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Wachemo University

College of Engineering and Technology

School of Computing and Informatics
Department of Software Engineering

Project Title:

Apple Disease Identification and Treatment

Mobile App with Machine Learning

Prepared By:
Name Id
Aisha Taha 1201164
Asmamaw Damte 1200015
Kasahun ybeltal 1201005

Advisor: Mr. Fikreab Lopiso

Date: --/--/202-
Wachemo University
College of Engineering and Technology
School of Computing and Informatics
Department of Software Engineering

Apple Disease Identification and Treatment Mobile App with Machine Learning

This Project documentation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.

Project Advised by:

Mr. Fikreab Lopiso

Name and signature of Members of the examining board:

Name Title Signature Date

1 ____________ Advisor ______________ --/--/202-
2 ____________ Chairperson ______________ --/--/202-
3 ____________ Examiner ______________ --/--/202-
4 ____________ Examiner ______________ --/--/202-
5 ____________ Examiner ______________ --/--/202-

-- 202-G.C

We declare that this project contained herein is our original work that was composed by ourselves and has
not been presented for a degree in any other university, and that every source of information used to
consolidate the thesis have been properly credited.

Declared by:

Aisha Taha __________ ___________

Student Signature Date

Asmamaw Damte ___________ ___________

Student Signature Date

Kasahun ybeltal ___________ ___________

Student Signature Date

Confirmed by advisor:

Name: ______________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________

Date: ______________________________________

Place and date of submission: Hossana, -

Table of Contents
Chapter One................................................................................................................................................6
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Background..................................................................................................................................7
1.2.1 Background of Organization...............................................................................................10
1.2.2 Background of the System.................................................................................................11
1.3 Statement of Problems..............................................................................................................12
1.4 Objective of the Project.............................................................................................................13
1.4.1 General Objective..............................................................................................................13
1.4.2 Specific Objective...............................................................................................................13
1.5 Proposed System.......................................................................................................................14
1.6 Literature Review.......................................................................................................................14
1.7 Methods and Tools....................................................................................................................17
1.7.1 Requirement gathering methods.......................................................................................17
1.7.2 System Analysis and design Methods................................................................................17
1.7.3 Requirement Validation and Verification...........................................................................19
1.7.4 System Implementation and Methods...............................................................................22
1.7.5 Development Environment and Programming Tools.........................................................23
1.8 Significant of the project............................................................................................................24
1.9 Feasibility study.........................................................................................................................24
1.9.1 Technical Feasibility...........................................................................................................24
1.9.2 Operational Feasibility.......................................................................................................25
1.9.3 Economic Feasibility...........................................................................................................25
1.9.4 Legal Feasibility..................................................................................................................25
1.9.5 Political Feasibility..............................................................................................................25
1.10 Project Plan................................................................................................................................26
1.10.1 Time Schedule....................................................................................................................26
1.10.2 Budget Plan........................................................................................................................27
Chapter 2...................................................................................................................................................28
2 Description of the Existing System.....................................................................................................28
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................28
2.2 Naming Convention and Definition............................................................................................31
2.3 Function and Main Activities.....................................................................................................32
2.4 Players of Existing System..........................................................................................................33
2.5 Organization Structure...............................................................................................................34
2.6 Documents used in existing system...........................................................................................34
2.7 Strength and Weakness of Existing System...............................................................................36
2.7.1 Strength.............................................................................................................................36
2.7.2 Weakness...........................................................................................................................37
Chapter One
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Fruit cultivation is the process of growing and harvesting fruits for human consumption. It involves a
variety of techniques and practices to ensure the successful growth and development of fruit-bearing
plants. Itis a vital aspect of agriculture that involves the deliberate and systematic cultivation of fruit-
bearing plants for the production of edible fruits. This practice has been a cornerstone of human
agriculture for centuries, providing essential nutrients, vitamins, and flavors to diets around the world.
Fruit cultivation encompasses a diverse range of plants, including trees (such as apple, orange, and mango
trees), shrubs (like blueberries and raspberries), and vines (such as grapes). Successful fruit cultivation
requires careful consideration of factors such as soil quality, climate, water availability, and pest
management. Farmers often employ various cultivation techniques, including pruning, fertilization, and
pest control measures, to optimize fruit yield and quality. Modern agricultural practices may also
incorporate technology, such as precision farming and controlled environment agriculture, to enhance
productivity. Sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches, such as organic farming, are gaining
popularity in fruit cultivation to minimize the use of synthetic inputs. Overall, fruit cultivation plays a
crucial role in promoting food security, economic livelihoods, and healthy lifestyles worldwide.

The apple (Malus domestica) is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed fruits globally. It
belongs to the Rosaceae family, which also includes other fruits like pears, quinces, cherries, strawberries,
raspberries, and almonds. Apples are grown in various climates around the world and are known for their
sweet and crisp taste.The domesticated apple is believed to have originated in Central Asia, in regions
encompassing parts of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and China. Wild apple varieties still exist in these
areas.Apples have a long history of cultivation, with evidence suggesting that they were grown in ancient
civilizations like those of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Over time, the cultivation of apples spread
to different parts of Europe and eventually to North America, thanks to European colonists.

There are thousands of apple varieties, each with its own flavor, texture, and color. Some well-known
varieties include Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji, Gala, and Honeycrisp. Different varieties are suited
to various climates and growing conditions.Apples thrive in temperate climates with well-defined
seasons. They require a period of winter chill for proper bud development. Major global producers
include China, the United States, Poland, India, and Russia. It consumed fresh, but they are also used in
various culinary applications, such as making juices, sauces, pies, and cider. Additionally, apples have
cultural and symbolic significance in many societies.
In Ethiopia, apples are not native to the region, as the country has a tropical and subtropical climate.
However, apple cultivation has gained some popularity in certain highland areas with more temperate
climates. The introduction of apple cultivation in Ethiopia is often associated with efforts to diversify
agricultural practices and increase income for farmers.

The cultivation of apples in Ethiopia faces challenges due to the country's diverse agro-ecological zones.
While some areas may have suitable conditions, others may not, limiting the widespread cultivation of
apples. Additionally, apple cultivation requires careful management of pests and diseases. The cultivation
of apples in Ethiopia, although not on the scale of major global producers, can contribute to local
economies by providing income for farmers and supporting agricultural diversification.

The cultivation of apples is a crucial component of agriculture, contributing significantly to the country
food security and economic livelihoods. However, apple orchards face the persistent threat of various
diseases like Apple scab, Powdery mildew, Apple mosaic virus, Black rot that can adversely impact fruit
yield and quality. The identification of these diseases is often a complex and time-consuming task for
farmers, requiring expertise in plant pathology. Recognizing the need for a more efficient and accessible
solution, this project aims to develop a mobile application utilizing machine learning for the rapid and
accurate identification of apple diseases. The project lies in the lack of a user-friendly and technologically
advanced tool for farmers to promptly diagnose and address potential diseases in their orchards. By
harnessing the power of machine learning algorithms trained on comprehensive datasets of apple
diseases, the proposed mobile app seeks to empower farmers with a reliable tool for early detection and
timely management, ultimately enhancing orchard productivity and contributing to sustainable apple
cultivation practices.

1.2 Background
An apple is an edible fruit produced by an apple tree (Malus domestica). [1]Half of all deciduous fruit
trees produced worldwide are apples (Malusdomestica). China is the nation that grows the most apples,
accounting for around 53.20% of the apple of the world, followed by the US, Poland, Turkey and India.

While South Africa holds the title of Africa's primary apple producer, Morocco and Egypt follow closely
as the second and third largest apple-growing nations on the continent. [3]

In Ethiopia, apple was first brought to Southern Ethiopia, Gamo Zone, and Chencha District by
Missionaries before 60 years ago and now a day it grown in different highland parts of the country [4].

In Ethiopia, the cultivation of horticultural crops is relatively underdeveloped, and there is a limited
understanding of the necessary management knowledge and skills required for apple plants among
experts. National and regional data on the total apple production is not available, and this lack of
statistical evidence extends to the total average and yearly output of temperate fruits in Ethiopia. [5].

Apple is one of the deciduous fruits that is being studied and researched at Wachemo University. In the
2015 E.C production year, more than 200 quintals of apples were harvested.

However apple production isn't much sufficient as anticipated since it influenced by infections. Apple
diseases refer to a variety of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections that can affect apple trees and their
fruit. Some common apple diseases in Ethiopia include:

1. Apple scab

It is fungal disease causes dark, scaly lesions on the leaves, fruit, and twigs of apple trees. It can lead to
reduced fruit quality and yield.

Apple scab occurs everywhere in the world where apples are grown and results in more losses than any
other apple disease. It is most serious in areas that have cool, wet spring weather and may not be
economically important in warm and/or dry climates. [6]

Eventually, damaged tissues could pucker and deform, and leaf lesions could tear and break. Leaves with
severe infection fall from trees. Trees that experience two or three consecutive defoliation events may
become weaker and more vulnerable to additional pressures like freezing damage, insect damage, and
other illnesses.

2. Powdery mildew

This fungal disease forms a white, powdery coating on the leaves, shoots, and fruit of apple trees. It can
cause leaf distortion and reduced fruit size and quality. Young growth is stunted and distorted by the
surface, white, powdery growth on leaves and shoots that characterizes powdery mildew.

The fungus produces new spores that can be spread by wind to initiate new infections on blossoms, leaves

and especially new shoots. It can negatively impact photosynthesis, shoot growth, and reduce fruit set.
The fungus causes whitish fuzzy lesions and causes leaves to curl under high disease pressure, the fungus
can cause the fruit to russet. [7] In Ethiopia, It has names such as Amharic: amedaye; Tigrigna:
hammokshtay; Oromifa: dakuya. There are no registered fungicides in Ethiopia for the management of
powdery mildew on apples. [8]

3. Apple mosaic virus

In Ethiopia, First found in apple trees in 2017 in the southwest part. This viral disease causes mosaic
patterns and mottling on leaves, as well as distorted fruit. It can reduce tree vigor and fruit yield. It is a
plant disease caused by the apple mosaic virus (ApMV). It is a common virus that affects apple trees and
can cause significant damage to the crop. The virus is spread through infected plant material and can also
be transmitted by aphids.

Symptoms of apple mosaic virus include mosaic patterns on the leaves and fruit, as well as stunted
growth and reduced yields. The virus can also cause leaf curling and deformation, and in severe cases, it
can lead to the death of the tree.

There is no cure for apple mosaic virus, but infected trees can be managed through cultural practices such
as removing infected plant material, controlling aphids, and planting virus-resistant varieties. It is
important to prevent the spread of the virus by using clean pruning tools and avoiding the movement of
infected plant material.

Apple mosaic curls leaves and discolors them white or yellow then brown. Infection slows tree growth
and reduces fruit yield. All varieties of apple are susceptible to apple mosaic.

4. Black rot

It is a common fungal disease that affects apple trees and their fruit. It is caused by the pathogen
Botryosphaeria obtusa. It is a common and destructive disease affecting apple trees. Symptoms of black
rot usually appear on the fruit, although the disease can also affect leaves, shoots, and branches. Infected
apples develop circular, sunken, and leathery lesions that are dark brown to black in color. These lesions
may expand and cover a significant portion of the fruit, causing it to become mummified and shriveled.
The affected fruit may also develop concentric rings of raised tissue within the lesion.

In addition to fruit rot, black rot can cause leaf spots, blighting of shoots and blossoms, and cankers on
branches. Infected leaves develop small, dark brown lesions with yellow halos, which may eventually
lead to defoliation. Shoots and blossoms can become blighted and die back, while cankers on branches
can disrupt the flow of nutrients and weaken the tree. Some fruit mummify (shrivel and dry out) and
remain attached to the tree.

Black rot primarily spreads through spores produced by the fungus. These spores can be carried by wind,
rain, insects, or pruning tools. The fungus can also overwinter in infected fruit mummies or cankers,
allowing it to survive and infect new growth in the following season.
It cause serious losses in apple orchards, especially in warm, humid areas. The black rot fungus covers a
wide geographical range and can infect many hosts other than apple. The role these hosts play in the
spread and development of the disease is not known. [9]

Generally, even though this four apple diseases are popular, apple trees are susceptible to approximately
thirty different common diseases, and the leaves themselves exhibit over ten different types of disease
symptoms. It is evident that the primary component of the tree that represents apple diseases is the apple
leaves. Visual inspection of the diseased areas on apple leaves allows orchard managers to assess the kind
and severity of the disease in real-world planting scenarios. The process of identifying the kind and
severity of the disease, however, is time-consuming and laborious and depends on a number of objective
factors. It also requires a large investment of financial and human resources. The foundation and technical
support for the automatic detection and diagnosis of intelligent agricultural diseases can be provided by
the achievement of quick and accurate diagnosis of disease degrees and quick and accurate identification
of disease types. Disease warning systems and targeted pesticide applications should be implemented
based on the severity of the disease in order to enhance management, minimize human resources and
precision medicine costs, and lessen environmental contamination. Nonetheless, the primary factor
influencing the diagnosis of disease severity is the precise division of the lesion area and the leaf area.
Proper management practices, including regular monitoring, pruning, and the use of disease-resistant
apple varieties, can help prevent and control these diseases.

1.2.1 Background of Organization

Wachemo College is one of the driving comprehensive colleges in Ethiopia established in 2009G.C. The
college has been working difficult to attain its mission of instructing learning, investigate and community
benefit, and it has proceeded creating qualified and beneficial labor. To this conclusion, it centers on
scholarly quality, value, and reasonableness. The University has three campuses: main campus, Durame
campus and Nigist Eleni Mohamed Commemoration Comprehensive Specialized Clinic. It has moreover
seven agricultural and technology exchange centers, and seven educating and centers.

Agriculture College is one of the college the university have, established in 2012G.C. The College has
well equipped laboratories and demonstration sites. There are farms like dairy, beef, bee keeping;
improved forage development site and different agricultural research centers (Shone, Lambuda,
Shonkolla) that can be used for teaching, research and community service activities. [10]

Its vision is aspires to become one of the ten first universities in Ethiopia and home of brilliants by 2017
E.C. The university mission is to deliver proficient Graduates equipped with knowledge, skill and attitude
by providing relevant and quality education; produce new knowledge and technology by conducting
problem solving research; transform community livelihoods by strengthening community-industry
partnership, technology transfer and advisory, training healthy services; enhance sustainable institutional
capacity and integrated leadership. In doing so, the University endeavors to contribute to the fulfillment
of sector goals and attainment. [11]


 Student centeredness
 Accountability and Transparency
 Quality
 Brilliance
 Efficiency Trustworthiness
 Research and Innovation
 Unity and Cooperation
 Intolerance of Corruption
 Diversity and Globalization

1.2.2 Background of the System

The ML Apple Disease Identification and Treatment Mobile Application System is a user-friendly mobile
app aimed at assisting apple farmers with disease management in their farms.By using machine learning
algorithms, the app enables users to photograph apple leaves and have the images analyzed for potential
diseases or pests.

The application maintains an extensive database of apple diseases, providing detailed information on
each ailment, such as its symptoms and causes. It also offers customized treatment recommendations,
suggesting appropriate actions for disease control based on the identified issue.

Offline access feature further enhance the system's utility. This application strives to empower apple
farmers with the tools and knowledge needed to ensure the health of their apple trees, reduce the use of
chemicals, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Apple disease detection using machine learning is an emerging and promising approach in agricultural
technology. Here are some key points about using machine learning for apple disease detection:

 Data collection: To train a machine learning model, a large dataset of images is required. These
images should include both healthy apple images and images of apples affected by various
diseases. These images can be collected through field surveys, image databases, or by taking
pictures of diseased apples in orchards.
 Image preprocessing: Before training a machine learning model, the collected images need to be
preprocessed. This may involve resizing, cropping, and normalizing the images to ensure
consistency and reduce noise. Additionally, labeling the images with the corresponding disease or
healthy status is necessary for supervised learning.
 Feature extraction: Machine learning models often require extracting relevant features from the
images. This can be done using various techniques such as convolutional neural networks
(CNNs). CNNs are widely used due to their ability to automatically learn hierarchical features
from images.
 Model training: Once the features are extracted, a machine learning model is trained using labeled
data. Common algorithms used for apple disease detection include support vector machines
(SVM), random forests, or deep learning models like CNNs. The model is trained to classify new
images as either healthy or diseased based on the learned patterns from the training data.
 Model evaluation and deployment: After training, the model needs to be evaluated on a separate
test dataset to assess its performance. Metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score
can be used to evaluate the model's effectiveness. Once the model is deemed satisfactory, it can
be deployed as a tool for apple disease detection in real-world scenarios.

It's important to note that machine learning models for apple disease detection are still evolving, and their
accuracy and reliability may vary depending on factors such as the quality of the dataset, the choice of
algorithm, and the specific disease being targeted. Regular updates and improvements to the model are
necessary to enhance its performance and adapt to new disease patterns.

1.3 Statement of Problems

Apple considered as an exogenous crop to Ethiopia as it introduced by Missionaries. [12]Apple export in
Ethiopia is a growing industry and recently, a significant portion of the local community has started
consuming apples. However, the country is not widely recognized for large-scale apple cultivation,
primarily due to its diverse climate, which may not be conducive to the growth of this temperate fruit

The Ethiopian government has been actively promoting the production of agricultural products, including
apples for export, as a means of increasing foreign exchange earnings and reducing the country's trade
deficit and for local market for national food security.

However, the apple industry in Ethiopia faces several challenges, including limited access to markets,
high transportation costs, and quality control issues. Nevertheless, the industry is expected to continue to
grow in the coming years, as demand for high-quality apples in local and international markets and
continues to increase.

Concern organizations and farmers should collaborate to address the issue. Apple farmers and cultivators
encounter various challenges. This are: - First, they struggle to figure out what kind of diseases are
affecting their apple trees. This makes it hard to manage the diseases effectively. They also find it tough
to spot the signs of diseases on apple leaves, which can delay taking action to fix the problem. Many of
them don't know why these diseases happen, making it even harder to prevent them. It's a challenge to
decide how to control the diseases once they strike, potentially causing losses.

To make matters worse, using their eyes to identify diseases takes a lot of time and isn't very accurate.
All these issues are a big deal for apple farmers and need attention to keep the apple industry healthy and

1.4 Objective of the Project

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of this project is to develop apple disease Identification and treatment mobile app
with machine learning.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of this project are:

 Gathering requirement to understand the problem

 Analyses the existing system.
 To review the document on the various approaches and strategies used for apple disease
identification and treatment.
 Find out what functional and non-functional requirements the system has by conducting a
requirement analysis
 Selecting the right software development methodology for the software's development.
 To code using python and dart for the implementation of the system.
 To reduce the time and effort as well as resource wastage.
 To identify the type of apple disease.
 To increase understanding about disease symptoms.
 To recommend the solution for infected apple.
 To simplify the process of doing laboratory tests and research on pesticides and apple plant
 To test and deploy the system that would be developed.
 To perform ongoing maintenance and updates, when new things are introduced.

1.5 Proposed System

A mobile app with machine learning capabilities can be designed to help identify and treat apple diseases.
The app can use image recognition technology to analyze photos of apple trees and fruit, and then use
machine learning algorithms to identify any signs of disease. Once a disease is identified, the app can
provide information on the specific disease, including its symptoms, causes, and potential treatments. The
app can also suggest specific treatment options based on the type of disease identified, as well as provide
recommendations for preventing future outbreaks. This type of app would be a valuable tool for apple
growers and agricultural professionals, as it could help them quickly and accurately identify and address
potential disease issues, ultimately leading to healthier apple crops and higher yields.

1.6 Literature Review

The current production of apples stands at 12 MTs/hectare in Kashmir valley which is far below
the level achieved by other countries (40 to 60 MT/ha). As per the experts, the main reasons for
limited production are insects, crop diseases, pests, lack of proper disease detection and forecast
system. [13] Diseases and pests cause huge economic loss to the apple industry every year. In
July 2013, a disease called Alternaria unfurled in apple orchards of the valley. The disease
spread like wildfire infecting more than 70% of the cultivars in the Baramulla and Bandipora
districts. The disease resulted in extensive fruit fall and hence decrease in fruit production. [14]
The same disease attack was again reported in 2018. [15] According to the domain experts, one
of the main reasons for the spread of this catastrophic disease was the lack of proper disease
forecasting and detection system. [14] An on-time detection system would have detected the
disease in the early stages and timely action could have avoided the damage. Alternaria is not the
only threat to apple production. Like other crops, apples are also affected by a number of other
diseases. Some of the common diseases identified by the experts and researchers are Scab,
Canker, Apple Mosaic, Marssonina leaf blotch (MLB), Leaf spots, Brown Rot, wooly aphid,
powdery mildew etc. Pests and diseases not only reduce the fruit production but adversely affect
the fruit quality as well. Thus, in order to improve the quality and quantity of crops, it is
imperative to protect them from diseases. Identifying a disease correctly when it first appears and
taking timely action is a crucial step for efficient disease management. Timely and accurate
diagnosis of a disease attack is crucial for early and targeted application of curative measures and
stopping the disease from spreading. Appropriate knowledge of a disease would help the farmer
to take proper precautionary measures or apply just the right amounts of pesticides, thereby
getting both economic and environmental benefits. However, to achieve this, farmers must
continuously monitor their crops and remain in touch with the experts for any help from time to
time. The experts must be proficient and should have extensive knowledge of various diseases,
their symptoms and treatment. Such methods are labor intensive and time-consuming. Moreover,
some of the diseases can only be diagnosed by experts and only few samples can be examined at
any time. A valid alternative to such a labor intensive and costly task will be an automatic system
that can detect diseases in early stage and provide appropriate treatments and recommendations
in time. Such kind of a system will be a “Knight in the shining armor” for the farmers and can
significantly increase the crop production on sustainable basis. In order to overcome the
problems of the manual, time consuming and costly approaches, several researchers have made
efforts to automate this process of disease identification directly form images of leaves. These
approaches are meant to detect various diseases in early stage so that appropriate treatment is
done in time. Most of these techniques use machine learning and computer vision to classify
images into different pre-defined classes. Machine Learning refers to the group of algorithms
that learn from data and experience. Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbors
(kNN), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Decision Trees are some of the common learning
algorithms extensively used for classification tasks. Mokhtar et al, [16] used an SVMbased
technique to detect diseases in tomatoes. SVM (Support Vector Machines) is a machine learning
classification technique, which performs classification by maximizing the margin between
classes. Dubey and Jalal used K-Means clustering technique for defect segmentation followed by
classification using Multi-class SVM. The features used for classification are Global Color
Histogram (GCH), Color Coherence Vector (CCV), Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Completed
Local Binary Pattern (CLBP) [17] Dandawate and Kokare [18] 2015 and Raza et al [19] also
used SVM based approaches for classification of plant diseases.

Apple Leaf Disease Identification in Complex Background Based on BAM-Net

The Researchers used a bilateral filter-based MSRCR algorithm (BF-MSRCR) to pre-process the
images, aiming to highlight the color and texture features of leaves and to reduce the difficulty of
extracting leaf disease features with subsequent networks.
Diagnosis and Mobile Application of Apple Leaf Disease Degree Based on a Small-Sample

E. Tsormpatsidis & et al: - Using the Eigen feature regularization and extraction technique, the
researchers were able to identify three ailments (Red Spots, Leaf Crumple, and White Spots).
Using the strategy that was taught, they were able to achieve 90 percent accuracy in identifying
Red Spots (Fungal Disease). The authors of this work proposed employing a fuzzy selection
approach on an image of cotton disease leaves, which contained fuzzy curves (FC) and fuzzy
surfaces (FS). They choose the most effective set of attributes using a fuzzy feature selection
approach. The technique for this research is divided into two stages. First, FC extracts the most
important and required features from the original feature set, while removing the erroneous
features. The isolation stage is what it's called. After that, in the second step, the feature based on
the key characteristic is derived using FS. When compared to other techniques, this strategy is
notably important for minimizing the dimensionality of the feature space, which allows for
simpler practical implementation in classification applications. [20]

V. A. G. Ajay & et al: - In which they mainly focus on determining the nutritional worth of the
fruit the four most common apple illnesses have been discovered and described in depth in this
study. The author first extracts a variety of features, such as color and texture, and then
categorizes illnesses based on these traits. The database is being taught how to categorize
illnesses based on their features, and disease detection will be carried out using this database as a
learning tool. [21]

P. Sachin d. Khirade:-This study discusses three different apple diseases: apple scab, apple rot,
and apple blotch (or scab). Image segmentation using K-mean clustering is the first step in
identifying apple sickness by photo, followed by disease detection. The extraction of features is
the second step. Some of the features retrieved from the segmented image are the global color
histogram (GCH), color coherence vector (CCV), local binary pattern (LBP), and complete local
binary pattern (CLBP). In terms of classification accuracy, complete local binary patterns exceed
other characteristics, with a classification accuracy of 93 percent. This is because it calculates
each pixel's magnitude, sign, and centre value.M. [22]
Rashid, M. A. Khan & et al: - The application of image processing as a tool to monitor the
execution of fruits throughout culture, from planter to harvesting, is shown in this research. An
artificial neural network is used to do this. For additional analysis, three infected grapes and two
diseased apples were obtained. In order to use the technique presented in this paper, two
databases must be created: one for regular photographs and another for images with faults. The
back propagation method is used to modify the weight of the training image database. The
photographs are identified and mapped to their appropriate ailment categories on the basis of
three feature vectors, namely color, texture, and morphology. Morphology is the most accurate
of these feature vectors, yielding90 percent accurate findings, which is better than the other two.

S. J. Shiv ram dubey: - In their study "Extraction of the Rice leaf disease picture based on BP
neural network," the authors created a BP Neural network classifier for recognizing healthy and
sick sections of rice leaves using a BP Neural network classifier. The authors of the study picked
the brown spot as the study's research object. As part of their investigation, they took
photographs in the northern portion of the Ningxia Hui autonomous province. The input for a
Bayesian probabilistic neural network in this research was colored features of diseases and health
sections (BP neural network). This method might potentially be used to diagnose other illnesses,
as shown by the findings. [24]

1.7 Methods and Tools

1.7.1 Requirement gathering methods

The following approaches, tools, and procedures are used throughout the project activity to meet the aims
of this study, as explained in the following sections.

 Interviews
We have conducted interview with Mr. Alemu who works in Hosanna Agricultural bureau horticulture
department, about the major type of disease, symptoms of all type of apple disease, their previous work
for controlling disease, and most affected area.

 Literature review
To meet the research's stated aims, several works of literature on the current development of image
processing and machine learning related technologies to plant disease identification are reviewed.
1.7.2 System Analysis and design Methods

Designing a mobile app for apple disease identification and treatment using machine learning involves
several key steps in system analysis and design. Below is a structured approach to guide through the

System Analysis:

 Define Objectives and Scope: Clearly outline the objectives of the mobile app. Define the scope,
including the types of apple diseases to be identified and treated.
 User Requirements: Identify and interview potential users (farmers, agricultural experts).
Document user requirements for disease identification, treatment recommendations, and user
interface preferences.
 Research: Conduct thorough research on common apple diseases, symptoms, and treatment
methods. Explore existing solutions and technologies in the field of agriculture and disease
 Data Collection: Gather a comprehensive dataset of apple diseases, including images and relevant
metadata and also ensure the dataset is diverse and representative of different regions and disease
 Feasibility Study: Assess the technical, economic, and operational feasibility of the project.
Consider the availability of resources, technology stack, and potential challenges.

System Design:

 System Architecture: Choose a suitable architecture for the mobile app then decide whether the
machine learning model will run locally on the device or on a server.
 Database Design: Design a database to store user data, disease information, and treatment history
with considering its scalability and data security.
 User Interface (UI) Design: Create wireframes and prototypes for the mobile app interface to
ensure a user-friendly design with intuitive navigation.
 Machine Learning Model Selection: Choose a machine learning algorithm suitable for image
classification (e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks) after that train the model using the collected
 Integration of Machine Learning Model: Integrate the trained machine learning model into the
mobile app then optimize the model for real-time or near-real-time predictions.
 App Functionality: Implement features for disease image capture, processing, and identification.
Include a treatment recommendation system based on identified diseases.
 Notification and Alert System: Implement a system for sending notifications or alerts to users
based on disease identification and treatment schedules.
 User Authentication and Security: Implement secure user authentication mechanisms that ensure
data privacy and protection.
 Testing: Conduct rigorous testing, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing and
user acceptance testing to address any bugs or issues identified during testing.
 Deployment: Deploy the mobile app to app stores and google play store. Monitor app
performance and user feedback after deployment.
 Maintenance and Updates: Establish a plan for ongoing maintenance and updates. Regularly
update the machine learning model with new data for improved accuracy.

By following this structured system analysis and design approach, it can be develop a robust and effective
mobile app for apple disease identification and treatment using machine learning.

Generally we pass through the following stages:-

Data Collection and Datasets Preparation

 In this project, apple leaf image datasets are collected from WCU main campus agricultural site
prepared with different class labels which are Apple scab, Power mildew, Apple mosaic virus,
Black rot and Healthy.

Data Pre-processing and Segmentation

 After the data is collected pre-processing and segmentation were the succeeding tasks. The aim
of pre-processing is to remove noise, to make the subsequent step simple and make defected part
of leaf visible to training faster.
 Hence, different pre-processing steps (like removing blurred images, image resizing, and data
augmentation) were conducted to reduce the computation complexity and increase the
performance of the proposed model.

Feature Extraction and Model Building

 After pre-processing and segmentation, feature is extract from the images of apple leaves using
CNN algorithm.

1.7.3 Requirement Validation and Verification

Requirement verification methods

Requirement verification for an apple disease identification and treatment mobile app using machine
learning involves confirming that the specified requirements have been correctly implemented. Here are
methods to verify the requirements for such an application:

o Testing with labeled datasets: The app's machine learning algorithms can be verified by testing
them with a large dataset of labeled images of apple diseases. The accuracy and precision of the
app's disease identification and treatment recommendations can be measured against the known
labels to verify its effectiveness.
o Cross-validation: The app's machine learning algorithms can be verified using cross-validation
techniques, where the dataset is split into multiple subsets for training and testing. This helps
ensure that the app's disease identification and treatment recommendations are robust and not
over fit to a specific subset of data.
o User feedback and testing: The app can be verified by collecting feedback from users who have
used it to identify and treat apple diseases. This feedback can help validate the accuracy and
effectiveness of the app in real-world scenarios.
o Comparison with expert opinions: The apple's disease identification and treatment
recommendations can be compared with those of experts in the field to verify its accuracy and
o Continuous monitoring and improvement: The app can be verified through continuous monitoring
and improvement of its machine learning algorithms. This can involve regularly updating the app
with new data and refining its algorithms to improve its disease identification and treatment
o Code Reviews: Conduct thorough code reviews to ensure that the implemented code aligns with
the specified requirements. Verify that the algorithms for disease identification and treatment are
correctly implemented and integrated into the app.
o Unit Testing: Implement unit tests for individual components of the mobile app, including the
machine learning models for disease identification and treatment recommendations. Verify that
each unit of code functions as intended.
o Integration Testing: Perform integration testing to ensure that different modules of the app work
seamlessly together. Verify that the machine learning components integrate well with the user
interface, database, and other parts of the application.
o System Testing: Conduct end-to-end system testing to verify that the entire mobile app, including
its machine learning functionality, performs as expected. This involves testing the app in a
simulated or real-world environment.
By employing these verification methods, it can systematically confirm that the implemented features of
this project meet the specified requirements and perform effectively. These methods help to ensure that
the app functions as intended, meets user needs, and complies with industry standards.

Requirement validation methods

Validating the requirements for an apple disease identification and treatment mobile app using machine
learning involves ensuring that the app meets the specified needs and functions as intended. Here are
some requirement validation methods for such an application:

 User Requirements Elicitation: Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups with potential
users, including farmers, horticulturists, and other stakeholders in WCU main campus agricultural
site, to gather detailed user requirements. Ensure that the app addresses their needs and
challenges in apple disease identification and treatment.
 Error Handling and Recovery Testing: Test the app's ability to handle errors gracefully and
provide users with clear instructions on how to proceed. Ensure that the app can recover from
unexpected situations without data loss.
 Usability Testing: Evaluate the app's overall usability by observing users as they interact with the
app. identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements to enhance user satisfaction.
 Comprehensive Documentation: Ensure that all requirements, design decisions, and testing
processes are well-documented. This documentation serves as a reference for development teams
and helps maintain consistency throughout the project.
 Prototype Testing: Develop a prototype or wireframe of the mobile app and conduct usability
testing with potential users.
 Use Case Validation: Validate use cases by creating scenarios that represent real-world
interactions with the app. Ensure that the app effectively handles different situations related to
disease identification and treatment.
 Functional Testing: Verify that each function of the app, such as disease identification, treatment
recommendations, and user feedback, performs according to the specified requirements.
Automated testing tools can aid in this process.
 Performance Testing: Assess the app's performance under various conditions, including different
network speeds and device capabilities. Ensure that the app responds promptly and efficiently to
user inputs.
 Security Testing: Conduct security testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This is
particularly important when dealing with sensitive information related to disease identification
and treatment.
 Compatibility Testing: Test the app on different devices, operating systems, and screen sizes to
ensure compatibility. The app should provide a consistent and reliable experience across a range
of platforms.
 Regulatory Compliance: Verify that the app complies with relevant regulations and standards in
the agricultural and healthcare sectors. This includes data protection, privacy, and any industry-
specific requirements.
 Feedback from Domain Experts: Seek feedback from experts in the fields of agriculture, plant
pathology, and mobile app development. Domain experts can provide valuable insights into the
accuracy of disease identification algorithms and the effectiveness of treatment recommendations.
 Validation against Ground Truth Data: Validate the disease identification model by comparing its
predictions against ground truth data obtained from field observations or laboratory tests. This
ensures that the model accurately identifies apple diseases.
 Error Handling and Recovery Testing: Test the app's ability to handle errors gracefully and
provide users with clear instructions on how to proceed. Ensure that the app can recover from
unexpected situations without data loss.
 Usability Testing: Evaluate the app's overall usability by observing users as they interact with the
app. identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements to enhance user satisfaction.
 Comprehensive Documentation: Ensure that all requirements, design decisions, and testing
processes are well-documented. This documentation serves as a reference for development teams
and helps maintain consistency throughout the project.

By combining these validation methods, you can systematically ensure that apple disease identification
and treatment mobile app meets user needs, functions reliably, and complies with relevant standards and
regulations. Regular iteration and feedback gathering during development are also crucial for continuous

1.7.4 System Implementation and Methods

The methodology we use for implementing this system Iterative Model. In this Model, we can start with
some of the software specifications and develop the first version of the software. After the first version if
there is a need to change the software, then a new version of the software is created with a new iteration.
Every release of the Iterative Model finishes in an exact and fixed period that is called iteration. [25]
Since there may be a change in the dataset if the type of disease increases over time and the model must
change. Additionally, during current AI algorithm development, AI model development, there are many
features that may be added iteratively based on the performance of the model in app and increase the
power of this model based on the defect that we have seen in mobile app apple disease Identification.

Our mobile application, which is utilized to make the system easy for costumer to use, is designed using
Figma and for dataset preparation, image preprocessing, and model building we use JupyterNotebook and

1.7.5 Development Environment and Programming Tools


Python and dart are the programming language to implement the project. Dart with flutter framework
which is cross platform is used to develop mobile application to classify and Identify the type of disease
for end users by integrating the machine learning model. Python on the Windows platform was
considered as an implementation tool for this study.

Python for machine learning and computer vision is a great choice, as this is a very flexible, platform
independent high-level programming language with an interactive environment used by millions of
engineers and scientists worldwide. As ML requires continuous and bunch data processing, Python’s
inbuilt libraries let us access, handle and transform data most conveniently and effectively.

We also will use working environment like Google drive, Google Colab, Vs code and frameworks and
library such as Tensorflow, Flutter and matplotLib, Seaborn


 Computer,
 Smart Phone,
 Flash Disk,
 Paper and Pen

1.8 Significant of the project

This project will help farmers and apple cultivators identify apple diseases early and easily without the
help of agricultural professionals, which is the first and most significant finding. It also attract farmers to
apple production.

It also benefits the agricultural consulting professionals by reducing the time and effort they expend
traveling to apple fruit farmers' farms to identify diseases and suggest effective remedies.

The country's economy will benefit greatly from this study's excellent contribution to raising apple fruit
production by larger export-quality fruit and reduced apple prices on the local market result in increased
product delivery for all citizens.

1.9 Feasibility study

A feasibility study is simply an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project plan or method.
Although it can help to determine the risk and return of pursuing a plan of action, several steps should be
considered before moving forward.

Feasibility study aims to provide an independent assessment that examines all aspects of a proposed
project. It analyzes all of the critical aspects of a project to determine the probability of completing it
successfully. This is done by analyzing technical, economic and operational feasibility factors.

1.9.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is an assessment of whether a proposed project, product, or service can be

successfully implemented using current or available technology. Implementation of the proposed system
will use the following technical knowledge to implement apple disease classification and treatment

 Understanding of machine learning algorithms and methods, including deep learning,

unsupervised learning, and supervised learning.
 Understanding of programming languages like python and dart
 Expertise with data analysis and manipulation software, such as Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn,
 Knowledge of methods and programs for data visualization, such as matplotLib and Seaborn
 Familiarity with cloud computing such as AWS and Google Cloud Platform.
 Understanding of frameworks such as, TensorFlow, Flutter.
The current technology has a potential to develop or able to support our proposed system. So the system
is technically feasible.

1.9.2 Operational Feasibility

. It is operationally feasible because there is no operational cost as we plan to distribute the system free of
charge as an open source software for anyone to use and also the software will be simple to use because it
will be available on a smartphone, which is a device that everyone has

We plan to distribute the system as a mobile application that can be installed easily on different
smartphone such as android, IPhone.

1.9.3 Economic Feasibility

Several factors influence the economic feasibility of utilizing AI for apple disease Identification including
the expenses associated with designing and executing the AI system, the possible cost savings from early
disease detection and prevention, and the potential revenue from higher yields.

This project is economically giving the following benefits:

 It reduces the cost for experts who have knowledge and treats the infected the apple. i.e., anyone
who have no knowledge about the disease can early detect and treat the disease of apple
 It increases capital of owner by producing high quality and quantity apple fruits for customers.
 It lowers the cost of treating the disease by precisely and promptly diagnosing illnesses, enabling
farmers to take preventive action before the illness spreads and results in significant crop losses.

1.9.4 Legal Feasibility

Creating a mobile app for identifying and treating apple issues using machine learning requires careful
attention to legal considerations. It want to ensure that it isn't infringing on existing intellectual property
rights, address data privacy and security compliance, obtain user consent for data collection and machine
learning use, be aware of healthcare regulations, provide clear disclaimers, and comply with accessibility
standards. It also need to regularly update the app to address legal compliance and security concerns,
consulting legal professionals for guidance on the evolving legal landscape as the disease may change its
behavior or new disease happen.

1.9.5 Political Feasibility

Apple identification and treatment mobile app with machine learning is politically feasible as it is
crucial. It gain acceptance by aligning with agricultural policies, seeking endorsements, and collaborating
with government agencies or agricultural organizations with emphasize the positive impacts of the app
and engage with political stakeholders. Adaptability to evolving policies enhances political support for
the app's success. It is also essential for Ethiopia's agricultural development. Implementing modern
technologies can enhance productivity, improve resource efficiency, and empower farmers with valuable

1.10 Project Plan

1.10.1 Time Schedule

Activities in Percentage
Task Starting Ending
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100
Date Date
Initiation and 14/10/2023 25/10/2023
Requirement 26/10/2023 25/11/2023
Gathering and
data Collection
Requirement 26/11/2023 3/12/2023
Requirement 4/12/2023 10/12/2024
Model Design 11/12/2023 27/12/2023
Implementation 28/12/2023 14/03/2024

Testing 15/03/2024 24/03/2024

Maintenance 25/03/2024 8/04/2024
Time Plan for the proposed system using GANT Chart

Task Assigned Dependency Optimistic Pessimistic

Variables Time (in days) Times(in
Initiation A - 4 6
Planning B - 8 10
Requirement Gathering C A,B 12 15
and data Collection
Requirement D C 10 12
Requirement Analysis E C,D 14 18
Model Design F E 15 16
Implementation G E,F 10 12
Testing H F,G 15 17
Maintenance I G,H 20 22
Table 1.2: Time Plan for the proposed system using PERT

G t=1M
A t=8D
B t=6D
mo D t=1M E t=6D
F t=16D
C t=1 M

T=9D t=13D
Figure 1.2: Network Diagram of the Time Plan of the proposed system

1.10.2 Budget Plan

Material Number of materials Unit Price Price in ETB

Flash disk 1 400 400

Transport 600

Smart phone 2 25000 50,000

Document Print 5 500

Paper 100 2 200

Total 51,700
Chapter 2
2 Description of the Existing System
2.1 Introduction
An effective apple identification and treatment system involves a comprehensive approach to ensure the
health and productivity of apple orchards. The first step in identification is regular monitoring of orchards
for signs of pests, diseases, and environmental stressors. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques,
which combine biological, cultural, and chemical control methods, can be employed to manage pests
while minimizing environmental impact. Disease-resistant apple varieties can also be cultivated to reduce
susceptibility. Timely and accurate diagnosis of any issues is crucial, and this can be facilitated through
advanced technologies such as remote sensing and data analytics to detect early signs of stress or
infection. Once identified, targeted treatments, including the use of environmentally friendly pesticides,
organic fertilizers, and proper irrigation practices, can be implemented to address specific problems.
Regular pruning and orchard hygiene practices further contribute to a healthy apple ecosystem.
Continuous research and development play a key role in refining and advancing these identification and
treatment strategies, ensuring sustainable apple production and safeguarding the long-term viability of
Manual apple disease identification and treatment involves a combination of visual inspection, cultural
practices, and natural remedies to assess and address potential issues in apple trees. First and foremost, a
thorough visual inspection is conducted to identify symptoms of common diseases, such as apple scab,
powdery mildew, and fire blight. Growers examine leaves, fruit, and branches for characteristic signs,
including discoloration, lesions, unusual growth patterns and cankers. Once identified, the manual
removal of infected plant material, like pruning affected branches to improve air circulation and reduce
humidity, is a primary step to prevent the spread of diseases. Additionally, cultural practices such as
proper spacing of trees, adequate aeration, and maintaining clean orchard floors are crucial in disease
prevention. Manual treatments often involve the application of natural remedies, such as neem oil or
sulfur-based fungicides, which are preferred by those aiming for sustainable and organic apple
cultivation, applying antibacterial solutions and holistic approaches such as composting and using organic
fertilizers contribute to overall orchard health. This hands-on, manual approach requires close attention to
detail and a proactive stance to ensure the health and productivity of apple orchards.

The current technique required assistance from experts or other agricultural professionals to manually
identify the disease that afflicted apples. When farmers have seen a disease, they first call to a local
professional or expert to identify diseases type and describe the solution and symptoms. The expert then
travels to the farm to treat it with an appropriate medicine like antibiotics and fungicides. If the disease is
difficult to manage at that level, the woreda will be notified then the Zone Agricultural Bureau will then
take responsibility and dispatch its experts by making necessary adjustments to the financial and material
resources. If it becomes too much to handle, the condition is sent to the regional and ultimately federal
levels for testing in herbal clinic laboratories. If the illness hasn't been identified yet, it might be sent to
aboard for research and analysis. This sporadically occurs during epidemics or new disease outbreaks.

It has the following problems;

 It is time consuming for apple cultivator and experts

 It may take high cost for treatment since farmers cannot early identify the diseases
 It decreases both quantity and quality of apple fruits
 Farmers cannot identify the type of disease and their treatment

2.2. Business Rules and Constraints

Business rules and constraints help define the parameters and limitations within which a system operates.
Below are business rules and constraints for an existing manual apple disease identification and treatment
2.2.1 Business Rules
 BR 1. Expert Consultation:
All identified cases of apple diseases must undergo expert consultation by qualified professionals
before any treatment is prescribed.
 BR 2. Data Accuracy:
Data collected for disease identification must be accurate and validated through multiple sources
to ensure the reliability of the diagnosis.
 BR 3. Confidentiality:
Patient information and disease related data must be treated with the highest confidentiality and
comply with privacy regulations.
 BR 4. Record Keeping:
A comprehensive record of each disease identification and treatment must be maintained for
future reference and analysis.
 BR 5. Continuous Training:
Personnel involved in disease identification and treatment must undergo regular training sessions
to stay updated on the latest advancements in apple disease management.
 BR 6. Communication Protocols:
Clear communication channels must be established among stakeholders, including farmers,
experts, and system administrators, to facilitate effective information exchange.
 BR7. Proportionality:
Experts should provide farmers with appropriate and proportionate advice, taking into account the
economic costs. For example, because using chemicals to treat a small number of afflicted apple

trees is more expensive, you should opt for the conventional control approach.

 BR8. Echelon:
If the disease has gotten out of control in the woreda and zone levels, the regional agricultural
bureau takes responsibility. If it remains out of control, the responsible federal level body will

be in charge of finding a solution.

2.2.2 Constraints
 Manual Data Entry:
The current system relies on manual data entry, leading to potential errors and inefficiencies. The
transition to automated data collection and analysis should be considered for improvement.
 Limited Accessibility:
The manual system have limitations in terms of accessibility for remote farmers. Efforts should
be made to enhance access, possibly through mobile applications or online platforms.
 Dependency on Expert Availability:
The existing system's effectiveness is dependent on the availability of experts for disease
identification. Consideration should be given to measures for handling cases during expert
 Resource Constraints:
This system face resource constraints, including manpower and financial limitations. Strategies
for optimizing resource utilization should be explored.
 Technology Limitations:
The current technology in the manual apple disease identification system like magnification glass
used for disease identification have limitations. Exploration of advanced technologies such as
machine learning or AI for more accurate identification should be considered.
 Feedback Mechanism:
A lack of a structured feedback mechanism may hinder the continuous improvement of the
system. Implementing a feedback loop for farmers and experts can aid in refining the disease
identification and treatment processes.

2.2 Naming Convention and Definition

In the realm of our Apple Disease Identification and Treatment project, establishing clear and consistent
naming conventions is essential for maintaining an organized and comprehensible system. This section
outlines the naming conventions employed within the existing system or manual apple disease
identification system, providing clarity on how various components are labeled and defined.

2.3.1 Sample Labeling Convention

In the context of manual identification and treatment of apple diseases, a well-defined sample labeling
convention is crucial for efficient tracking and application of appropriate treatments. This convention
encompasses various elements to provide comprehensive information:

 Unique Identifier: Assign each sample a unique identifier to differentiate it from others.

This identifier should ideally include:

 Date: The date of inspection to capture temporal information (e.g. 2023-12-05).

 Location: Include the location or orchard where the sample was taken for spatial context (e.g.
Location WCU).
 Sequential Number: A sequential number to distinguish multiple samples from the same date and
location (e.g. 001).

Example: 2023-12-05_Location WCU_001

 Symptom Description: Incorporate a brief symptom description on the label to highlight

observable characteristics. This might involve noting specific details such as:
 Color: Describe color changes, like Yellow spots on leaves.
 Texture: Mention any textural anomalies, for instance, Powdery residue on leaves or Wrinkled
skin on apples.
 Location on Plant: Specify where the symptoms are predominantly observed, such as Lower
leaves or Fruit surface.

Example: 2023-12-05_Location WCU_001 - Yellow spots on leaves, powdery residue.

 Previous Treatment Code: If applicable, include a code or reference to any previous treatment
that was administered to the sample. This helps in tracking the history of treatments applied to
specific samples.

Example: 2023-12-05_Location WCU_001 - Yellow spots on leaves, powdery residue, Treatment Code:

2.3.2 Record Keeping Conventions

Record-keeping system for manual apple disease identification system, ensure a systematic approach:

 Organized Folders: Maintain organized folders with clear names, grouping records by date,
location, or other relevant criteria.

2.3.4 Communication Conventions

In scenarios individuals communicate about identified diseases, ensure clarity in discussions:

 Consistent Terminology: Agree on and use consistent terms when communicating about
identified diseases to avoid confusion.
2.3 Function and Main Activities
The main function of manual disease identification for apple trees is to visually inspect and
recognize signs and symptoms of diseases affecting the apple crops. The primary activities
involved in this process include:

Visual Inspection: Careful examination of the apple trees, including leaves, stems, and fruits, to
detect any abnormalities, discoloration, lesions, spots, or deformities.

Recognition of Common Apple Diseases: Familiarity with common apple diseases is essential.
This involves identifying specific diseases such as Apple Scab, Fire Blight, Powdery Mildew,
and Cedar Apple Rust based on their characteristic symptoms.

Understanding Disease Life Cycles: Manual identification includes knowledge of the life
cycles of common pathogens affecting apple trees, aiding in recognizing symptoms at different
stages of development.

Use of Field Guides and Manuals: Reference materials, field guides, and manuals specific to
apple diseases are consulted to provide visual aids and descriptions, aiding in accurate

Sampling and Collection: Collection of samples from affected leaves, stems, or fruit for further
analysis or confirmation. These samples may be sent to laboratories for precise identification.

Symptom Differentiation: Careful differentiation of symptoms to pinpoint the specific disease

affecting the apple trees, as different diseases may exhibit similar signs.

Monitoring and Early Detection: Regular monitoring of apple orchards for early disease
detection. Early identification enables timely intervention and management strategies to prevent
the spread of diseases.

Communication and Reporting: Effectively communicating findings to orchard managers,

farmers, or agricultural extension services. This includes providing detailed reports on the type
and severity of diseases observed.

Record Keeping: Maintaining accurate record

2.4 Players of Existing System
In the existing system since the farmer have not enough knowledge about the disease they may
alert after the disease occur. So they will call agricultural consulting professionals to get
treatment and advice. If it goes beyond their skill the will send to laboratories in herbal clinic. In
this case the players will be apple farmer/cultivators, agricultural consulting professionals and
laboratories who test the disease.

2.5 Organization Structure

2.6 Documents used in existing system

Manual Reference used by Professionals

Lens using during identification

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Tool

2.7 Strength and Weakness of Existing System

2.7.1 Strength

Strengths of the Manual Apple Disease Identification and Treatment

 Expertise Utilization:
The manual system leverages the expertise of skilled professionals in disease identification and
treatment, ensuring a high level of accuracy and reliability in the diagnosis.
 Personalized Approach:
Human experts can provide a personalized approach to disease identification and treatment,
taking into account specific conditions of individual orchards and considering details that may be
challenging for automated systems.
 Flexibility and Adaptability:
Manual systems offer flexibility in adapting to changes in disease patterns, allowing for quick
adjustments in identification and treatment strategies based on emerging threats or variations in
environmental conditions.
 Local Knowledge Integration:
The system benefits from the incorporation of local knowledge and experiences, as experts often
have a deep understanding of regional conditions and specific challenges faced by local farmers.
 Relationship Building:
The manual system fosters relationships between experts and farmers, creating a collaborative
environment that encourages open communication and the exchange of valuable insights.

2.7.2 Weakness

o Time consuming: There will be difficulty to reach to infected orchard in time for professionals.
Even if they get early it is hard to cover all the farming place and investigate all trees in short
o Inefficiency: In this case if unusual/rare or new disease reported, it takes time for professionals to
know the disease well, to discover the symptom and its treatment but the disease may spread and
cause a serious loss.
o Resource Wastage: Professionals spend much time and effort by travelling long distances to
reach the orchard of the farmer and also the farmer will pay to get the service while the need it.
o Laborious and More Human Power: In the current situations many experienced evaluators
needed for investigating large area of farming lands, as they check every tree that is suspected.
o Accuracy: Since quality grading of apple is done manually by experienced evaluators by
visualization, which is based on defect detection of the fruit’s surface or leaves it is less accurate.

Alternative Solution
There are alternative methods to solve the problems in the existing system. Some are:-

i. Website

Develop website that help the farming community to get information about apple disease in one place that
may be updated with the change of the disease behavior and new disease occur. Web based system with
and without machine differ a much more:-

 A web-based apple identification and treatment system with machine learning: leverages digital
technologies to streamline and enhance the process of monitoring, diagnosing, and treating apple
orchard issues. This system typically integrates a user-friendly web interface accessible from
various devices, allow to remotely monitor orchard conditions in real-time. Advanced image
recognition technology and machine learning algorithms can be employed to identify potential
pests, diseases, or environmental stressors based on uploaded images or live feeds from the
orchard. The system may provide immediate feedback on the identified issues and offer tailored
treatment recommendations. Through a centralized web platform, users can access a wealth of
information on best practices, updated research findings, and treatment options. This digital
approach not only improves efficiency but also facilitates data-driven decision-making, ultimately
contributing to more sustainable and productive apple orchard management. Regular updates and
integration of emerging technologies ensure the continuous improvement of the web-based
system for apple identification and treatment.
 A web-based apple identification and treatment system without the integration of machine
learning: can still offer valuable tools for orchard management. Such a system typically relies on
a user-friendly web interface to facilitate the collection and analysis of data related to apple
orchard conditions. While lacking the advanced capabilities of machine learning, this type of
system can still provide a centralized platform for accessing relevant information on orchard
health, pest control, and best practices. However, it's important to note that without machine
learning, the system may be less adaptive and dynamic in identifying new or evolving issues.
 One significant drawback is the dependency on internet connectivity, which may be unreliable or
unavailable in remote orchard locations. This limitation could hinder real-time monitoring and
timely responses to identified issues. Moreover, the effectiveness of such systems relies heavily
on the accuracy of image recognition algorithms, and false positives or negatives may occur,
leading to misdiagnoses and inappropriate treatments.
ii. Social Media Platform
 A social media platform tailored for an apple identification and treatment system could serve as a
dynamic hub for orchardists, researchers, and agricultural experts to exchange knowledge and
collaborate on sustainable practices. Such a platform would allow users to share images, data, and
experiences related to apple orchard management, fostering a community-driven approach to pest
and disease identification. Additionally, the platform could feature real-time updates on emerging
threats, innovative treatment methods, and research findings. Agricultural extension services and
experts could actively participate, providing guidance and expertise to the community. Overall, a
social media platform tailored to apple identification and treatment has the potential to create a
collaborative and responsive community dedicated to advancing sustainable practices in apple
iii. Mobile app.

A feature- rich mobile application designed with machine learning may be helpful to users while
they are offline. A mobile app equipped with machine learning technology for apple identification
and treatment represents a cutting-edge solution in modern orchard management. This innovative
app harnesses the power of machine learning algorithms to analyze images captured by users,
enabling accurate and efficient identification of potential pests, diseases, and stress factors
affecting apple trees. As users upload more images, the machine learning model continually
refines its capabilities, adapting to local variations and improving its accuracy over time. The app
not only diagnoses issues but also provides personalized treatment recommendations based on the
identified problems. The integration of real-time weather data and historical patterns further
enhances the app's predictive capabilities, allowing users to proactively address potential risks.
Additionally, the app can serve as a knowledge hub, offering educational resources on orchard
health, pest management, and sustainable practices. In essence, this mobile app represents a
transformative tool, bringing the benefits of advanced technology and machine learning directly
to the fingertips of orchardists for more informed and proactive apple orchard management. Real-
time updates and alerts could be pushed to users, keeping them informed about emerging threats
and best practices. The app could also incorporate features for record-keeping, allowing users to
track orchard health over time. Furthermore, it could serve as an educational resource, providing
access to tutorials, articles, and expert advice. Overall, a well-designed mobile app for apple
identification and treatment has the potential to empower orchardists with timely and actionable
insights, contributing to more efficient and sustainable orchard management practices.

Generally, we select a feature- rich mobile application designed with machine learning The mobile app,
with its offline capabilities, provides a more accessible and immediate solution for orchardists working in
areas with limited internet connectivity. The app's integration of machine learning enables rapid on-
device processing, allowing for quick identification and treatment recommendations directly from the
field. This real-time responsiveness is particularly advantageous for time-sensitive decisions in orchard
management. It will provides a quick and accurate means of identifying pests, diseases, and stress factors
through its machine learning algorithms, saving valuable time for orchardists.

Moreover, a mobile app with machine learning can leverage the native features of mobile devices, such as
cameras and sensors, to enhance the precision of image recognition and data collection. The app's
continuous learning capabilities ensure that it evolves and adapts based on user inputs and real-world

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