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Process engineering with planetary ball mills†

Cite this: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, Christine Friederike Burmeister* and Arno Kwade
42, 7660
Planetary ball mills are well known and used for particle size reduction on laboratory and pilot scales
for decades while during the last few years the application of planetary ball mills has extended to
mechanochemical approaches. Processes inside planetary ball mills are complex and strongly depend on
the processed material and synthesis and, thus, the optimum milling conditions have to be assessed for
each individual system. The present review focuses on the insight into several parameters like properties
of grinding balls, the filling ratio or revolution speed. It gives examples of the aspects of grinding and
illustrates some general guidelines to follow for modelling processes in planetary ball mills in terms of
refinement, synthesis’ yield and contamination from wear. The amount of energy transferred from the
milling tools to the powder is significant and hardly measurable for processes in planetary ball mills.
Received 7th November 2012 Thus numerical simulations based on a discrete-element-method are used to describe the energy
DOI: 10.1039/c3cs35455e transfer to give an adequate description of the process by correlation with experiments. The simulations
illustrate the effect of the geometry of planetary ball mills on the energy entry. In addition the imaging of motion patterns inside a planetary ball mill from simulations and video recordings is shown.

Grinding is one of the most important unit operations due to
the need for size reduction in chemical, pharmaceutical and
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute for Particle Technology, Volkmaroder
food industries. Planetary ball mills are suitable for wet and
Straße 5, 38104 Braunschweig, Germany. E-mail:,; Fax: +49 531391 9633; Tel: +49 531391 9643 dry, fine and ultra-fine grinding of particles down to the
† In dedication to the memory of Stefan Rosenkranz. nanometre size range due to the high stress intensities reached

Christine Friederike Burmeister Prof. Dr-Ing. Arno Kwade studied

studied biological engineering at mechanical engineering from
the Technische Universität 1986 to 1992 at the Technische
Braunschweig and the Royal Universität Braunschweig and the
Institute of Technology Stockholm University of Waterloo. He
from 2005 to 2011 and completed finished his PhD thesis on
her diploma with her thesis ‘‘DEM ‘‘Autogenous Grinding in Stirred
simulations of micromechanical Media Mills’’ in 1996. Afterwards
properties of modeled aggregates’’. he worked as a general manager
Her doctoral research under the and an executive director before
supervision of Prof. Arno Kwade is he started his career as a full
focusing on simulations of stress professor for mechanical process
Christine Friederike conditions in ball mills and the Arno Kwade engineering in 2005 at the
Burmeister correlation of simulation results Institute for Particle Technology.
with mechanochemical processes His main research focuses on experimental and numerical
in ball mills. investigations in the fields of grinding and dispersing, flow and
compression of powders as well as preparation of particulate
coatings. Main application fields of basic research are in battery
technology and pharmaceutics.

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from high accelerations.1 Other benefits in comparison to other

ball mill types like mixer mills or stirred media mills are for
instance the simple set up, the good cleanability and moderate
cost of the device.2 Due to their construction, especially the
complicated movement of the grinding chamber with high
centrifugal forces, today planetary ball mills are built only on
laboratory and pilot scales, which means with jar sizes up to
Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

1 litre. Typical applications of planetary ball mills are material

development and liberation of minerals and other materials for
analysis. The highly efficient mixing of materials in the grinding
Fig. 1 Scheme of planetary disks with movement in a normal and counter
chamber makes planetary ball mills also useful tools for direction; with pot height h; pot diameter dP; revolution radius R.
mechanochemical approaches. In a mechanical alloying (MA)
process a mixture of different powders is milled under material
transfer to a homogenous alloy. In mechanical milling uniform,
often stoichiometric composition powders are processed in ball
mills without material transfer. Thus no homogenization is
Mechanochemical processes in planetary ball mills have
been widely employed in industry to synthesize a variety of
commercially useful and scientifically interesting materials.
The advantage of using planetary ball mills instead of conventional Fig. 2 Scheme of a ball motion pattern in a single pot of a planetary ball mill –
chemical or processing routes is the reduction of the amount of (a) cascading, (b) cataracting, (c) rolling.

reagents for example through a highly efficient solvent-free route

to arylthioglycosides without the need for purification5–8 as well as
the reduction of reaction time and the gain of higher yield which charge influences the ball motion inside. The powder particles
leads consequently to a more efficient use of materials and are trapped between the colliding balls and make the collision
energy.2,9 Also products can be processed that have improved less elastic so that the ball motion is slowed down and
properties or are not available via conventional routes at all for the energy dissipation is reduced.18 The motion of the balls
example new fluorite type f-Bi2VO2 or high quality sintered ceramic influences the number of collisions, the ball velocity and
bodies with average grain size in the nanometre range.10–13 therefore the impact intensity of the balls which contributes
to the energy input to the powder charge.4 The balls show
complex behavior in the grinding chamber during processing
Planetary ball mills and the motion pattern varies depending on the operation
Planetary ball mills are used for sample processing, colloidal parameters. It changes from cascading to cataracting up to
grinding and material development due to their good reprodu- centrifugation or rolling with increasing filling ratio and/or
cibility, safe handling and short processing times. Planetary ball increasing revolution speed.14,17,19–21
mills are known for more than a hundred years and normally In the cascading regime (Fig. 2a) the milling balls are taken
have 2 or 4 pots. The pots are attached to a disk that rotates along by the pot wall and unroll upon each other from the bulk
around a common central axis while the pots are simultaneously top to its base while in the cataracting regime (Fig. 2b) the balls
rotating around their own axis. The high rotational speed of detach from the wall and impact with high intensity the bulk or
both, the pots and the disk, leads to large impact energies of the opposite wall. Rolling or centrifuging balls (Fig. 2c) align to
milling balls inside the pots to achieve an effective grinding the wall rotation with almost no relative velocity.20
performance. The materials under comminution, in MA processes
Processing in planetary ball mills
mainly powder particles, are located between surfaces and
crushed due to the impact and/or frictional forces that are caused Fine grinding, chemical reactions and mechanical alloying in
by collisions.2,4,9,14,15 planetary ball mills have been investigated for a long time.
The relationship between the velocity of the disk and the However, still challenges exist. For example several different
pots is defined by the ratio k of the rotational speed nP of the variables influence the success of each individual milling
pot and the revolution speed nR of the disk:14,16,17 process and so it is important to make a good parameter
assessment. The parameters to be considered regarding the
k¼ (1) milling process are:15,22–24
 Revolution speed or rotational speed at a constant
The ratio can be positive or negative depending on the moving speed ratio
direction of the disk and pots. In Fig. 1 a planetary ball mill  Milling time (=reaction time)
set-up with a normal and counterdirection of the pots and the  Filling ratio of milling balls or the number of milling balls
disk is shown. As well as the rotation of the pot the powder at constant chamber size

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 Filling ratio of grinding material or ball to powder ratio unwanted side reactions such as aldol reaction between ketones
These process parameters are apparently not completely and aldehydes15,30 or lead to the decomposition of supersaturated
independent of each other and play an important role in the solid solutions or metastable phases as it was found from
refinement of particles and in the kinetics when optimized for mechanochemical alloying of Al–Cu–Fe systems31,32 due to a
the best yield.6 On a local scale process parameter variation significant temperature increase.6 A high temperature increase
leads to changes in the nature of impacts, the stress frequency may be helpful when diffusion is required in powder alloying or
and the stress energy as well as the amount of powder trapped the reaction is promoted by high temperatures.6 On the other
Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

between colliding bodies.3 hand a lower revolution speed leads to less energy consumption
One of the most important parameters for synthesis and and hence to lower cost and a more energy efficient process.24
refinement is the specific energy that is transferred to the The selection of the material of milling balls is determined
powder. Processing at a laboratory scale enables a relatively by the reaction itself in a way that it will not induce side
tight control but for practical manufacturing methods large reactions or cause high abrasion and memory effects with
scale processes and due to the limitations of planetary mills reconstitution of the original structure (9).33 Mostly the used
other processing setups or milling devices are needed. The milling balls are made of tungsten carbide, steel, zirconia,
specific energy is used to adjust the required milling parameters corundum or agate.6,8,22,30,34,35 Balls with large diameter or
for a certain material or synthesis under different operating high density can provide higher impact energy during the
conditions. Also for comparison of different devices or set-ups collision event and, therefore, are applicable for reactions
the specific energy has to be considered.25,26 where the effect of particle refinement will lead to higher
The specific energy Ei can be obtained by relating the total surface activity. Higher surface activity benefits for instance
energy to the total mass of the powder as it is shown in the in catalytic reactions or in the formation of thermodynamically
following:27 stable products.6,15 Higher densities do not automatically lead
Pn to a higher energy transfer into the powder charge and thereby
j¼1 SEj DSFj SN  SE
Ei ¼ t¼ (2) a higher yield. High stress intensities also can have a damaging
mP mP
effect on the product as the result of the energy dissipation in
The total amount of energy is determined by the frequency of heat.6,15
stress events DSFj at interval j, the average stress energy SEj at In some cases more ‘‘soft milling conditions’’ with low
interval j and the processing time t, which is equal to the ball-to-powder ratios and small ball sizes which intense the
product of the total number of stress events SN and the average frictional action are helpful to support amorphization and
stress energy SE. The stress energy SE describes the maximum metastable phase formation in alloying.6 Small balls are also
amount of energy which can be supplied to the product useful if no high intensity but more an efficient mixing and/or a
particles at one collision event and can be calculated from high number of collisions is required. In organic synthesis the
the relative impact velocity vj and the masses of the colliding diameter of the milling balls is crucial, if the overall mass is not
bodies m1 and m2 as given by eqn (3).20,27 The frequency and constant for example for Suzuki–Miyaura reaction where the
energy are on their part affected by the milling parameters yield significantly drops when the ball diameter is changed
mentioned above. from 15 mm to 10 mm at a constant ball number.22 However, if
a constant mass of milling balls and, thus, a constant filling
vj 2 m1 m2
SE ¼ (3) ratio is adjusted the product yield is unchanged independent
2ðm1 þ m2 Þ
from the ball diameter. This independency is in contrast to
The energy is supplied to the particles due to collisions of the particle refinement processes where the ball diameter influences
balls which are caused by the movement of the disk and pots. the product particle size.24 The number of balls depends on the
Thus the revolution speed is connected with the energy entry volume of the grinding chamber and is limited by the filling
and it influences yield as well as selectivity and can change the ratio r. It is known that for dry grinding a ball filling ratio of r =
formation of the powder as a result of temperature effects. It is 0.3 results in the most effective feed grinding.20 Depending on
well understood in the case of particle refinement and inorganic the size of the milling balls a certain amount of balls is
processing but deeper understanding is needed for mechano- necessary to guarantee a qualitative yield.24 A higher number
chemical approaches which are more complex and often differ of balls at constant density and diameter influence the reaction
from each other.15,24 due to the change in stress number. The correlation between
In most cases a minimum revolution speed is required to yield and number of balls seems to be almost linear for
reach a desired product yield or product quality. An increase in chemical synthesis.15,22 The use of too many balls will result
revolution speed often leads to higher yields or better substrate in only a low yield due to the restricted movement of balls
conversion at constant milling times as a result of the more inside the loaded pot.22 Otherwise in a charge with too few balls
efficient mixing and the increasing number of collisions.2,22,28 strong abrasion can take place and may not be in line with the
For some reactions the speed has no influence above a particular recommendation of the mill manufacturer.24 A mixture of balls
number of revolutions or no influence at all.24,29 The speed is with different size may randomize the motion of the ball charge
apparently limited by the design of the mill and also by in a way that without well-defined trajectories tracks in the pot
unwanted effects on the product. High speeds may induce are avoided.36–39

7662 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 7660--7667 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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The yield increases with milling time22,30,40 due to the The rapid increase may be explained from the dislodged
consistent increase in the number of ball collisions and the material acting as an additional abrasive component and from
total amount of transferred energy. However, decomposition of frictional heat which may change the material properties to a
the product can be observed with prolonged reaction time for more brittle material or the abrasion changes from the lower
some reactions.22 shelf to the upper shelf.49
The wear rate constant Kc can reach a minimum for a certain
Wear in planetary ball mills ball diameter while at inappropriate ball filling ratios r it will
Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

The collision of balls against each other and the wall of the pot become maximum.49 For example in a Pulverisette 7 (Fritsch,
during the grinding process will lead to wear of the container VPot = 45 ml) the minimum Kc is achieved at a ball diameter of
and the balls. The dislodged material gets incorporated into the dB = 12.7 mm.49 For the same device Kc increases with increasing
powder where it contaminates or alters the powder chemistry.6 ball filling ratio r till the maximum is reached for r = 0.5. Above
From an economic and synthetic point of view wear is crucial in this value the wear rate starts to decrease again. The reason is
ball mills. When wear contaminates the final product complex that a higher number of balls lead to a higher number of
separation strategies for the remained particles are often neces- collisions and therefore a higher Kc. But with an excess number
sary and the total cost of the process will rise.6 Mostly the wear is of balls the motion of balls inside the grinding chamber is
seen as a contamination of the final product and could be a interrupted and collisions with high enough impact energy to
serious problem, for instance 1–5% Fe is normally present in cause wear are emerging less frequent.
most powders (e.g. B5% Fe in quartz powder and B2% Fe in In addition the contamination can be minimized by using
silicon powder)41,42 milled with steel balls.3 With harder balls the same material for the milling chamber and milling balls as
the abrasive wear is less, but harder balls tend to spall.43 the feed material so there will be no cross-contamination while
Only in some rare cases it is possible to use the wear of the the changing chemistry of the product powder still has to be
grinding chamber and grinding balls to introduce reagents or considered. This alternative is only useful in cases where a
catalysts in a process.44 Iron silicates, for instance, can be synthe- suitable medium for the grinding chamber and the balls is
sized from milling quartz powder with steel balls in the presence of available.3,50 Especially in reactive milling the atmosphere is
oxygen because nanoscale iron and iron oxide particles are formed significant. However, often the container is not sealed properly
as a result of wear and react with the silica.41 and the surrounding atmosphere which means mostly air
The wear is highly affected by the adhesion of the powder containing oxygen and nitrogen attain into the reaction and
material to the ball, whether the material is able to form a layer the powder is contaminated as a result of side reactions with
around the ball respectively.20,43 If the ball surface is insufficiently the leaking atmosphere.3,50 As an inert atmosphere argon with high
coated due to low adhesion of a free flowing powder the energy is purity of more than 99.99% would be suitable but is not economic-
wasted in wearing the balls.39 This effect is even stronger when ally viable and thus not feasible on an industrial scale.3
not a dry powder but a suspension is processed: the wear in wet
grinding is up to 7 times higher than in dry processes due to an Determination of energy input using MSR
unlayered ball surface accompanied with corrosive wear.43–46 The processing of a highly exothermic powder mixture which
The amount of dislodged material from balls and the will react in a mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction
grinding chamber which is incorporated into the powder also (MSR)37,51 can provide valuable information about the energy
depends on time and energy input of milling, stress intensity of supply from a milling device to powder charge. The advantage of
milling as well as on the milling atmosphere.3,43 Most important MSR is that the start of the self-sustaining reaction is conducted
for the relative ball wear is the overall energy input into the by a high temperature increase52 hence these ideal systems are
grinding chamber.47 The total amount of wear increases with useful to study the kinetics of mechanical alloying.53
milling time or energy input, respectively, so that the milling The time period from activation to the reference point of
process should be carried out just for the required duration.48 In high temperature increase when the critical state is reached is
order to gather information about the influence of the process defined as ignition time tig.37 For the investigated reaction it is
parameters on the wear, studies were carried out with steel balls assumed, that the net amount of energy necessary to generate
in a planetary ball mill without using powder. It seems to be the self-sustaining reaction is constant51 and all mechanical
clear that powder charge in the grinding chamber will reduce the energy provided by the mill is consumed by the powder mixture
total amount of wear while without powder the wear progress and used for reactant activation to reach the critical state
and dependencies remain in the same manner.48,49 because the reaction always takes place after a certain milling
The wear rate constant Kc of the dislodged material can time independent from milling parameters. From the experi-
be measured experimentally and it quantifies the amount of ments it can be seen that there is a direct relationship between
wear released into the powder per time step.49 The wear rate the reciprocal of ignition time and the revolution speed nR to
constant Kc increases almost linearly with the revolution speed of the third as it was proposed from theoretical computation
the mill and is mainly independent from milling time as it was based on a collision model.51,54,55
found from experiments with steel balls processed without powder.
With the Pulverisette 7 (Fritsch) it has been found that for high 1
/ nR 3 (4)
speeds above 700 rpm the amount of wear is increasing rapidly. tig

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The ignition time decreases almost linearly with increasing

ball-to-powder ratio at a constant ball-to-powder ratio and the
activation takes place uniformly over the whole sample which
gives evidence for the scalable character of experiments in
planetary ball mills.
Higher ball densities or ball diameters result in a shorter
ignition time due to the higher intensity of collision at higher
Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

ball masses.51,56 The big advantage of the discussed experiment

is that the ignition time is a clear indicator for a certain energy
supply and thus can be used for comparison of the efficiency of
different milling devices which are almost incomparable with
respect to milling time and loading mechanisms.51
Fig. 3 Influence of varied frictional coefficients on simulated ball motion
qualitatively fitted to different feeds.20

Simulation of ball motion in planetary ball

mills impact velocity and stress energy distribution. With increasing
friction values the motion pattern changes from cascading to
The prediction of the outcome of mechanochemical synthesis
cataracting and rolling (see Fig. 3).20
and mechanical alloying from simulation data is quite difficult
The results show the importance of the friction conditions
due to changes in composition, particle size, morphology,
because with increased static or gliding friction when an
structure and crystallinity.57 However, several studies have been
adhesive powder is processed e.g. marble relative velocities
found to use simulations to get a better understanding of the
are higher and more collisions take place per time step. With
effect of process parameters on the energy entry and, hence, on
increasing rolling friction the relative velocity as well as the
the grinding and mechanochemical progress. Discrete element
number of collisions per time step decrease.20
method-based simulations are used to describe the energy
In DEM-simulation only the motion of each ball is observed
transfer from milling tools to the powder, which are helpful
instead of dealing with powder particles to be milled. The
to get a better understanding of how milling process para-
simplification reduces the difficulty of handling the powder
meters or the design of the planetary ball mills affect the
particles in the calculation which would require much more
grinding process by comparison of computational results and
efficient computers and induce inadmissible simulation times.
experiments.58 The discrete-element-method (DEM) is a numer-
The presence of the milled material in the simulation is taken
ical approach for the analysis of systems with discrete bodies.59
into account by appropriate selection of a coefficient of restitu-
At each time step the acceleration and velocity of each grinding
tion and a coefficient of friction.26,57,60 These coefficients have
ball as well as contact forces for colliding bodies (compressive
significant influence on the process predictions, e.g. on the
forces + shear force) are calculated according to Newton’s law of
energy consumption,61 and vary as a function of powder coat-
motion and the trajectories of the balls during grinding are
ing thickness, impact velocity and the type of impact and are
predicted.16,58 A collision is identified when milling balls touch
hence system dependent. For this reason the coefficients have
or a ball hits the milling chamber wall and, thus, energy is
to be26 carefully chosen via parameter fitting methods for
dissipated in this discrete event.26 A collision event also leads to
instance from experiments62 determining the angle of repose63
a change in motion of the ball in a normal and/or tangential
or the behaviour of a single rolling ball.26
direction to the impact as well as a change in rotational motion
with a possible slip of the ball against the wall.60 The main
challenge that has to be met when utilizing DEM predictions is Influence of mill parameters on energy entry
the effect of the powder charge on the motion of the balls which DEM-simulations of planetary ball mills operated at different
influences the energy exchange and energy fractions.26 The parameter sets give better insight into the mechanisms inside
energy is transferred and dissipated into the charge while only the grinding chamber like the motion, the collisions of balls
a fraction of energy dissipated by collision or attrition is and balls with the wall as well as the energy input. The
utilized for grinding and the other fraction is only used for frequency distributions of collision duration26 and collisions’
the movement of the milled material without refining. It is relative velocity20 calculated from ball motion are narrow which
difficult to estimate the efficiency at which the dissipated indicates a very regular motion pattern. From relative velocity
energy can be conversed to grinding of particles between the distributions of stress energy fractions smaller than a certain
surfaces of colliding and sliding bodies, so for simplification it value can be derived. The fraction distributions can be used for
is assumed that the efficiency of energy conversion to grinding comparison of stress conditions inside the mill at different
is constant.60 operation parameters.20 The specific energy Ei transferred to
The powder trapped between colliding bodies makes the the powder is a key factor for identifying the most important
collisions of balls and wall less elastic.18 The friction caused by parameter setting to evaluate the milling conditions or mill
the powder influences the motion pattern as well as the relative configuration.

7664 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 7660--7667 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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It is calculated as the total sum of impact energy of collision expressed by a linear function.16,64,66 Therefore the specific
events n as given by eqn (5) and it is equivalent to eqn (2) for a energy can be used for prediction and estimation of the
constant grinding ball mass m.14,16,21,40 grinding rate and optimization of conditions.
Xn The particle size change during the experimental grinding
Ei ¼ mvj 2 (5) process can be described using an empirical equation:16
4m P  
Dt Dl Dl
¼ 1 expðKP tÞ þ (9)
Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

However, the comparison between experimental results and D0 D0 D0

simulation data is challenging due to changes in composition,
with Dt/D0 as the normalized particle size and the grinding rate
particle size, morphology, structure and crystallinity.
KP. The correlation with experiments shows that the rate of size
The specific energy increases with increasing revolution
reduction KP increases with decreasing ball diameter at high
speed nR and increases linearly with the number of balls and,
rotational speeds while it is independent of ball size for low
thus, the number of collisions. Higher energy and/or the
speeds.66 KP increases with increasing revolution speed and
collision number will lead to a better mechanochemical activation
decreases with sample weight.16
and mechanical alloying which can also be seen from experimental
data. It can be seen that the rotation of the disk and pots in a Simulation of geometry scale-up
counterdirection (cf. Fig. 1) is more effective in grinding and
A geometrical scale up of fscale times of the mill size (pot
mechanochemical activation than the normal direction as
diameter dP, pot height h and revolution radius R) shall
a result of higher energy and higher number of collisions.
investigate the effect on the energy Ei. The computational
These computational results are in very good agreement with
predicted effect based on the dependencies in eqn (6) and (8)
experimental results.14,17
on the energy should be:
The mill geometry has a significant effect on the number of
balls and the speed that can be used as well as the ball motion Ei p fscale5 (10)
and has to be carefully considered. At a constant pot height to
As expected the simulated energy Ei increases with the geometry
diameter ratio the pot diameter influences the energy Ei which
factor fscale. The simulation results diverge slightly from the
can be explained from the ball motion in the pot.17
predicted value so within the change of the three parameters
Ei p d p 4 (6) pot diameter, height and revolution radius the energy depends on

The kinetic energy Ekin of a single ball is equal to the product Ei p fscale4.87 (11)
of the ball mass m, the pot diameter dP and the acceleration a
The error may be caused from the effect of other parameters
acting on a ball moving from one point to another. The
like ball diameter, filling ratio or the speed ratio which are not
acceleration can be expressed by the revolution radius R and
completely independent and lead to different motion and
the angular velocity O.16
collision patterns in the modified mill geometry.16
Ekin = 1/2mvj2 = madP (a = RO) (7)

Therefore, while the pot diameter is changed the specific

energy changes linearly. However, with the diameter of the pot Comminution and mechanochemical processes in planetary
the number of balls nB will increase at a constant filling ratio ball mills are complex and mainly dependent on the milled
and a constant pot height to diameter ratio so that nB p dp3 material or the conducted synthesis as well as the desired
and as a result the energy are a function of the pot diameter to product. There is no general rule for the choice of optimal
the fourth power. From eqn (6) it can also be derived that the conditions. Several parameters influence the success of each
energy is dependent on the revolution radius R: individual milling or mechanochemical process therefore it is
Ei p R (8) inevitable to make a good parameter assessment as it is
discussed in the section above.
The maximum Ei can be reached by optimal setting of The assessment depends on whether high stress energies for
revolution radius R and speed ratio k.14 The specific energy size reduction are needed or the process depends on the total
increases with rotational-to-revolution speed ratio k. The speed energy input. High stress energies can be provided by large ball
ratio at the maximum specific energy shifts to higher values diameters or high ball densities and a high revolution speed.
when the revolution radius increases. The maximum specific The counterdirection of rotational to revolution speed is more
energy is defined as the critical energy at which just no rolling effective in refinement than the motion in a normal direction.
takes place. It is possible to compare the particle refinement to Especially for chemical synthesis the specific energy is
computational results over a wide range of conditions using the crucial and, thus, an effective mixing with high stress frequencies
relation between specific energy and the grinding rate KP.64,65 is advantageous and can be achieved by the use of small balls at a
The grinding rate representing the rate of particle breakage is constant filling ratio. As the specific energy can hardly be measured
well correlated with the specific energy in planetary ball mills directly, self-sustaining reactions are useful to determine the energy
for several inorganic powders and the relationship can be input of a certain milling device. In addition simulations based on

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DEM show the influence of milling geometry and milling ball 25 W. Peukert, Int. J. Miner. Process., 2004, 74, S3–S17.
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Published on 07 February 2013. Downloaded by National University of Singapore on 12/10/2023 7:39:36 AM.

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