OOW (Unlimited) Orals Report - 2024-03 - Ali - Pass

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Oral report

Exam date: 26.03.24

Examiner: Kaiser Ali
Result: Pass

Logged on: 0845

Exam ended: 1030

Logged on early. Examiner joined the call about 0850. He was very friendly and introduced himself and
went through the exam process and guidelines. He asked about the weather and then asked what my last ship
was, Type, flag, where we operated, no. of pax and crew, if we were fully ECDIS Ect
He was a very fair examiner and if he was looking for something specifically he would ask and would move
on from topics pretty quick.

He started recording the exam and said that the exam has started.

• Asked what were the correctable errors of the sextant? He just wanted the name of them.
• Then asked how you would correct for side error and where on the arc the arm should be?
• What is masons hygrometer? How would you use it and what for?

• Started on the COLREG and buoyage

• Asked which rules apply in restricted vis
• What is rule 5? He just wanted an explanation in my own word
• What is rule 6?
• Asked me which vessels can enter a separation zone in a TSS
• The asked me to write it down because he only wanted the type, under way/making way, day
shape and fog signal.
• Can’t remember them all, he did quiet a few but we got through them pretty quickly and he
moved on.
• Fishing
• Sailing
• Vessel aground, he said straight away it was over 100m
• He asked for the additional signal it could sound
• Then put me on a CBD and had a Ram crossing on my port side
• CBD with a fishing vessel crossing port side
• Asked me what the flag was for a vessel shooting nets
• Moved onto buoyage and asked me the light and top mark and what they were for.
• Emergency wreck marking
• Port lateral
• Isolated danger
• Heading 180 with a west cardinal on my port side and an east cardinal on my starboard side and
my action
• Then had a buoy channel with port lateral, starboard lateral, preferred to stbd and an south

• Asked me about the precision aneroid barometer. What it’s used for and what corrections you
would apply. I said HOE and he said do you add or subtract this?
• He then asked me about passage planning, started going through APEM. But stopped me during
the charts section
• Asked me how I would know If my charts were up to date
• Safety counter and safety depth
• Asked me about VDR, how you knew it was working
• BNWAS asked to me tell him about it
• AIS errors and limitations
• GPS errors and limitations
• How you you check your gyro?
• How would you check your magnetic compass (was looking for the like general condition and
check the compass card and liquid clear act)
• What’s variation and deviation. Where would you find these
• Asked about the deviation card, I mentioned this earlier and then he asked what was on the back)
• Asked how you would set up a radar
• What’s sea stabilised and ground stabilised
• Then wanted how you’d set it up for collision avoidance and coastal. Wanted the heading, vectors
and stabilisation. Juts wanted few word answers
• How would adjust and check your auto pilot
• How would you change from auto pilot to hand steering.
• What’s the role of the lookout
• Gyro failure actions
• Lookout take the steering and tests with a little to port and stbd but doesn’t get any response.
• Asked me about the role of the safety officer, who needs one
• Then asked me about risk assessments and permits
• Went through enclosed space entry, moved on after I got to testing the atmosphere
• Asked me how I would perform BA checks on a SCBA
• About me about MLC, want on to talk about SEA and he moved me on
• Wanted the certification and how long they are valid for.
• Asked me about MARPOL annex 1 documentation, started going into detail and he moved on
• Annex 5 certification and documentation
• Asked me about garbage placards
• Also asked for how long the certificate was valid for
• Asked about ISPS, what’s a Declaration of security
• What are the marsec levels
• Asked about stability , asked what p force was and when the critical period was
• Asked if a big or small trim would make it worse
• Asked about the no. of lifejackets onboard
• How many are you required for infants
• How many life buoys do you need to carry

I think that was everything….. he asked a lot of questions and we covered a lot but he did move me
on pretty quickly. If he was looking for something in particular he would just ask and if he needed
more info he would ask if I could say anything else but mostly he wanted short answers.

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