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background of study:

In an era marked by unprecedented environmental challanges and growing demands for innovation,
sustainability has emerged as a povital concept in the world on business. Talking on a global scale, and
that to about the extensive manifacturing sector specifically, it generates a significant amount of waste
and depletes energy resources thus leading to unsustainable bsuiness practices (Abdul-Rashid et
al.,2017), for this purpose, the implementation of green human resource managment within an
organization, through previous studies, has showed its transformational influence upon an
organization’s environmental performace, by incorporating eco-friendly strategies into human resourse
managment helping organizaions effectively reduce their enviornmetal footprint thus emphasizing their
privotal role in fostering eco-conscious organizational behaviour (Naseer et al.,2023).

Green Transformational Leadership fosters an environment where employees are motivated to

demostrate eco-friendly actions which inturn nurtures a hightened envireonmental concuiousness
leading them to focus on green practices which would promote sustainability (Li et al., 2020). The
importance of GTL has been studied by various authors as well (Al-ghazali.,2022;Kumar singh et al,2020).
A study mentions that to enhance sustainable business performance, oraganizations should adopt green
transformational leadership while also integrating it onto green innovations (Chen et al.,2014; Elkins &
Robert.,2003). Moving forward with this context, after the analysis of many studies regarding the main
reason for an oranization’s sustainble perforomance, GTFL arises as a core priminent variable that helps
reserchers to undertand how a leader can propel their employees green behavuour and improve
sustainable perfromance (e.Sobaih.,2022),to further add, GTL also plays a role in determening the green
capabilities of the employees which significantly enhance firm’s perfromance (Bhatti et al.,2023)

Green psychological capital

green innovation

sustanable business performance

problem identification

Globally quite a few studies, have linked the concept green psychological capital to GHRM and
organizational perfromance however its role only as a mediator has been examined, even when it comes
to pakistan’s manufacturing firm,research upon this variable is not totally zero but extremely scarce. so
in this study there is a new perspective added, which is that how green psychological capital can
strenghten the relationship between green hrm, Green Transformational leadership and how its
intregration can lead to an innovation in the green practices that the business performs, thus enhancing
the overall sustainable business performance.

research question
“How does the integration of Green Psychological Capital enhance the relationship between GHRM,
Green transformational Leadership and green inovation in pakistani Manufacturing firms, and how does
this integration contribute to the overall sustainable business performance.”

significance of study

research hypothesis

model picture:


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