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Js defined as the process of transter of , . pollen gain fromm th When are torerrest from anther tothe stigma of the tame Nowe ge arth oe arte an AINS ake teanste e . re beabe cre pina SoH from the anther to the stigma of flowers on another plant of the EXPERIMENT 4.1 Odject: To stexly Nowers aclapted to pollination by wind, Requirements: Specimens of flower like wheat and maize ete Procedures 1. Collect various flowers from surroundings. 2 Chsorve dltferent parts like sepals, petals, stamen and pistil 3 Observe and note the colour, shape and other characteristics of each floral part 4. Now observe the parts under dissecting microscope and correlate with adaptation for pollination. Observation: Rower adapted to pollination by wind are called anemophilous flowers, Anemophilous flowers are dundterisad by following adaptations: 1. Rowers are small, colourless, odourless and nectarless 2 Calyx and Corolla are either reduced or absent, & Anthers are usually versitile, Yr 4 Pollen grains are small, light weight, dusty, so that are ‘easily blown away to long distances. s — Paduncle Pollen grains are produced in large quantities. ‘well exposed, hairy or branched to catch- en grains. _—Leat Female flowers (styles) FIG. 1.1, Maize has anemophilous flowers Object: To study the flowers adopted to pollination by insects. Requirements: Flowers of china rose, sunflower ete. Procedure: 1, Collect various flowers from surroundings. 2. Observe different parts like sepals, petals, stamen and pistil 3. Observe and note the colour, shape and other characteristics of each floral part Objervations: 4. Now observe the parts under dissecting microscope and correlate with adaptation for 5 Flowers adapted to pollination by insects are ca characterised by the following adaptations 1 lled entomophilous flowers. Entomophilou: Flowers are large, bright coloured and showy to attract insect pollinators. Usually petals are large and attractiv. ‘Small flowers bloom in bunches. ‘They produce specific odour to attract specific insects. Flowers secrete nectar in its nectary or spur Pollen grains are sticky or spiny so that they easily attach with visiting insects. To catch pollen grains, stigma becomes sticky Nuon nsec ng over sunoner Petal (upper p) stamen carpe Petal Loner ip) pollination, f 5 flowers ay EXP. tudy flowers adapted to pollination by Birds. object: To s ts: Specimens of flower like Bignonia, capreolata, silk Requiremen' cotton etc. Procedure: 4, Collect various 2. Observe different parts like sepals, petals, 3. Observe and note the colour, shape and other characteristics of each floral part. 4. Now observe the parts relate with adaptation for pollination. flowers from the surroundings. stamen and pistil. under dissecting microscope and cori Objervations: Flowers adapted to pollination flowers. Ornithophilous flowers adaptations. called ornithophilous d by following by birds are are characterise Flowers are large in size. & colourful often red. The flowers secretes nectar. flower may have certain edible parts. ers have long tubular structure holding nector. pollination by wind, insects and birds show many Rive a.

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