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Cell polarity: Par6, aPKC and cytoskeletal crosstalk

Sandrine Etienne-Manneville and Alan Hall

Par6 and atypical protein kinase C are key players in the identi®cation of seven proteins (partitioning-defective
establishment of cell polarity. First discovered in Caenorhabditis protein [Par]1±6 and aPKC) as key components of the
elegans, the function of this protein complex is conserved in all molecular machinery required to generate cell polarity.
multicellular organisms. Recent work is beginning to throw light Recent evidence reveals that two of these proteins, Par6
on how it converts information generated by extracellular cues and aPKC, are also essential for the establishment and
into intracellular asymmetry. maintenance of polarity during cell morphogenesis and
directed cell migration [1].
MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, Par6, one conserved molecule involved in different
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK types of cell polarisation

C. elegans Par6 was ®rst identi®ed in 1996 during a screen
for mutants with a partitioning-defective phenotype (par)
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72 [2]. Embryogenesis in C. elegans begins with ®ve asym-
metric cell divisions that establish the fate of the six
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell structure and dynamics
founder cells of the embryo [3]; and in par-6 mutants, the
Edited by Michel Bornens and Laura M. Machesky blastomeres are of equal size and the subsequent division
cleavages are also abnormal. An orthologue of Par6 in
0955-0674/03/$ ± see front matter Drosophila (DmPar6) is essential for the asymmetric divi-
ß 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
sion of delaminating neuroblasts, a prerequisite for sub-
DOI 10.1016/S0955-0674(02)00005-4 sequent cell fate determination to neurons or glia [4].
More recently, DmPar6 has been shown to play a role in
¯y oocyte differentiation [5]. During oogenesis, a cysto-
aPKC atypical protein kinase C blast divides four times with incomplete cytokinesis, to
CRIB Cdc42/Rac-interactive binding produce a cyst of 16 interconnected cells, from which one
JAM junctional adhesion molecule posterior cell differentiates into an oocyte, while the other
MTOC microtubule organising centre 15 become nurse cells. Deletion of DmPar6 causes the
OPR octicosapeptide repeat
PAR partitioning-defective protein
development of egg chambers with 16 nurse cells and no

Introduction The contribution of Par6 to polarity is not restricted to

The generation of cell polarity is a fundamental process asymmetrical cell division. It is, for example, required for
controlling the behaviour of all eukaryotic cells. Asym- the maintenance of cell morphology; and in the absence
metric division of cells in the embryo and chemotaxis of of DmPar6, epithelial cells of embryonic Drosophila
phagocytic cells in the adult are two obvious examples, ectoderm lose their apical±basal polarity [4]. Similarly,
but the establishment of intracellular asymmetry is also a in mammalian epithelial cells, Par6 is necessary for the
prerequisite to initiate the complex morphogenetic pro- asymmetric distribution of membrane proteins between
gramme that gives rise to epithelial cells and neurons. the basolateral and apical surfaces [6]. Finally, Par6 is
Despite the very different biological contexts, many essential for establishing cell polarity in an in vitro migra-
features of polarity such as recognising an extracellular tion assay using primary rat astrocytes [7].
cue, marking a cortical site in response to that cue and
propagating a signal from the cue to the rest of the cell, are Atypical protein kinase Cs and Par3 form a complex
quite general. Evidence is beginning to accumulate that a with Par6
conserved molecular mechanism operates to regulate Immunolocalisation studies have revealed that Par6 loca-
polarity in a wide range of biological processes, in all lises to the anterior periphery of asymmetric dividing cells
animal cells. In this review, we focus on two conserved in the C. elegans zygote, along with Par3, another Par gene
proteins, Par6 and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC), and product, and PKC3, the single aPKC in worms [8]. This
how they control polarity in different cellular contexts. observation led to the subsequent identi®cation of these
two molecules as binding partners for Par6.
Par6 and atypical protein kinase Cs: partners
in the establishment of cell polarity The ®rst PDZ domain of the highly conserved Par3
The genetic analysis of asymmetric cell division in protein interacts with the single PDZ domain of Par6
Caenorhabditis elegans development ®rst led to the (Figure 1) [9]. Furthermore, Par6 co-immunoprecipitates Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72

68 Cell structure and dynamics

Figure 1

Inactive Par6 complex Cdc42–GTP
Activation by
1 2 3
1 2 3
aPKC Par3 +
of Par3?

Activation of a PKC

Inactive Par6 Activation by Cdc42–GTP
(closed conformation) aPKCs or Cdc42 aPKC
Active Par6
(open conformation)
1 2 3 Par3
Formation of a Par6–Par3 complex
CRIB motif
Kinase domain
PDZ domain
OPR motif
Phosphorylation site
Current Opinion in Cell Biology

Par6 complexes and their regulation. The major domains responsible for the interaction of Par6 with its different binding partners are indicated in
colour. Two mechanisms of regulation of Par6 have been proposed: (a) Par6±aPKCs±Par3 form a stable complex. Upon Cdc42±GTP binding to Par6,
aPKC is activated and can, in turn, phosphorylate proteins, including Par3. This may lead to the dissociation of the three molecules. (b) Par6 is present
in an inactive conformation. The binding of activated Cdc42 or aPKC leads to a change in the conformation of Par6, allowing it to interact with Par3.

with the two human atypical PKCs, PKCz and PKCl from cell polarity (reviewed in [1]). Finally, during astrocyte
mammalian cell extracts [9,10]. The association of these migration, Par6 and PKCz are both found at the leading
molecules is direct and mediated by the amino-terminal edge of migrating cells [7] and their activities are
domain of Par6, which binds to the amino-terminal required for cell polarisation, although in this case
domain of aPKC. Critical residues appear to lie in octi- Par3 does not appear to co-localise with Par6 or PKCz
cosapeptide repeat (OPR) motifs, present in both Par6 (S Etienne-Manneville, unpublished data; Figure 2b).
and aPKC [11] (Figure 1). In fact, mutation of two
conserved aspartate residues within the OPR domain It can be concluded, therefore, that Par6, Par3 and aPKC
of PKCz abolishes its binding to Par6. OPR is present are highly conserved within multicellular organisms and are
in other PKCs and in several target proteins for Rho involved in many widely differing aspects of cell polarity.
GTPases, and is likely to represent an important new
protein±protein interaction domain. Regulation of Par6 and atypical protein
kinase C by Cdc42
Like Par6, Par3 and aPKCs are essential for polarisation of A key step towards understanding how cell polarity is
the C. elegans embryo [2,12]. The Drosophila orthologues regulated came with the observation, by three different
Bazooka (Par3) and DaPKC are similarly required for groups, that Par6 is a direct target for two small GTPases,
generation of asymmetric division of neuroblasts, and Cdc42 and Rac (Figure 1). Cdc42, in particular, has been
they co-localise with DmPar6 at the apical cortex [5]. shown previously to play a pivotal role in regulating
Bazooka and DaPKC are also required for oocyte differ- polarity, not only in animal cells but also in yeast [16±
entiation, and co-localise at sites of germ cell intercon- 19]. An orthologue for Par6 has not been found in Sac-
nections during oocyte differentiation [13] (Figure 2b). charomyces cerevisiae, and it may be that in this organism
The Par6±Par3±aPKC complex is also conserved in Xeno- Cdc42 in¯uences cell polarity in other ways. Neverthe-
pus, where it localises to the animal pole of oocytes [14,15]. less, con®rmation that Cdc42, Par6 and aPKC are all
required for asymmetric cell division in the C. elegans
In epithelial cells, Par6, Par3 and aPKC co-localise at cell± zygote, has recently been obtained using an RNA inter-
cell contacts and play a crucial role in the establishment of ference (RNAi) approach [20].

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72

Cell polarity: Par6, aPKC and cytoskeletal crosstalk Etienne-Manneville and Hall 69

Figure 2

(a) Drosophila epidermal cells Mammalian epithelial cell


⇒ Maintenance of Tight junctions ⇒ Formation of

Adherens junctions
adherens junctions adherens junctions tight junctions



(b) (i) (ii) (iii)

⇒ Posterior positionning
Anterior Posterior of the MTOC Direction of migration
Leading edge Rear


Oocyte Nurse cells ⇒ Re-orientation of the MTOC

⇒ Asymmetric
spindle positionning
Current Opinion in Cell Biology

Multiple roles of Par6 complexes. (a) In epithelial cells, Par6 co-localises with aPKCs and Par3 at cell±cell contacts. The trimolecular complex is
involved in the formation of tight junctions in mammalian epithelial cells and in the maintenance of cell±cell contacts and adherens junctions of
Drosophila epithelium. N, nucleus. (b) During asymmetric division or migration, Par6 complexes are involved in the organisation of the microtubule
cytoskeleton and the localisation of the MTOC. (i) Polarisation of the C. elegans embryo. Par6, Par3 and PKC3 co-localise at the anterior pole and
control the forces exerted on the anterior aster allowing the asymmetric positioning of the spindle. (ii) Differentiation of Drosophila oocytes. DmPar6,
Bazooka and DaPKC co-localise around the ring canal in a region where microtubules can also been found. The three proteins are involved in the
posterior positioning of the MTOC in the germarial cyst, leading to the differentiation of the oocyte. (iii) Polarisation of migrating astrocytes. Par6 and
PKCz co-localise at the leading edge of migrating cells and are involved in the reorientation of the MTOC. The blue lines/dots indicate the localisation
of the Par6±aPKC complex. In the C. elegans embryo and Drosophila egg chamber, Par3 co-localises with this complex. Microtubules are green, the
MTOC red and dynein localisation violet. Arrows indicate forces that might act on microtubules and lead to MTOC positioning.

Many Ð but not all Ð target proteins for Rac and Cdc42 however, this is predicted to lead to a completely differ-
contain a consensus sequence, the CRIB (Cdc42/Rac- ent outcome in terms of PKCz activity, since Par3 has
interactive binding) motif. Par6 has a partial CRIB motif, been reported to bind to and inhibit its kinase domain
which also requires a part of the neighbouring PDZ [21] (Figure 1a).
domain to form a recognition site for Cdc42. What are
the consequences of GTPase binding? The binding of One recurrent observation is that Par6 and aPKCs pre-
activated Cdc42 to two other target proteins, Wiscott± cisely co-localise, and that this is essential for the estab-
Aldrich syndrome binding protein (WASP) and p65Pak, is lishment of polarity. In the C. elegans zygote, Par6 and
known to induce a conformational change that then PKC3 co-localise with Par3 at the anterior pole of the
allows these targets to participate in additional protein± zygote, and Par6 depletion leads to a mislocalisation of
protein interactions. Whether this is true for Par6 is not both PKC3 and Par3. Interestingly, aPKCs and Par3 are
known, but its interaction with PKCz, at least, appears to both required for the correct localisation of Par6 [8], an
be independent of active Cdc42. The biochemical rela- observation con®rmed in Drosophila. This suggests a
tionship between Par6, Par3, aPKC and Cdc42 remains pathway of positive-feedback loops that are likely to
confusing. Experiments carried out using transfected involve Cdc42. This strongly suggests that here, at least,
cells suggest that Par6 can mediate stimulation of aPKCs the interaction of Par6 with activated Cdc42 leads to the
in response to activated (GTP-bound) Cdc42 or Rac [10] recruitment of Par6 and its binding partners, Par3 and
(Figure 1a). In agreement with this, initiation of migration aPKCs (Figure 1a). The situation in other systems is not
in astrocyte monolayers leads to the Cdc42-dependent so clear. In epithelial cells, for example, Par6 localises
activation of PKCz [7]. Another potential consequence of with Par3 and PKCz to tight junction, but there are con-
Cdc42 binding to Par6 is to allow binding to Par3 [11]; ¯icting reports concerning the role of Cdc42 in this [11,22]. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72

70 Cell structure and dynamics

Towards an understanding of the molecular orthologue of JAM has been described in Drosophila
mechanisms controlling cell polarity and the mechanism by which the Par6 complex is
recruited to cell±cell junctions in this organism remains
Par6±aPKC±Par3 regulates tight-junction formation, to be determined.
leading to epithelial cell polarity
In epithelial cells, the basolateral and apical domains are Par6±aPKC±Par3 regulates cell polarity in asymmetric
segregated by tight junctions, which is essential for estab- cell division and in cell migration
lishing and maintaining their polarised morphology. A It is clear that zygote development depends on the
key event during the formation of tight junctions is the asymmetric distribution of protein and mRNA cell-fate
recruitment of the Par6±aPKC±Par3 trimolecular com- determinants. In C. elegans, the antero±posterior axis is
plex from the cytoplasm to sites of cell±cell contacts [6]. established after fertilisation by the point of sperm entry,
The tight-junction-associated protein JAM (junctional which becomes the embryo's posterior pole. The sperm
adhesion molecule), which is recruited at the very initial polarises the cytoskeleton and directs cytoplasmic ¯ow,
phase of cell±cell contact, contains a Par3-binding domain and it appears that components of the sperm's microtu-
necessary for the co-recruitment of Par6 and aPKC and for bule organising centre (MTOC) generate signals to initi-
the development of tight junctions [23,24]. Whether the ate the asymmetric localisation of Par proteins (Figure 2b)
presence of JAM at the plasma membrane is suf®cient to [27,28]. One possibility is that entry of the sperm aster
promote the recruitment of Par6-containing complexes is activates Cdc42 at the posterior pole, leading to the
still unclear. As described above, it seems highly likely recruitment and activation of Par6, Par3 and PKC3.
that Par6 complexes are carefully regulated; and, indeed,
phosphorylation of Par3 by aPKCs at Ser827 is observed Par proteins control the pulling forces applied to the
during the initial phase of tight-junction formation [25]. anterior and posterior asters, which determine the poster-
Cdc42 is an obvious candidate for regulating the activity ior displacement of the spindle; and in Par mutants, the
of the Par6/aPKC-containing complex, but it has been positioning of the mitotic spindle is defective [29]
reported by one group to be dispensable for tight-junction (Figure 2b). The microtubule network has also been
formation [11]. Gao et al. [11] found that expression of a implicated in Drosophila oocyte differentiation, where
truncated or mutated Par6 that can no longer interact the MTOC localises at the posterior pole within the
with aPKC slows down tight-junction assembly and the future oocyte, allowing oocyte speci®cation factors to
establishment of transepithelial resistance in MDCK be transported towards that pole via a microtubule-
cells. They postulate that aPKC activates Par6, leading dependent mechanism [30] (Figure 2b). Microtubules
to its binding to Par3 and recruitment into junctions project through a region between germ cells where
(Figure 1b). Bazooka and DaPKC concentrate [13]. Moreover,
Bazooka and aPKC are required for the posterior estab-
This model does not account for the presence, in the lishment of the MTOC in germarial cyst cells and there-
cytosol, of a pre-formed Par6±Par3±aPKC complex before fore in the localisation of speci®cation factors [13].
the formation of cell±cell contact [6], and it is not clear
how aPKCs are activated if not by Cdc42. An earlier study During astrocyte cell migration, analysed in an in vitro
concluded, however, that Cdc42 is required for tight- scratch-healing assay, the activity of Par6 and PKCz direct
junction function in MDCK cells [22]. the reorientation of the MTOC to a position in front of the
nucleus, facing the direction of migration [7] (Figure 2).
Since inhibition of the Par complex delays, but does not The microtubule cytoskeleton is absolutely required for
completely block, tight-junction formation, nor does it orientation of the MTOC, and it is thus tempting to
disrupt pre-existing junctions, the complex may be a speculate that Par6 regulates the activity of the plus ends
facilitator, rather than an essential component of the of microtubules at the cortex. In fact, there is strong
junction. In agreement with this, overexpression of evidence that the microtubule motor protein dynein is
Par3 promotes cell±cell-contact-induced tight junctions required for the establishment of MTOC polarity in
[25], which would be consistent with it being a limiting migrating cells as well as during Drosophila oocyte differ-
factor in these cells. Interestingly, Par3 expression levels entiation [7,31,32] (Figure 2b). Inhibition of DaPKC,
are upregulated as a consequence of E-cadherin- for example, perturbs dynein accumulation, which
mediated adhesion [26]. normally occurs at the posterior of the oocyte [13,33].
When associated with the plasma membrane, dynein Ð
The Drosophila embryonic epithelium does not contain minus-end-directed motor protein Ð could provide a
the typical characteristic tight junctions seen in mamma- pulling force on microtubules to promote the transloca-
lian cells. Nevertheless, a DmPar6±Bazooka±DaPKC tion of the MTOC within a cell. Interestingly, in yeast a
complex is required for epithelial polarity, and DmPar6 dynein motor has been implicated in the sliding of
concentrates in apicolateral spots that are probably func- microtubules along the bud neck using a similar sort of
tionally analogous to tight junctions (Figure 2a). No mechanism.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72

Cell polarity: Par6, aPKC and cytoskeletal crosstalk Etienne-Manneville and Hall 71

An alternative and surprising suggestion Ð that aPKC 4. Petronczki M, Knoblich JA: DmPar-6 directs epithelial polarity
and asymmetric cell division of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Nat
interacts with and phosphorylates glyceraldehyde 3-phos- Cell Biol 2001, 3:43-49.
phate dehydrogenase to promote microtubule binding 5. Huynh J-R, Petronczki M, Knoblich JA, St Johnston D: Bazooka
to the plasma membrane Ð has also been proposed  and Par-6 are required with Par-1 for the maintenance of
oocyte fate in Drosophila. Curr Biol 2001, 11:901-906.
[34]. Bazooka and Par6 are involved in the differentiation of the Drosophila
oocyte. They control the polarised organisation of the microtubule cytos-
Some aspects of asymmetric cell division are, however, keleton directing the microtubule-organising centre at the posterior of the
clearly microtubule independent, suggesting that Par
6. Yamanaka T, Horikoshi Y, Suzuki A, Sugiyama Y, Kitamura K,
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[20]. In ®broblasts, aPKCs have been reported to med- The authors show that Par6 complexes are targeted to cell±cell contacts
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Par6 and aPKC both co-localise in Rac-induced mem-
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Conclusions and perspectives
There has been signi®cant progress in identifying key 10. Qiu R-G, Abo A, Martin GS: A human homolog of the C. elegans
polarity determinant Par-6 links Rac and Cdc42 to PKCf
molecules involved in the establishment of cell polarity. signaling and cell transformation. Curr Biol 2000, 10:697-707.
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sion, it is clear that the same molecules are involved in the  junctions is negatively regulated by Par-6. Curr Biol 2002,
control of polarity in a wide variety of biological contexts, 12:221-225.
Like Yamanaka et al. (2001) [6], this paper demonstrates the role of Par6
including morphogenesis and cell migration. The exact in tight-junction assembly. It also characterises more precisely the inter-
biochemical role of the Par6±PKCz±Par3 complex is still action between Par6 and atypical protein kinase Cs (PKCs). Finally, it
proposes a model for the regulation of Par6 by aPKCs.
unclear, and how this links to the microtubule and actin
12. Tabuse Y, Izumi Y, Fabio P, Kemphues K, Miwa J, Ohno S: Atypical
cytoskeletons is an important and pressing issue. Cdc42, protein kinase C is essential for generating early embryonic
too, is central to polarity in all eukaryotic cells, including asymmetry in Caenorhabditis elegans. Development 1998,
yeast, and the mechanism by which it is spatially acti- 125:3607-3614.
vated is likely to provide important insights into how cells 13. Cox DN, Abdelilah Seyfried S, Jan YL, Jan YN: Bazooka and
 atypical protein kinase C are required to regulate oocyte
interpret extracellular directionality cues. differentiation in the Drosophila ovary. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
2001, 98:14475-14480.
Acknowledgements This paper shows the involvement of Bazooka and atypical protein kinase
Cs (aPKCs) in the polarisation of the Drosophila oocyte. Bazooka and
We are grateful for support from Cancer Research UK and the Medical DaPKC co-localise with junctional molecules in belt structures, through
Research Council. S Etienne-Manneville is supported by an EMBO long- which the microtubules project. The two molecules are required for the
term fellowship. accumulation of dynein in the oocyte.
14. Nakaya M, Fukui A, Izumi Y, Akimoto K, Asashima M, Ohno S:
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Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2003, 15:67±72

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