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Certificate of Analysis

Product Name: Metformin hydrochloride

Catalog Number: M2049
CAS Number: 1115-70-4

Physical and Chemical Properties

Formula: C4H11N5.HCl
Molecular Weight: 165.62
Solubility: Water ≥ 30 mg/mL
Storage: 2-8°C, protect from light, dry, sealed

Chemical Structure:

Analytical Data

QC Standard: 99.82%
H-NMR: Consistent with structure

Product Information

Metformin HCl is a biguanide inhibitor that reduces blood glucose mainly by inhibiting hepatic
glycogen production (hepatic gluconeogenesis), while Metformin is a CD47 inhibitor in vitro.

Information concerning product stability, particularly in solution, has rarely been reported and
in most cases we can only offer a general guide.
Stability and Solubility Advice: We recommend that stock solutions, once prepared, are stored aliquoted in tightly sealed
vials and used within 1 month. Avoid repeated freeze and thaw cycles. Storage conditions for
some special products should refer to their storage details.

AbMole BioScience Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.

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