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0-STAR (Newbie)

Know swordsman style

1-STAR (Aprentice)

Master Swordsman style

2-STAR (Swordsman)

Energy form (Transform into pure energy)

3-STAR (Expert Swordsman)

Energy projection (Channel energy into other beings and objects to re-
energise/power them)
Reactive Adaptation (The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills
in response to immediate threats.)
Enhanced Memory (The power to remember and recall experiences and events
inhumanly well.)

4-STAR (Master)

Force field generation (Ability to project powerful fields of manipulated

Superhuman senses (Ability to see, smell, taste, feel or hear more than a
normal human)
Superhuman durability / endurance (Ability to have a higher resistance to one or
more forms of damage before being injured as well as the ability to exert oneself
in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired or survive for long periods of
time without consumption or water)
Energy sourcing (Ability to draw power from large or small but
abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or
converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source,
sometimes stored for future use)

5-STAR (Grandmaster)

Ultra apathy (Remain emotionless and detached, no matter the

Predator's vision (Easily determine who will make a suitable target)
Energy conduit (Store, control and manipulate the flow and
energy, and convert it from one type to another)
Super anxiety (Induce levels of anxiety in others that ranges
from mildly nervous to utter panic)
Supernatural Combat (The power to possess combat proficiency, capabilities and
knowledge drastically beyond what is naturally possible)
Thermal Resistance (The power to survive in extreme temperatures)
Telescopic Vision (The ability to see distant objects in magnified
Deflection (The power to deflect forms of attack)
6-STAR (True Grandmaster)

Super acceleration (Go from standing to top speed in 0.8 seconds)

Ultra regeneration (Rapidly recover or heal from pain or injury without
medical aid)
Ultra reflexes (Automatically respond instantly to any
Ultra dexterity (Rapidly and skilfully move and manipulate things
with your hands)
Night vision (See in low-light and pitch black conditions
using built-in optical image intensifiers and infra-red light)
X-ray vision (Ability to see through solid matter)
Aura reading (The ability to perceive "energy fields"
surrounding people, places and things)

7-STAR (Void Master)

Pain resistance (Reduce the amount of pain received)

Electromagnetic control (Increase, decrease, alter and remove the properties of
the magnetic fields surrounding beings and objects)
Heat vision (See the heat signatures of targets, across
long distances and through certain materials)
Innate capability (Ability to know or understand something without
the need of studying or previous experience)
Supernatural Accuracy (The ability to have drastically better accuracy than what
is naturally possible)
Gintō (The ability to create multiple
layers of energy)
Levitation (The ability to undergo bodily uplift or
fly by mystical means)

8-STAR (Void Grandmaster)

Energy conversion (Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it

into another form of energy)
Intangibility or phasing (Ability to quantum tunnel through solid matter without
Elemental transmutation (The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from
one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to
Superhuman longevity (Ability to live longer than a normal human)
Reiatsu (is the physical force/pressure)
Agitowari (The practitioner bisects an opponent from
the jaw down the length of their body with a single sword strike)

9-STAR (Peak Swordsman/Sage)

Blood Flow Vision (The ability to see the flow of blood of any living
Dimensional Storage (The power to store anything in a fold of dimension/space
and re-materialize at will)
Feral Mind (The power to tap into a feral state of mind)
360-Degree Vision (The power to see in all directions at once)
Yin & Yang Manipulation (The power to manipulate the complementary and opposite
forces of yin and yang)
Elemental Blades (its special ability to manipulate elemental
Amor (Using the eyes on his body,one can take
control of one object per eye)

10-STAR (Genessis/Saint)

Psychokinesis (The ability to manipulate objects by way of

extrasensory perception)
Mind control (The ability to alter the perceptions of others,
and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind)
Blade of Light (One can control swords at a point where he can
make them invisible)
Ten-Thousand-Red Strikes Festival
Beautiful Swordfight
Blinding Light
Brilliant Void

11-STAR (Great Peak)

Blade Recreation
Severing Waterfall
World Penetration Gate
Fundamental Forces Manipulation
Life-Force Absorption
Power Erasure
Astral trapping
Super Acceleration

12-STAR ( Demi-God)

Profound Heaven Sword

Magic Core
Disaster Flames
Upturned Earth Dance
Splitting Void
Flames of Hell

13-STAR (Worldless)

True Dragon Magic

Cardinal Acceleration
Thunder of Heaven and Earth
Space-Time Manipulation
Multi-Dimensional Barrier

14-STAR (God)

Parallel Operation
Demonheart Core
Law Manipulation
Universal Barrier
Spatial Domination
Spatial Transition
Universal Sense

15-STAR (True God)

Parallel Syntesis
Blade of Ember, East: Rising Sun Blade
God Core
Chi Manipulation
Blade of Ember, North:Heaven and Earth End in Ashes

16-STAR (Great God)

Divine Magic
Low Level Qi
Perfect God Core
Matter Control
Space Force - Space Blade
Soul Fission
Blade of Ember, South: Trillion Flame Great Corpse Formation
Blade of Ember, West: Sunset Hell Robe

17-STAR (Blade of Creation/Ancient God)

Advenced Perfect God Core
Space Force-Moon Blade
Space Force - Space Tearing
Creation Blade
Five Elements Indestructible Sword Tempering Art

Profound-Heavenly STAR (Boundless God)

True Qi
Divine Mana Magic
Void Core
Defying Yin-Yang 5 Elements Profound Universe Heart Scripture
Great Teleportation
Heavenly Charged Sky Net
Heaven Severing Slash

Proficient-Heavenly STAR ( Half-Step Outer God)

Immortal Qi
Qi Magic
Defying Void Core
Principle Manipulation
Heaven Devouring Battle Law
Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art

Perfect-Heavenly STAR ( Imperfect Outer God)

Divine Qi
Celestial Aura
Celestial Magic
Imperfect Celestial Core
Order Manipulation

Profound-Heaven STAR (Outer God)

Divine Qi
True Celestial Aura
Celestial Magic
Celestial Core
Great Order Manipulation
Time Principles-Time Flies Seal
Space Principles - Void Mirror

Proficient-Heaven STAR (Perfect Outer God)

Celestial Qi
Creation Aura
Perfect Celstial Core
Hanging Star
Space Force-Nihility
Sealed Lotus Secret Technique
True Dragon Transformation Secret Technique
Seven Points Black Tortoise Array

Perfect-Heaven STAR (Half Step Primordial)

Celestial Qi
Imperfect Primordial Aura
Creation Core
Star Boundary Magic
Space Principle-Perfect Time-Space Mastery
Great Emperor Techinique- Spliting Universe and Extinction Star Ray

Profound- Open Heaven STAR (Primordial)

Creation Qi
Zero Realm Sword
Dawn of Beginning Core
Abstract Existence

Proficient- Open Heaven STAR (Half Step Perfect Primordial)

Nine Star Qi
Star Core
Afterimage Creation
Antimatter Manipulation

Perfect- Open Heaven STAR (Perfect Primordial)

Primordial Qi
True Star Core
Astral Projection
Avatar Creation
Beyond-Dimensional Existence
Biological Manipulation

First stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Demon Lord)

Grand Demon Qi
Demonic Star Core
Black Hole Creation
Causality Manipulation

Second stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Great Demon Lord)

Grand Demon Qi
Demon Lord Star Core
Chaos Manipulation
Chi Manipulation

Third stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Demon Lord Of Tryanty)

Tryant Demon Qi
Tryant Demon Core
Conceptual Manipulation
Cosmic Awareness

Forth stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Tryant Demon Lord)

True Tryant Demon Qi

True Tryant Demon Core
Data Manipulation
Death Manipulation

Fifth stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Tryant of Destruction)

Destruction Qi
Destruction Core
Dimensional Manipulation
Dimensional Travel
Dream Manipulation
Durability Negation
Ectoplasm Manipulation
Empathic Manipulation
Existence Erasure
Extrasensory Perception
Fate Manipulation
Fear Manipulation
Fragrance Manipulation

Sixth stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Primordial Demon)

Blood Qi
Death Core
Blood Art: Hell Recreation
Blade of Death Art: 6 Looms of Death Sword Slices

Seventh stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Primordial Demon Lord)

Dark Blood Qi
Undying Core
Universal Creation
Destryer of Worlds

Eight stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Creation Demon)

Ruler Qi
Core of Laws
Demon Haki
Death Stance: 9 Looms of Patterned Death Sword Slices

Ninth stage of the Demonic Heaven STAR (Creation Demon Lord)

Perfection Qi
Byeond Laws Core
Demon Lord Haki
Ruler Haki
Plane of Euthimya
Demon Lord True Blade Style: Universal Star Crushing Blade
Demon Lord True Blade Style: Memoir of God
Demon Lord True Blade Style: Blade of Morning Stars
Demon Lord True Blade Style: All Things Ends in Ashes

Star of Ashes (General of The Multiverse)

Zero Qi
Zero Core
God Haki
Plane of Kratos
Nano Machine: Great Warper (black-white hole)

Star of Ember (Great General of The Multiverse)

Star of Night (Supreme General of The Multiverse)

Star of Day (Commander of The Multiverse)

Star of Elfen (Elfen King)

Star of The Lands After (Elfen Lord)

Star of The Lands Beweten (Tharnished)

Star of Demi-Gods (Elden Demi-God)

True Star of Elden Ring (Elden Lord)

Elden Qi
Core of Worlds
Higher-Dimensional Existence
Morality Manipulation
Multiple Selves

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