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DATA PRIVACY : 1-Pager self-audit checklist @SantoshKamane

# Privacy Controls Focus areas Example checks Findings and Remarks

1 Data Inventory Ensure all data is identified and categorized. List all PII data types, like customer records and employee information.

2 Consent Management Confirm consent is obtained for data processing Review consent forms and tally records for its accuracy.

3 Data Access Control Verify who has access to sensitive data. Check user access permissions to personal data of data subjects

4 Data Encryption Ensure data is encrypted when transmitted and stored Confirm encryption of all PII in transit, at rest and on backups

5 Data Retention & Erasure Policy Review policies for data retention and deletion Ensure DSRs and ensure data erasure solutions exist

6 Data Breach Response Plan Check if a plan exists to respond to data breaches Review the steps to notify affected individuals per compliance

7 Third-Party Vendor privacy compliance Assess third-party data PII handling agreements Confirm vendors comply with privacy requirements

8 Employee awareness & Training Ensure staff is trained on data privacy Verify completion of annual privacy training

9 Privacy Policy and Notices Check if privacy notices are provided to data subjects. Review website privacy policy and notice

10 Data Subject Rights Confirm processes for data subject rights requests Track response time and completeness for access requests

11 Cross-Border Data Transfers Verify compliance with cross-border data transfer rules Ensure EU data is transferred in line with GDPR

12 Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs) Ensure DPIAs are conducted for high-risk processing. Review DPIAs for new product launches and business processes

13 Incident Reporting Confirm procedures for reporting privacy incidents. Track and review incident report plans and procedures

14 Data Minimization Ensure data collected is minimal and necessary. Eliminate unnecessary data fields in forms

15 Data Accuracy Verify accuracy and update processes for data Confirm customer contact details are up-to-date

16 Data Security Audits Check for regular data security audits Review results of the latest security audit

17 Privacy by Design Ensure privacy is considered in product development Confirm privacy impact assessments for new features

18 Records of Processing Activities Maintain records of data processing activities Keep a log of PII data processing for audit purposes

19 Children's Data Protection Verify compliance with child data protection laws Ensure parental or guardian consent for children

20 Privacy Compliance Dashboard Create a dashboard to monitor privacy compliance Use a dashboard to track data subject requests

21 Privacy Training Logs Maintain logs of privacy training sessions Document dates and attendees of training sessions

22 Vendor Privacy Audit Schedule Schedule regular audits of third-party vendors Set annual l vendor audit dates and maintain records

23 Privacy Impact Assessment Register Keep a register of all Privacy Impact Assessments Maintain a log with PIA details signed off by management

24 Data Breach Response Exercises Conduct data breach response drills /tabletop Simulate a data breach scenario and evaluate the response

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