HGS Exit Interview

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Hinduja Global Solutions Limited.

Exit Interview Form

We would appreciate you taking time to answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Your
responses will be treated as confidential. This information is of vital importance and will assist us in
analyzing our employee satisfaction.

Name: Employee Code: 42466

Ayushi Satish Shah
Location: Team: CSD
Division: Department: FR ACTIVATION

Date of Joining: Date of Leaving: 08/12/2023


1. Why did you think of looking for an opportunity?

(Please tick the appropriate Box)
✓Type of Work (content of the job &challenge) Better Prospects
✓Quality of Supervision
 Work Conditions / Environment
 Targets too steep.
✓Lack of Recognition
 Lack of proper Performance Evaluation / Appraisal
 System Company Culture
✓Career Advancement
 Opportunity Business/Product
 Direction Family Circumstances
 Health Issues
 Marriage
 Higher Studies
 Other:

2. Did you discuss the reasons with your supervisors/colleagues?

 No
If Yes, describe:
 Yes, Descirbed that the team requires an experienced candidate
3. Please rate your Supervisor on the following -

Almost Always Sometimes Never Comments

Demonstrated fair
& equal treatment Never
recognition on job Never
cooperation & Sometimes
team work
Encouraged /
listened to Sometimes
complaints & Sometimes
Followed policies
and practices

4. How would you rate the following in relation to your job?

Excellent Good Fair Poor Comments

Cooperation with in
Subordinate Supervisor It was good with the
your Department peer
 Supervisor seniors but there was no
 Peer communication with the
 Subordinate Manager
Cooperation with

other Departments
Communication in

your Department
Communication 
with in the
Company as a
Communication  No there was no
between you & communication
your Manager regarding anything
Morale in your 
Job satisfaction  Not satisfied
Training you

received Growth
Potential 
5. Any additional comments/views/suggestions?
 Would like to suggest that manager should have a clarity regarding hiring candidate in the beginning,
whether they require fresher or experienced, Because a sudden decision regarding removing a candidate
after 4-5 months is not justified, It is tough for candidate to justify such 4-5 months experience on their
resume while interviews, if they do not have clarity regarding hiring then they must not hire for a temporary
period, Because it may not be impactful for the manager or the company but may affect the candidate
 Feedback must be taken from every member in the team, Challenges should be discussed
 Manger should take an initiative to communicate with their team, Members to discuss their process and
challenges in order to make the process smooth
 Feedbacks taken from the only senior of the team, and making the decision on the without communicating
with all the team member is not justified

6. Would you consider returning to this Company in the future?

 Only if there is a good opportunity in another Department

7. Would you recommend this company to a friend as a good place to work?

 Might be

8. Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving?

 No because manager made a clear decision to remove and hire a experienced candidate

Exit interview Conducted by:

Name: Ayushi Shah

Date: 16/12/2023

Thank You for your Time & Cooperation!

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