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Radar System Engineering Lab 4 6th Term 09TL

Students Name: KAMRAN GHANI Group: A Score: _______ Date of Submission: 23-9-2011 _____________ Roll no: 09TL153 Teachers Signature:


Objective: To become familiar with the integration improvement factor.

DISCUSSION We have so far established that integration of echo pulses is required to increase the Signal-to-Noise ratio at the receiver and that the best method would be to integrate the pulses coherently i.e. with complete phase & timing information. However, this would require extra circuitry and Phase detector, which would increase the cost of the radar. An alternate approach is to implement non-coherent integration, which we know is not efficient when compared to coherent integration. However, using some statistical relations, improvements can be made to the final output of the non-coherent integrator. The two statistical relations that we need to consider are; a) the probability of detection (Pd) i.e. the probability that the received signal plus the additive noise will cross the detection threshold and a target is detected, and b) the probability of false alarm (Pfa) i.e. the probability that a weaker received signal plus the additive noise will cross the detection threshold and target is assumed to be present (even though it is not!) Improvement Factor Denote the SNR that is required to achieve a specific PD, given a particular Pfa, when np pulses are integrated non-coherently by (SNR)NCI. Since the single pulse SNR, (SNR) single , is less than (SNR)NCI, therefore

Where I(np)is called the integration improvement factor. An empirically derived expression for the improvement factor that is accurate within is 0.8 dB was developed by Peebles in his book Radar Principles, which is given as,

LAB TASK(s): Lab Task 1: Create a Matlab function for the above equation Lab Task 2: Create a Matlab script file, which compares the improvement in SNR with the following values:
Number Pulses of Probability detection Pd1 = 0.5 1 to 5000 Pd2 = 0.8 Pd3 = 0.95 of Probability of alarm Pfa1 = 10-2 Pfa2 = 10-6 Pfa3 = 10-10 false

Comparison is supposed to be by graph. Take the plots of all values in the same graph, add relevant information so that the graph can be explained. The single pulse snr can be calculated using the function file developed in Lab 2, where range (km), this time a scalar, should be chosen as the roll number of the student (student with roll nos less than 25 can add a 100 to their roll numbers) Lab Task 3: Write a Matlab program to compare by plot Integration Improvement Factor against Number of Pulses. (Use same values as chosen in Lab Task 2) Lab Task 4: Explain the graphs in your own words. Lab Task 5: Reading the graphs, discuss what can be the optimal number of pulses used for integration? Lab Task 6: Answer the following questions: (i) What can be the potential drawbacks of pulse integration, apart from increased complexity? (ii) What is meant by false alarm? Why does it occur? (iii) What is the difference between the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm?

Organize your Matlab programs, plots and submit them

Lab Task 1: Create a Matlab function for the above equation function[improvement]=improvementfactor(pd,pfa,np) improvement=6.79*(1+0.235*pd).*(1+log10(1./pfa)/46.6).*log10(np).*(10.140*log10(np)+0.018310*log10(np.^2)); Lab Task 2: Create a Matlab script file, which compares the improvement in SNR with the following values:
Number Pulses of Probability detection Pd1 = 0.5 1 to 5000 Pd2 = 0.8 Pd3 = 0.95 of Probability of false alarm Pfa1 = 10-2 Pfa2 = 10-6 Pfa3 = 10-10

Comparison is supposed to be by graph. Take the plots of all values in the same graph, add relevant information so that the graph can be explained. The single pulse snr can be calculated using the function file developed in Lab 2, where range (km), this time a scalar, should be chosen as the roll number of the student (student with roll nos less than 25 can add a 100 to their roll numbers) np=1:5000; pd1=0.5; pd2=0.8; pd3=0.95; pfa1=10e-2; pfa2=10e-6; pfa3=10e-10; pt=1.5e6;sigma=0.1;lamda=0.536 t=290;b=5e6;FN=3;r=71e3;G=20; s1=improvementfactor(pd1,pfa1,np); snrsingle=radarrangeeq(pt,G,sigma,lamda,t,b,FN,r); snci1=s1+snrsingle; s2=improvementfactor(pd2,pfa2,np); snci2=s2+snrsingle; s3=improvementfactor(pd3,pfa3,np); snci3=s3+snrsingle;

semilogx(np,snci1,'k',np,snci2,'k',np,snci3,'k') xlabel('No:Of Pulses') ylabel('SNR In db') title('KAMRAN GHANI(09TL153')grid



30 SNR In db

Pd3=0.95 pfa3=10e10 Pd2=0.8 pfa2=10e6 Pd1=0.5 pfa1=10e2




10 0 10


10 No:Of Pulses



Lab Task 3: Write a Matlab program to compare by plot Integration Improvement Factor against Number of Pulses. (Use same values as chosen in Lab Task 2) np=1:5000; pd=0.5;pfa=10e2;
K A M R A N G H A N I(0 9 T L 1 5 3 25


Improvement Factor



0 0 10


10 N o : O f P u ls e s



s=improvementfactor(pd,pfa,np); semilogx(np,s,'k') hold on

title('KAMRAN GHANI(09TL153')

pd=0.8;pfa=10e-6; s=improvementfactor(pd,pfa,np); semilogx(np,s,'k') hold on pd=0.95; pfa=10e-10; s=improvementfactor(pd,pfa,np); semilogx(np,s,'k') xlabel('No: Of Pulses') ylabel('Improvement Factor') grid Lab Task 4: Explain the graphs in your own words. Ans: In the lab task 3 we have plotted the improvement factor in which we have taken different values of pd and pfa probablity of detection and false alaram respectively. As shown in lab task 3 graph from bottom to top when we are increasing the value of pd and decreasing the value of pfa one by one there is an improvent of SNR and it was the basically the objective of this task that how we improve SNR. Before explaining the lab task 2 first we will discuss little about lab 3 as in lab 3 we performed coherent and non-coherent integeration and we observed that coherent integration given us better SNR as compared to non-coherent integration but practically we do not perform coherent integration and perform non-coherent integration so in order to fulfil requirement of better SNR in non-coherent integration we include improvement factor. As shown in graph of lab task2 by including improvement factor we are getting improvement in SNR of non-cohernt integraton. Lab Task 5: Reading the graphs, discuss what can be the optimal number of pulses used for integration? Ans: As we know that increasing no: of pulses cause increase in snr in my view optimal number of pulses are 500 to 1000 because in order to improve snr in radar we need not only number of pulses but there are many other factors by which we can improve snr. Lab Task 6: Answer the following questions:

(i)What can be the potential drawbacks of pulse integration, apart from increased complexity? Ans: Extra circuitry and Phase detector, which would increase the cost of the radar. (ii) What is meant by false alarm? Why does it occur? Ans: When threshold level is low then noise or clutter signal cross the threshold level and we consider it as a target but it is actually the unwanted signal and we called such type of activity as false alarm. (iii)What is the difference between the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm? Ans: Probablity of detection means how much chances are there that radar may detect the target while during the searching of desired targets and probability of false alarm means that how much chances of occurring false alarm.

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