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It’s the 1920s Prohibition era in the United States. Alcohol is illegal. Organized crime grows at an
unprecedented rate as gangsters get rich selling hooch to a thirsty populace. Law enforcement
struggles to keep up with an understaffed and underfunded Bureau of Prohibition.
You are one of a handful of people who have been gifted with super-powers!
Will you use your abilities to build a criminal empire as a super-powered gangster? Or will you
focus your powers to serve the law and bring these criminals to justice?
In this book, you’ll find everything you need to tell exciting stories of action, adventure, virtue,
and vice in the Roaring Twenties. With super-powers.

NerdBurger Games |
A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring Twenties

Designed by Craig Campbell

Illustrated by Beth Varni
A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring Twenties
Published by NerdBurger Games LLC

Designer: ........................................................................................................................................ Craig Campbell

Additional Design: ................................................................... Brandon K. Aten, Tim Eagon, James Introcaso,

................................................................................................................. Derek Kamal, Kevin Kulp, Matthew Orr

Editing and Proofreading: ......................................................................................................... Karen Franklin

Graphic Design: ........................................................................................................................... Owen St. Gelais

Cover and Interior Art: ..................................................................................................................... Beth Varni

Cartography and Layout: ........................................................................................................... Michael Brock

Playtesters: Cosdyn Akers, Christopher Bock, Angie Bond, Ryan Bond, Bradley Bowen, Mike Chrismer,
Chris Czerniak, Dawn Dalton, Greg Dalton, Brian Donnelly, John DuVal, Jamas Enright, Dale A. Gaus,
Richard Gillingham, Jason Hall, Louie Hall, Stephen Haluska, Nick Helton, Daniel ‘Alvyn’ Holland,
Patrick Holloway, Benji Horning, Gilbert Isla, Sharon Jackson, Curbis James, Joshua Lillis, Josh
Lorentzen, Dave Martin, Mathew, Adam Maxwell, Josh Maxwell, Michael, Daniel Monoula, Kevin Potter,
Samuel Schaefer, Daniel Sulhoff, Matthew Sulhoff, Morgan Tupper, Vladimirledeux, Lawrence Young,
Jordan Zohner

Special Thanks: Rudy Basso, Anthony Bonifonte, Michael Brock, James D’Amato, James Introcaso, Jim
Owczarski, Michelle Owczarski, Ben Riggs, Shevy Underwood

The CAPERS Core Game System (chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5) is released under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license.
All other setting or fictional elements (all other chapters) unique to CAPERS are Copyright © 2018
NerdBurger Games LLC.

This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included
herein is purely coincidental.

CAPERS is a game well over two years in the making. While the team and I did a great deal of
the work to make the game a real thing, we couldn’t have finished it without the help of all the
wonderful backers on Kickstarter. We offer a big, heartfelt thank you to each and every one.
You’re all aces in our book!
Aaron “The Brow” Olson, Aaron Lim, Abe “Ammo” Nemoy, Adam “Curls” Bradshaw, Adam “Go Bears!” Sena, Adam
Herold, Adam Stein, Addison Land, AJ Carruthers, Alan D. Kohler, Alex “Gearhead” Lopez, Alex “SaintWalker”
King, Alex Kallam, Alexander “Grassdragon” Corbett, Alexander Thissen, Ali “Make Them Disappear Without”
Trace, Alice “Sparkles” Tobin, Aloysius Ewing, Altered Confusion, Amanda Od, Amy “Murph” Baughman, Ando
“Valentine” Poore, Andrew “Holistic” Greenberg, Andrew “Sprinkles” Tucker, Andrew “Droopy” Madsen, Andrew
“Getzit” Wright, Andrew Bennett, Andrew Moreton, Andy Hatton, Angelo R., Angus Abranson, Anthony “The
Dwarf” Shears, Anthony “Numbers” Bonifonte, Anton Cox, Arnis Kletnieks, Artemissed, Ashe “Banshee” Welch,
Asta Jersø, Austin “Divvy” Betz, Austin “One-Gun” Tyson, Beachfox, Ben “Clamps” Campion, Ben “Peepum” Krise,
Benjamin “Bear-Man” Rudolf, Benjamin “Benny Two Hats” Eastman, Benjamin “Pointblank” Mishler, Benjamin “The
Benj” Davis, Benji “Briefcase” Horning, Benthegreater, Berke “Smile” Canatar, Bertha Mae Popkins, Bethany Duck,
Bill “Bloody” Johnson, BL Puster, Bobby “Inky” Jennings, Brad “Biff” Davies, Brandon K. Aten, Brendan St. Gelais,
Brent M. Rose, Brian “DMRule” Southworth, Brian “Grump” Donnelly, Brian “Princess” Liberge, Brian Allred, Brian
Dean, Brian Huizingh, Bruce “Coffee hound” Marshall, Bryant Durrell, Bryce “Angry Beard” Jenkins, C J Hunter,
C Light, Callum S. Buckley, Camdon Wright, Cameron Kyle, Cap’n Wrecking-ball Wilson, Carl L Gilchrist, Carmen
Maria Marin, Carol Darnell, Cath “The Marrow” Bailey, Cecilia “Slink” Chase, Chance “Glint” Clement, Charles
“TemplarKnight” Owens, Charles “” Moore, Chris “Fat Bob” Lackey, Chris “FSHSchmo”
Jernigan, Chris “Hot Toddy” Furness, Chris “Lamplight” Jennerman, Chris “Masked-Revenger” Blanchard, Chris
“Sherlock” Holmes, Chris “The Brain” Boyer, Chris Dubuque, Chris Haywood, Chris Marmo, Chris Mobber, Chris
S. Sims, Chris Tang, Chris Vogler, Christian “The Federalist” Lindke, Christo “SvenFatale” Meid, Christopher
“Calculator” Crossley, Christopher Grey, Claude Weaver III, Clayton A. Thomson, Clint “Hobbie” Okerstrom, Clint
Williams, Cole “The Boy” Sorensen, Coleman “Mr” Bland, Colin “Mephit James” Wilson, Colin “Psychosis” Smith,
Corey Rautenberg, Craig “Mystic Justice” Groff-Folsom, Craig Wright, Curt Campbell, Curtis “Crabapple” Davies,
DaftPhully, Dale A Gaus, Dan “Quixote” Urruty, Dan Suptic, Daniel “Dr Wilkenstein” Wilks, Daniel “Demon’s Smile”
Miller, Daniel Andrews, Daniel Kraemer, Danielle Bock, Danny “Cobalt-Blue” Harbison, Danny Atwood, Darkshifter,
Dave Hawes, David “Alchemist” Lupo, David “Cobra” Schmoker, David “Doc Blue” Wendt, David “Fast-Fingers”
Rubin, David “The Panda” Turner, David “Bourbon” Pelletier, David C. Ridout, Dávid Csobay, David Dolph, David
Kinsel, David Starner, Dawid “Dievas” Wojcieszynski, Derek “Flyboy” Kamal, Derek Knutsen-Frey, Det. Sgt. Kumar,
Devil’s Due, Dodds “Chainlink” Colley, Doug Atkinson, Doug Frye, Douglas H. Cole, DracoDruid, Drew “Double D”
Dunn, Drew W, Dylan Fuller, Earl Scott Nicholson, Ed Kowalczewski, Ed Moretti, Edgardo Cruz, Edouard “Doude”
Contesse, Edvard Blumentanz, Eleanor Hingley, Elisabeth Hedman, Ellen L Eames, Eloy “The Saint” Lasanta, Eric
Blair, Eric Coates, Eric from Bloat Games, Erik Bentzen, Erika “Barnstormer” Chappell, Est Cal, Eugene Chee,
Eva “Kitty Cat” Denehy, Fallon “Badger” Crowley, Filip “The Jinx” Johansson, Florian Hollauer, Forrest Sayrs,
Frank “The Tank” Hart, frank martin, Frankye “Chickie” Mace, Fred Van Lente, Gabel Gamers, Gabry “Capstone”
Fasano, Gary Rumain, Geard, Gerry “The Doctor” Tolbert, Gina “Miss G Vious” Ricker, Gordiac, Grahambo, Grand
High B*%@h, GrandiaKnight, Greg “Pudgy Pete” Farber-Mazor, Gregory Tompsett, Guy “Mr Fists”Larke, Guy Z.,
H. M. “Dain” Lybarger, H. Rasmussen, Heather White, Herman “Jack” Duyker, Heroic Rogue, Hungry For More
Games, “Irish” David Heeney, Ian “Smiling Eyes” Kelley, Ian McFarlin, Ingrid “Brezel” Dinkel, Isaias “Doc Z” Llamas,
J Morgan Rowe-Morris, J Quincy “Two Bits” Sperber, Jack “The Ghoul” Gulick, Jacob “Professor” Johnson, Jae
Euteneier, Jaime “Mithoron” Robertson, James “Mind Weave” Eck, James “Two Name” Miller-Marquez, James
“Three” Ross, James Dawsey, James Gabriel, James Hovey, James Introcaso, James Karaus, James Meredith, James
Moriarty, Jane “The Boss” DelFavero, Jared “Longshot” Taylor, Jarrett “Jumping Jack” Jackson, Jason “Big Man”
Bulmahn, Jason “Dr. Z” Zanitsch, Jason “Sticks” Italiano, Jason “The Amazing” Hughes, Jason “The Professor”
Leisemann, Jason Corley, jason e. bean, Jason Sackett, Jason, Kristin, and Peter Childs, Jay “Brisket” Loomis, Jay
“Wise Guy” Garmon, Jay Peters, Jeff “Mage Mook” Chan, Jeff “Ratcatcher” Troutman, Jeff Kahrs, Jenevieve “Tasha”
DeFer, Jennifer Fuss, Jeremiah “The Librarian” McCoy, Jeremy “Hard-luck” Hamaker, Jeremy Bodie, Jerod “Silver
tounge” Hartwell, Jesse “Bluenose” Newsom, Jessica “Tinker” Pratt, Jim Dagg, Jim Owczarski, Jim Zink, Jimmy
“Porkchop” Lindqvist, JK Koh, Joey “The Joey” Zehnder, John “Doc Spec” Westerfield, John “Kingbeast” Taber, John
“Professor” Powell, John “Sexy-Knees” Arcadian, John “Shadowcat” Ickes, John “Solicitor 6” Bacevicius,

John “Tugboat” Hickman, John “Where?” Dallman, John “the banker” Godwin, John Desmarais, John Gotobed,
John Henry, Johnny “Diesel” Kennedy, Johnny “The Creeper” McNeely, Jon “Dustoff” Allen, Jon “The Animal”
Stephenson, Jon Forrster, Jon Nix, Jon Robertson, Jonathan “Buddha” Davis, Jonathan “Firefly” Meadows,
Jonathan “Samaritan” Combs, Jonathan Korman, Jonathan Song, Josef “Rubidium” Hoppe, Joseph “Mugsy”
Bowman, Joseph Barder, Joseph Evenson, Joseph Shillinglaw, Josh Maxwell, Josh Medin, Josh Weiner, Joshua
“Bootlegger” Reubens, Joshua Lutz, Joshua W. Pittman, Judd M. Goswick, Jupiter Jack, justchris, Justin
“Jthunderific” Koster, Justin “Moonshine” Nichols, Justin “Space Daddy” Spath, Justin “Tenk” Price, Justin
Cranford, KA Middlebrooks, Kaira “Valentine” Murphy, Kait Joven, Kameron “Snarlfox” Kinsey, Kassie “Arm
Candy” Kirk, Kate Louie-Hess, KC Jones, Kelvin Wood, Kenneth Gentile, Kenneth Hite, Kergillian, Kevin “Kevin”
Christens, Kevin Mowery, Kevin R. Smith, Krista “Dollface” Pekarek, Kristof “KiKiN” Lambrechts, Kristopher
Volter, Kurt “The Crucifixion” Granzow, Kyle “The Traveler” Thompson, Kyle Rivest, Lachlan Jones, Landan Smith,
Larry “The Crusher” Gray, Larry “The Sloth” Haught, LaTrice “Mocha Love Goddess” Simmons, Layne Delp, Liam
DiNapoli, Lisa “Curveball” Hunt, Lloyd “Wayne” Eason, Loki Carbis, Lon Niedermayer, Loren Small, “Mad” Mark
Katerberg, M&C Limited, M. Alan Hillgrove, M. S. Farzan, Madman, Marek “Torpedo” Hendziak, Maria “Poison
Lily” Maja, Mark “The Shark” Slattery, Mark Hanna, Mark Leymaster of Grammarye, Mark Richman, Martin
Schramm, Martinez. C, Mathieu “Mummy” Martinez, Matt Owens, Matthew “J Wall” Wallace, Matthew “Q” Johnson,
Matthew “Chisels” Franklin, Matthew Cranor, Matthew McFarland, Matthew Smitheram, Matthew Sulhoff, Mauro
Adorna, Max Battcher, McP, Megan “Moxie” Shiplett, Megan Tolentino, Micah “Tree Banger” Champagne, Michael
“Cobra” Ball, Michael “Dauntless” Anderson, Michael “Lasersniper” DeBondt, Michael “Mutt” Hutton, Michael
“Steelfists” Ramsey, Michael “Stoneshield” Parker, Michael “WickedDawn” Owens, Michael Bowman, Michael
Brock, Michael Chrismer, Michael Feldhusen, Michael Sandlin, Mike “Cast Iron” Nakagaki, Mike “Eleven Fingers”
Czajkowski, Mike “Prime” Williams, Mike Esmailzadeh, Mike J Carlson, Mirko “Mercurius” Schroeder, Montes,
Mordaine “Cider” Barimen, Morgan Ellis, N. Bad T., Nadia “The Annoyed” Rooks, Nathan “Take Nothing” Bailey,
Nathan “The Bookworm” Christenson, Nathan “Wendigo” Shugart, Nathan Reetz, Neal “The Beard” Powell, Neal
Dalton, Nessalantha, Nestor “Lento” Rodriguez, Niall O”Donnell, Nick “The Fist” Leidy, Nick “Gizmo” Pollack,
Niki “Randombandit” Nair, NJ, Nullpunkt, Ogre, Oliver Peltier “The Spanglemaker”, Olivia Kristin, Olivia Lorimor,
Panu “Possessed” Laukkanen, Patrice Mermoud, Patrick & Samantha Harris, Patrick Gearman, Patrick Pong,
Paul Alan Ludlow, Paul Grindrod, Peacock, Pete Griffith, Peter “Howler” Allen, Petey “DreamyP” Petrusha, Philip
W. Rogers Jr., Phillip Bailey, PK Sullivan, Praxis Descends, Preston Poland, pyhnux “carpaccio”, Randy “Terrier”
Lander, Rebecca “The Hedgehog” Slitt, Renee “Songbird” Middleton, Richard “DEADTRANCE” Rivera, Richard
“GenericBob” Smith, Richard “Vidiian” Greene, Richard C Plemons, Rob “Lockdown” Abrazado, Rob “Slick”
Wieland, Rob Jones, Robert “That Guy” Male, Robert “Thor” Edwards, Robert and Amanda Daley, Robert Raasch,
Rodney “Zephyr” Mick, Ronald H. Miller, Ronnie Kieklak, Rourke “Safe” Bywater, Ryan “The Curmudgeon”
Faricelli, Ryan “Whipstache” Hennesy, Ryan Kent, Ryan Macy, “Sharkstooth”, “Slick” Rick Hull, Sal, Sam “Human
Tractor” Piaggio, Sam “Rocketman” Smith, Sarah “Jester” Jensen, Sarah “Sugar” McLaughlin, saul asoyuf, SB,
Scott Baker, Scott Crosson, Scott Maynard, Sean “Thinker” Holland, Sean “Bean” Lipscomb, Sean “Matchstick”
Donnelly, Sean Leventhal, Sean Moulson, Serge “Mr. Silver” Beaumont, Seth Surber, Shevy “Adelle” Underwood,
Silvio Herrera Gea, Smiley, Spencer Graham, Spyros Veronikis, Stephan Szabo, Stephanie Bryant, Stephen “Bones”
Grote, Stephen “Chuckles” Meeker, Stephen “Mastermind” Photianos, Stephen “the confessor” Sale, Stephen
“The Godfather” Kenson, Stephen “Deadeye” Sargeant, Steve Arensberg, Steve Lord, Steven D Warble, Steven
Vest, Stewart Burwood, Susan Z, Svend Andersen, Sydney “Stardust” Lambert, “The Big Trench Coat Man” G,
“The Mancini Maulers”, “Twinkle Fingers” Orko, Teresa S. “Pyre” Jones, That Damn Mouse, The Dahgda, The Q!,
The Rangdo of Arg, thelibrarycat, Thomas “The Doc” Lacey, Thomas Faßnacht, Thomas Franz, Thomas Shey,
Tiffany Korta, Tim “Pirate” Gonzalez, Tim “Scorch” Eagon, Tim “The Enchanter” Snider, Timolution, Tobie “The
Tech” Hurst, Todd Trausch, Tom “Reynolds” Cross, Tom Gambino, Tom Ladegard, Tomi “Dogboy” Sarkkinen,
Tommy “Goldsmith” Gilder, Tommy “Gun” King, Tommy “Devildog” Herp, Tommy “Gunn” Huber, Trevor “Fang”
Ramirez, Trevor Kettelkamp, Trip Space-Parasite, Troy Pichelman, Uwe “Big Bear” Schumacher, Vicki Dixon, Vince
“Digiconda” Arebalo, Vinny “Iceman” Dorito, Walt Ciechanowski, Wendy “Argentum” and Rob “Maestro” Perkins,
Wil Cox, Will “Sleepy” Scott, Zach Rademan, Zachary Rees, Zealeus



Chapter 1: The Game���������������������������������������������������������������������6

Chapter 2: Character Creation ������������������������������������������������������13
Chapter 3: Rule System �����������������������������������������������������������������22
Chapter 4: Perks ��������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Chapter 5: Powers �����������������������������������������������������������������������42
Chapter 6: Goods & Services ��������������������������������������������������������62
Chapter 7: Trembium ��������������������������������������������������������������������64


Chapter 8: GM Guidelines������������������������������������������������������������71
Chapter 9: Backdrops ������������������������������������������������������������������84
Chapter 10: Law Enforcement �����������������������������������������������������122
Chapter 11: Friends & Enemies ���������������������������������������������������126
Chapter 12: GM Toolbox ������������������������������������������������������������137


Appendices ������������������������������������������������������������������������������153

CAPERS is an action/adventure tabletop role-playing You react to a challenge by describing what your
game (RPG) set in the 1920s Prohibition era in the character says and does. Other players do the same.
United States. Sometimes, you refer to your character sheet and flip
Players portray powerful people – called Capers some playing cards to determine if your character
by the general populace – who have been gifted with succeeds. Tasks that might require card flips include
superhuman powers that defy the laws of science. the following:
Players can also portray exceptional people who don’t
have special powers. ❖ Attacking someone
In the game, you play a gangster working to make ❖ Picking a lock
their fortune in the vice-riddled 1920s. Alternatively,
❖ Repairing a car
you can portray a member of law enforcement working
to bring criminals to justice. ❖ Convincing a stranger to do something
❖ Searching for evidence to blackmail someone
PLAYING THE GAME ❖ Covering up a crime scene
In CAPERS, you and your friends tell a story set in ❖ Breaking down a door
a fictional world, which exists in your imaginations.
Most people playing the game are players. Each player What you and other players decide to have your
portrays a single character and decides what that characters do, along with card flips, determines
character says and does. A character sheet describes whether you succeed or fail. The GM narrates the
the character’s capabilities as they work according to outcome of the situation. Then the group moves on
the game’s rules. to the next challenge.
One person playing the game is called the Game It’s important to note that CAPERS is a cooperative
Master (GM). With few exceptions, the GM controls game. Players might portray characters who are vastly
everyone and everything that isn’t a player’s character. different from one another and who have competing
The GM describes other characters, objects, and motivations, but in the end, they’re on the same team.
events in the game in such a way that the players can They watch each other’s back.
then choose how to interact with the imaginary world The game has no set end. You can play one game
through their characters. Sometimes the GM asks that tells a whole story in a few hours. Such games
the players to help fill in details about the world usually have well-defined and short-term goals,
during play. providing everyone with a sense of closure and
When the game starts, the GM sets the scene, satisfaction at the conclusion. This kind of game is
describing what the characters sense and know. often called a one-shot.
The GM also creates a challenge for the characters You can also play a series of games that make up a
to overcome. This challenge could be a stand-alone longer story. These longer games are called campaigns.
problem or it might be part of a series of tasks that In a campaign, the story can be more complex, with a
tell a larger story. series of arcs that lead to a grand finale.
Challenges a character might have to overcome CAPERS is a game of action, adventure, virtue,
include the following: and vice in a world coming into its own. It’s a
world of booze, gambling, prostitution, theft, fraud,
❖ Raiding a liquor warehouse racketeering, subterfuge, and espionage. Your
❖ Gunning down a rival and their goons character will risk their life to find their place in this
❖ Building their reputation world, regardless of which side of the law they fall on.
❖ Negotiating a deal
❖ Infiltrating a rival’s home or facility
❖ Blackmailing an informant
❖ Recruiting workers to build their empire

Chapter 1 – The Game

Summary of Game Mechanics

Players use a deck of standard, poker-style playing
cards (52 suit cards plus 2 jokers) to determine if they IT’S ALL A GAMBLE
succeed or fail at tasks. The GM uses their own deck.
Your character has six Traits – Charisma, Agility, Characters in CAPERS may find themselves
Perception, Expertise, Resilience, and Strength. gambling – playing poker, craps, or blackjack
Each Trait is ranked 1-3 (higher if you have the right – as part of the story. If you’re playing a
Powers). Your character also has a few Skills, things gangster, your character is gambling with their
they’re particularly specialized in, like Deception, life by being a criminal. If you’re playing a law
Guns, or Sciences. enforcement officer, your character is gambling
When you make a Trait Check, look at the Trait’s with their life just doing their job.
rank. That is your Card Count. If you have a Skill The game embraces the idea of gambling with
appropriate to the Trait Check, your Card Count success by using a playing card game mechanic
increases by 1. Situational factors might also influence that allows you to gamble lesser success for a
your Card Count. chance at greater success…or potential failure.
To make your Trait Check, you flip cards. You can
flip as many cards as your Card Count but can stop at Additionally, the game mechanic encourages
any time and take the most recent card flipped as your “counting cards,” that is, keeping track of what
check. The pip count of the cards flipped (2, 3, 4, etc. cards are left in your deck…or at least having
on up to ace high) determines success or failure of a sense of what’s available. Knowing that
your check. The suit of the card flipped determines the you have a lot of kings and aces in the deck
degree of success or failure, starting at clubs (lowest) might lead you to take some risks with your
and proceeding alphabetically to spades (highest). character. And that’s part of the fun.
For example, your character wants to shoot their
pistol. This is an Agility/Guns check. Your character’s
Agility is 2 and they have the Guns Skill, so their card
count is 3. You can flip up to three cards. Your first card
is the king of clubs, almost certainly a success but just While CAPERS is primarily an action and adventure
barely a success as clubs is the lowest suit for degree game, it’s certainly possible to inject deeper themes
of success. You can stick with that card or flip another into the story, should you wish.
one and hope to get a success with a higher degree of Characters have virtues and vices that can put them
success. Or you might fail. There’s more to it, but that at odds with each other and even create internal conflict.
covers the basics. You can inject love interests, rivalries, families, betrayals,
You also have access to a resource called Moxie, and all manner of other subplots outside of the main arc.
which allows you to do a number of things, including Many gangsters in the 1920s were well-known for
gaining an extra card to flip when you attempt an action. doing good in their communities. They had their own
codes of honor and breaking these codes often had
dire consequences.
Law enforcement officers of the era are fighting
Interview between D.O.J. Agent Vanessa a losing battle. Crime and corruption are so rampant
Elliott and Joe Spade, witness to the May 20th that little can really be done to stem the tide of alcohol.
shootout at the Hawthorne Hotel. Interview But it’s not about winning the war. For these folks, it’s
conducted 9:40 p.m. on the evening of about fighting the battles.
the shootout.
What You Need to Play
Agent Vanessa Elliott: Name and occupation? Each player, besides the GM, needs a character,
Witness Joe Spade: Joseph Spade, butcher. described on a character sheet, along with a pencil or
Agent: And why were you at the Hawthorne pen. Every player, including the GM, needs a deck of
Hotel? Kind of a pricey place for a butcher. poker-style playing cards (52 suit cards plus 2 jokers).
Witness: My kid brother’s youngest is graduating Everyone also needs access to the rules.
high school. I came to Cicero for it. My folks The GM needs an adventure, which is a scenario
put me up at the Hawthorne. Snazzy joint. the players experience through their characters’ points
of view with the GM as a guide. Playing through an
adventure allows the group to create a story together.
Such adventures might be published, written by the GM
before the game, or improvised during play.

Chapter 1 – The Game

Mabel Smythe, a reporter from the New York Times,

caught wind of the unbelievable story and interviewed
Artie in jail in Omaha. Smythe recounted the entire tale
in a story with the headline, “Daring Caper in Omaha.”
CAPERS can be played in a “comic book Given Artie’s attire, the public latched onto the term
style,” that is, treating it as a PG-rated action/ “Caper,” but not in the way Mabel intended.
adventure story. Descriptions of violence might Now, years later, people refer to those with
remain light and campy. No deep personal spectacular capabilities as Capers.
issues will likely come into play.
But you and your friends might want to ramp AFTER THE GREAT WAR
up the violence, describing it in more detail. In the 1920s, the world is recovering from World
You might choose to touch on difficult, mature War I (then known as “The Great War”). This conflict
subjects. If you do this, it’s a good idea to took a toll on populations, resources, industries,
have a way for players (including the GM) to and economies as never seen before. Empires fell.
indicate they don’t want to explore that subject Democracies were born. Cultural norms shifted. The
in a game where they’re trying to have fun. world recovered.
The people of the United States left the war behind
There are a variety of ways to address this, but
feeling disillusioned that the conflict had not achieved
one of the most common is the X-card. Place
the high ideals promised by President Woodrow
an index card with a big “X” drawn on it in the
Wilson. The U.S. set about rebuilding itself and helping
middle of the table. At any time, if a player
rebuild Europe.
feels the game is moving into territory they’re
The years following the Great War saw the
uncomfortable with, they can pick up the X-card.
rise of cinema and the creation of Hollywood, the
At that point, play pauses. Everyone ends
proliferation of automobiles due to the efforts of Henry
discussion of the problematic content. Hard
Ford and other entrepreneurs, new opportunities for –
stop. Avoid the content. No questions asked.
and rebellion of – women, and significant development
There’s more to be said about this method (as
in medicine, science, and the arts.
well as other methods of doing the same thing)
It also heralded the taming of the beast known
and all of that can be found easily online.
as alcohol.


The historical events and actions that led to Prohibition
WHY ARE CAPERS CALLED CAPERS? in the United States are many and complicated. In a
No one knows for certain who was the first person with nutshell, here’s what happened.
extraordinary abilities, the first “Caper.” It’s possible that Alcohol had been viewed as a problem by a variety
Capers have been around for ages. There is evidence of political, health, and religious activists for many
of people capable of extraordinary things throughout years. Drunkenness was seen as the source of domestic
recorded history. If any of those people were gifted with violence, religious immorality, and saloon-based
wondrous capabilities, there is no record. political corruption.
The following IS known. In 1912, a thief broke For many years, organizations such as the Women’s
into the First National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska in Temperance Union and Anti-Saloon League petitioned
the depths of night. This thief stole over two hundred communities and won support in making many townships
thousand dollars single-handedly. and counties “dry” by prohibiting production and sale
Investigators discovered that the safe had been of alcoholic beverages.
wrenched open, its locking mechanisms bent and In time, these movements gained enough traction
broken. When police caught up to the thief, they to address the problem of alcoholism on a national
cornered him in an alley between two five-story level. In December of 1917, the U.S. Senate proposed
buildings. He was wearing tight-fitting clothes, a mask, the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States
and a cape. The thief scurried up the sheer brick walls Constitution. It passed into law on January 16, 1919.
as if he were a spider. One year later, its restrictions went into effect. On
After a prolonged pursuit, authorities finally January 17, 1920, the entire United States was, at least
apprehended the thief, a young man named Artie by legal standards, “dry.”
Reisner. It took six officers to wrestle Artie to the The Volstead Act (the common name for the
ground. Three of them suffered broken bones in National Prohibition Act) was passed to enact and
the process. enforce the strictures laid out in the Eighteenth
Amendment. The production, importation,

Chapter 1 – The Game

transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages became The game is one where great wealth and prosperity
illegal and actionable by law enforcement. are attainable by breaking the law and where true
There are some who would say criminal organizations nobility comes in upholding that law. A night at the
across the country began getting very rich the day after cinema could turn into a bloodbath. A parlay with a
the Volstead Act passed. rival could result in a booming business – or complete
destitution. It’s high fashion riddled with blood stains.
THE ROARING TWENTIES It’s a hit brokered at a speakeasy. It’s the wind in your
character’s hair as they speed their roadster out of
The 1920s in the United States – and in Canada and town while chased by a man running faster than their
much of Western Europe – is known as the “Roaring car and firing bolts of electricity from his fingertips.
Twenties,” due to it being a period of sustained
economic growth and distinctive cultural changes.
Women gained the vote in the U.S. and defied
Prohibition Personalities
cultural norms with the “flapper” look. New artistic Some of the names associated with Prohibition are well
styles were explored. Art deco was at its peak. known. Al Capone. “Lucky” Luciano. Eliot Ness. These
Jazz music took the country by storm. The idea of and other remarkable, larger-than-life characters are
“modernity” took hold in the public consciousness as part of the CAPERS world.
traditions were eschewed. That said, most of the gangsters in the real world
A period of relative normalcy fell over politics after 1920s were of Italian or Irish descent and almost
the decidedly hyper-patriotic stances of politicians all were male. The world of CAPERS is an alternate
during the war era. The general population focused version of our own where more varied types of people
on the advancements of the era, societal changes, can be found in these professions. Charles “Lucky”
economic wellbeing, and a re-investment in the idea of Luciano has been reimagined as Carla “Lucky” Luciano,
the American Dream. right-hand-woman to New York boss Arnold Rothstein.
All of this makes for a highly romanticized look Al Capone’s mentor(ess) is now Giada Torrio, rather
back at the era. While all was not rainbows and roses than Joe. Additionally, a wider variety of races,
during the ‘20s, CAPERS embraces this romantic ideal, ethnicities, and ages are presented in the game.
centering on the larger-than-life gangsters and federal
agents who opposed them that are integral to the time.

Chapter 1 – The Game

What Year is It? Electric irons, washing machines, vacuum

cleaners, electric toasters, refrigerators, and garbage
Put simply, CAPERS is set in the 1920s. It’s not set in
disposals bring changes to the modern home.
a specific year. The world of CAPERS incorporates
Drive-in restaurants provide a convenient
everything that is the 1920s. The fictional versions of
alternative to sit-down dining for an increasingly
notable historical figures are all doing their thing. Any
mobile populace.
gun, car, or other bit of technology that was available at
Other new inventions include sunglasses, self-
any point during the real world 1920s is available in the
winding wristwatches, instant cameras, the jukebox,
game world.
and frozen foods.
This is done to reduce the “history lesson headache”
Steel has become an affordable construction
for players and GMs alike. Additionally, it allows
material, leading to the age of the skyscraper. New
everything that’s interesting and fun about the era to
York and Chicago compete for the honor of having the
exist simultaneously.
world’s tallest buildings.
Electric lighting is prevalent, even in middle class
homes, though gas lighting still exists in some older
buildings. The telephone is over fifty years old.

The world of CAPERS is one of super-powered ENTERTAINMENT

people in the 1920s. This game focuses on The shortened work week allows people to engage in
Prohibition, including hotbeds of illegal entertainments that they simply wouldn’t have had time
activity, gangsters, feds, and so on. for previously.
Could this game be ported into other parts of Stage productions become popular, particularly
the world and what’s going on there? Absolutely! in large cities. Broadway is born in New York with the
If you’re a history buff – or like to do research – construction of several new theaters.
it’s easy enough to just grab the rules here and Cinema gains popularity, with stars like Rudolph
create your own setting, giving Capers things to Valentino, Greta Garbo, and Charlie Chaplin drawing
do in that part of the world during the 1920s. patrons to luxurious “movie palaces.” Over 75% of
people attend at least one movie per week. Most films
are silent, with a recorded score underlying the action
on screen, but sound has begun to show up in select
movie palaces outfitted for it.
A CONSUMER SOCIETY Sporting events become destinations for those
wanting to get out of the house. Baseball is ruled by
With the industrial revolution well underway, the
George Herman “Babe” Ruth. Jack Dempsey reigns
United States shifts from a production society to a
over the boxing ring. Jim Thorpe amazes onlookers on
consumer society. The average work week drops from
the football field. Golf, swimming, and tennis are also
60 hours to about 45 hours, opening up Saturday and
popular, particularly among the elite.
Sunday as days off of work for the first time.
The moving assembly line and automation in a
variety of fields allows factories to pump out consumer
goods at a rate never before seen. With their new-found
free time, Americans start spending money on non-
essential items. Shopping becomes a favored pastime
and the introduction of the Sears-Roebuck catalog
allows people to purchase items through the mail.
The airplane is still too expensive for all but the
richest to utilize for personal flights, but air-mail is
born. Businesses use airplanes to ship products to
areas where trains don’t go.

A plethora of inventions change the way people live their
daily lives. With Henry Ford’s moving assembly line,
the Model T becomes affordable. Traffic signals keep
people safe at intersections. Radio comes into wide use,
connecting people and spreading news across many miles.

Chapter 1 – The Game


In art, the surrealists challenge viewers with
the irrational juxtaposition of images and highly
interpretive presentation. The bold lines and geometric
shapes of art deco dominate cutting edge architecture
and even make their way into painting, sculpture, and
Harlem grows as a cultural center, ushering in a
renaissance with writers like Langston Hughes and
Jean Toomer. F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great
Gatsby and Earnest Hemingway writes The Sun Also
Rises and A Farewell to Arms.
Duke Ellington and Al Jolson draw crowds into
jazz halls as America’s first musical art form comes into
its own.

Gone are most – but not all – of the plagues of the past.
Recent scientific work has resulted in immunizations
for diphtheria and scarlet fever, leaving measles as the
most dangerous childhood disease. Use of vaccination
against a variety of diseases is on the rise but not yet
common. Penicillin has been developed and insulin
provides diabetics with promises of longer life.
Influenza still rages through population centers
from time to time and diseases like polio, tuberculosis,
and smallpox are still present.
Researchers have recently discovered the In addition to outlawing alcohol, the Volstead Act
existence of vitamins, leading to better understanding results in increased production of soft drinks. Hotels
of the body’s building blocks. and restaurants obeying the law replace bars with soda
Easier access to and refrigeration of fresh fruits fountains offering a wide variety of flavors. Vineyards
and vegetables leads to an upswing in general health. manufacture grape juice.
Speakeasies and private clubs become the liquor
FOOD AND DRINK establishments of the day. In most areas, their locations
are kept hidden from public view. In hotbeds of illegal
Foods of the era are as abundant and varied as later
alcohol distribution like Chicago, New York, and
times – except amongst the poor – given the ease of
Atlantic City, they’re relatively easy to find.
transportation and refrigeration. Potatoes and bread
Prices range from a few cents to over a dollar per
are still the staples of many meals, but now surrounded
drink, based on quality and rarity. Imports from Ireland,
by a wider variety of vegetables and meats.
England, France, Spain, Italy, Cuba, and Puerto Rico
Recipes which called for small amounts of beer,
are prized as top shelf drinks. Small local breweries
wine, or liquor as ingredients are reinvented with grape
and distilleries operate in private. Some produce
juice as well as cooking sherry and rum extracts, which
excellent product, but most offer a drink only slightly
aren’t illegal.
better than “bathtub gin” as the owners try to make as
“Exotic” international food comes into
much money for as little effort as possible.
popularity. Italian restaurants flourish as do Chinese
With the economic boom, there is a surge in high-
end restaurants serving fine cuisine in ostentatious
dining halls. Multi-course meals taking up to two
hours to eat are common among those who can afford
the extravagance.
At the same time, the poor and underprivileged find
themselves begging for scraps and lesser food sources
simply to survive.

Chapter 1 – The Game

CAPERS IN 1920s SOCIETY people with abilities beyond the lower ranks, over fear
of such people having too much power.
People with super-powered abilities are new to the The media absolutely loves Capers. Articles,
world and many regular folk aren’t sure how to feel interviews, and news reports about Capers and their
about them. As the world re-imagines itself in the exploits make their way into most publications and
wake of the Great War, Capers find themselves filling a radio. Particularly flashy stories drive sales to new
variety of roles. heights all the time. Film footage of Capers performing
superhuman feats make their way into news reels
Society’s Views before movies.
Public perception of Capers varies widely. Some
view them with simple curiosity. Others are secretly Employment
or overtly fearful of them. Many simply ignore their While some Capers prefer to remain anonymous
existence until it impacts them directly. and work regular-Joe jobs, newfound capabilities
Often, public opinion of those with special abilities often propel a person into dangerous, exciting, and
fluctuates with news of their activities. A report of a glamorous fields.
Caper attacking police or robbing a bank results in Beyond the Capers found in organized crime and
public outcry. When news of a Caper saving someone’s law enforcement that lie at the core of this game,
life surfaces, people cheer. people with superhuman abilities can be found in a
In the press, stories about Capers are like tabloid variety of jobs. Many with flashy abilities find work
stories of today. They’re sensational tales told to as performers at entertainment halls, circuses, and
tantalize and excite the imagination. They often carnivals. Those with superior physical ability join
misrepresent the events and people involved in favor the military, become professional athletes, and work
of generating sales. jobs which require great strength and endurance like
mining, logging, and construction. Some few – actors,
Institutions dancers, speakers – have found life in the public
The federal government has acknowledged the spotlight to suit them.
existence of Capers and takes a very specific view of And of course, there are people with powers
them. The Department of Justice has recently enacted working in everyday jobs. You might encounter a
a Registry of Abnormal Persons and has begun tracking car mechanic who can stretch their arms to work on
locations and activities of Capers. Inclusion in the two parts of a vehicle at once. You may run into an
Registry is entirely voluntary, resulting in many Capers incredibly fast typist or a foundry worker who lifts
still flying under the government’s radar. enormous pieces of equipment on their own. A stage
Local law enforcement is generally wary of super- magician might actually be able to disappear.
powered people, given their capabilities. At this level,
though, local Capers often have a more personal
relationship with the police.
Religious institutions are torn on the subject of SUPERHERO VS. SUPER-POWERED
Capers. More stringent, less forgiving groups see
Capers as abominations or the work of the devil. A MATTER OF SCALE
More liberal organizations view them in the same
CAPERS is not a superhero game in the sense
light they apply to anyone else; it’s all about what’s in
of real-world comic books and the movies
their hearts. A given Caper might encounter religious
based on them. Characters generally don’t
intolerance if they perform their super-powered feats in
wear capes or masks. They don’t become all-
view of particularly religious folks.
powerful, godlike beings. Their powers don’t
Some hospitals and doctors refuse to treat those
threaten to tear down countries or destroy
with abilities, concerned that their differing physiology
the world.
might endanger the practitioner’s ability to treat them
properly, which can result in lawsuits and the loss of But the characters do affect the lives of those
one’s medical license. Most doctors, however, follow around them, friend and foe alike, as well as
the Hippocratic Oath. These doctors have discovered the city where they live. Their actions have
that Caper physiology is no different than that of a consequences, just not on a global scale. At its
normal human, at least in terms of medical procedures. core, CAPERS is a game about gangsters and
The military actively recruits Capers to serve, cops who happen to have superpowers.
though candidates are put through rigorous mental and
emotional testing to ensure they’re not dangerous. That
said, the military is going out of its way to not promote

The most important part of a game like CAPERS is
the characters, as portrayed by the players. Whether
they’re members of law enforcement upholding CHARCTERS IN THE FICTIONAL 1920S
the Volstead Act or ne’er-do-wells looking to take
advantage of it, the characters drive the story. The 1920s United States of CAPERS is not
exactly like the real 1920s United States. This
game romanticizes the world of the gangsters
TYPES OF CHARACTERS and bootleggers. Young and middle-aged white
There are three types of characters in CAPERS. men don’t make up the bulk of the movers and
shakers in the game world.
Your character can be of any sex, gender, race,
The bulk of the people in the world are Regulars. These ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and so
are your average, run-of-the-mill folk. While there are forth that you wish. These differences do not
certainly talented people among their number, they are impact the world of CAPERS…unless you and
limited by what the human body, mind, and spirit have your friends want them to.
been capable of throughout the ages.
Similarly, your character can be differently
abled, confined to a wheelchair, or can suffer
from any of a variety of physical, mental, and
Secondly, there are Exceptionals. These people are social ailments or disorders. It’s up to you how
special in some way. They are tougher and more skilled you want to incorporate such things into your
than Regulars, possessing special talents called Perks games. The game as presented does not impose
and a sort of inherent importance granted them by the any penalties on you for these choices. These
cosmos for no particular reason. things are left up to you.

Finally, there are Capers, who possess one or more
unique characteristics that stretch beyond the normal
realm of man. Criminals vs. Law Enforcement
You can play a Caper or an Exceptional. The Generally speaking, there are two ways you can
character creation rules account for both options. play CAPERS. The players might portray a group of
Exceptionals typically have a broader base of good criminals looking to make their fortune or they may
general capabilities along with special Perks. Capers play a group of law enforcement officials.
have a narrower base of general capabilities augmented Criminal characters might be enforcers, cleaners,
by fantastic Powers. bruisers, drivers, or sharpshooters. They might be
The rules below will guide you through creating leaders, burglars, business owners, or old-school
a character from start to finish. If you’re playing an gangsters. Regardless, they need a reason to work
Exceptional, use the Perks but not Powers. If you’re together. It’s up to the group to determine what these
playing a Caper, use the Powers but not Perks. reasons might be, with the help of the GM.
As for law enforcement, players might portray
Department of Justice agents, D.O.J. support staff,
county sheriffs, local cops, or constables. These
characters might be independent bounty hunters,
private investigators, or “operatives” for the Registry
of Abnormal Persons. Their primary reason to work
together is enforcement of the Volstead Act, but there
might be additional reasons.

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

MAKING YOUR CHARACTER Example Law Enforcement Concepts

Before you play CAPERS, you need to create a ❖❖ Agent
character. This chapter takes you through that process, ❖❖ Bounty Hunter
step by step. ❖❖ Cop
You can always come back to different parts of the
❖❖ D.O.J. Operative
character creation process as you develop ideas for
your character. ❖❖ Lead Agent
❖❖ Private Investigator
Concept ❖❖ Sheriff or Deputy
First, come up with a concept. This is the general type ❖❖ Support Staff
of character you’re going to play. It’s just a starting
point. You’ll flesh out details as we go.
1. Name
Example Criminal Concepts Choose a name for your character. Give them a
nickname based on some aspect of their personality,
❖❖ Advisor
their physical appearance, or one of their
❖❖ Bruiser extraordinary capabilities.
❖❖ Burglar
❖❖ Businessperson 2. General Description
❖❖ Cleaner Fill this information out on your character sheet.
❖❖ Driver Modify this information as you flesh out your character
in subsequent steps.
❖❖ Enforcer
❖❖ Gangster 3. Three Anchors
❖❖ Leader Your character's Anchors – Identity, Virtue, and Vice –
❖❖ Sharpshooter are their core personality characteristics.
Each serves as a guide for roleplaying as well as

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

providing you with opportunities to earn an important

Examiner: You believe everything can be
in-game resource called Moxie.
explained and you seek solutions to prove
You’ll need to make a choice for each of these R8
this. Gain Moxie when you work out a
three roleplaying guides eventually. If you have a strong
significant problem to a satisfying solution.
idea of who your character is, fill this information in
now. As you develop your character further, you might Glory Hound: You look for affirmation in all
return to this section and make modifications. R9 things. Gain Moxie when others praise you
The lists of Anchors below are just suggestions. for a significant deed.
You can develop more with the approval of the GM. Leader: You like to be in charge. Gain Moxie
You can choose your Anchors or determine them R10 when everyone follows your lead and you
randomly. To determine them randomly, draw a card successfully lead the group.
for each and refer to the appropriate list below. “R”
Loner: While you appreciate your
refers to a red card. “B” refers to a black card. If you
compatriots, you’re more comfortable
draw a Joker, draw again. RJ
acting on your own. Gain Moxie when you
accomplish a significant task with no help.
Your character’s Identity is who your character is at Manipulator: You find ways to make others
RQ do what you want. Gain Moxie when you get
their core. It’s a guiding principle for your roleplaying.
It’s a term that other characters might use when everything you want out of someone else.
describing your character’s actions and beliefs. Martyr: You are more than willing to sacrifice
But it’s not everything. Your character can have your own happiness, adulation, and life for a
many facets to their personality. But, when in doubt greater cause. Gain Moxie when you suffer
about how your character might react to a situation, for your convictions.
their Identity can make for a pretty good guide. Masochist: You enjoy the trouble you invite
And keep in mind your character’s Identity might RA into your life. Gain Moxie when trouble
change over time. Actions have consequences. If your arises in your life and you suffer from it.
character experiences a trauma or a great victory or
something else that changes their viewpoint on life and Planner: You have a plan for any situation.
themselves, change their Identity. B2 Gain Moxie when your plan comes off
without a hitch.

Card Identity Pushover: You are unimposing and non-

confrontational. Gain Moxie when you
Autocrat: You seek control of every situation B3
manage to avoid confrontation and
you find yourself in. Gain Moxie when you still succeed.
stay in control of an important situation
or encounter. Rebel: You seek to upset the status quo
in almost everything you do.
Bee’s Knees: You’re suave and know it. B4 Gain Moxie when you change the status
R3 Gain Moxie when you impress others with quo or change someone’s opinion on
your confidence. something controversial.
Bravo: You don’t tolerate weakness of body, Reveler: You live for today and seek
mind, or character, especially in yourself. B5 new experiences. Gain Moxie when you
Gain Moxie when you make someone experience something for the first time.
back down.
Rogue: You’re out for yourself and willing to
Crackerjack: You’re great at the things you do betray others if it furthers your agenda. Gain
and enjoy proving it. Gain Moxie when you B6
R5 Moxie when you get everything you want
succeed at something difficult without without any complications.
any complications.
Ruffian: You prefer solving problems through
Crusader: You have a long-term goal. Gain physical violence and intimidation. Gain
R6 Moxie when you complete a step on your B7
Moxie when you deal with a situation
way to that goal. through violence.
Deviant: You just don’t fit in. Gain Moxie Screw-Up: You are unfocused. Gain Moxie
R7 when you defy the norm with B8
when you succeed despite your lack of focus.
no repercussions.

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

Sidekick: You support one of your 10 Moderate: You never over-indulge in anything.
compatriots in everything they do. Gain Pacifist: You won’t knowingly take a
B9 J
Moxie when you help your “boss” accomplish human life.
something and boost their confidence.
Reliable: You’re always there when the chips
Stickler: You try to be perfect in everything Q
are down.
you do. Gain Moxie when you make your
B10 Respectful: You show others respect,
way through a significant encounter and you
do everything right. K regardless of whether or not they’ve
earned it.
Teacher: You seek to educate those around
BJ you. Gain Moxie when you better someone Tolerant: You are particularly accepting of
with thoughtful teaching. people not like yourself.
Thrill-Seeker: You’re not happy unless you’re You can gain Moxie if your character stays true to
BQ putting your life in danger. Gain Moxie when their Virtue when it would be easier to ignore it to
you barely make it out of a perilous situation. accomplish something.
Trickster: You enjoy playing pranks and
fooling people. Gain Moxie when you Vice
get away with a noteworthy prank or get Your character’s Vice is their greatest weakness. It
someone to believe something you make up. regularly causes problems for them and takes a long
Villain: You are depraved and willing to time to overcome, if they manage to overcome it at all.
BA commit vicious acts. Gain Moxie when you Choose a Vice from the following list or draw a card.
show your vicious side in full view of others.
Card Vice
You can gain Moxie if your character stays consistent Alcohol: You are addicted to alcohol and
to their Identity. 2
rarely turn down a drink.
Virtue Arrogant: You simply do not back down
when you think you’re right.
Your character’s Virtue is their most morally
commendable characteristic. It’s something that others Avarice: You are greedy and envious
respect and look up to them for. It’s a quality they never of others.
betray no matter the cost. Drugs: You are addicted to heroin, opium, or
Choose a Virtue from the following list or draw 5
another strong narcotic.
a card.
Gambling: You love rolling dice and playing
cards and often make risky bets.
Card Virtue
Hysterical: You’re difficult to hold back
Best Friend: You are best friends with one of 7
or control.
2 your compatriots and are willing to lay down
Paid Companions: You enjoy the company of
your life for them. 8
prostitutes or gigolos, or perhaps both.
Caregiver: You go out of your way to help
3 Phobia: You are deathly afraid of something
others in need.
9 fairly common (darkness, guns, the
Commitment: You are loyal to an organization, opposite sex).
4 small group, or family and do whatever they
10 Reckless: You take huge risks without thinking.
ask of you.
J Self-Pity: You don’t think much of yourself.
Compassion: You won’t unnecessarily harm
another in word or deed. Q Temper: You anger easily.
Dignity: You take pride in your reputation and Vain: You think very highly of your
6 K
never sully it. own appearance.
Generous: You like to share your wealth and A Vengeful: You constantly have a score to settle.
good fortune.
You can gain Moxie if your character is hindered by
8 Honest: You do not lie…ever.
their Vice.
Loyal: Once you have given your word, you
never break it.

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

5. Trait Defenses
Each Trait has an associated Trait Defense score.
This number indicates how difficult it is for others to
overcome your character’s raw ability in that Trait.
For example, if your character has a Strength of
2, their Trait Defense is 9. Another character trying to
overcome your character’s raw physical power would
need to flip a 9 or better to do so. As with Traits, higher
is always better.
Assign the defense for each Trait.

Trait Score Trait Defense

1 8
2 9
3 10
4 J
5 Q

6. Skills
Skills define things your character is particularly adept
at. They might be things your character has studied
in depth. They might be things your character has a
natural affinity for.
Select for your character a number of Skills equal
to 2 plus their Expertise score. Following is a list of
Skills available. More information on each can be found
4. Traits in the Chapter 3.
Six Traits define your character’s core capabilities. ❖❖ Acrobatics
They are:
❖❖ Athletics
❖❖ Charisma ❖❖ Business
❖❖ Agility ❖❖ Conveyances
❖❖ Perception ❖❖ Deception
❖❖ Expertise ❖❖ Diplomacy
❖❖ Resilience ❖❖ Fisticuffs
❖❖ Strength ❖❖ Guns
❖❖ Humanities
You use these Traits to have your character attempt to ❖❖ Insight
do things in the game. More information on each can be ❖❖ Mechanicals
found in Chapter 3.
Traits are rated between 1 and 3. The maximum ❖❖ Melee Weapons
for a non-Caper is 3. Capers can gain a Trait rating of 4 ❖❖ Ranged Weapons
or 5, but only by taking the appropriate Power. ❖❖ Sciences
Assign scores to your Traits as follows. Higher ❖❖ Sense
is better.
❖❖ Sleight of Hand
❖❖ One Trait with a score of 1. ❖❖ Stealth
❖❖ Four Traits with a score of 2. ❖❖ Willpower
❖❖ One Trait with a score of 3.

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

7. Perks, Powers, and Trem-Gear Exceptionals – Perks and Trem-Gear

If you’re playing a Caper, your character has access You have five options for starting with Perks and trem-gear.
to Powers, special capabilities that defy the laws of
science and reason. You might get some trem-gear ❖❖ Choose two Perks.
eventually, but you start with just Powers. ❖❖ Choose one Perk and a piece of trem-gear that
If you’re playing an Exceptional, your character mimics a Minor Power at rank 1.
has access to Perks instead of Powers. Perks make ❖❖ Choose two pieces of trem-gear that each
your character a little better than the average person mimic a Minor Power at rank 1.
but don’t bend the laws of reality like Powers do.
Additionally, your character can take trem-gear which ❖❖ Choose one piece of trem-gear that mimics a
mimics the abilities of Powers, but your character Minor Power at rank 2.
doesn’t have any inherent Powers. ❖❖ Choose one piece of trem-gear that mimics a
Major Power at rank 1.
Capers - Powers
You have three options for starting Powers. Refer to Chapter 4 for complete information on Perks.
If you want any trem-gear for your character, look
❖❖ Choose a Minor Power at rank 2. through the Powers and determine which Power or
❖❖ Choose two Minor Powers each at rank 1. Powers you want your trem-gear to mimic. Refer to
Chapter 7 for more information on trem-gear.
❖❖ Choose a Major Power at rank 1. When your character gains rank 1 in a piece of
trem-gear, choose three Boosts that piece of trem-gear
Refer to Chapter 5 for a full list of Powers, including can use. Then choose one of those three Boosts. That
how Boosts are used. Boost is always applied to the Power’s standard effect
When your character gains rank 1 in any Power, and doesn’t require you to reduce your Card Count to
choose three Boosts your character knows for that Power. activate it. You can’t choose a Boost that replaces the
Each time your rank in a Power increases by 1, select one standard effect, only one that augments the standard
additional Boost your character knows for that Power. effect. You must reduce your Card Count as normal to
Some Powers require a Power Check in order to use other Boosts.
target their effects. The Power Check works like a Trait Each time the rank in a piece of trem-gear increases
Check in that the rank of that Power determines how by 1, select one additional Boost the trem-gear can use.
many cards you can flip to use the Power. Keep that in
mind when choosing these types of Powers. If you only 8. Body
take one rank, you’ll only have one card to flip.
Your character’s Body score represents how hard it is
to hit them in physical combat.
Your character’s Body score is equal to their Agility
Defense plus any bonuses provided by Powers.

Powers are evident when used. Flashy Powers 9. Mind

like Cold Beam have this built in; your character Your character’s Mind score represents how difficult
shoots ice and frost from their hands or eyes. it is to affect their mind.
More internalized Powers are trickier. What does Your character’s Mind score is equal to their
a character with Super Agility look like when they Perception Defense plus any bonuses provided
move? Do they have a preternatural swiftness and by Powers.
coordination that unsettles onlookers? Do they
leave a slight blur behind them? 10. Hits
What about Body Armor? Is the character’s skin Your character’s Hits score represents how hard
just hard to the touch? Is it vaguely bark-like? Is it your character is to take down. It’s a combination of
flecked with bits of reflective crystal? physical toughness, sheer willpower to keep going
while hurt, and a little bit of luck. If a character’s Hits
As you choose Powers – and later gain new ones drops to 0, they fall unconscious and might die.
– take some time to determine what they look like Your character’s maximum Hits is equal to 4 + (2 x
when used. Characters with Powers stand out. their Resilience score) + (2 x their Charisma score).

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

11. Speed 13. Gear

This score represents how far your character can You keep track of what equipment your character
move, in feet, in one round. owns. You don’t need to track everything here, but you
Your character’s Speed is 30’ plus any bonuses should at least cover your most commonly used items
from Powers. as well as valuable or rare ones.
Your character starts with $150. Purchase whatever
12. Moxie gear you want with that money.
Each character has a pool of points called Moxie.
You spend Moxie to gain advantages in game play in 14. Level
a number of ways. You’ll regain Moxie on a regular Your character starts at 1st level.
basis, meaning your Moxie pool fluctuates dramatically
during the game.
Your character’s maximum Moxie score is 5. You
start your first adventure with 3 Moxie.

1 14
Colm "Knuckles" Buckley 1 1. Concept and Name
Name Level 2. General Description
3. Three Anchors

8 9 9 9 9 10








6 4. Traits
1 2 2 2 2 3
4 Athletics
Fisticuffs 5. Trait Defenses
Melee Weapons
C A P E R S 6. Skills
Charisma Agility Perception Expertise Resilience Strength Skills 7. Powers OR Perks/Trem-Gear
10 8 9 11 12
Big, burly, Irish to the core.
12 9 9 30 3 8. Body
Wears workman's clothes. Max Hits Current Hits Body Mind Speed Moxie
9. Mind
13 Weapon Damage Range
10. Hits
Description Bicycle, cigars and Fists Color --
lighter, playing cards,
Former bare-knuckles boxer. Injured battered pocket watch
Brass Kunckles Color+1 -- 11. Speed
his hands two years ago. Now works
as an enforcer for Nucky Johnson.
Gear Weapons
12. Moxie
Powers | Trem-Gear | Perks
Background 13. Gear
Name Concussion Beam Type Minor Rank 2
Rough and tumble. Regular
You pummel targets from a distance with a bolt of pure force.
drinker. Competitive. Has a 14. Level
soft spot for kids. Description

Power Check vs. Body Anything 30' Instantaneous
Activation Target Range Duration
You deal Suit Hits damage (force) to one target.
Ruffian - Gain Moxie when you deal Effect
with a situation through violence.
Damage, Jump, Push, Range

Reliable - Gain Moxie when you
are there when the chips are down. Name Type Rank

Phobia (darkness) - Gain Moxie
when your phobia hinders you.
Activation Target Range Duration

Damage by Suit/Color Effect

♠:4 ♥:3 ♦:2 ♣:1

Black : 2 Red : 1 Boosts

Chapter 2 – Character Creation

Whenever your character gains a level, you gain
2 Advancement Points (AP). Spend the points on WHAT DOES “LEVEL” MEAN?
the character advancements listed below. Major
Your character’s “level” is a handy way for the
advancements cost 2 AP. Minor advancements cost
GM to keep track of all characters’ relative
1 AP apiece.
power and capability. It doesn’t inherently
mean anything about your character.
Major Advancements – 2 AP Each
When you gain a level, nothing automatically
❖❖ Increase Trait: Increase one Trait score by
improves simply because that number went up.
one point (to a maximum of 3). Modify the
You spend your two Advancement Points to
appropriate Trait Defense. Increase Body,
make actual changes to your character sheet.
Mind, or Hits as appropriate. If you increase
your Expertise, gain a Skill.
❖❖ Major Power: Gain a new Major Power at rank
1 OR increase by 1 the rank of a Major Power
your character already has.
❖❖ Trem Gear: Gain or improve a piece of trem- Traits can’t be rated higher than 3 for non-Capers.
gear that mimics a Major Power as described Capers can have Trait scores of 4 or 5 but only by
for “Major Power” above. Refer to Chapter 7. taking the appropriate Powers.
Remember to make adjustments to other scores
that are dependent on your Traits, Powers, and Perks
Minor Advancements – 1 AP Each if necessary.
❖❖ Skill: Gain a new Skill.
❖❖ Minor Power: Gain a rank of 1 in a Minor ❖❖ Update Trait Defenses as necessary.
Power your character doesn’t have OR increase ❖❖ Body = Agility Defense + Power bonuses
by 1 the rank of a Minor Power your character ❖❖ Mind = Perception Defense + Power bonuses
already has.
❖❖ Hits = 4 + (2 x Resilience) + (2 x Charisma)
❖❖ Trem Gear: Gain or improve a piece of trem-
❖❖ If your character’s Expertise goes up, they gain
gear that mimics a Minor Power as described
a Skill.
for “Minor Power” above. Refer to Chapter 7.
❖❖ Perk: Gain a Perk. You can only choose this
When your character gains rank 1 in any Power,
option if your character has no Powers.
choose three Boosts your character knows for that
Power. Each time your rank in a Power increases by 1,
select one additional Boost your character knows for
that Power.
Agent: Were you aware that the Hawthorne is When your character gains rank 1 in a piece of
owned by Giadda Torrio? trem-gear, choose three Boosts that piece of trem-gear
Witness: I don’t know who that is. can use. Then choose one of those three Boosts. That
Agent: What did you see this evening? Start Boost is always applied to the Power’s standard effect
from the beginning. and doesn’t require you to reduce your Card Count to
Witness: I was in the lobby, havin’ a activate it. You can’t choose a Boost that replaces the
carbonated. I had just walked over from my standard effect, only one that augments the standard
nephew’s graduation and my dogs were killin’ effect. You must reduce your Card Count as normal to
me. Anyway, a couple of fellas get in a tussle in use other Boosts.
the lobby. One of ‘em says, “you owe Capone Each time the rank in a piece of trem-gear
twenty Gs” or somethin’ like that and the other increases by 1, select one additional Boost the trem-
tells this fella, “dry up!” gear can use.
Agent: Dry up? The rate at which characters level up and gain APs
Witness: Right, you know, like shut up and go is left to the GM, but the players should be aware of the
away. Anyway, the fella askin’ about the money intent. Leveling up characters every 2-3 play sessions
gets rough. Fisticuffs were exchanged. And the allows for a full campaign that lasts up to fifteen or so
other fella pulls a knife. sessions and is a good rate. A mini-campaign might see
characters level up at the end of every session.

Chapter 2 – Character Creation


POWERS LATER As you play your character through multiple game
You can start the game playing an Exceptional and gain sessions, you might want to give thought to how your
Powers later in the campaign. To do this, simply create character could change in non-game-mechanics terms.
an Exceptional character and progress that character Just like in real life, things that happen to your
as you play. character and things your character does may change
When you and the GM decide it’s an appropriate their outlook and personality. Relationships between
time for your character to develop Powers, the next characters and NPCs may change. Your character might
time you level up your character, you can choose have beliefs shattered (or choose to change beliefs).
Powers when you spend your APs. Characters’ immediate and long-term goals might
Once you gain even one rank in a Power, you can change. These changes might require changes in one or
never again choose any Perks to add to your character, more of your character’s Anchors.
though you keep any Perks your character already has. As your character advances and grows, give some
thought to the following.

STARTING AT HIGHER LEVEL ❖ Has your character’s motivation changed?

The GM might have you start with a higher level ❖ Has your character’s skillset or Powers
character. If this happens, create a level 1 character as changed their role within their organization?
described above and then spend as many additional
❖ Has your character engaged in any activities
APs as the GM assigns.
they feel bad about? Do they want to
make amends?
OTHER REWARDS ❖ If your character has a code of honor or a line
In addition to APs to spend on your character, the GM they won’t cross, have they broken that code or
might reward you with other things. Examples include: crossed that line? How has that affected them?
❖ Has your character come to care about
❖ Specific rare or hard-to-find gear anything more than wealth or enforcing the
❖ Access to restricted areas (usually in the form law? What do they do when these thing conflict
of keys or special credentials) with each other?
❖ A new contact ❖ If your character has been targeted by any
❖ A promotion within the organization or federal NPCs, do they want revenge? Immediate
agency your character works for vengeance or a long, slow death?
❖ Private offices ❖ Has your character come to fear or hate
anyone or anything?
❖ A club (or other operation) for your characters
to run ❖ On the flip side, has your character fallen in
love or developed a strong relationship with
❖ Subordinates you can order around
someone? What will your character do if a
❖ A car provided by the boss or government loved one is threatened?
❖ Has your character been betrayed and how do
they react to that?
❖ Has your character’s experiences made them
feel invincible or vulnerable? A combination
of both?

A little time spent examining your character’s

development can help you play your character better
and create a stronger narrative for everyone involved
in the game. Additionally, more complex characters are
often the most memorable.

These rules are meant to help you play a CAPERS SKILLS
game, but they don’t cover everything that can come
up in play. When they don’t, the GM makes a ruling by In addition to Traits, characters have a series of Skills.
using common sense, building consensus, and making These represent things the character has spent significant
sure everyone is having fun. If it makes sense, you all time studying or training in. They might also represent
agree, and you’re having fun, it’s right. things for which the character has an inherent affinity.
Regardless of how the rules are worded, they apply Following is a list of Skills available in CAPERS.
to everyone who is playing unless an exception is Acrobatics covers full body nimbleness, tumbling,
made. The GM might have exceptions players don’t. and balance.
Athletics involves physical feats of strength such as
lifting, swimming, jumping, and climbing.
TRAITS Business covers all manner of business, from large
Each character has six Traits that define their capabilities. corporations down to mom and pop shops.
Charisma is your character’s personality and force Conveyances covers large, moving apparatuses
of will. It defines how your character interacts with such as motorcycles, cars, trucks, planes, and boats.
others, regardless of whether they’re telling the truth or Deception involves selling a story, making up alibis,
lying. It also governs their maximum Hits. and getting others to do what you want through lies.
Agility is your character’s physical dexterity. Diplomacy involves the ability to speak eloquently,
It governs both their flexibility and hand-eye rally others, and convey thoughts clearly, all while
coordination. It comes into play with ranged combat, being honest and forthright.
as well as tumbling, balancing, and sleight of hand. It Fisticuffs includes all manner of unarmed fighting –
also governs their Body score. boxing, wrestling, and the like.
Perception is your character’s ability to take in Guns covers all manner of firearms, from pistols to
everything around them. It covers sight, hearing, all Tommy guns.
the other senses, and your character’s ability to read Humanities covers the human sciences of art,
others’ motives, strengths, and weaknesses. It also literature, geography, linguistics, politics, philosophy,
governs their Mind score. and religion.
Expertise is your character’s book smarts, Insight involves perceiving others’ intentions as
intelligence, and ability to draw conclusions in a logical well as their strengths and weaknesses.
manner. It covers many areas of academia. It also Mechanicals covers simple machines and small
governs the number of Skills they have. mechanical devices like padlocks, traffic lights, and
Resilience is your character’s physical toughness. bicycles, among others.
It defines how your character resists physical pain Melee Weapons involve use of clubs, knives,
as well as mental exhaustion. It also governs their swords, and the like.
maximum Hits. Ranged Weapons pertains to archaic weapons you
Strength covers your character’s raw physical use at a distance like bows and crossbows as well as
power. It comes into play in melee combat and in thrown weapons.
performing feats of strength, such as jumping, climbing, Sciences covers the hard sciences of mathematics,
lifting, and swimming. physics, chemistry, biology, and the like.
Each Trait is assigned a score between 1 and 3. A Sense involves sight, hearing, smell, and so forth,
score of 1 indicates the character isn’t very capable covering how your character perceives and reacts to
in that area. A score of 2 indicates the character has everything around them.
a modicum of capability. A score of 3 indicates the Sleight of Hand pertains to feats of manual
character is very capable. dexterity and trickery like performing magic tricks or
Powers can increase a character’s Trait score to 4 quickly concealing a pistol.
or even 5. Stealth covers the ability to remain unseen and unheard.
Willpower involves staying focused while under
duress, in pain, or lacking sleep.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Skills are fairly broad umbrellas of related capabilities. YOUR CARDS

There’s no physics skill; that’s covered by Sciences.
There’s no wrestling skill; that falls under Fisticuffs. Each player uses their own standard deck of poker-
There’s no gambling skill. While being a good gambler style playing cards (52 suit cards plus 2 jokers) to play
is certainly an art unto itself, it’s more a matter of how CAPERS. One of the jokers must be designated as the
one gambles. Examples follow. good joker and one designated as the bad joker. If one
❖❖ Agility/Sleight of Hand: Dealing from the of the jokers in your deck has a trademark on it, make
bottom of the deck, palming cards, deck that the bad joker. If one joker is black and one is red,
manipulation, and so forth. the black one is the good joker. Alternatively, you can
write on each joker card with a marker to make it clear
❖❖ Charisma/Deception: Manipulating opponents’ which is which.
expectations and playing the bluff game. The GM has a similar deck of cards they use for all
❖❖ Expertise/Sciences: Simply playing the odds non-player characters (NPCs).
smartly at a game like craps, where you can’t At the beginning of the game, shuffle your deck and
really affect the dice outcome. place it face down in front of you. This is your draw deck.
When a rule calls for you to “flip” a card, you take
Each Skill can apply to a number of different Traits. the top card of your draw deck and place it face up in a
For example, Skill with guns aids a character with discard pile. You then refer to the pip, suit, or color of
the following. the card to determine specific effects.
❖❖ Charisma/Guns: Do stage tricks with a gun The “pip value” of a card is the number (or jack,
during a performance. queen, king, or ace) shown on the card. Twos are
❖❖ Agility/Guns: Fire the gun accurately. lowest. Aces are highest.
❖❖ Strength/Guns: Hit someone with the butt of a
gun without damaging it. Reshuffling Your Deck
❖❖ Expertise/Guns: Know how to take a gun apart You’ll shuffle your discard pile back into your deck
and put it back together. at the end of all significant encounters. Significant
encounters include all combat encounters as well as all
other encounters where more than two or three Trait
Checks are made by each character.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

The GM has final say as to when discard piles are or greater success. You can flip additional cards as long
shuffled back in. The GM may also call for everyone to as the total number of cards flipped does not exceed
reshuffle after a series of minor encounters or may let the Card Count for the check. You can stop and accept
you play through a larger portion of your deck before the current card flip at any time. If you get to the
calling for a reshuffle. last card you’re allowed to flip, you’re stuck with
that result.
Ranking of Suits and Colors If your Card Count is 0, you can’t attempt that check.
Target Scores range as follows, starting at 4, aces high.
The suit of a flipped card is important in CAPERS. The
suit is used to differentiate amount of damage, gaining
bonuses, suffering complications, and so forth. As a Target Score Task Difficulty
general rule, suits rank in alphabetical order from clubs 4 Routine
(less damage, complication takes place) to diamonds to 6 Easy
hearts to spades (more damage, character gains a bonus).
Similarly, the color of a flipped card might 8 Average
determine something important to game play. As a 10 Challenging
general rule, black is always better than red. Q Hard
A Incredible
When you want your character to do something, These Target Scores are guidelines. The GM can set a
announce your intentions to everyone. Think of what TS that falls between defined ones.
the task is in terms of what a character might do in Sometimes the rules call for increasing a TS by +1
a movie. Narrate the attempt. Once you’ve described or +2. Once you hit 10, jack, queen, king, and ace are
your character’s intentions in narrative terms, you’ll the next in line. Think of the jack as 11, queen as 12,
determine what you need to do with the rules. king as 13, and ace as 14.
If the task is fairly simple or has no real The GM describes the result of your Trait Check with
consequences for failure, the GM will tell you what any necessary additional information. Alternatively, they
happens when your character completes the task. may have you narrate the result of your Trait Check.
There’s no reason to slow down the game with rules for
such simple actions. Degrees of Success and Failure
If a task is difficult or failure at the task has The suit you flip with a Trait Check can modify the
consequences, the GM can call for you to make a check’s result beyond simple success or failure.
Trait Check. If you succeed and get spades for the suit, you gain
When you make a Trait Check, look at your Traits a Boon on your check. Your character performs the
and select the one that is most applicable to the task task better. Refer to Boons, below.
your character wants to accomplish. Make a note of If you succeed at the check and get clubs for
that Trait’s score. If you have a Skill that pertains to the suit, your character succeeds, but there’s a
the task you’re performing, add 1 to that Trait score. Complication. See Complications, below.
The resulting number is the Card Count for that Trait If you fail at the check and get spades for the suit,
Check. This is the maximum number of cards you can your character fails, but you gain some motivation for
flip while making the Trait Check. This count can be your next turn. See Motivations, below.
increased or reduced in other ways. If you fail at the check and get clubs for the suit,
The GM determines the Target Score (TS) for your your character fails at the task and suffers a Botch. See
check and keeps this information secret. As a game Botches, below.
progresses, you might pin down the TS for certain
tasks after attempting them multiple times. If Your Trait Check Was Successful:
Flip one card. The pip value of the card indicates
success or failure. The suit indicates degree of success
or failure. Suit Degree of Success
If the pip value of the card you flipped equals or ♠ Success with a Boon
exceeds the TS, you succeed at the task. Otherwise
♥ Normal Success
you fail. If your Card Count for this check is 1, you
announce the result and the GM tells you whether you ♦ Normal Success
succeed or fail. ♣ Success with a Complication
If your Card Count is higher than 1, you have a
decision to make. You can stick with the initial card flip
or you can flip additional cards to try to attain success

Chapter 3 – Rule System

If Your Trait Check Was Unsuccessful: mean your character falls down or drops a weapon.
If your character is sneaking around, they might be
spotted. If your character is trying to impress someone,
Suit Degree of Failure they might anger them instead. If your character is
♠ Failure with Motivation using a Power, it might backfire on them.
After the effect of the Botch is resolved, you finish
♥ Normal Failure
your turn. Your character can finish moving if they still
♦ Normal Failure have movement left (and haven’t fallen down). Your
♣ Botch character can still speak and perform Free Actions.
If you flipped the bad joker, your turn immediately
As a general rule, if your card is black, something happens ends and your character can’t act until your next turn.
beyond simple success or failure. If your card is red, it’s When you Botch, the GM awards you 1 Moxie to
just a success or failure. mitigate your losses.

Boons (Success with Spades)

If you succeed on a Trait Check and get spades for
the suit, you receive an added benefit called a Boon. A SUCCESS AND/SUCCESS BUT…
Boon makes things more difficult for the target of the You can think of Boons and Complications
Trait Check or provides you with some sort of benefit. in terms of saying, “You succeed at the task”
You and the GM work out what effect the Boon followed by “and” or “but.”
has. Some examples appear in the Trait Descriptions
section of this chapter. An easy standby is for the If you get a Boon on a check, you succeed on
GM to grant you advantage (see the Advantage and the check, AND something beneficial happens.
Disadvantage section in this chapter) on the next Trait If you get a Complication on a check, you succeed
Check you make related to the Trait Check during on the check, BUT something problematic occurs.
which the Boon occurred.
Complications (Success with Clubs)
If your character hits the TS for the Trait Check but
gets clubs for the card’s suit, they are successful but You can think of Botches and Motivation in
suffer a Complication. A Complication impedes the terms of saying, “You fail at the task” followed
character in a minor way or brings about unexpected by “and” or “but.”
(and unintended) consequences.
If you get a Botch on a check, you fail on the
A Complication never negates the success of the
check, AND something bad happens.
Trait Check. It just provides a minor downside the
character has to deal with. If you get Motivation on a check, you fail on
A good default Complication is for the character to the check, BUT something helpful happens.
suffer disadvantage on their next Trait Check. See
the Trait descriptions below for a list of other
possible Complications.
See the Trait descriptions below for a list of other
possible Complications. Aces
If you flip an ace, your character succeeds at the
Motivations (Failure with Spades) attempted task (obviously), and you gain a Boon for
If you fail on a Trait Check and end up with spades as the check. This means flipping the ace of spades gives
the suit, you gain motivation to push harder on your you two Boons for that check.
next turn. You gain one Moxie, but must use it on a
Trait Check or Power Check on your next turn. If you Jokers
don’t use this Moxie on your next turn, it is lost. If you flip a bad joker, you immediately end your turn
and can’t draw another card, regardless of how many
Botches (Failure with Clubs) you have available. You fail at any check you were
If you fail on a Trait Check and end up with clubs as the attempting and suffer a Botch. Your character cannot
suit for your card, you Botch. You also Botch if you flip act again until your next turn.
the bad joker. If you flip a good joker, you succeed at the check
Not only do you fail, but the GM imposes an extra and gain a Boon. Additionally, you immediately take
setback due to the failure. In combat, a Botch might another Trait Action.

Chapter 3 – Rule System






Mike is playing Jerry, who wants to climb the S

outside of a building to get into an open top
story window. Looking at Jerry’s Traits, Mike Fisticuffs
determines that requires a Strength check. The
GM, Craig, remarks that the window is pretty
high up there and that a fall could really hurt
S Melee Weapons
(so there are consequences).
Strength Skills
Jerry’s Strength score is 2 and he has the
Athletics Skill. This makes the Card Count for
the Trait Check 3.
The building exterior is brick with some Probably
handholds, but a tough climb. Craig sets the TS not high
for this Trait Check at 10. Mike doesn’t know this. enough.
Mike flips a card from his deck and gets the
8 of hearts. While the hearts suit provides for
a pretty solid degree of success, Mike doesn’t
think 8 is high enough to hit the TS, and he’s
right. If Mike chose to stop here, his character
would fail to climb the wall. Close,
but no cigar.
Mike flips another card and gets the king of
Comes with
clubs. Mike’s pretty sure a king succeeds,
but the clubs suit provides for just minimal
success. Mike could stop now. Jerry would
successfully climb the wall, but he’d suffer a
complication (like being spotted).
Mike chooses to take a chance and flips the
last card he has available in his Card Count. Now we’re
He gets the jack of spades. Since this is the last sittin’ pretty!
card he can flip, Craig announces that Jerry is
successful at climbing the wall and the spades
suit mean he gains a Boon. Craig decides Jerry
climbs at full speed instead of half speed and
has no chance of being spotted.

Trying Again
If you fail a Trait Check, you make no progress toward
Traits and Skills performing the task you attempted. The GM determines
Even though a Skill can be paired with most any Trait if you can try again and whether the failure has
for a Trait Check, certain Trait and Skill combinations any consequences.
are of particular importance in CAPERS. These are If you’re trying to pick a lock with a TS 10 and
described as “Trait/Skill” when necessary. For example, you flip an 8 or 9, the GM might decide you’re making
shooting a gun is referred to as an “Agility/Guns” Check. progress but haven’t quite completed the task yet. It’ll
just take more time. On the other hand, if you fail the
check by a lot, the GM might decide you simply aren’t
skilled enough with that type of lock. If you fail and get
clubs for the suit, you suffer a Botch, and the GM might
decide you break one of your picks off in the lock,
preventing further attempts entirely.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Advantage and Disadvantage Reaction Checks

The circumstances your character is in might make a When taking actions on your turn, your character is
Trait Check easier or harder, granting you advantage putting forth significant effort in the task. They’re
or disadvantage respectively. Conditions in which you focused and putting a bit of time into the attempt.
have advantage might include attacking from higher Sometimes, the GM will determine that your character
ground, teaming up on one foe, sneaking around at must simply react to something without any preparation.
night while wearing all black, aiming for a round This is called a Reaction Check and it’s a Free Action.
before firing, or trying to persuade a person who likes When you need to make a Reaction Check,
you. Situations in which you have disadvantage could the GM will tell you which Trait and Skill to apply.
involve attacking a foe who is hard to see, using the Flip one card and one card only. Add your score in
wrong tool for the job, being distracted, looking for the appropriate Trait to the pip value of the flipped
something in dim light, or trying to persuade someone card. Add a +1 if you have the applicable Skill. If this
who dislikes you. adjustment puts your total above an ace, note it as “ace
If you have an advantage on a Trait Check, the plus one,” “ace plus two,” and so on. Report the result
Card Count for that check increases by 1. Having a to the GM who will tell you if you succeed.
disadvantage on a Trait Check means the Card Count The most common types of Reaction Checks are
for that check decreases by 1. If this reduces your Card initiative checks and checks to quickly avoid damage.
Count to 0, you can’t attempt the check.
Even if you have multiple circumstances that grant Group Trait Checks
you advantage, you only increase the Card Count by 1.
Sometimes all of the characters engage in the same
Similarly, if you have multiple disadvantages, you only
action at the same time in the same place. The entire
decrease the Card Count by 1. However, if you have
group can suffer from the failure of one character, and
any advantage while also having any disadvantage,
that’s no fun. To alleviate this, the GM can call for a
they cancel each other. In that case, you make the Trait
group Trait Check.
Check normally.
When this happens, every player makes the Trait
check called for. If half or more of the characters are
“Cinematic” Advantage successful, the whole group succeeds. If less than half
Sometimes your character performs an action that succeed, the entire group fails.
doesn’t necessarily seem like it should gain advantage For example, five characters are attempting to
but simply looks cool in the mind’s eye. sneak through the woods and approach a rival’s secret
GMs are encouraged to give characters advantage liquor warehouse. The GM calls for every player to
on a Trait Check when the character does something make an Agility/Stealth check. Once all the cards
cinematic like swinging from a chandelier or crawling are flipped, it’s revealed that three of the characters
across the top of a speeding car. A good rule of thumb succeeded on the check. Therefore, the entire
is to grant advantage to a character each time he tries group succeeded.
something like this for the first time or if he tries it at a
particularly important moment in the story.

Getting Help Agent: What happened then?

Other characters can help you with performing a task. Witness: The fella with the knife takes a swing
How many characters can reasonably help is left up at the other one. And outta nowhere there’s this
to the GM, though the maximum is three. Some Trait flash of light and this sort of shimmery thing
Checks must be performed by you alone. appears in front of the fella wantin’ the money
Each character helping must have the appropriate and stops the knife.
Skill for you to gain a bonus from them. For each Agent: Shimmery thing?
character helping, increase the pip value of your card Witness: Yeah. Like fireworks but just sittin’
flips by 1. If this puts your card flip at an ace, and you in one place. It was red and yellow. The knife
still haven’t accounted for one or more helpers, you push bounces off it and the fella who almost
automatically get a Boon on the check, just like any got stabbed gets a wiggle on.
time you get an ace.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

You have a pool of points called Moxie you can use
STYLES OF PLAY to gain benefits in the game. Moxie represents added
effort and determination people can exert when they
really need to succeed.
The CAPERS rules involve a certain level of
gambling, at least some of the time. Sometimes Using Moxie
you fail and flip another card without thinking You can spend Moxie to gain a variety of bonuses for your
much. Sometimes you get the ace of spades character. The following table shows all of the Moxie uses,
and stick to that. costs, and limits on the number of points spent for each
Some of the time, however, you’ll have to make use in one round. Each use is described after the table.
decisions. There are a variety of ways to approach
this. Some players are conservative and will stick Moxie Use Cost Limit
with a card as soon as they’re successful, even if Increase Card Count by 1 1 1
just with minimal success. Their characters can
be counted on to be useful a great deal of the Reduce Damage 1 --
time, though sometimes minimally. Gain Boon 1 1
Other players will be more aggressive. Shape the Narrative 1 1
They’ll keep flipping cards until they see a big Take Extra Trait Action 2 1
success…or just fail. They’ll fail more often, Recall a Card 1 1
but their successes will be more impressive Reshuffle Your Deck 1 1
The important thing to keep in mind is that Self-Sacrifice 1 1
there’s no wrong way to play. There’s a place
for every type of player in the game. ❖❖ Increase Card Count: Increase your Card Count
by 1. You can do this at any point during a Trait
or Power Check, but you can only spend 1
Moxie on a check in this way.
❖❖ Reduce Damage: Reduce damage you just took.
Flip a card and check the card’s color. If it’s black,
you reduce the damage taken by 4. If it’s red, you
reduce the damage taken by 2. If it’s the bad joker,
you don’t reduce any damage (regardless of other
effects that affect damage reduction). If it’s the
good joker, you reduce all the damage.
❖❖ Gain Boon: Gain a Boon on a successful check
normally allowed a Boon but currently
without one.
❖❖ Shape the Narrative: Modify the GM’s description
of the scene or situation in a minor way, provided
the GM approves. For example, you might find a
needed piece of gear on site or gain unexpected
assistance from an NPC you know.
❖❖ Take Extra Trait Action: Take one extra Trait
Action on your turn.
❖❖ Recall a Card: Choose a card you flipped for your
current Trait or Power Check and use that card in
lieu of the card currently in play. You cannot recall
a card from a previous Trait or Power Check.
❖❖ Reshuffle Your Deck: Reshuffle your discard pile
into your draw deck.
❖❖ Self-Sacrifice: When a character who is adjacent
to your character takes damage, you take the
damage instead.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

The following sections describe what each Trait allows
you to do, along with Target Scores for example tasks
and possible Boons.
The Target Scores below are guidelines. The
GM might increase or decrease a TS slightly as
circumstances dictate.

Social interaction is governed by your character’s
Charisma. It covers how they convey information
diplomatically, convince people to follow a plan, and
lead others. It’s how they inspire people. It also comes
into play when they lie, craft an alibi, or trick someone.
Finally, Charisma represents their personal force of will.

TS Example Task
Rally a group of NPCs to help you with a
simple task
Get simple info out of a hostile NPC
Pass off a simple lie
10 Get complex info out of a hostile NPC
Convince a few NPCs to end hostilities
Pass off a major lie
Rally a group of NPCs to help with a
You can track your character’s Moxie on your character sheet difficult/risky task
or on scrap paper, or you can use tokens like poker chips. Convince many NPCs to end hostilities
Get an NPC to help with a potentially
Gaining Moxie deadly task
The GM awards Moxie. Each time one of the following Sway many hostile NPCs with a lie
instances occurs, the GM should award points. You
gain Moxie when: Possible Boons
❖❖ Get the target to give you more information
❖❖ An encounter ends and you were involved, and
❖❖ Get the target to tell you a secret
the encounter was significant enough that the
story moved forward. ❖❖ Sway more people than you initially intended
❖❖ Your character demonstrates their Identity OR ❖❖ Get a hostile target to start liking you
they stay true to their Virtue in the face of an
easy out OR if their Vice causes them problems Possible Complications
during the encounter. You can only gain Moxie ❖❖ Sway a group, but one NPC doesn’t believe you
for one of these instances during any given
❖❖ Get the information, but the NPC lies or is
misinformed about one thing
❖❖ Your character does something cool or
Possible Botches
❖❖ You were entertaining enough that all the other
❖❖ Anger the target
players and the GM agree you deserve a prize.
❖❖ Get caught in a lie
❖❖ Your character Botches, and the GM assuages
your pain with minor recompense. ❖❖ Be thought a liar when telling the truth

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Agility Perception
This Trait covers your character’s motor skills, bodily Perception is how your character perceives everything
dexterity, and hand-eye coordination. They use it to around them. It covers their sight, hearing, etc. as well
perform acrobatic stunts, sneak, balance, and react as how they discern others’ motivations, strengths,
quickly. It comes into play when determining initiative and weaknesses.
in an action sequence. They use it to perform sleight of
hand and drive vehicles. TS Example Task
8 Discern how tough someone is
TS Example Task
Expose a simple lie
8 Balance on a 1’-wide surface
Identify an out-of-place object in a tidy room
Sneak past an unwary person
Determine a person’s greatest weakness
Squeeze through a tight space 10
or strength
Dodge a small, fast-moving object Determine a person’s motivations
10 Do a back flip Find a hidden object
Balance on a 1”-wide surface Pick out details 50’ away
Escape from rope restraints Listen in on a conversation in a noisy room
Dodge a large, fast object Q Expose an intricate lie
Palm a coin or playing card Find a well-hidden object
Hit a specific spot on a dartboard Identify an out-of-place object in a
Drive like a professional driver messy room
Q Do a series of flips Unweave a multifaceted web
Escape from handcuffs of misinformation
Perform a complex magic trick involving Identify an out-of-place object in a large
several sleight of hand feats scene of utter chaos
A Perform an Olympic-level acrobatic routine
Possible Boons
Escape from a strait jacket
❖❖ Gain additional insight into a person without
Drive like a stunt driver the target being aware of your scrutiny
❖❖ Gain advantage against a foe whose weakness
Possible Boons
you’ve determined
❖❖ Grab an object while performing acrobatics
❖❖ Make a connection to other known information
❖❖ Slip restraints onto someone while escaping
❖❖ Remember precisely where an object was
from them yourself
❖❖ Drive so well that pursuers are put at
Possible Complications
a disadvantage
❖❖ Notice what you were looking for, but become
❖❖ Deal 2 additional damage with a Guns or
momentarily distracted by something else
Ranged Weapon attack
❖❖ Determine someone’s weakness, but hesitate to
act on it
Possible Complications
❖❖ Balance well, but drop a held item
Possible Botches
❖❖ Dodge an object, but fall prone in the process
❖❖ Miss an important clue
❖❖ Drive well, but damage the car in a minor way
❖❖ Believe a truth to be a lie
❖❖ If in combat, take Color Hits damage
❖❖ Miss something important going on around you
while scrutinizing other things
Possible Botches
❖❖ Sprain a joint, decreasing your Speed for a time
❖❖ Get in a minor accident while driving
❖❖ Bump into something hard or sharp

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Expertise Resilience
This Trait covers your character’s intelligence, memory, Your character’s ability to withstand pain and injury
and logic. They use it to recall something from their is covered by Resilience. It helps them resist disease,
studies or experiences, solve riddles, as well as build, toxins, and poison. It’s important for resisting torture
disable, and fix things. It’s important for knowing the and keeping their wits about them when under stress
ins and outs of business, law, and politics. or when they haven’t had enough sleep.

TS Example Task TS Example Task

Recall something you read or saw in the 8 Resist mental fatigue from staying up all night
past month Resist a simple disease like the common cold
Teach complex information to a person 10 Keep your wits in a frightening situation
Know the local laws Resist a mild poison
Develop a technical schematic of a Resist mental fatigue from staying up three
simple device Q
days straight
Make a simple repair to a mechanical Resist torture performed by an
device or conveyance inexperienced torturer
10 Solve a simple riddle Resist a strong poison
Recall something you read or saw in the
A Resist torture performed by an expert torturer
past year
Build a simple mechanical device
Possible Boons
Make a complex repair to a mechanical
device or conveyance ❖❖ Build up a resistance to a poison or disease,
granting you advantage on future checks
Recall something you read or saw in the to resist
past ten years
❖❖ Get your second wind and continue at full
Teach complex information to a group speed even when tired
Know all the laws pertaining to your
business Possible Complications
Develop a technical schematic of a
❖❖ Stay awake, but lose track of what you were
complex device
doing, causing a delay in your task
Build a vehicle from the ground up
❖❖ Resist a poison, but weaken your immune
A Solve a tough riddle system, making you more susceptible to other
Know obscure laws or business tactics poisons or diseases for a short time
Build a complex mechanical device ❖❖ If in combat, take Color Hits damage

Possible Boons Possible Botches

❖❖ Recall additional information ❖❖ Become weakened even more than the poison
❖❖ Extrapolate more information based on logic or disease would weaken you
❖❖ Inspire someone you’ve taught to make a ❖❖ Fall asleep if exhausted
discovery or extrapolation of their own ❖❖ Scream in pain and pass out

Possible Complications
❖❖ Remember the information, but neglect an
important piece of it
❖❖ Successfully teach someone, but make them
dislike you in the process

Possible Botches
❖❖ Fail to teach, angering your student
❖❖ Remember a completely incorrect, older
version of what you’re trying to recall

Chapter 3 – Rule System


Strength is raw physical force. It comes into play when The Trait Check information provided on the preceding
your character makes unarmed, melee, and thrown pages provides guidelines that cover a wide variety of
weapon attacks. They use it to climb, swim, jump, and situations. But they don’t cover absolutely everything
bash things. your character might attempt to do.
It’s the purview of the GM to make the call on
TS Example Task what a Trait Check accomplishes, but players should
always have a say. For things not explicitly covered in
8 Break down a light wooden door
the rules, find what works best for the group and stay
Climb a rope or rough surface at half speed consistent.
Jump 8’ with a running start
Jump 3’ with no running start CHARACTER VS. NPC TRAIT CHECKS
Swim in choppy water at half speed Sometimes your character takes actions that are
10 Break down a heavy wooden door directly opposed by an NPC’s capabilities.
Climb a brick wall at half speed When this happens, you make a Trait Check against
the NPC’s Trait Defense. Treat this Trait Defense as the
Jump 12’ with a running start
Target Score for your check.
Swim in rough water at half speed Each Trait Defense is based on its associated Trait,
Q Climb a wet brick wall at half speed starting at 8 and progressing up by 1 for each point in
Jump 16’ with a running start the Trait.
Jump 5’ with no running start
Swim in stormy water at half speed Trait Score Trait Defense
A Break open a reinforced door 1 8
Jump 20’ with a running start 2 9
3 10
Possible Boons 4 J
❖❖ Knock someone down 5 Q
❖❖ Push someone 10’
❖❖ Disarm someone Conduct the Trait Check like any other using the TS
you determined here. If you meet or exceed the TS, you
❖❖ Break something beyond repair succeed. Boons and Botches apply as normal.
❖❖ Deal 2 additional damage with a Fisticuffs or The GM uses these same rules when having NPCs
Melee Weapon (including thrown weapon) attack attempt Trait Checks opposed by your character.


❖❖ Knock someone down, but fall on top of them
❖❖ Swim well, but inhale some water causing you
Sometimes your character takes an action that is
to sputter and stop progressing for a round
directly opposed by another player’s character.
❖❖ Climb a wall, but do it slowly, risking being seen When this happens, both players make Trait Checks
❖❖ Hit someone, but damage your weapon for their characters based on appropriate Trait/
❖❖ If in combat, take Color Hits damage Skill combinations. They flip each of their cards
simultaneously with the other player. If one player
chooses to stop and stick with their current flip, the
Possible Botches
other player can continue flipping cards if they haven’t
❖❖ Injure yourself reached their Card Count for the check. The player
❖❖ Break something you’re holding that chose to stop first cannot flip more cards after the
❖❖ Smash into something hard or sharp, second player stops, even if that player still has cards
taking damage available in their Card Count.
Let’s suppose Adam wants to hide from Maria.
❖❖ Fall while climbing
Adam is considered the “active character” since he’s
the one initiating the hiding.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

speaks with a slight Italian accent and winks slyly at

the player portraying Buckley as she speaks.
Other players prefer to describe their actions from
a third person perspective and not get into character
as deeply. If Alison played Marcelo this way, she might
portray the previously described scene by saying,
“Marcelo slips behind Dunston and comments that
there’s only two cronies and Dunston and Marcelo
should be able to take them out.”
Regardless of how you portray your character, the
GM decides if a Trait Check is called for. Sometimes
how you portray your character is enough. At other
times, such as if you’re trying to rally NPCs, tell lies, or
intimidate others, the GM can require Trait Checks.


Play in a CAPERS game is often free-flowing. The
GM describes a scene. Players announce what their
characters do. The GM responds. Time passes in the
game world in increments that make sense to everyone.
Sometimes, however, more structure is required
so timing and the sequence of events are clear to
everyone. This happens most often when characters
fight. It can also happen when the characters race
against time to solve a problem.

Adam’s player makes an Agility/Stealth check. When time and the chain of events need to be more
Maria’s player makes a Perception/Sense check, They exacting, an action sequence begins. An action
flip cards simultaneously and compare results as they sequence happens in increments called rounds, which
do so. Adam gets the queen of spades on his second are roughly 6 seconds long in the game world but take
flip and chooses to stop. Maria continues flipping cards much longer to play out. Every round, players take
since her Card Count is 4. turns deciding what their characters do and resolving
Adam’s result must equal or exceed Maria’s result those actions. The GM also has turns to control other
in order for Adam to successfully hide from her. aspects of the game, including NPCs. Once everyone
Both players can spend Moxie on opposed checks. has taken a turn, a new round begins.
Once a player has chosen to stay with their flipped
card, they’re done and can’t spend Moxie. Surprise
If one group is unaware of another group at the start of
SOCIAL INTERACTION an action sequence, the members of the unaware group
are surprised. Those who aren’t surprised can act for
As you navigate the world of CAPERS, you are bound
one round while those who are surprised can’t.
to meet a variety of other characters, some controlled
It’s possible that some members of a group are
by other players and some controlled by the GM.
surprised when others aren’t. The GM decides when
Interactions with these characters can take place in
this situation occurs and, if it does, allows those
a variety of ways. How you choose to relate with
who might be surprised to make a Perception/Sense
other characters in the game is a matter of your
Check. The default TS for this check is 8, although that
personal preferences.
score can change if one group is sneaking or other
Some players like to act in character, taking on
circumstances dictate surprise is more or less likely.
accents, having different attitudes than normal, and
otherwise becoming someone else for a little while.
For example, while playing her character, Marcelo Initiative
“Glimpse” Bianchi, Alison might say, “I casually walk At the start of an action sequence, an initiative order
behind Buckley as Dunston’s cronies look on. As I pass must be determined. To determine your place in the
behind Buckley, I quickly whisper, ‘they’re the only initiative order, make an Agility/Sense Reaction Check
two here. We can take them if we move now.’” Alison for your character.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

The GM makes such a similar Reaction Check for Distance and Movement
each NPC. Alternatively, they may group some NPCs
Distances in CAPERS are measured in feet, and the
together and have them act on the same initiative for
typical person can walk about 30’ in a round. This
ease of play.
distance is a character’s Speed. Other creatures have a
The GM, or someone elected to do so, lists the
Speed, too, and can move that distance in a round.
participants from highest score to lowest. This list
During an action sequence, you can move during
is the initiative order, and those higher on the list
your turn. You can split this movement up how you like
take a turn before those lower on the list. This order
during your turn. You might move before your Trait
changes only rarely and is used from round to round to
Action, or after it, or both.
determine the order players take turns.
An obstacle, rough terrain, or other issues might
If you draw the good joker, you go first. If you draw
slow you down. If the GM describes an impeding
the bad joker, you go last. Boons mean nothing during
situation, such as a debris-strewn floor, or you engage
this check.
with one, such as climbing through a window, the GM
If two participants tie with their check result,
can charge you some of your Speed to move through
the tie is broken by the suit of the flipped card,
the impediment. The default is that an impediment
alphabetically from spades on down. Spades goes first,
costs you double the normal amount of Speed to move
then hearts, and so on down to clubs.
through. The GM is free to decide if the hindrance is
If two players tie in both pip and suit, they decide
even greater than the default.
who goes first. The GM resolves these types of ties
If a hindrance is particularly challenging, such as
among NPCs. If a player’s character and an NPC tie
a 10-foot-wide hole in the floor, the GM can require a
in pip and suit, the player’s character goes first in the
Trait Check to deal with it. Such a check is part of your
initiative order.
movement and not considered your Trait Action for
When your turn comes up, you undertake the
the turn.
activities you desire by taking actions.
Special circumstances might also cost you extra
Speed. For instance, for a human, climbing, crawling,
and swimming are slower than walking, so a human
moving in one of these modes is like a human moving
EXAMPLE REACTION CHECK across impeding terrain. Running downhill can be
Mike is playing Jerry and a fight breaks out. quicker than running on level ground, so you might
gain a little bonus Speed when going downhill. Based
Jerry’s Agility score is 3 and he has the Sense on these examples, the GM is also free to decide that
Skill. Mike flips one card, an 8. He adds four other circumstances slow you down or speed you up.
to the card (3 for the Agility score +1 for the
Sense Skill), taking it to Q. Mike’s character Jogging and Sprinting
will act on a queen, which is pretty good.
You can increase your movement on your turn by
jogging or sprinting. Jogging lets you move up to
double your Speed, but you suffer disadvantage on all
Trait Checks and Power Checks that turn for doing so.
Actions You can sprint, moving up to triple your Speed. While
sprinting, you can’t take any Trait Actions other than
You can take the following actions on your turn.
those required by the GM to deal with impediments
Trait Actions are attempts to perform a specific
while moving. Sprinting for an extended period of time
task by making a Trait Check. You can take only one
may require Resilience/Willpower Checks, at the
Trait Action on your turn unless you spend Moxie to
GM’s discretion.
take another. Power Checks are a special type of Trait
Action and are discussed later.
Free Actions are simple and short activities that Falling Down and Standing Up
can feasibly occur alongside your Trait Action, such as Falling prone is quick, so it’s a Free Action. Standing up
opening an unlocked door, dropping an object, falling uses 10’ of your movement for the turn.
prone, and so on. The timing of such actions is up to
you, and you might be able to take more than one Free Delaying Your Turn
Action on your turn. The GM judges whether you can You can delay your turn and jump back into the
accomplish a task as a Free Action, as well as the initiative order later. If you delay, you take a normal
limit on the number of Free Actions you can take. turn when you reenter the initiative order. During
No activity that requires a Trait Check can be a future rounds, your turn happens at this new point in
Free Action. the initiative order.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

If an effect is in play that ends on your turn, it ends

on where your turn used to be in the initiative order,
not on where your turn falls after delaying. You or the
GM need to keep track of where your turn used to fall
in the initiative order. Damage and ranges of different types of guns
vary, but attacks with guns are made at a 1:1 ratio.
Readying an Action One Action allows for one bullet or shell to be
You can use your turn to ready yourself for action while fired, regardless of the type of gun being used.
you wait for a specific event - a trigger - to happen. You This doesn’t reflect real-world gun capability,
describe the trigger and the Trait Action you prepare but it keeps things simple and allows the action
to perform in response, such as attacking any foe that to move at a faster pace.
moves next to you. You can instead prepare to move in
response to a trigger. For instance, you might choose to
have your character leave the room if an alarm sounds.
What happens next depends on if the trigger occurs.
If the trigger happens and you can perceive it, the Trait Throwing Things and Range
Action or movement you prepared in response happens If you throw a weapon or other object with the intent
immediately, interrupting the current turn. Once you of dealing damage, you make your Trait Check against
perform your readied action, the turn you interrupted the target’s Body and apply disadvantage for range
resumes. If the trigger fails to happen, you lose the as normal.
opportunity to act until your next turn comes up. If you simply want to get the thrown object next to
someone or something, your TS is 7 and range is 20/60.
When you attempt to damage another character or an Damage
object with a weapon or other harmful effect, you are A successful attack deals physical damage, reducing a
using your Trait Action to attack. You choose a target target’s current Hits. Damage dealt is dependent upon
and resolve the Trait Check for the type of attack the damage rating of the weapon. Most weapons have
you’re making. If your Trait Check succeeds, you hit a rating of “Suit” or “Color,” meaning you deal damage
and damage your target. according to the suit or color of the last card flipped as
described below.
Melee Attacks You don’t make a separate card flip to determine
Melee attacks can be made only against targets that are damage. The damage is based on the suit of the card
next to you. You make a Strength/Melee Weapon Check you accepted during your Trait Check.
or a Strength/Fisticuffs Check (if you’re unarmed) to
resolve a melee attack. The TS for your attack is your Suit Damage
target’s Body. ♠ 4
You can throw some types of melee weapons as
well as things like rocks. Doing so requires a Strength/ ♥ 3
Ranged Weapons Check. ♦ 2
♣ 1
Ranged Attacks
Ranged attacks can be made against any target you can Color Damage
see, provided the target is within range of the attack. Black 2
You make an Agility/Guns Check or an Agility/Ranged
Weapons Check to resolve a ranged attack. The TS for Red 1
your attack is your target’s Body.
Ranged weapons have two range ratings separated Some weapons have a damage rating of “Suit+#”
by a slash, the first representing short range and the where the “#” is a number. This means you determine
second representing long range, both in feet. Attacks the damage from the suit of the card and then add the
made out to short range suffer no penalty. Attacks number. For example, “Suit+2” means the weapon deals
made above short range and out to long range suffer damage based on the card’s suit plus 2 additional Hits.
disadvantage. Attacks cannot be made beyond
long range.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Weapon Table Mental Attacks

Weapon Dmg Range Rnds* Cost Mental Attacks are made using certain Powers. The
individual Power will describe the check required to
Fists/Feet Color -- -- -- make the attack. The TS for your check is your
Brass target’s Mind.
Color+1 -- -- $2
Knife/Dagger Color+1 20/60 -- $5 Mental Damage
Improvised Color+1 20/60 -- -- A successful mental attack might deal damage,
Club/Staff Suit -- -- -- reducing a target’s current Hits. Individual Powers
Saber Suit+1 -- -- $20 describe how much damage the attack does, in terms
of Color or Suit as normal. Refer to the Damage tables
Bow Suit 100/300 -- $6 by Suit and Color under Physical Damage.
Derringer Suit 30/100 2 $12
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 6/12 $25 Objects
Rifle Suit+1 100/300 10 $50 Objects, like creatures, have a Body score. This
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150 1/2/5 $70 statistic reflects how difficult it is to hit or damage
Tommy Gun Suit+2 100/300 20/50 $225 the object. The larger the object, the easier it is to hit.
Smaller objects are harder to hit. The faster an object is
*A character can reload 3 rounds or 1 magazine/ drum moving, the harder it is to hit. The following table
by giving up 15’ of Speed for the round. gives examples:

Derringers are small pistols that hold 2 rounds, each Body Example Objects
fired with a different trigger. 4 Building, wall, adjacent man-sized object
Pistols are either six-shooters that hold 6 rounds in
6 Stationary vehicle
a rotating cylinder or 12 rounds in a magazine.
Rifles hold 10 rounds. 8 Door or window up to 20’ away
Shotguns come in three varieties. Single barrel Moving car, thrown object, small
shotguns hold 1 cartridge. Double barrel shotguns hold stationary object
2 cartridges, each fired by a different trigger. Pump- Q Speeding car, small thrown object
action shotguns hold five cartridges.
A Very small thrown object
Tommy guns use 20-round magazines or
50-round drums.
An object’s Hits describes its durability, which is
usually a matter of material and sometimes size. The
following table gives examples. The Hits damage
required destroys a portion of the object involved as
EXAMPLE ATTACK appropriate. For example 2 Hits will cut a rope, but it
Mike is playing Jerry and wants Jerry to fire his won’t destroy the entire rope.
pistol, which deals Suit+1 damage.
Hits Example Materials
Mike makes an Agility/Guns Check. Jerry’s
Agility score is 3 and he doesn’t have the Guns 1 Paper, light cloth, glass
Skill, so his card count is 3. Mike’s first flip is 2 Rope, very heavy cloth, leather
the ten of diamonds, likely a hit, but it’ll only 5 Thin sheet of wood, plaster
deal 3 damage (2 because he flipped diamonds 10 Wood stud
+1 because it’s a pistol). He flips a second card
and gets the queen of hearts. This is likely a hit 20 Thin metal
and deals 4 damage, so Mike decides to stick 40 Half inch of concrete, metal plate
with that flip.
If an object is serving as cover or otherwise protecting
If Mike had continued, he might have ended something or someone else, an attack must deal at least
up with spades on a hit, but would have been as much damage as needed to destroy the object (or a
risking worse damage or even failure. portion thereof) before it stops providing protection.
For example, you need to deal 5 Hits damage to a
plaster wall before you can injure a person on the other
side of the wall.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Regaining Hits
You regain Hits over time. You regain 1 Hit every
hour while awake and engaging in normal day-to-day
activities. You don’t regain any Hits while performing
strenuous activities.
You regain 3 Hits every hour while sleeping.
Note that it is possible for these recovery rates to
vary slightly based on in-game situations at the GM’s
discretion. For example, sleeping on a boat in storm-
tossed seas wouldn’t allow you to recover as quickly
as normal. Additionally, the GM might determine that
an NPC who suffered serious injuries requires a longer
time to recover.

Death vs. Imprisonment

Some Capers and Exceptionals may be harder to kill
than others. The GM may, at their discretion, determine
that an Exceptional or Caper NPC has only been
rendered unconscious.
You can question the NPC, turn them over to the
authorities, and so forth. Ultimately, that NPC may
end up in prison. This contingency is put in place for
GMs to have the opportunity to bring about a climactic
moment in the ongoing story where that NPC is finally
defeated once and for all.
All of this said, the GM should only exercise this
option occasionally. Most of the time, the players
decide what happens with an NPC brought to 0 Hits.
Dropping to 0 Hits
If you drop to 0 Hits, your character is either
temporarily removed from the story or will die. It’s
your choice. Damage usually comes from direct attacks that are the
If you choose to have your character temporarily result of a Trait Check made against your character.
removed from the story, they are knocked out. Occasionally, though, your character can be subjected
Alternatively, they might be captured briefly or to damage or other effects they must resist or avoid.
otherwise removed from the immediate vicinity of the Resisting requires a Reaction Check.
action. If they are knocked out, they wake up when The GM tells you which Trait and Skill apply to
they have at least 1 Hit. the Reaction Check you’ll use to resist with. They also
If you choose to have your character die, you take determine the TS for the check and whether success
one more turn before they die. This extra turn is your negates or reduces the damage (usually by half). The
character’s last, so spend Moxie and do everything you TS for negating or halving the damage starts at 8 and
can to make it memorable. progresses upward. Difficulty is based on how hard
On that final turn, you can spend any amount of the damage is to avoid or reduce. For instance, a huge
your remaining Moxie to influence the narrative. For explosion centered on your character is difficult to avoid.
example, you might say your body plunges through a Charisma is used to resist psychological exhaustion,
window, taking a foe along to the street below. The GM mental torture, taxing cerebral activity, and mind-
decides how many Moxie you have to spend to achieve altering effects.
your goals. Agility is used to dodge incoming attacks or otherwise
If you reduce an enemy to 0 Hits, you decide at get out of the way of dangers like oncoming traffic or
that moment whether to kill them or knock an explosion.
them unconscious. Resilience is used to resist physical pain, exposure
to extreme temperatures, poison, disease, and
physical exhaustion.
Strength is used to resist being moved against your
will or knocked prone.

Chapter 3 – Rule System


Sometimes characters attack their foes looking for an Sometimes you take special damage, which is damage
outcome other than dealing damage. Here are a that’s more than raw harm or damage that’s from
couple examples: sources other than direct attacks. Special damage often
requires Reaction Checks to avoid the damage (or
Grapple lessen it) and comes with complications.
Make a Strength/Fisticuffs Check versus the target’s
Body. Success indicates you grab the target. With a Energy
Boon, you might pin a limb or temporarily blind the target. There are five types of energy in the game – acid,
The target is unable to move and suffers cold, electricity, fire, and force. The first four listed
disadvantage on all checks until free. Attempting are exactly what you’d expect them to be. Force is a
to free oneself from a grapple requires a Strength/ special case. Force energy is a rush of near-invisible
Fisticuffs Check or Agility/Fisticuffs Check against kinetic energy or sonic vibration that causes physical
the grappler’s Strength Defense. This attempt is a Free effects or deals damage.
Action that can be attempted once per round on the Sometimes Hits damage has an energy subtype.
target’s turn. Successfully escaping uses up 15’ of the Certain Powers can cause such damage and other
character’s movement for the round. Powers can prevent or shield you from such damage.
More often, energy is something your character is
Disarm exposed to and must attempt to resist or avoid.
If your character is hit with a small amount of
You can disarm a target by making a Melee Weapon
energy damage, the GM may call upon you to make
attack or a grapple check against the target’s
a Reaction Check to avoid the damage. When the
Strength Defense.
potential damage is greater, the GM may call upon you
If using a weapon, a successful disarm check
to make a Reaction Check to halve the damage your
results in the target dropping the object. With a Boon,
character takes.
you decide where the object falls or you knock it into
Physically dodging this type of damage often
your hands. If using a grapple, a successful disarm
requires an Agility/Sense Reaction Check. Withstanding
check results in you wrestling the object away from
unavoidable damage requires a Resilience/Willpower
the target.
Reaction Check.
Damage from energy can vary. The GM determines
how much damage you take by flipping one or more
cards and adding up their Color or Suit values as
described in the table. “2 x Suit” means flip two cards
and add up their Suit values. The good joker counts as
4 damage. The bad joker counts as 0 damage. If the GM
flips a joker in this way, no other effects are generated
by the joker.

Energy Hits Reaction Check

Type Damage Example to Avoid/Halve
Acid 1 x Color Splashed on hand/arm/etc. Agility/Sense TS 10 to avoid
1 x Suit Splashed on quarter of body Agility/Sense TS 10 to halve
Cold 1 x Color Stuck in refrigerator overnight Resilience/Willpower TS 8 to halve
1 x Suit Stuck in freezer overnight Resilience/Willpower TS 10 to halve
2 x Suit Stuck in blizzard overnight Resilience/Willpower TS Q to halve
Electricity 1 x Suit Fork in an electrical outlet Agility/Sense TS 10 to avoid
3 x Suit Struck by lightning Resilience/Willpower TS Q to halve
Fire 1 x Suit Running through burning building Agility/Sense TS 8 to avoid
2 x Suit In a small fiery blast Agility/Sense TS 10 to halve
3 x Suit In a large fiery blast Agility/Sense TS Q to halve

Chapter 3 – Rule System

Falling Explosives Table

For every 10’ you fall beyond the first 10’, the GM flips one Explosive Dmg Blast Cost
card and your character takes total Hits damage of the
combined Suit values. The good joker counts as 4 damage. Nitroglycerin (8 oz.) 2 x Suit 5’ rad. $5
The bad joker counts as 0 damage. If the GM flips a joker Dynamite (one stick) 3 x Suit 10’ rad. $6
in this way, no other effects are generated by the joker. Grenade 3 x Suit 10’ rad. $10
If there’s a way to soften the blow or otherwise
slow your character’s fall, the GM may give you a Characters hit by an explosives attack get an Agility/
Reaction Check to halve falling damage. Sense Reaction Check to halve the damage (rounded up).
A Botch when handling nitroglycerin results in the
Suffocation nitro exploding. In some circumstances, Botches can
After your character has held their breath for a number cause explosions with dynamite as well.
of rounds equal to five times their Resilience score,
your character might suffocate. At the end of each of STANDOFFS
your turns, you must succeed at a Resilience/Willpower A standoff is a tension-filled buildup to a fight. You
Check or fall unconscious. The TS for this check starts stare down your foes, assess their strengths, and ready
at 4 and increases by 2 every round, up to ace. yourself for the coming fight. Standoffs don’t happen
before every combat, but they can provide a nice build-
Poison up before an important or unexpected fight.
Using poison in CAPERS is as much a matter of finding During a standoff, all players and the GM make a
a way to poison the target as it is to adjudicating the series of quick decisions which will have an impact on
effects of the poison and any resistance the target how the fight plays out.
may have. The GM will require you to find a way to The standoff rules can slow down the flow of the
poison the target’s food, inject them with the poison, or action. Use them when appropriate to add a bit of tension.
something similar, based on the poison you’re using. But they’re certainly not required before every combat.
Resisting a poison’s effects requires a Resilience/
Willpower Check. The TS for this check and the results During Each Phase
of succeeding or making the check vary by poison. During each of three phases, all players and the GM
A paralytic poison (such as medical anesthesia) engage in three rounds of Countdowns.
prevents a person from moving and if strong enough, During each Countdown, each player and the GM
renders them unconscious. TS varies between 9 put their fingers on their decks. The GM calls, “three,
and queen. Successful resistance renders the two, one” and everyone either flips the top card or pulls
character unaffected. it toward them without flipping it. (During Phase 2, all
A debilitative poison (such as weakened versions of involved have an additional option.) GMs may split the
cyanide or oleander) affects a target’s motor functions NPCs into groupings and flip/pull one card for each
and clarity of mind but does not paralyze them. TS group during each phase.
varies between 10 and king. Successful resistance Ideally, this entire process will move very fast. Be
reduces how long the poison affects the character. prepared to make your choices quickly.
A deadly poison (such as arsenic) kills a character
if they don’t resist. TS varies between queen and ace.
Phase 1: Staredown
Successful resistance results in the character taking
significant Hits damage (at least 2 x Suit Hits) and Perform the Countdown.
being debilitated, requiring bed rest and professional If you flip the top card, it becomes your initiative
care for several days. card for when the fight begins.
If you pull it toward you, it becomes an extra card
you can use during any Trait Action during the coming
fight. Once used during a Trait Action, such a card is
Given characters are running around with Powers, discarded as normal.
explosives don’t come into play often. However, they
can be handy in some situations.
Phase 2: Ready Yourself
All explosives have a damage rating and a blast
radius. The damage rating is the amount of damage Perform the Countdown.
dealt to anyone or anything within the blast radius. For If you flip the top card, it becomes your initiative
every blast radius increment you move away from the card for when the fight begins. If you’ve previously
explosive’s location, the damage is reduced by 1 x Suit. flipped a card, you get your choice of those cards for
At 0 x Suit, no damage is sustained from the blast. your initiative.

Chapter 3 – Rule System

If you pull it toward you, it becomes an extra card

you can use during any Trait Action during the coming
fight. Once used during a Trait Action, such a card is
discarded as normal.
If you don’t do anything with the card, you may do one
of the following:
❖❖ Speak one sentence to your allies or foes with
no other effect.
❖❖ Speak one sentence to your foes in an attempt
to intimidate them. Make a Charisma Check
based on how you’re trying to intimidate them.
❖❖ Make a Perception/Insight Check to assess the
strengths and weaknesses of one foe.
❖❖ Use one Power that only affects you. This can
include Powers that allow you to maintain a Boost.

Phase 3: Hammers Back

Perform the Countdown.
If you flip the top card, it becomes your initiative
card for when the fight begins. If you’ve previously
flipped a card, you get your choice of those cards for
your initiative.
If you pull it toward you, it becomes an extra card
you can use during any Trait Action during the coming
fight. Once used during a Trait Action, such a card is
discarded as normal.

Commence Combat
Everyone with one or more initiative cards flipped
chooses which card to use and applies their Perception STANDOFFS ONLINE
Trait and Sense Skill as normal to determine initiative If you’re not playing CAPERS at a table
order. All players discard any unused cards. Anyone with everyone else where you can see what
who didn’t choose to flip a card goes last in initiative everyone is doing with their draw decks, you’ll
order. Ties are adjudicated per normal rules. need to tweak these rules a bit.
Commence combat as normal. Any cards you’ve
pulled toward you can be flipped in conjunction with At the end of each Countdown, each player can
any Trait or Power Check you make during this combat. flip a card (for initiative) or declare, “Keep” to
These cards don’t count against your Card Count for indicate keeping a card. Players who do this
that turn. Once used, the card goes in your discard pile. simply keep track of how many cards they’ve
stockpiled for later.
During Phase 2, they can also declare, “Action”
to indicate they want to take one of the actions
allowed during that phase.

Perks are special bonuses and abilities that make Refocus
Exceptionals tougher and more capable than normal
Once per game session, you can “re-flip” your entire
people, but lack the flash of Powers.
Trait Check. Ignore the results of your current Trait
Check (even if you Botched) and start over from
SELECTING PERKS scratch. You can't use this Perk to "re-flip" after you flip
Options for selecting Perks during character creation the bad joker.
and character advancement are described in Chapter 2. You can select this Perk up to three times. If you do
Your character can gain each Perk only one time this, you can use this ability once per game session per
unless the Perk states otherwise. number of times you’ve selected it. You can only use
this Perk once during a given Trait Check.
Fleet of Foot If you choose this Perk and your character gains
Powers later, you can only use this Perk on Trait
Your character’s foot Speed increases to 40’. Checks. You can never again use it on Power Checks.

Hardy Body Specialty Skill

Your character gains +1 to their Body score. You can Choose one Skill your character already has. This
select this Perk up to two times. Skill becomes a Specialty Skill. Instead of increasing
your Card Count by 1 when you make a Trait Check
Lucky involving this Skill, you increase your Card Count by 2.
Once per game session, when you Botch, you succeed Additionally, your character never Botches this
instead. Treat the success as if you got spades on the Skill. If you Botch a Trait Check involving this Skill,
card and apply a Boon to the success. If the Botch treat it like a normal failure. If you get the bad joker,
card was the bad joker, you do not end your turn you don’t Botch, but your turn still ends immediately.
immediately and continue to resolve your turn. You can choose this Perk multiple times, each time
You can select this Perk up to three times. If you do choosing a different Skill in which to specialize.
this, you can use this ability once per game session per You can denote this on your character sheet with a
number of times you’ve selected it. “2” after the Skill’s name.

Power-Resistant Tough
Each time your character’s Body or Mind is targeted Your character’s maximum Hits increases by 4.
with a Power, you flip a card. The TS for the Power
targeting you is your current Body or Mind (as called Wily Mind
for by the Power) or the card you flipped, whichever Your character gains +1 to their Mind score. You can
is higher. If you flip the bad joker, ignore it and flip select this Perk up to two times.
another card to replace it. If you flip the good joker, the
Power automatically fails against you.
Additionally, any time a Power has an effect
that you can resist by making a Trait Check, you
automatically succeed on that check the first time the
Power calls for you to make it.
If you select this Perk, your character can never
gain Powers in the future, not even temporarily.

Quick Reflexes
Whenever you make a Reaction Check (including initiative
checks), flip two cards and take the better of the two.

Many characters in CAPERS are gifted with super- The Target Score (TS) for the check is defined in
human abilities that allow them to do things others the Power’s description, though it might require GM
can only dream of. Your character might have adjudication. You flip cards as you would for Trait
great strength or superhuman speed, the ability to Checks and can stop and take the result of the last card
manipulate objects from afar, powers that damage flipped at any time.
or affect others’ minds, a special communion with a If a Power has any special rules associated with it,
specific type of energy, or any of a wide variety of other this information is provided in the Power’s description.
capabilities. These abilities are called Powers. Some Powers simply grant bonuses and don’t have
checks associated with them.
There are two broad categories of Powers – Minor
Powers and Major Powers. Powers have Boosts, special augmentations that
improve the Power's capability, make it more versatile,
Minor Powers or provide other effects.
You declare you are using one or more Boosts at
Minor Powers are focused. They provide your character the beginning of your turn, before you take your Trait
with very specific capabilities that are only useful in a Action or movement. You can only use each Boost
few circumstances. They also tend to be flashier. one time during your turn, but you can use up to three
Many Minor Powers require a Power Check to different Boosts during your turn, even if they’re from
use successfully. different Powers. If a Boost augments a Power, it can
only be used for the Power it’s associated with.
Major Powers For each Boost you choose to employ, you reduce
Major Powers provide capabilities that are broadly your Card Count by one for all Trait or Power Checks
useful across a variety of tasks or by giving your you attempt this turn. If this reduces the Card Count
character bonuses that are always in effect. for your Trait or Power Check to 0, you can’t attempt
Some Major Powers increase your Traits beyond the check.
the normal maximum of 3. You must have a rating of 3
in the Trait in order to take the associated “Super Trait”
Power. These Powers increase the likelihood of you
succeeding at Trait Checks with that Trait and provide Agent: I see.
some additional benefits. Witness: Suddenly, two other fellas come out
Some Major Powers simply provide ongoing, of a side door and they got Chicago typewriters
permanent bonuses or special capabilities usable at and they start shoutin’ at the fella who’s runnin’
will without a Trait Check. out. That’s when all hell breaks loose.
Agent: What do you mean?
POWER CHECKS Witness: All of a sudden there’s this flapper with
a gun and her beau and he’s gettin’ all blurry.
When you need to make a Power Check, it works the Agent: What happened next?
same way as a Trait Check, but using your rank in the Witness: I dove behind the concierge desk is
Power as your Card Count. You use a Trait Action to what happened next.
make a Power Check. Agent: Describe it as best you can.
Skills are not applied to Power Checks, but all the Witness: I’m tryin’ to find a way out and I see all
other ways of modifying a Trait Check apply to Power these guns goin’ off and, well…
Checks. You can gain advantage or disadvantage, enjoy
Boons, suffer Botches, spend Moxie to augment them,
and so forth.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Boosts happen in addition to the standard effect Descriptors

of the Power unless the Boost text specifies otherwise.
Each Power lists a series of descriptors that describe
For example, if a Boost says “Instead of standard
exactly how the Power functions.
effect…” you use the Boost effect in lieu of the
standard effect. You can still apply other Boosts to this
Name and Rank
alternate effect, unless the Boost states otherwise.
You can use Boosts from multiple Powers, but This is simply the name of the Power. The end of this
many only provide benefits to the Power they are line also lists the range of ranks for the Power. This
associated with. Some Boosts, however, are applicable defines how many times your character can take that
outside of a Trait or Power Check. Such Boosts allow Power, thus improving its potency.
you to modify or increase your character’s movement, Powers listed as “1” can only be gained one time
increase their Body or Mind scores, and so forth. and can’t be improved further. Powers listed with a
For example, let’s say your character has Super range of numbers can be taken up to the maximum
Strength (with the Jump Boost) as well as Heat Beam shown. Each time you increase the rank of the Power,
(with the Damage Boost). You could activate the Jump it becomes more powerful. For example, you might
Boost for Super Strength, costing you one from your create a starting character with Heat Beam 2. Over
Card Count for that turn. You could also activate the time, you might increase the Power to rank 3, then 4,
Damage Boost for Heat Beam by reducing your Card and finally 5 (which is the maximum for that Power).
Count by one more. When you move, you incorporate
a 30’ jump for the Jump Boost. If you hit with Heat Type
Beam, you deal extra damage from the Damage Boost, This entry tells you if it’s a Major Power or a Minor Power.
but your Power Check for Heat Beam is made with a
reduction of two in the Card Count. Description
This entry provides a brief description of what the
Using Boosts Outside of Power allows you to do.
Action Sequences
Boosts have a real effect on your character’s capabilities Activation
during action sequences. The more Boosts you use, the Some Powers are activated as a Free Action. This
less cards you have available when performing your means you can use the Power one time during your
Trait Action or Power Check. turn as a Free Action.
Sometimes Powers don’t require Actions to use Some Powers are activated as a Trait Action. Many
them. And sometimes your character uses these Powers such Powers require a Power Check against a TS to
with Boosts outside of an action sequence, where there’s determine success or failure of the ability. If this is
no Action to be penalized by using Boosts. the case, this entry defines the TS for the check. Some
When this happens, you can still only use a maximum Powers require you to spend your Trait Action to activate
of three Boosts that turn. them but don’t require an actual check. Such Powers
have an activation of “Trait Action.” With such a Power,
Losing your Capability you use up your Trait Action to gain the Power’s effect.
Some Powers don’t require any activation and
It’s possible for your character’s Powers to be temporarily are denoted “NA.” These are usually effects with
deactivated by mysterious effects. If this happens, none continuous durations.
of your Powers or Boosts function. You can’t perform
the feats listed in their descriptions and you lose all Target
bonuses provided by them.
This entry defines the type of target the Power can
affect. A target of “creature” means any animal,
including humans.

A Power’s range is the distance out to which it can
be activated. The effect of the Power must be within
that range when first activated. If an effect is created
within range but then the Caper moves farther away or
the object being affected moves farther away than the
Power’s range, the Power ceases. If a Power doesn’t
work at range, this entry is denoted “NA.”

Chapter 5 – Powers

Duration Boosts
Some Powers are continuous. This means you gain This section lists a series of augmentations you can
their benefits all of the time. Some are listed as activate by reducing your Card Count for Trait or
“continuous once activated.” These Powers can be Power Checks that turn.
turned on and off. Many Powers are instantaneous;
they happen and are done. Other Stuff
A few Powers have a specific duration listed in this Anything not described in the Power is up to you, with
entry. This defines precisely how long the effect lasts. If the GM’s approval. For example, Heat Beam doesn’t
it ends after a certain number of rounds, it ends at the specify where the beam originates. Do you fire a beam
end of your turn during that final round. from your eyes? Do you sling a small fireball from one
You can maintain some Power’s effects using a hand? If your character has the Puppeteer Power, do
Boost that specifically extends the duration of the they wiggle their fingers when manipulating objects?
effect. Additionally, some Boosts have “(M)” after their Do they concentrate intently? If they have Super
name. Such Boosts can be maintained from round to Strength, are they big and burly or simply very tall and
round by reducing your Card Count by one as normal imposing? It’s all your call.
on each of your turns.
You can maintain a maximum of three effects and/
or Boosts in any combination from round to round.

This defines the standard effect of the Power. If the
Power’s activation is continuous, you gain this effect
all the time. If the Power is activated as a Free Action,
it tells you what the Power does when you spend that
action. If the Power requires a Trait Check or Power
Check, it tells you what the Power does if the check
is successful.
Some Powers don’t provide a specific effect but
rather prompt you to choose a Boost to be the standard
effect when you gain the first rank in the Power.
Powers that provide bonuses to Body and Mind
do not stack with each other. You take the better of
the bonuses provided. For example, if your character
has Body Armor rank 2, they gain a +2 bonus to their
Body. The Body Boost associated with the Super Agility
Power does not benefit your character.
If a Power provides increased Speed for a
particular movement mode (walking, flying, etc.) a
character only gains that bonus for that mode unless
it is stated otherwise. For example, a rank 1 Speedster
with Speed 60’ who then takes 1 rank of Flight flies at
Speed 30’, as described under the Flight Power.
Any time a Power deals damage with no Power
Check involved, the person dealing the damage flips
a card to determine the damage dealt. The good joker
counts as spades with a Boon. The bad joker counts for
no damage.

Chapter 5 – Powers

MINOR POWERS Cutting Boost: You can cut through up to 8” of concrete

or a thin metal plate.
Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by
Acid Stream 1-5 +2 Hits damage (acid).
Immunity Boost (M): You are immune to acid damage
Minor Power
until the beginning of your next turn.
You create a stream of corrosive acid.
Liquefy Boost: Instead of standard effect, you liquefy a
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body single small, non-stone, non-metal object.
Target: Anything Persistence Boost: The target takes Color damage on
Range: 30’ each of your turns until the acid is neutralized. The
Duration: Instantaneous target can neutralize the acid by spending all of their
movement doing so or by suffering disadvantage on
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (acid) to one target.
checks during the turn spent clearing away the acid.
If you hit the target with a Boon, you also deal 1 Hits
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
damage (acid) to one target that is adjacent to the
until the beginning of your next turn.
initial target. Alternatively, you corrode a small object.
Acrid Cloud Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, Alter Form 1
you create a 10’ radius sphere composed of stinging,
airborne acid. Anyone entering or beginning their turn Minor Power
in the field takes Color Hits damage (acid). You can You change the fundamental nature of your
maintain this Boost out to this Power’s range. physical form.
Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit
Activation: Free Action
Hits damage (acid) to all targets in a 5’ radius area
Target: Self
within range. Use each target’s individual Body scores
Range: NA
as Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s possible to
Duration: Continuous once activated
hit some targets with the Power Check and not others.
Control Boost: You deal only as much damage as you Effect: When you select this Power, choose one Boost
want. Choose your normal Power Check damage or any to use as the standard effect for this Power. It is no
lower amount, minimum 1 Hit. longer considered a Boost; it counts as the standard
effect. This does not count as one of the three Boosts
you get when you take rank 1.
Density Decrease Boost (M): Instead of standard effect,
until the beginning of your next turn, you become lighter
as your body’s density decreases. You can climb and
swim at half your Speed without making Trait Checks.
Density Increase Boost (M): Instead of standard effect,
until the beginning of your next turn, you become
heavier as your body’s density increases. You can’t
be knocked over. You deal +1 Hits damage with all
Fisticuffs and Melee Weapon attacks.
Gaseous Form Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
transform into a barely visible, gaseous cloud the same
size as your normal body until the beginning of your
next turn. While in this form, you are invulnerable to all
attacks except fire, cold, and force attacks, and those
that target your Mind score. You can’t affect anything
physically or speak, but you can fly at Speed 30. You
can squeeze through any narrow space. You can’t use
any of your other Powers.
Immovability Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, until
the beginning of your next turn, you can’t be moved
from where you are by any outside force.
Liquid Form Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
transform into a pool of liquid the same general size as
your normal body until the beginning of your next turn.
While in this form, you are invulnerable to all attacks

Chapter 5 – Powers

except energy attacks and those that target your Mind Bone/Organ Shifting 1
score. You can’t speak, but you can manipulate things
physically and can move at Speed 30. You can squeeze Minor Power
through any narrow space and can move up inclined You manipulate your bones and organs to create a
and vertical surfaces at Speed 15. You can’t use any of variety of effects.
your other Powers.
Activation: Free Action unless noted otherwise
Target: Self
Body Armor 1-2 Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Minor Power
Your skin is tough or sheathed in a hard material. Effect: When you select this Power, choose one Boost
to use as the standard effect for this Power. It is no
Activation: NA
longer considered a Boost; it counts as the standard
Target: Self
effect. This does not count as one of the three Boosts
Range: NA
you get when you take rank 1.
Duration: Continuous
Bone Armor Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, until
Effect: At rank 1, your Body increases by 1. At rank 2,
the beginning of your next turn, your Body increases
your Body instead increases by 2.
by 1.
Body Boost (M): Increase your Body by 1 until the Bone Spurs Boost: Instead of standard effect, bone
beginning of your next turn. spurs grow from your hands. You can attack with them
Energy Boost (M): Choose an energy type (acid, cold, as Fisticuffs, dealing Suit Hits damage. You can retract
electricity, fire). You take half damage from that energy or extend them as Free Actions.
type until the beginning of your next turn. Bone Throw Boost: Instead of standard effect, you can
Fall Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn, fling little bones from your hands as an Agility/Ranged
you can fall from any height without taking damage. Weapon attack that deals Suit Hits damage at a range of
Healing Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next 30/100. Your hand bones regrow immediately.
turn, each time you spend Moxie to prevent Hits Organ Shift Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, one
damage, you prevent 2 additional Hits damage. time before the beginning of your next turn, when a
Imbue Boost (M): One person gains your Power bonus physical attack hits you, the attack misses instead.
to their Body score until the beginning of your next Slither Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you can
turn. The two of you must be within 30’ of each other liquefy yourself as a Free Action, allowing you to pass
for this to function. through areas as small as one square inch. While in this
Rebound Boost (M): One time before the beginning of form, you can’t do anything except move and reform
your next turn, when a projectile misses you, it instead yourself, which requires a Free Action.
strikes the attacker, dealing damage based on the
attacker’s card flip to make the attack. Cold Beam 1-5
Minor Power
You create a freezing blast of arctic energy.
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body
Target: Anything
Range: 30’
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (cold) to one target.
Alternatively, you cool or freeze a small amount
of material.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit
Hits damage (cold) to all targets in a 5’ radius area Hits damage (force) to all targets in a 5’ radius area
within range. Use each target’s individual Body scores within range. Use each target’s individual Body scores
as Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s possible to as Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s possible to
hit some targets with the Power Check and not others. hit some targets with the Power Check and not others.
Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by Boomerang Boost: If you hit the target, you pull it 10’
+2 Hits damage (cold). toward you.
Encasement Boost: The target is partially encased in Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by
ice. If you encase a hand/arm, the target can’t use that +2 Hits damage (force).
hand/arm until it is freed. If you encase a foot, the Jump Boost: Instead of standard effect, you quickly fire
target can’t move from that spot until freed. Breaking your beam at the ground to jump up to 50’ horizontally
free requires a Strength/Athletics check at TS 10 and and/or vertically.
uses up the target’s movement for the turn. Knockdown Boost: If you hit the target, you knock
Fog Boost: Instead of standard effect, you create a 20’ it prone.
radius sphere of fog within range. Actions requiring Penetration Boost: You can shoot through up to 8” of
sight within or through the fog suffer disadvantage. The concrete or a thin steel plate.
fog persists until it dissipates naturally. Push Boost: If you hit the target, you push it 10’.
Ice Shape Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
create a simple object made of ice. It can have no until the beginning of your next turn.
moving parts and must fit inside a cube with sides Strafing Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal 1
equal to 2 times your rank in Cold Beam in feet. If you Hits damage (force) to up to four targets. Use each
make a melee weapon, it deals Suit damage (cold). You target’s individual Body scores as Target Scores for one
can give this item to another person while maintaining Power Check. It’s possible to hit some targets with the
this Boost. Power Check and not others.
Immunity Boost (M): You are immune to cold damage
until the beginning of your next turn.
Ramp Boost: You create an ice ramp that you ride up to
50’ as your movement. The ramp can rise up to 30’. It
lasts until it melts.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
until the beginning of your next turn.
Slick Boost: Instead of standard effect, you make a 10’
radius area within range slippery until the ice melts.
Moving across the ice requires an Agility/Acrobatics
Check at TS 8 + your rating in this Power or fall prone.

Concussion Beam 1-5

Minor Power
You pummel targets from a distance with a bolt of
pure force.
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body
Target: Anything
Range: 30’
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (force) to one target.
Alternatively, you nudge a small object or knock it over.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Dimensional Manipulation 1-3 Trigger Boost (M): Choose a location for a gate to be
created with rank 2 or 3 of this Power. The gate is not
Minor Power created, but instead a “trigger” is created. This trigger
You can extend your senses to other realms and even can be any word spoken or action taken within 30’
transport yourself and others through space. of the future gate location. Alternatively, the trigger
can be spoken or acted out by you anywhere in the
Activation: Trait Action (requires one minute)
world. When triggered, the gate appears immediately,
Target: Varies
regardless of whether you are present at its location
Range: Varies
or not. Once triggered, the gate functions as described
Duration: Continuous once activated
in the Effect entry. You must maintain this Boost
Effect: You can manipulate dimensions. Initiating this continually until the gate is triggered.
Power requires one minute of concentration during
which you spend your Trait Action each turn focusing Dimensional Pocket 1
on the Power.
At rank 1 you can see into the Astral Plane. You can Minor Power
see all objects and creatures there to the normal extent You summon forth small objects seemingly
of your vision. You automatically know if someone from nowhere.
else is viewing you with this Power. You see invisible
Activation: Free Action, once per turn
objects and creatures and you see through all illusions.
Target: Special
At rank 2, you create a floating, shimmering disc in
Range: You
the air within 30’ of you. This disc functions as a gate to
Duration: Continuous
a location in the world you’re on up to 100 miles away.
Any creature can enter the gate to be transported to the Effect: A small extra-dimensional space follows you
location, but must do so willingly. At rank 3, the gate wherever you go. It is completely invisible. The space is
can connect to the location on any Earth corresponding 2’ in diameter with a 1’ diameter opening only you can
to the location where you are in the current world. access. You can place a non-living object into the space
While using rank 2 or 3 of this Power, you take Suit or retrieve it as a Free Action once per turn, though it
Hits damage every round after the first that you keep a can hold multiple objects up to its size capacity. Living
gate open. beings cannot be placed in the pocket.
If you are familiar with the location you wish to
connect to, the connection happens perfectly. If not, Ally Boost: Any object or object summoned can appear
you must choose a direction and distance to travel, in the hands of others within 30’ of you that you can see.
though those who pass through the gate will always Multi Boost: You retrieve or place up to three items into
appear on the surface of the world. the space at one time instead of just one.
Pocket Boost: The object or objects you retrieve
Damage Reduction Boost (M): You only suffer Color Hits can appear in a pocket, handbag, suitcase, or other
damage for each round you keep the gate open after container that you are wearing or holding or that you
the first when using ranks 2 or 3 of this Power. can see within 30’ of you.
Distance Boost (M): At rank 2, the gate allows you to Return Boost: You can return all objects you just
travel up to 500 miles. At rank 3, the gate allows you retrieved to the dimensional pocket as a Free Action on
to travel up to 10 miles away from the corresponding the same turn you retrieved them.
location in the other Earth. Size Boost (M): The dimensional pocket is 5’ diameter
Hearing Boost (M): You can also hear what you’re while you maintain this Boost.
viewing with rank 1 of this Power until the beginning of
your next turn.
Projection Boost (M): While using rank 1 of this Power,
you can send your “astral self” to another place. Your
astral self travels at a speed of 100 miles per minute.
You can sense through your astral self based on the
Boosts you choose to combine with this Boost.
Share Boost (M): One person, who must be touching
you, can sense everything you sense with rank 1 of this
Power until the beginning of your next turn.
Smell Boost (M): You can also smell what you’re viewing
with rank 1 of this Power until the beginning of your
next turn.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Electric Bolt 1-5 Energy Resistance 1

Minor Power Minor Power
You create an arc of pure electricity. Your body resists the effects of a particular type
of energy.
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body
Target: Anything Activation: NA
Range: 30’ Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (electricity) to one
target or Color Hits damage (electricity) to two targets. Effect: When you select this Power, choose one energy
Alternatively, you power a small electrical device for type (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). You take half damage
one minute. (rounded down) from that energy type. If you choose
If you attack two targets, use each target’s cold, you are not affected by low temperatures. If you
individual Body scores as Target Scores for one Power choose fire, you are not affected by high temperatures.
Check. It’s possible to hit one target with the Power
Diminish Boost: You diminish or extinguish your energy
Check and not the other. The first target must be within
type in a 2’ radius sphere within 30’. You can put out a
range of this Power. The second target must be within
fire OR melt ice/snow OR dissipate electricity OR dilute
30’ of the first target.
acid, as appropriate to the chosen energy type.
Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit Imbue Boost (M): One person gains your resistance or
Hits damage (electricity) to all targets in a 5’ radius invulnerability until the beginning of your next turn.
area within range. Use each target’s individual Body The two of you must be in physical contact with each
scores as Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s other to maintain the shared ability.
possible to hit some targets with the Power Check and Immunity Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
not others. turn, you are immune to the chosen energy type.
Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by Rebound Boost (M): One time before the beginning
+2 Hits damage (electricity). of your next turn, when an attack which you have
Field Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you create a immunity to would hit you, it instead strikes the
10’ radius sphere of ambient electrical energy. Anyone attacker, dealing damage based on the attacker’s card
entering or beginning their turn in the field takes Color flip to make the attack.
Hits damage (electricity). You can maintain this Boost Switch Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn,
out to this Power’s range. choose a different type of energy that you are resistant
Immunity Boost (M): You are immune to electricity to instead of your chosen type.
damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
until the beginning of your next turn.
Sheathing Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
are sheathed in electricity until the beginning of your
next turn. Your Fisticuffs and Melee Weapon attacks
deal Suit Hits damage (electricity). You are immune to
damage from this Boost.
Shutdown Boost: Instead of standard effect, you cause a
single electrical device within range to shut down.
Strafing Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal 1
Hits damage (electricity) to up to four targets. Use each
target’s individual Body scores as Target Scores for one
Power Check. It’s possible to hit some targets with the
Power Check and not others.
Supercharge Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
cause one electrical device to become supercharged.
That device operates at heightened efficiency as long as
you maintain this Boost.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Flight1-2 Size Boost (M): At rank 1, the plane increases to 8’x8’.

At rank 2, the bubble can enclose one additional person
Minor Power besides you.
You can soar through the air with the greatest of ease.
Activation: NA Heat Beam 1-5
Target: Self
Minor Power
Range: NA
You fire a concentrated beam of super-heated energy.
Duration: Continuous
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body
Effect: At rank 1, you can fly at Speed 30’. At rank 2, you
Target: Anything
can fly at Speed 60’. You can carry a maximum of 30 lb.
Range: 30’
of gear with you.
Duration: Instantaneous
Chaperone Boost (M): You can carry one willing person
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (fire) to one target.
with you while flying until the beginning of your next turn.
Alternatively, you heat up or cook a small amount
Cloud Boost: You fly quickly through an area of dirt and
of material.
debris, kicking it up. This creates a cloud of debris that
lasts for three rounds. Actions requiring sight within or Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit
through the cloud suffer disadvantage. Hits damage (fire) to all targets in a 5’ radius area
Damage Boost: If you fly at your target first, a successful within range. Use each target’s individual Body scores
Melee Weapon or Fisticuffs attack against that target as Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s possible to
deals 2 additional Hits damage. hit some targets with the Power Check and not others.
Knockdown Boost: This turn, you land with such force Control Boost: You deal only as much damage as you
that all creatures within 20’ of you are knocked prone. want. Choose your normal Power Check damage or any
Speed Boost (M): You can fly at double your normal fly lower amount, minimum 1 Hit.
speed until the beginning of your next turn. Cutting Boost: You can cut through up to 8” of concrete
or a thin metal plate.
Force Field 1-2 Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by
+2 Hits damage (fire).
Minor Power Ignition Boost: The target catches fire and takes Color
You create a shimmering wall of force that protects you. damage on each of your turns until extinguished. The
target can extinguish themselves by spending all of
Activation: Free Action
their movement doing so or by suffering disadvantage
Target: NA
on checks during the turn spent extinguishing
Range: 0
the flames.
Duration: Continuous once activated
Immolation Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
Effect: At rank 1, you create a 4’x4’ translucent, are covered in flames until the beginning of your
shimmering plane of force next to you. At rank 2, next turn. You can set fire to objects by touch. Your
you create a bubble of force that surrounds you to a Fisticuffs and Melee Weapon attacks deal Suit Hits
distance of 2’. You can only generate one force field at damage (fire). You are immune to fire damage from
a time. The force field cannot move. If you move from this Boost.
where you are located, the force field ends. It absorbs Immunity Boost (M): You are immune to fire damage
physical and energy attacks originating from the until the beginning of your next turn.
other side of it. If it’s a bubble, it protects you from all Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
attacks from all sides. until the beginning of your next turn.
Shimmer Boost (M): Superheated air around you causes
Mobile Boost: You move the force field with you as you
people attacking you at range to suffer disadvantage.
move as long as you move 60’ or less in a round.
Persistent Boost (M): Leave the force field in its current
configuration and location. You can travel up to a mile
away from it.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 30’
until the beginning of your next turn.
Rebound Boost (M): One time before the beginning of
your next turn, when a physical attack is absorbed by
the force field, the attack instead strikes the attacker,
dealing damage based on the attacker’s card flip to
make the attack.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Amnesia Boost: The target does not remember being

hypnotized. Additionally, you can use this Boost to
erase a memory you previously implanted with the
Implant Boost.
Extend Boost (M): You keep the target under hypnosis
until you stop using this Boost.
Extraction Boost: You dig deep and ask a very personal
question that the target must answer truthfully. You
must have rank 2 in Hypnosis to use this Boost.
Implant Boost: You implant a single, simple false memory
in the target’s mind, which the target believes to be real
until you choose to negate it using the Amnesia Boost.
Post-Hypnotic Boost: You create a post-hypnotic
suggestion by defining a trigger and an action for the
target. Once awoken, if the trigger happens, the target
performs the action. The target will not undertake any
action that would jeopardize their life or the lives of
those they love with this action.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
until the beginning of your next turn.
Twin Boost: Apply the standard effect to two targets.
Use each target’s individual Mind scores as Target
Scores for one Trait Check. It’s possible to affect one
target and not the other.

Mental Shield 1-2

Minor Power
Hypnosis1-2 You shield your mind against mental damage and
mind manipulation.
Minor Power
You can put people in trances, extract and implant Activation: NA
information, create post-hypnotic suggestions, and Target: Self
even modify their memories. Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Activation: Charisma/Willpower vs. Target’s Mind
Target: Any intelligent creature Effect: At rank 1, your Mind increases by 1. At rank 2,
Range: 30’ your Mind instead increases by 2.
Duration: 1 round Healing Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
Effect: At rank 1, you place the target into a trance turn, each time you spend Moxie to prevent Hits
until the beginning of your next turn. The target sits damage, you prevent 2 additional Hits damage.
or stands quietly, awaiting your instructions, doing Imbue Boost (M): One person gains your Power bonus
nothing on their next turn. You can extend the duration to their Mind score until the beginning of your next
of this effect with the Extend Boost. At rank 2, you can turn. The two of you must be within 30’ of each other
ask your target questions while they’re in the trance, for this to function.
which they will answer truthfully. If you ask a question Immunity Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
that is too personal, such as one that might jeopardize turn, you are immune to emotion manipulation and
their life or the life of someone they love, the target mind control Powers.
doesn’t answer. Mind Boost (M): Increase your Mind by 1 until the
Resisting: If you maintain the Power using a Boost, the beginning of your next turn.
target can attempt to resist by making a Perception/ Quelling Boost: Negate any emotional state on yourself
Willpower Check vs. your Mind. This can be attempted or a willing target within 30’.
once at the end of each of the target’s turns. Success Rebound Boost (M): One time before the beginning of
indicates the target shrugs off the effect. Success your next turn, when an attack that targets your Mind
with a Boon results in the target being immune to this misses you, it instead strikes the attacker, dealing damage
Power for 24 hours. based on the attacker’s card flip to make the attack.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Power Augmentation 1-2 Power Sharing 1-3

Minor Power Minor Power
You can energize and de-energize your own Powers, You can use other peoples’ Powers and grant yours
as well as those of others. to them.
Activation: Free Action Activation: Free Action
Target: Self Target: Any Caper
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: Continuous once activated Duration: Continuous once activated
Effect: At rank 1, you can choose one Power you Effect: You touch a willing character and gain one of
already have and increase the rank of that Power their Powers at a maximum rank of your rank in this
(energize it) by 1. At rank 2, you can choose one power Power. The target does not lose the Power. You do not
you already have and increase the rank of that Power gain any Boosts for that Power. You can only gain one
(energize it) by 2. You cannot increase any Power Power by using Power Sharing at any one time. You can
beyond the maximum rank available for that Power dismiss the Power you gained as a Free Action.
normally. You do not gain any additional Boosts for
Boosting Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
the chosen Power. Only one Power can be affected by
turn, you gain two Boosts the other character has for
Power Augmentation at any given time.
the Power you gain.
Cancellation Boost (M): Choose a character within Loan Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, choose a
range. If you do not use the Range Boost, you must Power you have other than Power Sharing. Choose
touch the character to use this Boost. Until the a target within range. That target gains the specified
beginning of your next turn, Powers used by that Power at your rank in Power Sharing. You don’t lose
character don’t affect you. the Power. They don’t gain any Boosts for the Power.
De-Energize Foe Boost (M): Until the beginning of your The target gains that Power for as long as you maintain
next turn, de-energize one Power possessed by another this Boost. You can dismiss the Power you loaned out
character. You reduce the rank of that Power by your as a Free Action.
rank in this Power, to a minimum of 1. The target does Power Sense Boost: Choose a character within range.
not lose any Boosts when this happens. If you do not You immediately know what Powers that character has,
use the Range Boost, you must touch the character to but not the ranks of those Powers. If you do not use the
use this Boost. Range Boost, you must touch the character to use
Energize Ally Boost (M): Until the beginning of your this Boost.
next turn, energize one Power possessed by a willing Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 30’
ally. You cannot increase any Power beyond the until the beginning of your next turn.
maximum rank available for that Power normally. If Steal Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn,
you do not use the Range Boost, you must touch the you can use this Power on an unwilling target. You can
character to use this Boost. maintain this Boost to keep the Power you gained from
Power Sense Boost: Choose a character within range. the unwilling target.
You immediately know what Powers that character has, Trigger Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, choose
but not the ranks of those Powers. If you do not use the an inanimate object within range. You imbue that
Range Boost, you must touch the character to use object with a Power you have up to your rank in Power
this Boost. Sharing. Set a trigger for under what circumstances
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 30’ the object will unleash the standard effect of the
until the beginning of your next turn. Power (without any Boosts), including who or what
Twin Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn, the object will target. When the trigger happens, the
choose a Power both you and a willing ally have in object unleashes the Power’s standard effect. You must
common and energize that Power for both of you per maintain this Boost until the effect takes place or it is
your rank in this Power. Neither of you gains additional lost. You can only have one object empowered in such
Boosts for the chosen Power. If you do not use the a way at any given time.
Range Boost, you must touch the character to use
this Boost.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Swing Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next

turn, you can swing through trees, rafters, etc. by
your prehensile feature, moving at your normal Speed
without needing to make a Trait Check.

Probability Manipulation 1
Minor Power
You can manipulate the probability of something good
or bad happening.
Activation: Free Action
Target: NA
Range: NA
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Look at the top card on your deck and place it in
your discard pile if you want to. Discarding a card with
this Power has no effect.
Special: Only one deck can be manipulated at a time. The
player or GM must flip at least one card from the deck
you manipulated before you can use this Power again.
Control Boost: Instead of standard effect, look at the
top three cards of anyone’s deck. Rearrange the cards
and place them on top of that deck.
Rejection Boost: Instead of standard effect, look at the
top card of anyone else’s deck and place it in their
discard pile if you want to.
Repeat Boost: Use this Boost only at the beginning of
Prehensile Feature 1 your turn. Instead of the standard effect, place the top
card of your discard pile onto the top of your deck.
Minor Power Your turn then immediately ends. You cannot place the
One of your body parts is prehensile. You can use it good joker on top of your deck with this Boost.
like an extra limb. Reveal Boost: Instead of standard effect, look at the top
card of anyone else’s deck. You can tell them what the
Activation: NA
card is if you want.
Target: Self
Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Effect: When you take this Power, choose hair, tongue,
or tail. This feature functions as another limb for
you. It can hold items and operate controls. You gain
advantage on any Trait Check where having a third arm
would be beneficial, such as climbing or wrestling.
Attack Boost: As a Trait Action, make a Strength/
Fisticuffs Check to attack with your prehensile feature.
It deals Suit damage.
Grapple Boost (M): If you have a target grappled and
they are suffering disadvantage, you can function as if
you had one arm free and maintain that grapple.
Parry Boost (M): Increase your Body by 1 until the
beginning of your next turn.
Speed Boost (M): If you have a prehensile tail, until the
beginning of your next turn, your foot Speed increases
by 10.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Psionic Beam 1-5 Break Boost: Instead of standard effect, the object
falls apart and needs to be repaired/rebuilt before it’s
Minor Power useful again.
You pummel a target’s mind with pain. Damage Boost: Instead of standard effect, the object
launches and deals Color Hits damage to a target
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Mind
within 30’ of it. If the object is sharp or otherwise
Target: Any creature
dangerous, it deals Suit Hits damage.
Range: 30’
Dance Boost: The object dances erratically for three
Duration: Instantaneous
rounds, even if you have moved out of range.
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage to one target. Movement Boost: You move the item up to 60’.
Alternatively, you give a target a momentary Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
headache twinge. until the beginning of your next turn.
Steal Boost: You can target objects held by another
Blast Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal Suit
character. Getting the object out of their hands requires
Hits damage to all targets in a 5’ radius area within
a Power Check vs. the target’s Strength Defense.
range. Use each target’s individual Mind scores as
Twin Boost: Apply standard effect to two items of the
Target Scores for one Power Check. It’s possible to hit
same weight/size if they weigh 30 lb. or less together.
some targets with the Power Check and not others.
Weight Boost: The object can weigh up to 60 lb.
Confusion Boost: If you hit the target, it also suffers
disadvantage on all Trait Checks until the beginning of
your next turn. Sonic Scream 1-5
Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by
Minor Power
+2 Hits damage.
You let loose with your powerful voice, shaking and
Deafening Boost: If you hit the target, you also deafen it
moving things, and dealing damage.
for one minute.
Forgetting Boost: If you hit the target, they cannot Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body or Mind,
target you with any attack or Power on their next your choice
turn. Additionally, they don’t see or hear you until the Target: Anything
beginning of your next turn. Range: 30’
Knockdown Boost: If you hit the target, you also knock Duration: Instantaneous
it prone.
Effect: You deal Suit Hits damage (force) to one target.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
Alternatively, you nudge a small object, knock it over,
until the beginning of your next turn.
or cause it to vibrate.
Strafing Boost: Instead of standard effect, you deal 1
Hits damage to up to four targets. Use each target’s Damage Boost: Damage from this Power increases by
individual Mind scores as Target Scores for one Power +2 Hits damage (force).
Check. It’s possible to hit some targets with the Power Deafening Boost: If you hit the target, you also deafen it
Check and not others. for one minute.
Taunting Boost: If you hit the target, they must attack Jump Boost: Instead of standard effect, you quickly
you on their next turn. If they do not have the means to fire your vocalizations at the ground to jump up to 50’
attack you, they must attempt to find the means, close horizontally and/or vertically.
the distance to you, etc. Knockdown Boost: If you hit the target, you knock
it prone.
Puppeteer1-5 Push Boost: If you hit the target, you push it 10’.
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
Minor Power until the beginning of your next turn.
You control small objects from a distance. Shatter Boost: Instead of standard effect, you shatter
all fragile objects (glass, clay, etc.) within 10’ of you.
Activation: Power Check vs. target’s Body (held item
Alternatively, you can shatter just one object
uses holder’s Strength Defense)
within range.
Target: Any non-living, unattended object weighing less
Volume Boost: Instead of standard effect, until the
than 30 lb. that fits in a 2’ cube
beginning of your next turn, your voice can be heard
Range: 30’
clearly up to a mile away. It can also be heard clearly
Duration: Instantaneous
on the other side of up to 2’ of concrete.
Effect: You move the unattended object up to 30’, cause
it to “activate/deactivate”, or otherwise influence it in
subtle ways.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Speak with Objects 1 Emergency Boost: Instead of standard effect, you

mentally contact one willing target within one mile
Minor Power instead of the normal range. You project one short
You speak to the spirits of inanimate objects to sentence (ten words or less) to this target. They can
learn things. respond with an immediate one-word reply.
Group Boost (M): You share thoughts with up to six
Activation: Free Action
willing targets within range.
Target: One object within range
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
Range: 30’
until the beginning of your next turn.
Duration: Continuous once activated.
Effect: You ask one question of a simple, natural object. Weather Manipulation 1-5
This object must be naturally occurring, such as a rock
or tree. The object’s spirit answers you psychically, Minor Power
projecting its answer into your mind. Its answer is always You can call the forces of weather to produce a variety
simple and appropriate to the type of object it is and of effects.
what it can “see” or “know.” For example, the spirit of a
Activation: Trait Action, unless noted otherwise
tree knows what has happened around it but not what
Target: Anything
happened further into the forest. It might speak of days/
Range: 30’
months/years in terms of sunrises/moon-circles/winters.
Duration: Instantaneous
Animate Boost (M): The object speaks out loud so that
Effect: When you select this Power, choose one Boost
anyone within 30’ can hear it.
to use as the standard effect for this Power. It is no
Complex Object Boost (M): You can speak to a more
longer considered a Boost; it counts as the standard
complex man-made object that has moving parts, like a
effect. This does not count as one of the three Boosts
pistol or a motorcycle.
you get when you take rank 1.
Corpse Boost (M): The object may be a dead body. If it’s
a human body, it has the personality it had in life and Cold Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, create a
might need to be convinced to cooperate. 20’ radius sphere of super-cold air within range. All
Simple Object Boost (M): You can speak to a simple, creatures within area suffer disadvantage on all checks
man-made object with no moving parts, like a ceramic while this Boost is maintained.
bowl or metal hammer. Fog Boost: Instead of standard effect, you create a 20’
radius sphere of fog within range. Actions requiring
Telepathy1-2 sight within or through the fog suffer disadvantage. The
fog persists until it dissipates naturally.
Minor Power Heat Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, create a
You can read thoughts and project your own thoughts 20’ radius sphere of intense heat within range. All
to others. creatures and objects in the sphere suffer 1 Hits
damage (fire) at the end of your turn.
Activation: Charisma/Insight vs. Target’s Mind
Lightning Boost: Instead of standard effect, make a
Target: Intelligent creature
Power Check vs. one target’s Body. Deals Color+1 Hits
Range: 30’
damage (electricity) to the target.
Duration: 1 round
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’
Effect: At rank 1, you can hear the target’s thoughts for until the beginning of your next turn.
1 round. The target knows someone is listening to their Sleet Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, create a 20’
thoughts but doesn’t know who. At rank 2, you can radius area of sleet and ice within range. Moving across
project your thoughts into a target’s mind. The target the ice requires an Agility/ Acrobatics Check at TS 8 +
hears you, but is not compelled to do anything. your rating in this Power or fall prone.
Thunder Boost: Instead of standard effect, make a
Amnesia Boost (M): The target doesn’t know you’re
Power Check vs. one target’s Mind. Success deals
listening to their thoughts. You must use this Boost the
Color+1 Hits damage (force) to the target.
entire time you’re listening for this to happen.
Whirlwind Boost (M): As a Free Action, a small
Deep Boost: A successful check reveals a deep thought,
whirlwind surrounds the lower half of your body. Until
such as a secret the target is keeping or their greatest
the beginning of your next turn, you fly at Speed 30.
weakness or love.
Wind Boost: Instead of standard effect, you call forth
Double Boost: At rank 1, you can listen to two minds at
a burst of wind. Choose one target within range. That
once. At rank 2, you can listen and speak to two minds
target is pushed 15’.
at once.

Chapter 5 – Powers


Animal Affinity 1-3

Major Power
You take on aspects of various animals and even
transform into animals.
Activation: Free Action
Target: Self
Range: NA
Duration: Continuous once activated
Effect: When you select this Power, choose one Boost
other than Lesser Animal Form or Greater Animal
Form to use as the standard effect for this Power. It is
no longer considered a Boost; it counts as the standard
effect. This does not count as one of the three Boosts
you get when you take rank 1.
At rank 1, you can use Boosts to take on aspects
of certain animals. At rank 2, you can select Lesser
Animal Form Boost. At rank 3, you can select Greater
Animal Form Boost.
You must take the Animal Form Boosts multiple
times to gain multiple animal forms. Your clothing and
held objects meld into your body when you transform.
If you lose the form’s Hits score in damage, you revert
to your normal form with those Hits lost. You can’t
transform again until you regain those lost Hits.
Cat Eyes Boost (M): You can see in darkness until the
beginning of your next turn.
Agent: Continue. Claw or Bite Boost (M): You grow claws or fangs that
Witness: It weren’t just that first fellas that’s deal Suit Hits damage and count as Fisticuffs until the
some sorta Caper. A bunch of ‘em were. I beginning of your next turn.
wasn’t even sure who was shootin’ at who at Fins and Gills Boost (M): Until the beginning of your
this point. And I only saw part of it cuz I was next turn, you sprout gills and can breathe underwater.
hidin’ and all. Like I says, all hell breaks loose. Your hands and feet become webbed and you swim at
Agent: Okay, let’s take a step back and keep it full speed without making checks.
simple. You say you saw several Capers. What Greater Animal Form Boost (M): When you take this
sorts of abilities did they exhibit? Boost, choose a level 3 or 4 animal. You transform into
Witness: The fella who owed money, the first that animal while you maintain this Boost. You take on
one, he was blockin’ bullets with that shimmery all aspects of that animal except you keep your normal
thing he could make. He moved it around a Charisma, Expertise, Perception, and Mind scores as
bunch of times. The blurry fella moved real well as all of your Skills. You cannot use any other
fast, like you could barely see him sort of fast. Animal Affinity Boosts when in this form. You cannot
He was punchin’ at the folks firin’ guns. use any Powers that require an ability that humans
have and animals don’t, such as speaking a language.
Lesser Animal Form Boost (M): When you take this
Boost, choose a level 1 or level 2 animal. You transform
into that animal while you maintain this Boost. You
take on all aspects of that animal except you keep your
normal Charisma, Expertise, Perception, and Mind
scores as well as all of your Skills. You cannot use
any other Animal Affinity Boosts when in this form.
You cannot use any Powers that require an ability that
humans have and animals don’t, such as speaking
a language.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Owl Ears Boost (M): You can hear perfectly across ¼ Elasticity1-2
mile until the beginning of your next turn.
Scent Boost (M): You can track by scent like a dog until Major Power
the beginning of your next turn. You can stretch your limbs, torso, and neck.
Wings Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn,
Activation: Free Action
you sprout wings and can fly at Speed 30.
Target: Self
Range: NA
Dimension Step 1-2 Duration: Continuous
Major Power Effect: At rank 1, you can elongate up to two limbs
You can instantly travel across space. (including your neck) up to 15’ each as a Free Action.
You can reduce back to normal as a Free Action, but
Activation: Give up half your movement for the turn
can’t elongate and reduce on the same turn. At rank 2,
Target: Self
you can elongate all four limbs and your neck up to 15’
Range: 30’
each. You can reduce back to normal as a Free Action,
Duration: Until the portals close
but can’t elongate and reduce on the same turn.
Effect: At rank 1, you create a 6’ diameter portal next
Far Punch Boost: You elongate one limb up to 30’ and
to you and another one at a location you can see
make one Fisticuffs or Melee attack where your hand
within range. You can look into your portal to see out
or foot now is, then immediately retract the limb.
of the other. You can fire projectiles or energy powers
Fling Boost: You fling an object weighing less than thirty
through the portals. If you step through your portal,
pounds up to 100’. If you make an attack in this way, it
you exit the other one and both portals close. At rank
is a Strength/Ranged Weapons check.
2, the second portal can be anywhere within range,
Ladder Boost (M): You elongate your legs and arms up
even if you can’t see the location. If a solid object
to 20’ each. Other characters can climb up or down you
exists where the other portal opens, you exit the portal
at full speed without making any Trait Checks.
adjacent to the object. Regardless of rank, both portals
Missed Me Boost (M): One time before the beginning
close at the end of your turn if they’re still active.
of your next turn, when a physical attack hits you, the
Chaperone Boost: You can bring one willing person attack misses instead.
with you when you go through the portal. Stride Boost (M): When you elongate your legs, your
Force-Blast Boost: Choose one target adjacent to the foot Speed increases by 30’.
distant portal. The target takes Color Hits damage Tie Up Boost (M): You elongate two limbs and wrap
(force) when you step through. them around a target that you are adjacent to. The
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’ target can escape using normal rules for escaping a
until the beginning of your next turn. grapple, but the TS is increased by this Power’s rating.
Redirect Boost (M): One time before the beginning of
your next turn, when a projectile attack hits you, it Goo Generation 1
misses you instead as a small pair of portals redirect
the projectile. Major Power
Size Boost: Both portals are only 2’ in diameter. You secrete viscous, sticky goo from your hands.
Slingshot Boost: Give up all your movement for the turn
Activation: Free Action
to use this Boost. When you step through the portal,
Target: Self
you appear at the other one, take the rest of your turn,
Range: NA
and then are drawn back through the portal to your
Duration: Continuous once activated
original location. Your turn then ends. If you take
someone with you using Chaperone Boost, you can Effect: You create sticky goo that covers your hands. You
leave them there or return with them to your original cannot be disarmed. You can climb vertical surfaces at
location. The portals close after you return. your normal Speed without making Trait Checks.
Ball Boost: You fire a single ball of goo at any target
within range 30’. Make an Agility/Ranged Weapons
check to hit the target.
Ceiling Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn,
you can climb on the underside of horizontal surfaces
at your normal Speed without making Trait Checks.
Non-Sticky Boost: Any goo you create this round is
not sticky.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’

until the beginning of your next turn.
Rope Boost: You shoot a rope of goo from your hand to
an object or surface with a range of 30’. You can climb
the rope or swing on it. You can snap it backward to
pull a small object into your hand. If you want to pull
a held object to your hand, make a Strength/Athletics
check against the target’s Strength Defense.
Web Boost: You create a 10’ diameter web between two
or more surfaces/objects.

Major Power
You create a realistic illusion from nothing.
Activation: Trait Action
Target: NA
Range: 30’
Duration: 1 round
Effect: At rank 1, you can create a visual and auditory
illusion that fits inside a 10’ cube. At rank 2, you can
create a visual and auditory illusion that fits in a 15’
cube. In both cases, the illusion remains static
once created.
Adornment Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, you
create a small illusion (must fit in a 3’ cube) that must
be placed on your person. You can only have one
illusion of this nature in existence at any one time. It Influence Emotions 1-3
cannot be used to change your body’s physical shape
or size. Major Power
Extend Boost (M): The illusion persists until you stop You can manipulate others peoples’ emotions.
using this Boost. You can alter the illusion on your turn Activation: Charisma/Willpower vs. Target’s Mind
as a Free Action. Target: Any intelligent creature
Movement Boost (M): When you create the illusion, Range: 30’
you can program it to repeat certain movements and Duration: 1 round
sounds for its duration.
Physicality Boost (M): The illusion can interact with Effect: At rank 1, you impose a simple emotion on
(and even attack) one creature or other physical the target. Choose joy or lust (positive emotions) OR
object of your choosing until the beginning of your choose anger, sadness, or fear (negative emotions). The
next turn. The illusion attacks using your Trait/Skill, target feels the emotion and makes choices according
as appropriate to the attack type. If you hit, the attack to how it influences them. At rank 2, you can maintain a
deals Color+1 Hits damage. It does not deal damage simple emotion in the target by using Positive Emotion
based on what the attack looks like. Boost or Negative Emotion Boost, as appropriate to the
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’ type of emotion created with this effect. You can also
until the beginning of your next turn. create more complex emotions using Positive Emotion
Size Boost (M): Increase the size of the cube by 5’ on Boost and Negative Emotion Boost and maintain them
each side. as well.
Resisting: If you maintain the Power using a Boost, the
target can attempt to resist by making a Perception/
Willpower Check vs. your Mind. This can be attempted
once at the end of each of the target’s turns. Success
indicates the target shrugs off the effect. Success
with a Boon results in the target being immune to this
Power for 24 hours.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Amnesia Boost: The target does not remember having
their emotions manipulated. Major Power
Negative Emotion Boost (M): You can imbue more You can change your appearance to look like
complex, negative emotions into the target. Each time other people.
you use this Boost, choose disgust, shame, pity, envy,
pride, or confusion. You must have rank 2 in Influence Activation: Trait Action
Emotions to select this Boost. Target: Self
Positive Emotion Boost (M): You can imbue more Range: NA
complex, positive emotions into the target. Each time Duration: Continuous once activated
you use this Boost, choose trust, anticipation, surprise, Effect: At rank 1, you can take on the appearance of
friendship, kindness, love, courage, or hope. You must any other person within one foot of your height, but
have rank 2 in Influence Emotions to use this Boost. you can’t mimic their voice. At rank 2, you can take
Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 100’ on the appearance of any other person and mimic that
until the beginning of your next turn. person’s voice if you have heard them speak. Changing
Soothing Boost: Immediately calm a target within range, forms requires a Trait Action. Your clothing does not
removing the effects of an over-active emotion. change. If you fall unconscious or die, you revert to
Twin Boost: Apply the standard effect to two targets. your normal form.
Use each target’s individual Mind scores as Target
Scores for one Trait Check. It’s possible to affect one Garb Boost (M): You change the appearance of your
target and not the other. clothing along with your physical appearance.
Height Boost (M): You are not limited by height when
Invisibility1 changing appearance.
Language Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
Major Power turn, you can speak one language the person you’re
You can disappear from view. mimicking can speak while mimicking them. You
cannot read and write this language.
Activation: Free Action Quicken Boost: You change form as a Free Action.
Target: Self Read/Write Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next
Range: NA turn, you can read and write one language the person
Duration: Continuous once activated you’re mimicking can read and write.
Effect: You become invisible but cannot move more
than 2’ per round. You can only turn yourself invisible Speedster1-2
once per round. Invisibility includes your clothing and
gear carried. If you attack, you become visible. Any Major Power
item you let go of or drop immediately becomes visible. You run far faster than any normal human being.

Attack Boost (M): You don’t become visible when Activation: NA

you attack. Target: Self
Imbue Boost (M): One other person becomes invisible Range: NA
when you do until the beginning of your next turn. The Duration: Continuous
two of you must be in physical contact with each other Effect: At rank 1, your Speed is 60’. At rank 2, your
to maintain the other person’s invisibility. Speed is 90’. You cannot carry anyone with you at these
Move Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn, increased speeds.
you remain invisible while moving up to your normal
Speed during the round. Chaperone Boost (M): You carry one willing person
Run Boost (M): You must have used the Move Boost this with you at your increased speed.
turn to use the Run Boost. Until the beginning of your Damage Boost: If you run at your target first, a
next turn, you remain invisible while moving more than successful Melee Weapon or Fisticuffs attack against
your normal Speed. that target deals 2 additional Hits damage.
Lightning Boost: Choose one target that you run
past during the turn. The target takes Color Hits
damage (electricity).
Speed Boost (M): Until the beginning of your next turn,
increase your Speed rating by 30’.
Water Walk Boost (M): You can run across water until
the beginning of your next turn. If you stop on the
water, you sink.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Whirlwind Boost (M): Use all your movement to run Intimidating Boost (M): Automatically intimidate an
quickly in a 10’ radius circle. If there is dirt or debris in NPC with a Perception of 2 or less.
the circle, you kick it into a whirlwind, blocking sight Liar Boost: All NPCs automatically believe the next lie
into, out of, and through the cloud. you tell as long as it is within the bounds of reason.
Minion Boost (M): Automatically bring an NPC with a
Super Agility 1-2 Perception of 2 or less under your sway, socially. The
NPC will do whatever you ask of them as long as it
Major Power won’t endanger their life.
You are far more agile than any normal human.
Activation: NA Super Expertise 1-2
Target: Self
Major Power
Range: NA
Your intelligence outstrips that of most people.
Duration: Continuous
Activation: NA
Effect: Your Agility must be a 3 before taking this
Target: Self
Power. At rank 1, your Agility increases to 4. At rank 2,
Range: NA
your Agility increases to 5.
Duration: Continuous
Balance Boost (M): You maintain your balance on
Effect: Your Expertise must be a 3 before taking this
anything tightrope size or larger until the beginning of
Power. At rank 1, your Expertise increases to 4. At
your next turn.
rank 2, your Expertise increases to 5. Each time you
Dodge Boost (M): Your Body increases by 1 until the
increase your Expertise by 1, you gain a Skill. You treat
beginning of your next turn.
Botches on Expertise Checks as normal failures.
Escape Boost: Automatically escape a grapple or escape
from bonds/handcuffs. Aid Boost: As a Trait Action, you describe how to do
Focus Boost (M): You can move at full speed while something to someone else. That person gains advantage
sneaking or balancing until the beginning of your on their next Trait Check to perform that action.
next turn. Craft/Repair Boost (M): You craft or repair an item in
Precision Boost: Your Guns and Ranged Weapon attacks half the time normally required. You must maintain this
deal +2 Hits damage until the beginning of your next turn. Boost while crafting or repairing.
Squeeze Boost (M): You can squeeze through any space Disable Boost (M): You disable an item in half the time
wider than one foot square until the beginning of your normally required. You must maintain this Boost while
next turn. disabling. If disabling the item would have taken one
Trait Action, you disable it as a Free Action.
Super Charisma 1-2 Flaw Boost: After studying something for five minutes,
you notice the biggest flaw in the situation or system.
Major Power Memory Boost (M): You recall information heard or
You are far more charming and willful than seen previously with great clarity, to the point that you
most people. can write down or draw it perfectly. You must maintain
this Boost while re-creating the information.
Activation: NA
Target: Self
Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Effect: Your Charisma must be a 3 before taking this
Power. At rank 1, your Charisma increases to 4. At rank
2, your Charisma increases to 5. You treat Botches on
Charisma Checks as normal failures.
Damage Prevention Boost (M): Until the beginning
of your next turn, when you spend Moxie to prevent
damage just taken, you prevent two additional points
of damage.
Exhaustion Boost: Immediately shrug off any effect
that makes you exhausted, tired, or otherwise
unfocused mentally.
Hits Boost: Gain 2 Hits.

Chapter 5 – Powers

Super Perception 1-2 Super Strength 1-2

Major Power Major Power
Your perception and common sense outshine others. You are far stronger than any normal human.
Activation: NA Activation: NA
Target: Self Target: Self
Range: NA Range: NA
Duration: Continuous Duration: Continuous
Effect: Your Perception must be a 3 before taking this Effect: Your Strength must be a 3 before taking this
Power. At rank 1, your Perception increases to 4. Power. At rank 1, your Strength increases to 4. At rank
At rank 2, your Perception increases to 5. You treat 2, your Strength increases to 5. Your Fisticuffs and
Botches on Perception Checks as normal failures. Melee Weapon (including thrown weapon) attacks deal
the better of Suit Hits damage or their normal damage.
Emotion Sense Boost (M): Choose one target you can
see within 30’. You sense their emotions. Damage Boost: Your Fisticuffs and Melee Weapon
Health Sense Boost (M): Choose one target you can (including thrown weapon) attacks deal +2 Hits
see within 30’. You know how many Hits the target damage until the beginning of your next turn.
has remaining. Jump Boost: Jump up to 30’ as part of your movement.
Lie Detector Boost (M): Choose one target you can see Knockdown Boost: If you hit the target, you also knock
within 30’. Until the beginning of your next turn, you it prone.
always know if the target is lying. Penetration Boost: You can punch or throw through up
Nightvision Boost (M): You see perfectly in all but to 8” of concrete or a thin steel plate to hit something
total darkness. on the other side.
Reactive Boost (M): Your Mind increases by 1 until the Push Boost: If you hit the target, you push it 10’.
beginning of your next. Range Boost: Ranges for your thrown weapons double
Taster Boost (M): You detect the presence of poisons until the beginning of your next turn.
and toxins with but a taste of a substance.

Super Resilience 1-2

Major Power
You are healthier than the average person.
Activation: NA
Target: Self
Range: NA
Duration: Continuous
Effect: Your Resilience must be a 3 before taking this
Power. At rank 1, your Resilience increases to 4. At
rank 2, your Resilience increases to 5. You require only
four hours of sleep per night. You heal Hits at twice the
normal rate.
Cure Boost: Immediately cure yourself of any disease
you’ve contracted.
Damage Prevention Boost (M): Until the beginning
of your next turn, when you spend Moxie to prevent
damage just taken, you prevent two additional points
of damage.
Detoxifying Boost: Immediately shrug off the effects of
all toxins, alcohol, and other drugs.
Exhaustion Boost: Immediately shrug off any effect
that makes you exhausted, tired, or otherwise
unfocused mentally.
Hits Boost: Gain 2 Hits.

Clothing General Equipment
Item Cost Item Cost
Men’s boots $5 Ax $4
Men’s coat $10 Bicycle $10
Men’s hat $4 Broom $0.50
Men’s overcoat $15 Canteen/thermos $2
Men’s shirt, chambray $1.50 Cigar $0.15
Men’s shirt, silk $5 Flashlight $0.60
Men’s shoes, dress $8 Guitar $10
Men’s shoes, work $3 Hammer $1
Men’s tie, silk $5 Handcuffs $6.50
Men’s trousers $5 Lantern oil (gallon) $0.25
Women’s blouse $4 Lantern $4
Women’s coat $30 Lockpicks $5
Women’s dress, fancy $12 Matches (100) $0.25
Women’s handbag $2 Padlock $1
Women’s hat $2 Paint (gallon) $2.50
Women’s shoes, heels $7 Paint brush $2.50
Women’s shoes, pumps $2 Pipe $4
Women’s skirt $1.75 Playing cards $0.50
Radio $100
Services Rope (50’) $8
Shovel $3
Item Cost
Spectacles $10
Doctor visit $10
Tobacco, smoking (pouch) $1
Room, boarding house (day) $3
Umbrella $3
Room, high-end hotel (day) $15
Watch $5
Room, low-end hotel (day) $7
Watch, fancy $25
Shave and a haircut $0.50

Food & Drink Entertainment and Information

Item Cost
Item Cost
Burlesque admission $1
Breakfast $0.50
Concert ticket $10
Luncheon $0.50
Dance ticket $2
Dinner $1.25
Movie ticket, evening $0.25
Dinner, fancy $2.50
Movie ticket, matinee $0.15
Beer (glass) $0.10
Newspaper, Sunday $0.05
Liquor, cheap, glass $0.20
Newspaper, weekday, daily $0.02
Liquor, cheap, bottle $4
Sporting event ticket $2
Liquor, expensive, glass $0.50
Steeplechase/pony race admission $2
Liquor, expensive, bottle $10

Chapter 6 – Goods & Services

Transportation Firearms
Item Cost Item Cost
Buckboard $100 Derringer $12
Buggy $200 Pistol $25
Horse $200 Rifle $50
Saddle bags $10 Shotgun $70
Saddle $50 Tommy Gun $225
Train ticket (per mile) $0.10 Ammunition
Derringer/Pistol Rounds (50) $6
Vehicles Rifle Rounds (50) $10

Item Cost Shotgun Shells (20) $4

Tommy Gun (20-round magazine) $3
Tommy Gun (50-round drum) $5
Roadster $1,050
Sedan, 5 passenger $1,250
Sedan, 7 passenger $1,700 Explosives
Sedan, 5-passenger, high-end $2,000 Item Cost
Truck $750 Detonation wire (50’) $4
Motorcycle $300 Detonator, plunger $20
Tire (each) $11 Dynamite (one stick) $6
Used Fuse cord (50’) $1
Roadster $400 Grenade $10
Sedan, 5 passenger $550 Nitroglycerin (8 oz) $5
Sedan, 7 passenger $650
Sedan, 5 passenger, high-end $800 DAMAGE TABLES
Truck $300
Motorcycle $100 Weapon Table
Weapon Dmg Range Rnds Cost
Real Estate
Fists/Feet Color -- -- --
Item Cost Brass Knuckles Color+1 -- -- $2
House, 8-room, furnished $5,000 Knife/Dagger Color+1 20/60 -- $5
House, 8-room, furnished, fancy $20,000 Improvised Color+1 20/60 -- --
Speakeasy, small, furnished $8,000 Club/Staff Suit -- -- --
Speakeasy, large, furnished $20,000 Saber Suit+1 -- -- $20
Brewery/distillery, small, furnished $20,000 Bow Suit 100/300 -- $6
Brewery/distillery, large, furnished $50,000 Derringer Suit 30/100 2 $12
Casino, small, furnished $40,000 Pistol Suit+1 50/150 6/12 $25
Casino, large, furnished $100,000 Rifle Suit+1 100/300 10 $50
Hotel, 10-story, 100-room, furnished $650,000 Shotgun Suit+2 50/150 1/2/5 $70
Tommy Gun Suit+2 100/300 20/50 $225
Hand Weapons
Explosives Table
Item Cost
Arrows (dozen) $1 Explosive Dmg Blast Cost
Bow $6 Nitroglycerin (8 oz.) 2 x Suit 5’ rad. $5
Brass knuckles $2 Dynamite (one stick) 3 x Suit 10’ rad. $6
Club -- Grenade 3 x Suit 10’ rad. $10
Knife $5
Saber $20

Chapter 5 describes how characters can use Powers Multiple shots of trembium provide multiple benefits
that are inherent to them. However, there are also ways but don’t increase the duration of the effect.
to introduce science-bending capabilities to the world The GM chooses which Powers they want these
of CAPERS by injecting a little “mad science” and characters to have or can determine them randomly
technology into the game. using the list of Powers in Appendix 3. With the
These rules are optional since they change the GM’s permission, players choose the effects if their
flavor of the world a bit. Make sure to confirm with the characters are injected with trembium shots.
GM that everything in this chapter is going to be part of
the game. Anti-Trembium
Everything has its opposite, and trembium is no
WHAT IS TREMBIUM? exception. Anti-trembium has been discovered recently
Shortly after people with strange abilities began and is being studied by a few select scientists in North
appearing, scientists started looking for the source. America and Europe.
After a few years, chemists discovered a previously Anti-trembium negates the effects of trembium. A
unknown element in the blood of people with abilities. dose of anti-trembium injected into the bloodstream
The element vibrates and trembles in its natural state, suppresses all of a Capers’ Powers for twenty-four
leading to it being named trembium. hours. If the subject has one rank in Super Resilience,
Shortly after, it was also determined that trembium is the effects last only twelve hours. If the subject has two
radioactive, emitting what scientists have dubbed trem- ranks in Super Resilience, the effects last six hours.
waves. Research has begun in harnessing trembium and
trem-waves, but thus far scientists have only scratched Trem-Wave and Anti-Trem-Wave Guns
the surface of this strange material’s potential. Guns that fire trem-waves and anti-trem-waves have
Recently, scientists discovered that trembium exists been developed very recently. These large, two-handed
naturally on Earth, but only in very small quantities guns need to be loaded with a dose of trembium or
in a very few remote locations. Trembium detection anti-trembium. The element within the gun is then
methods are in their infancy and only occasionally subjected to a highly explosive charge. The resulting
successful. Experts believe that the unstable, trembling wave blasts from the gun, hitting all targets within a
properties of the element is responsible for the cube 20’ on a side directly in front of the firer.
difficulties in pinpointing it in nature. Each person hit is affected as if they received
a single shot of trembium or anti-trembium as
Trembium Shots appropriate to the gun’s load.
Trembium can be shot directly into a character’s These guns can only hold one charge at a time
bloodstream to temporarily imbue the subject with and the firer must spend one minute reloading and
extraordinary capabilities. A single shot provides a preparing another shot.
character one of the following for twenty-four hours.
If the subject has one rank in Super Resilience, the Super Soldiers
effects only last twelve hours. If they have two ranks in A few military scientists have started working on ways
Super Resilience, the effects last six hours. to imbue fantastic abilities in people on a more long
term basis to create super soldiers.
❖ Minor Power: The character gains a minor Subjects first undergo rigorous testing to determine
Power at rank 2. if they’re physically capable of withstanding extended
❖ Major Power: The character gains a major trem-wave treatments. Only the toughest individuals
Power at rank 1. are chosen.
The subjects then undergo an extended treatment
regimen during which they receive regular trembium
shots and extended trem-wave exposure sessions.

Chapter 7 – Trembium

A handful of soldiers have passed through the

initial stages and now exhibit a few Powers that seem
to have taken hold permanently.

Trembium and Anti-Trembium-

Laced Locations
Some areas on Earth are laced with miniscule amounts
of trembium or anti-trembium. These areas can be as
small as a 10’-diameter area or as large as a quarter
mile across.
The waves created by the trembium or anti-
trembium in these areas create strange effects.
In areas laced with trembium, all Capers’ Powers
increase by one rank (but can’t exceed the normal upper
limits of individual Powers). Non-Capers who spend
more than a day in a trembium-laced area gain Powers
as if they were given a single trembium shot. The effects
last as long as the characters remain in the trembium-
laced area and dissipate immediately upon leaving.
In areas laced with anti-trembium, Capers’ Powers
are decreased by one rank and can be negated in
this manner. In particularly strong areas, all Powers
are negated entirely. The effects are immediate upon
entering the area and Powers return to full strength
immediately upon leaving the area.


A handful of inventors have discovered ways to imbue Trem-Suits
trembium into technology, allowing these items to
A trem-suit is simply a series of trem-gear items that
exceed the power of their more mundane counterparts.
are integrated together and function as a suit. A trem-
suit is a highly specialized piece of equipment, fitted
Trem-Gear and articulated to work for a specific person. As such,
Gear augmented with trembium comes in two varieties. it can only be used by the person for whom it was
Some trem-gear items have limited charges and specifically crafted.
can only be used a few times before they become It’s possible for individual parts of the trem-suit
inoperable. These items might belong to antagonists as to be used individually if it’s reasonable that such
“cool toys” they use to achieve their ends. a part can be disassembled from the suit easily. A
Limited-use trem-gear is usable by any character. It piece of trem-gear affixed to the forearm or a helmet,
has a number of charges determined by the GM (usually for example, could be removed from the suit easily
1-5). Each time a character uses the item by activating enough. Consult the GM for approval on which pieces
the Power within it, reduce the number of charges of the trem-suit can be used individually.
by one. (A Power that normally has a duration of Getting into or out of a trem-suit takes one minute.
Continuous functions for ten minutes when a charge is This time can be halved if another character aids
spent.) When all charges are spent, the gear is useless. the wearer.
Other trem-gear items are considered permanent
parts of a character’s gear. They should be available
to the owner most of the time and function without
limitations, just like standard Powers. Since the Powers
are tied to the gear, there will be times when the
character doesn’t have access to it. The GM is within
their rights to make this happen occasionally. For
example, when your character attends the governor’s
ball, it’s unlikely they will be able to wear a big helmet
that gives them the Telepathy Power.

Chapter 7 – Trembium

Character Creation and Advancement Creating Trem-Gear and Trem-Suits

Permanent trem-gear and trem-suits are part of Characters with trem-gear and trem-suits might have
standard character creation and advancement. See this equipment given to them by a benefactor or create
Chapter 2 for complete information. it themselves, at the GM’s discretion.
When you gain rank 1 in a piece of trem-gear, Each piece of trem-gear – whether a solo piece
choose three Boosts that piece of trem-gear can use. or added to a trem-suit – requires one week of work,
Then choose one of those three Boosts. That Boost minimum eight hours each day. The GM may allow
is always applied to the Power’s standard effect and you to bank that time during character downtime
doesn’t require you to reduce your Card Count to in adventures leading up to the point where your
activate it. You can’t choose a Boost that replaces the character advances and gains the gear or suit.
standard effect, only one that augments the standard
effect. You must reduce your Card Count as normal to Damage and Repair of Trem-Gear
use other Boosts. and Trem-Suits
Each time the rank in a piece of trem-gear increases
by 1, gain one additional Boost the trem-gear can use. If a character using trem-gear (including trem-suits)
Trem-gear designed for a specific individual is is hit by by a physical attack, including energy-
usable only by that individual. You cannot create trem- based attacks, it’s possible for the trem-gear to
gear for someone else’s character. Limited-use trem- become damaged.
gear is the purview of the GM. If the attacker gets a Boon as part of the attack, the
attacker could determine that the gear is damaged and
ceases to function for one round. If that character suffers
another attack with a Boon, that second Boon could be
used to have the trem-gear be damaged until repaired.
Repairing a piece of trem-gear or a trem-suit
A full list of possible trem-gear would be as damaged in this way takes a half hour and the tools
long as the Power list. It’s up to the GM and necessary for the task.
players to come up with specifics for what the
trem-gear looks like.
Think in terms of slightly bulky items made of
metal, wood, leather, and rope. Trem-gear is
strange, fantastic, and out-of-the-ordinary in
terms of 1920s technology. Some example
ideas follow.
Concussion Rifle – This bulky, two-hand rifle
is outfitted with a series of metal bulbs in
succession that build up and release a beam of
force, mimicking the Concussion Beam Power.
Anti-Flame Suit – This full-body suit of
clothes features visible surfaces laced
with crisscrossing gold wires that keep the
wearer cool, mimicking the effects of Energy
Resistance (fire).
Rocket Pack – This large, heavy, metal
backpack is affixed to the wearer with a heavy
leather harness. A control arm juts from one
side and down along the wearer’s hip, allowing
manual manipulation of the pack’s capabilities.
It mimics the Flight Power.

RUNNING THE GAME they probably want there to be a car speeding by
because they have an idea for doing something cool
In CAPERS, the GM is in charge of everything except with that speeding car. If it’s not going to interfere with
the players’ characters. It’s your job to present some important plot element, give the player what
challenges to the players, set Target Scores for many they want.
of the Trait Checks, officiate rules discrepancies, and Improvising within a game can be a daunting task.
make the players really work for their successes. Just remember that the players want to have fun just as
Most of all, you’re there to facilitate the players much as you do. They want you to succeed with your
through a fun story. If the game starts to drag, move it improvising, so they’ll often cut you some slack as you
along. If the players are at an impasse, provide a clue. If find your way.
the game veers into joking around, let it happen, but be
sure to get everyone back on track in a timely manner.
A roleplaying game is, at its heart, improvised,
The Rule of Cool
cooperative storytelling. Everyone takes turns adding If a player wants to do something really cool with their
to the story. Here are some things to keep in mind character but there isn’t a method for doing that thing
when running the game, along with some methods to provided in the rules, make one up. If a player wants
add depth to the story. to try something crazy, let them. If it’ll be cool, give it a
chance to happen.
Player Agency You might need to set a TS fairly high or make up
a house rule for the situation. Just let the players know
The characters are always the center of the story. this and be consistent with it in the future.
Everything they do should have some sort of
consequences, whether they are immediate and minor
or far-reaching and life-changing.
Leading Questions
Make sure to give each player their turn in the Building on the above, when you’re improvising, you
spotlight. And learn what each of them wants from might ask the players questions in order to keep things
the game. If one player likes their character to get into moving and get them more involved.
gunfights, make sure they get a cool gunfight from time One or two leading questions at just the right
to time. If another player likes to roleplay their fast- moment can expand the encounter, give the players a
talking swindler, give the player the chance to show off. sense of contributing even when their characters aren’t
It may be necessary to occasionally shift focus active, and help build an engaging story.
away from the characters to make a point, inform the If you introduce an NPC, you might ask, “How do
players of something important, or foreshadow/recall you know this character?” and let one or two players
some event. That’s fine, but make sure to get back to fill in details. If you introduce a car accident that has
the characters as soon as possible. recently taken place, ask “How did the crash happen?
What did your character see?” The players’ responses
Improvisation to questions like these will build the encounter
description. It’ll give you time to plan your next move
Even if you plan out your adventures, even if you lay in your head. And it might even spark a whole subplot
out every possible complication that might arise for you hadn’t previously thought of.
each and every encounter, the players will surprise you.
Roll with the punches. Take what the players bring
to the game and build on it. Whenever possible, say
Setting the Stage
“yes, and…” to any request that doesn’t involve flipping When describing an NPC, scene, or encounter, be
cards. If you must say “no,” say, “no, but…” and provide descriptive but don’t over-do it. Don’t nail down every
the player with an alternative. little detail. Leave some openings for players to ask
When a player asks questions, they are usually questions. A few memorable details can go a long way.
asking because they want the thing they’re asking
about. If a player says, “Is there a car speeding by?”

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

So too, if the group is getting burned out on

CAPERS itself, take some time off. Run a one-shot
of another game – or have another player GM it. Play
some board games. Watch some gangster movies for
inspiration. If you’ve been playing gangsters, switch to
playing the feds.

Sharing the Narrative

Some player groups get into narrative storytelling
and improvisation more than others. If your group
likes to get more involved, you can “share the
narrative” occasionally.
When the players engage in an encounter that
doesn’t have a lot of specifics defined or when they go
off in a direction you didn’t plan for, you can alleviate
some of the burden of coming up with things on the fly
by calling upon the players to help you.
For example, suppose the players decide to
have their characters ambush an adversary in the
alley behind their main foe’s speakeasy. You have the
adversary’s stat block, so you can run the encounter.
But an alley is kind of a boring place. How do you spice
it up a bit?
Start by describing the basics of the alley from the
point of view of the characters. Then go around the
table and ask each player a question. What else do you
see? Is anything moving? What’s noteworthy about this
alley? Is anyone else here? What can you see at the
With NPCs, height and hair color are all well and end of the alley? The players help fill in the blanks by
good, but what about the character’s voice? Do they quickly describing things you may not have thought of.
have a distinctive piece of clothing or gear? Do they If a player tries to get an in-game bonus out of
repeat a certain phrase a lot? Do they call people by their narrative description, don’t shoot it down. Instead
nicknames? Do they have a previous relationship with tailor it back a bit and make it clear that while it may
one of the characters? add flavor or allow the character some flair, there’s no
For scenes, what’s most noticeable about the special mechanical bonus being provided.
locale? Is it loud? Prettily decorated? Is it twilight? Is This isn’t part of the system for spending Moxie to
there a notable person or vehicle present? shape the narrative and gain some sort of advantage.
Provide enough information to set the stage, imbue Nothing the players describe should inherently swing
the encounter with the mood and tone you want it to the encounter in their favor. Rather, it should flesh out
have, and then give the story back to the players. If you the scene and help the players engage with the story,
nail down too many details, you run the risk of limiting since they had a hand in creating that moment.
player choices and might slow the game down.
The Internet Is Your Friend
Have Fun This is just a brief overview of some aspects of running
Above all, have fun. Figure out what makes the a game. There are literally thousands of web pages out
game fun for the group, for you, and for each player there chock full of advice and ideas. Don’t be afraid to
individually. Find ways to combine those elements in use them.
entertaining, surprising ways.
Fostering fun also means knowing when to take a
break from the fun. If things get bogged down, suggest
a short break for people to grab a snack or check their
email. Everyone will come back to the game refreshed,
and maybe with a few new ideas in their heads.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines


The rules are covered for everyone earlier in this book.
But there are some things that are meant for the GM’s OPTIONAL RULE
eyes only.

Trait Checks and Target Scores If you’re playing CAPERS as mostly an

The baseline Target Score (TS) for Trait Checks is 8. It adventure game, you won’t have use for this
represents a moderately difficult task performed when optional rule. But, if your group focuses on
under duress or when failure holds consequences. story twists and emotional stresses suffered
Most Trait Checks that would be TS 4 or 6 should by the characters, they might have to deal
be easily accomplished if the characters have time and with disadvantage.
there isn’t a significant penalty for failure. For example, In these cases, a character suffering significant
if a player says their character is going to look for a emotional distress – due to the loss of a loved
specific person in a crowded saloon, and has plenty of one, for example – suffers disadvantage on all
time to do it, let them do it and describe that it takes Trait and Power Checks until the character
some time. has found some modicum of closure. Another
That said, when players undertake more difficult character might temporarily alleviate the
Trait Checks, it’s up to you to set the TS. Most of these penalty with a rousing speech or choice use of
TSs should be in the 8-Q range. Only use Target Scores the Influence Emotions Power.
K-A for exceedingly difficult tasks.
Also, keep in mind that some tasks are impossible.
Use your best judgment if the players want to try
something that is seemingly impossible. When
appropriate, give them chances to make checks at Dropping to 0 Hits
Target Score K or higher, but don’t overdo it. If the task When a character reaches 0 Hits, the player has a
seems impossible, offer the players alternatives that choice. Either the character is knocked unconscious
give them part or most of what they’re looking for, but or the character will die, but gets one additional
at a better chance of success with lower TSs. round of actions.
Rather than knocking the character unconscious,
Staggered Target Scores you have the option of having the character taken out
The GM might set a range of TSs for a particular Trait of the action in some other way. The character might
Check, Each TS within this staggered range represents be forced out of the area where the action is taking
“how well” the character succeeds. For example, a place. They might be kidnapped or nabbed by the
Trait Check to listen at a door might have a TS 8 to police for a short time, only to return later. Go with
hear that there’s someone in the room and a TS 10 to whatever seems appropriate at the time. However,
determine what the person is saying or doing. make sure the character isn’t gone from the story for
In these cases, a Botch occurs if the character fails too long. That player is going to want to get back in the
to hit the lowest TS and gets clubs on their card. mix as soon as they are able.
When such a character returns to the action, they
should suffer a penalty for an encounter or two. The
easiest way to do this is to impose disadvantage on all
Agent: What about the woman in the Trait and Power Checks for a short while.
flapper dress? If the player chooses to have their character die, the
Witness: She was just shootin’ but she was a character has one more round to act. Fail or succeed, at
real crackerjack. Even in all that chaos, she hit the end of their final turn, the character dies.
everyone she shot at. Put one of the gun-totin’ Let the player spend as many Moxie as they have
fellas down with a shot to the head. left and can find ways to spend. They can increase their
Agent: Where were you at this time? Card Count, modify the narrative, and gain an extra
Witness: Behind the desk still. Just pokin’ my Trait Action. If what they’re doing for their last round
head up now and again to look for a way out. on Earth is something that will aid another character,
they can give away Moxie. Remind the player that this
is their character’s last hurrah, and they should use up
every resource they have.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Players Shaping the Narrative Adjudicating Powers

Players can spend a Moxie to shape the narrative This part can be tricky. The Powers in CAPERS are
during play. This is intended to give the players a small described with some detail but a lot is left to player and
amount of control in the storytelling (outside of what GM interpretation. This is done on purpose.
their characters do). It’s not meant to derail the story Powers should be fun. There’s a certain amount of
or allow the players to bypass important encounters limitation that has been placed on each to keep things
without any real effort. under control, but too much limitation makes a Power
Generally speaking, expenditure of Moxie to shape less interesting and less inviting to play.
the narrative should only provide an immediate aid to When interpreting aspects of Powers not defined in
help where the players are stuck or provide for a more specifics, focus on what would make using that Power
entertaining encounter. the most fun. And be consistent. If everyone agrees
One Moxie shouldn’t provide a player with a long- on the interpretation, it’s fun, and it’s implemented
term benefit, though you can allow a longer-term benefit consistently, you’ve gotten it right.
if you wish by having the player spend 2 or 3 Moxie.
Example uses for using Moxie to shape the Trembium and NPCs
narrative include the following:
Since the trembium rules are optional, none of the
Caper NPCs presented in this book have trem-gear. If
❖❖ Discovering a useful clue or bit of equipment
you want their Powers to come from trem-gear rather
that will aid the player in the immediate future.
than inherent capability, simply choose one Boost from
For example, discovering a needed key or extra
each of their Powers and apply that Boost all the time
magazine of ammunition.
without reducing their Card Count. Invent what the
❖❖ Adding a flavorful narrative element to the trem-gear looks like and you’re ready to go.
encounter that provides a small bonus for that
encounter only. For example, describing how a
light fog has rolled in, providing an advantage
on Agility/Stealth checks to hide.
❖❖ Providing a narrative element that causes the
NPCs to react a certain way very briefly. For
example, a car backfiring that distracts the
characters' rivals momentarily just as they’re
about to escape.

This Moxie use is a balancing act. It requires a certain

level of trust between the GM and players. As is the
case with any rule, you can choose to ignore this rule
if the players attempt to abuse it. Or you can simply
charge more Moxie if the players try to get more bang
for their buck.


This book presents a complete game that can

be played as is. But there’s no reason you
shouldn’t modify the game setting or rules to
better suit your and your players’ preferences.
Once purchased, a game like CAPERS
becomes the property of the players. Make
it what you want it to be. Or play it as is. It’s
your call.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines


As GM, your primary duty is to run adventures for Following is some advice on presenting and
your players. adjudicating encounters.
An adventure tells a story where the players’
characters are the stars. The typical adventure is How to Succeed in an Encounter
comprised of three basic parts:
For the most part, CAPERS encounters don’t have to be
“won” in specific ways. The players have many options.
❖❖ Setup: The GM introduces the central conflict of
Getting information from an enemy might involve
the story directly or provides the players with a
beating the enemy up until they spill their guts. It might
hook that draws them to the central conflict.
involve coercing or tricking them into giving up the
❖❖ Challenges: The GM presents a series of info. It might involve hiring a private investigator to dig
challenges that the players must solve, up the dirt. It might involve stealing files from inside a
overcome, or bypass in order to move forward. locked safe.
❖❖ Resolution: The characters arrive at the finale If the players’ course of action seems reasonable,
of the story where the final moments play out let them run with it and improvise as necessary.
and the central conflict is resolved. Secondary And, truth be told, failure is okay, too. In fact,
conflicts encountered during the story may failures often provide some of the best stories in a
remain unresolved and could become primary game like CAPERS. Occasional failures increase the
conflicts in future adventures or remain stakes for the rest of the adventure and they make the
complications in the future. “win” in the end all the more enjoyable.

This is the simplest version of an adventure and is well- Encounter Basics

suited for one-shot game sessions. Encounters in CAPERS vary widely.
Some encounters are very short. A quick scene
Other Types of Adventures where one or two characters question an NPC is an
You can also design adventures that work differently encounter, though it likely won’t be worth any Moxie.
than this. It’ll just answer a question and move the story forward.
For example, the central conflict might occur over On the other end of the spectrum, some encounters
the course of the multiple game sessions. The players are long and complex. A massive fight in a complicated
work their way through a series of lesser conflicts, location is an example of such an encounter. This type
learning more and more about the central, over-arching of encounter moves the story forward (or maybe brings
conflict as they go. At the end of the final adventure in it to its conclusion) and is almost certainly an encounter
this series, the players overcome this central conflict. where some of the players will earn some Moxie.
This type of “adventure series” is ideal for a longer Regardless of the length or complexity of the
CAPERS campaign. encounter, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:
You might let the players determine the course of
events. Ask them what they want to do and then place ❖❖ An encounter should move the story forward.
challenges in their way. When the opportunity to present If the characters want to confirm some basic
a greater conflict – a rival gang, the feds, irate townsfolk, information or look up something they can
or a traitor in their midst – presents itself, bring that to find easily in a phone book or at their favorite
the fore. It’s not uncommon for players in this situation speakeasy, it’s not really an encounter. Provide
to help write the story for you by offering ideas for the the information needed and move on.
types of challenges they fear running into or conflicts ❖❖ Planning for an encounter isn’t an encounter.
they’d like to see in play. This option is also excellent for When the players spend ten minutes
a longer CAPERS campaign, particularly for GMs who formulating a plan for how their characters
enjoy improvising based on player choices. are going to deal with their newest rival, by all
Regardless of how an adventure plays out, means let them work it out. But help make sure
eventually you’ll come to the end. If it’s a one-shot they wrap it up in a timely manner so they can
adventure, that’s all there is. If the players continue on enact the plan. That’s where the story actually
a longer campaign, it’s time for you to figure out the moves forward.
next adventure or ask the players what they’d like to do
next, depending on your GM style.
There are many ways to structure adventures and
lots of advice on GMing available. The internet is chock
full of ideas.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Things to Keep in Mind Types of Encounters

Whether you design an encounter in advance of a game You can provide players with a variety of types of
session or improvise something during play, there are a encounters during a CAPERS game. It’s often best
few things you should take into account: to vary the encounter types so that the story doesn’t
become repetitive. Of course, if your players like
❖❖ What does the encounter accomplish? That kicking butts, there’s nothing wrong with running an
is, how does it move the story forward? You entire adventure comprised of combat encounters.
should have a good idea of how the encounter Here are some ideas for different types of
affects the players in the long term and how it encounters and what they often entail. Sometimes, you’ll
might change future encounters. develop an encounter that includes two or more of these
❖❖ Where and when does the encounter take things into a more complex and significant encounter.
place? Location and time of day set the stage
for the encounter. Try to be evocative. Finding Investigation: These encounters involve talking to
an NPC in a busy restaurant at lunch time contacts and witnesses, examining evidence, and
is more interesting (and more complicated) formulating conclusions. Examples include figuring
than finding the NPC at their desk. Try to out who sabotaged the casino’s grand opening or
incorporate some more evocative locales some discovering what really happened to that missing
of the time to keep things interesting. hundred thousand dollars.
❖❖ Who is involved? Are there specific NPCs
Skill: This covers encounters where success is
involved? Is there the potential for passersby to
primarily achieved through Trait Checks not in combat.
become involved?
Examples include a lengthy car chase or getting a
❖❖ What possible complications can you group of NPCs to help with a risky plan.
introduce? In CAPERS, you’re helping guide the
players through their characters’ stories, but Combat: This type of encounter is pretty
there should be challenges along the way. The straightforward. These are things like beating an
goal of the encounter is the primary challenge, adversary and their bodyguards to a pulp or taking out
but a good GM adds one or two complications a bunch of speeding cars by shooting out the tires.
to the encounter to keep things surprising.
Roleplaying: These encounters rely less on dice rolling
The most important thing to know about encounters and more on the players portraying their characters,
is that they’re not intended to stymie the players although a few Trait Checks might be involved.
completely. They should be challenging but fun to Examples include schmoozing information out of
overcome with some ingenuity and luck. politicians at a gala and convincing a group of flunkies
If the story grinds to a halt due to the players to take action.
having trouble getting past a specific encounter,
provide them with options to circumvent the Exploration: These encounters primarily involve
troublesome encounter, introduce a character who is discovering important or useful people, places, and
willing to give them some help, or otherwise help them things in the game world. When the characters go
move the story forward. looking for the abandoned car with a lost briefcase in
the back or search their adversary’s office for a hidden
ledger, it’s an exploration encounter.

Espionage: This covers getting or using information

secretly, like spying on an illicit deal or devising a code
to track illegal shipments.

Subterfuge: This is lying. Often a component of another

greater goal, subterfuge includes things like feeding
false information to a foe or bluffing your way into an
exclusive club by claiming to be someone you’re not.

Stealth: These encounters involve getting somewhere

without being noticed and leaving no trace of your
presence. Stealth encounters include breaking into a
liquor warehouse or sneaking past a foe’s guards.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Combat Difficulty
Combat can be tricky to plan for. The nature of the
game and random chance involved makes it impossible OPTIONAL RULE
to be sure how tough a particular combat encounter
Below is a rough spread of numbers and types of Sometimes you might want to have gangs
adversaries and how they relate to combat difficulty. of Regulars attack a character as a group,
This breakdown assumes four characters in the group. particularly in close melee combat. Making
If there are more or less than four characters in your multiple Trait Checks for each NPC to attack the
group, adjust the number of Exceptionals or Capers character can get tedious and slow things down.
present among the foes accordingly.
If you have a group of similar NPCs attacking a
single character, instead make one Trait Check
Number/Type of Foes for the attack, but increase the Card Count by 1
for every NPC beyond the first. Use just that one
Very Easy 1-2 Regulars Trait Check to determine damage as normal, but
1 Exceptional/Caper add +1 Hits damage per NPC beyond the first.
Easy 3-5 Regulars
1 Exceptional/Caper with 1-2
Moderate 2 Exceptionals/Capers Game Session Rewards
2 Exceptionals/Capers with 1-2 If you plan to run a campaign, you’ll give the players
Regulars chances to improve their characters.
Character advancement as described in Chapter 2
Tough 3 Exceptionals/Capers
assumes you advance all characters one level every
3 Exceptionals/Capers with 1-2 so often. The speed of advancement is up to you. You
Regulars might advance characters after every game session if
Very Tough 4 Exceptionals/Capers you’re running a short 4-5 session campaign. You might
wait three game sessions if you want to run a longer
3 Exceptionals/Capers with 3-4
12-15 session campaign.
Regulars You also have the option of handing out single
2 Exceptionals/Capers with 5-6 Advancement Points from time to time. This allows
Regulars players who want to purchase minor advancements to
get them faster. Of course, players saving up for a major
An easy combat is one where there is little chance advancement will have to wait a bit. If your players are
that any of the characters will fall near 0 Hits. A okay with this, it’s a fine way to handle advancement.
moderate combat is one where it’s likely that one of the CAPERS tops out at level 5, so plan accordingly.
characters will fall to 0 Hits. In a very tough combat, it’s
almost guaranteed that one of the characters will fall Other Types of Rewards
to 0 Hits and possibly two or three of them will. Very The end of a game session is a good time to give other
tough combats should be rare. Most important combats types of rewards to the players. Following is a list of
should fall into the easy to tough range. possible other rewards:
The easiest way to account for the role random
chance plays in a combat is to not reveal all of your ❖❖ Specific rare or hard-to-find gear
foes at once. Let the characters start the fight against a
❖❖ Access to restricted areas (usually in the form
few of the foes and add reinforcements as you see fit to
of keys or special credentials)
keep the fight interesting. It’s easy to add foes and have
it be believable. It’s more difficult to suddenly have half ❖❖ A new contact
the enemies run away when you realize the characters ❖❖ A promotion within the organization or federal
are significantly outgunned. agency they work for
❖❖ Private offices
❖❖ A club (or other operation) of their own to run
❖❖ Subordinates they can order around
❖❖ A car provided by the boss or government

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

NPCs NPCs Fleeing a Fight

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are the supporting cast Sometimes, it’s important to the story for the NPCs
for stories centered on the player’s characters. Just to fight to the death. This is most common in more
like with the players’ characters, there are Capers, important encounters, particularly the final encounter
Exceptionals, and Regulars. of a story.
However, there are many reasons an NPC might
Exceptionals and Capers flee a fight. They might be required to report back to a
superior. They might be smart enough to realize they’re
Exceptional and Caper NPCs use the standard outmatched. They might not be very good combatants
character creation rules. These NPCs always have in the first place. They might be cowards. Regulars are
goals and agendas, though they may not be known to more likely to flee than Exceptionals. Exceptionals are
the characters initially. more likely to flee than Capers. You make the call on
Exceptional and Caper NPCs are often the whether an NPC flees or not.
primary antagonists in a CAPERS story, though that
doesn’t have to be the case. That said, when the most
important – and most action-packed – encounters NPCs and Moxie
come along, it usually involves a face-off between two NPCs have a set number of Moxie. You can spend
groups of Capers, often with some NPC Regulars and Moxie for the characters’ adversaries in the same ways
Exceptionals present as well. the players can. Mark off the Moxie as they’re used by
the characters’ foes.
Everyday Capers If the players leave an NPC alive and encounter
them later, the NPC has regained one Moxie in between
While the game focuses on gangsters and members these meetings.
of law enforcement with special abilities, it is entirely
possible for the characters to encounter other
characters with special powers. Following is a list of NPCs and Healing
occupations these Capers might have: Regaining Hits in CAPERS is relatively easy. It just takes
time and rest. It’s reasonable to assume that Regulars
❖❖ Athlete regain Hits more slowly than Capers or Exceptionals.
❖❖ Con Artist Regulars regain 1 Hit per 4 hours spent sleeping
or resting and engaging in no significant activity. If you
❖❖ Construction want injuries to remain longer for NPCs for dramatic
❖❖ Dock Worker purposes, go for it.
❖❖ Doctor
❖❖ Door to Door Salesman
❖❖ Engineer
❖❖ Entertainment Host
❖❖ Entrepreneur GM’S MOXIE POOL
❖❖ Factory Worker While each player tracks Moxie for their
❖❖ Farm Hand character, the GM has to track Moxie for
❖❖ Fortune Teller multiple NPCs. This can be a bit daunting.
❖❖ Inventor Instead of tracking Moxie for each NPC, create
❖❖ Investigator a pool of Moxie points that any NPC in an
encounter can use. When an encounter begins,
❖❖ Reporter add 2 Moxie to the pool for every Exceptional
❖❖ Scientist or Caper NPC in the encounter. Add 1 Moxie
❖❖ Security for each Regular NPC in the encounter. If
❖❖ Soldier reinforcements arrive later in the encounter,
add Moxie to the pool as appropriate to the
❖❖ Spy NPCs’ types.
❖❖ Teacher
As the encounter progresses, you can spend
❖❖ Writer Moxie from the pool for any NPC.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Soldiers and Staff

Gangsters can’t get their work done without the soldiers
OPTIONAL RULE doing the dirty work. Neither can federal agents and police
officers do their jobs properly without staff members.
THE MOXIE DECK As a campaign progresses, the characters might
The base game assumes players track Moxie befriend, hire, or be rewarded with NPCs who aid them
with poker chips or some other token and use in their endeavors.
the standard Moxie rules provided in Chapter If the characters are gangsters, these NPCs are
3. If you want to add some complexity to called soldiers. They help the characters, cover things
Moxie use, you can use a Moxie Deck. This up for them, do their work for them, run the day-to-
deck of cards is an accessory product for the day of whatever the characters are in charge of, and
CAPERS game. become available to be thrown under the bus when the
characters no longer have a use for them.
When using the Moxie Deck, players draw If the characters are law enforcement officials,
cards from the deck to represent their these NPCs re called staff. They function in much the
character’s Moxie. They can spend those cards same way as soldiers do for gangsters, though their
on any of the standard Moxie uses described in motivations are likely different.
this book. However, they can also spend a given As long as the characters treat their soldiers/staff
card on a special Moxie use described on that well and these subordinates don’t actually see others
card. The GM uses the Moxie Pool optional rule being sacrificed or cheated for the characters’ ends,
and draws Moxie cards as well. The GM can use they remain loyal.
any card from their Moxie pool for the alternate Keep in mind that soldiers and staff are there to
effect described on it, just like the players. provide support in the most menial terms. They aren’t
The Moxie Deck cards are summarized below the focus of the story. They don’t engage in combat,
with effects listed after the name of the card. except in the direst of circumstances.
They carry out grunt work. They occasionally
A New Suit: Change the suit of your current provide useful information, and they can take the
card flip to anything except spades. blame, but only so often.
Everything’s Nifty: Negate a Complication you
just suffered.
Get a Wiggle On: Immediately move 30’ via any
movement mode you have.
I’m All Jake: Negate all effects of an attack that
just hit you.
I’m Swell: Select a Perk you don’t have. You
have it until the end of your next turn.
I’m the Real McCoy: Select a Boost you don’t
have for one of your Powers. The Boost
activates for one round.
You’re a Crackerjack: Spend during someone
else’s turn to give their character advantage.
You’re the Bee’s Knees: Give this Moxie card to
another player at any time.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Regulars function much like Exceptionals and Capers,
OPTIONAL RULE with a few key differences.
Chapter 7 describes trembium and anti- Starting Trait scores for Regulars work just like for
trembium and their uses. A natural outgrowth other characters.
of this material is the question, “What about
weapons and ammunition infused with anti- ❖❖ One Trait with a score of 1.
trembium?” This information is presented here,
❖❖ Four Traits with a score of 2.
for the GM, as it presents a unique challenge.
❖❖ One Trait with a score of 3.
Introducing a rule that can regularly rob
characters of their Powers is tricky business.
Only use these rules if your players are up for it. Trait Defenses
Trait Defenses for Regulars work just like for
If a Caper is hit with a bullet or other weapon
other characters
(such as a knife blade) infused with anti-
trembium, that Caper reduces the ratings
of all of their Powers by 1. The character Trait Score Trait Defense
does not lose any Boosts when this happens. 1 8
If they are struck a second time by such a 2 9
bullet or weapon, the ratings of their Powers
3 10
are reduced by 1 additional point. A Power
cannot be reduced below 1 in such a manner.
Completely negating Powers with anti- Skills
trembium requires the substance be injected Skills for Regulars work just like for other characters
directly into the bloodstream. This reduction Each Regular has a number of Skills equal to 2 plus
remains until the character has healed at least their Expertise score.
one Hit, by any means.
It is advisable to keep use of such weapons Body
rare, only bringing them to bear in the story A Regular’s Body score is equal to their Agility Defense.
at dramatically appropriate times. The
characters can’t buy anti-trembium at the Mind
corner store. They might have to search for it,
A Regular’s Mind score is equal to their
make the right contacts, or even steal it from
Perception Defense.
someone very dangerous.
Regulars have fewer Hits than Capers and
Exceptionals. A Regular’s maximum Hits is equal to
their Resilience score plus their Charisma score.

Regulars have a maximum of 1 Moxie,

A Regular’s Speed is 30’.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Advancement for Regulars works just like it does for
other characters, though Perks, Powers, and trem-gear
cannot be chosen.
Whenever a Regular gains a level, choose one of
the following advancement packets to improve the
character’s capabilities.
❖❖ Increase Trait: Increase one Trait score by
one point, to a maximum of 3. Modify the
appropriate Trait Defense. Increase Body,
Mind, or Hits as appropriate. If you increase a
Regular’s Expertise, they gain a Skill.
❖❖ Two Skills: Give the Regular two new Skills.

Animals function a bit differently from characters and
can come with a range of capabilities.

Assign Trait scores appropriately for the type of animal,
relative to human capability. For example, even the
smartest animals only have an Expertise score of 2 and
few have Charisma higher than 1. But many animals
have high Perception and Agility scores.

Trait Defenses
Trait Defenses for animals work just like they do for Hits
characters. The strongest animals can have Strength An animal’s maximum Hits is equal to 2 times its
scores of 4 or even 5. Occasionally, other Traits can be Resilience score. You may choose to assign a slightly
higher than the best humans. higher or lower Hits score if it seems appropriate for a
particular animal.
Trait Score Trait Defense
1 8 Moxie
2 9 Animals have a maximum of 1 Moxie.
3 10
4 J
Pick an appropriate Speed for the animal, relative to
5 Q
the 30’ baseline for humans.
Special Abilities
Assign Skills as appropriate to the animal. Fisticuffs
Many animals have special abilities such as the
covers all unarmed fighting ability so this includes bites
ability to fly, a nose keen enough to track by scent, or
and claws for animals.
particularly tough hide. These abilities are listed at the
bottom of the animal’s stat block. If bonuses are listed,
Body such as a +1 to Body, those stats have already been
An animal’s Body score is equal to its Agility Defense. adjusted appropriately.

An animal’s Mind score is equal to its Perception Defense.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines


Generally speaking, animals don’t need to be advanced Major Powers have broad, far-reaching effects. Each
to higher levels, though you might create young and rank in a Major Power conveys significant capability.
adult versions of the same animal. All stat blocks This makes it more expensive to purchase and advance.
provided in this book are for adult animals. Minor Powers are more limited. They tend to be
focused in one or two areas and are often flashier. They
do one or two things really well but don’t have the
CREATING POWERS versatility or broad effect of Major Powers.
Creating new Powers is a bit of an art unto itself. If you
want to create a new one for your game, first make sure Activation
you’re very familiar with the Powers already described
in this book. You’ll see patterns emerge. If a Power deals damage or provides a character with
If you create a new Power, it’s probably best to an encounter-altering or NPC-affecting capability, it
make it clear to your players that the Power should be should require a Trait Action to activate. The player
considered in constant playtest. If something proves should feel it’s a real, significant choice to pick
too powerful or too weak or too versatile, changes will between shooting a gun and using a beam Power or
need to be made. Following are some guidelines for manipulating an NPC’s mind.
each “component” of a Power. A Power that affects movement, modifies a Trait or
other character score, or provides a minor capability
for a limited time should be activated as a Free Action.
Power Rank If a Power is always active on a character, even if
The range of a Power’s rank is a reflection of how it the character isn’t always using it, there’s no activation
grows in effectiveness. A Power that requires a Power required. It’s just there.
Check will have a rank range of 1-5 so that players can
have more cards to flip when making their checks. A Target
Power that has a basic effect and a more advance or
versatile effect might have a rank range of 1-2. This part is usually self-explanatory: does a Power
It’s important to make sure there are enough affect the character with the Power, or does it affect an
Boosts for a Power that has a large rank range. Even object or other characters.
after a player has built their character to maximum
rank in a Power, there should be one or two Boosts Range
that they didn’t gain. This helps the Power be a little If the Power can affect something or someone other
different for two characters that both have it. than the bearer of the Power, it needs a range. The
Try to provide for at least 2 ranks of a Power default range for standard effects is 30’. CAPERS is
whenever possible. Players enjoy making their not a game of SUPER Powers. These abilities have
characters’ Powers better over time. Only the simplest, limitations and this short range reflects that.
most limited Powers should have just one rank.
This one is often obvious as well. Some powers are
instantaneous. They’re used, do their thing, and that’s
it. Some are continuous, always “turned on.” Some
are “continuous once activated.” These Powers can be
turned off and on, usually as a Free Action.
If a Power has a detrimental effect, a limited
duration or Maintaining a Boost to keep it going
is appropriate.

Chapter 8 – GM Guidelines

Effect Boosts
This is the most basic effect the Power has. When you There are three basic types of Boosts. There are those
think of the name of the Power, this is probably the that increase the effectiveness or complexity of the
thing that comes to mind. standard effect. There are those that allow you to do
Powers that have multiple levels of complexity something related to the Power but not really part of
will have separate entries for each rank in the Power. the standard effect. And there are those that can be
If there’s a Power Check involved, this complexity is used in place of the standard effect.
accounted for by the increase in Card Count. Try to provide a variety of Boosts that do each of
Following are guidelines for standard effects in these things. This gives players more choices and helps
terms of relative capability across many Powers: differentiate characters that have the same Powers
from each other.
❖❖ Base damage for an effect that only deals Following are some general guidelines for
damage should be Suit Hits damage. creating Boosts:
❖❖ Damage that is a side-effect/add-on of the
main effect should be no more than Color ❖❖ Powers with only one rank should have
Hits damage. approximately five Boosts. Powers with
two or three ranks should have six or seven
❖❖ If the effect boosts Body or Mind, it should do
Boosts. Powers with five ranks should have
so by 1 per rank only. Speed increases at 30’
nine or ten Boosts.
per rank. Alternate modes of movement should
start at speed 30’ and increase with more ranks. ❖❖ There are several Boosts that have been used
for many Powers. Use them in new Powers if
❖❖ Powers that allow you to choose one of the
they are appropriate.
Boosts to use as the standard effect require
multiple, balanced, interesting Boosts to ❖❖ Area of effect Boosts deal the same damage
choose from. If there’s one Boost that is as the standard effect, but the area affected
clearly the best choice all the time, make it the shouldn’t be too large.
standard effect or re-design the Boost. ❖❖ Area of effect Boosts that have a non-damaging
❖❖ Be careful how different Powers interact. effect and also deal damage should deal, at
Speedster increases normal walking/running most, Color Hits damage.
speed. Flight has a speed of its own and is not ❖❖ Unless there’s a very good reason, the range of
dependent on Speedster increases. This is done a Power should never exceed 100’
on purpose. ❖❖ Include extra effects that have nothing to
❖❖ Effects that manifest as an area, such as do with the standard effect, but are fun
Illusions and Force Field, start small and get nonetheless. Options include extra movement,
larger with rank or Boosts. moving other characters and objects around
❖❖ Higher ranks for Powers that don’t require or knocking them over, affecting senses, and
Power Checks should increase versatility or creating an area effect that is difficult to deal
size of the effect. with but not an insurmountable obstacle.
❖❖ The more versatile you make a Power, the less ❖❖ A Boost for a normally non-damaging Power
“powerful” each of the different effects should that allows an attack or that can hinder
be. Versatility is a significant benefit unto itself. a character’s choices (like with Influence
Emotions) should have a Trait Check called
❖❖ No Powers take away player agency or make
out specifically.
a character utterly indestructible. There’s no
mind control Power for a reason. It’s not in the ❖❖ No Boosts should be purely cosmetic. They
“scope” of the game. should all have real, tangible effects.
❖❖ Any Power that negatively affects a character
for longer than an instant (not including
damage) should include a way to resist it, shrug
it off, or lessen the effects.

ATLANTIC CITY However, Nucky does care about how his gang
functions. To this end, he receives regular reports
passed up the line from every branch of his criminal
Recent History organization. Few things happen in Atlantic City
Incorporated in 1854, Atlantic City grew slowly until just without Nucky’s notice.
recently. In recent years, city leaders have expanded The Treasury has its fingers in nearly every illegal
the famous Boardwalk with additional hotels and activity you can think of. A.C. functions as a port city
attractions. This effort has resulted in some locals for alcohol importation and distribution. There are
referring to the city as “The World’s Playground,” a numerous public speakeasies and bars located through
rather overblown title for a city of less than 50,000 souls. the city, many of them along the Boardwalk. Brothels
In the late 1910s, a steady stream of Capers and casinos proudly display their signs. Nucky gives
was seen in Atlantic City, coming to perform on the out loans and collects significant interest payments.
Boardwalk. Many still perform there today, though a Bookies taking all manner of bets flourish. And there’s
few have gotten involved in the more lucrative world been a rise in drug trafficking and use in the city.
of bootlegging. The only aspect of the modern criminal organization
In the end, it was Prohibition that put Atlantic City that doesn’t really exist in A.C. is racketeering.
on the map. Seen by many as a little “backwoods,” Protection schemes are almost unheard of, given that
A.C. is an ideal docking point for countries exporting pretty much everyone is under Nucky’s sway.
alcohol to the United States. Bootleggers regularly Nucky’s entire organization is a finely tuned
receive shipments from England, Ireland, Germany, machine. Money flows up. Orders flow down. A
Cuba, and Puerto Rico, among others. Additionally, its motivated criminal can make excellent money in just a
small size and remote location makes it ideal for illegal short time.
breweries and distilleries. There’s one main reason Atlantic City can flout its
impropriety so easily. The majority of police officers
The World’s Playground in Atlantic City are under Nucky’s thumb and open
to bribery. A handful of federal officers have been
Unlike in many other large cities, in Atlantic City, the
assigned to the city, but the federal agents’ office is
booze flows freely – and publicly. Cards, dice, and
severely understaffed relative to the river of booze
money fly across tabletops. Ladies of the night are
flowing through the city.
everywhere. Tobacconists offer exotic imports. The
Boardwalk boasts every entertainment you can think
of, including several of questionable moral style. If you One Man on Top
can think of a vice, A.C. has it in spades. Most illegal activity in A.C. is controlled by Nucky.
The purveyors of these vice-riddled establishments Atlantic City is ideal for stories revolving around
all fall in line under Enoch “Nucky” Johnson, the county infighting within the gangster organization as people
treasurer and one of the richest men on the east coast. jockey for position and wealth. Rivals from without
have to be put down quickly. Additionally, given the
The Treasury transient, vacationing population, A.C. is ideal for
stories set on the periphery of bootlegging.
Many members of Nucky’s crime syndicate refer
Law enforcement stories can revolve around law
to themselves as The Treasury or The Treasury
enforcement getting a foothold and finally holding
Department. They do so in honor of Nucky’s position
Nucky and his compatriots to the letter of the law. The
as county treasurer, but Nucky himself doesn’t care for
legal fight in A.C. is currently a losing battle, but that
the term.
could change.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Notable Organizations Notable Locales

The Left Hand The Boardwalk

The lack of a significant federal presence in Atlantic Approximately four miles long, this wide wooden
City has given rise to a loose affiliation of townsfolk walkway is elevated above the adjacent beach. It
intent upon taking law enforcement into their own offers excellent views of the Atlantic Ocean and
hands. If the feds are the government’s right hand, hosts a variety of street performers and side-show
these folks are the left hand. And the right hand rarely style attractions. Attractions include fortune-tellers,
knows what the left hand is doing. wonders of the Orient, spiritualists, displays of new
You can use a variety of stat blocks for members inventions, and a variety of Capers performing for
of the Left Hand – Tough, Shop Owner, and Street Thug assembled crowds.
are particularly appropriate. Many of the main businesses and hotels are
located along the Boardwalk. Three long piers jut into
The Rowdy Gals the ocean. Two of these piers are primarily used for
This 100+ strong (and growing) gang of young women docking sailing vessels. One contains a traveling circus
seeks respect and female equality by cracking skulls for much of the summer.
and defying female norms. While flappers embrace non-
traditional clothing (showing quite a bit of skin) and Boardwalk Hall
life outside of marriage and children, the rowdy gals This massive convention center brings a great deal
eschew femininity in its entirety. of business to Atlantic City. The central venue can
Members dress in traditionally male clothing, drink accommodate as many as 14,000 people in concert
hard, smoke cigars, and pick fights. They apply for – seating and has become a hotspot for hosting big-name
and get – jobs in traditionally male-dominated areas. boxing matches. The space is also rented by national
They do this not to get noticed or be different but to and local organizations for hosting of conventions
show others that women are going to play new roles in and conferences.
the changing world.
Bradley’s Candy Shop
As the inventor of saltwater taffy, David Bradley is well
known. His shop on the Boardwalk is constantly full of
kids – and kids-at-heart – seeking his treats.
His thriving business has allowed him to start a
side business providing loans to those in need. Interest
rates are high and David is not one to let a slight pass.
When necessary, David collects what is owed him in
brutal manner.

Dolly’s Supper Club

Dolly’s was established by Dolores Harris five years ago.
Dolores passed recently and her son, John, took over,
keeping the club’s name to honor his beloved mother.
Dolly’s is staffed almost entirely by black personnel
and draws a mostly black patronage. Recently, some of
the hipper residents of Atlantic City have discovered
its excellent food and nightly jazz performances. Back
rooms can be rented for illicit dealings.

First Stage
This 20-foot square, raised platform stands near
the midpoint of the Boardwalk. Here, a variety of
performers stage simple plays, give juggling and magic
shows, and sell their wares on a rotating basis. Barkers
call to passersby to keep audiences engaged between
acts. Several local Capers perform here regularly.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Janey’s Boarding House Ritz-Carlton Hotel

This large flophouse sits a couple blocks off the This 14-story masonry structure is one of the older,
Boardwalk. It boasts low prices for a cot and simple larger hotels on the Boardwalk. It’s most notable for its
meals of stew, porridge, and the like. The proprietor, most prominent resident.
Janey Higgins, treats her guests with respect and Nucky Johnson’s residence and offices encompass
doesn’t tolerate any funny business. the entire 9th floor. Fully one-third of the 9th floor
is outfitted as a private club Nucky uses to entertain
Lady X special guests. The townsfolk call it Club Nucky.
This swanky nightclub lies at the midpoint of the The Ritz contains three restaurants, a massive
Boardwalk. The low, wooden building stands out casino, a variety of drink halls and saloons, and a
in stark contrast against the mostly brick and stone grand ballroom. It’s easily the most opulent and most
buildings along the shore. expensive hotel in A.C.
Lady X features live jazz music, swing music, and
dancing every night of the week. During the day, the Traymore Hotel
hall functions as a restaurant. Sometimes, patrons can The massive Traymore Hotel stands proudly on the
watch rehearsals while dining. Boardwalk. The central tower rises thirteen stories,
The club is owned by a mysterious woman also with the top floor simply called the penthouse, not
known as Lady X. She watches over all from a screened “13.” Two long wings, each six stories tall provide
balcony at the back of the performance hall. Few get additional lodging.
the chance to see her in person. The Traymore houses two casinos, five bars, a
variety of smoking lounges, and an active bet booking
Madame Fortune house. While not as fancy as the Ritz, it’s one of the
This small, unassuming storefront is the bread and finer establishments on the Boardwalk.
butter of Lady Zora, a local psychic and palm reader.
Sporting only a sign with a large hand, palm outward, Notable People
and the words “Madame Fortune,” it’s easy to miss.
Agent Barbara Holloway
The Mill
Agent Holloway is the head of Atlantic City’s meager
This infamous speakeasy is the most notable joint Bureau of Prohibition field office. She has three other
located outside the city. An old, abandoned sawmill agents and an assistant working with her. The field
now houses nightly drinking and gambling. office is so small that it is forced to share space with
Liquor prices are lower here, away from the hustle the city’s post office.
and bustle of Atlantic City. Gamblers can lose their Agent Holloway is slight of build with ebony skin
money on blackjack, poker, craps, and roulette. A fist but is tougher than she looks. She is exceedingly polite
fight is guaranteed every night. in most dealings and believes it is her true calling to
enforce the Volstead Act and keep alcohol off the
The Nightingale streets. That said, she’s had little luck thus far.
This off-Boardwalk nightclub is owned by Nucky Agent Holloway is a Caper who can fly and
Johnson but has seen three changes in management possesses significant strength.
in the past year. Each time a new person or crew took
over the club, something went wrong, resulting in Alfio Romano
management being “replaced.” This Italian gambler wanders from joint to joint, plying
The Nightingale is a four-story maze of rooms and his gambling trade. He’s been gambling professionally
corridors. The labyrinthine layout allows for a great for over a decade and is familiar with pretty much
deal of privacy for parties coming to the club. Some any game of chance you can think of, though he’s
rooms feature gambling areas, others bars. Most of the particularly adept at blackjack.
third floor is dedicated to a brothel. The fourth floor Over the years, Alfio has amassed a significant
houses offices and a swanky, invitation-only saloon fortune which he keeps in one of Nucky Johnson’s
called “The Perch.” safes, for a hefty monthly fee. He intends to use the
The club can’t seem to shake its reputation for money to bring his family to the U.S. from the old
bad luck, having suffered a small fire, several notable country and set them up for life once he has all the
gunfights, and assorted other problems in the past funds he needs.
three years. It’s had several managers come and go due Use the Gambler stat block for Alfio.
to these problems.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Anna “Scraps” Jones

Anna lives on the streets of Atlantic City, eking out a
living through begging and running messages around
town. She’s kind and unassuming, with dirty brown
hair and big, sad eyes. She dresses in layers of clothing
pulled from other people's trash.
She’s an efficient message courier due to her ability
to transform into a wiry, brown whippet. In her dog form,
she’s skittish and jumpy, rarely approaching anyone too
close. Locals have named her dog form Scraps.
Anna is a Caper who can transform into a dog.

Claudine Adams
Growing up in Newark, Claudine was fascinated
with learning all about other peoples’ lives, writing
everything she learned about others down in a
collection of journals. In time, she learned she could
parlay the most sensitive information for money and
gifts, an act she refers to as “bartering” and
not “blackmailing.” Enoch “Nucky” Johnson
Today, she’s Nucky Johnson’s top spy. She keeps As County Treasurer, Nucky Johnson has had his
her eyes on everyone’s business and her fingers in hands on the city’s purse strings for many years. He
everyone’s pockets. When she gets into trouble, a “risk happily shares his wealth with people who come to him
of the business” as she says, she produces a Tommy for help, garnering a generous reputation among the
gun from her dimensional pocket and takes care common populace.
of business. Members of his crews sing a different tune, noting
Claudine is a Caper who can turn invisible. Nucky’s vicious side and absolute control over everything
alcohol-related. A small group remains loyal to Nucky,
Claudine keeping him safe, but it’s only a matter of time before the
Adams other fractured crews join up and come after him.
Nucky gets a cut of every alcohol deal and every
construction project in the county. He also receives
kickbacks from dozens of other endeavors and
organizations and owns multiple drinking and
gambling establishments.
Despite his financial power, Nucky is without any
extraordinary abilities. He’s simply an extremely savvy
businessman who has surrounded himself with like-
minded, extremely loyal followers.
Nucky is an Exceptional with no Powers.

James “Flicker” Utz

James is an accomplished sleight of hand artist and
magician who performs regularly on the Boardwalk,
often at the First Stage. Most of his act is standard
magical fare, drawing a modest crowd.
Recently, James has been ending his show with a
trick he calls The Vanishing Man. He hides himself in
a curtain-stand and then disappears, reappearing from
behind the crowd.
James is a Caper who can teleport short distances.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

John “Blackjack” Harris Officer Barney “Blarney” O’Hanrahan

John owns Dolly’s Supper Club and administrates it This police officer has a knack for being everywhere
with an iron fist. If anyone gets out of line, he beats at once…and always with his hand out. Barney is on
them senseless with a blackjack, his weapon of choice the take with everyone in town, looking the other way
and also the source of his nickname. when he sees lawbreakers, for a price.
John’s mother was killed in crossfire between some He got his nickname from his penchant for telling
bootleggers three years ago and John is constantly tall tales. These stories always begin, “A couple
searching for those involved. Thus far, he has months back…”
personally killed three of the perpetrators. Use the Cop stat block for Officer O’Hanrahan
Use the Tough stat block for Blackjack.
Old Hoke
Lady Zora Hoke is an old hobo who wanders the Boardwalk,
Zora is a middle-aged woman of Slavic origin who owns begging for change. He’s a kindly old fellow and hardly
Madame Fortune. Despite what some think, she has no a nuisance. He’s also the best source of information
special abilities. Lady Zora is simply very perceptive and regarding what’s happening along the Boardwalk.
very convincing. Her fortune telling is a complete sham. A few coins, a meal, a pack of smokes, or a small
Use the Con Artist stat block for Lady Zora. bottle of booze gets the information you need, if Hoke
likes you.
Mayor Eleanor Bader Use the Hobo stat block for Hoke.
Mayor Bader is responsible for much of the recent
economic growth along Atlantic City’s famous Rita Herrera
Boardwalk. She got Boardwalk Hall built and worked Rita – “Ree” to her few friends, Miss Herrera to
diligently to bring a wide variety of entertainments to everyone else – is Nucky’s right-hand woman.
the city. Unassuming and seemingly emotionless, she does
She’s well off, but wants more. Recently, she everything from delivering messages to killing in broad
has started dabbling in alcohol importation and daylight with the same stolid attitude.
distribution behind Nucky’s back. She’s also feeling Rita is almost completely deaf, though you
out his more dissatisfied employees to see who she wouldn’t know it to talk to her. She’s mastered the
can sway to help her. art of reading lips and often eavesdrops from across
She masquerades as Lady X, owner of the club of the room on behalf of her employer. She’s practiced
the same name. She has no Powers; her disguise her speaking to sound as much like hearing people as
is entirely clothing, makeup, and an possible, but occasionally slips.
excellent performance. Use the Hitman stat block for Rita.
Eleanor’s husband, Charles, is not involved in
politics, preferring to run a hardware store instead. He’s
unaware of her machinations and alternate identity.
Eleanor is an Exceptional with no Powers.

Nikolai Petrov
The surly, Russian shopkeeper, known by locals as Uncle
Nikolai, runs a sundries store a block off the Boardwalk.
His store is filled with all manner of bric-a-brac along
with many useful day-to-day items. There are even some
valuable antiques to be found if you look hard enough.
Nikolai doesn’t tolerate fools or bullies and keeps his
store clear of anyone that would be a problem.
Petrov lost his legs in combat during the Russian
Civil War and immigrated to the U.S. shortly after. He
uses a bulky wheelchair to get around, inside which
he’s hidden no less than five weapons.
Use the Shop Owner stat block for Petrov.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Robert “Snap” Washington Gangster Story Hooks

Snap works as an enforcer and bodyguard to Nucky
Johnson. He’s tall and lanky with dark skin. Most Blood vs. Alcohol
consider him stand-offish, though he is so only because A local has started a distilling operation in an abandoned
of his job. Anyone who gets to know Robert comes to barn and is selling her goods in town. The distiller is
see a caring, warm-hearted soul who simply does what Gracie, Nucky’s favorite niece and a member of the
he does because it’s all he knows how to do. Rowdy Gals. The characters have to quietly put her out
Robert is a Caper who can make psychic attacks. of business or find a way to bring her into the fold.
Sheila Freeways Aren’t Free
This young woman is the cliché “hooker with a heart Nucky sends the characters to “convince” the local
of gold.” She plies her trade on the Boardwalk, culling planning board to approve a paved highway from
Johns from the crowds wandering the attractions along Atlantic City to New York. They run into more than
the shore. they bargained for. The feds have foreseen this and
She keeps a small apartment just off the Boardwalk have undercover agents on the board.
but gives much of her money to local families in need
of a little financial aid Coup Who?
She’s an excellent source of information for those
seeking to know who’s cheating on whom. Mayor Bader has decided it’s finally time to take on
Use the Prostitute stat block for Sheila. Nucky. She’s swung over one hundred of Nucky’s lower
echelon workers to her side and teamed up with Kwan
Kwan Shu Shu. They have put a plan into motion to take out their
rival’s lieutenants and, eventually, Nucky himself.
Shu is a focused, steel-hearted up-and-comer in Nucky’s Should the assassination fail, Bader has feds ready
organization. She’s capable, insightful, and very, very to roll in from New York to take him down with the aid
jealous of Nucky’s wealth. of some of Nucky’s more knowledgeable compatriots,
Miss Kwan is quietly organizing a coup, seeking now turned traitors.
out like-minded individuals both in Atlantic City and The characters must ferret out Bader and Shu’s
from around the region. So far, she has about thirty plans and decide to get on board or bring them down
loyal followers. It’s only a matter of time before she on behalf of Nucky.
gets enough people to try to take Nucky out and install
herself as the queen of A.C.
Shu is an Exceptional with no Powers. Law Enforcement Story Hooks

Word from Washington is that the D.O.J. has some
Agent: What happened when the police arrived? extra money. If the characters can make several
Witness: By this time, a couple of the shooters legitimate busts in Atlantic City, they can get additional
was already eighty-sixed. There was blood all federal aid in the form of bodies, guns, and cash.
over. I think there was a couple o’ what you
call…bystanders. Law vs. Justice
Agent: Innocent bystanders. One of the characters’ fellow agents is murdered…after
Witness: Yeah. Like I says, it was all chaos. being tortured. The characters have a choice to make.
A couple o’ cops come in the front door not They can serve the law and find and apprehend the
knowin’ what to expect. And all the shooters killer. Or they can serve justice and make an example
turn on them! of the killer for all Atlantic City gangsters to remember.

The Left Hand mounts a massive offensive against
organized crime, burning known speakeasies and
beating gangsters in the streets. A full-blown riot runs
deep into the night. The characters must diffuse the
chaos, make arrests, and keep from getting killed by
Nucky’s gang who see the riot as a perfect opportunity.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

ATLANTIC CITY NPCs Claudine Adams Caper 4

Trait Score Defense
Agent Barbara Holloway Caper 5 Charisma 3 10
Agility 2 9
Trait Score Defense Perception 3 10
Charisma 1 8 Expertise 2 9
Agility 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Perception 3 10 Strength 1 8
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Skills
Strength 5 Q Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sleight
of Hand, Stealth
Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Fisticuffs, Guns, Insight, Stealth Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Hits: 10 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Weapon Damage Range Derringer Suit 30/100
Fists Suit - Tommy Gun Suit+2 100/300
Knife Suit 20/60
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Power/Rank Boosts
Invisibility 1 Imbue, Move, Run
Power/Rank Boosts Dimensional Pocket 1 Multi, Pocket, Return
Super Strength 2 Damage, Jump, Push, Range
Flight 2 Chaperone, Damage, Gear: Fancy dress, jewelry, handbag, cash, cigarette
Knockdown, Speed holder, cigarettes, gold lighter
Gear: Notepad and pen, spectacles, flashlight, handcuffs
Enoch “Nucky” Johnson Exceptional 5
Anna “Scraps” Jones Caper 2 Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9
Trait Score Defense Agility 3 10
Charisma 2 9 Perception 3 10
Agility 2 9 Expertise 3 10
Perception 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Expertise 1 8 Strength 1 8
Resilience 3 10
Strength 2 9 Skills
Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sense
Acrobatics, Deception, Fisticuffs Hits: 16 Body: J Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Weapon Damage Range Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Fists Color - Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Knife Color+1 20/60
Power/Rank Boosts Hardy Body, Lucky, Power-Resistant, Tough
Animal Affinity 2 Lesser Animal Form (dog),
(Cat Eyes standard) Owl Ears, Scent, Wings Gear: Pinstripe suit, lots of cash, cigarettes and lighter,
fancy pocket watch, carnation in lapel
Gear: Pockets filled with baubles, trinkets, and junk

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

James “Flicker” Utz Caper 2 Robert “Snap” Washington Caper 3

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9 Charisma 1 8
Agility 2 9 Agility 4 J
Perception 1 8 Perception 2 9
Expertise 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9 Strength 2 9
Skills Skills
Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Fisticuffs, Insight, Sleight of Athletics, Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns
Hits: 10 Body: J Mind: 9
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 8 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Weapon Damage Range Fists Color -
Fists Color - Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts
Dimension Step 2 Chaperone, Force-Blast, Power/Rank Boosts
Range, Slingshot Super Agility 1 Dodge, Focus, Precision
Psionic Blast 4 Blast, Confusion, Damage,
Gear: Wallet, some cash, magic tricks, deck of cards

Mayor Eleanor Bader Exceptional 3 Gear: Fine clothing, wallet, cash, silver cigarette case
and lighter, multiple expensive rings
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Kwan Shu Exceptional 4
Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10 Trait Score Defense
Expertise 3 10 Charisma 3 10
Resilience 2 9 Agility 2 9
Strength 1 8 Perception 2 9
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 3 10
Deception, Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight, Sense
Strength 2 9
Hits: 14 Body: 10 Mind: J
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Business, Deception 2, Mechanicals, Melee Weapons 2
Weapon Damage Range
Hits: 16 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Fists Color -
Moxie: 3 Speed: 40
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Hardy Body, Wily Mind
Knife Color+1 20/60
Gear: Festival pamphlets, cigarettes in fancy case, Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Fleet of Foot, Hardy Body
Gear: Cash, small booklet with list of names, flask

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

CHICAGO The Outfit and the North Side Gang jointly operate
casinos in Cicero, but their uneasy alliance is rapidly
deteriorating. Not only do they vie over the lucrative
Recent History Gold Coast market, but the North Side Gang secretly
In less than a century, Chicago has grown from a rural hijacks The Outfit’s liquor shipments and then sells
hamlet on the shores of Lake Michigan into one of the them back at inflated prices. To make matters worse,
largest metropolises in the world. After literally raising one of The Outfit’s closest allies, the Sicilian Genna
itself out of the muck and surviving a conflagration family, has sworn to kill O’Banion.
that would’ve doomed most other cities, Chicago
annexed its neighbors and built itself into an industrial A City at War
powerhouse that attracted a flood of immigrants from While the streets of Chicago have always been violent,
across the globe. Now it’s second only to New York the city now teeters on the brink of war. Both factions
City in terms of population and economic might. marshal their resources while proxies engage in bloody
Unfortunately, crime is endemic to Chicago, and skirmishes, and now not a day goes by without a
it has only worsened with the advent of Prohibition. shootout or bombing.
Warring gangs have divided the city into fiefs and The city’s elite paid little attention to the rise of
bootlegging generates profits that would’ve been organized crime as long as the money, sex, and booze
unthinkable a few years ago. Flush with cash, flowed and the violence was restricted to working-class
organized crime has extended its reach into all aspects neighborhoods. Now that gunshots echo throughout
of civic life, and local law enforcement is hopelessly the Loop, they’re desperate to contain the escalating
corrupt. However, a coalition of civic reformers and violence. Both the Chicago Police Department and the
federal politicians has turned their attention to cleaning Federal Bureau of Prohibition are in the gangsters’
up Chicago and they want results fast. pockets, so the city’s political and business leaders
look to outsiders for help – especially as they plan to
City of Broad Shoulders host another World’s Fair soon. Allies in Washington
Chicago is a city of contrasts. Great wealth and have dispatched an ambitious young agent named
crushing poverty, heedless sprawl and carefully Vanessa Elliott to tackle the problem, but others look
planned neighborhoods, as well as immaculate parks to enlist Capers in their crusade against crime.
and industrial hellscapes all coexist within its borders.
It’s a center of trade, industry, and finance, but also of
art, architecture, music, and sports.
Despite rapid urbanization and its leaders’
pretensions, Chicago never lost its lawless, frontier
quality. Gangs dominate nearly every neighborhood,
criminals hobnob with the city’s elite, and violence is a
solution to just about every problem.

The Outfit
The largest and most powerful criminal syndicate in
Chicago is The Outfit, an Italian-American organization
that controls the Loop, the South Side, and the
neighboring suburb of Cicero. Within its territories, the
Outfit controls gambling, prostitution, racketeering,
and bootlegging, in addition to scores of legitimate
businesses. It was founded in Little Hell by Big Jim
Colosimo around 1902. Several years later, he hired
his niece Giada Torrio to deal with Black Hand
extortionists, and in 1920, her protégé Al Capone
murdered him and she seized control of his criminal
The Outfit’s chief rival is the North Side Gang, a
multiethnic alliance of gangsters led by Dean O’Banion.
As their name suggests, they control the northern third
of Chicago and most of the city’s shuttered breweries
and distilleries. This forces their competitors to buy from
them, rely on smuggling, or produce their own alcohol.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Notable Organizations with patrons of all colors. It is also home to black

newspapers, social activists, artists, and writers.
However, the area is not without its problems.
Street Gangs
Poverty is rampant, Irish gangs are a constant threat, and
Every Chicago neighborhood is home to groups of the police are inattentive at best. The largest criminal
wayward youth that engage in petty crime. These gangs enterprise in the Black Belt is the Policy Racket, and the
– often associated with amateur athletic clubs – are so-called Kings and Queens of Policy rake in thousands
farm systems for more powerful criminal syndicates, of dollars a week via their illegal lotteries.
serve local political bosses (who are often gangsters
themselves), and defend their neighborhoods Cicero
from outsiders.
Cicero is a suburb bordering the West Side of Chicago.
Though they are often organized along ethnic lines,
It’s a burgeoning industrial town, home to Western
geography ultimately determines their loyalty. For
Electric’s massive Hawthorne Works, which employs
example, almost every South Side Irish gang is tied to The
more than 40,000 workers. Cicero is also completely
Outfit. Two of the most notorious gangs in Chicago are
controlled by the Outfit.
the Forty-Two Gang (Italian) and Ragen’s Colts (Irish).
Giada Torrio ordered Al Capone to establish a base
in Cicero in order to evade Chicago law enforcement
Unione Siciliana
under the administration of the reformist Mayor
The Unione Siciliana is an Italian-American benefit William Devers. In short order, Capone put the city’s
society. However, the collective political and economic government and most of its police department on
clout of its membership makes it attractive to The Outfit’s payroll and opened many speakeasies,
organized crime and its Chicago chapter has been bordellos, and casinos.
under mob control since the late Antonio D’Andrea – Torrio and Capone maintain control of Cicero
defrocked priest, labor leader, Democratic politician, through strong-arm tactics that ensure the re-election
and mafioso – was elected president in 1919. of their favored candidates.
Under the leadership of D’Andrea’s successor,
Mike Merlo, the Unione Siciliana has been keeping the Courthouse Place
peace between the North Side Gang and The Outfit at
Courthouse Place is a large Romanesque building
the behest of the New York Mafia. Unfortunately, Merlo
located on the Near North Side of Chicago. It houses
is dying of cancer and various factions are already
the Cook County Criminal Courts, the Cook County
jockeying for control. Amongst the leading contenders
Jail, and the gallows. Currently, the jail is at twice its
is Angelo Genna.
capacity, the courts are backlogged due to a lack of
space, and the authorities have no idea how to deal
Notable Locales with Caper inmates.

Back of the Yards The Gold Coast

Located south and west of the Union Stock Yards The Gold Coast, a stretch of palatial mansions and
on Chicago’s South Side, this polluted slum – made upscale hotels along the shore of Lake Michigan,
infamous by Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle – is is easily the most fashionable and wealthiest
home to Eastern European and Mexican immigrants neighborhood in Chicago. The recent opening of
who work in the nearby meatpacking plants the Michigan Avenue Bridge has connected the
and slaughterhouses. neighborhood to the rest of the city, though it remains
To the north of the neighborhood lies Bubbly purposefully segregated from the immigrant slums
Creek, so named because gases escaping from the occupying the western edges of the Near North Side.
decomposing animal waste dumped into its waters
cause it to effervesce. Hawthorne Hotel
The Hawthorne Hotel in Cicero is the Outfit’s suburban
The Black Belt headquarters. Next door is the Hawthorne Smoke
The Great Migration brought thousands of black Shop, Capone’s first gambling venture in Cicero.
Americans from the Southern U.S. to Chicago. Most Also nearby is the Ship, perhaps the Outfit’s most
settled on the South Side. Residents have begun calling lucrative casino, although it’s co-owned by the North
this area “Bronzeville.” Side Gang. Dean O’Banion’s insistence that Angelo
The Black Belt is a vibrant black community Genna immediately pay back a $30,000 marker is one of
second only to Harlem. It’s the epicenter of jazz, blues, the reasons that the Sicilians are out for blood.
and gospel in the city. Every night, the clubs on the When Giada Torrio is out on the town, she’s usually
Stroll, a 15-block long bright light district, are filled here, with several bodyguards.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Lexington Hotel Dean O’Banion uses it as a front and meets with his
The Outfit has many headquarters in Chicago but the underlings in the rooms above the shop. O’Banion,
Lexington on the Near South Side is Capone’s favorite. who loves flowers and is a talented arranger, often
Built in the 1890s to accommodate visitors to the works at Schofield’s, which is the florist of choice for
Columbian Exposition, the Lexington is a veritable mob funerals.
fortress dubbed “Capone’s Castle” by the press. Escape
tunnels connect the Lexington to nearby saloons and Notable People
brothels, and rumors persist that Capone and Torrio
have stashed hundreds of thousands of dollars in a Agent Bill Gardner
vault beneath the hotel. At age 46, Bill Gardner is the oldest member of the
Untouchables and Vanessa Elliott’s right-hand man.
Little Hell A native Ojibwe born in North Dakota, Gardner was
The slums in and around Goose Island on the Near a multi-sport athlete at Carlisle Indian Industrial
North Side are called “Little Hell” because of the gas School, lawyer, and coach before joining the Bureau
works located just to the east whose flames light up the of Prohibition.
night sky. However, it’s truly a hellhole that even the He’s an expert at undercover work and regularly
police fear to enter. infiltrates the Outfit. Battling gangsters provides Gardner
Little Hell was originally settled by the Irish, but in with a thrill he hasn’t felt since his playing days.
the 1890s, Sicilian immigrants began arriving in large Use the Federal Agent stat block for Gardner.
numbers, and before long Irish, Sicilian, and Black
Hand gangs were fighting in the streets. Ironically, Agent Vanessa “Ness” Elliott
both the North Side Gang and the Outfit originated Vanessa “Ness” Elliott is an ambitious young Bureau of
in Little Hell. Today, it is a flashpoint between the Prohibition agent with a flair for self-promotion tasked
two organizations, as the Outfit-allied Genna family with bringing down the Outfit. Born and educated in
competes with the North Side Gang for control. Chicago, she returned to her hometown to pursue a
career in law enforcement at the urging of her wife
Little Italy Edna’s brother. She leads a special task force of 11
The neighborhoods surrounding Taylor Avenue on the handpicked agents dubbed “The Untouchables” by the
Near West Side are predominantly Italian (mostly from press because they refuse to take bribes.
Southern Italy and Sicily), hence the moniker. It’s the Elliott’s operation is in its early stages, but her
territory of the Genna Crime Family, who operates raids are already starting to impact the Outfit’s bottom
from a warehouse on Taylor Avenue (ostensibly an line. However, she worries about a parallel I.R.S.
olive oil and cheese import business). Little Italy is also investigation upstaging her own work. Although she’s
home to the headquarters of the Unione Siciliana and an honest and fearless cop with a keen interest in
Jane Addam’s Hull House. forensic science, Elliott has a depressive personality
and is both a heavy drinker and womanizer.
The Loop Elliott is an Exceptional with no Powers.
The Loop is the geographic, commercial, cultural, and
political center of Chicago. Located south and east of
Agent Vanessa
the Chicago River, the neighborhood is named after the
"Ness" Elliott
Union Loop, the downtown hub of the city’s elevated
train, called “the L” by locals. The Loop is experiencing
a building boom and skyscrapers dominate its skyline.
It also hosts the city’s busiest shopping district,
Chicago City Hall, and Grant Park, home to the Art
Institute of Chicago.
On the other side of Roosevelt Road, the Loop’s
southern border, is the South Loop. This neighborhood
is home to Chicago’s skid row and several vice districts.
In addition, the Outfit’s various Chicago headquarters,
including the Lexington Hotel, are located nearby.

Schofield’s Flowers
This unassuming flower shop located across the
street from Holy Name Cathedral on State St. is the
headquarters of the North Side Gang. Part-owner

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

The mean-tempered and violent Angelo is the

Al gang’s muscle and leader. He has political aspirations
"Scarface" and hopes to take over the Unione Siciliana with
Capone the aid of Josefina Esposito after Mike Merlo’s
death. Angelo’s decision to sell his family’s liquor in
neighborhoods claimed by the North Side Gang is
at the root of the recent tensions between Chicago’s
criminal factions.
Use the Gangster stat block for Angelo.

Daniel McKee Jackson

Daniel McKee Jackson is Chicago’s reigning King of
Policy (policy being a friendly term for “illegal lottery”).
An undertaker by trade, Jackson operates several
funeral parlors across the Black Belt alongside his
empire of speakeasies, gambling dens, and brothels.
Luckily, the Outfit isn’t all that interested in the
policy racket, though his silent partner is a Sicilian
businessman and Capone associate named Julius
Benvenuti, and they supply his speakeasies with booze.
Al “Scarface” Capone
In addition, Jackson is a vocal supporter of Capone’s
Though only in his 20s, Alfonse Capone is one of the ally, Big Bill Thompson and regularly turns out the
most powerful and feared mobsters in Chicago. He black vote for his Republican Party machine.
moved to the city in 1919 to work for Jim Colosimo The soft spoken Jackson is well-respected in his
under Giada Torrio, and his first job was as a bouncer community. His lottery and connections provide much
and roper at the Four Deuces nightclub. Capone rapidly needed jobs, and he funnels his illicit profits into his
ascended through the ranks, and after Torrio’s coup, he mortuaries, allowing him to provide respectable funerals
became her second-in-command. to working-class black folk at affordable prices.
Unlike Torrio, Capone enjoys the spotlight and has Use the Gambler stat block for Jackson.
become a local celebrity who frequents nightclubs, fancy
restaurants, and sporting events wearing pinstripe suits, Dean O’Banion
rakish fedoras, and flashy jewelry. The local press treats
Dean O’Banion is the Irish-American leader of the North
him gingerly and depicts him as a Robin Hood-like rogue
Side Gang. In his youth, O’Banion’s family moved to
who donates large sums to charity.
Little Hell, where he befriended Vincent Drucci, Bugs
However, Capone is largely responsible for
Moran, and Hymie Weiss. The four became affiliated
the increasing bloodshed in Chicago; he’s more
with the infamous Market Street Gang before forming
willing than Torrio to use indiscriminate violence to
their own crew, which pioneered liquor hijackings. That
achieve his goals. Capone is also quite insecure (he
brought them to Giada Torrio’s attention.
conceals the scars on the left-side of his face and
The two rivals forged an uneasy truce. Torrio
detests the nickname “Scarface”), which fuels his
would respect O’Banion’s territories and give him
explosive temper and brutality, traits worsened by his
control of some speakeasies in Cicero in return for
extraordinary abilities.
a cut of the profits and an end to the hijackings.
Capone is a Caper with immense strength who
Unfortunately, their partnership is proving untenable.
shrugs off physical pain.
O’Banion bristles at his share and refuses to be bought
off with brothel money (O’Banion is a devout Catholic
“Bloody” Angelo Genna
opposed to prostitution), and Torrio’s allies, the
Angelo Genna and his five siblings control the Sicilian Gennas, are intruding on his turf. An already-annoyed
mafia in Little Italy. In 1919, they obtained a license Torrio isn’t inclined to restrain them.
from the federal government to manufacture industrial Despite being a ruthless gangster, O’Banion is
ethanol, which they sell illegally to the Outfit after a devoted husband, talented singer, and inveterate
dying it brown and sweetening it with glycerol. Their prankster. He walks with a limp (the result of a
operation is supplemented by hundreds of basement childhood accident) and enjoys working part-time as
stills scattered throughout Little Italy. a florist.
O’Banion is an Exceptional with no Powers.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Elizabeth Watkins “Lady Death”

Many male reporters deride their female peers as “sob
"The Fox"
sisters,” but not Elizabeth Watkins. She works for the
Tribune, which is the city’s hanging newspaper, and
she’s probably their most zealously anti-criminal writer.
However, she has a secret. When guilty criminals are
acquitted – a common occurrence in Chicago – she dons
a black hood and metes out her own punishment. Most
of her victims are found hanging from street lamps or
electrocuted. Her journalistic colleagues have christened
her alter ego “Lady Death,” much to her bemusement.
Watkins is a Caper with telekinetic and
electrical abilities.

Frank Nitti
Frank Nitti is a Sicilian gangster and one of the Outfit’s
top lieutenants. Nitti came to Chicago in the 1910s and
operated as a jewel thief, fence, and liquor smuggler.
Though he originally worked with Dean O’Banion, Nitti
joined forces with Torrio and Capone, who acquired Giada “The Fox” Torrio
his smuggling network and Canadian contacts. Despite The Italian-born Torrio immigrated to New York as
being nicknamed “The Enforcer,” Nitti is more of a a child and grew up on the Lower East Side. She led
businessman and accountant. When Capone and Torrio numerous street gangs and attracted the attention of
are out of town, they often leave him in charge. Nitti is Paul Kelly, the leader of the Five Points Gang. He acted
also secretly claustrophobic and fears imprisonment. as her mentor. In turn, she recruited and mentored
Use the Gangster stat block for Nitti. other young criminals, including Al Capone.
Torrio moved to Chicago at the request of Jim
Georgette “Bugs” Moran Colosimo, her uncle by marriage. By 1920, she was
Georgette “Bugs” Moran is a close childhood friend and virtually running his organization herself, as he was
confidante of Dean O’Banion. Although lightly regarded too busy with his mistress. When Colosimo divorced
by her peers, Moran is quite savvy. She’s interested in dog her aunt and forbade bootlegging, Torrio had Al
tracks and labor racketeering, and has pushed O’Banion to Capone kill him. They’ve been operating the Outfit
expand their bootlegging activities into the Chain O’Lakes ever since.
region north of Chicago, beyond the reach of the Outfit. Although Torrio can be as violent as any other
Like other members of the gang, Moran views herself as a mobster, her true talents are her organizational and
devout Catholic and abhors prostitution. She harbors an deal-making skills. However, a recent conviction for
intense dislike for Torrio and Capone as a result. violating federal Prohibition laws has made her wary of
Use the Gangster stat block for Moran. further prosecution. She’s started mulling retirement,
but recent overtures from Dean O’Banion regarding a
jointly-owned brewery are proving irresistible.
Torrio is an exceptionally charismatic Caper who
can influence the emotions of others.

Hymie Weiss
Hymie Weiss is a Polish-American gangster and second-
in-command of the North Side Gang. He’s a violent
hothead who once shot his own brother because he
teased him for not serving during the Great War, and
he’s reportedly the only man that Capone fears.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Weiss suffers from severe migraines and fainting

spells, which makes him both fatalistic and fearless. Mikey
However, Weiss is cunning, a good organizer, and "The Wrench"
provides O’Banion with excellent counsel. He is also Sbrocco
a devout Catholic who attends mass at Holy Name
Cathedral and always carries a rosary and Bible. Like
his compatriots, he detests prostitution and regards his
Italian rivals as “dirty pimps.”
Use the Hitman stat block for Weiss.

James “Mad Bomber” Belcastro

Nobody in Chicago knows explosives like James
Belcastro, the Outfit’s chief bomber. Belcastro began his
career in Little Italy, working with the Black Hand. When
Torrio and Capone took over, they offered him a job.
He now bombs saloons that refuse to buy the
Outfit’s liquor, as well as his bosses’ enemies. His
bombs have killed nearly 100 people. Belcastro loves
watching his handiwork, and sometimes, when a job
requires a personal touch, he uses his Powers instead
Mikey “The Wrench” Sbrocco
of an explosive device.
His sometimes unpredictable demeanor has been Growing up in Little Hell, Mikey became a plumber’s
tempered lately by a burgeoning relationship with one apprentice and then journeyman. When a violent
of Capone’s underlings, an “enforcer” named Henry. outburst with a customer dashed his hopes of
Belcastro is a Caper who can generate becoming a master plumber, Mikey took to odd jobs
explosive blasts. around town.
When Prohibition began, he saw an opportunity
Josefina “Diamond Jo” Esposito to ply his formidable physique as an enforcer and
bodyguard to the Outfit. In time, he gained Torrio’s
Josefina Esposito is a middle-aged restaurateur and
notice and often “takes care of business” for her. A
Republican Party ward boss in Little Italy fond of
well-read and cultured brute, Mikey enjoys singing
diamond-encrusted jewelry. She’s also involved with
opera or reciting poetry while crushing the kneecaps of
organized crime, having been a protégé of Antonio
his targets with his trusty pipe wrench.
D’Andrea and rival of Jim Colosimo.
Mikey is a Caper who can float things from afar.
Today, she controls the Forty-Two Gang and is allied
with the Genna Family and the Outfit. However, she
William “Big Bill” Thompson
intensely dislikes Capone and has aligned herself with
a faction of the Illinois G.O.P. led by Senator Charles William “Big Bill” Thompson is the former mayor
Deneen opposed to Capone favorite “Big Bill” Thompson. of Chicago and head of the local Republican Party
Use the Politician stat block for Esposito. machine in Cook County. He’s also brazenly corrupt
and closely associated with Al Capone. He even owns a
Matas Andris “The Piggy Man” floating speakeasy called the Fish Fans Club Boat.
Thompson is a tall, imposing man, an unabashed
Matas Andris is a laconic Lithuanian immigrant who
populist prone to making outlandish statements, and is
once worked as a meatpacker in the Union Stock
proudly Anglophobic. He’s also gearing up for a return
Yards. One day he awoke with a pig snout and Powers.
to politics, and Capone has promised to support him by
Ashamed of his deformity, Matas hides in an abandoned
any means necessary.
warehouse near Bubbly Creek. However, he’s a good-
Use the Politician stat block for Thompson.
hearted fellow who uses his Powers to protect his
fellow immigrants from street gangs. Neighborhood
youths call him “The Piggy Man”
Matas is a Caper who exudes foul-smelling, acidic
slime from his skin.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Gangster Story Hooks Dairy Daze

The Outfit controls two-thirds of Chicago’s labor
Duffy’s One Way Ride unions, but not the Milk Wagon Drivers. Now they’ve
John Duffy, a hitman from Philadelphia, got drunk and kidnapped the union’s president and dispatched James
murdered his girlfriend. He was last seen outside the Belcastro to punish them. Can the characters stop the
Four Deuces getting into a car. His body was found the Mad Bomber and free the union’s president? If so, can
next day. The police are focusing their investigation on they also keep the Outfit from undercutting the union
Al Capone, and while he’s publicly defiant, he orders by opening its own dairy?
the characters to find the real killers. Since Duffy was
affiliated with the North Side Gang, he suspects Dean War is Hell
O’Banion is trying to frame him. The characters are working in Little Hell when a
vicious gang war erupts between allies of the Gennas
Hijacking! and the North Side Gang. Unfortunately, they’re
A major shipment of Canadian whiskey is due any day. trapped between the warring factions, who’ve turned
Are the characters smugglers who must protect their the neighborhood into a shooting gallery. The police
shipment, or are they hijackers who plan on stealing it refuse to intercede, so the characters are on their own.
for themselves? They’ll need both their brawn and wits to survive.

The Pineapple Primary

The Republican Party primary is approaching and Big
Agent: Officers Cortez and Hall.
Bill Thompson and Charles Deneen are fielding opposing
Witness: Yeah. These two had no chance. The
slates. Thompson has called on his friends in the Outfit
blurry fella ran by ‘em and distracted ‘em.
to ensure a victory, and the characters are ordered to do
Everyone else left opened fire. That’s when I
whatever it takes to secure a win. However, they must do
got my chance.
so without attracting the attention of the U.S. Marshals.
Agent: Your chance to…
Witness: I skedaddled on out o’ there. Ran over
Law Enforcement Story Hooks to that parlor off the side o’ the lobby and out
the side door. That’s when I got this.
Blown Cover?
Vanessa Elliott is worried. Bill Gardner went
undercover at the Lexington Hotel and was apparently
onto something big. However, he’s missed his last two
check-ins, and she wants the characters to investigate
without blowing his cover. Is Gardner a turncoat? In
need of rescue? If he’s dead, can they uncover the
information he learned?

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

CHICAGO NPCs Dean O’Banion Exceptional 5

Trait Score Defense
Agent Vanessa Elliott Exceptional 3 Charisma 3 10
Agility 1 8
Trait Score Defense Perception 3 10
Charisma 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Agility 2 9 Resilience 3 10
Perception 3 10 Strength 2 9
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Skills
Strength 1 8 Business, Deception, Guns, Mechanicals, Sleight of
Hand, Willpower
Diplomacy, Guns, Humanities 2, Insight 2, Sense Hits: 16 Body: 8 Mind: Q
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Hits: 18 Body: 9 Mind: J
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Weapon Damage Range Blackjack Color+1 -
Fists Color - Tommy Gun Suit+2 100/300
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150 Perks
Power-Resistant, Re-Focus, Wily Mind (x2)
Tough, Wily Mind Gear: Modest suit, smock, pruning shears, wad of cash,
cigarette lighter
Gear: Pant suit, trench coat, notepad, pencil, flashlight,
hip flask, cigarette lighter
Elizabeth Watkins “Lady Death” Caper 3
Al “Scarface” Capone Caper 4 Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9
Trait Score Defense Agility 3 10
Charisma 2 9 Perception 2 9
Agility 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Perception 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Expertise 1 8 Strength 1 8
Resilience 5 Q
Strength 4 J Skills
Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Humanities, Insight,
Skills Stealth
Business, Fisticuffs, Melee Weapons
Hits: 16 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Hits: 18 Body: 9 Mind: 9 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Weapon Damage Range Fists Color -
Fists Suit - Derringer Suit 30/100
Baseball Bat Suit -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Power/Rank Boosts
Electric Bolt 2 Blast, Damage, Range,
Power/Rank Boosts Shutdown
Super Resilience 2 Damage Prevention, Puppeteer 2 Damage, Dance, Movement,
Detoxifying, Exhaustion, Hits Range
Super Strength 1 Damage, Knockdown, Push
Gear: Notepad, pencil, glasses, black clothing, rope
Gear: Pinstripe suit, fedora, several diamond rings,
wallet filled with cash, diamond-encrusted cigarette

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Giada “The Fox” Torrio Caper 5 Matas Andris “The Piggy Man” Caper 2
Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 5 Q Charisma 1 8
Agility 2 9 Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10 Perception 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 1 8 Resilience 3 10
Strength 2 9 Strength 2 9
Skills Skills
Deception, Diplomacy, Insight, Willpower Athletics, Insight, Sense, Stealth
Hits: 16 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts
Power/Rank Boosts Acid Stream 2 Cutting, Liquefy, Persistence,
Influence Emotions 2 Amnesia, Positive Emotion, Range
Soothing, Twin Goo Generation 1 Ball, Range, Rope
Super Charisma 2 Hits, Intimidating, Liar, Minion
Gear: Muddy overalls, tattered shirt, antique pocket
Gear: Conservative dress, modest jewelry, purse, wad watch
of cash, cigarette lighter
Mikey “The Wrench” Sbrocco Caper 3
James “Mad Bomber” Belcastro Caper 2
Trait Score Defense
Trait Score Defense Charisma 2 9
Charisma 1 8 Agility 1 8
Agility 2 9 Perception 2 9
Perception 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Strength 3 10
Strength 2 9
Skills Deception, Fisticuffs, Humanities, Melee Weapons
Deception, Mechanicals, Ranged Weapons, Stealth
Hits: 12 Body: 8 Mind: 9
Hits: 10 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Weapon Damage Range Fists Color -
Fists Color - Pipe Wrench Suit -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts
Grenade 4 x Suit 30/100
Puppeteer 4 Break, Damage, Movement,
Power/Rank Boosts Range, Steal, Weight
Concussion Beam 2 Blast, Damage, Knockdown, Hypnosis 2 Amnesia, Implant,
Push Post-Hypnotic, Range
Heat Beam 2 Blast, Damage, Ignition,
Gear: Work clothes, wallet, cash, tattered paperback
Gear: Cheap suit, cigarette lighter, watch, goggles

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

NEW YORK CITY With judges, police, and gangsters in his pocket, there is
little that The Brain can’t get away with in New York.
His organization is known as The Company, and
Recent History such is its influence that the political machine of New
Welcome to the center of the universe! Since the 1700s, York knows that if they want to get anything done,
New York City has been a bustling metropolis with a they need Rothstein. If that isn’t enough, he has been
diverse immigrant population. In the 1800s it became called in, and paid handsomely, to mediate tensions
the biggest city in the hemisphere. Just before the turn between rival New York street gangs, no easy task
of the century, the five boroughs consolidated into the when the gangs are often heavily split along ethnic and
New York we know today. neighborhood lines. However, the truces between these
After the Great War, the streets of the “City That gangs are not set in stone. The tenuousness of these
Never Sleeps” began to run with booze and the sound agreements is like a tightrope that everyone walks; if
of jazz music. The Great Migration saw an influx of one person shakes the line, they all might come down.
southern black Americans and the start of the Harlem Meanwhile, the immigrant neighborhoods of
Renaissance. Prohibition has created a window for the lower Manhattan churn out gangs that enforce their
Mafia to thrive. Dozens of towering skyscrapers now borders like wild wolves. Some of these come together
graze the atmosphere. New York has come into its own. and form something greater, such as the crew run
by Joe “The Boss” Masseria. His is a purely Italian
The City That Never Sleeps organization that is taking over the crime families and
growing into a threat ready to bump against Rothstein
New York City is loud. Day and night, subway cars,
when the time is right.
automobiles, construction equipment, foot traffic,
The New York City Police Department seems to
music, delivery trucks, all the sounds of life can be
finally have its head on straight after many years of
heard the city over.
ineptitude. It has the numbers and the training – and
New York City is becoming the face of 1920s
now significant federal support – in spite of some
American life. Corporations have settled in. Huge
officers living on the take or failing to do the right thing
numbers of immigrants come to stake their claim.
in their home neighborhoods. The question is, will it
Manhattan is the nucleus of a massive atom where
make a difference?
anyone can get anything they want at any time – and
many are struggling to be the provider.
In the midst of this growth and chaos, street gangs Uneasy Truces
vie for control of territory and a corner of the booze Rothstein is the man, and other large gangs like
market. And law enforcement can barely keep up. Masseria’s hold a piece of the pie, but New York makes
for an unspeakably large pie. Those with ambitions of
The Company power might want to take a larger piece, though most
are content with their own little bit.
The pace of life, massive population, and geography of
In such a large area, stories of New York can cover
New York make it a hotbed of criminal activity during
a wide breadth of activity, from local neighborhood
Prohibition. One man stands at the top, Arnold “The
protection to unifications, to big picture stuff like
Brain” Rothstein. Rothstein is the man responsible
helping Rothstein grow his business and keep the peace.
for importing booze in the first place. He is a king of
Or, maybe it’s time The Brain was brought down by
gamblers and owns brothels, casinos, and speakeasies.
rivals like Masseria, or busted up by law enforcement.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Notable Organizations Grand Central Terminal

Most newcomers to N.Y.C. arrive by boat from their
The 40 Thieves native land, but when someone new comes on the
It used to be there wasn’t much to Harlem, but, scene from another part of town or another major city,
when the booze dried up, all that changed. Now it will be through Grand Central. The building is well-
there’s a battle going on between black ownership of named. The gigantic structure has beautiful, domed
speakeasies and casinos and the outsiders who want ceilings and inspiring columns like something from
to control them. In the dead center of the conflict is ancient Rome. Trains from within and without the city
Stephanie St. Clair, the “Madam Queen of Policy” and make their journey here and the traffic means a lot of
her gang. faces from within the criminal world and beyond
The 40 Thieves want to keep their territory in make appearances.
Harlem protected at all costs and have no problem
getting rough when the occasion calls for it. They are a Harlem
loose association of men and women in the employ of What was once a mixed neighborhood is now the
St. Clair, making sure lottery games run smoothly and heart of the black community in Manhattan. On these
that alcohol can be found. unassuming uptown streets, somewhat removed from
the activities of Lower Manhattan, something special is
The Five Points Gang happening. Here is an explosion of art, culture, music,
Years ago, there were two gangs worth knowing in the and more.
City: The Eastman Gang and the Five Points Gang. The In Harlem, one can find the infamous Cotton Club
latter is still around, centered around their namesake on Leon Avenue, the Savoy Ballroom on Lenox, and the
in lower Manhattan where five streets intersect. The bustle of Seventh Avenue. For all the beauty growing
Five Points Gang is a training ground for such notables here, there is plenty of nefarious activity going on as
as Carla “Lucky” Luciano, Al Capone, and Giada well. There are just as many speakeasies, casinos, and
Torrio. At one point, they were the long arm of the brothels here as there are on the south side of town.
political machines of the city, making money hand over
clenched fist. Little Italy
However, the Five Points Gang is on the decline Centered around Mulberry Street in lower Manhattan,
and out of its depth in the new reality of Prohibition. Little Italy is like a piece of Naples scooped up and
brought over to America by immigrants not quite ready
Notable Locales to let go of their homeland. At this time, Little Italy is
home to thousands of Italian immigrant families. The
older population, the “nonnis”, hardly speak English,
Battery Park and why should they? When all of your neighbors are
On the southernmost tip of Manhattan Island, sprouting Italian, you speak Italian.
out like a weed in the urban jungle is Battery Park. The Italian identity is deeply ingrained here and
A green space of 25 acres, it’s named for the artillery anyone wishing to make an inroad would do well
stations that it featured many years ago. to respect it. As the heart of Italian life in Lower
Battery Park is home to many monuments and Manhattan, it’s also home to the ethnic Italian gangs,
public pieces of art, landscape designs, and a few including many of the crime families.
trees. The park is also nestled up alongside the
waterfront and it is easy enough for a small boat Lower East Side
to dock there and unload its contents, without the Lower Manhattan, and the island as a whole, is
appropriate documentation. exploding with newcomers from all over the world,
and most of them are coming from Europe. The Lower
City Hall East Side is a melting pot not only of ethnicities, but
Not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, in the center of of ideas. Here is where radicals and free thinkers
Lower Manhattan, is the grand City Hall of New York. and artists spend their time building community and
For 100 years this mammoth of architecture has sipping coffee in stuffy cafes. From comedy to painting
pumped legislative dealings through the arteries of city and writing, this is where many of the greats of the
streets and been a home to corruption and swindle. Its next century will be born.
facade is marvelous, but often overshadowed by the It’s also a poor area, known as much for tenement
never-ending handoff of bribes and threats from able- housing as art and free thought. As such, far away from
bodied thugs to their elected officials. Rothstein knows the prying eyes of law enforcement, it’s a breeding
the place especially well, as his interactions with ground for the local gangs.
Tammany Hall often lead him right here.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

The Lower East Side Toy Co. Notable People

An illegal establishment should not be an easy thing
to find, so when one approaches the Lower East Side Alfred Mineo
Toy Company, one expects just that: a toy shop. Head The crime families of New York are a complex web of
around back, though, and you’ll enjoy one of the finer relationships, to say nothing of the rest of the Mafia
drinkeries in New York. It features a wide, wooden bar, in surrounding cities. Hitman Alfred Mineo is caught
gambling tables, low light, and suave company. The in the middle of this web. He currently works for the
back room is associated with no particular gang and D’Aquila crime family, but has ties to other families as
is often considered neutral territory where many deals well, most notably Masseria and his crew. Those who
have been struck. know understand the pressure this can put on a man,
and those who know understand that only one can be
The Plaza Hotel The Boss. When the time comes, Mineo is likely to turn
Though slightly removed from the bootlegging bustle of his back on D’Aquila and join Masseria.
Lower Manhattan, the Plaza Hotel is the place anyone, Use the Tough stat block for Mineo.
fed or gangster, takes a special guest. Besides its
impressive architecture, the Plaza is where high rollers Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein
and dignitaries stay when they’re in the New York Arnold Rothstein truly earned his nickname. Many
and where they would meet any connection of theirs, believe him to be the man who took organized crime
nefarious or otherwise. from thuggish street activity to the level of properly run
A huge hotel also has a huge staff, and so many business. A lifelong gambler, Rothstein has taken the
organizations, the police, and the gangs have contacts opportunity afforded him by Prohibition to dominate
inside the hotel to keep tabs on who’s there and what criminal life in New York and he’s making connections
they’re doing. across the country.
He’s the biggest player in the Jewish mob and
The Savoy Ballroom runs illegal casinos and bars, mitigates disputes with
In contrast to the Cotton Club, a segregated club in the other gangs, and even went so far as to fix the 1919
middle of Harlem, the Savoy Ballroom is a welcoming World Series. Rothstein leads the illegal importation
dance hall for folks from all over New York. Here the of alcohol into the U.S. and has a well-established
most impressive swing bands and swing dancers in the criminal name. Some say he’s making millions of
world congregate to dance the night away. dollars in the process. Those in his employ could be
tied to any one of his many operations from booze
Tammany Hall running to political gangsterism to games of chance.
Tammany Hall is as much an organization as a place. The question is only this: how high can the tower be
The Tammany Society is the political machine of the built before it falls?
Democratic Party in New York and its reach is far. Its Rothstein is an Exceptional with no Powers.
current “Wigwam”, or headquarters, is a large building
on East 14th Street. Within are more than mere political Arnold
offices, though. There is a theater, oyster saloon, bar, "The Brain"
cafe, ladies’ bazaar, and more. Rothstein
Tammany has had affiliation with street gangs
and organized crime for years and is currently heavily
under the influence of Rothstein.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

She spends her off-duty time at the gambling

Carla houses and speakeasies, living up to her raucous
"Lucky" reputation. On-duty, she ensures that Rothstein’s
Luciano booze coming in through the city makes its way to
Pennsylvania, upstate New York, and many of the
smaller surrounding states.
Legs is a Caper who is incredibly fast.

Joe “The Boss” Masseria

When two gunmen opened fire on him at point blank
range, and Masseria survived with nary a scratch, this
Sicilian-born gangster earned the title of “the man who
can dodge bullets.”
Everyone knows that Joe has aspirations of being
“The Boss of Bosses” over all the New York crime
families. He’s well on his way to consolidating power,
with only a few families not yet under his sway. The
largest of these is Francine Yale, the bootlegger queen
of Brooklyn, but Brooklyn is over the bridge and The
Carla “Lucky” Luciano Boss is set to run Manhattan.
Full of bluster, The Boss now runs a sizable portion
Like many of her contemporaries, Lucky was born in
of the booze, gambling, and prostitution businesses
Europe – specifically the island of Sicily – but raised
in the city and has immense support within the Italian
on the streets of New York. As a teenager, Lucky
community. His only looming threats are the D’Aquila
had already decided it was more profitable to start
crime family and The Company.
gambling and running protection on local families than
While Joe runs the gang, his wife, a matronly
to complete school.
woman named Olivia, runs their home. He’s
A former member of the Five Points gang – and
surprisingly timid in her presence.
once working for Joe Masseria – Lucky has come into
Masseria is a Caper who can manipulate his own
her own recently as one of the closest accomplices
bones and organs.
of Rothstein. She’s learning a great deal from him,
but Lucky is an ambitious woman with a vision for
Joseph “The Sport” Sullivan
the money to be made in drug running. Her only true
weakness is her love for her new girlfriend, Jill Darby. Being older than many of his associates has given Joe
Lucky is a Caper with tough skin and the ability to Sullivan something of a superiority complex. The Sport
manipulate probability. is a gambler of mammoth proportions, and so it was
inevitable that he would cross paths with Rothstein.
Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson At first it was a simple friendship focused around the
odds, but then the Sport decided on the fix.
A violent temper led to a series of events that put
He bankrolled Rothstein, possibly under some
young Bumpy in Harlem. This temper would prove
unnatural influence, to fix the 1919 World Series, and
useful in criminal dealings and the young man has been
though they got away with it, Rothstein was forced
quickly taken under the wing of Stephanie St. Clair as
to testify while Sullivan was not, leaving the two in a
her enforcer. He’s already shown signs of leadership
tenuous spot. The Sport splits his time between New
and St. Clair even trusts him with limited negotiations,
York and Boston, working his influence on Rothstein and
priming him to perhaps take over her affairs in Harlem
whomever else he sees fit to play a role in his schemes.
and beyond.
The Sport is a Caper with a hypnotic gaze.
Use the Hitman stat block for Bumpy.

Jill “Legs” Darby

Born to immigrant parents, Jill used her legs from the
get-go, walking before her time, and outrunning the
boys. She’s kept outrunning those boys into adulthood,
taking no husband and accepting no suitor – indeed,
she prefers women.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Meyer Lansky
Even as a young boy in Russia, Meyer Lansky had a
way with numbers. He knew how many (or how few)
bites of bread were probably left, he counted how
many times his mother coughed before she died, and
even logged the miles on the journey to America.
Now, Lansky puts that ability to use for The Company.
Rothstein runs the show, but Lansky fixes the numbers.
He is usually found hard at work at one of
Rothstein’s many properties. Lansky is already close
with Lucky Luciano, and the two seem to be growing
closer. Stray observers can’t tell if it’s romantic
(it isn’t) or if the two just have dreams of a bigger
criminal enterprise.
Lansky is an Exceptional with no Powers

Richard Enright
Being the chief of the New York City Police Department
is no easy job and the Volstead Act has not made it any
easier. The current keeper of the title is Richard Enright, Stephanie St. Clair, “The Madam Queen of Policy”
a bulldog of a man with a reputation to restore. This A tough upbringing can create a tough person, and
reputation has been cast into doubt by what many see Queenie is as tough as they come. When she saw how
as a lackadaisical police department that only enforces much money could be made selling drugs and running
Prohibition policy when it suits them. lotteries, St. Clair grabbed the ball and kept running.
With the public and politicians breathing down his She runs the numbers games in Harlem and the
neck, Enright is looking to push his police force into surrounding neighborhoods.
high gear, to crack down on bootlegging and corruption But that’s not enough for her. She’s also active in
both. It’s a tall order, but he believes himself to be the the community, informing her fellow Harlem residents
man for the job. of their legal rights and calling out the police for
Use the Cop stat block for Enright. corruption (ironic as some are in her pocket). She
is not eager to give up what she has gained, so she
Sonny Scofield is often at odds with The Company and the crime
Sonny is an errand runner for the N.Y.P.D., but being a families. Now, she runs the 40 Thieves, her businesses,
9-year-old street kid means your loyalties aren’t worth and her men under the assumption that the sky is truly
much. So, whether he knows it or not, he may be the the limit.
most criminally informed person in New York. The St. Clair is an Exceptional with no Powers.
police trust him, the gangsters trust him, and he spends
his days running all over Manhattan delivering items Toto D’Aquila
and messages. Head of the D’Aquila crime family, Toto disputes
Use the Kid stat block for Sonny. anyone calling Joe Masseria “The Boss”. While his
organization is not what it used to be, with The
Stanley “Rattler” Rogers Company and Masseria breathing down his neck, Toto
Rogers grew up in an affluent family in Manhattan D’Aquila is still a prideful man with enough power to
with all the trimmings of high society. His aristocratic back up some of his talk.
lifestyle was cut short with the Panic of 1907, when, at He remains the final big obstacle to Joe taking over
age 13, his family’s fortune was wiped out. Left to grow the crime families of New York and has a firm grip over
up on the street, young Stanley turned to petty crime. what’s left of Italian Harlem. In his advancing years,
Now a ruthless, middle-aged man, Rogers has he’s begun using a cane, but never in front of the other
worked his way up Rothstein’s organization, using his crime family heads.
bitterness and doubting nature to keep the top guy Use the Gangster stat block for D’Aquila.
on the lookout for those who would betray them. His
cold, calm demeanor rattles others’ psyches, earning
him his nickname.
Rogers is a Caper who can manipulate cold.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Gangster Story Hooks The Battle for Battery Park

Bumping right up against the Upper Bay makes Battery
Keep the Peace Park unique among the green spots of New York. Most
The Knockouts, an Italian street gang, and the Born gangs have some contact paid off there so they can use
Fighters, a Jewish gang, have been in conflict for years the waterfront to slip booze and anything else into or
and are ready to call a truce. While neither gang can out of the city.
afford his “services,” Rothstein has agreed to help Chief Enright knows this and knows it’s time to
broker this peace and the characters have to help him. crack down, starting with a big shipment due in for The
When the first meeting is attacked by a mysterious Company next week. It’s up to the characters to work
third party, it seems this peace will be harder to buy their contacts and shut it down, or to prepare for the
than initially thought. fight that will surely come that night.

The One That Got Away Family Honor

Eustus Smith came all the way from Georgia to Harlem Detective Joseph Weber is a good cop, one who kept
hoping for better. When he found himself in the employ his head above the bribes and trouble of the N.Y.P.D.
of Stephanie St. Clair, it seemed his dreams had come But when he came home two nights ago, his wife had
true! But that wealth and freedom came with a hefty been shot and killed in their bedroom. Weber has not
price, and after a job went sour and one of his own got been seen since.
killed, Eustus was not seen again. St. Clair thinks he’s An errand boy for The Company barged into police
run off downtown or to one of the Boroughs. It’s up to headquarters just yesterday, ranting about Weber
the characters to find him, before fear gets the better of shooting up one of Rothstein’s casinos and killing a few
him and he spills his guts. toughs. The characters need to find and stop Weber
before he goes too far and sets off a war between The
The Boss of Bosses Company and the N.Y.P.D.
Masseria is anxious. His ambition is now not limited
to merely controlling the crime families, but all of New
York. And yet the time may not be right. The Boss asks
Agent: The bruise. How did that happen?
the characters to assess his own organization and the
Witness: As I scrambled out that side door, I
strength of his enemies. This means surveilling their own
stumbled and fell face first into a trash barrel.
people, as well as The Company, the D’Aquila Family,
Messed up my vision pretty good, too. You’re
and the 40 Thieves. If things seem to be in Masseria’s
a little blurry, ma’am, like that other fella. You
favor, it might be time for him to make his move.
sure you ain’t a Caper?

Law Enforcement Story Hooks

Your Good Name

The characters have been working to take on
the D’Aquila crime family for months, gathering
information and building an informant network. A
meeting has been arranged between the local law and
Alfred Mineo, an important consigliere of the crime
family, to get key information on when he will turn
in his boss. Mineo doesn’t show, the police contact
has gone A.W.O.L., the presiding officer thinks the
characters had something to do with it, and it’s time
for the characters to clear their names.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

NEW YORK NPCs Jill “Legs” Darby Caper 2

Trait Score Defense
Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein Exceptional 5 Charisma 2 9
Agility 3 10
Trait Score Defense Perception 2 9
Charisma 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Agility 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Perception 2 9 Strength 1 8
Expertise 3 10
Resilience 2 9 Skills
Strength 2 9 Acrobatics, Athletics, Guns, Sleight of Hand
Skills Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sense, Moxie: 3 Speed: 90
Sleight of Hand, Willpower
Weapon Damage Range
Hits: 18 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Fists Color -
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Weapon Damage Range Power/Rank Boosts
Fists Color - Speedster 2 Chaperone, Damage,
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Lightning, Speed
Perks Gear: Flapper dress and hat, purse, some cash
Lucky, Tough, Wily Mind
Gear: Pair of dice, expensive suit and bowtie, a wad of Joe “The Boss” Masseria Caper 4
cash Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10
Carla “Lucky” Luciano Caper 4 Agility 3 10
Perception 2 9
Trait Score Defense Expertise 2 9
Charisma 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Agility 3 10 Strength 3 10
Perception 2 9
Expertise 3 10 Skills
Resilience 2 9 Business, Deception, Guns, Willpower
Strength 3 10
Hits: 14 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Skills Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns, Stealth, Willpower
Weapon Damage Range
Hits: 12 Body: J Mind: 9 Fists Color -
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Weapon Damage Range Power/Rank Boosts
Fists Color - Bone/Organ Shifting 1 Bone Armor, Bone Spurs,
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Organ Shift
Energy Resistance 1 Immunity, Rebound, Switch
Power/Rank Boosts
Body Armor 1 Body, Healing, Rebound Gear: Cheap suit, wallet, fancy watch, car keys, wad of
Probability Control, Rejection, Reveal cash
Manipulation 1
Gear: Trench coat, wad of cash, notebook full of

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

Joseph “Sport” Sullivan Caper 2 Stanley “Rattler” Rogers Caper 3

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Charisma 3 10
Agility 1 8 Agility 1 8
Perception 3 10 Perception 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9 Strength 2 9
Skills Skills
Deception, Humanities, Insight, Sleight of Hand Deception, Melee Weapons, Sense, Willpower
Hits: 14 Body: 8 Mind: 10 Hits: 14 Body: 8 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Knife Color+1 20/60
Power/Rank Boosts Power/Rank Boosts
Hypnosis 2 Amnesia, Extend, Extraction, Cold Beam 4 Blast, Damage, Encasement,
Implant Ice Shape, Range, Slick
Weather Manipulation 2 Fog, Heat, Lightning,
Gear: Fine suit, pocket watch, pen & notepad, glasses
(Sleet standard) Whirlwind

Meyer Lansky Exceptional 2 Gear: Fine clothing, wallet, cash, gold lighter, old photo
of his parents
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Stephanie St. Clair Exceptional 3
Agility 1 8
Perception 2 9 Trait Score Defense
Expertise 3 10 Charisma 3 10
Resilience 2 9 Agility 2 9
Strength 2 9 Perception 2 9
Expertise 3 10
Resilience 2 9
Business, Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight, Sciences
Strength 2 9
Hits: 14 Body: 8 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Business, Conveyances, Deception, Fisticuffs,
Weapon Damage Range Humanities
Fists Color -
Hits: 18 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Knife Color+1 20/60
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Lucky, Wily Mind
Fists Color -
Gear: Pen & paper, wallet with cash, suit and tie Knife Color+1 20/60
Pistol Suit+1 50/160
Quick Reflexes, Tough
Gear: Expensive dress, purse, a lot of jewelry, some

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

ATLANTA Notable People

The Big Peach Thalia Kotas

If being infamous for being burnt to the ground during This teenager has made it her business to know where
that “March to the Sea” business wasn’t enough, Atlanta every single cache of hidden liquor is within Atlanta.
experienced another great fire in 1917. Those who have She’s not yet sure if she’s going to sell the information
decided the city deserves a third chance get to decide on to the Prohibition Bureau or gangsters who would like
the city’s new shape. Many buildings in Atlanta’s urban to gain a foothold in Atlanta.
core are new and more are being built. On the surface,
things may be new but old tensions linger. The city has James “The Deacon” Grady
grown so quickly in recent years as workers moved With personal connections to most of the “good old
in to join the construction boom that competition for families” of Atlanta’s upper crust, Grady represents
jobs and living space is high. Atlanta is young, vibrant, those who want to rebuild Atlanta. He sees Prohibition
and volatile with strong civic pride and a sense of being as a good way to move riff-raff off the streets. It is also
ready to take its place among the great cities. great for business. An expert in false humility and at
The dominant cultural forces in the city support associating himself with powerful people, Grady is
Prohibition. As the capitol of a predominately rural frequently seen at upscale civic events despite being
state, Atlanta hears a lot from politicians about the “just” a department store owner. Similarly, he is known
good Prohibition does. Most of the residents let such to run his church despite being “only” a deacon. He
lectures go in one ear and out the other. With ready seems to have his fingers in every pie in the city.
access to the farms and orchards in the immediate
outskirts of the city, the favored alcohol in Atlanta is James “The Deacon” Grady Exceptional 4
fruit cider. City officials and the police have the more
relaxed view that a little vice is perfectly acceptable Trait Score Defense
as long as it’s not too obvious. Speakeasies, card Charisma 3 10
houses, and other illegal businesses are regularly shut Agility 2 9
down by raids, but the vacuum is soon filled by new Perception 2 9
establishments, often in the same basements and back Expertise 2 9
rooms, often run by the same people. Resilience 3 10
Strength 2 9
Notable Organizations Skills
Business, Deception, Insight, Fisticuffs, Guns,
Momma’s Boys Willpower
Holly “Momma” Turner is a former social worker who Hits: 16 Body: 10 Mind: 9
has turned orphans and street toughs into a major Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
up-and-coming organized crime outfit. By smuggling
large amounts of liquor into the city using trains, the Weapon Damage Range
Boys plan to undercut the Deacon and corner the Fists Color -
market. They have already taken over most of the more Pistol Suit+1 50/150
obviously criminal operations in town, such as brothels Perks
and underground no-holds-barred fight rings. Hardy Body, Power-Resistant

Notable Locales Gear: Wallet, cash, list of names

Greenhill Manor
A former plantation now surrounded by suburbs, it is
one of the few antebellum homes still owned by the
family who built it. Somewhere in the vast acreage
of farms and woods are the cider-making and liquor
distilling operations of the Deacon.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

BOSTON Huntington Avenue

Stroll down Huntington, past Symphony Hall, and
speakeasies are a common sight. Some may be
frequented by music-lovers, especially closer to the
Not many Bostonians call it Beantown; that’s a name Symphony, but most are filled with laborers. It’s said
used by sailors, smugglers, and tourists. But that you can recruit a Caper here, if you know in which
Beantown name is being reinforced across the city, speakeasy to look.
with restaurants offering rum-baked beans – with a
whole lot of extra rum – to take home as “sweet beans”
Notable Person
to those who know to ask. Local law hasn’t caught on
yet, but it’s only a matter of time, assuming you can find
a cop who isn’t already corrupt. Charles “King” Solomon
Boston is a city in decline, and over 4,000 King Solomon is a Jewish-Russian mob boss who
illegal bars help people drink away the knowledge. controls the majority of Boston bootlegging, narcotics
Speakeasies have to pay off corrupt cops to stay in (mostly cocaine and morphine), and illegal gambling.
business, and they can afford this by renting rooms to He owns Boston’s Cotton Club, the Cocoanut
prostitutes. Corruption is so rampant that many cops Grove nightclub, and most of Boston’s major
bank over $20,000 yearly while working a $40/week job. speakeasies. More interestingly, he runs a fleet of rum-
running vessels that smuggle illegal Latin American
Notable Organizations rum into the city, and he uses his Powers to ensure that
his ships dock under the cover of heavy fog.
The Gustin Gang
Charles “King” Solomon Caper 3
Named after a street in South Boston, this mostly Irish-
American gang plagues Boston’s sprawling underworld. Trait Score Defense
Frank Wallace uses his ex-boxer brother Steve as Charisma 3 10
enforcement, and the “Tailboard Thieves” earn their Agility 1 8
reputation by hijacking delivery trucks and committing Perception 2 9
armed robbery. They even fake badges like those of Expertise 2 9
Prohibition Agents, stealing shipments from other Resilience 3 10
thieves and bootleggers. Strength 2 9
This makes them less than popular amongst other
criminals. In time, Frankie and his lieutenant Bernard Skills
“Dodo” Walsh will certainly become targets of the Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Insight
North End gangs. Hits: 16 Body: 8 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Watch and Ward Society
Weapon Damage Range
With alcohol technically forbidden, this morally
Fists Color -
righteous organization is responsible for the
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
appellation “Banned in Boston,” taking it upon itself to
protect Bostonians from moral turpitude by censoring Power/Rank Boosts
questionable literature and reading material. Weather Manipulation 4 Cold, Heat, Range, Thunder,
They embody Boston’s puritanical mores, and have (Fog standard) Whirlwind, Wind
recruited at least one member with remarkable Powers
to help reduce bootlegging and moral weakness. Gear: Fine suit, pocket watch, cigars, lighter

Notable Locales

The Great Molasses Flood Zone

Recently, a massive molasses tank burst on the North
End, sending a 25’ wave of liquid brown sugar roaring
down the street at 35 mph, killing 21 and injuring 150.
The entire area is still sticky with the stuff, bringing
children from all over to enjoy a free treat – with some
dirt mixed in. Rumor has it that a Caper is behind the
flood, but no one has proof.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops


Self-proclaimed “King of the Bootleggers,” German-born
Remus runs a $15 million per year operation employing
The Queen City
thousands, and he and his wife Imogene live high on the
Efficiency. That’s what you get in Cinci, and it’s always hog while his ten distilleries fund a lavish lifestyle.
been like this. Leading up to Prohibition, Cincinnati was Use the Gangster stat block for Remus.
one of the biggest beer-brewing and beer-drinking cities
you could find. Cincinnati is peaceful, as far as big cities The Queen
go. This peace is mostly the doing of a single person.
She has a notorious reputation. She’s wreathed in
Currently, a middle-aged woman known only
mystery, seemingly everywhere at once, believed to be
as “The Queen” effectively runs the city. She’s not
in her 40s but how can you tell when her appearance
mayor, but she might as well be. She keeps politicians
seems to always change? It’s her voice that stays the
appeased, bootleggers in line, gang violence to a
same, a smoky, hard, flat tone that leaves no room
minimum, law enforcement adequately bribed, and yet
for disagreement.
somehow manages to keep her name out of the papers
In fact, The Queen is the alter ego of an elderly
all the while.
woman named Agatha Mullins. Bored beyond
People say the Queen never has the same
imagination by forced retirement from the local
appearance twice, that she could be anybody and you’ll
newspaper, she decided to stop writing indignant
never know when you’re actually talking to her. And if
letters to local politicians and instead use her secret
you cross her, you’ll never quite understand how she
mimicry Powers to make Cincinnati into a place that
set you up to take a long, hard fall.
she and her long-time partner Beatrice actually want to
live in.
Notable Locales Beatrice has no idea about Agatha’s second life,
and Agatha uses her extraordinary ability and excellent
Death Valley Farm common sense to make sure things stay that way.
George Remus’s fortified distillery appears to only
be accessible by dirt road, but a 100 foot long The Queen Caper 5
underground tunnel leads to a loading area. Alcohol
is distilled in the attic and piped or dumb-waitered Trait Score Defense
down to the basement. It’s one of the few distilleries in Charisma 3 10
Cincinnati that has yet to be raided. Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10
John Hauck Brewery Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9
Sometimes, even making the 0.5% near beer isn’t
Strength 2 9
enough to stay on the right side of the law. When this
brewery was busted, federal agents poured 45,000 Skills
gallons of near beer into nearby sewers, popping off Business, Conveyances, Deception, Diplomacy, Guns,
manhole covers and flooding the streets. The shuttered Insight, Sense, Stealth
brewery is now used as a secret lair for Capers who
need lots of space and relative privacy. Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Notable People Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Carl Wiedemann Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Heir to the Weidemann brewing fortune, Carl is a Power/Rank Boosts
womanizing, hard-drinking, Harvard-educated playboy Mimic 1 Garb, Height, Quicken
who owns 20 racehorses and who will gladly bet you
Gear: Fancy dress and hat, purse, lots of cash
that he doesn’t have a gambling problem.
Weidemann is a man with a mission, playing every
angle with every gang in an effort to make himself even
wealthier than he already is. A mouthy alcoholic, it’s
only a matter of time before he says the wrong thing to
the wrong person.
Use the Con Artist stat block for Wiedemann.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

DETROIT Liberty Motor Car Company

This small automobile manufacturer was just getting
its wheels spinning when Prohibition hit. Facing stiff
Motor City
competition from the over abundance of Detroit car
If you want to enforce Prohibition, you may not want makers, owners Percy and Billie Owen started brewing
to do so in a city that’s a stone’s throw (if you have beer in the back rooms of the shop.
Powers) from the Canadian border. They still make cars, but they mostly use them to
The Detroit-Windsor Funnel is the nickname given transport alcohol. And their showroom is a front for a
to the area where smugglers bring in alcohol across the cozy little speakeasy where they serve their fine brews.
Detroit River and Lake St. Clair. Even winter doesn’t
slow down bootlegging. When rivers and lakes freeze,
Notable Person
smugglers drive or skate across the ice while dragging
sleds of whiskey behind them.
Once in Detroit, a city sometimes referred to as Chae Rhee
“Whiskeytown” due to its many speakeasies featuring One of the few people fighting back against the
the brown liquor, a thriving delivery system sends Purple Gang isn’t a federal agent or another criminal
that alcohol across the Midwest and the upper East organization. It’s an unexpected vigilante who works
Coast. Hijacking of illicit alcohol trucks has become for them.
commonplace when people think they can get away Chae Rhee is a Korean-American ten-year-old.
with it. But those who cross the Purple Gang often find Used as a runner by the gang, no one realizes that he’s
out that preying on the delivery system and living to possessed with an astonishing intellect and the ability
spend the profits are two very different things. to turn invisible. His eidetic memory and ability to work
out probabilities means that he’s begun playing the gang
Notable Organization against itself, using invisibility to plant false evidence
that causes gang members to turn on each other.
Chae has recently befriended Izzy Bernstein,
The Purple Gang
putting him smack dab in the middle of the Purple
Also known as the Sugar House Gang, this mostly Gang’s inner workings.
Jewish mob of hijackers and bootleggers are Detroit’s
most powerful criminal organization. Their tendency
Chae Rhee Caper 3
towards violence makes even Al Capone wary of them.
The mob was formed by Abe, Joe, Raymond and Trait Score Defense
Isadore (or Izzy) Bernstein, the children of Eastern Charisma 2 9
European immigrants who started as petty thieves. With Agility 3 10
some tutoring from older neighborhood gangsters, they Perception 3 10
turned to armed robbery, extortion, and kidnapping. Expertise 2 9
They now control the city’s gambling, drug, liquor, Resilience 2 9
and vice. If you’re in Detroit and you need a hitman, the Strength 1 8
Purple Gang is who you go to.
They’re getting sloppy, though, dressing well and Skills
taking chances. Someone is going to take advantage of Acrobatics, Mechanicals, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
them someday. Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Notable Locales
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Deutches Haus
This massive German ethnic hall-turned-famous Power/Rank Boosts
speakeasy is less than subtle. It’s a maze of bars, Invisibility 1 Attack, Move, Run
casinos, parlors, and dance halls. People of power – Super Expertise 1 Aid, Disable, Memory
criminal or otherwise – who visit Detroit are almost Gear: Pockets full of trinkets, lock picks, a bit of cash
always introduced to the Haus, as it’s called by locals.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

KANSAS CITY Notable People

Paris of the Plains David “Doctor Dave” Ahlberg

The ornate civic centers, brilliant musical acts, and This snake oil salesman sells faux curatives, unguents,
vibrant night life which give the city its moniker are all and salves to the less-educated of the city’s population.
supported by the Pendergast political machine which If you’re using the Trembium rules, he also has access
runs the city. It’s not that bad of a system, as long as to a few stolen vials of trembium shot solution.
everyone plays by the rules. The gangsters like to think
of themselves as town founders and people who give Tom “T.J.” Pendergast
back to the community. It is well known they will look The beating heart, the seething brain, and the grasping
after widows and orphans and someone from the Club hand of Kansas City are all Thomas Joseph Pendergast.
can always provide a sympathetic ear. Rising from a bartender to a businessman to a town
Of course, the Club has the loyalty of the mayor councilor, Pendergast is behind almost everything
and the police force. There are reprisals from the which happens in town – both above board and below.
authorities for anyone who tries to sell alcohol, but the His word is law and noting happens in Kansas City
police are never around when Pendergast’s boys are without trading favors with Pendergast and his people.
plying the same wares. For the average person who Use the Crime Lord stat block for Pendergast.
just wants a drink, there are many barely concealed
speakeasies throughout the city, all raising their glass, Miles Oglethorpe
and paying their cut, to the Club. The foremost jazz band leader in the city, Miles has
his own club. His band also regularly offers public
Notable Organizations performances and stops in to play private clubs. Those
who happen to hear Oglethorpe when he’s blowing a
The Club good set know his music creates visions of other worlds.
The Pendergast political machine controls practically
every aspect of city life. It sees all applications, Miles Oglethorpe Caper 3
approves all permits, does all deals, fixes all elections.
Trait Score Defense
The terms of most deals involve a little cut to pass up
Charisma 3 10
the chain of command or a promise of future favors.
Agility 3 10
Nothing is forgotten. Collections always come due.
Perception 2 9
Expertise 1 8
Notable Locales Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9
West Bottoms Tavern
The shabby riverfront tavern where Pendergast got his Business, Diplomacy, Insight
start slinging suds is still connected to the city’s most
powerful man. If anyone wants to get any business Hits: 14 Body: 10 Mind: 9
done with Pendergast someone is always available to Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
pass the message along. Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
The Second Floor
An unassuming yellow brick building on Main Street Power/Rank Boosts
is the hub of the Club. From the second floor offices, Illusions 2 Extend, Movement, Range,
Pendergast runs his empire of “donations” and his Size
system of “contributions” to his friends in politics. Doing Gear: Wallet, cash, notebook full of dates and contacts
business with the man himself is a privilege few earn.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

LOUISVILLE Notable People

Derby City Catalina “The Shark” Alameda

The city is famous for two of the region’s exports – The Shark is the most infamous bookie in Louisville.
bourbon whiskey and thoroughbred horses. Close Alameda takes bets on nearly anything, playing betters
enough to the South to practice the art of “southern against each other masterfully to keep her bank
charm,” and connected via river and rail to the northern account full and her reputation spotless. Recently, she’s
manufacturing economy, Louisville is occasionally in begun setting odds for upcoming alcohol busts along
conflict over its own identity. with associated fines and jail times.
City authorities are more focused on keeping
organized crime out of town than actually stopping Henrietta Bingham
alcohol consumption. Given the strong distillery Daughter of a judge and newspaperman, Henrietta is
tradition in Kentucky, local moonshiners can supply both well-educated and well-heeled. She is known for
the immediate needs of local drinkers. Most of the her irrepressible spirit of adventure and for a list of
commercial distilleries have been shuttered, but lovers which includes women and men. Henrietta hosts
everyone considers the industry simply on hold. wonderful parties attended by the most interesting
Warehouses full of aging casks of bourbon dot the people she has met from all walks of life.
countryside, standing locked and guarded, waiting for Use the Politician stat block for Henrietta.
better days. A few distilleries have managed to stay
open, producing alcohol “for medical use.” Dr. Oswell Wright
Many folks find Louisville a nice, quiet place to It is not uncommon for doctors to write a prescription
visit. Gangsters from Chicago, in particular, stop by for a few ounces of liquor a day to “aid digestion”
Louisville to “beat the heat.” Some like the idea of a or “calm headaches.” The prescription entitles the
comfortable retreat, just a few hours away. Others see patient to legally acquire a few pints of liquor every
the city as ripe with opportunities. month. What sets Dr. Wright apart from others in his
profession is the sheer number of patients he seems
Notable Locales to be treating at any one time. He is able to advise
hundreds on their health and has made a fortune in the
The Seelbach Hotel process. His new husband, Donald, wants him to retire
but has had no luck so far
Perhaps the premier downtown hotel, the Seelbach
offers visitors the finest hospitality in the Midwest. The
Oak Room connected to the lobby has everything a Dr. Oswell Wright Caper 1
thirsty customer might want. The password is changed
Trait Score Defense
nightly, but the front desk kindly provides it to all
Charisma 2 9
guests upon request. Tunnels below the street allow
Agility 2 9
the drinks to come in and patrons to leave discretely
Perception 2 9
should any trouble arise.
Expertise 3 10
Resilience 2 9
Churchill Downs
Strength 1 8
South of the city center is the famous track where the
Kentucky Derby has been run every year since 1875. Skills
The track serves as the heart of the race industry, and Business, Diplomacy, Insight, Sciences, Sense
plenty of cash flows through the betting windows. The Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 9
mix of groomsmen and jockeys, owners and gamblers, Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
race fans and yokels makes race days at the track an
appealing destination for criminals and schemers of Weapon Damage Range
all types. Fists Color -
Power/Rank Boosts
Hypnosis 2 Amnesia, Extraction,
Implant, Twin
Gear: Doctor’s bag and instruments, cash

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

MIAMI Notable People

The Magic City Bill McCoy

Welcome to Dade County, where rum-running is a This Miami sailor is a rum running pioneer, anchoring
storied tradition, lawless bootleggers swagger along the just outside of U.S. territorial waters and creating
beach to display their ill-gotten wealth, and nighttime “Rum Row”, where a fleet of smaller boats pick up and
Miami River gunfights turn the water red with blood. deliver alcohol that McCoy imports from the Bahamas.
Thirsty from sitting in the sun? Any alcohol you He never waters down his booze, making his liquor “the
want can appear just like magic if you ask a local, and real McCoy.”
no one will blame you if you barely think about the Use the Gangster stat block for McCoy.
high seas machine gun piracy that makes this possible.
Accessible by the sea and isolated from the heart Marta Zuniga
of the country, Miami is a near-perfect hub for alcohol This Cuban bodyguard works for Capone when he’s in
importation. Local papers even complain about Federal town, and for whoever will pay her when he isn’t. She’s
interference being a drain on tourism. a tall, powerful woman who has no patience for racism
Rum runners and the Coast Guard play a cat and or sexism, and the full and unquestioning loyalty of
mouse game off shore as high-powered speedboats Capone means that few gangsters in Miami would be
bring in liquor from the Bahamas. The mangroves and stupid enough to cross her.
canals of Miami are rife with hidden caches. Smugglers Zuniga is equally loyal, although she’s vulnerable to
dart under low bridges to evade patrol boats, and being arrested for tax evasion if any federal officer is
gunfire sprays innocents along the Miami River as over- brave enough to attempt it.
zealous patrol boats try to stop smugglers by force. Her clients have survived a number of
Miami is beset by tropical storms and the occasional assassination attempts with Zuniga at their side.
hurricane almost every year. As storms near, importers Enemies ascribe it to her skill and tactical awareness,
attempt to sell their wares out-of-state as quickly as but that’s not the whole picture.
possible. Devastation caused by these storms has
destroyed more than one rum-runner’s warehouses. Marta Zuniga Caper 1

Notable Locales Trait Score Defense

Charisma 1 8
Agility 2 9
Dade County Jail
Perception 2 9
It says a lot about political corruption when you Expertise 2 9
realize that federal inmates at the Dade County Jail Resilience 3 10
are being secretly released at night for the purpose Strength 2 9
of bootlegging. Whether to tend stills or for a more
permanent “unofficial release,” this is a jail where Skills
money talks. Conveyances, Fisticuffs, Guns, Stealth
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Nautilus Hotel Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
This Miami Beach showpiece features two private
Weapon Damage Range
islands, gondola rides, gardens, a polo field, and a
Fists Color -
casino. It’s a great place to see and be seen if you’re in
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Miami high society – or want to be.
Occasionally it hosts a bevy of gangsters from Power/Rank Boosts
around the country – including Giada Torrio and Arnold Force Field 2 Mobile, Persistent, Rebound,
Rothstein – who come looking to harness the imports Size
that Miami boasts. Rumor has it the feds are preparing
Gear: Functional clothing, lock picks, some cash
a sting for the next such meeting.

Roman Pools
Originally named the Everglades Cabana Club, this
major entertainment establishment features dining,
night clubs, stores, dancing, and a whole lot of alcohol.

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

MILWAUKEE Notable People

Brew City Anne “Big Annie” Thompson

Much of Milwaukee’s population is of German and Big Annie runs a protection racket through the
Polish origin, making beer drinking a way of life. When downtown, east side, and west side of Milwaukee. She
the Volstead Act went into effect, the large breweries in has multiple brothers and cousins on the police force
America’s Brew City were hit hard. They shifted their and holds that over every small brewer she comes
production to making cheese, malt syrup, yeast, and across. Pay her a “reasonable fee” every month and
candy, among other things. you’ll never see cops at your door.
The closing of the large breweries in Milwaukee Use the Tough stat block for Annie
caused the city’s economy to suffer early on, but the
local populace stepped up. The descendants of German Joe Czarnecki
and Polish immigrants quickly dusted off their families’ Joe is a Great War veteran who has taken to fighting
recipes and began brewing in secret in basements, gangsters and hoodlums on the streets of Milwaukee.
sheds, and barns. Beer production in Milwaukee is This facially-scarred vigilante is irate at the lack of
not what it once was, but the broad variety is enticing. federal intervention in brewing and distilling across
These small brewers sell their beer all over the city as the city. He’s decided to take matters into his own
well as much of Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, hands along with a band a friends he’s dubbed The
Indiana, and Michigan. Rabble Rousers.
The sheer breadth of beer brewing in Milwaukee Czarnecki gained city wide esteem when he was
makes it nearly impossible to police. Local law honored by the mayor upon his return from war. His
enforcement officials make occasional raids, putting popularity keeps local gangsters and thugs from doing
only a tiny dent in local brewing. If a brewing anything more than threaten him should he continue
establishment gets too large, it becomes a target. his ways.
Milwaukee is also home to nearly 1000 soft drink For Rabble Rouser members, use the Street Thug
parlors, many of which also sell locally brewed beer stat block.
under the table.
Joe Czarnecki Exceptional 4
Notable Locales
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9
Pfister Hotel
Agility 2 9
About a year into Prohibition, the Pfister Hotel began Perception 2 9
a series of renovations. At any given time, an entire Expertise 1 8
floor of the Pfister is deemed “closed for construction.” Resilience 3 10
In truth, half of the floor is being refurbished and the Strength 3 10
other half is serving as a speakeasy.
The Pfister caters to the well-to-do traveler, Skills
providing ample entertainment and liquor in a subdued, Athletics, Fisticuffs 2, Guns 2, Stealth
tightly controlled atmosphere. Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
The Lincoln Hotel Speak
Weapon Damage Range
The Lincoln Hotel is an old, dilapidated hostelry that
Fists Color -
is well-known for featuring a soft drink parlor which
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
serves alcohol. Recently, the feds arrested the owners
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
and boarded up the illegal shop. The extensive stores
of alcohol behind the shop are just waiting to be raided Perks
by bootleggers looking for an easy score of salable beer Hardy Body, Lucky, Power-Resistant
and liquor.
Gear: Cash, smokes and lighter, blood-stained

Chapter 9 – Backdrops


A little bit of everything comes in or goes out of the city
via the Port of New Orleans. Despite population declines
Crescent City
in recent years, the port remains one of the most active
New Orleans is very proud of its long history and its in the United Sates. With so much movement of goods,
uniquely blended heritage. Though its importance it is almost impossible for the police to keep track
as a banking and trading capital have passed away of everything going on in the port and many illegal
with the decline of river shipping in favor of rail, New activities take place on and along the river.
Orleans retains its self-image as connected to the
world beyond. Like so many port cities, it is a polyglot
Notable People
mix of a little bit of many different cultures, including
Native, Spanish, French, African, and English. Like
the city’s famous cuisine, the different elements are all A. Baldwin Wood
experienced together, creating something new, unique, Known familiarly as “The Engineer,” he is the designer of
and special at almost every crossroads. the pumps which have opened low-laying areas outside
With so much possibility for volatile interaction, of the old city to modern development. His simple screw
the police force of “N’awlins” are perhaps the strongest pumps have been hailed as miracles of modern design.
force in any major American city. There are quiet He is known by sight to most in the town.
places where being caught for a crime is unlikely, but Use the Gambler stat block for Baldwin.
on the public streets the police ensure peace through
brutal enforcement of law and order. An angry crowd Chief Allie Balian
might be able to lynch a scapegoat from time to time, Chief of Police Balian runs her department with a
but the city has never had a riot. The police always “tough on crime” stance. With an almost 30-year career
show up in force whenever a crowd starts to grow full of examples of her brutality, everyone knows she is
restless. The one time the police relax their guard is more than talk. The police have a reputation for turning
during Carnival, a festival time culminating in Mardi small fry into informers and big fish into corpses while
Gras or “Fat Tuesday.” resisting arrest. She is respected by the city elite for
her results, but she rarely attends social events as she
Notable Organizations prefers working to frivolities.

The Moyse Family Chief Allie Balian Caper 3

This family of Cajun locals advertise “tours of the
Trait Score Defense
bayou.” in fliers pasted all over town. Ma, Pa, and
Charisma 1 8
daughters Flora, Joelle, and Odette will gladly take you
Agility 3 10
on a tour that passes by a few dozen stills selling Cajun-
Perception 3 10
made liquor deep in the wetlands.
Expertise 3 10
Resilience 2 9
Notable Locales Strength 2 9
Bourbon Street
Athletics, Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns, Sense, Willpower
This is the most famous street in the city and the center
of the annual celebration of Mardi Gras. The floats and Hits: 10 Body: 10 Mind: 10
marchers which move down the street are sponsored Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
by social clubs known as krewes which spend months Weapon Damage Range
preparing to dazzle crowds of revelers. Competition Fists Color -
between krewes for prestige and pride of place does Pistol Suit+1 50/150
not usually turn violent. Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts
Alter Form 1 Density Increase,
Gaseous Form, Immovability
Gear: Cash, handcuffs, flashlight

Chapter 9 – Backdrops

PHILADELPHIA Rivals of the Bruno crime family and Max Hoff’s

gang, they have no qualms about brutal murder, and
neither do the wide variety of people who work
City of Brotherly Love for them.
The name is definitely undeserved, as the number of There are plenty of rumors that some or all of
regular, open gang fights that occur in Philadelphia the Lanzetta Brothers are Capers, and that such
boggles the imagination. abilities run in the family. Problem is, people who
Pennsylvania is referred to as a “bootlegger’s spread such rumors in public have a very nasty habit
Elysium” with every city “as wet as the Atlantic Ocean,” of turning up dead.
and Philadelphia is notorious for being an open town: Use the Gangster, Hitman, and Tough stat blocks
open for drinking, open for corruption, and open for for the Lanzettas.
complete defiance of Prohibition.
Previously a beer brewing city, brewery activity General Smedley Butler
has barely slowed as the city’s law enforcement gladly A respected Marine, Butler was recently assigned to
accepts bribes. So too, many politicians work to Philadelphia as the Director of Public Safety – more or
introduce local legislation that allows illegal industries less a Police Commissioner – after a mayoral candidate
to thrive. pleaded for help in cleaning up the city. He’s smart,
The truly unfortunate side of all of this is the plight strong, and frustratingly incorruptible. In his first year
of the law-abiding populace. The lack of any real law alone he closed 2,500 speakeasies, ten times more than
enforcement combined with no clear cut underworld were shuttered in the previous year. By land, river, and
leaders brings near constant brawling between the rail, agents under Butler’s command are beginning to
city’s many criminal gangs, leaving the city in a state of make bootlegging a very dangerous operation indeed.
perpetual upheaval. Butler may not last long in the job due to political
pressure, as the local politicians aren’t exactly big
Notable Locales fans of his zeal and honesty. It doesn’t help that he
only reluctantly employs Capers, putting more faith in
Cherry Street Barbery proper training and years of demonstrated loyalty over
strange abilities.
At the corner of 22nd and Cherry you’ll find this barbery,
first licensed in 1905. Just as the word, “barbery” hides
a “bar,” so too does the business hide a speakeasy. General Smedley Butler Exceptional 5
Men enter through the front, women through a back
Trait Score Defense
entrance, to keep up appearances. You can get a shave, a
Charisma 2 9
haircut, and two bottles, reasonably priced.
Agility 2 9
Perception 2 9
Quaker City Brewing
Expertise 3 10
Owned by an elderly and eccentric brew master Resilience 3 10
named Reinhardt Kolb, this brewery refuses to stop Strength 2 9
brewing beer.
If you’re using the Trembium rules, Kolb’s signature Skills
beer, Quake, functions as a Trembium shot, giving Deception, Diplomacy, Fisticuffs, Guns, Insight,
extraordinary abilities to those who imbibe a bottle. Melee Weapons, Willpower
Demand is high and supply is low, leading to frequent Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9
fights in the small tavern. Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Notable People
Fists Color -
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
The Lanzetta Brothers
This family of six brothers runs a successful Perks
bootlegging operation. There’s Leo (the Leader), Pius Lucky, Power-Resistant, Quick Reflexes, Tough
(the Brain), Ignatius (a notably good dresser), Lucien Gear: Fine clothes, pipe and tobacco
(who has a terrible temper), Willie (the Quiet One),
and Teo (the Baby, and quite handsome). Together the
Italian siblings pay the poor to distill alcohol in their
row homes, and then sell it at boosted prices.

Organized crime existed in the U.S. before Prohibition THE FEDERAL LEVEL
began. Networks of criminals working together
permeated most major cities. These organizations Enforcement of the Volstead Act stretches across
controlled gambling dens, houses of prostitution, and multiple agencies on the federal level.
bookies. They ran racketeering and protection rings to
extort money from local businesses. They flourished but U.S. Coast Guard
were mostly held in check by local law enforcement. This branch of the armed forces patrols the oceans
When Prohibition was enacted, criminal around the country. It is responsible for seizing
organizations across the country jumped at the chance alcohol being imported illegally. Its successes are few
to create a new, illegal revenue stream. The illegal and far between.
import, brewing, distilling, transport, and sale of The sinking of the R.M.S. Lusitania, which escalated
alcohol are very lucrative and law enforcement has international tensions just prior to The Great War, still
had a very difficult time keeping up with the increased looms large in the minds of Coast Guard leadership. They
criminal activity. generally consider protecting U.S. borders from exterior
A lack of a centralized authority to curtail illegal threats more important than stopping liquor freighters.
liquor is perhaps the biggest hurdle police and federal
agents have in their way. U.S. Treasury’s I.R.S. Bureau
of Prohibition
While the taxation of income existed in the U.S. since
the 1860s, it wasn’t until the Sixteenth Amendment to
the Constitution was passed in 1913 that a national
income tax program existed.
This young bureau barely had its feet under itself
when Prohibition came into effect, leaving it ill-equipped
to expand as needed to deal with the rise in criminal
activity the Volstead Act brought about. Additionally,
the criminal element is incredibly resourceful in finding
ways to hide its illegal income and the burgeoning I.R.S.
simply isn’t prepared to ferret out many criminals.

U.S. Department of Justice Bureau

of Prohibition
The Bureau of Prohibition at the U.S. Department of
Justice is the country’s largest organization working
to enforce Prohibition laws. With field offices in most
large U.S. cities as well as a handful of smaller towns
and a staff of many thousands, it seeks to apprehend
bootleggers in the act and bring them to trial.
Of the three main federal law enforcement agencies,
the D.O.J. Bureau of Prohibition is easily the most
successful. The bulk of feds encountered by the
characters will be members of this bureau.
Members of the D.O.J. and I.R.S. bureaus work
together and are often collectively referred to as
Prohibition Agents.

Chapter 10 – Law Enforcement

U.S. Department of Justice Abnormal There’s no mechanical difference in how such

characters play relative to playing a criminal Caper.
Persons Registry
The main difference is in the types of stories that the
Shortly after the appearance of the first Capers, the GM will tell. Instead of building a fortune in illegal
U.S. government founded a registry to track people activities, such characters are working to bring these
with superhuman abilities. Its efforts have met criminals to justice.
with some success, but many Capers are wary of
government interference in their lives. The registry has
The Clergy Coalition
yet to start forcing Capers to register, but some fear
this is inevitable. A loose affiliation of clergymen has formed recently
Recently, the registry has begun covertly recruiting to battle “demon liquor.” The clergy see alcohol as not
Capers for a two-fold purpose. First, it allows them to only illegal, but also a vice that turns people from God,
continue to build their list of super-powered people to leading to violence and lasciviousness.
keep an eye on them. Secondly, and more importantly, In some cities, this coalition has gained significant
they can entice these Capers into working with law traction and recruits civilian parishioners to report
enforcement agencies to help fight criminal Capers. illegal activities, aid law enforcement when requested,
There are currently almost two hundred Capers and work to dissuade those on the cusp from falling to
acting in conjunction with federal law enforcement. the evils of alcohol.
They are dispatched in teams as needed to combat Additionally, there are many coalition members
criminal organizations that employ Capers. who are perfectly comfortable with “doing God’s
work” by beating lawbreakers to a pulp and burning
warehouses to the ground.
One would think that local law enforcement – police,
constables, and the like – would serve well to curb
the rise in bootlegging. Unfortunately, the vast wealth Corruption is rampant within law enforcement. It’s
generated by crime kingpins makes it very easy to one of the primary reasons enforcing Prohibition is
pay off local cops. As many as half the police officers so difficult.
in most major cities are on the payrolls of criminal Criminals employ bribes, threats, and political
organizations. In some cities, nearly all the cops have leverage to get law enforcement officials in
been bought. Federal agents are constantly vigilant to their pockets.
ferret out bad cops in their midst. Married cops and agents are particularly susceptible
to threats against their families. Removing the family
members to a safe house can provide immediate
Vigilante Groups
relief, but ultimately results in the loved ones living a
“Freelance” groups of vigilantes come and go in many protected, secluded, unfulfilling existence. Some law
of the big hotbeds of Prohibition activity. Such vigilante enforcement officials don’t wish to subject their loved
groups might be made up of well-organized, like-minded ones to such a life.
citizens or might be little more than a gang of thugs Bribes most often come in the form of money
intent on protecting their families and livelihoods. and free booze. Twenty dollars can get a cop to look
Regardless, the lifespans of these vigilante the other way for a day. A regular weekly or monthly
groups are usually short. If the members don’t lose payment of $100 can get many low-ranking officials
interest and actually make a dent in the local criminal to focus their efforts elsewhere. Particularly savvy or
organizations, the gangsters find ways to dissuade them gutsy officials might ask for more.
from continuing. Many bootleggers and crime bosses have friends
in the political world and can arrange for promotions
Players Portraying Law and demotions of problematic cops and feds with
Enforcement Characters relative ease.
A law enforcement character controlled by a player If things really get out of hand, some criminals will
might be a member of the Abnormal Persons Registry. kill a family member or friend to get a cop off their
Alternatively, the character could be an “independent backs. Killing an officer is a last resort as it can often
contractor” hiring their services out to law motivate what few honest officers are in the area to
enforcement agencies when the need arises. seek revenge for their fallen boy in blue.

Chapter 10 – Law Enforcement

Notable Law Enforcement Personnel

Agent Jacob Willis Willis
Agent Willis has built a wide network of low-level
informants through strategic arrests of those at the
bottom of criminal organizations. Using information
gleaned from them, he’s made bigger busts on those
higher up in organized crime. His name is known in all
major cities in the U.S.
Despite being one of the Bureau’s most decorated
agents, Jacob Willis has fallen to temptation and
corruption on more than one occasion and used his
contacts in crime to make himself secretly wealthy as
well as aid his friends’ business endeavors.
Agent Willis is a Caper who can fire concussive beams.

Director Javier Vargas

Vargas is the director of the D.O.J. arm of the
Prohibition Bureau. He answers directly to Congress
and the Secretary of the Treasury. A middle-aged Director
Latino, Vargas is an accomplished politician with a Javier
strong sense of justice and great ambition. Vargas
Recently, Vargas has begun exhibiting strange
powers. He’s kept them to himself as he secretly fears
what the government might do with registered Capers
once they’ve outlived their usefulness.
Vargas is a Caper who can walk on walls and shoot
sticky strings from his hands.

Edith and Eleanor Shenk

Dark-haired twins, Edith and Eleanor Shenk were among
the first people added to the Abnormal Persons Registry.
They were groomed early to aid the Department of
Justice in hunting down criminal Capers and dealing with
other problems caused by people with abilities.
Edith and Eleanor groom themselves and dress
exactly alike in an attempt to confound their quarry.
They only appear together then they need to combine
forces to take down their prey.
Edith is the kinder of the two, with a soft laugh and
warm smile. She sees her job as necessary and tries to Agent: If you were running to flee the chaos,
treat people with respect. Eleanor, on the other hand, how did you end up here in front of me?
revels in her power and has a darker demeanor. Witness: I ran down the street and around a
Edith and Eleanor are both Capers. Edith is corner, fully intendin’ to get out o’ Dodge.
preternaturally perceptive and agile. Eleanor has Ran right into a flatfoot woman who had
hardened skin and can blast ice from her hands. come runnin’ to the gunfire. She brought me
to you. Said I looked suspicious. I say that’s
baloney. But she said I needed to make a
statement at least.

Chapter 10 – Law Enforcement

Agent Jacob Willis Caper 4 Edith Shenk Caper 5

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Charisma 2 9
Agility 2 9 Agility 5 Q
Perception 2 9 Perception 5 Q
Expertise 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Strength 1 8 Strength 1 8
Skills Skills
Deception, Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sense Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sense
Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9 Hits: 12 Body: Q Mind: Q
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150 Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts Power/Rank Boosts
Concussion Beam 4 Blast, Boomerang, Damage, Super Perception 2 Emotion Sense, Lie Detector,
Jump, Knockdown, Push Nightvision, Taster
Force Field 2 Mobile, Persistent, Rebound, Size Super Agility 2 Dodge, Escape, Focus,
Gear: Notepad and pen, flashlight, handcuffs, list of
names and phone numbers Gear: Badge, cuffs

Director Javier Vargas Caper 3 Eleanor Shenk Caper 4

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Charisma 1 8
Agility 2 9 Agility 2 9
Perception 2 9 Perception 3 10
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 3 10
Strength 1 8 Strength 2 9
Skills Skills
Athletics, Diplomacy, Guns, Insight, Sense, Stealth Acrobatics, Athletics, Melee Weapons, Sense
Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9 Hits: 12 Body: J Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Knife Color+1 20/60
Perks Power/Rank Boosts
Hardy Body, Refocus Cold Beam 4 Blast, Damage, Fog, Ice Shape,
Range, Slick
Power/Rank Boosts
Body Armor 2 Body, Energy, Fall, Healing
Goo Generation 1 Ceiling, Range, Web
Gear: Badge, cuffs
Gear: Wallet, handcuffs, flashlight, notebook and pen

Not every Caper in the world is a member of law A medical school drop-out Alexa is mostly self-taught
enforcement or a hardened criminal. Some are just in the medical arts. She offers “doctor” services to
simple folks living simple lives who one day wake up those who wish to keep their Powers secret.
with a strange ability. Some hide their abilities. Others
embrace them. Following are a handful of everyday Alexa Katzarov Caper 2
Capers you can sprinkle into your game regardless of
Trait Score Defense
where it’s set.
Charisma 2 9
Agility 3 10
Aarifa Samaha
Perception 3 10
A recent immigrant from Morocco, Aarifa works as Expertise 2 9
a newsgirl. She has aspirations of being a journalist Resilience 1 8
and employs her heightened senses to keep abreast of Strength 2 9
everything happening on the streets.
Aarifa Samaha Caper 1 Deception, Fisticuffs, Sciences, Sense, Sleight of Hand
Hits: 10 Body: 10 Mind: 10
Trait Score Defense Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Charisma 2 9
Agility 2 9 Weapon Damage Range
Perception 4 J Fists Color -
Expertise 2 9
Power/Rank Boosts
Resilience 2 9
Bone/Organ Shifting 1 Bone Spurs, Bone Throw,
Strength 1 8
Organ Shift
Gear: Doctor’s bag with instruments, cash, weathered
Acrobatics, Humanities, Sense, Willpower
copy of Grey’s Anatomy with notes about her
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: J capabilities
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Power/Rank Boosts
Super Perception 1 Emotion, Lie Detector,
Night Vision
Gear: A bit of cash, photo of little brother, jacks and

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Barbara Janecek Daniel D. Wolfe

A skilled tattoo artist, Barb is adept at coaxing stories This professor of writing and literature wrote a
out of inanimate objects and sometimes aids cops, book called Behind the Lines, a “fictional” tale of a
reporters, and the occasional criminal in learning more spy during The Great War who avoided trouble by
about what an object has “witnessed.” disappearing. Is Wolfe the soldier in the tale?

Barbara Janecek Caper 1 Daniel D. Wolfe Caper 2

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Charisma 2 9
Agility 2 9 Agility 2 9
Perception 2 9 Perception 3 10
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 3 10
Resilience 1 8 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9 Strength 1 8
Skills Skills
Business, Guns, Sense, Sleight of Hand, Willpower Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight, Science, Sense
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 9 Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Power/Rank Boosts
Power/Rank Boosts Invisibility 1 Attack, Move, Run
Speak with Objects 1 Animate, Corpse
Gear: Tweed suit, wallet, cash, matches, pipe, tobacco
Simple Object
Gear: Stylish clothes, cash, cigarettes, lighter
Jackie Coleman
Bridget Malone Ms. Coleman is a tough cookie who’s used to getting
Malone is a rogue researcher on the subject of people out of trouble, presuming the price is right.
Powers. Her distrust of the government and scientific She’s a slick lawyer with a stellar record.
institutions forces her to research in private.
Jackie Coleman Caper 1
Bridget Malone Caper 3
Trait Score Defense
Trait Score Defense Charisma 2 9
Charisma 2 9 Agility 2 9
Agility 1 8 Perception 3 10
Perception 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Expertise 3 10 Resilience 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Strength 1 8
Strength 2 9
Skills Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Humanities, Sciences
Business, Diplomacy, Guns, Humanities, Sciences
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Hits: 12 Body: 8 Mind: 10 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Weapon Damage Range Fists Color -
Fists Color -
Power/Rank Boosts
Power/Rank Boosts Alter Form 1 Density Decrease,
Mimic 2 Garb, Height, Language, (Liquid Form standard) Gaseous Form, Immovability
Gear: Fine clothes, purse, cash, address book
Gear: Nice clothes, doctor’s bag, cash, research journal

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Lorna Kingsley Robert Stelmachowski

This tall, sultry black jazz singer has seen her career Robert runs a clockwork repair shop. He can often be
skyrocket in recent years and regularly tours with found tinkering with a clock with his tail, inventing a
different bands. She belts out tunes with a deep, rich device with his hands, and talking to customers.
voice that betrays her secret Power.
Robert Stelmachowski Caper 2
Lorna Kingsley Caper 3
Trait Score Defense
Trait Score Defense Charisma 2 9
Charisma 3 10 Agility 3 10
Agility 2 9 Perception 2 9
Perception 3 10 Expertise 3 10
Expertise 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Strength 1 8
Strength 1 8
Skills Acrobatics, Business, Insight, Mechanicals, Sciences,
Business, Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight Sleight of Hand
Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Power/Rank Boosts Power/Rank Boosts
Sonic Scream 4 Damage, Deafening, Prehensile Feature 1 Grapple, Speed, Swing
Knockdown, Push, Range, (tail)
Gear: Dirty workman’s clothes, cash, matches, tools
Gear: Simple skirt and blouse, purse, cash
Wayne Sall
Peter “Dreamy” DeSilva Always ready to help someone in need, expert bike
Born Peter Polinski, Dreamy grew up shining shoes and mechanic Sall is a bit of a neighborhood hero. His
entertaining people with his impersonations. He’s now driving goal is to improve others’ lives however he can.
the newest star of the silver screen and the press.
Wayne Sall Caper 3
Peter “Dreamy” DeSilva Caper 2
Trait Score Defense
Trait Score Defense Charisma 1 8
Charisma 3 10 Agility 2 9
Agility 2 9 Perception 2 9
Perception 1 8 Expertise 5 Q
Expertise 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Strength 2 9
Strength 2 9
Skills Acrobatics, Business, Conveyances, Fisticuffs, Insight,
Deception, Humanities, Insight, Sleight of Hand Mechanicals, Willpower
Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 8 Hits: 10 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Power/Rank Boosts Power/Rank Boosts
Illusions 2 Adornment, Physicality Super Expertise 2 Aid, Craft/Repair, Flaw,
Extend, Movement Memory
Gear: Fancy clothes, wallet, cash, multiple pens Gear: Wallet, a little cash, pockets full of tools

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

EXCEPTIONAL NPCs Detective Exceptional 2

Trait Score Defense
These Exceptionals don’t have Powers but are Charisma 1 8
otherwise tougher and more skilled than most of the Agility 2 9
people in the world. Perception 3 10
Expertise 2 9
Cleaner Exceptional 4 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Skills
Agility 2 9 Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns, Insight, Mechanicals,
Perception 3 10 Sense
Expertise 3 10
Hits: 10 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Resilience 1 8
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Strength 2 9
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Business, Conveyances, Deception, Insight,
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Mechanicals, Sense, Stealth
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Hits: 16 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Quick Reflexes, Refocus
Weapon Damage Range
Gear: Wallet, handcuffs, flashlight, notebook and pen,
Fists Color -
lock picks
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Federal Agent Exceptional 3
Lucky, Tough Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9
Gear: Wallet, lots of cash, cleaner’s kit, prybar, lock Agility 3 10
picks Perception 2 9
Expertise 2 9
Crime Lord Exceptional 4 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Skills
Agility 2 9 Diplomacy, Fisticuffs, Guns, Insight, Sense, Stealth
Perception 3 10
Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Expertise 2 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9 Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Business, Deception 2, Diplomacy, Insight 2
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Hits: 14 Body: 10 Mind: J
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Lucky, Refocus
Weapon Damage Range
Gear: Wallet, handcuffs, flashlight, notebook and pen
Fists Color -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Hardy Body, Wily Mind
Gear: Wallet, lots of cash, cigars, gold lighter, fancy

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Gangster Exceptional 2 Tough Exceptional 3

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9 Charisma 1 8
Agility 3 10 Agility 3 10
Perception 2 9 Perception 2 9
Expertise 1 8 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 3 10
Strength 3 10 Strength 3 10
Skills Skills
Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns, Melee Weapons
Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9 Hits: 16 Body: J Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fist Color -
Brass Knuckles Color+1 - Knife Color+1 20/60
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Tommy Gun Suit+2 100/300
Hardy Body, Tough
Gear: Cash, girlie magazine
Lucky, Refocus
Gear: Wad of cash, smokes and lighter, picture of his/
Vigilante Exceptional 1
her best gal/guy, small bottle of hooch
Trait Score Defense
Hitman Exceptional 5 Charisma 2 9
Agility 2 9
Trait Score Defense Perception 2 9
Charisma 1 8 Expertise 1 8
Agility 3 10 Resilience 2 9
Perception 2 9 Strength 3 10
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 3 10
Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns
Strength 3 10
Hits: 16 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Guns 2, Melee
Weapons, Sense, Stealth Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Club Suit -
Moxie: 3 Speed: 40
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Weapon Damage Range
Fist Color -
Hardy Body, Tough
Knife Color+1 20/60
Pistol Suit+1 50/150 Gear: Picture of dead friend/wife/child
Rifle Suit+1 100/300
Fleet of Foot, Quick Reflexes
Gear: Cash, notebook and pen, smokes and lighter

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

REGULAR NPCs Con Artist Regular 3

Trait Score Defense
These are some of the regular folks that the characters Charisma 3 10
might encounter in the world of CAPERS. Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10
Bouncer Regular 5 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 1 8
Trait Score Defense Strength 2 9
Charisma 3 10
Agility 2 9 Skills
Perception 3 10 Deception, Diplomacy, Insight, Sleight of Hand, Stealth,
Expertise 1 8 Willpower
Resilience 3 10
Hits: 4 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Strength 3 10
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Athletics, Fisticuffs, Insight, Melee Weapons, Sense
Fists Color -
Hits: 6 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Knife Color+1 20/60
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Gear: Wallet or purse, some cash, counterfeit papers
Weapon Damage Range and identification as needed
Fists Color -
Club Suit -
Gear: Wallet with some cash, list of names

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Cop Regular 3 Hobo Regular 1

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 2 9 Charisma 2 9
Agility 3 10 Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10 Perception 2 9
Expertise 1 8 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 3 10
Strength 2 9 Strength 1 8
Skills Skills
Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns, Melee Weapons, Sense Deception, Fisticuffs, Stealth, Willpower
Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 10 Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30 Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Billy club Suit - Broken bottle Color+1 -
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Gear: Sundry useless items, three small booze bottles
Gear: Wallet with picture of family, bribe money,
handcuffs, flashlight Kid Regular 1

Gambler Regular 4 Trait Score Defense

Charisma 2 9
Trait Score Defense Agility 3 10
Charisma 3 10 Perception 2 9
Agility 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Perception 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Expertise 3 10 Strength 1 8
Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9
Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Sleight of Hand
Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Deception, Diplomacy, Fisticuffs, Insight, Sense, Sleight
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
of Hand, Stealth
Weapon Damage Range
Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Fists Color -
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Rocks Color+1 20/60
Weapon Damage Range
Gear: Ball and jack, interesting rocks, candy
Fists Color -
Brass Knuckles Color+1 -
Gear: Deck of cards, wad of cash, smokes and lighter,
small bottle of hooch

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Mob Goon Regular 4 Politician Regular 4

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Charisma 3 10
Agility 3 10 Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10 Perception 3 10
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 3 10
Resilience 3 10 Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9 Strength 1 8
Skills Skills
Conveyances, Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns, Business, Deception, Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight,
Mechanicals, Melee Weapons Willpower
Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 10 Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30 Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Fists Color -
Knife Color+1 20/60
Gear: Cash, pamphlets, cigars, cutter, and lighter
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Gear: Wallet or purse, some cash Prostitute Regular 3

Party-Goer Regular 2 Trait Score Defense

Charisma 3 10
Trait Score Defense Agility 2 9
Charisma 3 10 Perception 3 10
Agility 2 9 Expertise 1 8
Perception 3 10 Resilience 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Strength 2 9
Resilience 2 9
Strength 1 8
Acrobatics, Deception, Diplomacy, Melee Weapons,
Skills Sense
Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Insight, Sense
Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 10
Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 10 Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Weapon Damage Range Fists Color -
Fists Color - Knife Color+1 20/60
Gear: Cash, fancy clothes, invitation, jewelry Gear: Cash, whistle, handcuffs

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Shop Owner Regular 2 Thief Regular 3

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 3 10 Charisma 2 9
Agility 2 9 Agility 3 10
Perception 2 9 Perception 2 9
Expertise 3 10 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Resilience 2 9
Strength 1 8 Strength 2 9
Skills Skills
Business, Diplomacy, Humanities, Insight Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Fisticuffs,
Mechanicals, Stealth
Hits: 5 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30 Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color - Weapon Damage Range
Fists Color -
Gear: Cash
Knife Color+1 20/60

Street Thug Regular 2 Gear: Cash, rope and hook, lock picks, glass cutter,
sack, beef jerky
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Truck/Cab Driver Regular 3
Agility 2 9
Perception 2 9 Trait Score Defense
Expertise 2 9 Charisma 1 8
Resilience 3 10 Agility 3 10
Strength 3 10 Perception 3 10
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9
Deception, Fisticuffs, Guns, Melee Weapons
Strength 2 9
Hits: 4 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Conveyances, Fisticuffs, Insight, Melee Weapons,
Weapon Damage Range Sense, Willpower
Fists Color -
Hits: 3 Body: 10 Mind: 10
Knife Color+1 20/60
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Pistol Suit+1 50/150
Weapon Damage Range
Gear: Cash, smokes and lighter, blood-stained
Fists Color -
handkerchief, small bottle of hooch
Brass Knuckles Color+1 -
Shotgun Suit+2 50/150
Gear: Cash, magazine

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

ANIMALS Falcon/Hawk Animal 1

Trait Score Defense
These animals are mostly useful in conjunction with Charisma 1 8
the Animal Affinity Power, but some NPCs might have a Agility 3 10
pet or two. Perception 4 J
Expertise 1 8
Crocodile Animal 4 Resilience 1 8
Strength 1 8
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Skills
Agility 2 9 Acrobatics, Fisticuffs (Bite/Talon), Sense
Perception 2 9
Hits: 2 Body: J Mind: J
Expertise 2 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 5 (50)
Resilience 3 10
Strength 3 10 Weapon Damage Range
Bite Color -
Talon Color -
Athletics, Fisticuffs (Bite/Tail), Sense
Hits: 6 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Flying: The falcon/hawk flies at Speed 50.
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Small: The falcon/hawk gains +1 to Body.
Weapon Damage Range
Tail Suit - Gorilla Animal 4
Bite Suit+1 -
Trait Score Defense
Special Charisma 1 8
Swimmer: The crocodile can swim at its full Speed. Agility 2 9
Tough Hide: The crocodile gains +1 to Body. Perception 2 9
Water Stalk: The crocodile gains advantage on Agility/ Expertise 2 9
Stealth checks while in the water. Resilience 3 10
Strength 4 J
Dog Animal 2
Trait Score Defense Acrobatics, Athletics, Fisticuffs, Ranged Weapons,
Charisma 1 8 Sense, Willpower
Agility 3 10
Hits: 6 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Perception 2 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 30
Expertise 2 9
Resilience 2 9 Weapon Damage Range
Strength 2 9 Fists Suit -
Skills Special
Athletics, Fisticuffs (Bite), Sense, Stealth Natural Climber: The gorilla climbs at full speed
without making Trait Checks.
Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Tough Hide: The gorilla gains +1 to Body.
Moxie: 1 Speed: 40
Weapon Damage Range
Bite Color+1 -
Scent: The dog gains advantage on Trait Checks to
track prey.

Chapter 11 – Friends & Enemies

Horse Animal 3 Owl Animal 1

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Charisma 1 8
Agility 2 9 Agility 2 9
Perception 2 9 Perception 3 10
Expertise 1 8 Expertise 1 8
Resilience 3 10 Resilience 1 8
Strength 3 10 Strength 1 8
Skills Skills
Athletics, Fisticuffs (Bite, Kick) Acrobatics, Fisticuffs (Talon), Sense, Stealth
Hits: 6 Body: 9 Mind: 9 Hits: 2 Body: 10 Mind: 10
Moxie: 1 Speed: 50 Moxie: 1 Speed: 5 (40)
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Bite Color - Talon Color -
Kick Suit -
Special Flying: The owl flies at Speed 40.
Working Animal: The horse never makes Resilience Night Vision: The owl does not suffer penalties for
checks to carry loads for a long time as long as it gets seeing in darkness.
enough sleep. Small: The owl gains +1 to Body.

Monkey Animal 1 Wolf Animal 3

Trait Score Defense Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Charisma 1 8
Agility 3 10 Agility 3 10
Perception 2 9 Perception 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Expertise 2 9
Resilience 1 8 Resilience 2 9
Strength 1 8 Strength 3 10
Skills Skills
Acrobatics, Insight, Stealth Athletics, Fisticuffs (Bite), Sense, Stealth
Hits: 2 Body: J Mind: 9 Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 9
Moxie: 1 Speed: 20 Moxie: 1 Speed: 40
Weapon Damage Range Weapon Damage Range
Bite Color - Bite Suit -
Special Special
Natural Climber: The monkey climbs at full speed Pack Hunter: The wolf gains advantage on attacks
without making Trait Checks. whenever another wolf is attacking the same target.
Small: The monkey gains +1 to Body. Scent: The wolf gains advantage on Trait Checks to
track prey.

This chapter contains a variety of tools a GM can Caper who named it Capek’s Earth in honor of science
use to expand the game beyond the core rule set to fiction writer Karel Capek, who coined the term “robot.”
incorporate the CAPERS versions of some common
comic book/graphic novel tropes. The Rise of the Automatons
During the Great War of this Earth, the militaries
ALTERNATE EARTHS of the Central Powers and the Allied Nations were
The characters live in one world, but that doesn’t mean engaged in an increasingly intense arms race.
they can’t travel to others. You could introduce the idea Machine guns, chemical weapons, and tanks were just
of a multiverse, a setting across many dimensions, in the tip of the iceberg when it came to the destructive
your story. These alternate Earths exist parallel to the designs of the talented teams of weapons engineers
characters’ home world and can be viewed through both sides employed.
the Dimensional Manipulation Power. Characters can The first automatons, dubbed “Metal Men” when
also travel to these worlds by using the Dimensional they hit the battlefield, were originally designed to
Manipulation Power or by discovering gates. replace the soldiers in a conflict which was taking an
Alternate Earths share many people, places, and increasingly alarming toll on the population of Europe.
events with the characters’ world of origin, but most of While resistant to damage and the chemical weapons
these details have some level of variation. For instance, being used, they were slow and unable to carry out
most alternate Earths have a person named Al Capone. complex orders.
On one, he might be a crooked police chief. On another Soldiers in the trenches found them to be
he’s a homeless painter. And on another, Capone might uncomfortable to be around at first, but on more
still be a mob boss, but a female named Alice. than one occasion, their presence either deterred
If you create your own alternate Earth, think an attack or they were able to be used in place of a
about what makes the world different, since those human soldier. The lifesaving potential, and their
distinctions define the dimension. What follows are heavy use in physical labor, outweighed initial lapses in
some example Earths you can add to or modify in your combat effectiveness. They were initially used as blunt
game. For ease of understanding, the characters’ world instruments against the enemy, when brute force was
of origin is referred to as Principal Earth. needed, but as tactics developed and models improved,
automatons became more widely accepted.
The Astral Plane After the war ended, the factories that developed
and built the automatons pivoted to design new robots
The Astral Plane is the dimension that connects all and repurpose combat automatons for use in the
universes. It allows travel between alternate Earths. civilian markets. Many soldiers returning from the
Capers with the Dimensional Manipulation Power front had been around automatons and already had
use the Astral Plane to peer into and step into these a high level of comfort with them. Seeing them used in
other worlds. factories, farms, ports, railyards, and warehouses didn’t
The Astral Plane is infinite, without gravity, and seem out of the ordinary at all. The greater population
bathed in red light. Creatures that travel between worlds took some time to adjust to their presence, but in time
pass through the Astral Plane on their way and often get they proved useful.
glimpses of what lies within it. They may see bodies in Eventually, automatons started to appear in other
suspended animation, strange creatures, swirling eddies, areas of public life. There were automatons taking
and beams of light stretching into the distance. tickets at the theater, shining shoes, driving taxis,
preparing meals, and carrying groceries. Now, they
CAPEK’S EARTH have become so ingrained in the daily lives of the
Capek’s Earth is a dimension that many Capers will people of Capek’s Earth, people can’t imagine what
find very similar to Principal Earth, with the notable they would do without them.
difference being a large population of humanoid
automatons. It was discovered by a dimension-hopping

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

Robot vs. Android always try to complete their programming, but can
reprioritize tasks if given instruction by someone with
There are two types of automatons found on Capek’s
the proper authority or credentials. Robots can only
Earth: The Robot and the Android. There are a number
accept relatively simple commands. Complex tasks
of similarities between the two, mainly surrounding
outside of their base programming are almost always
their construction and general appearance. All
interpreted incorrectly or outright ignored.
automatons are made of metal and have a copper,
Robots tend to be very literal in their interpretation
bronze, iron, or silver coloring. They are humanoid in
of directions. They can respond to questions or
appearance with two arms, two legs, and some kinds of
instructions they don’t understand, but will do so in
head, even if it is just a faceless dome or continuation
an obviously mechanical and monotone voice, and in
of the torso.
simple sentence responses.
Those with a distinct head may have sculpted facial
Androids are more expensive luxury items. Owning
features in addition to lenses and optical sensors. Some
an android on Capek’s Earth is much like owning an
may have additional limbs depending on their designed
automobile on Principal Earth. They are expensive, but
function. These limbs could also include tools,
not unattainable for most people.
attachments, compartments, and weapons.
Androids are roughly human-sized with similar
Automatons never need to eat or drink, but they
proportions, and many more of them have humanoid
require at least four hours of inactivity so they can plug
facial features. These are the automatons one is most
in and recharge their internal power supplies.
likely to see in service positions. Restaurants, hotels,
Robots are specifically designed for physical labor,
shops, private companies, and many citizens invest in
security, and combat. Though they come in many
these machines to assist them in daily tasks.
shapes and sizes, generally, these are larger than the
Androids are programmed with more complex and
average human, with stout frames and thick limbs.
relatable personalities, and are better able to respond
These automatons are most often seen in industrial
to requests and questions. Like robots, androids will
settings, but can also be seen hauling crates and
always follow their programming, but are able to
packages while making deliveries, and sometimes even
accept more complex direction.
pulling streetcars.
They also have a fair amount of autonomy in
Robots are normally programmed to do specific
interpreting instructions. While a robot with the
tasks and can do these amazingly well. They will
instruction “Take this package over there” would
literally pick up a box and carry it to the destination,
an android might pick it up, carry it to the location,
set it down gently, or may even interpret the package
was meant for a specific individual and hand it to that
person. This autonomy granted to the androids by the
designers has allowed them to flourish in their daily
roles and become widely accepted in society.

Life in Capek’s Earth

Because automatons are everywhere, life on this
alternate Earth has a number of differences. There
are an increased number of factory worker and
service jobs revolving specifically around building and
maintaining automatons
The rigors of daily life are also lessened by the
presence of automatons. Those who can afford an
android will often have it run errands, wash dishes,
clean the house, do laundry, and the like. This has
allowed many to have more free time, which is spent in
social or philanthropic pursuits, or just used as general
leisure time.
Automatons have also allowed many industries to
come up with new ways to capitalize on this new-found
leisure time. Robots and androids have started to be
included in exhibition baseball games, with talks of
a special league being introduced to play when home
teams are playing away games.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

Prohibition still occurred in Capek’s Earth with There are a number of benefits available to automaton
automatons playing a role on both sides. Rumrunners NPCs which set them apart from other characters. Since
and gangsters use their own automatons for defense, they lack organic parts, they are immune to certain
protection, and delivery of goods, while the feds use conditions which once plagued humans on the battlefield
automatons in law enforcement. These inclusions only of the Great War. These resistances and their ability to be
serve to make confrontations between the two sides modified are also reflected in these rules below.
more deadly, especially when automatons are used to
target people instead of solely against other automatons. ❖❖ Do not require food or water.
As a result, there are special law enforcement ❖❖ Require a 4 hour charging period each day.
divisions which are dedicated to the investigation and
❖❖ Are unaffected by poisons, toxins, or disease.
prevention of automaton crime. In their investigations,
they regularly validate automaton programming to ❖❖ Can have “Features” which are representative
make sure they can track down the individuals giving of special parts, attachments, weapons, or
the instructions. These routine measures allow them to tools. When you create an automaton, you can
reassure the governments of the world and the general substitute a Feature in place of a Skill. You can
populace that automatons lack self-awareness and are do this up to two times at character creation.
still operating under the orders of humans. ❖❖ A Feature can be selected for 1 AP when
advancing an automaton.
Capek’s Earth Story Hooks
Here are a few reasons the characters might enter Features
Capek’s Earth: Features can be selected from the list below or created
by the GM. Each Feature can only be selected once.
❖❖ The characters wish to acquire their own
automaton for use in their own endeavors on ❖❖ Alternate Power Source: The automaton can
Principal Earth. run for an extended period of time using a
❖❖ A rival group gets their hands on a military backup, alternate power source. The most
combat robot from Capek’s Earth. The common are diesel or ethanol generators.
characters travel to the alternate Earth to learn When using this, the automaton can go an
how to combat the machine. additional 24 hours before needing to be
❖❖ The characters enter Capek’s Earth to learn recharged and refueled.
about the creation of automatons to bring the ❖❖ Battery: The automaton can power other
industry to Principal Earth, only to realize just electrical devices when the device is plugged in.
how closely guarded a secret it really is. The automaton can power one device for one
❖❖ Principal Earth is discovered by a criminal day without requiring faster recharge for itself.
organization that intends to use their For every device after the first that it powers for
automatons against unsuspecting gangs and a full day, it needs to recharge two hours earlier.
law enforcement there so they can establish a ❖❖ Clamp: The automaton cannot be disarmed
foothold in a new world. while holding an object or fall while holding
onto a surface.
Automaton Rules ❖❖ Compartment: The automaton has a storage
compartment of roughly one cubic foot
GMs can create their own automatons for use in their
somewhere on its body. It can be used to carry
CAPERS games. An automaton is created just like an
weapons, cargo, contraband, packages for
Exceptional character, but there are some specific
delivery etc.
rules which need to be followed.
❖❖ Extendable Arms: The arms of the automaton
❖❖ Robots have a Charisma of 1 while Androids can reach up to 10 feet. Fisticuff and Melee
have a Charisma of 2. Neither can be improved. Weapon attacks can be made against targets 10
feet away.
❖❖ All Automatons start with a Resilience of 3.
❖❖ Extendable Legs: The legs of the automaton
❖❖ Strength, Agility, and Resilience can each
can extend up to 10 feet. Only about half of
be increased to 5 through normal NPC
this height can be maintained while running.
advancement, instead of the normal limit of 3.
Increase Speed by 10 when in use.
❖❖ Automatons can never take the Diplomacy,
❖❖ Gun: The automaton has a gun mounted
Deception, or Insight skills.
somewhere such as on the arm, torso, or
shoulder. This gun cannot be disarmed.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

❖❖ Internal Weapon: One weapon feature can Buddy Bot Service Android Exceptional 3
be made to be retractable, stored internally,
and deployed when needed. This requires a Trait Score Defense
previous weapon feature be chosen, such as Charisma 2 9
Saw Blade or Gun. Agility 2 9
❖❖ Mindless: The automaton is immune to attacks Perception 2 9
that target Mind. Expertise 2 9
Resilience 3 10
❖❖ Piston Fist: The fists of the automaton are
Strength 1 8
reinforced and powered by a steam piston to
deal heavy damage on a punch. Its fists deal Skills
Suit Hits damage. Business 2, Conveyances, Humanities, Mechanicals 2
❖❖ Reinforced: Additional structural or armor Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9
reinforcement increases the automaton’s Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Body by 1.
❖❖ Rocket Boost: The automaton gains the ability Weapon Damage Range
to fly as though it had the Flight power at rank Fists Color -
1. This cannot be upgraded. Perks
❖❖ Saw Blade: A large buzz saw blade is mounted (2 Specialty Skills)
on one arm. This weapon deals Suit+1 Hits Features
damage. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Battery, Clamp, Speech Imitation, Tool Kit
❖❖ Speech Imitation: The automaton’s mechanical
voice is replaced by a more human one. Up
to five different voices can be programmed.
Alternatively, some of those voices can be Flipside is an alternate Earth with a unique entrance
alarm sounds or buzzers instead. mechanism. Each person in Principal Earth has a
version of themselves on Flipside, called a duplicate,
❖❖ Tool Kit: The automaton has a built in tool kit
or dupe for short. A person of Principal Earth can learn
with wrenches, ratchets, screwdrivers, etc.
to transport their consciousness into the body of their
which can be used when making applicable
dupe on Flipside. This process is known as flipping
Trait Checks.
and requires one minute of sharp mental focus on
one’s dupe. Once you introduce Flipside, it’s your call
Automaton NPCs regarding how characters learn to flip over. They could
be told about the process by an NPC or you could
Mk. III Combat Robot Exceptional 5 devise a whole adventure that introduces the idea.

Trait Score Defense Entering Flipside

Charisma 1 8 When a person flips into the body of their dupe, the
Agility 2 9 dupe’s mind is suppressed until the flipper returns to
Perception 2 9 Principal Earth. While flipped, a person’s actual body
Expertise 2 9 disappears from Principal Earth and lies in limbo in
Resilience 4 J the Astral Plane. If a dupe’s body dies while inhabited
Strength 4 J by a flipper, the dupe dies and the flipper returns to the
Skills corresponding location in Principal Earth where the
Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns, Sense death occurred. If a person’s dupe is dead when they
jump into Flipside, they appear in their actual body
Hits: 18 Body: 9 Mind: 9 in the corresponding location where they jumped on
Moxie: 3 Speed: 40 Principal Earth.
Weapon Damage Range Dupes might vary quite a bit from their Principal
Piston Fists Suit - Earth counterparts in appearance and personality. A
Machine Gun Suit+2 100/300 Caper’s dupe may have different Powers.

Flipside Distinctions
Tough, Fleet of Foot
Flipside is very similar to Principal Earth in that the
Features Great War happened and ended the same way. There
Gun, Piston Fist is still Prohibition and the rise of the organized crime,

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

and there are people with Powers in the world. Flipside Story Hooks
There are many cosmetic differences between
Here are a few reasons the characters might
Principal Earth and Flipside. Atlantic City has no
enter Flipside:
Boardwalk. Instead there’s a paved path along the
ocean everyone calls the Beachstreet. In New York
❖❖ The characters are tricked into flipping for the
City, the Empire State building was never constructed
first time by an enemy. They must find each
and the Statue of Liberty is a man on a horse. Small
other, figure out where they are, and discover a
changes like this can be seen all over Flipside. Stores
way home.
have different names, houses are painted different
colors, and baseball teams have different mascots. ❖❖ Principal Earth Al Capone figures out how
Cosmetic distinctions aren’t the only details that to flip. The characters go to Flipside to take
make Flipside unique. Some of the more significant him on in a world where Capone has less
changes to Flipside may seem cosmetic at first, but power or to help him establish a new criminal
closer examination reveals their impact. Here are a enterprise there.
few examples: ❖❖ The characters enter Flipside to kill their
dupes. Once they do that, they can use
❖❖ Atlantic City has two paved highways leading Flipside’s highways for faster travel between
to it from the north and west. As a result, the Chicago, New York, and Atlantic City. Once
city is more crowded than its Principal Earth they arrive at their destination, they can flip
version. Nucky Johnson’s gang in Atlantic City back to Principal Earth.
clashes more frequently with those in New ❖❖ The characters try to bring back as much gold
York and Chicago since travel is far easier. from Flipside as possible. The only way to do
Every gangster is trying to move in on every this easily is to not have a dupe on the other side
other gangster’s turf on a national scale, which so that you flip your own body between worlds.
creates more blood in the streets. It also
makes travel easier for the characters. These
highways are lined with cops trying to catch MADWORLD
the criminals. Car chases that end in fiery Madworld is a place of extreme danger for Capers.
crashes are common on these roads. No Capers, or freaks as they’re known in Madworld,
❖❖ Al Capone was gunned down early in his use their Powers in public. On this Earth, those with
criminal career, leaving Giada Torrio in charge Powers are feared, hunted, and murdered.
without Capone’s aid. Given this, Chicago is in During Madworld’s Great War, the Central Powers
even greater turmoil than in Principal Earth. recruited bloodthirsty Capers to slay thousands of
The Irish gangs hold greater sway as Torrio’s Allied troops. After the war, when many American
gang fights to hold onto control. Capers rose to take on bootleggers, organized
❖❖ Zeppelins were never invented. The only real crime bosses used old newsreels of the Central
way to travel over the Atlantic is by boat. Powers’ Capers’ violence to create propaganda that
Cramped cabins and seasickness aren’t for manufactured a fear of people with Powers. Regular
everyone, so fewer people from Europe make it folk in Madworld’s America got caught up in a
over to America and vice versa. panic and called for the death of all Capers, leaving
bootleggers free to do as they please.
❖❖ The money used in Flipside is actual gold
coins instead of dollar bills. Cash being harder
to conceal easily leads to an abundance of Madworld Law Enforcement
muggings and robberies, sometimes in public Terror grew into a public campaign that became real
in broad daylight. political action. Using any Power is outlawed. Freaks
must join a national registry. Those with Minor Powers
These small changes make the world of Flipside a are allowed to work normal jobs, but have weekly
more violent place than Principal Earth. When the check-ins with government agents acting similar to
characters travel to Flipside, this detail may not be parole officers. If any use of a Power is suspected by
apparent until they witness a brazen act of violence in the parole officer, the offending freak is arrested and
public firsthand. The circumstances of Flipside make executed.
fewer people willing to surrender and more folks Freaks with Major Powers who register are kept
willing to use fists and weapons to solve problems. Law in government facilities that are essentially prisons.
enforcement, criminals, and many civilians walk the In these places, the government runs experiments on
streets armed and ready for danger. drugged and bound freaks to “cure” them. So far no
one has been cured but many have ended up insane

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

or dead. It is theorized that the government is also Many criminal bosses have used the freak panic
brainwashing the people kept here to use them as to become well-known public figures. On this Earth
soldiers should another war be declared. Al Capone is not known for being a bootlegger. He is
Any freak caught willfully using a Power to a dedicated civilian who speaks out against the freak
perpetrate a crime is sentenced to death. To that end threat and raises money for politicians who vow to
every local police force has an elite freak-hunting team lock every villain with Powers away. Capone is still a
referred to as a goon squad. These teams have the bootlegger in Madworld but that is not how the public
authority to operate outside the law to hunt freaks. knows him.
They are equipped with Tommy guns and back-up
pistols. Members of a goon squad are selected because Freak Life
they have incredible investigative and combat skills in
The best many freaks can hope for in Madworld is to
addition to a burning hatred of freaks. These groups
live a quiet life and never use their Powers. If exposed,
have been known to operate with criminals to get their
freaks have limited options. They can register with the
gruesome job done.
government, they can go on the run, or they can seek
help from criminal enterprises, who protect freaks in
People of Madworld exchange for services as hired muscle.
In some ways the public’s response to freaks is even Freaks that go on the run are relentlessly hunted.
harsher than that of the United States government. There are rumors of a network of freaks called the
Fearful citizens walk the streets armed to the teeth. Underground who have safe houses, secret routes,
When word about a freak gets out, civilians form and allies in positions of power. The Underground
vigilante gangs that stop at nothing short of murder. uses these resources to hide those with Powers who
This sometimes happens even if there is no evidence have been exposed, but there’s no actual proof that the
the accused is a freak. organization exists.
Thanks to the propaganda of organized crime, Freaks who embrace working with criminals find
most citizens value safety from freaks above all. Many a better quality of life but are still treated like second-
report their own freak family members, neighbors, class citizens. The bosses take care of these powered
and friends, knowing it will result in a loved one’s assets and provide them with a place to stay, a little
imprisonment or death. Nefarious individuals may file cash, and protection from the law. The rank and file
false reports of rivals or enemies as freaks just to get of criminal gangs wield authority over freaks, treating
them out of the way. The suspicion such an accusation them like tools and weapons, not people. While this life
brings can ruin a suspect’s life. is miserable, it is the best many freaks can hope for in a
world with limited options.
Madworld Criminals
No one has profited more from the events in Madworld Madworld Story Hooks
than criminal organizations. There are no do-gooder Here are a few reasons the characters might
Capers upsetting illegal enterprises and the police are enter Madworld:
mostly occupied catching people with Powers. While
the bootlegging business is booming, gun running is ❖❖ A multiverse-traveling bounty hunter captures
even better. After manufacturing the fear of freaks, the characters and sells them into criminal
criminal organizations profited from that panic by service on Madworld.
selling the public the means to defend themselves. ❖❖ The characters enter Madworld to save a Caper
Alcohol and guns are not the only means of income ally who was sent there by an enemy.
for organized crime in Madworld. Crime bosses provide
❖❖ The characters’ doubles in Madworld discover
protection from freaks to the terrified public… for a
Principal Earth. They trick the characters into
fee. Those who don’t pay might suddenly find their
going into Madworld, where they become
home ransacked by a freak (secretly on the crime
wanted criminals while the doubles live a
boss’ payroll).
better life on Principal Earth.
There’s another form of protection money criminal
enterprises collect. It comes from people with Powers. ❖❖ The Underground discovers Principal Earth.
Criminal gangs have teams dedicated to uncovering the The organization recruits the characters to
identities of and blackmailing freaks who want to keep help rescue wanted freaks and bring them to
their Powers a secret. safer worlds.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

OMEGA EARTH People traveling shorter distances have the option

of using teleportation platforms. Networks of these
On Omega Earth, technology has far surpassed that platforms exist in every city. Standing on a platform
of Principal Earth thanks to invaders from outer and punching the code of another platform instantly
space. Flying cars, wrist communicators, ray guns, transports the person to the desired platform. This
teleporters, alien residents, and more make Omega technology is currently only used within cities; it’s not
Earth a unique world. yet powerful enough to transport people more than
The Great War on Omega Earth began when the fifty miles.
Orions came out of the sky in their saucer-shaped Perhaps Omega Earth’s biggest advancement has
spaceships hungry for resources and destroyed many been in communication. It seems most every person in
of the world’s major cities, including New York. The America wears a special wrist communicator. These
people of Omega Earth came together, but the Orion inventions connect people all over the globe. The
threat was too great. If not for Capers, the human race three thousand mile range is changing the way friends,
would not have held on for as long as it did during the families, and businesses stay in touch.
bloody invasion.
While people with Powers aided in the defeat
of the Orions, a disease won the real victory. When
Omega Earth Gear
doctors saw that tuberculosis had a more rapid Item Cost
infection rate among the Orions, they not only halted Force Field Generator (per 1000 SF) $10,000
research into treatments for the disease, they burned
all the information they had. The infection spread Hoverbike $3000
like wildfire and the Orions were easily overpowered. Hovercar $8500
The few surviving aliens surrendered and the Great Hovertruck $7800
War was won. Humanity beat the odds, but as a result Teleportation Pad Trip $10
tuberculosis is now a huge problem on Omega Earth.
Wrist Communicator $500
New Technology
With peace on Omega Earth, every nation turned to Omega Earth Weapon Table
boosting technological capabilities. New defenses Weapon Dmg Range Rnds Cost
became the world’s number one priority due to the fear
Laser Whip Suit+2 10/20 -- $500
of another invasion.
Scientists have only scratched the surface of Laser Pistol Suit+3 100/300 -- $1000
researching the Orions’ technology and they’ve already Laser Rifle Suit+4 150/500 -- $3000
created laser pistols and rifles that mimic those the
aliens used. These guns fire lasers at an alarming rate Cities of Tomorrow
and never need to be reloaded (though the delicate The skylines of Omega Earth are dotted with all
machinery inside can easily break). manner of buildings that look like skinny columns
Weapons are not the only military fruit born from topped with large domed structures. These buildings of
studying Orion technology. Force field generators are tomorrow are practically all that makes up New York,
six foot cubic objects that weigh almost a ton. The since the old city was destroyed by the Orions. Each
generators can create a field large enough to cover building has its own small community inside, filled with
the building in which they are contained. Powered by apartments and businesses, and a farm on the roof. The
gasoline, the machines only maintain a force field for as domes regulate temperature and the skinny column
long as they burn fuel. The generators are only found in leading to the ground allows for a single, secure access
secure government buildings and the homes of the very point into the building.
wealthy thanks to costly installation and upkeep.
When it comes to transportation, the people of
Omega Earth move in style. Cars with levitator pads
where the wheels used to be drive faster than they ever
did on the ground. The inventions can fly up to 100’
above the ground!

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

The Orions Orion Greenskin Alien 3

The typical Orion leader is a green-skinned, hairless
Trait Score Defense
humanoid with a thin body and bulbous head. They have
Charisma 2 9
a circular mouth, two facial slits for nostrils, and black
Agility 2 9
eyes with no visible pupils or irises. These Orions are
Perception 3 10
telepaths who can read minds and influence emotions.
Expertise 2 9
Two other variants of Orions exist. The three-eyed,
Resilience 2 9
purple-skinned Shifters were spies during the Great
Strength 1 8
War. They can shapeshift into any humanoid form. The
six-armed, black chitin-skinned Bruisers are shock Skills
troops who exhibit superior strength and toughness. Deception, Diplomacy, Guns, Stealth
Many of the surviving Orions are imprisoned in
Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 10
secure government facilities, but a few actually turned
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
on their people to fight for humanity and are allowed
to be a part of Omega Earth’s society. Most humans Weapon Damage Range
are prejudiced against aliens, so they tend to be loners, Fists Color -
though they might spend time with other free Orions. Laser Pistol Suit+3 100/300
There are a few Orions in hiding who never
stopped fighting the Great War. They search for other Power/Rank Boosts
like-minded brethren, hoping to rise against humanity Influence Emotions 2 Amnesia, Negative Emotion,
once again. Range, Twin
Telepathy 2 Deep, Double, Group, Range
Orion Bruiser Alien 5
Orion Shifter Alien 2
Trait Score Defense
Charisma 1 8 Trait Score Defense
Agility 2 9 Charisma 3 10
Perception 2 9 Agility 2 9
Expertise 2 9 Perception 2 9
Resilience 5 Q Expertise 2 9
Strength 5 Q Resilience 2 9
Strength 1 8
Acrobatics, Athletics, Fisticuffs, Melee Weapons Skills
Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Sense
Hits: 16 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30 Hits: 14 Body: 9 Mind: 9
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Weapon Damage Range
Fists Suit - Weapon Damage Range
Laser Whip Suit+2 10/20 Fists Color -
Laser Pistol Suit+3 100/300
Power/Rank Boosts
Super Strength 2 Damage, Jump, Penetration, Power/Rank Boosts
Range Mimic 2 Garb, Height, Language,
Super Resilience 2 Damage Prevention, Quicken
Detoxifying, Exhaustion, Hits
Prohibition laws and organized crime exist on Omega
Earth. Criminals enjoy and take advantage of the
world’s advanced technology and even have scientists
of their own working on projects with Orion tech.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

Omega Earth Story Hooks Each level of the prison is separated from the
others by a single heavy iron door. Each door is locked
Here are a few reasons the characters might enter
with a seven-digit combination that changes daily and
Omega Earth:
is known only by the warden and guard captains.
Should a prison break ever occur, Flat Hills is less
❖❖ The characters wish to acquire tech from
than a mile away from Fort Branagan, an army base
Omega Earth to make their lives on Principal
with troops on call for just such an event.
Earth easier.
❖❖ The characters learn about Omega Earth’s
The Pit
tuberculosis problem and travel to that world
with information on treatments. Inmates have dubbed the two lowest levels of Flat Hills
as The Pit. The most powerful criminals in the prison
❖❖ Orions from Principal Earth’s universe invade
are housed here. Each cell is customized to hold the
and the characters travel to Omega Earth to
Caper inside. Criminals with super strength are kept
learn how to defeat the aliens.
in reinforced cells with doors stronger than any bank
❖❖ Bootleggers from Omega Earth use superior vault. Capers with advanced mental Powers are kept in
tech to invade and take over the criminal soundproof cells without windows. These inmates are
enterprises of Principal Earth. allowed no visitors, rarely leave their cells, and have
little interaction with the guards. The most powerful
criminals are kept drugged or chained (or both) to keep
SUPER PRISONS their Powers in check. Note that The Pit’s criminals are
Powerful criminals require extra-strong prisons. With not necessarily the worst of the worst in Flat Hills, but
criminal Capers in all major cities, the government they are the most powerful.
had to build holding facilities designed to house
people with super strength, mind influencing, and
Gen Pop
teleportation Powers. Prisons are the ultimate place
to go question a criminal source or stage a jailbreak. The three middle levels of Flat Hills house the general
Since you’ll likely need a prison at some point during population, or gen pop, of the inmates and are where
a CAPERS story, two are provided in this section for guards spend most of their time patrolling. Each
you to use as is or modify. correctional officer is armed with a shotgun and a club.
The inmates are allowed out of their cells for a few
hours each day to mingle with the rest of the prisoners
FLAT HILLS PENITENTIARY and get exercise. If any inmate is caught outside their
Northwest of Chicago, near the Illinois-Wisconsin cell during lockdowns or normal lights out hours, they
border, many of the world’s most dangerous Capers are are immediately shot.
imprisoned beneath the ground in Flat Hills Penitentiary. Because more interaction is allowed in gen pop,
Most who drive the lonely road near where the prison these levels of Flat Hills are actually the most dangerous
sits never know a fenced-in, one-story office complex for inmates. Criminals fight, steal, and do worse out
sits atop seven sub-basements of violent criminals. of sheer boredom. When gen pop criminals are caught
acting up, guards send them to the Pit as punishment.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

The Offices Anna “Cupid” MacIntyre Caper 2

The two sub-basements above gen pop and the ground
Trait Score Defense
level of Flat Hills are administrative offices, break
Charisma 3 10
rooms, therapy centers, medical clinics, research
Agility 1 8
facilities, and visitor checkpoints. All visitors and
Perception 2 9
employees of Flat Hills must show identification and
Expertise 2 9
submit to a physical search and mind reading by a
Resilience 2 9
Caper on staff.
Strength 2 9
Criminals can volunteer for medical experiments
run on these levels and are rewarded with pay or time Skills
knocked off their sentences. All experiments have two Deception, Insight, Sense, Stealth
things in common: they require Capers as subjects and
Hits: 14 Body: 8 Mind: 9
risk harming them.
Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
People of Flat Hills Weapon Damage Range
The following people work or are inmates in Flat Fists Color -
Hills Penitentiary: Power/Rank Boosts
Influence Emotions 2 Amnesia, Positive Emotion,
Anna “Cupid” MacIntyre Range, Twin
Anna is one of the newest inmates in the Pit. The
Gear: Cigarettes and lighter
twenty-three year old uses her Power to manipulate
politicians into affairs so she can later blackmail them.
Anna is a Caper with the Influence Emotions Power. Caleb Waldrop Caper 4
Trait Score Defense
Bill “Hothead” Allen
Charisma 2 9
Bill got locked up after robbing banks in Chicago. Agility 2 9
While he has no Powers, he has a penchant for setting Perception 3 10
fires. Now he runs a gang in gen pop called the Chicago Expertise 2 9
Fire that collects protection fees in the form of Resilience 2 9
cigarettes and other contraband. Strength 3 10
Use the Thief stat block for Bill.
Caleb Waldrop Athletics, Fisticuffs, Guns, Sense, Stealth, Willpower
The prison’s head of security can read minds. The Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 10
handsome, young thirty-something is also the boyfriend Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
of the warden. Word among the inmates is that any
Weapon Damage Range
visitor can get past Caleb’s mind reading scan with a
Fists Color -
big enough bribe.
Club Suit -
Caleb is a Caper with the Telepathy Power.
Power/Rank Boosts
Warden Molly Vesper Telepathy 2 Deep, Emergency, Group,
Vesper is an honest woman in her fifties who has Range
worked in law enforcement her whole life and distrusts Gear: Keys
anyone with Powers who isn’t Caleb Waldrop.
Use the Cop stat block for Vesper.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

STONE BEACH PRISON Over time, the experiment doesn’t hold true. Gangs
within Stone Beach try to recruit Capers and turn
Five miles off the coast of New York City is a barren stone those less violent criminals into hardcore convicts who
island of black rock. Here stands Stone Beach Prison. commit even worse crimes when they re-enter society.

A Grand Experiment Defenses and Guards

Most of the regular prisoners in Stone Beach are The prison and its yard are kept behind a forty-foot-
serving at least one life sentence. It’s always been a high stone wall topped with barbed wire and machine
place for the worst criminals imaginable – all violent, gun nests. No visitors are allowed at Stone Beach
all deadly. When Capers got into the criminal game, Prison. Only ships transporting guards or supplies can
the government scrambled to build places that could get within 500’ of the island. Other vessels that get too
contain them. Before these prisons could be built, close are given a warning and then fired upon.
Jebediah Gand, the greedy warden of Stone Beach, saw Corrupt guards armed with Tommy guns and clubs
an opportunity to increase his prison’s revenue and patrol the prison’s various wards. They’ll do favors for
proposed a plan. inmates who have friends on the outside for the right
Convicts with Powers who commit less violent pay-off. The guards dole out punishments and look the
crimes like robbery, bootlegging, smuggling, and other way as it pleases them, which often leaves the
destruction of property are sent to Stone Beach to live inmates free to fight and murder each other.
alongside non-Powered prisoners who are murderers and
worse. The idea is that fear of these hardcore convicts
keeps the inmates with Powers in line. When a Caper
first arrives at Stone Beach, this idea seems to work.
Prisoners eager to prove themselves start fights with
Capers. Anyone with Powers learns to keep quiet or ends
up beaten or dead when they initially come to the prison.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

People of Stone Beach Juanita Destaro Caper 4

The following people work or are inmates in Stone
Trait Score Defense
Beach Prison:
Charisma 2 9
Agility 3 10
Gregory Maister
Perception 2 9
Maister is in his forties. He keeps a tidy appearance. Expertise 2 9
Most never suspect this man killed and ate an entire Resilience 2 9
family in Atlantic City before his arrest. Strength 2 9
Use the Shop Owner stat block for Maister.
Juanita Destaro Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Fisticuffs,
Mechanicals, Stealth
Destaro is a twenty-year-old thief in Stone Beach for
killing eleven people during a heist gone wrong. She Hits: 12 Body: 10 Mind: 9
now runs the Skulls, a gang that actively recruits Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
Capers at the tip of a shiv.
Destaro is a Caper who can share and Weapon Damage Range
augment Powers. Fists Color -
Shiv Color+1 20/60
Madame Markovia Power/Rank Boosts
Madame Markovia has the ability to see the past Power Augmentation 2 Energize Ally, Power Sense,
history of objects and speak with the dead. The Range, Twin
thirty-something used her talents to take money from Power Sharing 2 Boosting, Range, Steal, Trigger
grieving clients and was imprisoned for fraud. Gear: Cigarettes
Markovia is a Caper who can speak with objects
and manipulate a dimensional pocket.
Madame Markovia Caper 1
Warden Jebidiah Gand Trait Score Defense
The warden is a greedy man in his sixties who will do Charisma 2 9
anything for a bribe. Agility 2 9
Use the Politician stat block for Gand. Perception 3 10
Expertise 1 8
Resilience 2 9
Strength 2 9
Agent: Thank you, Mr. Spade. Just a couple more
questions. You say there was a man with a knife.
Deception, Insight, Sleight of Hand
Witness: Yeah, the first fella.
Agent: Right. Another witness saw the man Hits: 12 Body: 9 Mind: 10
with the knife as well. She described this Moxie: 3 Speed: 30
man, and, well, I’ll be confounded if she’s not
describing you to a tee. Weapon Damage Range
Witness: I been told I got one of those faces. Fists Color -
Agent: The problem is, one of the men who Power/Rank Boosts
came from the side room with a Tommy Gun Speak with Objects 1 Complex Object, Corpse,
had his throat slashed. We have a lot of bodies, Simple Object
but no knife. Level with me. Do you know Dimensional Pocket 1 Ally, Pocket, Size
where the man with the knife went?
End of interview. Gear: Tarot deck

Addendum by Javier Vargas, Director, D.O.J.

Bureau of Prohibition:
Agent Elliott reports she was looking down at her
notebook while asking that last question. When
she looked up, the witness had disappeared.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

CLONES Nemesis Origin

Sometimes the only person you can trust is yourself. A character’s nemesis should have a background
Creating a clone is a useful, though costly, tool for any similar to the character with a few slight variations
person looking to work with a reliable counterpart, that caused them to take a different path in life. The
frame an enemy for a crime, or kill and replace a character and nemesis might have grown up in the
specific person. same neighborhood, worked in the same field, or
experienced the same important life events. They might
Alternate Earth Doubles even have a friendly past relationship as childhood
friends, siblings, coworkers, or lovers.
The first way to create a clone (sort of) is to call forth Something dramatic happened along the way
a double from an alternate universe. The easiest way that made the nemesis take a different path, likely
to get a double for yourself is to grab one of the other a path the character might have taken in similar
“yous” from one of the Alternate Earths. circumstances. In short, if the character is a good cop,
Another method requires three Capers with the the nemesis is an evil cop or vice versa.
Dimensional Manipulation Power to be in the same
room with the individual whose clone they are trying
to bring forth. One Caper leads the group and must flip The Why of Being a Nemesis
cards in their deck until they flip an ace. The number The nemesis should have a deeper reason for hating
of cards flipped equals the number of days the group the character than the simple dichotomy of good and
must focus power on calling forth a duplicate without evil. The nemesis could blame the character for ruining
doing anything else other than eating and resting. A their life in some way, have an odd obsession with
clone called forth in this way is plucked from a random the character that borders on love, or simply see the
alternate Earth. Their personality and appearance are character as a threat to a particular worldview.
chosen by the GM. Being from an alternate Earth, the Nemeses often toy with their enemy characters.
clone does not necessarily have everything in common A quick murder would be too kind. They seek to
with its Principal Earth counterpart. cause as much pain as possible and may not even
desire the death of the character. Some nemeses
Creating a Clone from Scratch seek permanent suffering or a character’s broken
moral code as an endgame.
Clones can also be created via a scientific process that
requires $50,000 of raw materials, a lab, and an expert
in cloning (usually an NPC). The process calls for the Powers
person being cloned and the expert to work in the lab A nemesis could have the same Powers as a character,
for 30 days without doing anything else other than eating or a nemesis could have an opposite Power (such as a
and resting. The person being cloned must permanently Heat Beam when the character has a Cold Beam) or a
give a piece of themselves to the process. What the Power that counteracts what the character can do (such
person gives determines the number of clones created. as a Mental Shield to defend against a Psionic Beam).
Some nemeses have no Powers, but this only drives
❖❖ Giving up one Skill, 1 rank in a Minor Power, or them to greater efforts to take down their hated foe.
two Boosts creates one clone.
❖❖ Giving up one point of one Trait score or 1 rank Live to Fight Again
in a Major Power creates two clones. Nemeses should live beyond one encounter with the
character they despise. The more they can antagonize
Clones created in this way have the same personality, the person they hate, the deeper the story becomes.
appearance, and (post-cloning) statistics of the original These antagonists almost always have a plan or the
clone. All clones are controlled by the GM. luck to make it out alive when the odds are against
them. Nemeses are like rats that just keep showing up.
Draw out the story and then let the characters be the
NEMESES one to force a nemesis into a final confrontation.
It seems almost every person with Powers has a Since the characters work together, there’s every
nemesis, a hated enemy Caper who stops at nothing to chance their individual nemeses might team up at
destroy them. Giving each character a nemesis is a great some point to take the characters out. Their shared
way to make your stories iconic, engaging, and personal. hatred bonds them together just as the characters’
shared motivations to defeat the nemeses will bond the
players together.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

ANIMALS WITH POWERS Creation/Summoning Powers

If you want to shake up the threats the characters ❖❖ Goo Generation
might face, you can add animals into the mix. Certain
gangster masterminds might have animals as pets or Dimensional Powers
guardians in their hideaways. If you really want to ❖❖ Dimension Step
shake things up, animals can have Powers.
Body Manipulation Powers
What Powers Are Appropriate?
❖❖ Alter Form
An animal can have any Power you want it to have.
❖❖ Body Armor
That said, Powers that require conscious decisions
aren’t ideally suited and should rarely be used with ❖❖ Bone/Organ Shifting
animals. Following are Powers that are particularly ❖❖ Elasticity
well-suited to animals. ❖❖ Invisibility
❖❖ Prehensile Feature
Energy Powers
❖❖ Acid Stream
It’s probably best to stick with Powers that are easy
❖❖ Cold Beam to adjudicate and simple in nature. Animals bring a
❖❖ Electric Bolt different feel to many encounters, and animals with
❖❖ Energy Resistance Powers doubly so.
If you add Powers to an animal, adjust their
❖❖ Heat Beam
level appropriately to help you keep track of their
capabilities relative to the characters.
Mobility/Movement Powers
❖❖ Sonic Scream Society’s Reaction
❖❖ Flight If animals have Powers, it’s important to consider
❖❖ Speedster the reaction of the general populace. Pets might be
a bit less common among people who are worried
Trait Increase Powers that Fido might suddenly start dripping acid from his
mouth. There may be whole governmental and health
❖❖ Super Agility
departments dedicated to dealing with attacks and
❖❖ Super Perception protection from such animals.
❖❖ Super Resilience On the other hand, such animals can be quite
❖❖ Super Strength the attraction for zoos and wildlife refuges. Large
cities boast zoos with special cages devised to keep
Powered animals inside and patrons safe. Rural
areas might feature a wildlife refuge with one or
two special attractions.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

Fire-Breathing Wolf Animal 4 THE EMPOWERING EVENT

Trait Score Defense The following presupposes that you’re using Chapter 7
Charisma 1 8 to describe the nature of Powers using trembium and
Agility 3 10 the associated science behind it.
Perception 2 9 Trembium is intentionally kept mysterious in
Expertise 2 9 Chapter 7. As the GM,you may wish to expand on that
Resilience 2 9 information and focus more on trembium as a central
Strength 3 10 part of the story. So, too, you may wish to unleash an
empowering event in your campaign.
Athletics, Fisticuffs (Bite), Sense, Stealth What Is An Empowering Event?
Hits: 4 Body: 10 Mind: 9 An empowering event is a spectacular happening that
Moxie: 1 Speed: 40 infuses more people with trembium, even if only for
a short time. It’s up to you to determine how long the
Weapon Damage Range
effects of such last.
Bite Suit -
An important aspect of using an empowering
Power/Rank Boosts event is determining how widespread it is. Is it a global
Heat Beam 2 Damage, Immolation phenomenon? Does it affect the whole country or just
Immunity, Range the local region.? Is anyone susceptible to gaining
powers? Only certain types of people?
If you choose to introduce such an event, take
Pack Hunter: The wolf gains advantage on attacks
care that NPCs gaining Powers doesn’t overshadow the
whenever another wolf is attacking the same target.
players’ characters. Even if other people have Powers, the
Scent: The wolf gains advantage on Trait Checks to
players’ characters are always at the center of the story.
track prey.
What Causes the Event?
Disappearing Owl Animal 2
You may keep the explanation vague. However, if
Trait Score Defense you want to put a reason behind the event, here are
Charisma 1 8 some ideas.
Agility 2 9
Perception 3 10 ❖❖ An alignment of planets
Expertise 1 8 ❖❖ Significant earthquakes or volcanic eruptions
Resilience 1 8 ❖❖ The testing of a powerful weapon by the military
Strength 1 8
❖❖ An illness that spreads among the populace,
Skills making people sick for a while, but
Acrobatics, Fisticuffs (Talon), Sense, Stealth ultimately abating
Hits: 2 Body: 10 Mind: 10 ❖❖ Increased solar flare activity
Moxie: 1 Speed: 5 (40) ❖❖ A new inoculation distributed among
the populace
Weapon Damage Range
Talon Color - ❖❖ Explosion at a research facility
❖❖ Discovery of an alternate Earth
Power/Rank Boosts
Invisibility 1 Attack, Move, Run
Flying: The owl flies at Speed 40.
Night Vision: The owl does not suffer penalties for
seeing in darkness.
Small: The owl gains +1 to Body.

Chapter 12 – GM Toolbox

What Happens During the Event? Rules Information

During an empowering event, trembium vibrates and If the empowering event is weak, every character who
trembles more rapidly the world over. It may “multiply” already has Powers sees the ranks of their Powers
in the bloodstreams of people who already have increase by 1 for the duration of the event. If a Power’s
Powers, causing their Powers to increase or causing rank is already maximized, there may be no additional
them to gain additional Powers. effect, or you may determine that the character
It may manifest in people who previously had no gains all the Boosts for that Power that they didn’t
Powers. Such people might gain Powers at a low rank previously have.
or may be imbued with significant capabilities. If the event is moderate in strength, characters
It’s up to you to determine how long the with Powers have their Powers increase as described
empowering event lasts and its effects, but here are a above. Additionally, 10-40% of the population gains a
few things to keep in mind. Power at rank 1 or 2.
It will likely cause some level of panic and even If the event is strong, characters with Powers have
chaos among the populace. People have been slowly their Powers increase as described above and gain an
getting used to the idea of persons with extraordinary additional Power at rank 1 or 2. Additionally, 50-100%
abilities. To have many suddenly appear would be a of the population gains a Power at rank 1 or 2. Some of
shock. There may be riots and widespread fear. If many them gain more than one Power.
of the newly empowered people engage in crime or
feats of public spectacle, the panic will be greater.
Some organizations and institutions may react
strongly, perhaps violently, to such an event. Law
enforcement agencies will likely mobilize as many
officers as possible to quell panic and deal with crime.
Many religious people may seek sanctuary in holy
places, seeking assurance that all will be well.
There will almost certainly be many accidents as
people hurt themselves – and others – trying out their
new Powers. There may be a sharp rise in violence
and crime as people are emboldened to do things they
otherwise wouldn’t be able to get away with.

What Happens After the Event?

After an empowering event, it’s unlikely that the world
will simply return to normal as it was beforehand.
Certainly, some people who were empowered during the
event will be satisfied to have a few stories to tell, but
not everyone will be happy with what has happened.
Some people will be downright angry that they’ve
lost their Powers, feeling cheated by the universe. They
may simply lash out. But they may also begin seeking
out ways to get their Powers restored.
An empowering event will change society’s view
(as well as the views of many institutions) regarding
Powers. Law enforcement may be bolstered in
preparation for a subsequent event. Governments
may enact laws to deal with future threats. Religious
institutions may become convinced the end times are
coming. Scientists will work harder to learn more
faster and seek funding for studies.
Regardless of the length or severity of
an empowering event, it should have lasting
repercussions that color the remaining story you and
your players are telling.

A downside that comes with a Trait Check that just
Advancement Point (AP) barely succeeds.
Points you gain when your character gains a level. You
spend AP to improve your character’s capabilities.
A standard deck of poker-style playing cards, 52 suit
Advantage cards plus 2 jokers. Each player needs one, as does
the GM.
The result of a character being in a better-than-normal
situation during a Trait Check. This results in the player
increasing their Card Count by one for that check.
The result of a character being in a less-than-ideal
Body situation during a Trait Check. This results in the player
decreasing their Card Count by one for that check.
The Target Score a physical attack Trait Check must
match or beat for the attack to be successful.
Boon An interaction with the game world which has a
defined beginning and end, wherein one or more tasks
A special bonus gained when a character performs are accomplished by the characters and the story
particularly well on a Trait Check. moves forward.

Boost Energy
A special augmentation of a Power that provides an One of five special types of physical damage (acid,
alternate effect or improves the standard effect. cold, electricity, fire, and force).

Botch Exceptional
A drawback suffered when a character performs A character that possesses greater skill and toughness
particularly poorly on a Trait Check. than the average person but doesn’t have Powers.

Caper Free Action

A character possessing extraordinary powers that bend A short, simple action that a character can take that
the laws of nature. doesn’t require a Trait Check.

Card Count Game Master (GM)

The maximum number of cards you can flip during a The member of the gaming group that controls the world
Trait Check or Power Check. If your Card Count drops that the characters interact with. The GM controls NPCs,
to 0, you can’t attempt the check. describes the setting, and presents challenges for the
players and their characters to overcome.
A fictional person that exists in the world of the game. Hits
The measure of how hard it is to take a character down.
The color of a playing card, which sometimes
determines degree of success or failure of a Trait Check.


Identity Regular
A descriptor for your character that defines their core A normal person without any extraordinary capabilities.
self in one word. Used as a guide for roleplaying.
Initiative Approximately 6 seconds of game world time.
The result of a Reaction Check used to determine when
a character acts during an action sequence. Skill
A specialized area of study or natural talent that
Maintain increases your chances of success when making an
The ability to keep a Power or Boost active associated Trait Check.
continuously by reducing your Card Count every turn.
Mind How far a character can move in one round, measured
The Target Score a mental attack Trait Check must in feet.
match or beat for the attack to be successful.
Motivation Clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades on the playing
A game-rule incentive that comes with a Trait Check cards. The suit often determines the degree of success
that just barely fails. or failure of a Trait Check.

Moxie Trait
A pool of points players spend to improve their One of six core abilities that define your character.
characters’ chances of success in Trait Checks as well
as to gain other bonuses. They represent a combination Trait Action
of determination and luck.
An action that a character takes which involves making
a Trait Check. Power Checks are also made using a
Non-Player Character (NPC) Trait Action. Some Power Checks require you use your
A character that is controlled by the GM. NPCs are Trait Action to activate the Power but don’t require an
support characters, allies, and foes in the story. actual check.

Perk Trait Check

A special ability or quality that an Exceptional has in When a player or the GM flips cards to determine
lieu of Powers. whether a character accomplishes a task. The card flip
is compared to a Target Score to determine success or
Player failure as well as degree of success or failure.
A member of the game group that controls one of the
main characters of the story. Trait Defense
The Target Score required to perform an action that is
Power directly opposed by another character. It’s based on the
character’s Trait score.
A special capability that defies the laws of physics
and reason, allowing a character to perform
superhuman feats. Target Score (TS)
The pip value a card must meet or beat during a Trait
Power Check Check for the attempt to be successful.
A special type of Trait Check that involves activating
a Power. Vice
Your character’s greatest weakness.
Reaction Check
A type of Trait Check where the player only flips Virtue
one card, generally used when reacting quickly to The one conviction your character holds most dear,
something without thinking. one they’ll never violate.


APPENDIX 2: 1920s SLANG Canary: A woman with a pretty voice.

Caper: A criminal act or robbery. Also, in this game, a
From a purely character perspective, one of the things
person with extraordinary abilities.
that is most different in the world of CAPERS is
Carry a Torch: To have a crush on someone.
language. While you can certainly play the game using
Cash or Check?: “Do you kiss now or later?”
the parlance of our modern times, many players will
Cash: A kiss.
enjoy peppering the slang of 1920s America into their
Cat’s Pajamas: Something splendid or stylish.
characters’ voices.
Chassis: The female body.
Following is a lexicon of words and phrases used
Cheaters: Eyeglasses.
in the 1920s, arranged alphabetically.
Check: “Kiss me later.”
Ciggy: A cigarette.
All Wet: Describes an erroneous idea or individual, as
Clam: A dollar.
in, “He’s all wet.”
And How: I strongly agree.
Daddy: A young woman’s boyfriend or lover, especially
Applesauce: An expletive akin to “Dammit.”
if he’s rich.
Attaboy: Well done. Also Attagirl.
Dame: A woman.
Dapper: A flapper’s father.
Balled Up: Confused; messed up.
Dead Soldier: An empty beer bottle.
Baloney: Nonsense.
Deb: A debutant.
Bank’s Closed: No kissing or making out, as in, “Sorry,
Dick: A private investigator.
Mac, the bank’s closed.”
Dogs: Feet.
Bearcat: A hot-blooded or fiery girl.
Doll: An attractive woman.
Beat One’s Gums: To make idle chatter.
Dolled Up: Dressed up nicely.
Beef: A complaint or to complain.
Don’t Know from Nothing: Don’t have any information.
Bee’s Knees: An extraordinary person, thing, idea;
Don’t Take Any Wooden Nickels: “Don’t do
the ultimate.
anything stupid.”
Beeswax: Business, as in, “None of your beeswax.”
Dough: Money.
Bell Bottom: A sailor.
Drugstore Cowboy: A man who hangs around on a
Berries: Attractive or pleasing, as in, “It’s the berries.”
street corner trying to pick up women.
Bible Belt: Area containing the South and lower
Dry Up: “Shut up.” “Go away.”
Midwest where fundamentalism flourishes.
Ducky: Very good.
Big Cheese: The most important or influential
person; boss.
Earful: Enough, as in, “I’ve had an earful.”
Big Six: A strong man; from auto advertising for the
Edge: Intoxication or a buzz, as in, “I’ve got an edge.”
new and powerful, six-cylinder engines.
Egg: A person who lives the big life.
Bimbo: A tough guy.
Bird: General term for an “odd” man or woman, as in,
Fall Guy: A person framed for a crime.
“What a funny old bird.”
Fire Extinguisher: A chaperone.
Bluenose: An excessively puritanical person; a prude.
Fish: A college freshman. Also, a first-timer in prison.
Bootleg: Illegal liquor. Also, to make illegal liquor.
Flapper: A stylish, brash, hedonistic young woman who
Someone who makes illegal liquor is a bootlegger.
often wears short skirts and has short hair.
Breezer: A convertible car.
Flat Tire: A dull, insipid, disappointing date.
Bronx Cheer: A loud spluttering noise, used to
Fly Boy: A glamorous term for an aviator.
indicate disapproval.
Frame: To give false evidence; to set up someone.
Bull: A policeman or law-enforcement officer, including
Fried to the Hat: Intoxicated.
railroad security officers.
Bum’s Rush: Forceful ejection from an establishment,
as in, “Give him the bum’s rush.”
Butt Me: “I’ll take a cigarette.”


Gams: A woman’s legs. On the Lam: Fleeing from the police.

Get a Wiggle On: “Get a move on.” “Get going.” On the Level: Legitimate; honest.
Giggle Water: An intoxicating beverage; alcohol. Orchid: An expensive item.
Gin Mill: An establishment where hard liquor is sold; Ossified: Intoxicated.
a bar. Owl: A person who’s out late.
Glad Rags: Fancy clothes fit for going out on the town.
Gold Digger: A woman who associates with or marries Palooka: An average or below-average boxer. Also, a
a man for his wealth. social outsider.
Goofy: In love. Piker: A cheapskate. Also, a coward.
Pill: An unlikable person.
Hair of the Dog: An alcoholic drink, especially a shot, Pinch: To arrest.
imbibed to alleviate a hangover. Pipe Down: “Stop talking.”
Handcuff: An engagement ring. Pushover: A person easily convinced or seduced.
Hayburner: A gas-guzzling car. Also, a horse one loses Putting on the Ritz: Doing something in high style.
money on at the races.
Heebie-Jeebies: The jitters; the creeps. Ragamuffin: A dirty or disheveled individual.
High-Hat: To snub someone, as in, “I high-hatted him.” Razz: To make fun of.
Hit on All Sixes: To perform at 100 percent efficiency, Real McCoy: The genuine article.
from a car “hitting on all six cylinders.” Ritzy: Elegant.
Hooch: Bootleg liquor. Rubes: Money or dollars.
Hood: A hoodlum or criminal.
Hoofer: Dancer. Sap: A fool.
Horsefeathers: An expletive akin to “Dammit.” Scram: To leave or exit.
Hotsy-Totsy: Pleasing. Scrooched: Intoxicated.
Sheba: A sexy woman.
Iron: A motorcycle. Sheik: A sexy man.
It: Sex appeal, as in, “She’s got it.” Shiv: A knife.
Sinker: A doughnut.
Jake: Okay, as in, “Everything is Jake.” Speakeasy: An illicit bar selling bootleg liquor.
Jalopy: An old car. Spifflicated: Intoxicated.
Jane: A woman. Spiffy: Elegant in appearance.
Joe: Coffee. Struggle Buggy: The back seat of a car.
John: A toilet. Swanky: Fancy.
Joint: A club, usually one selling alcohol. Swell: Wonderful. Also, a rich man.

Keen: Attractive or appealing. Take for a Ride: To drive off with someone with the
Kisser: Mouth or lips. intention of killing them.
Tomato: A woman.
Left Holding the Bag: To be cheated out of one’s fair Torpedo: A hired guard who carries a gun.
share. Also, to be blamed for something.
Level with Me: “Be honest.” Upchuck: To vomit from drinking too much.
Lit Up: Intoxicated.
Live Wire: A lively person. Wet Blanket: A solemn person; a killjoy.
What’s Eating You?: “What’s wrong?”
Mac: A man.
Middle Aisle: To marry, as in, “We middle aisled.” Zozzled: Intoxicated.
Moll: A gangster’s girlfriend.
Mrs. Grundy: A priggish or extremely tight-
laced person.

Neck: To kiss with great passion.

Nifty: Great; excellent.
Nobody’s Home: Describing someone who is dumb.
Now You’re on the Trolley: “Now you understand.”


APPENDIX 3: POWER INDEX Hearts – Mental and Dimensional Powers

Following is a complete list of all of the Powers 2 Hypnosis (minor)
available in CAPERS. You can flip cards to generate 3 Influence Emotions (major)
random powers for NPCs. Just assign an appropriate
4 Mental Shield (minor)
rank on your own.
5 Probability Manipulation (minor)
POWER INDEX 6 Psionic Beam (minor)
7 Speak with Objects (minor)
Clubs – Energy and Mobility/Movement Powers 8 Telepathy (minor)
2 Acid Stream (minor) 9 Dimension Step (major)
3 Cold Beam (minor) 10 Dimensional Manipulation (minor)
4 Concussion Beam (minor) J Dimensional Pocket (minor)
5 Electric Bolt (minor) Q Choose one from the Hearts list.
6 Energy Resistance (minor) Choose one from the Hearts list and flip
another card.
7 Heat Beam (minor)
A Choose two from the Hearts list.
8 Puppeteer (minor)
9 Sonic Scream (minor)
Spades – Body Manipulation and Power Manipulation
10 Flight (minor)
2 Alter Form (minor)
J Speedster (major)
3 Animal Affinity (major)
Q Choose one from the Clubs list.
4 Body Armor (minor)
Choose one from the Clubs list and flip
K 5 Bone/Organ Shifting (minor)
another card.
6 Elasticity (major)
A Choose two from the Clubs list.
7 Invisibility (major)
Diamonds – Trait Increase and Creation/ 8 Mimic (major)
Summoning Powers 9 Prehensile Feature (minor)
2 Super Agility (major) 10 Power Augmentation (minor)
3 Super Charisma (major) J Power Sharing (minor)
4 Super Expertise (major) Q Choose one from the Spades list.
5 Super Perception (major) Choose one from the Spades list and flip
6 Super Resilience (major) another card.
7 Super Strength (major) A Choose two from the Spades list.
8 Force Field (minor)
Joker Trem-Gear. Flip a card to determine the
9 Goo Generation (major)
10 Illusions (major)
J Weather Manipulation (minor)
Q Choose one from the Diamonds list.
Choose one from the Diamonds list and flip
another card.
A Choose two from the Diamonds list.


APPENDIX 4: COMMON NAMES IN THE Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Murphy, Nelson,
Parker, Patterson, Perry, Peterson, Phillips, Powell,
1920s Price, Reed, Richardson, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers,
Names come and go. There are some that are Ross, Sanders, Scott, Simmons, Smith, Stewart, Taylor,
evergreen, popular during most any period of history. Thomas, Thompson, Turner, Walker, Ward, Washington,
But there are others that belong wholly or mostly to Watson, White, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Wright, Young
certain times.
Following is a list of common 1920s American Common Chinese Surnames
names from an historical perspective. Chang, Chen, Chou, Liu, Wong

Common Traditionally Female First Common German Surnames

Names Fischer, Muller, Schmidt, Schneider, Weber
Agnes, Alice, Alma, Ann, Anna, Anne, Annie, Audrey,
Barbara, Beatrice, Bernice, Bertha, Bessie, Betty, Common Greek Surnames
Beverly, Catherine, Charlotte, Clara, Dolores, Doris,
Dorothy, Edith, Edna, Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor, Floros, Kokinos, Marinos, Michel, Pachis
Elizabeth, Ella, Ellen, Elsie, Emma, Esther, Ethel,
Eva, Evelyn, Florence, Frances, Geraldine, Gertrude, Common Indian Surnames
Gladys, Gloria, Grace, Hazel, Helen, Ida, Irene, Jane, Jai, Patel, Reddy, Shan, Sharma
Jean, Jeanne, Jessie, Joan, Josephine, Joyce, Juanita,
Julia, June, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Laura, Common Italian Surnames
Lillian, Lillie, Lois, Lorraine, Louise, Lucille, Margaret,
Bianchi, Esposito, Ferrari, Rossi, Russo
Marian, Marie, Marilyn, Marion, Marjorie, Martha,
Mary, Maxine, Mildred, Myrtle, Nancy, Nellie, Norma,
Patricia, Pauline, Pearl, Phyllis, Rita, Rose, Ruby, Ruth, Common Japanese Surnames
Sarah, Shirley, Thelma, Theresa, Vera, Viola, Violet, Ito, Kobayashi, Nakamura, Saito, Yamamoto
Virginia, Vivian, Wanda, Willie, Wilma
Common Korean Surnames
Common Traditionally Male First Kim, Kumar, Lal, Pak, Rhee
Albert, Alfred, Allen, Alvin, Andrew, Anthony, Arnold, Common Latino Surnames
Arthur, Benjamin, Bernard, Bill, Billy, Calvin, Carl, Diaz, Flores, Garcia, Gonzales, Hernandez, Lopez,
Cecil, Charles, Charlie, Chester, Clarence, Clifford, Martinez, Perez, Ramirez, Rivera, Rodriguez, Sanchez,
Clyde, Dale, Daniel, David, Donald, Earl, Edgar, Torres
Edward, Edwin, Elmer, Ernest, Eugene, Floyd, Francis,
Frank, Fred, Frederick, George, Gerald, Gilbert,
Common Romanian Surnames
Glenn, Gordon, Harold, Harry, Harvey, Henry, Herbert,
Herman, Howard, Jack, James, Jesse, Joe, John, Gabor, Ionescu, Popa, Radu, Stoica
Joseph, Kenneth, Lawrence, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leonard,
Leroy, Lester, Lewis, Lloyd, Louis, Martin, Marvin, Common Russian Surnames
Melvin, Michael, Milton, Norman, Oscar, Paul, Peter, Ivanov, Petrov, Popov, Smirnov, Sokolov
Philip, Ralph, Ray, Raymond, Richard, Robert, Roger,
Ronald, Roy, Russell, Sam, Samuel, Stanley, Theodore, Common Scandinavian Surnames
Thomas, Vernon, Victor, Vincent, Wallace, Walter,
Warren, Wayne, Willard, William, Willie Christensen, Hansen, Jensen, Larsen, Madsen

Common English (and related) Common Turkish Surnames

Surnames Arslan, Demir, Kaya, Polat, Yavuv
Adams, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Bailey, Baker,
Barnes, Bell, Bennett, Brooks, Brown, Bryant, Butler,
Campbell, Carter, Clark, Coleman, Collins, Cook,
Cooper, Cox, Davis, Edwards, Evans, Foster, Gray,
Green, Griffin, Hall, Harris, Hayes, Henderson, Hill,
Howard, Hughes, Jackson, James, Jenkins, Johnson,
Jones, Kelly, King, Lee, Lewis, Long, Martin, Miller,



Character Type Page
Regulars Aarifa Samaha Caper 1 126
Character Type Page Barbara Janecek Caper 1 127
Hobo Regular 1 132 Dr. Oswell Wright Caper 1 117
Kid Regular 1 132 Jackie Coleman Caper 1 127
Party-Goer Regular 2 133 Madame Markovia Caper 1 148
Shop Owner Regular 2 134 Marta Zuniga Caper 1 118
Street Thug Regular 2 134 Alexa Katzarov Caper 2 126
Con Artist Regular 3 131 Anna “Cupid” MacIntyre Caper 2 146
Cop Regular 3 132 Anna “Scraps” Johnson Caper 2 91
Prostitute Regular 3 133 Daniel D. Wolfe Caper 2 127
Thief Regular 3 134 James “Bomber” Belcastro Caper 2 102
Truck/Cab Driver Regular 3 134 James “Flicker” Utz Caper 2 92
Gambler Regular 4 132 Jill “Legs” Darby Caper 2 110
Mob Goon Regular 4 133 Joseph “Sport” Sullivan Caper 2 111
Politician Regular 4 133 Matas Andris “Piggy Man” Caper 2 102
Bouncer Regular 5 131 Peter “Dreamy” DeSilva Caper 2 128
Robert Stelmachowski Caper 2 128
Exceptionals Bridget Malone Caper 3 127
Character Type Page Chae Rhee Caper 3 115
Vigilante Exceptional 1 130 Charles “King” Solomon Caper 3 113
Detective Exceptional 2 129 Chief Allie Balian Caper 3 120
Gangster Exceptional 2 130 Director Javier Vargas Caper 3 125
Meyer Lansky Exceptional 2 111 Elizabeth Watkins “Lady D” Caper 3 101
Agent Vanessa Elliott Exceptional 3 101 Lorna Kingsley Caper 3 128
Federal Agent Exceptional 3 129 Mikey “The Wrench” Sbrocco Caper 3 102
Mayor Eleanor Bader Exceptional 3 92 Miles Oglethorpe Caper 3 116
Stephanie St. Clair Exceptional 3 111 Robert “Snap” Washington Caper 3 92
Tough Exceptional 3 130 Stanley “Rattler” Rogers Caper 3 111
Cleaner Exceptional 4 129 Wayne Sall Caper 3 128
Crime Lord Exceptional 4 129 Agent Jacob Willis Caper 4 125
James “The Deacon” Grady Exceptional 4 112 Al “Scarface” Capone Caper 4 101
Joe Czarnecki Exceptional 4 119 Caleb Waldrop Caper 4 146
Kwan Shu Exceptional 4 92 Carla “Lucky” Luciano Caper 4 110
Arnold “Brain” Rothstein Exceptional 5 110 Claudine Adams Caper 4 91
Dean O’Banion Exceptional 5 101 Eleanor Shenk Caper 4 125
Enoch “Nucky” Johnson Exceptional 5 91 Joe “The Boss” Masseria Caper 4 110
General Smedley Butler Exceptional 5 121 Juanita Destaro Caper 4 148
Hitman Exceptional 5 130 Agent Barbara Holloway Caper 5 91
Edith Shenk Caper 5 125
Giada “The Fox” Torrio Caper 5 102
The Queen Caper 5 114


Need some resources to help you wrap your head
around the 1920s or the overall feel of a game like
CAPERS? Here you go.

❖❖ Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995)
❖❖ Gangs of New York (Martin Scorsese, 2002)
❖❖ Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990)
❖❖ Miller’s Crossing (Joel and Ethan Coen, 1990)
❖❖ Once Upon a Time in America (Sergio
Leone, 1984)
❖❖ Prohibition (Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, 2011)
❖❖ The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972)
❖❖ The Untouchables (Brian DePalma, 1987)
❖❖ Pretty much any gangster movie with
James Cagney

❖❖ Boardwalk Empire (Terence Winter, 2010)

Comics/Graphic Novels
❖❖ Dick Tracy (Chester Gould, 1931)
❖❖ Masks and Mobsters (Joshua Williamson, 2012)
❖❖ Road to Perdition (Max Allan Collins, 1998)
❖❖ Sin City (Frank Miller, 1991)

❖❖ Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition
(Daniel Okrent, 2011)
❖❖ Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the
1920s (Fredrick Lewis Allen, 1931, 1959,
1964, 2000)
❖❖ The Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life from
Prohibition through World War II (Marc
McCutcheon, 1995)

❖❖ Adventure! (White Wolf Game Studio, 2001)
❖❖ Godlike (Arc Dream Publishing, 2002)
❖❖ Necessary Evil (Pinnacle Entertainment
Group, 2004)
❖❖ Rotted Capes (Paradigm Concepts, 2013)


APPENDIX 7: FULL INDEX Falling 39 Perception 30

Federal Agencies 122 Perks 18, 41
Flat Hills Penitentiary 145 Philadelphia 121
Aces 25 Flight 50 Playing Cards 23
Acid Stream 45 Flipside 140 Poison 39
Action Sequence 33 Force Field 50 Power Augmentation 52
Actions 34 Free Action 34 Power Checks 42
Advancement 20 Power Descriptors 43
Advantage 27 Gear 19, 62 Power Sharing 52
Adventures 75 Goo Generation 57 Powers 18, 42, 82
Agility 30 Goods and Services 62 Prehensile Feature 53
Alter Form 45 Grapple 38 Probability Manipulation 53
Alternate Earths 137 Great War 8 Prohibition 8, 9
Anchors 14 Group Trait Checks 27 Psionic Beam 54
Animal Affinity 56 Puppeteer 54
Animals 81, 135, 150 Heat Beam 50
Atlanta 112 Hits 18, 37 Ranged Attacks 35
Atlantic City 84 Hypnosis 51 Reaction Checks 27, 37
Readying an Action 35
Body 18 Identity 15 Regulars 13, 80
Body Armor 46 Illusions 58 Resilience 31
Bone/Organ Shifting 46 Influence Emotions 58 Roaring Twenties 9
Boons 25, 29-32 Initiative 33
Boosts 42, 43 Invisibility 59 Skills 17, 22
Boston 113 Sonic Scream 54
Botches 25, 29-32 Jokers 25 Speak with Objects 55
Speed 19
Capek’s Earth 137 Kansas City 116 Speedster 59
Capers 12, 13 Standoffs 39
Character Creation 13 Law Enforcement 122 Stone Beach Prison 147
Charisma 29 Level 19 Strength 32
Chicago 93 Louisville 117 Suffocation 39
Cincinnati 114 Suits 24, 25, 35
Clones 149 Madworld 141 Super Agility 60
Cold Beam 46 Major Powers 42 Super Charisma 60
Colors 24, 35 Melee Attacks 35 Super Expertise 60
Complications 25, 29-32 Mental Attacks 36 Super Perception 60
Concussion Beam 47 Mental Shield 51 Super Resilience 60
Miami 118 Super Strength 60
Damage 35 Milwaukee 119 Surprise 33
Delaying Your Turn 34 Mimic 59
Detroit 115 Mind 18 Target Scores 24, 73
Dimension Step 57 Minor Powers 42 Telepathy 55
Dimensional Manipulation 48 Motivations 25 Trait Action 34
Dimensional Pocket 48 Movement 34 Trait Checks 24, 26, 73
Disadvantage 27 Moxie 19, 28, 29 Trait Defense 17, 32
Disarm 38 Traits 17, 22
Nemeses 149 Trembium 64
Elasticity 57 New Orleans 120 Trem-Gear 18, 65
Electric Bolt 49 New York City 103
Empowering Events 151 NPCs 78, 126 Vice 16
Encounters 75 Virtue 16
Energy Damage 38 Objects 36
Energy Resistance 49 Omega Earth 143 Weapons 36, 63
Exceptionals 13 Opposed Checks 32 Weather Manipulation 55
Expertise 31 Orions 144
Explosives 39, 63

Name Level












Charisma Agility Perception Expertise Resilience Strength Skills


Max Hits Current Hits Body Mind Speed Moxie

Weapon Damage Range


Gear Weapons

Powers | Trem-Gear | Perks


Name Type Rank



Activation Target Range Duration





Name Type Rank



Activation Target Range Duration

Damage by Suit/Color Effect

♠:4 ♥:3 ♦:2 ♣:1

Black : 2 Red : 1 Boosts

It’s the 1920s Prohibition era in the United States. Alcohol is illegal. Organized crime grows at an
unprecedented rate as gangsters get rich selling hooch to a thirsty populace. Law enforcement
struggles to keep up with an understaffed and underfunded Bureau of Prohibition.
You are one of a handful of people who have been gifted with super-powers!
Will you use your abilities to build a criminal empire as a super-powered gangster? Or will you
focus your powers to serve the law and bring these criminals to justice?
In this book, you’ll find everything you need to tell exciting stories of action, adventure, virtue,
and vice in the Roaring Twenties. With super-powers.

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