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Controlling is a process in which manager used to guide the team to achieve goals and at the
same time monitoring team's performance towards goals. Industries use a various types of
control in their management to ensure the safety and accountability of employees and
maintain and the quality of product. Controls can be performed before, during, or after any
process in a business to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to achieve expected
organisational standards and goals. There are three types of control which are feed forward
control, concurrent control and feedback control.

Feed forward control is also known as preventive, pre-control and preliminary control. The
control takes place before the work is performed. The aim of this control is to identify and
prevent problems in an organisation before they occur. The management will create many
policies, procedures and systems to make sure they can achieve their goals. Feed forward
control can be costly and slow down the planning process but it can help avoid problems
afterwards. In order to avert accidents, Star Media Group Berhad providing ongoing training
to journalists and staff to keep them updated on industry standards, ethical guidelines and
new reporting practices.
Concurrent control, also known as detective control and screening control, is designed to
detect problems in an organisation as they occur. This type of control requires synchronizing
ongoing plans and task; hence, a specified standard is required. Concurrent control includes a
checkpoint where management decides whether to proceed with the task, make necessary
corrections or cancel it immediately. Star Media Group Berhad monitoring and editing
content in real-time to ensure it meets editorial standards, is accurate and complies with
ethical guidelines. Other than that, Star Media Group Berhad also overseeing live broadcasts
to address any unexpected issues promptly, such as technical glitches or content deviations.
Lastly, feedback or corrective control is a technique to gain information about performance
problems after they happened and process that managers can determine their teams
effectiveness in achieving the objectives. Controlling feedback enables the manager to lead
their team more effectively. The manager can provide more successful guidance and
inspiration for team members to grow by focusing only on individual performance. Star
Media Group Berhad establishing effective channels for audience feedback and actively
seeking input to understand public sentiment and make adjustments accordingly.

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