April 2011 Issue

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Inside the Warrior: News: 1-4, BSW: 5, Features: 6-9, Humor: 10-11, Spotlight: 12-13, Opinions: 14-17, Entertainment: 18-20, Sports: 21-24

Sherwood High School

33rd Year, Issue No.4

April 14, 2011

Discover Exciting Springtime Trends,

pgs. 18-20

Nancy Says Goodbye,

pg. 11

Has Sense of Community Been Lost?

by Devin Cornelius 12
Olney, once a rural community known for its longstanding farming tradition, has rapidly transformed into a bustling suburban town of over 30,000 people. Consequently, Sherwoods population has grown substantially over the past 20 years as well. During the same time, teens have become more technologically dependent, contributing to lives filled with distractions. Sherwoods teachers, parents and students had long prided themselves on being members of a tight-knit community that revolved around school events. But such a sentiment may be a thing of the past. A school-wide survey revealed that only 20 percent of students felt very strongly that Sherwood has a sense of community. The survey also found that although two-thirds of students felt well informed of all upcoming school events, 57 percent of students believed that it is not important to attend those events. Even some of Sherwoods most prized and widely recognized school-sponsored events such as Rock n Roll, lately seem to be drawing audiences consisting more of parents and other adults than students. In the early years [Rock n Rolls audience]

Disciplinary Policy:
by Rebecca Stussman 12
On November 3, 2010, Fairfax sophomore Nick Stuban was suspended from his high school for buying a capsule of a legal substance known as JWH-018, a synthetic compound with a marijuana-like effect. Stuban was a first-time offender, Boy Scout and football player. His suspension lasted for over seven weeks and ended in an involuntary school transfer, which forced Stuban into a different school away from his friends and teachers. On January 20 of this year, due in part to the stress and isolation of his strict punishment, Stuban took his own life. This tragic incident, reported at length in The Washington Post, has brought much scrutiny to disciplinary procedures and the efforts that are taken to ensure fairness, not only in Fairfax County but also at school systems all over the country, including MCPS. MCPSs disciplinary process, both in its administrative designation of consequences and in its method of investigating offenses, tries to protect student rights through a willingness to receive and act upon complaints from students, staff or parents. Few formal restrictions on disciplinary power exist directly in county policy, however, allowing for leaders such as principals to exercise with relative freedom under wide guidelines. This creates a somewhat unobjective approach that, MCPS feels, is necessary to view each offense and student individually. In such a system, even zero-tolerance responses to infractions are subject to interpretation. When youre dealing with behavior and people, there is some subjectivity that comes into it, said Principal Bill Gregory. But without this subjectivity, everyone would have to receive the same consequence for each behavior, and I dont think thats fair and I dont think thats right. At Sherwood, Gregory has complete authority to suspend students, though the county monitors his fairness through analysis of Sherwood disciplinary statistics and an openness to respond to criticisms against him by parents, students and staff. Stu-

A Closer look


see COMMUNITY, pg. 4

Students To Take AP Exams on Home Turf

by Jessica Golding 11
From May 2 to May 13, AP exams will be given at Sherwood after years of mostly being held at local community centers. This decision was made by AP Test Coordinator Jamii Avery and the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT), which consists of administrators and resource teachers. The venue for AP exams was changed this year due to an increased volume of students taking exams. Each year the number of students and the number of tests being given are progressively increasing. And to tell you the truth, ever since I took over AP testing four years ago, Ive want- get home, or parents having to If we are all in the school, then ed to have it in the building, said take off of work in order to pick its a lot easier to figure out where Avery, who is also a counselor at their child up. The other issue was to go. Sherwood. This year 832 students the size of the testing rooms and There also was the increasare taking 1,643 tests. the accommodations. Some of ing difficulty in finding people Administering AP exams in them were good, some of them who were able to proctor these classrooms in the exams. With the school building is I think it will also be better for the students tests at Sherwood, expected to be easresponsibility because school is their home place, and Im that lie with volier for the students will hoping that they will feel more comfortable unteering teachers taking them. There are a taking the test in the school building. who have free pelot of benefits, riods but are not ~AP Test Coordinator Jamii Avery teaching the same said Avery. The first benefit is that subject as the test theres not travel for the students, were not so good. We were test- given. and I typically saw that students ing in such large numbers that I During the two-week period had an issue of going from place had to separate kids into different of AP testing, all bells and anto place, having transportation to testing locations for the same test. nouncements over the PA system will not be allowed, except for emergencies. [Turning off bells and PA announcements] was one of the non-negotiables, said social studies teacher Christine McKeldin, who is a staff representative to the ILT. Because of the temporary loss of bells, students will be released according to the time on their teachers computer. [Although students can still be tallied tardy,] we are just going to have to be reasonable, said AP Committee Chair Debra Reier, who also teaches AP Literature. We are going to have to watch the

see EXAMS, pg. 2

The WarriorNews
April 14, 2011


s wEF Ne I

AP Testing To Be Held in Classrooms

from EXAMS, pg. 1
clocks and be a little more open to the fact that we are not hearing those warning bells and hearing when to get to class. We are just going to have to flow with it for a couple of weeks. Testing hallways include upstairs B, H and G, and downstairs H and K. The central hallway in the middle of the building and the upstairs K hallway are the only hallways not being used for testing locations because they are in busier areas. Classes that would normally be in the testing locations will be moved to other rooms. Teachers already have notice of where they are going to go and have been asked to notify their affected classes. Avery has organized the testing locations so that the same class will not be moved every day. Sherwood receives a rebate of $8 per test from College Board. According to Avery, the money goes towards covering the cost of tests for students who cannot pay, tables for testing, pens, pencils and other products used by the proctors during the test. This money in the past has also contributed to the purchase of AP books that help students prepare for the AP exam. In spite of all the planning, uncertainties still exist about the new testing venue. My biggest concern is covering the sections, having sufficient proctors, and having people who are there and know what the expectations are and how to monitor the situation and how to deal with any issues that might come up, said Reier. I think that is always the biggest concernto keep the testing en-

Helpful AP Exam Info

Dates of AP Testing:
May 2 to May 13

Sherwood Faces Teacher, Course Cuts

Four Sherwood teachers have been put on the involuntary transfer list for the 2011-2012 school year. Two of the teachers are from the Science Department, and two are from the English department. The loss of these teachers coincides with a one-student increase in the cap of all class sizes to 34 students per class, except for English classes which will be capped at 29 students. Last year, approximately 14 teachers were involuntarily transferred from Sherwood. I hate it when I have to start talking to people [about an involuntary transfer], and it impacts a persons life, said Principal Bill Gregory. I really work hard at keeping teachers employed. Staff allotment for a school is determined by the Maryland State Department of Educations enrollment projections. The volume of students registering for courses in a given department determines how many staff positions will be allocated to that department. Sherwood could have taken a larger staffing cut based on earlier projections, but Gregory petitioned to have those reevaluated. Sherwood is also hiring teachers in other departments. Gregory is currently looking for two technology teachers, a science teacher, a health teacher and a science resource teacher. Current science resource teacher James Douglas will be stepping down from that role while maintaining a teaching position. If the resource teacher opening goes to a current member of Sherwoods Science Department, one of the two involuntarily transferred teachers may get to retain their job. Accompanying the English Departments loss in staffing, several English electives did not receive enough student enrollment to run at their standard rate. Journalism will not be offered next year, Yearbook will drop from two sections to one and Creative Writing will only be offered for one semester. Another notable course that will not run is AP Comparative Government.

Number of Tests Being Administered:

Approximately 1643

Number of Students Taking an AP Test: Halls Being Used:


Upstairs: B, H, G, E, Counseling Office Downstairs: H, K -No bells or announcements, except during emergencies -Classes in testing locations will be moved
wont be problems with this site because I am sure there will be some issues, but I hope that we will have more control over those issues here when you have many more staff who can help to alleviate those problems. Making the change to have AP exams at Sherwood primarily aims to help students be more successful at test taking. I think it will also be better for the students because school is their home place, and Im hoping that they will feel more comfortable taking the test in the school building, said Avery.

Expected School Day Changes:

-Adam Kopp 11

Percentage of 15-24 Year Olds That Have Never Had Sexual Contact
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Females Males

vironment as productive as possible and as quiet as possible. That is obviously going to be an issue when you are in the middle of the whole school. However, there is great hope for the new plan as it continues to develop. I absolutely do [believe this new system is an improvement from previous years] based on the comments that I have heard from previous students. Each year they report back to me about various distractions, various problems and various issues that are really site related, said Reier. Not to say that there

Sherwood High School

300 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd. Sandy Spring, MD 20860 www.thewarrioronline.com

15-17 years

18-19 years

20-24 years

Sex Study Dispels Assumption

The newly released results from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth upend the common perception that teens are becoming more sexually active in this day and age when society is widely seen as more sexually open and permissive. The survey has been conducted seven times since 1973 with the intention of providing basic data for public health policy and charting behaviors that affect risk of sexually transmitted diseases and family planning. The 2006-2008 survey interviewed 13,495 Americans and found that in the 15-24 age group, 29 percent of females and 27 percent of males have never had sexual contact. Since 2002, the percent of people ages 15-44 who have never had sex increased by 3.9 percent. The decreasing percentage of teens having sex, together with both contraceptive and abstinence programs, may have contributed to the overall decrease of teen pregnancy by nearly 40 percent since the early 1990s, according to The Washington Post. Moreover, organizations such as the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy educate teenagers about the responsibilities and the possible consequences of having sex and getting pregnant. According to the National Survey of Family Growth, four percent of teenagers identified themselves as homosexual. A small percentage of teens claiming homosexual as their orientation report never participating in homosexual behaviors. For more statistics on sex, check out the National Survey of Family Growth at http://www.cdc.gov/ nchs/nsfg.htm

-Jake Fullmer 11

Editors-in-Chief....................................................Andi Hubbell 11, Adam Kopp 11 Content Directors.......................................Devin Cornelius 12, Rebecca Stussman 12 News Editors..................................................Leah Schroeder 13, Darby Whitehair 12 Beyond School Walls Editor...........................................................Nathan St. Pierre 12 Features Editors.....................................................Ellen Kirkness 12, Katie Nolan 12 Humor Editors...........................................................Sam Farrell 12, Jake Fullmer 11 Spotlight Editor .................................................................................Isabel Paterson 12 Opinions Editors...................................................Holland McCabe 11, Allie Sivak 11 Entertainment Editors...............................Christine OConnell 11, Olivia Snyder 12 Sports Editors.....................................................Jacob Bogage 12, Jessica Golding 11 Online Editor-in-Chief........................................................................Jacob Bogage 12 Online News Editor..........................................................................Kendall Proctor 11 Online Features Editor...........................................................................Katie Nolan 12 Online Opinions Editor.....................................................................Brad Matthews 11 Online Sports Editor............................................................................Ryan Coulter 12 Online Entertainment Editor.......................................................Diana McDermott 13 Online In-Depth Editor..........................................................................Arjun Singh 12 Managing Photo Editors.......................................Alyx Henry 11, Paul Szewczyk 12 Fact Check Editors.........................................Brad Matthews 11, Kendall Proctor 11 Pollster.......................................................................................Michaela ODonnell 13 Cartoonist........................................................................................Michael Wagner 12 Staff Writer....................................................................................Hannah Chertock 12 Executive Business Director................................................................Max Simpson 11 Advertising & Circulation Director..................................................Hannah Stokes 11 Advisor............................................................................................................Peter Huck

The WarriorNews
April 14, 2011

Efforts To Ditch Facebook Prove Fruitless

by Adam Kopp 11
When a Sherwood student tries to visit Facebook from a school computer, he finds himself staring at a stop sign, a visual reminder that the social networking site is inaccessible at 300 OlneySandy Spring Road. If one turns a blind eye to the countless students using Facebook on smart phones, school becomes the final place free from friend-ing. Facebook, at present, has completely permeated 21st century life. The site counts 500 million active users, and each month, these users spend 700 billion minutes browsing the blue-headed behemoth. While its easy enough for Andrew Dodge, IT Systems Specialist, to keep the student body off of Facebook while in Sherwoods confines, the possibility of total restriction lays in the hands of the few students who grasp for it. The question becomes Why would students want to stop using Facebook? To a friend-less non-user, Facebook may seem no different than other sites. Fellow Alexa-powerhouse Google comes to mind. It seems doubtful that anyone has been up at night trying to kick a Google-addiction. The difference of course is that Google tries to get users to a destination as quickly as possible; Facebook, on the other hand, is the ensnaring destination. Immediately upon entering, a visitor is tasked with choosing between viewing photos, playing Farmville, Mafia Wars or Caf World, or engaging in numerous other tasks. Junior Caitlin Kyber was, for a time, an avid consumer of Facebooks vices. I strongly felt that Facebook consumed way too much of my time, said Kyber. It became rather addicting; I would rather be on Facebook than doing my homework or other important activities. The detrimental effect that social networking was having on other facets of her life led Kyber to deactivate her account. Deactivation essentially erases users from the world of Facebook, and their profiles may no longer be viewed. Deactivation is the closest thing Facebook has to optingout, but simply logging back onto the site post-deactivation restores an account to its full state. Kyber put no enddate on her self-imposed exile and simply wanted to see how long she could last without Facebook. Deactivating her account in February, she made it one week before entering her e-mail address and password. She described the week as difficult. Seven days may seem like a brief period, but Kyber was satisfied. I felt that one week of detox was enough to rid [me of] my bad habits gained from social-networking, said Kyber. Where Kyber turned her back on Facebook for pragmatic reasons, some students withdraw based on ideals. Senior Wyatt Shapiro, for instance, has twice stopped using Facebook, for the months of November and March. As his inspiration, he cites the Luddites, British textile artisans who opposed the advancement of mechanized looms. Unlike Kyber, Shapiro set specific dates for his return in order to make the goal more attainable. Claiming that his Facebookfree months were the best time of his life, Shapiro noted that having to initiate face-to-face conversations made him more sociable. Not everyone shared his conviction, though, and he at times felt like an outsider. [Facebook] has consumed society to the point where it has become society. As a willing drone of the computerized institution of wall posts and statuses I felt compelled to return, said Shapiro.

graphic by Michael Wagner 12

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from COMMUNITY, pg. 1
was very much student based, said AOHT teacher and Internship Coordinator Judy Reiff, who has managed ticket sales and helped with the production since the 1980s. Reiff believes that a growing apathy among students about school events is due in part to students growing use of technology which has altered traditionally defined friendships and could affect student motivation to support one another. Everyone is plugged in to an iPod or a cell phone rather than have a conversation, said Reiff. When you lose that connection, it spreads to other things. The students are not as connected to each other because there are so many other things to distract [them]. Like Rock n Roll, sporting events do not garner the same enthusiasm as they once did, as evidenced from the number of fans at games. We have outstanding athletic teams here and when I look at the stands, I see parents, I see a lot of community members, I do not see a lot of kids, said math teacher and Sherwood graduate Kaye Coursen. In past years, school events were more important and popular to students. Coursen believes that parents

The WarriorNews
April 14, 2011
Policy Gives Discretion To Principal
from DISCIPLINARY, pg. 1
dents can also appeal decisions that they deem unjust, though appeals at Sherwood rarely result in an overturning of the punishment. This year about 60 students have been suspended, with fewer than five expelled. Students who are recommended for expulsion must first have their case heard and their punishment approved by two hearing officers. Similar to with the disciplinary consequences determination process, student rights during investigations are protected not through specific regulations but rather a system that counts on authority members, such as security guards, to check each other and report unfair behavior that their peers may demonstrate. During disciplinary investigations, the security team mainly uses witnesses, video cameras and written statements to uncover students culpability or lack thereof. We have to take a look at witnesses and see their veracity. Are they telling the truth? Why are they telling us this? said security team leader Patrick Rooney. One primary investigative technique used by many counties, including Montgomery and Fairfax Counties, is a statement written by the accused student upon questioning. This statement is in part intended to provide the student with an opportunity to explain his or her perspective of the offense, though written statements can also be used as evidence against the student. At Sherwood, students are not generally reminded of the selfincriminating potential of their written statements. Sherwood tries to protect student rights by accepting complaints against disciplinary investigators and conducting thorough investigations of offenses. I do not want to accuse someone of doing something they havent done, so I look for investigations to be as thorough and definitive as possible, said Gregory. In the process of determining consequences, the school attempts to preserve rights via an appeals process, and by mandating that a principal and two hearing officers concur for a student to be expelled. In investigating students and doling out consequences, the system is largely dependent on the proactivity of students, parents and staff to advocate student rights and on the abilities of those in power to make fair decisions and check that others do the same. I believe each of us has rights, said Gregory. If you are a perpetrator and did something, you have rights too ... I want to be known, and I want us to be known, as people who are fair.

Larger School, Smaller Sense of Community

I feel welcomed at my school.
Strongly Agree: 23% Agree: 57% Disagree: 12% Strongly Disagree: 8%
I read school publications.
Strongly Agree: 26% Agree: 46% Disagree: 16% Strongly Disagree: 13%

I attend many school sporting events.

I feel a sense of community at school.

Strongly Agree: 20% Agree: 54% Disagree: 13% Strongly Disagree: 13%

Strongly Agree: 18% Agree: 32%

Disagree: 34% Strongly Disagree: 16%

School spirit is important.

Strongly Agree: 14% Agree: 56% Disagree: 15% Strongly Disagree: 15%

Its important to attend school events.

Strongly Agree: 2% Agree: 40% Disagree: 42% Strongly Disagree: 15%

SGA planned events are successful.

Strongly Agree: 8% Agree: 47% Disagree: 30% Strongly Disagree: 16% *survey of 93 students

who were active in their own high schools enjoy being involved in their childrens and by attending multiple events, they are reliving their high school experience even as their own teenage sons and daughters might not share in that experience. While fewer students are attending big-time school events, perhaps that is because there is an increase in the number of other less prominent events. With such busy schedules, students may not have time to attend them all. And I think as the school has grown, activities have grown. You cant go to everything all the time. So it might have looked like

20 or 30 years ago that kids had more spirit, but there was probably only two or three events, said staff development coordinator and SGA sponsor Catina Wist. So they didnt have to manage their time as much as students have to now. People can pick and choose what theyre interested in, and thats not to say that people arent spirited. Wist points to last months science fair and the recent Mr. Sherwood Contest of examples of when students turned out for a school event. While such events were successful, events like the SGA sponsored Glow party and last years cancelled Winter For-

mal are cases of students dearth of enthusiasm. Groups and clubs, those traditionally most spirited and involved in Sherwood events, are also changing. When I went to high school, cheerleading was involved in many facets of school, not just in being at the game. School spirit needs to be five days a week, not just Friday night at the game. When I was involved in cheerleading, we were involved in a lot more sports than they go to now. We did different things for different sports to try to highlight the events going on, said Coursen, who is a former cheerleading coach at Sherwood.

Bill Aims to Lower Illegal Immigrants Tuition

by Andi Hubbell 11
College is leveraging that investment by providing a seamless transition to higher education for As we progress through all recent Montgomery County childhood and adolescence, our Public School (MCPS) graduparents exert considerable influates, the statement said. ence over our personal choices. MC has traditionally granted They often dictate what activithe lowest tuition rate to all MCPS ties we pursue, what classes we graduates in the three years foltake and even who we maintain lowing their respective graduafriendships with. In this manner, tion dates. The college stated in our parents make decisions that a January 20 press release that it may ultimately shape the rest of adheres to all laws and regulaour lives. Nonetheless, most of tions regarding the information us cannot imagine the extent to submitted for state aid. which undocumented immigrant ESOL Resource teacher Lauchildren are impacted by a choice ra Bernard-Sanchez points out made by their parents. that MC has often proven an ideal In its decision for Plyler v. route for undocumented students Doe (1982), the U.S. Supreme in MCPS, in part beCourt maintained that all public schools must If out-of-state tuition is enforced with these students [at MC], I cause they do not exprovide a free K-12 ed- am certain that many will accordingly never attend college. Most clude students based on ucation to legal citizens must pay for college themselves, as their families in general are immigration status but ... also because of the and undocumented affordability. immigrants alike, con- still struggling financially to establish themselves. If out of state tending that [undocu~ ESOL Resource teacher Laura Bernard-Sanchez tuition is enforced with mented immigrant children] are present in this country these individuals would be eligi- related lawsuit in the Montgom- these students [at MC], I am certhrough no fault of their own. In- ble to attend a state university at ery County Circuit Court against tain that many will accordingly Montgomery College (MC), who never attend college, she said. stitutions of higher education, on the in-state tuition rate. Although the bill garnered he accused of unlawfully granting Most must pay for college themthe other hand, are not required to provide an education to undocu- enough support in the State Sen- undocumented immigrants the in- selves, as their families in general are still struggling financially to mented immigrant children. As a ate, where it passed with a 27-20 state tuition rate. In a January 24 statement, establish themselves, and even result, several states have enacted vote on March 14, and the House laws that either impede undocu- of Delegates, where it passed with the Montgomery College Board the reduced tuition rate is enough mented immigrants abilities to a 74-66 vote on April 8, various of Trustees responded that they of a challenge for them to pay. It is unclear as to how the afford college or bar them from lawmakers and average citizens look forward to upcoming opalike have expressed concerns portunity for our community col- passage of the Maryland State enrolling in college altogether. Currently, Maryland law about its potential impact on the lege ... to set the record straight DREAM Act would impact Mcdictates that undocumented im- Maryland community. According regarding McDonoughs accusa- Donoughs lawsuit against MC. OMalley has expressed support migrants who wish to attend to The Gazette, a fiscal analysis tions. Montgomery County has in- for the bill, and according to NaMaryland community colleges or of the legislation estimates that four-year universities must pay it will cost the state $778,400 in vested in our childrens education tional Public Radio, aims to sign the out-of-state tuition rate, re- 2014, $1.6 million in 2015 and in grades K12, and Montgomery the bill as soon as April 25. gardless of their in-state residency statuses. However, legislation recently passed by the Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates aims to grant these individuals the in-state tuition rate. If signed by Governor OMalley, the Maryland DREAM Act would allow undocumented immigrants to attend community college for two years at the in-state tuition rate provided that they have graduated from a Maryland high school and that they or their parents have paid taxes for the past three years using a Taxpayer Identification Number. Then, upon completing 60 credits or earning an associates degree, $3.5 million in 2016, a relative drop in the bucket for a state whose 2011 fiscal budget totaled more than $31 billion. Moreover, opponents of the legislation argue that it violates the federal Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which states that an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State ... for any postsecondary education benefit. In fact, Delegate Patrick McDonough (R) of Baltimore County has threatened to sue the state if the bill is signed by OMalley. In January, McDonough filed a

The WarriorBeyond School Walls

April 7, 2011
by Nathan St. Pierre 12
After decades of near-constant debate and flip-flopping on whether to build it, a section of the Inter County Connector (ICC), running from Gaithersburg to Georgia Avenue, has finished construction and became available to the public for use on February 23. Drivers can enter and exit off Georgia Avenue near its intersection with Norbeck Road, just a half a mile south of Olney. The highway is very expansive with three lanes, for the most part, going in both directions. When fully completed, the ICC is going to be 18 miles long, but the section between Gaithersburg and Georgia Avenue is only seven miles long. Its main advantage is that drivers can easily enter it on Georgia and get to I-270 in about 10 minutes, nearly half the time it takes to use county roads. Between February 23 and March 7, the road was toll-free and though it wasnt exactly crowded, it was well used. Drivers constantly vexed by long lines at traffic lights and low speed limits found themselves relieved by the constant 55 mph speed limit and an uncongested highway. Drivers can save up to 30 minutes during the dreaded rush hour by taking the ICC to Gaithersburg and Germantown. The state is counting on the convenience of

ICC Unable To Attract Drivers in Its Opening Month

ic booth that can do one of two things. If the driver has a Maryland E-Z pass, the booth will scan the pass and the charge will be added to the drivers E-Z pass account. If the driver does not have an E-Z pass, the booth takes a picture of the license plate and sends the driver a bill of the amount of money he owes. This also comes with a three dollar service fee. To get an E-Z pass, one would have to go to ezpassmd.com and create an E-Z pass account on its website. There is a one-time cost of $25.00 and around $.25 will be charged to the account each month. This pass also allows drivers to traverse any other road with a toll, like the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, without stopping to pay. Even without the complaints of stopping for tolls, the ICC has had more than its fair share of controversy surrounding it. Environmentalists criticize the roads proximity to households and the massive amount of land it uses. Politicians have debated whether this venture was worth a portion of the taxpayers money. The ICCs apparent failure to attract drivers in the first month has disappointed its supporters and has given its opponents new rhetoric. However, it is possible that drivers on the ICC will increase as more sections open up, and more destinations become easily accessible by the ICC.

The ICC experiences little success in enticing drivers to pay the toll for its convenience. photo by Paul Szewczyk 12
the ICC to appeal to tens of thousands of drivers so that the three billion dollars spent on it will be worth it. Once the toll became active, the number of cars on the ICC dropped significantly. In a poll of 41 students, two-thirds of them have not been on the ICC despite how close it is to their hometown. To them, the toll cost was the main deterrant for driving on the ICC. Contrary to what is often believed, the toll does not charge per mile, but rather per section. Since there is only one section of the ICC opened at this time, there is only a one-time cost. At peak hours (Monday through Friday 6-9 a.m and 4-7 p.m), the road costs $1.45 one way for a regular, two-axle car. At non-peak hours (Monday through Friday 5-6 a.m, 9 a.m-4 p.m, 7-11 p.m, and Saturday and Sunday 5 a.m to 11 p.m), the road costs $1.15. At nighttime hours (any day from 11 p.m to 5 a.m), the cost is $.60. For vehicles with over four wheels, the tolls increase. The toll system is completely electronic, so a driver does not have to stop at a toll booth to personally pay the toll. The driver passes through an electron-

Maryland Fails To Pass Same-Sex Marriage Bill

by Isabel Paterson 12
On March 14, the bill to allow gay marriage in Maryland was defeated by a narrow margin of votes. The bills failure to pass came as somewhat of a shock, as Maryland is traditionally thought to be a liberal state. The bill initially made it through the State Senate a day after President Obama ordered the Department of Justice to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act opposing samesex marriage because he believes it is unconstitutional. However, it failed to pass in the House of Delegates. O n e factor that contributed to the bills failure to pass is the significant influence of African American religious leaders, especially in Prince Georges County, who protested against same-sex marriage. Additional factors include the switching of some legislators votes from for to against the bill, primarily due to intense lobbying. Unsuccessful attempts to pass this bill came as a surprise to its supporters since the State Senate, which is more conservative, had already passed it. A few wavering legislators proved enough to kill the entire bill. I remain hopeful that we will grant these basic civil rights in the not too distant future, said State Delegate Craig Zucker, a District 14 representative. Perhaps part of this bills unexpected failure to pass is due to the assumption among s o m e more liberal members of the State Assembly that it would pass easily. Failing to prepare fully for the fact that some in their own Democratic party would be against it, many liberals felt the bill was on its way to full passage. The bill was similar to the gay marriage law in Washington D.C. in that it would exempt religious leaders from performing ceremonies if they

KNow The Facts

Same-sex marriage licenses are granted in five states: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, plus Washington, D.C. and the Coquille Indian Tribe in Oregon. Same-sex marriages could be legally performed in California from June 16, 2008 until November 4, 2008, when voters passed Proposition 8 prohibiting same-sex marriages. States that recognize same-sex marriage but do not grant same-sex marriage licenses include New York, Rhode Island and Maryland.
object to same-gender marriage; however, that was not enough for religious leaders. According to The Associated Press, Opposition from some religious groups grew after the Senate narrowly passed its version of the measure Feb. 24. Then some black Democratic lawmakers withdrew their support, while freshman legislators had trouble determining what constituents wanted. With national polls showing that Americans are becoming tolerant of samesex marriage and gay relationships in general, it is inevitable that bills like this will pop up across the country. The speaker of Marylands House vowed that Democrats would try again next year to pass legislation legalizing gay marriage, according to The Washington Post. I still believe that Maryland has an opportunity to be a national leader on this issue, said Zucker. Maryland would become the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage, a sign of the countrys ongoing shift. Advocates of same-sex marriage are hoping that President Obama will more forcefully lend his support to same-sex marriage initiatives around the country. in the same way he nudged the military to end its Dont Ask Dont Tell policy. Marriage equality is still alive and well. We will continue to hear about it during this session as well as in future sessions, said Zucker.

As with any important issue, legis-

lators often want to ensure that it is well debated. There were some in the General Assembly who wanted more time to hear from their constituents and think about this issue more carefully. For me, I believe this was a positive step towards full marriage equality because of the historic debate our state was able to have on this issue. I will continue doing everything I can in the future to make sure that this type of legislation passes.

~Delegate Craig Zucker

The WarriorFeatures
April 14, 2011



A healthy, balanced diet is crucial to teens health. But with poor eating habits, are students really getting the nutrition they need?
Eating Breakfast Boasts Health Benefits for Teens
day and eating a lot late in the evening. Diet has energy bars with the flavors peaWhen I was younger, my mom conGranted, most of us are just trying to nut butter and cranberry almond that are tinuously said, Breakfast is the most im- make it to first period on time (or at least high in protein. My personal favorite brand portant meal of the day, and with more show up), so we do not have the time to of engery bar is Clif Bars, which come in a enthusiasm than is acceptable for table talk make a lavish breakfast of eggs, bacon, variety of flavors like Oatmeal Raisin Walat six in the morning. Annoyingly cheerful pancakes, etc. like Mom used to make nut. They are low in sodium, cholesterol or not, Mom happened to be right. Eating on Saturday mornings while we watched and saturated fat but what makes them my breakfast can affect more than just your cartoons. But there are options out there favorite is that it keeps me full enough to stomach rumbling loudly in third period. besides a boring piece of toast to fill your make it to lunch. Opting out of breakfast before you If you have some extra time on a start your day can greatly affect Eating a healthy breakfast may help ado- morning, cereal is the go-to option. your weight. lescents avoid overeating later in the day Cheerios, for example, has only According to the American Di100 calories per cup and has only etetic Association, more than half of and disrupt unhealthy eating patterns, one gram of sugar. Kelloggs Speall male teens and over two-thirds such as not eating early in the day and cial K Protein Plus is another good of female teens do not eat breakfast low sugar, low calorie cereal with on a regular basis. Some teens think eating a lot late in the evening. five grams of fiber and 10 grams that skipping breakfast is an ideal ~ Researcher Dianne Nuemark-Sztainer of protein per serving. One of the way to eliminate calories if they healthiest breakfasts you can have are looking to shed a few pounds is good old Quaker Oats Oatmeal before spring break. However, studies appetite. because each serving provides five grams show that eating breakfast will help jump An efficient breakfast should contain a of protein and four grams of fiber. Plus instart your metabolism, which helps with balance of complex carbohydrates and pro- cluding fruit to the top can add flavor as weight control and school performance. tein. It takes just as much time to prepare well as increase nutritional value. Researcher Dianne Neumark-Sztainer of a waffle as it does to prepare toast, and by Even though studies have showed that University of Minnesota said in Eating adding berries or peanut butter, it makes it many teens skip breakfast, and continue to Breakfast May Beat Teen Obesity by Jen- much tastier, more filling and healthier for skip more as they become older, you do not nifer Warner that, eating a healthy break- you. have to be part of the that statistic. You can fast may help adolescents avoid overeating If youre really in a rush, a good sub- maintain your weight simply by eating in later in the day and disrupt unhealthy eat- stitute to cooking a breakfast is opting for the morning. So listen to Mom. She actuing patterns, such as not eating early in the an energy bar. For example, South Beach ally is right on this one.

by Christine OConnell 11

The WarriorFeatures
April 14, 2011

Nutrition Posting Makes Its Way to Local Eateries

by Allie Sivak 11
Stumbling into Starbucks in their usual early-morning daze, ardent coffee drinkers may get a bit of a surprise that is sure to give them a jolt before even taking a sip of their steaming cup of java. With a simple glance at the menu on the wall, it appears that a favorite latte contains more than a quarter of the daily recommended calories suggested for one day. The American Heart Association recommends caloric intakes of approximately 2,000 calories for the average young person. Just a short while ago, it was easy to go about ordering a grande White Chocolate Mocha without a clue it contained 470 creamy, yet indulgent calories. However, with the signing of his comprehensive health care legislation last March, President Obama has made it a requirement for all large restaurant chains, with 20 or more locations, to post the nutritional value of the food they serve on the menu or any posters and drive-thru signs visible in the restaurant. Restaurants must also have the recommended daily nutritional values for the average health individual posted and be ready to provide additional nutritional information, such as fat and sugar content, if requested by customers. This legislation first went into effect in New York in the spring of 2008, in efforts to fight obesity and see if the requirement would really affect what those in the Big Apple were munching on. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 34 percent of Americans age 20 or older are considered obese. When it comes to teenagers, 18 percent of Americans between the ages of 12 to 19 are classified as obese. Obamas new health care plan and proposed strict crackdown on restaurants who fail to display nutritional information is aimed at shedding the nations excess pounds, especially when it comes to its youth. Consequently, restaurants nationwide are gradually fol-

lowing the lead of places like New York, and are beginning to post their sometimes excessive calorie counts for all to see. Students who commonly indulge in a hearty Chipotle burrito after school may be surprised to find out that their mid-day snack likely contains anywhere from 6001,600 calories depending on what fixings they order. I like to know what goes into the food that Im eating, said senior KC Emerson, an active athlete who prefers to keep herself as healthy as possible so she can feel good and excel in the sports she plays. Seeing the calorie listings on menus really impacts what I order. When I go to Chipotle, I try to order less of the unhealthy things like rice, sour cream and cheese. However, walking into any Starbucks or fast-food chain around, it is clear that the new nutrition postings are not causing business to plummet, and consumers certainly arent boycotting restaurants after discovering the nutritional drawbacks of the food they serve. While some individuals like Emerson see this new requirement as a helpful tool in deciding what and where to order, others still go for their favorite foods when eating out, regardless of the strikingly large numbers posted on the menu board. Senior Ray Fanara ignores the calorie postings, knowing he will simply order the same food anyway. I see how many calories are in the food but Im still going to order it anyway because it tastes so good and Im hungry, he said. It has yet to be seen whether the nutrition postings in restaurants have a huge impact on consumer health or how Americans choose to eat out, as the regulation is early in its implementation. However, whether or not individuals choose to pay attention to the nutritional postings that have recently been phased into their local restaurants, making calorie counts readily available to customers will give them access to knowledge about just what they are eating.

Whats Olney Serving Up?


Five Guys Cheeseburger: 700

Chipotle Burrito: Up to 930

California Tortilla Burrito: Up to 1,000

McDonalds Big Mac: 540

Caffeine Consumption Proves Dangerous without Moderation

by Arjun Singh 12
Throughout the day, exhausted teens look for an extra boost of energy in order to finish an assignment, stay alert or just wake up. A common solution: caffeine. Eighty-five percent of Americans consume caffeine habitually. The mass popularity of caffeine comes from its effects as a stimulant that raises alertness and decreases fatigue in the body. This gives users that boost that they crave which can even improve their mood. The problem is that very often, the use of caffeine is overly abused. While the reality is that most teens will consume caffeine, the large number of habitual drinkers may develop caffeine dependence or caffeine withdrawal. Too much caffeine can have negative effects such as insomnia, restlessness, nausea, jitters, anxiety, irritability and the infamous crash. Those that become dependent on caffeine no longer use it to raise their alertness or decrease their fatigue but only to maintain their current level of alertness. They function at a lower rate without caffeine and need it in order to operate properly. Caffeine is measured in milligrams (mg) and the amount of caffeine appears on the nutrition labels of each product. Lets follow the a hypothetical student through her daily consumption of caffeine. First, on the way to school, the student stops at Starbucks to get the Starbucks Grande coffee with an astounding 330mg of caffeine in order to wake up. During lunch, she downs some Nestea Iced Tea with 34mg of caffeine. For dinner, the student drinks Coke which contains 35mg of caffeine. Finally, safe amount for a week. She is well on her way to a caffeine addiction that is exceedingly difficult to break. An abrupt decrease in caffeine can cause caffeine withdrawal. Instead, the Mayo Clinic suggests keeping tabs, cutting back, going decaf and checking the bottle. This means observing how much caffeine she intakes, gradually reducing her caffeine consumption, drinking decaffeinated beverages and recognizing uncommon sources of caffeine. Gradually decreasing caffeine intake is the most successful way to break this addiction. To obtain more energy, there are other natural ways to prevent putting harmful chemicals in ones body and to avoid the consequences of caffeine. One way is sleep. The recommended number of hours of sleep for adults is seven to nine while teenagers need 10 to 11 hours of sleep. Getting these precious hours of sleep allows the mind and body to rest, providing more energy for the day. Also, eating foods that provide energy, like carbohydrates, will store energy that the body can use throughout the day. One last tip is to stay active, which can have the same stimulating effect as caffeine. If getting more sleep and exercise is unrealistic and caffeine is going to be the likely quick fix, then the key is moderation.

The recommended daily intake for caffeine should not exceed 300mg for an adult per day. ~ Health.com
to finish some homework, the student sips a Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino containing 90mg of caffeine. The total caffeine consumed in those four beverages adds up to 489mg of caffeine in one day. If the hypothetical student follows this routine daily, thats 3243mg of caffeine in a week. So is that too much? The recommended daily intake for caffeine should not exceed 2100mg for an adult per week, according to health.com. Our hypothetical student daily consumes nearly 200mg more than the safe amount and consumes over 1000mg more than the

by Ellen Kirkness 12
From out of the melting pot of American culture comes a generation of adolescents who redefine the meaning of having a double-life. All of the ingredients join together at school to create a blended mixture which incorporates family tradition with American pop culture. Yet, at home these same students embrace a traditional culture, rich with customs and values from a foreign country. The two cultures contrast so deeply, in some cases, that embracing both seems near impossible. In order to maintain ties with ones traditional culture, which are often lost in an effort to blend in with peers, many students embrace cultural dancing as a form of after-school activity. These individuals work rigorously to hold onto their ethnic cultures through rhythm and movement. Although she has lived in the United States for her entire life, junior Rewa Kumar maintains her cultural ties to both India and Singapore. She participates in a form of dance called Kuchipudi, a classical form of dance which originates from Andhrapradesh in Southern India. Although Kumar began to explore Kuchipudi just two short years ago, she sees great potential in herself and intends to dedicate herself to the art. My favorite part of it is probably that, unlike most types of dance, Indian dance tells a story. The dancer must work on every minute facial expression to really portray each character of

The WarriorFeatures
April 14, 2011

Rhythm and Movement of Connection

the story. Miming is a huge part of it and every dancer that wants to become a professional must study the art of miming. The magical thing about the dance is that if the dancer is an expert, one can see the amazing transformation from the dancer herself to another person, said Kumar. While it is common to begin Indian dance at a much younger age and pursue achievement through adolescence, Kumar did not dance throughout her childhood other than briefly trying Bharatanatyam, a dance similar to Kuchipudi, at age six but neglecting to practice further than a few months of classes. However, during her freshman year, an Indian dance performance sparked a new interest. This longing to return to dance, combined with a supportive push from her parents, ended in her taking weekly classes. She now finds herself in the place of the light-footed dancers who, just two years ago, were her own inspiration. My dance teacher is an expert and has been dancing for nearly 45 years so when I see her dance, I see the marveling transformation of her being my teacher to a young, beautiful maiden or to a strong, handsome man through her facial expressions and dance, said Kumar. Unlike Kumar, who just recently discovered her passion for cultural dance, sophomore Emma Kennedy has dedicated herself to Irish dance for more than 11 years. Kennedy participates in both group and solo performances in competitions all over the country. While many Irish dancers specialize in either hard-shoe or soft shoe dance, Kennedy has mastered the techniques of both. Prior to the beginning of her instruction, Kennedy watched enviously as her aunt taught dance to four of her cousins at the Donnelly School of Irish Dance in Virginia. Although weekly classes in Virginia would be very difficult to manage, Kennedy begged relentlessly and persistently. At age six, her mother agreed and arranged for her to take weekly classes. Yet, for the sake of gas and time, Kennedys instruction took place much closer to home at the Prendergast School of Irish Dance in Derwood. My favorite part of Irish dance is knowing that some of the dances I do today were also danced thousands of years ago when Irish dance was first created, said Kennedy. With origins in Ireland, Germany, Scotland and Wales, Kennedys connection to one distinct, traditional culture is an accomplishment. Combine this web of cultures with an American identity and you have an adolescent surrounded by cultural range. Kennedys flawless performance in the International Show on April 1 reflected the Irish portion of her identity through graceful and disciplined dance. Even though I live in the U.S., Irish dance opens up a part of Irish culture that I would not be connected to otherwise. The U.S. has been called the 'Great American Melting Pot', and the fact that I can celebrate my Irish heritage while living in the U.S. is really fun, said Kennedy.

Sherwoods International Show

On April 1, 79 students participated in the International Show. The annual event features performances and fashion from across the globe. Styles of dancing included Latin, Breakdance, African, Irish, Vietnamese and Indian.

Sophomore Emma Kennedy and junior Rewa Kumar represent their ethnic heritage at the International show, providing an entertaining look at foreign cultures. photos by Lifetouch, courtesy of Leaves Yearbook Staff

Yoga Offers New Kind of Exercise

by Olivia Synder 12
Yoga is an untapped and often overlooked source of exercise; one that is especially unknown to students. When Olney teenagers think exercise, their minds immediately go to Fitness First. However, Olney has another local source of exercise, which is yoga at the Yin Yang Yoga Center. Yoga is a system of exercises aimed at controlling and calming the body and mind. Many kinds of yoga exist some focus on stretching while others concentrate on providing a sweat-worthy workout (like power yoga). All yoga variations, however, focus on centering the body, spirit and mind to provide both a physical and mental tune-up. Alicia Cuervo, founder of Olneys yoga establishment and avid yogi herself, started Yin Yang Yoga Center just a few years ago in September of 2009. I decided to open the center to share the gift of yoga to others; it was and still is such a blessing in my life. It gives me strength and leaves me feeling fantastic. Plus, I love the challenge of it. stretched. Yoga is especially helpful to student athletes. Athletes from Every sport from wrestling to diving to football benefit from yoga because stretching and muscle building go hand in hand. In order to maintain and improve muscle strength, muscles must also be lengthened. Yoga is more than exercise; it helps athletes to understand their bodies in a new way, explained Cuervo. Knowing what is tight or weak can make the difference between a healthy or injured athlete. Yoga gives the athlete an edge. The Yin Yang Yoga Center offers anything and everything to satisfy both the seasoned yogi and the curious beginner. The center will soon offer teen classes as well as more high energy hip-hop classes. Yin Yang Yoga Center offers Olney an alternative source for exercise, one that is essential to both the serious athlete and the devoted health nut, as well as the average student looking for a more exciting way to get in shape. The effects of yoga are simply too beneficial for teens to pass up.

Comparative Religions Practices Yoga

On March 31, Comparative Religions students took a field trip to the Yin Yang Yoga Center in Olney, above. photo by Olivia Snyder 12
Yogas benefits on both the mind and body are manifold. Practicing yoga improves flexibility and muscle joint mobility, strengthens, tones and builds muscles, corrects posture, strengthens the spine, increases stamina, creates balance and grace, improves digestion, increases circulation, and encourages weight loss. The intangible benefits that yoga encourages are just as numerous. Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress in the body, refreshes the body by relieving muscle strain, relaxes the mind and body, centers attention, sharpens concentration and frees the spirit. Despite yogas long list of positive effects, and the availability of a yoga center, most teenagers in Olney do not take advantage of the opportunity to practice it. I think that yoga has gotten a reputation for being an old persons exercise, or simply a form of stretching, conceded Cuervo. Anyone who has been in one of our classes knows that yoga is actually an amazing workout. You leave feeling strong, lean and

Everyone should try yoga. I think its a lifetransforming process. I think that more people should try alternative methods like yoga and meditation before turning to medication. People underestimate yogas power. ~ Comparative Religions teacher Michelle Games

The WarriorFeatures
April 14, 2011
ing at all. Competition isnt the only factor in proms rising expectations; the increasing importance of appearance is also beginning to contribute to proms changing traditions. In my day, we often borrowed or even made our dresses, said social studies teacher Aileen Woolley. We didnt go out for dinner or rent limos. Today, our culture puts so much focus on the ultimate prom experience. It seems stressful and over-the top. Makes you wonder if its all necessary in order to have a fun and memorable night? One thing, however, has remained the same between past prom and today: the responsibility of the male to pay. Its usually assumed for the guy to pay for everything but the dress, said senior Ilona Szeless. Of course its not required; For junior Homecoming I actually paid for my dinner and part of the limo since my date and I went as friends. But honestly in most cases, its just become the societal norm for the guy to pay for everything. The practice of guys shouldering the cost is a tradition that has held steady over the years, though the bill itself has increased significantly in amount. The prom of today has become weighed down by appearance obsession and flashy competition resulting in enormous expectations; not to mention a giant price tag to go along with it.

by Olivia Snyder 12

That Hefty Prom Price Tag

option. Many pairs do not attend prom as serious couples nor as uninterested friends; they instead go as two single people with legitimate, romantic interests in one another. Therefore, guys concoct clever ways to ask that special girl to prom not only to simply score a date, but also to possibly sway the crush into seeing a future extending beyond prom night. Today, getting the girl to say yes can often result in a future relationship. Essentially, how one asks another to prom can have lasting impacts in that relationship, with the prom process/night acting as a test run for the prospective couple. In many cases, prom is actually seen as something like a first date for the couple, said senior Noah Booz. Therefore, both the way of asking and the night itself have to be really impressive. Prom stresses of today also stem from the growing competitiveness surrounding the event. Guys constantly try to outdo each other with impressive ways of popping the question while girls consistently strive to impress friends with the unique way she has been courted. Guys want to be creative and original but its difficult because everything has been done before and nothing seems good enough, said senior Michael Gouterman. We are so scared of rejection that we feel like if we dont have an awesome way to ask you, theres no point in ask-

Since the 1920s, prom has been a ritual in high school students lives. Only recently, however, has it become more than a modest event held in school gymnasiums decorated with crepe paper streamers and papier-mch lanterns. The prom of today has developed into an expensive affair consisting of limo rides and over two hundred dollar dresses. With only two dances a year and just one deemed worthy by upperclassmen, the ordeal that is prom has become the sole fussed-over event of the junior/ senior year. Each prom season, students spend hundreds of dollars in hopes of making that much anticipated night one to remember. From dress to dinner to limo, proms price is a daunting one. Unfortunately, however, with such a large emphasis put onto prom, much pressure is placed on attendees to go all-out. Prom has not always been such the big event, however; it hasnt always brought high expectations and big spending. The idea of putting on a production to ask someone to prom was extremely rare in my high school, recalled social studies teacher Michael McCabe. Either you were already a couple and just assumed you would go together, or you were going simply as friends and so no big production was needed. Students today have a third

(From left to right) Seniors Michael Gouterman and Maggie Mirkin (Good Counsel) enjoy last years prom with graduates Christina Pino and Brendan Prin. photo courtesy of Michael Gouterman 11

Seniors Rachel Lavigna, Ray Mencia, Tyler Rudy, Ilona Szeless and Kimm Chidel ride in a limousine to prom. Each male attendee shouldered part of the cost. photo courtesy of Ilona Szeless 11


The WarriorHumor
April 7, 2011

Who would you rather hang with?

Staffers Sam Farrell 12 and Adam Kopp 11 recently have had several debates about who the coolest person in history to hang out with would be. The two decided to pit people from three similar occupations against each other. Farrells views are represented in the left column, while Kopps views are in the right column.

Che Guevara

Hunter S. Thompson OR
Thompson is known to many as the writer behind joyrides such as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and The Rum Diary. His knowledge of frowned upon substances, his peculiar life-style, and his somewhat different approach to writing all are all aspects to consider in the decision. First, let me state that I have talked to many people on the subject of his writing and have gotten mixed reviews on his style. Some say he is completely serious and adore it, while some state it is humorous and plausible for insanity. Whatever the case, both ignite a feeling of a good time. For starters, he is credited with originating his own type of writing, titled Gonzo Journalism. What better way to break the ice in an awkward conversation than to say you invented a style of writing? Thompson was also a huge supporter of great organizations such as the National Rifle Association, and supposedly owned many firearms and concocted home-made crowd controllers. And of course, there wouldnt be a Hunter Thompson argument if we didnt discuss his extensive knowledge of illegal paraphernalia. His walking dictionary status on drugs would be essential in any health class, or drivers education. His acquaintance with drugs could be used for an ample study of psychosis for say psychology or Anatomy class. He even was brash enough to run for mayor of his local Colorado town in 1970, with his campaign poster being a clenched fist fasted on a peyote leaf. Thompson could prove to help you get a 5 on that AP exam, or help you sweep the streets of your drug infested town. Thats pretty cool in my eyes.

Che Guevara tops this category for his radical thought, taste in cigars and apparel. Ernesto Che Guevara is known to many as the guy whose face is emblazoned on t-shirts, garbed in a simple communist beret and military fatigues. Che was the kind of guy you would sit with on a Friday night and delve into the problems of the world, and think of complex ways to solve them. He was well read in existentialist authors and was an avid adherent of such thinkers such as Fredrich Engels and Karl Marx. These great minds helped inspire him to roll around with Fidel Castro for 10 years leading up to the Cuban revolution. The beret tilted to the side and the green military jacket has come to be the iconic revolutionary look because of him. The cigar is also an overlooked key cool factor. How many losers smoke cigars? Now I know what youre thinking; Existentialist thinker! Revolutionary! Beret! What a loser, If that was all behind Che, I would agree and his name would get ignored in my traditional scroll through my contacts on a Saturday night and ask what the moves are. But Che was more than the brainy intellectual and was actually quite the outdoorsmen. Every picture I look up of him has him sitting is some South American wilderness, looking grimy, and smoking a cigar with another influential commie. How he managed to maintain his composure in those malaria infested, extraordinarily high temperature jungles and still look as cool as ever is beyond me. Whatever the eventual plans may be, I know for sure that he can at least sling me a good cigar and go enjoy a casual jaunt through the woods. Maybe even enjoy a game of RISK. As history has noted, Che doesnt find a good time, a good time finds Che.


When I think of people Id like to spend a day with, relatability is generally a key trait I look for. An ideal hang-out, for me, would consist largely of shooting the breeze. Thus, it is a necessity that my partner shares a similar pop-culture sphere of reference. That being said, there are some people whose Rsums are so impressive that I would gladly chill with them despite having nothing in common. One of them is American hero, John Brown. They guy croaked in 1859, so we probably havent even seen many of the same movies. Doesnt matter. Brown first stepped onto the national stage as a key player in 1856s Pottawatomie Massacre. Essentially what happened is that some ruffians decided to mess with the Brown family. Patriarch John (father of 20) was not about to take this in stride. Instead, he and his sons slew five men. With a sword! Afterwards, Brown wasnt content with just slipping back into obscurity like so many killers do. His most notable feat was his raid on Harpers Ferry in the summer of 59. Brown, at the helm of 18 other men, attacked the national armory in an attempt to acquire weaponry for a planned rebellion in the South. Devastatingly, he was captured by the treacherous Robert E. Lee. While in jail, a friend of Browns was in position to break our hero out, but Brown refused. He wanted to die for his cause. Oh yeah, his cause was abolition! Brown was a white man who gave his life stirring up trouble on behalf of the slaves. Talk about selflessness. That makes him the kind of guy who would definitely spot you a dollar or two at 7-11.

John Brown

Larry David

Anyone who lives in the 21st century knows the show Seinfeld. If you delve even deeper into popular TV shows, Curb your Enthusiasm tops the list as a beloved HBO program. Larry David is the creator behind both programs. Anyone who has watched Seinfeld knows the nonsensical and idiotic problems they face. Larry Davids antsy ways are what inspired both shows, and he is the perfect example of the guy whos so lame, hes the coolest. There are truly three reasons to even consider Larry David hang-out worthy. One: his awkwardness. What would Larry David be without awkwardness? I mean, everyone is awkward to some extent, but compared to Larry David, theyre nothing. Just look at Curb. When an awkward moment happens it is rightfully dubbed a Larry David moment from this show. Awkwardness usually has a negative connotation to it, but if used in the right circumstance, it could bear positive results. It could be utilized to, say, clear out a restaurant, or cut in line at your local grocer. Two: his availability. Anyone whos watched Curb knows his day consists of him wandering around aimlessly, getting into useless fights with other celebrities. He definitely has potential to be the last minute friend you call when all your other friends are away. Three: (One of my many dreams) One would have the honor of meeting the cast of Seinfeld This is pretty selfexplanatory. Everyone would like to do this. Those four people made it fun to watch TV at 6:00 on a Tuesday. They gave me hope when I was too old for cartoons, yet too young for the news. Thats what being cool is all about, ladies and gentlemen.


For the first decade-and-a-half of my life, I figured that all Americans in the 1950s looked like Leave It to Beaver characters and just sat around in the suburbs pondering nuclear war. That was until a copy of Jack Kerouacs On the Road made it into my hands. Here, Kerouac introduced me to a less-lame group of the 1950s population the Beat Generation. These were a group of non-conformist writers centered about Columbia University who would cross the country on a whim. Im no Kerouac scholar, so most of what I know about the guy comes from On the Road. A fact more awesome than any contained in the novel is that Kerouac wrote the iconoclastic book in three weeks on a scroll. Does this guy think hes living in feudal Europe? youll surely ask. Of course he doesnt. From what I researched, Kerouacs rationale was that changing the paper in a typewriter broke up the spontaneity of his prose. All that matters is that the man taped thousands of sheets of paper together and banged out a novel that we still read today. He did have to revise the novel a little bit; mainly to replace real peoples names with pseudonyms. This is because On the Road is largely autobiographical. You dont need imagination with a life as cool as Kerouacs. Eschewing conventions, Kerouac simply traveled across the country while drinking, writing and working odd jobs. One of the most badass moments of On the Road is when Kerouacs likeness, Sal Paradise, falls in love with some babe on a train and since our hero has virtually zero responsibilities he just sets off with his new beau to Mexico. Clearly, Kerouac isnt afraid of cartels (though if they were to kill him, they might lose a lot of business).

Jack Kerouac

While it is possible that you could be totally clueless as to the identity of those past two Jacks, there is no way you dont know who Charlie Sheen is. Sheen has dominated all forms of media for the past few months and has served as tabloid-fodder since the H.W. Bush administration (he accidently shot actress Kelly Preston in 1990). Sheen, son of Martin, has made a career by playing sitcom characters based on and named after himself in both Spin City and Two and a Half Men. To be honest, it never sat well with me to watch Spin City after Michael J. Fox left due to Parkinsons. Additionally, it never sat well with me to watch Two and a Half Men when half man Jake turned into an awkward adolescent. Thus, my Sheen viewing experience is limited, though from what Ive seen, his deadpan delivery is unparalleled. On the other hand, I am exactly Perez Hiltons key demographic. I cant get enough of celebrity gossip. Generally, Im a non-partisan spectator. For instance, I have no emotional attachment to, say, Kate Winslet, but Im going to have to see what she wears to the red carpet. I dont even have a side in the whole Jen/Angelina thing. When it comes to Charlie, however, I just get this inkling that he and I would make ideal partners in crime. I mean, I have no delusions of sharing in on his goddesses or his exuberant lifestyle. I just admire his passion for life as a true exemplar of the American Dream. Sheen has proved himself as a man of the highest caliber.

Charlie Sheen

The WarriorHumor
April 7, 2011
One Mans Quest for a Hipster Identity
by Paul Szewczyk 12
After debating the idea for days, for months actually, I had decided to change my identity. I was determined to leave my mainstream look behind, to become a hipster. I looked up hipster online and found out that a hipster someone who values independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, creativity, intelligence and witty banter. I dont know if I have any of those traits but I like indie-rock for starters, I dont play any physical sports, and I pretend to understand artsy films. Im pretty sure these were a good start for being hip. But first, I had to abandon my own tired attire, so no more Wrangler jeans and monochrome shirts. My new look consisted of a striped v-neck t-shirt, skinny jeans, chucks, jelled hair, a plaid scarf and a new set of frames. I had to admit, my new style was quite deck. Before walking out of my pad as a new person, I eliminated the one Ke$ha song from my iPod. I am a hipster not a hypocrite. Only the likes of Sufjan Stevens and Animal Collective were good enough for me. Using music as my in, I hung out with the small pack of hipsters around Olney. One hipster in the group interrogated me about what was my favorite song at the moment and I said I liked 1901 by Phoenix. First mistake I made. Apparently, the song was used in a Cadillac commercial and Phoenix had lost their indie reputation after that commercial. There went Phoenix from my iPod. I walked away with my tail between my legs; I felt that the hipster crowd would never accept me. My only chance of recovery was to run into them at the AFI Theater, where the cult classic Memento was playing. Essentially, Memento is a film about a man who suffers from amnesia and tries to avenge his wifes murder. The film is notorious for its frequent shifts in time. While walking to the theater, I accidentally walked into my hipster friends (who had changed their threads). I played it cool by acting surprised, but they didnt seem pleased with my guest appearance. After an hour of the film, I was on the verge of ripping my hair out! I had no idea of what was happening in the film. The storyline was too complex for my understanding. I whispered to the person next to me to ask what was going on and was told, Dude, its obvious if you pay attention. After that I kept my mouth shut and nodded at various points of the movie. After the movie while walking to the metro with the hipsters, I didnt say much as they analyzed the film and compared it to other films made by the director Christopher Nolan. One hipster asked me if I even liked his films, and I told them all that The Dark Knight was my favorite. After that statement, they told me to stop trying to be someone I am not and leave them alone. While walking away defeated, I had to admit that the hipsters were better off without my sad attempts and the world would be a better place because of it.


Nancy Sanderson tackles the troubles of confused students

Dear Nancy, I always make scheduled appointments during lunch. Yesterday, while rushing in to initiate next graded make-up, yelling frantically, I noticed a little, negligible opportunity to even snack. -Famished Foreign Student Dear Famished Foreign Student, My best interpretation of what youve expressed is that an overbooked lunch period leaves you with little time to eat. Fortunately, dear old Nancy spends many a meal at her desk, even though a trip up to my kitchen would provide some much needed exercise. Woe is my middle-aged metabolism! An obvious problem I can envision is your use of a traditional lunch box or pail. Having one of those behemoths opened on your desk alongside test questions, a scantron and a calculator simply isnt viable. While that option is certainly eco-friendly, in America, we generally let environmentalism fall to the wayside. Invest in brown paper bags. (Proceed with caution if you are taking a make-up exam for Environmental Science). A brilliant lunch-testing strategy is to prop your backpack against your desk so that it is in arms reach. By leaving open the pocket with your food in it, you can quickly reach down and harvest whatever nutrients youve packed. What you are eating, though, is as important as how you access it. GoGurt is optimal. If your native land is Greece, and Chobani not Yoplait is your cultured dairy product of choice, do not fear. To make your own onthe-go yogurt, simply empty a cartons contents into a sealable plastic baggie. When you are ready to eat, just make an incision in one of the bags corners and slurp away. Admittedly, this may look strange to your peers, but so does yelling frantically in the hallway. -Nancy Dear Nancy, Agh! Like, literally, I seriously need out. The lure of summer tantalizes! -Is School Over? Dear Is School Over?, A wise man once lamented that April is the cruellest month. Id agree with that. When her showers arent bringing May flowers, her sunny days are torturing imprisoned students like you. To make matters worse, Sherwoods immutable air vents blow hot air well into the month. In desperation, windows are cracked, bringing in that sumptuous breeze and the tune of songbirds who neednt worry their pretty little beaks over Pre-Calculus and Health Education. In short, there is no way to make the fourth quarter enjoyable. At least be thankful that Americas agrarian past allots you a summer vacation. What you can do is enjoy every moment of post-2:10 bliss. Go outside after school. Stay out until the street lights come on. Not only will you get to savor the weather, you may be forced to stay up really, really late doing homework. This may sound horrendous, but sleep-deprivation will let you experience the next school day in a calm dream-like state. (Nancy does not endorse any other methods of obtaining a dream-like state). Given that you are still coming to school in the fourth quarter, Ill assume that you are not a senior. A tip I have for next year is to take as many AP classes as possible. This may sound counterintuitive to someone who despises the tedium of coursework, but the benefits abound. The exams are rough, but afterwards school becomes a big old movie marathon, ostensibly shortening your year by an entire month. Not all teachers abide by this, but a well-pestered counselor can help you avoid curmudgeons. -Nancy Dear Nancy, All day after meals, kids/ other people/parents, claim apples nest, stick to and nag Debbies braces. Yuck! You oughta understand. -Third-Person Deb Dear Third-Person Deb, Nancy doesnt like what you are insinuating. She has perfect hygiene and perfect teeth. While she has no experience with orthodontics, she knows her fair share about decorum. Floss is a good place to start. I can see how it might be a pain in the you-know-what to do on your metalbound bicuspids, so you may want to purchase some Plackers. These high-tech dental marvels have a tout piece of floss on one side for your basic plaque removal. On the reverse is a toothpick. Immediately after finishing your apple, make a beeline for the bathroom and gouge away at those gums until no one could mistake you for a Mac user. Another useful idea would be to cut up the apple. In the last year of the second millennium, two kids in Colorado made it so that nothing resembling a knife would ever be allowed on school property. Thanks to their wickedness, you are going to have to pre-cut at home and, come lunch time, ingest whatever mealy, brown slices that you are left with. In the end, it seems, Debbies best bet may be to give up apples entirely. In your case, they are keeping more than the doctor away. -Nancy My Dear Readers, Those of you who are acrostically inclined, and pay particular attention to the questions posed to me, may be startled to find among them a hidden message. The first letters of those words join together to form the answer you seek.

Notes to Nancy

Cartoon by Adam Kopp 11

MCPS Explores Limiting Teachers Social Networking

by Kendall Proctor 11 The MCPS User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security regulation is a nine-page document explaining the elements of computer security for teachers and students. Noncompliance with this regulation will result in disciplinary actions for employees that may include a conference, warning, letter of reprimand, loss of privileges, suspension without pay, demotion, dismissal, restitution and/or criminal prosecution. A glaring omission in the regulation is the lack of any mention of policies on social networking sites, like Facebook. State and county education officials are just beginning to develop policies in regard to teachers limitations on what can be done on social networking sites. The Virginia Board of Education voted in March to encourage school districts statewide to adopt policies regulating social-media use by teachers. According to a Washington Post article, The original version of the rules proposed by the state board would have made Virginia one of a handful of states to adopt firm restrictions on the use of social networking, but the opposition from teachers and local school officials forced reconsideration. The first proposal was considered to be too strict by teachers and local school officials, so the Virginia Board of Education is still deciding on what final action to take. MCPS does not yet have specific policies for social networking sites like Facebook or other social networking sites. While we can see the value of some social network sites and applications as an educational tool, they areas the name suggestsmore of a source for social interaction, said MCPS Public Information Officer Dana Tofig. He recommends teachers do not contact students on Facebook, We will be reviewing our policies and trying to be clearer about what is and is not allowed. Staff can ask that certain sites be unblocked and those requests are reviewed by the Informational Technology security team. Using the computers for inappropriate reasons during school hours will have more serious consequences than when done on personal time. Currently, only administrators and security have access to Facebook on their MCPS accounts. Social networking sites are not blocked as a category on the web filter system because not all of them are prohibited by the school system. For example, Twitter is not blocked on MCPS computers, and in fact, you can follow MCPS on Twitter, said IT Systems Specialist Andrew Dodge. A wide variety of news topics are posted to keep followers updated. Various teachers at Sherwood believe social networking with students in an educational way could be beneficial in the classroom. I think MCPS believes if they open the door to social network sites, they will have no idea how to control it and its possible misuse. I, on the other hand, think it could be a valuable resource that would be appealing to students and believe the use for educational purposes should be examined, said social studies teacher Christine McKeldin. McKeldin is one of multiple teachers who communicate with students via Facebook, but she only accepts friend requests from students that have already graduated. Other teachers at Sherwood agree that social networking sites could be helpful for schoolrelated purposes, though they often seem unclear if MCPS policy limits them or not to only using Edline to communicate with students. Science teacher Laura Dinerman used Facebook to post information about the Green Team on a group page until she said MCPS decided teachers were no longer permitted to use Facebook as a communication device at school, which occurred sometime during the summer. Facebook was a good tool to keep the experienced members in touch and well as to post information for members, said Dinerman. Some teachers continue to use Facebook. Prior and current students and their family members can find Rock N Roll Revival pictures and video clips from the last 32 years on Facebook, posted by music teacher Bill Evans. Information for the choirs Italy trip can also be found on an Events page, which is collaborated by Evans and senior Simone Brown. Evans uses Facebook as a convenient way to share files with mostly Sherwood alumni, rather than as a social networking site.

Teachers Tread Carefully Voicing Opinions

by Diana McDermott 13 Teachers have their own political opinions just as most people also do, but educators are in a unique position of molding young minds. Therefore, teachers are tasked with a tricky balancing act of getting students to think about the world around them while not telling students what they specifically should believe. Accordingly, MCPS policy states that, A teacher may express his or her opinions in regard to political, social, and religious values or issues provided that the total presentation is essentially balanced. I try not to, but yes, my opinions come through, said social studies resource teacher Joe Sangillo. In teaching AP U.S. History and NSL Government, my opinions and biases have come through in teaching politically related content. I do make an effort not to be overt, and I try not to share opinions to purposely provoke students, but yes, I have sometimes shared my opinions. MCPS policy allows it as long as the teacher presents both sides of an issue and students feel comfortable to express their own opinions. In a time when education experts are calling for more curricula with real-world content and applications, teachers, especially those in social studies, are asked to facilitate class discussions that allow students to talk about current political and social issues. I cant think of a situation where it would be better for me to tell students what I think instead of allowing them to formulate their own ideas on a subject. My job is to create a safe environment where they can do that, said social studies teacher Aileen Woolley. There are gray areas for how overtly political teachers can be. For example, some teachers at Sherwood display political posters, cartoons, and phrases in their classrooms. Last month, a number of teachers wore red one day to indicate their position in the fight over what budget cuts should be made or not at the county and state levels. Students are divided over whether teachers regularly share their own political views, with 55 percent of 148 surveyed stating that one or more of their teachers give their political opinions to students in class. I have very close relationships with students past and present of all political leanings, said Sangillo. I strive to create an environment in which all students feel comfortable in class. I dont recall ever being scolded about it. The most I get is a rebuttal [from students in class], which is what I wantdialogue! Should class officers be able to put controversial slogans on class T-shirts as long as they are not offensive or obscene?

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Yes: 79%

No: 21%

Yes: 79%

No: 21%
Should students ha ve the right to dist ribute leaflets/pamphlets about controversia l social or political issues at sc hool?

Even if the slogans on the shirt are not ity in obscene or deliberately offensive they can ofan r use p es? be limited if the administration believes ht to sequenc rig con e that the saying could cause disruptions in g ve th ts ha out facin % den with classes. and 24.8 stu ould allways ights No: R Sh al e to the h .2% Guid ote mutu nd 5 ts 7 n ar a rom Yes: tude A S der to p ing vulg punish t he t r s n re no In o om u ng to entio ordi bilities, frain fr s not m udents a . Acc nsi e ill re time at st o s do Resp t, you w ge. Thi tation th s at any a ll c ec resp ve langu an expe n the ha i i s abus , but set ffensive t o men ptive or u disr Should stude nts be permit ted to practi religious beli ce/display th efs (such as p eir rayer groups) on school grounds?
The Supreme Cour t has generally ruled that prayer sponsored by the school system is a violatio n of the Establishm Clause of the First ent Amendment. In A Students Guide to Rights and Responsib ilities students are allowed to practice their religion as long as they are no t violating the right of others and religio s us groups cannot be sponsored by the school. Students ar e to follow the sam e rules for political material if they wan t to distribute religio us materials.

Yes: 84.7%

According to A Stud ents Guide to Righ ts and Responsibilities al l campaign materia l students distribute must follo w campaign laws an d can only be given to stud ents who are intere sted in the material. Political m aterial cannot be di stributed in classrooms, the m edia center or othe r school rooms during the sc hool day.
Should students be allowed to wear shirts with firearms depicted in some form?

No: 15.3%

Yes: 81.9%

No: 18.1%

Yes: 67.6%

No: 32.4%

Shirts with firearms may be considered in violation of the dress code if they are promoting violence. It would be within the schools prerogative to a ask a student to change shirts or turn it inside out if the shirt is determined to be causing a disturbance of some form.

*105 students polled -compiled by Max Simpson 11

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Can Students Use Symbolic Speech to Protest in School? tinK er v . de sm

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Can the Principal Censor a School Newspaper? 1988 eier, Hlm vs. Ku Background: Robert Reynolds, the principal wood

Background: Students chose to wear black arm bands to school as a form of protest to the Vietnam War. The three were suspended until they agreed to comply with a school policy that banned the wearing of armbands in school. Ruling: The court ruled in favor of the student, Tinker 7-2. Precedent: School officials may censor student speech only if it materially and substantially interfere[s] with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school.


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-compiled by Hannah Stokes 11

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books they described as anti-American, anti- or pro bi Christian, anti-Semitic, and just plain filthy, be removed from the districts middle and high eligion school libraries. Some of these eleven books r were Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, Black Boy by Richard Wright and Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Steven Pico along with four other teens challenged the school board in a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court. Ruling: The Court ruled in favor of Pico, agreeing that their First Amendment rights were violated, and limiting the ability of school boards to remove library books in a 5-4 decision. Precedent: Schools may not remove books from libraries simply because they have an aversion to the ideas they express.

Is Sexual Innuendo in School 1986 Protected Speech? ser, s. Fra ict v istr ool d H el sc Background: Matthew Fraser, a student from BetH
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Pierce County, Washington, was disciplined by his schools administration for giving a speech to nominate a fellow student for student government that contained many sexual double entendres, but not obscenity. Fraser was suspended for two days and banned from of spee speaking at his graduation. Fraser sued the ch, district for violating his free speech rights. Ruling: Though the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Fraser, the Supreme Court reversed this decision with a 7-2 ruling in favor of the Bethel School District. Precedent: Bethel v. Fraser determined that it is legal for schools to censor obscene, lewd, vulgar and plainly offensive speech.

What Would Happen if a Student Unfurled a of Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis an d to Banner that Read BONG HiTS 4 JESUS at a County, Missouri, removed two articles from p et School-Supervised Event? i the school-sponsored newspaper, the Spectrum, prior to publication. The stories in morse gover vs. Fre question were about divorce and teen pregnm dericK , 2007 nancy. Ruling: The court ruled in favor of the HaBackground: While the 2002 Olympic zelwood school district 5-3. Justice Kennedy Torch Relay was passing in front of did not participate in this case. his school, student Joseph Frederick Precedent: Newspapers that are financially and some friends displayed a banner supported by the public school, and therefore that read BONG HiTS 4 JESUS, in not established as open forums of student plain view of other students. Principal expression, are subject to a lower level of Deborah Morse confiscated the banprotection by the First Amendment, under ner and suspended the students, who which school officials can censor material. later sued, claiming their free speech However, they may not do so based solely on rights had been violated. personal opinion; they must have reasonable Ruling: The Supreme Court ruled concerns that the content interferes with the in favor of the Principal Morse 5-3. schools educational mission. Justice Breyer concurred in part and dissented in part. Precedent: School Officials may censor speech, even in an off-campus, school-supervised situation, in order to protect other students from speech that is reasonably regarded as promoting illegal drug use.

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The WarriorOpinions
April 14, 2011

Facing Up to an Uncertain Future

Next year, due to a precipitous drop in enrollment, Journalism will not be offered as an English elective. Previously, Journalism served as a prerequisite for taking Newspaper and joining the Warrior staff. During the year-long course, aspiring journalists learned the tenets of newspaper reporting and design. Without the pressures of deadlines, it was in Journalism that future members of the Warrior transformed from a heterogeneous assemblage into a tightly knit group that could work as a productive staff. Time in Journalism is largely spent honing the courses namesake craft. Students gain, maybe for the first time, experience in writing with the distinctive style of newspapers. Every section of the paper is covered as projects are devoted to hard news, features, editorial and review writing. Beyond just writing like journalists, students are expected to think like them. Sprinkled throughout the syllabus are Current Event Quizzes, which force students to learn about the world around them as it is today, a premise that is noticeably absent in the rest of the schools classrooms. Later in the year, students learn how to use Adobes inDesign software, on which the Warrior is created. Without Journalism, future Warrior staff members will be in danger of having no such writing or design training. Striving to put out a product as often as possible, they simply will not have time to recoup this learning period. Journalism has thrived in previous years by attracting students who were genuinely interested in the subject matter. Unfortunately, the course seems to be marred by its peculiar place on the elective spectrum. High-achieving students may notice its lack of an APprefix and cynically wonder what is the benefit for their transcript. With ever more stringent technology requirements (which Newspaper class is no longer permitted to satisfy) and higher emphasis on taking double-period science classes, Journalism is being forced off of the schedules of promising writers. Ironically enough though, beyond that first, perfunctory look Journalism is revealed to be more than a filler elective class that one can obtain an easy A in. It is a rigorous course that can introduce one into the fields of print, online and photo journalism as a career. Playwright Arthur Miller, in 1961 said, A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself. Whereas many professional publications can indeed claim readership across a country, a school newspaper obviously cannot. Within this lack of readership, though, is contained the gift of intimacy. Only in a high school paper can a student hold onto a document that consists wholly of articles immediately relevant to him. Student publications report on the lives of their readers and thus come to not only speak to the school, but speak for it. Our office holds a sizeable collection of newspapers from schools across the county, and it is our hope that the Warrior is equally represented at those schools. These volumes afford us with the occasional idea for story or spread. Regardless of our intention, what is overwhelmingly gleaned from perusing our competitors work is an impression of that work. Positive or negative, this impression of the paper quickly becomes indistinguishable from our impression of the school that publishes it. For the past decade, the Warrior has regularly received a top rating from national scholastic journalism organizations and has collected top awards for its overall publication and for individual articles in state competitions. Therefore, we feel that we properly represent the best of Sherwoods academic and social environment. Without Journalism, however, the future of that conviction is uncertain.

In Our Opinion...

by Allie Sivak 11

College Board Holds a Harmful Monopoly

The non-profit College Board monopolizes high school standardized testing in order to unfairly create large profits.
by Holland McCabe 11
For many juniors and seniors across the country, the college application process looms large and occupies much of students free time with researching colleges, writing essays and taking standardized tests. Parents, teachers and counselors push students to take AP courses and succeed at standardized tests, and throughout this process many do not pause to appraise the ethics of the organizations that control these programs. The emphasis placed on these test scores in the admissions process is substantial, but the administration of these vital tests is controlled by two private, non-profit organizations: the College Board (which administers the SAT, SAT Subject Tests and AP programs) and ACT, Inc. (which administers the ACT). ACT, Inc. does not have comparable services to the SAT Subject Tests or AP programs, so they do not really pose true competition to the College Board (CB). As a result, many students, and especially those in MCPS, are forced to take at least one of CBs exams on their road to college. From ninth grade on, schools and parents push their students to take as many rigorous AP courses and tests as possible. Even one part of MCPS Seven Keys to College Readiness calls for each student to earn a 3 or better on an AP exam. This push is because these courses are often the most advanced courses available at the high school level. As a result, many of the nations top colleges look for a large number of AP courses on student transcripts. Even if a student chooses not to pay into the CBs monopoly for a chance at a good AP score and the accompanying college credits, they are still affected by CBs control over these advanced courses. Students must learn tricks for multiple-choice questions and how to write awkwardly formatted essays. Days are consumed with learning skills that will be of little use later in life. Students could have advanced their knowledge in the courses subject, or improved their writing, without being boxed-in by CB rubrics. Students are also pushed to succeed on the PSAT, and later on the actual SAT, in order to get into college. While it is possible to take an AP course but not take the exam, the SATs or SAT Subject Tests are unavoidable for many students. These standardized tests are required for admission to most colleges, and once again the CB controls this vital step for college admissions. Yes, students can opt to take the ACT in place of the SAT, but because the ACT offers no alternative to the SAT Subject Tests, the CB remains the choice of most top colleges and universities. Additionally, CB dominates lobbying of governments and school systems to promote their exams over others. This can be seen in MCPS school-wide administration of the PSAT as well as data collection that clearly favors the SAT. With this system-wide position, the CB uses its monopoly fully by charging exorbitant prices for their services. Between

Which of the Following College Board Fees Will You Pay?

A) PSAT: $13 for freshmen and juniors. Sherwood pays for sophomores to take the exam B) SAT: $47 base fee, $24 to change test date or location, $24 late registration fee, $18 for your answers and the correct answers, so one can improve C) SAT Subject Tests: $21 for first test, $10 for each subsequent test D) AP Tests: $87 per exam E) Reporting Fees: $10 per college (takes 5+ weeks), $29 for rush fee F) All of the above
SAT-associated fees and AP exam fees, high school students can spend upwards of over $1200 throughout their four years. With all of these fees, the CB is able to make substantial profits. The CB earned nearly $600 million in gross revenue and $55 million in net profits according to its 2007 tax filings, the most recent records available. This is 9.5 percent of total revenue, and such a figure would be respectable for any for-profit company. However the CB is a registered non-profit company, and so these respectable profits are subject to all the tax breaks that accompany nonprofit status. As a non-profit, the CB must have a charitable mission, but this is dubious as well. The company states that its mission is to connect students to access and opportunity, to prepare more and more students to be ready to go to college and succeed. However this logic is circular, as to get into college (currently), one must take the SAT and a lot of APs. There are few alternatives. The CB can assist by selling you their products AP tests, SATs, SAT Subject Tests and a host of test-prep materials. If the CB didnt exist, though, the problem and solution would go away. Colleges would invent their own ways of assessing applicants, school systems would provide their own demanding courses and students would figure out other ways of standing out from other applicants instead of using the CBs products.

Yeah, I saw it on Facebook, is the nonchalant response that accounts for the knowledge of others relationship statuses, work information and day-to-day activities. Ever since this social networking sites creation, it is all too convenient to see what old friends, current friends or even love interests are up to. With the simple click of a few buttons, one can effortlessly peruse through a multitude of pictures, wall posts, comments and likes that basically provide a virtual outline of an individuals recent activity in this world. We dont just use Facebook to keep up with friends, either we use it to stay connected in todays highly complex social sphere. The majority of teens are guilty of taking a look at pictures of those they may not even know, whether it is out of boredom or to do some inside research on the guy a friend is dating. Sometimes personal information pops up on our news feed or we go view anothers wall. Consequently, we admittedly know a bit much about others. Some refer to this excessive knowledge of those around us as Facebook stalking. Modern technology allows us to progress more and more in our means of communication, and similarly, when it comes to Facebook, the advances just keep coming. Just when it seemed we couldnt be more connected, new additions and changes continually modify the social networking site and make it easier to maintain ties with others. Lately, new features such as friendship pages have been added. These allow users to view the interactions between various friends through pictures, wall posts and likes that any two people have partaken in with relation to one another. In turn, now you can stalk not one but several people at once. You can see how long a couple has been dating or when two people first became friends. In addition, the new Facebook profile has created a picture banner at the top of ones wall that displays a persons most recently tagged pictures to let your friends know what youve been up to. The wall-to-wall has also been abolished, and replaced with snippets of what you write on friends walls, allowing everyone who views your page to see your Facebook activity in detail. Where does it end? While these new additions are admittedly entertaining and addicting, they simply give us too close of a glimpse at others lives. Years ago, knowing what events someone attended, who they are friends with or what they did last Friday night may have been considered exceedingly creepy. Yet, to our generation, knowing any less simply seems unfathomable. Face the truthwe have become a generation of stalkers.

Generation of Stalkers

The WarriorOpinions
April 14, 2011


The Warrior enters the boxing ring

We Could Learn a Thing from the Japanese

by Rebecca Stussman 12
The response of the Japanese public to the earthquake and tsunami that devastated its northeast coast on March 11 has been nothing short of admirable. Amidst over 20,000 deaths and miles of flattened property, amidst an almost complete destruction of Japanese daily life, citizens remain boldfaced, optimistic and, most remarkably, organized. There is no widespread looting, panicked violence or even mild, frightened disobedience to relief staff and troops. Survivors of the devastating event have collected themselves into safe houses such as schools and patiently waited with their families for the aftermaths of this tragedy to unfold. Adults check water and air for radioactivity and look closely after children. Refugees take their fill to eat and share with others. In some cases, entire villages cling together and maintain somewhat of a routine, with teachers still assigning schoolwork for students and adults taking comfort in the friendly faces around them. The sense of productivity and of normality that the Japanese public has been able to maintain throughout the disaster is something that citizens of the United States and of the world should regard with esteem. The Japanese sense of unity, faith and order amidst this devastating event has helped to control the damage to the country as a whole and propel refugees into a slightly more bearable future.

Round 1

Round 2 Fame Cant Trump Competition With

by Allie Sivak 11

cartoon by Michael Wagner 12

Quizzing Doesnt Need To Cause Stress

by Jessica Golding 11
It is that dreaded moment of the day: quiz time. Throughout the week, it varies among which classes it occurs in, but the generalized feeling remains the same. Ugh, quizzes, many kids groan. But school does not have to feel this way. Just the type of quiz alone can have a huge mental impact on how students approach it. The pop quiz and the open note quiz are similar in that they do not require studying beforehand but vary in their effects. Pop quizzes are most commonly used in fact-based subjects like math and history, although they are not used very often. They may seem beneficial to the teacher because hey, his or her students are getting valuable exposure to the experience of performing under stress. However, this rationale is too good to be true. The moment a teacher mouths the words pop quiz papers go flying, notebooks are flipping and heart rates start rising. The effects of pop quizzes have been studied by Dr. Allen Mendler, author of Connecting with Students, and his conclusion is to limit them as much as possible. Pop quizzes contribute unnecessarily to anxiety and rarely lead to increased competence, Mendler writes. In fact, the sudden wave of fear that an unexpected test elicits can quickly shut down learning and memory, leading to poorer performance. The greatest problem with pop quizzes is not when the teacher announces the first one. The problem lies with the students perception that any day they could be handed a pop quiz, any day they could have to be prepared to take a test. This perception causes a level of stress daily in students that can create unnecessary disruptions to the classroom, like students bothering the teacher every day by asking if they have a quiz and students scrambling to study before the tardy bell rings. With the addition of pop quizzes into a teachers curriculum, a trust issue between teacher and student develops. No one likes to be played with, not students or teachers. In order to increase trust in the teacher/student relationship, the teacher must take it upon themselves to not play games with their students grades. The classroom environment does not have to be an adversarial one in which a teacher threatens students with pop quizes. An open note quiz is a much better testing option when a teacher is looking to grade students where they have not studied beforehand. The largest benefit of testing students through an open note quiz is the fact that a teacher is able to test students on their notes, basically showing how much they paid attention in class. You always hope as youre going along that kids are always listening without needing to be prompted or threatened to listen, said English teacher Beth Dibler, who gives open note quizzes and pop quizzes in her classroom. An open note quiz rewards students for being attentive as youre lecturing

It was enough of a shock when Arnold Schwarzenegger put down his machine guns, slapped on a suit and became the Republican Govenator of California in October of 2003. However, more and more frequently, some of the nations top political positions are being filled, or at least pursued, by shoes that have walked the red carpet. In particular, though he has not made a formal announcement, business guru Donald Trump has been making the rounds on the political networks and has implied his interest to run against President Obama in 2012. He ardently opposes many of the Presidents policies, believes he has what it takes to halt the nations economic woe and has recently even questioned Obamas citizenship documentation. It is clear he can see himself as a resident of the White House. However, when it comes to election day, no matter what kind of economic genius Trump may be (as shown by his multi-million dollar fortune), the fact remains that he is a celebrity. After years of hosting The Apprentice, its quite hard to picture foreign leaders taking the straight-faced man sitting comfortably in the dimly-lit board room seriously. While Trump may be one of the greatest entrepreneurs alive, Americans are better off watching him weekly on reality TV instead of seeing him address the nation at the State of the Union Address yearly.

Round Not College 3 Strive for Self Interest,

by Leah Schroeder 13

For years, students in Montgomery County have been force-fed, and have willingly swallowed, the idea that to get into college, their best bet is to load up on AP classes, honor societies and clubs. In a recent column from The Washington Post, noted columnist George Will quoted from Andrew Fergusons new book, Crazy U: One Dads Crash Course in Getting His Kid into College, saying, There are 36,000 high schools in this country. That means there are at least 36,000 valedictorians. They cant all go to Brown. There are lots of students following a similar rigorous path to the most selective schools and thus, there are no guarantees. Students will be better assisted if they learn to appreciate the opportunities available to them and to take advantage of the ones that give pleasure. Take an AP class because you want the challenge or the low-priced college credit. Apply for an honor society only if it has meaning for you, not because it will make your resum more appealing to admissions officers. Padding a resum will only help for the short-term, if it all, while pursuing interests and challenges will teach you to enrich your life for years to come.

or reading, or as they are reading themselves and taking notes as they go along. Open note quizzes are more helpful for the students academic lives in the future in terms of performing under stress. With open note quizzes, students may experience a little stress, but then are quickly comforted with the concept of being able to use their hard work in the class, such as their notes from lectures and the textbook. The students who paid attention and took notes in and out of class get rewarded for their hard work and extra effort to succeed in the class by being able to put that extra effort towards their grade. With open note quizzes, teachers will be able to point out students who may be off-track, falling behind or not understanding material. Teachers have the opportunity to note which students have better notes, which contain valuable information that will come in handy while taking the open note quiz. This allows them to notice a correlation between the quality of ones notes versus that students quiz grade. Because students have their notes available, teachers may also use this opportunity to expose students to more difficult testing questions and help them to prepare for college-level questions. Teachers, when wanting to quiz students without the traditional, pre-assigned quiz, should consider testing through an open note quiz, the more productive and less stressful alternative to pop quizzes.


The WarriorOpinions
April 14, 2011

Zero Tolerance Deters Danger and Encourages Safer Schools

by Arjun Singh 12
Students go to school every day to socialize, participate in extracurricular activities and, most importantly, learn. However, negative influences such as drugs, alcohol and violence can infect the school environment and disrupt the safe haven that students need to succeed in school. MCPS schools use zero tolerance policies to limit these negative influences and promote safer school environments. Such policies do not tolerate dangerous and harmful behaviors and therefore have universal punishments that must be applied regardless of the situation. Any student who commits an inappropriate behavior that applies to an MCPS zero tolerance policy, such as bomb threats, violent physical attacks and possession of firearms, is, regardless of circumstances, subject to automatic consequences such as police referral and recommendations for expulsion. However, any of these decisions may be overruled if irrefutable evidence is provided. The necessity of zero tolerance policies becomes evident when inappropriate behavior starts to affect learning. Lets take weapon possession, for example. If a student brings a knife to school with no intent to use it, he or she will receive the same punishment as another student who brings a knife with intent to harm staff or students. Even though the students may have different intentions, both receive the exact same punishment. MCPS implements this policy because any hazardous behavior must be forbidden in school no matter the students intentions or past actions. The excuses I wasnt going to use it! or It was just a joke, although common, are unacceptable. The fact is, however miniscule an inappropriate action may seem, any form of deplorable behavior on school grounds is unacceptable. The students that break the rules implemented by the school should face grave consequences for harmfully impacting the education and experience of school for other students. Schools have a responsibility to ensure that students have a safe and secure learning environment

A zero tolerance policy in school consists of maximum punishment for any infraction of a rule, usually pertaining to drugs and weapons, despite the presence of accidental mistakes, ignorance or outside circumstances. Should Schools practice this strict policy or take a more open approach?
The school is supposed to be a safe and healthy place for everyone. If you want to fight or do drugs then you should do it on your own time and [in your] own place.
- Maggie Silliman 11

and to create the best possible school. This includes deterring drug use, fighting and harassment, and an effective means is through harsh punishments that discourage students from breaking the rules. Zero tolerance policies make sure that any behavior that violates school rules is punished properly. If students realize that their actions have serious consequences, they will be less tempted to perform these actions. M a n y p e o p l e probably believe schools are one of the safest environments for students; they would be wrong. According to the Sherwood school climate survey from the 2009-2010 school year, 20 percent of students do not feel safe in school and over 50 percent believe that bullying is a problem. Students cannot learn in an unsafe environment. One of the most important aspects of a childs life is his or her education, but unsafe school environments disrupt this education and demonstrate the need for the implementation of zero tolerance policies. A school builds the foundation for the lives of its students, but how can schools help students if they do not provide the best education? Students need to feel secure in school, and the best way to do that is through strict punishment. Schools need to place safety of students at the top of its priorities and the only way to do so is -Security through discipline.

Zero Tolerance; Good Intentions Gone Wrong

by Holland McCabe 11
There is little argument that bomb threats, firearms, drugs and violent attacks have no place in a school for the safety of students. So to combat these threats, many school systems employ policies that automatically attach harsh consequences to dangerous infractions. Beyond the safety considerations, zero tolerance policies were put in place t o o b jectively puni s h s t u dents. All students receive the same punishment. This is meant to eliminate claims of unfair treatment or inconsistent punishment. MCPS, however, claims it does not enact a zero tolerance policy because while students who commit serious infractions receive mandatory punishment, they have the opportunity to appeal their case before the school administration and have their punishment overturned. However, the fact that an arbitrary punishment is required by school policy is nearly the definition of a zero tolerance policy. And recent incidents show that these policies of mandatory punishment, regardless of disciplinary history, simple ignorance and all other extenuating circumstances, too often catch students who have no intent of doing any harm. In February, Spotsylvania County freshman Andrew Mikel was suspended for the rest of the school year and charged with three counts of misdemeanor assault because of that countys policy on weapons. What was the weapon he terrorized the school with? A pen tube he used to spit a few plastic pellets at oth-

assisstant Jeff Pettenati

er students during a lunch period. Mikel was on the Honor Roll at his school and an active member of JROTC. He will now have a criminal record following him when he searches for a job. A much more serious consequence resulted from zero tolerance flaws in January, when a Fairfax student, sophomore Nick Stuban, committed suicide due in a large part to his expulsion over possession of a legal, synthetic marijuana-substitute (known collectively as Spice). He was tempted to try a small amount of Spice that another student had offered him. After a small taste, he decided he disliked the drugs sensation and he threw the rest into the trash. Stuban was a dedicated football player, Boy Scout and model student according to his history teacher. His only prior disciplinary record was cellphone use and copying from a friend in class once. But after voluntarily confessing his wrongdoing to the administration, he was suspended and recommended for expulsion. The stress of expulsion, moving to a new school, the appeals to clear his record and the exaggerated rumors that followed him eventually led in part to Stubans suicide. Did these students do something wrong? Yes. But did they deserve suspension, expulsion, loss of friends or even death? Of course not. A murderer has more rights in court than a student does under these policies. Students are assumed guilty until proven innocent, and the damage is already done even if ones name is eventually cleared in a lengthy appeals process. The rumors and negative stigma that will follow a student are likely to be more harmful to a students life than any punishment a school board could hand down. Students are still children, and children make stupid mistakes because they do not think of the consequences of their actions. So, the school system should not punish all students harshly for juvenile mistakes; it should teach them a meaningful lesson. Administrators and the school board need to look at the incident in context before handing out punishments.

I think that first offenses, quantity and, with drugs, intent to distribute need to be taken into account, just as in the legal system. We should at least get to keep some [of our] rights. - Maya Hester 11

The WarriorOpinions
April 14, 2011
Are Facebook and other social networking sites beneficial or harmful to our generation?


Reader Reactions The Kings Full-Fledged

Crusade Against Islam

by Brad Matthews 11
On March 10, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) launched a modern crusade, taking up the pulpit to fight against Islam. The House hearings sponsored by King specifically focus on hidden radicalism in American mosques. This is the first time that Islamophobia has received so much legislative support. Muslims are right to describe these hearings as McCarthyist. Congress is throwing Muslims under the bus, and domestic terrorism has become the new key phrase of what I call the Crescent Scare. In a country where one of the founding principles is freedom of religion, this kind of blatant institutional fear is disheartening. Can we call ourselves a democracy if liberty is given to some, but not to others? James Madison warned against a majority oppressing the minority, and attacking and making a scapegoat of a minority is exactly what this legislation is doing. Terrorism is preventable through good intelligence and capable diplomacy. I do not think the American Muslim community impedes either of those two qualities. In February, King said to the Associated Press that, There is a real threat to the country from the Muslim community, and the only way to get to the bottom of it is to investigate what is happening. That is assuming, of course, that the Muslim community is in fact a threat. In the past few years, we have had Nagibullah Zazi planning attacks on the New York subway, Nidal Malik Hasan killing soldiers at Fort Hood and Faisal Shahzad planning a possible attack on Times Square (Zazi and Shahzad were immigrants). According to the Washington Post, King maintains that most Muslim leaders in the United States arent cooperating with authorities, even as arrests of homegrown terrorists are rising. Meanwhile, said Muslim groups allege that they have been coop-

I think they are beneficial because its a good way to find information and a good way to talk with people easily. -Carson Irick 13

I do not think Facebook is harmful or beneficial. Every generation has had its new phenomenon thats accused of corrupting the youth, such as rock music, comics and phones. Facebook is simply just another way to share. -Alex Porter 13

I feel they are ... more harmful. You can be stalked by others and end up in bad situations. It also distracts us from physical activities. -Vivian Nguyen 13

Articles written by students, faculty, administrators, alumni and community members are greatly encouraged. The Warrior reserves the right to reject, edit or condense submitted content.

Letters to the Editor

Email letters to thewarriornewspaper@yahoo.com

erating. In fact, it was a Muslim who stopped Shahzad, and when a group of Muslims from the DC area left to go to Pakistan, it was concerned members of their Muslim community that reported them. Muslim leaders such as Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison are frustrated by these allegations and the discrimination, evidenced by Ellisons dramatic breakdown on the first day of the hearings. In times of economic recession, people tend to let their resentment fester into hatred towards scapegoats. As our economy continues to suffer, a decade of jingoism towards the Middle East has begun to fuel rabid attacks and scrutiny of Muslims. Terry Jones, an Islamophobic Florida preacher, for example, burned the Koran in protest on March 20. The image of a man in a turban has become a key part of the terrorist image. Hatred towards Muslims and this official, sanctioned scrutiny is unAmerican and only paints us as hypocrites. We need to hearken to a speech made in similar bleak economic times. In the throes of the worst period of the Great Depression, FDR told us in his inaugural speech that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Vocal and radical sections of the electorate fear Muslims; they view Islam, Muslims and al-Qaeda as a global conspiracy to destroy American freedom. People, twisted by pundits and consumed by fear, will give up the rights of these Muslims to assuage their fears with fake security. By taking away the freedom of Muslims, we can only embolden the terrorists. Will the House once again form the Un-American Activities Committee? Will King, echoing McCarthy, jump up and point to lists of terrorists within the government? I hope not. But we must remember that the possibility is there. When minorities are suppressed for the hope of security, then the nation deserves neither liberty nor security.

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The WarriorEntertainment
April 14, 2011

Springtime is fleeting. So choose wisely.

Music Album: Right Message, Wrong Sound
by Ryan Coulter 12
Known for their unsubtle lyrical commentary on social and political events, Rise Against continues their switch to a type of punk rock that doesnt quite meet the sound fans used to adore. With the release of their sixth studio record Endgame this past month, Rise Against shows not only their transformation away from their previous, more mainstream sound, comparable to that of Green Days, but also the relevance of their social commentary that, for better or worse, syncs perfectly with the chaos stricken world surrounding us today. Nothing defines the albums intent better than lyrics from the lead track Architect which questions, Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate, or would you rather be the architect of what we might create. Though the album starts off with fast pace instrumentals and upbeat vocals that grab listeners attention, the album loses potency because of the repetitive sound from song to song. Unlike previous albums such as 2008s Appeal to Reason and 2004s The Sufferer and the Witness, Endgame radiates a stronger, more hardcore sound than many Rise Against fans may be used to. Lacking that one slow song that Rise Against albums commonly include such as Hero of War or Swing Life Away on previous albums, Endgame seems to run from topic to topic instead of dealing with each song in its own unique melodic way. When each tragedy is revealed with almost the exact same sound as the last, it makes it difficult for the listener to distinguish them. Gathering inspiration from tragic disasters, Rise Against almost demands attention to todays problems, and is particularly successful in achieving this when singer Tim McIlrath makes connections to devastating events such as Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill in the Gulf in the song Help Is On The Way. The song exposes the governments false promise of assistance and draws genuine empathy from listeners, while still providing those hardcore guitar riffs that punk rock fanatics crave. Listeners dont have to search deep into Rise Againsts new tracks to find that the album is chock full of heart-wrenching messages. The band leaves its listeners with an soldiers unsettling reminder in Survivors Guilt when revealing, And I fought with courage to preserve not my way of life but yours. Powerful lyrics aimed to stop bullying in schools are seen in Make it Stop when the band asserts, Too much blood has flowed from wrists from the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.

Your Guide to Spring Break

Local Restaurant:

Take a Bite Out of Taste

by Michaela ODonnell 13

see SOUND, pg. 20

When deciding where to go for a classy dinner, a rundown shopping center in Olney isnt what comes to mind. Near an old beer and wine store, a Popeyes fried chicken restaurant and a Rite Aid, however, is Taste: Mezze Tapas Lounge. Walking into Taste is like taking a breath of fresh air. Candles flicker on every table in a room with dimmed lights and warm caramel colored walls. It is quite the welcome change from the vast grey concrete shopping center just outside. Although the dining area is small, none of the tables are so close that chairs back into each other. The quaint restaurant has a bar to the side, where a few men retreat to a haven of beer and sports just ten feet away from a family enjoying their meal. Neither distract each other and Taste can successfully appeal to both those who want a sit-down meal and those who want a place to relax. When seated, the friendly server and hostess pleasantly make small talk, asking guests if they are from the area and commenting on the weather. It is a delightful change from the brisk conversations that accompany ordering fast food. At a nearby table, a 3-year-old boy peeps at me through his chair. The parents of the boy begin to talk with us about the charming restaurant and even offer my mother the rest of their wine bottle. It is refreshing to feel so comfortable in such a new and unfamiliar place as Taste, and is not unlike going to a family dinner. As a tapas restaurant, a variety of different foods on small plates are whisked around the room to each table. The one that is most fantastic in its presentation is the flaming cheese! The server presents the plate of cheese to the table and then uses a lighter to set it on fire. The Taste steak is any meat lovers dream (especially the ones who order rare). It is a tender steak cooked to perfection with Greek lemon potatoes and pesto sauce to top it off. The cod, delicious even to the non-seafood lover, has a kalamata gazpacho olive sauce that melts on the tongue. For dessert, the sabayon is the best choice. This dish is a variety of fresh fruits in a pool of grand marnier. Although Taste is a risk for the average teenagers taste buds more used to burgers and burritos, the cuisine at Taste will make anyone, at any age, re-think the quality of their regular Olney restaurant choices. Not to mention, Taste is an ideal place to impress your prom date.

The WarriorEntertainment
April 14, 2011


Spring Trends Gain Appeal

versatile thing you can own. If you need to fashion show last month featuring models With each change in season, the fash- wear it to work, add a blazer. If you want to they chose around the mall and dressed ion world reveals what will soon be the go shopping, just take a little tote bag and them in designer clothing. I got a chance trends and fads in the consumer realm. a wide brim hat. And if you want to wear to ask one of the models her opinion of the Common themes always appear in the col- it out at night, just throw on a shawl and clothes she modeled. If I were going out lections of top designers such as DKNY, some great jewelry, wrote Noria Morales, [] I would wear the fashionable outfits style editor for Fab Sugar. they put me in. I like [the floral and bright Chanel, and J u n i o r colors] a lot. Its Dior and Stephanie Feibeen a long winthese comgenbaum said ter and its nice monalities the success of to see the bright dictate what the floral look pops of color. I will soon depends on the think it flatters be in style person weareverybody. that season. ing it. I own Runway trends Ralph Lausome but Im offer styles ren, for exnot a huge fan. for all sorts of ample, just Its not unflattrends but peounveiled tering [] but ple do put their his runway a lot of the own spin on it. theme of color schemes I usually take a floral prints in floral look style that is [] and bold good on certain becoming popupatterns in girls depend- Bold print is back in style in cardigans lar and put my the Winter/ ing on their hair and sweaters such as this one. own twist on it Spring fashphoto courtesy of Ralph Lauren so I can make and eye colors. ion week. She chooses it my own, seDesigners her style less based off of nior Haley Adam explained. crazy conBold patterns and colors are becomcoctions and Many designers models have been donning the runway trends and more on what suits her. I like to ing popular. Sarah Cristobal, Brand Edid i z z y i n g flowery prints much like this pattern. photo courtesy of Ralph Lauren wear blue to complement my torial Director at Diane von Furstenberg, designs on eyes she explained. reviewed Ralph Laurens bohemian style the runway In order to determine the real-life cardigan that she described as a blanket have set the trends for this Springs trends. Current trends on the runway include popularity of the seasons runway trends, cardigan. Its a smart look. But because exaggerated floral patterns and bright, bold I set off on a hunt for a variety of consum- its so bold, you want to keep your accesprints. A floral dress is about the most ers perspectives. Lord and Taylor held a sories minimal to let it shine, she noted.


Source Code Explodes with Intrigue, Adrenaline
by Leah Schroeder 13

by Hannah Chertock 12

If at first you dont succeed, die, die again. In Duncan Joness Source Code, Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) re-lives and manipulates the last eight minutes of the life of another man, Sean Fentress, through an experimental program called source code. His goal is to identify the bomber of a Chicago commuter train and determine how to stop the next bombing. While living Seans life, Stevens meets and falls in love with Christina Warren (Michelle Monaghan). With such a limited time frame to overcome distractions and find clues, Stevens must repeat those same eight minutes countless times, before he finally completes his mission. Even so, each repetition is slightly different, allowing the audience to share in Stevens frustration of having to repeat the task over and over again. Gyllenhaal often receives more notice for his good looks and off-screen romances than for his many diverse movie roles, which include his Academy-Award-winning performance in Brokeback Mountain and his recent roles in Love and Other Drugs and Prince of Persia. Even so, the Gyllenhaal-obsessed girls are right to be smitten. Yes, because he is charming, but also because he knows how to portray epitomized edginess. audience members remove their shirts and a compelling character. As Stevens, his by Andi Hubbell 11 Needless to say, it came as a surprise brave the stage in simply their bras. frustration, his sense of humor, his dedicaDim, dingy and rundown, the Ottobar when the first band in the lineup, Face the Come on, I already did it! she drily tion, his fearlessness and his unwillingness in Baltimore hardly seems like an ideal Sun, exhibited a conventional, light-heart- joked, alluding to her revealing outfit. to accept anything less than the full truth venue for a performance by a 17-year- ed pop punk sound. Although the followMomsen eventually got the three vol- come together for one memorable perforold actress turned songstress. However, ing band, 1000 Horses, retained a signifi- unteers she had requested, but girls were mance. Taylor Momsen, frontwoman of alterna- cantly edgier look and sound, neither band hardly clamoring to approach the stage. While Source Code could appear tive rock band The Pretty Reckless (TPR), managed to rival TPRs dark persona. The three girls who did eagerly obey Mom- to be riding the intellectual thriller bandis no Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato. The However, this was clearly to Mom- sen, however, appeared to be instilled with wagon of last summers Inception and headstrong, outspoken Gossip Girl star sens advantage, because the moment The a sense of empowerment as they danced the recently released The Adjustment refuses to conform to the cookie-cutter Pretty Reckless appeared onstage, the au- onstage to Goin Down, a raging number Bureau, this movie ultimately sets itself mold followed by her peers. Instead, she dience was captivated. The starlet sported that Momsen described as being (surprise), apart by successfully employing other elehas adopted an outrageously scandalous a tight, short black leather dress, heavy about sex. ments from a range of movie genres. The style of dress and equally age-inappro- makeup and sinister attitude to match. A mere matter of minutes after Goin movie is centered on the science fiction priate brand of music, both of which she Momsen exuded sex appeal, shimmying Down, Momsen made a second half- concept of a time loop. Stevenss pursuit confidently flaunted during a show at the seductively as she belted out the first num- baked attempt at instigating controversy. of the bombing suspect involves a variety Ottobar on March 16. Whereas other teen ber in a slew of angst-ridden songs. At age How many of us are drinking to- of action scenes including one instance of idols skirt media claims that they are en- 17, she easily produced a stage presence night? she cheered, eliciting a favorable Stevens jumping off of a moving train. At gaging in unruly behavior, Momsen openly that several much-older musicians in the response from the audience, which seemed the same time, Stevenss blind search sets embraces her rebellious image, confidently evenings lineup (including her unremark- to consist largely of individuals in their him up for many comedic situations, most vocalizing her indecent habits. Although able bandmates, who instantly faded into twenties. This songs called My Medi- memorably one instance in which he folMomsen exhibited promising talent and a the background) could not muster. Her cine. lows a suspect into the mens bathroom and mesmerizing stage presence, the singers deep, soulful vocals coupled with her abilAlthough Momsen likely intended displays a little too much interest in that overwhelming raunchiness ultimately in- ity to work a stage as small as that at the for her racy comments to seem alluringly mans actions. In those same eight minhibited her from reaching her full potential Ottobar altogether captivated the sparse daring and rebellious, they simply sound- ute intervals, a romance sparks between to inspire. crowd. ed immature and altogether unconvinc- Christina and Stevens, made dramatic by An appropriately dark, mature atmoUnfortunately, a few songs into TPRs ing. the fact that Christina has a friendship with sphere was already present in the Ottobar set, Momsen felt compelled to demonstrate Because of her striking confidence the real Sean. Stevens also has to balseveral hours before Momsen graced the her notorious tendency to create a shock and highly developed sense of individual- ance his mission with his own problems in stage. A handful of raccoon-eyed twenty- factor. Between the first couple of songs, ity, not to mention her raw talent, Mom- his original identity in order to ultimately something-year-olds arrived early to hud- Momsen had deviated from her sexy stage sen demonstrates the potential to serve as recognize the importance of making every dle around the bar area, where they sipped antics long enough to express to the audi- a role model for girls of all ages. Unfor- moment count. drinks and struggled to chat over the ence what seemed like genuine gratitude tunately, until she makes the distinction Through its superb cast and characthrashing, guitar-heavy music reverberat- for their presence. A few songs later, how- between not caring what others think and ters, unexpected plot twists and wide-ranging throughout the dimly lit club. Save a ever, Momsen indicated that she needed acting immaturely to violate others expec- ing intrigue, this movie entertains, but also few comically out-of-place gumball dis- the audience to do her a huge favor. She tations, Momsen may be altogether unable provides a heaping dose of perspective on pensers and pinball machines, the Ottobar then proceeded to request that three female to tap into this potential. life and how it should be lived.

Momsens Sexual Antics Overshadow Talent



The WarriorEntertainment
April 14, 2011

by Darby Whitehair 12
David Cassidy, the man who dominated the stage in the 70s as a singer and actor, was the object of affection for thousands of teenage girls. Even now in his sixties, he still makes his fans hearts skip a beat. Allison Pearson, a devoted fan of Cassidy, channels her old obsession into her novel I Think I Love You. Inspired by a 2004 interview she had with Cassidy, when she worked with a British newspaper, Pearson details Cassidys own life in the 70s and depicts the life of a true fan. Pearsons intricately structured novel details the life of two very different fictional characters, Petra and Bill. Petra is a 13-year old Welsh girl infatuated with Cassidy, while Bill is the opposite, a man whose life, to his dismay, is dependent on Cassidys. Pearson switches off between these two characters perspectives until part two of the book, where she interlaces their lives. Initially, Petra is featured with her best friend Sharon. Pearson focuses on their shared obsession with Cassidy; the pair is constantly glued to the magazine,

from SOUND pg. 18
As the band matures, so does their choice of topics. As they tackle more heart-wrenching, chaotic disasters, their tone also shifts. Back when the band released Siren Song of the Counter Culture in 2004, their attempt to be mainstream reflected their more superficial content. Remnants of this sound can still be seen even in Rise Againsts last album Appeal to Reason. However, after the release of Endgame, that mainstream rock sound seems to have all but disappeared. Be prepared for a level where that same old sound fans adored is lost and exchanged for hardcore melodies and vocals. Though the albums messages are indescribably significant, the overall sound doesnt quite meet the mark that many Rise Against has previously met. Albums such as Endgame do provide a perspective that people across the world need to take into consideration, but Rise Against took their melodies to a place that is too far from where they used to be, leaving listeners questioning whether or not the band will ever rise from its newly established plunge. Without a doubt, some pieces of this album are appealing, but there are simply too many songs that sound too similar. The Essentials of David Cassidy, waiting for the letter written by David in each issue. They know everything about him, his favorite color, his hobbies and his every lyric. Most importantly though, they wait for the day when they can finally meet Cassidy and beat out thousands of other fans to win over his love. In contrast to Petra and her friends, Bill does not spend his days worshipping Cassidy; in fact he does everything in his power to hide his ties to the pop sensation. As a writer for The Essentials of David Cassidy, Bill secretly holds the job of writing Cassidys letters. Ashamed of his position, he hides this truth from everyone but his coworkers and boss Zelda. Pearson ends part one of the book with a Cassidy concert. Cassidys performance at White City brings thousands, including Petra and Bill. This one event becomes the turning point in not only Petras and Bills lives but in Cassidys as well. Tragedy and chaos at this concert make the artist quit the touring business, an action that Cassidy actually took in real life. The seamless incorporation of historical events such as this concert help make Pearsons story so compelling. By including historic events, such as press conferences and concerts, her story takes hold of the true essence of Cassidys life at that time and how the world was in the 70s. She brings in truths that make the reader feel part of or at least a witness to the David Cassidy craze; it gives this fictional story a feeling of complete truth and reality. After the tragedies that occur at the White City concert, the book turns the pages of life and tells of the changes that occurred in all its characters lives. Petra becomes a middle-aged woman who is both a wife and mother. Bill is no longer a writer, though he still works in the magazine business. Cassidy, no longer the man who plays tours or stars on television shows, has become an act in Vegas. As adults, they find that the life they had when they were younger was not nearly as complex as they had once thought. Sure, when they were younger, they had to make certain not to upset friends, girlfriends or fans; they had to make sure they looked the part as teenage girl, music journalist, or pop star sensation. However, none of these trials compare to what the characters face later in life, which truly test their strength. This is truly a story that highlights that the emotions we feel as a teenager will carry with us through our lives and settle down with us in adulthood. Whether these emotions are positive or negative, they stick with us and Pearson displays this knowledge as she channels Petras story between adolescence and adulthood and Bills story of disgust to acceptance. This story is timeless because even though girls today may have no interest in David Cassidy, obsession has remained, just with a changed face. Justin Bieber and Taylor Lautner have become the heartthrobs of today. Lets face it, they are the David Cassidys of our time. They may not be singing I Think I Love You but they certainly are objects of extreme affection. Pearson crafts this story into the perfect essence of not only David Cassidy but of life itself, a truth that will never falter, and a love that will never shatter.

I Think Youll Love, I Think I Love You


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Spring Must-Dos





Destroyed by Moby 5/17 Get Sharp by The Limousines 4/19 Scream 4 - 4/15 Water For Elephants - 4/22 Prom - 4/29




Manchester Orchestra and Cage the Elephant 5/8 at Ramshead The Airborne Toxic Event 5/8 at 930 Club Iron and Wine 4/20 at Ramshead

Washington National Zoo 3001 Connecticut Ave NW

Spring Hot Spots

Capitals Quarterfinals April 21st and 25th

Verizon Center

The WarriorSports
April 14, 2011
Coed Volleyball Strives to Build on Girls Title
mixed gives it a more relaxed feeling, so we have a good time. Also, having girls that play club volleyball and who are State Champions helps us improve our game, said Ortiz. The girls find that playing with the boys also raises their own game. They challenge us because they hit harder, so our passes have to be better. And since they put up a bigger block, it helps us cover better and learn to hit around a huge block, said junior setter Melody Young. While there are many similarities between girls and coed volleyball, adjustments have had to be made to the rules for coed. For example, the rotation on the court has to alternate between boys and girls. A girl must touch the ball as one of the two or three hits that take place before the ball goes over the net. Also, when there are two girls in the front row, a boy can move up from the back row to block, but cannot make an offensive play. Because there are boys and girls playing, the net is also raised eight inches. It is definitely a disadvantage for girl hitters because of the change in net height, said Hewitt. There are other differences between the two seasons. Because coed is played with girls and there must be three girls and three guys on the court at all times, playing time is limited. Also, there are not many other schools that have coed volleyball teams, so the squad plays the same schools every year. After going undefeated in the fall and defeating Thomas Johnson, from Anne Arundel county to win the 4A State Title, the girls are continuing their unbeaten streak thus far in coed, beating in straight sets Watkins Mill, Paint Branch, Springbrook, Blake, Whitman, Blair, B-CC and Magruder. They will come back from spring break and face rival Damascus before finishing off their regular season against Quince Orchard, Churchill and Kennedy.


Senior Drew Knapp is batting with a .481 batting average. He leads the team in runs, hits, and RBIs so far this season. photo courtesy sherwoodhs.org

Junior Morgan McAlpin takes a pass from senior Jamie Lowe and hits toward the B-CC Baron defense on April 6, a game Sherwood won in straight sets. photo by Alyx Henry 11 by Alyx Henry 11
The coed volleyball team has an indisputable record of success, having played for a County Championship each of the last 10 years and winning eight out of those times. This season should be no exception with many of the Maryland 4A girls volleyball State Champions on the team. Not all of the girls on the fall roster made the transition over to coed, but every girl on the coed team played in the fall for the undefeated State Champs. After already playing a season together, the girls bring a familiarity with each other to the coed squad and also help the boys further develop their volleyball skills and understanding. My girls are my volleyball players, my boys are just athletes who play volleyball. We get girls who do all the grunt work; they always carry us mainly because they have their own season, said coach Pete Siarkas. Although team stats show that the guys have a better hitting and kill percentage than the girls, a good pass in volleyball is crucial to set up an offense so the front row can hit the kill. The girls have the high passing percentages, and the top three passers on the team are senior Meredith Russell with 1.000, junior Megan Hewitt with .930 and senior Erin Brady with .900, as compared to the top three boy passers who are senior Luis Ortiz with .710, junior Sergio Navarrete with .670 and senior Nick Todd with .640. Although it is still competitive, coed is a lot more laid back and fun. Having girls and guys

Varsity Baseball Looks To Become Two-Time Champs

by Katie Nolan 12
After hard work, intense rivalries and facing teams with huge amounts of talent, last years varsity baseball team succeeded in winning the 4A State Championship with a 2-1 win over the Chesapeake Cougars (Anne Arundel). The title came a mere two years after the Warriors won states in 2008 with a 7-6 win over C.M. Wright. Sherwood is currently ranked second in the Metropolitan area by the Washington Post and first in the county by the Gazette. Expectations could not be higher to win back-to-back state championships. We have almost everybody back so were looking like we could win states again, said senior pitcher Adam Abramson. As training began the team knew what had to be perfected if they were to live up to expectations. We need to hit over .300 as a team and if we do were going to be real tough to beat because we have solid pitching, he said. For the six juniors that were moved up from JV, the intense demand to win is a new experience for them. Theres pressure from all the teams we beat because now we are expected to beat them again, said junior second basemen Michael Reich. Also because we won last year and only lost four seniors, everyone is expecting us to go all the way. The team is currently 10-0 with a key 9-0 win over rival Gaithersburg. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses is key for the team as they prepare for the challenging games ahead, such as the game against Whitman on May 5. Luckily, three key players returned for this season. Our pitchers are really good. We have a three headed monster on

see BASEBALL, pg. 23

Inexperience Does Not Hinder Softballs Success

by Leah Schroeder 13 and Darby Whitehair 12
Through the first 10 games of the season, the varsity softball team has been dominant in compiling an undefeated record in which they have won by an average margin of 11.1 runs. They now find themselves in the midst of their most difficult games, including against Blake and Blair who both defeated the Warriors last season and currently have a combined record of 14-2. In their April 7 game, Sherwood defeated Blair, 4-0. The team also believed that yesterdays contest against Damascus, who entered this game with an undefeated record, would likely be difficult. Still, the teams success has given them reason to believe that they could be a dangerous opponent in the playoffs. I think that the team this year is going to do a great job and is going to support each other no matter what we put our minds to, said senior captain Amy Laughner. We keep the energy up as much as we can and at practice we work as hard as we can. As for the tough games, we all say bring them on. This years team is composed of one senior, four juniors, four sophomores and five freshmen as compared to the past two years teams which together consisted of eight seniors, seven juniors, five sophomores and eight freshmen. There is a significantly greater number of underclassmen. I honestly dont even look at the fact they are freshmen. We are like sisters. We dont fight or anything, and to us, age really doesnt matter. Our freshmen are losses to Blake and Blair, the team also ended their season with a disheartening loss in the State Championship against the Broadneck Bruins. Realistically, we make no predictions about this season. We take it one game at a time, said Flanagan. Idealistically, wed like to win our division again, the region again, and get back to the University of Maryland on Memorial Day weekend again. The team shares a similar perspective. There is an expectation, I feel, to get to states again this year. After losing four seniors last year, the returning players must step up and be leaders, said sophomore and returning varsity player Megan McDonough. The teams next game against Walter Johnson will be held at Sherwood on April 27 at 3:30.

Freshman Meggie Dejter warms up her arm with junior catcher Kristin Holonich before a 14-4 win against QO. photo by Jacob Bogage 12
definitely devoted to playing as well as the upperclassman, said junior captain Kristen Holonich. Coach Pat Flanagan has emphasized that the goal is to be the best they can be as a team and that everyone must put aside their own preferences to accept their role on the team. In addition to last seasons

The WarriorSports
April 14, 2011

Boys Volleyball

Spring and Standings Roundup 10 Sports Last Updated: April All 4A West Stats
Whos Next Standings

CoEd Volleyball
Whos Next
W-L Pct. 1.000 .750 .714 .571 .286 QO @ Sherwood April 27, 5:15pm Sherwood @ Churchill April 29, 5:15pm Kennedy @ Sherwood May 2, 7pm


Pct. 1.000 .750 .429 .375 .000

QO @ Sherwood April 27, 5:15pm Sherwood @ Churchill April 29, 5:15pm Kennedy @ Sherwood May 2, 7pm

SBrook 8-0 SHS 6-2 B-CC 3-4 Magrud. 3-5 PBranch 0-7

This Day in Sports

April 14
1892- Frederick Arthur, Lord Stanley of Preston, announced that he had purchased a trophy to be presented to the hockey champion of Canada. It soon became known as the Stanley Cup. 1970- NFL Owners selected the Wilson brand (see above) as the leagues official football.

SHS 8-0 Magrud. 6-2 PBranch 5-2 B-CC 4-3 SBrook 2-5

Boys Tennis
Team B-CC Blair SHS SBrook Magrud. W-L 7-1 5-1 4-3 4-3 2-5 Pct. .875 .833 .571 .571 .286

Whos Next
Sherwood @ Blake April 14, 3:30 Sherwood @ Springbrook April 28, 3:30pm Seneca Valley @ Sherwood April 29, 3:30pm

Boys&Girls Track

Whos Next
Pct. 1.000 .833 .750 .400 .333


QO 8-0 CBurg 10-2 SHS 6-2 PVille 4-6 S. Valley 2-4

Boys Lacrosse
Team W-L Pct. .800 .714 .600 .500 .316 SHS 4-1 WJ 5-2 PBranch 3-2 Blair 3-3 B-CC 2-4

Whos Next
WJ @ Sherwood April 28, 7pm

Baseball Girls Lacrosse


Team WJ SHS B-CC Blair SBrook


W-L-T Pct. 1.000 .889 .444 .000 .000

Vikinig Invitational @ Whitman April 16, 9am Penn Relays, Philadelphia, PA April 28-30 Quad-Divisional Meet @ QO, April 30

Whos Next


Pct. 1.000 .667 .625 .500 .250 Sherwood @ Blake May 3, 7pm

W-L 6-0 4-1 3-3 2-2 1-3

Pct. 1.000 .800 .500 .500 .250

WJ @ Sherwood April 27, 3:30pm Wootton @ Sherwood April 27, 3:30 Sherwood @ Blake May 5, 7pm Sherwood @ Wootton May 2, 7pm

9-0 Sherwood @ Blair SHS PBranch 6-3 April 30, 12pm Magrud. 5-3 Wootton @ B-CC 4-4 Sherwood Blair 2-6 May 2, 7pm Wootton @ Sherwood April 29, 3:30pm

SHS 9-0 Blair 8-1 PBranch 4-5 B-CC 0-4 Magrud. 0-4-1 Sherwood @ WJ April 28, 7pm

Whos Next: Baseball

WJ @ Sherwood, April 27, 3:30pm

Whos Next: Girls Lacrosse

Blair @ Sherwood April 30, 11:30am

Emerson, Welch Dominate Between the Pipes

Senior girl and junior boy anchor respective squads as both lacrosse teams look to improve upon previous seasons disappointing conclusions.
by Jacob Bogage 12
Junior Connor Welch knows he is talented. Otherwise, there might be no other explanation for statistics that show he could be the best goalie in Montgomery County. Yet, the junior is modest. I stay humble knowing that there are much better goalies than me out there, he says. Then theres senior KC Emerson, a five-star Johns Hopkins recruit who has dominated on varsity since her freshman year. I always have a goal, she says. I work to be better than the year before and set [statistical] numbers that I want to reach. There is always, always, always something to improve on, so my motivation is to keep getting better. With both teams looking to claim the county and ultimately regional crown, each goaltender will certainly have to work hard. I think my mentality is different than a lot of girls, said Emerson, a four-year varsity starter who will play college lacrosse at Johns Hopkins. I expect myself to be nothing less than the best so I dont stop until I get to the level that I want to be. Emerson and Welchs dominance has been paved with hard work and dedication. The two have played lacrosse for a combined 25 years, though surpris-

Connor Welch clears the ball out of the zone in a 9-3 win over the B-CC Barons on April 4. photo by Hannah Chertock 12
ingly, neither have tended goal for the majority of those years. Emersons career in net began with a teammates desire to get out of the sun. I started playing goalie in the Lax Max Tournament in third grade, she recollected. Our goalie was tired and hot and didnt feel like playing anymore so I volunteered. I did pretty well and didnt mind too much and played on and off until sixth grade. When I tried out for my club team as a goalie, I made the switch official. Since switching over, Emerson has become a two-time first team All-Gazette goaltender with a save percentage above 68 percent. After six years of hard work between the pipes, she is flaunted as one of the Blue Jays top recruits and will challenge current Hopkins sophomore goalie Cossette Larash for the starting job next year. Welch took a similar route to the net. As his older brother Pat had done just years earlier, Connor volunteered to put on the extra pads and play goaltender when his club team needed one. Since the younger Welch took over, the Maryland Zingos, a division of the legendary M&D Lax Club, have won numerous tournaments including the Maryland Rock-

KC Emerson steps up in the crease to challenge a shooter in an 18-4 victory against the B-CC Barons on April 4. photo by Paul Szewczyk 12
fish Cup. All the while Welch led Sherwood to a 19-8 record over two years. I tend to hit the wall a lot on weekends when there is no practice, he said. I try to keep the lacrosse stick in my hands for as long as possible. Club is a great way to play some of the best talent in the country and that has improved my game quite a lot. Its fun to play against great talent; it pulls your game to their level. Emerson and Welch no doubt anchor their respective school squads, which look to unseat perennial powerhouse Wootton as Montgomery Countys elite lacrosse program. To do that, each will have to be especially strong in net. The boys squad returns upwards of a dozen juniors and seniors that boast a .707 winning percentage over the past two years. I know there is always something I can work on that can make my game better to help the team win, says Welch. The region and state championships are always in our sights. Meanwhile, the girls team will attempt to post another successful season after their 2010 campaign was ended by Churchill in the 4A West Regional Final.
To see the boys and girls upcoming games, see Spring Sports Roundup.

The WarriorSports
April 14, 2011


Even While Sprinting, Afinnih Upholds Her Religious Beliefs

Sophomore track star wears hijab and loose clothing in practice and competition.
when it comes to wearing clothing that covers her body at all times. There are moments when it gets hot, but it is not meant to be a burden on the woman by any means. If it was really making me uncomfortable then I would be able to wear short sleeves. Its not like I would go into the hot desert with everything covered, she said. In terms of running, her religious attire does not bother her or hold her back from being among the fastest sprinters on the track team. Some of that credit, she says, goes to her sprinting coach, social studies teacher Jennifer Walker, who she claims whipped her into shape for the competitive nature of high school track. She knows how to push me, Afinnih said. She knows when Im being a wimp and when Im actually in pain. During the indoor and outdoor track seasons last year, Afinnih was sidelined for two months due to a stress injury in her foot. Although she is sprinting again, she says that the injury does cause her to take a break from time to time. Because she was not able to run for some time last season, Afinnih took that time to assist her coaches with times and drills, and help her teammates as well, with tips and supportive words. I want to be leader-ish, she said. Her Islamic culture enables Afinnih to do so much, even through the negative views some people possess about her religion with the exploitation of Muslims in the media. I definitely feel like Im constantly looked at I cant be crazy, she said, I cant be dumb because Im representing my family and Islam. She looks to her family for support, and also finds comfort in seeing Muslim women compete at the national and international levels. Does this mean Afinnih could be winning gold medals for America? This probably wont turn into a career for me, she said, but I wouldnt mind a scholarship. Carrera is currently enrolled in Journalism.


Tigers Still Got it

by Jacob Bogage 12
Whats seven strokes to Tiger Woods? Apparently nothing. Tiger was seven strokes behind upstart Rory McIlroy to open the final round of The Masters this past weekend and shot a five-under 31 on the front nine to grab a share of the lead. Tigers approach at Augusta National was essentially an act of defianceTiger stuck his foot in the door. As the PGA tried to show him the gate and usher in younglings McIlroy, Jason Day, Adam Scott and Charl Schwartzel, Woods proved that after a dreadful past two years, he is as good as hes ever been Exactly why I rooted for him. The fact that Woods can rebound from public humiliation, the loss of his family and the longest losing streak of his life is, to me, incredible. Tiger was abandoned by practically everyone after his wife Elin caught him sexting a mistress in December of 2009, an incident that eventually led to revelations of Tigers addiction to sex. Nonetheless, Tiger fell with class. He issued countless apologiesand to me he seemed sincere. He gave his wife and kids space when they needed it. He even hired lawyers and private guards to shield them from the media. Finally, he issued a 14-minute statement laden with explanation after excruciating explanation. How did we the public know he was truthful? We hated his answers. When Tiger came back from his 144-day hiatus, golf was clearly not the most important thing on his mind and he went winless for the first time in his career. Finally, Tiger seems to have things straightened out. He smiled after he tapped in a par on 18 to give him a six-under 66 and fourth-place finish on Sundays final round. Though it wasnt enough to pull out a green jacket, Tiger proved hes still the worlds best and at age 35, he has a long time to be dominant again.

Sophomore Karimat Afinnih sprints during a track practice while wearing clothes that accomodate her religious beliefs. photo by Alyx Henry 11 by Jessica Carrera 13
During any 4x4 relay at a Sherwood track meet, sophomore sprinter Karimat Afinnih captures the attention of many. Not only is she in the lead, but her unique uniform turns heads. Her arms and legs are covered by long black spandex and a long sleeve black shirt, while her head is also covered by a hijab, a headscarf worn by Muslim women that she sports on and off the track. Afinnihs love of running began at a young age when she ran in the Olney Elementary School field day events. I would beat boys running in the relay races in elementary school, she recounted, and she has not looked back since. In sixth and seventh grade, she joined her middle school track team. Although it was not the most structured sport the school offered, she learned the basics of running and the fundamentals of working with her teammates. Middle school was also a transition period for Afinnih as she began wearing her hijab and exploring her religion on a deeper level. I really didnt want to wear it, Afinnih said about her hijab. I thought all of the kids at school were going to laugh at me. After getting past this fear, she took the advice of her mother who encouraged her to wear it because of what it stood for, womanhood and the importance of complying with the rules set by the Islamic religion. Eventually, I did start wearing it and Im glad [my mom] got me thinking about it, she said. Being Muslim, Afinnih admits, can have its disadvantages

High Hopes for Reigning State Champions

from BASEBALL, pg. 21
the mound [seniors Jamie Dejter, Abramson and Will Bouey]. Bouey hopes to end his high school career on a high note before heading to University of Maryland where he has accepted an offer to join their baseball team. I want to end my years at Sherwood the same way my entire team wants to end their years at Sherwood with another fat ring on our finger, said Bouey. He is ranked first in the all met region for strikeouts and has a .50 ERA. As they prepare for the challenging games ahead, the Warriors also plan to continue what they learned from their previous season. Were not the most athletic team, were not the fastest; we just execute plays better than others, said senior designated hitter Anthony Papio. On Monday, the team continued their unbeaten streak with a 2-1 win over Quince Orchard. The game came down to the final batter, when senior Nathan Craft hit a walk-off homer. For a moment, the QO outfielder appeared to catch the ball, but officials ultimately ruled Craft safe. With the community crossing their fingers for another championship season, Coach Bill Goodman knows there is a lot of pressure. We have almost our whole team and people are expecting us to produce, said Goodman. So weve got to.


The WarriorSports
April 14, 2011

Who Are You Looking At?

Play it Right
Everyone has catch phrases and everyone has habits; even Bros and Joes. Warrior Staffers took a course on how to play it right.

Lacrosse is full of swag.Baseball has no swag. - Senior Chris Wykoff

Lacrosse is the only sport that wants to be its own stereotype. Were just average Joes. - Senior Michael Sarecky
Frozen Rope (line drive) Chin Music (high fastball)

Top left: Senior Chris Wykoff gazes out from within his facemask. Top right: Senior Will Bouey stares down a batter while choosing his pitch. Above: Bros Wykoff, Griffin Paquin, Blake Bonita and Connor Welch peer at Joes Colin McMahon, Drew Knapp, Jamie Dejter and Anthony Papio (left to right). photos by Alyx Henry 11, Jacob Bogage 12 and Paul Szewczyk 12

Bros vs. Joes

Habits Catch Phase

Top Cheese (Top half of goal) Spoon or Wand (Lacrosse Stick)

Ice Pipe City (Hitting the goal post) (State Champs Rings) Chillin and Laxin Listening to reggae music Hang a dead snake in the dugout each year Oil gloves with secret sauce

The Warrior decided to look at the culture of sport within Sherwood this issue and found that some sports just dont see eye-to-eye. From the way they dress to the way they, to the way they speak, lax and baseball culture are inherently different. Michael Begley
Senior Midfielder
Mad Lettuce (hair) Gameday tie Pastel shirt Nike Sweatshirt

Anthony Papio
Senior Designated Hitter
Phiten necklace

Flamboyant shorts Nike Dri-fit shorts

Nike Dri-fit mid-calf socks Sperry Top-siders Signature flip flops

compiled by Devin Cornelius 12 and Ryan Coulter 12

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