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The おんろ presentation

ちゅいすべきニホンゴのたんご。Japanese words to look out

オンリィ (Onryo)

よかい (yoKai)

リング(The ring)

うらみとくらいみず (The grudge and dark water)

いっぱんてきないけん/かんそ。(Genral opinions and thoughts)

Origins of the オンリィ
To get detail of what an onryo origin is we have to go back to
the 8th century where many believed onryo were these
ghosts/spirits that would kill people.

Onryos would be enraged dead souls who would kill the land
of the living preferably the killer who killed them.

Most of onryos are woman but some of them can rarely be


An onryo would cover their face with their hair and walk up to
you and try to kill you possibly using their own body strengths.
The よかい ●

Onryo translates to grudge spirit or vengeful ghost.
Found out throughout all of japan.
counterpart. ● The only way one can end up with this is if they had strong
passions when experienced death.
● These include jealousy rage or hatred making it so their
interesting enough the onryo soul cannot pass on and instead transforming into this
has its own yoKai Which was
shocking to know as most
know it as legend Of the ● They will seek vengeance on anything crossing their way.
movie “The ring”. ● Onryos often we’re part of war catastrophe suicide betryal
or murder.
● Their will be marks or wounds displayed on the onryo
indication of how they died.
● Onryo’s will have 1 motive and 1 motive only vengeance.
● Can easily overpower humans as they are much stronger.
● Can apply curses even after its rest causing a cycle of
● Curses can apply to locations for example a mansion.
● Will haunt their former love and may apply the curse Thus
repeating the cycle.
● No known ways to break the curse.
The onryo From “リング”
The ring takes the onryo legend and makes it a
interesting movie.

Taking the concept of Japanese legend this

specific onryo uses TV’s and vhs tapes to kill its

Possibly using the curse mentioned from the

previous slide And applying it to the tape.

Apparently by most people who watched the

film (which i didn't.) the ones who watch the
tape are destined to be killed within a week.
The other films/other ones that aren’t the ring
Now there are 3 ring movies making a trilogy.

Inspired by the rings success many Asian and Japanese horror

films we’re given remakes.

Mainly the “grudge” and “the dark water”.

Which the grudge also has a trilogy.

There is 2 movies after “the ring” those are the ring 2 and rings.

No idea why the 3rd sequel is just called rings…

Both grudge and the dark water both have their U.S version or
English version and their original version of the film.
Following Japanese tradition by using the onryo the movie ”the ring” uses that
concept and applies it in 2000’s using very 2000’s technology as vhs tapes old
tv’s. information
It is unknown how samara (the onryo from the movie) lived all the way till the relating to
events of the film Can possibly be all the emotions she herself stored up to the movie.
unleash it all on the humans Who pick up and watch the tape.
(Mostly from
It can be theorized that her spirit/ghost form traveled to the U.S or wherever its
taken place and decides to put her hatred within the tape.
As onryos can apply curses it can be assumed samara placed a curse on the vhs
tape. and mainly
Using the knowledge on slide 3 samara doesn't kill anyone besides ones not watching
watching the tape. a trilogy in
Every movie takes place somewhere else or a different protagonist than the 1st which i will
A quick summary for the ring (Spoilers let's face it none of
us we’re around the time the film dropped)
I will now go over the first film only in the basic way possible.
So our story starts where this journalist wants to solve the death
of her niece.
She tracks down the tape at a cabin watches it then is told by
samara she has 7 days.
She then goes to her ex boyfriend Noah for help as Noah
analyzes the tape and uncover the truth what happened to
Then oh no The journalist is on the day of her death and samara
will kill her and her child.
The journalist pleads for samara to take her life instead of her kid Ignore
so she dies. this
And then a cliffhanger depicting a sequel With different
protagonist and curse.
General Opinion/Thoughts
● Great use of Japanese folklore and the use
of ghosts.
● Using other forms of folklore such as yo
Kai And possibly what got the inspiration.
● Using ghosts is cool since it gives the
world a feeling there's more out there than Running out of
meets the eye. pictures to put in this
poorly made
● The questioning of weather the afterlife is
real since samara is technically not dead
but in spirit form.
● Overall a good use to draw in people to
discover more of japan and what it has to
This is now the end yay!
Honorable mention:
On the next slide
lol there is no


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