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Workbook PYP

ATL Skills

The PYP ATL Workbook series

Consolidate learning, deepen understanding and develop
ATL skills of Communication skills, Social skills and Self-
management skills through a range of fun, real-life engaging
activities ideal for independent learning and homework.

Workbook PYP Workbook PYP Workbook PYP Workbook PYP

ATL Skills ATL Skills ATL Skills ATL Skills

Growth mindset Interpersonal Social and emotional

Self-motivation, Perseverance
relationships Mindfulness intelligence and
Emotional management
and Resilience
Dr Kimberley O’Brien
Dr Kimberley O’Brien Dr Kimberley O’Brien Dr Kimberley O’Brien
Workbook PYP
ATL Skills

Growth mindset
Self-motivation, Perseverance

and Resilience

Dr Kimberley O’Brien
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Content s
Growth mindset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1 Self-motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 8

2 What is positive thinking? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Learning from mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4 Setting goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5 Perseverance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 31

6 Resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 37

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Growth mindset
A mind set is the wa y we think about pro
blems and cha llenges

and the wa y we try to solve

them. We often talk about two

mindsets: a
fixed mindset or a
g row th mind set .

It can be disappointing when

you don’t do well at someth
ing .

Sometimes, you mig ht feel ang

ry or frus trated with yourself
for not

get ting it right. At these times,

you can choose to have eith
er a fixed

mindset or a growth mindse


A fixed mindset is associa ted with

A growth mindset is associa ted with

statements such as:

more worthwhile statements such

 I can’t.
 I can learn this.

 It’s too hard.

 I’ll find a way.

 I’ll never get it.

 I don’t know this yet.

ges more
l help you to overcome cha llen
Ha ving a grow th mindset wil

will be able
ething difficult happens, you
easily. For exa mple, when som

ed, but what can I lea rn from
to ask, ‘It did n’t go the wa y I hop

can build
ether on wa ys in which you
In this book, we will work tog

era nce
g your self-motivation, persev
a growth mindset by increa sin

and resilience.

 Self-motivation is thinking you can do someth

ing , and working

toward s it.

 Persevera nce is about pushing ahead wh

en progress is slow

or difficult.

 Resilience is about tea ching yourself to

cope when things go

wrong or are not as you exp


Let ’s circle the words or phrases we

often associate with a growth min

improve can’t plan B t ry ag ain

learn no t rain pract ise

opt ions team hard feedback

flexible open dif ficult new

gr owth confusing mindset closed

mist akes stupid att empt


Ha ving a go is the most importa nt part

of lea rning. When you’re bra ve

enough to try something new, it’s comple

tely fine to get things wrong.

The first step is to try. Don’t worry about

ma king mis takes. They’re jus t

setbacks and everything gets easier with pra ctice!

Answer the questions below to see how

well you cope with setbacks.

ma ths problems to try but

Your tea cher gives your cla ss a pag e of

y look like nothing you’ve ever tried before! What do you do nex t?

A Sta rt with the firs t question and do the bes

t you can.

B Feel worried for a bit and then look for a

question tha t mig ht be a

little easier to get sta rted.

C Feel worried and una ble to sta rt: you don

’t know how to do these

questions at all. What if you get them all

Qu es tio n 2
A friend you met at art class invites you to
her birthday party. When

you arrive, you don’t know anyone else the

re. What do you do?

A Take a deep breath and strike up a con

versation with the firs t

friendly-looking person you see.

B Look around the room until you spot you

r friend from art cla ss.

Then go over to her and sta y with her for

the whole pa rty.

C Ma ke a run for it! Your mum mig ht still be

outsid e.

Qu es tio n 3
Is it true tha t pra ctice
Ha ve you ever tried something and failed?

ma kes perfect?

A Yes! You can get bet ter at any thing if you

try for long enough.

B Ma ybe. Some things are harder tha n others, so it’s not always true.

C No! You are either good at something or

you’re not.

Qu es tio n 4
You thought you did rea lly well in a spe
lling tes t but you actually

failed. What do you do nex t?

A Speak to your tea cher, or a parent or car

er, about what went

wrong and how you can do bet ter nex t


B Feel frustrated but decide to try harder

on the nex t test.

C Decid e tha t spelling is something you’re

just not good at and

focus your efforts on ma ths instea d.

Qu es tio n 5
about a project you did and
Your tea cher gives you some feedba ck

does this ma ke you feel?

sug gests how you could improve. How

A Gra teful – tips from your tea cher are alw

ays helpful!

B Embarrassed – it’s hard to hea r tha t you

could do bet ter.

C Angry – you did your best and feedba ck

is a wa ste of time.

Give yourself 3 points for eve
ry C ans wer you chose, 2 poi
nts for

every B ans wer and 1 point

for every A ans wer. Ad d up
your points.

Your score: /15

Now look at the table below

to find out about your mindse

5 points Well done! You have a growth mindset.

With this mindset, you can face setbacks

with confidence and work on improvement.

6–10 points Your mindset is quite mixed at the moment.

There are times when you believe you can

face setbacks and improve, but in other

situations, you give up more easily. You’ve

made a good start though, so well done!

11–15 points Your mindset is quite fixed at the moment,

but don’t worry – the great thing about

building a growth mindset is that everyone

can do it!

  
Were you surprised by your quiz results?

How do you feel about building your growth mindset?

1 Self- mot ivat ion

Motivation is the feeling or impulse tha t encourage

s you to do

wa ter when you are

certain things, such as get ting a gla ss of

a drink.
thirsty. Being thirsty motiva tes you to get

ers – for exa mple, if you

Sometimes, you will be motiva ted by oth

tidy your room first. At

are told you can wa tch TV as long as you

you do something because

other times, you will be self-motivated –

rself or another person, but

you wa nt to. This mig ht be to benefit you

it is your idea to ma ke it happen.

a reward or you receive

You ma y feel motiva ted if you are offered

also be motiva ted by

encouragement from others. You mig ht

ling hungry).
music, or by human needs (such as fee

Let ’s find out how to spa rk your motiva tion

Let ’s lea rn more about self-m

Leo wa nted to improve his bas

ketball skills, so every day afte
r school

he pra ctised shooting hoops.

No one else asked him to do
this: he did it

because he wa s self-motivate

How about you? Ca n you rem

ember a time when you we
re self-motivated?

Ma ybe you wa nted to achiev

e a new goa l or lea rn a new
skill. Write about

the experience here.








Ha ve you ever stopped to con

sid er what motiva tes you to
do the

things you like? How about the

things you do not like? Let ’s exp

your motiva tion profile.

Review the following situatio

ns. For each one, think about
what would

motiva te you to do it and dra

w an arrow to show how mu
ch effort it

would take. The firs t one has

been done for you.

Situation What would motivate you to do this? Effort required

Swim at the Feeling hot, feeling a bit restless,
beach joining friends or family who are Normal
already swimming

Eat a


Practise your


Have a warm


Situation What would motivate you to do this? Effort required

Study for a
test or exam

Have an

Jump on soft


Jump in an
ice bath in


Can you describe two stra tegies you use to motiva te yourself?
1 ___________________________________________________
2 ___________________________________________________


Being self-motivated can be

cha llenging! We know what we should

do to achieve our goa l, but actually

doing it ma y be a different story. Let ’s

consid er some of the strategies we

can use to spa rk our motiva tion, with

the help of Aka ri and her dad, Kobe.

Se tti ng a go al
M aking a pla n
A clear goa l can help us to feel
or sche du le
motiva ted because it defines

our nex t achievable step. Let ’s Often, you can ma ke a clear step-by-

help Aka ri to set a goa l. step pla n to help you feel motiva ted.

You can record tasks, times and

dea dlines in a cha rt to keep track of

your goa ls and achievements.


You can give yourself a small

reward each time you reach

Po sit ive se lf-ta lk/po sit ive
a milestone or goal. This will

encourage you to keep going.

re inforce m en t

You can say motiva ting and positive thin


to yourself, such as ‘Well done’ or ‘Keep

going’. You can also ask other people to

cheer you on or encourage you.

t to help
What stra teg y can you sug ges

Akari improve her spelling?





Think about these situations.

For each one,

sug ges t a stra teg y to help Ak

ari to self-motivate.

Akari really wants to improve her

spelling, but every time she sits down

to do her spelling practice, she seems

to find something else to do.

Akari gave herself one point for every word she tried to spell.

10 points = 10 minutes of extra reading time before bed.

Akari needs to clean her bedroom

but she does not really want to.

What might help?





It is time for breakfast. Akari loves fresh

fruit, but only if her dad cuts it. What can

she do to get started?





Akari is running late for school. How can

she help herself to be more punctual?





Can you think of any other ideas to help Akari be self-motivated?
















2 What is
posit ive thinking?
ughts to ma ke you feel
Positive thinking is when you use your tho

‘I can do this!’, you sta rt to

bet ter. When you use positive words, like

feel self-motivated! This is also known as positive self-ta lk or

positive reinforcement .

e it sug gests you are not

‘I can’t do tha t!’ sounds neg ative becaus

something in a neg ative

willing to even try. When you think about

ut it. This is known as

wa y, this can cha nge the wa y you feel abo

neg ative self-ta lk

p. Some people mig ht say,

Think about something like a school cam

the worst!’ If you believe

‘I love camp!’ while others say, ‘Ca mp is

to go. You mig ht even tell

it is ‘the worst’, you probably won’t wa nt

your parents, ‘Ca mp is the worst’.

wa y can help you to feel like

Thinking about something in a positive

giving it a go!

Look at the pictures below. Colour in

cha racters who are showing a pos

itive mindset.

People often focus on what is not workin
g and exa ggerate

the neg ative conseq uences of mis takes.

However, with

pra ctice you can spot and cha nge these


Let ’s use our detective thinking to notice

neg ative thoughts

and replace them with more positive one


the situations below. In each one, hig hlig ht a neg ative word or phrase.
Rea d

1 I have never eaten this kind of food before. This is going to be horrible!

2 I cannot believe we are going to research this project by ourselves. It is going to be

a disaster!

3 When I see a challenge, I run away from it.

4 I find spelling so difficult. I have never scored a good mark ever.

5 I do really well in some things, but in other things I’m a failure.

6 If you are not good at something, practice probably won’t help you to improve.

7 When I am told I could do better, I feel angry.

8 I find it impossible to learn from my mistakes.

9 Some people are experts at things, but other people are not.

10 I have a fixed mindset, so I find setbacks frustrating.

s 11 positive words and phrases.
Turn to pag e 51. This pag e contain

the neg ative words and phrases

Cut them out and stick them over

you identified in Step 1.

Then rea d the sentences ag ain.

Choose three of the sentences to dis

cus s as a group. Think about

these questions.

1 How did the neg ative sentences and

words ma ke you feel?

2 Did the positive words and senten

ces ma ke you feel bet ter?

3 How much effort did it take to ma ke

a neg ative idea more positive?

Write your thoughts here.















ACTIVITY Ro le pl ay
Meet Nega tive Noel and Pos
itive Pat tie.

Noel has a very fixed mindse

t. He often find s it difficult to
see a wa y forwa rd.

He tends to say neg ative thin

gs when he is faced with a cha

Noel’s friend Pat tie, howeve

r, tends to see things in a pos
itive wa y. She

shows a growth mindset.

pla ys.
In pairs, try the following role

I n s t ru c t i o n s

el and one person to be Pat
Choose one person to be No

to help Noel to use a growth

If you are Pat tie, your role is

mindset ins tea d of a fixed min

a cha nce to pla y Pat tie.

Take turns, so you both have

out loud, ‘I always
the handba ll court. He says
1 Noel is wa iting for his turn at

get out on my firs t turn.’

a growth mindset?
cha nge his fixed mindset to
How can Pat tie help Noel to

t activity. Noel drops

r has jus t explained the nex
2 In the cla ssroom, the tea che

hard for me to do.’

his pencil and says, ‘That ’s too

a growth mindset?
cha nge his fixed mindset to
How can Pat tie help Noel to

Re co rd

cha nge Noel’s mindset.

a group, record all the wa ys in which Pat tie helped to

___ ________________________

___ ________________________

______ ________________________

______ ________________________

______ ________________________

_________ ________________________

_________ ________________________

_________ ________________________

_________ ________________________

____________ ________________________






3 Learning
from mistakes
is not a bad thing. Learning
We all ma ke mis takes, but this

ing .
t wa ys to get bet ter at someth
your mis takes is one of the bes

in, until
and failing over and over aga
Babies lea rn to wa lk by trying

fina lly, they take their firs t ste

d to try and fail. It will take tim
To lea rn any thing, you firs t nee

before you actually succeed.

ACTIVITY Yo ur su cces s storie s
Think about all your achievements
to date.

What steps did you take to get the


Complete the timeline below to rec

ord the

progress you have ma de since you

were a baby.


Baby shoes

ny times you had to try before
Ca n you remember how ma

ma stered each skill?

you to do bet ter? Did you tell

Do you remember what helped

ry time you ma de some pro
yourself, ‘I’m get ting there’ eve







When you ma ke a mis take,
you ma y feel frus trated and
disappointed .

You can ma nag e these situatio

ns by cha nging how you app
roa ch a

cha llenge. Let ’s pra ctise.

les. Choose
Consider the following exa mp

h situation.
a bet ter wa y to ma nag e eac

J ack is upset. He cannot ope

n his toy box by himself. He
feels frus trated, so he

kicks the box and hurts his toe


Challenge Open toy box

Current approach Kicking box

Better approach

Ma tild a is trying to complete a ma ths exe
rcise but she cannot und erstand the

instructions. She says to herself, ‘I can’t

do this. I am not smart enough.’

Challenge Complete the maths exercise

Current approach Say negative things

Better approach

ng to write a letter to his friend. He wa nts to post it before the post

J ermaine is tryi

rts crying. Then he yells, ‘I give up!’

office closes. He is feeling rushed and sta

Challenge Post the letter on time

Current approach Give up and cry

Better approach

4 Sett ing goals

ething big , it can help to set
If you are working toward s som

e very
set goa ls in ma ny wa ys. On
goa ls along the wa y. You can

ART goa ls approa ch.

common wa y is called the SM

SM ART sta nds for:

S pecific

M easura ble

A chieva ble

R ealistic

T imely

Let ’s set a SM ART goa l.

Think about something you

wa nt to achieve. For ins tance,
do you wa nt to

improve in a subjec t at school

, score a goa l in a soccer ma
tch or save your

pocket money for something

specia l?

Look at the exa mple below.

The goa l is to get bet ter at spe

Specific I will get a bet ter result in my spelling test this term than last term.

Measurable I will get at least 7 out of 10 answer s cor rect.

Achievable Yes. I got 6 out of 10 last time and I can practise my spelling at home.

Realistic Yes, definitely!

Timely The test is in the last week of term.

Set a goa l for yourself.


___ ________________________

______ ________________________

_________ ________________________

_________ ________________________




___ ________________________

___ ________________________

Now break down your goa l
to fit into the SM ART framew



Achieva ble

Rea listic


help you achieve your goa l.

Finally, pla n some actions to

Things I need Due date Done?


A big part of achieving your goa
ls is being org anized and

ma king sure you have time to

work on them.

Look at the weekly calend ar bel

ow. Choose one of your

goa ls and find spa ce in your

week to work on it.

ore or after school (for ins tan
Do you have any activities bef

at the
s)? Do you have any activities
soccer pra ctice or music les son

bies you need to ma ke time for?

weekend ? Do you have any hob

end ar.
Write these activities in the cal

Now choose a goa l and find

a spa ce during the week wh
en you can work toward s

it. For exa mple, if your goa l is

to get bet ter at spelling, find
time to pra ctise.

Monda y Tuesda y Wednesda y Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

school /


school /


5 Perseverance

ing , even
eep working toward s someth
Persevera nce is when you k

is taking longer tha n you exp
when it is rea lly difficult or it

d of a task
on when you are feeling tire
It can be exhaus ting to push

, set a
h to keep going. Sta y positive
– but you can find the strengt

us on
f-ta lk to motiva te yourself. Foc
clear goa l and use positive sel

ert scene
in turn, like the flag s in the des
each small achievable step

vement you are ma king pro
below. With every forwa rd mo

ls slow.
even when tha t progress fee


Rea d the scenario below. Use a word to

fill each gap and

complete the sentences.

laugh deter mined t ried caref ully

proud pract ise be tte r

had to dra w a pic ture of a tiger in the jungle for art. Ma gda did not
Ma gda

love art, but she wa s to try her best.

firs t tiger she drew looked like an octopus! Somehow the leg s were all

– this wa s going to be tricky. Then

wrong. Ma gda had a big

aga in.
she turned over the paper and sta rted

. She continued to
Ma gda ’s second attempt wa s

before she drew her fina l tiger on pos ter

slowly and . Then she

On the fina l tiger, she drew in the stripes

them in. She glued big green lea ves in the background for the jungle.

tha t she had worked so

When she had finished, Ma gda wa s

wa s happy with her dra wing – her tiger wa sn’t perfect but she had
hard. She

her best.


ing ,
you kept trying to do someth
Ca n you think of a time when

like Ma gda with her tiger art

This is called persevera nce.

Write or dra w about a time you

Fixed a problem Tried harder than ever

Did better than you expected Didn’t give up hope


Sometimes, you will find it diff

icult to achieve your goa ls. Ho

you can overcome the barrier

s in your wa y:

 with persevera nce

 by thinking creatively

 by asking for help.

In this activity, you will meet

some children who are facing

cha llenges. Ca n you choose

some stra teg ies to help them

e, you will find a set of stra teg
Turn to pag e 53. On this pag

the stra teg y cards.

Remove the pag e and cut out

Look at the pic tures and des

criptions on pag es 35–36.

teg y tha t you think mig ht hel
For each pic ture, choose a stra

pic ture. There are no right or
Glue it in the box nex t to the

You can choose more tha n one

ans wers, jus t helpful ideas.

stra teg y for each pic ture if you

6 Resilience

Resilience is different to persevera nce.

, even when things are difficult.

 Persevera nce is about pushing through

difficulties and cha llenges.

 Resilience is about bouncing back from

ilient, you are able to cope with any setbacks tha t come your
If you are res

your life, such as:

wa y. You can also adjust to cha nges in

 moving house

 missing out on something you expected

 get ting a low score in a test

 losing a game of sport.

ans you can move on quickly,

These things still hurt, but resilience me

without feeling upset all day.

struggle to be resilient. Luckily, there

Most people have moments when they

stra teg ies you can use to help when you need a little extra resilience!

Let ’s find out more.

Let ’s measure our resilience.

Take this resilience quiz and see how you

cope when things do not

go as pla nned. How quickly do you rec

over from disappointment?

is your birt hda y. As a specia l trea t, Da d is taking you and a friend to see a

On the wa y, the car breaks down. You miss the sta rt of the movie while

you wa it for the tow truck to arrive.

What do you do?

A Get upset. Yell and scream at Da d and

the tow truck driver for ruining

your birthda y.

B Feel disappointed and ma ke some ang

ry faces, but try not to be too upset

with Da d. It is not his fault the car broke

C Feel sad but remember it could have bee

n worse. At lea st your friend is

there to ma ke the situation more fun!

You ma ke a bea utiful pos ter for the cla ss

pos ter competition. But while you are

on the bus to school, a stra nger spills cof

fee all over your poster! It is ruined.

What do you do?

A Yell at the stra nger and cry. Ord er the bus

driver to turn the bus around so

you can go home and sta rt working on

a new poster!

B Feel annoyed but try to mop up the coffee

with some tissues. You will just

have to hand in the poster with coffee sta


C Sta rt pla nning how you can prepare ano

ther poster before the competition.

If you rush into school and ask your tea

cher, you ma y have time to ma ke a

new one.

At pla ytime, you get separa ted from you
r friends and cannot

find them any where. You are all alone in

the busy pla yground.

What do you do?

A Sit in a quiet corner and cry, hoping the

bell will ring soon.

B Wa lk around the pla yground looking for

your friends until

the bell goes.

C J oin a game with some other children.

remembered to wear their full

It is school photo day and everyone has

You are going to be the only

nav y-blue school uniform – except you!

a green tracksuit and trainers.

child in the school photog raph wearing

What do you do?

A Hid e in the toilets until the photog raph has

been taken, and hope

nobody notices.

B Ca ll your parents from the school office

and ask them to drop off your

blue uniform!

C Go to the school office and ask if there

are any spa re uniforms.

Someone will be able to help you.

You are invited to a birthda y
sleepover with your bes t frie
nds. But

when you get there, everyone

thinks it is funny to ignore you

What do you do?

A Ca ll your Da d and ask him to

come and collec t you stra igh
t away.

B Go and find your friend ’s littl

e brother and pla y with him
ins tea d.

C Tell them it is not funny and

speak to their parents. This has


Look back at your answers. How many As did you choose? How many Bs?

How many Cs?

Now look at the table below to find out how you cope with setbacks.

Mostly As Mostly Bs Mostly Cs

You are still learning to You are still practising You are very resilient!

be resilient. When you problem solving – good When something goes

find yourself in a difficult job! It can be difficult to wrong, you get right back

situation, try to take a find solutions and you up and keep trying. Well

deep breath and find a will continue to get better done.

way forward. with practice.

  
Can you think about a time when you showed resilience?

Remember, asking for help is a way of coping.

Answer the questions below, by writing or drawing pictures

about times when you were resilient.

1 I showed resilience by asking for help …

2 I showed resilience by learning more about …

3 I showed resilience by improving …

4 I showed resilience by …

Being resilient is also about
your attitud e, and how you thin
k about setbacks.

If you know you have people

to help you, and you know you
have all the

skills you need to be resilient,

you will be more confident.

Think about these questions.

Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in each of
the boxes below.

Do you know a supportive adult?

Do you have some helpful friends?

Can you laugh and be creative to help you solve problems?

Do you have a growth mindset?

Could you use a website or other tools to help you bounce bac

Describe a time when …

rcome a cha llenge.

1 Someone helped you to ove

2 A friend supported you when you
needed their help.

3 You used your humour and creativ

ity to solve a problem.

4 You used positive words and attitud

es to bounce back.

5 You were able to find ideas online

or in your community to solve a pro

We all experience cha nges
in life, such as the arriva l of
a new baby or

when a friend moves away.

Some cha nges are good, but
others will take

time to get used to.

Rea d the stories below and

write down some ideas to hel
p the children

cope with cha nge. The firs t exa

mple has been done to help
you get sta rted .

Think of as ma ny ideas as you

can to help ma ke the situatio
n bet ter.

They could ask for her email

address so they can stay

in touch.

They could write letters or

make cards to tell her how

much they care.

e this
What are your ideas to ma k

situation bet ter?


Do you have any cha nges com

ing up?

Ma ke a list of new things tha

t will happen for you in the futu







It is helpful to sta rt thinking abo

ut cha nges before they happen
. This will help

you to prepare. You cannot be

rea dy for everything , but the
re are usually

things you can do to lea rn mo

re about a new situation.

For exa mple, if you were sta

rting at a new school, you cou
ld try these things

to help you feel more prepar


 Go and explore the pla ygroun


 Look at the school website.

 Ask them to send you a yea

rbook or a photo of your new
cla ss.

 Phone the school to ask for mo

re information.

Think about the changes you wrote down in Step 1.

For each change, write or draw ideas about how you can prepare.

Change How to prepare

  
You have come to the end of this book. What have you learned?

What ideas and strategies will you implement?

Gl os sa ry

Fixed mindset Perseverance

If you have a fixed mindset, When we keep working towards

you feel as though you cannot something, even if it is difficult or

get better at things, even if you it is taking longer than expected.

practise. You are unwilling to

try new things because you Positive reinforcement

are worried you might fail. When someone else uses positive

words such as, ‘You can do this!’

Growth mindset
If you have a growth mindset, you Positive self-talk
believe you can get better at things When we use positive words

if you try. You are willing to try new such as, ‘I can do this!’

things, even if they are not easy.

Mindset Being able to bounce back from

The way we think about difficulties and challenges.

problems and challenges and

the way we try to solve them.

When we do things because

Motivation we want to.

The feeling or impulse that

encourages you to do something.

Temporary problems –

Negative self-talk things that hold you up or

When we think about something make things difficult.

in a negative way (for example,

saying, ‘I can’t do this’) and it

A practical solution.
changes how we feel about it.



Cut out the following words.

exciting challenge face yet

still improving will motivated

satisfying still learning growth easier


ACTIVITY Re m ov in g ba rri ers

Cut out the following senten


Break down the task Find someone to

Try setting mini-goals
into smaller tasks practise with

Ask a parent for ideas Use a timer and take Ask for feedback from

on how to get started short breaks an expert

Ask a grown-up to Set a timetable for Use positive words to

explain it in a different your practice and try think about the problem

way to create good habits in another way

Take a break, practise

Talk to someone else Focus on getting some mindful

who has had this started and doing breathing or do

challenge and ask your best; don’t aim something else you

what they did for perfection enjoy; then try again

with a clearer mind

Did you enjoy this book?
Tell Dr Kimberley what’s ha ppening in your
pla yg round and in your pa rt of the pla net.

She’d also love to know which activities you

liked best in this book! u

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