Week Two Lesson Note For The Weekend

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DATE: MONDAY 29th-3rd FRIDAY,2024.

TOPIC: Reading And Summary of acts and scenes.
SUBTOPIC: Summary of act1 scenes 1-3.
DURATION: 40mins
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students have been introduced to the text.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: A chart display of important statements by some characters.
REFERENCE BOOKS: Julius Abiodun et al, "Success Pen Literature in English" pg 41-43,
Agilpen Publishers Limited 2021 Nigeria. Oliver M.Iluebe "Excellent Performance in Literature
in English" pg 353-356,Nobel Power Concept Limited,2019,Benin City Nigeria.
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to:
1.state the actions that took place in each scene of act 1.
2. state relevance of dream concerning the home coming of an ancestor with regards to
Gbanya's dreams.
3.state Musa's weakness with which Laboi ensnared him to work with him.
4. From Rowe's extreme reaction to Gbanys's mistake, how do colonial master regard traditional
African leaders?
Chief Gbanya is virile in nature as he tries to force his protesting wife Madam Yoko to bed with
him. He is convinced that all women is fit for is dance,sing,cook and satisfy her husband's
sexual desire. He is seen being disturbed by the Governor's impending visit and he has a
premonition that he is about to die. His wife Yoko sees his firm determination to die,reminds him
of his resolve to handover the chiefdom to her.
Lamboi,Musa and Ndapi are convinced that women can never occupy positions of authority
and Lamboi as Yoko's brother is seriously eyeing the chiefdom. He consults Musa, the village
medicine man who prepares poison that will kill Gbanya instantly, before he realizes himself and
hands over the power to Yoko a mere woman. Gbanya gets prepared to receive the governor in
a grand style but was beaten close to death shamefully before his subjects. In his serious
state,Lamboi and Musa pretend to be of assistance to alleviate his pains poisons him. Gbanya
was quick to realize their mission as his wife came in,he hands the chiefdom to her,she
immediately took charge and resolve never to bear children.
PRESENTATION: STEP:1. Students are picked at random to read the drama text based on
available characters.
STEP:2. Students pay apt attention and follow the reading noting very important statements
made by Gbanya,Musa and Lamboi,as well as new words.
STEP: 3. Students are picked for explanation of the covered reading area.
STEP:4. Students ask questions on why certain things are allowed without questioning or
reactions to it.
STEP:5. Teacher answer students questions for clarity and gives detail information on the act
and scene read.
EVALUATION:1.State the actions that took place in each scene of act 1
2.State the relevance of dream in the home coming of an ancestor with regards to Gbanya's
3.State Musa's weakness with which Lamboi ensnared him to work for him
4. From Rowe's extreme reaction to Gbanya's mistake, how do colonial masters regard African
traditional leaders?
SUMMARY: The teacher explains the identified statements made by some major characters in
the play. The students alongside the teacher tackles the new words contextually.
CONCLUSION: Teacher rounds off the lesson by with the students answering evaluation
questions then copy attach note afterwards.
ASSIGNMENT: Read up act 2 scenes 1-6.

TOPIC: Reading and summary of act 2, scenes 1-3.
DURATION: 80mins,each 40minutes
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students are familiar with the drama text.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Chart display of new words in the drama text.
REFERENCE BOOKS: J. Abiodun et al,"Success Pen , Literature in English" pg 42-43,Agilpen
Publishers Limited 2021 Lagos Nigeria. Oliver M.ILuebe,pg 356-60, Noble Power
Concepts,2019 Benin City Nigeria.
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to:
1.state the uniqueness in Yoko's leadership style and why did she move her chiefdom base?
2. explain Jilo's reason for her unholy act.
3. why was Lansana put in the stock?
4. what was Lamboi's intention for kidnapping Jeneba?


Yoko took proper and complete charge of the chiefdom. Her exploits and fame are known all
over the land and beyond. The wisdom with which she judges matters is commendable. The
governor sends his messengers to her Highness,Madam Yoko, to monitor the affairs of the state
and get back to him. Yoko in her wisdom,gives the messengers a warm and befitting welcome.
Lamboi and Musa are embittered about the fame and commendations and they plot to pull her
down by kidnapping Jeneba,Ndapi's only daughter and child, and raising alarm that Madam
Yoko has used her for ritual which will make her either to die or go into exil.
Before all these,we see Jilo Ndapi's wife having immoral relationship with Lansana even in
her home,where they narrowly escaped being caught by Ndapi. Ndapi beats her quiet often
because he hardly comes home to see food to eat. She was eventually caught and dragged to
Madam Yoko.
Burdened with suspicious quietness in the land because of evil men that plot there nefarious
deeds,she moved the Chiefdom from Senehun to Moyamba for fear of Lamboi and Musa whom
she describe as cunning and not trustworthy.
The Governor sent a messenger to Yoko,who extoll her virtures and we're very much taken
care of. She sent for elders to talk about tax payment over their huts. This could be concluded
because she had to attend to the assignment of the governor,at this point Julo came to inform
the Queen about her missing child-Jeneba. She appointed Lamboi and Musa as second in
command ,in her absence, and takes a leave for her assignment.
PRESENTATION: STEP 1. Teacher reviews previous lesson with students, there after pick
students at random base on available characters for reading.
STEP:2. Students read accordingly, while others follow paying attention to the reading.
STEP: 3.Teacher puts down new words, sensitive statements for comments and observes the
STEP:4. Students are picked from listeners to summarize in scenes.
STEP:5. Students answer questions on new words and discuss importance of statements on
the board.
EVALUATION:1.State the uniqueness in Yoko's leadership style and why she moved her
chiefdom base?
2. Explain Jilo's reason for her unholy act.
3.Why was Lansana put in the stocks?
4. What was Lamboi's intention for kidnapping Jeneba?
SUMMARY: Teacher reviews the lesson with the students by answering questions on
CONCLUSION: Teacher rounds off the lesson,by encouraging the students to read up act three
and pay attention to details,after which they copy note on the lesson taught.
ASSIGNMENT Read up Act three,scenes 1-4.

TOPIC: Reading And Summary of Act 3Scenes 1-4.

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Students are familiar with the drama content.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: A picture display of Madam Yoko
REFERENCE BOOKS: Oliver M. ILuebe,"Excellent Performance in Literature in English"pg 361-
64,2019 Noble Power Concepts Benin City Nigeria. Julius Abiodun et al,"Success Pen
Literature in English" pg 43-45,Agilpen Publishers Limited,2021,Lagos Nigeria.
OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to:
1.why did Lamboi vow to do anything possible to get the throne?
2.How was Musa able to manipulate the people against Yoko in a short time.
3. What was the climax of humiliation that confronted Madam Yoko?
4. Recall Yoko's last statement before she died.
Governor Rowe has given Yoko a leave and sent her to crown two chiefs in Taiama. On
embarking on the journey,Yoko immediately orders search party to look for Jeneba and said
that, that child must be found. She appoints Lambio and Musa as second in command to stand
in for her for a few days. Lamboi dishes out instructions as though innocent,he had full taste of
power and vows to do anything to keep the throne.
That both connived to use this opportunity to perfect their evil plans. They have killed her and
removed vital parts . Musa tried convincing Ndapi that Yoko buried her alive in a big pot
because she wants to retain power and win the favor of the Governor, from his findings in the
shrine as he went to divine Gbeni. Ndapi dismissed it,he went to the women pretending to be
searching with them and told them that she killed Jeneba and used her to protect herself.
Lamboi made effort to admonish Ndapi not to allow grief becloud his sense of judgement over
his missing daughter, the women came in saying that Yoko has used Jeneba as sacrifice,
swearing to in. In the midst of the commotio,Madam Yoko came in , while addressing the
people,she was interrupted and called many unprintable names, witch,murderer,devil. She
wonders why Lamboi could not care to maintain peace until she comes, surprisingly,Laboi said
"Madam there is no peace in the minds of those that kill", as though he was innocent. When she
could not bear it any longer,she orders them out.
Disappointed,Ndapi barr her from going inside and accused her for being responsible for
Jeneba's death,he told her that if he does not see Jeneba he will kill her with bare hands. He did
not forget to remind her of her childless state, otherwise,she would have known the worth of a
While the noise was on going a girl rushed in to say they have seen her body behind Sande
bush where they went to dig up potatoes, with the body dismembered. She tried exnoerating
herself from the dubious crime and vowed to get to the root of the conspiracy. She has been
unjustly humiliated.
She went to visit Gbeni at Poro to get to the bottom of the case,the women,Ndapi have all
come begging for her forgiveness,Ndapi was shocked to discover that Lamboi and Musa
actually killed Jeneba. They were on the run but nemesis must catch up with them "Their noses
will rot, leprosy will devour their fingers and elephantiasis will cling to their legs". That is Gbeni's
revenge. There and then a messenger came with letter from the Governor informing her that six
villages under her control now belong to Bo Chiefdom.
That was a big straw,she felt bad and sent back word to the messenger for the governor "Tell
him the way he has decided on the boundary and marks is a slap on the face for a lady who has
been loyal to him all these years". She told Musu what to do while still talking to the messenger
"Tell the Governor that I have risked my life to carry out his commands. And it is only now that I
have to realize. I have been a fool. I have been used. Tell him it is a great insult to my integrity
and honour as Queen".
She could not stand the shame of being used and dumped, humiliation by her people she
trusted,loved, the betrayal, she reached out for the poisonous concoction and said "I have
savoured the fruits of power; I have known and enjoyed the grandeur of high office alone,If I am
to die,then let me die alone…. and now I will know peace.She drinks and dies, with the hope of
finding eternal peace. Her last statement was "I …did not bring a child into this world,so let no
one mourn my death. Tell the entire chiefdom,none should mourn my death". The play ends
PRESENTATION: STEP:1. Students having been assigned to read the last act and scenes are
picked at random for discussion.
STEP 2. Students come up with wonderful understanding on the assigned act.
STEP 3. Students ask very intelligent questions that led to reading some parts of the drama text
for proper understanding.
STEP:4. Teacher assists the students by making some explanations that are vital and for clarity
EVALUATION:1.Why did Lamboi vow to do anything possible to get the throne?
2.How was Misa able to manipulate the people in a short time.
3. What was the climax humiliation that confronted Madam Yoko.
4. Recall Yoko's last statement before she died.
SUMMARY: Teacher reviews the lesson by using past questions and answers to test the
students understanding of the drama text.
CONCLUSION: Teacher rounds off by encouraging the students to copy the note and attempt
other past questions for better understanding.
ASSIGNMENT: Study the characters,themes, and dramatic technique used by the dramatist.

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