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6 Tshabangu loyalists Exploring Bling 4’s

head to Parly music themes

RAPPER Bling 4, born Farai Gadzani, has potential to
become a big figure in the local hip-hop scene due to
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has his deep lyrics, modest demeanour and impactful mu-
announced the appointment of six more lawmakers sic. His music zeroes in on the plight of Zimbabwe-
from the Sengezo Tsabangu-led Citizens Coalition an youths. Mature themes are explored in the artiste’s
for Change (CCC) into the National Assembly to fill songs. Bling 4 is basking in glory with his most recent
the vacant proportional representation seats. release Ama2k,, which explored a number of conten-
Page 2 tious topics related to those born from 2000 Page 6

US$1 | Saturday May 4 2024 NewsDayZimbabwe NewsDayZimbabwe

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2 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 Local News

Matiza estate up in flames

... as business partner refuses with US$2m
BY REJOICE PHIRI ment namely a pneumatic roller,
paver, a roller and office furniture
HE late Transport and which she took from her company
Infrastructural Devel- called Studio Arts (Pvt) Limited.
opment minister Joel Limited, Martin Mutenda, whose the accused person since March and bank accounts.” The court heard that Lillian duly
Biggie Matiza’s estate company specialises in civil en- we were told that he was in South Prosecutor Mercy Masamvi told supplied the equipment as part of
is up in flames as it gineering, yesterday appeared in Africa, where he owns another the court that sometime in June the deal.
emerged this week that a business court accused of defrauding Lillian house,” Chimuto said. 2022, the accused person entered On November 25 last year, Lil-
partner is allegedly refusing to hon- of US$2 million. He said the accused was arrest- into a construction business part- lian passed on, which led to his
our a US$2 million payment after a The complainant in the matter is ed on April 30 at Robert Gabriel nership with Lillian. son, Batsirai, to be duly appointed
construction deal. the late couple’s son, Batsirai (26), Mugabe International Airport as he In the agreement, the accused as the executor of his late mother’s
Matiza, who held several ministe- who was appointed the executor came to Zimbabwe. person reportedly misrepresented estate.
rial posts, died on January 22, 2021 of his mother’s estate after she had “We were told by the police of- to Lillian that herself, Jorome Leroy It is further alleged that in De-
at St Annes Hospital in Harare after passed on. ficers who arrested him at the air- and Taurai Negonde, would be- cember 2023, Batsirai approached
battling COVID-19. Mutenda (55), from Hyde Park in port that he had been arrested while come directors of the company, with Mutenda requesting him to trans-
He was declared a national hero Harare, was remanded in custody to coming from South Africa. We only the accused being positioned as the fer the money due to his late moth-
and was buried at the National He- Monday for his bail application by learned that the accused was in company secretary. er, Lillian, to the Biggie Joel Trust,
roes Acre in Harare. Harare regional magistrate Donald Zimbabwe after investigations were Mutenda allegedly told Lillian where the complainant and his oth-
He was also an internationally- Ndirowei. done prior to his court appearance,” that she would be given a payment er relatives are beneficiaries, but the
acclaimed architect, who had vast The investigating officer, Ngo- he said. of US$2 million at the completion of accused refused.
construction businesses across the nidzashe Chimuto, who appeared “He is also likely to tamper with the construction project. Investigations revealed that the
globe. in court to help the prosecution evidence because he is the secretary The State revealed that in ex- accused person had misrepresent-
His wife, Lillian, died two years oppose Mutenda’s bail application, of the company, hence being the sole change for the accused person’s of- ed the structure of the company and
later. said the accused had a permanent custodian of all the paperwork and fer, Lillian would inject road equip- payment of the US$2 million.
However, the chief executive of- residence in South Africa.

Uphold media freedom, govt urged

ficer at Commerce Veritas (Pvt) “The police have been looking for

Zim commits to BY SHARON BUWERIMWE the statement read.

The rights commission urged the
“Despite the principles enshrined
in our Constitution, the reality on

making new currency THE Zimbabwe Human Rights

Commission (ZHRC) has urged
media to responsibly report and
avoid incitement of violence and
the ground tells a different story.
The recent incident in the Midlands

convertible, says minister

government and other stakeholders defamation, while also respecting province where two journalists, Syd-
to create an environment that fosters individual privacy. ney Mubaiwa and Stephen Chaden-
a free and vibrant press. “In view of enhanced infor- ga, were unjustly banned from cov-
In a statement released to cele- mation dissemination in Zimba- ering government functions, serves
brate World Press Freedom Day yes- bwe through digital platforms, the as a stark reminder of the threats
ZIMBABWE’S Finance, Econom- hybrid investment summit on Zim- terday, the ZHRC said there was ZHRC reminds the media and the faced by journalists in our nation,” a
ic Development and Investment babwe in South Africa. a need for government to uphold public at large of their duty to up- statement by YOJA read.
Promotion minister Mthuli Ncu- “We are also looking at the con- media freedom as enshrined in the hold the constitutionally protect- “Such actions by government of-
be said on Thursday that the coun- vertibility of the currency in the fu- Constitution. ed fundamental rights to protection ficials not only undermine Press
try is committed to making the new ture. We want to promote the ZiG This year’s event is running un- from incitement of violence, advo- freedom, but also instil fear among
gold-backed currency, the Zimba- so that anyone around the globe can der the theme A Press for the Plan- cacy of hatred and hate speech, ma- journalists, hindering their ability to
bwe Gold (ZiG), fully convertible. hold it and be able to exchange it for et: Journalism in the Face of the Envi- licious injury to a person’s reputa- carry out their duties.
He said the government and mon- gold or the US dollar equivalent,” ronmental Crisis. tion or dignity as well as malicious “Furthermore, the enactment of
etary authorities were working on Ncube said. “ZHRC urges all stakeholders, in breach of a person’s right to privacy.” the Criminal Law (Codification and
closing possible loopholes that can Zimbabwe launched the ZiG in particular the government, to cre- ZHRC underscored the impor- Reform) Amendment Act (Patriot
be used by speculators to destabi- April, which is backed by the central ate an enabling environment that tance of balanced and evidence- Act) in May 2023 poses a significant
lise the currency, noting that medi- bank’s reserves comprising US$100 fully implements the rights guaran- based reporting to foster public un- threat to media freedom. This legis-
um-to-long-term stability of the new million cash and US$185 million teed by sections 61(3) and (4) of the derstanding and facilitate informed lation criminalises actions perceived
currency is an important stepping worth of gold. Constitution to a free, vibrant, and decision-making on critical socio- to undermine Zimbabwe’s sover-
stone toward the convertibility of the The ZiG notes and coins start- pluralistic media landscape. This economic and political matters. eignty and national interest, poten-
new currency. ed circulating on Tuesday, several will, therefore, support independent Meanwhile, the Young Journalists tially subjecting journalists to per-
“We are already dealing with peo- weeks after the electronic ZiG was journalism and the rights of journal- Association (YOJA) said the state of secution merely for fulfilling their
ple who are trading the ZiG on the unveiled. ists and ensure their safety while re- media freedom remains a matter of duty to report the truth.”
parallel market; it is money launder- The ZiG, Zimbabwe’s sixth at- porting on environmental issues,” grave concern.
ing. We should not give speculators tempt at a currency solution, is ex-
an opportunity to destabilise our pected to stabilise the economy and
currency,” he said while responding help tame inflation. Kuminda first to introduce Fruit Vision blueberries to Zim
to questions at the start of a two-day — Xinhua
CLARENCE Mwale likes blazing Zimbabwe at the moment,” he said. rather than in pots, or in a trench
a trail and the new partnership he Kuminda will be the first to bring filled with growing medium in high

6 Tshabangu loyalists
has forged with a Zimbabwean busi- capital-intensive blueberries to Zim- density plantings. We have been
nessman in the United Kingdom has babwean small scale farmers; the studying this. I think on blueberries
added fuel to his fire. country's opportunity that time of our biggest competitor is Peru rath-

head to Parly
Together, they have set up a new the year too good to only benefit er than South Africa and we want to
company, Kuminda, and their Hara- large and often multinational blue- make use of our advantage as much
re packhouse has just been complet- berry producers. as possible.”
ed. “Blueberries are not doable to a Mwale has a career that originat-
This year, it will mostly be pack- small-scale farmer until they get se- ed in compliance and auditing, with
BY STAFF REPORTER (b) and of the Constitution that oc- ing peas — they are expecting a bet- rious aid. It will take time, but I have a natural segue into production and
curred following the recall of incum- ter pea season — but over the com- no doubt that it can happen. The marketing, with an important slant.
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commis- bent members, have been appoint- ing years, their own blueberries will Dutch varieties can give us two har- “We’re dedicated to providing op-
sion (Zec) has announced the ap- ed with effect from the date of pub- also be packed here. vests in a year. We can manipulate it portunities to small and medium
pointment of six more lawmakers lication of this notice,” the notice Kuminda (meaning at the fields to harvest at a time that suits us. Cur- scale farmers. Not only from a busi-
from the Sengezo Tsabangu-led Cit- read. in the Shona language) has signed rent varieties are the earliest in the ness point of view, but from a love
izens Coalition for Change (CCC) The six are Vivian Chitimbe (Ha- an agreement for exclusive rights to southern hemisphere: it’s a massive for Zimbabwe. We like to give them
into the National Assembly to fill the rare), Nyasha Batitsa (Manica- Dutch breeder Fruit Vision’s blue- position for Zimbabwe. Then imag- a fair opportunity to participate in
vacant proportional representation land), Samantha Mureyani (Mani- berries, which they will be the first to ine when we bring in varieties that global trade,” he said.
seats. caland), Diana Marikano (Mashona- establish in Zimbabwe. you can harvest twice — it’s going to To bring the edge of critical mass
According to a notice published in land East), Tsungirirayi Rungwave It is set to max out Zimbabwe’s al- be massive.” to bear on the export vegetables
the Government Gazette yesterday, (Masvingo) and Melphiner Gwabeni ready massive advantage when it be- Moreover, he says, while blueber- (peas, French beans, baby corn,
Zec chairperson Priscilla Chigumba (Midlands). comes the only country to crop blue- ry growers in Zimbabwe average 30 sweet corn, amongst others) grown
confirmed the appointments. Zec also announced the appoint- berries from January. tonnes per hectare, these varieties for Kuminda during summer by their
“The public is hereby notified, in ment of five CCC candidates to fill “We visited Onubafruit in Spain, can yield as much as 65 tonnes. small and medium-sized farmers, as
terms of section 39(7)(a) of the Elec- vacant senatorial posts. and we saw what they do with the Zimbabwean blueberry farmers well as to spread risk, they have ap-
toral Act [Chapter 2:13], that the These are Tambudzai Kunaka (Ha- co-operatives. We saw that a blue- have learned a lot over the past five proached a number of seasoned
persons specified in the Schedule be- rare), Murisi Zwizwai (Harare), Mo- berry plantation can be owned by years of growing the crop. Zimbabwean vegetable export-
low, who were nominated by the Cit- ses Manyengavana (Harare), Spi- many families, even hundreds of Kuminda is looking for strategic ers, among them Selby Enterprises
izens Coalition for Change party to we Munemo (Mashonaland West) families, who then employ profes- partnerships to put in and even run and Zimflex, to feed into their large
fill the vacancies in the National As- and Tawanda Bvumo (Mashonaland sionals to run the business. It’s a dif- the blueberries. programmes.
sembly by virtue of section 120(1) West). ferent model from what we have in “We can grow directly into the soil — Fresh Plaza
NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 3

Nyanyadzi hidden treasure: Top cops acquitted

BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE policing included the whole Zimba- the Zimbabwe National Geospacial was also led to prove a breach of gen- ficers reportedly arrived at the Nyan-
bwe, while Madzima operates in the Space Agency, was also present in eral law,” Mthombeni ruled. yadzi Irrigation Scheme armed with
MUTARE region- northern region which covers Mash- his capacity as a scientist employed According to the prosecution, Ta- a search and seizure warrant issued
al court has acquitted onaland, Masvingo and Manicaland by the State and that he had been chiona, Nyoni and Madzima pur- on October 18, 2023, obtained at
three senior police de- provinces. cleared by his own director to assist portedly dug the yard of Mushaya’s Chipinge Magistrates Court.
tectives from the Asset Mushoriwa also conceded that the accused persons with the survey. homestead without authorisation They informed the homeowner,
Forfeiture Unit head- the place of scene was under Madzi- He also confirmed the presence of from their superiors or engagement Mushaya, of their intention to dig
quarters who were accused of dig- ma’s policing area, but failed to pro- the hidden treasure. with relevant government experts. up her yard in search of the hidden
ging up a homestead in Nyanyadzi, vide the operating standard proce- Another State witness, Revesai Zv- On December 22, the accused of- treasure.
Manicaland province, in search of an dure prohibiting the accused per- igodini Matimba, a prophet and an
undisclosed hidden treasure in 2022 sons from operating within the said individual with the skill to detect
saying they were acting within the
confines of the law.
The trio — Shephered Tachiona,
Despite Mushoriwa having testi-
fied that they had not notified him,
hidden minerals through the use of
wires, told the court that he was in-
vited by the accused persons to assist
‘Recalls have no space
Mkhululi Nyoni and Monica Mad-
zima — was acquitted by magistrate
Fadzai Mthombeni at the close of the
State case.
he conceded under oath that the ac-
cused persons had performed at law
and there was no standard procedure
with the survey.
He told the court that he met with
the accused persons at ZRP Mkushi
in our democracy’
that obligated any of them to first in- Depot (formerly Morris Depot) in
They were charged with crimi- form him before they could search or Harare, where he was shown a search BY PRIVELEDGE GUMBODETE has no space in any material repre-
nal abuse of duty as public officers, seize anything from anyone. warrant, after which the accused sentative democracy. It was for ex-
as defined in section 174(1)(a) of the Mushoriwa conceded the accused asked for his help. ZIMBABWE’S recall clause, which pediency in 2013 because the Con-
Criminal Law (Codification and Re- had lawfully applied for a warrant of The witness also told the court that was born out of the need to thwart stitution-making process was con-
form) Act [Chapter 9:23]. search and seizure. he agreed to help for no payment as inter and intra-party competition, trolled by dominant political par-
According to the State, the trio It was proven that the accused he wanted to help the State. has no space in any material repre- ties,” he said.
was accused of not informing rele- persons investigated a crime that fell The accused persons, through sentative democracy, analysts and “The background to recalls in
vant departments that include Mines well within their mandate as offic- their lawyers, submitted that the political players have said. Zimbabwe is immersed in the dark
and Mining Development, Nation- ers deployed to the Criminal Inves- State failed to prove their actions Zimbabwe has now conducted world of politics and power. Recalls
al Housing as well as Defence min- tigations Department Asset Forfei- were unlawful. three rounds of National Assem- have been used as an instrument to
istries and CID Minerals, Flora and ture Unit. Mthombeni, however, ruled in bly by-elections in less than nine thwart inter and intra-party compe-
Fauna department of police. The accused persons were exe- favour of the trio, saying the State months after the 2023 harmonised tition.
The three, who were represented cuting a warrant of search issued by failed to prove a case against the ac- election. “In Zimbabwe, it was actually in
by lawyers Joseph Nemaisa, Musin- a court of law, saying there was no cused persons. The by-elections followed recalls the 1980s when it was introduced by
do Hungwe and George Manokore, need to inform other government “Once the court has made a find- by self-proclaimed Citizens Coali- Zanu PF to deal with its internal pol-
pleaded not guilty to the allegations. departments. ing to the effect that there is no ev- tion for Change (CCC) interim sec- itics. It had nothing to do with citi-
Their main witness, police Assis- The second State witness, Siman- idence that the accused committed retary-general Sengezo Tshaban- zens under the national question of
tant Commissioner Themba Mush- galiso Memory Mushaya, an agri- the offence charged or any other of- gu, who went on a rampage after the the day.”
oriwa’s testimony was discredited un- cultural extension officer, also con- fence arising from that charge, it has general election, recalling more than Labour Economists and African
der cross-examination and he ended firmed that the police were empow- no option but to find the accused not 20 CCC legislators. Democrats president Linda Masarira
up making concessions, which con- ered with a warrant of search and guilty and discharge him or her. In terms of section 129(1)(k) of said the recalls had caused a lot of di-
firmed the accused’s defences. seizure and also confirmed that the “In this case, there was no evi- the Constitution, legislators can be visions within parties while compro-
Mushoriwa had told the court premise owner was aware of the hid- dence to prove an essential element recalled from Parliament through a mising trust within party members.
that the accused persons acted out- den treasure as her husband once of the offence. letter written by a political party to She also revealed that her CCC
side their policing area, but ended up dug the same premise in search of it. “There is no evidence on which the Speaker of the National Assem- counterparts confided in her that
conceding under cross-examination The third witness, Victor Mukun- a reasonable court acting carefully bly. they were confused and did not
that Tachiwona and Nyoni’s areas of gunugwa, a scientist employed by might properly convict. No evidence But speaking during a virtual fo- know who to trust.
rum organised by the Zimbabwe “The state of opposition is that it
Election Support Network, Oxford- is in a quagmire and there is a lot of
Pic: Richard Farekaye trained Zimbabwean academic and mistrust and there is no intra-party
researcher Phillan Zamchiya said the democracy anymore,” she said.
recall clause was bad and an undem- “People just have to bootlick to
ocratic law. maintain their position in the party
“Zimbabwe has a bad and undem- and I think it is going to take time
ocratic law. Section 129, which pro- to see an organised opposition in our
vides for recalls by political parties, country.”

Zim’s sole nickel mine placed

under administration
Zimbabwe’s only operating nickel 30% of Australian mine capacity
mine was on Thursday placed under had gone offline and another 30%
administration, according to a gov- was in trouble due to the squeeze on
ernment notice, seven months af- margins.
ter halting production due to equip- Trojan Mine’s nickel concen-
ment failure and low prices. trate output plunged to 1 314 met-
Zimbabwe’s government owns ric tonnes in its last financial year,
70% of Bindura Nickel Corpora- which ended in March 2024, down
tion’s Trojan nickel mine, which em- from 3 180 metric tonnes the year
ploys about 1 100 people, according before.
to Bindura’s latest annual report. This was after the mine suspend-
The reconstruction order was ed operations last September follow-
published on Thursday in the Gov- ing the damage suffered by its ore
Two men collect cardboard boxes at a roadside dumping area in Graniteside industrial area, Harare ernment Gazette, which also an- hoisting equipment during a seismic
nounced the appointment of an ad- event.

MDC-T’s security team assaults parking officers ministrator.

Trojan is Zimbabwe’s only prima-
The mine has capacity to produce
5 500 metric tonnes of nickel con-
ry nickel producer, though the coun- centrate annually.
BY REJOICE PHIRI plainants, led by City Parking oper- complainants accusing them for en- try’s platinum miners, also produce On April 29, the company said
ations manager Thomas Chigodora, gaging the police in their meeting of the metal, which is mainly used in while it had managed to install new
TWO Harare City Parking marshals received information that the park- sharing parking spaces. steelmaking. ore hoisting gear, it would delay re-
were allegedly attacked by a group of ing marshals were being chased away The accused persons alleged- Nickel prices have fallen from re- starting mining operations due to
men who claimed to be security per- by the accused persons, who claimed ly charged towards the complain- cord levels above US$100 000 in low prices and high costs of inputs
sonnel at Morgan Tsvangirai House to be MDC-T security team. ants, who ran away after they real- 2022 when they were driven by ex- such as electricity.
(formerly known as Harvest House) He said the complainants sought ised that the atmosphere was getting pectations of reduced supplies from “BNC needs to mobilise the req-
over a dispute concerning a parking assistance from the police, who es- tense. major producer Russia following uisite capital for retooling, with par-
space at the premises. corted them to Richard Morgan Ts- The court heard that the accused its invasion of Ukraine, to around ticular emphasis on increasing the
One of the accused, Josiah Mhirip- vangirai House, where the accused persons then hurled stones and emp- US$19 000 per tonne in the current- availability of underground mining
iri (23), appeared before magis- were present and only left when they ty bottles at the complainants, who ly oversupplied market. mobile equipment and the process-
trate Dennis Mangosi this week fac- had seemingly resolved the matter made good their escape by speed- Prices are currently 25% down on ing plant,” it said on Thursday.
ing charges of assault and malicious between the two parties. ing off in two City Park motor their levels a year ago. Trojan Mine started production
damage to property. It is, however, alleged that Mhirip- vehicles. Low prices have forced top glob- in 1964 under the Anglo American
According to prosecutor Thomas iri and three other accomplices in The matter was remanded to May al producer BHP Group to review group, which sold the asset in 2003.
Chanakira, on March 18, the com- the matter later approached the 6 for bail application. its nickel business, warning that —
4 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 Feature
Indigenous foodways take root Whither Workers’ Day commemorations
in local schools in Zim, Namibia

BY NHAU MANGIRAZI spares company in Harare, echoed Pensioners are no longer part of the
similar sentiments. daily agenda,” Kuchera said.
THE Ndau people, based in eastern Zim- ing materials. IGHTY-THREE-YEAR- “I am battling to make ends meet. “We need legal safety nets for
babwe, have their livelihoods based pri- This initiative, supported by the Gov- OLD Mafious Banda My pension is not enough for my them through a legal framework
marily on agriculture. It has been the case ernment of Flanders, aims to anchor this looks dejected as he puffs medication, that includes blood that protests their well-being af-
for many generations. indigenous knowledge related to food- off smoke from a ciga- pressure and other ailments related ter retirement. It is important to
However, over the years, traditional ways as well as other indigenous practices rette, perhaps the last for to my age,” he said. note that pensioners require good
farming techniques and indigenous crops in the school system, guaranteeing the in- the day before scavenging for more The two scenarios are sad reali- healthcare facilities. Some of them
are being replaced by genetically uni- tergenerational transmission of valuable from his erstwhile neighbour. ties affecting mostly former workers are disabled due old age.”
form, high-yielding varieties due to mar- living heritage and quality, relevant edu- It is May 1, and as a pensioner, he whose plight is part of the Zimba- He accused the government of
ket trends and changes in diet. cation adapted to the context. reflects on how Worker’s Day com- bwean labour story. neglecting pensioners.
With a projected 30% decrease in rain- “I was happy to see that Gaza Prima- memorations have lost glitter due to The Workers’ Day commemo- “The government has neglect-
fall over the next decade due to climate ry School was selected to participate in a high unemployment rate and a de- rations have lost value and are no ed pensioners and their plight has
change, local communities are searching the ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural teriorating economy. longer relevant. Few workers at- never been considered as an emer-
for alternatives to mitigate this worrying Heritage in Basic Education in Namib- “The day had a lot of entertain- tended celebrations around the gency by the State. The neglect has
situation. ia and Zimbabwe’ project, representing ment from morning until late. We country as the day was hijacked by been too long as it has failed to put
Phillip Kusasa, a teacher at Chikore Chipinge district. Our culture is our leg- could look forward to solidari- “political” opportunists. in place safety nets, especially the
High School in Chipinge, started the acy and if we do not find a way to protect ty messages that were full of hope, Economist Masimba Kuchera 2009 financial erosion that has not
Ndau Festival of the Arts as a clarion call our way of life, it will be lost,” Kusasa said. commitment and bravery against said the day is important for work- been paid up by the government,”
for the people in this town located in the Part of the project activities is for all odds. We used to get free booze ers to reflect on their success stories Kuchera said.
Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe to ap- schools to develop whole school action from local breweries and everyone and move forward. Ishmail Duwa, the president of
preciate and safeguard their culture, es- plans, which guide school administrators enjoyed it,” recalled Banda, who is “The workers meet to reflect Supreme Council of lsamic Affairs
pecially the indigenous agrarian culture, and teachers how to integrate living herit- living in Karoi’s Chikangwe high- and celebrate the input of ordinary in Zimbabwe, said they placed great
which was slowly eroding. age in the schools’ education material and density suburb. workers but it is also important that emphasis on the rights of employ-
Beyond it having an entertainment activities. “Ironically, the day has lost its Zimbabwean workers must not be ees.
edge, the festival provides socio-econom- “I am very excited to be involved, not value and glimmer. The ordinary celebrating on the day without bet- “Whoever employs an employ-
ic empowerment for small-holder farm- only because I will be working with chil- worker is not recognised by the gov- ter legal frameworks, instruments ee, he must specify for him his wage
ers who are predominantly women. dren to safeguard our heritage, but we ernment and private sector.” that ensure that everyone is paid in advance. Thus, the remuneration
The public is exposed to the nutritional will be developing practical tools that will For Banda, pensioners are now what is due to him,” he said. must be appropriate, fair and pro-
value of the food but also the traditional help us transmit this knowledge for future destitutes and beggars. “Payment must be done with dig- portionate to the effort of the em-
agricultural systems they employ. generations, through these whole school “They have nothing to show for nity so that the corrupt do not ben- ployee and his needs. The employ-
Most of these farmers were taught by action plans we are developing,” Kusasa their long commitment to work af- efit from other people’s labour. We ee must be remunerated on time,”
their elders how to grow vegetables like added. ter retiring. A worker has lost re- must take time to reflect and accept he said.
“mutikiti” and “muchicha”, which are in- The schools choose the living herit- spect in this country,” he said de- that workers have been shortch- For the majority of workers, the
digenous in the area. age elements they would like to include jectedly. anged,” Kuchera added in a written day passed on leaving them look-
Due to his commitment to the promo- in various learning areas in their curric- Banda is a former health worker, responses. ing like lost sheep as the econom-
tion of local culture in Chipinge, Kusasa ulum. “I believe Gaza Primary School who retired a few years ago. He noted that workers deserve far ic and social headwinds continued
has been identified as a resource person will take it a step further and complement “Besides getting a few dollars much more in terms of their upkeep unabated.
for Gaza Primary School, as part of the the ongoing activities. We are thinking of monthly that is not enough for my and well-being of their families. Gone are the days when workers
project “Safeguarding Intangible Cultural starting a garden of indigenous vegeta- upkeep with my wife and three Kuchera expressed concern over used to fill the council owned stadi-
Heritage in Basic Education in Namibia bles, which will be used for their meals at grandchildren, I can easily say we pensioners welfare, saying they were ums and being treated to live per-
and Zimbabwe”. school,” he said. have been pushed to the wall due the worst hit by the economic crisis formances from an array of musi-
Gaza Primary is one of the 24 partic- “The students will learn about tradi- to the current economic crisis,” he for several years now. cians.
ipating schools in Namibia and Zimba- tional agricultural systems and the nutri- said. “Pensioners’ welfare has been “Today, May 1, seems to be like
bwe, where the project aims to support tional value of these vegetables. This gar- “Our pension has been eroded overlooked, ignored and cast down any other day, as the streets are al-
the integration of living heritage in the den will then be a place where science, due to inflation and cannot make by the political class and economic ways filled with citizens running
basic education system by developing geography, mathematics, heritage studies any difference for me.” situation. Their savings have been around to eke a living from selling
tools and resources to support teachers in and food and nutrition are taught.” Another pensioner, Thomas Ma- eroded by unstable local currency an assortment of wares,” a pension-
the elaboration of lesson plans and teach- — Unesco kira (77), a former clerk at a motor and greedy insurance companies. er said.
Saturday May 4 2024 5

Southern relevant, credible news

Matobo village heads,
chief clash over land
BY NIZBERT MOYO using the same traditional leaders in
clearing livestock.
SOME village heads in Matobo, One of the village heads, Albert
Matabeleland South Province, have Ndiweni, told the meeting that it was
clashed with traditional leader Chief wrong for the traditional leader to
Nyangazonke over the illegal parcel- embarrass them in front of the public
ling of land in the area. by accusing them of being criminals.
The stand-off between Chief Nyan- “He is my son, I have been the vil-
gazonke and his subjects was revealed lage head for more than 10 years. I
during a meeting held in Madwaleni am surprised now to be called an im-
village in Kezi on Wednesday. personator. I have not parcelled out
During the meeting, Chief Nyan- land. He is the one who was giving
gazonke accused some village heads me orders to distribute the land and I
of impersonation before filing a po- am pleading not guilty to this case of
lice report. parcelling out stands,” Ndiweni said.
“I have realised that there are peo- Another village head, who identi-
ple who are claiming to be village fied himself as Moyo from Maphen-
heads. At the same time, I have said duka, said he did not beg to be a vil-
that if you are to take an office, eve- lage head.
rything must be in order because you “I have been a village head for
cannot run an office without a title,” more than five years after I was giv-
he said. en this task by the Jonathan Maphen-
“They are refusing to bring min- duka family. I did not beg for this.
utes of their meeting together with We will meet on Friday. If he does
fingerprints so that they are captured not like me, I will step down. I have
by the system. They are parcelling out nothing to lose,’’ Moyo fumed.
a stand which is a criminal offence. About five villagers were ac-
The process must be thorough.” cused of impersonation and alleg-
The village heads, however, ac- edly parcelling out the land in the
cused the chief of lacking transpar- district.
ency, with some adding that they Land disputes in Matobo have in-
had worked with him for more than creased since last year, when villag-
a decade in their capacities as village ers accused traditional leaders of set-
heads, a case that was confirmed by tling people from outside the district
the police who said they had been on land meant for grazing.

No joy for Byo forex dealers

BY JERSSIE MPOFU that there was evidence of overreac-
tion by the market to the monetary Matabeleland Institute for Human Rights director Khumbulani Maphosa has launched a solo devolution of power
TWELVE suspected illegal foreign policy measures taken by the central implementation campaign in Bulawayo. He says he will be doing that every Wednesday.

Ingutsheni hit by
currency dealers in Bulawayo who bank.
were arrested and charged with vio- “I have to emphasise that our pri-
lating the country’s exchange control mary concern in this case are the con-
regulations will spend the weekend sumers, whose rights are obviously af-
behind bars as they await their bail fected. These issues are largely mone-
hearing. tary policy-related and we hope that

food, water crises

The suspects appeared separately the central bank will tighten screws
before Bulawayo magistrate Sherpard on those sabotaging the economy,” he
Mjanja on Thursday before they were said.
remanded to different dates as they Ndlovu said this is the first week
were charged separately. The accused the ZiG notes have been in circulation
were arrested on April 22 along Fort and they are monitoring the situation.
Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues. ZiG bank notes and coins were

According to court papers, the ac- rolled out this week, with several BY PATRICIA SIBANDA big problem, they are never improv- ed. So, I am waiting for them to give
cused were arrested by detectives who banks failing to satisfy demand. ing, but are persisting. We need all the me feedback. Once they do that, then
found them illegally dealing in foreign Vice-President Constantino Chi- NGUTSHENI Hospital chief help we can get as a mental institu- we will see what needs to be done,”
currency, displaying varied amounts wenga recently issued a stern warning executive officer Nemache tion,” Mawere said. the mayor said.
of foreign currency while also touting to gold and foreign currency dealers, Mawere has said that the men- “Ever since the tour by the mayor In December last year, Coltart ex-
for clients. saying strict measures would be put in tal health institution is cur- (David Coltart) last year, nothing has posed the dire state at the mental in-
Police launched a nationwide blitz place to curb leakages and exchange rently facing food and wa- been done to curb the water and ablu- stitution, where there is also a critical
against the illegal foreign curren- rate manipulation. ter crises and appealed for assistance tion challenges. The drainage systems shortage of psychotic disorder medi-
cy dealers popularly known as mon- “We are going to put strict meas- from both government and well- are still blocked and water is still a cines.
ey changers accusing them of seeking ures, which can see heads rolling, eve- wishers. challenge for such a huge mental hos- Coltart added that council would
to undermine the newly introduced ry gramme of gold must be account- Mawere told Southern Eye that the pital in the country.” prioritise Ingutsheni in terms of water
Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency. ed for, we need our gold because it is challenges have been going on for Coltart said he had tried to engage supply, including sinking a borehole.
However, some of the smaller retail God given and no one came with gold some time, adding that they are sit- the hospital authorities, but is failing Mawere said the hospital’s borehole
shops in Bulawayo are not accepting to Zimbabwe but it’s in our soil,” Chi- ting on a health time bomb due to a to get a response. broke down, fuelling the current wa-
debit cards and foreign currency. wenga said at the official opening of deteriorating sewer reticulation sys- “After visiting Ingutsheni Hospital, ter crisis.
Industry and Commerce minister the Zimbabwe International Trade tem. I wrote to the superintendent offering Ingutsheni is the country’s largest
Mangaliso Ndlovu told Southern Eye Fair in Bulawayo. “The challenges of food are still a assistance, but they haven’t respond- referral mental health institution.
6 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024

Everyday News for Everyday People

Bling 4's
BY SHARON ZEBRA smartphones, social media and in-
stant connectivity. He said the gen-
APPER Bling 4, born eration is only concerned about hav-
Farai Gadzani, has po- ing the internet to browse what blog-
tential to become a big gers have posted on social media.
figure in the local hip- The musician further depicted the
hop scene due to his generation as actively participating
deep lyrics, modest demeanour and in hate speech and cyber bullying on
impactful music. His music zeroes in social media.
on the plight of Zimbabwean youths. Refusing to give in to peer pres-
Mature themes are explored in the sure
artiste's songs. Bling 4 is basking in The artiste’s music relates to the
glory with his most recent release pressure people are put under, es-
Ama2k, which explored a number pecifically by social media. Bling 4
of contentious topics related to those explored the theme of living an au-
born from 2000. thentic life, showing a resolute, hard-
The musician has demonstrat- working man who is content with
ed consistency in the music indus- his life while persistently striving for
try, which has seen him perform- improvement, refusing to give in to
ing at prestigious events alongside peer pressure and living under the
big names in the industry. In con- false pretense of belonging to groups
trast to other artistes who pull public he does not belong to. The song also
stunts or throw tantrums in anticipa-
tion of releasing new music, Bling 4
has not yet been caught up in social
serves as a reminder to young peo-
ple that success does not come easily.
Making mistakes
Bling 4
media drama or controversy to prop Along with highlighting mental
his music. health issues as people turn to alco-
NewsDay Weekender Life & Style hol as an escape from reality, the ar-
examined a few of the topics the mu- tiste also explored emotional strug-
sician has addressed in his songs gles that resonated with many listen-
over the years. ers who have gone through similar
Confronting Ama2k struggles. To stay on the right path
The artiste took his voice and lyr- during these trying times, the artiste
ical prowess to confront the gen- prays to God to lead and guide him
eration. The musician broke his si- through song.
lence by imploring the public to urge Predicament of the country’s
youths born from the year 2000 to youths
get their lives in order, saying that he Many young people in the na-
had been watching them for a while. tion can identify with the artiste's
The rapper painted the generation exploration of the predicament of a
as hopelessly unprepared for the fu- young person without support sys-
ture, fixated on pricey brands of cars, tems, who cannot afford to miss out
mobile phones and clothes. He por- on opportunities or make mistakes
trayed this generation as obsessed in life while their counterparts from
with social media, having grown wealthy families appear to have eve-
up in the digital age surrounded by rything on a silver platter.
Motivation NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 7

The language of success
may ask you, did you create yourself?
It is definitely no! Now, why waste your
time on things you can not change? See the
beauty in you! See the masterpiece from the
Maker! Do not wait to be told by someone
that you are beautiful.
Jonah Nyoni Some think they are too fat to be loved.

Whereas others think they are to blame for
not being married. Do not wait for love. Love
T times, we need to break out from yourself. Give yourself more love.
our norm into a life of adventure, Others think they are too thin to be in love.
risk, happiness, newness and true Whereas some think they are too short to fea-
potential. ture on the outer cover of a magazine. Stop
There are times when we walk in wasting time and start living your life!
life bored and without looking forward to any- Tell you what? Self-blame adds nothing amount to nothing. Let us get to work”. Hav- Never live a wrong script of what oth-
thing exciting at all. good to your life. This is your life, live it to the ing been in rural areas, worse still in a poor ers say about you and do not ever live oth-
At times, we reach a plateau and we move in best. Do not waste time thinking what others background, my mind would have told me, er people’s lives and lies. Kick fear away.
auto pilot; doing the same things over and over are thinking about you. there are better people to do what you are do- Do the very thing that you fear doing and
again. A good example is when we go to a job eve- I too suffered all that same until I woke up, ing. I fought all those negative thoughts. you will learn that there is no lion beyond
ry day. We know what we should do and we do it dusted myself and I said, “Jonah, it is time to No need to seek approval the veil. It is just an image you have creat-
without even thinking at times. rock! Let’s do this!” If I had believed all those Most people do not feel confident until they ed in your mind. Break all your records. It’s
It is no longer exciting but a cold routine, we stories, I would not be writing for this col- seek approval from others. Never sell yourself time to live your passion, purpose and do it
have the skill and it looks like we do not need any umn. I would not have published my books. short, you are very special, even if people are positively.
creative thought to it. Such is life! The question be- Worse still, when I stood in front of people not saying so. Never underestimate yourself
comes: How do we break that norm and create our my head would spin and mind just froze, but and never grossly over-estimate other people’s Jonah Nyoni is an author, speaker, and
new normal? I had to tell myself that, “Jonah if you contin- intelligence, you are intelligent in your own leadership trainer. He can be contacted on X
Drop the word “fine” ue in this kind of mediocre mentality you will right. @jonahnyoni. WhatsApp: +263 772 581 918
When we greet people, their most obvious re-
sponse is “I am fine!” Stop and think. What does
that really mean? Most people settle in that zone
called fine. It is generally good.
There are a number of terms that depict this lev-
el and these are “OK”, “fine”, “ordinary”, “accepta-
ble”, “normal” and “average”. Here your mind tells
you that things have always been like this! Things

do not change or will not change and let us accept
them as they are.
You are the one to make things change. Ameri-
can entrepreneur, author, and motivational speak-
er Jim Rohn said, you do not become successful
by chance but by change — change to an extraor-
dinary, exuberant, epic, adventurous life. Get into
fun, freedom and fulfilment! Get to new things.
Take a risk, scuba dive, do not settle for less, break

Tou rnament
your own record, invent more, break old patterns
or paradigms, create new rituals, make more prof-
it, add one hour to your reading schedule, work
harder and more wisely and create new friends.
Consciously enlarge your business networks,
travel to new places and spice up your love life. Do
not settle for the “OK”, but go for more in life.
The new money language
There are times when you feel there is a lid or
cap on your money. You cannot go beyond a cer-
tain limit. You have been earning so much over
some time and it seems you have reached your pe-
rimeter. If I would ask: How much are out earn-

24 May
y 2024
ing now? For how long have you been in that same
stream? Blow-off the lid to your current cash flow
into your life. You can have more.
Increase your belief. Increase wealth or pros-

perity consciousness. Financial stagnation needs
increased faith, fights and replacing your old mon-
itory mental files.

Golf Club
Create new targets and work more. Set new fi-
nancial dreams. Double or triple your financial
targets. See yourself earning double what you cur-
rently earn and your mind will figure out how you
are to make that. See yourself rich and walking in
financial freedom and independence.
Replace disempowering thoughts with positive
thinking. Shed negative friends, habits, spend less,
spend wisely, learn more to earn more, increase
your net worth by growing your networks. Have
more streams of income.
Create more opportunities for self-develop-
ment. Replace all liabilities with assets. Liabilities
are things that take away money from you and as-
sets bring value to you.
Dream again
Probably people that are above 65 years would
think they are old enough not to dream again and
4-ball: $200
the young think there is still more time on their
side. So, these two categories leave everything to Individual: $60
chance. Nothing comes by chance, but most for-
tunes come by change.
See yourself with new dreams, more money and
Format: Individual Stableford
better health. Go back to school. Get back into the
game of life. Do not marvel on your past successes,
create new ones. Get into the groove. Dance again
at 89. Renew your marriage vows at 75.
Find new love. Do it! Dreaming anew makes
you look forward to better things ahead. In his
motivational talks, American politician and moti- SPONSORSHIP AVAILABLE
vational speaker Les Brown usually says when the
end comes, let it find you climbing new mountains
and not sliding down the old ones.
Do not let death find you on your death bed, but
let it find you in your field working on your pas-
sion fervently. Contact:
Speak positively to yourself Spiwe - 078 391 7708, | Nkosibisa - 077 345 4607,
Most people suffer from what has been called
inferiority complex. They think they are not good Nicholas - 077 495 5042, |
enough, they are ugly and they are too short. If I
8 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 Editorial & Opinion

Flip-flopping SEE NO EVIL


kills confidence
in ZiG
F the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), fails, there will be no
one to blame as fingers will point to its supposed chief marketing
officer, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor John Mush- CHILD MARRIAGES
ayavanhu. GOVT
Since the release of the new measures expected to attain
exchange rate stability and accelerate the continued use of the local
currency, Mushayavanhu has been literally hopping from one gaffe to OPINION

First, he told the public that the new ZiG notes and coins would be
introduced on April 8. When it became clear that there were legal hurdles Is Zim opposition still left-leaning?
that had to be cleared, the date was pushed to April 30 to allow the central

bank to conduct an awareness campaign to promote the currency. help, but became even more liberal
than the whites.
Barely a week later, Mushayavanhu brewed another shocker saying the Secondly, the rise of personali-
structured currency idea was not his, but came from the World Bank. ty cults within the opposition is not
“We got a consultant from the World Bank sent to us and a lot of things based on any ideological inclination
that you are seeing about a structured currency actually came from the but populism.
World Bank,” Mushayavanhu told a breakfast meeting in Bulawayo. These developments have led left-
“So, if you want to blame me, you are actually blaming the World Bank, ist Zimbabweans on the crossroads.
maybe they did not advise properly and if they did not advise properly, A decision has to be made whether
to be swallowed by the tide of liber-
it’s fine. Let’s refine it.” alism or join the bandwagon of ide-
When it backfired, the governor was signing another hymn. ologically bankrupt populism? Yes,
“I heard yesterday that people were now saying the structured currency there is also the third option, leftist
that we introduced was given to us by the World Bank. That is not true. Paidamoyo Muzulu reorganising and getting back to the
basics. Follow us on
We got a consultant to work with us by the World Bank, who assisted

us in getting further information on the structured currency and that I can’t help but borrow once more
HE May Day celebra- from Zhangazha’s blog on this. He from the clutches of neoliberal eco-
enabled us to refine our thoughts on that currency. We then proceeded
tions in Zimbabwe con- wrote: “But what is important is that nomics.
to put together the Monetary Policy Statement that we presented on the firmed one thing: the be- the labour movement survived the Is it not shocking to Zimbabwean
5th of April,” he told a joint portfolio committee on Budget, Finance and ginning of the end of the fact of its support for a new political workers that employees in the Unit-
Investment Promotion and Industry and Commerce. relationship between the party. The ZCTU still exists. And for ed States, the United Kingdom, Ger-
On Thursday this week, Mushayavanhu said the Zimdollar would work opposition and the unionised work- that we are grateful.” man or the Nordic countries have
alongside the ZiG to give time to those that had not changed the currency ers in the country. It was a bad day Zhangazha is also aware of how it minimum wages, basic health in-
to do so. for the opposition and a curse for is not easy and a number of things surance and even free tertiary edu-
the future. have to change among the workers if cation? Why should Zimbabweans
A legislation in place states that the Zimdollar ended its role on April It was curious that the main oppo- they have to rest. be going where others are coming
30 when ZiG notes and coins were introduced. sition party did not give a solidari- “The only challenge that appears from?
Mushayavanhu’s flip-flopping kills the confidence the public had in the ty statement at the May Day celebra- to be emerging is that labour rights It is time that workers of Zimba-
new currency. tions at Gwanzura Stadium in High- activism is increasingly being di- bwe unite and realise they are their
All this chaos could have been avoided if he had taken a leaf from how field, Harare. minished mainly because workers own saviours.
the RBZ carried out previous currency changeovers. This is despite the fact, the opposi- are no longer as conscious as they That politicians and political par-
Does Mushayavanhu have advisers? Or does he listen to advice from tion MDC which has since morphed used to be of their rights. But also, ties should be voted because their
into a number of factions was origi- because scarce employment oppor- policies are aligned to the aspira-
his team? nally midwifed by the trade unions. tunities have made unionism ab- tions of the people, not because they
In a handbook on central banks communications, the International It was the Zimbabwe Congress of stract or unimportant. are handsome or popular.
Monetary Fund (IMF) identified five building blocks on monetary policy Trade Unions (ZCTU) that in 1999 “Most employees in the contem- It came out very clearly from the
communication. convened the National Working porary world no longer care about ZCTU that workers are struggling
It said communication should be clear and transparent, explaining the Peoples Convention (NWPC) which workers’ rights. They simply want and cannot make ends meet.
policy objective and framework and the central bank’s reaction function. among its resolutions was for ZCTU to keep their jobs and never ques- Working conditions are getting
Second, messages must be tiered to target different audiences, aiming to to consider forming a political party tion or organise on behalf of collec- worse and there is no pension to talk
that carried the aspirations of work- tive worker interests,” Zhangazha of.
reach all relevant segments of the population, IMF said. ers. opined. Now the ball should be in its court
Third, communication should be delivered regularly. Fourth, relevant To all intents and purposes, MDC As Zhangazha correctly observed, and they organise a second NWPC
information should be made equally accessible to all target audiences in was a left-leaning political party. A many workers do not think that for a way forward.
a timely manner. party that had workers, students and they are simply labourers in the true After all is said and done, all the
Fifth, while there can be merit in allowing for divergent perspectives peasants’ interests at its core. sense of the word because of the po- big political parties in Zimbabwe are
across officials, central bank communications should not deliver Over the years, the party split over sitions they hold. just different shades of neoliberals,
personality and ideological clash- They are oblivious to the fact that they all worship capital and see pri-
contradictory or confusing messages and should be associated with the es among the top leaders. However, most are only one paycheck away vatisation as a panacea to all the eco-
institution, it said. until 2018 it still had a semblance of from poverty. nomic ills the country has. We need
While politicians can get away with flip-flopping up to a certain being a leftist party. If that point becomes clearer to new politics. We need new politi-
extent, the situation is different for a central banker who is pushing a Human rights activist and inde- those in lofty position and opinion cians.
new currency, more so when critics believe the governor will fail as he is pendent blogger Takura Zhangazha leaders then we would understand It is a sad conclusion that the left-
walking the same path used by his predecessor. encapsulated well the changes in the the reasons for leftist political par- ists have changed, they have gone to
opposition in his blog. He wrote: “As ties are still unfulfilled a quarter of bed with capital.
we proceeded with not only the for- the century later after the formation The workers themselves have to
mation of a working peoples politi- of the MDC. come back to rescue the situation. It
cal party and constitutional reform Workers, students and peasants is a truism that it is either you are at
via referendum campaigns in 2000, are worse off than they were 25 years the table or on the table.
we also became aware of what was a ago. Capitalists don’t think twice be-
third hand in our activism. This was Many earn far below the pover- fore they have workers for dinner.
of the white liberals who had access ty datum line, education has been Workers now, more than ever, have
not only to money but also interna- privatised, the public health system to be organised and be at the table
tional foreign policy support. is in comatose and the majority of themselves or very soon the tribe
“We could not easily fend these pensioners now need to depend on known as trade unionists will be ex-
comrades off. They had embedded social welfare. tinct.
themselves within our popular sup- Now is the time for the left to There it is — workers of the world
port and eventually decided to influ- awaken from their slumber or the unite and we only have the chains to
ence the Morgan Tsvangirai leader- lull by liberals of trickle-down eco- break.
ship team from any leftist leanings.” nomics.
I would add, it was not only the It needs no further exploration Paidamoyo Muzulu is a journalist
white liberals but also a motley of that the time is ripe for the working based in Harare. He writes here in
black nouveau riche who could not class to unite and rescue themselves his personal capacity.
Weekend View NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 9

Seamless, user-centric systems support New and living way

digital transition in the newsroom devotion
W digital column
HEN news pub- search engine optimisation, like con-
lishers incorpo- figurable meta-data and solutions
rate new technol- for auto-tagging and auto-indexing

ogies and connect
several different
systems in an effort to support their
Erasmus Makarimayi
through pragmatic integrations.
Another functionality to consider
in our increasingly connected, glob-
workflows, the resulting constella- al society is having multi-language
tion sometimes does not operate as capability, which also allows for new
smoothly as intended. business models to emerge. TEACHING prayer in ministry or will not receive.
If the different systems are not All of these elements come togeth- denominational setting is a bit easi- He smiles when you conclude that
well-integrated, editors may be er to form a consolidated, user-cen- er because we then pray. On a plat- you are cursed and always looking
forced to toggle between systems to tric approach that allows journal- form like this, I appeal to you to for being blessed.
execute what should be a straightfor- ists to create content faster and more stand with us and pray especially All these have no place in the New
ward task — creating and publishing smoothly. now that we are breaking down the Testament. The Gospel of Christ
an article, for example. When products are easy to use, walls of legalism, tradition and re- is the blessing. We read Acts 3:26,
Or, they may encounter over- this helps the entire digital transfor- ligion. “Unto you first God, having raised
ly-complicated elements within an mation paradigm shift go smoothly. Let me enlighten you a bit more. up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless
equally complicated user interface in It should be mentioned that a Since satan has seen that the church you, in turning away every one of
order to create an article in the first Sarah Robins poorly-integrated set of technolo- is praying, he will not necessari- you from his iniquities.”
place, resulting in time wasted and gies does not have an impact solely ly stop you from praying but leave Space will not permit to quote
an unpleasant user experience. on the user experience; it can be ex- you praying with dissatisfaction from the epistles and letters how
None of this bodes well for a news- also be able to create and edit all con- tremely costly. When it comes to sys- because no answer will be coming we are already blessed. A believer
room’s prospects of efficiently creat- tent without having to jump between tems complexity, total cost of owner- from God. is blessed because salvation is the
ing quality journalism. systems to accomplish various tasks, ship is a salient issue. As long as the church is bitter blessing.
Creating and publishing content thereby interrupting a workflow There is a cost to build products, with God and the cloud of dark- Everything that comes from God
should be easy and intuitive, not te- with accumulating clicks and delays. and there is a cost to run them, es- ness is left uncovered by the truth or is by grace and, therefore, a gift with-
dious and exasperating. Which leads In short, your content manage- pecially when making any changes rightly divided Word of Truth, the out human effort.
to the crux of the issue: Does your ment system should be user friendly. is not easy. Just think of the oppor- church will be always complaining Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians
technology truly make your editorial One of the key factors that makes tunity costs incurred when critical and some will leave the faith. 2:8-9, “[8] For by grace are ye saved
team’s life easier? a publishing system user friendly for changes are hard, if not impossible, Complaining or murmuring is through faith; and that not of your-
When workflows and editors suf- news media teams is the presence to carry through. fertile ground for not realising the selves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not
fer due to an unpleasant user expe- of industry-specific features that al- Until a system is turned off, it will promises of God. of works, lest any man should boast.”
rience with their content creation low editors to do their job with more incur costs. And when there are mul- We are careful not to be so much We endeavour to teach in love and
tool, the solution is to simplify and ease and less friction. tiple systems running at once, hav- engrossed in the mechanical aspects avoid examples that point towards
streamline. For example, what does an edi- ing many moving parts adds com- of prayer, thereby defeating the fel- any denomination or ministry or
The key is to incorporate a prod- tor do when an article has been pub- plexity and increases the total cost of lowship the Father intended to have person. We do not look for power-
uct that is easily integrated and com- lished, but the story is in full flux? ownership significantly. with His children. ful believers or prayer warriors. Is
patible with existing systems and How are they able to keep an ar- Moreover, overcomplexity leads Many panic and try all sorts of that so? We pray to a powerful Al-
provides a streamlined user experi- ticle current and accurate as news is to too many dependencies, which in antics like covering up for God that mighty God and Father. Do not dis-
ence within itself and between differ- breaking? It is important to have fea- turn creates more risk and resistance the situation was resolved. By night, credit yourself.
ent systems. After all, it is ideal if us- tures and functionalities that accom- in newsroom workflows. witch doctors will be busy helping Should you have prayer partners?
ers do not have to jump between sys- modate a rapidly developing sto- Speaking of the broader digi- “Christians”. Yes. God is looking to develop your
tems in order to complete a task and ry, offering editors with options on tal transformation aspect, we un- An act will be put up by testi- own prayer life. It will be unfolding
can carry a workflow to completion how to communicate the story as it derstand why news publishers often monies in the church for a “break- more and more as we continue with
without friction. evolves. work with multiple systems to ful- through” that came from the devil. this series.
In modern news publishing, con- It should be possible to use ticker fil different functions, whether it is a At some point a whole assembly will Jesus explained the spirit of the
tent creation tools and systems articles and components that can be planning tool or a system to manage be nicodemously visiting the same Scriptures in Luke 9:54-56, “[54]
should bring journalists closer to the scheduled to be added or removed at your media assets. witch doctor or false prophet/ess. And when his disciples James and
digital product they are creating. defined future points. It is no secret that the “best of What was previously a Christian John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt
We recommend a robust, sta- Features like these allow editors breed” approach is one that many assembly becomes a cult. Where thou that we command fire to come
ble product that provides genuine- flexibility and variety when com- news media companies follow; God is, you do not need to cover up down from heaven, and consume
ly helpful, industry-relevant fea- municating a developing story. They a publisher may use a media li- for Him. them, even as Elijah did? [55] But he
tures and is consistently pleasant and also give editors the chance to fo- brary from one provider, a content Sometimes the mechanics we turned, and rebuked them, and said,
easy to use from the first moment of cus on delivering quality journalis- planning tool from another and a mentioned earlier are pulled out. Ye know not what manner of spirit
training onward. tic content rather than navigating task management assistant from This is where we end up having sa- ye are of. [56] For the Son of man is
Rather than working with an out- around the tech that supports it. another. tanic things like dangerous prayers, not come to destroy men’s lives, but
dated, overcomplicated interface Rounding out industry-specific We aren’t suggesting that you take back to sender or the sorcerer must to save them. And they went to an-
to create content — one that looks features are the features that lighten a tabula rasa approach and erase die. God wants the sorcerer, witch other village.” The Bible is clear that
nothing like the desired output — editors’ load so they can focus more the existing ecosystem when imple- doctor, wizard or any perceived en- we are not fighting human beings.
editors should ideally work with on the content they are creating rath- menting a new product. emy to be saved. We are in the day of salvation.
tools that feel easy, where what they er than the “behind the scenes” de- 1 Timothy 2:4, reads, “Who What we have already quoted shows
see is what they get. tails. Read more on [God] will [desires to] have all men that God does not want your ene-
This should be achieved with as This includes collaboration tools to be saved, and to come unto the my to die. 2 Corinthians 6:2, teach-
few clicks as possible. Editors should — like real-time comments, change l Sarah Robins is communications knowledge of the truth.” es, “(For he saith, I have heard thee
be able to test previews of both desk- tracking and versioning — and less manager at Livingdocs in Zürich, After being saved, the believer has in a time accepted, and in the day of
top and mobile content. They should tedious approaches to deal with Switzerland. to know the truth. Prophecy had al- salvation have I succoured thee: be-
ready foretold in the following rhet- hold, now is the accepted time; be-
oric question, Ezekiel 18:23, “Have hold, now is the day of salvation.)”
WHAT THEY SAID . . . I any pleasure at all that the wick- We have crossed from death to life
ed should die? saith the Lord GOD: and cannot pray according to the
and not that he should return from deadness of sin. Our Way is new and
his ways, and live?” alive according to Hebrews 10:19-
Other mechanics used are like, 20, “[19] Having therefore, brethren,
let us use time windows when sor- boldness to enter into the holiest by
cerers are busy like midnight or at the blood of Jesus, [20] By a new and
1 am. When you fail to wake up to living way, which he hath consecrat-
pray that slot, the whole day you ed for us, through the veil, that is to
will be seeing satan and defeat. say, his flesh;”
Faith will be driven by fear. Some
Read more on www.newsday.
resort to try entice God with a vow
and call it the prayer of Hannah or
We are also working to ensure that The state of the opposition at the the blessing of Jabez.
we equip our police officers to be moment is a result of incompetent The devil likes it so much when a lAll Bible quotations are from the
able to carry out their mandate to leadership because the key functions believer has a mindset that the Fa- King James Version unless otherwise
account for those driving under the of a leader are to unite the party like Preliminary indications since the an- ther is so hard to get answers from. stated.
influence of alcohol, drugs and sub- a shepherd who has to keep a flock nouncement of the MPS show that He really smiles when we con- l Fellowship with Pastor Makarimayi
stances — Home Affairs minister together — Former MDC vice-pres- the markets have been fairly stable — clude that we are not doing enough on Facebook and on
Kazembe Kazembe ident Morgen Komichi RBZ governor John Mushayavanhu before we pray because he knows we PEMAKARIMAYI.

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10 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 Letters & SMS
The Editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. sms
Write on e-mail to:

Positioning the Talking Point SMS to 0778 140 916

Forty words maximum
media to amplify the
Press Freedom and climate
IN response to Zifa take Warriors
environment story for says: What has the normalisation
committee normalised since com-
a sustainable future ing into office? Stadiums are still

journalism: United in crisis

not normal. Zifa structures are not
MISA Zimbabwe yesterday joined normal. Coaching appointments
the world in commemorating this are not normal. Youth develop-
year’s World Press Freedom Day ment is not normal. Zifa accounts

under the theme A Press for the are not normal. The Zifa constitu-
Planet: Journalism in the face of the tion is not normal. The national
Environmental Crisis. team is not normal. Women’s soc-
Guided by the universal theme, OURNALISM is in cri- cer is not normal. Sponsorship is
MISA Zimbabwe is running with sis, again. The challenges not normal. Publicity is not nor-
the localised theme Positioning the to Press freedom are enor- mal. The normalisation commit-
Media to Amplify the Environment mous and multi-faceted tee itself is not normal. The Sports
Story for a Sustainable Future. and Recreation Commission is not
This is a call to action on the and they are deepening — normal. Not sure about the min-
part of the media and other crit- in “free” and open societies as well ister, the permanent secretary, the
ical stakeholders to play our part as autocracies. And there are no Parliamentary Portfolio Commit-
in highlighting the environmental simple solutions. tee on Sport and “all protocol ob-
challenges facing the entire world, For individuals and entire media served”.
Zimbabwe included.
As highlighted by Unesco, the outlets, the crisis is existential. DAVID BAUER SIBANDA says:
aim of this year’s theme is to high- Nearly 100 journalists and me- Indeed, we are international or-
light the significant role that the dia workers have been killed since phans. We cannot even construct
Press, journalism, access, and dis- the Israel-Gaza war began last Oc- one decent stadium.
semination of information play to tober — the worst death toll in a
ensure and secure a sustainable fu- SIMBARASHE CHAGON-
ture that respects the rights of indi- conflict zone in decades, the Com- DA says: If we ask the authorities
viduals and their diversity of voic- mittee to Protect Journalists says. about this anomaly, their respons-
es, as well as gender equality. Others have been arrested, es will be that Harare-Beitbridge
The media has a crucial role to wounded or gone missing. Family Highway is under construction.
play in bringing attention to the ur- members have also been killed. They will also claim credit for the
gent need for action to address the construction of the Mbudzi Inter-
environmental crisis. Some journalists understanda- change and say stadiums are less
Climate change, deforestation, bly believe they are targeted by Is- important than our roads.
pollution and loss of biodiversity raeli forces. them giant State-owned entities, as up and resources.
are some of the threats facing our Beyond the threat to life and well as their partners in disinfor- But in the world’s industrialised TIGERE ZINDOGA says: Our
planet. limb, tens of thousands of me- mation ensconced in politics, ac- democracies — those that blazed leadership is after positions and
It is through the coverage and in- ademia, “non-profit” foundations the trail of bio-diversity mass ex- not development.
vestigation of these issues that we dia jobs were lost in 2023 and the
can raise awareness and mitigate trend this year is no better. and the mass media themselves. tinction, pollution and emissions IN response to Zanu PF space bar-
the challenges of climate change Entire outlets have shut down, Unesco is dedicating World of greenhouse gases overheating ons protest against Coltart, STAR-
and environmental degradation for or been taken over and/or dumb- Press Freedom Day this year to our planet — major media out- FORD J NGONO says: Bulawayo
a sustainable future. ed down. the importance of journalism and lets are actively aiding and abetting mayor David Coltart must drive
Research has shown that sub-Sa- freedom of expression in the con- fossil fuel companies by partner- the vendors out harder.
haran Africa is most vulnerable to In our world of enhanced digital
the effects of climate change. chaos and the font of bigotry and text of the current global environ- ing them. TA GWEME says: David Coltart
These effects are becoming in- disinformation which is social me- mental crisis. As laid clear in a report by the will need more manpower to drive
creasingly evident, with devastat- dia, audiences are as increasingly As Unesco says: “Independent outlets Drilled and DeSmog, many out the vendors. He needs about
ing droughts, floods and food inse- fractured as the news outlets they journalists as well as scientists are major media outlets have “an in- 100 000 municipal police. Peo-
curity becoming more frequent. crucial actors in helping our socie- ternal brand studio that crafts edi- ple are only aligning themselves to
It is vital for us to prioritise the choose to turn to. Zanu PF because they want to sur-
climate change discourse and draw Bots and AI-generated deep ties to separate facts from lies and torials, videos, even events and en- vive. In reality, they voted for Col-
attention to the unique challenges fakes will compound all this politi- manipulation in order to take in- tire podcasts for advertisers, many tart and associates, but how will
faced by our communities in that cised confusion and mistrust. formed decisions, including about of which are fossil fuel companies”. they survive without jobs ?
regard. Torrents of trivia, subtle scare- environmental policies. “The likes of Politico, Reuters,
Through positioning the media “Investigative journalists are also Bloomberg, the NYT, the Wash- IN response to Bosso won’t have it
to amplify the environment story mongering and old-fashioned in- easy: Arenel, RUSSEL BHEBHE
we can foster a greater sense of ur- timidation are a potent combina- shedding light on environmental ington Post and the Financial says: Arenel Movers coach Farai
gency and mobilise action towards tion in the erosion of freedoms and crimes, exposing corruption and Times are all creating content for Tawachera must know that this is
a more sustainable future. democracy. powerful interests, and sometimes oil companies that directly con- a game of football.
By focusing on local stories and Russia has seen a mass exodus of paying the ultimate price for doing tradicts what their climate report-
amplifying the voices of those on their job.” ers are publishing. And we know IN response to ZCTU gags anti-
the frontlines of the climate crisis, journalists. Hong Kong is a shad- govt labour activists, PIKIRAYI
we can bring attention to the spe- ow of its former self. Myanmar’s As India, the world’s largest de- from peer-reviewed research that says: The labour movement is dead
cific vulnerabilities and adapta- regime is a killer and jailer of re- mocracy, holds elections 10 years at most one-third of people can ac- and buried. Never again will we
tions needed in Zimbabwe and the porters. after Narendra Modi first took over tually tell the difference between see labour dictating the direction
southern African region. But in an increasingly polar- as prime minister, Reporters With- advertorial content and reporting.” of politics in Zimbabwe. The cur-
Well researched stories on the out Borders noted that at least 13 Journalists, particularly those rent regime has bastardised every-
environment and clean energy (re- ised United States, by some counts, thing and made unionism mean-
newable energy) have immense po- over two-thirds of Americans say of the 28 journalists killed in India covering the climate crisis and col- ingless. As things stands, we have
tential to empower communities to they don’t trust their mass media. since then were working on stories lapse of eco-systems, also have to nowhere to run.
act, hold decision-makers account- There is excellent reporting hap- linked to the environment, main- confront those almost intangible
able, while advocating policies that pening but much will pass unseen, ly land seizures and illegal mining. contradictions that thwart efforts Voluntary Media
prioritise sustainability and resil- Several were killed while investi- to engage and inform the public.
or dismissed outright.
ience for improved livelihoods.
South Africa’s membership- gating the so-called sand mafia, an How does one communicate the Council
On the occasion of this year’s
World Press Freedom Day, let us based Daily Maverick shut down organised crime network supply- magnitude of the dangers facing us of Zimbabwe
recommit ourselves to resourcing for an entire day in April to draw ing the construction industry. and our planet to a global audience
and supporting the essential role of attention to how market failure Reporters Without Borders already bowed down under a bar-
the media in addressing the envi- ranked India 161st out of 180 rage of awfulness? How does one NewsDay newspaper subscribes to
ronmental crisis. was endangering independent a Code of Conduct that promotes
Let us use our platforms to in- journalism. countries in its 2023 World Press resist what one US political scien- truthful, accurate, fair and balanced
form, educate and inspire action “Without journalism, our de- Freedom Index. tist referred to as the “banality of news reporting. If we do not meet
towards a more sustainable future mocracy and economy will break In the Global South, indigenous, crazy”? these standards, register your com-
for our planet and future genera- down,” the outlet declared. local, and independent journalists He was referring to Donald plaints with the Voluntary Media
tions. and communicators are particu- Trump’s violent, sexist and racist Council of Zimbabwe at No 34, Co-
Suffice to say, the media cannot How all these very different fac- lenbrander Rd, Milton Park Harare.
run this race alone. This is a mar- tors are coming together is clear- larly vulnerable to violence and rhetoric which has been heard so
athon that needs all hands on deck. ly seen in the media coverage of intimidation while working in re- often that it sometimes barely stirs Telephone us at 04-778096 or
Together, we can be the media our global climate breakdown and mote areas without adequate back- a media reaction, but the phrase 04-778006
(Press) for the planet, driving pos- broader threats to our environ- could be used to describe other 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
itive change and contributing to
making a difference in the face of ment.
The environment is not just a
WRITE TO US AT kinds of dangerously acceptable
Email: or info@
the environmental crisis. Whatsapp: 0772 125 658
Let us work together to save the highly dangerous topic to cover — There is no one easy answer to
planet and our environment for so- sometimes akin to conflict report- Cnr Strand/Bessemer Roads, Graniteside, Harare all this. Freedom of the Press rests
cio-economic prosperity and im- PO Box BE 1165, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe Twitter: @vmcz
ing — but it has become a cesspit on just that. It also depends on our
proved livelihoods. own integrity and credibility. Website:
Golden Maunganidze, of corporate propaganda emitted Our Bulawayo offices Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
MISA Zimbabwe chairperson by polluting industries, some of Amtec Building, Corner Robert Mugabe and 12th Avenue Farhana Haque Rahman
Postal Address: P.O. Box AC558, Ascot, Bulawayo
NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 11
Everyday News for Everyday People

Artisanal mining is a grey area in Zim’s conservation story

EAR the entrance of Umfurudzi Safa- park has taken considerable steps to conserve been 12 dams constructed which are approxi- a concentration of wildlife and, therefore,
ri Area, around 100km outside Harare, and sustainably operate Umfurudzi Safari mately one to two hectares of water. The dams poaching impact was high. With the wildlife
headgear left from a disused mine are Area. are for water supply to animal and bird spe- being spread out over a large area and having
among the signs that park authorities To that effect several dams have been creat- cies which traditionally had to migrate long access to water and not having to travel long
say are part of a bygone era. ed and are currently central in reviving prime distances from grazing grounds to find water,” distances, incidences of poaching have dras-
They battle to keep a balancing act as the northern breeding areas for game birds and extended park manager Tawanda Chipere said. tically reduced. Animal populations are now
part of the park sees companies mining for black gran- habitat for aquatic life currently under siege “The dams are spread throughout the filling the vacuum where animals previously
ite and gold with permission of a special exemption from pollution and habitat loss in the main southern and central section of the park and did not reside.”
granted by the government. river systems of the Park. are approximately 4km to 5km apart.” — Independent
While mining is prohibited in national parks under “Since project inception in 2011, there have “Limited water in the park also caused Read more on
the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife (ZimParks) Act, gov-
ernment allows flexibility in areas they deem Safari Ar-
It is a grey area given the complexities of regulating
mining operations and balancing the detrimental ef-
fects to wildlife.
In the midst of all this, rangers in Umfurudzi often
catch illegal gold panners along the rivers.
There have also been clashes between small-scale
miners — the most prominent being in 2020 between
John Maungwa and Chantelle Chikafu over a mine
which was producing prolific kilogrammes of gold each
The matter spilled into the High Court and while the
case for determination was for mining rights, it raised
eyebrows that mining was taking place inside the Park.
The mining wrangle sucked in Zimbabwe Mining
Federation (ZMF) president Henrietta Rushwaya, who
told this publication, at the time, that her mining opera-
tions inside Umfurudzi Park were above board.
Rushwaya produced papers that showed that through
Relm Mining, she had been mining in Umfurudzi since
2017 courtesy of a special grant given by the Mines and
Mining Development ministry, a special grant which
was renewed in 2019.
“As ZMF, we will always protect the interests of our
affiliates, of which Maungwa is,” she said then.
“We cannot allow a situation where our small-scale
miners get elbowed out from the claims where they
have been operating since 2001 by people who come
waving special grants acquired in 2019, simply because
they would have bulldozed their way through false pre-
tences, Rushwaya added
She was recently acquitted of smuggling charges after
being arrested carrying 6kg of gold in her handbag at
Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport en route
to Dubai. She denied the allegations, telling the court
that she had picked the wrong bag.
Turning back to the park, home to over 2 000 animals
— of the big five being leopard, elephants and buffalo —
the effects of gold panning contaminating river systems
means that officials have had to think outside the box in
their bid to conserve wildlife.
The park has approximately 82km of the Mazowe
River on its eastern and southern boundary.
“The Mazowe River is a threatened water resource for
wildlife as it is heavily mined both commercially and
for subsistence purposes,” the park noted in its bro-
chure to tourists.
“It is heavily polluted with heavy metals and popula-
tion pressure to the east of the river, through riverbank
cultivation is creating silting on a large scale.”
Leakage of respiratory poisons into rivers creates po-
tential disaster for wildlife.
It makes it tough work for rangers given that there
are approximately 60 000 people living around or with-
in the immediate proximity of the Park, whose core ac-
tivities are agriculture and mining.
Park authorities acknowledge that the pollution of
the Mazowe River means water availability and man-
agement is one of the prohibiting factors to the poten-
tial carrying capacity of wildlife in the Park.
However, they say, since the inception of a joint ven-
ture between Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Manage-
ment Authority and Unifreight Africa Ltd in 2010, the
12 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024

Everyday News for Everyday People

Zim’s most beautiful national park has a
new luxury tented camp you need to see
ORTHERN Zimba- “Mana Pools represents the most several lounge and dining areas, a
bwe’s Mana Pools Na- unique truly African wilderness ex- pool, and a bar, perfect for enjoying
tional Park sits along perience that I have ever come across the views of the lush surroundings.
the Zambezi River in all my years of being in the bush,” Visitors can also observe and pho-
and is known for its Eric Ichikowitz, co-owner of Molori tograph wildlife on guided walking
unspoiled beauty, canoe trails, and Mashuma, told Travel + Leisure. safaris (there are three locations for
extraordinary wildlife that flock “It is a game and wilderness expe- game viewing in the area).
here to drink water from its natural rience unlike anything else because “Walking through the fever tree
pools. you are not chasing the wildlife to forests and watching elephants in
And a new camp allows travellers tick off a list, you are immersed and their droves, moving through the
to fully immerse in this stunning present in the moment, with the forest and interacting with big herds
landscape, which has been listed as a open landscapes, fauna and flora, of eland and zebras frolicking and
UNESCO World Heritage Site since and the wildlife that roam.” playing around them, while the
1984. The spacious air-conditioned ac- monkeys jump from the trees, is one
Molori Mashuma, the second commodations feature private decks of my ultimate wilderness experi-
property from South African com- for game viewing and relaxation ences,” Ichikowitz added.
pany Molori Safari, opened on Au- as well as amenities such as soak- Mana Pools National Park is home
gust 15 with only six tented accom- ing bathtubs, outdoor showers, and to the country’s largest crocodile and
modations offering privacy, unob- beautiful design and decor by local hippo population, many predators,
structed views, and access to the artists. and hundreds of bird species.
wildlife-rich grasslands of Mashu- Two two-bedroom family tents Molori Mashuma is open season-
ma Pan. with private plunge pools are also ally from the beginning of April to
This stunning National Park in available. the end of October. Nightly rates
Zimbabwe just got a new luxury Molori Mashuma’s main lodge start from US$1 725.
camp boasts a 5,457-square-foot deck with — Travel + Leisure
Puzzle/Teens NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 13

Adult Crossword Code 198 How to deal with teenage insomnia

2 5 1 14 19 6 25 13 24 4 26 1
P to 30% of teenagers have Do not drink things containing Do not watch stimulating televi-
24 19 18 23 12 26 13 24 19 insomnia, but it mainly goes caffeine (coke, coffee and tea) at least sion shows before bed.
undiagnosed or it is just writ- three hours before you go to bed. If If you need a nap you can but
4 2 23 12 4 4 6 19 17 4 26 ten off as normal teenage behaviour. possible, cut out caffeine as much as only for 40 minutes between 3pm
It can be hard to live with at times but possible. and 4pm. Try to wean this down over
12 4 26 17 9 19 6 3 21 9 12 there are ways to help or even cure it! Do not go to bed hungry, but time.
Teenagers’ hormones are raging also, do not stuff yourself with food. Read in bed. This gives your body
1 4 19 17 10 6 18 23 17 4 26 through their bodies and this brings Have your evening meal at least three a chance to relax and wind down be-
about many changes to our systems hours before bed and have supper if fore sleep.
13 6 9 12 8 6 4 1 10 17 17 that will gradually stabilise as they you are hungry. Do not watch the clock. Ex-
approach adulthood. One of these Make sure the bedroom is dark perts will say that if you have wok-
17 10 12 26 changes is the body clock shifting by when you go to sleep and light dur- en and are awake after 20 minutes,
approximately two hours, so we get ing the day. This means your body ex- you should walk about, however, this
20 17 1 17 9 2 17 24 4 26 6 4 14 3 sleepy and feel the need to go to bed pects to sleep when it is dark. means you will watch the clock and
later and get up later. Do not do homework in your expect that you will have to get up.
15 17 7 6
Also, because of the amount of en- bedroom. This brings bad associa- Turn your alarm clock to the wall or
19 25 4 25 24 19 12 7 12 1 26 ergy our bodies need to change, we tions with the bedroom and the idea cover it, especially if it glows.
need more sleep than the rest of civili- of spending time in there. Do not think about it. This may
22 23 10 10 20 6 8 17 12 12 13 sation — seven to nine hours a night. Make sure your room is comfort- seem odd, but as long as from the sec-
Because of the time that school starts, able: Not too hot or cold and the air ond you put your head on the pillow
1 17 3 19 24 26 24 19 6 3 22 teenagers cannot get enough sleep is not dry. to sleep you think about something
which can lead to sleep problems. Have a reasonable bedtime. You outside of your own life, you will be-
22 17 24 20 11 6 9 16 12 12 24 These tips are here to help make life have to retrain your body when you come less aware of your surroundings
easier until we stabilise. get into the habit of staying up late so and gradually fall asleep.
21 23 17 17 4 24 3 17 10 Improving your routine this must be kept up. — wikihow

1 23 25 17 9 1 17 20 17 1 10 10


Each number in the crossword stands for a letter and these letters, when
found, then form an ordinary crossword. To start off, the number 26 rep-
resents T, the number 12 represents I, and the number 21 represents B.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
I woke up To the sun Blazing
bright At midnight All around me
Code 197: April 27 Answers Poet: Samuel Chuma Fallen and broken Were myriad
stars Robbed of their Right to shine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Location: Harare The moon, too Stood frowning In
J Q B I O E F D Z L G R U intense dismay For on its throne
The sun sat.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Fun with colouring


Full name ............................................... Town ................................

Phone Number ..................................... Sex ................................
Age ...............................................
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and region must contain only one instance of each number.
Hard 1 Hard 2

Teen Cartoon

Medium 1
May 3 Answers Medium 2
14 Classifieds NewsDay Weekender | Saturday July 8, 2023

KARIBA FRESH FISH & NewsDay Weekender | May 4, 2024
14 Classifieds
MATEMBA AVAILABLE. 29:12) OF 1996.Notice of an application for a Permit in terms
CALL/IN BOX 0715786000 Section 26 (3) of the Act:
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following

Advertise your
IT MAY CONCERN DRB 443/23 M AT S H E U M H LO P H E ( 4 7 - 4 9 E D E N F E I L D R O A D 1.It is proposed to establish a Licensed Restaurant with ancillary TOWNSHIP (19 WALSALL ROAD, THORNGROVE BULAWAYO):
IN the Estate of the late MATSHEUMHLOPHE): DISTRICT OF BULAWAYO: OBERT Wellness Centre (Physiotherapy) on the above mentioned stand which DISTRICT OF BULAWAYO: BULAWAYO MOTOR REWINDS.
NDABEZINHLE DISCHARGE CHAUKE AND SINEKESENKOSI CHAUKE. falls in Residential Zone 1A(i) in terms of Greendale Local

Motor Vehicles,
Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of
DHLAMINI of BULAWAYO who Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of Development Plan No.56, wherein the proposed use may be permitted the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an
died at BULAWAYO on the 15TH the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an through special consent of the Local Planning Authority. The stand application to establish a liquor wholesale on the above mentioned
day of MARCH 2020.All persons application to construct town houses (18 units) on the above
measures 7102 square meters. property has been received.
claims against theTOWN mentioned AND
has been received. PLANNING ACT, CHAPTER
2.According to the Act, this application is required to be advertised The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,
a b o v e - n a m e d E s t a t e a r e The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,

required to lodge them in detail Municipal 29:12 REVISED
Buildings, (Tower Block)EDITION 1996
during normal ofce hours. and owners of adjacent properties notied in writing before being Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours.
with of annot
the undersigned application
later Any persons forwishing
a Permit in terms
to make objections of Section
or representation relating 26(3) of by
considered the Act:
the Local Planning Authority. Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
than the 30 TH of JULY 2023 to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the The application, plans and any special conditions which the Authority to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the
and those indebtedis hereby
thereto are given of an application to carry out isthe
Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later likely following
to impose in the event of this application being favorably Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later
r development
e q u i r e d t o p a y t o on t h e Stand 693
than 8 August Glen Lorne Township 15 of Lot
2023. 41 maybe
considered of Glen inspected at the address below during normal than 8 August 2023.
undersigned the amounts due ADVERT NO: 12294
Lorne (693 Lytham Road,
by them within the same period, DATE: 8 July 2023
1. Itwhich
failing is proposed
Glen Lorne),
legal proceedings to establish a Place of Assembly (Residential
TOWN CLERK Computers,
ofce hours.Any person wishing to make objections or
representations relating to the application must lodge them with the
undersigned College)
within one month of the date of the rst insertion of this
ADVERT NO: 12292
DATE: 8 July 2023

will be taken for the recovery

on the above-mentioned
thereof.All persons having in
stand which is
CITY OF BULAWAYO in zone 1A of the Operative
notice. City

Cellphones &
their Harare's Combined
or possession any North East 1-4 Town Planning scheme, wherein
DEPARTMENT OF WORKS 29;12) REVISED EDITION 1996.Notice of an application for a
property belonging or relating to
the proposal may be permitted through special consentEASTERN
this Estate are required to deliver
of the REGIONLocalSECTION Permit in terms Section 26(3) of the Act;
the same for thwith Authority.
to the
ROOM 308D THIRD FLOOR Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following

2. The property in question ESTABLISH A BOTTLEmeasures STORE WITHIN5087sqm.
A SUPERMARKET ON development on Stand 160 Chadcombe Township 2 of Chadcombe
DHLAMINI, BLOCK 57/1784 , HARARE (11 Lapford Road) Harare
3. According
MPOPOMA, BULAWAYO to the Act, the application is required to be advertised, and
N KU LU M A N E : D I S T R I C T O F B U L A W AYO : F O R M E R 1.It is proposed to construct two (2) additional cluster houses
owners of adjacent proper ties notified in writing before,
ENTERPRISES. REGIONAL, TOWN beingAND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, (CHAPTER 29; resulting in three (3) units on the above quoted property which is
Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of
considered by the Local Planning Authority. 12) REVISED EDITION 1996.Notice of an application for a Permit situated in Residential Low Density Zone 2C of the Operative City of
Advertise your Auctions in Our
the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an in terms Section 26(3) of the Act; Harare's Waterfalls/Hateld Local Development Plan Number 26,
The application, plans and
application any special
to establish a bottle storeconditions
within a supermarketwhich
on the the
Notice Authority
is hereby given ofisan application to carry out the following wherein the proposed development requires the special consent of
above mentioned property has been received.
likely to impose The in application
the event of this application being developmentfavorably
on Remainder of Lot 434 Greendale Township (29 the Local Planning Authority. The property measures 4047sqm and
Motor Vehicles,
considered maybeMunicipal inspected
and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor,
at the
Buildings, (Tower address
Block) during normalbelow
Trinity Road) Harare
ofce hours.during normal office the resultant net density per unit will be 1349sqm.

1.It is proposed to construct eleven (11) double storey cluster 2.In terms of the Act, this application is required to be advertised
hours. Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the houses on the above quoted property which is situated in Zone 1C
and adjacent neighbours notied in writing before being considered
Any person wishing
to make
Buildings (City
the application must lodge them with the undersigned within
August 2023.
Hall), P.O Box 591, representations
not later relating
Flats (500sqm) in termstoof the operative City of Harare's Greendale
Local Development Plan No.56 wherein the proposed development
one month
by the Local Planning Authority.The application plans and any
special conditions which the Authority is likely to impose in the
ADVERT NO: 12291 C.DUBE requires the special consent of the Local Planning Authority. The

Computers, Classieds
of the date of the insertion of
DATE: 8 July 2023 this notice. TOWN CLERK property measures 7800sqm and the resultant density will be
event of this application being favourably considered may be
inspected at the address below during normal ofce hours. Any
HARARE CITY COUNCIL 709sqm per unit on reticulated sewerage system.
person wishing to make objections or representations relating to the
2.In terms of the Act, this application is required to be advertised
Cellphones &
and adjacent neighbours notied in writing before being considered
by the Local Planning Authority.The application plans and any
application must lodge them with the undersigned within one month
of the date of the rst insertion of this notice.
ROOM 308D THIRD FLOOR special conditions which the Authority is likely to impose in the

event of this application being favourably considered may be
inspected at the address below during normal ofce hours. Any
ESTABLISH A HARDWARE ON SUBDIVISION A OF STAND 1140 person wishing to make objections or representations relating to the ROOM 307 THIRD FLOOR

Auctions in Our
FORT STREET 20A): DISTRICT OF BULAWAYO: application must lodge them with the undersigned within one month
of the date of the rst insertion of this notice.
Notice is hereby given in terms of subsection (3) of Section 26 of HARARE CITY COUNCIL

the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, CAP 29:12, that an DIRECTOR OF WORKS REGIONAL, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT (CHAPTER 29:12)
application to establish a hardware on the above mentioned EASTERN REGION SECTION NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 49(4) OF THE ACT
property has been received. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 40(3) of the Regional, Town And
The application and plans may be inspected on the seventh oor, Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:12), that an application for mixed-density

Classieds Municipal Buildings, (Tower Block) during normal ofce hours.

Any persons wishing to make objections or representation relating
residential and commercial development on Chaminuka Estate (Being surveyed
outside boundary of the following properties Lot A of Balla Mona of Borrowdale
Estate, Remainder of Balla Mona of Borrowdale Estate (NijoFarm) Windyridge
to the application must lodge them with the undersigned at the
Estate of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 1 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 2 of
Municipal Buildings (City Hall), P.O Box 591, Bulawayo, not later REGIONAL, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT (CHAPTER Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 3 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate and Lot B
than 8 August 2023. 29:12) NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 49(4) OF THE ACT of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate) in Goromonzi District has been lodged with
ADVERT NO: 12293 C.DUBE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(4) of the Act, of an the undersigned.
DATE: 8 July 2023 TOWN CLERK It is proposed to subdivide Chaminuka Estate to create:
application to change the reservation of the Remainder of Higheld
i) Mixed Density Residential 7066
Township, Harare from Public Open Space to a Hospital.
ii) Flats 93
The property in question which is owned by City of Harare is zoned iii) Institutional 66
Public Open Space in terms of the operative Higheld Local iv) Open Space 33
Development Plan Number 18. The proposal seeks to create a hospital While the application is proposing mixed-density residential and commercial
stand on approximately 1hectare with the remainder retaining its development the property is reserved for Commercial Agriculture (Zone 6C)
current use on approximately 1.99 hectares. Details of the application according to the approved Goromonzi Rural Master Plan, accordingly mixed
density residential and commercial development can only be permitted by the
and site plan can be inspected at the address given below during Local Planning Authority after special considerations of the application. The
normal working hours from Monday to Friday. nature of development proposed in this application is materially different from
In terms of Section 49(4) of the Act, the Minister of Local Government the general character of the area and thus confers a right that may be enforced by
and Public Works and National Housing is obliged to give public the owners of other properties adjacent to Chaminuka Estate (Being surveyed
Notice of his intention to grant the proposed change and transfer of the outside boundary of the following properties Lot A of Balla Mona of Borrowdale
Estate, Remainder of Balla Mona of Borrowdale Estate (NijoFarm) Windyridge
created properties free from any restrictions limiting the use of the
Estate of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 1 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 2 of
land to Public Open Space. Guildford of Borrowdale Estate, Lot 3 of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate and Lot B
Any person wishing to lodge objections or make representations must of Guildford of Borrowdale Estate)
lodge them in writing with the undersigned within 30 days from the The application and plans may be inspected at the address given below during
date of the rst insertion of this notice. normal working hours.

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NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024 15

Weekend Sport
Bosso wary of Arenel, GameCocks host DeMbare

BY FORTUNE MBELE down to position four as Bulawayo Chiefs (15 ness test and we will see what happens,” An- and look forward to stretching that lead.
points) rose on the log standings after beating tipas said. “These boys are quite familiar with each
ULAWAYO fans will have a football treat Chegutu Pirates. Dynamos are also missing key players other; they interact with each other and that
this weekend with two exciting Castle La- Against Dynamos today, Chicken Inn are through injury or suspension. Skipper Frank makes it very difficult. It’s a derby. We won
ger Premier Soccer League matches lined without Danny “Deco” Phiri, who saw red Makarati, his deputy Emmanuel Jalai and last weekend but this is a different game, the
up at Barbourfields Stadium today and to- against The Miracle Boys and Brighton Ma- Tanaka Shandirwa will miss the match. other one is gone. We have done well against
morrow. kopa is being monitored after an injury in the Makarati and Shandirwa are out injured big teams and struggled against small teams.
Chicken Inn, coming from a 2-0 defeat to Yadah at last game. while Jalai is suspended. We struggled against Herentals and this is al-
Heart Stadium last weekend, return home for another Coach Joey Antipas is hoping for the best Coach Genesis Mangombe needs an out- most similar. We hope to make it. What we
tough assignment against Dynamos at BF. against Dynamos and bouncing back to win- right win against Chicken Inn to keep his job must do is guard against complacency,” Kain-
After the loss to Yadah, the Gamecocks (15 points) ning ways. safe at the Harare giants. du said.
were dislodged from the second spot by on-fire Man- “It is a hell of a game. We are expecting Tomorrow log leaders Highlanders have Highlanders are banking on Lynoth Chi-
ica Diamonds (16 points) and they dropped further fireworks. Dynamos are a good side and like a tough one against city neighbours Arenel kuhwa, Brighton Ncube, Devine Mhindirira
Highlanders, are one of the biggest clubs in Movers. and the enterprising right-back Mvelo Khoza.
the country. We are looking forward to the Bosso coach Kelvin Kaindu is spoilt for Arenel coach Farai Tawachera said they
game and hopeful that we bounce back. Deco choice as his squad has a clean bill of health. will not give Highlanders three points on a
Tanzid is out and Makopa will have to pass a late fit- Highlanders lead the pack with 18 points silver platter.

Tanzid scores half-

century on T20I debut to
lead Bangladesh to victory
BANGLADESH’S bowlers set up a comfortable eight-
wicket victory in the first T20 against Zimbabwe by dis-
missing the visitors for 124 in Chattogram. Rain inter-
rupted the chase twice, but debutant Tanzid Hasan re-
mained unbeaten, steering his team to victory in just 15,2
overs with 67 off 47 balls.
Tanzid got into Bangladesh's T20I side on the back of
a strong Bangladesh Premier League season and struck
two sixes and eight fours in his innings. He was only the
second Bangladesh batter — after Junaid Siddique in
2007 — to score a half-century on T20I debut.
Zimbabwe’s 124 was their lowest total against Bangla-
desh — the previous low was 131 in 2015 — but it could
have been lower after they slipped to 41 for 7. Taskin
Ahmed and the returning Mohammad Saifuddin took
three wickets each while Mahedi Hasan bowled econom-
ically for his two scalps.
Bennett’s bright start
Zimbabwe’s innings had got off to a bright start.
20-year-old Brian Bennett struck Shoriful Islam for three
consecutive boundaries in the third over after senior bat-
ter Craig Ervine had fallen in the previous one. Bennett’s
first boundary was a cover drive, the second a ramp past
third man and the third a well-timed punch off the back
foot through cover. But that bright start was short-lived.
Zimbabwe collapse
Taskin Ahmed’s first over, full of 140kph-plus deliver-
ies, was an omen for Zimbabwe’s next half hour. Bennett
and debutant Joylord Gumbie struggled to connect with
most of his deliveries, but the next dismissal was a soft
one against Mohammad Saifuddin. Gumbie swivelled
awkwardly at a poor delivery down the leg-side and gave
Taskin a simple catch at short fine-leg.
Bennett was run out first ball of the sixth over, and then
Mahedi Hasan dismissed Zimbabwe’s captain Sikandar
Raza for a golden duck. Raza’s attempt at a lap sweep re-
sulted in him gloving a catch to slip. Three wickets had
fallen off three balls and then Taskin dismissed Sean Wil-
liams and Ryan Burl with the first two deliveries of the
seventh over. When Saifuddin got Juke Jongwe out for 2,
Zimbabwe had gone from 36 for 1 to 41 for 7 in 17 balls.
Madande and Masakadza's record stand
Clive Madande was Zimbabwe's last recognised batter
and he found support in Wellington Masakadza. They ro-
tated strike regularly as Bangladesh eased the pressure for
a little while. The pair added 75 runs, Zimbabwe's highest
partnership for the eighth wicket in T20Is. It nearly broke
the all-time record of 80 runs. Madande struck six fours
in his 39-ball 43, while Masakadza made his highest T20I
score, hitting 34 off 38 balls. — espncricinfo
16 NewsDay Weekender | Saturday May 4 2024

Tanzid scores half-century

on T20I debut to lead
ISSN 2079-9896
Bangladesh to victory
BANGLADESH’S bowlers set up a com-
fortable eight-wicket victory in the first T20
against Zimbabwe by dismissing the visitors
for 124 in Chattogram. Rain interrupted the
chase twice, but debutant Tanzid Hasan re- 9 772079 989005 01 mained unbeaten, steering his team to victory
in just 15,2 overs with 67 off 47 balls. Page 15

Ten Hag says Man

Utd tried to sign Kane
ERIK ten Hag has revealed he want- Hojlund, we get the highest poten-
ed to sign Harry Kane for Manches- tial in the striker position last sum-
ter United last year but is convinced mer."
Rasmus Hojlund will deliver on his United have stumbled badly this
potential. season after a positive first cam-
England captain Kane joined Bay- paign under Ten Hag, who has had
ern Munich after leaving boyhood to deal with a lengthy injury list
club Tottenham and has scored 43 and a drop-off in form from key
goals in all competitions for the players.
Bundesliga giants. They are through to an FA Cup
Instead of Kane, United recruited final against Manchester City but
Denmark international Hojlund for were knocked out of Europe before
£72 million (US$90 million) from Christmas and have missed out on
Atalanta — the 21-year-old has so qualification for next year’s Cham-
far scored 14 goals. pions League, ramping up pressure
“We have to win every game,” on the manager.
Ten Hag told former United captain However, Ten Hag repeated his
Gary Neville on Sky Sports. belief the club are on the right track,
“There’s an expectation around saying patience is needed as young
every game from us so you can only talents progress and players return
fulfil that expectation when you to fitness.
have those outstanding players.” The Dutchman’s future remains
But the United manager said the uncertain as ambitious new co-
Old Trafford club had not always owners INEOS look to turn the club
been able to bring in the players around.
they had wanted over the past dec- Jason Wilcox arrived as tech-
ade. nical director recently as part of

Brito wants
“Then you have to build and you widespread changes and Ten Hag
have to accept that you get talent in said there was no time to waste on
instead of players who have already a rebuild, where he wants to be in-
proved it in the past,” he said. “We volved.
have had some choices made with “The initial meetings are good,
talents like Rasmus Hojlund. and of course with INEOS several
“I can see a striker (Harry Kane) meetings from January on,” he said.
who already proved it, who we want “Jason first came in last week and

Warriors job
to sign and we could not get him. now we have to take things quickly
And then we went to Rasmus be- because the summer is coming.
cause he is a talent. “It is a very important period
“With Harry Kane you know you coming when you have another
get 30 goals. I think Rasmus will get (transfer) window and, of course,
there but he needs time. we want to make the next step into
“It is not fair to assess him the our squad, and also to make plans
same as Harry Kane. I would never and to create an environment that,
compare two players because they let's say, avoids this year's problems
are very different. But with Rasmus in injuries." — Supersport

BY FORTUNE MBELE ior men’s team will be in tributes.

South Africa in June to take Local coaches have also been
ORTUGUESE na- on Lesotho and Bafana Bafa- urged to apply. Harry
tional Baltemar Bri- na at Orlando Stadium and After 18 months in the wil-
to has unfinished Free State Stadium in Bloem- derness due to a Fifa ban fol- Kane
business with the fontein at home and away, lowing government interfer-
Warriors which has respectively. ence, Zimbabwe returned to
prompted him to apply for Zimbabwe has no stadium international football in July
the vacant Zimbabwe senior fit to host a competitive inter- last year.
men’s national football team’s national match. Brito, then Highlanders’
coaching job. In the advert, Zifa stated that coach, was in September ap-
The Zifa normalisation com- the duties of the coach with pointed as Warriors’ interim
mittee has invited applica- a Caf Pro or Caf “A” license coach and took charge of the
tions for the job for the sec- would be to: “Lead the senior Group C 2026 Fifa World Cup
ond time having previously men’s national team and di- qualifiers in Rwanda in No-
appointed Brito only on inter- rect the programme and prep- vember.
im basis for the two 2026 Fifa arations of the teams for var- The Warriors played a home
World Cup qualifiers against ious tournaments, including match against Nigeria at Huye
Nigeria and Rwanda last the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations Stadium and it ended one-
year. qualifiers, the 2026 Fifa World all having played a goalless
An impeccable source with- Cup qualifiers and Cosafa draw against Rwanda days
in the leadership of local foot- tournaments.” earlier.
ball confirmed that the for- It said the ideal candidate They have picked up two
mer Warriors and Highland- must have extensive interna- points in Group C and Brito
ers’ gaffer had applied for the tional football knowledge and is looking forward to resume
job. experience, particularly at the Warriors’ hunt for World Cup
“He [Brito] applied. He senior national team level and qualification.
wants to come back [to Zimba- prior experience coaching an The Portuguese gaffer’s con-
bwe]. I think he has more in- African national team is an tract with Zifa ended on De-
terest in Zimbabwe than the added advantage. cember 31 and back then, the
recent possibility of him join- The ideal candidate must national football governing
ing the Cameroon national have the ability to foster a body said they could not con-
team where he was invited for competitive and successful tinue with Brito because they
interviews. He has always had team and should have strong could not afford him.
his mind on Zimbabwe to fin- educational background with FC Platinum coach Norman
ish the job that he started,” the a clear coaching methodology. Mapeza bounced back as War-
source said. Familiarity with the role of riors’ coach on an interim ba-
During the week, Zifa flight- sports science in preparing sis and recently took charge in
ed a fresh advertisement for players for international com- a four-nation tournament in
the Warriors job as the sen- petitions is also one of the at- Malawi.

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