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Modal verbs: advice, obligation and necessity;

possibility, probability and certainty
1 Choose the correct answer: A, B or C. 3 Work in pairs. Read the twelve sayings. Using
1 You enter the building without your student ID. modal verbs where possible, discuss what each
A might not B don’t need to C mustn’t saying means, whether or not you agree with
it, and why. Then, join with another pair and
2 We talk about it today. We can leave it until
compare your ideas and opinions.
A don’t have to B mustn’t C might not ‘A problem shared is a problem halved.’
3 What about Bruno? Perhaps we ask him if wants to This must mean that …
come too.
A have to B ought to C must A problem shared is a problem halved.
4 Don’t leave your phone there. Someone take it.
A might B should C must A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
5 You offer to cook her a meal. I’m sure she’d like that.
Lend your money and lose your friend.
A are supposed to B could C need to
6 Hannah be feeling too ill. I’ve just seen her talking All good things must come to an end.
and laughing with her friends.
A needn’t B mustn’t C can’t
Be careful what you wish for.
7 I won’t have any cake, thanks, because I eat sugar. The best things in life are free.
That’s what the doctor told me. There’s no smoke without fire.
A won’t be able to B don’t have to C ’m not
supposed to You can’t win them all.
8 We hear from Angela soon. She usually emails at the
end of the week. Actions speak louder than words.
A should B will be able to C have to Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
9 Relax! You worry. Everything will be OK.
A aren’t supposed to B needn’t C can’t What’s done is done.
10 You be happy to be home again!
Practice makes perfect.
A can B must C need to
2 a Choose the correct alternative to complete the first part of the text. will (n) = a
strong desire to
do something

Five tips to help you get on better with people

We all 1need to / may / can be connected with other people, for our basic survival as well as
for our emotional well-being. It 2’s supposed to / may / has to be possible to avoid spending
time with someone we feel we don’t like, but most of the time we 3ought to / have to / can
find ways to get on with people in our life, for example at work or college.
Many people find friendships and relationships easy, but for others they 4should / must / can
be more difficult. If you feel you 5could / need to / are supposed to benefit from working on
improving your connections with others, these five tips 6must / need to / should help.

b Complete the second part of the text with the correct form of the modal verbs below.
can’t ​don’t have to ​might ​should ​supposed to ​will be able to

1 Listen to people carefully. Don’t just talk. You 1 think you know
how someone feels, but you can’t be sure without hearing them speak.
2 Be open to other people’s experiences and points of view. You 2
agree with everything they say, but it’s good to try and understand how other people
see things.
3 Be open and honest about areas of life you find difficult. People 3
to trust you more easily if you show that you know you’re not perfect.
4 Speak out when there’s a problem. If you feel unhappy because you think someone has
treated you badly, you 4 tell them. People often think they are
hide all negative feelings, but it’s usually better to express them.
5 Finally, remember that you 6 change people. You can only change
the way you communicate with them.

Life Vision Upper Intermediate Grammar worksheet 2A  PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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