Anexo 2 - Por Escuela

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1. El/la docente o el/ la asesor/a externo/a especializado/a indica a los estudiantes una fecha para realizar el
concurso escolar para seleccionar al estudiante representante por grado.
2. Deberá practicar con los estudiantes una lista de 50 cincuenta palabras.
3. La forma de indicar la palabra a los estudiantes es como sigue:

Teacher: Juan, can you spell the word APPLE?

Teacher: Si es correcto: Excellent! Thank you.
Es incorrecto: I’m sorry. Thank you.

Las 50 cincuenta palabras sugeridas para la selección escolar son:

1. Coin - A small, flat, and usually round piece of metal issued by a government
as money.
2. Oil - A liquid substance that comes from a plant or animal that contains fat
and that is used in cooking.
3. Voice - The sounds that you make with your mouth and throat when you are
speaking, singing, etc.
4. Join - To put or bring (two or more things) together.
5. Noise - A loud or unpleasant sound.
6. Poison - A substance that can cause people or animals to die or to become
very sick if it gets into their bodies especially by being swallowed.
7. Boil - To become so hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the
8. Point - An idea that you try to make other people accept or understand.
9. Enjoy - taking pleasure in something.
3° PRIMARIA 10.Toys - Something a child play with.
11.Joy - A feeling of great happiness.
12.Royal - Of or relating to a king or queen.
13.Radio - A device that is used to receive the signals that are broadcasted by
14.House - A place in which we live.
15.Mouth - The opening through which food passes into the body.
16.Proud - Very happy and pleased because of something you have done.
17.Around - In a circle.
18.Cow - A large animal that is raised by people for milk or meat usually on a
19.Towel - A piece of cloth used for drying things.
20.Town - A place where people live that is larger than a village but smaller than
a city.
21.How - In what manner or way.
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22.Power - The ability or right to control people or things.
23.Found - To begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time).
24.Race - A competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc., to see which
one is fastest.
25.Bicycle - Two-wheeled vehicle that a person rides by pushing on foot pedals.
26.Price - The amount of money that you pay for something or that something
27.City - A place where people live that is larger or more important than a town.
28.Pencil - An instrument used for writing and drawing that has a hard outer
part and a black or colored center part.
29.Scare - To cause (someone) to become afraid.
30.Second - Occupying the number two position in a series.
31.Circus - A traveling show that is often performed in a tent and that typically
includes trained animals, clowns, acrobats, etc.
32.Slice - A thin piece of food that is cut from something larger.
33.Dance - To move your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and style of
music that is being played.
34.Knock - To hit something (such as a door) with the knuckles of your hand or
with a hard object (such as a knocker) in order to get people's attention.
35.Knee - The joint that bends at the middle of your leg.
36.Never - Not at any time.
37.Remember - To have or keep an image or idea in your mind of (something or
someone from the past)
38.Boat - A small vehicle that is used for traveling on water.
39.Wrong - Not agreeing with the facts or truth.
40.Write - To form letters or numbers on a surface with a pen, pencil, etc.
41.Giant - Very large.
42.Gym - A place where you exercise your body.
43.Journey - An act of traveling from one place to another.
44.Jam - A sweet food made of fruit and sugar thickened by boiling.
45.Jacket - A piece of clothing that is worn on your upper body over another
piece of clothing (such as a shirt)
46.Next - Coming after this one.
47.Squirrel - A small animal with a long tail and soft fur that lives in trees.
48.Giraffe - A very tall African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs.
49.Sleeping - To rest your mind and body by closing your eyes and becoming
50.Building - A structure (such as a house, hospital, school, etc.) With a roof and
walls that is used as a place for people to live, work, do activities, store things,
1. Accident - Undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally
and usually results in harm, injury, damage or loss.
2. Adventure - Exciting or very unusual experience.
3. Advertisement - Paid announcement or public notice usually to promote
goods for sale, or an event.
4° PRIMARIA 4. Afraid - Feeling or showing fear.
5. Angry - Feeling or showing anger or strong resentment.
6. Apple - The usually round, red or green edible food or a small tree.
7. Arrive - To reach one´s destination.
8. April - The fourth month of the year, containing 30 days.
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9. Assistant - Person who gives, aid, support, or help.
10.Astronaut - Person trained for spaceflight.
11.August - The eighth month of the year, containing 31 days.
12.Bag - Portable container used for carrying personal items.
13.Bark - The tough, woody covering of tree trunk; to make the characteristic
short loud cry of a dog; v to speak in a curt loud and usually angry tone.
14.Bay - Expense of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than
a cove but smaller than a gulf.
15.Bear - To hold up, support, suffer, in large carnivorous or omnivorous
mammal with strong claws.
16.Bed - Piece of furniture upon or within which a person sleeps or rests.
17.Believe - To have confidence in the truth of something.
18.Belonging - Something that belongs to someone, possessions; goods;
personal effects.
19.Berry - Any small, usually seedless, juicy fruit.
20.Big - Large, as in size, height, width, or amount.
21.Bird - Any warm-blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered
with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth,
and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg.
22.Boat - A vessel for transport by water constructed to provide buoyancy by
excluding water and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion.
23.Book - Written or printed work of fiction or no fiction.
24.Bottle - Portable container for holding liquids.
25.Bright - Radiating or reflecting light.
26.Brother - Male sibling having one or both parents in common.
27.Butter - Dairy product made from milk and used as a spread on bread.
28.Cake - A sweet, baked, bread like food, made with or without shortening, and
usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid
29.Calendar - Table or register with the days of each month and week in a year.
30.Care - To be concerned or worried about something.
31.Carrot - Nutritious, orange vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked.
32.Cashier - An employee, who collects payments for customer purchases.
33.Catch - To take and hold something thrown or falling, to seize or capture.
34.Celebration - Act of celebrating.
35.Character - Person represented in a drama, story.
36.Chess - Game played by two people, each with 16 pieces.
37.City - Large or important town.
38.Classroom - Room, as in a school, in which classes are held.
39.Climb - To go up, ascend using your hands and/or feet.
40.Coast - The land that borders the sea.
41.Comic strip - Sequence of drawings relating a comic incident, an adventure,
or a mystery story.
42.Concern - To trouble, worry, or be at unease about something.
43.Conclusion - Result, issue, or outcome.
44.Cook - To prepare food using heat; a person who cooks, a chef.
45.Corn - A tall, cereal plant.
46.Countryside - Rural section of a country.
47.Cow - The mature female of the domesticated cattle.
48.Criminal - Person guilty of, or convicted of a crime.
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49.Crossing guard - Auxiliary police officer, or community volunteer who directs
traffic and assists children in crossing a street near a school.
50.Customer - Person who purchases goods or services from another.
1. Ruler - Material used for drawing lines and measure.
2. Pencil - A slender tube of wood used for drawing and writing.
3. Glue - Substance used to put things together.
4. Marker - A person or thing that marks in colors.
5. Scissors - A cutting instrument for paper, cloth, etc.
6. Television - Something that project images.
7. Newspaper - A publication in paper with news and images.
8. Radio - An apparatus for receiving and transmitting radio broadcasts.
9. Big - Large in size.
10.Size - Dimensions, proportions and magnitude of something.
11.Great - Very good.
12.Toy - An object that usually is used by children to play.
13.Angry - Seeming to be mad about something.
14.Beautiful - Wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.
15.Magic - The art of producing illusions.
16.Back - The rear part of the human body.
17.War - A conflict carried by forces on arms.
18.Turn - To move to a different side.
19.Left - Direction or position opposite to the right side.
20.Ghost - The soul of a dead person.
21.Furniture - The movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required
for use or ornament in a house.
22.Screen - Rectangle surface that reflects light.
5° PRIMARIA 23.Camera - A device used to take pictures.
24.Watch - To observe, to look.
25.Crossword - A puzzle with words.
26.Hangman - A word game in which one player selects a word that the other
player must guess by supplying each of its letters.
27.Snake - A long reptile that crawls.
28.Mistake - Error.
29.Arm - The part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
30.Body - The physical structure and material substance of an animal or plant,
living or dead.
31.Feet - Plural of foot, part of the body used to move.
32.Calendar - A table or register with the days of each month and week in a year.
33.Machine - An apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate
34.Money - Any circulating medium of exchange, including coins or paper.
35.Problem - Any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
36.Car - Vehicle moving on wheels.
37.Language - Body of words used to speak.
38.Dictionary - A book with words and definitions.
39.Translate - To change the words in your own language.
40.Spell - Give the letters in order of words.
41.Microwave - Machine that heats food.
42.Solution - The act of solving a problem.
43.Chat - To converse in a familiar manner.
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44.Computer - A device designed to accept data, images, programs, etc.
45.Telephone - A device to talk with people by voice.
46.Street - A public thoroughfare, usually paved, in a village, town, or city.
47.Movie - Story that you can see in a television or cinema.
48.Time - A sequence of seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months.
49.Envelope - A flat paper container.
50.Country - A state or nation.
1. Cheese - Solid or creamy food.
2. Chocolate - Food product made from cacao seeds.
3. Complete - With nothing missing, whole.
4. Cottage - A small country house.
5. Cream - A yellow fatty substance.
6. Flour - A dried powdered form of any vegetable material.
7. Lollipop - Hard candy on a stick.
8. Sausage - A mass of minced.
9. Seed - Part of the fruit from which a new plant grows.
10.Sugar - A white crystalline water
11.Beaver - A large aquatic rodent that has brown fur.
12.Card trick - A small rectangular piece of plastic or card.
13.Check - To examine or establish.
14.Escape artist - A person that gain freedom for fun.
15.Main character - The protagonist in the story.
16.Handcuffs - A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing.
17.Magic trick - An illusory feat.
18.Magician - A person who performs magic tricks for entertainment.
19.Medal - A metal disk with an inscription or design.
20.Number - An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure.
21.Sack race - A race in which competitors, stand in sacks up to the waist or neck
6° PRIMARIA and jump forward.
22.Trapeze artist - A usually professional performer on the trapeze.
23.Organizer - A person who organizes.
24.Unscramble - Restore (something that has been scrambled).
25.Break - Separate or cause to separate into pieces.
26.Bullying - Use superior strength or influence to intimidate.
27.Mistake - An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
28.Participant - A person who takes part in something.
29.Word game - A game involving the making, guessing, or selection of words.
30.Brainstorm - A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of
solving problems.
31.Envelope - A flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter
or document.
32.Grave - A place of burial for a dead body.
33.Groundhog - Is a rodent.
34.Pumpkin - cook
35.Stocking - A women's garment, typically made of translucent nylon or silk.
36.Turkey - A large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America.
37.Underline - Draw a line under (a word or phrase) to give emphasis or indicate
special type.
38.Building - A structure with a roof and walls, such as a house, school, store, or
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39.Inspector - An official employed to ensure that official regulations are
40.Ceiling - The upper interior surface of a room or other similar compartment.
41.Roof - The structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle.
42.Factory - A building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured by
43.Helmet - A hard or padded protective hat.
44.Timetable - A chart showing the departure and arrival times of trains, buses,
or planes.
45.Trolley - A wheel attached to a pole.
46.Bakery - A place where bread and cakes are made or sold.
47.Barefoot - Wearing nothing on the feet.
48.Beverage - A drink, especially one other than water.
49.Bridge - A structure carrying a road, path, railroad, or canal across a river.
50.Bucket - A roughly cylindrical open container.
1. Dialogue - A conversation between two or more people.
2. Conversation - Oral communication between people.
3. Greeting - The act or words of a person who greets.
4. Communication - The act or process of communicating.
5. Speaker - A person who gives a speech at a public event.
6. Colleague - One of a group of people who work together.
7. Clerk - A person who deals with letters, accounts etc., in an office.
8. Garment - A piece of clothing.
9. Restaurant - A place where meals may be bought and eaten.
10.Clarification - Explanation or more details that makes something clear or
easier to understand.
11.Instructions - Advice and information about how to do or use something.
12.Information - Facts about a situation, person, event, etc.
13.Member - A person, animal, or thing that is part of a group.
14.Remember - To keep in the mind, or to bring back into the mind after
forgetting for a time.
15.Passenger - A person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying
1° SECUNDARIA it, or working on it.
16.Receptionist - A person who is employed to answer the telephone, attend to
guests, clients etc.
17.Heavy - Having great weight; difficult to lift or carry.
18.Angry - Feeling or showing anger.
19.Enthusiastic - Showing enthusiasm.
20.Polite - Having or showing good manners; courteous.
21.Illustration - A picture, the act of illustrating.
22.Tale - A story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe.
23.Pictures - A painting, drawing or a photograph.
24.Character - Is a person in a story.
25.Setting – It is where a story takes place.
26.Event – It is something that happens in a story.
27.Conflict- It is a problem for a character in a story.
28.Resolution – It is how the conflict is solved.
29.Description - To tell in words what something or someone is like.
30.Disappear - To vanish from sight.
31.Bilingual - Person able to use two languages equally well.
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32.Dictionary - A book containing the words of a language alphabetically
arranged, with their meanings.
33.Word - A single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or
34.Translation - To put (something said or written) into another language.
35.Find - To come upon or meet with accidentally or after searching.
36.Transcription - A written record of words or music
37.Abbreviation - A shortened form of a word
38.Speech - The ability to talk, the activity of talking, or a piece of spoken
39.Guideword - Help you find the explanation you are looking for.
40.Collocations - The combination of words formed when two or more words
are often used together in a way that sounds correct.
41.Language - The speech of a particular nation.
42.Alphabet - The letters of a written language arranged in order.
43.Section - One of the parts that something is divided into.
44.Order - To do or make something especially for a person who has asked for
45.Listen - To pay attention to sound.
46.Definition - A statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase.
47.Adjective - A word that describes a noun or pronoun.
48.Adverb - Describes the relationship between a noun and another noun, verb
or adverb.
49.Article - It is used before a noun; it can be definite or indefinite.
50.Conjunction - Joins words, phrases or clauses with each other.
1. Agree - To have the same opinion.
2. Allow - To give permission.
3. Always - All times.
4. Amazing - Causing great surprise.
5. Annoy - To disturb or bother.
6. Arrive - To come to a destination.
7. Arts - The conscious use of the imagination in the production of objects.
8. Balloon - Bag inflated with air.
9. Beast - A large, wild animal.
10.Beauty - A physical quality in a thing or person.
11.Beg - To ask for help.
12.Behave - To do things in a particular way.
2° SECUNDARIA 13.Believe - To have confidence in the truth.
14.Belly - The front or under part of a body, containing the abdomen.
15.Bill - A written statement of a payment.
16.Blast - A loud sudden noise.
17.Born - To come into existence by birth.
18.Brief - Taking a short time.
19.Bright - Shining light.
20.Bucket - A container with an open top and a handle.
21.Bug - An insect
22.Burn - To consume with fire.
23.Care - To be interested. To worry.
24.Carry - To take something from one place to another.
25.Cash - Coins
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26.Chat - To engage conversation with another person.
27.Chest - The trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen.
28.Choice - An act of choosing.
29.Close - To obstruct an entrance or opening.
30.Collect - To gather.
31.Cook - To prepare food by the use of heat.
32.Crowd - A large group of people.
33.Daily - Occurring every day.
34.Day - The period of light between dawn and nightfall.
35.Death - The act of dying.
36.Deer - Animal, member of the Cervidae family.
37.Delay - To postpone.
38.Deny - saying something is not true.
39.Die - To stop living.
40.Dinner - The main meal of the day.
41.Dry - Not wet.
42.Enough - Sufficient.
43.Envelop - Flat paper covering for letters.
44.Epic - Heroic. Legendary.
45.Era - A period of a chronological system.
46.Evening - The early part of the night.
47.Every day - Pertaining to every day.
48.Exciting - Stirring, Thrilling.
49.Exist - To have life or animation.
50.Explanation – A reason or justification given for an action or belief.
1. Access - Way or right to meet (someone) or use (something).
2. Accord - To agree with.
3. Act - To perform (a part) in a play.
4. Adventure - A bold or exciting undertaking or experience.
5. Advice - Suggestions to a person about what he or she should do.
6. Aircraft - Any of several types of machines for flying in the air.
7. Ancient - Relating to times long ago, especially before the collapse of Rome.
8. Appointment - Arrangement to meet someone; I made an appointment to
see him.
9. Appropriate - Suitable; proper.
10.Argue - (With someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or
discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way.
3° SECUNDARIA 11.Argument - A quarrel or unfriendly discussion.
12.Attack - To make a sudden, violent attempt to hurt or damage.
13.Attention - Concentration of the mind.
14.Availability - Being free for an appointment.
15.Available - Able or ready to be used.
16.Awesome - Causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear.
17.Baseball - An American game played with bat and ball.
18.Believe - To trust (a person), accepting what he says as true.
19.Boulevard - a wide and usually important street that often has trees, grass,
or flowers planted down its center or along its sides.
20.Brave - Without fear of danger, pain etc.
21.Bravery - With courage.
22.Calculator - A machine for calculating.
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23.Challenge - To ask (someone) to take part in a contest.
24.Challenging - Demanding effort; difficult.
25.Cheerful - Full of, or causing, happiness.
26.Climate - The weather conditions of a region (temperature, moisture etc).
27.Community - A group of people especially having the same religion or
nationality and living in the same general area.
28.Complaint - (A statement of one’s) dissatisfaction.
29.Country - Any of the nations of the world; the land occupied by a nation.
30.Crafts - Skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects.
31.Crocodile - Large reptile found in the rivers.
32.Crop - A plant that is farmed and harvested.
33.Culture - A form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation.
34.Cultured - Well-educated.
35.Cup - A usually round hollow container to hold liquid for drinking, often with
a handle.
36.Curious - Anxious or interested (to learn).
37.Cyber bullying - Using the internet to harm or frighten another person,
especially by sending him or her unpleasant messages.
38.Darkness - The state of being dark.
39.Debate - A discussion or argument, especially a formal one in front of an
40.Debatable - Doubtful; able to be argued about.
41.Desperate - Urgent and despairing.
42.Desperately - Frantically.
43.Despite - In spite of, after all.
44.Device - Something made for a purpose, egg a tool or instrument.
45.Discover - To find out; to find by chance, especially for the first time.
46.Discussion - (An act of) talking about something.
47.Dish - Food mixed and prepared for the table.
48.Distraction - Something that takes the mind off other especially more serious
49.Distribution - The arrangement that something would have; the division (of
something) among several people.
50.Download - To move information or programs to your computer from
another large computer or system from the Internet.

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