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Justin, the Mafia Good Guy

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By: Tomás Cunha
Chapter 1
In a small town, close to the entrance of Utah in Colorado, lives a young detective
called Justin, Justin is a detective in his school, Colorado State High School, and
he solves crimes like robberies and violence, but today everything is going to
change drastically. As Justin walks in school at a Monday like all others, he arrives
a bit earlier than his classmates, but its nothing to worry about, he normally arrives
like this, so that he can have a chance to spot clues on his ongoing cases without a
big disturbance, that’s the thing about Justin, he looks really nice, and the girls love
to see him on the work, but he is really smart and since a child was always
perceived to the public as a nerd. But this morning will change it all, because as he
opens his locker, to his surprise a dead body comes trembling down, reaching the
ground and falling right on his shoes, not making any noise for others to hear, he
isn’t scared whatsoever, as his gut feeling instantly clicks for him to open an
investigation, but that's when he hears Mr John, crawling down the hallway with
his cold body, paler than winter, and his subtle walk, more silent than a paper
falling down, Justin instantly freezes as he starts to make a decision on what to do,
his brain flashes a million ideas at once as he decides to settle for putting the body
quickly back up onto the locker and act like nothing happened.
Justis - “Hello Mr John, how is your day going?” nervously he thinks of something
else to say to make everything seem just normal, but as large sweat droplets starts
to rush down his flawless neck, he simply says “Bye” and begins to run like his life
was at stake, faster than a gazelle getting chased by a vicious lion in the north of
the savannah.
As he reaches the outside of the school, he wipes his hands on his forehead and
feels relieved nothing happened, and what a dead-end his case could have been,
that’s the thing about Justin, he cares deeply about his victims, but nevertheless,
cares more about the killer, and what a joyful feeling it would be to put them away.
He rips out a large piece of paper and his trustful pen and begins to write and draw,
he annotates all the details he witnessed, and all the ways he could have been
killed, drowning, no, there was no water on his cheekbones, chocking, no, there
was no marks on his neck, he lists hundreds of possibilities and takes down one by
one, knowing exactly what to do once he re-encounters this body.

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