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For a professional standard business plan, I must include: -

Create executive summary: -

 For (target customers): -
 Who is dissatisfied with, current solutions: -
 Our (product or service) solves (key customer problems): -
 Unlike (competing product), we have (differentiating key features): -
For the investors, I must: -
 Product market fit: -
 A solid team in place: -
 Scalability: -
Company description composition: -
 Mission statement: -
 History: -
 Objectives: -
 Please note that an effective mission statement should be, inspirational &

To create a professional company history, I must include: -

 Founding date: -
 Major milestones: -
 Location(s): -
 Number of employees: -
 Executive leadership roles: -
 Flagship product or services: -

Summarize market research & potential: -

 Location: -
 Income: -
 Age: -
 Gender: -
 Education: -
 Profession: -
 Hobbies: -
Conduct competitive analysis: -
Here I have few expert level questions to answer: -

 Where do they invest in advertising?

 What kind of press coverage do they get?
 How good is their customer service?
 What are their sales and pricing strategies?
 How do they rank on third-party rating platforms?

Describe your product or service: -

 Unique features: -
 Translating features into benefits: -
 Emotional & practical payoff to your customers: -
 Intellectual property rights or any patents that protect differentiation: -
Developing marketing & sales strategy: -
 Value proposition: -
 Ideal target markets: -
 Existing customer segments: -
Combine your business financials: -
 Income statements: -
 Profit/loss statements: -
 Cash flow statements: -
 Balance sheets: -
Avoid underestimating business costs: -
Describe organization & management: -
Explain your funding request: -
Appendix: -

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