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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Apply, Underage
Category: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Harry Potter/Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy/Ron Weasley, Sirius
Black/Rodolphus Lestrange
Character: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Marauders (Harry
Potter), Voldemort, Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy
Additional Tags: Writer isn't a Native English Speaker, Don't copy to another site, Forced
Crossdressing, Forced name change, Mention of Minor Character
Death, mention of sex out of wedlock, mention of bastard, child abuse
by Muggles, long fic, long story, Transgender, Mpreg, Slash,
Crossdressing, De-Aged Harry Potter, De-Aged Ron Weasley, De-Aged
Hermione Granger, Alternate Universe, Time Travel, Past Child Abuse,
Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canonical Child Abuse,
Crossdressing Harry Potter, Crossdressing Ron Weasley, Arranged
Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Child Marriage, Labyrinth phobia
Language: English
Series: Part 27 of Harrymort/Tomarry, Part 15 of Work In Progress (years
abandoned doesn't mean hiatus)
Collections: Tempus et Spatium (Time and Space), My Favourites to read,
To_Be_Continued, Amarillie Harry Potter Fanfictions,
Stats: Published: 2014-10-20 Updated: 2023-10-13 Words: 124,292 Chapters:

by Isys Luna Skeeter (IsysSkeeter)


Not being able to bear the loss of his godfather, Harry decides to go back in time and do
everything again only problem is, when the goblins offer him and his friends a way to do
it… he finds a side of the wizardry world that had been hidden from him until then.
#TimetravelFic #CrossdressingFic #Mpreg #Slash #LongFic

Cover by RiddleSnape(AO3)/@S1L6Moon9(WP)


Spoilers: Harry Potter. If you don’t know the books or movies, go read and watch them!

Beta: None

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor any of the characters from the books or movies,
they belong to J. K. Rowling. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Warnings: AU fanfiction, time-travel, mention of cross-dressing, mention of slash, mention

of mpreg, Forced Crossdressing, forced name change, mention of minor character death,
mention of sex out of wedlock, mention of bastard, child abuse by Muggles, long fic, long
story, transgender

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 1,579




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Sunday, 30 June 1996


After Sirius Black died everything that one green-eyed, black-haired fifteen-year-old Wizard could
think about was to find a way to go back and do-over. There had to be a way!

Ron sighed in the train as they were going home for the summer holidays.

Home… Hogwarts was his home!

“Do you really want to find a Time-Turner? We kind of destroyed all that existed inside the
Ministry of Magic not even a week ago, Harry. Where the hell would we…?”

“Gringotts.” Harry interrupted, making his ginger sixteen-year-old Wizard friend gape at him.

“You gotta be kidding me, Mate.”

“Harry, Gringotts is the most secure place in the world. Even if they do have Time-Turners how
would we get out?” The brown-haired sixteen-year-old Witch tried to rationalize.

Harry grinned.
“We wouldn’t. We don’t need to get out, only to return back in time.”

Ron massaged his eyebrows.

“Fine, we’ll go there as soon as we arrive. But Mum better not see us.”

“WHAT? Ronald!” Hermione screeched, turning towards the ginger.

“If we wait too long the Time-Turner might not even work, Hermione.” Ron argued and Harry
nodded as if to make his point. “Besides if we’re moving back in time I don’t think Harry needs to
go to the hell house of his relatives so soon.”

Harry smiled grateful and looked outside the window, finally seeing a way to save Sirius…

Arriving King’s Cross station the three hid under the invisibility cloak, their trunks with a
shrinking spell that Hermione had found in some book and inside their pockets. The three run and
grabbed the first cab they found, luckily Hermione had Muggle money with her. In Diagon Alley it
was easy to go to Gringotts as no one actually expected that the trio that was walking by them were
a threat.

“Harry, are you sure you want to do this?” Hermione asked, yet once again.

Harry was about to nod when they found themselves before a Goblin. The Creature looked at the

“Follow me.” And directed them inside Gringotts and into a sideway door. The trio followed him
wondering how they had been caught before they could even start. “Harry James Potter, Hermione
Jean Granger and Ronald Bilius Weasley. You three plan on moving back in time and do a do-

The trio traded looks and then turned towards the Goblin.

“Yes.” Harry answered.

“Then let me help you.” The Goblin added and made three parchments appear. “If you move back
in time, let’s say… a few decades, you can stop even the Potters from dying.” Harry’s eyes grew.
“If you approve a drop of blood of each is in order.”

Harry approached at once and grabbed the small knife, cutting himself and letting it fall on the
parchment, not even thinking twice. Ron and Hermione traded looks but were soon to follow.


“Goblins can sense when a do-over is about to start.” The Goblin explained, grabbing the
parchments. “These are blood tests so we may know which fake family and name to give you
when we send you back.” The trio hummed and sat on the three chairs that appeared on the room.
The Goblin looked each parchment in silence as the trio saw him working on another three
parchments. “Let’s start with the Young Lady, shall we?” Ron and Harry traded looks but nodded.
“So Miss Granger, apparently the family of the Squib from which you’re the Heiress is the Black
Family.” Harry snorted. “This means that Marius Black, a Squib in the timeline we’re sending you,
will be your supposed father.”

“Very well.” Hermione conceded.

“Mother Muggle, as I’m sure you won’t object.” Hermione shook her head at once. “Good. I’m
preparing a letter from Marius. He’ll send you to his cousin and Family Lord, Arcturus Black the
third. So you won’t have to worry about not knowing a thing, you were raised as a Muggleborn
after all. Your parents found you had magic and sent you to their family so you would be taught

Hermione took a deep breath and nodded. She stood and approached the Goblin, who gave her the

“What about her name?” Ron asked. “Hermione isn’t a Black name.”

“No, it isn’t. That’s why in the letter it is written Megara Pandora Black. But you can use Meggs or
Hera as diminutive.” The Goblin conceded to Hermione, who took another deep breath mumbling
the name to herself under her breath as if testing it. “Also, if we’re doing a do-over you’re going to
be de-aged. Is there a problem with that?” Hermione shook her head and when the Goblin turned to
the boys they shook their head at once. “Good. So let’s say 7 years old? That will give you time to
get used to your new name and family status, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir.” Hermione said and then the Goblin hit her with some kind of spell and she de-aged
before disappearing.

The Goblin turned towards the two.

“Who’s next?” Ron looked at Harry and then stood, approaching. “Very well. Your mother’s
Uncle, Ignatius Prewett, had a child but when they died the boy died as well. Let’s just pretend he
didn’t die and is right now before me.” Ron hummed. “So, Mr Weasley, what do you know of
Natural Bearers?” Ron and Harry frowned confused. “Nothing apparently. Shall we say that are
some males that can get pregnant and they’re tested at birth - or used to be as nowadays they aren’t
tested anymore but the time you’re going to they were at birth. Not only that, but, male Natural
Bearers used to receive female names and also dress as females.” Ron and Harry’s eyes grew wide,
gaping at the Goblin. “So I took the liberty of looking names alike the ones you have right now.
Let’s see Veronique Billie Prewett, you can even use Ronnie, or just Ron as diminutive.”

“What? No way!”

“You can argue with the Lord Prewett that your parents raised you as a boy and always called you
Ronald Bilius Prewett instead, but your biological name will be this one.” Ron sent Harry an ‘I’m
going to kill you’ look. “Your parents were just murdered before your eyes so do make sure to end
up in the hospital and give your Ronald Prewett name. The Healers will do the job for you.” Ron
hissed but nodded, the Goblin de-aged and sent him back in time, before turning towards Harry.
“You’re also a Natural Bearer, Mr Potter.” Harry hummed. “Callisto Evelyn Peverell, Kari as
diminutive which sounds a lot like Harry.” Harry nodded, knowing better than to argue. “Mother
Amphitrite Noémie Malfoy. You are her bastard child.

“She thinks you died but your Grandfather sent you away and you were raised by Muggles until
now… I’ve heard that the Muggles you lived with weren’t the most pleasant people.”

Harry shook his head.

“I had more punishments a month than I have in Hogwarts a year.” He hissed.

“To the point of needing to go to the hospital?”


“Good, because when I’ll de-age you, you’ll reopen old wounds. Not a problem, is there it?” Harry
shook his head. “You may use Harry James as the name you used previously but the Healers will
know on the moment that they test your blood that you’re a Peverell, do you understand?” Harry
nodded. “Your father will be an Heir of the Peverell Family, neither your mother nor he knew
about that or she would have married him and took the Family name. When your blood will be
tested the Family inheritance will show and the Lord Malfoy of the time, your Uncle Abraxas, will
have no other option but to take you in and make you claim the inheritance as the Heir. When he
attempts at giving you a female name you may persuade him to keep the Callisto Evelyn one.”
Harry hummed. “In your blood test there will be another claim that will show up.”

Harry frowned confused and stood, going to see his blood test to see that one Tom Marvolo Riddle
had soul claimed him.

“What does this mean?”

“I’m not sure, but it has something to do with your Parseltongue gene. I would advise that I would
change this to a matrimony claim?” Harry gasped, looking at the Goblin as if he was insane. “The
claim is already there, Mr Potter.”

“Can’t you hide it? Like you’ll do my Potter inheritance?”

“He will feel the claim.”

“He already feels in this time.” Harry argued. “And instead he tries to kill me because I’m his

“Equal? I can put it then instead. An Equal claim.” Harry frowned but then nodded, not really
seeing another choice. “Being His Equal will give you some abilities with the Malfoys that you
wouldn’t have as a bastard and as a Natural Bearer.” Harry raised a sceptical eyebrow. “You may
take advantage to refuse your ‘female’ name and your ‘female’ clothes.” The Goblin explained and
Harry smiled, nodding.

The Goblin nodded and Harry felt his body shrinking as it de-aged, before he felt his whole-body
scream in pain and then everything went black.

(To Be Continued)

Chapter End Notes


I had this fic written for a while, a friend read it and pleaded me to post it and finish it

Next: Meeting the Family

Chapter I –Meeting the Family–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2,590




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter I

–Meeting the Family–

Friday, 30 June 1967


Harry looked at the Goblin that appeared before him and then he felt the feeling of a portkey.



Ron looked in silence as the Aurors, who had just apparated before him and his ‘supposed’ parents
- he didn’t really need to see their dead bodies, bloody hell! -, took him to a hospital room in St
Mungo’s Hospital. When, suddenly, a body appeared in the middle of the hospital’s entrance room,
Ron’s eyes grew. It was Harry!

Ron released himself from the Aurors and approached his friend at once, he was unconscious and,
bloody hell, he was bleeding and shaking and skinny and…

“Hush, it’s okay!” A female voice said against his ear as arms embraced him from behind keeping
him away from his friend.
“No… Harry…” had it gone that bad with Hermione as well? He had to know, he…

“Hush… you know the lad?” Ron nodded his head numbly as his friend was taken away. “What is
his name?”

“Harry. Harry P…” Ron answered but stopped himself before he could say Harry’s surname… he
wasn’t Harry anymore! Shit! “James…” Ron only hoped that the woman would think his slip as in
him going to use his own ‘surname’.

“Don’t worry, lad. Mr James will be fine. You’ll see.”

“I can’t…” Ron swallowed the hump that suddenly showed on his throat, hell he had just
supposedly lost his parents and he was caring more about his friend than he had cared about
them… “I can’t lose him too…” he finally whimpered, because what else could he say?

“Hush, lad, he’ll be fine. You’ll see. Now let’s move you to your room, shall we?” Ron nodded
numbly and felt himself being pulled. “What’s your name?”

“Ron, Ronald Bilius Prewett.” He mumbled, sitting on the bed the Healer took him to. “Can I share
a room with Harry when he’ll stop bleeding?” He asked.

The Healer smiled warmly.

“Of course, Mr Prewett. Now can you tell me why you were sent here? What happened?”

“I was going out with… with my dad and mum and… it was everything too fast, suddenly the
Aurors had taken me here.” Ron said with a shrug, because hell he wasn’t with mind enough to
invent a good enough lie right now… not after seeing Harry and he was supposedly 7-year-old, he
could pretend trauma or something. Refuse to accept his parent’s death… he didn’t care, right now
Harry was his top priority.

“Harry is really going to be okay, right? He won’t leave me, will he?” He asked, hoping to sound
more his age while urging the damn Healer to go check on Harry. Hell, he had just saw his best
friend almost dying in front of him!

“I’m sure my colleagues are doing the best they can as we speak. What can you tell me about Mr
James’ life?”

Ron shrugged and pulled his legs to his chest, hugging them on the bed.

“I want Harry.” He said with a pout and refused to answer any other question.

He had to see Harry and what good be a 7-year-old boy would do if he couldn’t use the privileges?

Ron didn’t look up when a Wizard, his Grandfather and the Prewett Lord, entered the room and
looked at him. Only when the man showed was he allowed to move to another room and laid on a
bed next to Harry’s. The boy was breathing, that much Ron could see but besides that it was
practically impossible to see the boy behind all those bandages.

“Ronald?” Ron looked at his Grandfather. “Do you know who I am?”

Ron nodded and quickly made the counts mentally so he would know which family status the two
supposedly shared.

If Ron’s supposed father was his mum’s uncle then Ron’s grandfather was Ron’s supposed father’s

“The Prewett Lord, my Uncle Charon.” He mumbled. “Dad keeps talking about you.” He added
before looking again at Harry. “Wha… what happened to Harry?” He asked.

“The Healers said that it was made by Muggle knives and that there are even marks of a belt on his
back.” His Grandfather answered and Ron turned to him at once.

Harry’s de-aging had done this… his relatives… his Muggle family… the years of mistreat… all
open at once. Ron bit the bottom of his lip, could Harry know what would’ve happen?

“You know why, don’t you?” His Grandfather asked.

“His Muggle family… they hate Harry for his… ‘freakiness’.” Ron answered truthfully, he
should’ve had known it was this grave… Harry, you moron! You should’ve had said something,
anything! “He won’t be returning there, will he? They tried to kill him!” Ron pleaded turning
towards his Grandfather, knowing that they had to be blood tested for them to be adopted into the
families the Goblin had sent them to.

Charon Prewett hummed and turned towards the female Healer that had spoken with Ron earlier
than evening, who approached and took a hair from Harry and let it drop on a basin that was by the
side, from the basin a small parchment got out.

“You said his name was Harry James?” She asked.

“Yes, Ma’am. That’s the name the Muggles gave my Muggle best mate when they took him in
when he was a baby, why?” He asked, and wasn’t it odd to call Harry a Muggle?

“Well, for starters Mr James isn’t a Muggle. His magic transported him here and that’s how we
managed to save him.” Ron nodded wide-eyed, while mentally he was sure that it was the Goblin’s
job. “Second he never got a name in the Wizardry World, it’s as if he was refused the ability to
have a name. Plus, he is a Natural Bearer…”

Ron’s eyes grew even wider - this time for real -, Harry was a Natural Bearer as well? Well, at
least he wouldn’t be damned to do cross-dress alone…

“A Natural Bearer? What is that?”

“He can get pregnant.”

Ron made a ‘you’re nuts’ face at the Healer.

“Harry is a boy, Ma’am. Trust me, I’ve seen him naked. Harry has a dick.” Ron said and nodded as
if to point his point. Okay, maybe he was having too much fun with this being 7-year-old thing.

“Natural Bearers are males who can get pregnant when they’re older without the need of Healers
help to get pregnant.” Charon explained. “I would like my Nephew to have the test as well. There
has to be a reason for my brother to keep him hidden from the family… from me.”

Ron frowned at the man, while inside he sneered.

Bastard! How could he know that Ron was Natural Bearer? Was there some kind of thing in his
magic signals or something for him to feel it as the Prewett Lord?

“As you wish, Lord Prewett.” The Healer said and approached Ron testing him. “Here it is. Birth
date: 1 March 1960. Black mother and Prewett father. Name: Ronald Bilius Prewett. Status:
Natural Bearer.”

“See! My name is Ronald Bilius Prewett like I said!” Ron sulked in a childish voice. He was so
happy that Harry was asleep right now, the other would have never let him live it down if he saw

“Not for long.” His Grandfather argued coldly. “Miss Longbottom, if you don’t mind bringing me
the change name papers so I could fill them in?”

“Bu…” Ron started but he knew better than to argue because in no time his Grandfather had
already shut him up with one of his mum’s famous glares.

“And what family does ‘Mr James’ belongs to?”

“Peverell father - although the family is known for being extinct for generations - and Malfoy
mother.” The Healer, Miss Longbottom, answered. Now that Ron thought about it, she did look like
Neville. He supposed she had to be Frank Longbottom’s sister, Neville’s aunt. He remembered his
mum say something about her, not sure what though. And, HELL, Harry would be a Malfoy? A
MALFOY? Why did it had to be a Malfoy? Why did the Squib that was Lily Potter’s ancestor had to
be a Malfoy?

“Contact Lord Malfoy though. I’m sure he’ll know who this boy is.” His Grandfather said and the
Healer nodded, leaving.

Ron crossed his arms over his chest looking at the man his Mum had never really let Ron meet,
something about how he and her had had a misunderstanding. Ron wondered if it had something to
do with Ron being a Natural Bearer…


Ron opened his eyes to see a man with blond looks enter the room he and Harry were sharing. His
Grandfather stood from the chair he had been sitting at by a desk, where he had been filling Ron’s
female name.

Luckily Ron had managed to let him ‘keep’ the names the Goblin had proposed earlier, because
hell if Ron would use female names at least he would keep names that he could nickname as Ron!

“Lord Abraxas.” Charon said in a restrict voice.

“Lord Charon.” The other said in just as a restricted voice.

“Harry James, as he is used to be called, is the one with the bandages over there.” His Grandfather
said pointing towards Harry’s sleeping body. Lord Abraxas nodded and approached Harry, looking
at the boy. “He was abused by Muggles.”

Lord Abraxas looked up at once.

“Are you certain?”

Ron closed his eyes as his grandfather pointed at him.

“My nephew, Ignatius’ son, knows him. They’re apparently friends… best friends, even. Besides
Young James apparently doesn’t even know what magic is. According to my nephew his ‘family’
mistreated him for his freakiness.”
“I see…”

“Abraxas, who is him?”

Ron heard a sneer and he was certain it came from one Abraxas Malfoy.

“It has nothing to do with you, Lord Charon.” The Wizard hissed.

“I was the one who told the Healer to contact you instead of sending the boy back to the Muggle
family. My nephew refuses to leave the boy’s side, so don’t tell me it is not my business.”

There was a moment of silence that Ron was certain Malfoy was wondering his options.

“I’m sure you remember my sister… you broke up your engagement with her, after all… and for a
Dagwood, no less.” The voice hissed in disgust.

Ron had to contain his gasp. So that’s where the family feud had come from…

“Yes, I remember Amphitrite.” His grandfather answered nonchalantly, not letting Malfoy’s hiss
get to him.

“She had a bastard child seven years ago… my father told me he’d killed it at birth and both my
wife and my sister were told that he died at birth… obviously my father didn’t knew that the boy
would be the Peverell heir or that his father was a heir to the Peverell family himself or he would
have married my sister to him right away instead of…” Malfoy shut up but Ron’s grandfather

“Yes, I’ve heard of Amphitrite’s friend dying an… accidental death. This means you’ll take the
boy in, then. He is an heir of a family long forgotten.”

Malfoy hissed.

“Of course, I would be stupid if I didn’t.”

“Then let me remind you that the boy’s a Natural Bearer.” Charon said. “And if he is as stubborn
as my nephew is; then you’ll better find him a female name that will let he keep his old name as a


Tuesday, 25 July 1967


Ron put the chess pieces before him and Harry, making sure to prepare the game accordingly.

“So I told the Healer I was with fever this morning.”

Harry smiled amused, they had already taken the bandages of his face but most of his chest, back
and arms were still hidden.

“Another mysterious sickness?” He asked amused and weakly moved his arm to move the pawn
piece. “How many more are you going to create until the Healers understand that you’re lying?”

Ron chuckled and moved his own piece by hand. They could use the Wizardry way, but the
Healers said it was good for Harry’s muscle to move so…
“Well, you know… they can be quite blind when they want to be…” he added conspiratorially.

“You will have to go to your ‘Uncle’’s house one day though, you know? You can’t avoid it

Ron shrugged.

“I almost saw you dying before my eyes, Mate. I won’t be leaving you so soon.”

Harry sighed.

“I’m sorry, Ron. I really am that you had to see me like that.”

Ron nodded.

“I know you are. I sent a letter to ‘Megara’ while you were drug-sleeping the first few days. She
finally answered a couple hours ago while you slept and is just as worried as I was when I saw you
collapsing before me.”

“You shouldn’t have told her.” Harry argued. How could he explain Hermione what happened?
“You shouldn’t have contacted her!”

“Don’t worry. I know I shouldn’t, but she would find out through the Black family anyway. Their
friends to the Malfoys, remember? Better through me than her ‘family’. Besides… I had to tell her
who we are.”

Harry hummed, looked down at the chess table and made a move to move one of the pieces.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The two boys tensed and looked to the door to see a blonde
Witch with curly hair, dark blue robe with green at the extremities and belt, instead of the normal
Wizard pointing hat she had a french hat in dark blue with a splint in green. Her green eyes
sparkled in amusement a huge smile on her face. “Hi, Boys. Did I scare you?”

“No, Ma’am.” Ron and Harry said at once and the Witch entered, pulling from a chair and sitting
by their side.

“I’ve heard you’re with a fever, Veronique.” The Witch added with a pointed look at Ron, who
didn’t even pretend to be sick. “Should I tell the Healer that you’re feeling better?”

“No, Ma’am.” Ron pleaded. “I want to stay with my friend.”

The Witch nodded and turned towards Harry, who looked at her uncertain. He never knew how to
react around her.

“Hi, Kari. You shouldn’t move your pawn. It is protecting your queen. Move your horse instead.”

“Hey!” Ron argued. “Why are you helping him? No one ever helps me.”

“Why? Maybe because you know how to play? And maybe because I’m his mother?” The Witch
stated amused. “But don’t worry I’ll help you as well if you’ll need me.” She added.

And Ron pouted, crossing his arms. Harry almost laughed at the scene if it wasn’t for the fact that
Amphitrite Malfoy had just used the one word that always made his whole world shake. Mother…
he had always wanted one and now that he could have one… he didn’t know what to do with it.

“Do you want me to fetch you something, Darling?” Amphitrite asked Harry when he didn’t quite
manage to take his eyes away from her.

Harry blushed and lowered his head, moved the horse and scratched his throat.

“Yes… could I get a glass of juice? My throats a little itchy.”

Amphitrite stood with a smile and kissed the top of Harry’s head.

“Of course, Dear. Do you want one and a plate of cookies as well, Ronnie?” The Witch asked,
turning towards Ron who nodded. “I’ll be right back, then.” She said and left the hospital room.

“She’s not bad, you know?” Ron pointed out. “For a Malfoy that is. She is better than I thought she
would be.”


Chapter End Notes


Thank you sooooo much for all the kind reviews, because so many reviewed, I
decided to post already the next chapter. Enjoy it :)

Chapter II –The Family Guest–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2.211




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter II

–The Family Guest–

November 1967


“Brother, please…” Amphitrite’s voice pleaded.

“Don’t! Abraxas has already taken the bastard under the Malfoy name. The least you can do now is
accept this.” Another woman said icily.

“Don’t call him that!”

“It’s what he is, after all… if I remember correctly, you two weren’t married, were you? The only
good thing that bastard has taken to our family name is the fact that he is the Heir of a forgotten

Harry gasped as he heard a slap.

“Don’t ever… ever… speak about my son like that ever again!” He heard Amphitrite hiss at the
other woman in the room.

“Sister.” Abraxas’ voice said sternly. “Genevieve, lower that hand immediately. And no,
Genevieve, I don’t want to hear about how my sister slapped you, you did mention Callisto’s lack
of blood right after all. Now, Sister… Callisto may be your son, but he still is an Heir and a Natural

“Why it has to be Him? Why can’t Kari choose for himself? I don’t see you forcing Lucius into a

“Sister, like it or not: Callisto has no father. Blood right or not, no Wizard will ever look at him and
see past the part that his mother never got married.”

Harry jumped as a hand appeared on his shoulder, looking up he found his ‘cousin’ Lucius Malfoy.
Cousin Lucius smiled but didn’t say a thing, also listening in on the conversation on the other side
of the door.

“The boy will be lucky if this Wizard even accepts the engagement.”

“Genevieve, that is enough. Tom Riddle doesn’t set for anything less but the best. The fact that
Callisto is his Equal means a lot. Means that Callisto is more powerful right now in one single arm,
than you’ll ever be with your full Magical Core.” Abraxas hissed to his wife and Harry felt Cousin
Lucius squeeze his shoulder. “I invited him over, Sister. I don ’t need to tell him immediately about
the Equal thing. To see what he thinks of Callisto and only then tell him about this.”

“If… if he refuses the engagement you won’t try to sell him to anyone else, will you?”


Cousin Lucius leaned down so he would manage to whisper to Harry’s ear.

“We better go now, before someone catches us.” Harry nodded and Cousin Lucius pulled him
away. “I’m sorry about ” [ma mère.] “What she said wasn’t really nice.”

“I’m not magically powerful, I’m just me. Why did Lord… Uncle Abraxas said that I’m stronger in
one arm than she is in her whole?”

“From the little I’ve heard of your Equal, the man is really powerful. Besides the Healers checked
your Magical Core, so trust me, you are powerful.” Cousin Lucius argued, before messing with
Harry’s hair.

“Cousin Lucius?” The teenager hummed affirmatively that Harry could go on. “Why aren’t you

The blond teenager peeked down at Harry before continuing walking to the drawing room.

“After what happened with Aunt Amphitrite – your mother – my father – your uncle – refused that
our Grandfather would engage me to someone. At the time I was too young to understand, but he
kept saying something under the lines: I won’t have it happen to my son what happened to my
sister.” [Mère] “doesn’t approve though. She wants me married as soon as I finish Hogwarts.
Principally now that you appeared; she’s afraid that Aunt Amphitrite will try to make you the true
Heir of the Malfoy Family.”

“I don’t want it.” Harry grumbled, making Cousin Lucius laugh.

“That’s because your 7-year-old. But even so,” [ma mère] “doesn’t know that. She wants for me to
father my own children and secure my line.”
“I think I was better off at the Muggles, at the least there the attacks weren’t psychological.” Harry
mumbled and at once the hand on his shoulder tightened.

“Do you want me to contact the Prewetts so your friend comes over? Veronique, right?”

“Ron.” Harry amended, looking up to Cousin Lucius and nodding with a huge smile. “And yes,

Cousin Lucius smiled and left Harry at the entrance of the drawing room before going down the
corridor. Harry entered, went to sit near the balcony and looked out the room. It had been a month
before the Healers had finally taken the bandages from him and another month for his body to
relearn how to walk and move. Ron had stayed with him all that time at the hospital, every time
the Healers really started to try to send him away, he started taking potions getting himself sick on
purpose. Until the first potion that Ron had taken the Malfoys had been sceptical of the friendship
between the two boys, but since then they quickly learnt that the two were ready for anything to be
together. Harry took a hand to his forehead, where his lightning scar was. The Healers had tried to
take it away from him…

Harry turned when he heard the drawing room’s door open, smiling at Ron happy to have him
there. Only there was one issue, it wasn’t Ron. Tom Riddle in person was there entering the room
while looking at Harry as if puzzled.

“You must be Callisto Peverell. It is a pleasure, Miss.” Riddle said with a nod of his head and a
smile immediately appearing on his face, but his eyes still looked puzzled.

Harry sneered and turned around, looking out the window again. He didn’t came to this timeline to
be proposed to Voldemort as a wife, he came here to stop the man from killing his parents. If it
meant killing the man, so be it. It wasn’t like the man would stop otherwise.


Harry looked over his shoulder to see Ron running inside the room, passing by Riddle and towards
Harry, hugging him. Harry couldn’t help it and laughed.

“We just saw each other yesterday, Silly.”

“So? I missed you.” Ron argued. “Come, let’s go outside. It’s a sunny day, there’s no clouds or
wind. You won’t get a better day to go play outside.”

Harry smiled and nodded, letting Ron guide him away from Riddle – that Ron completely ignored
the presence of – towards the Malfoy’s gardens.

“Hey, where you going?” Cousin Lucius asked as they run downstairs and as he climbed the stairs,
most likely heading towards where they had just left.

“Gardens. Ron say that is good enough for me to go outside.” Harry managed to say before they



[Par la barbe de Merlin…] “look at them.”

Amphitrite approached the window her brother’s wife was looking from, to see her son down in the
gardens playing with his friend Ronnie. They were all dirty but they looked like they were having

“I’m looking.” She argued amused, as she saw her nephew Lucius approaching the two playing
boys with female outing robes in his arms, that he forced them to dress.

“Abraxas, look at them. They’re all dirty, how do they expect for a Wizard to want them someday
if they act like this?”

“They’re children. The last thing their worried about is if someone wants to marry them.”

“Maybe that’s why you never married.”

Amphitrite narrowed her eyes turning towards Genevieve.

“I was engaged once, if you don’t remember. He run away and married another. Besides if I
remember correctly I’m not the one that should bear the Heir of the family. You are. And you only
beared Abraxas one son, should I think that your marriage was just a façade? And that you limited
to sleep with him times enough to get pregnant that one time? Or did you really lost the ability to
get pregnant?”

“Sister!” Abraxas hissed.

“I just said what everyone is thinking.” Amphitrite argued. “Better she hears from me than from
her Purewitch friends.” She added before turning around. “I’m going to play with my son.”

Amphitrite left the office and started to descend the stairs towards the gardens. She had never
really liked Genevieve but if the Witch kept picking on her son she… Amphitrite took a deep breath
to calm herself, it wouldn’t do for Kari to see her angry. The boy would think she was angry with
him, because that was how Kari was. He always blamed himself for everything even when there
was nothing to blame.

“Miss Amphitrite.” Amphitrite turned to see Tom Riddle at the entrance of the drawing room. “It’s
a pleasure to see you again.”

“It’s a pleasure as well, Mr Tom.” Amphitrite said, bowing her head at him. “My brother warned
me that he invited you over. Would you like me to take you to his office?”

“There’s no need for that.” Riddle approached, offered his arm for her to take and then they started
to descend the stairs together. “I’ve met your child, Callisto, earlier.” Amphitrite hummed, not
letting the man know of her tenseness. “Beautiful for her age.”

“Thank you.”

“Her personality… not as charming as yours.” The Wizard added.

“Kari is… unique.” Amphitrite conceded and the two left the front doors, going to the gardens
where Kari and Ronnie where. Lucius by the side looking over them. Amphitrite smiled at seeing
her son playing with his friend with a ball that she was certain Lucius had made the House-elves
bring for them. It was quite funny to watch the two boys in female robes running around the dirt
throwing a ball at each other with their feet. “Kari, came here meet our guest.”

Kari looked up from the ball towards them, being attacked by the ball but Kari turned at once and
stopped the ball with his chest.
“Careful, Ron!” Kari hissed at his friend, before approaching Amphitrite. “Mother.” He said,
bowing his head.

“Kari, this is Mr Tom Riddle. He is a friend of your Uncle Abraxas, so be nice.”

Kari turned towards Riddle and bowed his head to the Wizard.

“Mr Riddle.”

“Miss Callisto.” Riddle said back and Amphitrite looked at her son as his eyes narrowed at the title
chosen. “You were playing football, weren’t you?”

“We were just throwing a ball at each other, Sir.” Kari argued.

“Isn’t that a male Muggle game?”

Kari’s face went cold and if possible his eyes narrowed further.

“Are you a chauvinist, Sir?” Her son asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

“Are you a male chauvinist? I mean, you did just imply that football is a boy’s game. Why can’t
girls play it? And why does girls have to be forced to use dresses all the time? Why can’t girls uses
trousers? Sometimes the Magical World is really far behind the Muggle World.”

Amphitrite took a hand to her mouth coughing into it, in order to remember her son that he should
behave and also to hide her amused smile. Never had she seen someone shut up Riddle and, from
what her brother told her, no one was stupid enough - not even Gryffindors - to do it.

“You don’t like dresses, Miss Callisto?”


“Then why do you wear them?”

“Because Uncle Abraxas said that I have to start to act as a girl. That I have to be presentable for
when my husband marries me.” Kari hissed between his teeth, making Amphitrite grab his
shoulder and squeeze it in warning.

“And are you presentable now?” Riddle asked, looking at Kari up and down.

Kari shrugged.

“I’m 7-year-old.” Kari argued. “Why should I care what a man thinks of me? All that I should care
is what my friends think of me enough to play with me.”

“Callisto Evelyn!” Amphitrite said in warning.

Kari looked at Amphitrite before lowering his head. Riddle kneeled with one knee on the ground,
took a hand to Kari’s chin and raised his head.

“Tell me then, if you don’t want to be treated like a girl. Then how do you want to be treated like?”

“Like a living being, Sir.”

Riddle hummed and smiled.

“You are a very beautiful living being, you have the brightest green eyes that I ever seen and your
smile could make any person fall at your feet.” Kari blushed at that. “You’re intelligent as well.
When you’re older I’m sure you’ll find someone who will treat you like you want to be treated.”

Riddle stood and started to clean the dirt from his clothes.

“Yeah… I’m sure a lot of men would jump at the idea that their lover besides pretty is also smart.”
Kari hissed. “Most Purebloods wants their lovers for their blood not for whom they are. Uncle
would never let me chose someone I really want.”

Riddle smiled amused at Kari.

“Well, if you had been born a boy you could have chosen your lover and your uncle wouldn’t
argue about it.”

“But I am a boy.” Kari argued making Riddle’s eyes grew. “I’m a Natural Bearer… or whatever
that is. Besides… I’m a bastard. Mother wasn’t married. So no one would ever in their right mind
choose me. Not that I want a man to choose me…”


Kari nodded.

“If I’m forced to marry a man, then I prefer to refuse the Malfoy name and die virgin.” Kari
argued, making Amphitrite go deep red at her son’s way of speaking. “Can I return to my game

Riddle nodded and Kari turned around running to the ball and kicking it towards Ronnie who had
been waiting for him the whole time.

Chapter III –Megara–
Chapter Notes

Ranting in Author Note

N er words in this chapter: 2,355




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter III


November 1967


“Mr Riddle, I’m sorry for my son’s impertinence.” Amphitrite started, but Riddle shook his head.

“Who is Abraxas promising him to?”

Amphitrite tensed, glanced at her son and then back at Riddle.

“When Abraxas tested Kari, besides founding out that he is a Natural Bearer, he also found that he
has an Equal, Sir. Abraxas was intending on seeing what you thought of him before he would let
you know to let you decide.”

Riddle glanced at the two playing boys.

“So that’s what I felt when I entered the Manor… do not worry, Amphitrite, I’m not looking for a
lover any time soon.” Amphitrite nodded, relieved. “Buy Callisto some Muggle clothes. He is used
to the Muggle World, forcing him to only Wizardry clothes will make him go skin sick. Besides…
in the Muggle World, like Callisto said, females can wear trousers. Female trousers. I’m sure your
brother can find some good Muggle seamstresses to make Callisto a new wardrobe more to both
Callisto and Abraxas’ likes.”

“I will, thank you.”

Riddle nodded.

“You called him Evelyn?”

“He choose it because of his Muggle adoptive parents… just like they also named him Harry after
the Muggle adoptive grandfather.”

“Kari.” Riddle mumbled and Amphitrite nodded. “Then that’s why you call him that. Names alike
his older ones. He’ll get used to them eventually. And he’s a child who has seen too much. He
won’t be an easy child.” Amphitrite frowned baffled at how quickly Riddle had read her son, as she
took him inside towards Abraxas’ office. “I’ve heard in the papers that he didn’t had the best life in
the Muggles. Besides the way he spoke to me about preferring to die to be with a man… it wasn’t
just childish talking. He really knows what those things are. What makes you wonder what kind of
life he had with those Muggles.” Amphitrite nodded, understanding what Riddle meant. “Who is
going to teach him?”

“Abraxas said that…”

“You’re his mother. The best way for you to win ties with him is by teaching everything he should
have been taught since birth.” Amphitrite opened her mouth to counter but Riddle bit her to it.
“Don’t worry I’ll speak with your brother about the teaching and the clothes. In Beauxbâtons you
were taught in the Grey point of view of things, weren’t you?”

“I was, indeed.”

“Callisto has spent too much time with Muggles to be taught a more Darker side, so teach him the
Grey side. Besides… technically there isn’t Dark or Light.”

Amphitrite wondered if Riddle was afraid that Kari would turn too Light and follow in
Dumbledore’s steps… but then again the boy would go to Hogwarts if her brother had something
to say in it… what he had, so it would be normal if Kari would even tilt to the Light side to be
easily manipulated by that Transfiguration Professor.

Finally they arrived and she knocked on the door. At once her sister-in-law opened the door and let
them both in. Amphitrite’s slap starting to become quite visible in her cheek.

“Abraxas. It’s been a while…”


Wednesday, 1 September 1971


“Don’t worry, Kari, you’ll be fine.” Cousin Lucius said not for the first time as he helped Harry
finish packing his trunk.

“But what if I don’t get into Slytherin… Uncle will send me howlers every day.”
“Father will do nothing of the sorts.” [Mère…] “maybe. But Father never.” Cousin Lucius joked
making Harry half-glare at him. “Your friend Ronnie will enter this year as well. My friend
Rodolphus’ little brother is in third-year right now. He’ll watch over you when I’m not around.
Besides I’m certain that whatever House you’ll get into your friend Ronnie will follow you.”

Harry snorted.

“Slytherins would eat Ron alive if he entered there.” He argued to which Cousin Lucius pondered
on. “Hey!”

Cousin Lucius chuckled.

“Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. Both of you.”

Harry sighed, closing his trunk. It was strange how he had started to get used to being a ‘Malfoy’.

“Evie.” Harry tensed at hearing that name. Only one person called him that. He turned towards the
door as Cousin Lucius left the room, leaving him alone with his ‘Equal’. “Ready to go to school?”

Harry nodded.

“Yes, Sir. I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to come.” He couldn’t help but add.

“I won’t be able to see you off.” Riddle conceded, approaching and taking a necklace from his own
neck and put it around Harry’s. “But I couldn’t let you go without making sure you would go
protected. This is the necklace of Salazar Slytherin himself. It has various protections on it, so it
will keep you safe.”

“If it’s Slytherin’s necklace… why give it to me?” Harry asked sceptical.

“You’re my Equal, Evie. I’ve told you that already several times. If I intended on courting you, you
would know.”

Harry looked down at the necklace on his chest.


“Besides, it will keep any unwanted attention of your back this way. And weren’t you who said
that he preferred to die to lose his virginity to another man?”

Harry groaned and hid the necklace under his shirt.

“Yes, I was.” He agreed. “So you came all the way over here only to give me a necklace?”

Riddle nodded.

“Yes. I don’t trust Hogwarts to don’t happen anything to you. With this necklace I’ll know you’ll
be okay.”

Harry grumbled to himself. Control freak!

“I’ll be with Ron. Of course I’ll be fine.” He argued. “Besides isn’t Hogwarts the safest place there
is? And isn’t Dumbledore the strongest Wizard there is?” He couldn’t help but ask.

Just like Harry expected Riddle’s face narrowed closing off, while his eyes passed from dark grey
to blood red.
“For your own good, Evie, stay away from that Light Wizard.” Riddle warned. Then the man
sighed and leaned down kissing Harry’s top of the head. “Be a good Equal and don’t get yourself

“Don’t worry… I’ll just get myself expelled.” Harry argued, barely containing his laugh at the
memory that brought.

Riddle sent Harry a warning look before turning around and leaving his bedroom. Harry passed a
hand through his long hair, wondering what the hell Voldemort was doing. There had to be a
reason besides the Equal claim for Voldemort to protect him so much… it just wasn’t like the
man… at all.


Harry sat on the train compartment, looking out the window as students were saying their goodbyes
to their parents.

“Finding someone we know?” A voice asked and Harry turned with a smile towards Ron.

“No, not yet. But it will be good to see her again, won’t it?”

“You can say that again.” Ron argued and approached, sitting before Harry. “What is going to be
the plan, from now on?”

“Keep my parents save.” Harry replied while shrugging his shoulders.

“And my uncles as well, right?” Ron asked and Harry nodded at once. “Good. Then we still have
years to figure out what to do.”

Harry glanced out the window again.

“Maybe not so much. Changes have already started with our appearance, Ron. I mean… look at
Voldemort, the man should now be starting to grow his army… not take me as his Equal.”

“Take you as his Equal?” Ron asked and Harry took the necklace from under his shirt showing
Ron. “He gave you that? When?”

“Before the train. He said it has protections that will keep me safe… I think it’s his own way of
keeping me safe and protected even though I’m going to the safest place in the planet.”

Ron snorted at that. The two looked up when the compartment’s door opened.

“Excuse me, have any of you seen a toad?” A girl asked, making the two gape at her.

Was that their Hermione?

“Let me guess: a boy named Neville lost one?” Harry finished for her. Because what better way for
Hermione to make sure they were Harry and Ron than using a line that only the three of them
would understand?

Hermione smiled and entered the compartment closing the door behind her.

“I’m Megara Black, by the way. But you can call me Meggs or Hera.”

“Veronique Prewett and Callisto Peverell. But you can call us Ronnie and Kari.” Harry replied,
making Hermione smile amused.
“Or just plain old Ron and Harry like we do.” Ron retorted.

Hermione nodded.

“So you are both Natural Bearers? Should’ve expected that.”

“Says the Witch who is a Black.” Ron argued with a huff.

Hermione grinned.

“Hey… Harry is a Malfoy!”

Ron hummed.

“Good point. You’re all nutters.”

“Admit it, Ron, you would go crazy without us.” Harry said and Ron stuck his tongue at him.

“No… I wouldn’t.”

“Then that’s why you spend 24/7 at Malfoy Manor. Maybe it’s because of the charming
personality of my cousin Lucius…”

Ron opened his mouth and closed it again several times, looking like a fish. Harry and Hermione
shared a look and started laughing. The door opened again when the two sobered up to show an
eleven-year-old version of Sirius Black.

“Meggs… there you are. I looked all over for you.” The boy said, entering the compartment and
putting his trunk in the trunks compartment over the seats. The black-haired, grey-eyed boy then
sat next to Hermione. Only then did he notice the other two in the compartment. “Hello. I’m Sirius

“Kari and Ron.” Harry introduced.

“Pleasure.” Sirius replied before turning towards Hermione again. “Why did you disappear on me
all of a sudden?”

“Because Aunt Walburga was still talking with you and I wanted to have a good seat.” Hermione
argued. “Besides… you know that Aunt doesn’t fancy me very much.”

Sirius passed an arm over Hermione’s shoulders.

“Don’t care what Mother says. You are a Black.”

Harry smiled at Sirius protective feelings, before looking out the window. He could see Amphitrite
looking for him on the train’s windows, so he stood and opened the window.

“Mother.” He called.

As if there were no other sound at all, Amphitrite’s eyes found him at once. The woman smiled
and approached them at once, grabbing Harry’s hand over the open window.

“No matter what, Kari, always be yourself. Understood?”

Harry tensed and then sighed, nodding.

“Yes, Mother.”

Amphitrite’s smile grew bigger.

“Oh, you made new friends already.” The Witch added when she noticed Hermione and Sirius.

“Megara and Sirius Black, Mother. Hera, Sirius, this is my mother: Amphitrite Malfoy.”

“Pleasure, Ma’am.” Sirius said bowing his head.

“A Black… are you befriending them because of your Uncle or because you want?” Amphitrite
asked with a cold tone, looking at Harry dead on.

“Motheer…” Harry sent Sirius and Hermione an ‘I’m sorry’ look. “No, Mother. You of all people
should know by now that family status doesn’t matter to me… at all.”

“Very well. I’ll want a letter tomorrow morning with both yours and Ronnie’s Houses. Do you two

“Yes, Ma’am.” Ron said at the same time Harry said “Yes, Mother.”

Amphitrite smiled sadly and let go of Harry’s hand. Harry moved back to close the window when
he suddenly heard his surrogate mother gasp. Harry looked at her confused to see her looking at his
chest. Harry looked down only to notice that Slytherin’s necklace had left the safety of his shirt.

“So that’s why he came today…” the Witch mumbled to herself, before sighing.

“I’m his Equal or whatever, Mother… don’t look too much into it, okay?” Harry asked, because
hell! Even to him it sounded like Riddle was courting him.

Amphitrite smiled amused and stepped back away from the train.

“You inherited your father’s ingenuity.” The Witch said and then the train’s whistle rang.

Ron stood and pulled Harry’s face inside the compartment, before closing the window. Harry’s
hand moved to the necklace, grabbing it and hiding it from view.

“So you are a Malfoy?” Sirius asked and Harry shook his head. “How so?”

“Mother and Father never married. Mother’s still a Malfoy… besides my father’s dead.”

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

Harry frowned confused, turning towards his Godfather.

“For what?”

Ron at Harry’s side rolled his eyes.

“What Kari means is that Mr Peverell died before Kari had even birthed, so Kari doesn’t have any
emotional relation with the man… besides as a baby Kari was adopted by Muggles where he
stayed until his seven-year-old.”

Sirius hummed.

“His… you’re a Natural Bearer?” The boy asked and Harry nodded.
“We both are.” Ron argued and Sirius nodded.

“So both your families is in favour of the using female status when you’re a Natural Bearer then?”
The boy asked.

“Like we had a choice.” Ron grumbled.

“I did.” Sirius commented making Harry and Ron gape at him. “I’m one as well. My Grandfather
gave me the choice of using the female status or being the heir of the family… I don’t care much
about being the heir of the family, but I’m a guy! I should be named and dressed like one…
besides Natural Bearers are given potions to slim them down, to give them more willowy figures…
redistribute muscle mass to hips and thighs and stuff like that.” The boy said with a shrug.

Hermione looked at Sirius surprised and then to Ron and Harry with a raised eyebrow who nodded.

“Yeah, we’re forced to take potions weekly because of our status. That’s why we look more girly
than we should.” Ron grumbled. “It’s not fair that you’re allowed to choose and us not.” He
argued, glaring at Sirius.

Sirius shrugged.

“The privileges of being the first male born and the possible heir of the family is that they wait
until you’re old enough to make your choice.” Sirius stated. “I still will have to marry a Wizard.
Even if I would try to marry a Witch, according to my ‘dear’ mother, I would never have children
with her… side effect of being Natural Bearer means no able of getting females pregnant. Not that
I care about it myself, I’m just 11, but hey I’m their heir of the family. I have to keep the tradition
and have a son.”


Chapter End Notes


Reader Review:

XD football.. in dresses XD

Isys rant:


male robes and females robes BUT IT'S ROBES! it's a 'dress' either your
a male or female the movie is badely done on that yep on my fics harry
wears clothes underneath his robes... but it's his muggles clothes! and in
forth year you see a pureblood not wanting to wear pants bcx he liked the
air b2 his legs i'm calm, it's just... bcx only who read the book does know
about the reality of robes... when they see robes on fanfics they think of
pants and shirt and stuff for boys and a skirt and shirt and suff for boys
*no robe* as it is done in the movies. in the movies they dress as in a set
up clothes equal to everyon esle. intead of robes *only thing isys doesn't
like about movies* *the issue of isys being ravenclaw: she's too rationale*
*end ranting or i would stay hours in here* Besides... I was the girl who
always hanged on around boys and rarely used trousers until my fourteens,
so... yes, I played football in dresses and long skirts! >_ >

Unlike what people might think, i do not hate this review. it's just a reminder of the
difference between wizardry world and muggle world

Chapter IV –Re-Sorting–
Chapter Notes

Author Note: update: as some may have noticed me and surnames have a Huge
issue. i'm sorry for all the misspells between Peverell/Prewett hope i managed to get
them right this time around

The song was written by the wonderful Riddle-Snape.

N er words in this chapter: 2,151




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter IV


Wednesday, 1 September 1971


Sirius shrugged.

“The privileges of being the first male born and the possible heir of the family is that they wait
until you’re old enough to make your choice.” Sirius stated. “I still will have to marry a Wizard.
Even if I would try to marry a Witch, according to my ‘dear’ mother, I would never have children
with her… side effect of being Natural Bearer means no able of getting females pregnant. Not that
I care about it myself, I’m just 11, but hey I’m their heir of the family. I have to keep the tradition
and have a son.”
Harry snorted and found that he liked this younger Sirius.

“I am the heir to two families. The Peverell and the Slytherin.” He commented. “I still wasn’t
given a change at choice.”

Sirius hummed.

“I feel for you, my dear new friend. I feel for you. Now, if you lived with Muggles before then you
must have a male name, right?”

Harry nodded amused.


“Harry…” Sirius mumbled tasting the name in his tongue. “I like it. What about you?”

“Ronald, but you can just call me Ron. This way no one will suspect that you’re actually using my
real name, instead of girl name as both has that nickname.”

Harry looked out the window as he felt the necklace in his hand warm up. Could what Sirius said
be true? Was he really destined to be with a man because of his magic? Because his magic had
made him a Natural Bearer? Did this mean that he had never really had any choice in this? That in
the future even if he would have married a woman he would never had a child?



Harry looked at Hermione to see her pointing to someone. He turned and saw a dark-red-haired girl
in Muggle clothes with a school robe on top. She was talking with a skinny boy that had clothes in
second-hand and greasy dark hair. Harry took a step towards the unknown-girl before he could
even realize what he was doing…

“Hey, Mate, snap out of it.” Sirius whispered under his breath and grabbed Harry’s arms, pulling
him back and forcing him to turn, he then grabbed Harry’s arm with one of his one, interlining

Harry tried to release himself from the arm but Sirius was stronger than him, side effect of the
potions Harry was sure of. As he struggled he felt the look of someone on his back. Stopping the
struggle, Harry peeked to where he could feel the look. On the other side of the room a brown-
haired green-eyed girl was looking at him with a mix of indifference and confusion. Harry felt the
skin of his back to crawl as a shiver went down from his neck to his bottom making his back’s hair
to stand up.

“Children.” Harry turned, Sirius still holding his arm like a gentleman. Harry glared at him for that,
but Sirius didn’t release Harry’s arm. A fat straw-blond with hints of grey going bald Wizard in
refined robes was there with a smile. Harry frowned, where was McGonagall? “Yes, yes. Form a
line in pairs please. Like this gentleman here, Mister…?”

“Black.” Sirius answered.

“Black, yes…”

Harry heard Ron groan as everyone started moving and in no time everyone was in pairs behind
him and Sirius. The Professor looked behind Harry and when he was certain he turned, guiding
them out the side-room into the atrium and into the Great Hall. Harry glanced at the staff table to
see a 30s looking McGonagall sitting in there. Oh… so that’s why. She was a new teacher… wait
that meant that… Harry looked to the Headmaster to see Albus Dumbledore in there with his
known smile. Harry couldn’t help but smile. He was already the Headmaster in this timeline…

The sorting hat on the usual three-legged stool opened it’s brim and started to sing:

“You may know or you may not,

it was long time now,

when great people were brought,

to this place and told:

We will make a great school,

where we can teach all,

who want to know handy tool,

to achieve their goals.

I will teach all brave and fair,

told Sir Gryffindor.

Then he build high in air,

hideout for his gold.

Then I’ll take smart hard worker,

decided blue Ravenclaw.

She found place for them to lurk,

and knowledge to share.

Teaching perfidious young lords is right,

said proudly Sir Slytherin,

since then did not come to light,

where is snake’s nest hidden.

There is no student who I could not teach,

smiled kindly Hufflepuff,

then she took all and each,

where she made for them pie.

Do not worry, do not fear,

you will be just fine,

when all houses will go clear,

that will be all right.

You do not need long white beard,

as our new headmaster,

to do what you need and want,

to be your dreams master.”

Harry clapped with everyone else, turning back to grin at Ron and Hermione, only to shiver as the
girl behind him wasn’t any of the two but the scary girl he’d seen earlier. Harry turned around at
once, did that girl give him the creeps…

“Now… Black, Megara.”

Harry looked to the side as Hermione passed by him and as his first-year classmates moved around
to be by his side. Hermione climbed and sat on the stool.


Sirius took a relieved breath, Harry gave him a questioning look, but “Black, Sirius” was heard.
The boy finally released Harry’s arm and approached the stool, as soon as the hat touched Sirius’
head it screamed for Gryffindor. Someone touched his arm, Harry looked to find Ron by his side.
The two shared a look. In the morning there would be a howler from Mrs Black. The two boy’s
waited as their classmates were sorted.

“Peverell, Callisto.”

Harry took a deep breath and took the next step. He sat on the stool and let the hat hide his eyes
from view, something’s may never change.

‘So… another time-traveller. Let me see… another Gryffindor put into that House because you
didn’t want to enter into your rightful House… I wonder what the Malfoys will think of a
Gryffindor nephew…’

‘Wait.’ Harry thought before the sorting hat could finish. ‘Not Gryffindor this time…’
‘Smart choice, Mr Peverell.’ “Slytherin!”

The sorting hat was taken from Harry’s head, Harry pulled his new glasses up his nose and stood
moving to the Slytherin’s House table. He had fought the idea of moving from his round glasses,
but in the end Riddle had won. It was either buy a new glasses frame or get his eyes fixed. As
Harry had argued about the quadrangular glasses being too small and narrowing down Harry’s
sight, they had bought Harry a frame that was quadrangular but so wide, that Harry didn’t even
see the frame with his eyes. Sometimes he even forgot he had his glasses on.

Harry approached his table but when he was ready to sit down his classmates sneered. Harry
frowned looking at them, only to notice that the girls were on one side and the boys on the other,
but not only on Slytherin but on all the tables. Harry sneered and made a move to sit on the male
side but a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him to the female side, sitting him down next to the
owner of said hand. Harry looked up at the girl, ready to give her a part of his own mind, but the
brown-haired girl with green eyes took a finger to her lips warning him to stay quiet. Now that he
was right next to her, he noticed that brown surrounded the green in her eyes.

“Prewett, Veronique.”

Harry looked up as Ron approached the stool only to be immediately sent into Gryffindor. The two
boy’s shared a look before Ron went to Gryffindor’s House table.

“Good riddance.” Harry glanced at the boy who dared to speak, he was looking Ron’s direction as
well. “Prewetts aren’t trustworthy. Anyone who’ll get involved with that one will be in serious

“If you turn your back on a whole family because something one person did, I can see how
trustworthy you are. I prefer to take ten of him over one of you.” Harry argued making the group of
first-years gasp at his audacity. “Besides isn’t all Blacks Slytherins? What does that means with
Sirius Black? Oh right… everyone in the family isn’t trustworthy anymore.”

The boy glared at Harry as if he was no better than the dirt under his feet.

“Like you can talk, bastard.”

Harry grinned.

“Bastard and proud.” He replied and looked back at the sorting.



Voldemort looked up to see Amphitrite entering the library where he found himself.

“Miss Amphitrite.” He said with a nod.

The Witch bowed back before showing a letter.

“Kari’s letter arrived, Mr Riddle.” Voldemort hummed. “He’s a Slytherin.” The Witch added
before bowing her head and leaving again.

Voldemort allowed a smirk to appear at the corner of his mouth.

Evie, what a mystery you are…



Harry entered Slytherin’s common room, following his classmates. He had tried to walk away to go
send his mother a letter that he’d quickly wrote during dinner but he had been stopped by Rabastan
Lestrange who had in his stead taken the letter to the Owlery. In part it was a good thing, who
knew how Harry would’ve react if he had seen the Owlery but no white snow owl…

“Ah… the first-years are finally here.”

Harry glanced up to seeing the fat Wizard from earlier waiting for them. He was smiling at all of
them, as if to welcome them home. Harry kept his sneer within. What the hell had he been
thinking? He felt his necklace warm under his shirt and frowned. Tom Riddle’s Diary didn’t use to
warm up… did it?

“What?” He mumbled under his breath at the boy at his side that had shook him to get his

Without Harry realizing Rabastan had entered the common room and approached him, on his siting
position by one of the back seats. Rabastan pointed towards the Professor.

“Now remember, Slytherin is your family and like any other family there are rankings that we all
need to pass though.” At this the Professor looked around making sure everyone was listening. “I
do not advise the bottom rankings to anger the top ones, understood?”

“Yes, Professor Slughorn.” The entire common room, minus first-years, said.

“I do not want to hear anything about Slytherins fighting other Slytherins outside the common
room, understood?”

“Yes, Professor Slughorn.” This time the first-years joined.

Harry glanced at Rabastan, who nodded his head.

“I’ll explain later.” He mumbled under his breath.

“If you have issues with other Houses you came directly to another Slytherin, because Slytherins
protect each other.” Professor Slughorn said in a warning tone. “Now to happier subjects. As you
must have realized the Slytherin’s common room are a labyrinth. We enter through a wall with a
password - you should not forget the password or pass to any other House - and you came upon the
common room. At the end of the common room, in there” at this the Professor pointed to an open
to the side, Harry glanced in silence, “and you came upon a corridor, following this corridor there’s
several doors. In each other there is a private quarter and two bedrooms. The first-years are
normally put in quarters way along the corridors.

“As you climb in the hierarchy so does your bedroom changes. If you climb the hierarchy but your
roommate doesn’t you will move quarters to another roommate, unless you desire to stay with said
roommate in his/her low ranking corridor.”

Professor Slughorn looked around as if to make sure he had been understood.

“Very well, follow me. I’ll guide you to your bed chambers. You will have a week where you can
ask the older ones for help inside the corridors.” All first-years stood and followed the Professor.
“Males will stay with males and females with females, there are no mix quarters. Not even as you
climb the hierarchy, understood?”

“Yes, Professor Slughorn.”

Harry wondered what that meant for him. Would he stay with the boys or with the girls? Which of
them was the best?

Finally they arrived at one corridor. Harry shivered, they had to descend at least four rows of stairs
to get there… and he had thought the common room was cold!

“Nott, you are with Peverell.”

Harry looked up at hearing his surname being called. The scary girl from earlier approached him in
silence and passed by him, entering one of the quarters. Harry glanced at the Professor before
following his new roommate.


Chapter End Notes

The song was written by the wonderful Riddle-Snape.

Author Note: update: as some may have noticed me and surnames have a Huge
issue. i'm sorry for all the misspells between Peverell/Prewett hope i managed to get
them right this time around
Chapter V –Dark Lord’s Protection–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,450




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter V

–Dark Lord’s Protection–

Thursday, 2 September 1971


“ ‘Morning, you.”

Harry smiled as Ron sat by his side and started serving himself.

“Good morning, you, back.” He replied. “You do know this isn’t Gryffindor’s House table, right?”

Ron sent Harry a ‘duh’ face, before signalling with his head towards the rest of the Slytherins
looking down at him.

“I feel as welcomed here as you did at your former relatives… didn’t your cousin mention that
Slytherins don’t show what they are really thinking?”

Harry snorted.

“Most of them forgot that lesson long ago.” He argued. “How’s Gryffindor?”

Ron shrugged.
“Cosy.” He replied, starting to eat.

Harry smiled and served himself as well. As the two ate they watched as Professor Slughorn
started to distribute the timetables.

“Miss Prewett, what are you doing here?”


“But it’s the Slytherin’s House table.”

“Is there any law that forbids me from sitting beside my best friend?”

The blond and fat Professor looked from one to the other before he finally smiled.

“Of course not. I’m just not used to have Gryffindors and Slytherins sitting together.”

Ron shrugged.

“We’re practically siblings. No way I’ll let a House stand between us.”

Harry smiled at Ron, who grinned back. Professor Slughorn gave Harry his timetable.

“I’ll ask the Gryffindor’s Head of House for your schedule in a minute, Miss Prewett.”

Harry watched the Professor continue down the table.

“I’ll never get used to that title.”

“You and me both.” Ron agreed.

“I do have to say: Prewett did you some good.” A female voice stated.

Harry turned with a smile as Hermione sat at his other side.

“How so?” Ron wondered.

“You finally learnt eating manners.”

“I’m afraid that who taught them were the Malfoys. I spent more time at Kari’s place than at my
own.” Ron argued.

Hermione nodded and picked Harry’s timetable, putting side-by-side with hers and started making
drawings at the corners of her own on.

“Where’s yours, Ron?”

“The fat professor said he would bring it for me.”

Hermione nodded while drawing on Harry’s schedule. Harry glanced at it to see Hermione making
draws of the creeping ivy on the Herbology class around the letters, peeking over her shoulder he
noticed it was the only one he had with Ravenclaw.

“Poison ivy?”

“Hedera Felix. Commonly known as poison ivy, in English that is.” She explained. Harry nodded
and smiled at the Professor as the man offered them Ron’s timetable that Hermione immediately
started drawing to the others while at same time drawing on Ron’s. “Here, this is yours, Kari.”

“Butterflies?” Harry asked, as he accepted the schedule and noticed the butterflies around both
DADA, Transfiguration and Potions class locations, to which Hermione grinned back.

“I do remember someone mentioning «Follow the Butterflies»…”

Harry chuckled as Ron grumbled against his food.

“What drawing did you made for me?” He wondered.

Hermione picked her timetable and showed, Ron peeking over Harry’s shoulder. Only for them to
see a half-moon.

“Callisto is a moon of planet Jupiter… honestly, am I the only one who reads?” She asked as she
returned Harry and Ron their timetables, but as they opened their mouths to retort she beat up to
them; “Don’t answer that! There, this is yours, Ron.” Ron nodded, studying his own timetable.

“Two free periods and then practically the whole day with Gryffindor except for History with
Hufflepuff.” Harry mumbled as he studied his own. “Looks like I only have classes with you on
Tuesday’s morning and Wednesday’s afternoon, Hermione.” He added and Hermione shook her

“First-years have Astronomy tonight.” She argued, pointing at it. “So we will have a class where
we can us three be together.”

Harry hummed and nodded.

“Well it’s not like we can argue, Ron, we have more classes together than we first thought we

Ron nodded and peeked a look to the Gryffindor’s House table.

“I suppose I can befriend some Gryffindors.” He mumbled. “Evans’ nice…” he added offhandedly.

Harry followed his look at once only to find his mum.

“Why not my cousin?” Hermione asked.

“Takes too much fun in pranking others.” Ron argued with a shrug. “What about you, Kari? Any

Harry glanced at Ron and then back at Lily Evans.

“Rabastan Lestrange took me under his wing.” He offered.

“And does anyone knows about the…?”

Harry glanced at Ron to see him making a move of a necklace.


“How does Slytherin’s dormitories work like?” Hermione wondered.

“Divided in pairs and in ranking. I’m with… that girl. We have a private common room that it’s
quite cosy, two separate bedrooms and one private bathroom for us two… Nott’s room is all in
violet and greyish wood, mine’s more in several tones of brownish wood and some red for the
linen and curtains. I think each bedroom goes depending of person’s personality.”

“Lucky you.” Ron argued. “I share the room with four girls.” Harry and Hermione turned to him at
once. “Don’t worry I told them. Evans was surprised at first but agreed that I dress in bathroom and
that I’m warned in mornings so I can open my curtains and get up.”

The two males turned towards Hermione.

“Ravenclaw is alike Gryffindor I suppose. We do not have to be careful when dressing though.”
She explained, making the three snort.


Harry entered History of Magic with a sigh, just knowing that it would be such as boring as it was
in future because the Professor was already a Ghost in this timeline, Ron and him had just finished
Potions in the Dungeons with the blond (with hints of white and balding) Professor who was
actually a good Professor and nothing like future-Snape, Transfiguration was Professor
McGonagall so Ron and him hadn’t expected much difference and the DADA… well the Professor
had started the one period class with an actual class instead of an introduction so Harry was
uncertain what to think of him. The Slytherins were already inside and most of them sneered at him
because he had spent the previous last three classes and lunch break with a Gryffindor.

“Peverell, you can sit here.” Harry turned to see Nott calling him close. “Or is there a Hufflepuff
you want to join?”

Harry shook his head and approached with a smile, sitting with the girl and a young boy that could
only be Severus Snape.



Harry turned towards Nott with a raised eyebrow.

“I thought Slytherins were avoiding me.”

The girl nodded.

“Most of them, yes. My older brother is in third-year, the older Slytherins spoke with him and he
spoke with me at lunch break. Since both you and Snape are the only ones who has Gryffindor
friends I supposed they meant one of you. Until I realize who, I’ll befriend you both.”

Harry hummed and sat by their side.

“And what reasons did they give you?”

“That one of us is under the wing of the Dark Lord.” Snape replied. “I already told her it wasn’t
me. She argued that it would be exactly what the person who was would say.”

Harry snorted as if said thing was atrocious. He would so make Cousin Lucius pay back later…


Saturday, 4 September 1971

Hermione raised an eyebrow when Harry just fell down next to her and Ron tiredly in the Grounds
just beside the lake after finally leaving the Slytherin’s common room since the others had
cornered him for hours trying to do him an intervention anti-Gryffindors.

“What is it?”

“All Slytherins found out that one of the first-years that has a friend with a Gryffindor is under the
Dark Lord’s protection.” He grumbled. “Suddenly both me and Snape are in a pedestal.” He added.

“Tell them it isn’t you.” Hermione argued.

“Snape already did and they rationalized that the one who said it could be the one who was.” He
retorted and Ron laughed. “It’s not funny. When they find which one of us it is: one is going to the
bottom of the rank and the other is going to the top. Not just the top but the highest there is.”

Hermione sighed and pulled Harry to lay on his side, with his head on her lap as she kept reading
from her book and as Ron messed up with some flowers by the side.



Albus looked out his window as his co-workers commented about the strange trio of girls from
different Houses who had befriended each other. While he looked out he found said trio. A ginger
Gryffindor messing around, a blondish-brunette Ravenclaw reading a book and a raven-haired
Slytherin taking a nap on the Ravenclaw’s lap. While Albus watched them, suddenly a group went
their ways and Albus knew that the right way of things was about to be implanted: Slytherins
would make sure that their little Raven wouldn’t mess with the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Albus was about to walk away from the window to face his Professors, when he saw the Raven
girl wake and stand angrily. She grabbed her wand and, before any of the Slytherins (who had tried
to keep her away from the pure duo) could react, they were literally cursed into the other side of
the Grounds all the way to the bottom of the newly planted Whomping Willow, who become
active and started striking them.

As Albus gaped at the scene, the girl just pocketed her wand and then sat down again as if she
hadn’t just done an over her age spell, letting the Ginger girl mess with her hair but obviously
arguing against it, which the blondish-brunette immediately passed her own hands through as if
they were a comb to fix the hair.



Hermione glanced at the group being attacked by the tree and then at the grumbling Harry, who
refused to look in their direction.

“Aren’t we going to help them out of there?” Hermione asked him.

Scoffing, Harry picked his wand and stood, the other two following him up. The three walked to
the being beaten group and with Accio spells each one brought the seventh-years Slytherins from
the angry tree.

“Thank you, Peverell.” The Head Boy gasped out.

“Don’t thank me, thank the Black daughter of a Squib and the Prewett nephew of a Pureblood
traitor. They were the ones to tell me to go help you.” Harry snarled. “These are my siblings, you
try to break us apart again? And I will throw you into a Werewolf in a Full Moon night.” He added,
before letting Hermione held his arm and the three walked back to their spot. “I told you that the
Slytherins were insane.” He grumbled loudly.

“Insane or not, harming them is still not good.” Hermione argued.

“Oh don’t be such a spoilersport, Herm.” Ron argued. “Although, Harry, of all the trees you could
have thrown them against and you chose the only one that could hit them back?” He added

Harry blushed and Ron laughed.


Monday, 13 September 1971


Voldemort accepted the newspaper and was reading about his latest raid last weekend, when an
unknown owl entered his office. He looked at it confused, but accepted the parchment. What was
just a scroll, no envelope.



Voldemort took a deep breath to keep himself from snapping. Evie had to be really pissed to send
him such a scroll in all cap letters. He would have to ask his Knights to see what the boy meant by
this. Turning the parchment around, he realized that this was the back of Evie’s homework. The
boy had to be really pissed that he hadn’t even noticed that he had used something he would need
to deliver on the same day that it would arrive.

Voldemort rolled his eyes and opened his red ink bottle and picked a quill, starting to double check
all the typos and phrase structures that his Equal had misspelled. When he was done he added at
the bottom several books that the boy should double check at the library before rewriting it and
then gave the scroll back to the owl, who flew out. Hopefully the boy only needed it for next day
and not today, because there was no way it would arrive in time for the boy to deliver it today.

Voldemort stood and apparated into Lestrange Manor. Jeremiah Lestrange better have some good
explanations over why Slytherins were bothering his Heiress when he hadn’t claimed him officially
yet because he was under Dumbledore’s watchful eye.

He couldn’t help but wonder why Evie had called his Knights of Walpurgis by Death Eaters.



After dinner while Harry prepared his backpack for the next day he realized he was missing his
DADA’s homework and started turning his bedroom upside down, while Nott was in their private
quarters looking back amused as he literally looked through each corner and parchment and book.

“What did you lose?” She asked amused.

“My homework to Professor McLaggen.” He grumbled. “It was here this morning!”

Just as he was starting to look through each corner of the common quarters their room door opened.
The two looked only for an owl to be allowed inside by Hogwarts itself. The door closed behind
the owl, who flew towards Harry. Wasn’t that the school owl he had used to talk with Voldemort
last night? The scroll was offered and he could see red ink in between his own handwriting. Had
Voldemort actually bothered to grammatically correct his messy handwritten shouting? He opened
the scroll, only to see the homework that Voldemort had bothered correcting for him. At the
bottom he could see several School Library’s book titles and a small letter.

Evie, next time be more careful which parchment you grab.

Harry blushed and petted the owl.

“I take it you found it?” Nott asked.

“I… yes, apparently I had used it earlier to send a letter.” He agreed and went to pick his backpack,
only to find his bedroom already had been fixed up. He blushed and picked parchment, quill and an
ink bottle throwing them into his backpack before he hurried out. Several older Slytherins saw him
pass the common room and demanded to know where he was going. “The Library. I need to pick
some books.” He shouted back, not caring what they thought or who asked.

While he left the wall that led to Slytherin’s common room the owl flew away and Harry run down
the corridor until a passageway that led him to third-floor, where he then run to the School Library.
The Librarian looked back and then at a clock.

“It’s almost time for the mandatory curfew.” The woman reprimanded.

Harry nodded out of breath and approached, showing the scroll to the woman.

“Was told to ask for these books so I could redo my homework.” He asked while he fast breathed.

The woman picked the parchment and she sneered as she saw his messy handwrite, before she
looked at the bottom at the book list and went to gather them for him. Finally, the books were set
on his backpack carefully.

“Tell your tutor to get you one of those notebooks to help with the calligraphy.” She told him
sternly, making him blush.

“I will, Madam.”

“Now go back to your common room before the mandatory curfew’s bell rings.” She commanded
and he nodded, running out the library.

He stopped at seeing the Slytherin’s Head Boy outside.

“How did you get here so fast?” The older asked surprised.

“I took shortcuts.” Harry supplied as the older walked with him downstairs.

“Did you get all that you needed?” The Head Boy wondered and Harry nodded. “Next time
remember to do this earlier.”

“The owl only arrived when I left the common room.” He retorted with a shrug.

The older looked back before he nodded, he nodded at Professor Slughorn as they passed him.

“We’re going to the common room, Sir.” The Head Boy agreed. “We still have enough time to
arrive there before the Curfew.”

Professor Slughorn looked at his pocketwatch and then started to walk besides them.

“I’ll go with you two, just in case one of my co-workers decides to ground you.” He offered and the
two students nodded thankfully. “Any reason why you were still out?”

“Miss Peverell’s tutor only sent her revised homework a quarter-hour ago and she had to run to the
School Library to pick the books the tutor had told her to double check.” The Head Boy explained.

“He/him.” Harry argued and the other two looked back confused. “I may be a Natural Bearer or
whatever, but I’m still a dude! I’m a He.”

The Head Boy frowned and looked at Professor Slughorn, who hummed thoughtfully.

“Miss Prewett?” Professor Slughorn asked and Harry nodded. “Yes, I thought so. You two had that
look. I take it you two already started on the potions?”

“We weren’t given a choice.” Harry grumbled.

“I’ll warn Madam Pomfrey.” The Slytherin’s Head of House offered. “Once you start on the
potions if you stop halfway it can have serious issues with your body.” He added.

Harry nodded thankfully.

“Is this why you keep trying to sit on the male sides of the tables and go to the male bathrooms?”
The Head Boy asked and Harry nodded. “I’ll warn the Slytherins in a way they won’t bother you
over it. I take it that it is normal for Natural Bearers to have female names?” He asked the
Professor, who nodded.

“Yes, I’ll speak with the other Head of Houses so we make a teaching over the matter to all the
students.” Professor Slughorn offered as they arrived the wall that was the entrance of the
Slytherin’s common room. “The terminology is still Miss Peverell, even if it’s a He/Him.” He
added towards the Head Boy, who nodded. “Miss Peverell, if any of your classmates bother you
over this matter, either it be over the right terminology, about you being a male Natural Bearer or
even if any of them dare to force themselves onto you (either it is a Slytherin or from any other
House) then you should come directly to me that I’ll deal about it right away.”

“I can take care of myself.” Harry argued with a shrug.

The Head Boy set a hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“I’ll speak with Miss Peverell’s group of friends so they make certain that if anything really
happens, they bring him to you.” The seventh-year student agreed, making Harry glare up at him.

Professor Slughorn nodded and said the password before the wall opened. The two entered and the
wall closed behind them. Before Harry had time to retort, the Head Boy grabbed the backpack
from Harry and guided him to the high rank round table by the side. He pulled a chair for Harry,
who raised an eyebrow.


The older smiled amused but still kept the chair open. Scoffing, Harry sat down only for his
backpack to be opened and the books to be offered as Head Boy picked the scroll that Voldemort
had checked and looked through his mess as Harry looked through the books he’d been told to

“I believe this proves it.” Harry looked up confused at what the other was talking about, but the
other offered the parchment face down and Harry saw his messy angry letter to the You Know
Who. “You didn’t send it to a tutor. He just decided to double check it when he realized the
parchment you had accidentally sent.”

Harry blushed.

“I’m no one.” He argued.

The older’s eyes narrowed and then sat closer to Harry instead of the six feet distance he usually
kept because of Harry being a ‘girl’. The rest of the Slytherins gasped at his audacity as he started
to help Harry to look through the books for the exact chapters to be able to finish the homework
before Harry had to go to bed.


Chapter End Notes

First-year Slytherin School Schedule:

Transfiguration with Gryffindor (two periods from 9am to
Potions with Gryffindor (one period from 5pm to 5:45pm).

Herbology with Ravenclaw (two periods from 9am to
DADA with Gryffindor (two periods from 2pm to 3:30pm);
Charms with Hufflepuff (one period from 4pm to 4:45pm).

Charms with Hufflepuff (two periods from 9am to 10:30am);
History of Magic with Hufflepuff (two periods from 2pm to
Herbology with Ravenclaw (one period from 6pm to 6:45pm).

Transfiguration with Gryffindor (one period from 11am to
DADA with Gryffindor (one period from 1pm to 1:45pm);
Potions with Gryffindor (two periods from 2pm to 3:30pm);
History of Magic with Hufflepuff (one period from 4pm to
Astronomy with all four School Houses together (two periods
from 11:15pm to 00:45am).

Broom Flying Classes with Gryffindor (three periods from
4pm to 6:15pm).

Mandatory Curfew starts at 10 pm and ends at 7 am. If you wonder about the
number of breaks do remember that it’s seven school years with four houses
each (meaning two classes for each year) and one Professor per subject

I actually made a school schedule for each school year and each house and each
Professor a few years ago.

Chapter VI –Equal & Pets–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2,404




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VI

–Equal & Pets–

Tuesday, 4 October 1971


When Harry finally got the dreaded homework back, he looked at his grade in dismay.

Sure, he used to have good grades in DADA back in the future, but they were EEs, never Os unless
it were practical classes…

He sighed and picked an empty parchment. He had to at the very least thank the older either he
liked or not. Even if he wouldn’t apologise…


Wednesday, 5 October 1971


Voldemort looked up from his men, as they were about to leave on their outing to free Creatures
from Ministry’s facilities, to find an owl with a simple scroll tied to its leg. The Wizards and
Witches stayed smartly quiet and walked away to give him the space. Voldemort untied the scroll,
to realize it were two scrolls instead of just one. He opened one that had the revised version of
Evie’s homework with a purple ink on the top where the Professor had written O for Outstanding.
Voldemort hummed approvingly and looked at the other scroll to find a thank you letter.

It wasn’t an apology for the angry letter, but it was a start. He’d send him a reply when he would
arrive from the raid.

Voldemort pocketed the scrolls and the owl flew away.


Sunday, 24 October 1971


Harry was finishing his homework bored – he was repeating his first-year after all – when the
common room’s entry wall opened. All the Slytherins looked at who was entering, to find
Professor Slughorn alongside ‘Tom Riddle’. Harry’s eyes narrowed, wondering what the other was
doing in the school.

“As you can see, Tom, things haven’t changed much since you were a student.” Professor Slughorn
offered proudly.

Tom looked around the common room as he hummed. His eyes passed by Harry briefly before
they continued on.

“I can see that, Professor. You cannot blame me for wondering, after all. Since I’ve graduated and
Professor Merrythought has resigned that the former Headmaster hadn’t managed to keep a
Defence Against Dark Arts Professor half-decent for more than a year. Actually, I got a letter from
a child of one of my former housemates that showed first-years doing third-year homework.
Obviously, I immediately owled back a list of several books that can be found in the School
Library to help because the first-year’s book wouldn’t help.” Voldemort offered pointedly.

Several Slytherins looked in Harry’s direction at the claim and then their eyes grew as they
realized exactly who this man was.

“That cannot be, no way my co-worker would’ve…”

“First-years, can you show your Head of House your second-week homework to Defence Against
Dark Arts?” Voldemort demanded.

Several first-years shared looks unsure. Nott looked at Harry from her place on the other side of
their round table, before she picked her shoulder bag, took out a scroll and approached, delivering
it. Professor Slughorn looked at Voldemort and then accepted the scroll, opening it. He looked
through, obviously going horrified.

“I’ll look into this immediately.” He agreed and left in a hurry.

Every Slytherin looked after the Professor that had totally forgotten he was supposed to keep the
visiting person with him at all times as the wall closed and then looked at ‘Tom Riddle’ whose
eyes narrowed and his ‘features’ returned to normal.

“Noow… who is it that is claiming that I have an Heir under my arch nemesis’s roof?” He
demanded harshly.

Everyone looked around unsure.

“Sir?” The Head Boy asked and Voldemort nodded, letting him talk. “In some of our cases, our
parents warned us so we started trying to look for the Heir and before we knew it every Slytherin

Voldemort sneered.

“Let’s make three things certain. One: I didn’t claim my Heir!” The entire Slytherins nodded.
“Two: He is the one that Lady Magic itself claims is my Equal. So no he is not my Heir, he is my
Equal!” Voldemort added and Harry could feel the way the oldest Slytherin’s, who had been on the
opposite side of his wand, shivered as if they suddenly realized why he was so powerful, making
him roll his eyes. “Three: I didn’t do it because Professor Dumbledore is the Headmaster and if he
gets hear that the Dark Lord that is growing in power’s Equal/Heir is in the Slytherin House, he’ll
do everything in his power to find said person. Even if that means that he has to get through all of
you to do it.”

All Slytherin’s eyes grew.


“And either you like it or not, one of you would’ve tell him if he forces you to. He is good in
making people tell him what he wants either they want to or not.” Voldemort snarled and then
walked towards Harry’s table. “Evie.”

“Riddle.” Harry agreed with a sneer.

“Are those your new essays?” Voldemort questioned.

“Yes, Sir.”

Voldemort leaned forward and before Harry could argue, the other picked the parchments in a
heap and started to look through each one.

“When do you have to deliver these?”

When Harry didn’t reply, Voldemort looked up to demand it from him.

“Transfiguration is the closest being tomorrow morning. And Potions at 5pm.” Snape supplied as
he looked through his pocket and then offered Voldemort a parchment. “Our timetable, Sir.”

Voldemort accepted it and looked through the homework classes and the next day classes. He set
down the parchment with Harry’s Transfiguration.

“Double check on the Transfiguration Alphabet.” He argued, before pocketing the others and his
features returned to ‘normal’. “I’ll return your Potions before lunch tomorrow.” He added before
he walked back to the place he’d been previously just before the wall opened and Professor
Slughorn entered out of breath. “I better go, Professor.” ‘Riddle’ supplied. “Professor Dumbledore
does consider the mere thought of me offering to be a Professor a blasphemy after all and only gave
me an interview because he is forced by law. Ask the former Headmasters’ portraits: They were
present when he admitted it.”

Professor Slughorn gasped horrified and walked with the other out the Slytherin’s common room.
As soon as the wall closed, Harry stood, picked his essay and started to leave the common room,
heading down the labyrinth into his quarters. When several stood to speak back, he turned and
glared by the entry of the labyrinth.

“Whoever dares to speak about this, will have to deal with me!” He snarled. “Because then you
won’t have my siblings stopping me from throwing you to Whomping Willow and, unlike last
time, I won’t rescue you!”

Nott smiled amused from their low ranked round table. Harry turned around and went down. He
had just finished rereading the Transfiguration homework when the quarters’ door opened. He
looked up to find Nott and Snape entering.

“What?” He snapped.

Snape approached and picked Harry’s parchment, looked through it and then picked a quill,
starting to underline and write down notes.

“You might not want to be treated different for being under His wing.” Nott put in. “But you still
are and even if we can’t make it public – like making you climb in ranking as it would become
obvious – we will still help you in what we can.”

“Nott…” Harry warned.

“We won’t do anything that will call the other Houses or the Professors’ attentions.” Snape argued.
“I see what He meant. Miss Nott, do you have your Transfiguration book by hand?”

The girl nodded, picked it from her desktop and gave Snape, who opened it and started looking for
the exact wordings. Eventually the parchment was returned.

“Think of it this way:” Nott started, “Slytherins won’t fight your two friends ever again, knowing
better.” She offered. “If anything, if anyone dares to pick on the two all of us will back them up.
Like a Slytherin House’s pet of sorts.”

“They are humans.” Harry argued.

“They are your pet friends.” She agreed with a smirk and Snape immediately stood in between the

“Nott, don’t provoke Peverell!” He sneered at her and then turned towards Harry. “Either you and
me like it or not, the only way Slytherins will accept our friendship with Gryffindors is if they see
them as under our protection. You think I like the way they badmouth Lily for being a

Harry’s lips thinned and then shook his head. He sneered at Nott over Snape’s shoulder and the
brunette girl with green eyes looked right back with a teasing smirk.

“Go tell the others that Evans is under my wing as well. And, if they don’t approve, tell them to
bring it to me!” He snarled.

Nott mock-bowed and then left their quarters to go speak with the others.

“Thank you, Peverell.” Snape bowed his head back and Harry nodded.

Monday, 25 October 1971

Harry entered the Great Hall and joined Ron on the Gryffindor’s House table, usually the
Slytherins would’ve argue but not this time. Ron smiled back and Harry mentioned with his eyes
towards Lily Evans.

“Evans, come here.” Ron called and the dark-red-haired green-eyed girl looked back and then
approached, sitting by their side. “Evans, this is Callisto Peverell. Kari, this is Lily Evans.”

Harry’s mum smiled at him.

“Just Lily.” She argued. “Severus spoke about you.”

“Then call me Kari.” Harry argued. “And I find it hilarious you say that since, when we are
together, he only speaks about you.” He added.

Lily chuckled and nodded. Just as Hermione was about to join them, Nott showed behind them.

“Are you coming?” She asked and Harry raised an eyebrow at her. “You came to invite your
friends onto our table, right? Come, Snape is saving us a large enough space in the Slytherin’s
House table.” She added before she nodded her head once at Lily. “It’s Evans, am I correct?”

Lily glanced at Ron and then at Nott, nodding.


“Sylvine Nott.” Nott offered. “Come, Snape is waiting for us.”

The three stood and walked to the Slytherin’s House table, where the other Slytherins had literally
left them an open space. Hermione raised an eyebrow back and Harry shook his head to tell her
he’d explain later.

As soon as he sat down he felt the look from the head table, glancing that way saw the Headmaster
looking back confused. Nott immediately held onto Harry and pulled him to look to his plate.

“He is a Legilimens.” She whispered before he could.

Harry held back his argument as his new group started talking between themselves. Introducing
themselves and actually befriending each other. Even though they had the male side of the table
with just one boy, the Slytherins still kept it empty and made sure they kept a specie of protection
of Harry’s group.

Harry guessed it wasn’t as bad as he believed it would be if they realized it was him.

The owls arrived but none went towards Harry’s group, except one with the Daily Prophet. Harry
frowned, having hoped that Voldemort had sent him at least one of his homework back already. He
didn’t want to do the same as last time.


The Head Boy stopped Harry as he walked towards the Transfiguration classroom. Harry raised an
eyebrow and the other set a scroll on his hand. Confused Harry opened it, to find that Voldemort
had owled the Potions’ essay to the Head Boy instead.

“He sent a list of books as well. I’ll bring them to the common room for you.” The older offered.
Harry’s lips thinned before he nodded.

“Send a letter back. Madam Pince told me to tell my ‘tutor’ that I need a calligraphy notebook.”

The older frowned and looked at Harry’s scroll and messy writing before he nodded.

“I’ll see about it.” He agreed and walked away.

Sighing, Harry approached his friends as he stored his homework that he’d have to double check



Voldemort looked up towards Evan as he approached him after their afternoon meeting and the
others Knights leaving.

“What is it?”

“My son owled me this, Sire.”

Voldemort frowned and accepted the envelope. He opened it and took out the letter.


When delivering the package: I was informed that the Librarian is of the idea that he
needs a calligraphy notebook. When I looked at his homework on his hand at the time:
I saw what she meant. I’ve seen him write on his lap and even when he writes on a
table it is still messy. Not to mention the way he grabs the quill (which I paid attention
when I helped him fill his homework during his first reviewed homework) and
tableware (which I paid attention to during lunch today). The way he grabs his wand I
cannot talk for even though I have been on the end side of it, since he was so fast at it
that I could not react to.

I know his family has taught him, but the way he holds these objects I believe that it’s
instinctive from long before. I’ve heard of the life before he was found. Is there
anything I can do (besides the joining his two Gryffindors and one Ravenclaw to
Slytherin’s House table)?


Evan Rosier Junior

Voldemort looked up from the letter towards his Knight.

“Write back, I want the name of Evie’s friends.” He put in before returning the letter inside the
envelope and gave it to the other. As he also delivered the rest of the checked homework he had yet
to owl back. “Besides Veronique Prewett, she I already know of.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Evan agreed as he stored the essays in his pocket.

“And warn Lord Malfoy that Heiress Peverell was recommended to get a calligraphy notebook.”
Voldemort added before Evan bowed his head and left.

Voldemort narrowed his eyes. He really hoped Dumbledork wouldn’t realize that his Equal was
under his rooftop. Either Evie liked it or not, he was under Voldemort’s protection since Magic had
declared it so.

Chapter VII –The Guy with a Girl name–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2,373




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter VII

–The Guy with a Girl name–

Tuesday, 26 October 1971


Albus was finishing dealing with paperwork with the School Board when suddenly the
department’s office door opened. Albus looked up with narrowed eyes at who would enter without
knocking, only to find Abraxas Malfoy.

“Lord Malfoy, what can we do for you?” Several of the old Members hurried to the blond’s side.

It was then that Albus saw the blonde Witch behind his former student. Amphitrite Malfoy,
Abraxas’ sister. Amphitrite picked a folder from her handbag and offered it to the group. One of
the Wizards accepted it and looked through it, before glancing back at Albus and then back to the
folder. Albus’ lips thinned, not enjoying this one second.

“Are you certain of this?” The Wizard asked.

“All students that are children from Purebloods or Halfbloods have been owling the proof to their
own parents as we speak.” The Witch agreed.
Albus stood.

“What is going on?”

“Professor McLaggen has been teaching students out of class material.” The School Board’s
Member explained as he looked at the folder again. “The parents are demanding his firing.”

Albus frowned.

“Why aren’t the parents bringing this to me?” He retorted.

It might be his first-year as a Headmaster, but…

“Because we have a proposition for the Defence Against Dark Arts’ post, but we have witnesses
with the former School Headmasters’ portraits that you refused this person for personal prejudice.
That you said, and I quote, that you only received him because you are legally obliged to do so but
you never really intended to give him a chance.”

Albus tensed, immediately knowing who Abraxas was talking of.


The blond Wizard smiled back.

“And my sister has also owled you several times over the right to keep tutoring her child over the
Wizardry World and Inheritance etiquettes during the past two months.” Abraxas added as the
School Board’s Members all looked through the folder. “Since you obviously refuse us as
Purebloods, we are coming directly to the School Board and if needed we will bring this to the
Wizengamot.” The blond threatened the last part towards the School Board’s Members.

Albus’ lips thinned, understanding that he was against the wall on this. The School Board’s
Members nodded at Amphitrite.

“We will make sure this is dealt with.” They promised because otherwise they’d also be put on the
Wizengamot trial, Albus was sure.



After breakfast Harry offered Ron the homework that Voldemort had checked with the elder’s
notes and let the other boy to use it to make his own essays. Hermione frowned and Harry gave her
the finished versions as the two walked outside into the Greenhouses while Ron hurried into the

“You are making the homework twice?”

“Y.K.W. demanded to review my homework after I once accidentally sent him the DADA’s
homework. The one I got an O? Last weekend he showed up and demanded for the others so he
would start checking them each time.” Harry picked yesterday’s Potions one and showed. “Those
were the ones that I already had ready when he demanded for them. Potions and Transfiguration
would be too late for Ron but the rest is free reign.” He explained. “Besides, I believe that from
now on I have to make one right after being given the homework and ship it off. Which He
reviews, points down typos and ships back with book titles that can be helpful.” He shrugged.

“I’m not making the homework for Ron, Herm.” He argued amused. “He still has to understand the
subject and check the books.” He glanced around to be sure no one was listening on them as they
approached the Greenhouses for their Herbology class together. “Besides it ain’t our first-time.”
He added as a whisper.

Hermione sighed and nodded, returning the scrolls. Harry stored his homework in his backpack
and the two entered the class alongside the rest. When they were done two hours later, they left and
walked into the Library were Ron was surrounded by books doing his best to do his own essays.
Only for Harry to feel himself stared. He looked around and found several Slytherins on the other
side of the room keeping a protective look of them. He scoffed and returned his attention towards
Hermione as Ron read through the tomes that he had on the table and hurried to find the best
terminology to fill in the essay, before he would have to go to his own class in half-hour alongside
the Ravenclaws.

A Hufflepuff approached their table as Ron was quickly filling in his essays.

“What is it?” Hermione asked but the male turned towards Harry and offered a scroll.

“Was told to give you this.” The other argued.

Harry frowned and accepted the parchment, to which the other walked away. Before he could start
to uncoil the scroll a sixth-year Slytherin was by his side and took it from him. Harry opened his
mouth to argue, but the older already had his wand pointed at the scroll.

“Revelio!” He whispered and the spell hit the scroll, but nothing happened.

“Happy?” Harry snapped.

“This is a scroll to go to the Headmaster.” The older argued, opening it and looking through it. “It
says nothing over your Guardian being there.”

“I cannot go without Uncle Abraxas?” Harry wondered and the older nodded.

“I’ll go call Professor Slughorn so he can join you at going to the Headmaster’s office. If I
remember correctly he has a free period before his lunch break.” The other argued and left with
Harry’s summoning scroll.

“That bad?” Hermione wondered.

“They’ve been watching us since we left the Greenhouses.” Harry signalled with his head to the
group by the side.

Hermione looked and then back again.

“I thought…”

“They aren’t protecting me from you guys, but us three from anyone else.” He shrugged. “I’m
under Y.K.W.’s protection after all. They won’t dare to do anything that would call attention.”

Hermione nodded and looked at Ron, who finally finished all of his essays. He looked at her
pleadingly and she scoffed, accepting the homework back starting to check them. Eventually, Harry
packed his backpack and nodded at his friends before he joined the arriving Professor Slughorn
and walked to the Headmaster’s Tower on the seventh-floor, while the other two walked to the
Charms’ classroom on the third-floor.

Professor Dumbledore could be heard arguing with someone inside the office. Professor Slughorn
signalled at Harry to stay quiet and then knocked on the door. It didn’t take long for the door to
open and Professor Dumbledore to look back from his place sitting by his desk. Harry frowned and
looked around as the two were allowed inside and that’s when Harry’s magic knew. His eyes were
immediately drawn towards Voldemort who was by the side with crossed arms.

“Tom, wasn’t expecting to find you here.” Professor Slughorn pointed out surprised.

“Was just hired by the School Board.” Voldemort argued. “Effect and immediate.”

“Those are great news.” Professor Slughorn agreed.

Professor Dumbledore obviously was thinking anything but that.

“Indeed, why are you and Heiress Peverell here?” Voldemort wondered.

“Albus called him to his office, immediately the older students intervened and contacted me so I’d
be present until the Guardians would arrive since the summoning scroll didn’t mention that they
were already present or not.” Professor Slughorn offered.

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed and glared in Professor Dumbledore’s direction, not even pretending.

“Very well. I wonder what an Heiress of an once extinct family would need to come to the
Headmaster’s office.”

“Tom.” Professor Dumbledore warned, obviously about Voldemort being disrespectful before a

“My biological father was a Peverell.” Harry put in, calling attention to himself. “My biological
mother is the sister of Lord Malfoy.” He continued as he stepped out of Professor Slughorn’s
shadow. “I am Heiress Peverell, my best friends are a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw, my other
friends are a Gryffindor and two Slytherins. I take it this is about the evil Slytherin being among
the Gryffindors and Ravenclaw.” He added.

“It is not normal.” Professor Dumbledore agreed.

Harry shrugged stopping by Voldemort’s side, just in case he’d need back-up, and making it look
like it wasn’t on purpose.

“I don’t bloody care what people consider normal. I’m a guy that is dressed as girl. I’m the guy
with a girl name. I’m the guy who one day will be forced to wed a husband instead of a wife if I’ll
want to have children of my own bloodline. I’m the child scattered in scars and that no normal male
will ever want for as ‘wife’. I’m too open-minded and refuse to take orders. Men want lovers who
they can tell what to do, I’m the opposite. I’m opinionated. And if you don’t like my way of seeing
the world? Then why should I be the one to change just to accommodate you?”

Professor Dumbledore was looking at Harry confused, unsure what to make of him. Harry glanced
at Voldemort, who was hiding his emotions behind his mask like usual but for the first-time Harry
saw the man’s eyes looking at Harry with the same look since their first meeting in this timeline.

“Even so…”

“Veronique is my brother and Megara is my sister. Bring your «Slytherins are pure evil» sermon to
whoever wants to listen, because that won’t reach my ears.” Harry snapped and immediately
Voldemort intervened, stepping in between and giving him a warning look. Harry looked up at the
man and then bowed his head in Professor Dumbledore’s direction. “Sir.” He added.

Professor Dumbledore obviously opened his mouth to speak.

“Albus!” Both Harry and Voldemort looked at Professor Slughorn surprised. “Professor Riddle,
please bring your new student down. Miss Prewett, Miss Black and Miss Evans are in class, but Mr
Snape and Miss Nott must be in the Library.”

Voldemort nodded and walked with Harry out the office, as soon as the door behind them closed
they started to hear Professor Slughorn arguing with the other over his preconceived vision of
Slytherins. Harry stayed quiet as Voldemort descended the office’s stairs with him and then walked
down the corridor. Harry glanced up at Voldemort, but the other seemed like he didn’t intend on
making small talk. They took the stairway and then Harry’s eyes narrowed.

“This is not the way to the Library.” He argued.

Voldemort didn’t reply and descended down the serpentine corridor. He opened one door and
signalled Harry to go in first. Harry’s lips thinned at the chivalrous action, but entered the
classroom and then followed Voldemort down the classroom and up the stairs into the Professor’s
private office. As soon as they were alone, Voldemort obviously raised a Soundproof Ward.

“You need to be more careful around the Headmaster.” The older argued as he approached his new
desktop with a sneer and with a flick of wand the belongings of the former Professor started

“You say that but you couldn’t keep your eyes out of me.” Harry grumbled.

Voldemort looked back and then towards the bookcase that he was emptying except the seven
books that he would have to use for teaching.

“How bad?” He eventually asked as Harry was packing things in a box from the former Professor
by the side. Harry looked up confused. “Your Muggles. Any grown adult would’ve tell you that
you were too young to remember, but you do. You also have the physical proof.”

“I was 6 when I was taken in by the Malfoys.” Harry put in, returning to what he was doing only to
find a wizardry version of a playboy mag hidden under the armchair. “For real? The only thing
missing is a dirty sock!”

Harry felt Voldemort’s look as he leaned down and put his hand under the armchair to try to check
for any more hidden stash.

“Just how much did those Muggles do to you, Evie?”

Harry looked up from his place with an arm under the armchair.

“I’m still virgin if that is what you want to know.” He argued before he found something stuck to
the bottom of the armchair. “Ahah! Found you.”

Harry took hold of it and pulled with strength only to gasp loudly and before he could react
Voldemort was on him, grabbed the armchair and pulled it up magically. Harry’s hand was
literally being swallowed by the bottom of the armchair as if by a mouth. Voldemort’s eyes
narrowed and before Harry could react the older had picked his wand and pointed it at the

Harry’s eyes grew scared.

He still had an arm stuck inside it!

The armchair screeched as if it was a living being and then suddenly Harry’s arm was released and
he walked away against the opposite wall. Voldemort kept the armchair (what kept shaping forms
for some reason) in the air and under the spell until it was dust. Only then he approached Harry and
checked his arm, pulling his sleeve up.

“Wha… what was that?”

“A Mimic, they shift themselves into objects that the person most need to make themselves wanted
and then strike.” Voldemort sneered. “No bite nor scratch.” He added obviously relieved. “My
former predecessor was so incompetent that the furniture he had brought in was infested.” He

Harry blushed and stayed quiet as Voldemort checked his arm for any side-effects. Eventually the
elder’s eyes flashed red as he saw the knife mark on Harry’s arm from when Peter Pettigrew had
cut him and later Barty Crouch Jr. had turned it worse.

“It’s just an old scar.” He argued.

Voldemort looked up at Harry’s eyes and then back to the arm. His lips thinned and then released


Chapter End Notes

During the Headmaster’s scene you see Harry looking at Voldemort and realizing he is
looking at him the same way he did when they met. That is the same look Voldemort
gave him when Harry smiled at him as a child thinking Voldemort was Ron.

To Harry who is emotionally constipated this means nothing… to us readers(writer)…

take an indicative guess over who is falling for who…

Plagio - Feeling Pissed

Not an Update

My Cross-time was plagiarized by a Portuguese/Brazilian person

If the Site had refused to take that story down I would've stop writing Cross-Time

I wrote to the site:

«Tipo: Violação de direito autoral (plágio)

Página denúnciada:

Motivo da denúncia:
Eu escrevi esta história em Ingles e publiquei no site Fanfiction e no site AO3.
BabeSpice copiou os primeiros capitulos e escreveu palavra por palavra em Portugues
e ainda pos a história como se fosse da auditoria dela/dele
A história está igual tanto quanto veja até ao capitulo 9 onde a BabeSpice adicionou
uma cena do ponto de vista do Ron

To which site answered:


Agradecemos por ter denunciado.

Esta denúncia será analisada assim que chegar a vez dela na fila de denúncias de
plágio e, caso seja possível comprovar a violação, o usuário terá a conta suspensa e
uma reposta será dada aqui.
Assim sendo, apenas pedimos um pouco de paciência, vez que temos várias denúncias
de plágio sendo analisadas.

Caso não se trate de plágio integral/literal e não tenha feito ainda os apontamentos
necessário para registrar a violação, por favor aponte agora em que trechos e capítulos,
de cada obra, é possível comprovar e registrar isto.

Administração Spirit Fanfics e Histórias.»
Chapter Notes

feeling exhausted, crying, probably having a panic attack

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Registros da denúncia:

By: Isys Luna Skeeter (/u/2864872/Isys-Luna-Skeeter) ?
Not being able to bear the loss of his godfather, Harry decides to go back in time and
do everything again only problem is, when the goblins offer him and his friends a
way to do it... he finds a side of the wizardry world that had been hidden from him
until then. #TimetravelFic #CrossdressingFic #Mpreg #Slash
Rated: Fiction M ( - English - Family/Romance -
[Harry P., Voldemort] Ron W., Hermione G. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 21,170 - Reviews:
209 (/r/10768625/) - Favs: 802 - Follows: 1,078 - Updated: 1h ago - Published: Oct
19, 2014 - id: 10768625
30 June, 1996
After Sirius Black died everything that one green eyed, black haired fifteen wizard
could think about was to find a way to go back and do-over. It had to be a way!
Ron sighed at the train as they were going home for the summer holidays.
Home… Hogwarts was his home!
Do you really want to find a Time-Turner? We kind of destroyed all that existed inside
the Ministry of Magic not even a week ago, Harry. Where the hell would we…"
"Gringotts." Harry interrupted, making his ginger sixteen wizard friend gape at him.
"You gotta be kidding me, mate."
"Harry, Gringotts is the most secured place in the world. Even if they do have time-
turners how would we get out?" The brown haired sixteen witch tried to rationalize.
Harry grinned.
"We wouldn't. We don't need to get out, only to return back in time."
Ron massaged his eyebrows."

"Capítulo 1. Antes de tudo...

em 28/12/2018 20:14"
"História O Rei do Tempo - Capítulo 1
Escrita por: BabeSpice
Notas do Autor
Antes de tudo mesmo, eu sou muito louca pra tá aqui postando uma fanfic nova sem
atualizar a minha outra. Eu sei, errado, mas eu iria elouquecer
Enfim, espero que se divirtam
Capítulo 1 - Antes de tudo...
Após a morte de Sirius Black, tudo o que o jovem bruxo de cabelos indomáveis
conseguia pensar era a de encontrar uma maneira de mudar o que aconteceu. Tinha
que ter algum meio! Sabia que eram possíveis viagens no tempo, Hermione era a viva
prova disso e já até tinha feito uma viagem... O problema é que não poderia interferir
tanto assim no passado. Ninguém poderia o reconhecer, ou então tudo estaria
Como poderia mexer no passado sem ninguém saber que foi ele?
O suspiro de Ron o tirou dos seus pensamentos. Estavam no trem de volta para casa,
eram as férias de verão. Quer dizer, indo embora de casa para Harry.
- Você ainda está com a idéia de viajar no tempo? – Ronald perguntou. Harry tinha
contado aos amigos seus planos – Não faz nem uma semana que a gente meio que
destruiu todos os corredores existentes no Ministério da Magia. Harry, onde diabos
você acha que nós...
- Gringotes – Harry interrompeu, fazendo o ruivo o olhar – os cofres de lá devem ter
algum vira-tempo...
- Você só pode esta de brincadeira comigo, amigo!
- Harry, Gringotes é o lugar mais seguro do mundo. Mesmo que conseguíssemos
entrar, como iríamos sair? – Hermione perguntou preocupada – além do mais, como
você pode ter tanta certeza de que tem um vira-tempo por lá?
- Nós não iríamos sair – refletiu – Não precisamos sair, só apenas voltar no tempo.
Ron coçou a cabeça espalhando os cabelos."

No mais, denúncia procedente, trata-se de mera tradução. Assim sendo, usuário

Agradecemos por denunciar.
Administração Spirit Fanfics e Histórias

translation according to Google Translate:

Register of denounce

(extract of both chapters) (I put the fake author's author note in bold because on it
they claim the fic is theirs)

Furthermore, a well-founded complaint, it is a mere translation. Therefore, user

Thanks for reporting.
Spirit Fanfics and Stories Administration.


Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

feeling exhausted, crying, probably having a panic attack

(ps: maybe my over emotional state was also because it was my first day of Shewolf
week, so... sorry)
Chapter VIII –Political Games, Shinny Knight and Essays–
Chapter Summary

Polls in end notes

Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2,581




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter VIII

–Political Games, Shinny Knight and Essays–

Tuesday, 26 October 1971


The Dark Lord watched as the boy before him was more embarrassed at Voldemort’s protection
than about the scars themselves.

“Did you redo your essays?” He asked instead of the what he really wanted to ask.

“Yes.” Evie walked away from him towards where he’d left his backpack and picked the scrolls
from the inside.

Voldemort sat on the desktable and opened each scroll, looking through them so he could keep his
mind focused on something instead of striking at the Muggles who had abused his Equal.

“What’s your views on Muggles?” He asked to keep the boy busy and to keep him from finding
more Creatures.

“There are bad and good people everywhere.” Evie shrugged. “You can’t separate people in Good
or Bad, everyone has a little of both.” Voldemort hummed as he set down beside him the first
scroll. “I’m against the torturing and killing that Dark follows, but I’m also against the all
Creatures are beasts that the Lights have.”

Voldemort looked up at Evie surprised and the boy shrugged.

“Muggle raised?”

“Muggleborns are children or grandchildren of Squibs. All the nonsense of Purebloodness and then
the people they call Mudbloods can actually make a claim to their Family Inheritance if they feel
like it. Then again, we are just picked from the Muggle houses and thrown into a new world
without any teaching. No one to explain the new world. So no wonder we fight against the new
rules and laws.” Evie shrugged yet again and approached the window, looking outside. “At the
least the Muggles’ attacks are ones that I can see. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon could be many
things, but they told me to my face what they fought of me. In the Magical World”

“Wizardry World.” Voldemort amended.

Evie looked back confused, then realized his wording and nodded.

“In the Wizardry World I never know who I can really trust and even then when I believe I can
trust someone: that person can still be going behind my back. It’s all a massive web. All for show.
All fake.” Evie looked out again. “On the day you met me I heard Aunt Genevieve ill-speak of me.
Cousin Lucius tried to apology to me, to what I said that I preferred the Muggle World, at the least
there I knew what to expect. I still believe in that.”

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed at Evie’s wording. She had met him before he met her?

“You believe the Wizardry World needs a change.” He offered instead of demanding information.
He knew that with him it was best to not make direct questions. As hilarious as it was considering
the ranting, Evie spoke more to Voldemort when he wasn’t being forced to, when he was being
manipulated, than when Voldemort was direct to the subject.

“I know it does.” Evie agreed only to frown as if he realized his wording. “I still don’t believe that
taking it by force is the way to go. That makes people rebel even harder. They’d turn against you.
I’d turn against you.” Was added as a threaten.

Voldemort’s lips twitched into a smirk.

“Then how do you suggest it to be done?” He retorted.

Evie stepped closer as Voldemort set the third scroll on the desktop beside him. Before he had time
to react: The boy was right before him between his open legs on his seating on the desktop’s
position, in a clear inverse of their positions considering Evie was the Natural Bearer.

“You are the political man, not me. Look around you, ‘Professor’, and take an indicative guess.”
Was argued against Voldemort’s ear almost seductively and then Evie walked away from him. The
boy smirked at him, then looked through the already checked parchments that he had taken
advantage to snatch to see which ones they were and then hummed, packing them in his backpack.
“I have lunchbreak and then DADA class with you. I’ll stay after class to fetch the rest of my
essays.” He put in and turned around, leaving the office and walking out the classroom.

Voldemort massaged his closed eyes as he breathed through his mouth. Evie might not like political
games, but he was playing one with the Dark Lord himself.

And the worst of it all?

He had Voldemort falling for him by being just himself.


Friday, 29 October 1971


Having Voldemort at school had one massive issue. Suddenly Slytherins forgot that they couldn’t
make Harry important. Sure, they stayed quiet while outside the Slytherin’s common room, but


Harry looked at who was calling to see Sirius step away from James, Peter and Remus to approach
Harry’s group.

“Hello, Sirius.”

“Look! I know that we haven’t been speaking much, but… next Sunday is going to be the Samhain
ball and…”

“Your cousin loves balls.” Harry supplied, making Ron chuckle and Hermione choke. “Why don’t
you invite her?”

“Well, I was inviting you four. I mean Snape is inviting Evans, am I right?”

Harry looked at Sirius for a long moment and then raised an eyebrow.

“You are a Natural Bearer, Sirius, or should I find a girly name for you too? If me and Ron are
forced to go with boys then I’m not going with you and neither are you going with any female.”
Miss Nott and Lily immediately turned on Sirius, who actually blushed at being outed. “Why don’t
‘you’ go with Snape? I’m sure he’d make it a night you wouldn’t forget.”

The group started to laugh as Snape sneered.

“Kari…” Sirius whined.

“Like I said, bring Hera. She loves to dance and to be treated like the princess that she is.”

That got Harry a heavy book to his back much to his friends’ amusement.

“What about you?”

“I’m not going.” Harry argued and turned around starting to walk away. When someone went to
grab him, he cursed him instinctively only to realize that James Potter was the one that had been
about to hold him. It was then, though, that he saw that Professor Riddle had been the one to grab
Harry’s wrist and stop his cursing. “My apologies.”
James looked at Harry’s wrist and then nodded thankfully at Professor Riddle before he turned
again towards Harry.

“Any reason in special why you are refusing to go with us as friends, Miss Peverell?”

“Unless I can’t avoid it: 31st of October is the day I avoid any interaction. My Muggle adoptive
parents died that day on the same accident that was meant to kill me. Every year since then I get a
death threat each year worse than before.”

James frowned.

“Bad Omens aren’t real. They are just boogiemen that parents tell their children’s to…”

“Bad Omens are real, Mr Potter!” Professor Riddle retorted. “And on the Night of the Dead can
even mean that the one who put it on Miss Peverell was Death itself!”

James turned towards Professor Riddle surprised, who instead looked at Harry.

“Mind releasing my wrist, Professor?” Harry asked while doing his best to sound respectful. “I
swear I have my magic under control this time around.”

Voldemort did glare at Harry then for a very breath moment, who raised an eyebrow in return. He
didn’t need the Knight in Shinny Armour to come back him up, thank you very much!

“Mr Potter, Miss Peverell, Miss Nott, Mr Snape, Miss Evans, Miss Prewett, Mr Lupin, Mr
Pettigrew and Black cousins, until your next Defence Against Dark Arts class I want an extra
curriculum detailed essay over Omens and their side-effects on a Magical Core. I don’t care for
size so long as you write it with your own words and later can have an oral exam over it.”
Voldemort demanded and they all agreed, before Professor Riddle released Harry and walked

“I get the feeling that the new Professor doesn’t like you very much.” James pinpointed amused
and Harry blushed.

“Why do you say that?”

“Did you see how fast he suddenly was beside us stopping your magical decontrol? He was just
begging to ground you.” James replied.

“And your big mouth got all of us extra homework!” Sirius grumbled.

James shrugged and passed a hand through his hair.

“You really aren’t going to the ball?” He asked Harry, who shook his head. James turned towards
the others. “What do you say, Veronique?”

“Only if you want to be stepped on.” Ron retorted.

James frowned and looked at Nott questioningly. The girl looked at Peter’s rat face and Remus’
shabby looks, before she nodded her consent. Hermione and Ron shared a look before Hermione
literally approached the Werewolf and asked him herself. The poor boy was obvious used to not
being first choice and just gaped at her until both Sirius and James run to his side and literary made
him nod his agreement.

“Where did you get me into?” Nott whispered towards Harry as she saw James’ acting.
“You could have refused.” Harry argued.

The girl huffed and then signalled a group close. Harry looked to see Rabastan Lestrange and who
Harry believed was Miss Nott’s older brother, most likely the father of Theodore Nott from Harry’s
timeline. The two approached with a questioning look.

“Brother, Lestrange, do you two have a date for the Samhain ball?”

“No, why? Do you want us to bring any of you?”

Miss Nott immediately signalled a deep red to the tip of his ears Ron and a horrified Sirius with her

“These two Natural Bearer boys don’t have pairs and it’s either one of you or Pettigrew.”

Rabastan looked at Harry and then at Sirius, before he sighed and approached him.

“My brother wouldn’t forgive me if I’d let just anyone bring to the ball his future ‘wife’, so might
as well you go with me.”

“Wha…?” Sirius gaped like a fish.

“You know… the engagement where my parents asked your grandfather for your hand. Although I
have no idea why your father didn’t give you a female name since you will wed an Heir and be his
wife.” Rabastan shrugged only to frown. “Your parents told you of the engagement, haven’t they?”
Sirius shook his head as Harry, Ron and Hermione shared looks. Rabastan massaged his forehead.
“My big brother has been courting you since you two were first introduced. I believe it was my
brother who choose you over your older female cousins.”

“We have classes, Rabastan.” Mr Nott warned.

Rabastan looked back and then again towards Sirius.

“Miss Peverell, can you make sure my idiotic future sister-in-law calls my brother through Floo so
my brother can explain what is going on?” He asked while looking at Sirius.

“I will.” Harry agreed.

Rabastan turned back and nodded thankfully, while Mr Nott looked at Ron’s second-handed
school robe.

“I hear the Prewetts don’t have enough money to sustain their three children and now you. Do you
even have a dress-robe?”

“He does.” Harry agreed. “My cousin Lucius bought it for him after his relatives got ready to send
him his Aunt Tessie’s shrank one.”

Somehow Ron turned even redder as Hermione snorted obviously realizing which one it was.

“Heir Malfoy has good taste in clothes.” Mr Nott agreed. “I’ll pick you by the Gryffindor Tower’s
entry at 5, Miss Prewett.” He put in, not even asking if Ron was going with him and then left with

Harry sighed and approached the still gaping Sirius, bringing him to the nearest Professor’s
classroom that happened to be Voldemort’s. The man looked back from where he was readying the
student’s tables for his next class.
“What is it now?”

“Can Sirius Black use your Floo Connection to contact his apparent arranged future Husband?”
Harry asked as the rest of the group looked back at him surprised, only for Snape to cough
pointedly. “Professor?”

Professor Riddle nodded, even smiling gently at Sirius as he walked him down the classroom and
up the stairs to his office. The man returned alone several minutes later with a nod back.

“I floocalled Heir Lestrange and gave him the permission to go to my office to speak with his
arranged fiancé. They are talking as we speak.” He supplied to them and they nodded, leaving as
the students entered.

“If Professor Riddle doesn’t like you why did we come to him?” James wondered.

“He was the closest and he knows the Lestranges.” Harry argued. “We better go to the Library to
do that extra curriculum essay.”

They all nodded and walked towards the Library’s wing. Harry had barely sat with a tome before
him, when suddenly someone approached him and offered him a parchment. Harry raised his head
towards the shy Ravenclaw and then the parchment.

“Another summoning to the Headmaster’s office?” He asked. The teenage boy blushed for
whatever reason and shook his head. Confused Harry accepted the parchment only for the other to
run away. Wha…?

Harry opened the parchment to see a poem about a fiery raven with beautiful grass.

“What is it?” Hermione wondered as she joined his table with three light tomes on her arms, Ron
besides her with one actually-light book.

“A poem about a raven dancing in the grass of the sky…?” He replied uncertain and questioningly.

Hermione narrowed her eyes and accepted the parchment only to snort.

“A raven with grass-like eyes dancing in the sky.” She argued and he frowned confused. “It’s a
love poem, you Dimwit!”

Harry’s face fell on his tome with a massive groan as Ron chuckled.

“I haven’t even entered the teenage era.” He grumbled.

“Most Purebloods get engaged before they even enter Hogwarts.” Remus argued as he joined them
on their table. “Miss Black, are you sure you…?”

“I don’t care about furry problems, nor if your mother is Muggle.” Hermione argued as Remus
gaped at her. “My parents were Squibs in case you didn’t know. I’m Pro-Creatures.”

“S.P.E.W..” Ron and Harry agreed at the same time, only for Hermione to threaten them with a

Remus looked between the three confused and then nodded, just accepting their crazy side.

“How long have you known?”

“First day.” The three replied at the same time with a shrug.
“Don’t worry. We’re good with keeping secrets.” Hermione offered.

“Unlike Hagrid.” Harry added what made Ron snort.

The Young Werewolf sighed and then nodded thankfully.

“You aren’t…?”

“Ron’s snores are scarier.” Harry interrupted the self-loathing question and the Ginger glared back
while whining Harry’s real name, what actually made Remus laugh. “So long as you have a Pack
(a family) you can control yourself. Just let your friends in and you’ll see that it’ll be less painful.”

Remus smiled back and then the others joined in, all sharing the tomes to be able to fill their own
private essay while under the Librarian’s watchful watch, who was most likely trying to understand
when the three Slytherins, the five Gryffindors and the single Ravenclaw would start fighting.


Chapter End Notes

Thank you all for all of your kind words. I had been in a dead end after almost two
months of quarantine (my family started on 12 March) and had been unable to write
anything for a month non-stop. Actually the last thing I had written was during the
quarantine and it was Cross-Time’s newest chapters, so go figures…

Then on the night after I got the agreement that Cross-Time was obviously mine and
O Rei do Tempo was plagiarized from mine, I suddenly write this on my mobile phone
in what… three/four hours?

So thank you all, this chapter is to all of you who stayed by my side and sent me all
those kind words

Next: If my Muses don’t fail me again then it’ll be Harry’s Bad Omen day


PS: Please vote in comments/reviews which pairing do you want for Hermione
(Severus, James, Ron, Sirius and Harry are taken)

PSS: Should Harry, Ron and Hermione try for Animagus?

PSSS: What shall I do with Peter Pettigrew? Do I let him live? Or does ‘something’
happen to him?
Chapter IX –Quidditch–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,050




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter IX


Friday, 29 October 1971


They left the Library to go down to the Quidditch Pitch just as Sirius was arriving. They descended
and entered the pitch where the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins already were.

“How did it go?” Harry heard James whisper towards Sirius as the Gryffindors moved to their side
of the line, who obviously intended to ask it as soon as the Slytherins were out of hearing distance.

Harry stood by one broom between Snape and Nott bored.

“Just like we’ve been practicing, Everyone. Put your right hand over your broom and say «Up».”

“Up!” The Coach had barely even finished and already the broom was on Harry’s hand.

As much as he loved flying, these classes bored him to no end. The brooms were old, the flying
was barely above a foot and there was no Neville around to fall down and be taken to the Infirmary
wing so he could at the least try to fly half-decent.

Feeling watched, he turned towards the pitch’s stands to find the Slytherin sixth-year and seventh-
year students that didn’t have classes watching over their Flying class. Rolling his eyes, he turned
again towards the Coach who was watching Harry’s classmates that had yet to call their brooms.
Finally, he stopped before him.

“I said that you had to call the broo…”

Harry released the broom before the man even stopped and kept his hand over it.

“Up!” The broom jumped onto his hand all over again. “I did it, it’s the second time now.”

The man’s lips twitched for Harry daring to face him.

“Detention, Miss Peverell. You should learn how to speak with your betters.”

Harry grunted and released the broom again, turned around and walked away. The Coach
obviously called him, but he didn’t look back.


Saturday, 30 October 1971


Voldemort leaned against the side of the meeting room as the other Professors spoke about their
classes, as his first week he wouldn’t be talking much and would listen instead. Then Coach Bael-
Varbrun stepped forward and started badmouthing Evie for ‘daring’ to be good at flying. A ‘girl’ –
a Bastard at that – had no place facing a Wizard – a Pureblood – like him. Voldemort’s lips
twitched. How dare this idiot speak like this about his Equal?

When the Wizard actually started talking about how the ‘girl’ dared to show-off the picking the
broom at first try, Voldemort scoffed.

“Anything you want to add, Professor?” The Coach snarled.

“Several Purebloods I know can’t even rise the broom and you say that Miss Peverell does it
without even hitting a sweat? He is a Pro then.” Voldemort agreed and when the other went to
argue, Voldemort stepped away from his location against the wall and towards the other
intimidatelly. He was a Professor, the other was just a Coach and he’d better remember that.
“And yes, I said He. This He is also an Heiress of an once believed to be extinct Wizardry Family.
How many inheritances do you have? And do remind me, wasn’t your mother the daughter of a
Shewolf? Doesn’t that mean you are a Halfbreed second-generation? Or as people call it a
‘Halfblood’. Heiress Peverell? He is still a Pureblood.”

Coach Bael-Varbrun gaped at Voldemort.

“Just who are you?”

“According to our ‘dear’ Headmaster I’m a Muggleborn. According to my bloodline I’m a

Halfblood since my mother was a Purewitch.”

Professor Slughorn smiled amused by the side.

“How about a friendly Quidditch match?” The once-blond Wizard proposed. Both Voldemort and
Coach Bael-Varbrun looked at him questioningly. “My Slytherin first-year student against you,
Coach Bertolt Bael-Varbrun scoffed.

“There’s no way…”

“I’m sure that the Magical Guardian, Lord Abraxas Malfoy, will agree.” Voldemort agreed.

The idiot huffed and then gave his agreement. When Evie would be done putting Bertolt Bael-
Varbrun on his place, Voldemort would so teach him how not to mess with what was his.


Sunday, 31 October 1971


Harry opened his eyes tiredly, only to see Nott entering his bedroom with a food tray. At his raised
eyebrow, the girl smiled.

“Breakfast. Megara taught me how to get to the kitchens and how to ask the House-elves for food.
They were beyond eager when I told them that for one day you couldn’t leave your bedroom and
popped your food tray in our private quarters.”

“Thanks… I guess.” He agreed and Nott set the tray by his bedside table as he sat up. “Sylvine,

“I don’t like that name.” The girl argued automatically.

Harry scoffed.

“Why is it that everyone I know doesn’t like their own name? Then what? Do you have a
nickname? Or do I call you by your middle name?”

Nott looked back surprised and then, for the first time, her smile was genuine.

“What would’ve you call me if given the chance to give me a nickname?” She asked instead.

Harry looked up at her from his standing position as he put on a robe over his PJs.

“Considering you are always making fun of my ‘femininity’ and making puns, I’d call you Sissy.”
He replied with a shrug.

Nott’s lips twitched in amusement and then she nodded.

“What nickname do you have for Him?”

“I don’t have a nickname for Him.” Harry argued and Sissy raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Unlike public knowledge, all we do is argue.”

“He still reviews all your homework.” Sissy retorted with a huff.

Harry passed a hand through his long hair and then approached, sitting again on his bed and
pulling the tray onto his lap.

“When my magic was tested, they saw that I’m His Equal. That means that I’m magically equalled
to him. It doesn’t mean anything else. He gave me his family necklace because he wanted to give
me something to protect me at school. He started reviewing my essays because I accidentally
owled him one while angry and screaming at him to tell his Men to tell their children to leave his
Heir alone.”

Sissy looked back for a long time and then nodded.

“If you need anything…” she offered and left his bedroom.

Harry sighed and finished his breakfast before setting the tray down on the bedside table again. He
stood, took out his robe, moved towards the side of his bedroom and sat on a specie of nook on a
wall with a book that his new mother had gifted him to keep him entertained after she had realized
he could get quickly bored with his ‘age’ studies.

Even though he had believed he would get bored considering it was a book about Magical Cores’
affinities, Mother had managed to give him a book that actually made the subject interesting.

The way your Magical Core could refuse just one of the sides. The way it could make the Wizard
or Witch sick if they used an affinity that was on the opposite side of their Magical Core. There
was a reason why every school in the world were meant to teach Grey Magic, the neutral magical

“What do you think you are doing!?” Harry raised his head from his book reading at hearing Sissy
Nott reprimanding someone and then his bedroom’s door opened without even a knock. Coach was
before the open door and was looking around the bedroom with a sneer. “Sir! This is the female’s
quarters! You have no right…”

Coach ignored Sissy completely and walked inside as he looked around until he found Harry. He
sneered at the boy’s location on his nook in the wall.

“Get dressed, Peverell.”

Harry raised an eyebrow at the way Coach was just demanding it from him. Before the man could
speak further though, Harry and Sissy’s private quarters were invaded by the older Slytherin
students who literally pointed their wands at the older man.

“Coach Bael-Varbrun, do we need to remind you that if Miss Peverell was changing clothes when
you stormed in that then Lord Malfoy would have every right to sue you for daring to see his
Heiress naked without the boy’s permission while not being his arranged fiancé?” The Head Boy
reprimanded as Rabastan Lestrange grabbed the robe from Harry’s bed (where he had left it) and
approached, pulling it over the nook as if to hide Harry’s modesty. He was in PJs, he wasn’t
naked… “What was it you wanted with a 11-year-old Natural Bearer student to the point of
entering his quarters and then his private room uninvited?”

Harry stood and turned around, pulling the robe on. His hair was pulled over the robe’s back and he
turned towards the group as Sissy arranged his clothes and hair for him. Coach seemed surprised at
the way the older students were backing Harry up.

“Miss Peverell, get ready. Quidditch Pitch in half-hour.”

“Is that my grounding for daring to be good with a broom while being a Natural Bearer and then
leaving the pitch when I was grounded?” Harry wondered as Sissy entranced his hair quickly and
efficiently and then tied it up on top of his head in a bun.

“Professor Slughorn is of the idea that you should have a Quidditch match against me. What’s your
position that your Lord taught you?”

“With those glasses?” Coach Bael-Varbrun retorted only for the older students to cough pointedly
because of the man’s degrading tone of voice. The man’s lips obviously thinned and then nodded.
“As you wish. Snitch is released, surround us and we wait a full minute as it disappears completely
from sight. First to catch it wins.”

Harry nodded and Coach Bael-Varbrun turned around, leaving. Harry groaned loudly as soon as he
was certain that the man was out of hearing ranch.

“I told you that something always happens, Sissy.” He grumbled. “Everyone out, I need to change.”
The older students looked back confused. “I’m in sleeping clothes underneath the robe…?”

The boys immediately run out the room as if he had instead cursed them. Sissy approached Harry’s
wardrobe and opened it, pulling out one of his inner trousers for him to wear.

“I’ll go warn your pets for them to be there in case something does happen.” She offered. “Try not
to mess your hair when you change.”

“Yes, Ma’am…”

The girl smiled back and then left. Harry changed clothes and left his private quarters. He raised an
eyebrow at the way the Head Boy and several females were waiting for him. The Head Boy
nodded at the females who quickly stepped forward and into Harry’s personal space and quickly
rearranged his attire and hairstyle.

“Does Lord Malfoy have a broom that he can bring?” The older male asked.

“Cousin Lucius has a Comet 260.” Harry agreed. “He used to let me and Ron play on it when
Uncle Abraxas and Aunt Genevieve weren’t looking.”

“I’ll floocall Heir Lucius so he sends his broom alongside Lord Malfoy.” The Head Boy agreed
and looked at Harry up and down. “Can you actually catch a Snitch?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

The females smiled amused as the older male narrowed his eyes at Harry’s avoidance.

“Don’t forget your place, Rosier.” One of the females reminded the Head Boy.

Rosier? As in Evan Rosier?

Harry watched as the Head Boy nodded and then walked away.

“I’m fine. You don’t need to pamper me up. I’m going to get all messy in several minutes.” He
reminded the female population.

The girls laughed.

“Did you eat?”

“Miss Nott warned the House-elves that I didn’t intend on leaving my room today: they brought
me a tray.”

“Any reason in particular?” The girls asked as they walked besides him through the labyrinthine
corridors towards the common room.
“Bad Omen day.” Harry shrugged. “Usually death threats.” He added.

“Does any of the professors know?”

“H e knows.” Harry grumbled just as they arrived the common room where the Slytherins were
getting ready to leave. “If it was any other Slytherin would’ve we all follow up?” He wondered.

“Yes, even if inside the common room you’d be badly seen for the friendships that you keep, once
outside you would still be protected. Slytherins protect each other no matter what.” One of the
females agreed. “Boys!” As if no sound was in the room the entire male Slytherin population
stopped what they were doing to look back. “Today is Heiress Peverell’s Bad Omen day. At the
level of death attempts.”

In unison all of them picked their wands from where they had stored them and put them on an
easier access for in case it would be required. That did make Harry blush. Eventually they all left
and walked as one towards the Quidditch Pitch, Harry’s friends were already there with Sissy.
Harry had just arrived and was feeling the grass and the wind when he heard someone running
towards the Pitch. He stood from his place with the hand on the floor to see Uncle Abraxas running
into the pitch accompanied by Professor Riddle. The blond man nodded back and approached,
offering Harry Cousin Lucius’ broom.

“Can you fly?”

“Yes, Uncle Abraxas.”

“Very well. Try not to fall from the broom.” The man argued obviously not believing that he could

“And if I catch the Snitch?” Harry wondered after the man as he walked towards the Slytherin
stands to join Professor Riddle, who was waiting for him by the bottom of the stairs.

Uncle Abraxas looked back with a raised eyebrow.


“You said try not to fall from the broom so I don’t disrespect the Family name, Uncle Abraxas.
What will you do if I actually catch the Snitch and win?”

“Do you know anything about brooms?” Uncle Abraxas asked instead.

“Nimbuses are my favourite.” Harry agreed.

Uncle Abraxas looked at Harry for a real long time, before he nodded.

“Catch the Snitch and I’ll buy you the newest Nimbus.” He agreed, still obviously disbelieving.

Harry smirked and set a hand over the broom, while looking at the blond.

“Up!” He called and, as the broom started to climb, jumped onto it before he flew up to the sky.

Harry faced the Coach already waiting for him with a sneer. Coach took out his wand and pointed
down at the box on the floor where the Snitch was stored and it flew up into the sky, around them
and then away. Harry stayed still, looking at Coach who was also looking back with a
condescending look.

Honestly, Harry wasn’t doing this to make the man look back. But Abraxas Malfoy had just put
something worth it on the winning side. And Harry wanted his own broom.

A whistle was heard and Harry flew away at all velocity, dodging when he felt a curse going his
way. He flew around the goal hoops until he found it. He flew at the Snitch at all velocity, laying
forward to win speed unlike anything he’d seen someone do in this era of broom flying. People
didn’t know how to pull the most of their broomsticks. It was something uncalled for.

He moved his hand forward and caught it just before he felt something going his way from the
side. He gasped loudly as a Bludger hit his outstanding arm before he even had time to retract and
avoid it.



Voldemort blasted the ball as he and Abraxas run to Evie as the boy fell from his broom after being
hit, only for the ball to be ready to keep going at him. The ball had obviously been enchanted to
keep attacking Evie. Abraxas approached Evie’s side and just as he got ready to worry over the
boy, the boy raised his broken arm and opened his fist until only two fingers were closed around a
small yellow ball.

“I caught it.” Evie offered. “And before I was hit, Uncle Abraxas.”

Voldemort held back his amusement at the way Abraxas was left gaping. It was obvious that
Abraxas wanted the boy to be a submissive Natural Bearer so he could one day be married off to
the nearest willing Wizard, but Evie was anything but that.

“I believe Evie has won his right for his required broomstick.” Voldemort agreed and Abraxas
looked back immediately. “Shouldn’t you be talking with Coach Bael-Varbrun instead, Abraxas?
He has obviously cursed the ball to keep hitting your nephew.” Abraxas bowed his head and
passed besides Voldemort to approach the palling Halfbreed. “Stop cutting his wings or I’ll cut
yours during our next meeting.” He added just loud enough for his Knight to hear.

Abraxas didn’t stop on his walking towards the excuse of a Wizard , knowing better. Voldemort
stepped forward, looked at Evie’s broken arm and then up at the boy’s green eyes who was really
proud to have caught the Snitch.

“Rosier.” Voldemort called as the Head Boy approached alongside the rest of the students. “Look
up the broomsticks magazines with Miss Peverell. He said he wanted a Nimbus one.” Evan Rosier
Jr. looked at Evie, who was being looked over by his group of friends alongside the Slytherins, and
then back. “Abraxas Malfoy promised him the newest Nimbus if he caught the Snitch, which he

“I’ll discuss with him exactly which one is the best Nimbus and then I’ll tell you which one he
wanted.” Junior agreed. “We saw a curse going at his back, but he somehow dodged it when we
got ready to interfere.” He added as a whisper.

Voldemort looked at the excuse for Living Being, that was being reprimanded by Abraxas.

“I believe hunting session has started then.” He agreed. “And there’s this cub in a serious need to
be put down.”

Chapter End Notes

Polls last chapter:

Please vote in comments/reviews which pairing do you want for Hermione

(Severus, James, Ron, Sirius and Harry are taken)

There's Remus Lupin, Rabastan Lestrange , Bellatrix Black, Viktor Krum

(who will be a decade younger), Regulus Black... Undecided

Should Harry, Ron and Hermione try for Animagus?

By mutual vote it's a Yes

What shall I do with Peter Pettigrew? Do I let him live? Or does

'something' happen to him?

Most want him to die. but there's some who want him to live. Unkonwn

Next: Samhain

Chapter X –Samhain–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,048




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter X


Sunday, 31 October 1971


A younger Madam Pomfrey was fast at patching up Harry’s broken arm, only to be surprised when
Harry refused the painless potion.

“They’re addictive and not very effective.” Harry argued with a shrug. “Can I go?”

“It’s the Infirmary wing, Peverell.” Snape argued. “There’s no way your Omen will act up in here.”

“Now you hitched it. Every time someone says «nothing is going to happen» or «what’s the worst
that could happen» is when something does happen.” Harry argued.

Snape frowned as Madam Pomfrey nodded at Harry that he could go. Their group walked out the
Infirmary wing and started to descend the stairs so Harry would return to the Slytherin’s common
room, when they bypassed Coach being escorted to the Headmaster’s office by Professor Riddle
and Uncle Abraxas.

“Uncle Abraxas.”

“How is your arm?”

“As good as new. Madam Pomfrey can fix broken bones in a minute.” Harry offered, showing his

“Shouldn’t you be staying at the Infirmary…?”

“I just said that I’m healed, Uncle Abraxas.” Harry reminded him. “I’m at the moment heading
back to my quarters as I was when Coach walked-in uninvited.”

Uncle Abraxas looked at the other man with narrowed eyes and then at Harry with a nod.

“Were you proper?”

“I was in sleeping PJs.” Harry retorted.

“The answer is no.” Sissy added. “Uneven loose hair and we had to pull a robe over his inner-
sleeping clothes to hide his body’s form from view. I tried to stop Coach, but he refused to listen.
Luckily, the elder students heard my shouts and came running to back us up.”

Voldemort obviously glared at Coach as Uncle Abraxas simply nodded.

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t ever repeat this.” He agreed as he looked at Harry’s obvious attire and
then at his group of friends. “Who are you going with to the Samhain ball?”

“No one.”


“I’m going back to my room and go back to pretend that I don’t exist like I was doing earlier.”
Harry grumbled. “It was just one broken arm that was easily taken care of. The Bad Omen day has
only just started. I’m not going to test my Luck, so I’m going back to my room and I hope that the
location will be free for the rest of the day.”

He turned around, turned his back on his surrogate Uncle and walked away. Even though he
walked away at all velocity, someone fell into step beside him. When he looked, he saw the elder
male Slytherin population. They escorted him all the way to the common room and down the
labyrinthine corridors until the door of his and Sissy’s private quarters.

“If you need something just call.” They warned and he nodded, entered the quarters and his
bedroom. He went back to his nook and to his book.


There was a knock on his door and he looked up to find Sissy entering his room all pampered up
and with a beautiful light-green-coloured dress-robe on.

“You look good.” He offered and she smiled thankfully.

“I came to warn you that practically everyone is leaving. Still…”

“Go step on James Potter’s feet for me.” He agreed and Sissy laughed, before leaving the room
and then the quarters.
Harry leaned his head against the wall of his nook bored. Even though he was bored, he knew that
if he left it could be a lot worse. A knock on his door made him sit straighter with his feet and legs
out the nook.

“Who is it?” He asked. Wasn’t he alone?

“It’s me.” Professor Riddle’s voice put in.

“Come in.” Harry agreed, after looking down to be sure he was proper.

Professor Riddle entered the room and nodded at Harry on his nook. He pulled from a chair and sat
before Harry, yet several feet apart.

“We need to speak.”

Harry nodded, while looking at his Slytherin locket that was on the bedside table on the other side
of the bedroom.


ER Jr.’s POV

Junior left the Great Hall to go down to the Slytherin’s common room to go check on Heiress
Peverell. He didn’t like leaving him all alone on an empty common room on such a day. He entered
the common room and descended the labyrinthine corridors towards where the lowest of the
ranking in Slytherin hierarchy’s rooms were. Even though Heiress Peverell was above the ranking.

For some reason, when he reached the corridor with the quarters of the first-years, he found the
dreaded quarter’s door open. He hurried towards it to find Coach Bael-Varbrun’s fallen body
against the corridor’s wall facing the bedroom door of Miss Peverell’s private room, blood
dripping from the side of his head. Junior passed through him without a look back until he found
the boy out of breath inside his room as he held his stomach with one hand in pain while on his
knees and his wand on his other hand as if it was a life saver. It most likely had been.

“Miss Peverell?”

The boy looked up at him.

“Proof.” He gasped out.

“Your private tutor isn’t a tutor but a side-effect of an angry letter.” Junior immediately offered as
the wand was pointed at him and the tip started to shine. The wand dropped onto the floor and the
boy’s arms went again towards his belly, obviously he was in massive pain. “Did he hit you with
some kind of spell? Or did he touch you?”

“Yes. It passed through Protego. I thought only the Unforgivables could do that.” Heiress Peverell
agreed through clenched teeth, while Junior wondered how the boy could do such a seventh-year
spell. “Give me His locket. It’s the one on my bedside table. I tried to use Accio, but I can’t focus
enough.” The boy gasped out.

Junior picked it up without questioning and delivered it to the boy. Immediately the necklace
shinned on the boy’s hand and, not long after, Professor Riddle was hurrying inside the room.
Junior pointed his wand and the Wizard at seeing the fallen Wizard outside and then Miss
Peverell’s state, showed his hands.
“You once owled your father that my Equal is a great dueller, but has terrible calligraphy.” The
Dark Lord offered. Junior lowered his wand, to which the older stepped forward and into Miss
Peverell’s personal space. “What happened, Evie?”

“He pretended to be you.” The boy gasped out. “I immediately could tell that something was
wrong… no «Evie», even though we were alone, and he kept the social distance.” Dark Lord
nodded as he picked his own wand and started to check the boy’s body magically. “When the
Polyjuice Potion stopped making effect he struck. I raised a Protego but it still hit me straight in the
stomach. I immediately hit him with a Bombarda and Rosier Jr. arrived as I failed to summon your
locket through the pain.”

The older Wizard looked back at Junior and then hit Miss Peverell’s stomach with a spell, only for
the Natural Bearer boy to cry in pain.

“He hit you with a spell to make you infertile.” Dark Lord sneered and Miss Peverell looked up at
the Wizard horrified. “There’s no le…”

“Just do it!”

“Evie…” the Dark Lord started to warn, but Miss Peverell interrupted him yet again, something
Junior knew that if he had been anyone else he would’ve paid the price for the daring:

“I don’t bloody care that it’s Dark. I don’t want to lose any possible future child I might have. I
want children, Voldemort!”

Junior looked away from the duo, knowing better than to look at the Dark Lord while he was being
reprimanded by his Equal and possible future wife.

“Leave the bedroom and close the door. If someone comes, don’t let them in.” The Dark Lord told
in Junior’s direction.

Junior bowed his head and left the bedroom, closing the door. He approached Coach Bael-Varbrun
and checked his wound. He was alive, just unconscious. Junior could hear Miss Peverell’s cries of
pain as the Dark Lord contradicted the curse eating the Natural Bearer’s insides. The boy had taken
a hit on his arm, had taken a Bludger’s hit that literally broke his bone and he had taken it without
even leaving out a whine, he had even opened his hand right after as if it was nothing. Whatever
this pain was, had to be lots worse for him to be unable to hold back his pain.

Eventually, the door behind Junior opened and he looked at the Wizard leaving the bedroom.

“Is he alive?” Dark Lord asked while signalling with his head towards Coach.

“Miss Peverell’s Bombarda made him hit his head what luckily knocked him unconscious. I don’t
know how he is rationally, but he is alive.”

Junior’s Professor nodded as he looked back inside the bedroom where Junior could hear the boy’s
whimper of pain.

“Go back to the ball, your date must be wondering where you went.”

Junior nodded and turned to leave, but stopped and looked back.

“May I wonder if the Counter Curse worked?”

Professor Dark Lord looked up at Junior and then nodded.

“Evie will be able to bear when the time comes. Will have to be followed 24/7 by Healers and
without any over-exercise or stress, but he’ll be able.”

Junior nodded with a bow of head.

“When he does, I’ll do my best to bodyguard him to keep him from losing the child.” He promised
with Magic Words as he felt his words being scabbed onto his own Magical Core.

The Dark Lord looked at Junior at sensing the Magical Oath and then nodded, before he signalled
at him to go. Junior left the Slytherin’s common room and then the Dungeons only to find the
Slytherin Prefect that had been about to leave the Great Hall to go look for him.

“My apologies.” He argued.

The teenage girl took one look at his eyes, immediately knowing that something had happened. She

“Don’t worry. I know you had your reasons.” She argued and took his arm, going back inside.



Voldemort stayed besides Evie as the boy hiccupped on his bed as he held his stomach, laying
down. He looked yet again at his own pocketwatch and then at the still unconscious male that he
had put ropes on for in case he’d wake.

“You will make him pay, won’t you?” The boy whispered.

“No amount of manipulation from you will change my mind this time.” Voldemort argued as he
could hear the students start to arrive from the party a couple minutes before the Mandatory
Curfew hit.

“Living is worse than dying.” The boy put in. Voldemort looked at the boy questioningly whose
glasses were fogged from the boy’s unconscious tears. “Immediate killing doesn’t make him pay
for what he tried to do to me. If he dies, he wins.”

Was the boy asking for Voldemort to keep him alive and keep torturing him non-stop?

A small smile played on his lips.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He promised and Evie nodded, only for the quarter’s doors to open.

Miss Nott entered and passed through the fallen unconscious body as if it was a nowadays thing –
considering who her father was, it didn’t surprise Voldemort – and approached the open door of
Evie’s room. She looked at him and then the hiccupping boy.

“He was attacked, wasn’t he?”

“Yes.” Voldemort agreed. “There’s still two hours left until midnight.”

Miss Nott looked at her wristwatch and nodded.

“I’ll go change and take a shower, then I’ll come to join Kari.” She offered and Voldemort nodded.

The girl walked towards her own bedroom and Voldemort looked at Evie still holding his belly.
“Even if you had lost the ability you wouldn’t be less the Living being for it.” He offered.

“I’m not against adoption.” The boy argued. “Yet, something I always wanted as I grew up was a
child. A family to call my own who will want me no matter what. Can you promise me that an
adopted child will feel that way? That the biological parents won’t suddenly pop-up? Like it has
happened to me?”

Voldemort looked at his Equal in thought, finally the boy opened his eyes and looked back through
the foggy glasses.

“There is the Dark method of Blood Adoption.” He offered and the boy raised an eyebrow. “It
claims the child as yours by Blood Right. It erases their previous bloodline completely.”


“Could you do it?” Voldemort argued and Evie looked back confused. “An illegal adoption,
claiming the child as yours? Never be able to admit about it to anyone.”

Evie shrugged.

“Would’ve you?” He argued.

Voldemort looked at Evie for a real long time and then he looked at the starting to wake up fallen
idiot that he was going to torture later.

“If that had been our only option and you still wanted children? Yes, I would be ready to do it.”

Evie looked back surprised.

“But you said you wouldn’t court me. You said…”

“I promised you that I wouldn’t force you into an arranged wedding. I believe you have the same
right for a choice like Abraxas gives his son. It’s practically ironic that he refused an arranged
wedding for his son because of what happened to his sister but then tries to do the exact same to
you, knowing him like I do it’s probably unconscious that he does it.” Voldemort replied and Evie
sat up as he held his lower belly that was obviously still paining him, sadly there was nothing
Voldemort could do about that after the amount of Dark Magic he had use on his Equal. “One of
the first things you ever told me was that you want to be treated like a Living being. I have done
everything in my power to grant you that. I’m not forcing you into marrying me. You have the
choice to say no. Yet… every single day by being just yourself you got the Dark Lord at your feet.
I will protect you no matter what. Even if you end up choosing someone else; I will still be by your
side. You might not want it, but you got me stuck on you and I will take care of you no matter
what. Even if you weren’t a Natural Bearer: I wouldn’t have cared. I would still be by your side
and I would still blood-adopt a child with you.”

Evie’s eyes watered as a voice by the side choked. Voldemort looked at Bael-Varbrun, who was
looking back horrified.

“You say that now but when I’m older and…”

“I hate flying.” Voldemort interrupted the self-loathing speech, he would have to have a massive
speech with Abraxas over it later. “I do not hide it. Yet, I was the one to tell Evan Rosier Jr. for he
to make sure that you find the broom that you want and, if Abraxas doesn’t keep his word, then I’ll
be the one to afford it.
“You are my Equal, Evie. Besides my Equal you are also the one who got me to fall for you. There
has never been anyone before. There never will be anyone ever again.

“The way you faced me as a child. The way you faced Dumbledore last week…” Voldemort held
back his lustful shiver, what resulted in Evie stare back wide-eyed as if he could understand
exactly what it meant. “I only interfered when I felt Dumbledore’s magic about to overwhelm you:
when he was about to use Magic Words on you to force you to back down.

“As much of a monster as you might think of me, the way you refuse to be told what to do and
refuse the norm is what calls me to you. It’s what I like in you. And who knows, when you’re
older, it may be what makes me fall for you.”

“I only won the match because Uncle Abraxas promised the broom…” The lad argued as if trying
to justify himself, as if defeating the Halfbreed had never been his intention, as if it was a bad
thing that he had dared to be good in the one thing that Voldemort could tell he enjoyed doing.

Voldemort looked at the boy and then again towards the Halfbreed, whose ropes were keeping
from moving from his fallen form.

“Like I said, if Abraxas doesn’t keep his word, I’ll afford it.” He promised.

Miss Nott left her bedroom with a nightrobe over her nightgown. The girl looked at Bael-Varbrun
and literally hit him with a stunning spell that she had so obviously learnt from her father. She
knocked on the bedroom door, even though it was open, and Evie looked back.

“May I come in, Kari?”

“Sure, Sissy. I’m just in a lot of pain.”

“You should have taken that painless potion that the School Healer told you to.”

“They are addictive. Besides the pain they take is only less pain, this one is a lot worse.” Evie
argued and Voldemort looked at the boy. “I can handle pain, this hex and the counter curse are just
on double C’s level of pain.”

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed.

Who had dared to keep Evie under the Cruciatus Curse?

Miss Nott entered the bedroom and joined the boy, sitting beside him on the bed.

“Did you step on his feet?” Evie asked between clenched teeth.

“Not as much as Prewett stepped on my brother’s feet.” Miss Nott argued and Evie chuckled even
though he was in obvious pain.


Chapter End Notes

I don’t know if any of you realized, but Voldemort went out of his way to tell Harry
that he likes him and one day it can turn into love without needing to say the word
love. All of this because we know that He doesn’t believe in the word and what it
symbolizes, and yet he is admitting to Harry that they are at that level.

Next: Gentleman


Polls so far:

Hermione pairing so far (still accepting ideas and votes)

Remus Lupin
Rabastan Lestrange
Bellatrix Black
Viktor Krum (who will be a decade younger) (one of them Viktor
Regulus Black
Augustus Rockwood
Barty Crouch Jr.
Evan Rosier Jr.
Peter Pettigrew

What shall I do with Peter Pettigrew? Do I let him live? Or

does 'something' happen to him? (Still accepting votes)

Die – 11
Live – 10
Chapter XI –Gentleman–
Chapter Summary

Because the Dark Lord Voldemort can be many things… but he is a Gentleman

Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,563




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XI


Monday, 1 November 1971


Eventually Voldemort stood. Harry and Sissy looked at him as the man stored his pocketwatch.

“It’s a couple minutes past midnight. You two can relax.” He agreed and the children nodded.
“Sleep. You have classes tomorrow.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sissy agreed and Voldemort approached the School Coach still outside the bedroom,
picked him up and they heard them enter into the fire in the common room of their private quarters,
travelling through floo. “What did that piece of shit do to you?” The girl immediately demanded,
turning towards Harry.

“Infertility spell. Professor had to do a Counter Curse… Dark, what was just as painful.”

Sissy sneered.

“I should have stumped all over him.” She grumbled. “Will you be fine by yourself?” Was added

Harry showed the necklace.

“I’m never leaving it again. I didn’t have it on myself during the strike and that was why Professor
Riddle wasn’t warned beforehand.”

“I’ll make sure to remind you from now on.” Sissy agreed.

Harry laid down and the girl tucked him in.

“Did you hear us talking?” He wondered as she blew up the candles around the room.

Sissy stopped on what she was doing and then looked back.

“I had been about to leave my bedroom when he said he’d never force you into an arranged
marriage. I decided to wait and finish drying my hair to give you two time to finish it and then
pretend that I didn’t hear it.”


Sissy smiled back soothingly.

“You do know that this is the reason why he doesn’t claim you as his Heiress, don’t you?” She
offered and he raised an eyebrow. “You can be his Equal and his lover, but you cannot be his
Heiress and his lover. His Lady? Yes. Heiress? No. Every Slytherin realized that he was courting
you in a way it would be your choice on the long run because of the simple detail that he doesn’t
claim that he has an Heir. He could just say that he has one without saying who it was. He did it so
one day you could choose to be his Heiress or Lady. To give you that choice.”

“I understand nothing of Wizardry Philosophies.” Harry grumbled and Sissy snorted.

“I’ll owl Miss Malfoy to add it to your private classes.” The girl offered and finished blowing up
the candles, before leaving his bedroom and going to hers.

Harry held his locket under his clothes as he did his best not to focus on the pain that still struck at
his abdomen every now and then. He could handle pain, but this was something else. Then a warm
feeling came from the locket and involved him, just like the Diary’s Dark Aura used to do but
different since this one didn’t try to strike him. His shivering of pain started to recess thanks to the
warmness that somehow soothed him down and, before he knew it, the Aura had created a Ward
between him and his pain enough to allow him to fall asleep.

It was his first night without a nightmare. In decades.


Voldemort finished locking the Halfbreed in his newest cell where he would live for decades to
come, when he felt his locket’s Horcrux enter in touch with him again. He immediately gave it
entrance, wondering what could have struck his Equal right after he left him.

Instead of an image of the strike, he was instead shared the massive amount of pain that Evie had
been in. No wonder the boy was in tears. And then he heard a voice being spoken inside his own
mind that was his but wasn’t.

{I’m also raising a Ward against his nightmares. I usually hear him struggling in his sleep, but
today it’s the first-time he sleeps with me on.} The 20ish-year-old Horcrux supplied. {Miss Nott
has already guaranteed that she won’t let him leave the quarters without me on.}

{Be careful how much you overpower him. Evie’s Magical Core isn’t Dark.} Voldemort argued.

{His Magical Core is Pure Grey with one dot of Dark. That dot is what I’m using.} The Horcrux
argued. {His nightmares usually leave him restless for hours. Sometimes during the day he takes
naps while he is with his friends in the Grounds.}

Voldemort massaged his brows.

{Do what you can without hurting him on the long run.} He finally agreed and his Horcrux
hummed in agreement. {Although, do not let him find out that you are Sentient. He’d give the
locket back in a heartbeat.}

{I believe he already knows. He associated my Dark Magic to the Journal’s Dark Magic. He
called it Aura from what I understood.} The Horcrux argued. {Where did you store the Journal?}

{At the moment is in a Vault in Gringotts.} Voldemort argued puzzled. {Does Evie have dreams
about things yet to pass?} He asked instead.

{Do you want me to enter his mind?} The Horcrux retorted pointedly.

Voldemort rolled his eyes.

{Evie met me before I met him. He told me so. He either met a Horcrux, or he saw me in a Vision.
He knew without me needing to teach him that Riddle is Voldemort. He is actually the only person
to call me by Voldemort, what is ironic because he has no idea what to call me when he wants to
not call me Voldemort.}

{I’ll see what I can do without overpowering him.} The Horcrux agreed. {I’m not exactly made to
do it without it turning painful.} He added to remind him.

Voldemort nodded mentally and the Horcrux returned to his locket. Voldemort glared at the former
Coach, who shivered in fear.

“I was ready to torture you into insanity and then kill you.” Voldemort supplied and the excuse for
a man shivered. “But Evie had a request: I’m not allowed to kill you, I’ve to keep torturing you for
as long as you survive.” The man’s eyes grew. “According to Evie living is worse than dying, that
if you were to die: you would win.” If the man could speak he would be right now begging for the
quick torture and then death, Voldemort was sure. Voldemort let his features return to normal,
what made the other shiver head to toe at his snake-like features. “I might be many things, but if
my Equal asks of me something? I deliver. I may be a Dark Wizard, but I’m a Gentleman.”

Voldemort took out his wand, ready to make the other pay for what he tried to do to what was His
and stepped inside the cell, tears were already running down the man’s face and Voldemort had yet
to start.



Harry got up in the morning to still feel a slight hitch on his stomach. Deciding he should check it
before he ate something, he changed clothes and left the quarters he shared with Sissy (the girl still
asleep) to find the Head Boy Rosier already on the corridor facing his door.

“Please tell me you didn’t stay there all night?” Harry asked as the other fell into step beside him.

“No, I just returned from my rounds.” The older argued. “How do you feel?”

“I believe I should go to the Infirmary for a check-up. I still feel the side-effects of the Counter

Rosier nodded and accompanied Harry out the common room, down the Dungeons and up the
stairs until they arrived the Infirmary wing. Madam Pomfrey let them in and raised an eyebrow.

“The Bad Omen struck last night.” Rosier supplied. “Professor Riddle immediately applied the
Counter Curse, but Miss Peverell claims that he still feels pain.”

Madam Pomfrey sighed and signalled a bed.

“Do I want to know who dared to curse you and what was it?”

“It was Coach and an infertility spell.”

Madam Pomfrey looked at Harry immediately wide-eyed.

“The Counter Curse…?”

“Professor Riddle only applied the Counter Curse after Miss Peverell requested it from him,
loudly.” Rosier supplied. “If required I can justify that in Court under the Veritaserum Potion.”

Madam Pomfrey nodded and approached Harry, closing the curtain around his bed. A Soundproof
Ward was raised as he took out his robe and inner-shirt. He sat down against the headboard and the
woman did a check-up spell on his belly.

“Next year’s Samhain you will stay in the Infirmary wing under my fulltime watch.” The woman
added and Harry nodded, not arguing. “My colleague has successfully healed you of the Spell.”
She added as she read the popping in parchment. “Your future pregnancies will be dangerous
though. You will need to be accompanied by a Healer as much as possible and have stress-free

“Professor Riddle already warned of it, I still wanted to come check just to be certain before I’d go
have breakfast.”

Madam Pomfrey looked up into Harry’s eyes, then opened the bedside cabinet and took a potion
from the inside.

“How painful?”

“When the Curse hit me; I fell on my knees. I couldn’t even stand to call for help.” Harry supplied.
“After the Counter Curse I was on my bed in a foetal position crying and hiccupping like a baby
and I can handle a lot.”

The woman nodded and set a flask on Harry’s hand.

“Bottoms up and I won’t hear you arguing over it this time around. I may not bring this to the
Headmaster because, even if it was Legal, Dark Magic was still applied to rescue you, but I will
contact your Family Lord and Lord Malfoy will expect that I at least gave you a painless potion.”
The stern woman argued before he could retort. Sighing, Harry took it. “What classes do you have

“Transfiguration with Gryffindors after breakfast, two periods. Then Potions in the afternoon.”

“Very well. After Transfiguration come here. I want to see the side-effects this had on your
Magical Core, by then I will have Lord Malfoy’s agreement.”

Harry nodded and stood, dressing again.

“Can I eat everything?” He wondered.

“Eat toast and tea.” Madam Pomfrey offered. “And avoid using too much magic in your class. If
Professor McGonagall asks, tell her it were my orders.”

Harry nodded again and left the privacy of the curtains, joining Rosier. The older scoffed and
stepped into Harry’s personal space, only to fix his robe for him and then pull his hair up into a
bun on the top of his head. The two left the Infirmary wing and descended.

“May I wonder if any side-effects?” The other male wondered.

“No more than the ones He said last night.” Harry argued and Rosier nodded. “He proposed
yesterday.” The adult in child-body added embarrassed.

Rosier looked back at Harry and then ahead.

“What was His wording?” The teenager asked.

“That He was courting me, but I still had a choice. I could choose to say no and just be an Heiress.”

Rosier nodded.

“Then take your time. You have seven school years to think about it without Lord Malfoy legally
be able to start demanding you to choose someone. You are still young: you still have time.” The
officially older offered soothingly as they arrived the Great Hall and entered. “And if I may?”
Harry nodded as he was guided towards the Slytherin’s House table’s female side. “Most Courters,
if they don’t like something, they won’t go out of their way to deliver it to their being courted
possible fiancées.”

Harry frowned confused as he sat down only for a magazine to be set down beside his plate. Rosier
moved around the table and then sat facing Harry as Harry looked at the broom’s mag.

“Are you saying that because you want me to choose him? Or because you believe that?”

Rosier smirked.

“I may be bias, but according to what I heard you are the first and only person He even showed an
interest on. That has to count for something.”
Harry sighed and opened the mag.

“I need to think about it.”

The older nodded.

“I marked several pages where they have the Nimbus brooms. I never saw someone fly as fast or
the way you did, still the newest one looks a little unbalanced. I marked the page even so as you
said it was the one you wanted.”

Harry opened on the newest one and raised an eyebrow at the other.

“Why do you say unbalanced? It’s perfect. It’s angle. It’s shape…” Harry stopped when Rosier just
looked at him confused. “What!?” He demanded harshly.

“You believe that is the new fastest and better shape?” Rosier asked instead and Harry nodded with
a Duh face.

Rosier grabbed the mag and started marking new pages, while signalling at the food. Harry picked
several toasts and served a mug with tea as the other quickly looked through every page. Harry’s
friends started arriving and joining them on the table, none asking why Rosier was on their group.
Eventually Rosier returned the mag and Harry looked through each one until he found the one
people rarely bought in this time and age but that in the future would be considered one of the best
brooms but that were practically extinct because no one had bought it and that the Firebolt had
been made to look like it the best as possible. Harry shared a look with Ron beside him and then
showed the page to Rosier, who scoffed.

“Anything against?” Harry retorted in a dare.

“You really have tastes that surprise me.” The older argued, stood with the mag and walked
towards the head table where Professor Riddle was having breakfast.

Voldemort accepted the magazine and looked at the one Harry had chosen and then nodded.

“Is He actually going to buy you a broom himself?” Ron whispered back and Harry nodded.
“Lucky bastard!” The other grumbled jealously.

“Do you want to battle the Coach and win?” Harry argued while holding back his shiver so his best
friend wouldn’t realize.

Ron groaned.

“How would I win while playing Keeper?” The other argued. “And with my self-esteem.” He
added with a grumble.

“It is on a massive sale, you can always ask my cousin.” Harry added jokingly, what made Ron
choke as he drank and literally showered himself with his juice.

“Veronique Prewett!” Hermione reprimanded from her place by Ron’s other side, having also
caught a shower.

“It’s his fault!” Ron whined while pointing at Harry as the rest of their group laughed. “And there’s
no way your cousin will willingly buy me a broom, massive sale or not!” He added towards Harry.

“Doesn’t hurt to ask.” Harry argued as Hermione on Ron’s other side kept hitting his shoulder with
a book for bathing himself and her. “You know that the Prewetts will never be able to afford not
even the cheapest. And I don’t have money my own to be able to do it for you.” He added with a


Chapter End Notes

So I put myself against the wall… anyone has any idea what I should call this new
broomstick? Because I’m stuck. It can’t be the usual Nimbus or whatever like the
other brooms, it has to be named alike the Firebolt as Firebolt was supposedly build as
the second version of this broom

Next: Legal Guardian

Chapter XII –Legal Guardian–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,513




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XII

–Legal Guardian–

Monday, 1 November 1971


Harry approached the younger Professor McGonagall as the first-year Slytherins and Gryffindors
entered the classroom, while his friends sat down.

“What is it, Peverell?”

“Madam Pomfrey told me to warn you that I am not allowed to use too much magic today.”

The stern woman looked up from her desk and took a good look at him.

“I heard from my co-workers that yesterday was your Bad Omen day. I didn’t see Coach Bael-
Varbrun at all last night nor this morning, did something happen?” The woman asked and Harry
nodded as his body shivered against his accord, what obviously was noticed by his Professor.
“Poppy said you could attend classes?” The woman asked instead of prying further because the
whole classroom was listening to.
“Madam Pomfrey allowed it after hearing that I only have Transfiguration now and Potions in
afternoon.” Harry agreed.

Professor McGonagall picked a spare needle and set on her desk facing Harry.

“Under my watch so I can control any possible decontrol.” The woman ordered, Harry took out his
wand and shaped the needle into a match. “Very well, 10 points to Slytherin. Now, I will give you
an essay for you to deliver next class.” The woman said as she wrote down the title while the
Slytherins clapped because Harry had done it on first try. “I’m not giving you a free pass. You are
to go directly to the Infirmary wing and will have to deliver a 4 feet length essay besides the same
homework that I will be giving your classmates, understood?”

Harry nodded and accepted the pass, essay title and homework title, before leaving. Uncle Abraxas
was in the Infirmary wing talking with Madam Pomfrey when he arrived.

“Miss Peverell?”

“Professor McGonagall made me shape the needle into a match on her desk and then gave me a
massive essay to fill instead, before sending me back to the Infirmary wing.” Harry supplied as he
showed the parchment with the pass for in case he’d be caught outside his classroom.

Madam Pomfrey nodded and signalled him to a bed. Harry sat down and let the blond man to look
him over as the School Healer went to fetch something from her office.

“Where they this bad at Malfoy Manor?”

“I usually lock myself on my room… the first-year that I moved in Aunt Genevieve made Dobby
open the door for her and she grabbed my wrist forcing me out, only to dislocate my shoulder blade
when I struggled back. My body was still weak from the hospital stay.” Harry shrugged. “Dobby
started refusing to listen after several years because the issues started getting worse. The last time
she forced me out I literally fell down the Malfoy Manor’s stairwell and woke up next day’s
morning hidden in Cousin Lucius’ room while Dobby healed me with House-elf’s Magic.”

Uncle Abraxas nodded with a sneer.

“I’ll have a talk with my wife over Omens and that she should have realized it when they kept
going worse each year.” The man said and Madam Pomfrey returned with a specie of machine. “I
want Coach Bael-Varbrun expelled after what he did. I should never had let Professor Dumbledore
make me change my mind in the first place…”

“Madam Pomfrey, do you mind stop listening so if you are asked you know nothing about it?”
Harry wondered and the School Healer nodded, stepping away and pulling the curtains to give
them privacy and confidentiality. Uncle Abraxas hit the curtains with a Soundproof Ward, before
raising an eyebrow. “Voldemort backed me up and even did the Dark Counter Curse after I begged
it from him. He waited until midnight last night before he finally left and took Coach with him.”

Uncle Abraxas’ eyes grew.

“How did he take him?”


Uncle Abraxas scoffed and Harry raised an eyebrow.

“You might refuse him, but he stops thinking rationally when around you. He knows Floo Travel is
under watch. I’ll send a fellow Knight to deal with it.” The blond explained. “If he ever asks, you
need to say yes.”

“He already did and told me I could choose whoever I wanted even if he is courting me and I end
up choosing someone else.”

Uncle Abraxas’ lips thinned before he opened the curtains.

“Everything alright?” Madam Pomfrey wondered as she returned to work.

“My Courter, that Uncle Abraxas tried to arrange my arranged wedding with, has told me that in
the end it will be my choice even if He is courting me. Uncle Abraxas doesn’t approve that a
female or male Natural Bearer might have a right of a choice.” Harry shrugged. “Are you going to
make me an ultrasound?”

“Yes, to see your womb.” The Healer agreed and looked at the blond man with a raised eyebrow.
“You gave this Wizard the choice and he chose to give your nephew a choice. You cannot impose
on your nephew another lover because you already chose your candidate.” Uncle Abraxas
obviously glared at the woman for daring to step in. “You were the one who chose him, not me.”
She argued amused and turned again towards Harry. “School robe and inner-shirt off, Miss.”

Harry stood and took out his robe and shirt, before laying down. He let the woman put the cold gel
on his stomach and then the wand from the machine which made the machine’s visor immediately
storm to life. As Madam Pomfrey looked around his insides, he looked up at the ceiling.

“How is Mother?” Harry wondered.

“Amphitrite is fine. We finally got the legal paperwork done. You will restart having your classes
with her hopefully still this week.” The only blond answered. “How is Callisto’s womb, Pomfrey?”

Harry’s lips thinned at the way the man spoke about his ability to get pregnant as if it was
something worth selling or not.

“Uncle!” He snapped and took the wand out of his belly. Madam Pomfrey frowned, but didn’t
argue. “Let’s make two things certain:

“First: I may be a Natural Bearer but I’m still a male! Stop treating me like a bloody chick who
will break if poked! (Not that I’m saying that women break if poked, that is!)

“Second: Your chosen intended for me told me, to my face, that even if I wasn’t a Bearer or if I
had lost the ability to bear children; he would still want me. Pregnancy or no pregnancy. And that
if I still wanted children that he would blood adopt them alongside me!

“I am done with the way you and your wife ill-speak about me. Stop pretending that you care. All
you worry is if I’ll make the Malfoy Family’ name justice or not. If I’ll make a good marriage.
Stop trying to shift me into the perfect bride! I’m never going to become one. I’m never going to let
you turn me into my mother. From what I heard she used to be the type of woman every man
wanted! Until you and Grandfather destroyed her spirit by refusing her the man she chose!”

Uncle Abraxas obviously raised his arm to slap Harry, only for he to see the locket on Harry’s
neck. The two stared at each other for a real long moment as Harry felt the locket warming up and
raising a warning Ward around him that Harry was certain even the blond could feel it. Uncle
Abraxas lowered his hand with a sneer.

“You can say the new broom goodbye.”

“Don’t worry, my Courter already promised he would be the one to buy it for me. Even though he
hates flying: he wants me to be happy, unlike some people.”

Somehow the blond man paled drastically, before he turned around, walked away and pulled the
curtains close to give Harry and Madam Pomfrey’s space, as the locket’s Aura returned inside and
stopped burning the boy’s chest.

“Who did he try to sell you to?” Madam Pomfrey asked as she set up the machine again.

“Professor Riddle and right after taking me in.” Harry replied and could feel the locket warm up,
although this time not in a threatening way.

The woman scoffed and turned the machine towards the bed to show Harry the screen where a
black ball of light was in the middle of somewhere.

“What he did… any future child you might have will be predisposed to having a Dark Core. Even
if your future husband is Pure Light.”

“Is a side-effect…”

“Do remember you begged for this.”

“I’m not against.” Harry argued. “Mother is teaching me Magical Cores’ affinities.” He explained.
“It’s just…”

“Everyone always assumes Light with Good and Dark with Bad because of the Muggle’s
perception of it.” The stern woman agreed as she closed the machine and started to clean the gel
she passed earlier. “Your scars…”

“From when I run away from the Muggles.” Harry said with a shrug.

“Do you want me to…?”

“The Healers even wanted to take my forehead scar away, I refused. My scars are what make me

Madam Pomfrey looked up at Harry and then nodded.

“The itch you could feel earlier, is it gone?”

Harry shook his head.

“It’s like that itch you can’t scratch.” He argued. “But it stopped being painful.”



Voldemort looked up as his students left class to find Pomfrey entering without being given

“Anything I can do for you?” He wondered as the last students left.

The Witch waited until all the students were gone, before she raised a Soundproof Ward.

“Your Counter Curse left a ball of Dark Magic in the location of Miss Peverell’s womb.” Pomfrey
put in and he raised an eyebrow. “I floocalled Lord Malfoy so he would allow the test without me
needing to notify the Headmaster about the Dark Magic.” She added.

“Very well… how much did it affect his Magical Core? I assume you’re telling me because you
want me to look into it?”

Pomfrey stayed quiet looking back with a raised eyebrow for a long time as if waiting for

“You really are going to pretend that you have no relation with Miss Peverell?” She snapped after
she got done with his silence.

Voldemort sighed.

“Evie told you about that.”

“By Evie I believe you mean Miss Peverell, and he told me because his Uncle was literally
refusing him his right of a choice.”

Voldemort passed a hand through his face.

“I’ll have a talk with Abraxas.” He agreed. “How is Evie? Last time I saw him he was in massive
pain from both the Curse and the Counter Curse. Did I affect his Magical Core? Because last time I
checked it was pure Grey with some hints of Dark.”

“I didn’t test him on arrival, so I don’t know if he had any Light before last night.” The Witch
argued. “But those Dark hints you saw might have been the side-effect of the Counter Curse.” She
explained. “His womb is now a massive hole of Darkness. I told him that his future child’s Magical
Core (even if the other parent is Pure Light) will be Dark… it won’t just be Darkish. It will be
mostly Dark.”

“I tried to tell Evie that it was illegal and he still called me out. Called me by a name he only uses
when mad at me. A name he was never taught actually.”

Pomfrey nodded.

“You need to pay attention to his Magical decontrol. He will be susceptible to Dark for the next
months.” The Witch offered and Voldemort nodded. “And I don’t know what kind of upbringing
Lord Malfoy did on his nephew… but he was just thrown to his face that Miss Peverell won’t let
him turn him into what he has done to his mother.” The Wizard sneered. “Considering you are
courting Miss Peverell… I can legally tell you that I almost watched a Legal Guardian’s body-
contact reprimand of his Ward, until the Wizard saw your locket on the boy’s naked chest which
was raising a magical protection.”

Voldemort massaged his eyebrows.

“I really need to have a talk with Abraxas.” He grumbled under his breath. “How was Evie’s

“Defying one. Not once backed down. Even when he was told there would be no broomstick… his
reaction was to tell his uncle that you had already agreed to buy it instead, because unlike his uncle
you actually wanted his happiness.”

“Evie accidentally made me his Legal Guardian with Magic Words, didn’t he?” He questioned and
the Witch nodded with a smile at the corner of her lips. “What explains why you come to me. I’ll
warn Amphitrite to teach the boy what Magic Words are and what they can do. How much do you
need to bring this to the Headmaster?” He added uncertain, just knowing the older would use it
against him.

“I don’t need to. Plenty of students’ Legal Guardians are their off-age courters and the Headmaster
has no knowledge of it.” The Healer argued. “Just tell me this: What do you feel about him?”

Voldemort looked up at his former Ravenclaw classmate in the eyes and she smiled amused.

“Evie knows.” He agreed. “I told him last night.”

“He must be quite the boy, I remember when we were students and you didn’t let anyone close.”

Voldemort smirked.

“All he has done… was scream at my face. He has quite the temperament. He shouted once as a
child and he got me hooked. But nothing compared to when I got hired and he literally shouted at
the Headmaster’s face.”

“He doesn’t take things laying down.” She argued.

“That’s what I like in him. And what I need to argue with Abraxas over.”

The Witch nodded and took out a parchment, offering it. Voldemort accepted it and looked up on
her Magical Check-up of Evie.

“He was left with an itch. I don’t want to scare him, but he needs to be checked twice a day for

Voldemort closed his eyes and focused on his Horcrux, only to realize that Evie was with his group
of friends. He opened his eyes again.

“I’ll go check him and will book-up with him tutoring hours to at least force him to come to my
office once a day.” He replied and Pomfrey nodded. “Don’t let him find out you are acting behind
his back.”

“Why not?”

“He hates people who do that, is always shouting at me if I dare to even pretend to do it.”

Pomfrey laughed.

“I don’t see you complaining.” She argued and Voldemort scoffed amused.

“Of course not, or I wouldn’t keep pretending.”


Chapter End Notes

Next: Butterfly

Chapter XIII –Butterfly–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,778




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XIII


Monday, 1 November 1971


Harry looked at the way his future dad, future godfather and Ron joked around, at the way Remus,
Hermione and Snape argued over classes and how Sissy was teaching (more like lecturing) his
future mum over the Wizardry World way and how much it differed from the Muggle World. Then
he looked at Peter, the only one beside him not in a conversation.

“What are you good at?” He wondered.

“Excuse me?”

“You must be good for something. There must be something you like to do and that you are good
at. I’m good at flying. Ron’s good at chess. Hera loves to read. Sirius and James I believe that it’s
joke around.” Harry put in and the two Gryffindors smirked back. “Snape is Potions and Sissy… I
better not pinpoint that out.” Sissy sent him one of her smug smiles. “Lily is…”

“Lily loves a good garden. What about you, Peter Pettigrew? What do you like and what are you
good at?”

“I’m not good in anything.” The boy argued.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“Everyone is good in something. Just stop comparing yourself to us. You think Ron compares
himself to me each time I fly faster than him? Or that I run? Who do you think we turn to when we
need to think? Hera. Who do we turn to when it’s time to plan something? Definitely not me or
everything will go against the plan and downhill with my Luck.”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Then find out.”


“Find out what makes you happy. What you like to do. What you are good at. Don’t just follow
people around because they are bullies and give you protection against bigger bullies.”

“I resent that.” James whined.

Harry raised an eyebrow back.

“Until I started stepping in… Sissy, can you tell me how many times you had to call me to join you
at stopping them from messing up with Snape?”

“How many times per hour?” The girl wondered and Harry looked pointedly at the Gryffindors.

“It wasn’t that bad…” Sirius argued.

Harry groaned and stepped away from Peter and approached them.

“Want to know why I am so fast at running? My Muggle-adopted cousin had a game. It was called
Harry Hunting. I run. I get caught. I get beaten into a pulp.” The two boys tensed up. “I learnt to
run really fast.” Harry added pointedly. “So, yeah. If there’s one thing I hate more than Traitors
and Bigoted people? It’s Bullies!”

“HARRY!” Hermione suddenly shouted.

Harry looked back at her and stepped away. He took a deep breath to calm down his magic and
then looked at Peter.

“Learn some self-respect. I know I’m not the best person to tell you this. My Muggles were always
bringing me down, even a Bulldog had more rights than I did at that place, and yet I still have
more self-respect than you do.”

“We’ll help him at learning what he is good at.” Remus offered.

Harry nodded and approached Hermione, crossed his arms over his chest and gave her the look of
just be done with it.

“Just how bad were the Muggles?” Hermione asked instead of slapping the back of his head like

“I lived in my cupboard under the stairs and at 7 I literally apparated into St Mungo’s Hospital
bathed in open wounds after a massive beating… you tell me.” He grumbled and then closed his
eyes when Hermione raised her hand, only to frown and open his eyes when instead she grabbed
his head and pulled him into her chest as she held him tight. “Wha…?”

“Shut it and hug back.” She reprimanded.

Harry looked at Ron unsure over Hermione’s shoulder. Rolling his eyes, Ron pulled Sirius close
(who was the closest) and pulled his arms over the other’s back.


Harry surrounded Hermione with his arms and held her back.

“You aren’t going to start doing it all the time, are you?” He wondered when she finally released

“You never had a hug? Not even from the Malfoys?” James wondered and Harry shook his head.
“Not even from your biological Mother? Or adopted?”

“My Muggle parents died when I was 15-month-old.” Harry argued. “And the Malfoy Family with
their nose in the air?” He argued as he copied Draco Malfoy, what made Ron burst out laughing.

“But…” James started.

“The Blacks are exactly alike, James.” Sirius argued. “I only get hugs because Megara and the
Lestrange Family actually cares about me… which now in retrospect makes sense.”

Harry looked at Peter staring back and then at the approaching adult, only to groan loudly. That
alerted their group, who turned immediately.

“Professor Riddle, we swear that nothing happened.” James was fast to argue.

Professor Riddle narrowed his eyes at the prompt comment, he looked around them and then raised
an eyebrow at Harry.

“What did you do this time?”

“Right now? I’m just breathing. Living beings do that. Breath.”

“Callisto Evelyn Peverell!”

Harry’s lips thinned, Voldemort had to be in a real bad mood to use his full name.

“I was giving my classmate a pep-talk over how to have some self-respect.” He grumbled.

Voldemort literally looked at Sissy with a raised eyebrow as if he didn’t trust Harry to tell him the
truth, who nodded. The man sneered and offered his hand.

“Your timetable.”


“Because I want to write on it.”

Harry picked his backpack to take his timetable.

“Snape has already given you our timetable.” He argued confused. “Does Mother already have
hours? Are you going to add them?”

“I’m not. Professor Slughorn will later.” Voldemort retorted and accepted the parchment, picked a
quill and an ink bottle that he magically levitated and then started writing on the parchment. “Why
do you have drawings of Butterflies and Poison Ivies on your timetable?”

“It’s us.” Hermione offered as she pointed at herself and Ron, while Ron grumbled under his breath
about them never letting him live that down. “Kari and Ron call me Hera.”

Professor Riddle looked up at the two and then nodded.

“Gryffindor and Ravenclaw classes with the Slytherins.” He offered and the two nodded. He
returned Harry the timetable, who looked at it to see that twice a day extra-hours had just been
added. “Madam Pomfrey is of the belief that for the next several weeks I should keep an eye on
your magic as it might lose control because of what happened during your Omen. Bring your
schoolwork; you will do homework and study for tests in my office during those hours.”

Harry’s lips thinned but he nodded.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now, I have to return to classes.”

They all watched the adult turn around and leave.

“I don’t understand.” James put in, what made Harry raise an eyebrow as Professor Riddle
disappeared from view. “He hates you, why does he bother that your magic is out of control?”

“First: the School Healer told him to keep an eye on me.” Harry argued. “Second: he is helping me
with my homework.”

“How so?”

“Kari does it twice. Once, then Professor Riddle reviews it and tells him every typo and what he
needs to look over. Kari does homework again. Professor Riddle reviews it again.”

“So technically I do homework twice and in History sometimes I do four times. Full essay, not just
a quick scribble. I’m forced to do extra work or he won’t even read it.”

“I definitely don’t want him for my personal Tutor.” James argued.

“Yeah…” Harry agreed. “But it’s effective.”


Friday, 5 November 1971


Lucius looked up at his Aunt as she entered his quarters.

“News from Kari?” He wondered, considering the Witch had just come back from Hogwarts.
“Yes. He asked me to deliver you this personally without your parents’ knowledge for some
reason.” His Aunt agreed as she offered him Kari’s letter.

Lucius nodded and accepted the scroll and rolled up magazine’s page. His aunt left and he opened
the scroll.

Cousin Lucius,

I know that I am not much for letters and that I should have contacted you earlier. But
I honestly had no idea what to write to you.

Well, now I do.

I won the bet against Coach because Uncle Abraxas promised that he would buy me a
broom if I won. I did, but then Uncle Abraxas refused to buy me because I don’t act
like a submissive bearer like he wants me to. Even though the man he wants to sell me
to has told me to my face that the reason he wants me is because I’m not like what
Uncle Abraxas wants me to become.

I didn’t contact you to ask you to buy me the broom, my courter is already doing that

Lucius shivered at the knowledge that the Dark Lord was taking initiative against his father on
Kari’s growth. No wonder Father had screamed during their last meeting.

What I’m contacting you about is that Ron will never be able to buy a broom himself.
Uncle Abraxas doesn’t give me a trust fund like he did with you so I cannot buy it for
him and there’s no way I can convince Mother to lend me that massive amount of

It’s on a massive sale and it’s the last ones. I’ll bake you all your favourites when I
return for the winter holidays and then during the summer holidays. I swear.

Your cousin


Lucius opened the magazine’s page and looked at the signalled broomstick that Kari was asking
him to buy. Well. It was on a massive sale.

Lucius pocketed the magazine and letter and left his quarters. Only to find Mère going his way
with several small portraits in her hands.

Oh no… there she goes again!

“Lucius! Look at these beautiful young Witches. They…”

[Mère,] “we have spoken about this. I will not wed someone if you arrange our wedding for me.”


“Father gave me the right for a choice and I intend on keeping it.”

Mère snarled in French and stomped down the corridor to go argue with her husband. Lucius
hurried to leave before she’d turn Father onto her side just to stop listening to her. Last thing
Lucius wanted was to wed someone just like his parents had. A wedding by convenience…
Lucius knocked on Prewett house and looked around the place, doing his best not to sneer. No
wonder Ronnie was always with clothes too short for him.

“Heir Malfoy.” Ronnie’s oldest cousin, Lucius believed her name to be Molly, opened the door.
“Can I help you?”

“May I see your father?” He asked, to which the Witch nodded and let him in. “And I believe I owe
you a congratulations on your pregnancy.”

The newlywed Witch smiled back, putting a hand on her belly.

“Thank you. Arthur is setting up our new house for me to go live with him before the baby is born.
Ronnie will be able to move from the attic into my room.” She offered.

Lucius limited to nod. They arrived the office and Lucius let the Witch knock on the door, before
opening it.

“What is it, Molly?”

“Heir Lucius Malfoy is here to speak with you, Papa.”

Lord Prewett looked at Lucius and signalled him in. Lucius nodded at Mrs Molly Weasley and
entered, to which she closed the door after him.

“Ronnie is at school and so is your cousin.” The Wizard before him argued, returning to his

“I came to ask you the legal rights to officially court Ronnie without it being an arranged wedding.
He’ll have the right of the choice when the time comes and I can buy him all the gifts I want until

That did make the other look back.

“Do you know the history of our Families?”

“I know that you refused Aunt even though you two were engaged since birth. After that she fell in
love with a nobody and Grandfather made him disappear, as well as their bastard child. I know
because Father refused the same to happen to me. I had almost let” [Mère] “persuade me into an
arranged wedding with Narcissa Black when my cousin showed-up and I was finally told of the
reason why I never had an engagement before.”

Lord Prewett looked at Lucius for a long time then he sighed.

“Ronnie is filled with strange scars in his whole body that he refuses to explain where they come
from. Chest, back, arms and legs. He also has a blood quill mark on the back of his hand from
before he moved in. He speaks in his sleep and he snores.”

Lucius smirked amused.

“I haven’t heard a but.” He said.

“If you decide to court him, you are courting a Natural Bearer who refuses to act like one.”

“That’s why I am asking for him and not wedding Narcissa.”

“If what you want is a feisty Witch, there’s always Bellatrix.” Lord Prewett said.
Lucius scoffed.

“I never said I preferred females either.”

Lord Prewett smiled.

“I have to admit that considering how the lad is, he’d be lucky to wed someone like you.” He
agreed. “But that won’t mean that you will have an easy job. He will fight you. And buying gifts
will only get you until certain point.”

“And yet I want the Courtship instead of the Engagement.” Lucius stated firmly.

Lord Prewett picked from a free parchment and started writing down.

“Abraxas, am I right?”

“Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.” Lucius agreed as the other wrote down the official agreement to give
Lucius the permission to a Courtship with his nephew. “If it makes you feel any better, my” [mère]
“is going to disown me when she finds out.”

The Wizard smiled amused.

“Forget your mother, your father will kill you. On the moment you sign this contract you are
breaking the Family Feud between our families thanks to my breaking of the engagement with your
aunt.” Lucius shivered at the reminder and Lord Prewett looked up at him as he wrote down the
official courtship contract. “You really like him, don’t you? I know you’ve bought things that they
were for your cousin but had ‘accidentally’ been too big for Heiress Peverell and so gave Ronnie

“Ronnie is funny, loyal, brave and a good strategist. He can take one look around and tell which
are the best moves one should take. It’s not just with chess, he can also do it with people.”

Lord Prewett hummed.

“Unlike your parents and most Pureblood families, you don’t want a stay at home wife.”

“No, I do not.” Lucius agreed. “I will not lie to you. I am not in love with Ronnie. But I really care
for him and I would like the permission to see until where it could go.” Lucius admitted. “Until we
kiss on the lips or something extra, we can still refuse each other with this way of contract without
creating another Family Feud.”

Lord Prewett nodded and finished, signing his name and putting his Family seal. Lucius
approached and accepted the quill, only to sign his own name at the end. The parchment
disappeared immediately after, only for a duplicate to appear before Lord Prewett with the
Gringotts symbol.

“The other copy must have appeared before your father as well. I do not fancy you one bit right

“I did not put the Family crest. My father won’t be alerted until I see that he needs to be alerted.”
Lucius argued, before bowing his head and left.

He looked at the magazine page and the broomstick Kari had told him that Ronnie wanted. First
official courtship gift. It was then that he noticed that on Kari’s parchment there was a PS.
Ps: Ron loves following butterflies.

Lucius wondered why his cousin bothered adding that but went to the sports store and bought the
requested broom.

“Is it a gift, Heir Malfoy?”

“Yes, a Courtship Gift.” Lucius agreed, only to be offered several different types of wrapping
paper to choose from.

Lucius looked at one with butterflies and signalled it to the clerker, who nodded. How could Kari
know that there would be butterfly-themed wrapping paper?


Chapter End Notes

Am I the only one who feels pity for poor Lucius when Ron sees that wrapping paper?

Next: The Notts

Chapter XIV –The Notts–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,068




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XIV

–The Notts–

Friday, 17 December 1971


Sylvine woke up with shouts. She passed a hand through her face and stood up. She got out of her
own bedroom and went to her fellow roommate to find him in the middle of a nightmare. Looked
like they were back. She got out of their quarters to hear silence. So that’s why only she had heard

“Miss Nott?”

Sylvine looked to find Rosier Jr. doing his rounds around the labyrinthine corridors.

“Kari’s locket broke yesterday. He doesn’t have his nightlight anymore to hold back his

Rosier Jr. hummed.

“With Professor Riddle?” He asked and she nodded. “I’ll go see if Professor has already fixed it.”

“Be fast, because the more time he sleeps the more he loses control.” Sylvine offered. “In
beginning he would turn our quarters upside down.”

“When did it stop?”

“When he started sleeping with the locket, on the night of the Bad Omen.”

Rosier Jr. nodded.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He agreed and hurried down the corridors.

Sylvine entered the quarters again only to hear silence. She went to Kari’s bedroom to find the boy
awake as he fast breathed, most likely having screamed himself awake like the last time.

“Did… did I wake you?”

“Don’t worry about it. I was having a stupid dream that I wanted out.”

Kari stared back blindly, before he nodded. He made no move to pick the glasses, he stayed in a
sitting position holding himself as he fast breathed. A knock on the door behind Sylvine made her
look only to find Professor Riddle running in with a nod at Sylvine before he entered the bedroom.
He had actually run here…

“What was it about?” The Dark Lord demanded as he set one hand on Kari’s cheek and another on
his wrist to measure his pulse.


“He won’t hurt you ever again.” Dark Lord argued.

“Yes, he will!” Kari snapped and the bedroom door was closed on the girl’s face.

Sylvine turned towards Rosier Jr. with a raised eyebrow because the other closed the door.

“Do you know who He is?” The other asked and she nodded. “Then you should know better than
to see Him like this.”

Sylvine sighed and leaned against the wall as Rosier Jr. leaned against the other, both protecting
the door as the Dark Lord calmed down Kari.

“What did Kari mean by Coach will still hurt him?” She wondered.

Rosier Jr. looked at her and then again towards the outside door.

“Each of his pregnancies will be painful and he can abort at the slightest chance of mood.” As if to
remind them, they heard Kari’s angry voice inside. “And we both know that he is anything but the
example of a controlled person.”

Sylvine shivered. That was quite the side-effect that Kari had to live with forever.


Saturday, 18 December 1971


“Where’s my Uncle?” Ron wondered by Harry’s side as the two looked around for their relatives in
the train station. “I even owled them the day we’d arrive.”

Harry climbed the train’s steps again to be taller and looked around for any blond or ginger.

“I don’t see any of our relatives.” He argued.

“Could they have forgotten?” Ron wondered.

Harry shrugged and descended the steps again, he pulled the school truck to the side of the train
station and Ron followed him. Both sat down on the seats and waited as they watched the parents
come and pick the respective children. Finally someone approached them. They looked up to see
the Head Boy with a man older than him but too much lookalike.

“Why are you two sitting there?”

“We sent owls to both my uncle and to Harry’s mother, but neither came. They’re probably late.”
Ron put in with a shrug.

Rosier Jr.’s eyes narrowed and looked at his father, who picked a pocketwatch and opened it to
show a watch on one side and a mirror on the other.

{Abraxas.} Mr Rosier Sr. called and Harry’s uncle was fast to show on the other side. {Has your
sister left to pick up her son?}

{What are you talking about?}

{Hogwarts train was today.} Mr Rosier Sr. said in a reprimanding tone towards Harry’s surrogate

Harry didn’t need to see the two-way-mirror to know that his uncle gasped.

{The letter said…}

“We wrote today’s date. I’m sure of this.” Harry argued.

Uncle Abraxas obviously groaned on the other side.

{Lucius…} Uncle Abraxas called and Harry’s cousin must have replied something. {Lucius is
heading there right now. I’m in a Wizengamot trial’s break as we speak. Amphitrite booked it up
for today because the letter we got said Sunday.}

Mr Rosier Sr. looked up at Harry and then back to the two-way-mirror.

{Did you throw out the letter?}

{Amphitrite never throws out her son’s letters.} Uncle Abraxas argued, what made Harry blush.
He should owl her more… {I’ll bring it later to our meeting to have it checked-up.} The man
agreed. {Evan, look how expensive are the two-way-mirrors. Luckily you noticed them this time
around, who knows next time.}

{My son did, but yes, they need a two-way-mirror.} They looked to the side as Cousin Lucius
passed through the entrance of the Platform 9&¾. {Heir Malfoy has arrived.}
Mr Rosier Sr. stored his pocketwatch as Cousin Lucius arrived their sides in a hurried step.

“Thank you for warning us, Mr Rosier.” Cousin Lucius hurried to bow his head and Mr Rosier Sr.
nodded back. “Let’s go.”

“What about Uncle Charon?” Ron wondered as the two stood and Cousin Lucius hit their trunks
with shrinking spells.

“In the trial as a Lord.” Cousin Lucius supplied.

Harry frowned as the two followed the blond. Why would’ve Dumbledore change their letter just to
make them late? What would’ve he win with this?

Then as Mr Rosier Sr., Rosier Jr. and Cousin Lucius spoke as they walked towards the side where
a massive fireplace was: they heard a massive breakdown. Harry and Ron shared a look.

“Doesn’t this remind you of when we rode my dad’s car?” Ron whispered back.

Harry nodded back as Rosier Jr. immediately pulled them both behind him.

“Dobby!” Harry called and the House-elf popped in, making the adults stare back surprised. “How
many people can you side-apparate with at the same time?” Harry asked as they started seeing
people leaving the train’ carriages.

“Two. One each hand.” Dobby replied.

“Then take Kari and Ronnie to Perthro!” Cousin Lucius ordered.

Before Harry or Ron could argue Dobby held onto their hands and side-apparated. They appeared
in front of Sylvine, in a strange room, before they started falling down. Sylvine immediately held
Harry as a woman helped Ron.

“Dobby, go help them! They were under attack!” Harry ordered.

“What? Where?” A male voice demanded.

Harry looked to see an older-version of his former-classmate Theodore Nott, Sissy’s father most

“Train station. Cousin Lucius ordered Dobby to bring us away but stayed there with Rosier Junior
and Senior.”

Mr Nott immediately offered his hand to Dobby, who took it and side-apparated away.

“Mum, can I bring Heiress Kari Peverell and Miss Ronnie Prewett to one of the rooms? They need
a tea to calm down.” Sissy asked and the woman nodded immediately.

“Bring them to the VIP room.” She agreed, before adding kindly: “Do you have any favourite tea
flavour, Dears?”

Mrs Nott was definitely not what Harry had expected.

“Something sweet. It can be a teapot, we’ll share. There’s no need to use two teabags on us.”

Mrs Nott smiled back.

“Don’t worry, the Malfoy’s have an open account here. Darling, bring your friends up.”

Harry and Ron followed Sissy.

“How expensive is the VIP room?” Ron whispered back as they climbed some stairs.

“Let’s just say that I only saw one person use it before.” Sissy argued. “Our new Defence
Professor.” She added pointedly.

The two nodded and entered the room she opened for them. It was a dining room. It was then that
Harry realized that they were in a restaurant. They had just sat down when Dobby popped in with
Cousin Lucius and Rosier Jr., the teenager brunet and early-twenties blond fast breathing and still
with their wands in hand. Harry stood from the chair by the table at once at seeing they had been
stricken. Ron by his side as the two pulled the two physically older males to the table and sat them

“Do you have a first-aid-kit, Sissy?” Harry demanded.

“Harry meant potions and balms.” Ron amended at once.

“Yes, I’ll return with it right away.” She agreed and hurried out.

Harry looked at the wound on Rosier Jr.’s side of the head as Ron looked at the one on Cousin
Lucius’ arm.

“I take it this wasn’t Dark.” Ron pinpointed and the two males snorted, only to start laughing.

“No, but they intended to make it look like it was.” Cousin Lucius agreed, having finally calmed
down thanks to Ron’s attempt at a joke.

Sissy returned just as Dobby appeared with the two adults. Harry pulled everyone to sit down and
picked the first-aid-kit and started to look over the wounds, Ron beside him. The two boys in
female clothes grumbling over the wounds and what were the best to heal each one of them.
Eventually Mrs Nott opened the door. Harry looked up when he felt the Dark Aura, only to see
Voldemort beside the woman.

“What happened?”

“We were striked in the train station. I called the family House-elf but he could only travel two of
us at a time.” Harry explained. “Can you please tell me and Ron if this is a Cutting Curse or a
Burnt Hex’s wound?” He added signalling Mr Nott’s wound. “We can’t decide if to use a balm or a

Voldemort stepped forward and took a good look into the wound.

“Neither. It’s poison that was most likely thrown.”

Harry and Ron shared looks and then let Voldemort double check each wound before the two and
Mrs Nott would hurry to heal them. Finally they were forced to sit down and the teacup were set
on their hands by Sissy.

“Drink. You are having a panic attack.” She snapped at them.

With a sigh Harry let himself be relaxed by the tea as Mrs Nott finished healing the four wounded
“Abraxas asked me to look-up two-way-mirror’s prices when he realized he’d been lied about the
date they’d arrive and after today’s strike they really need them. Those two were the target, if my
son hadn’t noticed them sitting down as they waited for their relatives that wouldn’t come: they
would have been all alone.” Mr Rosier Sr. put in.

“Your son made an Unbreakable Oath with Magic Words to protect Evie, so he most likely sensed
something, Evan.” Voldemort agreed as Harry’s eyes grew. Rosier Jr. had done what? “Evie, your

“I’m not hurt.” Harry argued. “And when did Rosier made a vow? Why wasn’t I told about this?”

“I did it when you were struck by Coach.” Rosier Jr. put in. “It was my choice.”

Harry grumbled but let Voldemort pull his right hand close and then put a ring on his indicator
finger, which was too big. Voldemort let his magic surround his hands as he held Harry’s hand
between his and Harry felt the ring shrink to Harry’s size.

“I should have realized that the locket’s lock breaking to the point of me being unable to fix it
overnight had to be on purpose.” The older snarled and then released Harry’s hand. “It’s the
Peverell Ring on the Inheritance finger. My side of the bloodline doesn’t have a right to the
Peverell’s Lordship but yours has. You can use it without it being seen as suspicious.”

Harry looked at the massive black precious stone on the ring and swallowed his argument. Another
one of Voldemort’s Memories? Just how many did the older have?

“If they broke the locket, won’t they just take it out of my hand?”

“Family rings only the bloodline can do it.” Cousin Lucius argued. “From what Father found out
only the Potter family would be able to do it besides you and Professor Riddle.”

“What means that it were either you or the Potters. Either way I would know that you had taken it
out.” Voldemort argued. “How did you know that House-elf magic would’ve work inside the non-
apparating Wards?”

“Because Wizardry World sees House-elves as non-important and so don’t protect themselves
against them. I could apparate with Dobby into the middle of the most protected location in the
whole World and no one would even realize it had been done.”

“Evan.” Voldemort called.

“Yes, my Lord?” Mr Rosier Sr. wondered.

“How many Wards do you know that protect a location from House-elf’s magic?”


Voldemort’s lips thinned.

“Start studying then. I want a new layer to be added to my Manor.”

“And Goblin’s magic.” Ron supplied.

Mr Rosier Sr. nodded and picked a small notebook where he quickly pointed it down.

“If I don’t find a Ward I’ll create it.” He agreed and forced himself to stand, before leaving with
his son.
“Why were you hurt as well, Theodore?” Voldemort asked Mr Nott.

“When I heard the strike I told the House-elf to take me there so I could back-up Evan as the
House-elf would bring Heir Malfoy and Rosier Jr. away.” Mr Nott supplied. “They were dressed in
our robes.”

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed and looked at Harry before he nodded.

“We’ll speak about what happened later tonight. Leanore, can you bring two slices of cake? The
Natural Bearers need something to help them relax.”

“I only have one slice of chocolate pudding.” Mrs Nott argued.

“We’ll share.” Harry offered.

The woman nodded and left the room again. Voldemort approached and sat down at the head of
the table.

“Next time you two find each other alone in the train station, go with either the Notts or the
Blacks.” Voldemort ordered and the two nodded. Harry felt the way Voldemort looked at him and
then the man sighed and snapped his fingers. A House-elf popped in. “There’s a rectangular
package on my office; bring it, Slippery.”

The House-elf, Slippery, nodded and disappeared only to reappear with a broom package. Shyly,
Harry accepted it and thanked Slippery, whose eyes watered.

“Shit… you don’t thank him?”

“People usually don’t.” Voldemort agreed.

“I’m sorry, Slippery, I didn’t meant to offend you!” Harry hurried to add, but that only made
Slippery actually start to cry. “Bollocks!”

“Mistress Kari is a nice mistress.” Dobby hurried to explain to Slippery. “He always thanks and

Slippery accepted the other House-elf’s explanation before popping away as Lucius leaned down
and told something to Dobby, who also popped away. Harry opened the box to find his new
broomstick. He stood and weightened it. Of course it was no Firebolt but it was best than any
other broom in this time and era. He heard a pop as he levitated a foot while sitting sideways on
the broom just to feel how it felt, to see Dobby pop in with a broomstick’s length package with
actual butterflies on the wrapping paper. Lucius accepted the box and set before Ron, who turned
deep red to the tip of his ears as Harry snorted and fell from the broom.

“Shut it, Harry!” Ron grumbled.

“I take it my cousin lied to me when he said that you love butterflies?” Lucius wondered as he took
in Ron’s obvious bad mood.

“I once… once asked why we couldn’t follow butterflies instead.”

“Instead of what?”

“Spiders.” Harry put in as he stood up from where he’d fallen onto the floor. “Ron has
Cousin Lucius glared at Harry and gave Ron the package.

“I won’t commit this mistake again.” He agreed.

“Mistake? What? Are you going to start gifting me things?”

“Yes. I asked your uncle permission to legally court you. We’re not engaged, you can still refuse
me, but I am courting you.”

Harry glanced at Voldemort, who seemed just as surprised about the news.

“Does Uncle Abraxas know about this?” Harry wondered. “Or Aunt Genevieve?”

“I haven’t told them yet. But Lord Prewett has written and signed the official courtship contract.”

Harry frowned.

“Did you do it because I asked you to lend me the money for Ron’s broom?” He wondered.

“Lucius could never afford it even if it was just a money lent to you.” Voldemort supplied. “As a
courter he can, but not as a friend of the family. Principally with the Family Feud. Lucius knew
very well that he was breaking the Family Feud by asking for the courtship contract but he still did

“Miss Prewett, you better give Heir Lucius a chance because he just put a lot on the line for the
right to court you.” Voldemort added the last part pointedly.

Blushing, Ron nodded and opened the wrapping paper. It was the same broomstick although
different colour. Harry’s broom was dark-brown, but Ron’s was almost blueish.

“Thank you.” Ron said to Cousin Lucius, who nodded back.

“It was the only one they had at the store. It was that or woodish-red.”

“Maroon.” Ron supplied and Cousin Lucius nodded. “I hate maroon.”

“Then I’m glad I choose my family colours.” Cousin Lucius agreed. “I might have failed on the
wrapping paper but at the least I got it right on the colour.”

“I do not hate butterflies…” Ron argued shyly. “Kari and Hera just love to tease me nonstop over

Cousin Lucius nodded.


Chapter End Notes

When Ron says «Harry» is on purpose, since he isn’t thinking (either because he is
angry at Harry or because people were hurt) he automatically went to Harry’s real

Next: Lucius’ Intended

Chapter XV –Lucius’ Intended–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,220




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XV

–Lucius’ Intended–

Saturday, 18 December 1971


Harry nodded at Mother as the blonde woman worried to look him over for any possible wound
when they arrived Malfoy Manor.

“I’m fine, Mother. Dobby took me away before they picked their wands.”

“And why didn’t Dobby take Lucius as well?” Uncle Abraxas asked as he looked at Lucius’

“Because Dobby can only travel with two people at the same time and I sent Kari and Ronnie
first.” Cousin Lucius argued as he let his own mother to look at his arm’s wound.

The French woman started to snarl quickly in French. Harry could never understand her when she
started like that, but by the outraged look of his surrogate mother he knew he didn’t want to know.

[Ma mère!] Cousin Lucius snarled, successfully shutting up the woman. “My bracelet.” He
demanded as he offered his hand, facing up.


“The Malfoy Family bracelet.” Cousin Lucius demanded.

Harry’s eyes grew. Was Aunt Genevieve ill speaking about Ron? Was Cousin Lucius about to…?

“This is the bracelet to your future wife.” Aunt Genevieve argued, looking backwards at her
husband confused.

“Like I said: My bracelet!”

Aunt Genevieve’s eyes grew and a hopeful look showed on her face, Harry almost felt pity for her.
She hurried to take it from her handbag, take it from the jewel box and give it to Cousin Lucius
practically eager. Cousin Lucius picked it and then turned his back on his parents, grabbed Ron’s
right arm and put the bracelet on his wrist. Aunt Genevieve and Uncle Abraxas choked as Mother
snorted and the woman leaned down to whisper on Harry’s ear.

“Did you know?”

“He apparently asked Lord Prewett’s permission a month and half ago.” Harry whispered back as
Ron turned red as a tomato.

Cousin Lucius grabbed Ron’s hand in his and turned again towards his parents.

“I’m in an Courtship Contract with Veronique Billie Prewett. He is the person I chose, he is also
the possible bearer of your future grandchildren. So next time you ill speak of his future children,
remember that you are ill speaking of your own son’s chosen one’s future children,” [Mère!] “Your
own possible grandchildren!”

“It’s just a courtship, you can still change your mind and…!”

[Mère!] Cousin Lucius snarled. “I chose courtship because I won’t force Ronnie to stay with me
like you and father. One of the first things Cousin Kari taught me was that I didn’t want to wed
someone I did not care for. Ronnie might come from a poor family, but he is smart and a
strategists. He’ll know how to make our Family prosper. I don’t care that he is a male Natural
Bearer instead of a Witch like you do, I rather prefer it myself and from your point of view: he is
still a Pureblood.”

Aunt Genevieve took a deep breath and then a poker smile showed up on her face.

“You are right. Any favourite colours, Veronique?”

“Anything but maroon.” Cousin Lucius supplied.

Aunt Genevieve took a good look at Ron.

“Of course, you’d look terrible in that colour. I’ll speak with Helen Malkin tomorrow. As Lucius’
Intended we can now help you in some clothes more… your size.”

Harry shared a look with Ron’s ‘Kill me, Harry’ face.

“Maybe Ron should head home, the Prewetts must be wondering.” Harry offered.

Ron hurried to pick his new broom and then left with Cousin Lucius. As soon as the two left, Aunt
Genevieve dropped the façade and turned to sneer at Harry.

“Does He know?” Uncle Abraxas asked before his wife could tear Harry apart.

“Cousin Lucius proposed before both of us.” Harry agreed. “He hurried to come (when He heard of
the strike) to check on me, so He both knows about the fake-His Men’s strike and the Cousin
Lucius going against your backs and choosing Ron as his possible future wife.”

“What is Callisto talking about?” Aunt Genevieve snarled.

“My courter that Uncle Abraxas wanted to arrange my wedding-to when I moved in? The Dark
Lord Voldemort which is an anagram from Tom Riddle, Dearie Aunt.” Harry snapped and the two
women gasped. “And might I add that ‘Professor Riddle’ has chosen to court me instead of an
arranged wedding but, since I’m a male Natural Bearer I’m supposed to act woman-like, Uncle
Abraxas is furious because I shouldn’t be given the right of the choice?”

“Abraxas!” Mother snapped outraged. “Kari dear, why don’t you go set up your things in your
bedroom? Mother and Aunt need to have a good talk with your uncle over who is in control of the
house.” Harry blushed but nodded, picked his shrank trunk and broomstick. “Courtship ring?”

“Peverell Family heirloom.” Harry argued. “HE says that He has no right over the bloodline so I
can wear it without it being seen as an engagement or me being His Heir.”

Mother and Aunt Genevieve took a good look at the ring and then they nodded.

“If your Courter had put it on your ring finger it would be an engagement.” Aunt Genevieve
supplied. “I’ll see what I can do about getting you jewellery with your Family crest.” She added.

Harry nodded, surprised that the French woman was actually being nice to him, and then left the
living room. Dobby popped in and accepted the trunk.

“I can bring it, Dobby.” Harry argued.

“Mistress Kari needs a soothing bath.” Dobby said. “Dobby has set it up with Mistress Kari
favourite soap.”

Harry rolled his eyes but nodded and climbed to his private quarters, he set his new broom on the
specie of office that his quarters had in the entrance and then entered the bathroom where it was
already smelling with his favourite soap. He had to admit that these immersion baths to relax his
body’s scars had been something he’d missed at Hogwarts School.


Sunday, 19 December 1971

“I didn’t see you as one for those types of jewellery, Callisto.” Aunt Genevieve put in.

Harry looked up from the cufflinks he has been staring at, to his surrogate Aunt by his side as she
returned him his new ring.

“Is the measurement of my Family Crest and Precious Stone done?” He wondered.

“Yes, Voclain is now fetching all the possible sets of male Bearer’s Family jewellery that he has
for us to choose which one you prefer.” She agreed. “Anything in special about that cufflink?”

“His birthdate is on the 31 st.” Harry supplied as he looked again at the Slytherin crest cufflinks.
“But I don’t like this one.”

“Too impersonal, am I right?” The French woman wondered and Harry nodded. “Show me all the
cufflinks that you have at the moment.” Aunt Genevieve suddenly demanded to the returning from
the back with plenty of magazines clerker.

The clerker looked back from where he was setting down the magazines and then hurried to pick
up several boxes from the counter where Harry was seeing the Slytherin cufflink and put them on
display over the glass display counter. As he was left to look through them, Aunt Genevieve went
to the magazines and looked through them.

“Is this a Sphinx?” He wondered and Aunt approached to look.

“No, that’s a Manticore. A lion body and scorpion tail.” The woman offered, Harry looked at it for
a real long time and then at the others. “And that’s a Catnake. Cat body and snake tail. Rare

“I’m not a cat, Aunt Genevieve.” Harry reminded her.

Aunt Genevieve smirked and looked through the other cufflinks.

“Well, you have also the Lamia: a woman half-snake half-human. Or the Occamy: a magical
Creature snake that grows and shrinks to adjust to the size of what surrounds them. Their eggshells
are pure silver.” Aunt added the last part as if she desired an eggshell.

Harry looked back at the French woman and then at the blueish small precious stones to make the
scales of the snake with green precious stones in the location of the eyes.

“It has wings.”

“It can fly.” The seller agreed.

Harry looked at the under the cufflink to realize it was made of actual silver, as if it was the egg of
the snake.

“How much?”

“In those colours or…?” Harry turned towards the clerker and took out his glasses, showing his
green eyes. “Oh… we also make inscriptions.” Was all the clerker added as he took the Occamy
cufflink out it’s show box and stored it on the jewellery box.

“31 Dec ‘71 – From Evie.” Aunt Genevieve agreed before spelling Voldemort’s nickname for
Harry: “E. V. I. E.”

The clerker hurried to write down the inscription on a popping in parchment and then guided them
to the magazines. Harry looked through them disinterested. He already used too many jewelleries
to his likes.

“I already have a ring and a locket, Aunt Genevieve.” He argued. The woman looked at what he
meant and then at all the pages that had them and put them to the side. Finally one with a bracelet,
earrings, hairpieces and a diadem was showed. “I don’t…”
“For holidays and balls.” Aunt Genevieve said.

“Very well, but nothing more.” He retorted grudgingly.

She nodded and turned towards the clerker.

“I’ll return tomorrow to pick them all up.” She put in and the clerker nodded.

The two left and Harry glanced back at the shop and then at the Witch.

“You aren’t letting me pay my gift.”

“That wasn’t a cheap gift. You have keen eyes, but you don’t have enough money to afford it.”
Aunt Genevieve said. “Do not worry. It was still cheaper than all the complete wardrobe that is
being set-up for Veronique.” She added amused.

They stopped before Madam Malkin’s shop and Harry felt pity for his best friend who was being
forced to choose between several types of fabric, although Harry could tell Cousin Lucius was
doing his best to guide him through it.

“Where were you?” Ron whined.

“Voclain & Co. Jewellery shop, wanna trade?”

Ron groaned.

“I’m sorry for this, my” [mère] “went overboard with the whole you are now my courted thing.”
Cousin Lucius offered back quietly as Aunt Genevieve took over for them.

“Even though she doesn’t like me?” Ron wondered as he stared uncertain at the woman arguing
with the Seamstress over how her son’s courted didn’t like too feminine clothes.

“She may not like the idea that it’s you, but all she ever asked me was to pick someone and that
someone was you. She can’t demand more than that.” Cousin Lucius explained.

Harry and Ron shared uncertain looks.

“Well… it’s better than when she was snarling our names, I suppose.” Ron offered.

Harry nodded back as Madam Malkin signalled at Ron to climb the bench. Aunt Genevieve pointed
at the outside door as she looked at her son pointedly and Cousin Lucius raised his hands in
surrender, before leaving the store. The two time-travellers stepped inside the curtain’s private area
and the ginger climbed the bench before taking out his robe that he gave Harry to hold as the
measuring tape started. It was then that Harry heard Aunt Genevieve gasp loudly. He turned
towards her confused, to see her staring at Ron. He looked at his best friend confused and then
remembered the massive scars that surrounded his body made by the brains in the Ministry of
Mysteries and how it would look strange to an outsider.

“When my parents died and Harry was rescued from the Muggles.” Ron supplied with a shrug.

“I’m also scattered in scars, Aunt Genevieve.”

“Surely there must be something that can be done…” the French Witch started as Madam Malkin

“The Healers who healed me tried to take my scars away, I refused.” Harry argued with a shrug.
“Even Madam Pomfrey spoke about it.”

“And the Prewetts don’t have the money to afford it.” Ron said. “Besides, these are a reminder of
why we are here. It’s not bad. It’s a good memory.”

A memory of what they were fighting for. Harry added mentally.

Eventually they left Madam Malkin’s shop, joined Cousin Lucius outside and walked towards a
coffee shop. Glancing at Aunt Genevieve, still obviously thinking about the scars, the black-haired
boy sighed.

“Cousin Lucius, do you know about Ron’s scars?”

“Lord Prewett told me when I asked for the courtship.” The blond agreed. “Why?”

“Aunt Genevieve is traumatized.” He said with a shrug. “Can I drink a hot cocoa?” He added when
he saw another table with one.

“Of course, do you also want one, Ronnie?” Cousin Lucius asked and Ron nodded immediately.
“The usual glass of sweet red wine,” [Mère?]

Aunt Genevieve nodded and Cousin Lucius walked to the counter as they all sat down.

“Having scars don’t make us broken, Aunt Genevieve.” Harry reminded and the French woman
looked back at once, before she sighed and nodded.

“Of course not.”


Chapter End Notes

Please remind me how many of you hated Genevieve in the beginning of this fic? How
many of you still hates her now?

Next: «A house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.»

Chapter XVI –«A house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.»–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,758




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XVI

–«A house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.»–

Monday, 20 December 1971


Harry accepted the small jewellery box and opened to see his chosen gift.

“Abraxas told me that He doesn’t celebrate it.” Aunt Genevieve said and Harry nodded. “I don’t
believe that will stop you, will it?”

“He can either accept my gifts or stop His courtship.” Harry retorted. “Will there be any Ball this

“On the 25 th.” Aunt Genevieve agreed as she stored Harry’s new jewellery over a commode by the
side. “Want me to try to book-up something for the New Year’s Eve? See if He accepts?”

“Can I invite the Blacks, Nott and Snape? I won’t suggest Lily Evans, knowing you would have a
heart attack.”
“For the Yule Ball?” Aunt Genevieve asked and Harry nodded. “Who is on your friend group?”

“Hera Black, Sirius Black, Sissy Nott, Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter and
Peter Pettigrew.” Harry put in. “Besides Ron, of course.”

“Hera and Sissy?” Aunt Genevieve wondered as she set up the jewellery on show.

That was a massive diadem that he would have to wear one day…

“Megara Black and Sylvine Nott.”

Aunt Genevieve looked back and then back to the earpieces that she was hanging on a popping up
head bust alongside the diadem.

“Does He know who your friends are?”

“My friends sit with me at the Slytherin’s House table.” Harry agreed, going to set up his gift in the
bedside table’s drawer. “He even made certain to warn every Slytherin student that I’m out of
touch. So if before they used to ignore me, then they literally brought my ‘Gryffindor’ and
‘Ravenclaw’ friends to move onto the Slytherin’s House table.”

Aunt Genevieve nodded. She walked towards Harry’s bed and a rectangular box popped up on it.
Harry looked uncertain as the woman opened it to show a robe in light-grey colour and the
Peverell’s crest over the heart in black.

“I got you new dress-robes in your family colours.” Aunt Genevieve put in and Harry groaned
internally. “Try it on for me to see if it needs any adjustment.”

Harry sighed and pulled his robe over his head and then took out his inner-trousers and t-shirt off,
before he accepted the dress-robes’ black inner-trousers in silk that had been hidden under the
dress-robe and he hadn’t seen them before, putting them on. He accepted the sweatshirt and started
to put it on but it didn’t pass his arms.

“It’s too small, Aunt Genevieve.” He argued and gave it back.

The blonde woman walked to Harry’s commode and looked through his inner t-shirts and
sweatshirts, before she picked one in dark-grey and gave it to Harry.

“Use this one for now until I’ll get one in black that matches.”

Harry put it on and then the silver silk dress-robe that has an opening on the front before the legs,
literally showing-off the legs. He looked down confused and then up at the woman.

“I thought Uncle Abraxas was against showing-off my inner-clothes?”

“Amphitrite told me that the one who got you the permission for your inner-clothes was your
Courter, so that means that He isn’t against what you desire to wear.

“When you and I both first looked up clothes, you always would look at those type of robes.” Aunt
Genevieve put in. “So long as you wear your inner-clothes underneath to not show your skin as that
is badly seen, I do not see any reason why you cannot wear these types of robes.

“I mean: at Hogwarts School you still have to wear the typical black school robes.”

Harry nodded and let the woman check for his sizes.
“It’s good.” Harry put in. “At my relatives’ place I used to wear clothes four-times my size. Cousin
Dudley was a fat boy.”

Aunt Genevieve looked into his eyes and then at the helms again.

“You are giving me even more reasons to make sure it is the right size.” The woman argued and
Harry turned deep red.

There was a knock on the bedroom and both looked as the door opened, to show Voldemort.


“Professor.” Aunt Genevieve agreed. “What do you think about Callisto’s new dress-robe? I think
I should cut the sleeves’ helms a few centimetres and the same for the tail.”

Voldemort entered with a nod at Harry and took a good look at him.

“At the least two fingers on the sleeves or they'll fall on his food.” Voldemort agreed and then
signalled Harry around to look at him from behind. “And that tail is way too tall for Evie. Unless
you want him to let it trail on the floor after him, then it needs to be shorter.”

Aunt Genevieve nodded and Harry took out the dress-robe, giving the woman who left with it and
the sweatshirt that hadn’t fit him. Harry picked the robe he had been wearing earlier and pulled it

“Did you find out who struck at me and Ron?” He wondered.

“Professor Dumbledore’s people.” Voldemort supplied. “The locket is finally fixed.”

Harry turned his back on the older, while pulling his robe straight. The man approached Harry,
pulled his unbound hair over the robe and to the side to free the back of Harry’s neck. He then put
the Slytherin’s locket on him, locking it over the back of the neck.

“Did you speak with Aunt Genevieve?” Harry wondered as the older worked.


“Since Cousin Lucius told his parents about the Courtship and I told about Uncle Abraxas bigoted
ways that she suddenly turned nice to me and Ron. And I don’t mean the poker-like way that she
used to do when people were present.”

“She become nice to Miss Prewett because Heir Lucius didn’t give her a choice. All she had asked
of her son was to choose someone and he did.” Voldemort supplied as he pulled Harry’s hair over
his neck again. “And about you: Abraxas forgot that who rules a house is the wife. Men are the one
who bring the money, but the women are the one who keep the house standing.

“When Genevieve realized that Abraxas was refusing you that right she realized that she had to
undo all the mistakes that her husband had done so far. I did not talk with her because she decided
that all on her own.”

Harry hummed as Voldemort walked around Harry to look him from the front.

“So in all the chauvinism that is the Wizardry World, the woman is still very important?”

“A Wizard without a wife is nothing.” Voldemort agreed. “We need them to keep us astray.”
“So you are saying that without a lover to keep you in the right track you can go into roads that I
do not approve.”

Voldemort chuckled and pulled a hair out of Harry’s eyes that had fallen forward.

“I don’t know, after all… you and I aren’t official, are we?”

Harry rolled his eyes.

“That never stopped you from telling my relatives over how to take care of me, did it?”

Voldemort leaned forward and kissed Harry’s lightning scar.

“I promised you the ability to be treated as a Living being, that’s all you ever asked of me as a
child. That’s why I talked with your relatives to make sure they would let you have what you
wanted.” The older argued. “And now? When you told Abraxas about the broomstick? You
accidentally claimed me as your Legal Guardian. Your mother and relatives have no Legal Rights
over telling you what to do.”

Harry’s eyes grew.

“I did?”

“Why do you think I warned Amphitrite to teach you the power of Magic Words? You used them
on your uncle with the School Healer as testimony.”

Harry turned deep red, passing a hand through his hair.


Voldemort slapped Harry’s hand away with the back of his hand, accepted the comb from the
popping-in Dobby and combed Harry’s hair.

“You need to learnt to take care of your own looks.”

“I’m not you. Just because I’m a Natural Bearer doesn’t mean that I need to care about what I look
like.” He argued shyly as the older turned him around and pulled at his hair, doing him some kind
of hairdo. “But I do have to say that lengthened hair helps at keeping it less birdnest like it was
when you met me.”

“Yet, if you do not take care of it, it still can turn into a mess.” Voldemort reprimanded.

Harry blushed.

“Usually Sissy Nott braids my hair before I leave the Slytherin’s common room.”

“I’m not saying pulling it into a braid, Evie. I’m talking about combing it.” Voldemort retorted and
Harry stuttered. “It’s much better now but if you don’t comb it when you get up it will literally
turn into a birdnest as you call it.”

Harry nodded as Voldemort rearranged his hair into something worthwhile.

“Why me?” He whispered and the older hummed inquisitively. “Is it because I’m your Equal?”

“The reason I like you?” Voldemort wondered and Harry nodded. “No, that’s not why. I did not
know when you faced me as a child, after all.” He added as he accepted the hairband from Dobby,
trading it for the comb. “I don’t let people speak back at me and still demand respect from me. The
way you shut me up as a child and demanded to be answered to as someone important: made me
look at you like I never did anyone before. Then when I was hired and you faced Dumbledore…

“I am not a paedophile, Evie. It’s not that. I want you to grow up and become your own person. I
want you to grow and to keep me on my toes because no one else will. I want you like I never
wanted someone before. But I don’t want a child. I want you to grow and become my Equal and
not because Lady Magic tells you to be there.”

“I don’t approve of killing Muggles, nor the Muggleborns just because they are children of
Muggles. I see them as Equals.”

Voldemort let Harry turn around and face him again.

“Why are you telling me that?”

“That is what the Dark Side symbolizes, right?” Harry argued with a shrug. “I know Dumbledore
hates me because I’m a snake among the pure lions and eagle. Yet, my way of thinking is the one
of a Light Side. Of a Member of the Order of the Phoenix.”

Voldemort leaned down on one knee as he looked Harry directly in the eyes.

“If Muggles raised accepts the Wizardry World’s philosophies I do not see a reason why they
would be persecuted.” The older argued. “As I’ve told you, I’m sure you and me can reach an
agreement over how we see the world.”

“I do not hate Muggles.”

“And I believe in segregation.” Voldemort said. “What’s your thoughts about Squibs?”

“That it’s a torture for them to be raised among the Wizardry World because they do not have
magic and never will. Muggle Magic Tricks only make it worse.”

Voldemort smiled.

“Glad to know that we do agree in something. It’s a start.”

Harry blushed.

“Not all Muggles hate magic.”

“But both mine and yours did.” Voldemort agreed.

“Mr and Mrs Evans love magic.” Harry shrugged.

The older male smirked.

“I find it hilarious that you need to go to a classmate to find a good Muggle instead of using your
own example.”

The late-20s man that had been de-aged into an 11-year-old boy rolled his eyes.

“My relatives hated me not because of Magic but because of my parents. Because I survived and
they died. It’s a completely different reason why Aunt Petunia hated me. Uncle Vernon just didn’t
like my type. I don’t believe he even knew I was adopted.”
There was a knock on the bedroom door instead of the actual quarter’s door and the two looked
just as Uncle Abraxas was about to enter the bedroom, having already passed through the entry
office of Harry’s private quarters in Malfoy Manor. The blond froze as he saw the position the two
were in.

“I… I had come to warn you that lunch is set.”

“We’ll descend in a few minutes, Abraxas.” Voldemort agreed, not raising up from his position
before Harry on one knee.

Uncle Abraxas nodded and hurried out.

“Uncle Abraxas will spend the rest of the holidays looking at me like I’ve grown a second head.”
Harry mumbled, what made Voldemort start to laugh.

Harry looked at the older surprised as the other lost control and really laughed like there was no
tomorrow. Never before the boy had seen the older without his poker-face on. It was the first-time
that he looked Human even though he was in his serpentine features-self and he should look like
the Monster of Harry’s nightmares. Voldemort looked more Human in that moment than Harry
had ever seen anyone else.


Friday, 31 December 1971


There was a knock on his quarter’s door. Voldemort looked up from his dress-robe that he was
setting up for the New Year’s Eve’s Ball and opened the door magically. Evie was there already
dressed up and all pampered up, with his hands behind his back. He even had put on his new

“The ball is only in the afternoon.” He offered towards the boy that during the Yule Ball had to
practically be forced to change into his new attire and to put the jewellery on.

Evie nodded and stepped inside the office area of Voldemort’s private quarters in Malfoy Manor.
The lad approached, moved his arms forward to show a small ring-sized box that he had been
hiding behind his back and offered back.

“Happy birthday.”

Voldemort frowned, looked down at the box and then up at Evie.


“Today’s your birthdate.” Evie said, still offering the box. “Are you going to accept my birthday
gift or are you going to force me to open it up for you and force it into your hands?”

Uncertain, Voldemort picked the ring box and opened to see Occamy-themed cufflinks. He looked
up at Evie and then set down the box, picked the cufflinks and put them on the sleeves of his dress-
robe while realizing the inscription on the inside of the cufflinks.

“They’re gorgeous. Thank you, Evie.”

“Glad you like. I don’t remember what day Mother celebrates for me but I was taught to celebrate
on the 31 st July. You may not celebrate birthdays, but I do. You want to make us work? Then you
better start accepting that it’s not just you gifting gifts.”

Voldemort looked at his new cufflinks whose emerald eyes looked to be looking right back and
then at Evie’s AK-like eyes looking right back.

“I can handle one person celebrating my birthday.” He agreed and Evie nodded. “And I appreciate
the effort.” He added, signalling with one hand up and down at the boy’s obvious all pampered
looks for him. The boy had even bothered combing his hair and setting up the diadem… “But this
need to be an Us thing. No party. No cakes. No more than a private gift.” The Dark Lord
demanded, before hurrying to add when the boy started to narrow his eyes: “Not because I don’t
want people to know you gifted me things, but because I don’t want people to celebrate this date.”

Evie nodded with a smile.


It was the second real smile that the Natural Bearer boy ever gave him. Voldemort knew right
there and then that he would do everything in his power to make Evie smile plenty more. He
wanted someone who faced him without fearing repercussion, that refused to be the centre of
attention and still demanded attention. That’s how Evie was. That’s how Voldemort liked him and
how he wanted him to continue. How he wanted him to grow.


Chapter End Notes

I chose the Chapter’s Title because of a common Mexican proverb. It’s meaning
according to Wikipedia is that the woman is the one that makes a house work, or to
stay up.

It literally is where I’m basing this chapter upon. This whole fic actually. For all the
chauvinism that is the Wizardry World, they still look up to women/bearers to take
care of them.

And anyone who illspoke about Genevieve? Do remember that her fear of Harry in the
first chapter that she shows up was that Harry would take Lucius’ right on the Malfoy
inheritance. By Lucius choosing Harry’s best friend, Lucius is literally telling his
mother that he’ll only have children around the same time as Harry will. Not to
mention that Genevieve finding out it is Voldemort doesn’t mean that she got power
lust. She doesn’t gain anything with it (actually Harry is making her spend a lot of
Malfoy gold on gifts) but she realized that Harry will never take the Malfoy
inheritance, because he’ll take the Dark Lord’s.

Next: New Year’s Eve Ball

Chapter XVII –New Year’s Eve Ball–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,223




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XVII

–New Year’s Eve Ball–

Friday, 31 December 1971


Harry raised an eyebrow when Head Boy Evan Rosier Jr. sat by his side.

“You were invited to the ball?”

“Lord Malfoy decided to invite all of His closest Knights and respective family.” Rosier Jr. agreed,
before signalling at Harry’s hair. “I thought you didn’t like the all pampered up look. When did
you get that?”

“Aunt Genevieve used the Peverell Family ring as a module to give me Family Jewellery without
me being able to argue.” Harry supplied with a shrug. “Then I guess that Death Eaters must be
filling up the Ballroom.”

“Knights of Walpurgis.” Rosier Jr. amended and Harry raised an eyebrow confused. “According to
my father that is their name.”
“Oh… makes more sense than Death Eaters.” Harry said shyly. “Professor Riddle probably
wondered who I spoke about when I wrote him that letter snapping at him.”

“He most likely did.” Rosier Jr. agreed. “Why do you call them that?”

“They kill people.” Harry shrugged and looked again down the gardens. “Can you explain me
something about Magic Words?” Rosier Jr. hummed affirmatively as they heard people inside the
Malfoy Manor’s ballroom, Harry almost dreaded having suggested it to Aunt Genevieve. “When
you used them you made an Unbreakable Vow.”

“Unbreakable Oath.” Rosier Jr. agreed.

“What’s the difference between what you did and me telling Uncle Abraxas that He had already
agreed to buy me a broom even though Uncle Abraxas had just told me that I would not have any.”

Rosier Jr. stayed quiet and Harry looked at him to see him frowning.

“You claimed Him as your Legal Guardian?”


Rosier Jr. sighed and looked up at the sky where they still could see the sun.

“When you speak sometimes you feel your magic singing with you, am I right?” The older teenager
asked and Harry frowned, before shaking his head. “Well… sometimes when you are certain of
something your magic sings with you, it’s practically palpable. The way I used it was on purpose.

“Some people use it to say something but make people do another thing. Very few people can tell
when they are being forced though.” Rosier Jr. explained. “You can also use it as a mode of
applying an Unbreakable Oath, it will lock your own Magical Core to what you said. As much as I
try I will be forced to implant the Oath or I’ll literally die.”

Harry stood immediately and looked at the other affronted. To his surprise the other smiled back.


“I chose this. I vowed for you and your future children. I could have stayed quiet, but I chose to say
it. The way I did it makes it my choice. You can’t force someone to make an Unbreakable Oath
with the person’s own Magic Words. The person has to be willing and do it of their own

Harry’s eyes watered.

“My Luck will most likely get you killed!” He argued.

“It was still my choice to make, not yours.” Rosier Jr. said and Harry’s throat tightened. “Finally,
the way you used it:

“When a child refuses the Legal Guardian (Lord Malfoy in your case)’s Rights to tell the child what
to do and claim that someone else has more Rights than the Legal Guardian (your Courter in this
case) then the child’s magic acts up and makes the words Law.

“So long as Professor Riddle is your Courter he’ll be your Legal Guardian. Of course that the
Malfoys are still your family and still the one signing your paperwork unless you want for the
Headmaster to know that you are in a Courtship with a School Professor, but Lord Malfoy has to
pass through Professor Riddle from now on when it comes to you.”

Harry accepted the handkerchief, took his glasses out and wiped his eyes out.

“But if I have an accident…” he started, not caring about his own Magic Words anymore.

“I’ll be there before you know it. Unless you or your future children die, it won’t kill at me unless I
refuse to go.” Rosier Jr. explained. “You may be a Slytherin and be very mature, but you have your
feelings up your sleeve like a Gryffindor, don’t you?”

“Blame it on my Muggle upbringing.” Harry snapped in agreement as he finally controlled his



Harry froze and then raised his head from the handkerchief to look at the newcomer only to
remember that he didn’t have his glasses on. He hurried to grab them from where he stored them
when he heard something fall and break.

“Bollocks!” He grumbled and opened his hand towards the floor. “Accio glasses.” Harry’s glasses
flew to his hand. “Oculus Reparo!”

Harry put them on just as Voldemort arrived his side. The older narrowed his eyes as the last shred
of the glasses’ glass fixed itself.

“Junior, I know it was wandless but just in case a letter arrives…”

“I was the one who performed the wandless magic since I’m the one off-age.” The teenager
promptly agreed. “Heiress Peverell should buy magical glasses.”

“I’ll see prices.” Voldemort agreed as he looked at Harry in the eyes through his glasses. “Why
were you crying, Evie?”

“Rosier Jr. explained what will happen if something happens to me.” Harry made a move to return
the handkerchief towards the teenager but Dobby popped in and picked it, disappearing. “Wha…?
Dobby, that ain’t mine!”

“It knows.” Voldemort argued. “Evan Rosier Jr., even if your bodyguard, is not family. Your
House-elf has to clean it before you can return it.”

“Wizardry World has too many rules.” Harry grumbled.

Voldemort scoffed.

“You are part of this Wizardry World, Evie. You need to learn to live in it.” The older offered and
leaned forward and down, kissing Harry’s forehead.

Harry felt a refreshing spell rush over him and raised an eyebrow at the older.

“Did you just curse me? And with a kiss?”

“Another mode of applying Magic Words to people who are immune to Magic Words control is
through skin contact.” Rosier Jr. supplied.

Harry’s eyes grew and turned horrified towards Voldemort, who rolled his eyes.
“All I did was a refreshing spell. If I used Magic Words if you were immune then you would feel
the words being spoken inside your mind. And Magic Words’ Control only control your magic and
your movements. They do not do what I just did.” Voldemort argued. “Besides, Magic Words
control are more the old Fool’s type. He never liked me because I’m immune to them, which was
why I stepped in between you and him when I saw him get ready to use them.”

No… Dumbledore…

Harry went to pass a hand through his hair when his hand hit the diadem he had on.

All he had wanted was to move back in time enough to rescue Sirius and instead he had ended up
in a past where things he had been lied about where suddenly uncovered. He didn’t know who to
trust anymore. Who to believe. What to do. Dumbledore hated him for being a Slytherin and for
being a Malfoy. Voldemort wanted to wed him. Lucius had willingly broken the Feud with the
Weasleys for Ron.

The future as Harry knew it would never happen.

He was already changing the timeline and all he had done was show-up.

It wasn’t just about shaping Voldemort to not turn as Dark as Harry knew he could become
anymore. As many doors that Harry opened, Dumbledore closed just as much.

Yet, Voldemort wasn’t being as deadly as Harry knew he supposedly was by this Era. He was
holding back for Harry’s sake.


Harry looked up at Voldemort, who was looking back worriedly.

“I want to become an Illegal Animagus.” He put in, what confused the other two.



Voldemort watched as Evie laughed at whatever Miss Nott told him as the New Years’ Eve Ball

“Professor.” A female voice said and Voldemort nodded his head at Genevieve Malfoy. “Callisto
was the one who requested for today’s ball.” The Witch offered and he looked at her confused, to
which she mentioned down at Voldemort’s new cufflinks. “He wanted to do it in a way you
wouldn’t argue about a ball, but still doing it for you.”

Voldemort looked up at Evie again just as a new music started playing. He set down his glass by
the side, which was whisked away by a popping in House-elf, and then stepped through the
ballroom. He didn’t need to look to know that all of his Knights had stopped whatever they were
doing to glance back. He arrived the young Natural Bearer’s side and offered his hand.

“May I have this dance?”

“I… I can’t dance.” Evie argued.

“Then may I have the satisfaction of having you stepping on my toes?” Voldemort amended
Miss Nott slightly pushed Evie’s back forward to persuade him to accept. The boy glared back at
her, before he accepted the hand and allowed Voldemort to guide him to the middle of the
ballroom. Voldemort was amused at the fact that he had to teach the boy to not take Voldemort’s
waist and instead set his hand on the older’s shoulder (or as close as his shortness allowed).

“Everyone is looking.” The boy mumbled as Voldemort guided him through the dance.

“Of course they are. You organized me a birthday party in secrecy in a way I would accept without
telling me what it really was about. All they know was that this party is in my honour. You made
this, Evie. You asked for this.”

“Because I wanted you to come to the Manor today and I didn’t know another way to do it without
telling you the why.” Evie said defiantly.

Voldemort smirked, grabbed Evie’s waist and rose him up in the middle of the dance movement.
He had no idea what the boy had talked about. He was a great dancer or maybe he just needed the
right person to guide him through the dance. He probably had been taught by women and had
taken the guiding position instead. Voldemort would have to have a speech with Genevieve over
the proper way to teach another person how to dance.

“I’m here and you got your wish. Don’t I deserve the right for a dance?” Voldemort offered back
and Evie blushed.

“Everyone is still staring.” The boy said to change subject.

“Their Lord is dancing with his Courted.” Voldemort agreed, caressing Evie’s hand on his, his
other hand on the boy’s waist as they danced. “They don’t know what today symbolizes. All they
see is that their Lord – the Guest of Honour – is dancing with you.”

The boy sighed and didn’t argue. Finally the song finished and Evie nodded his head back once,
before walking back towards where Miss Nott was. Voldemort watched him go and (when
suddenly Bellatrix Black hurried to his side as his Knights and their wives joined in the dancing
stand) turned around to leave the stand.

Not even when he had been a teenager at Hogwarts had he taken someone to the School balls. Not
once had he ever danced with someone. Not once had he allowed someone that close. Evie was the
first and most likely would be the only one.

As he left the stand Voldemort bypassed Abraxas while the blond walked in with his wife. The
blond couple bowing their heads on the way in. Voldemort had just opened the ball by being the
first to dance and he hadn’t just done that. He had showed to all of his closest Knights and
respective family exactly why he and Abraxas were arguing on every Knight’s Meeting that
happened. With one dance, Voldemort had just showed exactly what Evie symbolized to him. With
the way he asked to be stepped on, he showed that he didn’t want Evie to be a typical wife.

Voldemort noticed the way Amphitrite Malfoy was looking back, so he served two glasses from
the drink’s table and approached her, giving her one of them. The Witch accepted the glass.

“I won’t do anything that he refuses.” He offered quietly. “But in case your in-law didn’t tell you, I
wasn’t the one who hosted this Ball. It was your son.”

The Witch nodded, her Pureblood mask hiding her surprise at the news, as she sipped from her

“Please make me one Oath.” The Witch requested and Voldemort hummed inquisitively. “I saw
the way you look at him, I know you won’t hurt him. That’s not what I want you to vow on. I want
you to use Magic Words that you won’t be the one to first kiss him. I want Kari to be the one to do
it first. When he does it you’ll know he is ready for something more, but until then I want it to stay
like this.”

Voldemort looked at the blonde’s blue eyes and then back at where Evie was beside Miss Nott,
Miss Black, Heir Black and Mr Black. Then he looked again to his intended’s mother.

“You have my word that I won’t be the first to initiate contact on our first time: on both kiss and if
I’ll be the one to take his virginity.” He agreed, using Magic Words and letting it cement on his
Magical Core and, at the same time, letting the Witch feel it lock to her Magical Core as well.

“Thank you.” The Witch agreed. “I know from my brother that I should not make requests from
you, but…”

“Evie is your son. He might have been sent away by your father, but you still claimed him and
didn’t let him stay a bastard. He is yours. Just because Abraxas doesn’t know who is on the top of
the food chain like your father didn’t, doesn’t meant that I’m as fool as they are.” Voldemort
argued with a bow of his head. “I will not do anything that you see as me taking advantage. It’s the
last thing I want to do.”

“I’ll do my best to warn you without overpassing my mother’s rights if I believe you need to let
him be himself.” Amphitrite agreed. “I believe you will have trouble with those two.” She added.

Voldemort looked at who she mentioned to see Bellatrix looking jealously and Orion Black
looking with disgust at Evie. Orion…

“Sirius Black is a Natural Bearer as well, but they haven’t put a female title for him like you did.”
Voldemort offered.

Amphitrite looked at the boy messing with her son, most likely for dancing with Voldemort, and
then at Orion.

“Is he engaged?” She asked.

“With Rodolphus Lestrange.” Voldemort said.

“I’ll go warn Lord Lestrange that Lord Black is homophobic before something wrong happens
between him and his son.” Amphitrite agreed and set down the empty glass.

“And I better go warn my apprentice exactly how important Evie is before she tries anything.” He
replied and walked towards the brunette, whose eyes immediately lite up. “Shall we speak in the

“Of course.” The Young Witch followed him out the ballroom as Voldemort felt Evie follow him
with his eyes.

He almost let a smile show up, but managed to hide it. Evie wouldn’t understand that it was a
smile of amusement because the boy was tracking his whereabouts, instead of a smile because he
was leaving with Bellatrix. He didn’t want Evie to think that there might be something between

“What has your family told you about me?” Voldemort asked as they arrived the gardens and
entered the garden labyrinth with hedgerows for walls.
“That you are powerful and don’t take just anyone as your apprentice.” His apprentice was fast to

Voldemort looked at her as he let his features return to normal (since none of the children in the
ballroom could see them) and then ahead again.

“I also do not use nicknames lightly. I hate it.” He added and Bellatrix nodded. “I’m the only one
who calls Callisto Evelyn Peverell by Evie. I’m even the one who nicknamed him that.”

Bellatrix frowned.

“My Lord?”

“And Evie will never call: «my Lord».” He added pointedly. “If I do my job right, one day he’ll
call me «husband» and I will be the happiest person ever when he does it.”

The 21-year-old Witch’s eyes grew, obviously understanding that she either accepted Evie or
Voldemort would get rid of her.

“May I ask what he has that I don’t?”

Voldemort looked at her as they arrived outside the marriage clearing where one day Evie would
be waiting for him inside during their possible wedding ceremony.

“Evie wouldn’t have asked permission. He would just demand the information.” He offered and
the Witch’s eyes grew horrified. “He is 11 and without any teaching whatsoever he is performing
wandless spells after spells without going magic weak. I had to teach you for years and only
recently you started to being able to do one single spell without overusing your Magical Core.”
Voldemort set a hand on the hedgerow, beside the entrance of the clearing and closed his eyes as
he felt the amount of magical traps that had been set up over the centuries of Malfoy’s wedding
ceremonies. He felt his own trap for Abraxas’ wedding with Genevieve, that would be a trap that
even Voldemort would have trouble passing through on the way to Evie. He needed to study each
of them to be able to dispel them when the time come. “Evie is innocent. He walks around with his
feelings on his sleeves for everyone to see. Yet… he is a Slytherin so you know that there is more
than what he shows. He has a history behind what he shows. He shows you a Gryffindor bravado
with too much emotions, yet… he is manipulative and powerful and strong and demanding… he
has me hooked. He got me hooked and all he has done was snarl at me. Was insult me.” Voldemort
opened his eyes as he mentally stored the amount of curses and hexes he would have to look up,
before looking at Bellatrix staring back. “He got me hooked because he dared to speak back at me
while knowing exactly who I was. Without being told he knew both my names, before his mother
even introduced us with me using my Tom Riddle’s face: He knew that Tom Riddle was Lord
Voldemort before we were even introduced and still reprimanded me as a 7-year-old, because I
didn’t know that he was a male Natural Bearer.

“He hated me.” He added the last line with a chuckle. “He hated me and that’s why he got the
Dark Lord at his feet.”


Chapter End Notes

Next: Under the Poker face’s Mask

Chapter XVIII –Under the Poker face’s Mask–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,815




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XVIII

–Under the Poker face’s Mask–

Saturday, 1 January 1972


Harry was finishing packing up his bag to when he would return to school next day while leaving
his new robes in his wardrobe and only bringing his school robes beside his inner trousers and t-
shirts, when there was a knock on his quarters’ door.

“Who is it?” He called out outside the bedroom towards the office entry area of his private

“It’s Abraxas, Callisto.”

“Come in, Uncle Abraxas.” Harry agreed and the blond entered, nodded back and approached
Harry who returned to his packing up. “What may I do for you, Uncle Abraxas?”

“Why do you always say title and name?” Uncle Abraxas wondered, making Harry stop and look
back at the blond.
“My Muggles taught me that if I don’t it’s disrespect.” Harry shrugged. “Did I do anything wrong?
Should I have refused Voldemort’s request for a dance? Did any of your fellow Knights say
something about me stepping on His toes? Did…?”

“I’m not here to reprimand you.” Uncle Abraxas hurried to interrupt him and Harry blushed. “Did
you pack your new dress-robe?”

Harry shook his head, pointing to it’s hanging location on the open wardrobe after Dobby finished
getting it washed that morning, as he finishing packing his trunk. Only for Harry to frown when
the dress-robe levitated from the wardrobe and into the open trunk, folded and stored itself on his
trunk. The boy turned towards his surrogate uncle confused as his new jewellery were fast to
follow inside the quadrangular box where they had been brought in when Aunt Genevieve had
bought them.


“Spring Solstice ball.” Uncle argued. “When is Veronique’s birthdate?”

“1st March.” Harry replied automatically and joined his books inside before closing the trunk.

“This way I don’t need to contact your mother’s ex to find out about my son’s intended.” Uncle
Abraxas said and Harry stuttered as he realized the why. “Lucius said that Veronique likes chess,
does he have a chess set?”

Harry went to reply affirmatively, when he remembered that no, Ron didn’t have in this Era since it
most likely belonged to Arthur Weasley.

“No, he usually uses one from one of his cousins.”

“I’ll warn Lucius that chess set is on the acceptable courtship gift list.”

Harry closed his trunk and glanced back at the blond uncertain.

“Ron loves the Chudley Cannons…?” He offered uncertain and Uncle Abraxas nodded, only for
Harry to realize he was actually taking notes. “He has arachnophobia and his Patronus form is a
Jack Russell Terrier.”

Uncle Abraxas frowned and looked up from the parchment he was writing on.

“He can perform a Patronus? And make a Corporeal one?”

“Me and Hera also can.” Harry agreed.

“What is my Lord teaching you?” Uncle Abraxas asked surprised.

Harry blushed.

“We were bored and looked it up.” He lied.

Uncle Abraxas looked back wide-eyed and then he hurried to write down on the top of the
parchment on a corner.

“I’ll warn Amphitrite so she makes sure you get subjects to keep you entertained. I hope you don’t
mind that Veronique joins you on the classes.”
“Of course not.”

“Good. Besides for maroon what else doesn’t he like?”

“Dry beef?” Harry offered uncertain and Uncle Abraxas scoffed. “Ron loves to collect the
chocolate frog’s cards, he used to have almost all of them before he moved in with his uncle. He
has an inferiority complex because of being the youngest with very important cousins. He isn’t
used to being the first thought.”

Uncle Abraxas nodded.

“Well, he is Lucius’ first choice. I’m sure Lucius will be able to explain that to Veronique, I will
still add that to the list of things needed to be dealt with.” The man agreed as he wrote down.
“Does Veronique compare himself to you?”

“I do my best not to make him feel inferior, but he does.” Harry agreed. “We once had a massive
argument over his jealously. Luckily I managed to explain to him that I didn’t want the attention.”

“It’s instinctive. Still it needs to be dealt with. As the possible future Lady Malfoy: he will be
constantly on the spotlight and an inferiority complex will only make people look down on him.”

The boy looked at the way the blond just accepted that the two would wed. It wasn’t even a
possibility. The Malfoys were assuming that Cousin Lucius would win Ron’s heart.

“Ron has a temperament. He isn’t easily bought. Cousin Lucius can’t just become his Sugar
Daddy. He has to show with actions. He has to show himself. To put his heart on show to Ron. Ron
is like me, he won’t wed for convenience. He’ll only do it if it’s someone that he cares for.”

Uncle Abraxas looked up from the notes he was writing and then nodded, adding that in.

“I’ll warn Lucius.” He agreed. “And my Lord.” He added with a pointed look and Harry nodded. “I
know I’ve said it before and you didn’t believe me, but if he ever makes the Courtship official: you
need to accept the courtship even if not the engagement. And I’m not talking about what that will
do to our family on his ranking. I’m talking about yourself.”

“Why about myself?” Harry wondered puzzled.

“You have no idea, do you?” Uncle Abraxas argued and Harry raised an eyebrow. “During the
New Years’ Eve Ball he put you on a pedestal. By dancing with you he literally claimed you as his
desired one. Even if he tells his Knights that you are out of reach and that you have the choice,
they will still take it on you. They will believe that you were leading him on.” Harry opened his
mouth but the blond shook his head. “My Family’s name will only protect you until certain point.

“I know that my Lord must have done something to your Muggle parents, the way you refuse him
didn’t make sense to me until Dobby told me that during your nightmares you would call my
Lord’s name.

“I asked Dobby because I never told you His name and yet you knew. I never told you that Tom
Riddle was my Lord and yet you knew. I never told you his birthday because I don’t even know it
myself – I don’t believe that even Jeremiah Lestrange knows and he is the closest of the Knights to
Him – and yet” Uncle Abraxas added pointedly “you know.”

“Did you tell Him about it?” Harry asked and Uncle Abraxas shook his head. “My nightmares
before his Locket started holding them back? Was with Him. My Boggart is a Dementor because I
can hear my Muggle parents on their deathbed… and I can hear Him.”
Uncle Abraxas stared into Harry’s eyes for a long moment and then sighed, suddenly his poker
face disappeared and the man looked older than ever.

“Next school holidays you and I will need to deal with it without His knowledge.”

“Why not?”

“Do you want Him to apologize to you without meaning it?” Uncle Abraxas retorted harshly and
Harry opened his mouth to reply, only to close it again unsure. “They were Muggles. If they were
Muggleborns or even Squibs? He would manage to do it in a way it would be sincere. And starting
a Courtship with Him lying to you is not the best option.” The blond added. “That is… if you want
to give this Courtship a chance. If you are willing to let Him court you. If you are willing to try to
see past that.”

“He knows I don’t believe in the Pureblood Supremacism. That I’m «pro Muggles».”

Uncle Abraxas signalled a chair by the side and immediately Dobby popped in to move all the
clothes that Harry had set on top onto the bed. Harry nodded and Uncle Abraxas sat down.

“What was His reaction?”

“Ask me what I thought of Squibs and when I told Him that I thought it was torture to raise them
among Wizards, he said that at the least we agreed in something… it was when you walked in on
us with Him on his knee…?”

The blond male nodded as he stared at Harry.

“I was raised being taught that a Wizard’s job is to take care of his wife and children and the
Witch’s job is to take care of her husband and their children. To take care of the house. I was raised
being taught that male bearers have the same statute as a Witch.” The older started. “In my time
and age: a Witch who spoke back outside the privacy of their room was a broken Witch.” Harry
nodded, not arguing over the philosophy. “I was a year younger than my Lord. Yet, like many
others, I knew that there was nothing that interested Him and now I know why. He didn’t want a
Witch of our time and age. He wanted someone like you who had the courage to speak back and
still owe the right to be respected.”

“All I did as a child was tell him that I’m a boy and not a girl.”

“I don’t care what you told Him. It was the way you told Him.” The adult argued just before they
heard the main entrance of the private quarter’s door open without a knock. The two looked at the
bedroom’s door. “Who is it?”

“Abraxas?” The person outside the room asked back.

Instantaneously the poker face showed up on Harry’s surrogate uncle just before the door opened
and Voldemort walked in with a raised eyebrow.

“Uncle Abraxas was giving me a pep talk on how in your school time females and male bearers
were supposed to do what they were told unless they were in privacy.” Harry argued before the
older would get angry.

Voldemort nodded at Harry and then looked at Uncle Abraxas.

“In our time and age there was a Women Revolution. Women won rights all over the world. Even
in the Muggle World.” The Dark Lord argued and Uncle Abraxas nodded. “We’ll speak later over
how Evie’s tutoring should be. Even if I’m the Legal Guardian I do not intend to do anything that
will go against the Malfoy’s beliefs.”

The blond nodded and stood.

“Dobby will warn you when the time for dinner arrives.” He offered and left the bedroom.

Voldemort watched him leave and kept looking after him until Harry heard the quarter’s entry door
to close.

“He was telling you that to tell you to change…?” He started to ask, obviously not trusting Uncle
Abraxas. Harry wondered if that was good or bad considering his surrogate uncle was a Death

“To explain why he had been so strict.” Harry argued. “He understood that you prefer me not like
that.” He hurried to add before the older would take it out on the blond.

Voldemort nodded, looked at Harry’s trunk over the bed and then again to him.


Harry accepted the small ingredient flask and looked at the leaf inside confused.

“What’s this?”

“A leaf of a Mandrake.” Voldemort supplied. “You put it in your mouth on a Full Moon, you keep
it you mouth, you don’t swallow, you don’t bite. You eat and drink your meals with it in your
mouth. You sleep with it in your mouth. You speak with it in your mouth. You spend a whole
month with it in your mouth until the next Full Moon.”

“Why?” Harry asked as he stared at the leaf confused.

“When the month ends… if it’s a cloudy Full Moon you have to start over.” Voldemort continued
and Harry looked up at the older, wondering what the other was talking about. “If it works the first
time you spit it into a phial within range of the moon’s pure rays. On the Moon-struck phial it’s
added one of your hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew that has not seen sunlight or been touched by
human feet for seven days and the chrysalis of a Death’s-head Hawk Moth. Finally, the mixture
must be put in a quiet, dark place and cannot be disturbed.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Finally you have to wait for an electrical storm. Until then at sunrise and sundown without fail
you need to chant every day the follow incantation: «Amato Animo Animato Animagus» with the
tip of your wand over your heart.” Voldemort kept going as if he hadn’t been interrupted and
Harry’s eyes grew as he finally realized what Voldemort was explaining. “When there is a storm
you have to move to a large and secure location, recite the incantation one final time and then drink
the potion at last.”

Harry looked at the leaf again.

“I better only do it next summer holidays…”

“If you want to keep it a secret? Yes.” Voldemort agreed. “I can help you through the incantations,
through the preparation for the potion and by keeping you nightmare-free to keep you from
accidentally swallowing or spitting it. Yours and mine House-elves can help by spelling the food
directly into your system for that month. It will still be hard. You will gag. You will lose the
sensibility of your tongue. You will cry. You will beg. You will want to stop. It won’t be easy.”

“My biological father was a stag.” Harry interrupted the warning and Voldemort looked at him in
the eyes.

“Does Amphitrite know?” He asked and Harry shook his head. “Do you want to do this to be closer
to him? Or because you want?”

“If I’m in a tight spot and you know that the only way I can get out of there is if I shift into an
animal and disappear from view… wouldn’t you have wished that I had bothered to wait a month
of daily sickness than to be caught?”

Voldemort smirked amused.

“I suppose you want me to gather one for your friend Veronique as well?” He asked instead.

“And Megara.” Harry agreed promptly. “I believe you have Knights in the Black Family
considering that both Hera and Sirius were at the party.”

“What about the Prewetts?” Voldemort retorted with a raised brow.

Harry shrugged.

“Ron would sometimes spend whole months in my quarters with me. Sometimes he would follow
me during our holidays to Malfoy’s holiday house for a whole month without even a floocall.” He

“It won’t be as easy now with Lucius being his courted.” Voldemort said and Harry hummed. “I
can easily deal with the Blacks for your two friends to follow you. If you want I can arrange for
Miss Nott as well.”

“Well… if it’s a group it’ll be easier at explaining to Lord Prewett.” Harry put in. “Do you know
Severus Snape’s mother?” He asked off-topic.

“Eileen was my classmate.” Voldemort agreed as Harry packed up the clothes that had been moved
from the chair to the bed. “She was the only child of Lord Prince. I believe he disowned her for
«daring» to wed a Muggle.” Harry hummed. “What is it?”

“How would you have reacted if someone had seen the mistreatment you got at your orphanage?”

“I would have been ecstatic.” Voldemort replied honestly.

“Would you be able to recognise it in other people?”

“I recognised it in you before I was told, didn’t I?”

“I bet my new broomstick that Severus is abused.” Harry put in.

There was a massive intake of breath and, when Harry finally looked up from the folding clothes,
he saw the other stare back with narrowed eyes.

“That’s a massive gamble that you are making.”

“I know and I love that broom.”

Voldemort nodded.

“I’ll tell Corban Yaxley to go make a surprise check-up.” He agreed. “I thought you said you liked
Muggles and yet you are gambling against a Muggle.”

Harry looked at Voldemort in his blood-red eyes and then back to his clothes and started packing
them in his commode.

“I may be pro-Muggle, but I’m not Professor Dumbledore. I’m not pro-abuse.”

Voldemort scoffed.

“Do you tell your House-elf to not do it?” He asked and Harry nodded. “I’ll better warn Slippery
that you are the type to help with the cleaning or I’ll have a crying House-elf in my hands again if
you ever visit my place.”

Harry stuttered, turning deep red.


Chapter End Notes

Information on How to Become an Animagus according to Harry Potter Wiki

Next: Silly Crush

Chapter XIX –Silly Crush–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,669




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XIX

–Silly Crush–

Friday, 7 January 1972


Harry entered the Infirmary wing for his weekly potion, the first since the holidays, when he saw a
teenager inside. Wasn’t that…?

The boy sat up straighter immediately at seeing Harry enter. He smiled back widely.

“Miss Peverell!” He claimed with a massive eagerness.

Harry glanced in the office’s door direction and then approached the boy.

“What happened to you?” He wondered, signalling the bandages around the boy’s torso.

“Got cursed by some Slytherins. Nothing much.” The other argued. “It just become all worth it.”

“Why is that?”
“You are actually visiting me.” The boy said.

Harry almost face-slapped himself. Just great! This really was the boy who had given him a love
letter a few months ago… and looked like he had won a backbone and could actually speak back

“Heiress Peverell.” Madam Pomfrey’s voice rescued him and Harry turned to see the woman
leaving her office. “My apologies, I forgot your booked appointment.”

“You had your hands full.” Harry agreed, signalling the teenager who apparently had a massive
crush of him. “Is my potion ready?”

“Not yet. You need to wait as it breathes.” The School Healer argued.

“Miss Peverell can wait with me as it gets ready.” The Ravenclaw teen eagerly put in.

Someone please kill him…

Something in Harry’s face must have told the woman Harry’s thoughts on the subject.

“I’m afraid not, McLaggen. Your healing will be undone if you do not lay down and rest.” The
stern woman retorted and Harry sent her a thankful look. “Heiress Peverell, wait in my office as I
get the potion ready.”

Harry nodded, bowed his head slightly at the Ravenclaw and then hurried to the office, doing his
best not to look too eager. Eventually the mid-aged woman returned with his potion and let him
drink it under her watch. Since the infertility spell that his potions had stopped. He couldn’t take
the same that Ron and he used to take because it could activate the hex again. Today would be his
first time since then as Professor Slughorn had to brew a new batch just for Harry first. He closed
his eyes as he felt his throat scratch in reaction to the potion as well as his hips felt a slight pain as
his bones rearranged slightly to start to make him win more willowy figure.

When a slight whimper left his lips Madam Pomfrey was immediately by his side.

“Where?” She asked, knowing that for Harry to whimper that it had to be really painful.

“My ribcage is being constricted.” Harry gasped out as it become hard to breath.

Spells started being performed and then finally his lungs started being able to move again.
Eventually he was able to open his eyes. He looked up at the woman who was looking back sadly.

“I’ll have to speak with Professor Slughorn. That potion was too strong and tried to do everything
in one go.” She put in. “You are still too young to get the full female-like body structure.”

Harry nodded.

“About…” he signalled at the door of the office. “You don’t need to tell Him, do you?”

Madam Pomfrey smiled amused.

“I don’t see a reason why.” She said soothingly and Harry breathed relieved. “But if McLaggen
tries anything, you need to right out tell him that you aren’t interested.”

“I will.” Harry agreed and, once he managed, stood. “I have tutoring hours with Professor Riddle
later, should I tell him something?”
“About McLaggen?” The woman asked.

“Over the potion and how it affected my lungs.”

“I’ll warn him so he’ll be ready for it when you arrive.”

Harry nodded and left. McLaggen immediately smiled back. Harry nodded once and left the
Infirmary wing before the other could speak back. Later that night he waited in the common room
as the Slytherins started packing around after dinner. Finally, when he was certain that everyone
was in the room, he picked his wand and pointed at his own throat.

“Sonorus! Who was the fool who decided to curse McLaggen today?” He snarled as his voice
surrounded the whole common room.

All Slytherins froze and looked back wide-eyed. Eventually a third-year group by the side that had
been on the New Years’ Eve Ball stood. Harry turned towards them with a raised eyebrow.

“We did.”

“What did he do?”

“We caught him literally tracking you. He even had a picture of you eating which had obviously
been taken against your will that we had to destroy.”

Harry’s lips thinned.

“And you decided today that I had to go to the Infirmary wing out of all days to send him
there? He thought I was there to SEE him!” He snapped.

The children of Death Eaters tensed as they realized why Harry had found out.

“We won’t commit the same mistake again.” They argued.

Harry groaned loudly.

“Next time… tell ME. I can deal with idiots by myself!” He snarled before undoing the Sonorus
Spell, turned around and walked down the corridors into his quarters.



“Did Callisto Peverell just Dark Lord-ed on us?” Severus asked once Kari disappeared from view
and Sylvine started laughing as the entire Slytherin students finally dared to breath after the 11-
year-old boy’s demand for attention. “Whatever McLaggen did in the Infirmary wing must have
freaked him out for he to be acting like this. You guys should have remembered that today was his
weekly potion’s day.”

“We’ll add it to our timetable.” The group who had been reprimanded agreed as Sylvine kept

“Control yourself, Miss Nott.” Severus whispered.

“You obviously not been there when He declared himself to Kari.” Sylvine whispered back. “How
much Kari refused it.”
Severus looked back and then in the quarters corridor’s direction.

“How bad was his tracking down of Miss Peverell?” He demanded towards the older group.

“Borderline stalking territory.” Sylvine’s brother replied.

“Don’t leave him alone outside the common room.” Severus told Sylvine and she raised an
eyebrow, stopping laughing. “Out of all us first-years you are the only one who can actually defend
yourself and strike back and also one of the few Slytherins that Miss Peverell let in into his

Sylvine hummed.

“You are also in the bubble.” She retorted.

“True, but unlike you I can’t strike an older student if attacked.”

Sylvine nodded and looked at her brother.

“Severus will need some private classes on how to proper protect our Lord’s intended. I’m not
there fulltime.”

The older Slytherins nodded.

“We’ll start tomorrow after Slytherin’s Quidditch practice, Snape.” The Head Boy agreed and
Severus nodded.


Saturday, 8 January 1972


“Miss Peverell.”

Harry looked up from the lake towards who was sitting down beside him too close for comfort,
only to see McLaggen. The Ravenclaw one, not the one from his timeline who has been a year
older than him and a Gryffindor.

“What can I do for you?” He argued while mentally groaning. Why was he alone?

“You could agree to wear my family jewellery instead of those ones.” The teen offered and Harry
raised an eyebrow, only for the other to actually dare to grab the locket out of Harry’s chest.
“These aren’t pro…”

“Expelliarmus!” The locket was freed from the teen’s tight hold, falling again onto Harry’s chest.
“Bombarda!” McLaggen raised up into the sky and then fell backwards onto the lake behind him.
Harry stood and turned to return back inside when he found Professor Dumbledore staring back
with a reprimanding look. “For real? He was literally taking advantage, but because I’m a Slytherin
if I dare to defend myself: I’m grounded?” He snarled.

Professor Dumbledore opened his mouth when they heard a cough. Both turned towards Professor
Slughorn that obviously had been running in Harry’s direction and was coughing out of breath.

“You aren’t grounded, Heiress Peverell.” The former blond man argued struggling to breath, as he
glared at the former ginger Headmaster. “I’m glad you defended yourself. I was obviously not fast
enough when I realized Mr McLarge’s not keeping the social norm of social distance and even dare
to touch your chest without permission while I was running in both your direction.”

“Horace.” Professor Dumbledore warned and Harry frowned when he felt words inside his own
mind that weren’t being spoken with actual words.

Could this be… Magic Words…?

He immediately stepped forward as he realized what those words were and let himself be hit with
the Magic Words instead, what made him gasp in pain. Professor Slughorn looked down at him
and then up at Professor Dumbledore.

“I need to bring my Slytherin to the Infirmary wing who was obviously hit by Mr McLarge.” The
Potions Professor retorted and started to pull Harry out.

By the lake Harry could see the Giant Squid using it’s tentacles to hold a freaking out McLaggen
above the lake’s water and take him to the shore.

“It wasn’t McLaggen.” Harry argued quietly and Professor Slughorn raised an eyebrow. “It was
The Magic Words that I stopped from hitting you.”

Professor Slughorn nodded and they entered the castle just as Professor Riddle run down the stairs
two in two. At seeing Harry he approached into his personal space and took hold of Harry’s back of
the neck coming from the front, what immediately made the pain disappear.

“Tom…” Professor Slughorn argued as Professor Riddle walked Harry into the private room where
first-years usually waited.

“I’m Miss Peverell’s Legal Guardian.” Professor Riddle offered towards the former blond once
they were in privacy. “What happened, Evie?”

“A Ravenclaw student was getting too touchy so I struck back, but when I did it was when
Professor Dumbledore got ready to interrupt and ground me.”

Professor Riddle hummed.

“Did the student hurt you?” He asked and Harry shook his head. “Then why were you in pain,
Evie?” He demanded.

“I interrupted Albus from grounding Heiress Peverell.” Professor Slughorn put in and Professor
Riddle looked up towards the older as he kept restraining Harry’s magic. “Heiress Peverell claims
that he saw Magic Words being spelled when Albus said my name as he tried to stop me from
interrupting the grounding, so he stepped in between.”

Professor Riddle looked at Harry and sighed.

“May I touch your chest over your heart?” He asked and Harry nodded.

One of older’s hands released the neck and went down onto Harry’s chest over his heart. Harry saw
as Voldemort’s magic went into his chest and then a ball of Pure Light colour left his chest into
Voldemort’s fist who held it as if it was an actual ball that he could hold and released Harry’s neck
with the other hand.

“Was that what had been aimed at me?” Professor Slughorn asked and Voldemort nodded. “Thank
you, Heiress Peverell. I would not have been able to tell it until too late.”
Harry hummed as Voldemort stepped away with the ball of light, only to throw it at a closed
fireplace. Immediately the fireplace blasted and House-elves popped in to undo the damage.

“Professor Slughorn, about my Courtship with Heiress Peverell…” Professor Riddle turned
towards the elder male to argue when they were alone again, but the elder Wizard shook his head
with a smile.

“Albus won’t hear it from me.” He argued and grinned down at Harry. “You must be one of a kind,
Tom was never interested in someone when he was a student. I had almost feared for his sake.”

Harry scoffed.

“So people keep telling me, yet all I did was snap at him.”

Professor Slughorn laughed.

“I better go see if McLarge has managed to leave the lake and go deal with his grounding before
Albus attempts to claim that he was in the right.”

“You better warn Filius so he backs you up. Even if only a Halfbreed his Goblin’s inheritance
makes him immune to Magic Words.” Voldemort supplied and Professor Slughorn nodded and left.
Voldemort locked the door with a sneer and turned towards Harry with a raised eyebrow. “You
could actually see it?”

“He said Horace but my mind heard other words. It’s hard to explain. I just knew that it was what
the Head Boy had spoken about on your birthday party.”

“For you to be able to step in between you had to do that in a second.”

“Oh…” Harry gasped surprised. “I thought a whole minute had passed.”

Voldemort nodded.

“This means you are immune like me. Which makes sense since we know that Lady Magic
claimed you as my Equal. I just didn’t know it would be this obviously.” The older explained and
Harry groaned. “I will start tutoring you during your tutoring hours. If not properly taught it can
turn against you.”

“Very well.”

“And why was whatever name that Professor Slughorn said close enough for you to require to
strike him?”

“He has a silly crush on me. Ironically he grabbed your locket and started going about how it
wasn’t proper female jewellery when I finally had enough. Ironic because later the man who never
keeps the social distance was the one who asked permission to touch in the exact same place.”

Voldemort’s lips thinned.

“Did you give him permission to court you?” The older asked through clenched teeth and Harry
could tell that he was doing his best not to storm out the room.

He really was ready to give Harry up if Harry asked it of him, wasn’t he…?

“I didn’t. Last Friday before my weekly potion your Knight’s Slytherin children sent him to the
Infirmary wing for daring to have pictures and poems about me on his belongings.” Harry replied
and Voldemort hummed. “Today he sat right down next to me. Didn’t ask for permission. He
assumed me going to the Infirmary meant that I went to check on him even though he heard I went
there to take a potion.”

“You took it…?”

“Madam Pomfrey sent me to her office for privacy.” Harry answered before the older could finish
asking. “No, I do not want McLaggen to court me.” He added and Voldemort’s red eyes flashed
before they returned to grey. “I also do not want you to kill him for having a silly crush. I can deal
with it myself.”

Voldemort obviously held back his thoughts. He stepped away and approached the window to look

“I said I trust you, Evie. If I want you to accept my courting, I also have to let you make your own
choices.” He agreed as he clenched his fists. “I promised you the right of a choice, yet I am being
overly jealous over someone you just said you want nothing with.”

“You aren’t the sharing type.” Harry said and Voldemort looked back from the window. The boy
shrugged. “The Slytherins believe that McLaggen can turn into something worse, but until then let
me deal with it.”

“And if he does?” Voldemort argued.

Harry touched his locket.

“Your Memories in your locket and ring will warn you. Like they’ve done right now.”

“I will have to trust you on this.” Voldemort agreed. “I do not promise to not go harder on him in
classes, though.”

Harry snorted and before he knew it he was laughing. Picturing Voldemort jealously taking it out
on a student because the teenager dared to have a silly crush was too amusing.

“Just don’t be too obvious.” He struggled to say mid-laughing.

“I’ll do my best.” Voldemort replied as he watched Harry’s laughing form.


Chapter End Notes

Am I the only one who looks at Voldemort’s looks at Harry’s laughing form and see
desire in it? Yes? *walks away ashamedly* okay, I’ll take my fangirling-glasses off

Btw, this Friday is Harry’s 40 th birthday. Don’t forget to wish him Happy Birthday
since he has reached the four decades

Next: Family Abuse

Chapter XX –Family Abuse–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,600




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XX

–Family Abuse–

Monday, 10 January 1972


Rodolphus entered Black Manor alongside his parents, being let in by the family House-elf that
didn’t even ponder to ask his Masters’ permission first because of how many times Rodolphus
would come for Sirius without needing to bother anyone.

Since Lord Arcturus’s death that he had stopped being invited over and, consequently, he had
stopped coming unless to pick-up Sirius to bring him to Lestrange Manor. After the warning from
Miss Malfoy over Lord Orion’s disgust of his own son in the New Year’s Malfoy Ball, Rodolphus
finally understood the why that had been.

“Lord Jeremy.”

“Lord Orion.” Father agreed as they finally found the Black Lord. “We need to speak over the
engagement of our sons.”
Lord Orion raised an eyebrow.

“Has your son finally passed his phase and has decided to wed Bellatrix instead? As he should
have in the first place?”

Rodolphus’ lips thinned.

“Your firstborn is a male Natural Bearer. He’ll never be able to have children with a Witch.”

“I won’t have my own son turn into a thing!” Lord Orion snapped at Rodolphus.

Rodolphus sneered.

“Then refuse him as a Black.” Rodolphus snarled.


“Sirius is a Natural Bearer. He’ll always be a thing in your point of view. Either accept that he has
to have female terminology: that he is a «Miss». Or refuse him from the Black Family.”

“You are in an engagement with the Black Family!”

“No, I’m in an engagement with Sirius Black!” Rodolphus retorted.

Lord Orion opened his mouth to degrade Rodolphus’ choice yet again, when a cough behind him
stopped him. They looked to find Bellatrix, who was sneering up at her taller than her uncle.

“Try to sell me to anyone ever again and I’ll do one like my twin and I’ll refuse the family name,

Lord Orion stared at her horrified.

“That’s an outrage!”

“She is still my daughter, Orion.” Mr Cygnus Black, Bellatrix’ father and Lady Walburga’s
brother, retorted.

Lord Orion went to open his mouth again when Father stepped before him warningly.

“You have two choices: accept that your son Regulus is your Heir, what he always should have
been, and that your son Sirius is a male Natural Bearer and is engaged to Heir Lestrange what
makes him Heiress Lestrange.” Father said in a cold warning tone and the Black Lord looked ready
to snarl at him as well. “Or you can refuse Sirius his Family name, like my son just said, and until
your death the Lestrange Family will stop having deals with your family since we will take my
son’s fiancé in and wed them as soon as possible.”

“How dare you…?”

“Orion!” A voice snarled that even gave Rodolphus’ shivers. They all looked while Lady
Walburga entered the drawing room where they were arguing and approached her husband. Then
to everyone’s surprise the Witch literally slapped her husband before all of them. “I should never
had let you persuade me at not giving Sirius a female name after we found out he was a Natural
Bearer.” She snarled at him. “Lord Jeremy and Lady Alexa, do you want to change Sirius’ names
or does he keep his names?”

Father looked at Rodolphus and then again at Lord Orion, who was looking at his wife outraged
because she was interfering with his authority in front of people not in the family. Not yet

“We’ll change his middle name.” Father agreed and Rodolphus did his best to control his laughter
at the punch in the stomach that was. “But we won’t wait until Miss Sirius is off-age like
previously agreed. We want to give him the Lestrange surname as fast as possible so I become his
Legal Guardian.”

Lady Walburga looked at her husband and then nodded at Rodolphus’ father.

“I’ll start on the paperwork right away to change his middle name alongside his surname at his
wedding.” She agreed and Rodolphus nodded thankfully. “Do you want it this summer or this
spring holidays?”

Father looked back at Rodolphus and Mother questioningly.

“How about a Spring’s Wedding? I know it is sudden, but after what your husband has done and
said, we do not trust him around my future son-in-law.” Mother offered. “And Springs weddings
are lovely.”

Lady Walburga nodded.

“You prepare the Lestrange Manor for the ceremony, I take care of the invites?” The Witch
offered and Mother nodded.


“Orion Corvus Black, you shut up before I make you!”

Lord Orion went to still open his mouth to argue but Mr Cygnus stepped inside the room, past his
daughter Bellatrix, and took hold of his brother-in-law’s shoulder.

“Dare to speak back to my sister, Brother!” The Wizard snarled. “Bellatrix, take your sister
Narcissa and your cousin and Heir of the family Regulus on an outing to pick your three dress-
robes for Heiress Sirius’ wedding.” He added and Rodolphus realized that Regulus and Narcissa
had been about to enter the drawing room, being probably called by the shouts.

Bellatrix nodded and left with the two.

“Cygnus.” Father put in questioningly and the other nodded. “Lady Walburga, Alexa, why don’t
you go discuss details in the next room as me and Cygnus have a talk with Orion?”

Rodolphus watched surprised how his father had just refused the Black Lord’s right to be called by
Lord. Oh boy… they were about to provoke a change in the hierarchy, weren’t they?

Mother nodded and left with the still-Lady Walburga, while signalling at Rodolphus to follow. The
door was closed behind them and just as they started to hear the massive shouts, a Soundproof
Ward was raised.

“My apologies, Lady Walburga. When I come, I did not intend on provoking this.” Rodolphus said
with a bow of head.

The Witch shook her head as they walked to another of the drawing rooms.

“Do not worry, Orion brought this on himself.” She argued. “My brother and my sister-in-law
Druella will do a better job at being the Lord and Lady than we ever did.” She added as they
entered and the mentioned Witch that had been inside tensed at once. “Druella, Orion is losing his
right as the Black Lord. Cygnus will be the Lord by the end of this.”

Mrs Druella nodded.

“What did he do of so wrong that he got this?”

“He refused the former Lord’s engagement of my Natural Bearer son Sirius to Heir Lestrange.”

Mrs Druella’s lips thinned and then she nodded at Rodolphus.

“Me and my husband won’t commit the same mistake. Have you decided on the date yet?”

“This Spring holidays.” Mother put in. “After what Orion did, neither me nor my husband trust him
around my son’s intended.”

The future Lady Black nodded. She picked several magazines by the side and brought them to the

“Let’s begin then. We have a few months to get a full-on wedding ready.”

“May I be the one to tell Sirius?” Rodolphus wondered as the three Witches sat on the couches.
They shared looks and then nodded back. “I’ll floocall Professor Riddle then. Hopefully, he can set
up a meeting like last time when I had to explain to Sirius that we are engaged.”

The three Witches nodded.

“He didn’t know?” Mrs Druella asked, looking at her sister-in-law with a raised eyebrow.

“He found out through my brother because my brother knew I wouldn’t enjoy to let my fiancé to go
the Samhain ball with just anyone.” Rodolphus agreed.

Mother and Mrs Druella glared at Lady Walburga and Rodolphus knew that the moment he’d leave
the room, the still-Lady Black would be reprimanded by the other two Witches for neglecting her
son so obviously.

“Ask him who he wants as his Best Man or Maid of Honour.” Mother offered.

“Will do, Mother.”

Rodolphus left the drawing room and walked to the visits’ Floo room and flootravelled to the
Defence Against Dark Art Professor’s Office. The Dark Lord looked up from some parchments he
was picking up.



“Am I right in believing that you want to speak with your intended?”

“If possible.” Rodolphus agreed.

“Something important happened, am I right?”

“Yes, my Lord. Orion Black was just refused his right as Black Lord.”
The Dark Lord’s eyes grew but, besides that, didn’t react.

“Who is dealing with it?”

“My father and the future Black Lord Cygnus.”

“I’ll speak with Jeremy over it later then.” The Dark Lord agreed and approached a parchment by
the side and looked through it, before looking back. “First-year Gryffindors just left
Transfiguration with the Slytherins. Wait here as I’ll have him brought in.”

Rodolphus bowed his head and the Dark Lord’s eyes become a little glassy, before they come back
to normal and he left the office to go get ready for his next class. In no time there was a knock on
the office’s door. Rodolphus opened, only to see the Dark Lord’s intended with Sirius and their
group of friends behind him (although the Ravenclaw girl was missing, she probably had classes to
attend herself).

“I’m sorry. I got a warning to meet Professor Riddle here with Sirius?” Heiress Peverell offered

His Lord had a mind connection with His intended?

“I asked Professor Riddle the permission to speak with Sirius.” Rodolphus said.

Sirius blushed as the boy’s group of friends all looked at him.

“Want us to wait for you?” Heir Potter asked Sirius.

“I’ll meet you on the usual spot.” Sirius argued and the group nodded, leaving. The boy entered
shyly as Rodolphus stepped back. “Is it because of the engagement?”

“Yes.” Rodolphus agreed as he waited for Sirius to sit down. “Me and my parents visited your
Family Manor today.” He offered as he took out his necklace with the Lestrange crest from his
own neck. “Your father has been refusing that you are a Natural Bearer and will never be able to
wed a woman. He thought that I would eventually see ‘straight’ and would wed Bellatrix instead.
He refused it so much that my father refused his right as a Lord. As we speak, my father and your
uncle are right now refusing your father the right as Black Lord.”

Sirius gasped back.


“Let me finish.” Rodolphus requested calmly, knowing that a calm interaction worked better than
an angry one around his fiancé, and Sirius shyly nodded. “What your father did is illegal. Even if
you use a male name and walk in male clothes, you are still a Natural Bearer. You still need to wed
a husband.” The early-twenties male added, as he kneeled on one leg before his intended. “I don’t
care myself. I want you and either you use a male or female terminology: it was you that I fell for.”
Sirius’ face turned red. “Now the real reason I come here today. My parents decided that they
refuse to let you stay a ward of the Black Family even if the Lordship hierarchy is going to

“Am I going to be taken in by you?”

Rodolphus showed the necklace.

“Sirius, I, Rodolphus Cassius Lestrange, hereby ask you to accept me as your future husband. Let
me make you my wife on the upcoming spring holidays. Let me make you Heiress Sirius
Lestrange. Let me love you and be loved by you.”


“I want it to be your choice.” Rodolphus explained. “If you aren’t ready yet, I’ll tell my parents and
we’ll hold back the wedding for now.”

“I’m 12.”

“Your grandfather Pollux had your mother at 13 and his father had him also at 13.” Rodolphus
reminded him. “I’m not saying I want you to get pregnant so soon. Actually I want you to finish
your school first, but your father forced my hand.”

Sirius passed a hand through his long hair as he obviously took the news in and then pulled it up
into a side tail as he held it up instead of answering.

“It’s just one necklace, right? I won’t have to wear a whole set like Kari, right?”

Rodolphus smiled.

“Knowing your mother and my own they’ll try to at the least in special days like Heiress Peverell.”
He agreed and put the Lestrange necklace on Sirius. “I won’t ever step out of tone. We’ll only do it
when you feel that you are ready for it. I will keep courting you and, even when we will be old, that
won’t change.” He promised.

“Thank you.”

Rodolphus nodded and took hold of Sirius’ hands in his. He brought them to his lips and kissed the
back of them just as the office’s door opened. Rodolphus looked up to find the Dark Lord.

“My apologies, Rodolphus. I need some files for my next class.”

Rodolphus stood from his kneeling on one leg position and shook his head.

“We had just finished.” He argued. “Are you busy this spring holidays, Sire?”

The Dark Lord looked back from the parchment he was picking up.

“Nothing that comes to mind.”

“You’ll receive a proper invitation later, but would you attend our wedding?”

Sirius blushed that Rodolphus was asking his Professor.

“It will be my pleasure.” Dark Lord agreed.

“Thank you, Sir. Sirius, who is your best friend?”

“James Potter.” Sirius replied automatically.

Rodolphus nodded.

“I’ll warn our parents to have the Potters added to the guest list with Heir Potter as our Best Man.”
He said in agreement. “I’m going to invite Bellatrix as my Maid of Honour then, if you don’t
Sirius shook his head.

“I’ll tell James and my friends.” He agreed. “I want Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Kari Peverell,
Ron Prewett, Sylvine Nott and Severus Snape to attend, beside Megara of course.”

Rodolphus nodded.

“I’ll make sure their names are added in.” He promised.

Sirius nodded shyly and then left. The Dark Lord looked after Sirius’ leaving form and then back
at Rodolphus.

“Orion must have really refused his job as a father for your father to have decided on a wedding so
early on.” The older put in.

“It was mutual between him and my mother, but yes.”

“I’ll speak with the Deputy Headmaster to have the permission for Sirius to go to Hogsmeade for
his wedding dress-robes choosing. Alongside his friends if I manage to include them.”

“I’ll warn my mother and future mother-in-law so they’ll be ready.” Rodolphus agreed.


Sunday, 23 January 1972


Corban Yaxley passed through the Muggle town in silence until he arrived the house in question.
He had walked from a safe distance so the owner of the house wouldn’t have felt him arrive or this
would be all for nothing. He entered without a knock and was glad that he did. His former
classmate was in that moment being held by her hair by her Muggle husband as he screamed at her

“Looks like my Lord was right.” He grumbled under his breath, before he whistled in a sound non-
hearable by Humans.

Before the couple could realize what was going on, the house was stormed in by Werewolves that
had followed him but waited outside, who literally forced the Muggle away from the Witch.

“Corban?” Eileen whispered confused as the Shewolves walked her towards him and as far away
from her husband - being manhandled by the Werewolves - as possible.

“Someone told our former classmate Tom Riddle that you were under abuse. Looks like it was the

“I’m not…”

“Eileen!” Corban snarled and the Witch shut up. “I’m bringing her to be checked-up by a Healer.”
He added towards Beta.

The Shewolf nodded.

“Take her away from this nightmare as we teach that scumbag what happens when you raise your
hand at a woman.” Beta agreed.
Corban took hold of Eileen, before she could try to defend the Muggle, and side-apparated away.
Antonin Dolohov walked outside his home.

“Don’t you know better than to apparate directly inside someone’s Wards?” The other demanded.

“I just rescued Eileen from her abusive excuse for a husband and she is fighting the rescuing, do
you think it wise to side-apparate into a safe distance when she is trying to return to the beatings?”

Antonin looked at Eileen, obviously took in her black eye and hematomas on her arms and legs.

“Bring her inside.” He agreed as Corban felt the Wards locking around the Witch to keep her from
leaving. “Who is dealing with the Muggle?” Antonin asked as he quickly set up his things for her

“My brother’s Werewolf Pack.” Corban explained. “Our Lord managed to finally locate and, then,
we rescued them from their incarceration last September.” He added and Antonin nodded.


Sunday, 13 February 1972


As Aunt Genevieve brought them all to Hogsmeade’s clothes store for their new dress-robes for
Sirius incoming wedding (damn this time and age things really were different. Which, sure, in this
era there wasn’t such a thing as children, only small adults, but at the least Rodolphus Lestrange
had promised to let the other finish education before they’d move on with their wedding) when
they come upon a woman that looked like Severus Snape somewhat, beside a man that Harry had
seen in the New Year Eve’s party.

“Snape.” Harry called and the boy looked back, before he looked at where Harry was looking.
“Isn’t that…?”

“My mum. Why is she here?” The boy whispered back confused as they stayed behind the walking
away group.

At realizing they had staying behind, Aunt Genevieve looked at where the two were looking and
then nodded.

“I believe you can go join Lawyer Yaxley and Mrs Snape.” She agreed towards the two, before she
entered alongside the rest of the group in the clothes store.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Snape, who nodded and the two walked towards Mrs Snape.

“Heiress Peverell.” Mr Yaxley put in with a nod back and Harry nodded. “And Young Severus, I

“Indeed, Sir.” The boy agreed and raised an eyebrow towards his own mother. “Is everything all
right, Mum? Why are you in robes? In here?”

“I caught Tobias Snape red-handed as he was mistreating your mum.” Mr Yaxley put in and Harry
glanced at Snape, who was staring at his own mother. “I’ve contacted Lord Prince.”

For the first-time Mrs Snape did show some reaction, going shy.
“Severus, my father has accepted to take us in and take you as his Heir.” She offered.

“But?” Harry wondered.

“Her son has to clean his bloodline from the Muggle’s inheritance.” Mr Yaxley explained and
Snape finally looked at the man. “I have no family name for myself, nor can I claim yours as
requested by your grandfather.” The older started talking directly towards Snape as Mrs Snape
went deep red. “In my favour I was raised being taught to never hit a woman by my mum who
raised me and my brother by herself until I was a teenager and then we were taken in by a
Werewolf Pack who also taught me the same.”

Harry stepped away to give the three space as he realized that Mr Yaxley was literally asking
Snape the permission to wed the boy’s mother. As Harry stepped even more away, Mr Yaxley’s
eyes raised up at him and then down again as someone suddenly was by Harry’s side. Harry
looked, as Snape spoke with the two adults, to find Sissy’s father. The man nodded back and
signalled towards the clothes store.

“I believe they deserve the right for privacy, Heiress Peverell.” Mr Nott put in and Harry nodded.
“My Lord told us that you were the one to tell him.”

“I looked at Sna… Severus and I saw myself.” Harry explained and the older nodded. “Does he
like her?” He wondered, since he knew that Yaxley had never married in the future.

Mr Nott looked down at Harry and then up as they entered the shop where the group was being
overwhelmed with the possible new dress-robes, Sissy’s mother as well as the Potters were present
helping out the seamstresses at picking up the clothes.

“Between you and me: since we were students.” Mr Nott finally agreed. “Let’s join my daughter
and my son as we pick your own dress-robe for the wedding, shall we?”

Harry nodded and joined the Nott Family. Rabastan Lestrange was by Sirius’ side who was deep
red as he was shown the several dress-robes in a magazine by Mrs Potter. Harry looked at them as
he held back the lump in his throat. His grandparents…

Mrs Nott smiled back warmly and joined him to her children as they looked through the

“Severus?” Sissy asked back.

“Lawyer Yaxley is about to wed Severus’ mum and adopt him as his own son.” Harry whispered
back and even her brother looked back at the claim. “Talk later. Too many ears.”

Sissy looked at Peter Pettigrew within hearing distance and then she nodded.


Chapter End Notes

Next: Animagi

Chapter XXI –Animagi–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,619




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XX I


Easter Holidays, Tuesday, 4 April 1972


Harry looked up at the massive looking entrance of the labyrinth.

“Guys?” He asked uncertain as the rest of the guests all passed past him and inside the labyrinth,
each going separate ways.

“It’s part of the ceremony.” James shrugged and just walked inside.

Harry looked up at the massive hedgerows. They looked even taller than the ones in his fourth-

“It’s… safe… right?”

“Of course not. It’s full of traps to try to keep my brother from getting to his fiancé.” Rabastan
argued and entered past Harry who, for the first-time in his life, stepped back instead of forward.
Ron and Hermione glanced back at Harry, who was feeling the hedgerow fall down on him and he
had yet to enter…

“Don’t worry. The traps are only on the other entrance. The groom’s entrance.” Rosier Jr. offered,
setting an arm besides Harry and offering it for him to take like a gentleman. “Shall we?”

“There really won’t be anything?”

“Not a thing.” Rosier Jr. promised. “Come on, it’s bad etiquette to don’t join in.”

Unsure Harry accepted the arm and they entered, as he did his best not to focus on any sound
around them. Only for suddenly something to strike him from behind and he shriek like mad.

“Why did you guys do that?” He heard Ron snap, only for Harry to see James and Peter laughing
by the side.

Harry did his best to focus on his breath as he walked backwards and, before Rabastan could stop
him for some reason, his back hit the hedgerow. That’s when he felt it. It was alive. The few
sunlight that was in their corridor was suddenly gone.

“Oh no, you activated one of the curses.” Rabastan groaned. “Hey, where’s Junior? We was with
us to undo them if we’d need it!”

Harry felt Ron and Hermione approach and try to keep him calm, but Harry started hearing
screams. Fleur’s. Viktor’s… Cedric’s…

Suddenly Ron and Hermione were pulled away from him and then Voldemort was before him,
bringing him back from the screams in his mind. Harry looked up to the sky to see the sunlight was

“It’s all right. It’s undone.” The older argued, only to frown when Harry latched onto his arm.
“Heiress Peverell?” He asked, obviously using that title because they weren’t alone.

“Don’t let go…” He requested and when Voldemort started to free his arm Harry held on harder as
he pleaded: “please?””

Voldemort frowned but nodded, letting Harry hold onto his arm like mad as they moved down the

“Do that and you’ll be joining Mr Filch’s detention for a month!” Voldemort warned suddenly and
Harry could hear James groan. “We reached the exit, Evie.” Was added quieter and almost
soothingly, but Harry refused to let go to his life saver against the hedgerow walls. So long as
Voldemort was there the walls wouldn’t fall over him. They had to hit Voldemort first…

“Kari?” He heard his mother’s confused question.

“These two made him touch the hedgerow, Miss Malfoy.” Rabastan’s voice supplied. “I believe he
is still under the influence of one of the curses.”

“I better bring him inside to undo it.” Voldemort supplied and Harry was pulled away from the
falling walls over him.

He could hear the adults reprimanding the other two, but he was just glad to be pulled away from
the enemy.
“No more labyrinth?” He begged as they entered a room.

“Nothing more for today. The Labyrinth Wedding part is done. Rodolphus found Sirius while you
were having your freak out.” Voldemort agreed soothingly as he hit Harry with spells after spells.
“Just what curse did you activate for you to be this spooked, Evie?” He asked rhetorically as he
kept checking him up.

Harry looked around them and when he was finally sure they were inside the four walls of a house,
did he release the older.

“I’m never entering a labyrinth ever again.” He gasped out. “Ever!”

“Evie? Are you alright?”

A knock on the room’s door made Harry turn suddenly and Voldemort had to literally stop him
from striking at his own surrogate mother. The blonde woman looked at Harry’s reaction and then
at Voldemort.

“Sirius and Rodolphus have returned from the wedding clearing and are ready for the law part of
the ceremony. I don’t think Kari can handle it by himself, though.”

Voldemort sighed, put Harry’s hand on his arm again and then guided him out the room like a

“I’ll use magic touch if the need to restrain him comes. Heiress Sirius will want Evie present even
if his Best Man just misbehaved.”

Harry arrived the ceremony hall to see his classmates looking back amused and the Death Eaters
looking back unsure. Right… he made a move to release Voldemort, when he saw the bloody
labyrinth just outside the window. He immediately held harder. Voldemort was tall. Voldemort
was tall… so long as the hedgerow didn’t overwhelm the older, it wouldn’t get him…


Friday, 23 June 1972

Harry sat on the carriage looking out the window as they rode out the school and back to London.
For someone who had done the first-year once: School was boring. There was nothing new that he
was studying. Only thing that had been new was the Magical Core classes that Voldemort had
started teaching him and the Wizardry World’s classes that Mother taught him.

Not to mention Sirius’ bloody Labyrinth Wedding in Lestrange Manor… being back inside a
labyrinth after the last time had spoken him to no level and in the end he had to walk side-by-side
with Voldemort that had been called by Rosier Jr., who would look back surprised at «Evie»’s

“Then when we arrive we will go to our respective parents to ask for the permission to spend the
holidays at Malfoy’s Summer house.” Severus put in.

“I already owled my parents.” Sissy argued. “They agreed.”

Harry looked back towards his friends to realize that the Marauders had left their carriage and that
was why the others were mentioning the summer holidays.

“What about you, Lily?”

“I don’t see my parents in months.” The girl apologised and Harry nodded understanding. “I
probably will be able to go to your birthday party, but…”

“I don’t celebrate it.” Harry interrupted and turned towards Ron with a raised eyebrow, who

“What? She asked.” The ginger argued.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“All I do is letters at midnight.” He said towards Lily, who nodded. “And the Malfoys celebrate it
on another day.” He added.


“My adopted Muggle parents celebrated it on the day they adopted me because they didn’t know
the biological one.” Harry explained because there was not any other way he could explain why he
felt that another date was his birthdate instead of the one that the Malfoys would give him gifts.
“Ron and Hera send me gifts at midnight. That’s the only thing I have ever done.”

“I’ll book up an owl to deliver it at midnight of the 30 th to 31st.” Lily agreed.

“Thank you.”

“July?” Sissy asked and Harry nodded as he looked out the window again. “That explains why you
claim you were 15-month-old when they died.” She mumbled.

When the carriage’s door opened again the group quieted down since the Marauders returned and
even though the Slytherins and the Gryffindors supported each other, they still avoided private
conversations before the other group (somehow Ron and Lily not befalling on the Gryffindor side
of the group so long as Sissy and Severus were concerned). Sighing, Harry grabbed his coin purse
and threw at Ron, who caught it with a raised eyebrow.

“When the Trolley Lady comes: buy more than just chocolate frogs and don’t use it all, okay? I
need to go to the loo.”

Ron nodded immediately and Harry stood, leaving the carriage. He walked down the train into the
WC and entered, locking the door. After doing his necessities, he turned to leave when he found
McLaggen waiting outside the WC door. Harry tensed but, before the other managed to step
forward, a spell hit him from the side and he hit against the train’s door side-ways. Harry looked
out the WC cubicle to find Rosier Jr. that had just run there, one hand holding his wand and
another holding his robe over his chest as if he was in massive pain.

Harry looked again towards the stricken teenager and then sighed. He took out his Peverell Ring
and put it on the other’s finger before the other had time to react to being cursed. Immediately, the
Memory in the ring acted up and took control over the teen’s magic and literally apparated out the

“You do know that by doing that you just sentenced him, don’t you?” Rosier Jr. asked pointedly as
he fast breathed.

“You felt me about to be attacked, haven’t you?” Harry argued and the other nodded. “Whatever
he was about to try to do to me was bad enough that you felt your oath be put into question. I may
not approve killing… but what he was about to do had to be borderline killing material for you to
feel it. I promised Him that if I felt that he had overpassed what I could deal with that I would call
upon His jewellery to rescue myself.” He explained and approached the fellow Slytherin. “If you
felt it then it means that I would not be able to deal with it myself.”

Rosier Jr. nodded.

“I’m sorry. I should have dealt with him while I was still a student before it would come to this

Harry shrugged.

“How bad is your Magical Core?” He asked instead.

“It has stopped hurting.” The teenager offered soothingly and Harry nodded.

“I should have taken His request to deal with him back in January.” Harry grumbled. “Me, Ron,
Hera, Sissy and maybe Severus will spend a month at a summer house in France.” He added.

The former Head Boy looked at Harry as he started to be able to breath normally.

“Are you inviting me?” He asked and the de-aged teenager nodded. “I’ll warn my father.” He

“Well it’s just… it’s easier if you are there if something does happen, right? Like last holidays and
you had to call Him to join me and my friend’s group in the wedding labyrinth ceremony.”

“Apparation across countries takes a lot out of a Magical Core, yes.” Rosier Jr. agreed. “As we just
got proved it would take even more out of mine.”

“I’ll start warning you each time I intend on leaving the country.” Harry said as the other escorted
him back to his carriage.

When they opened the door and Sissy and Severus saw Rosier Jr. escorting Harry, they stood at

“It’s been dealt with.” Rosier Jr. retorted. “But from now on one of you needs to stay outside the
WC’s door. I won’t be at Hogwarts next school year.”

“You were stricken on your way to the bathroom?” James asked and Harry nodded. “Damn, boy.
You have the worst of Lucks.”

“It’s genetic.” He offered, making Ron and Hermione chuckle as he entered and sat down again by
the window.


Saturday, 24 June 1972

Harry accepted the ring back.

“Whatever happened… I don’t want to know. It was already hard enough to hear his parents,
siblings and the former DADA Professor call for him at the train station.”

Voldemort looked up from Harry’s hand as he finished putting the ring on his finger.

“As you wish.” He agreed.

“I invited Rosier Jr. to the month holidays.” He added. “He felt It before I even opened the WC’s
door in the train. I don’t know what he wanted to do but if it hurt Rosier Jr. to the point of attacking
his Magical Core it had to be bad.”

“And that’s why you decided to send McLaggen to me before he did something.” Voldemort
agreed and Harry nodded. “Even if you hadn’t sent him, he would end up being captured later. So
you didn’t do it on him. He did it on himself.” The older added.


Voldemort nodded and raised Harry’s hands kissing the back of them.

“I understand that it wasn’t an easy choice for you. Still thank you.”

“For what?”

“For understanding my need even if you don’t want to hear it.”

Harry nodded.

“I just know how you think.” He said. “When is the next Full Moon’ night? I know I should have
looked it up before booking up a month holidays with friends but I forgot.”

Voldemort scoffed amused.

“It’s from July 26 to August 24.” He supplied. “Unless you want to start next Monday.”


“June 26. Although it would be too close to when you all arrive from Hogwarts. I don’t believe that
the Prewetts would allow for Veronique to go so soon, even if I manage to persuade Cygnus to let
Megara go.”

“They don’t like her for being a child of a Squib and a Muggle.” Harry grumbled. “Whatever is
easier to pass undetected.” He added.


Wednesday, 26 July 1972

By Monday Harry, Ron and Hermione were in France under the moonlight as Sissy, Severus,
Cousin Lucius and Rosier Jr. watched them perform the first phase of the ritual to be able to
become an Animagi.

Like Voldemort warned it was a difficult job to keep it on their mouth fulltime without swallowing
it, yet with the help of the others and the House-elves they lasted the whole month. The Prewetts
hadn’t even floocalled Ron once, after all Mrs Weasley had just given birth to Bill a while ago and
they were pampering in on their grandson. Harry knew it hurt Ron, but at the same time the boy
was being pampered by the Malfoys so he knew that his best friend wouldn’t mention it when they
would manage to speak again.

Hermione was the first to spit her mandrake’s leaf, the girl obviously glad to finally have it out of
her mouth, took a hair out and put on the phial before performing the spell. Ron looked back at
Harry, who signalled him to step forward to go second.

The Malfoys immediately set up the phial for Ron who blushed to the tip of his ears at their
readiness for him. When he was done, barely even managing to spell the incantation spell, Harry
got ready. Voldemort signalled him to wait as a cloud appeared over the moon, hiding it from
view. So he had to wait until it finally showed again and Harry did his side of the spiting. After a
whole month with it inside it was strange to spit it out, still he did it and got everything ready.

“And now we wait, right?” Hermione rasped out.

“For a lightning storm.” Voldemort agreed. “Until then at sunrise and at sunset you need to
perform the incantation. Even if in your own house. Or you’ll need to start all over again.”

Ron groaned.

“It’ll be hard to get up every morning.”

“I’ll send my House-elf to help you wake up.” Cousin Lucius offered, what made Ron blush and

They returned inside the Manor and each one went back to their quarters as Dobby went to store
each potion flask with their names on a hidden location.


Sunday, 30 July 1972

Harry woke drowsily to find Voldemort by his side. He looked immediately towards the
bedroom’s window only to see night.


“There’s a lightning storm right now in Russia, if we travel fast we might get there and be able to
finish the incantation instead of waiting for the next one in England.” Voldemort supplied

Harry nodded and stood up.

“Ron and Hera?”

“Genevieve went to wake Veronique and Megara was already awake for whatever reason.”

Harry nodded, put on his glasses and let Voldemort take hold onto him just as Slippery popped in
and took hold onto them, before teleporting with House-elf magic onto a clearing under the
Lightning Storm. Harry took a deep breath and with Voldemort’s help set up the last phase of the

When he was done drinking the potion, he started to feel his body shift. He knew that somewhere
in this forest on another clearing Ron and Hermione were with the Malfoys also applying the last
phase, while Harry was alone with Voldemort. He fell forward onto his four and felt his glasses
becoming one with his face. He heard Voldemort gasp as he took in Harry’s new form.

When Harry turned his head towards Voldemort the other was the same height as he was. Harry
looked around and found that the clearing was suddenly too small. Somehow the clearing had
suddenly turned into a sea of greenish blue. Then he saw a purple tail at the end of the sea, only to
realize that it was his own tail. Wait… this sea… was himself?

Harry turned his head around to find wings.


He opened them ready to try them out only to hear a voice, bringing him back to his senses.

–There’s a lightning storm, Evie. You better do not attempt at flying when you are such a large
target. Learn to shrink first.–



Was he a Magical Creature? Was that even possible? Well, Sirius was a Grimm…

–How do I shift back?– He forced himself to ask back.

Could Voldemort even understand him?

Harry turned his head towards Voldemort and let the other touch him, only to feel Magical Words
helping him shrink. Finally he was back to normal before the older who was holding his cheek with
loving eyes.

“You were gorgeous. It makes sense that you gifted me an Occamy, Evie.” The older supplied and
Harry frowned only for his eyes to grow. “Yes, you are an Occamy. You managed to turn into a
beautiful serpent and still be able to fly like you like.”

Harry scoffed, of all the creatures he could turn into…

“Did I really use all the clearing as my nest?”

“You are a Choranaptyxis.” Voldemort agreed. “And, Evie?” He called and Harry hummed, his
face still being held by the older. “Happy 12th adoption-date.”

Harry’s eyes grew, having totally forgotten.

“Thanks.” He mumbled shyly, not used to being wished in person.

Slippery returned and they were teleported back onto Malfoy Manor in England. Mother was
waiting him by the entrance and smiled back.

“How was it?”

“Great.” Harry supplied. “Hera and Ron?”

“A cat and a dog.” Mother supplied. “They already went back to bed. Although, according to my
brother, Megara struggled to shift back. What about you?”

“I had to use physical contact to apply Magic Words to help him shift back.” Voldemort supplied.
“He is a Magical Creature.”

“Those are rare… congrats, Kari.”

“Thanks, Mother. I better go back to bed.”

Mother nodded and kissed his top of head, before he climbed up onto his room. When he arrived he
found several owls in the room and Dobby struggling to keep them restrained. He whistled and
offered both his arms, immediately the owls flew onto his waiting arms.
“My apologies, Mistress Kari, but…”

“It’s okay, Dobby. I was expecting them.”

Dobby nodded and Harry started emptying the owls of their packages. He sat by his desk table on
the office room, when he finished the owls flew away and he got ready to open the first one.

“May mine be the first one?”

Harry looked up to find Voldemort by his quarter’s open door.

“You aren’t going to start gifting me things about Occamies, are you?”

“Not right now.” Voldemort argued amused.

Harry signalled him inside as he stood to accept the gift. Only to see Voldemort whistle as he raised
his forearm and an owl flew inside the bedroom. A Snow Owl. A white with hints of black feathers
and golden eyes owl. Harry stared at it wide-eyed.

There was no freaking way…

“It is still young, not even a-year-old. It’s not taught yet so you’ll need to teach it.” Voldemort
supplied. “But my ‘Memories’ saw in your nightmares an owl just like this. When I saw it I knew it
was the one.”

Harry raised his arm instinctively.

“Hedwig.” He called and the baby owl took flight and flew onto his arm. He wasn’t sure how it
was possible. How could Hedwig already be born? But it was her. There was no doubt about that.

“I believe this answer that question.” Voldemort agreed. “If you want I can apply the Familiar
Bonding Ritual later on.”

“What does that entail?” Harry wondered.

“That it will live as long as you do.” Voldemort supplied. “It can only be performed once in a
lifetime, though. You need to be certain.”

“Then I want it.” Harry agreed, before smiling down at Hedwig, whose yellow’s eyes were staring
right back. “Nice to meet you again, Hedwig.” He whispered and Hedwig hooted back.


Chapter End Notes

Just because I know several of you might not understand it, Harry wasn’t affected by
any lasting curse. It’s PTSD, not a curse. Although he did activate a curse when he
touched the hedgerow.

So Harry is having PTSD effects, touches hedgerow’s walls only to activate one of the
curses, starts to remember the Three Wizards’ third task, Voldemort undoes the curse
that Harry had accidentally activated, Harry is already stuck in panic mode and since
Voldemort has no idea about Harry’s past he thinks it’s a curse that is making «Evie»
react like that.

Next: Birthdate & Pack

Chapter XXII –Birthdate & Pack–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,380




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXII

–Birthdate & Pack–

Monday, 31 July 1972


Harry arrived the dining room to find his group of friends, which included the Marauders, the Head
Boy, Sissy’s older brother, the Lestrange brothers and Sirius’ younger brother.

“Wha…? Why is everyone here?”

“Did you get our gifts?” James asked instead and the Malfoys looked back confused.

“I… yes… but, I told you guys I don’t do anything more than just gifts at midnight and…”

“You also don’t do hugs.” Sirius retorted and stood up, approaching and pulling him into a bone-
breaking hug. “Happy adoption-day, Kari.”

“What?” Uncle Abraxas asked.

Harry turned deep red.

“Kari was taught to celebrate his birthdate on the day he was adopted by the James.” Ron supplied.
“The Muggle Uncle and Aunt taught him to not celebrate it, but this is the day that he recognises as
his birthdate. We started calling it adoption-date since it’s not really his birthdate.”

“James?” James asked as Sirius released Harry, only for Hermione to take his place.

“Kari was once called Harry James.” Ron agreed.

“You could have at the least combed your hair.” Hermione reprimanded into Harry’s ear, who
turned deep red.

Sissy stood and approached, took hold onto Harry’s hair from behind and quickly braided it down
his back. When Sissy was done he was pulled to sit by the table besides his friends.

“If you guys were planning a secret party, why did you send the gifts at midnight?” Harry asked
shyly as he heard Aunt Genevieve quickly warning Dobby quietly to set up the ballroom.

“You would have realized if we hadn’t.” Remus offered. “And the Potters just managed to
persuade my parents to let me come last Saturday. It was a last minute setup.”

“Why wouldn’t… you didn’t tell them you were coming to Malfoy Manor, did you?”

“Not exactly.” Remus agreed embarrassed. “And… I didn’t feel so well last Wednesday.” He
added pointedly.

Harry nodded, understanding what he meant.

“Don’t worry, you’ll never have to pass it alone ever again.”

Remus frowned and stared back confused.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing life-threatening.” Harry supplied amused and Remus only frowned harder.

“Can you guys speak English?” James demanded.

“I can speak Slytherin if you want.” Harry offered. “Or Hera can speak book-language. She’s good
at that.”

“Yeah, when she starts no one can stop her.” Ron grumbled.

Hermione scoffed amused and Harry glanced at his surrogate mother, who was looking back with a
sad look.

“Do we need to stay in the ballroom, or can we go to the gardens and play there?” He asked Aunt

“But of course. The backyard? It has a small Quidditch court.”

“We’ll floocall our parents to bring us our brooms.” Rodolphus Lestrange, Sirius’ husband, agreed.
“Between ours and our old ones I believe we’ll manage to gather to all of us.”

The teenagers nodded and they all hurried to finish breakfast before the ones who had brooms at
home hurried to make floocalls, as Harry approached Mother.
“I’m sorry.”

“For what, Dear?”

“The day I recognize as my birthday is not the day you gave me birth.”

The woman sighed and sat down on the dining table, before she signalled at Harry to step forward.
Harry obeyed and the woman rearranged his clothes for him.

“I’m just glad to have you back.” She argued. “It hurt me more that you refused to celebrate a day
altogether. If this day is the day you recognise, then it’s this day that I’ll celebrate with you.” The
blonde woman offered soothingly. “I just want to make you happy and be happy beside you.
Having you back was my most happiest day and seeing you every day, having you call me Mother,
having you there is the greatest thing I could ever wish for.” She put in and leaned forward, kissing
his top of head. “Even if you call another woman Mum, I’m glad for being your mother. After all,
unlike her, I did not give my life so you could survive the Killing Curse.” She added, signalling
Harry’s forehead scar.

“At the Muggles all I ever wanted was for my parents to not be dead.” Harry put in truthfully and
the woman nodded. “My animal form is blue and purple. Not just blue, it’s teal.”

Mother’s eyes grew.

“My favourite colour.”

“I’m an Occamy.” He agreed and the woman smiled back proudly. “I never had it myself but I
knew what I wanted. I wanted a parent there for me. I wanted someone to want me. I wanted a
family, but then I was thrown into the Pureblood world.” He explained and the blue eyes stared
back sadly. “I wanted a family yet what I had gotten was almost the same as I had back then.
Riddle had made it better with his interference, but I was in a world of lies.”

“I’m sorry for that.”

Harry sighed.

“The Muggle might be my mum, she might be the screams I hear in my nightmares, but it’s you
who are here. You who raised me. You who took care of me. Who loved me. Even with all my
issues, you still love me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to call you Mum, but… maybe” [Mère]
“like Cousin Lucius does with Aunt Genevieve?”

The woman’s eyes watered and she pulled Harry into a hug.

“I’d be honoured.” She agreed between hiccups.

Harry looked over Mother’s shoulder at feeling himself stared at, to find Uncle Abraxas on the
other side of the dining room. The blond man nodded back and closed the door to give the two


Harry sat himself on his broom as the others flew around the mini Quidditch pitch and levitated
besides Hermione.

“I’ll take it slow.” He promised.

“I won’t…”

“Just around the pitch. I won’t raise higher than this.” He promised.

Hermione sighed and sat behind him, held onto him and Harry flew around the pitch with the girl
holding onto his chest.

“Harry!” The girl called.

“If you jump you are at standing height.” He explained as he flew slowly.

He felt Hermione look around him as the others flew around the pitch higher than them.

“Just take it slow.” She asked onto his ear and Harry nodded, continuing to fly around the pitch.

Finally when the others called him to a match he stopped beside Mother and let Hermione out.

“Was it that bad?” He asked her.

“Better than Thestrals and Hippogriffs.” She offered and Harry laughed. “Go on.”

Harry nodded.

“Just don’t lock yourself reading a book, okay?”

“Promise.” Hermione agreed and Harry flew away towards the others.



Voldemort descended the Malfoy Manor beside Abraxas and walked into the backyard gardens to
find Veronique on one side of a small version of the Quidditch pitch against Evie on the other side
and the rest of Evie’s makeshift friends divided in two groups between the two. When buying that
broom Voldemort had been told by everyone how that was a mistake of a broom and how unstable
it was, yet… he watched how both Evie and Veronique pulled their brooms faster than any other
broom, which made sense how they had been put onto different sides then. Next school year
Gryffindor and Slytherin would have some interesting Quidditch matches. And Voldemort wasn’t
the type to watch, but he was interested on seeing how the two male bearers would do.

“Professor Riddle.”

Voldemort looked to the side to see Miss Black beside Miss Malfoy, who was with a broom by her
hand ready to fly up if needed (obviously being the referee) .

“One too many?” He asked her.

“Don’t like heights.” She argued. “Kari already took me on a slow ride at three feet height so I
wouldn’t freak out.”

Voldemort nodded and looked up at the playing teenagers and young adults. Looked like
Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy were also there.

“I’m not a fan myself.” He said back. “But Evie loves it.”

“I know. If he wasn’t a magnet for trouble he could even follow a Player’s lifestyle.”
“Whatever his job he’ll always be a trouble magnet.” Voldemort argued and the young Witch
laughed. “What about you? What do you like?”

“Studying and being with my friends.” Miss Black supplied. “I’ve no idea what I wanna do when
I’m off-age, though. All I ever thought was a Ministry’s job. Something where I can make a

Voldemort nodded.

“You are a Ravenclaw alright.” He agreed and the girl blushed as Miss Malfoy chuckled. “You
father’s a Squib and mother’s a Muggle, am I right?” He wondered and she nodded back with a
narrowed look. “You can work in the laws department, the minister department or even the
Unspeakables one. I believe you would do well in the last one. They are always studying new
things, someone like you would always be interested and always studying new things. Even death.”


“If you want to live a life of learning, I would bet on the last one. Still, you would need to be ready
for the change. You would need to be able to look beyond what is on paper. Not just what people
say is true.”

Miss Black nodded.

“I’d be able to try to find the connection between Muggleborns and Squibs.”

“You and Evie think alike…” he argued only for Miss Malfoy to choke down a laugh and,
immediately, Voldemort signalled at Young Black to the side of the court, who nodded. “If you
want to make that your life choice, yes you could.” Voldemort agreed as they walked to the side so
Miss Malfoy could focus on the match. “You would even have the Ministry of Magic paying you
even if they don’t believe in your studies.”

“And what would happen if I proved it?”

“You would post it on a book as a Mastery of sorts… like Muggles do.” He said the last part to
better explain towards the girl used to think like a Muggleborn and she nodded, understanding.
“After that you would have to get ready for plenty of people to try to prove you wrong and at the
same time lots of interviews. You would be one of the most spoken person if you did manage to
find the link.”

“Do you think I’m mad for believing that Muggleborns’ ancestors are Squibs?” She asked.

Voldemort smiled down at her.

“How about we do it this way. When you believe you found the proof? You came to me. I’d make
you all the disputes, all the arguments that other people would do and you would be able to justify
yourself and be ready to when they would come.”

“You would do your best to prove me wrong.” She argued.

“I would do my best at helping you proving your case. If you would manage to justify yourself to
me, don’t you think you would be able to justify yourself on open Wizengamot Lords Court?
Because that’s where you would be brought and all Purebloods would do their best to throw you to
the ground if that is your wish. Not even being a daughter of a Black would help you because one
of your parents is a Squib and the other a Muggle, that’s why I asked you. Even if you are a Black
you are still looked down on until you manage to prove it on court. It will be a hard job.”
Miss Black looked back for a real long time and then she nodded.

“Except for the fact that the Blacks wouldn’t back me up. Sirius would’ve but he has married Heir
Lestrange and is a Lestrange instead of being the Heir Black. Regulus wouldn’t dare to go against
his uncles on turning against me. Kari hates anything to do with Inheritances. I mean I can see him
going on court just to be there for me, but…” the brunette girl shrugged. “And if Ron does end up
wedding Malfoy I can see him bothering Heir Malfoy to take my side, but… Lord Malfoy…”

“If you managed to prove to me? I would also back you up.” Voldemort said and his student
nodded. “I won’t be something you will prove in a year though. You will have to study, prove
once. Look it in another angle, prove it again. And so on until you are sure that there’s no way it
can be refused. It will take you years.”

Megara Black nodded just as a broomstick landed beside them. The two looked while Evie jumped
from his broom onto his feet with an agility that was almost snakelike.

“Ron’s belly is starting to growl. We’re moving inside onto the ballroom for lunch. By the sound
of it, we better go fast or Ron will eat it all.” The boy said and Miss Black laughed. “You were
studying the whole time, weren’t you?”

“I did not open a book.” Miss Black argued.

Evie frowned, looking at his friend and then he glanced at Voldemort and then back at her.

“If you guys insist on a party could you at the least not spend it studying?” He whined.

Miss Black laughed.

“I didn’t. Come on, let’s head inside before Ron eats your cake.” She argued and followed the
walking inside group.

Evie staying beside Voldemort as Slippery popped in, took Evie’s broomstick and then popped

“What were you teaching her?” He asked once the other was out of earranch.

“That if she wants to make it her life choice to prove that Muggleborns are direct bloodlines of
Squibs that it will be a hard job. That she’ll need to be ready for retaliation and to have all the
answers.” Voldemort explained.

Evie looked back surprised.

“Oh… I thought you had literally been lecturing her.” The boy said. “I’m not against she

“She just doesn’t know when to stop.” Voldemort offered and Evie nodded as he accompanied him
inside. “You need to learn something that you enjoy to do together as a group instead of some fly
as another watch.”

“We can’t exactly practice spells here.” Evie argued. “After all, there isn’t a spell that Hera can’t

Voldemort looked down at Evie’s proudness on his friend and then ahead where the ballroom was
with the boy’s group.
“Did you also know Miss Black before you were found by the Malfoys?” He asked and the boy
looked back out of the corner of his eyes.

Then to his surprise Evie smirked.

“Who knows?” He argued and then entered the ballroom, his baby owl flying in and onto his
shoulder which he didn’t even react to as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “Hello, Girl.
Hungry?” The owl hooted back. “Yeah, me too.”

As Evie sat down on the table beside his friends a plate with owl treats popped in that Evie
immediately fed to his owl.

“My Lord, did you know?” Abraxas asked, showing by his side.

“Evie told me half a year ago.” Voldemort agreed as he stayed by the entrance of the ball. “On the
day that he hosted a ball in my name.” He added pointedly. “We agreed at staying at just gifts, but
looks like his friends had other thoughts.”

“Which one was yours?”

Voldemort signalled the owl.

“Evie’s nightmares are filled with that owl. When the owl is older.” Voldemort said and the blond
looked back immediately. “I offered him the ability to make it his Familiar and he didn’t even
think twice about it and they had just met.”

“Did you tell Callisto that the Ritual is Dark?”

“It was implicit.” Voldemort agreed. “For as Light-minded as Evie is, he still has a lot of Dark-
oriented thoughts. If you say Dark he refuses, if you don’t he won’t even think about it.”

“I’ll warn my sister to go over it with him and Veronique.” Abraxas agreed with a bow of head
while they saw both Veronique and Miss Black hurrying to go pet the white owl. “And I’ll warn
my wife to bring Lucius and Veronique on a pet shopping spree.” He added.

Voldemort looked again to the group and saw how tired the Young Lupin looked. He narrowed his
eyebrows at it as Evie leaned down to whisper something to a popping in Slippery. Slippery
popped out and onto Voldemort’s side. He leaned down to allow the House-elf to tell him the
message in privacy.

“Young Nice Mistress tell Slippery to ask if Werewolves can take Pepper Up potion.”

Voldemort looked at Young Lupin and then back at the trio of Animagi. Don’t tell him…

“I’ll go fetch one that ain’t prejudicial for them.” He agreed and stood again. “I will be right back,
Abraxas. One of your visits needs a potion that I need to set up so it won’t do more harm than

Abraxas nodded, Voldemort left and apparated home where he quickly entered his lab where he
had a potioncase filled with potions Creature-approved. He looked through them until he found a
variable of the Pepper Up potion and gave the following him House-elf.

“Give to Remus Lupin, don’t let anyone else take a sip.”

Slippery nodded and Voldemort sneered, letting his features return to normal before he left home
and onto his Manor’s gardens where a Pack of Werewolves were hiding from Lyall Lupin’s
persecution after Voldemort had rescued them last September and after they had killed Tobias
Snape half a year ago.

“Darkest Lord.” The Alpha was fast to meet him at the entrance of his pack’s camp.

“Did you bit Lupin’s kid?” He demanded and Alpha Greyback nodded. “Just great… my intended
mate asked for my help and just turned himself onto an Animagus last Full Moon without telling
me the why and I just realized that it was to become your Werecub’s Human pack.”

“Cub Remus actually turned? I thought that if it had been successful that Lupin would have killed
him after he arrested me and…”

“He is at the moment at Malfoy Manor exhausted beyond reason. A couple days after a Full Moon
and my intended Mate asked for a Pepper Up potion for a Werewolf. He doesn’t need to tell me
that it’s for your Werecub, I could tell that it was him.”

“How long is Cub going to stay in Malfoy Manor?”

“Today. He isn’t alone though.”

“I need to go explain to my cub that he isn’t a monster.” Alpha Greyback growled, before he took a
deep breath to restrain his inner wolf. “My apologies, Darkest Lord, but the knowledge of a Cub
with no Pack to help him while so close to the Full Moon…”

Voldemort nodded.

“I can get him to the gardens of Malfoy Manor, I do not advise on gong the whole Pack.”

Greyback looked back at his pack and his Beta nodded back that she’d look over while he was
gone. Voldemort offered his forearm and the Werewolf took hold of it before side-apparating
outside the Malfoy Manor’s gates.



Harry shared a look with Ron and Hermione when he saw Voldemort in his Professor Riddle-self
signalling at Remus to follow him. He shouldn’t have asked for that potion. The three left the
ballroom as the group were laughing around and playing games.

“How fast do you shift?” Harry asked.

“Fast.” Ron said.

“Not so fast… and a cat isn’t threatening.” Hermione argued.

Harry looked at her and then ahead towards where Voldemort was bringing their friend as he talked
with him barely out of sight.


“Always.” The girl agreed. “What about you? What is your form? Is it threatening?”

“It can be…” Harry said uncertain. “I just can’t control it and it’s size.”
His two friends looked back confused but Harry started to run when Voldemort turned around the
corner and he could somehow hear a Werewolf growl all the way from where he was. Ron and
Hermione run after him and the three arrived Remus’ side as Fenrir Greyback was growling down
his chest as if he wanted to make something out of Remus. Harry didn’t even think, he shifted and
started to grow as he struck at the threatening Werewolf and forced him to back down and away
from the spooked Werecub.

Chapter XXIII –Gryffindor Vs Slytherin–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,442




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXII I

–Gryffindor Vs Slytherin–

Monday, 31 July 1972


Voldemort watched surprised as Evie had somehow realized that he intended on introducing the
Werecub to his Alpha and had tracked them down, only to actually shift and threaten the Werewolf
Alpha as his massive body grew and pushed the Alpha towards the other side of the open space all
the way to the trees. Before he could try to intervene he saw Veronique and Miss Black following,
Veronique shifted as Miss Black grabbed her wand and both protected the Young Werewolf with
their bodies, one as a dog and the other in her Human form.

“Darkest Lord’s intended Mate, I suppose.” Greyback growled and Evie actually hissed at him
threateningly. “I’m not here to hurt Cub. I’m here to teach him that he isn’t a monster like Lyall
Lupin did. If he keeps refusing himself he’ll turn into a Rogue Werewolf. He’ll stop being able to
think while in shifted-form and will not recognize even you. He’ll strike at you and your fellow

“Miss Peverell.” Voldemort warned but a look from the Werewolf Alpha told him that the Natural
Bearer was losing control of his shift. “Miss Peverell! … Evie! …” –Evie!– He called.

Evie looked back at Voldemort and then struggled to shift back until he was on the floor on his
knees in Human form, naked. Voldemort took out his outing robe and approached, pulling it over
the boy. All the while he gave the Werewolf a look, who turned his head away pointedly until the
young bearer’s body was hidden from sight. This was a sight meant for Voldemort only and
Voldemort had also done his best to not look. Not until he had the permission to do so.

“I was taught that Werewolves can have Human Packs.” Evie struggled to speak in human
language barely slipping into Parseltongue, while Slippery popped in with the clothes that Evie had
accidentally left behind when he had shifted into his Animagus-form, including his glasses.

Voldemort looked back at the Werecub and two Animagi, but Veronique had already shifted and
didn’t seem to have had the same issue as Evie. Evie couldn’t be the best in everything after all.
When he looked at Evie again he had already dressed himself and was returning him the robe back.
Voldemort helped him to his feet as Greyback approached with his hands in the air.

“Human member Pack only works until certain point. Cub needs an Alpha to help him control

“You tried to kill me as a child!” The Werecub snapped from his location behind Miss Black.

“I tried to turn you.” Greyback argued. “Your father forced me away and sent me and my Pack to a
Ministry of Magic’s illegal facility to be experimented on!”

“What?” Veronique asked outraged.

“Lyall Lupin is anti-Creatures. Doesn’t matter if they are killers or innocent. He tracks them down
and if he can’t capture them to be used as guinea pigs by the Ministry, he’ll kill them on the spot.”
Greyback explained. Evie stared back at his two friends surprised and then again at Greyback, who
took out his leather jacket and shirt, to show his scars from when his Wolf would try to take the
wolf-poison ingredients from his body. “They tried to find out how to stop me from shifting. I was
fed all types of drugs until your Mate rescued me last year.”

Evie looked at Voldemort, his eyes watering and questioningly, yet dreading the answer.

“He was skin and bones, as well as the others. They were in silver cages, there were chocolate bars
all over the floor and mistletoe.” Voldemort agreed, not going around the subject. “As the Alpha,
he was the one in the best state.” He added.

“I thought I had been unsuccessful because of what Lupin kept doing to me every day and because
you hadn’t been joined to us.” Greyback added towards the Werecub.

Miss Black turned around and hugged her friend, who had left a sound that was a mix between
outrage and hiccup.

“What… what does being a Pack entails?” Evie asked as he walked backwards towards the other
three, but always in a protective stand.

“He takes the Pack’s surname and only pack members have a right to call him by first name.
Obviously you will be able as Human Pack.” Greyback supplied. “He’ll spend the Full Moon with
Pack to help him deal with the shift and we’ll teach him what being a Werewolf really mean. It’s
not about being a killer. That’s what Rogue Werewolves are. That’s what Lyall Lupin almost
turned me into.”
“My dad rescued my mum from a Werewolf when they met.” The Werecub argued.

“A Rogue one.” Greyback agreed with a nod. “I do not blame your Muggle mother, but Lyall
Lupin I do. For all the hate that he has on our kind… then he doesn’t out his own son?”

Voldemort saw Evie look back at his Werecub friend and then back at Greyback.

“Remus is always eating chocolate.”

Voldemort’s eyes grew. Lyall Lupin was drugging his own son? Did he want to really turn his own
son into what he hated?


Sunday, 15 October 1972


Harry stared at the Quidditch stands as he watched Professor Dumbledore side-by-side with
Professor Riddle. Oh boy that could end bloody.

“Ready?” Beater Rabastan Lestrange asked as he and the other Beater, Jonathan Nott, stayed on
either side of Harry.

Unlike last time Harry had a first game where people hadn’t known how good he was, this time
everyone knew it. It was no secret how he had defeated the previous Coach. What meant that
suddenly he was the target from pranks as people tried to make him be unable to play the game.

“Just wondering how long those two will last before they start striking each other with Magic
Words.” Harry said truthfully.

Immediately all of his six fellow players looked at what he meant and scoffed.

“It wouldn’t be muss of a miss.” The Captain argued. “My money is on Professor Slytherin.”

Harry smirked as he looked at the two and remembered a battle in the Ministry of Magic’s Atrium.

“My money is on a tie.” He argued and when Madam Hooch – who had luckily been the one to
replace Coach – whistled they all climbed their brooms and took flight.


Harry still remembered his first class after the Coach issue. As Madam Hooch was being
introduced by Professor McGonagall (while several male Slytherins and Gryffindors were looking
down at her for being a woman instead of a man), the younger-version of the stern woman had
taken a look in Harry’s direction and approached him.

«You must be Callisto Peverell.» She put in as she took a good look at him, measuring him up.

«Yes, Madam.»

Madam Hooch summoned a broom and set it down on the floor beside Harry.

«Prove your classmates how my predecessor was wrong and even a female or a male bearer can
be great flyers.» She put in and with that she had shut up the whole male students with thoughts of
grandeur. Harry had smiled amused at realizing what she was doing. He called the broom to his
hand and, at her signal, climbed the broom. Madam Hooch walked around him as she took in his
sitting position with his robe pulled up just enough to be able to sit with a leg to each side. «I want
all of you to see how he holds the broom. Can any of you tell me something wrong with it?»

«He is holding it wrong, he should be sitting on it sideways.» A girl from Gryffindor pointed out.

Madam Hooch smirked and took out her pocketwatch, only for Harry to realize it was a

«Take flight up, one ride around the whole pitch and then land before me, Peverell.» She ordered.
Harry waited for her to be ready and then flew at all velocity. He called the max of what that old
broom could give. He flew, he enjoyed, he had fun. Finally he did his best to stop on the exact
same spot and Madam Hooch stopped the chronometer. «3 minutes and half. Now I want you to do
it in the body position that your classmate said you should, Peverell.»

Harry frowned and forced himself to sit on the broom sideways which was far from practical. He
took flight and flew around the pitch. Each time he tried to fly faster he would almost fall down. He
almost lost the broom five times. Finally he arrived and practically had to force the broom to stop
beside Madam Hooch.

«I’m never flying like that ever again.» He argued out of breath.

«20 minutes.» Madam Hooch said louder as the entire students were gaping. «Each time you try to
pull from your broom to fly faster as you all saw you will fall down. You either learn how to fly or
don’t even bother.» They all nodded and the woman turned again towards Harry. «Teach us your

Harry had gaped then, but now that he thought about it, it made sense. He had literally taught how
to properly fly on a broom a decade earlier. He had accidentally gotten his name on the frontpage
of sports magazines and there were even books being published teaching his way to riding the
broom. Which was nice and dainty until he realized that a vault had been opened in his name
where the Author Rights of those way of flight books and magazines had been would be deposited.
Ron had joked when he found out that he should have thought about it as well and looked up things
that would only be taught later in life so he could make a life out of it. Hermione had been

–End of Flashback–

Harry faced the Gryffindor Seeker and Captain, who glared back.

Harry was a male bearer. He had a strange broom that everyone considered impossible to
manoeuvre – Gryffindor Captain had refused for Ron to enter the team because of his broom alone,
something Ron and Harry had hidden from the Malfoys as they didn’t want them to try to buy the
entire team with brooms. Harry had taught a different way to fly brooms that plenty considered
that it made the brooms unstable and refused to use. Not to mention the Merlin forbid the showing
up some leg as they pull the robe up… But most of it all. He was a Slytherin who walked among
two Slytherins, a group of Gryffindors and one Ravenclaw. Harry defied everything people
believed in. Slytherins weren’t supposed to be friends with the other Houses. He was an
abnormality. Yet not even the Slytherins turned their backs on him. As much as Harry had fought it,
it had been impossible for Professor Slughorn not to realize that Harry was at the top of the rank
so his and Sissy’s quarters had been moved up. They were now at the very start of the labyrinth.
Not even the new Head Girl and the new Prefect had higher ranked bedroom than Harry and
Sissy. Harry was above ranking after all. And that? That spooked everyone who wasn’t in his
Harry glanced in the stands’ direction again to find Professor Dumbledore staring back with
narrowed looks.

Harry’s above ranking scared even the Light Lord. The older had realized that Harry’s
abnormality could become a problem for the War of Light Vs Dark and had decided that he needed
to be scared against the Dark. Sadly for him Harry hadn’t been fooled by the fake Dark attack in
the train station.

Harry watched the Snitch fly around his head and he smiled at it.

“I want a fair clean game. From all of you.” Madam Hooch called before she whistled.

Harry flew up at all velocity. Going higher than he should and started using his Occamy abilities to
breath as he looked around the pitch down below. Only to frown at feeling a Bludger being
actually thrown so high in the sky.

Groaning he flew down at all velocity and towards the first Slytherin Beater that he found. Nott at
seeing his mass of green colours flying at him, got the bat ready. Harry flew at him and then turned
on last second, only for Nott to hit the Bludger still flying after Harry. Harry flew in the Chaser’s
direction and stopped beside the Captain.

“I’ve a Bludger tracking me down.” He said quickly before he flew down, avoided the Bludger
and went up again towards the Captain. “What’s your orders? I won’t have the Beaters tracking me

“Duck.” Captain ordered and both got out of the Bludger’s way. Rabastan flying after the Bludger
to throw it at the Gryffindor’s Chaser with the Quaffle. “We’re tied in points, Peverell. And if the
Gryffindors start making points with the other teams, we’ll just have to hold back on the Snitch as
we win them against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.”

“So… find the Snitch?”

“Yes. Like you said. You can’t do your job if you have Lestrange and Nott on your neck.” Captain
agreed as the two Beaters kept throwing the Bludger away each time it would turn back. “Don’t
get hit though: He would never forgive me.”

Harry nodded and turned the broom 180° and flew the other way at all velocity. He flew towards
the Gryffindor Seeker and Captain who got scared, only for Harry at the last second move around
him and catch the Snitch just behind his ear. It was then that Harry heard the humph from the
Captain alongside the sound of something being hit. He looked to see the Bludger had hit the
Captain in the belly. That gotta hurt. The Bludger moved back and got ready for another hit. Shit!

Harry flew in Madam Hooch’s direction while moving his hand in the air to show the Snitch in his
hands. The flying woman whistled to signal he’d caught the Snitch and took out her wand as she
got ready to undo the curse on the Bludger; “Immobilus!” A voice from the floor said.

Harry looked down to find Professor Flitwick. He stopped his broom and looked back at the
Bludger that had actually stopped.

That easy? When Professor Quirrell…

“Accio Bludger!”

The Bludger flew towards the short man who applied several spells on it to check it as Harry flew
down and landed beside him.
“Peverell!” Harry looked up, as suddenly the whole Slytherin team was landing beside him
protectively, to find the Gryffindor Captain had also landed and was walking at him. “You did it on

“This Bludger was cursed to keep hitting you, Miss Peverell.” Professor Flitwick put in. “It was
before the match.” He added as he undone the curse that had been done on the Bludger. “Mr
Bagman, you better follow me to the Infirmary wing so Madam Pomfrey checks you up. Luckily it
was just your stomach that was hit, but if this had hit anyone in another location it could have been
much worse.”

Harry pictured himself getting a hit on his belly and was suddenly scared. The Gryffindor Captain
was forced by the tiny Professor to walk away as Madam Hooch stored the Bludger. He went to
give the woman the Snitch and she nodded back.

“When did you realize that it was cursed?”

“When I was so high up and it still went at me and then followed me all the way to a Beater.”
Harry said as his fellow Slytherin players hurried to celebrate. “I went to ask Captain how he
wanted me to deal with it and he told me to catch the Snitch. Which was just behind the Gryffindor
Captain and Seeker’s ear.”

The Slytherins all started laughing as they realized why Harry had lead the Bludger at the other
Seeker. Madam Hooch nodded and turned towards Harry’s team Captain.

“We will set up a signal between the four Captains that indicates foul play so I can put the game on
hold and deal with it.” She warned and the Chaser nodded. “Now go celebrate. If Bagman didn’t
even realize that he had the Snitch beside him then he deserved that loss.”

They nodded and Harry followed his fellow players into the locker rooms to change. Once inside
he found Professor Riddle leaning against Harry’s locker.

“I might not understand Quidditch, but that Bludger had been tracking you and only you, am I

“It had been cursed.” Nott put in. “According to Professor Flitwick it was previous to the game.”

Voldemort sneered and nodded. He took a good look at Harry up and down to take in anything out
of place.

“I flew faster than the Bludger, the problem was each time I had to stop to speak or to catch the
Snitch.” The boy offered to calm down the older.

“Heiress Peverell went to ask me if he should go catch the Snitch and end the game before
something bad would happen.” The Slytherin Captain hurried to explain.

Voldemort looked at the older teen and then again at Harry.

“If you ever realize that you are about to catch a hit…” He started and it was obvious to everyone
in the locker room how the thought was sickening to the Dark Lord “avoid your chest and back.
Arms and legs can easily be restored. A hit on your stomach can undo all the healing I did after
what Bael-Varbrun did to you.”

“I’ll ask” [Mère] “to look up protections for chest and back to use under the Quidditch attire.”
Harry agreed and Voldemort nodded.
“Yes, that would calm me down. Even if you have one of the fastest brooms I ever saw, you aren’t
always speeding.”

Harry looked at the others who got the memo, picked their soaps and towels before entering the
shower room to give them privacy. The good part of it being the Slytherin Team.

“Thank you for not demanding that I just stop playing.” He said shyly.

“I do my best.” Voldemort agreed. “I promised you to let you be yourself and so long as you
promise to be careful I’ll keep my word. Even if I feel like hiding you away, I have to let you
handle it.”

Harry sighed and stepped into Voldemort’s personal space. Unsure if he was overstepping his
boundaries or if this was even accepted between Courter and being Courted males, he pulled his
arms around the older’s chest and hugged him. At hearing Voldemort gasp Harry immediately went
to release him, only for arms to surround him and hug him back. Harry raised his head from the
chest to look up at Voldemort and realized right there and then that the older also had never been
held before.

Professor Dumbledore had said that Harry’s power was love. That his power was that he had and
Voldemort didn’t. Could he have been wrong? What if someone had showed it to the You Know
Who. What if someone had dared to actual love the man behind the monster. Would he still have
been a monster?

“I’m sweaty. I need a shower.” Harry mumbled when he started to hear his teammates obviously
making time in the showers to give the two time but obviously starting to have nothing more to
clean. “Voldemort…” he mumbled when the other made no move to release him.

The older scoffed.

“Marvolo.” Harry looked up at the grey eyes looking back with fondness. “My middle name. I may
hate my name and surname but Marvolo came from my Wizard grandfather.”

“I happen to like your first name.” Harry argued and Marvolo scoffed, before releasing him.

“Just so we are clear: If we ever do end up together and we do have children… we won’t be calling
the children Tom or any other variation of it, understood? I don’t care that you’ll find a foreigner
version of it like Tuomas. I won’t accept any of it!”

Harry snorted.

“There’s always Tommette.” He teased.


Harry snickered as he was certain that his teammates were struggling not to laugh.


Chapter End Notes

To me the most amusing part of this chapter how even though everything, Voldemort
still is a gentleman when it comes to Harry/Evie

Giving his possible future wifo the decency of being hidden without taking advantage
to look him up and down

Chapter XXIV –Courtship Gifts–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,552




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXIV

–Courtship Gifts–

Monday, 16 October 1972


Mother looked through the list of shopping Harry had written down as the two boys filled in their
test about the Pureblood way.

“What is all of this for?” Mother eventually asked when the two finished.

“The protection clothes was because I promised my Courter that I would buy protections to when I
played Quidditch.”

“That’s not what I meant.” The blonde woman argued and signalled the other things. “What do you
want with these?”

“From where I came from I was taught that it wasn’t just the boys who court the girls,” [Mère.]
Harry argued.

Mother frowned, looked down at the list and then up at Harry, wide-eyed.
“This is…?”

“Courtship gift.” Harry agreed with a smirk as Ron snorted. “He was never loved at his orphanage
nor at Hogwarts,” [Mère.] “For all the issues that my Muggles did, I knew what love was.”

Mother nodded.

“I’ll ask Abraxas to gather you intel for possible gift choices.” She agreed. “What about you,
Ronnie? Will you also court Lucius?”

“With what money?” Ron argued with a shrug. “The Prewetts have their hands tied with Bill and
the incoming Charley.” Harry grabbed his friend’s knee under the table, who shared a look back.
“And gifting a Malfoy with using Malfoy money doesn’t seem fair.”

Mother hummed.

“Besides chess what can you do?”

Ron looked at Harry and then at the blonde woman.

“I’m a Keeper. I can duel but I’m not as good as Kari and Hera. I cannot dance to save myself, Mrs
Genevieve already said she would give me intensive classes on it.” He explained. “Then again as
the one born within Wizards and Witches’ parents I am the one who understands more about the
Wizardry World out of the three of us. Sometimes Kari or Hera will say something that I have to
translate. My parents had a large number of Gnomes on their back garden that I had to de-gnome
every summer by throwing them over the hedge. And there was the Family Ghoul on the attic.”
Ron passed a hand through his shoulder-length hair, it was so unfair that Ron could let it be free
and it didn’t turn into a mess like Harry’s. “I guess I’m good at cleaning? The magic cleaning
stuff, because the Muggle-way Kari still beats me.”

“Ron has massive self-esteem issues.” Harry agreed.

Mother nodded at Harry as she took in Ron.

“And I can eat.” Ron added, making Harry laugh as Mother frowned. “As much as I eat I don’t get
fat.” He translated.

“Ron can eat his weight in food and still be hungry.” Harry agreed as he struggled not to laugh.

“As amusing as that may be, that won’t help for our gift case.” The woman said. “Tell me, Ronnie,
what does Lucius like?”

Ron and Harry shared unsure looks.

“I would say to show-off his wealth, but he picked me so I’m unsure.”

“Family.” Harry put in.

“Yeah, that too.” Ron nodded at Harry thankfully.

Mother looked at the two for a long moment and then wrote down on a parchment.

“What type of frames do you like?”

“Brown and simple or the ones Quidditch-themed.” Ron hurried to say.

“I’ll talk with Charron. He used to make me lots of handmade portraits before he broke up our

Harry and Ron turned deep red at the reminder that Harry’s surrogate mother and Ron’s surrogate
Uncle (and biological Grandfather) used to be engaged.

“A family portrait?” Ron wondered.

“Yes. It will be something that won’t cost the Prewetts much, just the price of the frame and the
parchment that Charron will use.” Mother agreed. “Sure your relatives have been saving on money
to spend on your cousin’s child, but your parents must have left you some money and if Charron
used it all then he owes you the money.”

The two de-aged time-travellers shared looks surprised. Never before had they pondered on the
fact that Ron’s supposed parents had money of their own.


Wednesday, 18 October 1972

Harry accepted the wrapping paper with small half-moons as well as two books.

“The others all looked the same as those two. Next time we can go together.” Mother offered and
Harry nodded, starting to look through his books on Muggle history and Muggle philosophy
compared to the Wizardry one. Voldemort would have a fit when he realized what it was. Mother
picked several smalls scrolls and gave Ron. “Charron sent this for you to choose, Dear.”

Ron opened them and there was one of the Malfoys with Harry and Ron in the typical Lord and
Heirs position.

There was one with Ron and Harry at Prewett house where the two had been in the living room
playing chess, just when their teeth had fallen down and so they both had a massive hole on the
front of their eager open mouths. In that one Harry still had bandages all over.

There was one the Yule ball of Ron dancing with and stepping on Lucius’ feet.

Then the last one were just ideas, Ron’s face in some, Lucius full body in others.

The amount of detail was astonishing. There was even a drawing of the Malfoy crest to its fullest

“I want this one of my younger-self smiling at the person.” Ron pointed at the one with Ron’s face.
“This was a memory that he used, I’m sure. The first-time that I ever smiled at him when he gave
me my first poster of Chudley Cannons’ team if I remember correctly.”

Mother smiled back.

“I’m sure my nephew will love it.” She agreed.


Friday, 19 October 1972


Lucius was confused when his Aunt told him to follow her to Hogwarts for her tutoring hours with
his cousin and his courter. Still, any reason to visit the two was a good reason. He entered the
classroom where Aunt Amphitrite taught the two male bearers to find they already inside and
talking about the latest school match.

“Ronnie, Kari.” Lucius bowed his head.

The two Natural Bearers looked up and nodded back. Then, to Lucius’ surprise, Ronnie picked a
small quadrangular box the size of a book and approached, offering it.

“For you.”

Lucius looked uncertain at Aunt who had walked away to give the two space, while still obviously
watching them so he knew that he couldn’t overstep his closeness with his courted.

“Thank you.” Lucius accepted and opened the wrapping paper, quickly realizing that Ronnie had
been the one to wrap it instead of being done magically at some shop. Then he saw the small frame
with a portrait of a young Ronnie as he had been when Lucius first met him, the boy would look
down at something he had been given and then up at him and a smile that reached ear-to-ear would
show on his babyish-face. The frame was Quidditch-themed with small brooms and even a crest of
the Chudley Canons on a corner. “This is…?”

“My courtship gift.” Ronnie offered with a shrug. “I thought the drawing would be still, which
when I was showed the draft version it was just a smiling face but I guess that Uncle Charron is
just that good that he can make them move as well.”

Lucius looked up from the smiling face towards the shy boy.

“Because you will spend the time storming at me?” He wondered back and Kari (by his own
mother’s side) snorted, showing how private their conversation was.

“We all know that I’m a mess and will easily storm at you.” Ronnie agreed with a shrug,
completely ignoring his best friend. “I guessed you would appreciate to actually know how I look
when I smile.”

Lucius smiled and looked at Aunt to be sure this was permitted, before he took hold of both of
Ronnie’s hands and brought them to his lips, kissing the back of them.

“Thank you. It will be set on my bedside table.” He agreed and the ginger turned practically as red
as his hair.

Lucius wondered if it stayed just on his face, neck and ears or if it would go down his chest, only
to be awoken by a pointedly cough from his aunt.

“Anyway… I don’t have much money to spend on gifts and then Miss Amphitrite suggested that a
portrait made by Uncle Charron would be within my budget. It’s not much, but it’s my style.”

“It’s great.” Lucius offered towards the shy boy.

Ronnie nodded and stepped back. Lucius stored his new portrait in his robe’s pocket.

“Your mother couldn’t come today, Lucius.” Aunt Amphitrite started and Lucius just knew it was
a lie since she had been at home doing nothing when they left. “I had booked up the vinyl record
player for today’s class. How about you join me instead at helping the two boys on how to
properly dance?”
Lucius wondered if his mère had even been warned of a possible dancing class or if Aunt had done
it and only invited Lucius while pretending to invite Mère so she could have a reason to bring
someone with her without any of the Professors to be able to argue.

“It’ll be my pleasure.” He agreed. “Ronnie, Kari, you two are with your inner clothes, am I right?”
The two nodded confused and Lucius added the last part pointedly towards his Aunt: “Not because
I want to see you without the school robes, but when you are practicing it’s best if you have the
less cloth possible that might get in the way.”

The two boys nodded and looked at the Witch questioningly, to be sure that she allowed it and only
when she gave them the permission did they hurry to pull the robe over their heads. Lucius
approached the vinyl record player and looked at the vinyls to see which one was best as the boys
rearranged their inner clothes.

“Lucius…” Aunt started.

“He is too young for my taste.” Lucius whispered back. “I want him to grow and mature first.”

Amphitrite looked back and then she nodded.

“I’ll warn them not to wear tight inner-clothes when coming to my class from now on so they can
practice without the robe.” She agreed. “I know that they think different, but I still come from an
era where this much show of body should only be for your husband.”

Lucius raised an eyebrow at his Aunt.

“Aunt… you had a child out of wedlock.” He reminded her and the Witch turned deep red. “Don’t
worry. I don’t intend on following your footsteps. I want Ronnie to be married to me when we do
do it. By then I hope that he has already graduated.” Lucius’ aunt looked at him at his last line
immediately. “So yes, this is a long-term courtship. I know that. Still, you can’t blame me for
picturing what might happen in the future. I’m 22-year-old after all.”

Aunt smiled back.

“After how you father acted last few years you can’t blame me for trying to protect the two boys.”
She argued and Lucius bowed his head, before he set up the needle. “Are you two ready?”

“No!” The two Natural Bearers said at once.

Lucius looked to realize that they were ready physically, just not mentally.



Voldemort finished his last class of the day and looked up, as his students left, to find Evie
entering. He hadn’t booked-up a tutoring hour, had he? Voldemort looked at his timetable on his
desktop’s corner but there wasn’t any hours written down. Had they spoken about it and he had
forgotten about it? But he never forgot what the boy asked of him. Could Evie be having trouble
with a subject and was coming for help? It would be a first. The male bearer could handle even
fifth-year studies after all. Voldemort had done him a test without telling him which school years
they were on all of the subjects and the boy only didn’t reply on the sixth and seventh-year studies
while writing down that he hadn’t been taught about it yet.

Evie stopped before his professor desk and Voldemort looked behind the boy to be sure that they
were alone. He picked his wand and a Soundproof Ward was raised.

“We didn’t have hours booked, did we?” He asked to be sure even if it would mean that Evie
would look down on him for forgetting it.


“Are you having problem with History of Magic again?” He wondered as it was the only subject
that the male bearer was bad at.

Evie shook his head and then opened his backpack that he was carrying on one shoulder and took a
massive box with purple-colour background with turquoise and teal half-moons colour-themed
wrapping paper that the boy offered towards Voldemort.

“Courtship gift.” Evie said with a mean smirk.

Confused, Voldemort accepted the gift only to be surprised at how heavy it was. He set it on his
desktop and opened it. It were two massive tomes. One on Muggles laws and philosophies.
Voldemort looked up at the smug boy and then set it to the side to look at the other. Which of
course had to be a Muggle’s history since 1940.


“Electricity and weapons have updated a lot.” Evie agreed. “I looked through them before I
wrapped them to be sure they taught it accordingly. Muggle Studies class are an outrage after all.”

Voldemort’s lips twitched but opened the book and passed the pages only to see an attack on
Hiroshima with a picture of a massive mushroom cloud. Frowning he looked at the paragraph with
more detail and then realized it was a bomb.


“Yeah. That’s a shame on Muggle history.” Evie agreed sadly. “But teaches you to be careful with

Voldemort tensed as he realized that the boy was right. As much as he hated them… these were
thoughtful books. If there ever was a war that involved Muggles, Voldemort needed to be sure that
he knew enough to be ready.

“Thank you. I might not like Muggles, but I understand where you come from and I understood
how you were thinking of me on the long run.” He agreed. “And I like the Occamy’s colours and
the moon from your first name as well.” He added, pointing at the wrapping paper.

“I asked” [Mère] “for moon wrapping paper, she was the one who chose the colours.” Evie
shrugged. “I need to tell her that I can’t show my ability this obviously.”

“Ironic that you say this but you had no problem shifting before a Werewolf you didn’t know and a
Werecub you weren’t sure would keep a secret.” Voldemort reprimanded and the boy stuttered

Chapter XXV –Reading Response Essay–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,995




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXV

–Reading Response Essay–

Tuesday, 24 October 1972


Harry looked at Professor Slughorn with a raised eyebrow as the man approached him with his
fatherly smiles.

“If you could follow me to my office, Miss Peverell? Your last essay needs to be discussed.”

Harry frowned and waved at Hermione and Ron, before following the fat Professor inside towards
his office. They entered and Harry saw Sirius’s father-in-law, Lord Lestrange, inside. Harry
glanced back at the blond (going white-haired) Professor, but the man had already closed the door
and left the two alone.

“I take it this has nothing to do with Potions after all.” Harry argued and the other man shook his
head. “Why am I being called to you, Sir?”

“Lord Abraxas Malfoy has told me that you are courting your courter.” The older man put in and
Harry nodded as the other set several parchments on the Professor’s desktop. “I’ve gathered His
likes and dislikes and every possible idea for you to use as a courtship device.”

Harry blushed at seeing the massive list the other had brought along.


“You are the very first and the only person He has shown interest in.” Lord Lestrange interrupted
what made Harry blush. “Lord Abraxas told me that He is giving you the ability of the choice on
the long run.” He added and Harry nodded. “This still means that we will do our best to help on the
courtship. Both for Him… and for your sake.”

Harry sighed and nodded, accepting it. He approached and started looking through the list.
Eventually he pointed at one of them.

“My first courtship gift were books on Muggle History, Laws and Philosophies. I believe he’d
appreciate something he’d actually like.”

Lord Lestrange nodded approvingly.

“May I wonder how you knew His birthdate?” He asked as he sat on the Professor’s chair and
started writing down what Harry had chosen on an empty parchment.

“It was the day his mother died delivering him to term.” Lord Lestrange immediately looked at
Harry at his claim. “He doesn’t celebrate it.”

“And yet He does with you.” Lord Lestrange argued and Harry smirked at the corner of his lips.

“I’m stubborn.” He agreed.

Lord Lestrange looked at him for a real long moment and then finished writing it down.

“How old were you when you two met?”

“7-year-old.” Harry replied. “Also the day where I accidentally made him like me.” Lord Lestrange
looked up from his parchment confused. “Apparently all I did was snap at him because he was
being a chauvinist while thinking I was an actual girl to which I argued that I Am indeed a male.
According to” [Mère] “that was the first-time someone shut him up.”

The older nodded.

“Not many would dare to do it and live to tell the tale.”

Harry shrugged.

“I do not conform with the norm.” The teenager turned boy agreed. “Does He like cakes?” He

“He doesn’t like sweets.” Lord Lestrange argued and raised an eyebrow. “Are you good in the

“Yes, I usually baked cakes for Cousin Lucius in trade for some coins when I was younger and
didn’t have my own vault.”

Harry looked through the parchment list disinterested.

“Lord Abraxas mentioned you usually do your own cleaning as well?” Lord Lestrange wondered
and the youngest nodded. “Does He know?”

“He has seen me set up my school trunk once.” Harry agreed. “He even mentioned that he would
have to warn his House-elf so that he wouldn’t enter into a panic when it happened.” At hearing
scratching Harry looked up, to realize the other had just crossed what he had just written down.
“What are you doing, Sir?”

“Taking notes on what we can help you use as a courtship device. Obviously your Courter already
knows you can take care of yourself so we cannot use that.” Lord Lestrange explained.

Harry showed the ring and locket.

“Even if I don’t tell him His memories in these objects will tell him.” He argued. “They’ve done it
before. When I was first was targeted by Coach Bael-Varbrun that He had to undo the infertility
spell and when McLaggen Jr. was about to take advantage of me but Rosier Jr. run to back me up.”

“Your friendship with Evan Rosier Jr…”

“He did a Magical Word Oath to Him for my and for any possible future child that I may have’s
safety.” Harry interrupted.

Lord Lestrange breathed relieved and nodded.

“What are your philosophies on the war?”

“I’ve already told that to Uncle Abraxas.” Harry shrugged. “And He knows. I’m pro-Muggles and
believe that Squibs knowing of magic is torture for them, but I’m not pro-abuse. I was the one to
tell Him of Mr Snape’s abusive behaviour. I even vouched my new broom on it.”

“My son told me that you love to fly, am I right?”

“Yes, He made me get some chest’s protections to when I play Quidditch. As a compromise for
Him to not demand for me to stop playing.”

“Did you get them?”

“My” [mère] “did.” Harry argued.

“I’ll talk with Miss Amphitrite.” Lord Lestrange nodded. “See until where they protect and if you
need stronger ones.” Harry raised an eyebrow. “For you to don’t run any risks while in practice and
matches.” The older explained. “I know you are only on your second-year but do you have any
idea what you want to become?”

“I always thought Auror.” Harry shrugged. “But I don’t know with the whole issue of the war.” He
added pointedly and Lord Lestrange nodded as he thought. “I want to help people in need. To stop
abuse both at Muggles and Wizards’ hands. To stop ‘Dark Wizards’ from harming innocent

“I’ll warn Miss Amphitrite to join laws to your classes.” He agreed. “Theo told me about the attack
on your person during your first-year’s winter holidays.”

“Mr Theodore Nott?” Harry asked and Lord Lestrange nodded. “Professor Dumbledore’s Order
pretending to be you guys attacked me to make me scared of the Dark. Although as I started to heal
the four for backing me up and Ron, I ended up recognising all the wrong ailments and He had to
do it himself.” He added the last part grudgingly.

“You only had three months of teaching.” Lord Lestrange offered soothingly, what only made
Harry grumble under his breath because no he didn’t just have three months of teaching. “Want me
to gather anything in special for the next New Year’s eve party?”

“He doesn’t celebrate it.” Harry argued.

Lord Lestrange smirked.

“We’re «celebrating the pass of the year».” He quoted even using his fingers for emphasis. “This
time it will be on my Manor to celebrate my son’s new wedding instead of it being Him the guest
of honour again.”

Harry hummed thoughtfully and had a vague idea of Voldemort in an Armani three-piece-suit.

“I want his sizes.”

Lord Lestrange looked back surprised.

“Of anything explicit?”

“Bottom: the waist, the seat, the inside leg, outer leg and bottom width. Top: chest size, jacket
length, waist, sleeve length and neck’s diameter.”

“Are you intending on something he won’t enjoy again?”

“I’m intending on the most expensive piece of cloth that exist in Muggle World and that is the
most hot.” Harry argued.

If he wasn’t a Pureblood with a stick up his arse, Lord Lestrange’s eyes would have grown in
surprise right there. Instead the man nodded.


“Armani three-piece suit.” Harry replied. “I want black with white or light green shirt.”

“My wife will go look it up with Miss Amphitrite.”

“And I guess that a dark-green cloak or robe – maybe an outing robe? – so he can hide it
underneath.” Harry shrugged.

“I’m sure both my wife and your mother will be able to find a proper solution. What did you give
him last time?”

“Occamy cufflinks.”

Lord Lestrange nodded and there was a knock on the door, before Professor Slughorn entered.

“My apologies, Jeremy, but any longer and the other professors will wonder… and Tom will

“We had just finished, Professor. Thank you for allowing this.”

“But of course. I hope you two found a solution?”

Lord Lestrange nodded as he packed his things and stood up. Professor Slughorn picked a scroll
from the desk and gave Harry.

“It was good but you should review the uses of Flobberworm Mucus.” The Professor offered

Harry nodded, bowed his head at Lord Lestrange and then left. Ron and Hermione were in the
corridors talking with each other about the newest newspaper’s article. Harry joined them and they
smiled back.

“How bad was it?” Hermione asked as if the two hadn’t been listening in.

Harry gave them a mock-glare.

“Apparently I suck at magical worms.” He replied and Ron laughed. “I should have put a
Soundproof Ward.” He added with a groan.

“It were us but could be anyone else.” Hermione agreed. “And really? Armani?”

“Are you saying he’d look bad in it?” He retorted and Ron started laughing as they climbed the
stairs, only to find themselves face-to-face with the younger-version of Mr Filch.

The trio tensed.

“Well, well. What do we have here? Three students out of class.”

Harry almost expected Mrs Norris to pop up from somewhere.

“Mr Filch, we don’t have classes at this…”


They shared looks while the Squib man ordered them to follow him. Only they didn’t go to the
Caretaker’s office, but as they arrived the end of the stairs they found themselves before the
serpentine corridor. Right… they had taken the wrong stairway towards the Library during their
joking around…

Mr Filch knocked on the classroom’s door and Harry, Hermione and Ron shared looks. This
wouldn’t end pretty!

Professor Riddle opened the door, saw Mr Filch and then the trio, before he stepped back and let
them all in.

“What is the matter?” The older man asked expressionless.

“Students skipping classes and laughing in the corridors, Professor.”

Professor Riddle looked at the three.

“When is your next class?” He asked them instead.

“Me and Ron have Charms at 5, Sir.” Hermione replied.

“They’re lying, Professor. They were heading here!”

“We were heading to the Library, but we took the wrong stairway.” Harry grumbled, only for Ron
to elbow him. “Mr Filch and Professor.” He added.

“Why were you three going to the Library?” Professor Riddle asked instead, making Mr Filch gasp
because Voldemort was taking the students’ side.

“Professor Slughorn called me to his office because he had finished my essay and it was just
Acceptable unlike the previous times and he wanted me to redo it so it wouldn’t stain my grade,
Sir.” Harry shrugged. “Ronnie and Hera were making fun of me because I had to redo an essay and
were laughing in the stairway, not the corridors.”

Professor Riddle nodded and turned towards Mr Filch.

“I will deal with this, Mr Filch, do not worry.”

Mr Filch, that was ready to scream that Harry was lying and most likely get cursed for daring to
do so, changed when Voldemort seemed to take his side and nodded immediately. He smirked at
the trio and then left.

“How grounded are we for laughing in the staircase and take the wrong route to the School
Library, Sir?” Ron wondered as he stared back at the door that Mr Filch had closed.

“You aren’t, but you need to be more careful during class hours.” Voldemort argued and they
nodded immediately. The older sat by the professor’s table. “Let me see the essay.”

Harry gave it and the three sat on the front row student tables’ chairs.

“I can look it up in the library and…” Harry started to argue.

“If you could you wouldn’t need to redo your essay in the first place. I will start to review your
essays again from now on!”

Harry whined. Professor Riddle picked from a free parchment and started to write on it as he
looked at Harry’s essay.

“It’s just one A.” He argued.

“May I wonder why you had one A in the first place?”

“I was in a hurry because of Quidditch practice.” Harry replied honestly. “Hera didn’t have time to
review it for me either.”

“Do you have your schedule with you?”

“A hour a day again?” Harry grumbled and both Ron and Hermione stepped on his feet from either
side of him in their sitting positions. “I’ll pick it right away.” He added through clenched teeth.

He could see the small smirk at the corner of Professor Riddle’s face, but the man didn’t stop on
his writing. Finally the man reread what he wrote and then picked a red ink and started reviewing
it. Had the man just bothered to copy the whole essay to be able to properly grade it?

Hermione pushed Harry’s backpack onto his chest and he rolled his eyes, opening it and taking out
his schedule with the included Quidditch practice and Mother’s hour. He stood and went to give it.
Voldemort accepted it and looked at Harry’s free hours, before he wrote down on it a hour a day
like he had done the year before.

“How’s your History lessons?” Voldemort wondered. “That’s usually the one you have the most
problem with.”

“We’re studying Goblin Revolutions right now, I believe it’s the fourth one…” Harry offered with
a shrug.

Professor Riddle nodded.

“What about you two?”

“I’m back to Acceptable in my essays because I cannot use Kari’s reviewed essays as base for my
studies any longer.” Ron shrugged. “Hera here is all Os.”

“Don’t lie, Ronald.” Hermione grumbled. “I had an A the other day.”

Professor Riddle looked up, confused.

“What was it?”

Hermione blushed.

“Astronomy’s effect on the day-a-day.”

The grey eyes fell on the brunette girl, until she looked up at him.

“Your own thoughts and not exact science.” He agreed and she nodded shyly. “You need to learn
to deal with that.” He offered and gave Harry the reviewed essay.

Harry read it and sat down again, picked a parchment and quill and started to redo what Voldemort
had signalled down.

“When is your next class, Sir?” Ron wondered as they heard students pass outside the classroom.

“The break has just started, we still have time until Evie finishes.”

“No pressure then.” Harry mumbled as he quickly wrote down, finally his hand was starting to hurt
him when he finished. Hermione went to give it for him as Ron helped him pack.

“I’ll review it after my class and you three should review these books.”

Professor Riddle gave a slip to each of them, in each parchment a different book title, their
respective name and the man’s signature. They nodded and finished packing, before leaving as the
students started to arrive.

“What did he gave you?” Ron wondered.

“An how to learn to think outside what is written on paper.” Hermione said shyly. “You?”

“How to use Chess for everything.” Ron shrugged.

“That’s a good thing. You love chess, so you can learn to think the day-a-day as if it was a piece of
chess. That way you’ll be able to start setting up your homework on time and be more than just A.”
Hermione offered and Ron nodded. “Harry?”

“A story.”

The other two looked back immediately. Harry showed the piece of parchment, making the two
gape back.

“Well… he might force you to make a reading response essay when you finish?” Hermione put in
uncertain and Ron started laughing as they finally arrived the Library.

Madam Pince accepted their professor’s slips and looked through the three of them.

“These aren’t in the restricted area.” The woman argued and the three shrugged. “Well I guess
Professor Riddle really wanted to be sure you three picked the right books.”

The woman walked away to go gather them as Harry glanced around bored. Finally the woman
returned, gave Ron a light book with at most 100 pages. Ron stored it in his new shoulder bag that
the Malfoys had bought him. Hermione was handed a book almost as big as a schoolbook and she
stored it in her handbag. Finally the woman picked the ‘light’ book. Ron and Hermione looked at it
and then at the horrified Harry as he was offered the massive book.

“And your historic romance.” Madam Pince agreed as she delivered Harry a book as heavy and
large as Hogwarts a History to him.

Harry moved it around and looked at the synopsis to see that it was a romance passed in the Goblin
Revolution era.

“Professor Riddle is so making fun of me.” He whined.

“I’ll have you know that several students learn it easier by reading that romance than in class.”
Madam Pince reprimanded. “I advise you to have your notebook with you to go taking notes,
Young Mistress.”

Harry nodded and hugged the book close.


Monday, 30 October 1972

Harry was finishing packing his homework he was going to review as well as his new book when
there was a knock on the quarters he shared with Sissy. The girl looked up from the homework she
was filling in.

“Who is it?” She asked as Harry packed a change of clothes for tomorrow and a PJs as well.

“Greengrass.” The new Head Girl put in.

“Come in.” Harry agreed as he hurried up. The teen girl entered, nodded at Sissy in the common
area of their private quarters and then approached Harry’s bedroom door to speak with him. “What
is it?”

“It’s almost Curfew Time. If you want to go to the Infirmary wing before the midnight we need to
leave now.”

Harry looked at his wristwatch only to remember it didn’t work since he went on a swim in the
lake, picked his wand and did a quick Tempus.

“Right… I thought Madam Pomfrey would pick me up?” He asked instead as he finished throwing
everything else in the backpack, before pulling it over his back.

“Professor Slughorn thought it would be better that the Slytherin Head Girl would bring you.”
Greengrass argued.

Harry waved at Sissy, who nodded back, and followed the Head Girl out the common room and
down the Dungeons. The good part of being at the top of the rank was that his bedroom quarters
was now on the entrance of the labyrinth instead of the bottom.

“You don’t need to do this, you know?” He added. “Just because Evan Rosier Jr…”

“I was there last year when there was the warning.” The physically older teen argued pointedly.

Harry blushed, realizing she meant Voldemort’s warning.


“Junior was right, you do have massive self-esteem issues.” The girl argued and Harry stuttered.
“You need to learn to accept help and have some self-respect.” Greengrass added.

Harry passed a hand over his head and down his hair with a groan. They arrived the Infirmary wing
and knocked before entering. Madam Pomfrey looked back from a student she was checking and
then signalled a bed by the side. Harry nodded his head at the Head Girl, before walking to his
new bed for the next 32 hours.


Tuesday, 31 October 1972

Harry heard the Infirmary wing’s door open, but didn’t think much of it as he had his curtains
pulled and was sitting on the hospital bed with one leg under him while pointing down notes on the
book that Voldemort had told him to pick from the School Library last time.

“Permission to enter the private quarters?”

Harry frowned and looked up, only to see the man himself by the corner of the curtains looking
back amused.

“Sure… what are you doing here?”

Professor Riddle signalled down and Harry looked before sitting straighter and pulling a robe over
his muggle clothes.

“It’s your tutoring hour.” The older offered as he pulled from a chair and sat before Harry in the
bed. “Did you bring essays?”

“Yes.” Harry picked his backpack from the bedside table and gave the older the scrolls. “I planned
on doing them during the day, ended up doing them all in the first hour after breakfast.”

The adult in boy’s body shrugged bored.

“Very well, I’ll start on these and then I want you to tell me a resume of what you have already
read and what you understood of the history in that era and what you didn’t. And which of the
revolutions do you think you are reading in that timeline that you are in right now.”

Harry nodded and picked the piece of parchment where he had taken the notes, picked a book to be
used to write on top from the backpack as well as a quill and ink bottle and started rewriting his
notes in a way he could use to then do his spoken essay to Voldemort.
“Just because I’m skipping classes today you didn’t need to come in person.” Harry pointed out
after a while.

Professor Riddle looked up from the bedside table that he was using to review the essays.

“Did any of the other professors say something?”

Harry shrugged.

“Madam Pomfrey told them that I’m sick and bedridden for the day.” He replied instead.

Outside the curtains he could hear the woman scoff.

“Poppy!” Marvolo called and the School Healer approached, half-opening the curtain. “Can you
tell me what happened?”

“Some professors thought that Heiress Peverell just wanted to skip classes.” Madam Pomfrey
explained. “Even claimed to have seen him outside the Infirmary wing earlier today. To which I
showed how I had locked his Magical Core to the Infirmary wing’s Wards, it’s impossible for him
to have left or been hurt without my knowledge.”

Marvolo massaged his eyebrows.

“The Headmaster?”

“Carrow, the Herbology Professor.” Madam Pomfrey argued. “Don’t worry. I have the School
Board and the Healer Board’s permission to keep Heiress Peverell in my Infirmary during the next
six years’ 31st of October. None of the Professors, not even the Headmaster, can demand me to let
him out.”

“Thank you, that must have been an hard permission to pass.”

“Antonin Dolohov did have a say with the Healer Board and I heard that Corban Yaxley also didn’t
leave the School Board alone until they signed the permission.” The School Healer agreed amused.

Harry snorted.

“I’ll thank our previous classmates as well then.” Voldemort agreed. “Have you finished your
notes, Evie?”


“Then start or we won’t have time to review your oral reading response exam.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Madam Pomfrey smiled back and then closed the curtains again, leaving the two alone as Harry
started. Marvolo listened as Harry did his review on the first two chapters of the book and when he
was done started to go over with him about Harry’s doubts, explaining them better. Voldemort
didn’t tell things for him, he made Harry study the things, to find for himself. He was good in what
he did, but he wanted Harry to think for himself and to not be led by what people told him. He did
the same in classes with all his students. Harry had a belief that even Neville would like his classes
with the way the older taught them.

Somehow Marvolo managed to make History sound fun.


Chapter End Notes

Happy Birthday, Voldie

Happy New Year to Everyone. And that All of us can get the Vaccine that actually


Chapter XXVI –Side-Effect–
Chapter Summary

New chap with explanation of the potions and why they need them

Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,402




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXVI


Tuesday, 31 October 1972


Eventually as the two were arguing over the Goblin’s Revolutions the curtain was opened, making
them look.

“My apologies, Professor, but if you don’t go soon you will miss your class.”

Marvolo looked at his pocketwatch and then nodded, standing.

“I’ll finish reviewing your essays and then I’ll bring them back.” He offered towards Harry, who
nodded. “Thank you for warning me, Poppy.” He added before leaving.

Harry watched him go and then looked up at the food tray that Madam Pomfrey was setting before

“Did he just skip his lunch break?”

“Indeed.” She agreed. “Let me guess: History isn’t your favourite subject.”

Harry shook his head.

“I hate it.”

“And yet you two just spent an hour and half discussing it as if you were speaking about Quidditch

Harry blushed and looked down at his tray, only to see a potion instead of water alongside his
meal. He looked up confused.


Madam Pomfrey looked at the glass.

“It’s water.”

Harry picked the glass and looked at it’s translucent liquid against the light.

“No, this isn’t water.” He argued, being able to see the things swimming inside.

Madam Pomfrey picked the glass, picked her wand and pointed it at her eyes.

“Revelare!” And then she looked at the liquid in the glass the same way he did. “For someone as
blind as you are, how can you see microscopic things?” The Witch wondered and Harry stuttered.
“I’ll send this to Professor Slughorn for check-up. For now we’ll ask your House-elf to bring you
food since we can’t trust that what was put in water wasn’t put in the rest as well.”

Harry nodded as the woman stopped the spell, put the glass on the tray and took it away.

“Slippery.” Voldemort’s House-elf popped in and looked back expectantly. “I know I’m not your
master, but Dobby is most likely busy setting up the Malfoy’s banquet right now…”

“What can Slippery do for Young Nice Mistress?”

“Someone tried to drug my food and drink.” Harry signalled the tray that Madam Pomfrey was
taking away and Slippery nodded affronted. “And your Master has also not eaten lunch but he is
about to enter class.”

“I’ll bring sandwich to Master and non-poisoned food to Young Nice Mistress.” Slippery agreed
and popped away.



Voldemort was finishing setting up the classroom for his next class when his House-elf popped in
with a sandwich as well as a glass with his favourite red wine. At his raised eyebrow as he sat
down by the Professor’s table, the Creature explained itself.

“Young Nice Mistress call Slippery because poisoned food get, ask Slippery to non-poisoned food
prepare and something for Master because Master skipped meal… Master shouldn’t skip meals.”
Slippery shrank in on itself when it added the last part as if afraid for daring to word its thoughts.

“I’ve skipped meals by accident.” Voldemort argued and the Creature looked back wide-eyed for
not being punished. “Go do your future Mastress’s meal and then do it again at dinner. Today is a
day that something bad always happens to him, better be certain that the meals aren’t poisoned as

Slippery’s eyes grew at the title and then bowed until its nose hit the floor.

“Slippery watch over Young Nice Mastress for Master right away will.” It agreed and popped
away as Voldemort drank his wine after eating his sandwich as his students started to enter.

As soon as he set the empty glass on the Professor’s table it was popped away.



Harry looked up from his notes on the romance towards Madam Pomfrey with a raised eyebrow as
she had just finished raising a Soundproof Ward on the curtains around the hospital bed.

“What did I do?”

“Spill it. How did you see that poison on your water?”

“Madam Pomfrey…”

The woman raised an unimpressed eyebrow and set her hands on her hips. Sighing, Harry shifted.
He looked back at the woman as she took him in, finally she signalled at him and he struggled to
shift back. Madam Pomfrey approached and helped him find his clothes and glasses from where
they had disappeared to.

“Can’t control your shift yet?” She asked and he shook his head. “Who knows?”

“The Malfoys, my Courter, Severus, Sylvine, Remus, Ron and Hera.”

Madam Pomfrey twitched his ear and he whimpered.

“Do not worry, I will have a word with your relatives and your Legal Guardian as well.” She
snapped. “I take it that your friends have also turned into Animagi?”

“Ron and Hera.” Harry agreed as he massaged his ear.

The woman rolled her eyes.

“What is Miss Prewett?” She asked and Harry raised an eyebrow. “It can affect the potions you two
take!” She snapped. “You had to tell me immediately! Principally you because of what happened
last year!”

Harry’s eyes grew.

“Oh… Ron’s a Jack Russell Terrier and Hera is a Norwegian Forest cat.” He offered. “Ron can
control his shifts. I can’t. I usually end up naked and glassesless.”

“You are a Magical Creature.” Madam Pomfrey agreed. “Yours will be hard to control. Not to
mention that you are also dealing with past body issues when you shift. Your body has to rearrange
itself each time, to handle the clothes as well is too much for someone untaught and so young.”

Harry hummed. That explained it. He had all the massive issues from before he become Kari.
From before the de-aging.

“It didn’t happen the first-time.”

“The first-time is activated by potion.” The woman argued as she left the curtain and went to a case
by the side and opened the glass door to look at the flasks inside. “What do you use to activate it?
Happiness, anger, sadness, any emotion in particular?”


Madam Pomfrey looked back from the other side of the room confused, Harry left the bed and
approached her to realize they were alone in the Infirmary wing.

“How so?”

“The four times I was trying to protect someone.”

“And those four count the one right now?” She asked as she looked again to her flasks.

“No, but right now I still went to that feeling because it’s what I know.”

The woman nodded.

“And the first-time, what did you feel?”

“Freedom?” Harry shrugged and accepted the potion, bottoming it down.

“People usually do. I meant what were you feeling during the act itself.” She asked as she guided
him back to the Ward.

Only when the curtains closed again did Harry answer.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking. I had just been woken up by Marvolo because there was a
lightning storm and if we travelled fast we could finish the spell. I was drowsy from tiredness and
then he had to use Magic Touch to help me shift back.”

“Some people have problem keeping their human mind if they don’t have an anchor. There’s no
way that you did that without having one without losing yourself.”

Harry frowned and then remembered Voldemort’s voice.

“He spoke with me when I was about to fly away.” He put in and Madam Pomfrey hummed
questioningly. “I was going to try to use my wings, I was about to fly but then he spoke. I was still
thinking. I knew I was a human in animal form. But…”

“His voice called you back before you went too deep.” She argued and he nodded. “He is your
anchor. Although usually you need to speak the same language for it to work with an Animagus
who lost control…”
Harry frowned and then realized it.

“He is a Parselmouth. I spoke back to him to ask how to shift back to which he used the magic
touch. Even if Magical Creature, Occamy still is a snake enough to be able to speak Parseltongue,

Madam Pomfrey nodded in thought.

“You will have to practice, but I believe that even if not him there is something in him that makes
you focus. Your anchor.” She put in and then stood. “You will spend the afternoon practicing in
here under a safe environment.”

“What if I lose control?”

“I’ll hide you in a teapot, then I’ll keep you hidden until your Legal Guardian comes and can speak
with you.” The Witch offered matter of factly and Harry choked as she left and closed the curtains.

What if he got stuck halfway?



Voldemort finished his last class of the day and went to the Infirmary only to see Poppy Pomfrey
with an amused glint on her eyes. He frowned and went to Evie’s curtains, entering only to find the
boy pouting with his arms crossed over his chest. His hair was turquoise blue, he had purple wings
coming out of his back through his clothes and his eyes were teal blue.

“Practicing spells?” He asked unsure.

Slippery had been watching over him, right?

–Shifting. Madam Pomfrey ordered me to practice under her watch where if I lost control she
would be able to help… I’m stuck. I can’t even speak English!–

A glass with water was offered and Voldemort accepted it from Poppy Pomfrey, taking it in one
go. It shouldn’t sound as hot as it did.

“At least his Omen this year was something that can easily be undone.” She said amused and Evie
hissed at her.

The boy literally hissed like a snake.

“He is just 12.” She offered quietly when he started to lose control of his lust again.

“Dully noted.” Voldemort agreed and approached the bed, took hold of Evie’s neck near the
shoulder and started to will him magically to fully shift back.

–Madam Pomfrey threatened to put me in a teapot if I lost control but instead I got stuck halfway.–
Evie whined and wasn’t shifting either way.

Voldemort frowned. Obviously the boy’s emotions were blocking him from doing either. He
nodded back at Poppy, who closed the curtains to give them privacy. Voldemort leaned down on
his heels and forced Evie to uncross his arms and, then over Evie’s lap, he held his hands in his
own as he massaged the back of his hands with his thumbs.
–Talk with me then. What did you do different? What did you think different than the other

–I usually use my protective feelings towards something. Madam Pomfrey said that since I lose my
clothes and glasses and am unable to restrain myself that that isn’t my anchor. She asked me what I
used when I first shifted but I didn’t use anything, you were the one who called me back.–

Voldemort hummed.

–So you tried to repeat what you thought that day…–

Evie shook his head.

–I thought of you.– He argued.

Voldemort did his best not to snap back at the boy.

–Abraxas told me you can do a Corporeal Patronus.– He said instead of reprimanding and Evie
nodded. –What do you use?–

–My Muggle parents; just being there for me, nothing more. It’s not even a real memory; it’s just
an emotion. A dream.–

–And your first-time?–

Evie’s eyes grew.

–I used the first-time I flew on a broom…–

Voldemort nodded, knowing the boy had understood the issue.

–The thought of me might be the trigger, but it’s just a «first flight». You need to find what is the
emotion you felt that day when I called you back to Earth. That emotion is «your adopted parents
fake-memory» that you created for the Patronus.– He explained instead of using a technical
terminology, knowing from experience that Evie understood better this way.

Evie closed his eyes and focused. Eventually, by himself, he started to shift back to normality.
When he was done he was red all the way to the tip of his ears. Voldemort wondered exactly what
emotion Evie associated with him but decided not to pry.


“I should have taught you about the anchors myself.” Voldemort argued. “Obviously your friends
Veronique and Miss Black knew of it beforehand.” He said and stood. “Poppy!” He called louder
and the Witch entered, approached and checked the lad’s body for any side-effect. “He can do a
Corporeal Patronus as well.”

The School Healer looked back and then nodded, returning to her check-up.

“Anything else he can do outside what is considered normal for his age group?”

“Evie does wandless spells.” Voldemort replied to the rhetorical question and the lad snorted as the
Witch gaped back. “I didn’t teach him. Apparently he, Miss Black and Miss Prewett got bored and
looked it up last school year. Which is why Miss Amphitrite started to tutor Evie on Magical
Core’s affinities.”
“Oh and I’m immune to Magical Words. Professor Riddle has to use magic touch to be able to use
them on me when I lose control.”

Voldemort’s old classmate massaged her forehead.

“Miss Prewett can also perform a Corporeal?”

“Yes, it turns into his animal form… speaking of that, why does mine turn into my father instead of
my inner animal?”

“When you look in the mirror, who do you see? You or your biological father?” Voldemort argued.

Like always, Evie frowned.

“I see him.” He eventually replied.

“That doesn’t help to your shifting into your Animagus form.” Pomfrey said as she looked through
the check-up parchment that had popped up when she applied the spell. “It hasn’t affected the
womb.” She added relieved, before she finally turned towards Voldemort with a reprimanding

He frowned at seeing an amused glint on Evie’s eyes.

“It should have?” He wondered.

“An ability to shift the body at will?” The Witch snapped and Voldemort’s eyes grew, finally
realizing why Evie was amused. “You should have told me right away! Under the table or not! Do
you have any idea how much that affects their growths? Not to mention that even if there wasn’t
the infertility spell, there’s still the potions to help their bodies be ready for bearing the children
when they are older. It could have a reaction with the potion that if I would have to stop again
would mean he would stop having the oestrogen hormones in enough levels inside and could end
with his body fighting his own womb. There’s a bloody reason why they need it!”

“It’s not to make us girly?” Evie wondered.

“That’s a negative side-effect.” Voldemort explained, warily of the angry Witch. “Before the
potions several Natural Bearers would lose their ability and would win an infection on their womb
as their testosterone hormones would fight it.”

Evie frowned.


“What about him?”

“He was taught that he doesn’t need to take anything.”

That freed Voldemort from the Witch’s wrath, who immediately hurried to her office returning
with a folder and looked through it. Sirius Lestrange’s folder.

“Miss Peverell is right. He isn’t even listed as a Natural Bearer so I had no knowledge…”

Evie picked Voldemort’s locket and opened it.

{Hey, Dumbass!}
Voldemort and Pomfrey frowned and looked at the boy, only to see Heiress Lestrange’s face show
on the other side.

{Hey, Dumpshit.}

{Get your ass here in the Infirmary wing. Don’t make me call Ron to make you.}


{Madam Pomfrey just told me that you might die because you are a Bearer and aren’t listed as so.}

Immediately Heir Potter’s face showed on the two-way-mirror.

{We’ll get him there right away!} He promptly agreed even though Heiress Lestrange obviously
whined against. {Remus is asking if you want us to bring today’s homework… apparently Nott and
Sn… Yaxley gave it to him before their next class.}

{Yes, please. I’m beyond bored.} Evie closed the locket again and hid it again against his chest
under his clothes. Good thing the lad had no idea what a Horcrux was… “He’ll be here.”

Pomfrey nodded and moved towards another bed to get things ready for the check-up.

“I better call Jeremy so he approves the full check-up, Poppy.” Voldemort warned. “Orion has a lot
to answer to, though.”

“What I don’t know, I don’t need to talk about.” The Witch argued.

Voldemort smirked and leaned forward, kissing the top of Evie’s head.

“If I wanted a submissive female I wouldn’t have chosen you.” He warned with a whisper.

“Still… the side-effects…”

“Is your body making space to be able to give the child to term. Unlike women your body is not
made for the birthing part.” He explained. “Bring Veronique Prewett and Heiress Lestrange to your
mother’s next class. I’ll do my best to have the proper explanations by then.”

Evie nodded so Voldemort turned and went to Pomfrey’s office to floocall Lestrange Manor.

Jeremiah was apparently out but Alexa and Rodolphus were fast to come. By the time the three left
the office, already Heiress Lestrange was in the Infirmary wing explaining to Pomfrey over how he
had been taught Orion’s preconceived notions of what a Natural Bearer meant. The two
approached their new family member (Rodolphus setting a hand on his husband’s shoulder for
support, who nodded back thankfully) and Voldemort looked at Evie, to see him laughing at
something Potter was telling him. Voldemort approached and sat by the side.

“Professor Riddle?” Pettigrew asked.

“Just watching over Miss Peverell to be sure nothing happens.” Voldemort argued. “After last year,
you cannot blame me for being cautious.”

The three Gryffindors nodded as the Werewolf set a parchment on the bedside table, most likely
the homework for Evie to fill later. Watching Evie being carefree with the group was a complete
contrast with what Voldemort knew of the boy. Evie was always so strict around him. Always
showing a mask. Voldemort could see now how massive of a difference it was between what he
showed Voldemort and what was the real him. Was this even the real him? Was the frightened one
that couldn’t even give a step without holding onto Voldemort’s arm and sometimes look up at the
older to be sure he was still there the real Evie? Exactly what had happened in that labyrinth for
Evie’s walls to tremble and fall to the ground that way? Not even when the Halfbreed Bertolt Bael-
Varbrun had hurt him had Evie backed down from a fight. He had been in pain, but still showed a
mask of bravado. The labyrinth? It had been different. Voldemort had seen plenty of people
frightened to death before. He had never seen it in Evie. Even when he was in his real features, the
boy would only latch harder at him. Snap louder.

“So they just threw me inside the locker and…” Voldemort paid more attention to the conversation
at seeing Evie lose the playfulness. “Thank Merlin that Remus had believed to have heard
something from the locked door.” Pettigrew kept going as if it had all been a joke.

“Yeah, I’m telling you. This guy has the hearing of a dog.” Potter agreed with a laugh as the Cub
blushed. “You should have seen mine and Sirius’ surprise when we finally unlocked and opened
the door just to humour Remus… only to see this guy deep asleep.”

“Who did it?” Evie demanded and, when the others went to shake their heads, the Slytherin boy
groaned. “Bloody hell, being locked in small spaces are no joke. Just tell me who dared to bully
our already few self-respect friend!”

“Dude, it’s okay. It’s…” Potter started, only to shut up when Evie literally punched him. The
Gryffindor stared at Evie wide-eyed.

“I won’t request again.” Evie warned and Voldemort smirked at the complete 180º difference
between this Evie and the playful one not even a minute ago.

Evie, what a mystery you all…


Chapter End Notes

A/N: To everyone who has been badmouthing the potions. I hope this chapter
explained the reason why they need them

Chapter XXVII –Control–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,281




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXVII


Wednesday, 1 November 1972


Voldemort entered the Infirmary wing and looked at the five sixth-year Slytherins that had
obviously been cursed by some kind of curse that Pomfrey didn’t know the cure.

“They don’t say who attacked them.” Pomfrey said. “Not even the incantation so I don’t know if
it’s a spell or a potion that I should use to contradict it.”

“I’ll see if they speak with me.” He agreed and approached the group. “What happened?” He
demanded as he raised a Soundproof Ward.

“You know the rat boy always with Potter, Mrs Lestrange and Greyback?” Goyle asked and
Voldemort nodded. “He was tracking Heiress Peverell everywhere. Like as soon as he would finish
a class he was suddenly by her shadow. Which we wouldn’t react…”

“If the others would be there as well.”

“But it’s just him.”

“Miss Nott noticed it and told her brother how (since Heiress Peverell gave him a pep talk about
growing some backbone) he suddenly started doing this and when they do are together he…”

“Idolatries her.”

Voldemort massaged his eyebrows.

“Evie did this to you.” He offered and they nodded embarrassed. “Did he word the spell?”

“Something around the lines of Vespertilio Muco…?”

Voldemort took a good look at their grotesque look and then undid the Soundproof Ward.

“It’s the Bat-Bogey Hex, Poppy.”

“A very powerful version of it.” The Witch argued.

Voldemort looked at the five and then turned to leave.

“Apparently it was warranted, they messed with someone under protection and forgot to be
Slytherin about it and not be seen or caught.” He argued and knew the group blushed at that. “I’ve
someone to go ground.”

“The one who did this?” Pomfrey asked as she started to get things ready to undo the spell.


“Very well. Then I don’t need to bring this to the Headmaster.”

Voldemort left the Infirmary wing and walked towards Slytherin house. On his way down he saw
the Werecub.

“Greyback.” Having to remind himself to answer to the surname, the young Wizard looked back.
“Do you know where your friend Pettigrew is?”

“No, Sir.”

“Give him a warning that if he keeps tracking Miss Peverell down without permission and it won’t
be the Slytherin students who will deal with him.”

“Did Peter do something to Kari?”

“According to the older Slytherin students he has been shadowing Miss Peverell from the distance.
Apparently since he was given the talk to win some self-respect.”

The young Greyback passed a hand through his face.

“So that’s where he runs to… I’ll go find him and explain to him without needing to tell to who
that Kari is already with someone.” The Werecub agreed.

Voldemort turned to descend the stairs, but stopped.

“Warn him that the only reason he is being given second opportunity is because Miss Peverell
considers him a friend or there wouldn’t be a warning.”
The Gryffindor student, who obviously knew that Professor Riddle was Voldemort because of
Evie’s adoption-date party, nodded.

Voldemort huffed and went down. He found Evie and his closest group of friends in the Great Hall.
He looked in the Gryffindor’s House table’s direction to find Pettigrew watching Evie like a hawk.
At the least the Ravenclaw boy had been smart about it and hadn’t tracked Evie down…

He approached the Slytherin’s House table and immediately the strange group of one Ravenclaw,
two Gryffindors and three Slytherins looked back.

“Miss Peverell, detention.”

Evie looked back, before he took out his schedule without even arguing. His complying did made
the rest of the group look at him with raised eyebrows.

“What did you do this time?” Veronique whispered as Voldemort looked at the full schedule trying
to think where to put the boy’s grounding.

“Taught some older Slytherins not to mess with my friend group. Although I went overboard and
had to send them to the Infirmary wing.” Evie shrugged. “My own fault for being caught.”

As Voldemort started to write down the hours for the grounding for the next month and half,
Greyback entered the Great Hall and approached Pettigrew, forcing him up and outside with his
Creature strength.

“Until the end of this semester.” Voldemort warned the Natural Bearer.

Evie looked at the hours and groaned, before nodding.

“Anything I should bring?”

“Tell your mother to send you a new toothbrush. There’s no need for you to use your own.”
Voldemort argued and turned, leaving.



James and Sirius looked up from their homework to the Fat Lady’s entrance to see Remus grabbing
Peter by the forearm, pulling him inside and all the way to the boy’s dormitories. The two shared
looks. What had their shy friend done to get the calm one mad? They hurried to follow the other
two to the second-year dormitories.

“What’s going on?” James asked Remus.

“Will you tell them what you’ve been doing, or shall I?” Remus demanded harshly. When Peter
didn’t reply he actually growled in anger. “Do you two remember when Kari gave us all a talk last
school year about being the best of ourselves?”

“Yeah. He even got us extra homework.” Sirius agreed.

“Peter won a crush that day.”

James snorted and Peter blushed.

“Go, Pete.”
“Each time that Peter isn’t with us? He has been shadowing Kari without his permission.” Remus

“Okay… that is creepy, Peter. That’s not how you get a gi… someone to like you.”

“Nice save.” Sirius argued and James stuck his tongue back. “Yeah, Peter. You give flowers and
other things the person likes. You do not become a stalker. No one likes that. Even less Kari.”

Peter opened his mouth but Remus beat him to it.

“He is compromised already.” Remus argued and Peter’s eyes grew, turning towards their usually
calm and quiet best friend. “And Kari’s lover gave me an ultimatum. Next time it won’t be
Slytherins throwing you inside lockers. If you don’t drop this right now, he’ll make you disappear
like he did to the former Coach because he cursed Kari.”

James passed a hand through his hair as Sirius groaned.

“Are you sure about this?” James wondered.

“On Kari’s 12 th birth… can we just call it birthday party? Adoption date party is a mouthful.”
Remus wondered and Sirius and James nodded immediately, just glad that their friend was starting
to calm down and not wanting to rill him up. “On his 12th birthdate party I saw a Werewolf talking
with the two and calling them Mates. Kari didn’t even question it.”

Peter whined, falling back on his bed.

“Sorry, Pete-boy.” James argued. “But if Kari is taken then there’s nothing you can do about it.
Just ask Sirius here.”

Sirius scoffed and pushed James onto the floor.

“I’m married only in title because my in-laws didn’t trust my parents with my legal guardianship
since it’s been proved over and over that I’ve been mistreated.”

“I didn’t see you complaining when «Roddy» kissed you.” James teased. “On the Wedding.
Twice.” He kept saying until finally Sirius blushed.

James glanced at Remus to see he had calmed down enough to laugh at Sirius’ embarrassment.
Good. That was better. Whatever that had been about, it had been strange. He had never seen
Remus lose control like that… whatever Kari’s lover had told him had most likely spooked him



Harry raised an eyebrow when Ron suddenly ran inside the Slytherin common room.


“He is losing control. I cannot do this alone.” Harry looked at his things on the table, but Severus
shook his head so Harry run after Ron out the common room and up several passageways until they
were before the Fat Lady. “Wattlebird.” Ron hurried and the frame opened. The two run inside,
ignoring the confused Gryffindors because of the Slytherin entering their domain. They run up the
boy’s stairway and into the second-year dormitory. Remus was obviously on the limit before he’d
shift… “Hey, bud.” Ron called out of breath.

“We don’t have time for this, Ron.” Harry argued, stepped forward into Remus’ private space and
took hold onto the other’s back of neck coming from the front.

Remus’ eyes blinked and their goldenness returned to normal.


“Come. We need to get to the Shrieking Shack before you actually shift here.”

Remus’ eyes grew and then nodded, the three running down the stairs. None replied when the rest
of the house asked questions. Not even when Sirius and James started running after them.

“Harry?” Ron asked.

“Lose them in the moving staircases, just be careful so they don’t fall if they attempt at jumping
after you.” Harry agreed. “I’m faster so I’ll just go ahead and I’ll meet you there.”

Ron nodded and before the duo got to their side, Harry pushed Remus with him into one of the


“Focus on me, okay? Just focus on me. I know I’m not your Alpha, but it’s still pack.”

Remus nodded, obviously in tears. Harry didn’t blame him as they run down the castle.

“Miss Peverell?” He saw Professor Slughorn by the doors.

“He is shifting.” Harry said, knowing the Professor would get it.

Professor Slughorn hurried to open the doors for them.

“I’ll warn Madam Pomfrey.” The blond agreed. “As soon as he is in the tunnel, you get out.” The
older warned as they passed him.

Harry nodded but had no plans on obeying. They reached the Whomping Willow tree and with a
levitation spell Harry hit the root with a stone. They entered the hole and run towards the Shrieking

“Still Remus?” Harry asked.

“Barely.” The older argued through clenched teeth. “You should shift before I do.”

Harry nodded and focused on his relationship with Voldemort, on his feelings about it. By the time
he finished shifting and his body grew out of his control, he heard Moony’s growl. Right… he
needed to keep focus.

Harry surrounded Moony with his coils as the other shifted and, using his wings, quickly flew the
rest of the way to the Shrieking Shack. He was doing his best to keep Moony calm and in control
when he heard a sound from the passageway. He tilted his head and saw Ron’s animal form. The
dog nodded back and run to Moony, jumping onto his back paws and setting his front paws on the
Werewolf’s chest. To his credit, Ron didn’t growl. Instead he did a sound that sounded a lot like a
They had just managed to sooth down Moony and let him lay around Harry’s massive coils when
they heard a sound. The three tilted their heads as Moony growled, only for Fenrir Greyback to
leave the passageway. He nodded at Ron and Harry and signalled at them to free Moony. Harry
opened his coils and the wolf strucke at the still human Werewolf. Easily the humanoid Werewolf
overpowered Moony as if it was child play. Harry and Ron shared looks. Ron’s eyes were literally
saying «Next time we start with him».

“You two can go, I’ll keep him company and try to understand what provoked his shifting out of
time.” Fenrir told them. “Don’t shift back until you are by the tree. Or he’ll sniff you.”

The two nodded and entered the passageway. Ron jumped onto Harry’s back, who raised an
eyebrow back. Ron signalled with his head at Harry’s wings. With a huff Harry flew all the way
back. When they reached the stairs that lead to the exit; they saw Professor Riddle there inside the
passageway but on the limit. The two shifted and Harry massaged his shoulders.

“You are heavy, Ron.”

“And you are massive, it’s hard to run with the fear of being smashed by your scally body.” Ron

“He is a Choranaptyxis. His body readjusts to the size of the place where he is.” Voldemort
explained. “Any idea what provoked this?”

“All Peter said was that Remus had been growling at him earlier.” Ron shrugged. “I went to check
on him and that’s when I realized I needed help because he was shifting so I went all the way to
Slytherin to call Harry.”

“Next time: call me, I’m way closer.” Voldemort reprimanded and Ron blushed. “Let’s go to the
Infirmary wing. When Poppy heard Evie was bringing Young Greyback from Slughorn she just
knew you two wouldn’t let him deal with it alone so she luckily called me.”

The two nodded and left the passageway with Voldemort. In the Infirmary wing Madam Pomfrey
looked through both of them for any wound Moony had done accidentally.



Voldemort looked up from the sleeping boys towards the Infirmary wing’s door opening to let
Fenrir inside with the back to human young Werecub.

“No self-wound.” The Alpha told the School Healer when she hurried to their side. “This was a
pack attack’s reaction.” He added towards Voldemort.

Voldemort massaged his eyebrows as the young Greyback was set down on a bed.

“One person he knows has been acting strange towards one of the people his wolf sees as pack.”
He explained in a way that Pomfrey couldn’t out him.

The Witch looked back from the young cub she was checking and then huffed.

“I’ll go to Professor Slughorn to get potions and balms Creature-approved. I’ll probably will last a
while. Long enough.” She added with a reprimanding look and walked out the Infirmary wing.

“You think this boy’s action can guarantee this?” Fenrir asked surprised.
“I do.” The two turned towards Evie, who had sat up on the bed and was looking back blindly. Not
blindly… through his Occamy-eyes. Voldemort smirked. Smart boy…

“You knew he was tracking you?”

“I could hear him a mile away.” Evie agreed. “He doesn’t have a crush.” Voldemort raised an
eyebrow in return. “Peter didn’t start right away. He started after being summoned to the
Headmaster. Peter can be many things… can have the worst self-esteem in the world… but he
would sell his own soul if that meant he’d be well.”

“Cub’s inner-wolf probably realized what was really happening even if not his human-self.” Fenrir
said. “When did Cub realize that you knew?”

“On the same day I gave Peter the pep-talk.” Evie groaned. “He is just a child, Voldemort. He has
no idea that what he is doing is wrong. He…”

“Evie!” Voldemort reprimanded and the boy shut-up, tears in his eyes. “Does Pettigrew know
anything about us?”

“I made sure he didn’t.” Evie argued his voice wet from tears he didn’t cry.

“So that means that not even you trusted him.”

“He can change…” Evie whined. “He…”

“Was given a choice and he took the easy way out.” Fenrir reprimanded.

This time Evie was unable to hold himself back and started to cry. Not for himself. For Pettigrew.
Not because what he had done. Because Evie knew the boy had passed the point of being rescued.

“Gryffindor House, correct?” Fenrir asked Voldemort, who nodded. “I’ll see how much he told the

Evie didn’t speak while the Werewolf stood and left the Infirmary wing. When the door closed
though, Evie stood and run to Voldemort starting to hit him in the chest over and over. Evie hadn’t
told him about the boy’s sudden change of habits because he had known Voldemort’s reactions
would be this.

Voldemort looked up as he let Evie’s struggling to continue, to find Slughorn and Pomfrey
entering. Voldemort nodded at his former Professor and the Wizard sent back an encouraging
smile. He set down the potions on the Werecub’s bedside table before signalling at Voldemort to
hug Evie back. Moving his arms down, Voldemort held close the body of the boy who finally
stopped hitting him and instead grabbed his robe to cry onto it.

–He didn’t need to die. For all that he was… he could still have hope. He…–

Voldemort sighed at realizing Evie was losing control of his Animagus form. He leaned down to
pull an arm under Evie’s legs and picked him up bridal style. He then walked behind a curtain to
give the two privacy. He sat down on the bed and let Evie lean against his chest as he sat on
Voldemort’s lap sideways and cried on Voldemort’s shoulder… or as tall as his smaller body
allowed. As Evie cried, Voldemort freed his braided hair just to have something to do with his
hands. Although Voldemort hated his own hair, the feeling of his hands passing through Evie’s
hair was one of the best feelings.

Voldemort looked up from Evie’s hiccupping body against his chest where he’d cried himself to
sleep, towards Pomfrey entering his privacy. She checked the young Natural Bearer and then

“He was talking in Parseltongue.” Voldemort whispered as he let the Healer help him move the
child onto the bed instead. “And earlier was using his Occamy’s eyes to see without glasses.”

“I’ll check him up in the morning again, but I bet that it was the hormonal discharge mixed with
something about you being his Animagus anchor.” The Witch said back.

Voldemort frowned as the two left the privacy of the curtain.

“If we ever do it, should I be wary for shifting mid…?”

His former classmate’s smirk was his only answer.


Thursday, 2 November 1972


Harry stayed quiet as Professor Dumbledore went to check on their group the next morning.

“All good?”

“Weekly potion.” Ron shrugged.

“Monthly check-up.” Remus added.

When the Headmaster looked at Harry, he tilted his head to the other side.

“Apologies for him.” Ron hurried to say. “Kari has a bad reaction to the potions and gets moody.”

“Oh… of course. He should stop with them then.”

“Should I die instead?” Harry retorted harshly.

Immediately Ron and Remus got up and hurried to his side to hold him back.


“Without the potions to help our bodies we can literally die because we don’t have enough
oestrogen in our system to help keep the womb.” Ron explained. “We may be 12, but we will want
to have children one day… and not die giving birth would be a bonus too.”

“That’s hardly…”

“Headmaster!” The trio shivered at the School Healer’s harsh tone. “Male bearers need the potions
for their own health! Already Sirius Lestrange is starting too late in his life and hopefully it won’t
have side-effects when he does get pregnant. Their body needs the hormones but since their body
doesn’t produce in enough quantities, or isn’t taught to, they need potions to teach the body to do

“The more female looks…”

“I rather look like a chick than have my body die on me because I refused to take a bloody potion
to stay healthy!” Harry snapped and both Ron and Remus immediately held him back.

“I’m sorry, Sir. Like I said: Hormonal decontrol.” Ron hurried to apology.

Harry huffed and looked the other way again.

Chapter XXVIII –Detention and Teasing–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,519




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXVIII

–Detention and Teasing–

Friday, 3 November 1972


Harry brushed Voldemort’s office’s bookcases with the toothbrush in silence.

“You are never this quiet. Are you still mad at me?” Voldemort’s voice asked from where he was
by his desk reviewing students’ homework.

“Peter saw me in Sirius’ wedding.” Harry pointed out and Voldemort hummed questioningly as his
quill scribbled. Damn… whoever that student was, had lots of typos. “Saw my bad reaction.” He

“It was a reaction provoked by a curse you activated, even Dumblefool can tell that.” Voldemort
soothed down as he set the parchment to the side and started on a new one.

“At my Muggle relatives I lived in a cupboard under the stairs…” the older hummed but looked to
only be half-listening. “I fear tight spaces.” That made the older finally look up from the paperwork
he had to grade. “I kept seeing the walls falling on me. That’s why I held onto you. You are tall.
Before they’d fall on me…”

“I would have felt it and stopped it.” Voldemort agreed as he stared back surprised. “We will need
to deal with it one of these days.”

“I’m never setting foot inside a laby…”

“All Wizardry Weddings have a ceremony side with Family Labyrinths. I’m studying the Malfoy
Family’s labyrinth curses over the centuries to be able to undo them if you and I ever get to that

Harry’s eyes grew and pictured himself completely alone in the Malfoy’s labyrinth in the back
gardens. The books started falling around him as the walls started falling on him and…

A massive tall body showed before him. He looked up at the ceiling, but it kept hitting the head of
the tall figure. Finally, the tall figure took a hand to his head, put a hand facing upwards against the
ceiling and pushed it up.

“Done.” Harry heard really far away as through cotton on his ears.

Struggling with his breath, he held onto this tall person who kept the world from collapsing over
him. He heard a sigh and then he was pulled up, his legs jumped up and around the other’s hips,
before he was carried to a chair where the tall man held him in his arms. It took him way too long
to realize that he was in Voldemort’s lap, hugging the older with his legs. He raised his face from
the older’s chest embarrassed, to find the older had returned to the essays he had to check.

“I’m sorry. I was in a labyrinth before I moved with the Malfoys. It had curses and creatures out to
strike me. Since then, and the other people being struck left and right, I have been unable to enter
a labyrinth. I immediately hear their screams. I…”

“Is it one of your memories from before the Malfoys or from the future?” Voldemort argued and
Harry looked at him confused. “You never met Hedwig, she was not even a-year-old when I gave
her to you and, yet, on your memories of her she was way older.” The older explained as he
finished another parchment.

Harry bit his bottom lip.

“It’s a future memory.” He finally agreed, knowing it would be hard to explain without mentioning
the time-travelling so it was better to be seen as a Seer.

“What means that what you fear has yet to happen.” Voldemort said and set down the quill, finally
facing Harry. “I noticed you could see into the future for a while now. You told me that the first-
time I met you was not the first-time you met me. I never mentioned it because there was never a
need. There was never a case where I realized that your Sight made you unable to act like today.”

Harry hummed. Yeah… he could understand why the older would think that…

“You murdered my Muggle parents.” He offered and Voldemort’s eyes grew. “Uncle Abraxas told
me it was best I didn’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“Because you would apologise.” Harry shrugged. “But you would be lying because they are
Muggles and you hate Muggles.”
Voldemort sighed.

“Abraxas has reasons to believe why my apology wouldn’t be sincere.” He agreed. “I won’t
apology, Evie. And I’m sorry as I do not remember any Muggle couple with a baby.”

“I don’t want you to tell me stories about them.” Harry grumbled. “I said it only so you would
realize that I could be mentioning this meeting.”

“Yet, you believed to be a Muggle.”

Harry opened his mouth to argue, only to close it again. The other had him there.

“I’m still in my grounding. I need to go finish…”

“It’s past the hour. You blacked out for two hours.” Voldemort argued.

Harry groaned, hiding his head in Voldemort’s clothed chest.

“How did you manage to enter my freak-out and stop the ceiling from hitting your head over and

“The way you were looking at my head in fear I just knew that had to be what you were seeing. I

Harry turned deep red.

“Can’t believe that worked.”

“For someone who didn’t see any walls falling, that is even more amusing to see.” Voldemort
retorted and Harry choked at picturing the older holding onto nothing and pushing. “We really
need to look over your fear though. Although I wonder how you would deal with a Boggart.”

“Dementor… I can hear my parents and you on their last minutes… my Muggle parents, that is.”

“So that’s why you learnt the Patronus spell… a way to face your fears. You need to learn to do the
same here.”

“I had help…”

“And I’ll help as well.” Voldemort agreed. “Now relax. Your magic is rampaging, I’m using my
own as a Ward to keep it from exploding.”

Shyly, Harry let himself lean against Voldemort’s chest again and focused on his breath to calm
himself down.



Voldemort looked down at Evie to realize he’d fallen asleep. Abraxas should have warned him of
his hand on Evie’s Muggles’ death. He moved himself into a comfier position without Evie
literally siting on his manhood, even if accidentally, and returned to his paperwork. He had lost too
much time to calm down the young Bearer already.

He’d deal with the new information in the morning.


Saturday, 4 November 1972


Harry avoided Sissy’s smirk all breakfast long. It wasn’t bad enough that Voldemort had seen
Harry’s freak-out. Then he had literally fallen asleep from hormonal discharge, only to wake in the
morning in Voldemort’s arms on the elder’s bed. Harry had literally just slept with Voldemort!
And to top it all out, as he hurried out to not get caught… Sissy was in the DADA’s office with a
change of clothes and a known smirk.

She didn’t say anything.

She didn’t need to.

“Any of you has any news on Peter? He has disappeared.”

Suddenly a goosebump run up Harry’s back and he preferred to go back to being teased.

“I heard he had to go home on a family emergency.” Remus lied.

“I’m sure we’ll know more later on.” Ron added.

Then came the newspaper. Harry paid it and accepted the rolled parchment from the owl, before he
opened it on the front page.

School Student on trial against the Malfoy Family for spying and fantasizing wedding
with Heiress Peverell

Harry hurried to open on the page.

Apparently Peter was alive… about to go on a Wizengamot trial, but alive. In the picture he could
be seen with his mother.

Heiress Callisto Peverell (even though being a Natural Bearer and a child out of
wedlock) looks like he can’t keep the males away. According to sources Mr Frederic
McLaggen II disappeared on the day of the school train because he tried to pursue
Heiress Peverell. How Mr McLaggen II disappeared and what he tried to do, only the
male bearer know.

And now Mr Peter Pettigrew is facing the entire Malfoy Family because he has been
tracking down the heiress without his permission. Apparently listening in on private

Harry stopped reading, not having the stomach for more and gave James. The other frowned as
Harry stood and walked away.

Harry stayed by the Astronomy tower, watching down the window from where he was sitting
down as steps approached him from behind.

“Peter didn’t listen when we told him not to go after you, did he?” He heard Sirius ask.

“I’m not the one who told my family.” Harry argued. “After McLaggen Jr’s attempt to rape me, the
elder students didn’t stay put and must have contacted their parents.”
James sighed and sat beside Harry on the windowsill.

“Can’t honestly blame them, although Peter was many things but he wouldn’t go further than look
at you.”

“He was spying on me. Not in-love.” Harry argued. “The Slytherins thought he was in-love
because of the last time, but…” he shivered against his control. “Professor Dumbledore doesn’t
like me. I’m a Slytherin with Gryffindor friends. I’m a Peverell. I’m a Slytherin who supposedly
should be at the bottom of the ranking, yet I’m at the top.

“He tried to have me fear You Know Who and his people… yet all he proved was that he was the
one behind the attack… and then he put Peter tracking me to try to find my weakness.”

James hummed and hugged Harry with one arm.

“How long have you known that Peter was spying you?”

“Since Sirius’ wedding and he was more curious to my reactions than worried that I had activated a

“Your reactions?” Sirius asked behind them.

“Kari had a bad reaction to the labyrinth, I thought he was exaggerating it and spooked him, only
for his panic to grow tenfold.” James explained. “All the adults at that party scolded me so much I
couldn’t even look at Kari to apology once he calmed down.”

“So that’s why you were all over Professor Riddle’s arm the whole party…” Sirius mumbled.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice.”

“It was your happy day.” Harry argued. “I’m glad you didn’t notice.”


“Peter was your friend before you become my friend. Why are you by my side?” Harry interrupted.

“Technically you were my friend before I met Peter, so…” Sirius shrugged.

“And my dad told me that since you are legally a Peverell that we are relatives. Potters are also
Peverells but we don’t have the right to the claim apparently. So technically Peter messed with my
cousin.” James argued, before adding jokingly. “And we kind of look alike, so I bet you have some
Potter in you as well.” That made the three chuckle. “As much as I liked the guy… his good part
was that he could get into places no one else could. So yeah, I can see him betraying us since, as
you had put it that day, Peter was with us because we stopped the bullies from getting to him.”

Harry nodded sadly and looked down the window to see a group of people passing the grounds.

“Just great…”

“What is it?” Sirius asked behind them.

“McLaggen couple and our former DADA Professor just entered Hogwarts’ main building.” He
said with a groan. “The newspaper said I’m the only one who knows what happened to McLaggen
Jr… it was best when they didn’t know.”

“No one will look for us in here.” James offered.

“Ron and Hera will.” Harry argued.

James and Sirius laughed.

“Ronnie wouldn’t out you like that.” James argued.

“And Meggs would face even my mother for you, so…” Sirius shrugged. “What about Nott and
Sn… Yaxley?”

“Sissy would only out me to Professor Riddle. And Severus wouldn’t out me after I helped him
and his mum out of the abuse.”

“That is true.” James agreed and looked down the windowsill. “I know I like heights, but even to
me this is tall…”

“I’ve been higher.” Harry said amused. “I even won the game.”

James frowned only to realize what Harry meant and started to laugh, only for Harry and Sirius to
have to grab him because he slipped out the windowsill. Harry holding him with one hand and the
other holding himself on the windowsill on the inside so he wouldn’t fall too and Sirius holding
James’ other hand.

“You are a menace.” That icy voice froze them down. James was levitated and pulled inside the
tower. They looked back towards Voldemort at top of the stairs with a sneer. “Get out of there,
Miss Peverell, before you also fall.”

“I love heights.” Harry argued. “They calm me down.”

“Dully noted. I’ll tell the Goblins to update the school’s Wards to keep students from falling from
the windows.” Voldemort agreed. “Come. The Aurors and the McLaggens are at the Headmaster’s
office. You need to come as there is nothing I can do to stop this.”

“Force him to remember the abuse?” James asked affronted.

“It’s out of my hands.”

James groaned.

“Just because you hate Kari, for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean that he deserves it. He is family.

“James…” Harry started, not wanting him to piss-off Voldemort.

“No, Kari. I’m done with Professor Riddle mistreating you and…”

“He is my Legal Guardian.” Harry interrupted and even Voldemort took a double step. James and
Sirius turned on Harry confused. “Professor Riddle doesn’t hate me. He pushes me harder in
classes because he wants me to give the best of myself.”

James looked at Voldemort wide-eyed.

“As I said, Potter: It’s really out of my hands.”

James blushed.

“I’m sorry, Sir… I thought…”

“You aren’t grounded.” Voldemort said and James breathed relieved. “Evie, we need to go before
the Aurors think you were the one to curse McLaggen.”

Harry groaned and approached, accepting Voldemort’s arm. The two descending the stairway hand
in arm.



“Did you saw that coming?” James asked.

“Not at all…” Sirius argued, only to frown. “You do realize that the one who told Remus he’d
harm Peter was Professor Riddle, right?”

James passed a hand through his hair.

“I better tell my parents that the McLaggens are forcing Kari to do a testimony against his will…
did Professor Riddle really call Kari (who hates to be treated girly-like) by the girly-name: Evie?”

“And Kari answered back.” Sirius agreed amused.

The two snorted and run down the stairs to go to the Gryffindor Tower to be able to floocall James’
Dad and Mum. Kari would be so teased by them over this later…


Chapter End Notes

Not exactly Valentin themed... but it's what I have

Chapter XXIX –The Couple–
Chapter Summary

Not for the weak of heart

If you have problems with rape speach and chauvinism talk, be warned

Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,691




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXIX

–The Couple–

Saturday, 4 November 1972


Harry walked hand in arm with Voldemort all the way towards the Headmaster’s office with dread.
As he saw the gargoyle approach he started to lose the little conviction he’d won. He…

“Do you need me to ground you before we go in?” The older’s voice wondered.
“Ground? Why’d I want to be grounded?”

“Bring you back from whatever stupor you got yourself into.” Voldemort amended amused.

Harry blushed and shook his head.

“I’m as ‘grounded’ as I’ll ever be.” He said remorsefully. “What’s the password?”

“Professor Dumbledore didn’t say.” Professor Riddle argued and Harry raised an eyebrow. “He
went on and on about his favourite new muggle candy instead of saying the password.”

Harry snorted.

“Lemon drop.” He called towards the gargoyle, who got out of the way to give them the
passageway towards the stairway. “It’s Professor Dumbledore, what did you expect?”

“Right…” Voldemort grumbled as they started to climb and they started to hear the McLaggens
and the Aurors inside making a scene while who could only be Professor Slughorn doing his best
to calm them down. “If Slughorn is inside, Dumbledore won’t let me inside without making a
scene since Slughorn is your Head of House and can act as moderator until a Legal Guardian

Harry looked up at the older and then opened the door, walking in uninvited. He looked in the
couple’s direction while he entered the office. The couple and the former Professor McLaggen
looked back confused at seeing him, a child hand in arm with an older person.

“My name is Callisto Peverell.” Harry introduced himself. “I’m the last person to have seen your
son before older students threw him out the moving train. Students who have already graduated

“Miss Peverell, please tell us their names and…” Mrs McLaggen started to plead as the rest of the
group finally looked at him up and down, taking in his worth.

“For what? Why should I out the people who rescued me from raping?” He snapped and the couple
gasped as the Aurors raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Your son has been told several times I was
not interested. Has dared to touch me in the chest without my permission, to which Professor
Dumbledore was a witness to and, instead of taking my side, took the abuser’s side.

“Professor Slughorn was a witness as well and took my side and even stopped Professor
Dumbledore from letting my abuser take advantage of me.” He glanced at the Aurors about to
argue and with his free hand pointed at Professor Slughorn. “ASK HIM!”

With thinned lips the Aurors looked at Professor Slughorn, who nodded with narrowed eyes.

“Heiress Peverell is right.” He agreed. “As I had been telling you before you so rudely interrupted
me. I thought I had taught you better while you were a student!” He added with an outraged look.
“Heiress Peverell was even hurt in the whole ordeal and I had to bring him inside to proper heal
him.” He added, lying through his teeth and yet not even sweating over it.

It was then that Harry was reminded that this man was a Slytherin.

“Who is this man accompanying you?” Former Professor McLaggen asked as he looked down at

Harry scoffed.
“Your successor, Sir. Professor T. M. Riddle.” He replied and the McLaggens took one look at
Voldemort and literally dismissed him as non-important. “The last bloodline of Salazar Slytherin
himself.” He added.

Voldemort’s hand holding Harry’s on his arm tightened as the entire group tensed at the claim. It
was then that the fire flashed green. The Aurors turned to argue, only for two old versions of James
to come out. Harry’s eyes watered. Grandfather… but who was the second male Potter?

“Lord and Mr Potter, this is not the time to…”

“My son has brought onto my attention that an illegal forcing of a Heiress to testify is being done
as we speak.” One of the Potters argued. The oldest of the two… which meant… Harry’s
grandfather? “I may not have Blood Rights over the inheritance, but I am a Lord, as well as her
bloodline uncle should be called. Charlus, go call Lord Abraxas. Heiress Peverell cannot be
interrogated without both her” – Harry coughed pointedly: “His!” His grandfather looked back
confused, before he nodded his head in consent and apology. – “As I was saying: without both his
cousin Lord Potter and his uncle Lord Malfoy present.”

“Nor any other relative that Heiress Peverell has.” Professor Slughorn added.

Harry’s great-uncle smiled back soothingly, before throwing fire unto the fireplace and his head
disappeared. His grandfather approached and went to offer his hand like a gentleman, but Harry
didn’t release Voldemort.

“Professor Riddle, if I may?”

Voldemort made a move to release Harry, but the time-traveller held on harder.

“Heire…” Voldemort started but Harry glared him shut.

There was an obvious hold of breath coming from the Headmaster’s desk.

“McLaggen Jr. refused to hear a no because I have a jewel on my person that doesn’t belong to the
McLaggen Family.” Harry added as his surrogate uncle left the floo.

The blond approached at once without asking what was going on, stepping besides Harry but
unlike his grandfather he made no move to take his arm from Voldemort. His great-uncle
approached, staying on Voldemort’s other side alongside Harry’s grandfather, who was looking at
Harry holding onto Voldemort confused.

“Why does that have to do with our baby having disappeared?” Mrs McLaggen demanded.

Harry looked at Uncle Abraxas with a raised eyebrow.

“Am I legally forced to tell them?”

“Only the abuse.” The blond argued and Harry hummed, holding onto Voldemort harder.

“As I said earlier I was in the school grounds when McLaggen suddenly sat beside me without
permission and even dared to pick a necklace from my chest from where it was under the clothes.
If I was older and a female he would have literally touched me in the breasts.” He put in and he
could see Professor Slughorn signal with his eyes at Voldemort towards Harry. Voldemort freed
his arm, only to move it behind Harry’s back, holding onto his back and his other hand held onto
both his hands in one of his. With one hand massaging his back and the other his hands, Harry took
a deep breath. “I threw him away, telling with my actions that I was not interested. Earlier that
week the older students had to take pictures that had been photographed of me illegally from his

“I got poems and letters practically every day. I was freaking 11!

“On the day he disappeared I was leaving the train’s toilet when he suddenly showed up and was
about to force himself on me.

“Want to know why he disappeared? He was about to rape me and the older students who have
already graduated took my side. They backed me up.” Harry snapped and Mrs McLaggen started
crying. “No, I will not tell you the names of my rescuers. It wasn’t Headmaster, since as I
mentioned earlier he incentivized the abuse.” He added and every former Headmaster’s portrait
gasped in horror as if they hadn’t heard him earlier. “After all, on the day McLaggen touched my
chest and I fought back the Headmaster was gonna ground me for daring to fight back!”

Voldemort finally released Harry, only to step in between Harry and Mr McLaggen when the other
moved to raise his hand.

“Touch Heiress Peverell and your wife won’t lose just a son but a husband as well.” Professor
Riddle snarled.

“Get out of the way, Muggleborn!”

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed. He glanced back at Harry and then looked dead on at the other.

“As Heiress Peverell told you earlier: My name is Tom Riddle, my mother was a Gaunt.” He
started to snarl and Harry could tell how Mr McLaggen sneered obviously refusing to accept it as
truth. “I am the last bloodline to Salazar Slytherin himself. Call me Muggleborn one more time if
you have the balls for going on a trial for it.”

“Even if that was true… what I find hard to believe… you aren’t married, you cannot claim
inheritance without…”

Harry stepped forward and finally showed his necklace.

“This was the reason why your son touched my chest. He wanted me to wear his own family
jewellery instead of my Courter’s.” Harry stated loudly and saw Professor Riddle’s back tense at
Harry’s wording as both Potters’ eyes grew, finally understanding why Harry had refused for
Voldemort to trade (on Harry’s grandfather’s side) and for Harry to be holding onto Voldemort (on
his great-uncle’s side). “Look behind you, Sir. Salazar Slytherin’s portrait is right now showing
you his own locket.”

Everyone turned to see that Salazar Slytherin had moved from his own frame towards the one
behind Mr McLaggen and was literally showing the Slytherin Locket.

–I see why you chose her, Marvolo. She doesn’t take things lying down.– Salazar Slytherin’s
portrait put in and Harry’s eyes narrowed.

–Consider yourself lucky that he cannot control his Animagus form enough to understand you, Sir,
because (even though he is a Natural Bearer) Evie hates to be called by She/Her.– Professor
Riddle argued from his place beside Harry.

Harry lowered his head as he did his best to control his reaction to the, apparently, Parseltongue.

“Like my last Bloodline said: touch his intended and you’ll regret it.” Salazar Slytherin’s portrait
added. –Why do you call him Evie? Isn’t his name Callisto?–

–Callisto Evelyn Peverell. I call him Evie and his friends call him Kari. He was once named Harry
and one of his adoptive mundane parents had the name Evan, I do not know if the adopted mother
or the adopted father. I could call him Evelyn as I would still be the only one, but Evie is closer to
the name he likes.–

Harry’s throat tightened. It was the first-time that he heard the reason behind that hated

“Heiress Evelyn, do step forward for me to take a good look at you.” The former Headmaster’s
portrait said, what made several adults except Voldemort and Uncle Abraxas look around to who
the portrait meant and Harry obeyed, stepping forward. “You do not have to tell anyone over what
happened between you and that lad.” Salazar Slytherin’s portrait explained. “Either the Aurors like
to remember or not: There’s a law that was passed on the beginning of the century that protects
bearers (either they may be male or female) from persecution.

“If Young McLaggen has attempted to rape you - even after being told no several times - then you
legally are within your right to decide to withhold information.” The man’s portrait looked up
towards another portrait stepping into the frame. “If I remember the new law correctly.”

“You are right, Professor Slytherin.” The other portrait agreed as he opened a book inside the
frame and passed it’s pages until a certain page. “Here it is. This was the law written down to
forbid families from wedding bearers to their abusers and if the law doesn’t help the bearer then
he/she may choose his/her method of punishment so long as it’s not applied by him/her.”

“He was just a boy! Boys be Boys!” Mr McLaggen snapped.

Harry clenched his hands and then turned around, approached the older male and before anyone
could stop him, Harry kneeled him in the balls. The older gasped in pain and when he went to react
back, Voldemort immediately pulled Harry behind himself. Harry went to argue but Voldemort
glared back.

“Don’t overstep yourself, Evie!” He snarled and Harry glared back, only to frown when his
grandfather and adopted uncle also hid him with their bodies. It was then that he saw that all the
Aurors and the former Professor McLaggen had raised their wands at him. “Mr and Mrs
McLaggen, 3-year-old a boy pulls on a girl’s hair? Boys be boys, right?” Voldemort asked turning
towards the couple, while the quartet as well as Professor Slughorn kept Harry behind themselves.
The three McLaggens shared looks and then nodded. “7-year-old, still applies?”

“Of course.” Mr McLaggen growled as he glared at Harry hidden by his group of adult men.

“12?” Voldemort kept going. “17? 21? When will you see that as abuse? When does the child learn
that what he is taught is normal as a child but is abuse as an adult?”

Mrs McLaggen was right out crying as the two males obviously didn’t understand.

“Mr McLaggen, step down.” One of the portraits put in.

“She just kneeled me in my privates!” Mr McLaggen argued with the former headmaster’s portrait.

“And if the position was inversed and you were a woman and Heiress Peverell was not a Natural
Bearer you would consider it acceptable for him to touch you in your privates. After all: Boys Be
Boys.” The portrait replied back in teaching mode, that finally made the Aurors gasp and lower
their wands. “Professor Riddle, who is the legal guardian of your intended? Is it you, Lord

“I am.” Voldemort supplied, obviously done with hiding it.

Harry saw the way Professor Dumbledore looked back wide-eyed.

“How were you claimed?” The Aurors demanded.

“I used Magic Words to my Uncle.” Harry supplied. “Unlike McLaggen or with any other
unwanted attention, my courted treats me like a living being… which was all I asked of him when I
first met him.”

Even though Voldemort was hiding Harry behind him, Harry could see a small smile appear on the
corner of his lips that he couldn’t quite hide.

“Aurors, Heiress Peverell has recalled his abuse. The McLaggens cannot demand more than that.”
Professor Slughorn put in, making the ginger going silver man behind his desk start to stand ready
to argue. “Unlike what my dear co-worker likes to think, being a Slytherin (or in my former student
now co-worker’s case being a bloodline of the family) doesn’t make you evil. Headmaster
Slytherin, how does the Slytherin bloodline inheritance claim works?”

“A bloodline needs to claim him, even if they aren’t a Slytherin.” Salazar Slytherin’s portrait
claimed. “Lord Potter, you said you were a cousin to Heiress Peverell through Peverell bloodline,
am I correct?”


“How is the Peverell’s crest?” Voldemort asked.

“The Deathly Hallows.” Grandfather replied.

Professor Riddle nodded at Harry.

“Show your ring, Evie.”

Harry offered his hand confused.

“This is Professor Riddle’s Peverell Family’s ring… Marvolo also doesn’t have a right to the
claim.” He said as his grandfather and granduncle looked at it.

The Aurors raised an eyebrow at the two brothers, who nodded their heads.

“It’s your choice, Potters. You can claim a bloodline his right…” the former Headmaster’s portrait
put in. “Or we can wait until they wed and Heiress Peverell turns into a Lady.”

That assuming that Harry actually would wed Voldemort…

“If you two are really engaged why hadn’t you stepped forward if your fiancée was being attacked
by my nephew?” Former Professor McLaggen demanded.

“Unlike you, that cannot even teach first-years students first-year subjects, if my intended asks me
to back down and let him deal with a student that at the moment all he was doing was being a
stalker, I obey. I may be many things, but I’m a ‘feminist’. I believe in Equal rights. Heiress
Peverell asks me to back down? I obey. He asks for my help? I’m there. And, no, I did not steal the
student from the train since I wasn’t in the train at all.”
Although you did kill him… Harry added mentally.


Chapter End Notes

This is the first and most romantic chapter of the duo that I have… at the same time…
who can guess why Voldy stopped hiding? And no it wasn't by his own choice…

Chapter XXX –First-Time–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,519




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXX


Saturday, 4 November 1972


Voldemort nodded at Abraxas and the Potter brothers as they left the Headmaster’s office and,
then, pushed Evie into an empty classroom in the corridor that lead to the office. Before the boy
could argue, he pulled him close to his chest.


“Do you have any idea how much you just put yourself in trouble with this? You just forced my



The boy looked up at him through his massive glasses, confused.

“If you didn’t want to, why didn’t you refuse the claim?”

“Because you outed it. Because you literally magically accepted me as your future husband!”
Voldemort snapped and the boy’s eyes widened. “You really have to learn to think before you
speak, you idiot boy! You…” Voldemort shut up surprised at the slap.

He looked down wide-eyed, not really sure if it had really happened or not.

“I know! I know my inability to think straight ends with people hurt or worse! I remember too well
Sirius’ death!!!”

“Sirius? As in Heiress Lestrange?”

The boy’s eyes grew and he stepped back, taking a hand to his mouth as if he had spoken too

“I… bollocks! Me and that big mouth of mine!”

Voldemort narrowed his eyes when the boy just started to badmouth himself under his breath
completely forgetting that Voldemort was even present, grabbed Evie by his cheeks and, for the
first-time since they met, overstepped his boundaries. Evie’s eyes were wide-open as he stared right
back through his glasses as Voldemort kissed him for the first-time, while being careful to not
actually kissing him on the lips because of his vouch.

“Are you focused now?” He demanded and the boy nodded, while gaping back. “That memory…
will it be me?”


“How can I help you if you don’t tell me, Evie?” He urged.

The boy’s eyes watered.

“I vowed… I vowed when I moved in with the Malfoys that I would stop it. I would stop the
Prewett twins deaths… James… Lily… Sirius… I would stop Voldemort before he would do it.”

Voldemort sighed. That explained why Evie had hated him that fateful meeting… his hate… had
been why Voldemort had been interested in him in the first place.

“In your visions… are they different?” He asked, not releasing his fiancé’s cheeks.

Unwillingly, Evie nodded.

“By making you a Professor… I believe I managed to change your future… somewhat.”

Voldemort nodded.

“Teach me so I can help you through your visions. So you can understand what’s vision and what’s
reality.” He put in and the boy shyly nodded. “By claiming me as the one you are engaged to: you
told the Aurors and everyone in that group that you will wed me when you are older. It’s not just
an option any longer. You gave up that choice.” He explained and the boy’s eyes watered. “Which
is why I’ve finally dared to kiss you. When you kiss someone you are promising yourself to the
other one… and if you do something extra (which I know you know what I mean) you are
magically wedding yourself to this person.

“Of course there’s ways to do it if you have enough restrain of your magic so not to lock the two
people together, which is how whores do it in the Wizardry World.” He added as a side-thought,
but Evie seemed to only be half-listening to him as he was right out crying by now. “The labyrinth
part of a wedding is a way to lock two people’s magics… if you lock your magics together there
will never be divorce and there will never be a mistress. When Heir Rodolphus married Heiress
Sirius their magic locked as one. They will never have another one.”

“And yet you want to wed that way with me.” Evie whispered.

“As much as you may hate me… you are the centre of my world. I always gave you the choice, but
I’ve wanted you to choose me since the day that I’ve met you and you smiled at me thinking I was
Veronique only to immediately after sneer down on me. Your loath… made me want you even
harder, Evie. Make me win feelings I thought I had long suppressed. I believed myself asexual.
There has never been anyone ever who got my attention. Yet you show up and you turn my word
upside down. And the worst of it all, Evie… is that for someone who hates disorder… I love it. I
love everything that makes you: you. You awoke something in me I had never thought possible.
Each time we met you called me in like a Veela.” The Dark Lord let his face fall on Evie’s hair and
took a deep breath. “I hate hair… yet I want yours free so I can pass my hands through it. I hate
feelings yet…”

“You love me. You aren’t asexual… you’re pansexual.”

Voldemort moved back to look at the boy’s eyes, only to see the glasses steamed up. He finally
released his cheeks to take his glasses out, to be able to look at him in the eyes.

“If that’s the title then I’ll take it.”

“I need time.”

“You’ll have all the time in the world.” Voldemort promised. “Just don’t refuse me. This pansexual
thing… it turned me into a wimp. I cannot see a future without you in it. I cannot live without you.
Not now that I felt our magic start to connect after you admitted that I am your intended. One thing
is to talk about it to family and to a Healer… but to strangers? That’s when it made it real, Evie.

“I hate it.” Voldemort stopped and looked at Evie confused. “I hate that nickname with a passion.
Yet you never use it before people who would start calling me it as a joke so I knew better than to
argue… but what you told Salazar Slytherin’s portrait… why didn’t you ever tell me that you were
calling me a version of my parents’ name? Why…?”

“Because you never asked.”

Evie gasped and he lowered his head. When Voldemort made a move to raise his head, the boy
held onto the hand to stop him.

“James and Lily… they are destined to die at your hands… a prophecy will show up… your
predestined foe… you…”

“Is the prophecy real or one of the old Fool’s plans?”

Evie raised his head at once to argue, only to stop himself and be unable to answer negatively.

“He… he is the only full witness of the prophecy…”

“Which means that he can change what is recalled and no one can call him out on it. Who will be
the Seer?”
“Trelawney. Sybil Trelawney. She’s a fake most of the time… but she has moments where she tells

Voldemort nodded thankfully.

“Can I kiss you?”

The boy looked back taken aback by the question.

“You didn’t ask last time.”

“Because as much self-restraint as I may have… when it comes to you, it flies away. Yet I don’t
want you to hate me even more than ever before…” he took a deep breath before he added: “I can
start calling you Evel…”

“Don’t!” The boy suddenly shouted and Voldemort was taken aback. “Don’t you dare!”

“You just said that you hate it.” Voldemort retorted puzzled.

“Because you never told me the reason behind! All I knew was that you were calling me by a girly
name! I know you hate nicknames… yet you had to call me by the girlliest of them all! I never told
you one of my parent’s name was Evan… I’ll take Evie with pride, knowing where it really came

Unsure if it would be overstepping the few boundaries they still had, Voldemort held Evie’s face

“I’ll speak with Heir Potter and Heiress Lestrange that they are not allowed to tease you about it.”
Evie nodded thankfully. “And thank you.”

“For what? I didn’t give you permission or not to ki…”

“For trusting me with your visions.”

Evie nodded shyly.

“There’s… there’s a new cleaning kit that was just released to the official competitions last week…
it’s not for the general use, but… the one I have is not the best for my broom and…”

Voldemort smiled amused at what the boy was implying.

“I will see what I can do about that.” He promised.

Evie nodded, deep red and, after willing himself to do it, stood on his tiptoes, grabbed Voldemort
by the collar and pulled him down into a chaste of lips. It wasn’t sweet. It wasn’t cute. Or
romantic. It was Evie trying his hardest at being in equal terms with Voldemort. The Dark Lord
didn’t guide the boy through it, didn’t deepen it and didn’t dare to hold the younger close during
the simple chaste touch of lips. Evie had boundaries and he hadn’t given permission… not yet.

Evie stepped back obviously embarrassed at the simple touch of lips and Voldemort knew it had
been the right thing to let the other move the way he wanted.

“Was… was this what you wanted?” He asked, deep red.

Voldemort nodded.
“It was better.”

Somehow Evie’s face managed to turn even redder. There was a one simple knock on the door and
the two stepped away from each other. Recomposing themselves before joining Abraxas outside to
find the Potters holding back the arguing duo of McLaggens as the Witch just walked away with
the Aurors as she cried.

“How bad, Uncle Abraxas?”

“Mrs McLaggen has accepted that her elder son had been in the wrong, but her husband and in-law
refuse to use their brains.” Abraxas replied and raised an eyebrow at Voldemort, clearly asking
with his eyes how far had they gone, but not daring to voice it.

“Just a chaste of lips.” He supplied and Evie looked up at his uncle, who nodded. “I won’t overstep
my engagement boundaries until we properly wed, Abraxas.”

“Considering how Kari is so much unlike the norm, you cannot blame me for wondering, my

Voldemort scoffed as Evie stuttered. Professor Slughorn left the Headmaster’s office where he
obviously had been having an heated argument with the old fool and approached them with a

“Albus was refusing to accept that engagement was allowed so long as family agrees and that he
had nothing to do with it. It’s all dealt with now.” He said and smiled widely at Evie. “Trust me
that you couldn’t have picked a better catch than Tom here.” Evie opened his mouth to argue.
“And I’d say the same if he was the bearer instead.”

Evie blushed and lowered his head, it becoming obvious that Voldemort had passed his fingers
through his hair earlier and he had to fight the urge to comb it down with his fingers before
anyone would realize his loss of control when they had been in private. From the two blonds looks,
his thoughts had showed on his face. He shielded his facial expressions right away.

“When is the next Slug Club meeting, Professor?” Abraxas asked as the Potters and Aurors finally
persuaded the McLaggen brothers to leave. “I know I’m not usually invited, but since its finally
official I believe these two deserve a party to celebrate it.”

Evie raised his face, but beside that didn’t show what he thought over it.

“But of course. I always love my parties and a good reason to have them… but who to invite…?”

“How about the old club?” Voldemort offered.

“That would be great, the old and the new Slug Club students… but I fear that Jeremiah is always
with a full schedule…”

–I wonder why…– Evie whispered under his breath and it took everything in Voldemort’s control
not to react to it.

“I’m sure that if we explain to him that he can figure something out.” Abraxas offered.


Sunday, 5 November 1972


Harry hugged his legs as he sat on his nook in the wall of his bedroom.

“Something the matter?”

“Not now.” He argued.

“Come on, you haven’t even left the bedroom today to go to the bathroom. You’re starting to freak
me out.”

“Leave me alone.” He grumbled, putting his head on his knees.

“Don’t be like that, Kari. Just…”

“I said not now!” Harry snapped and then gasped, when he looked up his magic had struck the girl,
thrown her out his bedroom and against the opposite wall with such strength that she was literally
knocked unconscious. “BOLLOCKS!”

He hurried to his feet and hurried to her, set two fingers on her neck and felt for the heartbeat. Only
when he felt it, did he straighten and hurry out the bedroom. He hurried into the common room…

Just great!!!

Of course that no one would be there when he needed help!

Harry hurried back inside again, leaned down on his heels before the girl and pulled her onto his
back. He run out with her on his back, down the Slytherin common room, down the dungeon’s
corridors and up the stairs. He could hear people in the Great Hall but didn’t have time to stop.
Sissy needed help… fast!

Arriving the first-floor he ran into the Infirmary wing.

“Alohomora!” The door opened as he ran and he hurried inside, only to find himself face to chest
with Voldemort who had been already inside. “I…”

Why him? Principally now that Harry had tried his best not to think of him… that…

“What happened?”

“My… my magic blasted and… I hurt her.” He admitted unwillingly.

Voldemort nodded and approached, picking Sissy from Harry’s back. The man passed a hand over
her face without touching as he carried her to a bed and Harry could clearly see his magic checking
the youngest of them.

“A concussion.” Voldemort supplied as he set her down on a bed. “Nothing serious, either
physically or magically, Poppy.” He added and it was then that Harry saw Madam Pomfrey.

“Very well. I’ll handle that. You make sure that Miss Peverell’s magic go under control. It’s a
miracle that he hasn’t shifted yet.”

Harry looked down at his hands as he started to have trouble breathing and it was then that he
realized that it wasn’t hands… it were claws. Occamy’s claws.

He turned around and run out. He couldn’t lose control there. What if he hurt anyone else? What

He was almost at the Whomping Willow tree’s entrance when suddenly he was pinned down. He
struggled but nothing worked. He felt himself being overwhelmed so he fought back. No! He
wouldn’t go down without a fight. He…


Chapter End Notes

Me posting new chapter of Cross-time where I mention Trelawney

my email: oh look who has a birthday today...

Chapter XXXI –Feelings–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 2,174




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXXI


Sunday, 5 November 1972


Harry accepted the teacup from Voldemort after the other brought him back to his office. Somehow
he had shifted as he run away and Voldemort had to literally magically-overwhelm him to ground
him before he would fully lose control… before he would forget about being a Human being.

“No one ever comments how hard it is to stay in control.” He shamefully tried to justify himself,
but in his whole being he felt like he was actually trying to find excuses for himself.

Voldemort looked back from where he was setting up his own teacup.

“Normally people do it when they are older and have already found who they are. You are still
questioning yourself. You have always done it.

“You see yourself as a male and refuse to be treated or dressed otherwise.” He added and signalled
down at Harry’s attire who was in only trousers and inner-shirt. “Even though you don't look down
on females.
“You always pictured yourself one day shredding the female attire and wedding a good Witch.”
The man explained as he accepted a plate of cookies from Slippery that had popped in to offer.
“Yet our official status yesterday just brought down into shambles everything you believe in.”


“I’m not the children type. My orphanage’s matron made certain to make me believe myself
incapable of ever even pondering over the fact.” Voldemort set the plate on his desk besides Harry
and Harry took one cookie. “Yet I find myself wanting to have a child with you. Even if it worries
me. After all, the fatality rate of bearers…”

Harry looked at Voldemort when he suddenly broke the porcelain teacup in his hand accidentally.
Sighing, Harry stood, set down his food and took hold of the hand. He accepted the water from
Voldemort’s House-elf and washed the hand, only when he was certain there were no porcelain
leftovers did he accept the antiseptic and bandages wrap. He whipped the hand's palm with the
antiseptic until he was certain the whole wound was hidden by the liquid – Voldemort didn’t even
argue, even though the cure most likely hurt more than the wound – and, then, wrapped
Voldemort’s hand carefully.

“I don’t know if your mother would have survived if she had given birth in a hospital. But things
have improved immensely.” He explained and tied the bandage wrap in a knot. “Nowadays, so long
as people are followed by Healers, it’s very rare for them to die from childbirth.”

Voldemort nodded thankfully.

“As I was saying: I want to be that «Witch» you wed and have children with. I may not be what
you dreamt of, but I am here for you.”

Harry sighed and leaned against Voldemort’s chest, who used his uninjured arm to hold him close.


“What?” Voldemort asked.

“Three children.”

The future Dark Lord obviously took a deep breath.

“It’s already going to be hard to let you do it once, Evie.” He argued.

“I don’t want any before I’m in my twenties. You have time to get used to the idea.” The de-aged
time-traveller retorted.

Harry didn’t comment when Voldemort held him tightly as if afraid he might disappear.

“Master.” Slippery called and, when Harry and Voldemort looked at him to ask what it was, the
office’s door opened.

Harry’s lips thinned at the way Professor Dumbledore didn’t even consider Voldemort worthy
enough to knock on the door first and with an enormous lack of respect he had opened the door as
if it were all his. Who was this man and what had he done with the one Harry used to respect like a

“I really hope you have a good reason, Headmaster.” Voldemort warned as he released Harry.
Professor Dumbledore looked at Harry with narrowed eyes and then at Voldemort’s wrapped hand.

“An emergency School Board meeting is about to start and, since your Slytherin claim has turned
official, you are required to accompany me.”

Voldemort nodded and guided Harry back onto the chair, before he accepted his outing robe from
Slippery and left with Professor Dumbledore.

“Young Mastress wants Slippery to re-heat up tea?” Slippery asked eagerly.

“Way… what? What did you call me?”

“Official engagement with Master.” Slippery supplied, big eyes looking at him with eager hopefully

Harry looked at the other for a real long time and then at the tea.

“Can you bring me my shoulder bag from my bedroom? I should finish my homework.” He asked
instead of arguing with the poor House-elf over the title.

Slippery popped away and Harry freed some space in the desk to be able to do his homework.
Finally Slippery returned and traded the tea for the bag. When a new cup was set before him on the
desk, Harry nodded thankfully. He was halfway through his history homework when there was a
knock on the door. Slippery looked at the door as he refilled Harry’s cup.

“Master is out at the moment.” He called out as Harry looked up from his parchment.

“Oh…” Professor Slughorn’s voice was heard, so Harry stood and opened the door. “Miss
Peverell, I looked for you everywhere…”

“My magic was out of control so Madam Pomfrey ordered Marv to help me control it.” Harry
explained as he let the man in. “Tea?”

“I don’t believe you know where Tom keeps something stronger, do you?” The older man
wondered only - for as he sat down on the armchair before the desk - for Slippery to pop in with a
glass of whiskey. “And why did Tom leave you alone with only his House-elf to restrain you if
something happened?”

“Apparently there was a School Board meeting that he needed to attend. He left a hour or so ago
with the Headmaster.” Harry explained and smiled thankfully at Slippery when he brought him his
new tea and a robe to pull over his clothes as if it was a blanket. “Thanks, Slippery.”

Slippery nodded and disappeared before the office’s door closed.

“Of course… as Slytherin bloodline Tom will be an owner of a fourth of Hogwarts. Nothing can be
done without his approval.” The fat man put in thoughtfully, before he smiled at Harry. “Anyway I
was trying to find you because I want to know who the people are that you want to invite.”

“I thought it would be the actual members of the Slug Cub.” Harry argued surprised.

“It is, but I believe that there are people you would want present as well.”

Harry hummed.

“My” [mère,] “Cousin Lucius, Evan Rosier Jr” he put in as the man wrote the names down. “The
Nott siblings, Severus Yaxley, Ron… Veronique Prewett, Megara and Regulus Black, Lily Evans,
James Potter, Sirius, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Remus Greyback… and I believe that’s

“Good, now all I need is to wait for Tom for his own list.” Professor Slughorn agreed. “And , if you
are with decontrolled magic, it’s better to not leave you practically alone. What were you doing?”

“History homework. But I can pass to Potions instead, there’s one thing I’m not understanding.”

The man smiled and nodded. Harry picked his Potions homework and showed the older who
quickly read through it, before he nodded and started going over it with Harry. Harry was just
finishing rewriting the essay when the fireplace turned green and Voldemort walked out. He
nodded at Professor Slughorn and gave his outing robe and Occamy cufflinks back to an waiting

“Have you been waiting long, Professor?”

“Not at all, me and Miss Peverell have been going over his Potions essay. I don’t even remember
how long we have been here.”

Voldemort nodded and moved to his chair behind his desk.

“Let me see.” He asked to which Harry gave him the first version and then the revised version.
“Very well. Did you understand it, Evie? Or do you need me to add this to our tutoring later?”

“I understood now, cannot promise about tomorrow.”

Professor Slughorn laughed.

“I’ll look it over with you tomorrow then.” Voldemort agreed amused. “Did you want something,

“In part I was hopping you would help me find Miss Peverell. Although now I know that if he
cannot be found by his classmates that he is most likely with you.” Professor Slughorn said and
Harry blushed. “The other part, was the list of people you would like to invite.”

Voldemort accepted the scroll being offered and Harry realised it was his own list. Voldemort
picked his quill, opened an ink bottle and started to add names, while being mindfull of his
wrapped hand. Then under the names he wrote a line that tightened Harry’s stomach.

Professor Horace E. Slughorn is proud to invite you to the engagement party of T.

Marvolo Riddle-Slytherin and C. «Kari» E. Peverell

Voldemort returned the scroll and Harry glared down at his belly as he started to feel it twist and
turn around inside. It was almost like butterflies were inside him. It…

“Professor, I need to return to Evie’s restraining tutoring. He is about to lose control again.”

Harry turned deep red and immediately went to his magic to hold it back, but didn’t feel it out of

“Of course.”

“If it is possible then book it on 17 November.”

“Any reason in particular?” Professor Slughorn asked as he wrote down the date.
“First-time we met and the day he got me at his feet.”

Harry’s stomach did a somersault so big he felt the tea inside ready to come out.

“I will do my best.”

The office’s door closed and then Voldemort was kneeling before Harry, grounding him back

“I'm about to throw up.” Harry gasped out, but Voldemort didn't move back. He took the robe that
Slippery had given Harry away, put a hand over Harry's stomach, another holding his neck from
behind and started to chant. Harry looked over his steamed glasses at the You Know Who and how
worried he looked for the Boy Who Lived in that moment. “My magic is not out of control.” He

Voldemort nodded but didn't stop on his chanting. Eventually Harry's stomach contents stopped
bubbling and he shamefully burped.

“Good. What did you do for you to stop your own digestion?” Voldemort wondered as he stood up
and released Harry.

Harry picked his glasses and wiped them on a corner of his inner-shirt.

“It were my feelings. Something provoked them into going ballistic.” He admitted as he put his
glasses back on.

“Can those feelings turn into a problem later, Evie?”

Harry looked up as the older didn't demand to know what it was that provoked this.

“Unlike you I don't fear feelings.” He retorted and the man smirked at Harry's comeback.


Severus was in the Infirmary wing beside Sissy’s bed when Harry, Ron and Hermione finally
arrived. He nodded back and they pulled chairs to sit close by.

“She was awake earlier.” He offered. “Asked if you had drowned yourself in the lake or

Ron scoffed as Harry passed a hand over his unbound hair.

“She's that mad?”

“I answered no at her question and her reply was good, otherwise she would have to snap at me for
being beside her and not rescuing you.”

Harry looked at the sleeping peacefully girl. He knew exactly what made his magic lose control
like that. It was the same thing that had made his stomach somersault. He had told Ron and
Hermione, of course. They deserved to know.

“You will get a proper invitation from Professor Slughorn later, I’m sure, but my official
engagement party will be hosted by our Potions Professor on his Slug Club parties. I'd like for you
to come.”

Severus bowed his head.

“I'll contact Lawyer Yaxley to warn him that I need a dress-robe since its impolite to use the same I
wore to Lestrange’s wedding.” He stood. “I take it you two won't let anything happen to him?” He
added to Ron and Hermione as if they were his bodyguards instead.

“Of course not.” Ron argued.

Severus nodded and left.

“I can take care of myself.” Harry grumbled.

“He knows that, he also knows you have weaknesses and sometimes need backup.” Hermione
argued and stood to fix Sissy’s sheet. “And you know, for an era of predominantly chauvinist
males, he was being feminist by admitting that we are in equal power as he and Sylvine.” She
offered before adding when they got ready to argue: “And I know Ron’s male but both your status
as bearers put you on the female category.”

Ron and Harry closed their mouths and nodded.

Chapter XXXII –Something Old and Something Blue–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 4,661




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXXII

–Something Old and Something Blue–

Friday, 17 November 1972


“Come on!”

Harry had barely even finished Charms and was starting to pack when Sissy threw all his things
into his backpack, grabbed his wrist and hurried out the classroom.

“We still have time…”

“We had Defence and Herbology in morning and now Charms… you stink!” She argued and Harry
glanced back at Severus for back-up, who raised his hands in surrender. “Not to mention the make
something out of that birdnest!”

“Sissy…” Harry started to argue.

“You know she’ll fight you until you are ready so why struggle?” Severus wondered amused with
a smirk at the corner of his mouth and Harry glared at him.


They had just arrived the third-floor’s stairway when they saw Professor Riddle in there talking
with the Malfoys. The four blonds smiled back and Harry freed himself from the crazy girl to be
able to speak with his surrogate family.

“You arrived early.” He pinpointed.

“Even if Professor Slughorn is the host it’d be seen wrongly if the guests of honour’s relatives
would be the last to arrive.” Aunt Genevieve explained. “Are you going to a class?”

“We just finished.” Harry argued and ignored the way Aunt and Uncle looked at his stray messy
hair leaving the bun. “It’s good to see you,” [Mère.]

His adoptive mother smiled and hugged him.

“That’s good. That gives plenty of time to get your hair into a…”

“Let your hair free tonight.” Voldemort interrupted Aunt Genevieve, what made even Sissy tense.
“It’s our ceremony after all. And I remember how even in my time as a student how it was the only
time the female and bearer population would let the hair out of it’s confines.”

Harry had a vague memory of Professor McGonagall saying that the Yule Ball was a time to let the
hair free. Harry nodded thankfully at Voldemort and got ready to descend when he remembered

“Aunt Genevieve, if you want to help someone to get ready, you should go help Megara Black. My
hair may be a birdnest, but her is a total bush that last time she had to use a whole afternoon and
several products to make something out of it. She most likely is spending the whole afternoon in
the Ravenclaw Tower getting ready.”

Aunt Genevieve and Mother looked at Voldemort questioningly, who nodded.

“I’ll take you to the Ravenclaw Tower before my next class.” He agreed. “I’ll see you at
dinnertime, Evie.”

Harry nodded and let Sissy pull him down the stairs as the others climbed.

“Feeling pity for Megara.” Severus commented as they descended into the dungeons.

“Megara is doing it alone or with help and this way they won’t join Sissy at trying to persuade me
at doing a hairstyle.”

Severus hummed and once they entered Slytherin common room, Sissy took Harry into the top
rank quarters.

“Shower and comb it after putting the shampoo and then the conditioner.” She ordered him, before
she turned on Severus. “You too, Mister.”

Harry snorted as the girl’s wrath was also aimed at the other. He entered his bedroom to get things
ready when he saw a rectangular box on the bed. Frowning, he approached and opened the cover;
inside was an envelope with the Evie written on it over some type of cloth with worn colour after
years of use. He picked the envelope, opened it and looked inside to find two parchments, one of
the parchments looked ancient so he picked the newest one first, to find a letter.


My mother used to be a petite woman. On the only time I went to her family house I
found this dress-robe in her former bedroom alongside her portrait


Harry picked the scroll also inside the envelope and unrolled it to find a portrait of a teenage girl in
the most beautiful light green-blueish sleeveless dress-robe, her hair was free and was running
down her back what made her really beautiful but her silver eyes went to different directions and
her skin was bathed in hematomas. On her neck was the same locket that now was on Harry’s
neck. He looked at the letter to see a PS.

P.S. I completely understand if you don’t want to wear it, though, since it is in green.

Harry picked the dress-robe and brought it to the mirror to see himself with it. Sure it was vintage
and had seen better days, but it was… perfect! And he usually hated green… The bedroom door
opened on that moment and whatever Sissy was about to say was held back.

“Slippery.” Harry called as he looked at himself in the mirror and the House-elf popped in. “Go to
Ravenclaw Tower’s second-year girl’s dormitory and tell Amphitrite Malfoy that my dress-robe
needs a quick stitching.”

Slippery popped away and Harry saw Sissy on the mirror with a raised eyebrow.

“That looks way too old and too green for your tastes. Not to mention that worn colour has seen
better days.” She pinpointed, but it wasn’t said harshly.

“You better take a shower first. My” [mère] “will first need to take some measurements.”


“I promise I’ll take a rinsing shower after.” He agreed.

Sissy sighed and nodded, going into their private bathroom. Didn’t take long for Mother to enter
his private quarters that he shared with Sissy and enter his private bedroom.

“That one?”

“It is the only thing – besides my locket – that belongs to ‘his’ mother.” Harry signalled with his
head towards the portrait on the bed.

Mother went and picked it, before she sighed.

“Put your silver inner-clothes that your Aunt bought you for your other dress-robe, let’s see what
we can do in the next couple hours.” She offered so Harry hurried to set down the robe and go pick
the inner clothes of one of his dress-robes. “I cannot promise to save all of it. There are holes made
by moths and dry blood on it… not to mention the worn-out look. Genevieve would be able to
make it work but like you commented Miss Megara’s hair had several layers of products and not all
of them are the best for her hair. She needs Genevieve’s expertise right now.”
“Slippery.” Harry called and the House-elf popped in. “This is my mother, bring her anything she
needs.” He ordered and hurried to change clothes as the House-elf turned towards Mother, who
raised an eyebrow back. “His House-elf.”

Mother smiled amused and turned towards Slippery as Harry dressed the inner clothes and put on
the dress-robe which was a perfect fit. He climbed a pop-in bench and was looking at himself in the
mirror with it as Mother moved around him with headless needles to see where she needed to fix. If
it wasn’t for the moth holes and blood it wouldn’t need a thing…

A knock on the quarter’s door made Slippery go check, before returning with Aunt Genevieve and

“Good thing I decided to come check… the bathroom?”

“Sylvine is taking a shower.” Harry offered.

Aunt Genevieve nodded, picked a flask from a popping in Dobby and put on Hermione’s hands.

“When she finishes: rinse your hair with this, Dear. This is the one for your type of hair.” She
offered kindly and Hermione nodded thankfully. “That rag has seen better days, Callisto.”

“It’s the last momentum of Professor Riddle’s mother alongside the locket.” Mother argued.

Harry saw the way Aunt Genevieve tensed as he looked at her in the mirror, even Hermione looked
at Harry as she set her own robe on a free corner of his bed.

“Give me those needles, Amphitrite.” Aunt Genevieve approached Harry and with the box of
headless needles in hand started pinning the dress-robe. Harry stayed quiet as the woman worked
fast and efficiently. “I could turn this into a masterpiece for Yule and the New Year's Eve.” She
amended herself.

“But he sent it to me today… I only saw it after I spoke with you.”

“Of course I’m not blaming you, but Professor Slytherin should have tried to get it fixed a while

“Amphitrite, do you still have the shawl you wore to my wedding?”

“I thought you hated it.” Mother argued as she set up the commode with several combs and

“On you and with the dress-robe you wore? Yes. On Callisto and with this? It will turn him into a
princess.” Aunt Genevieve said, before smiling at Harry through the mirror. “As I said earlier: this
has seen better days, but I will make sure you look the best of yourself on your party.”

He nodded shyly as Hermione entered the bathroom when Sissy left it.

Harry had finally left the bathroom and was putting on his inner clothes as Aunt Genevieve worked
on the dress-robe and Mother combed Hermione’s hair, when there was a knock on the quarter’s

“Who is it?” Aunt Genevieve asked.

“Severus Yaxley.”

Sissy approached the door and opened just enough to look outside.
“We aren’t ready yet. You can wait in the common room… I’ll have to give my compliments to
Lawyer Yaxley. That dress-robe looks great on you.”

“Now you are just complimenting me because I’m my grandfather’s Heir.” Severus argued
mockingly and Harry laughed. “Tell Kari that the Rosiers have arrived and Rosier Jr. has asked for

Sissy nodded and closed the door, before approaching to help with setting Hermione’s hair.

“Who are you going with this time?” Harry wondered.

“Potter offered to be stepped on again.” She replied and he laughed.

“He’s probably a sadist.” He joked.

“Masochist.” Hermione amended.

“Thanks, Sis.” He replied automatically and could feel his foster family looking back at the title.
“What about you? Did you invite Remus again?”

“Actually Sirius and James bullied him until he asked me. He was faster because I was just about
to.” Hermione retorted. “The Blacks will flip when they see him though… then again they already
hate me for my dad being a Squib and mum a Muggle.”

Harry looked at Aunt Genevieve who was doing the last stitches.

“If the Blacks ever overstep you know you are always welcomed to Malfoy Manor.” He offered
and Aunt Genevieve looked up, ready to retort but stopped at seeing his glare and swallowed it
back. “Are you done, Aunt Genevieve? Because I know that even if I won’t do anything with my
hair that you all will still spend an hour around it.”

Aunt Genevieve looked at the dress-robe, before Harry was helped onto it. He looked at himself in
the mirror and even though it was obviously female, it looked great.

He looked gorgeous.


Sure Aunt Genevieve had raised the dress-robe on the front a little to show a little of his inner-
trousers in order to hide the blood and to compliment Harry’s preference. Still he felt like he
looked like Hermione had looked in the Yule Ball.

There was a knock as the four females helped Harry get ready.

[Mère, êtes-vous à l’intérieur?] Cousin Lucius’ voice asked, making Harry look in the private
quarter’s corridor direction since the other was not even talking in English.

[Nous sommes occupés, mon Trésor.]

[Détenez-vous mon corsage et ma boutonnière, Mère?]

Whatever Cousin Lucius said made Aunt Genevieve blush and the woman hurried to her bag, took
six real cream-coloured roses with vines with light-blue precious stones at the edges, all of it tied
together by a thread of royal blue silk and connected to a blue and white pearl beads bracelet, and
took another single cream-coloured flower with the royal blue silk around it’s stem and several pins
to be able to use as a brooch for whatever reason and hurried to give Cousin Lucius by the front
door of the quarters.

[Je suis désolée, mon Trésor. Tenez.]

Harry raised an eyebrow to the others confused.

“For Ron.” Hermione whispered.

“It’s a bracelet and a brooch.” Sissy explained. “The bracelet is gifted by your date when you go to
a ball, who uses the brooch instead… Potter gave me one last year…” Harry looked at her
confused. “You were probably in too much pain to realize I had it when I arrived.” She offered

“Oh…” Harry hummed. Old-school then… well, at least Cousin Lucius was trying.


Eventually there was a knock on the door as Harry just sat bored as the women kept combing his
hair down his back, even putting some black hairpins to keep it in place on some corners even
when he argued against. Before anyone could say anything; the door opened and then Voldemort
stepped into the entrance of the quarters and approached the bedroom, already dressed in his dress-
robe and Harry noticed that even if it had the Slytherin crest on his heart it wasn’t all green like

“Professor, we’re not ready…”

“I know Evie’s hair as well as you do, Genevieve. It won’t straighten more than that unless you use
magic and I did say to let him have it the natural way like he prefers.”

The women sighed before they nodded. Hermione and Sissy were quickly checked by the elder
women before the four left.

“Thanks for that, they were at it for two hours!” Harry grumbled. “Nothing I said worked. Give me
Dragons and Dementors any day… I just can’t deal with women.”

Voldemort smiled amused and stepped into Harry’s bedroom.

“Thank you for wearing it.” He put in and Harry shrugged. Voldemort approached and took the
bracelet from Harry as well as the tiara on the top of his hair, before using his fingers to free
Harry’s hair from the hairpins that had been put on as well as free it from the tangles the woman
had tried to tie it in. “There.” He offered and Harry nodded thankfully. “Now the last touch… I
know this is old-school, but please just relent me on this this time.”

Harry frowned and saw Voldemort set a calla lily in turquoise-blue on the outside and outer inside
and purple on the deep inside flower on his own chest as if a brooch and then pick a bracelet from
the popping in Slippery like the one Cousin Lucius had most likely already given Ron, only it
didn’t have any special stones in it and it was with calla lilies instead of roses.


“In my time, even though I never took anyone, it was tradition.”

Harry blushed and offered his wrist that the other had just freed from the jewellery.

“Wh… why lily, blue and purple?” He asked as he looked at his new bracelet with real flowers.

“It’s your favourite flower and it’s your inner colours.” Voldemort offered as he picked the silver
shawl to pull it over Harry’s shoulders and Harry’s eyes watered. “Did I say anything wrong?” He
asked as he arranged the shawl around Harry’s small body so he wouldn’t be cold since he was
wearing a summer sleeveless dress-robe underneath it.

“No… you said all the right things.” He argued as he cleaned his face. “It’s probably my emotions
reacting to the new hormones.” He quickly lied and the older hummed. “Shall we go?”

Voldemort offered his arm and Harry took it. The two left the top rank quarters, passed the
common room and walked into the room where Professor Slughorn had his Slug Club meetings.
They entered and there was on obvious silence that suddenly erupted in the room. The room was
already full. It looked like Harry was the last one…

He could see the critical looks with which several adults were looking at him for his out of norm
attire, for his free hair…

Harry looked up at Voldemort, who guided him to Evan Rosier Jr. and the current Head Girl. The
two bowed their heads back at Voldemort.

“Dinner will be served in no time.” Voldemort offered towards Harry, before leaving him with his
friend/bodyguard and going towards the other adults. Towards his Knights…

“You always were a sight, Peverell, but tonight you really overstepped yourself.” Rosier Jr. put in
and Harry smiled genuinely.

“Why? Having second thoughts on your sexuality?” He teased and the other laughed as anyone
around looked back affronted for him to dare to tease with someone that wasn’t his fiancé.

“No. You were never my type. Even before I knew your inner gender.” Rosier Jr. argued good
naturally. “I take it you know my fiancée?”

“Yes, Greengrass has taken over your job at taking me anywhere.” Harry agreed and the Head Girl

Rosier Jr. suddenly frowned and then stepped forward, pulled Harry towards Greengrass and out of
the spell that suddenly had been aimed at him.

“Hex?” Greengrass asked quietly.

“Compulsion.” Rosier Jr. replied. “I acted on instinct so I don’t know who did it.” He added, angry
with himself for not pinpointing from where the possible danger was.

Harry glanced at the Purebloods present, several that he was certain weren’t part of their personal
guests but were Slug Club members…

“Marv!” Harry called louder and the Pureblood group looked at him scandalised for him to call a
Professor like that. “Can you explain the idiot who just tried to confound me into turning into a
perfect Pureblood stay at home wife why I’m with my hair like this and this type of clothes?” He
added as everyone had stopped talking.

Voldemort obviously looked with a glance towards the group, who looked affronted for either for
being called out or for being caught or for whatever Harry said, Harry didn’t know.

“You are a living being. You can wear all the clothes you want (all the trousers), can wear your
hair as you like and can joke all you want with your friend (who did an Unbreakable Oath on your
life after he once walked in on you almost dying).” Voldemort claimed and approached the group.
“Before anything happens to my fiancé, Evan Rosier Jr. will magically do everything in his power
to stop it… or die before it happens. So the next time you dare? Whomever of you it was… do
remember that I was the one to persuade my fiancé’s family to let him have his inner-clothes like
he likes. It was me who told his family today to let him have his hair free. Because the way he is…
this free living being with a mouth… was what attracted me on the day we met.”

The Purebloods bowed their heads, even though they were obviously holding back their retorts.
Harry could see several off-age Death Eaters moving around the room and, by the time the stranger
group raised their heads, an entire army was surrounding Harry and his group of friends. Even
Bellatrix was hiding him…

“Even so, it’s not proper to call your better like that.” A woman’s voice put in that gave Harry

It couldn’t be…

He turned and there she was… in her twenties but it was her… Dolores Umbridge.

“Evan.” He called in a whisper and the teenager looked back questioningly since Harry never
called him by his first name. “That woman’s name is…?"

“Woman…? Oh… you mean Umbridge?”

“Dolores Jean?” Harry asked and Greengrass nodded back. “Shit…”

Evan turned his back on the group, trusting the adults to protect them as Professor Slughorn tried to
appease the things.

“What is it?” The off-age teenager asked and put a hand on Harry’s free wrist. “You’re shaking!”
He added and set the other hand on Harry’s forehead. “Ianthe…”

“Tea?” Ianthe Greengrass asked and Evan nodded.

“I’ll get it.” Narcissa Black’s voice offered.

“Sweet.” Hermione put in and stepped forward, pulling Harry into a hug who in return hugged her
close tightly.

“What is going on? Why does that Witch matter?” Sissy’s brother asked as an obvious argument
was going on between the adults.

Harry and Hermione shared looks and before they could decide on how to explain it, Ron was
already raising his own left hand and showing the back of it. The teenagers and early twenties
group looked at him and then towards Harry, who sighed and both he and Hermione showed the
back of their left hands as well. Evan looked at the three and then at the late-twenties woman in a
pink dress-robe.

“Junior? Did she get a hit? Do we need to do something? As in right now?” Rodolphus Lestrange
demanded to know, having his back to them and facing towards the possible danger.

“Blood quill.” Evan argued as Narcissa arrived with the tea that she gave Harry and the older of
their group turned to stare back surprised. “When did she do it? How can it be that I didn’t feel it?”

“Cousin Meggs has that scar from before she moved in with us.” Regulus Black put in and the
other fellow students tensed. “Mother and Father said it was not my place to ask where it come
from.” He added when Sirius turned towards him.

Sirius turned towards Narcissa with a pointed look, who nodded.

“I’ll speak with Aunt and Uncle personally.” She agreed.

“There’s no need.” Hermione argued. “We just don’t want her close to us ever again.”

“You three had to be 6/7 to already be able to write.” Bellatrix said. “For it to be before you two
ended up in the hospital at 7-year-old… around the same time that we took Meggs in who had
already made 8…”

“That’s how we three met before Hogwarts.” Hermione agreed to the question that Bellatrix wasn’t
daring to make and the older brunette snarled angrily. “Why my parents sent me to Black Manor to
be protected from something like this to happen again.”

Sirius stepped forward and pulled Hermione into a hug. Looking around his group, Harry could see
Severus explaining quietly to Lily what a blood quill was while the off-age of their group had
turned to glare in the pink-toad woman’s direction. Cousin Lucius’ hand itching for his wand, so
he hurried to give a pointed look at Ron. Ron frowned and looked at Cousin Lucius, before he
nodded at Harry, approached his courter and held onto his flexing hand. Cousin Lucius was forced
to take a deep breath and calm down or he’d hurt Ron’s hand.

“She won’t touch you ever again.” James promised the trio as Cousin Lucius brought Ron’s hands
to his lips and kissed the scars in there.

“Oh… don’t worry about that, Heir Potter.” Bellatrix agreed. “That hag won’t touch anyone ever
again.” She promised and the teenagers and ‘children’ looked at her surprised. “No one touches my
cousin but me!!!”

Harry, Ron and Hermione stared at the young woman wide-eyed. Did she just… back-up
Hermione? The Mudblood that she hated because she was a daughter of a Squib and a Muggle?

Narcissa leaned towards Bellatrix and literally told her that ‘now was not a good time’. Harry
shared a look with his group of friends and respective siblings. Okay… that had really just

A silent look between them was all needed for them all to mutually agree that if something would
happen to Umbridge that none would mention this conversation.


After a heated argument Umbridge and several old-school of the unknown adults that Harry didn’t
know left, so they finally moved towards the tables for dinner.

“Did you have a moment?” Voldemort wondered and Harry raised an eyebrow. “I felt the jewellery
call me but then it suddenly stopped. When I looked you were surrounded by your friends and

“Not a vision.” Harry argued and Voldemort nodded. “I’m sure Bellatrix will tell you later to try to
get back into your good graces.” He added.

Voldemort scoffed amused.

“You know about my argument with her then.”

“Why did you two argue?” Harry wondered as they sat at the head of the tables, the rest siting
around the other tables. Harry noticing that Ron was sat on the ‘family’ table alongside the
Potters. Harry didn’t remember inviting the Potters, but he guessed Voldemort or Professor
Slughorn had in his stead.

“You.” Voldemort replied honestly. “I had to be blunt with her so she wouldn’t try to go after you. I
explained to her how it had been your hate for me that had made me fall.”

Harry hummed and smiled amused as a shy Ron was offered a chair by Cousin Lucius and then
pushed into the table, before Cousin Lucius sat facing him beside Uncle Abraxas and facing Aunt
Genevieve and Mother. The two female Potters sitting by Harry’s surrogate mother’s side and
happily talking with her while their husbands sat before them and spoke with Uncle Abraxas. He
wondered if they were talking about his supposed father that had been murdered by his surrogate

Harry looked for his biological parents and found that they were on his friends and respective
families table, James being there instead of the family table but then again his friends were on the
friends table. Bellatrix, Narcissa, a teen Harry didn’t know, Sirius, Sissy, Hermione, Lily, Severus’
mum, Mrs Nott and Mrs Lestrange were facing Regulus Black, Rabastan Lestrange, Sissy’s
brother, Rodolphus, James, Remus, Severus, Lawyer Yaxley, Mr Nott and Mr Lestrange by order
facing each one. Severus, Lily and the new Yaxley couple were talking quietly and from the look
of it Lawyer Yaxley was actually talking with Lily and being nice with her. Harry glanced at
Severus’s mum and how good she looked and how a good thing for her Lawyer Yaxley had been
because she was much better physically and emotionally since Harry had last seen her at Sirius’


“What is it?” Harry wondered as Voldemort served both their plates and as Professor Slughorn sat
on their head table by Voldemort’s other side.

Now that Harry thought about it, it was the first-time he sat side-by-side with a ‘male’ in a long

“It looks like Young Greyback has competition.”

Harry frowned and looked towards Hermione, only to see her talking vividly with Remus, who was
sitting before her, about some subject.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

Voldemort smiled back.

“I’ll explain if he ever acts on it.” He argued, before adding: “You look gorgeous.”

Harry blushed, but smiled shyly back.



Voldemort’s breath was taken away as Evie for the first-time since the day they met sent him the
smile that had taken him to his feet. The genuine smile that got to his eyes.

Voldemort didn’t need to look up to know that everyone was looking at them. He didn’t care. It
had taken him exactly five years to have that smile be directed at him again and this time? This
time he was the reason!

Evie had him around his pinkie and the boy didn’t even know it.

Voldemort knew he was completely whipped.

Evie was like a drug to him. Each day, each minute, each moment together… was intoxicating.
“You… you look great yourself.” Evie agreed and his face turned pink, as he returned to his meal.


Chapter End Notes

I know that Harry has smiled a few times to Voldemort before, but until now it was not
the same smile that he had sent thinking he was smiling to Ron five years prior.

My french translator was Dodie-ange(FF)/DodieAnge(AO3). I am not putting the

translations, not because I don’t have them, but because Harry never finds out what
they say. Thank you so much, Dodie Ange, for all your hard work. You helped a lot

Chapter XXXIII –Whipped–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,981




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXXIII


Monday, 20 November 1972

If any student expected that Callisto Peverell being now officially engaged to Professor Riddle
meant that the girl would win a pedestal in class and no need to work to get good grades they were
gravely mistaken. On the very first class after the official engagement ball, the two hit heads while
in class over something stupid and the Slytherin girl ended up losing a lot of points for the House
as well as get grounded.

If the other students would look at the girl’s friends, they would see some of them facepalming
while others rolling their eyes and some were looking at her amused for her daring (that’s
Gryffindors for you). No one of Peverell’s group was surprised, though, that the two hadn’t
suddenly turned into the couple number One.

It was actually strange to hear the Professor call his future wife by title and surname instead of her

Mid-December 1972


Harry finished brushing Voldemort’s office with the toothbrush after another hour of grounding
and looked up to find the portrait of the founder Salazar Slytherin with his back to him. After
Harry having told Professor Slughorn how Professor Dumbledore would walk in uninvited, the
man hadn’t stopped until he had gotten the School Board to agree that Professor Riddle had more
right over the school than the Headmaster ever had and (to force the Headmaster to keep the
rules) the second frame of the founder had been moved onto the door of the office.

He wondered who was on the other side requesting entrance.

Harry gave another look around to be sure it was all as clean as possible, before he put on his
school robe again over his inner-clothes and threw the toothbrush onto the garbage bin by the side
since supposedly it was his last grounding (for now at the least). He approached the frame and
knocked. The portrait turned around and looked back.

–I’ve finished.– Harry stated, signalling around.

The man’s silver eyes looked around, before he nodded.

“Sit down and tell Marvolo’s servant to bring thou tea.”


“Thou are speaking in Parseltongue, Heir Evelyn.” The portrait argued and Harry blushed. “I could
never let thou leave until I’m certain thou are in control again.”

He moved to one of the armchairs as the portrait turned again to argue with whoever was on the
other side of the frame. Slippery popped in with Harry’s tea mug, who smiled thankfully and
started sipping as he waited to be allowed out. Harry was almost done when the fireplace turned
green. Voldemort stepped out of the floo and looked at Harry confused.

“I thought I told you that you could leave when you would be done.”

“Professor Slytherin grounded me until I would stop speaking with him in Parseltongue.” Harry
shrugged. “I can’t control it.” He added with a groan. “Oh… and he has been arguing with
someone on the other side, so I cannot even try to explain it to him.”

Voldemort sighed and approached, leaned down on his heels and looked into Harry’s eyes while
holding his pulse to feel his heartbeats.

“You aren’t out of control…”

“I see a snake and I speak in Parseltongue. It’s instinct and not a language that I was taught.”

Voldemort looked back at the frame which was engraved with snakes all over and then back at

“Next weekend come over. I’ll do my best to help you learn how to control it.”

The de-aged young man nodded thankfully and Voldemort set Harry’s mug to the side, before they
stood and approached the frame.

Salazar Slytherin’s portrait turned towards them.

–It’s not a good idea, Marvolo.–

–I need to bring Evie to his common room since it’s past the mandatory curfew.– Professor Riddle
said to which the frame opened and they found Professor Dumbledore on the other side. “Then this
is why Professor Slytherin hadn’t let Heiress Peverell leave when he was done with his
grounding.” Voldemort pinpointed and set a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Let’s go. It’s late.”

“Tom…” Professor Dumbledore started.

“I was the one who told Professor Slughorn of your lack of respect for Professor Riddle-Slytherin.”
Harry snapped and the man he once looked at as a grandfather looked back surprised that he was
daring to talk back. “Grow up, Professor. Everyone can see how much you hate Marvolo for being
a bloodline of Salazar Slytherin and how much you loath me for being a Peverell who refuses to
fall for your fake attempts at making me eat from your hand against the Dark!”

“Miss Peverell…”

“It wasn’t Dark who attacked me on my first winter holidays. It was the Order of the Phoenix!”
Harry snarled.

Professor Dumbledore frowned.

“How do you know that name?”

“How could I not?” Harry retorted.

Voldemort held Harry’s shoulder harder and leaned down to whisper on his ear.

“Control your emotions before you are taken over by a vision.” He said barely a sound in a way
Professor Dumbledore couldn’t see his lips.

Harry took a deep breath to restrain himself.

“My” [mère] “taught me last school year that Light, Grey and Dark is a Magical Core’s affinity
and not the same as the Muggle notions of Good vs Bad. To force an affinity not your own onto
your Core can make your magic rebel.” He added.

The elder of the group went to argue, when he was interrupted:

“Heir Evelyn is right. Just ask Godric’s portrait: He was as Dark as it can be.”

Harry and Voldemort turned towards the frame behind them as Salazar Slytherin’s portrait sneered
down at Professor Dumbledore.

“What? Founder Gryffindor was not…” Professor Dumbledore started to argue.

“Why do thou think his crest is red? All the blood he shredded to achieve his goals. Why do thou
think that even though he had a magical staff he still got the Goblins to make him a sword?”

“That is…”

“History is written by the winners. Of course, the real reason I was expelled from Hogwarts would
never be written on the files. And, of course, that the historians would hid from it after a few
centuries how Godric was a Dark Core Wizard who fought in the war head on and relinquished in
it.” The founder’s portrait turned towards Harry and Voldemort. “Bring thy fiancé to his quarters,
Marvolo. It is past his bedtime.”

Before Professor Dumbledore could argue, Voldemort had already pulled Harry out the classroom
and down the corridor at all velocity.

–Where’s the closest passageway?– The older asked.

Harry pulled them into one curtain by the side and they fell down a slide, before Professor
Dumbledore could even think of following them.

“This one only works down.” He mumbled ashamed as Voldemort helped them back on their feet
after the two falling one over the other in a mix of bodies.

“It doesn’t open from down?”

“It does… but to climb a slide?”

“I can teach you the spell one day.” Voldemort offered. “Besides, you have another way without
needing to worry over that.” He added pointedly.

Harry blushed.

“It’s not my first thought when I am not pondering over it. Not to mention that last time I got stuck

“You’ve learnt how to control it, haven’t you? You’ve learnt what activates it, haven’t you?”

Harry looked up at Voldemort and then ahead shyly.


“Then what seems to be the problem?”

“I’m still coming to terms with the feeling.”

“Is it something I can help you with?” Voldemort wondered as they descended onto the dungeons.

“Not really.”


“My issue is when I refuse the feeling. Doesn’t happen full-time but I sometimes do and that’s
when I lose control.” Harry added with a shrug, putting his hands in his pockets just to have
something to do with them. “My feelings are my biggest weakness.”

“I’ve noticed.” Voldemort agreed and looked ahead. “Still, if there is anything I can do to help, just
tell me.”

Harry nodded with a shrug. He looked ahead as they approached the entrance of the Slytherin

“Why don’t you ask what it is?” He wondered.

“Because it’s not my place. When you are ready you will tell me.” Voldemort said as they reached
the House’s entrance wall.
Harry scoffed, grabbed the other by the robe’s front and pulled him down. Confused, Voldemort
let Harry pull him down only for Harry to kiss him.

“Sometimes you are too much of a gentleman with me.” Harry grumbled, before he turned around
and entered the common room.



Voldemort touched his lips after Evie disappeared into the Slytherin House. Don’t tell him… the
reason Evie kept losing control… was because his feelings… are L. O. V. E.?

A warmth unexplainable climbed all over his body.

He felt like a silly teenager at getting his very first crush.

Voldemort looked at the closed wall as he touched his lips that still tingled with Evie’s warmth and
when he licked his lips, they still tasted the sweetness of the tea Evie had drank earlier.

His Magic Words with Amphitrite was that on their first-time Voldemort wouldn’t be the one to
initiate the contact… Evie had just been the one to initiate it.

Groaning at how whipped he was at the simple touch of lips, Voldemort recomposed himself and
walked back to his office. He needed to control himself. Dumbledore was most likely making him a
wait for yet another all-night of arguing.


Tuesday, 21 December 1972


Harry raised an eyebrow at Hermione.

“Someone’s all pampered up.” He pinpointed.

Ron looked up from the chocolate frogs he was eating and from the cards that he was starting to
collect with Lucius’ funding. Hermione blushed and looked out the carriage’s window.

“Like you can talk.” She said back.

“I’m with my non-school robes.” He argued amused. “You even used Aunt Genevieve’s hairbalm
that she gave you last time.”

Hermione hid her face shyly as Ron finally realized just how much Hermione had bothered.

“Who is it?” Ron wondered and, when the brunette went to argue, he raised an eyebrow. “There’s
no Vicky and no ball. If anything, it’s still hours until we arrive London.”

“I… I just want to make a good impression, that’s all.” She argued.

Harry and Ron raised an eyebrow and the girl only hid in on herself even more.

“You aren’t going to the Blacks, are you?” Harry finally argued and Hermione shook her head. “I
know I’ve made the proposal for you to come over, but I do not believe that is the place you are
going without a previous warning whatsoever…”

“Sirius persuaded the Lestranges to let me come over after he realized how Walburga Black knew
of my scars and had made Regulus stay quiet about it.”

Harry and Ron made a pointed look of looking Hermione up and down.

“And all of this is for the Lestrange couple?” They asked pointedly.


Ron and Harry shared amused looks.

“If you say so…” Ron agreed. “Oh… look! Isn’t that Lestrange Jr.?”

Hermione shrieked, did her best to hide behind one of them and looked at the train carriage’s door
window immediately, but no one was passing. Harry and Ron started to laugh.

“Not funny.” Hermione whined.

“Well, he never married his first-time so…” Harry shrugged.

“Harry, you are engaged to You Know Who: you are the last person allowed to give me that talk.”

“What are you on about? Each time I try to refuse it my emotions go out of control and I shift.”
Ron and Hermione looked back confused. “He is my centre. My feelings for him. I was forced to
accept them, to accept my feelings, or I would keep shifting out of control.” He shrugged.

“You didn’t think of a centre before you first shifted?” Ron asked confused. “The Malfoys taught
me all about it and…”

“He forgot all about teaching me that. I was about to fully lose control when he spoke with me in
Parseltongue. I didn’t even realize what my feeling was then.”

Hermione hummed.

“Me are my parents.” She offered and glanced at Ron.

“Parents and siblings.” Ron agreed. “Although nowadays it hurts because I’m not part of their

“But it’s for a good case.” Hermione added. “We are changing things… and for the better.”

“How can you tell?” Ron wondered.

Hermione pointed at Harry.

“Do you really think You Know Who would bother being at school and in an arranged wedding if
he didn’t really care about our Harry here?” She reminded and Ron hummed, giving her the point.
“Not to mention how you broke your family feud.”

“Lucius broke it of his own wish.” Ron argued and Harry laughed as his friend turned deep red.
“Shut it, Harry.”

“Lucius is whipped and you know it.” Harry argued, what only made the blush to go all the way to
Ron’s ears. “Anyway, how much history do you two know of this era? All that I know is from the
Muggle side.”

“Not enough to use it to our help.” Ron retorted.

“What would you two ever do without me?” Hermione snapped.

“Most likely had died in a Devil’s Snare a decade and half ago.” Harry replied honestly. “Did you
guys ever ponder over the fact that we are in our late 20s and yet we look like children?”

“Yeah, we are older than Lucius and Rodolphus.” Hermione agreed. “I’m already 29 and you two
are 28.”

“And yet we still have the underage trace for the no magic.” Ron grumbled, making Harry and
Hermione laugh. “I’m serious.”

“Ronald, we have the teenage hormones and you are surprised that the underage trace also works
on us?” Hermione reminded and Ron blushed. “Whatever the Goblin did to us it worked too well.
We may have the scars from back then, but our body really de-aged. We are by all means

“With the mind of adults.” Harry grumbled, only for Ron to raise a suggestive eyebrow back. “I
didn’t mean it like that, you idiot!”

Ron laughed as Hermione scoffed.

“You are so immature, Ronald.”

“Didn’t you hear, Hermione? I’m 12!” Ron joked, Harry laughed and Hermione massaged her


Harry nodded his head at the Lestranges when they approached Harry and Hermione.

“Sirius?” They asked.

“He went on another carriage.” Harry offered. “My Gryffindors and Slytherins friends said they
wanted a moment without me there.” He explained, before adding: “Hopefully Lily kept them from
killing each other without me present.”

Rodolphus nodded and walked down the train station to look for his husband.

“Your gift is at my home ready.” Lady Lestrange offered towards Harry. “I’ve used the measures
he took for your engagement party. He has no idea.”

Harry smiled thankfully.

“I’ll have to go check it later.” He agreed and looked around. “Where’s my family?” He wondered.

“Trial against the McLaggens.” Lord Lestrange explained. “Corban Yaxley is with them as the
Malfoy’s Lawyer while I came to pick you up.”


“After last year’s accident and, with now it being official, it shouldn’t surprise you.” Was all the
man agreed and Harry scoffed.
“And I thought I was overprotected before.” He groaned as he finally realized the amount of Death
Eaters around the station as if nothing much, ready for in case. “Can I speak freely?” He wondered
and the couple looked around, before nodding. “I’m sure you all already know how Ron is like the
brother I never had, right?”

“Abraxas has made the word pass around.” Lord Lestrange agreed. “Principally after Heir Lucius
claimed him as his intended.”

“Hera is the same but as a sister.” Harry put in.

The Pureblood couple looked at Hermione and then nodded at Harry.

“We will pass along the word without anyone the wiser.” They agreed. “The two will be protected,
even if you are the one in first place if something happens.”

Harry nodded and noticed that Rodolphus had found Sirius and was returning back.

“Is there such a thing as wand holsters? I met once an Auror who said that some Wizards lost half
of their behinds because they stored their wands on their pockets.”

“You don’t have one?” Lady Lestrange asked surprised and Harry shook his head.

“None of us do.” Hermione agreed, signalling at Sirius as well.

“I’ll warn Rodolphus to bring his husband and cousin-in-law to Ollivander’s shop for a holster for
them.” Lady Lestrange whispered towards her husband. “You warn Professor Slytherin?”

Lord Lestrange nodded at his wife just before Sirius and Rodolphus arrived their side.

“Shall we go?” Sirius offered as Rabastan joined them, leaving Jonathan Nott’s side.

“Have you two ever travelled through portkey?” Lady Lestrange asked Harry and Hermione, who

A quill was picked and offered, they all held onto it with a finger before the pull came. As Sirius,
Rabastan and Hermione were walked to leave their trunks on their rooms, Harry was brought to a
drawing room that looked like an inside veranda surrounded by windows from the sides and up. A
suit hanger’s case was by the side, that Lady Lestrange opened for Harry, to show him the gift he
asked for. The several layers of clothes were taken out and put over the oval table one after the

“It’s perfect.” Harry agreed as he stared at the Muggle suit and imagined the fit that Voldemort
would have when he would gift it to him.

“I do have to say I did not expect for it to be any good.” The older woman said. “But I had to admit
when the tailor brought it out for me to check which type I wanted, I was rightfully impressed.”
She put in. “Sadly, Jeremy refused to try one even in private.”

Harry snorted and nodded. He looked at the last piece of cloth, to find it was the outing cloak, only
to frown.


“I asked the tailor what type of outing cloak he would put over the suit for in case of night or snow
and he did this one.” The woman claimed eagerly. “It looks great, doesn’t it? If you ever want to
buy him anything again, I know exactly who to go to and in a way that Helen Malkin can’t tell
anyone else about it and destroy the surprise.”

Harry nodded.

“How much do I owe you for this?” He wondered as the clothes were packed up again. “As far as I
remember these are the most expensive of them all in the Muggle World.”

Lady Lestrange waved him away.

“Your mother already transferred from your vault to ours.” She argued.

Harry frowned and looked up at the woman.

“I’ve this much money?”

“You do remember that you have the author rights for the new way of flying, don’t you? There’s
plenty of new books and magazines published monthly that have to give you rights over it being

Harry’s face turned deep red.

Damn… just how much were author rights worth? Did he still have money in his private vault? Did
he use it all? Or did his mother transfer some from hers for he to be able to afford it?



Voldemort accepted the brochure from Jeremiah as the carcass of Dolores Umbridge was taken out
of the throne room by the others to go leave her in a place to be found. He looked at the wand
holster’s pamphlet and then up at the brunet Wizard confused.

“Heiress Peverell doesn’t have one.” The other explained quietly, what suddenly made the inner-
circle to stop, on their walking out, to look back as if an explosion had just happened in the room
instead. “Antonin is already taking care of the new glasses with the protections.” He added and
before Voldemort could dispense the inner-circle again they had already moved back to their
standing positions as if in a meeting.

He looked at them with a raised eyebrow as they took out their silver masks.

“My Lord, you know that we will either speak with you now as a group or later each one in
privacy.” Theodore Nott explained.

Voldemort hummed and returned to the brochure as it spoke about Wards against summoning,
stealing and wand-cursing. He knew that his men were beyond happy that Evie had officially
accepted him now and were doing everything in their power to help him, although only the inner-
circle had the balls to disobey his orders to leave without a fear of repercussion.

“Abraxas.” He called and the blond stepped forward. “What’s your nephew’s wand’s core, wood
and size?”

“Phoenix’s feather core, holly and 11”.” The blond Wizard said, making the Dark Lord look at him
confused. “My Lord?”
“Ollivander’s?” He asked and Abraxas nodded. “When I bought mine the Wands Maker said there
was one more from the same Phoenix and only one, but on holly and smaller instead of the yew
wood that mine is.” He added and the group all stared back surprised. “Well, this only proves even
more how Evie is the one that Lady Magic declared as my Equal.”

Voldemort added it to the file and gave it to the approaching Mathew Mulciber, who stored it in his
pocket to go get one.

“Any news about the cleaning kit that Evie told me about?”

“I managed to get one for now.” Audric Avery answered. “Your fiancé cannot bring it to the
school though or the Aurors will try to arrest him.” He added.

“I’ll make sure he understands.” Voldemort agreed. “Corban, has your wife started to look onto the
balms I asked of her?”

“She is doing her best. It’s been over a decade since she had thought over it.” The other argued.
“Lord Prince apparently is helping her to remember her mother’s old receipt.”

“When they find it, I want one for Evie’s wounds. Even if he doesn’t want to lose the scars, they
need to be properly healed.” Voldemort agreed. “And I’m sure that Lucius will want two flasks for
Young Veronique and her massive number of scars.”

Corban Yaxley looked in the direction of Abraxas Malfoy.

“I’ll warn you when we find the right formula.” He said and Abraxas bowed his head in return.

“Any other ideas for my courtship with him?”

“None for now, Sire.” They argued after sharing looks.

Voldemort nodded.

“Warn me if you get any other suggestion. Even if we are officially engaged now, I still want to
court him so he doesn’t think he is being forced onto this.” He said and they all bowed. “When can
you give me the kit, Audric?”

“It’s at my house’s office.”

Voldemort nodded and stood.

“I’ll go fetch it and go deliver it to Evie.” He agreed. “Hopefully that will sooth him down before
he finds out about Umbridge’s death and starts screaming at me.” He added as a whisper, but from
the way his inner-circle won a smirk at the corner of their mouths they had all heard it.


Chapter End Notes

In case you don't remember there was a poll over who would be Hermione's lover and
Rabastan Lestrange was the one who won - the second place by one vote difference
being Remus Lupin.

Ps: Can any of you help me with the Salazar Slytherin's portrait talk?
Chapter XXXIV –«I Want To Know»–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 3,124




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXXIV

–«I Want To Know»–

Tuesday, 21 December 1972


Harry left his private bathroom and entered the office area of his private quarters, only to see that
Voldemort had just entered. The older looked back for a real long time surprised, before he
eventually turned around and made a show of turning towards and looking out the window.

“My apologies; I knocked on the quarter’s doors and the Malfoy House-elf let me in.” The older
explained himself while speaking towards the window and Harry could see some redness on the
corner of his cheeks.

“I… I’ll go put some clothes: we can talk afterwards.” Harry agreed.

Voldemort nodded, but kept looking out the window. Harry hurried into his bedroom and closed
the doors.

Holy shit! He hadn’t even been wearing a towel!!!

When he came out again, Voldemort was still by the window.

“I’m proper.” The younger one put in.

The You Know Who finally turned and looked at Harry’s hair still wet, took out his wand and
approached, drying it for Harry.

“You don’t bring a change of clothes to the bathroom?”

“I just took a medicated immersion bath because of my scars.” Harry explained. “If I bring my
clothes, they get mothy and then Aunt snaps at the smell.” He blushed. “I didn’t expect for
someone to be outside so after drying myself I left the towel behind.”

“You need to teach your family’s House-elf that when you are taking a bath or changing clothes to
not let anyone inside for you.” Voldemort explained. “Unless of course if you have an accident or
are ill.”

Harry nodded and Voldemort stepped back again. He shyly looked up.

“Did something happen? Any reason in particular for you to come?” He asked. “We did see each
other this morning, after all.”

“I’ve brought you your requested courtship gift.” Voldemort agreed and signalled the box on the
top of the desktop.

“Really?” All shyness at being caught naked disappeared as Harry’s eyes turned towards the
desktop and he saw the Fleetwood Broomstick Servicing kit. “No way!” He immediately hugged
the older thankfully before he run towards the desktop and opened it. “Thank you so much. I really
needed to proper care for my broom.”

Harry ran back into his bedroom, returned with his Lightningbolt in a hurry and set it over the desk
eagerly. He picked the scissors and promptly took over of the tail that with the constant Bludgers
was in need of some trimming.

“Why is that kit any different from the others?” Voldemort’s voice brought him back to Earth.

Harry looked up from the oil he was setting on the wood.

“If you don’t proper take care of the stick-side of the broomstick it can break and the tail also
needs to be kept in remarkably good state or the broom won’t answer as well.” He offered. “Sorry,
I completely lost myself.”

“I’ve noticed.” Voldemort agreed amused. “It’s good to know what makes you click.”

“Next summer I need to learn how to fly.” Harry put in and Voldemort raised an eyebrow. “In my
Animagus form. Last time I tried, if it wasn’t for your voice, I would have lost myself.”

“You want me to be there to keep you from losing control.” The older agreed.

“Well…” Harry passed a hand through his hair embarrassed. “It’s my feelings for you that is my
centre so…”

Voldemort sighed and stepped forward, he swatted Harry’s hand away from the mess he was
making of his hair and grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head up. Harry looked up puzzled
only for Voldemort to lean down and meet him halfway with his lips, actively initiating a kiss
unlike last time he'd kissed Harry on the corner of his lips. Then again Harry had been the one to
kiss him a few days ago…

“The feelings are mutual.” He said , instead of the words, when he moved back to let them breath.

Harry stared at the older, gasping for dear breath.

“The orphanage did that much of a mess with you that you cannot say the word out loud without
ulterior motives?”

“Yes.” Voldemort agreed truthfully.

Harry sighed and hugged the older as he regained the control of his breath again. Voldemort was
fast to hug him close.

“Do you believe in fate?” The time-traveller cross-dresser de-aged late-twenties man wondered as
the older held him close to his chest.

“Of course.”


“Why shouldn’t I?” Voldemort argued.

“I believe in everyone can make their own Fate. That not everything is written in stone.” He

“Why are you saying this?” Voldemort wondered.

“You killed Umbridge, didn’t you?”

Voldemort finally released him and looked directly at him at arm’s length, holding Harry by the
shoulders, surprised.


“Since Bellatrix told you; each time you’ve held me you hold my hands and massage the back of
my hand as if to calm down the scar in there.” Harry said. “As if to take out what she put on me.”
He added as he shrugged.

“You are good.” Voldemort agreed and Harry shrugged again. “Why does that have to do with the
Seer talk?”

“I’m changing the future. What I saw as set in stone is not happening. By Umbridge’s death: you
just destroyed the stone. By Lucius deciding to court Ron: he undid the Family Feud that I saw as
set in stone. By” [Mère] “realizing that the Blacks looked down on Sirius: Rodolphus ended up
marrying him instead of Bellatrix like I knew would happen instead.” The de-aged late-twenties
man shrugged. “My interference last year ended up with you being claimed as a Professor what
made you have to change the way you are going about the things instead of trying to take it by
force and end up losing a body as a consequence.”


“Severus and Lily would grow apart because he walks around slimy Slytherins. If she really
would’ve still care about him then she would have accepted his apology, it was an excuse to stop
talking with him plain and simple. Yet, by Ron introducing her to me I’m already changing the
way she sees Slytherins. By me telling you of Severus’ abuse I’m changing the way she looks at
Muggles as she was forced to accept that not all Muggles accept the Wizardry World.”

Voldemort stared at Harry for a real long time, before he sighed.

“Bellatrix and Rodolphus?” He asked as he tried to understand the bomb of information that Harry
had just dropped onto his lap.

It was a lot to take in a go, after all… but Harry had to tell him before he’d win cold feet.

“They would not have any child, probably wouldn’t even share a bedroom.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s you that she wants.” Harry shrugged, before adding amused: “and Rodolphus is
obviously not straight.”

Voldemort nodded.

“I gave Bella a talk a year ago over how it’s you and only you.” He offered. “By your point of
view: I’m changing her future.” He added and Harry nodded. “The prophecy you last time said that
would happen about me…?”

“Even if it is still said I don’t believe it matters.”

“Why not?”

“Because you are engaged to the one who the prophecy says is the only one capable to destroy
you. Having the power doesn’t mean that I’ll do it. I tried to refuse my feelings for you for a
reason, but I cannot any longer.” Harry blushed. “I love you too much.”

Voldemort’s hands tightened around Harry’s shoulders.

“Rebirth spell of someone in the future?” He asked.

“The Goblins were the ones who did it on me, Ron and Hera… Umbridge applied the quills in the
future. Back when we were still our previous lives.”

“Your new names… your favourite flower… Lily Evans?”

Harry nodded with teary eyes.

“She and James die at your hands while being members of Professor Dumbledore’s army.”

“Death Eaters… that’s what your future-pastlife calls my Knights, am I correct?”

“It’s what the mass calls them.”

Voldemort groaned.

“Your body died in this timeline and your soul was transported from the Potter Heir in the future
into your 7-year-old’s body.” He offered and Harry shrugged. “The Muggles you speak of… it’s
actually James Potter and Lily Evans.” He added more to himself than to Harry as he assimilated it
out loud. “How old was your future-self?”

“I was almost 16 when I turned into almost 7-year-old. Now I’m 28 mentally.” Harry shrugged.
[Mère,] “Aunt Genevieve and Uncle Abraxas cannot find out. They would never understand.”

“You’ve sent yourself into a younger body in the past to stop me from committing the same
mistakes.” He put in and Harry nodded. “Thank you for trusting me with the truth. It’s not visions:
it’s memories.” Voldemort kissed Harry’s forehead. “Veronique probably should have died on the
day of her parents’ deaths and that’s why her body was the one claimed. And Megara was most
likely killed by someone who doesn’t accept the child of a Squib and a Muggle, before her body’s
parents decided to send her to the Blacks to keep her from being attacked again.”

“Yeah, that’s basically it.” Harry agreed with a shrug. “In the future I was never told about
bearers… but the Goblin had done me and Ron the test on the day we were sent back and we both
gave positive in the future. Ron was already 16, I was still 15.”

“The birthdates you three recognize as your owns are the ones of your previous lives.” Voldemort
offered and Harry hummed affirmatively. “I, Tom Marvolo Riddle-Slytherin also known as Lord
Voldemort, hereby claim upon my own sane and mind that I will never out of my own will
permanently damage or willingly kill James Charlus Potter and Lily Camellia Evans.” Harry
looked up at the older wide-eyed as he felt the Magic Words starting to activate. “Nor can I order
someone else do it. So Mote It Be.”

Harry’s eyes watered, only for Marvolo to signal at him.

“So mote it be.” Harry agreed and felt the magic lock around the two of them. “Why?”

“Because, as you said before, you don’t want me to apologize. I’m not apologizing, I’m making
certain I cannot commit the same mistake twice.” Marvolo agreed. “Actually, this explains why
you had so much trouble letting Amphitrite in.”

“It’s not her fault. I…”

“I know.” The older agreed and lowered his lips from Harry’s forehead onto his lips. “To think
I’ve been calling you all this time by a nickname of a Muggle surname.”

Harry scoffed.

“I like it.” He said.

“Good, because I’m not going to stop.” Marvolo agreed. “Your scars are all from the past life?”

“Don’t do this.” Harry argued.

Marvolo grabbed Harry’s cheeks and looked at him in the eyes.

“I want to know.”

Harry sighed.

“Plenty of them were made by you or your men.” He agreed and Marvolo’s eyes grew. “Like I’ve
told you: You won’t do it again. I won’t let you turn into him again.”

“You have my word.” The older agreed. “If something I’m doing makes you believe I’m walking
in those footsteps, then warn me immediately.”

Harry nodded.

“Do you know the Ministry of Mysteries?” He wondered and the older nodded as he stepped back
and went back to give Harry his own space. “There’s one room with brains in a tank of sorts?”

“Probably.” Marvolo agreed with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s from where Ron got his full body scars.”

Marvolo frowned as he thought over it. There was a knock on the door and Harry went to open to
find Aunt Genevieve. He glanced back at Marvolo and then back at the French woman and gave
her a pointed look, the blonde woman immediately closed the protection on the hanger to hide
what was inside. Harry stepped back and let her inside.


“Genevieve.” Marvolo agreed. “My apologies for the strange question, but do we have anyone in
the Unspeakables?”

“Not that I know of.” Aunt Genevieve argued as she brought the hanger to Harry’s bedroom to
hang it on the door of Harry’s wardrobe. “Any reason in particular?”

“Evie told me what caused Veronique’s scars and I believe that the Malfoys would like to find out
if it will be harmful on the long run or not.”

Aunt Genevieve turned towards Harry immediately.

“There’s one room in there with brains that if poked attack you. That’s how he got his scars… they
used it to strike him when they killed his parents.”

“As a guinea pig.” Marvolo translated.

Aunt Genevieve started to grumble under her breath in her hometongue.

“My Lorrd, if you everr find who did it, I want to be parrt of the group who deals with them!” The
woman demanded, her French accent entering into her voice for the first-time since Harry first met
her and Voldemort bowed his head. “I’ll speak with Lucius and Abraxas, see if they know anyone
in there to see what we can find out about this brain’s room.” She added.

“Rookwood.” Aunt Genevieve looked at Harry questioningly. “Augustus Rookwood I believe. He

is an Unspeakable. Will be…?”

Marvolo looked at Harry and then towards a confused Aunt Genevieve.

“Tell Lucius to contact the Rosiers. I believe the Rookwood boy was Evan Rosier Jr.’s classmate.”
He agreed and when the woman went to open her mouth, the Dark Lord raised a hand. “Abraxas
knows that Evie has visions, I’ve been helping him deal with it so he doesn’t let it guide over his

Aunt Genevieve curtsied her head, before she left.

“She will demand to know more next time we are alone.” Harry mumbled, passing a hand over his
head. “Principally since she knows that I do not believe in the future being set in stone.”

Marvolo laughed.

“You would have made an amusing Merlin.”

Harry frowned and turned towards the older with a raised eyebrow.
“Why is that?”

“King Arthur’s path was set in stone and it only happened because Merlin guided him through it.”
The older explained. “If you were Merlin then King Arthur might have never happened.”

Harry’s eyes grew and then he started to laugh.

“Good. Being overpowerful and overimportant is not something I want. I prefer to be normal.”

Marvolo frowned and then his eyes narrowed.

“Were you famous in your previous life?” He asked and Harry nodded. “Because of me?”

Harry pulled his hairbands out of the way and showed his forehead’s scar.

“I survived your killing curse.” He agreed. “Apparently it made you give me some type of powers
and everything. I can see things from your point of view if you are having real strong emotions and
I’ve been a Parselmouth all my known life.”

“It wasn’t the Animagus form then?” Voldemort asked as he picked his wand and Harry shook his
head. “Stay still.”

Harry closed his eyes and felt Voldemort’s wand touch his forehead.

“In my bloodtests in the future it showed something about it – I believe it was a soul thingy… but I
asked the Goblins to only show the claim as Equal and so to hide it from you.” He explained shyly.

He heard a sigh and opened his eyes, wondering if the older was mad.

“You call the myself in the ring and locket a «memory», am I right?” The older asked and Harry
nodded. “You have one in your forehead. It’s blocked. Most likely it was done by Dumbledore in
the future.”

“Oh… can you take it out?”

“Not without killing you, principally if you have linked yourself to the point of turning into a
Parselmouth.” Marvolo argued as he thought. “I will have to study this. Ask my ancestor’s portrait
if there ever was a successful human host before. I have to make sure it won’t be harmful to you on
the long run.”

Harry nodded.

“Are you mad I hid it?”

Marvolo shook his head.

“It would have been harder for you to explain without telling me the truth.” He agreed. “And I’m
glad that you trust me enough to tell me now.” He put in and glanced in Harry’s bedroom doorway
that was open and where he could probably see the new clothes’ case. “A new dress-robe?”

“For Sirius’ wedding celebration party.” Harry agreed and Voldemort raised an eyebrow. “Next
week. Weren’t you invited?”

“Are you telling me you weren’t the one who told Jeremy to make the party on that blasted day?”
He demanded and Harry shook his head.
“Don’t tell me you refused it.” Harry argued amused and Marvolo huffed, making Harry snort. “I
guess I’ll have to invite someone else as my plus one then.”

“What?” Voldemort demanded, suddenly harshly.

It took everything in Harry to hide his amusement and keep the laughter from bursting out.

“I’ll need someone to dance with, won’t I?” He pinpointed offhandedly. “I wonder if the
Lestranges would make a fit if I brought Lily…?”

“I’m going and you are going to dance so much: you won’t be able to walk the next week!” The
Dark Lord snarled, before he left the quarters.

Harry waited until he was certain the older had left to let his laughter out. He heard heels and
looked at his quarter’s doors to find his amused mother entering.

“Is he always this easy to manipulate?” She wondered.

“He never knew love.” He said with tears from the laughing. “It made him domineering and
possessive on everything he believes to be his. He does his best to not make me feel overwhelmed
and claims I have my feelings on my sleeves, but I can easily manipulate him like this.”

Mother chuckled.

“So long as you are certain that he won’t turn abusive.” She agreed.

“I’d rather go to the streets then live again in that kind of home.” He promised and she smiled
back. [Mère?]

“Yes, dear.” She agreed as she rearranged his clothes for him before they’d go down for dinner.

“I love you. I know I don’t say it often, but you know that… right?”

The woman’s eyes grew and watered, before he was pulled into a bone-breaking hug.

Chapter XXXV –Orphanage–
Chapter Notes

No Beta

N er words in this chapter: 4,675




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXXV


Friday, 31 December 1972


Voldemort was going over with Jeremiah on the new laws that the Light was trying to pass to
accommodate the Muggleborns instead of teaching them about the new world, when there was a
knock on the office.

“Who is it?” Jeremiah asked.

“Kari Peverell.”

Voldemort looked at the door at once and Jeremiah went to open it.

“Heiress Peverell, you’ve arrived early.” The Lawyer argued. “The celebration is only to start
around midday.”

“Someone promised to force me to dance the whole day.” Evie agreed with a straight face, a smirk
at the corner of his lips and Voldemort avoided his former classmate’s amused look. “I’ve brought
this.” He added offering a scroll.

Jeremiah accepted and opened it, only to frown.

“This is…?”

“Me, Ron and Hera went over what we know and wrote down everything with the most proximity
dates. We don’t know for certain, though. Take everything with a grain of salt.”

Voldemort accepted the parchment from a confused Jeremiah, to see a massive list with lots of
laws that were passed over the next two decades to accommodate Muggleborns and the dates when
they happened. He could see that during the 80s was when the Dark was unable to stop the Light
and the biggest laws started being passed along. Including adding Muggle Customs to Hogwarts.

“We’ll warn Corban Yaxley to keep an eye on the laws.” Voldemort said and Evie nodded.

Voldemort looked at the way the boy was again with Merope’s dress, yet Genevieve had obviously
been stitching it and making it more proper. He frowned. This was the new dress-robe that
Genevieve had brought him that day? But Evie had said it was a new one…

“My Lord…?”

“Until a certain point, Evie and his group of friends know about the future.” He explained towards
Jeremiah, whose eyes grew. “That’s why Evie knew I was Voldemort before I had even introduced
myself as Tom Riddle to him.”

“Oh… if you know anything that we can help with, do tell us.” Jeremiah agreed towards Evie.

Evie shrugged.

“I believe that the future that I see is not set in stone. I saw Voldemort kill the Potters and Marvolo
has vouched on his magic that he’ll never do it, so…” the boy shrugged. “I don’t want people to
believe I’m a Seer. I know some things… mostly about the Muggle side. Ron and Hera are the
ones who know about the Wizardry side, you’ll be luckier with them.”

“I’ll speak with Miss Megara then.” Jeremiah agreed.

Evie looked at him and then sighed.

“She likes your son.” He put in and Jeremiah raised an eyebrow. “I only saw she getting all worked
up on her appearances once before. And she did get herself all pampered up to come on the train to
spend the winter at your house. And she isn’t the type to get all bothered about her looks. She
prefers a good book to hours in front of a mirror.”

Jeremiah looked at Voldemort, discreetly. The Dark Lord nodded, having seen the signs but from
the Wizard’s own son.

“I’ll warn my son that he needs your permission alongside Miss Black’s Squib father.” He agreed
towards Evie.

“The Blacks won’t like that you are bringing him back into the Wizardry World.” Evie put in with
his trademark shrug.

“True, but I’m sure that she would appreciate the gesture.” Jeremiah explained.
Evie nodded and left with Voldemort towards the Dark Lord’s quarters at Lestrange Manor.

–Did she ever meet the Squib and Muggle in this lifetime?– Voldemort wondered.

Evie looked back and then ahead.

–She said she woke up in this timeline already with the letter the Goblin made for her and went
directly to the Black Manor.– He replied.

–I’ll visit Marius Black and his Muggle wife then, to make sure that the secret won’t come out.–
The Dark Lord promised and Evie nodded thankfully. –You all should have told someone earlier.
What if one of the Blacks would have went to speak with the Squib and found out that he believed
her dead?–

–We were more worried over how to start the changing the future and get used to new bodies and
names than what if the supposed families we had before. Besides Hermione was a Muggleborn,
when the Goblin told her that her possible new family was a Squib and a Muggle, she was more
than fine with it… but she does have Black bloodline in her family and I have Malfoy from Lily’s

–Then that’s why you two want to prove it as real.– Voldemort agreed more to himself than to
Evie, as Salazar Slytherin’s portrait opened for them to be allowed in. –Thank you, Sir.–

Evie stepped forward to grab something that was already inside and before Voldemort could react
the young bearer was offering back a rectangular box wrapped with his moon’s wrapping paper. At
his raised eyebrow the boy snorted.

“Happy birthday.”

“You really are going to start to make this a thing?” He asked as he accepted the box.

“Of course and we are in private like you’ve previously requested.”

Voldemort looked up from the box to Evie’s all pampered up look and wondered how he hadn’t
realized yet since it was exactly the same trick the boy had pulled the year before. He rolled his
eyes and kissed the boy’s lips, before he opened the gift. He opened the lid of the box and saw
dark-green. He looked up at Evie and set down the box to pick up the cloth, only to realize it was
an outing cloak and there was something underneath it.

His eyes grew as he stared at the hanger that Evie had stored inside the bigger on the inside box.
He took out the hanger that the boy had told was for himself, and opened the zipper to find a three-
piece suit. The type of suit he used to see on the rich men who came to the orphanage and wanted a
child for a couple of hours while they had to pretend to have an heir…

He took it out, piece by piece, as he felt the material. He had never gone to one of those parties. He
had never been important enough for that. He…

“Marv?” Evie’s voice brought him back to Earth.

Voldemort looked up at his worried fiancé and then again to the suit.

“When I was a child sometimes rich lawyers or others would come to the orphanage. They needed
a child for 48 hours or so that could act like their child or something of those terms as they had
some kind of party.” He explained to the boy. “They always wore these types of suits. I never was
part of the children chosen, the Matron never even showed me.” He added. “I used to dream that
when I would be older I would have one of these clothes and show to her how wrong she had been.
But, then, I realized I was a Wizard and I never thought of it ever again.”

“Oh… sorry.”

Voldemort shook his head.

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault the way I was mistreated at my orphanage.”

Evie looked back at him and then at the suit.

“If it serves you as any consolation, all the dress-robes I see you wear are as expensive as those
type of suits are.”

Voldemort scoffed, grabbed the boy’s face and pulled him up into a kiss. A cough reminded him to
hold back and he stepped back again. He nodded breathily at his ancestor’s portrait, before he
picked the suit.

“I’m going to change.” He put in and left towards the bedroom of his private wing.



“That was a nice gift, Heir Evelyn.” Harry turned around towards the portrait, having totally
forgotten he was there. “He might not look like it, but he appreciates each of thy gifts.”

Harry nodded thankfully.

“I know. I was the first person to ever hug him.” He agreed and started folding the wrapping paper
he had used earlier. “My Muggles might have been a mess, but I knew what love was even if I was
not used to it being directed at me.”

Salazar Slytherin’s portrait nodded.

“Thy first kiss, did he ask thee to do it?” He asked and Harry frowned, shaking his head. “Thy
mother made him make an oath. He cannot be the one to initiate the first-time.”

“Why would she…?”

“As a way to make sure thou wouldn’t be persuaded against something thou didn’t want.” The
portrait explained. “Don’t force thyself though. The time when the bearers (either female or male)
married as soon as they become mature enough to get pregnant is long gone. Marvolo wants thou
not as a housewife but as a fighter.”

Harry nodded only to frown.

“What age do you call the age to get pregnant, Sir?” He wondered.

“An easy way to tell with females is when they start having the time of the month.” The portrait
explained and Harry’s face turned ten shades of red. “Things were different back then. Plenty of
my students were already married by their fifteenth-birthday. The media of life expectancy back
then was much lower than it is today, even more in the mundane world. Mundanes that passed
their 50s were like a novelty back then. Women then if they become too old and started winning
moles, what nowadays is known as normal body going old, back then was seen as she is a Witch
and needs to be burn at the stick.”

Harry sighed and conceded the point.


Harry turned around and looked at Marvolo all dressed up. He smiled widely.

“You look great.”

“What Heir Evelyn meant is: Thou are gorgeous and look astonishing.” The portrait rephrased and
Harry stuttered.

Marvolo nodded at the portrait and left the quarters with Harry. He nodded at the gaping Sirius and
Hermione as they passed by them, but kept walking down the Manor with Harry. He looked back
at his friends and then up at the older.

“Where are you bringing me?”

“A place I never thought I’d visit ever again.” Marvolo said honestly.

Harry frowned as they reached the frontdoors and then left the Manor into the gardens. Realizing
the older wouldn’t explain himself, Harry limited to hold onto his arm. As soon as they left the
gates, he felt a warning tightening on his hand over the arm before Marvolo side-apparated them.
They arrived on a dead-end alley and Harry saw that they were in London. He looked around
confused, but – as soon as his legs allowed it – let Marvolo guide him down the street. It was then
that Harry understood. Wool’s Orphanage.

“When was the last time you came here?” He wondered.

“The summer before I turned 17. I never returned, not even during the summer between my sixth
and seventh-year.” Marvolo honestly said.

At seeing the ‘respectable’ group approaching the gates a woman hurried to come open them for

“Can I help you?”

“Martha?” Marvolo wondered and the woman frowned, but nodded. “Is Mrs Cole still working?”

“Yes, who wants to know?”

“Tell her that it’s the devil’s scion. He wants his old things back that he was forced to leave

Somehow that title made the woman’s eyes grew and her face pale. Marvolo made no move to step
inside the orphanage, so Harry didn’t force him. He interlined his own fingers with the older’s
fingers instead of holding onto his arm, who immediately held Harry’s hand a little too tightly.
Harry leaned his head on the older’s arm as they waited by the orphanage’s front gates. It didn’t
take long for another woman to leave the orphanage’s building and to come check on them. She
took a good look at Marvolo’s suit and her lips obviously thinned as she realized it was made by fit
and not a cheap one on rent.

“Did you wed into wealth?”

“I’m my former elite school’s professor.” Voldemort argued. “Do you still have my books and

“I put them in a box like I do with any other orphan.” The matron said. “Come in, let’s see if we
can find yours.” The woman looked at Harry for a long time and then back at Marvolo. “Don’t tell
me you picked a random girl from another orphanage just to bring her with you as a show?”

Harry released Marvolo, approached and literally slapped the Muggle.

“Insult my fiancé ever again and next time it will be a punch.” Harry snarled. “Marv, shall we?”
He added and offered his hand towards the older.

Marvolo took it and only then entered the orphanage. Harry didn’t react to how his hand suddenly
was held too tightly. Several children of several ages were by the side looking at him as if he was a
God and he wondered how many of them had dreamt about hurting the matron. Harry had to use
his thumb to massage the back of Marvolo’s hand when they entered the actual building, since his
hand was tightened so much that he almost let out a whimper.

“Mrs Cole said she stored my belongings on the usual boxes, Martha.” Marvolo told the first
woman that had met them at the gates.

Martha nodded and guided them into a back room. Harry saw boxes upon boxes stored in
cabinetries with metal plates on top with the decades and as the older two started going over the
possible location, his hand was finally free so he moved around the room and massive amount of
cabinetries. Eventually, he picked one box with the words Devil’s Scion – instead of an actual
name like he could see on the others – in the cabinetry that the plate said that it was to dispose of.

“Found it, Marv.” He called.

Marvolo looked back from the place that said 1930s. The older glared at the Muggle, before he
accepted the box from Harry.

“Thanks, Evie.” He opened the lid and looked at his old books and seashells. “They are still in
good enough conditions. I believe your aunt will be able to turn my old shells into a jewellery of
sorts for you like she did with my mother’s old dress.” He said and Harry nodded with a smile.
Marvolo then picked one of the books inside and opened, passing the pages of the ancient runes
book. “And my old fairy-tale will need to be mothed out, but beside that it’s still in good enough
condition. We’ll be able to use it for our trio when they’ll be born.”

Harry grinned up at the man and accepted the box back, holding it close.

“You two…” Martha started.

“We’re engaged.” Harry agreed. “Where does the orphanage bury the bodies?”


“Because we want to move Marvolo’s mother to a proper grave.” Harry snarled at the woman who
hadn’t even remembered about it.

Marvolo’s hand held onto Harry’s shoulder and the time-traveller de-aged man looked up at the

“I’ll see with Mrs Cole if we have the files of where she was buried. It was before my time.” The
Muggle agreed and hurried out the room.
“You made quite the impression.” Marvolo put in and Harry raised an eyebrow. “Even if former
member of this orphanage, they aren’t meant to leave us completely alone.”

“Did I overstep myself?”

“Definitely not.” The older argued amused. “You being yourself is what makes me able to be here
without cursing them.”

Harry grinned up at the older and the two left the room, walking to the front where several orphans
obviously were doing their best to look respectable.

“I’m still too young to adopt any of you, so don’t even think about that.” Harry argued and the
orphans frowned. “My fiancé was previously an orphan of this orphanage. He didn’t come to adopt
an orphan.”

Mrs Cole come from a door where her office was.

“She was buried in an unmarked shallow grave.” She sneered.

“Isn’t that illegal? Even if it was in the ‘20s?” Harry wondered up towards Marvolo.

“If I remember the law correctly, yes.” The older agreed. “Even if unmarked, paperwork still needs
to be filled with the location.”

Harry hummed.

“I’ll contact Lawyer Lestrange and Lawyer Yaxley to come with a mandate for her paperwork


“You mistreated my fiancé just because he didn’t cry at childbirth, did everything in your power so
he would be the last person to be seen as someone special and do you know the funniest of all of
this? If you had actually bothered to be nice to him then your dear orphanage would be one of the
richest places in the world.”

A walking stick was picked from the side, but before she could raise it Marvolo stepped forward
and caught it with his hand.

“I’m a Family Lord.” Marvolo told her, making her eyes to grow. “My father was Thomas Riddle
the Second, from his side I’m an heir of the Courts bloodline in Little Hangleton. And from my
mother’s side there are TWO bloodlines.” He told her as he grabbed the stick with both hands and
broke it in half, making Harry wonder how long he had longed to do just that as he heard the sound
of it breaking echoing all over the orphanage and looking at the other orphans could see they were
staring at Marvolo with relief. A memory of Dudley and his Smeltings’ cane came to mind… “Like
Evie told you: if you had bothered to treat me like a living being, things would have been
completely different.”

Marvolo let the broken walking stick fall to the floor and turned around, passing an arm over
Harry’s shoulders from behind.

“Shall we go?” Harry asked. “Or do you want to go see if she is lying and they actually gave Mrs
Merope a proper grave?”

“We’ll go and I’ll warn Jeremy to come with Corban to locate my mother’s resting place.” Marvolo
agreed and they turned to leave. –What is it?– He added as he guided Harry towards the frontdoors
as the two women hurried out of their way.

–It’s probably my impression, but I feel a magic pull and I don’t mean the yours that calls me from
the stairway.–

Marvolo looked down at Harry, then up and around the room. Harry could feel the older’s magic
as it surrounded the room for the first-time since they arrived. Finally, the magic returned inside
and the older moved away from Harry, approached one of the toddlers and looked down at the
child for a long time, before he leaned down and picked the child in grey attire up.

“You are still too young for us to adopt, Evie.” He warned Harry as he entered the office instead.

“How about as a sibling?” [Mère] “and Aunt will love to have someone to pamper on.” Harry
offered as he followed him into the office.

Marvolo looked down at the toddler, before he snarled at Mrs Cole who was fast to hurry inside.

“Biological family?” He asked the Muggle and she shook her head as she looked for the right

“Died and no one stepped forward to claim the child.” The woman argued. “Not even a name or

Marvolo’s lips thinned.

“No one stepped forward or no one ever bothered looking?” He retorted and the woman didn’t
reply, what was answer enough. “Same unexplainable devilness as me, I believe?” He added not
demanding the truth.

“Reason why the kid is the only one who can enter your old room without any side-effects.”

Harry looked at Marvolo, who obviously took a deep breath.

“Very well, what do you need?” He asked instead of storming at the woman as she finally found
the toddler’s folder.

“If I understood correctly and it’s not you who is adopting, Tom,” she started as she sat by her
desk, “then I need the new parents’ names.”

“Amphitrite Noémie Malfoy.”

“Like the Greek goddess?” The Muggle Matron asked, looking up from the typewriter where she
was setting a paper to add the names.

“Yes,” Harry agreed “Noémie with two Es and an accent on the first and M. A. L. F. O. Y..” Only
to frown at seeing the child’s name. “Did you really name the child Erzebeth?” He snapped.

The woman nodded as she typed down Malfoy on both surname locations.

“Erze is like Tom and was found while having a possession attack, so obviously we gave an
uncommon name to mix with it. What about the adopted father’s name?”

“He is dead.” Harry said.

Mrs Cole looked up and then back to it, adding a dash to the location instead. Finally, she gave the
paper towards Harry instead of Marvolo.

“Your mother will have to sign at the bottom and the blue version needs to be sent back when the
lawyers will come with the mandate. I will do my best to remember until then which of the
unmarked graves Merope was buried in.” She said with strict lips. “I can tell you have wealth, but
warn your lawyers that we need legal proof, as well as a document with the address.”

Harry nodded and stored the document in the box. Only then he left with Marvolo, who was still
holding up Harry’s new sibling.

–Wanna trade?–

–Of course not. Do you have a two-way-mirror with your mother? Or it is just with Sirius

Harry looked at his wristwatch, then picked his locket, one-handed and opened it.

{Ron.} Ron was fast to show on the other side. {Have you arrived Malfoy Manor already?}

{Yeah, your aunt wanted to help me get ready and proper.} Ron agreed.

{Are you near my [mère] or uncle?}

“Miss Amphitrite, Kari wants to speak with you.” Ron called and didn’t take long for Mother’s
face to show on the other side with a smile. {Good morning, Kari.} She agreed with a smile.

{Good morning, Mère.} Harry agreed and turned the locket to show the toddler, who after some
incentivising from Voldemort waved back. {Me and Marvolo passed by Marvolo’s old orphanage
and found this magical child.} He explained after turning the mirror back to himself. {We put you
as the adoptive parent.} He added towards the confused blonde and heard Ron burst out laughing.

{Oh… how old?}

{I’d say two/three?} Harry offered uncertain. {Sorry, want me to check the adoption file?} He
wondered, only for Voldemort to speak back. {Marvolo is telling me to tell you that we’re in
London walking towards the Diagon Alley.} He added.

{I’ll meet you there with your uncle to have the paperwork ready.} Mother agreed and looked back
when Aunt Genevieve spoke. {Your aunt wants to know if my new child has any personal

{If there was then the orphanage Matron didn’t even offer to go pick them up. My baby sibling is
still in orphanage attire.}

Mother nodded.

{We’ll meet you at the Leaky Cauldron.} Mother agreed and the two-way-mirror call was hung-

Harry stored his locket and saw the way the child was looking at it confused.

“Is it too early for teleportation?” He wondered and Marvolo nodded.

“Only Floo is acceptable for someone so young.” He agreed. “But first the paperwork needs to be
officialised by Gringotts.” He added. “As well as make sure that there are no blood family still
alive like happened with you.”
They eventually arrived the Leaky Cauldron and found Mother outside in the Muggle side waiting
for them in a red dress-robe that was actually a lot like a muggle dress, her eyes grew at seeing the
toddler and approached them at once. She nodded at Marvolo, before she carefully picked the

“Hello, Dear. I’m your new” [mère.] She offered as they walked the rest of the way into the inn.

Uncle Abraxas was by a corner with Mr Yaxley and Lord Lestrange. The two lawyers nodded back
and accepted the file Harry picked from the box.

“Wool’s Orphanage’s Matron said” [Mère] “needed to sign here and that the blue one needed to be
delivered back to the orphanage when you two would go over with the proof of residence and of
wealth.” Harry explained as they left the inn into the wizardry road. “We tried to have the Matron
tell us where she buried Mrs Merope, but she claims she was buried in an unmarked grave but
promised to try to remember which one it was… after I threatened her that we would sue her
otherwise, that is.”

Lord Lestrange nodded.

“As soon as we have the paperwork ready and our knowledge in Muggle laws updated, we will go
pay them a visit.” He agreed. “Although, first we’ll need to get Muggle clothes acceptable.” He
added as he looked at the file. “Why did you decide to take the child?”

“A magical child in a Muggle orphanage where we know they mistreat magical children?” Harry
reminded. “And, apparently, they put Erze on the same room as Marvolo’s because of the natural
outburst of magic that they share and that the Muggles saw as sin.”

The adults looked at Marvolo, before they nodded.

“Mrs Cole said Erzebeth was found with her magic surrounding her. Considering her young age, I
believe she had a natural magic outburst after seeing her biological parents die.” Marvolo
explained. “I do not know how much she knows of what magic is, though.”

Uncle Abraxas nodded as Mother pampered onto the toddler, who was looking around wide-eyed.

“She is still young, that can be easily taken care of. Who gave her her name?”

“Mrs Cole.” Marvolo said. “I do not believe she is attached to it because she isn’t reacting to it
being said.”

Uncle Abraxas turned towards his sister.

“Amphitrite, I need my niece’s hair and, after I check if she has anyone of her blood family alive, I
want to know which new names you two have chosen.” He warned by the entrance of Gringotts
and Mother nodded.

With the hair the men entered alone, as Mother and Harry walked towards a store by the side
where Aunt Genevieve was already inside looking at clothes like crazy.

[Par la barbe de Merlin!] The French woman gasped as she took in the toddler’s condition. “When
was the last time the child ate?”

“Porridge.” A small voice said, barely a sound.

Harry and Mother looked at the young girl and then at Aunt Genevieve, who took a good look up
and down before she hushed them out.

“Bring the child home for a shower and a light meal.” She demanded. [Le sexe?] She added as she
glared at the genderless orphanage attire.

[C’est une fille.] Mother put in. “Abraxas said…”

[Je me charge de négocier avec mon époux. Pour le moment, hâtez-vous d’amener ma nièce au

[Son nouveau prénom, Geneviève!] Mother snarled.

Aunt Genevieve stopped and then looked at Erzebeth.

[Dites-le-moi donc que j’en informe mon époux.] She agreed towards Amphitrite with one hand on
her waist.

Harry looking from one woman to the other completely puzzled to what they were saying.


Chapter End Notes

My french translator was Dodie-ange(FF)/DodieAnge(AO3). I am not putting the

translations, not because I don’t have them, but because Harry never finds out what
they say. Thank you so much, Dodie Ange, for all your hard work. You helped a lot

Chapter XXXVI –New Year’s Eve–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,058




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXXVI

–New Year’s Eve–

Friday, 31 December 1972


Harry sat down and took out his shoes, massaging his feet. Ron raised an eyebrow back.

“You try to walk halfway through London and don’t get tired.” He grumbled to his friend.

“Definitely not with these heels.” Ron argued amused.

“You do know that Cousin Lucius will make you swirl all afternoon long, don’t you?” Harry
reminded, Ron frowned and looked down at his own feet, suddenly realizing his issue. “Why do
you think I fight when they try to make me wear heels? Not to mention… you are already taller
than the norm, why are you, of all of us, in heels?”

“I don’t have anything I can trade them with though and neither of yours fits me.” Ron grumbled as
he resigned himself with the fact that he had to keep them now. “So… you went as a b-day gift to
the orphanage?”

“Technically my gift was the suit, he was the one who decided to go to the orphanage.” Harry
argued, moving to the other foot. “Shit! When he promised that he would make me unable to walk
for a week I thought it meant that I would dance the whole day not walk halfway through the city.”

The room where they were’s door opened and they looked to find Mother with Harry’s baby
sibling, who was snacking on some homemade biscuits.

“Why are you barefoot?” Mother wondered.

“The orphanage wasn’t exactly beside the Diagon Alley.” Harry put in, only to groan as he touched
a sore spot.

Mother set down the toddler and picked a balm from the popping in Dobby. She approached and
kneeled before Harry, applying the balm.

“How will it go with Erzebeth today?” Ron questioned.

“Émilie Thalassa.” Mother amended and Ron nodded. “Genevieve is setting up the new dress-robe
as we speak.” She said before she added: “Knowing my sister-in-law; by morning your new sibling
will have a full wardrobe.” Both Harry and Ron chuckled at that. “Lady Alexa has already
contacted to warn that a new seat was added to our table and that a bedroom was readied for the

Mother picked Harry’s socks and helped him back onto them and up his legs to be hidden by his
inner-trousers, before she helped him onto his shoes again.

“Should I have proposed the Yaxleys instead,” [Mère?] Harry wondered towards the blonde green-
eyed woman.

“Of course not, Dear. Just because I never found someone that I’d want in my life after your"
[père,] "doesn’t mean that I’m not capable to have a child that isn’t his bloodline.” She
reprimanded him. “And Eileen isn’t ready yet emotionally for another child.” She added as if she
wasn’t meant to.

She then rearranged Harry’s clothes for him as there was a knock on the door. They looked as
Émilie hid behind Harry’s couch with her bag of biscuits, to see Cousin Lucius by the entrance.

“I’m sorry, Aunt, but the door was already open.”

“It’s alright.” Mother argued. “Have you met your new cousin yet?” She added as Cousin Lucius
approached Ron and offered him a new flower bracelet.

[Mère] “said that until she was ready I shouldn’t.” He argued.

“Why not?” Harry wondered.

“Because Aunt went to give her a shower and she didn’t have any clothes to change onto ready

Harry and Ron looked at the girl hiding behind the couch.

“Those clothes are too small to have been mine.” He put in, looking up at Mother questioningly.

“They were Lucius’.” She offered. “Come on, Émilie, come meet your cousin.”

Harry stood and picked Émilie, walking with her towards Cousin Lucius.
“Drop the pureblood-pokerface, Cousin Lucius. You are spooking her.” He warned and the blond
rolled his eyes, before he smiled down at the raven-haired toddler.

“Pleasure to meet you, Cousin. I’m your cousin Lucius.” The blond said and shyly the toddler
waved back, what made Cousin Lucius laugh. “She is your sister alright, Kari.” Cousin Lucius
claimed amused and Harry stuttered.

Aunt Genevieve arrived not long later and sent Cousin Lucius out the room while scolding at him
in French, who left amused and closed the door after himself, before Mother and Aunt helped
Émilie to change into the new dress-robes. They had just finished getting ready, when there was a

“Who is it?” Mother asked.

“It’s me.” Marvolo’s voice said.

After a nod from the women, Harry went to open the door. Marvolo nodded back and picked a
small book-sized box that he offered towards the toddler that had run towards his feet.

“Fow me?”

“They never gave you a plush at the orphanage, did they?”

“No’ rich.” The girl agreed and accepted the box, opened the lid and picked a turquoise moon with
a pinkish-purple ball at the tip plushie from the inside. “Twank you.”
“It’s the favourite colour of both your” [mère] “and brother, and your brother’s name is the name
of a moon.”


“Me.” Harry agreed.

The toddler looked back confused.


“I’ll explain when you are older.” Harry argued and the girl nodded back. “We should go. The
Lestranges must be waiting for us.”

“Wait a moment, Callisto. Did you leave the house with the hair in that state?” Aunt Genevieve
demanded horrified, probably only now realizing it.

“It’s my fault.” Marvolo interrupted. “It was well, but then we went to London and it was windy.
Evie was actually all pampered up this morning.”

Mother approached Harry before Aunt Genevieve got to his side and quickly pulled his hair back
and made a braid down his back.

“There.” She put in. “Now we are ready to go.” She added towards her sister-in-law pointedly.
Harry smiled amused as the French woman was forced to swallow her comeback. Harry held onto
Marvolo’s arm when he offered it, but before the two started to leave Émilie offered her hands up
at Harry.

“Don’t you want to go with” [Mère?] Harry wondered.

“Evie.” The toddler argued.

Behind him Ron laughed since he knew very well how Harry used to hate to be called that. Harry
mock-glared at the ginger, before he released Marvolo and leaned down to pick his baby sister. He
held her with one arm, with her body against his side and her legs around his waist and his other
hand held again onto Marvolo.

“It’s Kari.” He argued.

Émilie frowned and looked at Marvolo, positioning herself forward to be able to look over Harry’s


“Yes, that’s the name I call your brother.” The older agreed amused.

Harry huffed.

“Only he calls me Evie.” He amended.

They descended to the floo room where Cousin Lucius and Uncle Abraxas were waiting for them
as they spoke. They nodded back and Marvolo walked ahead with Harry towards the fireplace.

“Hold on tight, you two.” He warned, before throwing the floo powder into the fire. {Professor
Slytherin, Heiress Peverell and Miss Malfoy coming forth to Lestrange Manor.} He said before the
fire turned green and evolved them, pulling them into the floo connection.

Harry held onto his baby sister close as well as the arm of Marvolo. When they arrived, Lady
Lestrange was waiting for them. She smiled back soothingly as Marvolo helped Harry to stay
standing and also to step away from the fireplace.

“Nice to meet you, Young Malfoy.” The woman offered.

“Hello.” Émilie said shyly.

Lady Lestrange turned towards Marvolo.

“Mathew has arrived and wants to see you, Sir.” She added.

Marvolo nodded at Harry, before he left alone.

“I don’t know if your husband told you, but he just claimed earlier that he and Lawyer Yaxley need
to get proper ‘Muggle dress-robes’ to go to Wool’s Orphanage.” Harry offered mischievously as
the fire turned green again.

The Witch smiled back.

“I know just where to get them.” She agreed amused. “Welcome, Amphitrite. Want me to guide
you to the bedroom for Young Malfoy so she knows where it is if she wants to go?”
“If it ain’t a problem, Lady Alexa. It’s all firsts for Émilie and we need to go slow with her.”
Mother agreed.

Lady Lestrange nodded as Aunt Genevieve come out the floo connection.

“Lady Genevieve, I’m going to show the room for Young Émilie if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.” She agreed.

They left the floo room and walked down the corridor and up the stairs, until they entered a room.
Harry set down Émilie who run around the massive amount of toys and the cot.

“Rodolphus and Sirius have decided to wait until Sirius finishes education before they start to think
over children, so these were bought for Young Émilie.” Lady Lestrange explained.

“Thank you, Lady Alexa.”

“Nonsense. If I was the one who suddenly got myself a child or grandchild you and Lady
Genevieve would do the same to me.” She argued.

Harry looked at the two women and then again towards the child. If he was in his real body he
could have taken her himself. Since everyone believed him to be 12 instead the best he could do
was sibling. Émilie looked around the plushies, before she returned and joined Harry by his feet
and offered her hands. On one of her hands was still Marvolo’s moon plushie gift and on the other
hand was a wooden Hogwarts Express train toy.

“You want me to pick you up? Not” [Mère?] He wondered and the toddler nodded.

Harry looked up at Mother questioningly, who was looking over the cloth nappies that Lady
Lestrange had bought for Émilie. She smiled back and nodded, so Harry leaned down, picked his
baby sister and left the room. Going into the saloon, he met with his friends and several other
‘Knights’’s children. Marvolo was by the side speaking with his Death Eaters, so Harry approached
Sirius and the others.

“Should I wish you a good marriage?” Harry put in amused and Sirius groaned as the others

“Please not you too. Each adult that enters comes to shake or kiss my hand.” He groaned.

“Well, you are the host of honour this time, so.” Harry shrugged. “You’ll get used to it. Trust me.”
He added, before he grabbed Émilie’s hand and made her wave at his friends. “Everyone, this is
my new baby sister Émilie Thalassa Malfoy. Émilie, you already know brother Ron but this is
sister Hera and those are the massive number of cousins that we have.” Harry put in and the group

“She looks so cute.” Hermione practically moaned and tried to pick her up, but the toddler shrieked
and held onto Harry harder.

“Evie!” She cried out and Harry’s face turned deep red.

“Kari.” He argued.

The girl pouted.

“Sistew Evie.” Émilie said in argument and Harry groaned as his friends laughed.
“Fine. If you want to call me by that blasted name then go to the only person who is allowed to call
me that.” Harry retorted, with a pointed look to his friends before he walked towards the adult
group. He walked into the middle of the Death Eaters group and, when they got ready to argue not
yet realizing that it was him, reached Marvolo’s side. He grabbed Émilie by the armpits and
offered her towards the older, who raised a questioning look. “Because of you she refuses to call
me by anything but by your blasted nickname.”

Marvolo won an amused look, but picked up Émilie.

“Are you being mean to your brother, Thalassa?”

“Sistew Evie.” Émilie agreed mischievously with the face of someone who knows she shouldn’t
but was still doing it and Harry huffed.

“I’ll talk to Thalassa.” Marvolo promised soothingly towards Harry. “Lunch will be in half-hour.
Go enjoy some time with your friends as I watch over your baby sister.” He added and the de-aged
time-traveller nodded thankfully, before he walked away. “You are going to get me a very mad
lover, you little Slytherin.” Harry heard Marvolo chastise when he was just about to reach his
friends’ side.

Harry glanced back at the adult group to see the adults holding back their known looks and smiles.


Harry sat by Marvolo on the dining table, Mother had just taken a tired Émilie to her
momentaneous bedroom to lay down. It being too many emotions for one morning. He frowned at
a box being set beside his tableware, looked up and Marvolo signalled him towards it. Unsure,
Harry opened it to find a glasses box on top of some type of leather. He picked the glasses box to
find new glasses.


“Anti-summoning and anti-breaking. The ones you have are not the best.” The older explained as
he picked the leather for Harry. “And Jeremy pointed out that you also needed a leather holster.
Which arrived just in time. I spoke with Antonin over the glasses and an anti-stealing was added to
the spellwork because of Thalassa. If I remember the pamphlet correctly then during the sun hours
the glasses will darken automatically and in rainy days they will expel raindrops.” He added.

“Oh… I won’t have to worry over doing a rain-repellent spell each time I fly when is raining then.”
Harry agreed as he traded glasses. At hearing a groan, he looked up at Marvolo confused, to find
the other adults around them amused. Only to realize what he had just said. “Not that I won’t use
them on myself so that I don’t catch a cold.” He hurried to add.

“I’m going to look over clothes for Quidditch that beside protecting you from the impacts also
protect you from the weather.” The older agreed through clenched teeth. “And if there aren’t ones
then I’ll have one invented. Your wand-arm.”

Harry offered it, pulling his shawl up to show his naked arms underneath it. Marvolo’s fingers
traced the Basilisk’s bite and Harry could see a small pained look on his eyes, before he picked the
leather and put it directly on Harry’s skin and fastened the laces until finally he picked the wand
from where it was hanging on Harry’s pocket and put it on the leather.

“I’ll have to speak with Aunt Genevieve over my sleeves from now on.” Harry agreed. “Thank
“Some people store their holsters on their legs instead. It’s a question of where do you think it’s
easier. Besides, you prefer robes where it is possible to see your trousers so it wouldn’t be a
difficult job to call them, although not when you are in school robes.”

“If this is the hand where I grab the wand, how do I pick it up?” Harry wondered.

“Close your fist.” Voldemort said and Harry obeyed, the older moved Harry’s arm to be with his
fist tilted upwards. “Now open it as if you had your wand in hand.”

Unsure Harry obeyed and the Phoenix’ wand jumped onto his hand.


“Set your wand on the table.” Voldemort added as the entries started to show on the dishes.
Confused, Harry obeyed but the wand was fast to jump into it’s holster. “It cannot be stolen from
you. Ever.” The older explained. “Of course, Genevieve needs to buy you some type of cloth for
you to use as protection on your arm so not to wear the leather directly on your skin for days like
today that you are sleeveless.”

Harry nodded, glanced sideways towards where the Malfoys were sitting down and saw that the
French blonde woman was already mentally measuring the holster.

“I’m sure that by the time I’ll return to school I’ll have it.” He agreed, pulling the shawl over his
arm again.

“And only won’t be sooner because today is a party.” The older added as he set up both his and
Harry’s plates with the entries and Harry laughed. “You know I’m right.”

“What are you on about? I almost gave her an aneurism when we popped up with a kid out of
nowhere and she had an hour to get a whole dress-robe for her ready.”

“I do have to admit, it wasn’t one of our best moments to decide to take the toddler with us even if
we could tell she’s a Witch and being mistreated for it.” Marvolo said back. “Although the simple
fact that Mrs Cole didn’t even fight it and demand to do it over months like it usually should: it
shows that she was treating Thalassa exactly the same way that she treated me.”

Harry hummed and looked down at his plate.

–If it wasn’t for me… would’ve you ever return there?–

–Most likely not.– Voldemort argued truthfully. –And (if my possible future-self did) I do not
believe he ever checked if a magical child was there. I wouldn’t have realized if you hadn’t, I was
holding back my magic after all.– Harry hummed sadly and started to eat quietly. –You believe if I
would have gone alone that I would have burnt the orphanage to the ground.–

–I passed by that location when I was in the future… it was an abandoned building that once upon
a time had been burnt.– Harry shrugged. –I remember my Muggle aunt hurry me and keep me from
making too many questions. Only answering that it was unnatural.–

–Fiendfyre.– The elder agreed and Harry looked up with a raised eyebrow. –A Dark Fire Curse that
cannot be extinguished… I’ve to admit that if it weren’t for you there that it could have passed
through my mind. Principally when Mrs Cole picked her staff over her head…–

Marvolo took a hand to Harry’s cheek and took a lonely tear away.

The older shook his head.

“Don’t ever apology for having emotions.” He retorted. “Don’t ever apology for being yourself.”


Chapter End Notes

Thanks to everyone who buys me Ko-Fi but specially to tears79 and Domi for all the
ko-fis once a month that has been bought for several months now ^_^

Chapter XXXVII –Idiomlogy, Magic and Duel–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,118




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter XXXVII

–Idiomlogy, Magic and Duel–

Friday, 7 January 1973


After Émilie’s incident, Harry got forbidden of going out alone with Voldemort much to the boy’s
amusement. What did they expect would happen? Another adopted sibling?

The second class of the second semester was halfway when the classroom’s door opened without
permission. All students looked up from their duelling positions where they had been practicing
protection spells in groups of two, to find a group of old men arguing with Dumbledore as they

“Excuse me but we are in the middle of practical class.” Marvolo demanded and it was obvious
from his tone that he was furious.

“My apologies, Professor, but we have received notice that you have been giving a student special
attention and…”

“That’s a lie.” Suddenly a lot of students not in Harry’s group argued. “Miss Peverell - if anything -
has to work thrice for an Outstanding than anything that we do. And she even gets grounded each
time she misbehaves.”
Harry’s lips thinned at being treated like a female and saw the elder men glare at the Headmaster,
before they looked around and Harry’s arm was grabbed and raised up. He glared at Sirius
mockingly for forcing him to raise his arm.

“Miss Peverell, is it true that you get private classes?”

“If by private classes you mean that I do homework once, show Professor Slytherin, he reviews it
and adds books I should check, I redo homework again and again and again until it is at
Outstanding level? Then yes.”

All the Gryffindors shivered suddenly feeling pity for him, instead of jealous.

“Are you saying that you do not spend an hour alone each day with Professor Slytherin on his

“Madam Pomfrey’s orders. Since he had to do it, he started to using those hours to make me
review my studies.” Harry agreed. “And are you really putting into question what my fiancé and
Legal Magical Guardian can do when we are outside classroom hours?” He added pointedly.
“Sirius, contact your father-in-law. Severus, contact your stepfather. The lawyers should be here to
listen to this.” He added.

Severus raised his wrist and pulled up the clock area of his wristwatch to show a mirror
underneath, while Sirius picked his Lestrange family’s bracelet and touched one of the trinkets.

{Roddy, tell your father that we need him in DADA’s classroom right now.} Sirius whispered to
the trinket and only Harry’s Animagus’ higher senses let him listen to it.

Didn’t take long for the two adults to descend from Marvolo’s office. The two nodded back and
then faced the old group, who had turned deadly pale like Vampires.

“Care to explain?” Yaxley demanded and Harry wondered just how big their fame was.

Marvolo turned towards the students as the elder group struggled to explain themselves.

“Store your wands, sit down and start the meditation to bring your magic back into control, Class.”
He ordered and everyone hurried to sit on the floor and focus on their breath to be able to restrain
their magic after an hour of letting it rampant. “If you need me to raise a Soundproof Ward; warn
me.” He added towards the Gryffindors that kept looking at the elder group.

Lord Lestrange picked his wand and raised a Ward, what meant that not even Harry could hear
them any longer. Only when the last student, Ron, managed to bring his magic under control did
Marvolo let them leave.

Harry raised a questioning eyebrow as he packed his book. In reply, Marvolo offered his hand.
Harry approached and took it.

“Professor Slytherin!”

“You do remember I am no longer in class and that this is my fiancé, right?” Harry reminded and
the old group stuttered. “Lord Lestrange, can you tell me if it is forbidden for women or bearer
men to hold their future husbands’ hands?”

“Of course not, actually if anything the future husband should be the only one outside family to
hold them.” The Lawyer replied. “I better warn my wife to speak with your wives over your
attempts at standing between an engaged couple.” He added as a warning and, if before the elder
group had looked deadly pale, now they looked like they preferred to deal with a whole army of
lawyers. “I will warn the Malfoys of this injustice and deal about this illegal persecution from
Professor Dumbledore.” He added. “Corban, do you want to be the one escorting them out?”

Lawyer Yaxley nodded and walked out with the group and an arguing Dumbledore. Harry stared
after the older man conflicted.

“They walked-in mid-class without even a knock on the door, Jeremy. It is a wonder none of the
students’ magic accidentally did a stray spell or blast out of control.”

Lord Lestrange nodded with a groan.

“I will speak with the other parents of each student that was in your class to be able to get the
required signatures to bring this to the Wizengamot.” He agreed. “Heiress Peverell, I will need the
address of your friend Evans’ parents.”

“I will warn Lily so she gives Sirius or Severus.” Harry agreed.

Eventually, as Slippery popped in with a mug of tea for Harry and as the legally adults spoke over
all the persecutions and Salazar Slytherin’s portrait would offer his own inputs from it’s frame
location on the entrance of the office, Lawyer Yaxley finally returned alongside Severus, Lily and,
surprisingly, Remus. The older man was listening to Remus’ loss of control of his emotions and
what it had provoked, all the while quietly offering that it was normal for a young cub.

–Corban half-brother’s father was a Werewolf. Fenrir become the Alpha when Corban was your
age to undo the mistake the rapist had done to Miss Yaxley. Corban is, like you, a Human member
of the Greyback Pack.–

Harry looked up at Voldemort and then again at his friends. That explained why future-Voldemort
had gotten the Werewolves on his side.

“Lily.” He called and his future mum approached alongside Severus. “The lawyers need each of
our parents’ address to get signatures and yours are the only ones that they don’t know.”

Lily nodded and dictated it to the lawyer, who wrote it down.

“If you want; I can bring my son Rodolphus so he applies a Ward around your family house to keep
it and your family protected. Rodolphus is a Ward Maker.”

Lily looked at Severus unsure, who nodded back.

“I would appreciate that, Sir.” She agreed.

Lord Lestrange looked at the way she had looked at Severus and then back to the paperwork he
was filling.

“Who introduced you to the Wizardry World, Miss…?”

“Evans.” Lily offered and Marvolo massaged his eyebrows as the two adults hid a chuckle behind a
cough. “What?”

“Professor Riddle calls me Evie from my middle name Evelyn.” Harry explained and she nodded
confused. “My baby sister because of him refuses to call me by anything but that.”

Lily looked at Harry for a long time, before she asked out loud:
“Is Professor Riddle in the doghouse?”

The two Death Eaters started coughing in an attempt to hide their laugh while Marvolo groaned.

“You are too much Gryffindorish, Miss Evans.” The older retorted. “Do answer the question.”

“It was Professor McGonagall.” Lily added with obvious amusement.

“Did Minerva teach you about the new culture and how it differs from the Muggle World?” Lord
Lestrange asked while avoiding his Lord because of how he couldn’t hide his amusement.

Harry wondered if the man would pay later with a CC.


Lord Lestrange looked up from his paperwork and then nodded.

“Corban?” He asked instead of explaining it himself.

“Minerva has failed to properly introduce you to the Wizardry World.” Lawyer Yaxley explained
towards Lily. “Did you, your parents and… sister (if I remember correctly) ever leave the

“We went to Spain once.”

“Do they speak English? Do they travel on the same side of the road? Act the same as British?”
Lawyer Yaxley started and Marvolo set a hand on Harry’s shoulder to keep him from interrupting,
making the de-aged man look at the older confused.

“No.” Lily argued. “To all of them.”

“The same happens between Muggle and Wizardry World.” The lawyer explained. “Obviously
Minerva neglected her job as your Legal Magical Guardian. At the moment I’m explaining as the
father of your friend, but if you let me I can become your Legal Magical Guardian instead and
make sure you stop sounding and acting like a foreigner… or at the least give you the ropes to be
able to do it.”

Lily frowned and glanced at Severus unsure.

“I and Ron have classes Monday morning after the Gryffindor’s Herbology class.” Harry said.
“Why don’t you two and Lawyer Yaxley come over? I’m sure” [Mère] “won’t mind.” He offered.

Lily nodded thankfully.

“I will contact the Malfoys so they will be waiting for us.” The lawyer agreed.

–In the Wizardry World things are different than the Muggle way. It’s not just clothes. It is a whole
new culture that you need to be introduced to.– Marvolo explained. –As my classmates those two
were part of the group who introduced me. Dumbledore didn’t. He just threw me to the pit of
snakes with no explanation.–

Harry looked up and then at Lily who Severus was quietly explaining about the holidays and
rituals instead of the Muggle counterparts.

“But Halloween is Witches’ Day.” He heard her argue.

“Of course, it is. It’s Hunting Witch Day.” Marvolo agreed.

Lily frowned surprised.

“Salem’s Witch Fire was on 31 st October.” Harry added.

“Is there a book about it me and Lily can look up?” Remus wondered. “My mum is Muggle; I was
raised in a mixture of cultures.”

Lord Lestrange coughed pointedly and Harry noticed he had just written a name on a piece of
parchment. Harry picked it and gave to his friends.

“If it isn’t in the School Library, warn me.” Marvolo said and the two nodded.

“Want us to wait for you?” Severus whispered towards Harry.

“I will meet you at the School Library before our next class.” He whispered back and his friends
left. “People not direct related or professors cannot teach?”

“No.” Salazar Slytherin’s portrait replied. “Not even offer the means to do it. Of course, thou as
their friend can offer them a book thou happened to find written down on a random piece of

“Sometimes Wizardry World’s etiquette is a bloody mess.” The de-aged time-traveller grumbled
and Marvolo laughed.

When Harry looked at the two lawyers they were actually staring at their Lord and gaping at his
laughing form. Was it that unusual?


Monday, 10 January 1973


Harry looked up from the homework he was filling as the Slytherin’s common room entry wall
opened, all the Slytherins not in classes at the moment looking confused since they only knew one
person nicknamed that and only knew one person to say it, only for them all to see Émilie running

“What are you doing here? And alone!”

[Mère] “and cous with Mawvowo.” The eager toddler replied.

“How did you come here all the way from Marvolo’s classroom?” Harry amended himself as
Severus quickly packed Harry’s belongings.

“It brought me.”

“What’s It?” Harry argued and Émilie shrugged. “Jesus, Émilie, who did you speak with to bring
you to me without any of the adults knowing?”

Émilie frowned as she tried to think how to explain. Then she set a hand on the school’s wall.

“It.” She said.

“Hogwarts is Sentient.” The Head Girl Ianthe Greengrass offered from her location on the
upperclassmen ranking, yet her rank was still lower than Harry’s. “You better bring your sister
back before Miss Malfoy starts to look around worried.”

Harry nodded and went for his homework, only to realize that Severus had already finished
packing it up in Harry’s backpack and was offering it back.

“Put it on first, before you pick her up.” The other argued as he picked his own shoulderbag.

Harry smiled thankfully and put on both backpack’s arms, leaned down and let Émilie climb to his
chest with both arms and legs around him.

“You need to start calling me Kari.” Harry eventually said when he was ready to go.

Émilie grinned up mischievously.

“Evie.” She argued.

Harry frowned at realizing she had tears on the corner of her eyes.

“Were you crying?” He asked as he and Severus left the common rooms.

Instead of replying, the girl hugged Harry’s shoulders harder. Harry looked up at Severus

“She missed you.” The other translated. “Your mother may be her legal parent, but it was you and
Professor who picked her up from the abuse.” He added with a shrug. “Shi…” Severus stopped
himself from swearing, grabbed Harry and pulled him into one of the doors to the side. He
pretended to do a hushing sound to Émilie as if that had been his plan all along.

Harry closed his eyes and focused on who was passing outside the closet they had just hidden in,
using his Animagus’ enhanced hearing abilities. To realize it were Gryffindors wanting to pick a
fight with Slytherins, trying to find any of them just to pick a fight.

“Ém, if I ask you to go to Cousin Severus will you go?” Harry asked barely a sound.


“Kari…” Severus started.

“I’m a better dueller.” Harry argued as he opened his eyes. “I can handle them all by myself.”

“And Sylvine will never leave me alone.” Severus grumbled. “Where’s the closest passageway?”

“Too far away. We cannot make a run for it and they would find out about it.” Harry hissed back
as he listened outside. “They are not going to leave. They are making a wait to any Slytherin who
might pass by.” He added with a groan. Émilie released her legs’ hug and let Harry set her down.
Then the girl offered her hand to Severus, who took it. “Thanks, Sis.”

The girl nodded, Harry let his wand jump onto his hand and left the closet. He struck at the group
of elder Gryffindors and when they turned towards him to fight, he moved sideways to give
Severus a way to run with his sister as he duelled the elder group who thought he was just a lil’ girl
who had gotten lucky on her engagement.



Sylvine looked up when the common room’s wall opened again and she heard her name being
called: Severus was there alone with Émilie Malfoy.


“Gryffindors.” Severus argued and immediately the entire common room stood. “Just on the
corner.” He said before he added pointedly: “Call us when it’s safe for Émilie.”

Sylvine nodded and left with the rest of the Slytherins, when they arrived the location they found
the Gryffindor team on the floor and Kari was the only one standing as his wand stored itself on
it’s holster. The bearer male looked back and raised an eyebrow.


“We came to back you up.” The Slytherin team’s captain Jamie Flint offered unsure.

“Thank you.” The boy agreed and stepped over one of the teens, literally stepping on his manhood,
to walk over towards the Slytherins. “Is there another route out the dungeons that I can take with
my sister?” He wondered as he walked away from the groaning on the floor group.

“Hmmm… yes, but it’s longer.” One of the older Slytherins agreed, as they finally snapped out of
the surprise the sight had given them. “I’ll guide you.” He added.

“Thank you.” Kari agreed and the whole group was reminded how on his first-year this bearer had
given seventh-year Slytherins a ball even before he had been found to be the Dark Lord’s fiancé.
“Émilie, were you mean to Cousin Severus?” The boy added as he arrived the common room’s
entrance and they saw the bearer’s sister bothering Severus Yaxley.

The young girl shook her head, obviously lying, run to her big brother and demanded to be picked

“You ‘kay?” The girl asked.

Kari looked down at her as he picked her up and then ahead again as he started to follow the elder
students that were bodyguarding them out the dungeons.

“Who is the strongest of them all?” The bearer questioned instead of answering.


“Exactly. And I’m Marvolo’s Equal. My magic abilities can only be compared to His.”

Sylvine smiled amused as the rest of the Slytherins tensed. Kari didn’t like to admit it, but for his
baby sister’s sake he was doing it to calm her down. Eventually they reached the third-floor to find
a worried Miss Malfoy. Kari set down his sister and made her run towards their mother.

“Émilie! Where…?”

“Hogwarts brought her to me in my common room,” [Mère.] Kari offered.

Professor Riddle frowned as he stared at the massive escort the bearer and child had.
“Something happened?” He demanded to know.

“An idiot group, who believe male bearers equals to females and equals to being powerless,
decided to be practice dummies.” Kari replied with a shrug. “I’m going to pick Ron and Lily from
their class, they must have just left,” [Mère.]

Miss Malfoy nodded and entered the DADA classroom, while carrying the toddler in her arms.
Professor Riddle turned towards them with a raised eyebrow while Severus hurried to follow Kari
as his bodyguard for the day.

“Gryffindor Team. When we reached them, he had already defeated them.” The Slytherin Team
captain offered. “They know Veronique Prewett has a great flying technique and broom but they
refuse the new way because it was taught by a Slytherin, so she was not allowed in the team.”

Professor Riddle sneered.

“Warn Professor McGonagall of what her Team has attempted to do and what really happened
before they attempt to blame my fiancé.” He ordered and they all nodded. “Warn your fellows to
do the buddy defence for the time being.” He warned.

“Kari won’t accept to have one of us with him all the time, Sir.” Sylvine said. “Already me and
Severus is only until a certain point. That was how he was targeted last time by the McLaggen boy
after all.”

“I’ll do my best to try to persuade him.” The Dark Lord agreed.

Chapter XXXVIII –Typical Wife–
Chapter Summary

Isys coming back from the dead resurrection-style on Halloween week

Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 3,408




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes


–Typical Wife–

Tuesday, 11 January 1973


Harry, Ron and Hermione were going over the difference between Muggle World and Wizardry
World with Lily and Remus in the library when someone approached their table. Harry looked up
almost with a groan, expecting another calling to the Headmaster’s office, to find Rabastan

“Something the matter?”

“May I?” The other argued, signalling the free chair and Harry nodded. “I take it that neither
Sylvine nor Severus told you of the buddy requirement the Slytherins are with right now.”
“They did, I ignored them.” Harry retorted.

The teenager massaged his eyebrows and looked at the books they were going over.

“That one is not the best.” Was finally said.

He stood, walked to one of the bookcases and picked several books, which flew by themselves
toward their table one after the other. Eventually he returned.

“How did you…?”

“Libraries have the spell to do it automatically.” Rabastan explained and picked the books they had
been using, closed them and left them in mid-air only for they to fly back to their location. “This
way the Librarian doesn’t need to worry over if you are storing them in the correct place or not,
like she does with Muggleborns.” He added.

Hermione turned deep red.

“That explains why she is always angry with me.” She whispered shyly.

Rabastan obviously tensed, making Harry and Ron share an amused look.

“In Muggle Libraries we give the books to the Librarian.” Harry offered.

Rabastan hummed.

“I’ll warn the Librarian so she instead of reprimanding teaches the students how it works.” He said,
obviously thankful for the explanation. He opened one of the books and turned it towards Lily and
Remus. “This chapter explains better than the one you were reading.”

“Your father was the one who wrote the book title to Kari.” Remus explained.

“Let me rephrase myself: that book was good in the forties back when my parents and Professor
Slytherin were students. Now new things about the Muggle World were learnt and updated. If you
had looked at the way the Muggle way was written about in those books my father had offered it
was today seen as offensive because back then we didn’t know better.”

They nodded thankful.

“A class should be added with the difference for Muggleborns or Muggle raised, because
obviously the Magical Legal Guardians aren’t doing it.” Harry grumbled. “Plenty of Muggle taught
students later refuse the Wizardry way because they aren’t taught.”

Rabastan looked back, before he picked his shoulderbag and looked through it, only to take a
parchment, quill and ink bottle out.

“I’ll owl my dad.” He agreed. “Miss Evans, Greyback, what do you know of Wizardry holidays?”

“Only that Halloween has another name in Wizardry World.” Lily put in.

“Christmas day is Yule.” Hermione offered and the two hurried to write down. “Halloween is

“Day of the Dead.” Rabastan added. “There’s several more, but you know some of them as
Equinoxes and Solstices.”
“Pagan celebrations.” Harry translated. “Ron, can you tell Lily and Remus who is Santa Claus?”

“You mean that red thingy that Muggles keep in their gardens?”

Lily and Remus’ eyes grew and snorted, while Hermione turned towards Ron horrified.

“That’s a garden gnome, Ronald!”

“Garden gnomes is what I had in my old home.” He argued.

Harry snorted as the two started to argue. He leaned closer to a surprised Rabastan.

“If you want her; get used that this may happen with you.” He whispered and the Caucasian male
blushed. “And Ron’s cousin-in-law loves Muggles, works in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts
Office and even so he once asked me what the job of a rubber duck was.” He added towards the
duo of Gryffindors.

“He once asked me what a «fellytone» was and how it worked.” Hermione said, making the duo

Ron scratched his back of head, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

“Yeah, Arthur is a great example on how we don’t learn the Muggle way and how Muggles raised
don’t learn the Wizardry way as they should’ve.” He agreed shyly.

“How about you two start with the holidays and go from there?” Rabastan offered. “Make a list,
their dates and what they celebrate. Who is tutoring you?”

“My” [mère] “joined them to our classes but Lawyer Yaxley has become both of their Magical
Legal Guardian after Professor McGonagall not having taught Lily that there was even a
difference.” Harry said.

Rabastan nodded.

“Then fill the list and when you are done either give it in the next class to Miss Malfoy or my
godfather.” He supplied towards the two Muggles raised, who hurried to pick their parchments and
start. “Is best to start with one point than to try to learn all at once.” He added, before he looked at
Hermione. “Your father taught you the Muggle way or the Wizardry way?” He wondered.

Remus and Lily looked up with raised eyebrows.

“Hera’s father is a Squib.” Ron whispered back and they nodded.

“He taught me some Wizardry, but I mostly learnt the Muggle way. Aunt Walburga was always
arguing because I had to learn a lot.”

Rabastan nodded.

“I will warn my mum to get me a Muggle cloth for me to visit your parents next holidays.”

“Why?” Lily wondered. “If they know of magic…”

“I intend on asking their permission to be able to date Megara, which in the Wizardry World we
cannot without the Family’s permission. I cannot even ask Megara if she wants without first asking
her family.”
Lily frowned and looked at Harry confused.

“My uncle wanted to arrange my wedding with Professor Riddle back when I was still 7.” Harry
offered. “By all means he gave Marvolo the permission to do the courting as he wished back when
I was a child, who chose on giving me the choice on the long run.”

“And Lucius asked my uncle to have the official courtship contract written before he even bought
me my broom.” Ron added, before looking at Rabastan. “Why not ask the Blacks instead of going
directly to the Squib?”

“I have the Blacks’ permission, but my dad told me that I should have Callisto’s, the Squib’s and
the Muggle’s permissions as well. The brother and the parents. Since Callisto just gave me his, all
I’m missing is the parents’.”

Hermione blushed.

“As a Squib my dad would know the Wizardry way of needing the parents’ permission.” She
agreed and kicked a snickering Ron under the table who shrieked, making Madam Pince glare in
their direction. “When… when you go, I’d like to go… it’s been years since I last saw them.” She

Rabastan looked at her, before he bowed his head in agreement and Harry saw he add that to the
letter he was writing.

“Warn in the letter that you don’t need a three-piece-suit or they will think that you are overdoing
it.” He whispered back and the other frowned confused. “The suit I gifted Professor Riddle for
your brother’s party? Is a rich dress-robe Muggle-version. If you go with something like that it’d
be like you would dress your most expensive pure-silk dress-robe.”

“Thank you, I’ll add that as a note so my mum contacts you to learn which is best.” The teenager
said with a nod of head.


Thursday, 15 February 1973

Harry entered the DADA’s office, wondering what was it that he had done this time to be called to
Marvolo’s office. Had he forgotten a grounding? Had he forgotten an extra class?

He entered the office only to stop dead by the entrance. Nothing in his life could have readied him
for this. Marvolo was by his desk reading from the book he’d brought along from the orphanage
with Émilie on his lap.

Okay… so not a forgotten grounding then…

Marvolo looked up from the book and finished what he was reading, before he closed the book.
Émilie whined.

“ ‘Nothew.” She begged.

“Your brother has arrived and I have classes about to start, Thalassa.” Marvolo argued.

Émilie frowned and looked up, only to gasp at seeing Harry. She jumped from Marvolo’s lap and
run around the desk onto Harry’s arms.
“Something the matter?” He asked.

“Amphitrite was called to the Wizengamot because of the McLaggen case. Thalassa was leaving
your aunt insane so Heir Lucius floocalled me to ask if I didn’t mind.”

“But you have classes.” Harry agreed as he picked up his baby sister. “I’ll bring her down into the

“She just ate according to Heir Lucius so it’s almost time for the naptime.” Marvolo warned and
Harry nodded, descending the stairs to the classroom beside the man as the students arrived.
“How’s your day today?”

“I’m free.” Harry replied and nodded at the entering Gryffindor and Slytherin first-years. Several
stopping to awe at his shy sister. “Good luck.”

“First-years?” Marvolo argued.

“I was wishing to the students.” Harry retorted playfully and the eleven and twelve-year-old
students had to literally stop themselves from laughing as Marvolo glared at Harry. “Now yes,
you’ll need all the luck you can gather.” He added towards the students and left as Marvolo snarled
his name.

“Evie bein’ mean to Mawvowo.” Émilie whispered as he hurried down the corridor.

“I’m his lover, it’s part of my job description.” Harry agreed and his sister laughed.

Harry got into the first passageway and left on the ground floor, where he then walked into the
grounds. He nodded at Hagrid as he set down the girl and let her run around.

“Yers?” Hagrid asked and Harry stuttered.


“Looks like yeh.” Hagrid offered and Harry scoffed. “Wha’?”


Hagrid’s eyes grew and looked at the running around girl.

“Really?” He asked and Harry nodded. “Blimmey! I woul’ never think so.”

“My” [mère] “is blonde with green eyes, Hagrid. No one would think me to be her son except for
the eyes.” Harry said while he pointed at his own black hair and Hagrid laughed.

“Poin’ taken.” He agreed. “Does she likes rock cakes?”

“Do you have tea for us to make the rock not so rock?” Harry wondered and Hagrid laughed,
before he nodded. “I’ll go ask her if she wants some before her nap.”

In no time Harry was in Hagrid’s hut with Émilie on the bed as the older two drank tea by the table.

Émilie had just woken up and was running around the hut while Harry set up something for her in
Hagrid’s kitchen, when there was a knock on the hut’s door. Harry looked as it opened to find

“When you said you’d go to the grounds I thought you meant literally.” The older argued.

“Went to do his rounds a few minutes ago.” Harry replied and set the meal on the table. “Food,

The girl run to the table, climbed a chair and stood on it to be able to reach the table as she ate.
Marvolo’s eyebrow obviously twitched and Harry glared at him, literally daring him to illspeak of
his friend.

“Did Thalassa nap?” He asked instead.

“She just woke up.” Harry agreed. “I might” –technically– “not be old enough to have children but
I know how to care for one.” He added.

–Do you think about it?– Marvolo asked as he entered and sat by the table, accepting the mug with
tea being offered.

–Even when I was still just Harry in the future.– Harry agreed and smiled at the eager girl as she
ate. “Careful before it goes to the wrong tube.”

The girl nodded, but didn’t slow down.

“Thalassa!” Marvolo said warningly and Émilie looked up. “Listen to your brother!”

Blushing, she nodded and slowed down.

“Do you still have classes?” Harry wondered and Marvolo nodded.

“Third-years and then fifth-years.” He agreed. “I have a full afternoon.” He added as he looked at
the being careful girl. “I don’t know at what time the meeting will end, though.”

“Did you bring your toys?” Harry asked the girl, who nodded.

“At Mawvowo’s.”

“We’ll go to your office while you work.” Harry added towards Marvolo.

“Very well. If by the time I’ve finished the court meeting hasn’t finished, then I’ll bring Thalassa
to Malfoy Manor for her dinner until they’ll arrive.”

“Twank you.”



Voldemort was finishing his last homework when the office’s door opened slowly. Miss
Amphitrite entered apologetically in his office that he used in Malfoy Manor.

“I’m sorry for this.” She whispered as she approached and picked her child from his arms.

“Me and Evie are the rescuers that she recognizes. Genevieve makes her dress-up and she doesn’t
like the puffy clothes.” Voldemort argued as he let the woman pick the child that had fallen asleep
against his chest, having refused to leave. “She spent all afternoon with Evie.” He added as he
stood and followed the Witch to open the doors for her.
“Émilie accepts me as a continuation of Kari.” Amphitrite agreed. “I may be the official” [mère,]
“but it’s towards Kari that Émilie turns to when in need.”

“You know that if your son was older he would have adopted her himself in a heartbeat.”
Voldemort said and Amphitrite nodded. “With my approval or not.” He added and the blonde
Witch had to hold back a chuckle.

Voldemort opened the wing’s door besides Evie’s one and Amphitrite entered to go leave her
youngest and newest child on her bedroom, while changing her back into her sleeping robes.
Voldemort stayed by the entry of the wing and noticed how it was full of toys and the puffy
plushies were hidden on a corner. Like Evie, Thalassa didn’t like the denominated ‘girly’ things.

“Mawvowo.” He heard whine, but didn’t go.

Thalassa needed to learn to go to Amphitrite and not to him and Evie, after all. The blonde was her
adopted mother, not them.

Voldemort walked out the wing and waited as the blonde Witch calmed down her daughter.

He wasn’t stupid. Thalassa looked like him and Evie. If she had been a new-born baby she would
have been a perfect adopted child for them. Still, she was obviously adopted what meant that they
couldn’t do the blood-adoption. It was too public.

Voldemort looked at the ceiling with a sigh.

He had never pictured himself the parental type. He wasn’t the parental type. Yet Evie obviously
was. He wanted children. He was called by them. And by Thalassa’s attachment it was obvious
that he was good at it.

Taking care of students was one thing, but his own children was another altogether.

He was the one in charge, who needed to be there for them no matter what. Because he wouldn’t
do the same mistake that his own parents had. Sure, from Thalassa he could tell that his old book
was a way that he could use to keep them entertained, but for how long? And would they enjoy
reading? Would they enjoy to listen to him read? Would they like these wizardry fairy-tales?
Would they demand new ones? Would they prefer a broomstick to a good book? Would…?

“My Lord?”

Voldemort composed himself to find Abraxas looking back uncertain.

“Amphitrite is lullabying Thalassa. She had refused to leave my lap until Amphitrite’s arrival.”
Voldemort supplied. “I’ll be going now.”

He turned around and left, for some reason it was raining inside the Manor and on his face.



Harry woke with a groan and picked the two-way-mirror that had rang him awake and accepted the

{What?} He demanded tiredly.

Uncle Abraxas showed on the other side.

{I know I should not impose but…}

{Uncle, you already woke me up!} Harry grumbled.

{Your courter was crying.}

Harry’s eyes grew and then groaned, understanding that his surrogate uncle didn’t mean impose on
Harry’s sleeping but on Voldemort’s space.

{I’ll go see if he has arrived Hogwarts.} He agreed. {Anything in special for why?}

{Your mother is lullabying to your sister.} Uncle Abraxas shrugged confused.

Harry massaged his eyebrows.

“Right…” {his mother gave birth to him in the same orphanage that Émilie was in when we found
her, Uncle.}

Uncle Abraxas nodded.

{Don’t forget to put on something and to fix your hair before you go.} He agreed and Harry looked
down at his PJs before he nodded. {And my apologies for waking you up. But I don’t believe he
should be alone and I don’t know anyone else he would show weakness or that should see him
showing weakness.}

Harry nodded and the mirror returned to normal, he fell back on the bed with a groan.


He forced himself up on his feet, hurried to go change and do something of his hair, before he
walked out quietly so not to wake Sissy. He walked down the corridor and common room, which
was thankfully empty. He left the Slytherin’s common room in his Animagus form. Struggling to
stay in a small form he flew up to the third-floor and entered the DADA’s classroom only to find
Professor Dumbledore and ‘Tom Riddle’ in the classroom arguing. It was strange how he hadn’t
heard them outside the classroom considering how loud they were. Suddenly Marvolo shut-up and
then Harry felt his jewelleries which the older had gifted him, that had become a part of his scales
in his shifting, to heat up.

{What do you think you are doing? What if you lose control? } He heard inside his own mind.

{Came to speak with you.}

“Don’t ignore me, Tom!”

{Go to my office and have Professor Slytherin help you shift back. If Dumblefool looks up, he’ll
see you and there’s no way he won’t realize that something is up.} Marvolo ordered before
snapping back at Dumbledore.

Harry held back his retort, flew in the shadows of the ceiling and approached the frame of the
former headmaster, but before he could speak with the former headmaster, the frame opened just
enough for him. Harry entered the office and the frame closed again.

–Visiting my heir?–
–Yes, I was not expecting to find him literally arguing with the Headmaster.– Harry agreed and the
older’s eyes narrowed. –You cannot hear them arguing?–

–No, I cannot.– The older agreed and that explained why Harry couldn’t heard them even in his
Animagus form outside the office, they had probably raised a Soundproof Ward in the classroom.
–I’ll go to my second frame and warn one of the portraits in there. They have second frames in the
Ministry and in their respective Manors. Someone will deal with this obvious overuse of his
power.– The Founder sneered and walked out the frame.

Harry looked around and then struggled to shift back. He pulled his glasses up his nose and looked
around the office until he found the door that lead to the private area. He entered, it lead to
Marvolo’s bedroom and down the corridor towards the side was the toilet... although last time
Harry hadn’t gone the rest of the corridor...

Harry walked the rest of the corridor only to find a small living room with a small kitchenette on
the wall that had been hidden by the slide door and was actually the end of the wall. He grinned
and hurried to set up something. Harry was finishing setting up the small supper on a round table in
the small living room when the bedroom door opened and Marvolo walked down the corridor
towards him. He looked at the table and then at Harry.

“Very well... what did you do?” The older demanded and Harry raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t the
bride waiting at home for the husband with a meal ready type, so what did you do and what do I
need to do to undo it?”

Harry snorted.


Chapter End Notes

Massive A/N:

To those of you who don’t know yet from my previous last chapters and facebook
group. On July 7 th, my brother-in-law murdered my oldest half-sister and was sent to
prison. On July 8th I got my first vaccine and on July 9th I found out. My in-law on the
jail after delivering himself to be arrested, tried to suicide himself by throwing himself
from a tower. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how he got finally diagnosed with
Schizophrenia. Around the same time my psychologist started to do me some tests and
came July 31st and voilà I got diagnosed with Syndrome of Asperger at age 31.

All of this was being a lot, right? Well, there’s more… lots more

My second covid vaccine day come August 5th and I got rang by my co-worker if I can
go do afternoon. Me warns about vaccine and ask why: the other co-worker’s husband
got runover by a truck while going on a bicycle. So, I go to vaccine and then hurry off
to work. Since then, I’ve been working non-stop. I used to only do holidays since my
actual work is being a massagist. In beginning was easy, but it’s been almost three
months and non-stop working at a private clinic’s reception desk plus cleaning.

How do I know I’m not okay? I cannot write. Not a word. Not a single one.
And now? Started the Social Anxiety attacks. My condition means that I rarely cry not
even when my sister died, and now I’m having crying attacks. Sometimes even when
I’m working.

It’s funny I say I cannot write and yet this author note it’s the most I’ve written in four

Anyway, all the chapters I’m updating nowadays are chapters I’ve written previous to
all of this, I will do my best to return to writing and my psychologist is making me
write even if only half a page a day as a homework for my sessions even if I delete it

I will do my best to have my muses return to me, but for now I seem to be stuck and
my social anxiety ain’t helping at all…

Chapter XXXIX -Bonding Time-
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 2,884




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XXXIX

–Bonding Time–

Thursday, 15 February 1973


After the School Board’s members showing up and taking the old fool away with several
apologetic looks to him, Voldemort finally entered his office. At seeing it empty he suddenly
remembered Evie was supposed to be there, what meant… he opened his private quarters and
walked down the corridor towards the bearer male who was down by the small kitchenette that the
quarters had. He looked at the table and then at Evie.

“Very well… what did you do?” Voldemort demanded and the teenager raised an eyebrow. “You
aren’t the bride waiting at home for the husband with a meal ready type, so what did you do and
what do I need to do to undo it?” Evie snorted. “Don’t make fun of me, Evie!”

“Sorry sorry. I’m not, I swear.” The young Wizard hurried to add. “I… I guess it’s the first-time I
cook for you, right?” The elder nodded, still with narrowed eyes. “I love to cook and bake.”

Voldemort frowned, only for his eyes to grow as realization hit.

“Then you are making supper…”

“Because I feel like it.” Evie agreed. “But no, don’t expect me to be the type to have a meal ready
for you each time you arrive.”

Voldemort passed a hand through his face. Today was so not his day, he should be happy that Evie
was cooking him a meal. Why was it being so hard to accept this simple action that should be seen
as something good?



Harry could tell what his surrogate uncle meant, the older was obviously holding back his
emotions. With a sigh the older probably didn’t meant to let out, he finally composed himself and
accepted to move to the chair and sit beside the standing Harry on the round table.

“I’m not that much of a good companion tonight.” The older finally stated as he accepted the plate
being served.

“And that’s why I should be here.” Harry agreed with a shrug.


“If you are really committed to this engagement of ours you need to let me see you at your worst as
well. It’s for the good and the bad, you know?”

The older stared back confused and then groaned.

“Is that why you came? Because you think I need you? Because you think I’m a wimp who…”

Marvolo shut-up with a surprise as the whole room echoed with the sound of Harry’s slap and as
the older’s face turned with the sheer strength.

“What was the first thing I ever accused you of being?”


“VOLDEMORT!” Harry snapped.

The older’s eyes flashed red before they went back into control.

“A chauvinist.” Marvolo replied, staring back unsure.

“You never treated me like a chauvinist since then, why would you start acting like so now? Do
you really think that I… I – who am a bloody guy in girl’s clothes – would really care if you show
weakness or not? People who only show their strong sides are the weak ones! They are the so
denominated sissies!”

Before Harry had time to react Marvolo raised his hand and took hold of Harry’s front of the robe,
only to pull him close and then the elder’s face was on Harry’s belly on his sitting position by the
table as Harry was standing. With a sigh, Harry hugged him and let him hide the possible tears on
Harry’s chest.

Harry looked up from the way Marvolo held against Harry’s robes and finally let himself cry after
most likely having been taught to hold it back for decades, towards the corridor to find that the
door that led towards the office had been opened. Professor Slughorn saw the position the two
were in and immediately sent Harry an apologetic look, walking backway again slowly and closing
the door again.

“My Muggles also taught me not to cry for myself.” The de-aged time-traveller put in and Marvolo
raised his head to look up at him from their strange position. “Not even when I was in pain would I
cry. I cried for other people’s deaths, but I didn’t cry for myself. Even now I find myself crying for
others instead of for myself.”


“It’s not a bad thing to sometimes in privacy to let our feelings out. It’s actually good… beside
good bonding time…”

The older groaned and stood, only to pull Harry into his own arms and hugged him closer.

“Thank you for being here and my apologies for calling you weak earlier.”

Harry scoffed.

“Anyway… do you wanna try my food or are you too scared that I’ll poison you?”

“Trust me, whipped like I am, I would even eat pure poison if you fed it to me.” Marvolo
whispered into Harry’s hair and the green-eyed male snorted.

“I’m cooking, not brewing a potion. Although if you wanna be my guinea pig I can go fetch a
cauldron and attempt at brewing a cough potion…”

Marvolo scoffed and then before he knew it he was laughing. A real laugh. No fakeness in it.

“That’s not what Slughorn claims, though.” The older finally sobered up enough to say, before he
sat down again and pulled his plate close.

Harry served himself and also sat down to eat. He was halfway through his meal when he felt the
older’s eyes on him.

“What? You don’t like it?”

“It’s good. I'm just wondering the why you decided to come cook a meal on a weeknight.”
Marvolo supplied. “Because you aren’t the type to just do it just because you felt like it. You are a
Slytherin after all.”

“Uncle Abraxas caught you crying and called me with my two-way-mirror.” Harry agreed
truthfully. The hidden Dark Lord frowned. “I’m not lying. Why would I? You could just use the
memories in my jewelleries to tell you the truth…” the time-traveller shrugged. “Uncle believed
you shouldn’t be alone and he was right. And according to him no one but your future spouse
should see you like that, so… he woke me up.”

Marvolo sighed.

“My apologies.”

Harry shrugged.

“It’s okay. You needed me.” He retorted. “Until now it has always been the other way. If I have
accepted that this” Harry pointed at each other pointedly “is a thing that will happen no matter
what, then that means that I also need to be there for you when you need and if you need.” The
teen looked at the grey eyes and then back to his meal. “Besides, it’s nice to see you without the
fake layers around you for once. No pretending. The real you… I mean, not counting the obvious
glamour that you carry around.”

“This is my face.” Marvolo retorted.

“This was your face. I know from my Harry-life that you should look a lot different even in this
timeline…” He shut up when the glamours finally fell apart and then a Voldemort, yet still not
completely disfigured was before him. “Yeah, like that.”

“Most people get scared when they see what the ‘memories’ did to me.” The You Know Who put

Harry shrugged.

“I already have nightmares with that face enough times. Do you really think I’d react if you shift?”

Marvolo sighed.

“One of these days you and me need to deal with your Harry’s memories from the future.”

“I don’t want to lose them.” Harry argued.

“That’s not what I said, Evie.” The older amended. “I mean deal with the bad that happened to you
in your memories as Harry. You cannot speak with anyone else about it, so you need to do it with
me so I can be the one helping you through it.”

Harry passed a hand through his hair, before he nodded.

“If you promise to do the same yourself. About your orphanage. A trade for a trade.”

Marvolo smirked and let his features return back into his ‘Tom Riddle’ look.

“Now yes, your Slytherin is showing.”


February Break

Monday, 19 February 1973


Hermione looked at the house that Lord Lestrange and Lawyer Yaxley were leaving her and
Rabastan at.

“We have to go to the orphanage; we don’t know at what time we’ll be ready.” Lord Lestrange
warned and they nodded.

The two adults walked away to apparate from a safe-distance, as Rabastan approached the house
and knocked. Hermione stayed by the front gate of the front garden looking at the house so much
alike her biological parent’s house. Why had she asked to come? What if she said something she
shouldn’t? She didn’t even know them… she…

The door opened and an old man who was obviously a Black opened the door.
“Pleasure, Mr Black. My name is Rabastan Algernon Lestrange, I’ve came with your daughter to
request your permission to date her.”

Hermione stuttered at the way the other went for it right of the bat. Marius Black looked up and his
eyes landed on Hermione.

“Eurydice.” He called and a brunette woman came running, only for her to gasp at seeing
Hermione. She passed past Rabastan and run towards Hermione, pulling her into a motherly hug.
“Lestrange… any relation with Corvus IV?” Marius Black asked.

“My granduncle.” Rabastan agreed.

“He was the one who attacked Meggs alongside a toad-like woman and why we sent her to be
protected by the Black family.” The Squib offered and Hermione hiccupped, holding onto her
surrogate mother.

“My granduncle and Miss Umbridge are dead.” Rabastan added. “Unlike them I studied about the
difference between the Wizardry World and Muggle World. Your daughter is one of the smartest
in the whole school.

“My dad has spent the past decade showing how he is not my granduncle… although I was never
told why he needed to do that until now.”

Hermione’s surrogate father looked at Rabastan for a real long time, then looked at her.

“My sweet miracle, do you like him?” He asked and, shyly, Hermione nodded. “Let’s go inside
then. Mama and Papa want to hear all there is to know, then we’ll consider this young man’s
permission request.”



Harry took his sister to the playground as their adoptive mother was with Marvolo in the
Wizengamot and as Uncle Abraxas and Aunt Genevieve were worrying over Ron’s incoming
birthday and a possible party. It amused Harry to no end how the two had passed from hating Ron,
to make his life the life of a prince.

Émilie waved back from where she was on the top of one of the slide and Harry nodded back. He
ignored the adults as they stared back outraged at the way a young teen was with a kid. He
practically rolled his eyes as he started to see them whispering between themselves as they hid their
mouths with their hands to not be seen.

Harry had just been about to go call his sister for them to return before the adults would realize
they had left without permission, when his Animagus senses smelled powder. As in gunpowder. As

Harry turned around with Émilie by his feet as he heard the ticking sound of a clock, but before he
had time to ponder escaping routes he saw Evan Rosier Jr.. The elder teen was running their way,
so Harry took hold of Émilie and run towards the fellow Wizard. He had just barely arrived the
older when the ticking suddenly stopped.


Evan Jr. didn’t even question, he just took hold of Harry and side-apparated with the three of them
at the same time as the explosion started.

As soon as they found land under them, they were thrown down with the impact of the explosion
that they had left behind.

“Junior?” Harry heard far away as his ears tingled with the explosion sound.

“I’m fine, Father.” Evan Jr. replied and hurried to his feet before he run towards Harry. “Callisto!”

“I’m well.” Harry agreed, although he could only barely hear the other teen before him.

Evan Jr. obviously didn’t believe him, but checked down Émilie on Harry’s arms before he pulled
her out of his arms and started to check Harry, helping him up as he did so.

“What were you doing in that Muggle playground? And with no backup! And…”

“You know I can fight if I need.” Harry gasped out. “I had just felt that something was off and was
about to escape when you arrived and…”

“Your ears are bleeding!” Evan Jr. gasped outraged. “Father!”

“I’ll bring someone right away.” Mr Rosier Sr. agreed. “What did this?”

“Muggle explosion.” Harry replied.

“My Lord…?”

“Wizengamot with my” [mère.] Harry offered. “I’ve gone to that playground several times with
Ron before we entered Hogwarts. There never was an attack before.”

Harry opened his arms and let his sister hold onto him as she cried and as Evan Jr. obviously
worried over Harry’s bleeding ears, while Mr Rosier Sr. went to fetch them a healer. Harry was
just about to zone-off when the room’s door opened and Antonin Dolohov entered. The man
obviously gasped as he realized that it was the Dark Lord’s fiancé who was hurt and hurried to his

“I’ll go to the Ministry of Magic to wait for my Lord and Miss Amphitrite to when they finish
come right here.” Mr Rosier Sr. put in. “Do you need anything, Antonin?”

“How did this happen?”

“I felt a pull on my Oath to keep him alive and arrived barely in time to get him out of a Muggle
explosion strike.” Evan Jr. replied.

“What means that bleeding ears is the least of our problems.” Mr Rosier Sr. snarled. “Sire, I know
you don’t do well with bodyguards, but next time my son might be too late. I beg of you to
reconsider starting to walk with someone with you at full time when you leave. We don’t even
need to be any closer than seven yards away. Just as long as you can see us and we can see you.”

Harry groaned, knowing that after today there was no way Marvolo would even give him the

“Evie.” Émilie begged and Harry sighed, before he nodded at the adults and Mr Rosier Sr. left.

Harry’s ears had finally stopped bleeding and he was drinking a potion under the Healer’s watchful
look when the room’s door opened with strength. Harry’s ears tingled in pain as Evan Jr.
immediately pointed his wand at the incomer.

“You were late for your date to save mine.” Marvolo’s voice said and Harry raised his head,
through the pain of the sound to find Evan Jr. letting the older male in. His fiancé approached with
an obvious groan and glared at the obvious blood. “Antonin, did you take Animagus into

“I wasn’t told of it.” The Healer argued. “Which species?”

“Occamy.” Marvolo supplied as he looked into Harry’s ears. “Junior, were you three sighted
running away?”

“I was pulled towards him through the Oath… I didn’t have time to check if it was safe before I
side-apparated with them away just as the Muggle explosion happened.”

“Evan, send Albert.” Marvolo warned and the Mr Rosier Sr. nodded, leaving again.

Harry’s mother also approached and picked Émilie from Harry.

“Is… is Émilie hurt?” Harry asked.

Marvolo groaned.

“For once in your life… could you worry about yourself?” He demanded harshly and Harry
whimpered at the harsh tone on his ears.

“I already promised your Knights that I’ll let them to bodyguard me from now on. That’s as far as
you get.” He snapped back.

Marvolo massaged his eyebrows.

“I don’t know if to snap at you or if to kiss you.” He snarled under his breath.

“A kiss is less painful for my ears.” Harry replied cheekily and could hear Émilie chuckle as
Marvolo glared up at Harry.

“Amphitrite.” Marvolo said instead and, before Harry could react, he saw his mother move her
body around to turn her back to them. The older approached and pulled Harry’s face up into a kiss.
It was a chaste of lips, nothing much but it was a kiss. “Stop teasing me in front of your mother.”
His lover added as a warning against Harry’s lips, before he stepped back as the Healer returned
and started to check Harry, taking the being an Animagus into account this time around. “How is
Thalassa, Amphitrite?”

Harry’s mother obviously checked Harry’s sister as the Healer checked Harry to understand exactly
which ear nerve had he affected during the explosion.

“Unarm, Kari took the damage onto himself.”

“Did you hear, Evie? Focus on yourself now.”

Sighing, Harry let himself be healed without argument.


Voldemort looked away from the way Antonin was healing the small river of blood that was
falling from one of Evie’s ears. The young Wizard had most likely been focusing on the bomb to
be sure he could escape in time and had ended up hearing the actual bomb as if he was right on top
of it. He looked at the entering group. Albert Runcorn approaching to be able to whisper to him.

“The Muggle who had put the explosion has survived, he saw the whole thing… he is at the Dark

“Was Evie being there an accident?” Voldemort wondered back, but Albert shook his head.

“Anti-transsexuality, if I understood him right.”

Voldemort nodded.

Then the Muggle had been waiting for Evie to return, if only the Muggle knew how the clothes
weren’t Evie’s choice, but because of a natural ability to get pregnant…

Voldemort looked at his fellow men who had obviously been warned of the strike and were now
doing their best to not let it happen a second time. He could see the way two were protecting
Amphitrite and Thalassa while the rest were around the room in define positions for in case, while
still out of Antonin’s way for the healing. All of them had been eager when he had finally found
someone he found worthy to win feelings for, so it didn’t surprise him how his silver squad were
now overreacting after Evie having been hurt.


Chapter End Notes

Since I’ve been with a blank this was all and what I managed to write

Hope you like it

Chapter XL –Peverell’s Bloodline–
Chapter Notes

N er words in this chapter: 1,862




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others

Letter /Journal/Book/Newspaper

Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XL

–Peverell’s Bloodline–

February Break

Monday, 19 February 1973


Harry heard extremely far away as the Healer told his surrogate mother how he couldn’t magic
travel just yet and it was best for him to stay put. The Rosiers had immediately offered to let him
stay so in no time Slippery had popped in before Harry with a change of clothes for him as he was
guided to a guest room.


Tuesday, 20 February 1973

ER Jr.’s POV

Junior woke with the family’s House-elf pulling on it’s ears as it called him awake.

“What is it?” He demanded, hoping it was really important.

“Guest Mistress is having bad dream and magic is all over the room. Healer Dolohov said no

“Callisto’s necklace and ring?” Junior asked.

“Mistress has none.”

Junior frowned. But the bearer Wizard didn’t go anywhere without it since Junior had rescued

“Contact the Dark Lord’s House-elf and tell it what is going on. Until the Dark Lord arrives, I will
see if I can try to bring Callisto’s magic under control.” He ordered and Blinky popped away.

Junior left the bed and pulled a sleeping robe over his nightgown. He left his bedroom’s quarters
and then walked into the guest room where Callisto was asleep. The teenager was trashing on the
bed and his pillow was red from him having reopened his own wounds in his loss of control of his
own magic.

With a sigh, he approached and set a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Only for the unrestrained magic
all over the room to strike at him as one. A pop was heard and he looked, from where he was
pinned to the ceiling, to see the two House-elves appearing with the Dark Lord in his serpentine
looks. The elder looked at him in the ceiling and then at Callisto.

“Slippery, find my Horcruxes that should be with your future Mastress.”

The Dark Lord’s House-elf popped away as Blinky helped Junior out the ceiling.

“Blinky, go call Healer Dolohov. Callisto has reopened his wounds.” Junior ordered and the
House-elf nodded as the Dark Lord restrained Callisto’s magic. “I touched his shoulder to try to use
Magic Touch and he struck at me, Sir.” He offered towards the Dark Lord.

The older looked back, then towards the bearer boy and sighed. He set his free hand over the
youngest’s forehead.

“Legilimens!” He said and entered the nightmare.

Blinky entered with the Healer, who looked at the scene and then back with a questioning look.

“Nightmare made his magic go rampant. When I tried to help he struck me to the ceiling. The Dark
Lord is using Legilimency to try to understand what could have provoked this.” Junior offered and
signalled the red pillow. “He reopened his wounds, which was why my House-elf woke me up.”

The Healer nodded and waited for the Dark Lord to return from what he was doing, then they both
saw Callisto’s eyes blink and the young bearer sat up confused.


“Where’s your jewellery, Evie?” The Dark Lord demanded, not even changing features.

The bearer boy took a hand to his neck and frowned drowsily at not feeling it. He looked down at
his own hand and then up worried.

“I did not take them out!” He argued, scared.

“When was the last time you remember them?”

“I remember your memories in them heating up during the explosion.” Callisto replied.

Memories? Callisto didn’t know what they really were?

The Dark Lord frowned, but snapped his fingers. His House-elf popped in again as it pulled at it’s

“Check with Thalassa.” He ordered.

It nodded and popped out, only to return with the two jewelleries.

“I’ll have to tell her that she cannot steal them from me.” Callisto whispered and accepted them.
“Thanks, Slippery.” As soon as the younger bearer put on the locket his magic went under control.
He then put on his glasses and looked at the other two. “Healer Dolohov?”

“You reopened your wounds, Young Heiress.”

Callisto whined but nodded and the Healer finally stepped forward as the Dark Lord stood and left
with Junior to give the two the room.

“Was I striking him in his sleep?” Junior wondered.

The Dark Lord looked back as they walked to the nearest drawing room to wait and then shook his

“«Death Eaters» were.” He retorted. “What I’ll tell you now you cannot repeat to anyone, not even
your father.” He added and Junior nodded his consent. “Evie has past memories of a male bearer
from the future that was part of Dumbledore’s army and that was struck by «Death Eaters and the
Dark Lord».”

Junior gasped.

“Then his magic knowledge?” He started to ask and the Dark Lord nodded.

“Umbridge had struck him in his future-past life, not this one.” He agreed. “And yet he has the
scars in this life-time.” The Dark Lord sat down on the armchair. “I actually had to visit Megara
Black’s Squib and Muggle parents without anyone’s knowledge and change their memories to
include Miss Umbridge in it so the trio’s future-past wouldn’t be outed.”

Junior hummed and the drawing room’s door opened. Junior looked to find his father.

“Son? My Lord?”

“My apologies, Evan. Evie was having a nightmare and your son had to call me to bring his magic
under control again. Apparently, Thalassa stole Evie’s jewellery last night in an attempt at staying
calm while Evie was being healed. I don’t know if she did it on purpose or if my jewellery’s Dark
Magic called at her.” The Dark Lord added the last part with a groan, Junior understanding that if
it was the last part the Dark Lord would have to teach his Horcruxes to stay under control.


“Is with Evie right now.” The Dark Lord agreed.

“I’ll have your quarters readied then, my Lord.” Father put in. “I’ll go check if Antonin needs me to
send him potions or balms as well, but we all should sleep.”
The Dark Lord stood without argument and left the room, knowing the way to his quarters by now.

“The bearer is perfect for the Dark Lord.” Father added under his breath and Junior snorted. “He
wasn’t always this controlled, Junior. When he was his fiancé’s age if he had an emotional
outburst, we all would feel his magic overpower.”

“Well, last year I was under Callisto’s controlled magic overpower and earlier under his
decontrolled way. I do not want to feel how it would have been if it was the Dark Lord’s Dark
Magic instead.”

“You were under Heiress Peverell’s magic right now?”

“Before our Lord arrived I tried to restrain him.” Junior agreed.

Father sighed.

“I’ll ask Antonin to check you before he leaves.”

“I’m fine, Father.”

“You just had your Oath put into question last afternoon. We both know how much strain they pull
at your Magical Core if you do not do it immediately.”

“I cannot be with Callisto fulltime.” Junior argued.

“I know and I’m not reprimanding you for making the Oath, but you also need to be careful with
your Core after last afternoon’s strain.”

Junior nodded and Father left to go to Callisto’s room. Junior returned to his quarters and sat on his
bed, meditating. He was woken up from his trance when someone entered his room and Healer
Dolohov entered.


“Yes, Sir. Father told me to wait for you.”

His father’s old classmate nodded, approached to check him and then picked his healer bag, opened
it and took a vial.

“Drink up and sleep. In the morning when I’ll come for Heiress Peverell’s check-up I’ll check you
up again to be sure it didn’t leave any splits.”



Harry nodded at his mother when she came.

“Are you better?”

“Yes and no.” He replied and the blonde raised a questioning look. “Ém stole my necklace and ring
yesterday after the strike. I had a nightmare and my courter’s jewellery wasn’t there to restrain

“What means that he is better now, but he got worse during the night.” Mr Rosier Sr. offered and
Mother sighed.
“Has Antonin…?”

“He came right away, he just left from the morning check-up.”

Mother nodded.

“Thank you, Evan.”

“It’s no problem. Just speak with your youngest so she learns not to steal her sibling’s courtship
jewellery. And have Abraxas do a check-up on her bloodline.”

“Why?” Mother asked.

“The ring supposedly only me, Marvolo and the Potters can take out.” Harry explained. “Unless
you did blood-adoption under the table or this shouldn’t be possible.”

Mother looked back with narrowed eyebrows.

“Abraxas only did the check-up for close alive relatives. If Émilie has Peverell bloodline he didn’t

“What means that she can have Peverell bloodline and not know like Father…?” Harry wondered.

Mother nodded back sadly.

“The Potters, for example, if they did the test they wouldn’t show the Peverell bloodline.” She

Harry nodded in thought and then frowned.

“Why only Lord Potter has a child?” He wondered.

“Charlus Potter had a child.” Mr Rosier Sr. argued as he offered Mother a teacup, who nodded
thankfully. “It’s impolite to speak of the dead, but since you are by all means their relative I believe
it is within your right to know. Muggles killed your ‘cousin’ years ago. Dorea Potter never
recovered from it.”

Harry frowned.

“How old was this cousin?” He asked. [Mère?] He added when he wasn’t answered.

“She was off-age.”

Harry narrowed his eyes.

“Go fetch Ém.”


“How many years ago was the death,” [Mère?] He demanded pointedly. “How many more hints do
we need?”

Mother’s eyes grew and then she nodded, leaving.

“If what you believe is true then it would explain why Thalassa looks so much like you.” Marvolo
claimed from his place on the dining table by the side as he ate breakfast and read the newspaper.
“But the Potters will fight the Malfoys over the right to keep her.” He added.

Harry looked back at the man and then again to his own breakfast.

“At what age can an Heir or Heiress claim a Heir for themselves and turn into Lord/Lady?” He
asked instead.

Voldemort looked up from the newspaper and smirked.

“So long as the Legal Guardian of the Heir/Heiress allows it they can do it whenever they want.”
He replied. “But it’s not something you can go back and undo. Once you claim your lordship you
are a Lady. Not to mention the rift it would create between you and the Potter Family because you
would be stealing their grandniece.”

Harry hummed.

—And why did James’ cousin, my dad’s cousin, never tell my grandparents, granduncle and
grandaunt about Ém?— He retorted harshly and Marvolo immediately stared back. —Why would
she hide her? What about her husband? Or boyfriend…—


—You know I’m right!—

Marvolo massaged his eyebrows and then they heard the knock on the door. They looked and saw
Mother enter with Émilie, the girl running to go give Harry a hug.

“Thalassa, what do you remember of your biological parents?” Marvolo asked and the girl looked
back from her place on Harry’s arms.

“I remembew awguing. Then I was bein’ bwough’ to the owphanage in teaws.”

Harry looked at Émilie for a real long time and then up at Marvolo.

“Check her magic.”


“Remember what the Matron said? Ém was found with her magic surrounding her.”

Marvolo frowned confused at where Harry was going with this, but stood and picked his wand. He
moved around the table and approached, leaned down on his heels and only then performed his
spell. Immediately a dark aura surrounded Émilie which struck at the older and only Harry’s own
magic surrounding the girl kept it from harming the older.

“Oh my Salazar.” Voldemort gasped. “Amphitrite, call Antonin now!”


Chapter End Notes

Blinky named by GhostIsReading(AO3)/ghost_is_here(WP) on a poll on my

Facebook group, thanks so much for everyone that participated or that gave ideas for

Chapter XLI –Walrus–
Chapter Notes

Now with Beta: GhostIsReading(AO3)/ghost_is_here(WP)

French Translator: Dodie-ange(FF)/DodieAnge(AO3)

N er words in this chapter: 2,395




{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XLI


Tuesday, 20 February 1973


Evie easily dealt with Thalassa’s magical outburst. It was as if he was used to doing it, as if he had
done it a hundred times before. Antonin arrived and Evie finally released his sister as the Healer
started. Evie approached Voldemort and leaned against his chest with his back. Not asking to be
hugged before his Knights, but still asking for his close contact. Evan Rosier Sr. gave Voldemort a
pointed look, who opened his arms and hugged Evie tightly from behind. When their skin touched
though, he could feel the magic about to burst that his fiancé had absorbed from his adopted

“Amphitrite.” He called and the Witch approached. She placed her hands on the side of the natural
bearer’s neck and took a deep breath. “If you start getting overwhelmed stop.” He warned the
blonde Witch.

“Kari has too much magic. He needs me to get it out.”

“Your son is my Equal magically, Amphitrite.” Voldemort argued. Evan and Antonin startled at his
claim. “I don’t know how powerful your late boyfriend was, but he was obviously more powerful
than you for Evie to have such a powerful Magical Core.”

Amphitrite looked at Evie and then up at Voldemort.

“Well… Kari did apparate out of the Muggle abusive household to the hospital…” she agreed
unsure. “Jacques attended Beauxbatons like myself. He was older so I always took his vast
knowledge and strength of magic as part of his charm.” She added and Voldemort nodded.
“Jacques like Kari didn’t like to show-off. He was quite humble.”

“Good to know who I take after.” Evie gasped as his mother absorbed the extra magic from his
skin. “How’s Ém?”

“Fine, all things considered.” Antonin interjected and approached, causing Amphitrite to stop. He
gently took her hands in his and turned them upwards to look at the palms. “You need to stop
before it starts burning you.” He warned her.

“But Kari…”

Voldemort touched Evie’s skin again.

“Is back to normal.” He argued and the Witch frowned. “As I told you, your son is stronger than
you.” He reprimanded the younger Witch.

Amphitrite blushed. Thalassa approached and moved in between Voldemort’s arms to be against
her brother’s chest.

“Sir, was I right and Ém is an Obscurial?” Evie asked which made Amphitrite gasp, finally
realizing the seriousness of the subject.


Evie massaged his forehead to get rid of the encroaching headache and then looked at his mother.

“You haven’t blood-adopted her, have you?”

“It isn’t legal to do so.” Amphitrite argued.

“Even if it’s a life-or-death situation?” Evie asked and his mother nodded. “What about in other


“Do you want her to die in less than a decade,” [Mère?] Evie snarled at his own mother and only
Voldemort’s arms surrounding both siblings kept their magic from getting out of control, since the
only thing keeping Thalassa in control right now was Evie and if Evie lost control then the toddler
would be quick to follow. “The Obscurus in her will keep growing and one day not even my magic
will be able to restrain it… just ask Professor Dumbledore and Ab about Ariana and what happened
to Kendra Dumbledore!”

Amphitrite looked at Voldemort questioningly.

“I am as surprised as you are.” He said at her inquisitive look.

The blonde Witch massaged her temples for a moment and then sighed.

“It is a Dark potion, Kari.” She then turned to her youngest and tried to reason with the toddler.
“Émilie, it will hurt you if you drink it.”

“Wiww I be weww if I dwink?” Thalassa asked.

“It will give you a chance.” Evie informed her.

Thalassa bit her bottom lip and then looked up.

“Mw Heawew, can you check me?” She asked.

Antonin approached and Voldemort released her so he could fully check her.

“What is it you want me to look for?” He asked her as he looked at the popping in parchment.

“Sistew Evie’ papew says natuwaw beawew.” Thalassa said and Antonin nodded. “What the

Antonin frowned, looking up at Thalassa from the parchment.

“Do you mean the counterpart… the opposite?” Voldemort asked and Thalassa nodded
immediately. “Wait… do you see yourself as…?”


Voldemort suddenly remembered all the toys that Thalassa preferred to play with. The way the
plushies were on an hidden corner. How the gi… child hated to ‘dress-up’.

“Would that show on the paperwork?” He asked Antonin. “The gender that the soul sees itself as.”

Antonin frowned and stored the parchment. He pointed his wand at a chair by the side and turned it
into steps.

“Miss Amphitrite, please climb.” He asked her and the Witch did. “Heiress Peverell.”

Evie stepped forward, climbed to the top like his mother had done previously and once he was on
the top the steps turned into a slide.

“Oh… it’s like the Gryffindor’s girls dormitory stairway?” Evie asked as he stood.

“Yes.” Antonin agreed and showed Thalassa. “That’s the only known test that works.”

The child looked at it and climbed to the top, nothing happened for a few moments just like it had
done to Evie and then it turned into a slide. Thalassa shrieked eagerly, both at the slide and at the
fact it had turned.

“Wait a moment… why does it work on me? Ron is always climbing it in Gryffindor…”

“How do you see yourself as?” Voldemort asked Evie and his young lover looked back with a
raised eyebrow. “Male or Female?” He explained.

“And I gather that there isn’t even a single doubt in your mind about it.” Voldemort added.

“Of course not. You know that.”

“Your friend Veronique obviously learnt to think of himself as more middle area.”

Evie groaned.

“Right… good thing I ended up in Slytherin. I wouldn’t be able to survive in the Gryffindor or
Ravenclaw with the girl’s dormitory stairways.”

“Sire, do you know a place where it is legal to blood-adopt?” Antonin asked as he worked on a
new parchment by the side.

“The closest I know that is legal as long as the Legal Guardians and Family Lords accept it is
Albania.” Voldemort agreed and frowned when he heard Evie choke.

He looked at his younger lover, but he wasn’t drinking or eating anything to have choked on

“Do you want a glass of water, Callisto?” Junior asked.

Evie nodded.

—Seriously? Of all the places, it had to be that one?—

Voldemort stepped forward and grabbed Evie’s face, taking hold of his temples with his fingers
and took a deep breath.

“Focus on me, before you let your visions overpower you.” Voldemort ordered. —Before you let
your past-future-self’s memories overpower you.—

Evie took a deep breath and let himself be restrained, he took the glass of water and, just as he was
about to drink it, stopped. He looked at it and then at Junior questioningly.


Junior frowned and took it back. Voldemort released Evie and picked his wand, checking the liquid
to see if it was harmful.

“Slippery.” He called and the hyper House-elf popped in, only to immediately give Evie a clean
glass that Voldemort proceeded to fill with conjured water. “How goes your search for Wards that
effect House-elves, Evan?”

“I thought I had made some progress, but by the fact that someone drugged my water supply...? It’s
safe to say that I will have to start from the zero again.” Evan argued with a sneer. “Antonin, I
know Sire just checked it but can you check what is it and if any of us was affected?”

Antonin stood and checked the liquid, before he checked all of them.

“None of you drank it. It was probably only directed at Heiress Peverell.” He argued and looked at
Evie. “How could you tell it was potioned?”

“Even though I need glasses to see, I can see microscopic things.” Evie shrugged. “It’s the same
way I can see the moving Snitch even when it is flying at all velocity… even when everyone else
“You could already see it even before you turned into an Animagus?” Antonin asked and Evie
shrugged. “Excuse me the question, Miss Amphitrite. But your late lover…?”

“Had perfect sight.”

—James doesn’t.— Evie whispered and Voldemort struggled not to react to it. “If we are going to
do the blood-adoption on my baby sis-bling… does it work with just one parent?”

The whole group tensed. Amphitrite was single…



Harry climbed down the flying carriage to find himself before a castle in the middle of the forest
with a massive lake and rivers surrounding it. He looked around surprised. Why were they in the
middle of nowhere next to an old ancient castle?

“This way.” Mother said and guided him and Ém inside the old castle, as they passed through the
front doors though it turned into a wizardry village filled with small French-style houses. Harry
looked up at Mother who was tense as she climbed the side road to the second floor of small
houses. Finally she stopped before one of the houses that had a walrus on the door’s crest and
knocked. She took a deep breath and the door opened. [Bonsoir, Monsieur Morse.]

[Amphitrite.] The old man greeted them.

[Voici Callisto Evelyn, mon fils-porteur. Il est l’Héritière de la famille Peverell.]

The old man frowned, took a good look at Harry and then at the blonde woman with a questioning
look, who nodded.

[Laisse-moi te regarder.]

[Monsieur Morse] “is asking to look at you, Kari.” Mother translated for Harry.

Harry stepped forward and let the old man really look at him. Even if Harry still saw himself as
Harry Potter… he also was Kari Peverell. He was this man’s grandson… if the man would accept
him that is…

[Il ne parle pas français?]

[Non. J’ai essayé, mais il n’a jamais réussi à apprendre.]

The old man stepped backward and signalled them to follow him in inside. When he saw Uncle
Abraxas though, he glared at him. Harry looked back to see the blond raise his hands in surrender
and turn around.

“We’ll visit Genevieve’s parents instead. They have been wanting to meet who Lucius chose for a
long time.” He warned and walked away with Aunt Genevieve, Cousin Lucius and a blushing Ron.

Harry entered the house and into the living room to see an old woman, who stood and nodded back
welcoming him in in French.

“Pleasure, I’m Kari Peverell.” Harry introduced himself.

The woman frowned and looked at her husband as he entered as well.

[Peverell?] She asked, pronouncing the R.

[C’est le fils-porteur de notre fils. Les enfants ne parlent pas français, Camille.] The man took a
deep breath and then asked: “Why you ‘ere? It ‘as been too long.” He struggled to say, as if he had
to ponder on each word that he got out but Harry appreciated the fact that he was trying to speak
English for his sake.

“Kari found me when he was 7. I never had the courage to come to tell you, but when they tested
his blood they found he is a Peverell.” Mother said in English, before repeating it in French. The
French couple shared a look, then Mrs Morse stepped forward and raised her hand, taking ahold of
Harry’s. The moment their magic touched it felt like it was dancing.

[On voit ça.] Mr Morse agreed. “Why now?” He struggled to ask.

“This is my adopted child that Kari found in an orphanage being mistreated for being magical. Has
Peverell blood as well.” Mother put in and Mr Morse nodded. “Émilie is an Obscurial.” She
frowned and then added while Ém glared at her. “I’m sorry,” [mon trésor. Jacques-Émile] “is an
Obscurial.” She amended.

Mr Morse translated to his wife, who released Harry and approached Ém, took a good look into the
toddler and then up at Amphitrite.

[Vous voulez l’adopter par le sang?] The silver-haired woman asked and the blonde woman

[C’est Kari qui a suggéré.]

[Mère?] Harry asked.

[Madame] “Morse is asking if we are intending on doing a blood-adoption.” Mother translated.

“Since Tristan ‘ow many?” Mr Morse struggled to ask.

“Tristan?” Harry asked.

“Tristan Jacques.” Mother explained. [Et uniquement votre fils.]

The couple shared looks. Mrs Morse took a hand to her head and took out a hairpin with the
Peverell’s crest. She approached Harry again and at his nod, she gently removed the pins holding
his hair into the elaborate hairstyle that Aunt Genevieve had struggled to wrestle it into only to
replace those pins with that one single hair pin. Despite the change, his hair remained in the style
with only that pin holding it.

[Mon héritière.] She offered kindly and Harry bowed his head thankfully.

At the side of the room, he saw Mr Morse open a drawer from a side-desk and take both a bracelet
and a wristwatch from it with the walrus symbol on them. The man approached Mother and gave
her the bracelet.

[Je ne pourrais jamais accepter ça…] Mother tried to argue, but the man ignored her arguing and
just put the bracelet on her wrist.

[Avant de mourir, Tristan m’avait supplié lui donner le bracelet, pour pouvoir demander votre
main avec. Il voudrait que vous l’ayez.] The man interrupted her and the British Witch started to
cry, accepting it. Then he turned towards Ém and offered him the wristwatch. “If blood-adopt:
Morse ‘eir.” He struggled to say.

“If you do the blood-adoption you will be Heir Morse.” Harry offered.

Ém nodded and offered his wrist, where the wristwatch was put on it being magically readjusted to
the toddler’s size. Harry could see that a


had been inscribed on the inside of the wristwatch. That was his surrogate father’s wristwatch…

There was a knock on the door just as Harry was about to sit down. He looked down the corridor at
the frontdoor as his surrogate grandfather went to check who it was. The moment the door opened
Harry saw Marvolo on the other side.

[Monsieur Jean-Émile Morse?]

[Oui, mais je suis occupé en ce moment. S’il-vous-plaît, revenez un autre jour. Affaires de famille.]
Grandfather started to close the door, but Harry approached and stopped him. [Callisto?] He turned
to see his new grandson.

“This is Marvolo. My fiancé.”

[Je suis fiancé à votre petit-fils.] The Dark Lord corrected the adult in a teenage-body. [Et, oui, je
suis plus âgé qu’Abraxas. Je m’appelle Marvolo.]

Harry raised an eyebrow at Marvolo.

“You speak French?”

“As well as Latin, Spanish, Tosk-Albanian, Czech-Slovakia and British Sign Language. Some
Lithuanian and some Gobbledegook.” The older male generously supplied with amusement as Mr
Morse stared at him with narrowed eyes.

“Is there anything that you can’t do?” Harry demanded to know and barely held himself back from
stomping his foot in irritation. Why was he so good at everything?

“I cannot speak German nor Mermish although I have tried.” Marvolo replied and Harry groaned
loudly as he heard his mother laugh in the living room.


Chapter End Notes

If you read my Pandora’s Spell fic you already know but for the first-time in half a
decade I now have a Beta to read through it and the first one to actually be an English-
speaking and from actual UK to do the beta-reading
Chapter XLII –Marvolo’s True Feelings–
Chapter Notes

French Translator: Dodie-ange(FF)/DodieAnge(AO3)

N er words in this chapter: 2,728





{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

{Talking through Horcrux}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chapter XLII

–Marvolo’s True Feelings–

Tuesday, 20 February 1973


[Et qui êtes-vous?] Harry’s surrogate grandfather demanded to someone behind Marvolo that was
outside the small French home against the first-floor’s corridor’s handrail.

And who are you?

[Je suis le garde du corps de] “Callisto.” Harry looked behind Marvolo to see who it was, only to
find Evan Jr. and blushed, having totally forgotten that the older teen had come with them as he
always did when Harry left the country. “I can stay outside as you all speak.” He added.

I am Callisto’s private bodyguard.

Marvolo nodded back at Evan Jr. and then signalled at Harry’s grandfather.
[Ai-je votre approbation? Puis-je entrer?]

Did I pass your approval? May I enter?

[Nous verrons. Mais pour l’instant oui, vous pouvez entrer.] Grandfather said, before he turned
towards Harry again. “Come,” [Callisto] “we ‘ave lots to talk about. Yourr” [mamie et papi] “want
to know everryzing about you.”

We shall see. But for now yes, you may enter.

mamie and papi

[Mamie] “and” [Papi] “means Grandma and Grandpa.” Marvolo translated for Harry as Harry let
his grandfather guide him back inside and Harry nodded thankfully.

Marvolo entered and closed the door after himself.



Voldemort nodded at the older French Witch when she stood to welcome him in into her living
room, he could see that Evie took after her more than after Monsieur Morse. Probably the Peverell
bloodline was more predominant than the Morse…

[Je suis] “Marvolo Riddle.” [Je suis fiancé à votre petit-fils.] He offered and noticed how
Amphitrite had a new bracelet and was doing her best not to cry while she held it with her opposite
hand, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. [C’était le choix de votre petit-fils en fin de
compte.] Voldemort saw the way Evie’s hair was tied up with a single hairpin jewellery in the form
of a wand and then added: [Je suis le dernier de la lignée de] “Salazar Slytherin” [par ma mère,
ainsi que de celle de] “Cadmus Peverell.” [J’ai donné à] “Evie” [ma bague des] “Peverell” [car il en
est un et n’avait pas de bijoux pour le montrer.]

I am Marvolo Riddle. I am engaged to your grandson.

It was your grandson’s choice in the end.
I am the last bloodline of Salazar Slytherin through my mother, as well as Cadmus
Peverell. I gave my Peverell ring to Evie since he is a Peverell and didn’t have any
jewellery to show it off.

Madame Morse stood, approached Evie and checked his ring, before she nodded.

[Ma famille descend d’Antioch Peverell. J’ai la lignée la plus ancienne et le droit à l’héritage.] She
said back and Voldemort nodded. [Callisto en tant qu’héritière sera la prochaine dans la lignée des

My family comes from Antioch Peverell. I have the oldest bloodline and the right to the
Callisto as my heiress will be the next in the Peverell line.

[C’est sa lignée. Ses décisions. Son choix de la réclamer.] Voldemort bowed his head in
agreement. “Evie” [a mon médaillon avec l’emblème de] “Slytherin” [pour le revendiquer comme
mon fiancé. Il n’est pas un époux trophée à exhiber. Il est mon Égal.]

It is his line. His choices. His claim.

Evie has my Slytherin locket to claim him as my fiancé. He isn’t a trophy spouse for
me to show off. He is my Equal.
[Qu’est-ce qui rend Callisto différent?] Monsieur Morse retorted. [Vous devez avoir beaucoup de

What makes Callisto different?

You must have plenty of suitors.

Amphitrite looked up at him, waiting for his reply.

[Je ne vais pas mentir et vous dire que personne ne s’intéresse à moi.] Voldemort agreed with a nod
of head. [Mais pour tout vous dire, tout a commencé parce qu’]“Evie” [me détestait quand je l’ai
rencontré.] He said truthfully and the elder couple stared back confused. In a: what kind of love
story is this? [Il m’a souri en pensant que j’étais son meilleur ami et (une fois qu’il s’est rendu
compte que c’était moi) Il m’a envoyé un regard si répugné que j’ai voulu le comprendre. Il m’a
intrigué. Ou comme je pensais que les pronoms étaient à l’époque: elle m’intriguait. Et puis… j’ai
osé être faire preuve de misogynie sans même savoir que les porteurs naturels existaient. Il m’a fait
taire. Il avait 7 ans et il me possédait complètement et totalement.

I will not lie and tell you that I don’t have people interested in me.
But to tell you the truth, it all began because Evie hated me when I met him.
He smiled at me thinking I was his best friend and (once he realized it was me) he sent
me such a loath look that made me want to understand him. He intrigued me. Or as I
thought the pronouns were at the time: she intrigued me. And then… I dared to be a
male chauvinist without even knowing that natural bearers were a thing. He shut me
up. He was 7-year-old and he completely and utterly owned me.

[Après cette rencontre, j’ai continué à lui rendre visite, ayant refusé le mariage arrangé. Je prenais
toujours soin de lui comme étant mon Égal. Si nous n’avions pas choisi la voie des fiançailles,]
“Evie” [serait devenu mon héritière.] Voldemort took a deep breath. [Je me suis épris de lui. Il
demande et je fais. Il pleure et je ferai de mon mieux pour faire payer celui qui l’a blessé. Il sourit
et je suis à ses pieds.]

After that meeting I kept visiting him, having refused the arranged wedding. I still took
care of him as my Equal. If we hadn’t gone the engagement route, Evie would have
turned my Heiress.
I fell for him. He asks and I do it. He cries and I’ll do my best to make who hurt him
pay. He smiles at me and I’m at his feet.

[Vous êtes amoureux de lui.] Madame Morse put in knowingly.

You are in-love with him.

Voldemort sighed mentally.

[Oui, c’est bien le mot.]

Yes, that is the word.

“Lord Slytherin” [a été élevé dans un orphelinat, ils lui ont appris à réprimer ses sentiments.]
Amphitrite explained. “Kari” [lui a appris à les exprimer.]

Lord Slytherin was raised in an orphanage, they taught him not to feel love. (actually,
it was translated into repress his feelings)
Kari taught him how to.
“May I know what you adults are talking about me?” Evie asked, finally done with not
understanding them.

“Marrvolo ‘as declarred ‘is feelings forr you.” Monsieur Morse supplied and Evie stuttered. [Oui,]
“zose kind.”


Wednesday, 21 February 1973


Harry held Ém in his arms as the toddler’s magic was almost out of control in a hotel bedroom.
They had just arrived Albania after having spent the night in France, in Brocéliande Forest
(apparently it was commonly called Paimpont Forest by Muggles) and their grandparents’ home in
the Comper Castle (or Château de Comper in French). Ron and the Malfoys stayed in Comper
Castle in the Ambroises’ home and Harry suspected they would stay there the whole week.

Marvolo had left with the Morses and their mother to try to find a ‘legal’ blood-adoption potion.
Evan Rosier Jr. had stayed with the two to bodyguard them. In part Harry felt bad for the other
that each time Harry left England the other would have to follow him for in case something
happened, in other with everything going on the last thing he could think about right now was
worry over that as well.

“Would it help if you take a shower?” Harry asked but Ém whined.

Harry didn’t blame his baby sibling.

The Obscurus within him was growing worse on the moment they had done the full blood-test and
proved that he was the bastard grandchild of Charlus and Dorea Potter. Apparently Ém’s
biological mum had been raped and instead of letting her abort or wed the man she loved, they had
tried to have her wed a ‘good man’ but (like Harry would do if he was in her place) she had run
away refusing to wed someone she didn’t want or know. Because of this Ém’s inner-Creature had
gone ballistic. Suddenly he didn’t know who He was. Until the blood-adoption and someone of
blood to accept him there wasn’t much that could be done. Apparently the Peverell bloodline in the
Potters was not enough for it work. It needed to be someone closer in the bloodline. Sure, Harry
was his close blood-relative thanks to being the future-son of James Potter, but that was confusing
to explain to the poor toddler.

The hotel’s room’s door opened and Harry literally had to hold back the magic from exploding as
Ém’s magic reacted to the sudden sound. Both looked at Marvolo by the door as Evan had
immediately raised his wand at him in attack of who might come, who sighed.

“Come. We found a Healer to do the blood-adoption.” He said and Harry stood with his baby
brother in his arms, not daring to release him. —When the adoption is done you need to go with me
to an empty place and release your magic. You are about to burst.—

Harry looked at the older before he nodded. They left the hotel room and Marvolo walked them all
the way from the hotel into the healer clinic, the man not daring to side-apparate with them with
Ém’s out of control magic. They entered and were guided to a private room where a man was
already taking care of the paperwork alongside Amphitrite and the Morse couple.

“Do you need Marv to translate?” Harry asked and Mother shook her head. “Do I need to sign
“No since the Morses are claiming your brother instead of you as the Morse Heir.” Voldemort
explained. “This way you are not going against the Potters yourself.”

Harry nodded and sat before the desk with his baby brother in his lap. The Healer looked up from
the paperwork he was helping to fill, only to frown. He immediately picked a flask by the side and
gave Mother, who took out her hair and let it fall inside. The Morses then picked each a hair from
their hair, mixed it together and joined it to the flask.

“What will happen when England finds out that we went to Albania to do this?” Harry wondered.

“You are underage, to you nothing.” Voldemort replied as he held onto both Harry and Ém’s back
of necks. “To us adults? We will have to prove the Obscurus and that it will be cured. If this does
not work then we will face jail and lose Thalass… Talasius all in one go.”

“Talasius?” Harry asked.

“Thalassa was the Greek goddess of the sea. Talasius is the Roman god of marriage.” Marvolo
agreed and both Harry and Ém snorted. “Jacques-Émile Talasius Morse.” He said, and signalled
the paperwork with his head. “Actually, I believe that Amphitrite will finally be given the Morse
surname now since the Morses have given her the family bracelet since even if Tristan Jacques is
dead they did already consummate the bond.” Harry frowned confused. “You are the living proof
of it.” He added pointedly and Harry blushed.


The potion flask was offered to Ém who looked at it, at Harry and then picked it, gulping it down.



Voldemort watched as Talasius started to change. The way the child’s body shaped before his very
eyes. If before he looked like Evie, now it was becoming even more obvious.

He looked up at the Morse couple as they watched their grandchildren and respective Heirs.
Almost like they were being given a second chance.

Evie released his shapeshifting sibling and instead leaned against Voldemort’s chest with his back.
Voldemort looked down at his lover, who made him release their necks and instead hug him from


—You’re almost crying, Voldemort. Just hug me and use me as a scapegoat to regain your
composure.— Evie whispered barely a sound.

Voldemort frowned and then he realized his eyes were watery again. By Salazar… he hugged his
lover close and set his face on the younger’s hair. This was hardly the time and space to lose
control of his emotions. Since he realized that Evie was a Horcrux that this kept happening…


End of school break

Sunday, 25 February 1973


Having arrived England, they had been immediately brought to the Ministry of Magic’s law
department. The Morse couple that had come with them to England to meet their home and living
arrangements after they had spent the whole week and weekend at their place, immediately started
raking the Aurors over the coals. The Aurors, Professor Dumbledore and the Potters had stayed
frozen on their place as the French couple kept giving them a run for their money in French.
Voldemort, who had been by Harry’s side, had a smirk on the corner of his lips and leaned down to
whisper to Harry:

“I see who you take after.”

Harry blushed, as the Aurors tried to justify why the potion was illegal.

“Are you saying that I should have just let my sibling die?” Harry snapped at the elder man. The
Aurors turned to argue, but Harry pointed at Professor Dumbledore. “Ask him what happened to
his sister! Ask him how his mother died! Who killed her!”

The entire group frowned and turned on Professor Dumbledore, who was looking at Harry

“She should have been sent to us!” The Potters argued. “We…”

“With all due respect, Lord Potter…” Harry started. “I love your son and see him as a friend and as
family.” He said and Marvolo held his shoulder to hold him back, probably thinking he was being
overpowered by his past memories again. “If I was living in your house, was raped and was then
forced to wed to hide what happened to me? I would have refused my family name like Ém’s
biological mother did.

“To refuse her the right of an abortion? And even try to force her to wed a complete stranger and
hope the pregnancy wouldn’t be found out? No wonder Ém turned into an Obscurial!”

“You have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Don’t I? Marv, tell Lord Potter what was the first thing I told you when we met and my uncle
wanted to engage me to you without my approval!”

“Evie…” Voldemort started to argue, but Harry glared up at him. “You threatened that if you
would be forced to wed a man against your approval and ‘sleep’ with him that you would rather go
to the streets and refuse your name.” He finally agreed. “You were 7 and already knew what
intercourse and rape was.”

The Potters frowned.

“You are engaged.” Lord Fleamont Potter argued.

“But it was my choice, not another’s person’s choice.” Harry said with a shrug. “And just so you
know: my baby sibling is He Him, not She Her.” He added and the Potters frowned. “Ém comes
from Jacques-Émile Talasius.”

“Émilie Thalassa is a female name.”

[Je m’appelle Jean-Émile Morse!] Harry’s surrogate grandfather argued with Harry’s biological
grandfather. [Jacques-Émile porte le nom de mon fils décédé et le mien!] He added harshly and the
once brunet Potter stepped away at the sheer loath in the other’s voice.
My name is Jean-Émile Morse!
Jacques-Émile has the name of my deceased son and mine!

Harry watched as the Aurors finally accepted the Healer documents that proved that Ém had been
an Obscurus and that now was healed. When the Aurors even so started to argue against, an elder
Auror entered with another man walking behind him. This stranger man totally ignored the
suddenly tensing Aurors and approached Harry and Ém’s location. He nodded once at Marvolo and
Evan since they were right beside the duo, before lowering down on one knee before Ém.

“May I?” The stranger asked.

In reply, Ém hid behind Harry.

“Do what?” Harry asked.

“My name is Newt Scamander. I’m a Magizoologist.” He said. “I study Magical Creatures.” He

“You wrote the book.” Harry put in and Mr Scamander nodded. He looked over his shoulder at his
baby sibling. “It’s okay.”


“Do you want Mr Scamander to do the check on me first?” Harry proposed and Ém nodded shyly.

He turned again towards the elder man to ask if it was possible, who nodded before Harry could’ve
pop out the question. Harry was hit with a spell what made his silver magic leave him and danced
around him, before being returned inside by a single thread of pure-black magic that came from
Harry almost like to prompt the rest of his magic to stay under control.

“See? Nothing to be afraid.” Mr Scamander offered.

Unsure, Ém left his hiding location and stepped before Mr Scamander.

“No pain?”

“Not even if you give positive for Obscurus.” Mr Scamander said soothingly and Ém agreed. The
spell was done again, only this time it was on the toddler and the magic was dark-grey almost but
not yet black as it moved around Ém, and danced around them before it finally went back inside
without needing prompting like Harry’s had needed. “See? Nothing to be afraid.” He offered and
Ém nodded. “You can relax as well, you were an Obscurus but it has been dealt with.”

Ém breathed relieved, before running away and towards Mother eagerly, who picked him up.
Harry looked at Mr Scamander who was instead staring at Harry uncertain.

“My magic shouldn’t have danced as well, should it?” He asked quietly so only the three adults
beside him could hear him and immediately Evan looked back surprised.

“You were on the limit.” The elder man agreed.

“I was taught magic didn’t exist as a child.” Harry shrugged. “My Muggles knew though and made
sure to tell me more times than not that I wasn’t welcomed and that magic didn’t exist.”

Mr Scamander nodded sadly, before he stood and finally faced the Aurors.

“If Young Morse hadn’t done the blood-adoption he would have died within the decade.” He said.
“I see why my brother called me to Europe urgently. Honestly, Professor Dumbledore, I expected
better from you!” He added.


Harry narrowed his eyes and stepped forward, but Voldemort was faster and spelled the Magic
Words away. Harry looked back at his lover, who looked right back.

“Mr Scamander, I would like to speak with you to see the extreme of my fiancé’s brother and how
to not provoke an awakening again.” Voldemort said in a way not to out that it was for Harry’s sake
and not for Ém that was apparently fully-healed.

“Of course, Mr…?”

“Professor T. Marvolo Riddle, Heir Slytherin.” Marvolo supplied.

“Most students just call him Professor Slytherin.” Harry offered and Mr Scamander nodded.

“What about you?”

“I call my fiancé: Marv.”

“Unless in class.” Marvolo amended pointedly and Harry shrugged.

“Except in class where I have to overwork to be able to get the same school grading as my
classmates.” He said in mock-agreement with a roll of eyes. “Where if I dare to breath out of tone I
get a grounding.” He added and Evan Jr. laughed.


Chapter End Notes

Posted without a Beta except for the French translations so I can post something on
the Friday 13


End Notes
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