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Certificate i
Acknowledgements ii
List of tables vi
List of figures vi
List of symbols ix
Abstract xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Wind loading 1
1.2 Vibration control 2
1.3 Literature Review 3
1.3.1 Wind induced response 3
1.3.2 Vibration control 7
1.4 Present work 9
2. Problem Formulation 11
2.1 Modeling of chimney 11
2.2 Elemental stiffness matrix 11
2.2.1 Displacement function 12
2.2.2 Strain (Curvature)-Nodal parameter relation ship 14
2.3 Elemental mass matrix 16
2.4 Classical damping matrix 16
2.5 Consistent element nodal Loads 18
2.6 Wind load on structure 19
2.6.1 General concept 19
2.6.2 Along wind force 20
2.6.3 Mean velocity profile 21
2.6.4 Random wind velocity 21
3. Response Analysis 23

3.1 Frequency domain solution 23
3.2 Response evaluation in time domain 26
3.2.1 Simulation of wind load 26
3.1.2 Time-Step integration of the system equations 27
3.3 Gust response factor 28
3.4 Code procedure for gust response factor 28

4. Active Control 30
4.1 Feedback control 30
4.2 Feedforward control 32
4.3 State variable representation 33
4.4 Optimal control 34
4.4.1 Derivation of optimum gain 34
4.4.2 Evaluation of controlled response 36
4.5. Concepts of stability 36
4.6. The effect of delays in the feedback loop 37

5. Results and Discussions 38

5.1 Natural frequency and mode shapes 38
5.2 Power spectral density of the response 42
5.2.1 Effect of taper ratio on PSD of the response 42
5.2.2 Effect of mean wind speed on PSD of the response 45
5.2.3 Effect of terrain roughness on PSD of the response 47
5.3 Response Variance 49
5.3.1 Comparison of Response Standard Deviation with
published results 49
5.3.2 Effect of mean wind speed on response standard
deviation 50
5.3.3 Effect of taper ratio on standard deviation of the

response 52
5.3.4 Effect of terrain roughness on standard deviation of the
response 56
5.3.5 Gust response factors for the chimney 58
5.4 Time history of the response 60
5.4.1 Effect of taper ratio on displacement response 60
5.4.2 Effect of mean wind speed on displacement response 61
5.4.3 Effect of surface roughness on displacement response 62
5.4.4 Comparison of frequency and time domain results 63
5.5 Control of the response 64
5.6 Stability of the control system 67
6. Conclusions 68
6.1 Scope of future work……………………...……………………69

List of tables

5.1 Natural Frequency for the uniform chimney………………………......39

5.2 Natural Frequency for the tapered chimney. ……………………..…...39
5.3 Gust response factors for the chimney………………………………………..59
5.4 Comparison of frequency and time domain results……………….…...63

List of figures

Model of the chimney…………………………………………………...11

Two-dimensional beam element with four degree of freedom………14
Wind-induced effects on chimney……………………………………20
4.1 Components of feedback control system…………………………..…30
4.2 Electrical block diagram of a feedback control system……………….31
4.3 Feedback controllers applied to a lumped mass spring damper system.31
4.4 Components of feedforward system………………………………………32
4.5 Electrical block diagram of a feedforward control system…………....33
5.1 First mode shape……………………………………………………...40
5.2 Second mode shape………………………………………………...…41
5.3 Third mode shape……………………………………………………..41
5.4 Fourth mode shape……………………………………………………42
5.5 Effect of taper ratio on PSD of tip displacement……………………..43
5.6 Effect of taper ratio on PSD of tip velocity…………………………..…44
5.7 Effect of taper ratio on PSD of tip acceleration…………………………44
5.8 Effect of wind speed on PSD of displacement………………………….45
5.9 Effect of wind speed on PSD of velocity………………………………..46
5.10 Effect of wind speed on PSD of acceleration…………………………..46
5.11 Effect of roughness coefficient on PSD of displacement……………..47
5.12 Effect of roughness coefficient on PSD of velocity…………………..48

5.13 Effect of roughness coefficient on PSD of acceleration……………...48
5.14 Comparison of present numerical approach with analytical approach
5.15 Standard deviation of displacement along the height for the chimney
with different wind speed…………………………………………….51
5.16 Standard deviation of velocity along the height for the chimney
with different wind speed…………………………………………….51
5.17 Standard deviation of acceleration along the height for the chimney
with different wind speed……………………………………………..52
5.18 Standard deviation of displacement along the height for the chimney
with different taper ratio……………………………………………...53
5.19 Standard deviation of velocity along the height for the chimney
with different taper ratio……………………………………………….53
5.20 Standard deviation of acceleration along the height for the chimney
with different taper ratio……………………………………………….54
5.21 Standard deviation of the tip displacement with various mean wind
speed for different taper ratios………………………………………...…55
5.22 Standard deviation of the tip velocity with various mean wind speed
for different taper ratios……………………………………………….55
5.23 Standard deviation of the tip acceleration with various mean wind speed
for different taper ratios………………………………………...……..56
5.24 Standard deviation of displacement along the height for the chimney
with different surface roughness coefficient…………………………..57

5.25 Standard deviation of velocity along the height for the chimney
with different surface roughness coefficient……………………….…57
5.26 Standard deviation of acceleration along the height for the chimney
with different surface roughness coefficient…………………………..58
5.27 Simulated wind velocity……………………………………………….60

5.28 Effect of taper ratio on the time history of tip displacement………….61
5.29 Effect of mean wind speed on the time history of tip displacement….62
5.30 Effect of surface roughness coefficient on the time history of tip
5.31 Time history of the displacement response of uniform section chimney
5.32 Time history of the displacement response of taper section(0.6) chimney
5.33 Time history of the displacement response of uniform section chimney
at mean wind speed of 40m/sec at reference height. 66
5.34 Time history of the displacement response of uniform section chimney
for surface roughness coefficient of 0.28 66
5.35 Closed loop Eigen values 67

List of Symbols

A Cross sectional area

B Back ground factor
[B] Control influence matrix
[C] Global damping matrix
Cd Coefficient of drag
[C]e Elemental damping matrix
Cn Generalized damping
Cf Friction drag coefficient
[D] Constitutive matrix
E Young’s modulus
[E] Excitation influence matrix
{F} Force vector
g Peak factor
G Gust factor
[G] Gain matrix
H Hamilton function
[H(ω)] Complex frequency response function
[h(u)] impulse response function
I Moment of inertia
[K] Global stiffness matrix
[K]e Elemental stiffness matrix
Kn Generalized stiffness
Kxixj(ω) Covariance of the response
L Elemental length
[M] Global mass matrix
[M]e Elemental mass matrix
Mn Generalized mass matrix

[N] Shape function matrix
[P] Riccati matrix
[Q] State weighting matrix
[R] Control weighting matrix
[RFF(τ)] Correlation matrix
[SFF(ω)] Spectral density of excitation
[Sxx(ω)] Spectral density of response
T Time span
t Time instant
u(t) Fluctuating velocity component
Uo Mean wind speed at reference height
{X} Response vector
{x} State vector
zo Reference height
δ Virtual displacement
R Auto correlation
φ Flexural mode shape
ωn Natural frequency
ξ Damping ratio
β Damping coefficient
σ Standard deviation
λ Lagrange multiplier
α Roughness coefficient
ρm Mass density
ρ Air density
φi Random phase angle
ε Strain


Analysis of tall structures subjected to wind forces is of considerable importance in

engineering practice. Due to fluctuating wind component, the structures are set to
oscillations. For the design of such structures, it is important to study their dynamic
behaviour under wind excitation. In the present work, wind induced response of a tall
chimney has been studied. The chimney is assumed to have variation of cross
sectional area along the height. The tapered chimney has been discretized by uniform
beam elements using Finite Element method. The wind velocity is considered as
stationary zero mean random process superimposed over mean velocity. The mean
velocity profile has been described by a power law while the power spectral density
(PSD) of the wind fluctuation has been used to describe the random component. PSD
of the response due to along wind component of wind has been obtained in Frequency
domain method which has been used to find the standard deviation of the response.
Direct time step integration of the system equations has also been used to find the
time histories of the response of the nodal components. For numerical integration of
the system equations, the input due to the random wind velocity has been digitally
simulated. Effect of the taper ratio of the chimney, mean wind speed and surface
roughness coefficients on the response of the chimney has been studied. Optimal
active control method has been used to control the wind-induced vibrations in
chimneys. The optimal gain is obtained after finding a solution of matrix Riccati
equation and is used in time step integration scheme to find the controlled response.
Several controlled and uncontrolled response time histories have been compared to
examine the performance of the active control system. It is found that 33% to 57%
reduction of peak amplitude of the response of the chimney under wind excitation can
be obtained using optimum active control system.


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