OpenText Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

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OpenText™ Content Suite Platform

Release Notes
CE 21.4

Product Released: January 2021

Release Notes Revised: January 2021


1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Release Notes revision history .................................................................................................. 4

2 About Content Suite Platform ....................................................................................................... 5

2.1 About Release Numbers ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Components and New Features of Release CE 21.4 ............................................................... 8
Compound Documents ................................................................................................. 8
Large file upload ........................................................................................................... 8
Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite (add-on for OpenText Viewing) .......................... 8
Business Workspaces .................................................................................................. 9
Perspectives ................................................................................................................. 9
Classifications ............................................................................................................. 10
Records Management ................................................................................................ 10
Physical Objects ......................................................................................................... 11
Content Server Applications ....................................................................................... 11
WebReports ................................................................................................................ 11
Intelligent Filing ........................................................................................................... 12
Administration ............................................................................................................. 12
Search ........................................................................................................................ 12
Signature Integrations ................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Discontinued and Deprecated Features .................................................................................. 13
2.4 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) .......................................................................... 14

3 Packaging and documentation ................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Packaging and delivery information ........................................................................................ 14
3.1 Note on the End User License Agreement .............................................................................. 16
Usage of Searchable PDF DocTool ............................................................................ 16
3.2 Related documentation ............................................................................................................ 16

4 Supported environments and compatibility .............................................................................. 17

4.1 Platform Compatibility .............................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Mobile Platform Matrix ............................................................................................................. 17
4.3 Enterprise Connect and Office Editor Features Support ......................................................... 18
4.4 Client Platform Support ........................................................................................................... 19

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.5 Application Server Support ...................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Content Server Java Support .................................................................................................. 20
4.7 Web Server Support ................................................................................................................ 21
Web Server Support Notes ......................................................................................... 21
4.8 Server Platform Support Matrix ............................................................................................... 22
Storage System Support Notes .................................................................................. 24
Database Support Notes ............................................................................................ 24
4.9 Virtualization Support .............................................................................................................. 25
4.10 Kubernetes .............................................................................................................................. 26
4.11 Microsoft Office Integration Support ........................................................................................ 27
4.12 Microsoft Office File Format Support ....................................................................................... 28
4.13 Document Filters Format Support ........................................................................................... 29
4.14 OpenText product compatibility ............................................................................................... 30
4.15 Language support .................................................................................................................... 31

5 Installation and upgrade notes ................................................................................................... 32

Docker images upgrades on Kubernetes ................................................................... 32
Perspective conversion .............................................................................................. 32
Secrets management ................................................................................................. 33
6.1 My Support review ................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Install Critical Patches ............................................................................................................. 34
6.3 Content Server Configuration File Changes ............................................................................ 35
6.4 Hotfixes .................................................................................................................................... 43

9 Contact information ..................................................................................................................... 47

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

1 Introduction
These Release Notes provide an overview of Content Suite Platform CE 21.4, including new features,
delivery information, and supported platforms. OpenText recommends that you read these Release
Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with the software package. If any conflicts exist,
the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.

We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support ( for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.

1.1 Release Notes revision history

Revision date Sections revised Description of revisions

2021-07-01 First release. All new content.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

2 About Content Suite Platform
OpenText Content Suite Platform, the foundation for OpenText Enterprise Information Management
(EIM) offerings, is a comprehensive Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system designed to
manage the flow of information from capture through archiving and disposition. Content Suite Platform
ensures agile information governance to address an increasingly complex and dynamic regulatory
landscape, as well as the rapid growth of business information. The Content Suite Platform reduces
risk while allowing organizations to focus on using information to drive strategic growth and

OpenText Content Suite Platform includes:

• Content Server for highly scalable document management

• Rich multilingual metadata capabilities providing a foundation for robust governance, search,
and relationships between content and business processes
• Smart View for a simple graphical user experience, with role-based views for desktop or
• Business Workspaces to align content to business needs while ensuring metadata, roles,
tasks, Records Management, and permissions are consistently and effortlessly applied in the
• Embedded collaboration with features such as in-line commenting, wikis and activity feeds,
delivered in context with the work at hand
• Enterprise Scan to capture, index, and classify content, transforming physical records into
valuable digital assets
• Enterprise Connect for seamless interaction with content directly from applications such as
Microsoft® Office, Microsoft® Office Online, and Adobe® Acrobat® (extra licenses may be
required for some integrations)
• External sharing with enterprise-grade, secure file synchronization and share (extra licenses
may be required)
• Records Management to control the lifecycle of all electronic and physical content
• Security Clearance to create an extra permission layer for highly sensitive or confidential
• Archive Center for intelligent archiving and storage optimization
• Development tools to rapidly create, deploy, and manage enterprise applications

OpenText Content Suite Platform is available in three different ways:

Off cloud
OpenText Content Suite Platform – with a perpetual license model, deployed in a customer or
partner data center, managed by customers, partners or OpenText Professional Services.

Public cloud
OpenText Content Suite Platform – with a perpetual license model, deployed on a hyperscaler
cloud infrastructure, and managed by customers, partners, or OpenText Professional Services.

Managed services
OpenText Content Suite Platform Cloud – A single tenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering
with subscription pricing and a single SLA covering application and infrastructure, deployed and
managed by OpenText.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

OpenText Content Suite Platform is the foundation:

For OpenText Enterprise Information Management (EIM) offerings, and a broad range of OpenText
products that extend Content Services to business processes, including:
o OpenText Extended ECM Platform
o OpenText Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions
o OpenText Extended ECM for SAP® SuccessFactors
o OpenText Extended ECM for Salesforce®
o OpenText Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office® 365
o OpenText Extended ECM for Oracle® E-Business Suite
o OpenText Extended ECM for Engineering
o OpenText Extended ECM for Government
o OpenText Extended ECM for AppWorks
o OpenText Office Online Broker

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

2.1 About Release Numbers
OpenText issues cumulative updates to OpenText Content Suite Platform on a quarterly basis, with
timing aligned to the release of. These updates incorporate new features, security fixes and
enhancements, performance optimizations and defect corrections.

Important: The change in the numbering scheme from 16.2.x, 20+ to 21.X does NOT indicate an
elevated level of change, risk, or complexity for applying an update. Content Server follows a
Continuous Improvement delivery model, and each update represents a few months of improvement.
The release number is determined by marketing objectives and does not indicate any technology

Scheduled Date 16.2+
2018 March 16.2.4 16 EP4
2018 June 16.2.5 16 EP4
2018 September 16.2.6 16 EP5
2018 December 16.2.7 16 EP5
2019 March 16.2.8 16 EP6
2019 June 16.2.9 16 EP6
2019 September 16.2.10 16 EP7
2019 December 16.2.11 16 EP7
2020 April 20.2 CE 20.2
2020 July 20.3 CE 20.3
2020 October 20.4 CE 20.4
2021 January 21.1 CE 21.1
2021 April 21.2 CE 21.2
2021 July 21.3 CE 21.3
2021 October 21.4 CE 21.4

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

2.2 Components and New Features of Release CE 21.4
Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 includes the following new features. For general information, visit the
product overview website OpenText Content Suite Platform.

Content Server Security Fixes, Fixes of Note and New Features can be
reviewed in the OpenText Content Server Release Notes List in
OpenText My Support.

Compound Documents
Added Compound Documents support in Smart View. Compound Documents is an effective way to
organize complex documents in a logical and sequential order with the ability to create revisions and
versions as users collaborate on them in Content Server.

For more information visit Compound Documents in Smart View

Large file upload

It is now possible to upload large files to Content Server using the Smart View or Classic View by
breaking up large file into chunks and reassembling them on Content Server – bypassing web server

For more information visit Large File Upload.

Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite (add-on for OpenText Viewing)

Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite is a premium add-on to OpenText Viewing. In this release,
Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite introduces Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and annotation
support for Transformations, In-Place Viewing support for Graphical and Text Compare modes, and
enhanced user notifications for Multi-File Viewing.

• Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Transformations: Users are now able to
perform OCR on documents when publishing to PDF with Intelligent Viewing Transformations.
Documents that are added to a repository by scanning are typically in an image format. This
means that any value of the text content present on the documents is lost other than through
manual viewing. By providing an option for OCR during document conversion users can
easily extract the text content for text search, indexing, redaction, and other purposes.

• Annotations and Redactions with Transformations: Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite -
Transformations allows for the bulk conversion of documents within Content Suite. With the
new option of including viewer-created annotations and redactions when converting users will
no longer need to view and publish documents on an individual basis to finalize markup

• In-Place Viewing support for Graphical and Text Compare modes: In-Place Viewing
offers an intelligent and responsive viewing experience for Content Suite users. The viewer

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

can easily be expanded to a full-screen mode or interactively adjusted to a preferred custom
size. Intelligent Viewing for Content Suite users can now initiate Graphical and Text Compare
sessions between two documents as part of the In-Place Viewing experience.

• Enhanced Multi-File View Notifications: When selecting multiple documents on an

individual or container-level for a Multi-File Viewing session users will now be presented with
a notification for any files that were not included. Users can then choose to cancel the session
or continue without the excluded content. Typical reasons for exclusion are unsupported
formats or publishing errors.

Business Workspaces Connected Workspace is renamed to Business Workspaces

To make it easier to understand and avoid confusion, the term “Connected Workspace” is no longer
used. Starting in 21.4 the term “Business Workspace” is always used. From a technical perspective
“Connected Workspace” is the same as “Business Workspace”. Create Business Workspaces from any place in Smart View

To efficiently file documents for new Business Workspaces users can now easily create Business
Workspaces at the landing page, departmental page or any other place in Smart View. Click the new
‘Create Business Workspace’ action at the top, select the right template and enter mandatory data. If
Extended ECM Platform is installed, you can even create a Business Workspace for a business
object in a business application.

Visit the Online Guide for more information. Navigate back to the previous location in Web UI

Easily navigate back to the previous location, a search, or any page by using the navigate back link
above the Business Workspace. The breadcrumb above the header is now replaced by the navigate
back link.

Visit the Online Guide for more information. Migrate to Business Workspaces

You can now migrate Communities and Contract Files to Business Workspaces to start your journey
with Extended ECM.

Perspectives Landing Page Perspective Layout

The Left – Center – Right layout is now available for Landing Page Perspectives. Some organizations
prefer this layout for perspectives such as department landing pages.

For more information about Perspective layouts, see Perspective Manager – Choose a Layout.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

9 Transporting Perspectives

Perspectives transport now permits optional widget mode dependencies. You can now remove
widgets during transport since some Perspectives may include workspace widgets that are not
needed in the target system.

Perspectives transport now supports links to workspaces not found in the target system. The
configuration data is maintained but not active. The links to workspaces maybe be part of a different
solution accelerator yet to be transported.

For more information, see Business Workspaces Administration: Transporting the configuration.

Classifications Classifications Smart View Widget

The new Classifications Smart View widget can be used to access the Classifications Workspace
from a Perspective tile. Click the Classifications tile to access the Classifications Workspace. Many
users work with Classified documents and the Classification widget can be added to role-based
Perspectives and Landing Pages to provide quick access to work with classified content.
To learn more, visit Add the Classifications Workspace widget to Smart View. Classification File Numbers

Classifications in different Classification Trees with the same file number are now supported. This is
important when transporting Classifications with the same file number.

Records Management Hold Management in Smart View

Legal holds are a valuable information governance feature to maintain content during eDiscovery and
prevent data loss. A new Hold Management Smart View widget can be used to access Holds from a
Perspective in Smart View. Expand the Hold Management tile to:

• Display Hold Groups and Holds

• Access and edit a Hold’s Properties
• Suspend and reactivate Holds

Suspending a Hold removes the Hold from the related items, but the Hold metadata is maintained on
the items’ properties as inactive. Reactivating a Hold quickly reapplies the Hold to all the related items
with just one click.

To learn more about Hold Management in Smart View, visit Add the Hold Management Widget. Exporting Hold Contents

MIME type metadata is now included when exporting Hold content. When a document extension is
not included in the name of the document knowing the MIME type helps determine the file format.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

10 Dispositioning Actions

There is now an audit event for the Perform Actions function when dispositioning records. Auditing
the Perform Actions function is important for regulatory requirements.

A new system setting has been added to permit records to be marked official even when
renditioning fails during dispositioning. Some organizations want the records to be marked official
even if a PDF is not generated for the record.

To learn more, visit Changing Disposition Settings.

Physical Objects
Users can now create multiple Physical Items in Smart View with one add action. This greatly
improves efficiency when creating multiple items.

For more information, see Add a Physical Item.

The Physical Objects system settings framework has been updated to ensure accessibility and better
Content Server Applications
Content Server Applications now include logging to help debug applications that use this feature.
Internal teams and partners can use Content Server Applications to add and upgrade their custom
WebReports applications to Content Server.

For more information, see Accessing Content Server Logs.

WebReports New WebReports Subtags

There are two new WebReport Subtags to log System Monitoring events:
• LOGFAULT subtag can be used to raise a fault.
• ONERROR subtag has been updated to allow it to raise a fault.
Both subtags can raise either a system fault or a business fault and allow you to set the severity level
of the fault. Developers can use these new subtags to log their own system events or business
events, such as a failure of a particular tag execution. WebReports Global Constant Inheritance

In a WebReport, Developers can set another WebReport as a global source of Constants. This results
in several levels of nested WebReports inheriting these Constants even though some of these
WebReports may specify their own local Constants. Further, a global Constant with the same name
as a local Constant may cause confusion over operational priority. To create more transparent
behavior and to better organize complex/modular WebReport solutions, a local Constant will now
always indicate if it has overwritten an inherited global Constant. In the event of an override, an
asterisk appears after the name of the Constant in a ReportView and a new icon appears on the
Constants tab to provide an informational tooltip.

For more information, see WebReports Sub-tag Builder.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Intelligent Filing
The default sort order of the Intelligent Filing Widget now sorts by descending modified date so that
the most recently added item appears at the top of the folder.
To help debug documents that failed to be filed, the System Monitoring message now includes more
information. When a document fails to file because the confidence level is too low the message now
includes the following details to help assess the cause:

• the minimum threshold value

• the highest confidence value of the document
• the classification of the document.

Visit Working in the Intelligent Filing Folder for more information.

A new Indexing Document Conversion Admin page under Search Administration section was
created for configuring indexing document conversion. Logging settings (Log Level and Location) are
added to this page. Any changes on this page requires a restart of all the indexing document
conversion processes.

Manage Admin Server password was moved from the Admin Server General tab to a new page. It
can be accessed from the function menu of the Admin Server. If the Admin Server password stored in
the database and the one managed by the Admin Server become out of sync it is now possible to
change the password stored in the database only.

Install Modules page has been redesigned to reduce confusion. The standard modules are moved
to a separate section and the version number column is removed. The standard module names like
“Content Server Comments” have been simplified to “Comments”. The optional modules column
name is changed from “version” to “build” indicating that they are internal build numbers.

A new Fast Startup Mode was introduced to reduce search grid start up time. This setting is located
on the Specific tab of the Partition Map. It is disabled by default for existing data sources and enabled
for new data sources.

Hebrew language support: The default tokenization rules have been updated to support Hebrew
text. For existing data sources with Hebrew text a full reindex of Hebrew content is required to
leverage this new feature.

Support for more Indic characters: The default tokenization rules are updated to recognize more
Indic characters so that more languages of India are searchable by default. For example, Kannada,
Malayalam, and Punjabi (Gurmukhi).

Set language for the ordering of search results: Search now supports languages other than
English to sort the search results. A new setting named Language and Region is added to the Specific
tab of the Partition Map to specify the language and region for alphabetical ordering of search results.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Signature Integrations
Ad-hoc signing allows placing signatures on documents using OpenText Core Signature or
DocuSign without the requirement to set up Content Server Workflows. Documents can be sent to
Signature Providers directly from the Enterprise Workspace in Content Server with the new “Send for
Signature” action.

View Chapter 16 - Signatures for more information.

Sequential signing for Signature workflows can now be enabled by users in the Signature Steps of
Content Server Workflows. This allows the users to instruct the Signature Service to send the
documents to the external signers in sequential order of the signing sequence defined in the
Signature Steps.

View Send a signature request using a Workflow for more information.

2.3 Discontinued and Deprecated Features

The following features have been deprecated in this release:

• The Business Workspaces tool 'Import Configuration' to import configuration for workspace
types, unique names, and business object types with an xml file is deprecated beginning with
21.4. As alternative, please use the Transport Warehouse.
• Imaging Review and Notes has been deprecated as of CE 21.3. It should not be used for any
new deployments while it continues to be supported for existing deployments.
• Enterprise Library including Enterprise Library CMIS is deprecated.
• Enterprise Library Data Sources are deprecated. They should not be used for new
installations and existing usage should be converted to Enterprise Data Sources. There are
search features that do not work with Enterprise Library Data Sources and search queries are
generally slower when Enterprise Library Data Sources are configured. The feature will be
discontinued in a future update.
• Binders and Cases object types have been replaced by Business Workspaces and are no
longer recommended for new implementation since 2017 (release 16.2.0). OpenText is
planning to discontinue Binders and Cases in the fourth quarter of 2022 (release 22.4).
Customers need to convert existing Binders and Cases into Business Workspaces using the
migration utilities available with Content Suite.
• jQuery update: Starting with 21.1, only the jQuery 3 plug-in is available.
• Owner ID: The Owner ID setting on the Security Settings page is deprecated as of 20.4.
• Windows Server: Windows 2012r2 is not recommended. Windows 2012r2 support is
expected to be deprecated sometime in 2021.
• My Mailbox: The My Mailbox feature has been added to the list of deprecated features. The
feature can be enabled however it will be removed from Content Server in the near future.
• Internet Explorer 11: Microsoft Internet Explorer is a legacy browser in maintenance mode
that does not fulfill the requirements of a modern browser regarding features, security, and
performance. OpenText recommends using a modern browser. Microsoft has announced that
support of Internet Explorer 11 will end in 2022. OpenText support of third-party software ends
when vendor support ends, or earlier. Content Suite Platform will completely end support of
Internet Explorer 11 in update 22.1. The last version of Content Suite Platform to support
Internet Explorer 11 will be Content Suite Platform 21.4.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

2.4 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) law that gives residents
greater protection and control of their personal data. It regulates the data that companies inside and
outside the EU can collect, store, and transfer – as well as how they use it. All companies that
process EU resident data must comply with GDPR, starting on May 25, 2018.

Content Suite Platform offers freely definable data containers called Business Workspaces. A
Business Workspace is a type of folder to manage content. Content could be, for example, Word,
Excel, or PDF documents. Business Workspaces are enriched with context-related metadata and

Users in Content Suite Platform have a user profile with personal data like name, communication
data, or personal data.

Software solutions like Content Suite Platform can neither be considered as GDPR compliant nor
GDPR non-compliant. Every customer using Content Suite Platform is responsible for ensuring GDPR
compliance in their organization.

Content Suite Platform provides different means to help organizations be GDPR compliant:

• Records Management to ensure a Retention Schedule as well as Disposition at the end of

managed content lifecycle
• Audit logging to see who accessed sensitive data
• Dashboards and Live Reports to do sophisticated reporting on customer or employee data
used inside Content Suite Platform
• Security Clearance to govern access levels for sensitive information only for defined user
groups in an organization

3 Packaging and documentation

Downloads and documentation for Content Suite Platform are available on OpenText My Support

Documentation that is installed with the product or packaged with the
product download is current at the time of release. Documentation
updates made after a release are available for download on OpenText
My Support (

3.1 Packaging and delivery information

Content Suite Platform is a bundle consisting of many individual components. For your convenience,
this bundle is delivered in different ways:

• Download of individual installers on OpenText My Support

• Managed download and deployment using OpenText System Center Manager
• New: Docker images to be deployed on Kubernetes for key server components

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Some components such as OpenText™ Object Importer, WebReports,
WebReports Extensions for Workflow, Email Cloud Archiving, CMIS
Document Pipeline for Archive Center, Document Pipeline for File
Archiving, OpenText™ Document Pipeline for SAP® Solutions,
DocumentPipeline for DocuLink, Add-on for Microsoft™ Office Online,
Content Sharing module, and Interview module are included in the
downloads but are licensed separately.

System Center: Provides capabilities to install solutions and automate the deployment process using
the Execution Plans feature. System Center is an all-in-one solution where you can find information
about products, download, install, or automate the deployment process and maintain the application,
and apply patches and updates. System Center is available for download.

Docker Images: Content Suite Platform Docker images that are packaged with this release should be
deployed using the Kubernetes engine. The Docker images are available for download at OpenText
My Support (Content Suite Platform Download area).

Software component of Content Suite Platform

The following table lists all components of Content Suite Platform CE 21.4.

Group Component Version Availability

System Center /
Content Server 21.4
Docker Container

Content Imaging Enterprise Scan – Web Interface 20.4 System Center

Server and Imaging Reviews and Notes 16.2 System Center
Monitoring Agent 21.2 System Center
Extensions for Enterprise Library
16.2.11 System Center
Administration Client 21.2 My Support
Archive Archive Center
Center, System Center /
Document Pipelines 21.2
Document Docker Container
Archive Monitoring Server and Web Client
Solution Registry Agent 21.2 System Center
Component Document Pipeline for Enterprise Library
21.2 System Center
s (deprecated)
Searchable PDF DocTool 21.2 My Support
System Center /
Other AppWorks Gateway 21.3.0
Docker Container
Servers and Content Server Mobile micro app
21.4 My Support
Services (deployed on AppWorks Gateway)
System Center /
Directory Services (OTDS) 21.3.0
Docker Container

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Group Component Version Availability

Imaging Web Viewer1 21.4 System Center

Brava! Server Components (limited usage System Center
right for Content Suite Viewer)
Intelligent Viewing (backend for OpenText
System Center /
Viewing & Intelligent Viewing for Content 21.4
Docker Container
System Center Manager 21.2 My Support
Enterprise Library Web Services
16.2.11 System Center
Enterprise Connect 21.4 System Center

Imaging Enterprise Scan 20.4 System Center

Imaging Windows Viewer and
Clients 21.4 System Center
Office Editor Client 21.4 System Center
App Store / Play
Content Server Mobile 21.4

For detailed information about individual components of Content Suite Platform, please have a look at
the respective release notes.

3.1 Note on the End User License Agreement

Usage of Searchable PDF DocTool
The Searchable PDF DocTool allows rendering of scanned documents to searchable PDF/A. This
DocTool must only be used in scan pipelines with Enterprise Scan, which means it is only intended for
documents manually scanned in with Enterprise Scan. Batch conversion of imported images is not
considered a legitimate use of the software.

3.2 Related documentation

For additional information about Content Suite Platform, or for supplemental information about related
products, refer to the following documents, which are available on OpenText My Support.

1. Installation Overview

2. Documentation List – a single web page with links to documentation on the components in
the Content Suite Platform

3. Content Suite Platform Product Information

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4 Supported environments and compatibility
This section provides details about supported platforms, systems, and versions.

4.1 Platform Compatibility

Operating systems, databases, browsers, and other platforms
advance on independent schedules. OpenText identifies the
version tested where applicable and if a version is not identified,
testing is typically performed on the platform software available
approximately one month before the release date of Content

OpenText relies on the platform vendor to maintain backwards

compatibility. If the platform vendor makes a change that affects
compatibility, there may be period of time where the platform is not
fully functional while OpenText makes appropriate
changes. Depending on the severity of the changes, an update to
the latest or next quarterly update of Content Server may be

Platforms that may be subject to these constraints are marked with a

† symbol.

4.2 Mobile Platform Matrix

Content Server functionality is supported on the following mobile platforms:

Device Mobile OS Mobile Browser Note

iPad or iPad Mini capable iOS, latest Safari, latest Only supported with Content
of running the latest iOS version version Server Smart View which is
version tested with the latest iOS
version. If you run into a
problem that exists only in a
previous iOS version please
upgrade to the latest version.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.3 Enterprise Connect and Office Editor Features Support
These are Content Server features that require a specific version of Enterprise Connect or Office

Feature Client Browser Support Notes

Enterprise Connect • Firefox ESR / Quantum Requires Enterprise Connect

From Here • Google Chrome 16.2.8 to be installed on the
• Microsoft Edge desktop
• IE11
• Microsoft Chromium Edge Requires Enterprise Connect
20.2 to be installed on the

Edit / Open using • Firefox ESR / Quantum Requires Office Editor 16.x.x to
Office Editor • Google Chrome be installed on the desktop
• Microsoft Edge
• IE11
• Microsoft Chromium Edge Requires Office Editor 20.2 to be
installed on the desktop

Print • Firefox ESR / Quantum Requires Enterprise Connect

• Google Chrome 16.2.8 to be installed on the
• Microsoft Edge desktop
• IE11
• Microsoft Chromium Edge Requires Enterprise Connect
20.2 to be installed on the

Send to mail as • Firefox ESR / Quantum Requires Enterprise Connect

attachment • Google Chrome 20.2 to be installed on the
• Microsoft Chromium Edge desktop
• Microsoft Edge

Send to My Working • Firefox ESR / Quantum Requires Enterprise Connect

Documents list • Google Chrome 20.2 to be installed on the
• Microsoft Chromium Edge desktop
• Microsoft Edge

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

If you install Enterprise Connect or Office Editor 20.2 client on a system
with the latest ESR or Quantum version of Firefox, the browser extension
for Firefox is not installed. To install the extension after the client is
installed, do the following:
1. In Firefox, click Open Menu, and then click Add-ons.
2. Click Tools for all add-ons, and then click Install add-on from File.
3. Navigate to one of the following locations:
• C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Mozilla Firefox (for user
• C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions (for 64-bit
system installations)
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions (for
32-bit system installations)
4. Double-click
5. In the Add Content Server Browser Web Extension? box, click

4.4 Client Platform Support

Content Server functionality is supported on all browser/client OS combinations with the exceptions
specified in the following Support Notes.

Client OS Client Browser Support Notes

Windows IE 10 and older Not supported.

IE 11 Enterprise Mode

Windows IE 11 • Deprecated for Content Suite Platform

• OpenText Viewing does not support IE 11.
Windows Edge † • Print, WebDAV are not supported.
• Edge Chromium based version was initially
Edge Chromium † released with version 79 on January 15, 2020.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Client OS Client Browser Support Notes

Windows Firefox ESR † • The Short Links section on the General

Firefox Quantum † properties page does not include options to
Firefox † Copy.
Chrome † • The Content Server Print feature is dependent
on NPAPI. If you upgrade to a version of the
browser where NPAPI is no longer supported,
then the Print functionality will not work.
• Chrome version 42 does not support Drag and
Drop. This issue is resolved with versions of
Chrome newer than version 42.
• Chrome version 80 includes changes to
Samesite cookie behavior. for details on this
change in Chrome and Content Server 20.2.
Non- Firefox ESR † • Print is not supported.
Windows Firefox Quantum † • The Short Links section on the General
Safari properties page does not include options to
Chrome † Copy.
Firefox †

† See Section 4.1 – Platform Compatibility

4.5 Application Server Support

The following chart describes the application servers/JAVA versions that are supported by Content

Supported Application JAVA supported on Notes

Server Application Server

Tomcat 8.5.69 OpenJDK 11.0.12 Validated with Tomcat 8.5.69 and earlier.
Tomcat 9.0.52 Validated with Tomcat 9.0.52 and earlier.

4.6 Content Server Java Support

The following chart describes the version of Java that is included in Content Server. OpenText
recommends that you use the associated Java and Content Server versions listed below.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Java Version Notes Content

OpenJDK 11.0.12 OpenJDK 11.0.12 (version distributed by the 21.4

AdoptOpenJDK organization) is included with the Content
Server install and upgrade packages.

4.7 Web Server Support

The following chart describes the Web Servers that are supported by Content Server.

Supported Web Server Version Notes

Tomcat 8.5.69 Validated with Tomcat 8.5.66 and earlier.

9.0.52 Validated with Tomcat 9.0.46 and earlier.

IIS 8.5, 10.0 IIS 10 supported on Windows 2016 as of 16.2.2

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x Validated with 2.4.29 and earlier on Windows.

Web Server Support Notes

• HTTP/2 is not supported. Ensure you disable HTTP/2 in your web browser.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.8 Server Platform Support Matrix
The following chart describes the server OS and server database versions supported by Content

Please review the specific support notes in the sections immediately
following this chart.

Content Server OS Database Note

Windows 2019 2 SQL Server 2019 SQL 2019 added

with 20.2.
SQL Server 2017
SQL 2017 added
Oracle 19c 19.x with 16.2.9.

Azure SQL † Azure SQL added

with 21.1
HANA 2.0 SPS 05 †
Oracle 19.x
added with

HANA 2.0 SPS 05

added with 21.2

Windows 2016 2 SQL Server 2016 SP2 Oracle 12.2 and

Azure SQL added
Azure SQL † with 16.2.4

Oracle 12c SQL Server 2016

SP2 added with
Oracle 19c 19.x 16.2.6

HANA 2.0 SPS 05 † Hana 2.0 added

with 16.2.8

Oracle 19.x added

with 20.2

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Windows 2012 R2 1 SQL Server 2016 SP2

SQL Server 2014

Azure SQL †

Oracle 12c

HANA 2.0 SPS 05 †

Red Hat 7.4 - 7.54 Oracle 12c Linux 7.5 support
added with 16.2.6
Oracle Linux 7.4 - 7.5 3,4
Oracle 12.2
support added
with 16.2.4

Red Hat Linux 7.4 – 7.54 HANA 2.0 SPS 05 † Hana 2.0 support
added with 16.2.7
Linux 7.6 support
added with 16.2.8

Red Hat Linux 7.6-7.94 Oracle 12c Linux 7.8 support
added with 20.4
Oracle Linux 7.6-7.93,4 Oracle 19c 19.x
Oracle 19.x added
PostgreSQL 11.13
with 16.2.10

added with 20.4
Linux 7.9 support
added with 21.2

Red Hat Linux 7.6-7.94 HANA 2.0 SPS 05 †

Windows 2012 R2 support includes Standard, Datacenter, and Hyper-V.

Standard and Datacenter.

Covers both Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) and Red Hat compatible Kernel.
Linux is supported on x86_64 architecture.

† See Section 4.1 – Platform Compatibility

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Storage System Support Notes Directly supported by Content Server – cannot be used in SAP Archive Link scenarios

Amazon Simple Storage Service

Cloud Service: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3):

Features and Scenarios

• Interface type HTTP(S)

• Connection IP
• WORM feature Not Supported
• Retention Periods Not Supported

S3 standard is the recommended storage class for AWS, whereas S3 Glacier is not
supported. Archive Center Storage System Compatibility

Content Suite Platform can leverage multiple storage platforms, including cloud object storages like
AWS S3. For details, see the Archive Center Storage Platforms documentation at

Database Support Notes General

Databases are supported on any Operating System platform supported by the database vendor. It is
not required that the database be on the same platform as Content Server. Databases that have a
client component must have that client supported on an operating system supported by Content

Please ensure that you follow the recommended practices for Database installation and configuration
as indicated in the Best Practices documents on My Support. Azure SQL

• Compatibility Mode. Due to the known issue CSARC-861 you must set the compatibility
level to SQL 2012 (110).
• Adding and Connecting to an Azure SQL DB. You must create the Content Server
database in Azure SQL and then use Content Server to create the tables. Please refer to the
Content Server Installation Guide for additional details.
• Database Maintenance. If your Content Server database is a SQL Server database
deployed on Microsoft Azure, you cannot use any of the tasks on the Microsoft SQL Server
Maintenance page. Use other tools (for example, SQL Server Management Studio) to
perform these tasks.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

24 Microsoft SQL Server 2019

• SQL Server 2019 support includes Standard and Enterprise.

• Compatibility Mode. Due to the known issue CSARC-861 you must set the compatibility
level to SQL 2012 (110). Microsoft SQL Server 2017

• SQL Server 2017 support includes Standard and Enterprise.

• Compatibility Mode. Due to the known issue CSARC-861 you must set the compatibility
level to SQL 2012 (110). Microsoft SQL Server 2016

• SQL Server 2016 support includes Standard and Enterprise.

• Compatibility Mode. Due to the known issue CSARC-861 you must set the compatibility
level to SQL 2012 (110).
• SQL Server Always On. Content Server supports SQL Server 2016 Always On. Follow the
documentation from Microsoft to configure Always On -
step-creating-alwayson-availability-group.aspx. Oracle 12c

• Oracle support includes Standard, Enterprise, and RAC as well as deployment on Oracle
Exadata Database Machine, Oracle DataGuard, and Oracle SuperCluster.
• Oracle Multitenant. The Oracle Multitenant option for Oracle Database 12c allows a
multitenant container database to hold pluggable databases. To use the pluggable database
from Content Server you must reference the pluggable database in your TNSNAMES file and
you must connect to the pluggable database from Content Server.
• Content Server Oracle support includes Oracle Client and Server interoperability support as
certified by Oracle where the minimum supported Database version for Content Server is Oracle 19c

• Oracle support includes Standard, Enterprise, and RAC as well as deployment on Oracle
Exadata Database Machine, Oracle DataGuard, and Oracle SuperCluster as supported by
• Content Server Oracle support includes Oracle Client and Server interoperability support as
certified by Oracle.

4.9 Virtualization Support

OpenText Content Server is supported for use with the server operating systems listed in the previous
sections. The supported server operating systems may be installed on physical or virtual hosts,
including cloud environments such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Service, and Microsoft Azure.
Customers that choose to use a virtual environment are encouraged to select a virtualization
platform intended for production systems and known to be fully supported by the server operating
system vendor.

Platform Service Version

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 1.21

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Platform Service Version

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) 11.13

Google Cloud Platform GCP virtual machines

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 1.21

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL 11

Microsoft Azure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 1.21

Azure PostgreSQL 11

SQL Server
versions as
Azure SQL
listed in section

Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS are supported virtualization environments †.

Note that Content Suite is a resource intensive application and will require at least the same amount
of resources in a virtual environment as it would in a physical environment. Therefore, additional
resource scaling may be required to maintain the same level of performance in a virtual environment
as observed in physical environment. Static or committed resources within a Virtual Environment are
typically needed for performance-sensitive scenarios.

4.10 Kubernetes
Content Suite is available as Docker Containers to be deployed in Kubernetes, a container-
orchestration system.

Customers deploying Content Suite containers provided by
OpenText are expected to stay relatively current with updates,
following best practices for cloud technology and continuous
deployment. Patched containers with fixes will be provided until
approximately March 2022.

Customers who expect to remain on CE 21.3 past this date should

consider creating and managing their own containers or use
traditional methods of installation and patching.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.11 Microsoft Office Integration Support
For information on integration with these versions of Office, please see the release notes for the
OpenText Enterprise Connect and Office Editor products.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.12 Microsoft Office File Format Support
Content Server supports storing, indexing, viewing, and thumbnail generation of the files generated
by the versions of Microsoft Office in the table below. For information on support for these versions of
Office, please see the release notes for the OpenText Enterprise Connect product.

Version Releases Notes

Office 95 Word, Microsoft Project, and Excel Only text indexing and hit highlighting
95 are supported with Microsoft Project.

Office 97 Word, Excel, Microsoft Project, and Only text indexing and hit highlighting
PowerPoint 97 are supported with Microsoft Project.

Office 2000 Word, Excel, Microsoft Project, and Only text indexing and hit highlighting
PowerPoint 2000 are supported with Microsoft Project.

Office 2003 Word, Excel, Microsoft Project, and Only text indexing and hit highlighting
PowerPoint 2003 are supported with Microsoft Project.

Office 2007 Word, Excel, Microsoft Project, and Only text indexing and hit highlighting
PowerPoint 2007 are supported with Microsoft Project.

Office 2010 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010

Office 2013 Word, Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint


Office 2016 Word, Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint


Office 2019 Word, Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint


Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.13 Document Filters Format Support
The file types and versions the OpenText Document Filters support by default are listed in the
following table. All file types are supported on Windows, Linux, and Solaris except where indicated.

MIME type extraction is supported for all file types except CDR.

On Linux and Solaris operating systems, only Western languages are supported for View as Web
Page and Thumbnails.

For details about format support, please refer to section 28.5.11 OpenText Document Filters of the
Content Server: Admin Online Help.

Text Indexing, View as Web Metadata

File Types
Hit Highlighting Page, Thumbnails Extraction

Word 95-2019 ✓ ✓ ✓
Excel 95-2019
Email – MSG

PowerPoint 97-2019 ✓ ✓ ✓
Visio 2013, 2016

OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, ✓ ✓

Draw, Math

MS Project 95-2007 ✓
Mail RFC822
IGES (Windows only)

DWG (up to AutoCAD 2016), ✓ ✓

CADRA (Windows only)
Calcomp, HPGL, CGM
ME10 (binary ME10 compressed
format not supported)


Gerber ✓ Windows only

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.14 OpenText product compatibility
The section provides details about which versions of other OpenText products are compatible with this
release of Content Suite Platform CE 21.4.

For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the
Compatibility Matrix ( on
OpenText My Support.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

4.15 Language support
Content Suite Platform is currently localized in the following languages. Additional languages may be
available in future releases.

Component Languages


Smart View X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Smart View X X X X X X X
User Help

Classic View X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Classic X X X X X X X

View User


Administration X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Administration X X X X


Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

5 Installation and upgrade notes
This section provides additional installation and upgrade information, including related or third-party
product information and any required critical patches.

The managed download and installation using System Center is launched using the following steps:

1. Download the System Center Manager installer from My Support.

2. Run the System Center Manager installer on any workstation or server.
3. When the installation completes, select Sign in to System Center Manager.
4. Log on to System Center Manager as Admin with the password that you set during the
5. Access the Catalog tab and search for Content Suite Platform.
6. Select the respective Content Suite Platform version to download.
7. Enter your My Support credentials.
8. All Content Suite Platform components will be downloaded based on the platform you select.

System Center Manager also provides convenient access to supported environments.

5.1 Docker images deployment on Kubernetes

For information about deploying the Content Suite Platform on Kubernetes, please refer to the
OpenText Content Suite Platform and Extended ECM Cloud Deployment Guide available on
OpenText My Support.

5.2 Upgrade notes

Content Suite is updated and upgraded on a per-component level. Individual products and
components may have their own documentation and Release Notes.
System Center can be used to update an existing Content Suite System by launching System Center
Manager from the Content Server Cluster Management Administration pages.

Docker images upgrades on Kubernetes

The upgrade of Content Suite Platform Docker images is achieved by a simple Helm “upgrade”
command. The details are also included in the OpenText Content Suite Platform and Extended ECM
Cloud Deployment Guide available on OpenText My Support.

Perspective conversion
Perspectives control how users see the layout of a Business Workspace in Content Server Smart
View. You design and configure a Perspective in Perspective Manager, a tool that walks you through
the creation of a Perspective and translates it into ActiveView coding.

Perspectives for Business Workspaces, which were created with versions 16.2.9 or earlier, are
Container Perspectives and they determine their respective Workspace Type with a rule. Starting with
version 16.2.10, this behavior has changed. Perspectives can now be Workspace Perspectives. The
Workspace Type is set automatically when you start Perspective Manager from the Workspace Type
Configuration page.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Starting with version 20.2, all Perspectives use a new Perspectives node type and must be converted
from the old ActiveView format.

Secrets management
For secrets that are managed inside Content Server, a new configuration file called secrets.ini is used
to manage local secrets. The existing secrets stored in opentext.ini file will be migrated to the
secrets.ini during the upgrade. A new database table is created for managing global secrets.

A new file named key.bin is created under OTHOME/config/secrets folder to store the Data Encryption
Key, which was stored in opentext.ini before release 21.3. Key.bin file must be manually replicated
across all the instances of a cluster during the installation process.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

6 Patches
A patch is a piece of software that is designed to fix or improve a computer program or its supporting
data. These may include repairs to security vulnerabilities or resolution of bugs and may also improve
usability or performance. On OpenText My Support you will find two types of patches – hotfixes and
updates. Hotfixes are also known as quick-fixes or bug fixes. Updates are also known as service
packs or service releases.

Patches for each component of Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 are listed in their respective folders
on OpenText My Support. OpenText also recommends that you check OpenText My Support for any
patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after this release. Furthermore,
OpenText strongly recommends using OpenText™ Cluster Management Patch Deployment System to
keep your Content Server up-to-date with all applicable patches.

6.1 My Support review

Documentation and resources for Content Suite Platform and Content server are available on
OpenText My Support and linked from the Content Server landing page.

OpenText also recommends that you check the Content Suite Platform and Content Server area of
the OpenText My Support
( for any
documentation updates that may have been posted after release.

6.2 Install Critical Patches

OpenText recommends that you use the OpenText System Center to keep your Content Server up-
to-date with all the applicable latest patches.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

6.3 Content Server Configuration File Changes
Some features of Content Server, DCS, and Search Engine are managed through configuration files.
This section outlines changes that are implemented or recommended with each Update. In some
cases, configuration files cannot be overwritten or updated automatically due to the potential for
conflict with customized settings. You should review the suggested changes and apply those which
can be safely made for your system.

Search Configuration Files. New versions of search configuration files are not installed when
applying an update to an existing system because replacing these files would overwrite
customizations previously made. In this case the latest versions of the configuration files are placed
in a reference folder where you can review them and select specific edits for your configuration files:

If you are installing this update as a new installation you will find these configuration files in

The following table shows the latest changes of the configuration files. If an update is being applied
to a new installation, these files should be copied to the <OTHOME>\config directory before
indexing any data.

File Change


\config\antisamy\clean- Update made for LPAD-98188 Update AntiSamy to 1.6.4

<regexp name="onsiteURL"

<regexp name="onsiteURL"
\config\antisamy\clean-loose.xml Update made for LPAD-98188 Update AntiSamy to 1.6.4
y\clean-loose.xml Changed:
<regexp name="onsiteURL"

<regexp name="onsiteURL"

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes


<tag name="col" action="validate"/>

<property name="clip" default="auto" description
="The 'clip' property applies to elements that
have a 'overflow' property with a value other
than 'visible'.">
<category value="visual"/>
<literal value="auto"/>
<literal value="inherit"/>
<regexp name="length"/>
\config\antisamy\clean- Update made for LPAD-98188 Update AntiSamy to 1.6.4
\config\config_reference\antisam Changed:
y\clean-standard.xml <regexp name="onsiteURL"

<regexp name="onsiteURL"

<tag name="col" action="validate"/>

<attribute name="target">
<literal value="_blank"/>

<property name="clip" default="auto" description
="The 'clip' property applies to elements that
have a 'overflow' property with a value other
than 'visible'.">
category value="visual"/>
<literal value="auto"/>

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

<literal value="inherit"/>
<regexp name="length"/>

\config\antisamy\clean-strict.xml Update made for LPAD-98188 Update AntiSamy to 1.6.4

y\clean-strict.xml Changed:
<regexp name="onsiteURL"

<regexp name="onsiteURL"

\config\tokenizers\DefaultTokeni Made changes for SRCH-6345 change default tokenization rules

zer.txt for Hebrew and SRCH-6123 add more Indic characters to the
\config\DefaultTokenizer.txt default tokenizer
#Revision 2021-08-10 (version 21.4)
Tokenizer.txt #Revision History:
# 2021-08-10 (SRCH-
6123): ver 21.4 also added more characters to the 'indic' range (to
support Malayalam, etc.)
# 2021-08-06 (SRCH-
6345): ver 21.4 moved Hebrew characters (0x5d0-
0x5ea) from 'alpha' to new 'hebrew' range, etc.
# 2016-05-11 (SRCH-
4394): created to be same as default of version 10.5.8 (2015-12)



Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes


alpha 0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0xc0-0xd6 0xd8-0xf6
0xf8-0x131 0x134-0x13e 0x141-0x148 0x14a-0x173 0x179-0x17e
0x384-0x386 0x388-0x38a 0x38c 0x38e-0x3a1 0x3a3-0x3ce
0x400-0x45f 0x5d0-0x5ea 0xFF10-0xFF19 0xFF21-0xFF3a

alpha 0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0xc0-0xd6 0xd8-0xf6
0xf8-0x131 0x134-0x13e 0x141-0x148 0x14a-0x173 0x179-0x17e

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

0x384-0x386 0x388-0x38a 0x38c 0x38e-0x3a1 0x3a3-0x3ce
0x400-0x45f 0xFF10-0xFF19 0xFF21-0xFF3a 0xFF41-0xFF5a

indic 0x900-0x939 0x93C-0x94E 0x950-0x955 0x958-0x972
0x979-0x97F 0xA8E0-0xA8FB 0xC01-0xC03 0xC05-0xC0C
0xC0E-0xC10 0xC12-0xC28 0xC2A-0xC33 0xC35-0xC39 0xC3D-
0xC44 0xC46-0xC48 0xC4A-0xC4D 0xC55 0xC56 0xC58 0xC59
0xC60-0xC63 0xC66-0xC6F 0xC78-0xC7F 0xB82 0xB83 0xB85-
0xB8A 0xB8E-0xB90 0xB92-0xB95 0xB99 0xB9A 0xB9C 0xB9E
0xB9F 0xBA3 0xBA4 0xBA8-0xBAA 0xBAE-0xBB9 0xBBE-0xBC2
0xBC6-0xBC8 0xBCA-0xBCD 0xBD0 0xBD7 0xBE6-0xBFA

indic 0x900-0x939 0x93C-0x94E 0x950-0x955 0x958-0x972
0x979-0x97F 0xA8E0-0xA8FB 0xC01-0xC03 0xC05-0xC0C
0xC0E-0xC10 0xC12-0xC28 0xC2A-0xC33 0xC35-0xC39 0xC3D-
0xC44 0xC46-0xC48 0xC4A-0xC4D 0xC55 0xC56 0xC58 0xC59
0xC60-0xC63 0xC66-0xC6F 0xC78-0xC7F 0xB82 0xB83 0xB85-
0xB8A 0xB8E-0xB90 0xB92-0xB95 0xB99 0xB9A 0xB9C 0xB9E
0xB9F 0xBA3 0xBA4 0xBA8-0xBAA 0xBAE-0xBB9 0xBBE-0xBC2
0xBC6-0xBC8 0xBCA-0xBCD 0xBD0 0xBD7 0xBE6-0xBFA
0xC80-0xC89 0xC8A-0xC8C 0xC8E-0xC8F 0xC90 0xC92-0xC99
0xC9A-0xC9F 0xCA0-0xCA8 0xCAA-0xCAF 0xCB0-0xCB3
0xCB5-0xCB9 0xCBC-0xCBF 0xCC0-0xCC4 0xCC6-0xCC8
0xCCA-0xCCD 0xCD5 0xCD6 0xCDE 0xCE0-0xCE3 0xCE6-
0xCE9 0xCEA-0xCEF 0xCF1 0xCF2 0xD00-0xD09 0xD0A-0xD0C
0xD0E-0xD0F 0xD10 0xD12-0xD19 0xD1A-0xD1F 0xD20-0xD29
0xD2A-0xD2F 0xD30-0xD39 0xD3A-0xD3F 0xD40-0xD44 0xD46-
0xD48 0xD4A-0xD4F 0xD54-0xD59 0xD5A-0xD5F 0xD60-0xD63
0xD66-0xD69 0xD6A-0xD6F 0xD70-0xD79 0xD7A-0xD7F 0xA01-
0xA03 0xA05-0xA09 0xA0A 0xA0F 0xA10 0xA13-0xA19 0xA1A-
0xA1F 0xA20-0xA28 0xA2A-0xA2F 0xA30 0xA32 0xA33 0xA35
0xA36 0xA38 0xA39 0xA3C 0xA3E 0xA3F 0xA40-0xA42 0xA47
0xA48 0xA4B-0xA4D 0xA51 0xA59 0xA5A-0xA5C 0xA5E 0xA66-
0xA69 0xA6A-0xA6F 0xA70-0xA76 0x980-0x983 0x985-0x989
0x98A-0x98C 0x98F 0x990 0x993-0x999 0x99A-0x99F 0x9A0-
0x9A8 0x9AA-0x9AF 0x9B0 0x9B2 0x9B6-0x9B9 0x9BC-0x9BF
0x9C0-0x9C4 0x9C7 0x9C8 0x9CB-0x9CE 0x9D7 0x9DC 0x9DD
0x9DF 0x9E0-0x9E3 0x9E6-0x9E9 0x9EA-0x9EF 0x9F0-0x9F9
0x9FA-0x9FE 0xA81-0xA83 0xA85-0xA89 0xA8A-0xA8D 0xA8F
0xA90 0xA91 0xA93-0xA99 0xA9A-0xA9F 0xAA0-0xAA8 0xAAA-
0xAAF 0xAB0 0xAB2 0xAB3 0xAB5-0xAB9 0xABC-0xABF
0xAC0-0xAC5 0xAC7-0xAC9 0xACB-0xACD 0xAD0 0xAE0-
0xAE3 0xAE6-0xAE9 0xAEA-0xAEF 0xAF0 0xAF1 0xAF9 0xAFA-
0xAFF 0xB01-0xB03 0xB05-0xB09 0xB0A-0xB0C 0xB0F 0xB10
0xB13-0xB19 0xB1A-0xB1F 0xB20-0xB28 0xB2A-0xB2F 0xB30
0xB32 0xB33 0xB35-0xB39 0xB3C-0xB3F 0xB40-0xB44 0xB47
0xB48 0xB4B-0xB4D 0xB55-0xB57 0xB5C 0xB5D 0xB5F 0xB60-
0xB63 0xB66-0xB69 0xB6A-0xB6F 0xB70-0xB77
hebrew 0x591-0x5bd 0x5bf 0x5c1-0x5c2 0x5c4-0x5c7 0x5d0-
hebrewin 0x22 0x27 0x5f3 0x5f4

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

hebrew+ (hebrewin hebrew+)*

\config\tokenizers\OldTokenizer1 Change made for SRCH-6366 add OldTokenizer1058.txt to

058.txt sample tokenizers
\config\config_reference\tokeniz Files were added for 21.4
\config\dcs.ini Made changes to SRCH-6256 Consolidate the MaxFileSize and
\config\config_reference\dcs.ini MaxContentRefSize settings - replaced by FileCacheSize and
SRCH-6332 Add OTFileType mapping for new generic office


\config\mime.types Updated BOT-4295 Bitmap file extension incorrectly changes from
\config\config_reference\mime.ty .bmp to .bm
image/bmp bm bmp

image/bmp bmp bm

Change made for PYRO-7176 Create an empty secrets.ini for a
new install


Change made for PYRO-7099 Create new builtin functions for
password related setting Put/Get



\config\dcs.ini Change made for SRCH-6240 support otfiletype in dcs.ini for

business workspace and related business workspace subtypes

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes


ID=848,Business Workspace
ID=854,Related Business Workspaces
Fixed SRCH-6298 Switch from IM filter (RawText mode) to XPDF
in dcsrest.text to align with other DCS workflows

try DCSIMRawTextView, PruneDoc


try XPDF, DCSIMRawTextView, PruneDoc

Fixed SRCH-6242 The OTTracerSEQ region is the wrong type in
the LLFieldDefinitions file and SRCH-6273 add OTTracerSEQ to
default FieldsToBeLongCSL list
eldDefinitions.txt Changed:
eldDefinitions_EL.txt LONG OTTracerExtractorID
INTEGER OTTracerOperation


#TEXT OTTracerExtractorID
#TEXT OTTracerOperation

Update for LPAD-91801 CLONE (16.2-Dev)- Incorporate mime type
icons for Exstream templates ( .sdd ) in Classic & Smart views

appsdd.gif application/sdd # SDD file

Update for LPAD-91801 CLONE (16.2-Dev)- Incorporate mime type
icons for Exstream templates ( .sdd ) in Classic & Smart views

application/sdd sdd

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

\config\filters\ Update made for FMT-3223 – Security vulnerability detected in
\config\config_reference\filter Xserver
{x11_path}/xhost + localhost >/dev/null 2>&1;

# ${x11_path}/xhost + localhost >/dev/null 2>&1; #

\config\opentext.ini Fix for ESOC-5600 Remove ability to uninstall MessageCenter

\config\config_reference\open from CS instance
TOCOrder= {'webdoc', 'home', 'webuser', 'project', 'websbroker',
'discussion', 'task', 'channel', 'webattribute', 'webnotify', 'webwork',
'webwfp', 'report', 'webreports', 'webdirwalk', 'recommender',
'collections', 'itemtemplate', 'webprospector', 'textedit',
'appearances','polling', 'multifile', 'transport', 'clustermgmt',
'socialfeed', 'socialobject', 'activeview', 'form', 'formwf',
'formwfpaint', 'webform', 'otemail', 'ngd', 'contentsharing',
'permissionsexplorer', 'oi', 'elink', 'docviewer', 'rendition',
'guienhancements', 'wiki', 'classification', 'answerdesk', 'blog',
'comments', 'faq', 'forums', 'spdcommittee', 'dps',
'msofficeproperties', 'pdfproperties',
'resubmission','wfinitiatefromitem', 'recman', 'physicalobjects',
'recmansecurity', 'qds', 'cmbase', 'doctemplates', 'otsapxecm',
'supportasset', 'signatureproviders', 'perspectives', 'viewx' }
websbroker','webnotify','webdoc','report', 'webreports',
'recommender', 'itemtemplate', 'webprospector', 'webattribute',
'webwork', 'webedit', 'multifile', 'collections', 'otdsintegration',
'transport', 'clustermgmt','enterprisearchivesp','contentmove',
'socialfeed', 'socialobject', 'activeview', 'form', 'formwf',
'formwfpaint', 'webform', 'otemail', 'ngd', 'contentsharing',
'permissionsexplorer', 'oi', 'elink', 'docviewer', 'rendition',
'guienhancements', 'wiki', 'distributedagent', 'webuser', 'wopi',
'classification', 'answerdesk', 'spdcommittee', 'dps',
'msofficeproperties', 'pdfproperties',
'resubmission','wfinitiatefromitem', 'recman', 'physicalobjects',
'recmansecurity', 'qds', 'cmbase', 'doctemplates', 'otsapxecm',
'supportasset', 'signatureproviders', 'perspectives', 'viewx' }

TOCOrder= {'webdoc', 'home', 'webuser', 'project', 'websbroker',
'discussion', 'task', 'channel', 'webattribute', 'webnotify', 'webwork',
'webwfp', 'report', 'webreports', 'webdirwalk', 'recommender',
'collections', 'itemtemplate', 'webprospector', 'textedit',
'appearances','polling', 'multifile', 'transport', 'clustermgmt',
'socialfeed', 'socialobject', 'activeview', 'form', 'formwf',
'formwfpaint', 'webform', 'otemail', 'ngd', 'contentsharing',

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

'permissionsexplorer', 'oi', 'elink', 'docviewer', 'rendition',
'guienhancements', 'wiki', 'classification', 'answerdesk', 'blog',
'comments', 'faq', 'forums', 'spdcommittee', 'messagecenter',
'webmessagecenter', 'dps', 'msofficeproperties', 'pdfproperties',
'resubmission','wfinitiatefromitem', 'recman', 'physicalobjects',
'recmansecurity', 'qds', 'cmbase', 'doctemplates', 'otsapxecm',
'supportasset', 'signatureproviders', 'perspectives', 'viewx' }
websbroker','webnotify','webdoc','report', 'webreports',
'recommender', 'itemtemplate', 'webprospector', 'webattribute',
'webwork', 'webedit', 'multifile', 'collections', 'otdsintegration',
'transport', 'clustermgmt','enterprisearchivesp','contentmove',
'socialfeed', 'socialobject', 'activeview', 'form', 'formwf',
'formwfpaint', 'webform', 'otemail', 'ngd', 'contentsharing',
'permissionsexplorer', 'oi', 'elink', 'docviewer', 'rendition',
'guienhancements', 'wiki', 'distributedagent', 'webuser', 'wopi',
'classification', 'answerdesk', 'spdcommittee', 'messagecenter',
'webmessagecenter', 'dps', 'msofficeproperties', 'pdfproperties',
'resubmission','wfinitiatefromitem', 'recman', 'physicalobjects',
'recmansecurity', 'qds', 'cmbase', 'doctemplates', 'otsapxecm',
'supportasset', 'signatureproviders', 'perspectives', 'viewx' }
\config\opentext.ini Change for LPAD-81433 Message Center should be installed and
configured by default


\config\opentext.ini Change made to file

encrypteduserpwd=<encrypted user password value>

6.4 Hotfixes
Hotfixes are small patches that address software issues. Typically, there is no new functionality in a

Please see the respective area on My Support for required hotfixes and patches.

7 Fixed Issues
The list of fixed issues is covered in the Release Notes for each component within the Content Suite

This section provides information about past issues at the Content Suite Platform level that have been
fixed in this release. There are no fixed issues at this time.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

8 Known issues
This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.

The list of known issues is covered in the Release Notes for each component within the Content Suite

This section provides information about known issues at the Content Suite Platform level that exist in
this release.

Component Issue number Description

Content Only English, German, and French user interface localizations
Server are supported in this release.
Records LPU-2635 For a User Hold to be applied to Text Documents (sub-type
Management 145), the Managed Objects page must have the Document sub-
type (144) checked for User Hold.
LPAD-35560, When RM metadata fields are required on the Add Item page
LPU-5344 and the items are dragged and dropped in the Classic View of
Content Server, the user is not prompted to fill in the RM
required fields. The content will be uploaded, and the next time
the user accesses the Records Detail tab, the user will be
prompted to fill in the required fields.
LPAD-47804, Deleted Category information of purged children is not captured.
LPU-7335 Category\Attribute information in the Audit Deletion Logs was
added in Records Management 16.0. However, when items are
sent to the Recycle Bin and later purged, the purged children’s
Category\Attribute information is not captured.
LPU-9960 The Disposition Search Results Export creates an HTML page
that allows it to be displayed in Excel with an .xls extension so
that it is recognized as a spreadsheet. The Document
Conversion process fails to process the file when using View as
Webpage as the file is not a true .xls mime type. The Document
Conversion process fails to process the file as the format is
When opening this exported file in Microsoft Office, an error
occurs. However, the file can be opened in Excel and the
converted file saved to Excel.
LPU-9257 When a Disposition Review Assignment from the Advanced
Review Workflow Assignment is reassigned, the RM Disposition
Review link displays in the Workflow Assignment. However, no
search results are displayed when accessing the RM Disposition
Review snapshot.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Component Issue number Description
Retention Schedules using Category Attributes as time or event-
based criteria may seem to export and import to other systems,
but they will not be recognized in the destination system.
Schedules using Category Attributes as criteria need to be
manually edited after import.
The option on Dispositions to auto-process search results will
only be successful if Notifications are configured correctly.
Extended There is a known incompatibility issue between Extended ECM
ECM for for Engineering and OpenText Content Server Records
Engineering Management. This is by design. The vault concept in Extended
and Records ECM for Engineering is intended as a secured area for
Management controlled engineering records that is not subject to the same
records management rules applied by Records Management. To
allow for engineering content in Extended ECM for Engineering
to be controlled by Records Management policies, content
should be checked out of the Extended ECM for Engineering
Vault and stored in Content Server folder / workspace locations
that enable the Records Management rules to be applied. The
integration between the two solutions will be revised in future.
Physical LPU-10042 When a label is generated on item creation, some Records
Objects Detail fields do not display on the label. Once the Physical
Object is created, regenerating the label displays the Records
Detail fields.
Content EFSC-374 External file sharing using OpenText Core can be impacted
Sharing with whenever the Trusted Referrer settings in Content Server are
OpenText not blank.
Core EFSC-892 The Content Sharing integration with OpenText Core needs to
be re-enabled after a patch upgrade of Content Server 20.2
OpenText VAT-735 No warning message when no more Intelligent Viewer license
Viewing are available
VAT-1322 Text Compare displays a blank screen at first view. The
workaround is to refresh the Text Compare session.
VAT-1380 When adding a Content Server group to the "Set Viewing
License for Group" licensing option, clicking Cancel does not
cancel the option and the group selected cannot be removed.
VAT-1436 When Content Server's Enable Ancestry setting is active,
"Inherit this setting" cannot be unchecked at the subfolder level.
VAT-1438 When Content Server's Enable Ancestry setting is active, "Allow
these properties to be set at this level" cannot be unchecked at
the folder level.
Transports LPAD-76251 Enabled support for Virtual Folder objects in Transport

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

Component Issue number Description
Pulse ESOC-9918 The Pulse Activity Feed widget must not be placed on Landing
pages. Activity Feed widgets are only supported on business
workspace level.
Email Services CSEM-1216 Content Server upload directory must be set otherwise adding
emails using the Content Server web interface may fail.

Content Suite Platform CE 21.4 Release Notes

9 Contact information
OpenText Corporation
275 Frank Tompa Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada, N2L 0A1

OpenText My Support:

For more information, visit

Copyright © 2021 Open Text. All Rights Reserved.

Trademarks owned by Open Text. One or more patents may cover this product. For more information, please visit
No Warranties and Limitation of Liability
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the features and techniques presented in this publication. However, Open Text Corporation and its affiliates accept
no responsibility and offer no warranty whether expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this publication.


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