing with finesse the
home keeping role that her mother played while she was still alive
 She was earning a living outside her home, in addition to seeing to the chores
in her home
 She was planning to break off from the constraints of her environment and
make a new life for herself
 She was forgiving, overlooking her father’s bad streak and highlighting the fun
moments he created for them as children growing up

 She allowed Miss Gavan and her father to take advantage of her
 She placed the interests of her father and her brother above her own, choosing their
comfort and happiness over her own
 She was indecisive, could not make up her mind about eloping with Frank
 She lived in the past


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QUESTION 5.2: A Bag of Sweets


5.2.1 The family’s house (shop), ✓ after their rejection of the sibling, Khadija. ✓ (2)

5.2.2 A (caused the death of their parents.) ✓ (1)

5.2.3 (a) disappointment/ shock ✓ (1)

(b) They are disappointed that the rejection trick does not seem to work. ✓ (1)

5.2.4 They are rejecting her yet she keeps on coming because she does not hold any grudges.
✓✓ (2)

5.2.5 He is disappointed/regretful.
Abdul is regretful✓ of what he is doing to his sister because she comes on Fridays, a
day of prayer, when he should be more forgiving. ✓ OR
Abdul is disappointed✓ because he sees his sister’s Friday visits as a test to his faith
and belief in God. ✓ (2)

5.2.6 Kaltoum has many Christian friends but denies her sister the same opportunity of
building a relationship with a Christian. ✓✓ (2)

5.2.7 (a) rejection. ✓ (1)

(b) Accepting the rejection tricks would mean that she is equally guilty of the same
acts of hatred, something a religious person should avoid. ✓✓ (2)

5.2.8 Yes:
 Her Friday visits, a day of prayer and forgiveness, make her siblings feel a sense
of guilt.
 The Christian she is married to do charity and voluntary work on Fridays, prayer
 When she did not appear one Friday, they missed her visit, an opportunity to
reconcile as a family.
 Being given cheap sweets meant she was not valued.
 The rejection might have hurt her pride hence, she terminated the visits.
 The divisive label stayed with her because nobody talked to her. (3)



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6.1. On the Grasshopper and Cricket – John Keats

6.1.1 (a). D (a poem with 14 rhyming lines) ✓

(b). E (two rhyming lines) ✓
(c). A (a poem with irregular beats) ✓
(d). B (structured lines and stanzas) ✓ (4)

6.1.2 (a) metaphor/ personification ✓ (1)

(b) Metaphor: the speaker emphasises the extent of the distance covered by the
sound of the grasshopper. ✓✓ OR
Personification: the speaker thinks of the sound as a way the grasshopper
sends his song to the listeners. ✓✓ (2)

6.1.3 He sings profusely and takes a rest whenever he feels like he is tired. ✓ (1)

6.1.4 The setting is the kitchen✓ in the winter evening. ✓ (2)

6.1.5 (a) admiration ✓ (1)

(b) The speaker admires the pleasant situation that the grasshopper seems to enjoy
and is in control of. ✓✓ (1)

6.1.6 His delight is in the warmth provided for by the kitchen stove in the cold winter evening.
✓✓ (1)

6.1.7 The noise of the cricket in the kitchen is considered an annoyance yet the poet finds it
delightful. ✓✓ (2)

6.1.8  The poet finds delight in the sounds of both the cricket and the grasshopper.
 The cricket is a nuisance in a house but he still finds something good about it.
 The freedom provided by nature, hence profuse sound at will. (3)


6.2. What life is really like- Beverly Rycroft

6.2.1  The stanzas differ in length ✓

 There is no fixed rhyming scheme. ✓ (2)

6.2.2 The slaughter of a chicken and assisting with treating an injured pigeon. (2)

6.2.3 (a) Personification. ✓


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(b) It effectively describes the agitated state of the pigeon after he nearly does not
make it home or is accosted by a hawk by comparing him to a crazy person
who is mad with terror. (2)
6.2.4 “tumble”. 1)

6.2.5 D/ Metaphor

6.2.6 (a) Serious/ Stern (1)

(b) He is adamant that his child must become stronger and face the challenges in
life. He needs her to understand that life is hard. (2)
6.2.7 He gained previous experience on treating wounds by caring for his pigeons.

6.2.8 Yes:
 A father needs to warn his children that Life’s a bastard otherwise they may
live in a dream world.
 He uses his life experiences e.g chicken being slaughtered in a violent way
and stitching up a wounded pigeon.
 His child’s chest was bulldozed in an operation which is a good reason for a
person to toughen up.

 It is unfair to put that burden on a child making her wait for years and years to
be stricken down.
 She finally experiences a bad thing but her awareness of the tough nature of
life does not make it any easier to deal with it.
 Her father changes his mind in the end and stops his sayings showing that he
has reconsidered. (3)




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