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Pest Control


Pre-Inspection Preparation:

1. Gather necessary equipment and materials:

Protective gear (gloves, respirator, goggles, etc.)

Inspection tools (flashlight, magnifying glass, moisture meter, etc.)
Pest identification guides and reference materials
Appropriate insecticides, rodenticides, and other control products
Application equipment (sprayers, dusters, bait stations, etc.)
Vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter (for insect and debris removal)
Caulking gun and sealants

2. Review the client's pest control history and previous treatment records.

3. Familiarize yourself with the property layout, construction type, and

potential pest entry points.

On-Site Inspection:

1. Conduct a thorough exterior inspection

Inspect the foundation, walls, windows, doors, and vents for

cracks, gaps, or entry points
Check for moisture issues, standing water, or conducive conditions
Examine landscaping, mulch beds, and vegetation near the structure
Look for pest evidence, such as nests, droppings, or damage

2. Perform a comprehensive interior inspection

Inspect kitchens, bathrooms, pantries, and other high-risk areas

Check behind appliances, in cabinets, and under sinks
Examine baseboards, corners, and potential harborage sites
Look for signs of pest activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks,
or shed skins
Use monitoring devices (sticky traps, pheromone lures, etc.) if necessary

3. Document your findings, including pest types, locations, and severity

of infestations.

Treatment Planning

1. Identify the specific pest(s) present and their biology and behavior.

2. Determine the appropriate control methods (chemical, physical,

cultural, or a combination).

3. Select the most effective and least toxic pesticides or control

products, if necessary.

4. Plan for exclusion and sanitation measures to prevent future

5. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan, including application methods,
dosages, and schedules.
6. Communicate the treatment plan and any necessary preparations
to the client.

Treatment Implementation

1. Install monitoring devices or bait stations, if required.

2. Apply appropriate exclusion and sanitation measures.
3. Carefully follow label instructions and safety precautions.
4. Minimize exposure by using targeted application methods.
5. Provide post-treatment instructions and prevention recommendations.
6. Prepare the treatment area by clearing surfaces and removing
pets and plants.

Post-Treatment Follow-Up

1. Schedule a follow-up visit to assess treatment effectiveness.

2. Maintain records of treatment and observations for your reference.
3. Address any remaining issues and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.
4. Provide a report of recommendations for long-term pest management.

*Note: This checklist is a general guide, and specific situations may require additional steps or modifications.
Always stay up to date with the industry’s best practices, regulations, and safety protocols to ensure
effective and responsible pest control.

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