504 Aviation Marketing and Management

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Aviation Marketing and Management

1. What are the elements of the marketing mix commonly known as the "4 Ps"?
A) Product, Price, Profit, Place
B) Product, Promotion, Profit, Place
C) Product, Price, Promotion, Place
D) Production, Price, Promotion, Place

2. Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by rapid market acceptance and increasing
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

3. What pricing strategy involves setting a high initial price to capitalize on the novelty of a product?
A) Penetration pricing
B) Price skimming
C) Cost-plus pricing
D) Competitive pricing

4. In the aviation industry, what factor primarily affects pricing decisions related to fuel costs?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Economic conditions
D) Market competition

5. Which component of the marketing mix refers to the set of activities undertaken to communicate
and promote products to target audiences?
A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

6. During which stage of the product life cycle do companies typically focus on expanding market
share and maximizing profits?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

7. What pricing strategy involves setting prices based on production costs and adding a markup?
A) Penetration pricing
B) Price skimming
C) Cost-plus pricing
D) Competitive pricing

8. In the aviation industry, what factor primarily influences pricing decisions related to airport taxes
and fees?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Economic conditions
D) Market competition
9. Which element of the marketing mix encompasses the physical product or service, its features,
design, quality, and branding?
A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

10. During which stage of the product life cycle do companies often invest heavily in marketing to
create awareness and stimulate demand?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

11. What pricing strategy involves setting a low initial price to quickly penetrate the market and gain
market share?
A) Penetration pricing
B) Price skimming
C) Cost-plus pricing
D) Competitive pricing

12. In the aviation industry, what factor primarily influences pricing decisions related to demand
fluctuations during peak travel seasons?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Economic conditions
D) Market competition

13. Which aspect of the marketing mix relates to the distribution channels and methods used to make
products available to consumers?
A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

14. During which stage of the product life cycle do companies often experience declining sales and
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

15. What pricing strategy involves setting prices based on competitors' prices?
A) Penetration pricing
B) Price skimming
C) Cost-plus pricing
D) Competitive pricing
16. In the aviation industry, what factor primarily affects pricing decisions related to aircraft
maintenance and operational costs?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Economic conditions
D) Market competition

17. Which component of the marketing mix involves activities to communicate the value of a product
or service and persuade customers to buy?
A) Product
B) Price
C) Promotion
D) Place

18. During which stage of the product life cycle do companies typically focus on product
differentiation and extending the product's life?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

19. What pricing strategy involves setting prices based on understanding customer perceptions of
A) Penetration pricing
B) Price skimming
C) Cost-plus pricing
D) Value-based pricing

20. In the aviation industry, what factor primarily influences pricing decisions related to market
demand elasticity?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Economic conditions
D) Market competition

21. What is the first step in developing marketing strategies and plans?
A) Market segmentation
B) Product development
C) Competitive analysis
D) Pricing strategy

22. Which of the following is NOT a component of customer value in marketing?

A) Price
B) Convenience
C) Brand reputation
D) Employee satisfaction

23. What is the primary focus of corporate strategic planning?

A) Maximizing shareholder wealth
B) Achieving long-term organizational goals
C) Short-term profit optimization
D) Capturing market share
24. Which level of strategic planning involves developing plans to compete successfully within a
particular business segment or industry?
A) Corporate strategic planning
B) Functional strategic planning
C) Division strategic planning
D) Product/service planning

25. In product/services planning, what does the product life cycle help marketers understand?
A) Market segmentation
B) Consumer behavior
C) Product positioning
D) Product development and decline

26. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the product life cycle?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Termination

27. What does SWOT analysis primarily focus on in marketing planning?

A) Internal strengths and weaknesses
B) External opportunities and threats
C) Competitive pricing strategies
D) Distribution channels

28. Which marketing strategy focuses on selling existing products to new markets?
A) Market penetration
B) Market development
C) Product development
D) Diversification

29. What is a key component of developing marketing strategies and plans?

A) Pricing strategy
B) Human resource planning
C) Financial auditing
D) Manufacturing optimization

30. Which factor is central to understanding marketing and customer value?

A) Production efficiency
B) Customer satisfaction
C) Regulatory compliance
D) Inventory management

31. Which aspect is fundamental in product/services planning?

A) Supplier negotiations
B) Brand ambassador selection
C) Market research analysis
D) Operational cost reduction

32. Which activity is crucial in developing marketing strategies and plans?

A) Facility maintenance
B) Competitor benchmarking
C) Legal documentation
D) Employee performance evaluation
33. What is the primary aim of marketing and customer value?
A) Maximizing shareholder returns
B) Minimizing production costs
C) Enhancing customer experiences
D) Expanding distribution channels

34. Which process is integral to corporate and division strategic planning?

A) Product recall management
B) SWOT analysis
C) Inventory clearance sales
D) Supplier contract renegotiation

35. What is a critical step in product/services planning?

A) Social media engagement
B) Predictive analytics
C) Facility expansion
D) Employee morale boosting

36. Which factor is included in the PESTEL analysis framework?

A) Product positioning
B) Political stability
C) Promotional strategies
D) Price elasticity

37. What is a key element of demand forecasting and market research?

A) Cost reduction techniques
B) Competitor analysis
C) Regulatory compliance
D) Sales force automation

38. What does marketing productivity measurement primarily focus on?

A) Revenue growth
B) Employee turnover
C) Raw material procurement
D) Facility maintenance

39. In analyzing the macro environment, what does the acronym PEST stand for?
A) Productivity, Economic, Social, Technological
B) Political, Environmental, Socio-cultural, Technological
C) Pricing, Economic, Supply chain, Target market
D) Promotion, Environmental, Social media, Technology

40. Which aspect is considered in the socio-cultural analysis of the macro environment?
A) Exchange rates
B) Population demographics
C) Technological advancements
D) Government regulations

41. What is a primary concern in the environmental analysis of the macro environment?
A) Advertising expenditure
B) Carbon emissions
C) Sales promotions
D) Employee benefits
42. Which factor is crucial in political analysis within the macro environment?
A) Social media trends
B) Government regulations
C) Customer preferences
D) Brand loyalty

43. What is a significant consideration in economic analysis within the macro environment?
A) Brand reputation
B) Inflation rates
C) Product innovation
D) Market segmentation

44. What is a primary purpose of demand forecasting?

A) Enhancing employee morale
B) Reducing production costs
C) Predicting future market demand
D) Expanding distribution channels

45. Which aspect is crucial in market research?

A) Advertising effectiveness
B) Inventory turnover ratio
C) Employee training programs
D) Customer preferences

46. How is marketing productivity typically measured?

A) Return on investment (ROI)
B) Customer satisfaction scores
C) Employee engagement levels
D) Website traffic

47. What does the PESTEL analysis help in understanding?

A) Microeconomic factors
B) Marketing mix elements
C) Macro environmental influences
D) Consumer behavior patterns

48. What role does technology play in demand forecasting?

A) Streamlining supply chain logistics
B) Enhancing customer service
C) Automating sales processes
D) Analyzing competitor data

49. What is a significant aspect of environmental analysis in marketing?

A) Market segmentation
B) Carbon footprint reduction
C) Product packaging design
D) Sales promotion techniques

50. In macro environmental analysis, what does the social factor primarily focus on?
A) Technological advancements
B) Government regulations
C) Population demographics
D) Economic indicators
51. What does legal analysis involve in the macro environment?
A) Competition benchmarking
B) Patent infringement risks
C) Customer satisfaction surveys
D) Brand loyalty programs

52. How does demand forecasting contribute to strategic planning?

A) By reducing advertising expenditure
B) By optimizing inventory management
C) By increasing employee turnover
D) By expanding product lines

53. What is a fundamental aspect of market research?

A) Reducing production costs
B) Analyzing competitor strategies
C) Enhancing employee benefits
D) Maximizing shareholder returns

54. What does analyzing the macro environment help in identifying?

A) Microeconomic fluctuations
B) Short-term marketing tactics
C) Long-term strategic opportunities
D) Internal organizational strengths

55. How does socio-cultural analysis impact marketing decisions?

A) By influencing product design
B) By determining pricing strategies
C) By streamlining distribution channels
D) By optimizing production processes

56. What is the primary objective of market segmentation?

A) To decrease competition
B) To maximize production efficiency
C) To identify and target specific customer groups
D) To standardize marketing messages

57. Which type of market segmentation divides the market based on demographic factors?
A) Geographic segmentation
B) Psychographic segmentation
C) Behavioral segmentation
D) Demographic segmentation

58. What is one of the key steps in segmentation?

A) Implementing mass marketing strategies
B) Ignoring customer preferences
C) Analyzing customer needs and preferences
D) Relying solely on intuition

59. Which is a potential merit of market segmentation?

A) Increased production costs
B) Reduced customer satisfaction
C) Tailored marketing strategies
D) Limited product variety
60. Which segmentation type divides the market based on consumers' lifestyle, values, and interests?
A) Geographic segmentation
B) Demographic segmentation
C) Psychographic segmentation
D) Behavioral segmentation

61. What is one of the objectives of market segmentation?

A) To ignore diverse customer needs
B) To increase marketing costs
C) To minimize product variety
D) To enhance customer satisfaction

62. Which is a potential demerit of market segmentation?

A) Increased brand loyalty
B) Limited market reach
C) Simplified marketing strategies
D) Reduced competition

63. Which step in segmentation involves evaluating segment attractiveness?

A) Selecting target segments
B) Identifying segmentation variables
C) Profiling and analyzing segments
D) Evaluating segment attractiveness

64. What is geographic segmentation based on?

A) Customers' age and gender
B) Customers' lifestyle and values
C) Customers' location and region
D) Customers' purchasing behavior

65. What is one of the demerits of market segmentation?

A) Increased customer satisfaction
B) Higher marketing efficiency
C) Potential cannibalization of sales
D) Enhanced brand recognition

66. Which segmentation type categorizes consumers based on their spending habits and usage
A) Demographic segmentation
B) Psychographic segmentation
C) Behavioral segmentation
D) Geographic segmentation

67. What is the primary objective of identifying segmentation variables?

A) To increase production costs
B) To understand customer needs
C) To reduce market competition
D) To ignore market diversity
68. In what step of segmentation is segmentation variable identification performed?
A) Analyzing customer needs and preferences
B) Selecting target segments
C) Profiling and analyzing segments
D) Identifying segmentation variables

69. Which segmentation type divides the market based on customers' purchasing behavior?
A) Psychographic segmentation
B) Geographic segmentation
C) Demographic segmentation
D) Behavioral segmentation

70. What is one of the merits of market segmentation?

A) Reduced marketing costs
B) Decreased customer satisfaction
C) Homogeneous marketing strategies
D) Limited market expansion

71. Which step of segmentation involves dividing the market into distinct groups?
A) Analyzing customer needs and preferences
B) Profiling and analyzing segments
C) Identifying segmentation variables
D) Selecting target segments

72. Which type of segmentation categorizes consumers based on their personality traits, values, and
A) Demographic segmentation
B) Psychographic segmentation
C) Geographic segmentation
D) Behavioral segmentation

73. What is one of the demerits of market segmentation?

A) Increased market competition
B) Enhanced product innovation
C) Potential market fragmentation
D) Expanded market reach

74. In which step of segmentation are target segments chosen for marketing efforts?
A) Identifying segmentation variables
B) Analyzing customer needs and preferences
C) Profiling and analyzing segments
D) Selecting target segments

75. Which segmentation type divides the market based on customers' physical attributes such as age,
gender, and income?
A) Psychographic segmentation
B) Geographic segmentation
C) Behavioral segmentation
D) Demographic segmentation
76. Which element of the marketing mix focuses on the goods or services offered to customers?
A) Promotion
B) Place
C) Product
D) Price

77. At which stage of the product life cycle is there typically intense competition and market
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

78. What is a penetration pricing strategy primarily aimed at achieving?

A) Maximizing short-term profits
B) Targeting niche markets
C) Building brand loyalty
D) Capturing market share quickly

79. What is a factor affecting price decision in marketing?

A) Product features
B) Brand awareness
C) Social media engagement
D) Employee satisfaction

80. Which element of the marketing mix involves determining where and how a product will be
available to customers?
A) Promotion
B) Place
C) Product
D) Price

81. During which stage of the product life cycle do sales typically start to decline?
A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline

82. What is a skimming pricing strategy designed to achieve?

A) Rapid market penetration
B) Maintaining market share
C) Maximizing short-term profits
D) Capturing early adopters willing to pay a premium

83. Which factor influences price decision by considering competitors' pricing strategies and market
A) Distribution channels
B) Production costs
C) Customer demand
D) Competitor pricing
84. What is the primary focus of the promotion element in the marketing mix?
A) Creating brand awareness
B) Determining product features
C) Identifying target markets
D) Setting pricing strategies

85. What characterizes the growth stage of the product life cycle?
A) Declining sales
B) Introduction of new competitors
C) Rapid market acceptance
D) Limited consumer awareness

86. Which pricing strategy involves setting prices based on the perceived value to customers rather
than production costs?
A) Cost-plus pricing
B) Value-based pricing
C) Competitive pricing
D) Psychological pricing

87. What is a factor affecting price decision related to customer perceptions and willingness to pay?
A) Distribution channels
B) Production costs
C) Brand image
D) Competitor pricing

88. What is the purpose of the place element in the marketing mix?
A) Setting product prices
B) Identifying target markets
C) Creating promotional campaigns
D) Determining product distribution channels

89. What characterizes the decline stage of the product life cycle?
A) Declining sales
B) Introduction of new competitors
C) Rapid market acceptance
D) Increased marketing expenditure

90. Which pricing strategy involves setting prices based on production costs plus a markup for profit?
A) Value-based pricing
B) Cost-plus pricing
C) Competitive pricing
D) Penetration pricing

91. What is a factor affecting price decision that considers the cost of manufacturing, materials, and
A) Distribution channels
B) Production costs
C) Brand image
D) Competitor pricing
92. What is the primary goal of the pricing element in the marketing mix?
A) Creating brand awareness
B) Maximizing short-term profits
C) Capturing market share
D) Establishing product features

93. What characterizes the introduction stage of the product life cycle?
A) Declining sales
B) Market saturation
C) High promotional costs
D) Stable market demand

94. Which pricing strategy involves setting prices similar to or slightly below competitors' prices?
A) Skimming pricing
B) Psychological pricing
C) Competitive pricing
D) Premium pricing

95. What is a factor affecting price decision that involves the selection of appropriate channels to
reach customers?
A) Production costs
B) Distribution channels
C) Brand image
D) Competitor pricing

96. …………. Is the process of identifying and satisfying the needs of the customer
A) Marketing
B) sales
C) distribution
D) advertising

97. ……………… plays a positive role in solving marketing problems.

A) Marketing research
B) customer behavior
C) product concept
D) management

98. …………….. methods are the analysis and presentation of all information estimates.
A) marketing information system
B) consumer relationship management
C) marketing opportunities isolation
D) buying process

99. Classification of goods into different groups in different markets means…………….

A) marketing
B) marketing information system
C)marketing opportunities isolation
D) market segmentation

100. …………. means bringing more than one product from a company to market
A) product mix
B) market segmentation
C) promotion mix
D) distribution mix
101. The …………… concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated marketing
and profitability
A) Product
B) Production
C) Marketing
D) Holistic

102. One technique of building CRM is …………….

A) Data mining
C) Marketing research
D) Electronic Data Interchange

103. …………… concept revolves around the customers

a. Production
B) Marketing
C) Exchange
D) Selling

104. …………….. Exchange is the oldest concept of marketing.

a. Product
B) Exchange
C) Production
D) Marketing

105. Fulfilling social responsibility is one of the essentials of ………… concept.

A) Societal
B) Production
C) Product
D) Exchange

106. ________________ brings out new ideas and encash several opportunities in Marketing.
A) Production
B) Marketing
C) Creativity
D) Consumer

107. The main objective of marketing is________________________

A) Increasing Profit
B) Increasing Sales
C) Increasing Price
D) Decreasing Sales

108. Effective Marketing require

A) Proper Pricing
B) Customized Products
C) Effective Procedures
D) All of these
109. Marketing approach that focus on understanding only a particular group of customers with their
specific requirements is known as
A) Outbound Marketing
B) Inbound Marketing
C) Marketing Staff
D) Marketing Research

110. ____________ is a cluster of complimentary product and services which are closely related to the
customers mind but they are spread across in a diverse set of industries.
A) Market
B) Meta Market
C) Customisation
D) Product and Service

111. Making call to the customers without taking any appointment is called_______________
A) Conversion
B) Creating a Customer
C) Cold Call
D) Cross Selling

112. Selling the product to an existing customer is called_______________

A) Selling
B) Selling Skills
C) Selling More
D) Cross Selling

113. Concept which deals with good and quality products providing to the consumers is:
A) Marketing Concept
B) Product Concept
C) Exchange Concept
D) Production Concept

114. In which Concept the process of consumers and products are produces in large scale at low unit
cost are supported by the consumers.
A) Marketing Concept
B) Production Concept
C) Selling Concept
D) Exchange Concept

115. __________________ Concept indicates that the exchange of product between the seller and
buyer is necessary.
A) Marketing Concept
B) Production Concept
C) Selling Concept
D) Exchange Concept

116. The concept which deals with the beginning and the end of the business cycle where the
consumers need become the focal point is ______________________________
A) Marketing Concept
B) Production Concept
C) Selling Concept
D) Exchange Concept
117. The term used in marketing for special product to suit each customer is known
A) Proactive Marketing
B) Marketing Decision
C) Customisation
D) Production Orientation

118. What you will judge in the person to test his/her Marketing Skills?
A) Communication Skills
B) Good price policy
C) Knowledge of marketing
D) Selling Skills

119. Electrical items such as Music System, Video systems, TVs etc used for home entertainment are
known as ____________
A) Consumer Product
B) Durable Product
C) Convenience Product
D) Specialty Product

110. The product used by ultimate consumers or households are known as____________
A) Consumer Product
B) Durable Product
C) Convenience Product
D) Specialty Product

111. What is Niche?

A) A specialized market for the target group.
B) A specialized market for the individuals.
C) A specialized market for the city/town/village.
D) A specialized market for the state or country.

112. When a product gets an attractive name, symbol or any identity mark to look different from
other products is known as
A) Packaging
B) Branding
C) Pricing
D) Marketing

113. A marketing function which involves putting goods into attractive packets, containers according
to the customer continence is called_______________
A) Packaging
B) Branding
C) Pricing
D) Marketing

114. The customer need is collected by the Marketers and then they decide what to produce.
Sometimes they modify or improve the existing product. It comes under which field of marketing?
A) Production
B) Product Planning and Development
C) Packaging and Pricing
D) Standardization and Grading
115. The Marketing Function deals with cost of the product and the capacity of consumer to pay is
A) Packaging
B) Branding
C) Pricing
D) Marketing

116. The process of collecting and analyzing the information regarding consumer need and nature of
competition prevailing prices effectiveness of advertising media etc is called:
A) Product Research
B) Marketing Research
C) Price Research
D) Selling Research

117. According to modern context of Marketing the Goods must reach to the customers at maximum
speed with ______________________________
A) Minimum Price
B) Maximum Price
C) Minimum Marketing
D) Maximum Marketing

118. Marketing is based on the rule of buying and selling. According to this concept Marketing is an art
A) Buying more
B) Selling more
C) Fulfilling consumers need
D) All of these

119. Customer deals with the same Organization for a long time is called________________
A) Customisation
B) Customer Equity
C) Customer’s Need
D) Customer Retention

120. A person who purchase any product or service is known as_____________________

A) Producer
B) Customer
C) Salesperson
D) Marketing Staff

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