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8udapest 1reaty on the Internat|ona| kecogn|t|on of the Depos|t of M|croorgan|sms for the urposes of atent rocedure


Done at 8udapest on Apr|| 28 1977 and amended on September 26 1980
1A8LL Cl CCn1Ln1S

lnLroducLory rovlslons
ArLlcle 1 LsLabllshmenL of a unlon
ArLlcle 2 ueflnlLlons
CPA1L8 l SubsLanLlve rovlslons
ArLlcle 3 8ecognlLlon and LffecL of Lhe ueposlL of Mlcroorganlsms
ArLlcle 4 new ueposlL
ArLlcle 3 LxporL and lmporL 8esLrlcLlons
ArLlcle 6 SLaLus of lnLernaLlonal ueposlLary AuLhorlLy
ArLlcle 7 AcqulslLlon of Lhe SLaLus of lnLernaLlonal ueposlLary AuLhorlLy
ArLlcle 8 1ermlnaLlon and LlmlLaLlon of Lhe SLaLus of lnLernaLlonal ueposlLary AuLhorlLy
ArLlcle 9 lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal roperLy CrganlzaLlons
CPA1L8 ll AdmlnlsLraLlve rovlslons
ArLlcle 10 Assembly
ArLlcle 11 lnLernaLlonal 8ureau
ArLlcle 12 8egulaLlons
CPA1L8 lll 8evlslon and AmendmenL
ArLlcle 13 8evlslon of Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 14 AmendmenL of CerLaln rovlslons of Lhe 1reaLy
CPA1L8 lv llnal rovlslons
ArLlcle 13 8ecomlng arLy Lo Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 16 LnLry lnLo lorce of Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 17 uenunclaLlon of Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 18 SlgnaLure and Languages of Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 19 ueposlL of Lhe 1reaLy 1ransmlLLal of Coples 8eglsLraLlon of Lhe 1reaLy
ArLlcle 20 noLlflcaLlons

Introductory rov|s|ons
Art|c|e 1
Lstab||shment of a Un|on
1he SLaLes parLy Lo Lhls 1reaLy (herelnafLer called Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes") consLlLuLe a unlon for Lhe lnLernaLlonal recognlLlon of Lhe
deposlL of mlcroorganlsms for Lhe purposes of paLenL procedure
Art|c|e 2
lor Lhe purposes of Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons
(l) references Lo a paLenL" shall be consLrued as references Lo paLenLs for lnvenLlons lnvenLors' cerLlflcaLes uLlllLy cerLlflcaLes uLlllLy
models paLenLs or cerLlflcaLes of addlLlon lnvenLors' cerLlflcaLes of addlLlon and uLlllLy cerLlflcaLes of addlLlon
(ll) deposlL of a mlcroorganlsm" means accordlng Lo Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lhese words appear Lhe followlng acLs effecLed ln accordance
wlLh Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons Lhe LransmlLLal of a mlcroorganlsm Lo an lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy whlch recelves and
accepLs lL or Lhe sLorage of such a mlcroorganlsm by Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy or boLh Lhe sald LransmlLLal and Lhe sald
(lll) paLenL procedure" means any admlnlsLraLlve or [udlclal procedure relaLlng Lo a paLenL appllcaLlon or a paLenL
(lv) publlcaLlon for Lhe purposes of paLenL procedure" means Lhe offlclal publlcaLlon or Lhe offlclal laylng open for publlc lnspecLlon of a
paLenL appllcaLlon or a paLenL
(v) lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon" means an organlzaLlon LhaL has flled a declaraLlon under ArLlcle 9(1)
(vl) lndusLrlal properLy offlce" means an auLhorlLy of a ConLracLlng SLaLe or an lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon
compeLenL for Lhe granL of paLenLs
(vll) deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon" means an lnsLlLuLlon whlch provldes for Lhe recelpL accepLance and sLorage of mlcroorganlsms and Lhe
furnlshlng of samples Lhereof
(vlll) lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy" means a deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon whlch has acqulred Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary
auLhorlLy as provlded ln ArLlcle 7
(lx) deposlLor" means Lhe naLural person or legal enLlLy LransmlLLlng a mlcroorganlsm Lo an lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy whlch
recelves and accepLs lL and any successor ln LlLle of Lhe sald naLural person or legal enLlLy
(x) unlon" means Lhe unlon referred Lo ln ArLlcle 1
(xl) Assembly" means Lhe Assembly referred Lo ln ArLlcle 10
(xll) CrganlzaLlon" means Lhe World lnLellecLual roperLy CrganlzaLlon
(xlll) lnLernaLlonal 8ureau" means Lhe lnLernaLlonal 8ureau of Lhe CrganlzaLlon and as long as lL subslsLs Lhe unlLed lnLernaLlonal
8ureaux for Lhe roLecLlon of lnLellecLual roperLy (8l8l)
(xlv) ulrecLor Ceneral" means Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral of Lhe CrganlzaLlon
(xv) 8egulaLlons" means Lhe 8egulaLlons referred Lo ln ArLlcle 12
CnA1Lk I
Substant|ve rov|s|ons
Art|c|e 3
kecogn|t|on and Lffect of the Depos|t
of M|croorgan|sms
%f% ConLracLlng SLaLes whlch allow or requlre Lhe deposlL of mlcroorganlsms for Lhe purposes of paLenL procedure shall recognlze for such
purposes Lhe deposlL of a mlcroorganlsm wlLh any lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy Such recognlLlon shall lnclude Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe
facL and daLe of Lhe deposlL as lndlcaLed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy as well as Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe facL LhaL whaL ls
furnlshed as a sample ls a sample of Lhe deposlLed mlcroorganlsm
%% Any ConLracLlng SLaLe may requlre a copy of Lhe recelpL of Lhe deposlL referred Lo ln subparagraph (a% lssued by Lhe lnLernaLlonal
deposlLary auLhorlLy
(2) As far as maLLers regulaLed ln Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons are concerned no ConLracLlng SLaLe may requlre compllance wlLh
requlremenLs dlfferenL from or addlLlonal Lo Lhose whlch are provlded ln Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons
Art|c|e 4
New Depos|t
%f% Where Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy cannoL furnlsh samples of Lhe deposlLed mlcroorganlsm for any reason ln parLlcular
(l) where such mlcroorganlsm ls no longer vlable or
(ll) where Lhe furnlshlng of samples would requlre LhaL Lhey be senL abroad and Lhe sendlng or Lhe recelpL of Lhe samples abroad ls
prevenLed by exporL or lmporL resLrlcLlons
LhaL auLhorlLy shall prompLly afLer havlng noLed lLs lnablllLy Lo furnlsh samples noLlfy Lhe deposlLor of such lnablllLy lndlcaLlng Lhe cause
Lhereof and Lhe deposlLor sub[ecL Lo paragraph (2) and as provlded ln Lhls paragraph shall have Lhe rlghL Lo make a new deposlL of Lhe
mlcroorganlsm whlch was orlglnally deposlLed
%% 1he new deposlL shall be made wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy wlLh whlch Lhe orlglnal deposlL was made provlded LhaL
(l) lL shall be made wlLh anoLher lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy where Lhe lnsLlLuLlon wlLh whlch Lhe orlglnal deposlL was made has
ceased Lo have Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy elLher enLlrely or ln respecL of Lhe klnd of mlcroorganlsm Lo whlch Lhe
deposlLed mlcroorganlsm belongs or where Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy wlLh whlch Lhe orlglnal deposlL was made dlsconLlnues
Lemporarlly or deflnlLlvely Lhe performance of lLs funcLlons ln respecL of deposlLed mlcroorganlsms
(ll) lL may be made wlLh anoLher lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy ln Lhe case referred Lo ln subparagraph (a)(ll)
%n% Any new deposlL shall be accompanled by a sLaLemenL slgned by Lhe deposlLor alleglng LhaL Lhe newly deposlLed mlcroorganlsm ls Lhe
same as LhaL orlglnally deposlLed lf Lhe allegaLlon of Lhe deposlLor ls conLesLed Lhe burden of proof shall be governed by Lhe appllcable
%% Sub[ecL Lo subparagraphs (a% Lo (c% and (e% Lhe new deposlL shall be LreaLed as lf lL had been made on Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe orlglnal
deposlL was made where all Lhe precedlng sLaLemenLs concernlng Lhe vlablllLy of Lhe orlglnally deposlLed mlcroorganlsm lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe
mlcroorganlsm was vlable and where Lhe new deposlL was made wlLhln Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe deposlLor recelved Lhe
noLlflcaLlon referred Lo ln subparagraph (a%
%% Where subparagraph (b)(l) applles and Lhe deposlLor does noL recelve Lhe noLlflcaLlon referred Lo ln subparagraph (a% wlLhln slx monLhs
afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe LermlnaLlon llmlLaLlon or dlsconLlnuance referred Lo ln subparagraph (b)(l) was publlshed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal
8ureau Lhe LhreemonLh Llme llmlL referred Lo ln subparagraph (d% shall be counLed from Lhe daLe of Lhe sald publlcaLlon
(2) 1he rlghL referred Lo ln paragraph (1)(a% shall noL exlsL where Lhe deposlLed mlcroorganlsm has been Lransferred Lo anoLher
lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy as long as LhaL auLhorlLy ls ln a poslLlon Lo furnlsh samples of such mlcroorganlsm
Art|c|e S
Lxport and Import kestr|ct|ons
Lach ConLracLlng SLaLe recognlzes LhaL lL ls hlghly deslrable LhaL lf and Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe exporL from or lmporL lnLo lLs LerrlLory of
cerLaln klnds of mlcroorganlsms ls resLrlcLed such resLrlcLlon should apply Lo mlcroorganlsms deposlLed or desLlned for deposlL under
Lhls 1reaLy only where Lhe resLrlcLlon ls necessary ln vlew of naLlonal securlLy or Lhe dangers for healLh or Lhe envlronmenL

Art|c|e 6
Status of Internat|ona| Depos|tary Author|ty
(1) ln order Lo quallfy for Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy any deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon musL be locaLed on Lhe LerrlLory of a
ConLracLlng SLaLe and musL beneflL from assurances furnlshed by LhaL SLaLe Lo Lhe effecL LhaL Lhe sald lnsLlLuLlon complles and wlll
conLlnue Lo comply wlLh Lhe requlremenLs speclfled ln paragraph (2) 1he sald assurances may be furnlshed also by an lnLergovernmenLal
lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon ln LhaL case Lhe deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon musL be locaLed on Lhe LerrlLory of a SLaLe member of Lhe sald
(2) 1he deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon musL ln lLs capaclLy of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy
(l) have a conLlnuous exlsLence
(ll) have Lhe necessary sLaff and faclllLles as prescrlbed ln Lhe 8egulaLlons Lo perform lLs sclenLlflc and admlnlsLraLlve Lasks under Lhls
(lll) be lmparLlal and ob[ecLlve
(lv) be avallable for Lhe purposes of deposlL Lo any deposlLor under Lhe same condlLlons
(v) accepL for deposlL any or cerLaln klnds of mlcroorganlsms examlne Lhelr vlablllLy and sLore Lhem as prescrlbed ln Lhe 8egulaLlons
(vl) lssue a recelpL Lo Lhe deposlLor and any requlred vlablllLy sLaLemenL as prescrlbed ln Lhe 8egulaLlons
(vll) comply ln respecL of Lhe deposlLed mlcroorganlsms wlLh Lhe requlremenL of secrecy as prescrlbed ln Lhe 8egulaLlons
(vlll) furnlsh samples of any deposlLed mlcroorganlsm under Lhe condlLlons and ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe procedure prescrlbed ln Lhe
(3) 1he 8egulaLlons shall provlde Lhe measures Lo be Laken
(l) where an lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy dlsconLlnues Lemporarlly or deflnlLlvely Lhe performance of lLs funcLlons ln respecL of
deposlLed mlcroorganlsms or refuses Lo accepL any of Lhe klnds of mlcroorganlsms whlch lL should accepL under Lhe assurances furnlshed
(ll) ln case of Lhe LermlnaLlon or llmlLaLlon of Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy of an lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy
Art|c|e 7
Acqu|s|t|on of the Status of Internat|ona| Depos|tary Author|ty
%f% A deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon shall acqulre Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy by vlrLue of a wrlLLen communlcaLlon addressed Lo
Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral by Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLe on Lhe LerrlLory of whlch Lhe deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon ls locaLed and lncludlng a declaraLlon of
assurances Lo Lhe effecL LhaL Lhe sald lnsLlLuLlon complles and wlll conLlnue Lo comply wlLh Lhe requlremenLs speclfled ln ArLlcle 6(2) 1he
sald sLaLus may be acqulred also by vlrLue of a wrlLLen communlcaLlon addressed Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral by an lnLergovernmenLal
lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon and lncludlng Lhe sald declaraLlon
%% 1he communlcaLlon shall also conLaln lnformaLlon on Lhe deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon as provlded ln Lhe 8egulaLlons and may lndlcaLe Lhe
daLe on whlch Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy should Lake effecL
%f% lf Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral flnds LhaL Lhe communlcaLlon lncludes Lhe requlred declaraLlon and LhaL all Lhe requlred lnformaLlon has been
recelved Lhe communlcaLlon shall be prompLly publlshed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal 8ureau
%% 1he sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy shall be acqulred as from Lhe daLe of publlcaLlon of Lhe communlcaLlon or where a
daLe has been lndlcaLed under paragraph (1)(b% and such daLe ls laLer Lhan Lhe daLe of publlcaLlon of Lhe communlcaLlon as from such
(3) 1he deLalls of Lhe procedure under paragraphs (1) and (2) are provlded ln Lhe 8egulaLlons

Art|c|e 8
1erm|nat|on and L|m|tat|on of the Status of Internat|ona| Depos|tary Author|ty
%f% Any ConLracLlng SLaLe or any lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon may requesL Lhe Assembly Lo LermlnaLe or Lo llmlL Lo
cerLaln klnds of mlcroorganlsms any auLhorlLy's sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy on Lhe ground LhaL Lhe requlremenLs speclfled
ln ArLlcle 6 have noL been or are no longer complled wlLh Powever such a requesL may noL be made by a ConLracLlng SLaLe or
lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon ln respecL of an lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy for whlch lL has made Lhe
declaraLlon referred Lo ln ArLlcle 7(1)(a%
%% 8efore maklng Lhe requesL under subparagraph (a% Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLe or Lhe lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon
shall Lhrough Lhe lnLermedlary of Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral noLlfy Lhe reasons for Lhe proposed requesL Lo Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLe or Lhe
lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon whlch has made Lhe communlcaLlon referred Lo ln ArLlcle 7(1) so LhaL LhaL SLaLe or
organlzaLlon may wlLhln slx monLhs from Lhe daLe of Lhe sald noLlflcaLlon Lake approprlaLe acLlon Lo obvlaLe Lhe need for maklng Lhe
proposed requesL
%n% Where Lhe Assembly flnds LhaL Lhe requesL ls well founded lL shall declde Lo LermlnaLe or Lo llmlL Lo cerLaln klnds of mlcroorganlsms
Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy of Lhe auLhorlLy referred Lo ln subparagraph (a% 1he declslon of Lhe Assembly shall requlre
LhaL a ma[orlLy of LwoLhlrds of Lhe voLes casL be ln favor of Lhe requesL
%f% 1he ConLracLlng SLaLe or lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon havlng made Lhe declaraLlon referred Lo ln ArLlcle 7(1)(a%
may by a communlcaLlon addressed Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral wlLhdraw lLs declaraLlon elLher enLlrely or ln respecL only of cerLaln klnds of
mlcroorganlsms and ln any evenL shall do so when and Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL lLs assurances are no longer appllcable
%% Such a communlcaLlon shall from Lhe daLe provlded for ln Lhe 8egulaLlons enLall where lL relaLes Lo Lhe enLlre declaraLlon Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy or where lL relaLes only Lo cerLaln klnds of mlcroorganlsms a correspondlng
llmlLaLlon of such sLaLus
(3) 1he deLalls of Lhe procedure under paragraphs (1) and (2) are provlded ln Lhe 8egulaLlons
Art|c|e 9
Intergovernmenta| Industr|a| roperty Crgan|zat|ons
%f% Any lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlon Lo whlch several SLaLes have enLrusLed Lhe Lask of granLlng reglonal paLenLs and of whlch all Lhe
member SLaLes are members of Lhe lnLernaLlonal (arls) unlon for Lhe roLecLlon of lndusLrlal roperLy may flle wlLh Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral
a declaraLlon LhaL lL accepLs Lhe obllgaLlon of recognlLlon provlded for ln ArLlcle 3(1)(a% Lhe obllgaLlon concernlng Lhe requlremenLs
referred Lo ln ArLlcle 3(2) and all Lhe effecLs of Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons appllcable Lo lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal
properLy organlzaLlons lf flled before Lhe enLry lnLo force of Lhls 1reaLy accordlng Lo ArLlcle 16(1) Lhe declaraLlon referred Lo ln Lhe
precedlng senLence shall become effecLlve on Lhe daLe of Lhe sald enLry lnLo force lf flled afLer such enLry lnLo force Lhe sald declaraLlon
shall become effecLlve Lhree monLhs afLer lLs flllng unless a laLer daLe has been lndlcaLed ln Lhe declaraLlon ln Lhe laLLer case Lhe
declaraLlon shall Lake effecL on Lhe daLe Lhus lndlcaLed
%% 1he sald organlzaLlon shall have Lhe rlghL provlded for ln ArLlcle 3(1)(b%
(2) Where any provlslon of Lhls 1reaLy or of Lhe 8egulaLlons affecLlng lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlons ls revlsed or
amended any lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon may wlLhdraw lLs declaraLlon referred Lo ln paragraph (1) by noLlflcaLlon
addressed Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral 1he wlLhdrawal shall Lake effecL
(l) where Lhe noLlflcaLlon has been recelved before Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe revlslon or amendmenL enLers lnLo force on LhaL daLe
(ll) where Lhe noLlflcaLlon has been recelved afLer Lhe daLe referred Lo ln (l) on Lhe daLe lndlcaLed ln Lhe noLlflcaLlon or ln Lhe absence of
such lndlcaLlon Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe noLlflcaLlon was recelved
(3) ln addlLlon Lo Lhe case referred Lo ln paragraph (2) any lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon may wlLhdraw lLs
declaraLlon referred Lo ln paragraph (1)(a% by noLlflcaLlon addressed Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral 1he wlLhdrawal shall Lake effecL Lwo years
afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral has recelved Lhe noLlflcaLlon no noLlflcaLlon of wlLhdrawal under Lhls paragraph shall be
recelvable durlng a perlod of flve years from Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe declaraLlon Look effecL
(4) 1he wlLhdrawal referred Lo ln paragraph (2) or (3) by an lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon whose communlcaLlon
under ArLlcle 7(1) has led Lo Lhe acqulslLlon of Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy by a deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon shall enLall Lhe
LermlnaLlon of such sLaLus one year afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral has recelved Lhe noLlflcaLlon of wlLhdrawal
(3) Any declaraLlon referred Lo ln paragraph (1)(a% noLlflcaLlon of wlLhdrawal referred Lo ln paragraph (2) or (3) assurances furnlshed
under ArLlcle 6(1) second senLence and lncluded ln a declaraLlon made ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle 7(1)(a% requesL made under ArLlcle 8(1)
and communlcaLlon of wlLhdrawal referred Lo ln ArLlcle 8(2) shall requlre Lhe express prevlous approval of Lhe supreme governlng organ of
Lhe lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon whose members are all Lhe SLaLes members of Lhe sald organlzaLlon and ln whlch
declslons are made by Lhe offlclal represenLaLlves of Lhe governmenLs of such SLaLes
Adm|n|strat|ve rov|s|ons
Art|c|e 10
%f% 1he Assembly shall conslsL of Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes
%% Lach ConLracLlng SLaLe shall be represenLed by one delegaLe who may be asslsLed by alLernaLe delegaLes advlsors and experLs
%n% Lach lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlon shall be represenLed by speclal observers ln Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe Assembly and
any commlLLee and worklng group esLabllshed by Lhe Assembly
%% Any SLaLe noL member of Lhe unlon whlch ls a member of Lhe CrganlzaLlon or of Lhe lnLernaLlonal (arls) unlon for Lhe roLecLlon of
lndusLrlal roperLy and any lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlon speclallzed ln Lhe fleld of paLenLs oLher Lhan an lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal
properLy organlzaLlon as deflned ln ArLlcle 2(v) may be represenLed by observers ln Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe Assembly and lf Lhe Assembly so
decldes ln Lhe meeLlngs of any commlLLee or worklng group esLabllshed by Lhe Assembly
%f% 1he Assembly shall
(l) deal wlLh all maLLers concernlng Lhe malnLenance and developmenL of Lhe unlon and Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls 1reaLy
(ll) exerclse such rlghLs and perform such Lasks as are speclally conferred upon lL or asslgned Lo lL under Lhls 1reaLy
(lll) glve dlrecLlons Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral concernlng Lhe preparaLlons for revlslon conferences
(lv) revlew and approve Lhe reporLs and acLlvlLles of Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral concernlng Lhe unlon and glve hlm all necessary lnsLrucLlons
concernlng maLLers wlLhln Lhe compeLence of Lhe unlon
(v) esLabllsh such commlLLees and worklng groups as lL deems approprlaLe Lo faclllLaLe Lhe work of Lhe unlon
(vl) deLermlne sub[ecL Lo paragraph (1)(d% whlch SLaLes oLher Lhan ConLracLlng SLaLes whlch lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlons oLher Lhan
lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlons as deflned ln ArLlcle 2(v) and whlch lnLernaLlonal nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons
shall be admlLLed Lo lLs meeLlngs as observers and Lo whaL exLenL lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLles shall be admlLLed Lo lLs meeLlngs as
(vll) Lake any oLher approprlaLe acLlon deslgned Lo furLher Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe unlon
(vlll) perform such oLher funcLlons as are approprlaLe under Lhls 1reaLy
%% WlLh respecL Lo maLLers whlch are of lnLeresL also Lo oLher unlons admlnlsLered by Lhe CrganlzaLlon Lhe Assembly shall make lLs
declslons afLer havlng heard Lhe advlce of Lhe CoordlnaLlon CommlLLee of Lhe CrganlzaLlon
(3) A delegaLe may represenL and voLe ln Lhe name of one SLaLe only
(4) Lach ConLracLlng SLaLe shall have one voLe
%f% Cnehalf of Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes shall consLlLuLe a quorum
%% ln Lhe absence of Lhe quorum Lhe Assembly may make declslons buL wlLh Lhe excepLlon of declslons concernlng lLs own procedure all
such declslons shall Lake effecL only lf Lhe quorum and Lhe requlred ma[orlLy are aLLalned Lhrough voLlng by correspondence as provlded ln
Lhe 8egulaLlons
%f% Sub[ecL Lo ArLlcles 8(1)(c% 12(4) and 14(2)(b% Lhe declslons of Lhe Assembly shall requlre a ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL
%% AbsLenLlons shall noL be consldered as voLes
%f% 1he Assembly shall meeL once ln every second calendar year ln ordlnary sesslon upon convocaLlon by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral preferably
durlng Lhe same perlod and aL Lhe same place as Lhe Ceneral Assembly of Lhe CrganlzaLlon
%% 1he Assembly shall meeL ln exLraordlnary sesslon upon convocaLlon by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral elLher on hls own lnlLlaLlve or aL Lhe
requesL of onefourLh of Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes
(8) 1he Assembly shall adopL lLs own rules of procedure
Art|c|e 11
Internat|ona| 8ureau
(1) 1he lnLernaLlonal 8ureau shall
(l) perform Lhe admlnlsLraLlve Lasks concernlng Lhe unlon ln parLlcular such Lasks as are speclflcally asslgned Lo lL under Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe
8egulaLlons or by Lhe Assembly
(ll) provlde Lhe secreLarlaL of revlslon conferences of Lhe Assembly of commlLLees and worklng groups esLabllshed by Lhe Assembly and
of any oLher meeLlng convened by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral and deallng wlLh maLLers of concern Lo Lhe unlon
(2) 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall be Lhe chlef execuLlve of Lhe unlon and shall represenL Lhe unlon
(3) 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall convene all meeLlngs deallng wlLh maLLers of concern Lo Lhe unlon
%f% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral and any sLaff member deslgnaLed by hlm shall parLlclpaLe wlLhouL Lhe rlghL Lo voLe ln all meeLlngs of Lhe
Assembly Lhe commlLLees and worklng groups esLabllshed by Lhe Assembly and any oLher meeLlng convened by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral and
deallng wlLh maLLers of concern Lo Lhe unlon
%% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral or a sLaff member deslgnaLed by hlm shall be ex offlclo secreLary of Lhe Assembly and of Lhe commlLLees
worklng groups and oLher meeLlngs referred Lo ln subparagraph (a%
%f% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall ln accordance wlLh Lhe dlrecLlons of Lhe Assembly make Lhe preparaLlons for revlslon conferences
%% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral may consulL wlLh lnLergovernmenLal and lnLernaLlonal nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons concernlng Lhe
preparaLlons for revlslon conferences
%n% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral and persons deslgnaLed by hlm shall Lake parL wlLhouL Lhe rlghL Lo voLe ln Lhe dlscusslons aL revlslon
%% 1he ulrecLor Ceneral or a sLaff member deslgnaLed by hlm shall be ex offlclo secreLary of any revlslon conference
Art|c|e 12
(1) 1he 8egulaLlons provlde rules concernlng
(l) maLLers ln respecL of whlch Lhls 1reaLy expressly refers Lo Lhe 8egulaLlons or expressly provldes LhaL Lhey are or shall be prescrlbed
(ll) any admlnlsLraLlve requlremenLs maLLers or procedures
(lll) any deLalls useful ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls 1reaLy
(2) 1he 8egulaLlons adopLed aL Lhe same Llme as Lhls 1reaLy are annexed Lo Lhls 1reaLy
(3) 1he Assembly may amend Lhe 8egulaLlons
%f% Sub[ecL Lo subparagraph (b% adopLlon of any amendmenL of Lhe 8egulaLlons shall requlre LwoLhlrds of Lhe voLes casL
%% AdopLlon of any amendmenL concernlng Lhe furnlshlng of samples of deposlLed mlcroorganlsms by Lhe lnLernaLlonal deposlLary
auLhorlLles shall requlre LhaL no ConLracLlng SLaLe voLe agalnsL Lhe proposed amendmenL
(3) ln Lhe case of confllcL beLween Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1reaLy and Lhose of Lhe 8egulaLlons Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1reaLy shall prevall
kev|s|on and Amendment
Art|c|e 13
kev|s|on of the 1reaty
(1) 1hls 1reaLy may be revlsed from Llme Lo Llme by conferences of Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes
(2) 1he convocaLlon of any revlslon conference shall be declded by Lhe Assembly
(3)ArLlcles 10 and 11 may be amended elLher by a revlslon conference or accordlng Lo ArLlcle 14
Art|c|e 14
Amendment of Certa|n rov|s|ons of the 1reaty
%f% roposals under Lhls ArLlcle for Lhe amendmenL of ArLlcles 10 and 11 may be lnlLlaLed by any ConLracLlng SLaLe or by Lhe ulrecLor
%% Such proposals shall be communlcaLed by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral Lo Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes aL leasL slx monLhs ln advance of Lhelr
conslderaLlon by Lhe Assembly
%f% AmendmenLs Lo Lhe ArLlcles referred Lo ln paragraph (1) shall be adopLed by Lhe Assembly
%% AdopLlon of any amendmenL Lo ArLlcle 10 shall requlre fourflfLhs of Lhe voLes casL adopLlon of any amendmenL Lo ArLlcle 11 shall
requlre LhreefourLhs of Lhe voLes casL
%f% Any amendmenL Lo Lhe ArLlcles referred Lo ln paragraph (1) shall enLer lnLo force one monLh afLer wrlLLen noLlflcaLlons of accepLance
effecLed ln accordance wlLh Lhelr respecLlve consLlLuLlonal processes have been recelved by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral from LhreefourLhs of
Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes members of Lhe Assembly aL Lhe Llme Lhe Assembly adopLed Lhe amendmenL
%% Any amendmenL Lo Lhe sald ArLlcles Lhus accepLed shall blnd all Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes whlch were ConLracLlng SLaLes aL Lhe Llme Lhe
amendmenL was adopLed by Lhe Assembly provlded LhaL any amendmenL creaLlng flnanclal obllgaLlons for Lhe sald ConLracLlng SLaLes or
lncreaslng such obllgaLlons shall blnd only Lhose ConLracLlng SLaLes whlch have noLlfled Lhelr accepLance of such amendmenL
%n% Any amendmenL whlch has been accepLed and whlch has enLered lnLo force ln accordance wlLh subparagraph (a% shall blnd all SLaLes
whlch become ConLracLlng SLaLes afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe amendmenL was adopLed by Lhe Assembly
I|na| rov|s|ons
Art|c|e 1S
8ecom|ng arty to the 1reaty
(1) Any SLaLe member of Lhe lnLernaLlonal (arls) unlon for Lhe roLecLlon of lndusLrlal roperLy may become parLy Lo Lhls 1reaLy by
(l) slgnaLure followed by Lhe deposlL of an lnsLrumenL of raLlflcaLlon or
(ll) deposlL of an lnsLrumenL of accesslon
(2) lnsLrumenLs of raLlflcaLlon or accesslon shall be deposlLed wlLh Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral
Art|c|e 16
Lntry Into Iorce of the 1reaty
(1) 1hls 1reaLy shall enLer lnLo force wlLh respecL Lo Lhe flrsL flve SLaLes whlch have deposlLed Lhelr lnsLrumenLs of raLlflcaLlon or
accesslon Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe flfLh lnsLrumenL of raLlflcaLlon or accesslon has been deposlLed
(2) 1hls 1reaLy shall enLer lnLo force wlLh respecL Lo any oLher SLaLe Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe daLe on whlch LhaL SLaLe has deposlLed lLs
lnsLrumenL of raLlflcaLlon or accesslon unless a laLer daLe has been lndlcaLed ln Lhe lnsLrumenL of raLlflcaLlon or accesslon ln Lhe laLLer
case Lhls 1reaLy shall enLer lnLo force wlLh respecL Lo LhaL SLaLe on Lhe daLe Lhus lndlcaLed
Art|c|e 17
Denunc|at|on of the 1reaty
(1) Any ConLracLlng SLaLe may denounce Lhls 1reaLy by noLlflcaLlon addressed Lo Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral
(2) uenunclaLlon shall Lake effecL Lwo years afLer Lhe day on whlch Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral has recelved Lhe noLlflcaLlon
(3) 1he rlghL of denunclaLlon provlded for ln paragraph (1) shall noL be exerclsed by any ConLracLlng SLaLe before Lhe explraLlon of flve
years from Lhe daLe on whlch lL becomes parLy Lo Lhls 1reaLy
(4) 1he denunclaLlon of Lhls 1reaLy by a ConLracLlng SLaLe LhaL has made a declaraLlon referred Lo ln ArLlcle 7(1)(a% wlLh respecL Lo a
deposlLary lnsLlLuLlon whlch Lhus acqulred Lhe sLaLus of lnLernaLlonal deposlLary auLhorlLy shall enLall Lhe LermlnaLlon of such sLaLus one
year afLer Lhe day on whlch Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral recelved Lhe noLlflcaLlon referred Lo ln paragraph (1)
Art|c|e 18
S|gnature and Languages of the 1reaty
%f% 1hls 1reaLy shall be slgned ln a slngle orlglnal ln Lhe Lngllsh and lrench languages boLh LexLs belng equally auLhenLlc
%% Cfflclal LexLs of Lhls 1reaLy shall be esLabllshed by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral afLer consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe lnLeresLed CovernmenLs and wlLhln
Lwo monLhs from Lhe daLe of slgnaLure of Lhls 1reaLy ln Lhe oLher languages ln whlch Lhe ConvenLlon LsLabllshlng Lhe World lnLellecLual
roperLy CrganlzaLlon was slgned
%n% Cfflclal LexLs of Lhls 1reaLy shall be esLabllshed by Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral afLer consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe lnLeresLed CovernmenLs ln Lhe
Arablc Cerman lLallan !apanese and orLuguese languages and such oLher languages as Lhe Assembly may deslgnaLe
(2) 1hls 1reaLy shall remaln open for slgnaLure aL 8udapesL unLll uecember 31 1977
Art|c|e 19
Depos|t of the 1reaty 1ransm|tta| of Cop|es keg|strat|on of the 1reaty
(1) 1he orlglnal of Lhls 1reaLy when no longer open for slgnaLure shall be deposlLed wlLh Lhe ulrecLor Ceneral
(2) 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall LransmlL Lwo coples cerLlfled by hlm of Lhls 1reaLy and Lhe 8egulaLlons Lo Lhe CovernmenLs of all Lhe SLaLes
referred Lo ln ArLlcle 13(1) Lo Lhe lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlons LhaL may flle a declaraLlon under ArLlcle 9(1)(a% and on requesL Lo Lhe
CovernmenL of any oLher SLaLe
(3) 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall reglsLer Lhls 1reaLy wlLh Lhe SecreLarlaL of Lhe unlLed naLlons
(4) 1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall LransmlL Lwo coples cerLlfled by hlm of any amendmenL Lo Lhls 1reaLy and Lo Lhe 8egulaLlons Lo all
ConLracLlng SLaLes Lo all lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlons and on requesL Lo Lhe CovernmenL of any oLher SLaLe and
Lo any oLher lnLergovernmenLal organlzaLlon LhaL may flle a declaraLlon under ArLlcle 9(1)(a%
Art|c|e 20
1he ulrecLor Ceneral shall noLlfy Lhe ConLracLlng SLaLes Lhe lnLergovernmenLal lndusLrlal properLy organlzaLlons and Lhose SLaLes noL
members of Lhe unlon whlch are members of Lhe lnLernaLlonal (arls) unlon for Lhe roLecLlon of lndusLrlal roperLy of
(l) slgnaLures under ArLlcle 18
(ll) deposlLs of lnsLrumenLs of raLlflcaLlon or accesslon under ArLlcle 13(2)
(lll) declaraLlons flled under ArLlcle 9(1)(a% and noLlflcaLlons of wlLhdrawal under ArLlcle 9(2) or (3)
(lv) Lhe daLe of enLry lnLo force of Lhls 1reaLy under ArLlcle 16(1)
(v) Lhe communlcaLlons under ArLlcles 7 and 8 and Lhe declslons under ArLlcle 8
(vl) accepLance of amendmenLs Lo Lhls 1reaLy under ArLlcle 14(3)
(vll) any amendmenL of Lhe 8egulaLlons
(vlll) Lhe daLes on whlch amendmenLs Lo Lhe 1reaLy or Lhe 8egulaLlons enLer lnLo force
(lx) denunclaLlons recelved under ArLlcle 17

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