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Put the suitable phrase/idiom from units 1-10:

a. While many travelers prefer to get ____________ and explore hidden gems, others
seek to be ____________ by indulging in lavish resorts and exclusive
accommodations during their vacations
b. The group decided to ________________ for the dinner, but tensions rose as some
members seemed ready to ____________ to secure the best seats at the restaurant.
c. In the world of art, the artist's ability to convey emotions through their work is
______________, representing the ___________ of their creative expression.
d. We took Jack’s story about flying to Los Angeles and having dinner with Carey
Mulligan with a _______________.
e. The author was thrilled to negotiate _________ rights for their bestselling novel,
ensuring that the adaptation would capture the essence of the story the right
f. Patricia took great __________ the fact that her name had been left off the guest list.
g. This institution takes ___________ that all employees should be treated fairly.
h. In the intense rivalry between the two soccer teams, the upcoming match presented
an opportunity for one team to finally ____________ and determine the superior
i. During the formal ceremony, the comedian's unexpected joke seemed __________
place, leading to awkward silence in a setting where humor typically wasn't _____
j. As the deadline approached, the pressure was on for the team to come
___________________ goods and deliver a groundbreaking presentation that would
impress the clients.
k. Facing a difficult decision, it took time for Sarah to come ______________ the reality
of the situation, realizing that acceptance wouldn't come __________.
l. During the embarrassing moment, Sarah managed to turn _______________ when
she realized she had mispronounced a crucial word during her presentation.
m. Exploring the historic neighborhood, Mark marveled at the well-preserved
architecture that reflected the charm of the turn ____________, transporting him to a
bygone era.

2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of lines to form a word that fits in
the space in the same line. Use between 3 and 8 words. Do not change the
word given.
a. I don’t like that color hair dye. LIKING
That color hair dye _______________________.
b. I liked my new teacher immediately. LIKING
I took _____________ my new teacher.
c. They criticized the manager’s decisions. FAULT
They ____________ manager’s decisions.
d. His effort to set up a local youth center were finally successful. BORE
His efforts to set up a local youth center ____________.
e. There is plenty of food. ABUNDANCE
Food _______________________________.
f. They are very much in love with each other. EYES
They _____________________ each other.
g. He is proud of his achievements. TAKES
He _________________________ his achievements.
h. I can’t sympathize with him. SYMPATHY
I ________________________ him.
i. He had nothing to do so he decided to see a movie. END
He ________________ so he decided to see a movie.
j. When I was awarded the first prize, I didn’t know what to say. WORDS
When I was awarded the first prize __________________.
k. His handwriting is illegible. I can’t understand anything. HEAD
His handwriting is illegible. I can’t ___________________.
l. Don’t treat it as unimportant. It’s serious. LIGHT
Don’t ___________________________. It’s serious.
m. I don’t even know whether he is in town. ALL
For _________________ be in town.
n. Without her assistance, I’d have failed. BEEN
Had ______________ I’d have failed.

3. Choose the correct answer.

Every time the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting its … (1) on our planet, the
experience for the humans who watch it is different from the last. Every solar eclipse is governed by a
multitude of rhythms and ... (2) that guarantee its individuality. The Sun's activity, its flares and
prominences, the exact positions of the Moon and the Earth – all these factors conspire ... (3)
numerous others to ... (4) that the earth eclipse is unique. Similarly, the ... (5) of an eclipse are
influenced by the time of the day, the region of the world, the weather and, to a surprising extent, the
surrounding crowds or emptiness. Yet, ... (6) this captivity for infinite variation, eclipses are
governed by the enduring laws of celestial mechanics that guarantee us totalities for hundreds of
millions of years to come. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and the
Earth, fully blocking ... (7) our view of the Sun. This happens because of a heavenly ... (8): the Sun
and the Moon, when viewed from the Earth, appear to be the same size.

(1) a) cover b) gloom c) shade d) shadow

(2) a) subtitles b) subtleties c) sublets d) sublimities
(3) a) for b) to c) with d) in
(4) a) ensure b) reassure c) insure d) assure
(5) a) astatine b) eyrie c) aestheticism d) aesthetics
(6) a) due to b) although c) much as d) despite
(7) a) out b) up c) off d) in
(8) a) coincidence b) agreement c) correlation d) accordance
4. For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which fits each
gap. Use only one word in each gap.

A language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognized in every
country. This might seem (1) ... stating the obvious, but it is (2) ..., for the notion of 'special role' has many
facets. Such a role will be most evident in countries where large numbers of the people speak the language as a
mother tongue - in the (3) ... of English, this would mean the USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa, several Caribbean countries and a sprinkling (4) ... other territories. However, no
language has ever been spoken by a mother tongue majority in more than a few countries (Spanish leads, in
this (5) ..., in some twenty countries, chiefly in Latin America), so mother-tongue use by (6) ... cannot give a
language global status. To achieve such a status, a language has to be (7) ... up by other countries around the
world. They must decide to give it a special place within their communities, (8) .... though they may have few
(or no) mother-tongue speakers.

Although the term "spoken Chinese" has a more restricted range than the broad expression "Chinese," it too
suffers from a lack of precision in (1) ... of the wide varieties of speech that are usually subsumed (2) ... this
name. "Spoken Chinese" includes the speech that can be heard throughout the area stretching from Manchuria
in the northeast to Guangdong in the southeast to Yunnan in the southwest to Gansu in the northwest. The
varieties of speech in this huge area are legion—ranging from forms with minor differences to (3) ... that are
mutually unintelligible.
Indeed, even among people (4) ... speech is considered to be the same there are individual differences that lead
linguists (5) ... assert that in fact no two persons speak exactly alike, since each person has his own idiolect
which distinguishes him in certain points of detail (6) ... everyone (7) .... In a situation of such diversity there is
obviously great danger that a statement true about one kind of spoken Chinese may be completely false (8) ...
respect to another variety. Generalizations about spoken Chinese can be exceedingly misleading when
carelessly advanced without qualification.

6. Put the correct linking phrase

a. The train was delayed _____________ bad weather.
b. The event was cancelled __________ the fact that not many tickets
were sold.
c. I felt stressed ___________ I'd been overworked recently.
d. John went to the acupuncturist ____________ his bad back.
e. Sonia had a bad stomachache and _________ I recommended seeing
the doctor.
f. ________ the teacher's good reputation the yoga classes were always
g. ___________ the fact that homeopathy can be very effective for some
illnesses it has become increasingly popular.
h. It's amazing I can walk ____________ an hour ago I couldn't move.
i. My headache has disappeared ___________ of the massage.
j. The company was doing badly and _________ it closed.
k. _______ it is your money, you can do what you like with it.
l. My mother wanted to keep her brain active, ________ she took up a

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