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Enlightened is a tabletop role and many other things.

playing game designed to

be played with The Twilight We believe our beloved
of Fey play setting. ‘ease/difficulty’ mechanic
sets us apart from other
We at D9 Games have games. It is based on the
combined our more than 80 advantage/disadvantage
years of experience to system found in other
bring the gaming popular RPGs but allows
community a fun for multiple levels of
alternative to the complexity or simplicity
standard RPG. bases on the players
experience and their task
With the utmost at hand.
respect to all the RPGs
that have come before We also love the idea
Enlightened, we’ve decided to of the bell curve, with
create a more ‘perfected’ regards to the results of
version. We feel that the die rolls. Our basic
some RPGs can be static rolls are with two 10-
and predictable; we aim sided dice, which we call
to be more dynamic. D9s. The D9s we use have
numbers 0-9. (0=0 not
We are very excited to 10).
introduce an amazing play
setting, The Twilight of Fey. Enlightened only uses 3
stats, strength (STR),
Our mission is to put agility (AGI) and
together a set of rules intellect (INT). To place
and guidelines that are more importance on the
user friendly, yet still stats, we combine two
have all the ‘crunch’ stats to create each of
many gamers enjoy. three features on the
characters sheet. Enlightened
We at D9 pride uses the characters STR
ourselves on how this and AGI to generate their
system has freed up much bonus damage and weapon
of the Game Masters (GMs) proficiency. The STR and
time by allocating more INT generate their
dice rolls to the health. The INT and AGI
players. generate their standard
Enlightened is largely based
on custom design. Players
can custom design their
classes, talents, spells

© D9 Games 2022 1
The following are some Our magic system is truly
one-liners to help paint unique, customizable, and
a picture of our mission: dangerous.

The world of play favors If a player rolls two 9s,

realism over balance. they gain enlightenment.
They can train in ‘off-
seasons’ to build unique
The magic is dangerous talents from this
and unpredictable. achievement.

The GM has more time to If a player’s roll

be creative by involving results in 0, it can be a
the players in rolling to catastrophe.
act and defend.

GMs are encouraged to

We welcome custom and track character progress
detailed combat mechanics by in game calendar which
but value maintaining flow may include consequences.
of game play.

GMs can have fun with

Enlightened encourages the use custom creature, trap,
of custom spells, and other hazards
talents, and character creation.
We do our best to combine
We appreciate speedier the mechanics of the game
combat with less time with the actual story and
between players turns. lore of the play setting.

Enlightened recommends using Enlightened does its best to

grid maps and miniatures, keep many of the
but theatre of the mind characteristic ‘tropes’
is certainly an option. we all love.

Players get to enjoy

throwing more dice with
the ‘ease/difficulty'
system and use less
cumbersome math.

Players will notice more

unique class differences.

Enlightened uses a simple-turn-

order with a smooth
initiative system.

© D9 Games 2022 2
Player Section
To determine the starting Fabricator – find usable
difficulty-level of your fabricating materials,
journey, ask the GM how repair fine armor, and
many ‘points of sewing
progression’ (POP) the
characters will be
starting with. Granting Farmer – soil knowledge,
60 POP at starting is unique weapon proficiency
difficult, 90 POP is and endurance (This
standard and 120 POP is talent grants ease when
easy. We suggest starting attempting any endurance
with 120 POP for a low type actions).
level one-shot
Recruit – maintain weapons,
Now, players can spend or tough (-1 damage on non-
save their POP. magic attacks), and

They can spend POP; on a

starting occupation Herbalist – herbs, heal
(becoming an expert in a (tier 2), and potions
trade); to improve stats;
or on a class package. Hermit – scavenger, nature
and survival.
Starting Occupations
Lumberjack – two-handed
weapons, great ax, and
A professional occupation constitution (This talent
can be picked up for 10 grants ease when
POP and you may have no attempting any
more than 2 professions constitution type
at any time. actions).

Blacksmith – use forge, Scholar – journalist, read/

maintain armor, and make write, and languages
fine armor
Shepherd – pet dog, animal
Carpenter – find useable handling, and basic
building materials, ranged proficiency
repair, and build

Cook – gather ingredients,

get rations, and prepare

© D9 Games 2022 3
Stat Chart should pick-up or upgrade
a talent. Talents
typically grant ease when
All characters start with used as an action. These
5 in each stat. The talents, if enlightened
following is the cost again, could improve to a
chart to upgrade stats. higher tier. A player may
perform a ‘tiered’ talent
Stat Value Cost in POP one tier below their
current ability with
5 to 6 5 greater ease (with
6 to 7 10

7 to 8 20 Tier 1 Class Packages

8 to 9 40
These include a list of
9 to 10 80 suggested starting
equipment. Players can
10 to 11 140 choose any setting
appropriate equipment if
11 to 12 220 agreed upon by the GM.
12 to 13 320
Fighter - tier 1
(For example: to increase Become a fighter if you
a stat to 8 from 5 would want to be a front-line
cost 35 POP [5+10+20=35]) hero. A fighter will have
a nice combination of
13 is the highest stat damage dealing and
value a character can get protection.
without artifacts or
other in-game boons. Prerequisite Stats - STR
8 and AGI 8
Class Packages
A player can spend 30 POP
to obtain a class • Share the pain - Any
package. The class extra damage dealt to
package requirements must a foe carries to an
be met, with the adjacent foe.
exception of the Bard
class. A class package is
not necessary to play • Acrobatics - Any
acrobatic type
Enlightened. actions, roll with
ease (with advantage).
A player’s character can
gain enlightenment and

© D9 Games 2022 4
• Reckless attack - A • Test of Faith (TOF) -
fighter can make an A priest can make a
attack with double roll to essentially
ease, but must then test their faith and
make their next use a talent at 1 tier
defense with difficulty higher than normal.
(with disadvantage). However, if the
talent-check results
with a roll of 0,
• Intimidate - Roll with catastrophe occurs
ease against foes (see note below). Test
morale to intimidate of faith is a free
Suggested equipment:
• Respect - This gives
• Basic adventuring pack the Priest a roll with
(flint and steel, ease when negotiating.
hammer, and pitons)
Note: A roll of 0 while
• Proficient armor and attempting a ' Test of
weapons Faith ' results in the
priest losing their
divine favor until an
Priest - tier 1 off-season. Losing divine
favor strips the priest
Become a priest if you of all their priestly
want to support your talents. A roll of 0
allies with healing and while attempting a
divine assistance. standard priestly talent,
Priests are all about (not using 'Test of
faith and protecting Faith’), results in the
those who cannot protect priest losing divine
themselves. favor until a long rest.

Prerequisite Stats - STR Suggested equipment:

8 and INT 8
• Holy symbol
• Holy journal
• Bless - roll with ease
as your action to • Proficient armor and
grant an ally an weapons
additional die of ease
on their next defense.
Mage - tier 1
• Heal Tier 3: see heal
chart Mages, in Enlightened, love
chance, high risk and

© D9 Games 2022 5
high reward. These are • High Damage - The mage
the mantras of the mage. deals one and a half
This class sees a great points of damage per
deal of custom action in point over a
the game. successful roll (roll-
over-target). The mage
takes damage equal to
Prerequisite Stat - INT 9 half the amount rolled
in points below a miss
Talents: (roll-under-target).
For example, if the
mage has a target
• Languages - The mage number of 10 (Int) and
can roll with ease to then rolls a 13, the
read or understand any mage deals 5 points of
uncommon language. damage (in Enlightened we
They can communicate always round up).
with foreign tongues E.g., If the mage
with ease, but not as rolls a 4, missing by
gracefully as other 6, they will take 3
classes. points of damage.

• ‘Focus Spell’ - The Suggested equipment:

mage can take ‘a pass’
on their turn and then
increase their ease by • Spell book
adding 1 additional
die of advantage to
the spell they cast on • Spell focus
the next round. This
can be done for as • Proficient armor and
many times to the weapons
maximum of the tier of

• Spell Type - Choose 1

type of spell.
Coordinate with your
GM to decide an
appropriate spell type
for your setting (fire,
friction, force,
psychic, cold, etc.).
To upgrade the tier of
a spell, the mage must
achieve enlightenment
(A roll of two 9s).
Mage also gets 1 tier
0 spell.

© D9 Games 2022 6
Spell Tier Chart Note: Use this chart as a
guide. You may add
Tier Effect reasonable complexity
(difficulty) to your
0 Utility and/or mundane spells but with
effect. Tier 0 spells reasonable degrees of
are cast with ease and difficulty (disadvantage).
a fail results in a
condition to self, but
no direct damage. Note: You may affect
additional adjacent
1 Only contact with target(s) with your
target will trigger spells but with 1 layer
spell of difficulty per
additional target.
However, you cannot stack
2 Any previous tiers’ AOE effects.
effect but with one
die of ease per tier
lower or can be used Special items:
at a range of up to 4
squares (20ft.) away,
in-line towards one • Magic staffs tend to
target. add reach/range,

3 Any previous tiers’ • Magic wands tend to

effect but with one add accuracy, and
die of ease per tier
lower (can now target
up to 8 squares (40ft) • Magic orbs tend to add
away) or can be used
with an area of effect damage, etc.
(AOE) 2x2 squares
(10x10ft) at a point
up to 4 squares Spell Casting Examples:
1. A fire casting mage may
4 Any previous tiers’ cast a tier 0 utility
effect but with one or mundane cantrip
die of ease per tier like ‘igniting a
lower or can have torch’ with ease.
‘advanced’ (AOE) 3x3
squares (15x15ft) at a
point up to 4 squares 2. An earth casting mage
(20ft). may strike a target
with ‘the might of a
boulder’ (melee magic)
5 This tier is designed
to be a custom option as a tier 1 spell
with similar ease which requires a
progression (See notes standard attack roll.
and examples below).

© D9 Games 2022 7
2a. He may instead attack 5. A tier 4 ‘magic arrow
adjacent opponents but of corruption’ may be
at disadvantage, cast beyond the 8
unless he had used square limit to 10
‘focus spell’ (see squares but will incur
talents above) in a two levels (1 per
previous turn, then additional square) of
his attack could be a difficulty reducing the
standard roll or attack roll to
better. standard.

3. Another fire casting 6. Casting a tier 5

mage casts a tier 2 “lightning” spell may
‘fire projectile’ spell produce a “chain
at 2 adjacent targets lightning” effect at 4
within 4 squares away targets adjacent to
from the caster with each other and within
disadvantage (1 target 8 squares from the
would have been a caster (this is not an
standard roll). Unless AOE effect). Since a
he had used ‘focus one target attack
spell’ then it becomes would normally have
a standard attack triple ease the
roll. However, the addition of three more
mage could have spent adjacent targets had
2 previous rounds increased the
casting a ‘focus difficulty by three
spell’ (a round per which takes away the
tier at the maximum of triple ease and makes
the tier) which would the spell’s attack
give the attack ease roll standard.
and would result in an
attack roll with
advantage. Scout - tier 1

4, A mage casts a tier 3 Play a scout if you want

‘terror’ spell to be sneaky. The scout
targeting a square is a support class that
less than 4 squares shines in the adventuring
away with a AOE of 2x2 facet of Enlightened.
squares which would
normally be a standard Prerequisite Stat - AGI 9
attack roll. However,
he may attempt to
increase the size of Talents:
the AOE to 3x3 but at
disadvantage, unless
he had used ‘focus • Stealth- Roll all
spell’ then the attack stealth type actions
would be standard. with ease.

© D9 Games 2022 8
• Compass - Scout has hearts of others.
ease when avoiding
getting lost
• Inspiration - Grant a
level of ease for all
• Slippery - When your allies once per
grappled, grabbed, or encounter.
anything keeping the
scout immobilized,
roll with ease to • Charm GM - Roll with
escape. ease when trying to
convince the GM that
an action you, as the
• Insight - Roll with bard, want to attempt
ease when determining is reasonable.
others' true motives.
• Versatile - Can pick-
• Ranged Weapons - Has up any tier 2 class
proficiency in ranged package, disregarding
weapons one tier above class perquisite.
normal (relative to
‘offense score’)
Suggested equipment:

Suggested equipment:
• Instrument

• Survival kit (rations,

water skin and empty • Journal
• Proficient armor and
• Proficient armor and weapons
Guard - tier 1
Bard - tier 1
The Guard is a support
class that specializes in
Bards, in Enlightened, are protecting allies. Guards
altruistic. Be a bard if are super at ‘tanking’
you like to act, journal and absorbing damage.
and support. Bards show
their true color in role
play. Prerequisite Stat - STR 9

Prerequisite Stats - STR Talents:

7, AGI 7 and INT 7
• Contacts - Guards can
Talents: roll with ease when
attempting to find or
know people.
• Performance - Perform
with ease to win the

© D9 Games 2022 9
• Block - When • Fragile tasks - Roll
defending, the guard with ease while
can defend himself or attempting fragile
one ally, with no tasks
penalty to the next
attack related to
blocking (must be • Initiative interrupt -
using a shield). Can hold action and
jump in anytime during
players’ round.
• Tank (taunt) - Can
attempt to draw a
foe's attack. Roll is • Bluff = Can bluff with
with ease against ease.
creatures or non-
player characters Suggested equipment:
(NPCs) morale score.
• Thieves’ tools
• Endurance - Roll with
ease when attempting
endurance type • Proficient armor and
actions. weapons

Suggested equipment: Tier 2 Class Packages

• Team Gear (tent, rope, Heavy Shield Fighter - tier 2

and grappling hook)
Fighters that love their
• Proficient armor and shield’s may pick this
weapons tier 2 class. HSF takes
defending allies to the
next level. The true
Rogue - tier 1 support tank.

The rogue is the quickest Prerequisite Stat and

class and thrives in Class - STR 10 and either
battle. Play a rogue if Fighter or Guard
you like to feel the heat
and dish it out as well.
Prerequisite Stats - AGI
8 and INT 8 • Bash - A successful
attack with bash
grants an additional
Talents: condition: prone,
dazed or push, (custom
• Disengage - Disengage designed by player).
from a melee with ease

© D9 Games 2022 10
• Shield - Grants ease Suggested equipment:
on defense to self and
one adjacent ally.
• Two-handed weapons

• Grip - Roll with ease

when attempting any • Proficient armor and
actions requiring weapons
Sword and Shield Fighter -
Suggested equipment: tier 2

• Heavy Shield Choose this if you want

the traditional sword and
shield style of fighting.
• Proficient armor and SSF is a front-line
weapons attacker who must rely on
his supporters.
Great Weapon Fighter - tier 2
Prerequisite Stats and
Choose GWF if you like Class - STR 9 and AGI 9
the thought of welding a and either Fighter or
beast of a weapon, while Guard
still defending your
allies. Talents:

Prerequisite Stat and • Wedge - Able to move

Class- STR 10 and either through foe occupied
Fighter or Guard squares in combat.

Talents: • Unencumbered - Not

encumbered from
• Not dismissed - Foes weapons or armor
are unable to use
disengage talent. • Parry - On a
successful defense,
• Domino - Making a make the next attack
successful attack with against that foe with
disadvantage also hits ease.
an adjacent foe for
the same damage. Suggested equipment:

• Die hard - When first • Proficient armor and

deemed unconscious, weapons
roll standard instead
of with disadvantage.

© D9 Games 2022 11
Dual Wield Fighter - tier 2 Talents:

DWF is a unique option to • Hide - The party finds

play with two weapons at a hiding spot with
a time that shines ease.
against hordes. This one
is a damage dealer. • Dead eye - Roll with
ease while attacking
Prerequisite Stat and from range and hiding.
Class - STR 9 and AGI 9 (negates half the
and either Fighter or foe’s armor
Guard reduction).

Talents: • Far shot - Double the

effective distance of
ranged attacks
• Athletics - Roll with
ease when attempting
any athletics related Suggested equipment:
• Proficient armor and
• Ambidextrous - Able to weapons
attack two foes, if
adjacent to character.
Bowman - tier 2
• Sweep - Attack all
adjacent foes with The bowman is a bow and
disadvantage with one arrow character. This is
roll. a great choice for those
who like to help the
party from a distance.
Suggested equipment:
Prerequisite Stat and
• Proficient armor and Class - AGI 10 and either
equipment Scout or Rogue

Hunter - tier 2 Talents:

The hunter is a tactical • Tumble - If a

option leaning toward a successful disengage
tracker style play. This is made, the bowman
class is a damage dealer can make a ranged
and excels in one-on-one attack.

Prerequisite stat and

class - AGI 10 and either
Scout or Rouge

© D9 Games 2022 12
• Eye For Detail - Proficient armor and
Bowman can pass on weapons
turn to negate foes
armor on next attack.
Assassin - tier 2
• Quick attack - Can
make 2 attacks towards The choice for the player
one target, only if who wants to get the job
the bowman doesn’t done and leave no trace.
move for that turn. The assassin is handy and
smart, great for the on-
call hero.
Suggestion equipment:
Prerequisite Stat and
Proficient armor and Class - AGI 9 and INT 9
weapons and either Scout or Rogue

Thief - tier 2 Talents:

Be a thief only if you • Backstab - If flanked

can sleep at night with assassin gains master
it. Less killing and more critical (critical hit
getting the prize is the on 16-18)
way of the thief.
• Disguise - An opponent
Prerequisite Stat and has difficulty against
Class - AGI 9 and INT 9 any check regarding
and either Scout or Rogue the assassin being
• Streetwise - Ease when
attempting to locate
• Thievery - Steal with someone in an
ease established place

• Dodge- Thieves can Suggested equipment:

defend with ease and
take no penalty to
attack against the Armor and weapons
same foe. proficient in

• Find - Search with Seer - tier 2

ease for hidden places
or things
The magic user who is a
bit unsure of the high
Suggested equipment: risk, high reward aspect
of magic. Seer is more
interested in being a

© D9 Games 2022 13
part of the team in the fight another day, just as
brains department. Choose long as the job is done.
Seer for more controlled
Prerequisite Stat and
Class - INT 10 and Mage
Prerequisite Stat and
Class - INT 10 and Mage

• Wild Magic - Damage
from a spell is
• History - Ease when doubled, but if the
rolling to know about sorcerer misses, takes
history. 1 damage per the roll-
under-target amount.
• Controlled Magic -
Damage is equal to the • Hybrid (‘Purple’)
roll-over-target Magic (more
amount (how much you information about this
succeeded your target coming soon) - Can
by). On a miss Seer take the current spell
takes only 1 damage. type and make it
(See ‘types of magic’ hybrid changing it to
chart). a more powerful but
dangerous magic. (See
‘hybrid/purple’ magic
• Tier 0 spells - Seers below). Can choose a
can choose an spell type if not
additional mundane, or chosen yet.
utility spell related
to the spell type of
their choice. • Know Creatures - Ease
when inquiring the
strengths and
Suggested equipment: weaknesses of
• Quill, ink, and paper
• Die Hard - Starts with
• Robe or basic cloth a standard roll (2d9)
armor when first unconscious.

• Proficient weapons Suggested equipment:

Sorcerer - tier 2 • A focus

This beast of a magic • Robe or basic cloth

user is all bang with no armor
regard for the risk.
Become a sorcerer if you • Proficient weapons
don’t care to live to

© D9 Games 2022 14
Cleric - tier 2 • Armor and weapons
proficient in
The cleric is more ready
to fight than its Druid - tier 2
counterpart, the druid.
Pick this class if you
want to beat ‘faith’ into Druid is the grounded
your foes, repel evil and (pun?) divine option.
still maintain the divine This class focuses on
hand of healing. healing and peace rather
than force. The choice of
a player focused on
Prerequisite Stats and supporting the team.
Class - STR 9 and INT 9
and Priest
Prerequisite Stats and
Class - STR 9 and INT 9
Talents: and either Priest or Mage

• Divine protection Talents:

(tier 1) - Roll with
ease to protect
yourself or one ally. • Divine Commune - Makes
Acts as a shield that a special request to
will go away if hit, their god. GM will
while absorbing all determine the level of
damage. difficulty for a
successful roll.

• Good vs evil - All

‘evil’ creatures in • Heal Tier 5 (see heal
2x2 square (10x10ft.) chart)
AOE adjacent to cleric
have 1 level of • Charm Beast - Druids
difficulty when can guide, communicate
attacking the cleric. with and train beasts
with ease.
• Divine light (tier 1)
- Roll with ease to Suggested equipment:
call on your faith to
blind your foes with
bright holy light in • Holy symbol
2x2 square (10x10ft.)
AOE adjacent to the • Armor and weapons
cleric. proficient in

Suggested equipment:

• Holy symbol

© D9 Games 2022 15
Tier 3 Class Packages Gladiator - tier 3

Knight - tier 3 “All fight and no funny

business”, is the motto
of the gladiator. This
The knight is a cut above class is a mighty force
the rest, in battle. This on the battlefield. Choose
class is the pinnacle of the gladiator if you
defense. Choose the desire front-of-line
knight if protecting your responsibilities.
allies is your number one
Prerequisite Stats and
Class - STR 10 and AGI 10
Prerequisite Stat and and either ‘Sword and
Class - STR 11 and either Shield’ or ‘Dual Wield’
‘Great Weapon’ or ‘Heavy Fighter
Shield’ Fighter
• Greater Athletics -
• Resilience - Knights Roll with double ease
take normal damage when attempting any
from a critical hit athletics related
and avoid any actions
conditions normally
produced from that
hit. • Superior Weapons
Master - Proficiency
with ‘superior’
• Pedigree - Knights weapons
gains the attention of
• Advanced Critical -
Score a ‘critical hit’
• Throw Foe - Knights on a roll of 17 and 18
can pick up and throw
the same size or
smaller foes with ease • Leadership - Adds a
and one handed. bonus season to the
group’s initiative.
Suggested equipment:
Suggested equipment:
• Armored Horse
• Custom Weapon
• Proficient armor and
weapons • Armor and weapons
proficient in

© D9 Games 2022 16
Ranger - tier 3 Prerequisite Stats and
Class – AGI 10 and INT 10
and either Assassin or
A ranger is a foe no-one Thief
wants. This class
combines range with
melee. The ranger is an Talents:
all-around asset to any
adventuring party. • Discipline - Take half
damage from non-magic
Prerequisite Stat and attacks
Class - AGI 11 and either
Hunter or Bowman • Disappear - Roll with
ease to go into
Talents: stealth after being
• Disarm - Roll to
disarm a foe with ease • Thrown Weapon - Attack
with thrown weapons
with ease
• Balanced attack - No
penalty to attack
rolls when balancing Suggested equipment:

• Called Shot - Roll • Custom weapons

with ease when calling
a shot to hit a • Proficient armor and
specific point on weapons

Suggested equipment: Wizard - tier 3

• Custom Weapon The ‘master of magic’ and

a mighty force for the
party. This option is
• Armor and weapons loaded with customization
proficient in options. Choose Wizard if
you like ‘high risk’ and
‘high reward’.
Ninja - tier 3
Prerequisite Stat and
The ninja is a specialist Class - INT 11 and either
of subterfuge, Seer or Sorcerer
maneuvering under shadows
and striking foes when
they least expect it. Talents:
This class combines range
with defense. Choose the • Enchant - Able to
ninja for a character enchant items in off-
with versatility. season.

© D9 Games 2022 17
the go-ahead to smash all
evil tyranny.

Prerequisite Stats and

Class - STR 10 and INT 10
and either Cleric or


• Divine Protection
• Hybrid Magic - Able to (tier 2) - Grant
learn ‘hybrid magic’ yourself and one ally
(‘purple’ or ‘green’) protection. Acts like
(more information a shield that will
about this coming absorb all damage on
soon). next hit, but then
goes away.
• Master-of-Magic -
Deals double the roll- • Good vs Evil (tier 2)
over-target amount in - Evil foes within 6x6
damage plus adds a squares (30x30ft.)
condition effect. When within 15 feet (3
missing on an attack, squares) of the
the wizard only takes paladin have 1 level
half the normal roll- of difficulty against
under-target amount. any attack against the
Suggested equipment:
• Celestial Ally -
Summons a celestial
• Enchantment components ally to fight with you
for rounds equal to
• Pet the roll-over-target
• Proficient armor and
weapons Suggested equipment:

• Holy weapon

Paladin - tier 3 • Holy armor

The paladin is the

pinnacle of ‘divine
favor’. Become a Paladin
if you want the ‘favor of
your faith’ as well as

© D9 Games 2022 18
Character Sheet
Start Date: Current Date: Season:

Picture Stat Base Upgrade Total Target

STR 5 + _____ = ______

AGI 5 + _____ = ______

INT 5 + _____ = ______

DEFENSE (AGI+INT / 2 - E) = _____

Total POP Used POP Current POP

Equipment Health Max (STR + INT)

Offense (STR + AGI)

Bonus Damage

Loot Weapons Armour

* *

* *

Notes Progress Journal

© D9 Games 2022
Character Sheet Tips Offense Chart
and Instructions
Offense Bonus Weapon
Score Damage Proficiency
• Players need to
discuss with the GM 0-9 -2 None
what standard
equipment would be 10-13 -1 Tier 1
appropriate for the
game setting. Enlightened 14-17 0 Tier 2
uses The Twilight of Fey
play setting which 18-19 1 Tier 3
takes place about 300
BC or 454 ab urbe 20-21 2 Tier 4
22+ 3 Tier 5

• The three stats have a

start value of 5. • Remember, weapons
should be appropriate
for the setting and of
• Defense (total) is the tier that the
calculated by adding character is proficient
AGI and INT, dividing in. Weapons can be
the result by 2 used above your
(always round up) then proficiency, but with
minus encumbrances. difficulty
The total defense is (disadvantage).
then subtracted from
18 to get the defense
target number. E.g., • Armor should also be
[AGI (7) + INT (7)]/2= 7- appropriate for the
setting and should be
encumbrance (1) = total safe for characters
defense (6). 18 - total who use magic.
defense (6)= defense
target (12).
• Health Maximum is
calculated by adding
• The Offense Score is STR and INT.
calculated by adding
STR and AGI. This
number is compared to • Upgrades to stats are
the ‘Offense Chart’ gained by spending
(below) to determine POP.
any Bonus Damage and/
or Weapon Proficiency. • Stat Target values are
generated by
subtracting the Stat
Total from 18.

© D9 Games 2022 20
• The Stat Targets are unlocked through
what need to be rolled enlightenment, class
to succeed an action. packages, professions,
• The Progress Journal
is used to track any • The GM will also
spending of POP and decide an in-game
any skills or talents Start Date.

Weapon Tiers Chart

Tier Bonus Weapon Optional Types & Features

0 0 Tools and very Various
Ranged weapons Range: 4 squares (20ft)

1 1 Light weapons Finesse: +1 additional

damage against light
armor, but breaks on a
roll of 2,1 or 0
Disarming: succeed with
an attack with difficulty
to disarm foe
Ranged weapons Range: 8 squares (40ft)

2 2 Medium weapons Finesse: +2 damage

against light armor, but
breaks on a 1 or 0
Disarming: succeed with
an attack with difficulty
to disarm foe
Bludgeoning: +2 damage
against heavy armor, but
next immediate defense is
at disadvantage
Ranged weapons Ranged: 16 squares (80ft)

3 3 Heavy weapons Impaling: on a successful

hit with difficulty, the
foe becomes immobilized
for a round

© D9 Games 2022 21
Weapon Tiers Chart Continued
Tier Bonus Weapon Optional Types & Features
4 3 Heavy weapons Disarming: succeed with
an attack with difficulty
to disarm foe
Bludgeoning: +3 damage
against heavy armor, but
next immediate defense is
at disadvantage
Ranged weapons Ranged: 150ft

5 4 Special weapons Bludgeoning: +4 damage

against heavy armor, but
next immediate defense is
at disadvantage
Siege: effect varies

Ranged weapons Ranged: 300ft

• Using a weapon outside your proficiency is with

progressive difficulty.

• A weapon may be standard or adopt an ‘optional

type or feature’ like the ones listed above. When
a weapon takes a ‘type’ or ‘feature’ it either
cannot be used in a standard way or must take
appropriate disadvantage when doing so (whichever
makes the most sense).

Armor and Shield Attributes

Type Damage Absorptio Encumbrance
None 0 0
Light 1 0
Medium 2 1
Heavy 3 2

© D9 Games 2022 22
• Fine armor gives the Now that you have a
wearer a minus 1 to character generated, it’s
the encumbrance of time to adventure. Use
that type. the general information
that your GM gives you
about the play setting to
• Armor and shields are decide what you plan on
100% customizable – doing in the world.
use your imagination.
Add appropriate
features as suits the It is best to have a
game play and play general idea of how you
setting (e.g., fire and the other players
resistance). Use these know each other in game.
attributes as a base Keep the backstories
(but not too short and simple if any
overpowered please). at all (the development
of your character will
materialize during game
• Armor can affect play).
magic. Depending on
the style of magic a
caster is tapping Earn POP by completing
into, some armor is missions, role playing,
counterproductive… adventuring, and combat.
However; continuing to
Blue Arcane Can only adventure, when it is
Magic be cast in evident that healing is
cloth necessary, may be too
armor or dangerous (Some healing
less. is only possible by
taking an off-season).
Red Blood Can be
Magic cast in Be aware! Death is
any armor. inevitable and the play
settings are typically
Gold Moon Can be deadly. So, look on the
Magic cast in bright side… you can
hide armor create more characters.
or less.

* Hybrids are a Seasons

variation of these
Enlightened is played in
seasons. When play
starts, the characters
are in season 1 and have
just come out of an ‘off-
season’. A typical year,
in game, has 4 full
seasons (4 ‘on’ and 4

© D9 Games 2022 23
The starting POP (30 for In The Twilight of Fey play
hardcore, 60 for difficult setting, player
90 for medium or 120 for characters (PCs) are all
easy) is best thought of human. Humans in the TOF
as the experience gained live very short lives. It
prior to the characters becomes a challenge for
adventuring life. Use 120 players to see how much
POP for a ‘one-shot’. they can accomplish
before taking their off-
As the players adventure
their health will Healing
typically decline. Some
health can be regenerated
from healing, or a long Healing in Enlightened is
rest. Some health can tracked with D6 dice (we
only be recovered from an like to use mini D6s for
off-season (serious ease of play). Players
injuries). start with a pool of D6s
equal to their health
maximum. As a character
Taking an off-season will takes damage, the player
automatically move your removes the D6s from that
character into the next pool and sets them aside
season. However, if this to be potentially healed
is done too prematurely, later. If the pool gets
there could be depleted, a character
consequences. Taking an becomes unconscious. When
off-season after earning a heal is attempted, the
30 or more POP, is character being healed
considered safe. Taking will roll all the removed
it with less than 30 POP, D6s and consult the
implies that less trouble following chart to
was dealt with, and more determine the outcome…
danger is at hand going
into the next season.
Heal Chart
Tier Recover Now Recover at long rest Recover at off-

1 6s 4s & 5s 1s - 3s
2 5s & 6s 4s 1s - 3s
3 5s & 6s 3s & 4s 1s & 2s
4 4s - 6s 3s 1s & 2s
5 4s - 6s 2s & 3s 1s
6 3s - 6s 2s 1s
7 2s - 6s none 1s

© D9 Games 2022 24
Enlightenment similar actions in the
A character gains
enlightenment when Caution! The GM should be
they’ve rolled an 18 with careful when agreeing
their core dice only. with the player as to
When rolling for actions what effect the talent
in Enlightened, a player will will have in the game.
generally roll 2d9, The custom design of
unless they are rolling skills is a big part of
with ease or difficulty. what Enlightened is all about.
Rolling with ease or
difficulty will be done
with 3d9. These 3 dice Standard Talent Progression
must be their core dice.
If a player rolls more
than 3 dice, they will Enlightenment is the first
use extra ease dice, phase of a special kind
which will be a different of talent progression. It
color and will not be is achieved when a player
eligible to produce character gains
enlightenment. enlightenment by
successfully completing
any action with an 18
When a character becomes roll. The ‘state of
enlightened, immediately enlightenment’ is then
make a note of the upgraded if the player
details of this chooses to do so, in a
enlightenment in the future ‘off-season’, into
progress journal and any a talent. If a talent is
talent that relates. used when enlightenment
(There should be a is achieved, the player
discussion between the becomes proficient in that
player and the GM outside talent. This will grant
of game play as to what the player double ease
the nature of the upgrade with that talent. Any
will be, so the flow of further enlightenment
the game will not become with that ‘proficient
broken). The player may talent’ is eligible for
upgrade this ‘state of ‘custom tailoring’.
enlightenment’ to a bona ‘Custom tailoring’ of a
fide talent during a talent is the ultimate
future ‘off-season’. achievement in Enlightened. The
(Players are only allowed player and GM must use
to evolve one ‘state of imagination to develop
enlightenment’ to a changes or additions to
talent per ‘off-season’). the talent to make it
truly unique. Please do
Talents that you’ve not allow a talent to
achieved through grant more than triple
enlightenment will give ease (this would be too
you ease when attempting powerful and kill the
excitement of game play).

© D9 Games 2022 25
You should develop new defend or defend then
features of the talent act, depending on which
that might give greater side has initiative. If
rewards, but with a the players have the
reasonable amount of risk initiative, they will act
(the chance that heroic first and defend second.
actions might fail and If the foes have the
hurt). initiative, then players
will defend first and act
Talents can also be
developed as a team. If
two or more characters Actions in Combat
combine skills or talents
to customize an action
and enlightenment occurs, The players may act in
they have earned a team any way imaginable. But,
talent to be designed by when a player attempts to
them and the GM. make an action that has
no rule, the GM must
decide, on-the-fly, a
Combat reasonable result. Most
times the player will be
asked to roll. However,
Players will be role- the GM may simply explain
playing, adventuring, and what happens as a result
dealing with conflict without the need to roll.
(combat). Role-playing is Talents give players a
self-explanatory. better chance to succeed
Adventuring is the with their actions. A
actions that occur player can aid an ally
between role-play and with a successful roll,
combat. The following which will grant 1 extra
will cover combat. die of ease for the
ally’s action. A failed
roll grants nothing to
Initiative the ally, and because the
assist is considered an
The side of the battle action, will likely finish
with the most experienced that players turn.
leader will act first,
each and every round. The A player can attack a foe
experience of the party (novel!). This is an
will be based on the action, and a player
character with the most rolls for at or above
years of experience (1 their appropriate target
year = 4 seasons). The number for the stat
experience of the foes relative to the attack.
will be based on the foe
with the highest level.
As play goes around the The damage dealt is based
table in ‘simple-turn- on the roll-over-target
order’ (STO), the players amount plus any bonus
will either act then

© D9 Games 2022 26
damages (from the player ‘Attacking Aggressively’
or weapon). A match of adds 1 die of ease to an
the target number is a attack but makes
‘glancing blow’ (1 defending for that round
damage). A miss occurs difficult (at
when a roll-under-target disadvantage). Attacking
happens and there is no aggressively can only be
damage to the foe. Some done in melee.
classes do take damage on
a failed attack roll.
A roll that matches a
target number when
A character can heal as attacking or defending
an action. Some produces a ‘Glancing
characters have more Blow’ and afflicts only 1
success than others when point of damage. A
healing. If your glancing blow, however,
character is not skilled can in some cases, be
in healing, it can be altered based on a
dangerous. creature’s special

Defending Characters can make a

‘Desperate Defense’ by
Players must roll to adding 1 die of ease to
match or beat their their defense and taking
Defense Target number. no action. A movement up
However, the GM may ask to 4 squares (20ft) is
for a defense against still available for that
STR, AGI, or INT instead; round, but be careful of
if this happens, the attacks-of-opportunity
player will roll to beat (see walk and run-away
the appropriate stat’s rules below)
target number.

Blocking can only be done

Movement in Combat
with a shield. Blocking
adds 1 die of ease to the The player’s turn
character’s defense, but consists of a movement
1 die of difficulty to and an action. A standard
their action in that movement is 0 to 4 spaces
round. and allows the player the
opportunity to also make
an action on the same
Dodging can only be done turn. However, a player
in light or less armor. can move beyond 4 and up
Dodging adds 1 die of to 8 spaces by running,
ease to the character’s but no action is allowed
defense, but 1 die of for that turn.
difficulty to their action
in that round.
There are many factors in

© D9 Games 2022 27
game that might supersede working on special tasks
these rules, such as that are not possible
terrain, weather while adventuring.
conditions and creature
interaction. There might
also be talents in the
game that could supersede All unresolved health
these rules. A player can dice must be dealt with
walk-away (up to 4 before taking a long
squares) or run-away (5-8 rest; either by self
squares) from combat at a healing or being healed
cost of half of any by another
creature’s base damage in
melee range. A player can
strategically disengage Falling Damage
from melee (by only 1
square) as an action with Falling damage is 2
no damage on a successful points per 10 feet. The
AGI roll (a failed AGI falling character must
roll would be considered roll 2d9 and succeed
a walk or run-away and their (AGI) target score
would incur half any or take damage. Add a die
creature’s base damage in of difficulty for every
melee range). additional 10 feet. (For
example, a fall of 30
feet would require a 4d9
Rest roll minus the two
highest die rolls). A
Players can rest anytime, failed roll takes damage,
but not without while a success takes no
consequences. A ‘short damage. A ‘catastrophe’
rest’ is brief, about 10 (rolling 0) will result
or 15 mins and is good in double damage.
for basic operations like Enlightenment (rolling
healing, eating, taking 18) may unlock a talent
potions and other actions related to the nature of
that might be difficult to the fall and landing (see
do in battle. A ‘long ‘Enlightenment’ above).
rest’ is 6 to 8 hours and All falling damage must
is normally when players take the environment into
sleep for the night, it consideration; so,
is good to set-up camp, falling into grass, water
eat, read scrolls, polish or a rock makes a
armor, etc. An ‘off- difference to the impact.
season’ rest is special Add or subtract levels of
to this gaming system and ease or difficulty
is the equivalent of depending on what's being
taking a vacation from landed on.
adventuring. Taking an
‘off-season’ rest
completes one gaming Death, Dying and Unconscious
season and is equivalent
to ‘leveling-up’, aging & When a character’s health

© D9 Games 2022 28
is reduced to 0, they Magic
become unconscious. When
this occurs, the player
must roll 3d9 Magic is rare, dangerous,
immediately.This is a and virtually unlimited.
roll with difficulty. A In Enlightened, the spells are
score of 10 or better custom designed. Casting
from the lowest 2 dice spells is the act of
(because of the drawing mana from the
difficulty) confirms the environment.
player’s character is
unconscious and not Different areas have
dying. If the roll is 9 different concentrations
or below, the character of mana, which is made up
is unconscious and likely of various powerful
dying. The player will unseen elements.
try again on their next
turn, but with double
difficulty (roll 4d9 and Blue magic (arcane) draws
take the lowest 2). This out the weakest and most
will continue to escalate fragile particles from
in difficulty for every mana. These particles
round (5d9, 6d9, etc…) mostly come from the
until a 10 is finally elements. This is the
rolled or worse a 0. If a most common form of
0 is rolled, the player's magic.
character dies!
Red magic (blood) draws
If a 10 is rolled, the the most dangerous and
player's character unpredictable particles
remains unconscious, but from mana. These
is no longer dying. In particles might be best
this state, the player visualized as coming from
will only need to roll negative charges of mana.
2d9 each round until a 10 Rumor has it that red
is rolled for a second magic is the making of
time. When a 10 is rolled the greatest beasts of
for the second time the the world.
character will wake up
with 1 health. This
‘health point’ must not Gold magic (moon) draws
come from the ‘off- from the strongest and
season’ or ‘long rest’ most life-giving
pool. The 1 point of particles of the mana,
health must come from the which are all positively
most recent damage pile. charged. This is said to
If a 10 is not rolled, be the magic of the
the character remains elves.
unconscious until they
are assisted by a medic /
magic healer or roll a 10 Hybrid magics are a
combination of two or
more magics. Some

© D9 Games 2022 29
characters have a trained square and half damage
ability to study hybrid hitting the
magic (more info soon). surrounding 8 squares.

Spells • Master AOE is a 20

square foot area with
the middle 4 squares
Tier 0 spells are utility taking full damage and
spells. These spells are the outer 12 squares
rolled with ease. All taking half damage.
magic using characters
may start with 1 of these
spells. Seers get to Tier 4 and 5 spells amplify
choose 1 additional tier the previous tier and are
0 spell. designed for even more

Tier 1 spells can only be Some Mage’s may use the

cast on contact. talent 'Focus Spell' when
casting. This gives the
Tier 2 spells can be cast Mage the option to skip
on contact with ease their turn but add 1 die
(roll 3d9, use best two of ease to the next spell
dice) or at short range cast on the next round
(up to 4 squares, 20ft) only.
with a standard roll.
Spell Power Types
Tier 3 spells can be cast
with contact with double
ease (roll 4d9, use best There are four different
two dice), medium range power types for magic
(up to 8 squares, 40ft) users:
or use an area of effect
(AOE) as a standard roll. Standard spell casting
Customizations can grants the caster one-
enhance game play, please and one-half times the
see the ‘spell tier roll-over-target amount
chart’ and examples in in damage (always round
the Mage class above. up). If a standard spell
fails, the caster takes
Optional AOE Rule half the roll-under-
target in damage. If 18
is rolled, enlightenment
• Standard AOE is a 10 occurs, and the spell
square foot area. causes double the roll-
over-target amount, and a
• Advanced AOE is a 15 new talent feature may be
square foot area, but unlocked in the next
with full damage ‘off-season’.
hitting the center

© D9 Games 2022 30
If 0 is rolled, double damage and inflicts
catastrophe occurs, and a condition to the
the caster takes damage target. If the master
equal to the roll-under- fails, their roll they
target amount and loses take half the roll-under-
one tier of that spell target amount in damage.
until a ‘long rest’. If 18 is rolled,
enlightenment occurs, and
the spell deals triple
Focused spell casting damage, and the spell
grants the caster the upgrades by one tier
roll-over-target amount immediately! If 0 is
in damage. If the spell rolled, catastrophe
caster fails, they take occurs, and the caster
only 1 damage regardless takes damage equal to the
of the roll-under-target roll-under-target amount.
amount. If an 18 is
rolled, enlightenment
occurs, and the spell Divine
does one- and one-half
damage, and a new talent
feature may be unlocked Priests use their faith
in the next ‘off-season’. to gain favor from gods
If 0 is rolled, for many of their
catastrophe occurs, and abilities. Players can
the caster takes damage choose to exercise their
equal to the roll-under- faith in a god, nature,
target amount. or belief. Divine power
comes in many forms.
Wild spell casting grants
the caster double the The purest form of divine
roll-over-target amount power is what Enlightened calls
in damage. If the wild white magic (power which
spell fails, the caster comes direct from a God).
takes the full amount of This is the rarest, most
roll-under-target in powerful form of magic
damage. If an 18 is
rolled, enlightenment Most priests use a less
occurs, and the spell powerful form of divine
deals triple damage, and magic known as gray magic
a new talent feature may (power that comes from
be unlocked in the next great faith or belief in
‘off-season’. If 0 is nature).
rolled, catastrophe
occurs, and the caster
takes damage equal to Evil creatures and many
roll-under-target amount NPCs are known to use
and loses 1 tier of that black magic, the most
spell until the next tainted form of divine
‘off-season’. power that comes from
twisted faith or trust in
an evil and probably
Master-of-Magic deals malicious entity.

© D9 Games 2022 31
Game Master Section
Enlightened is designed to and reactions between the
ensure ease of use for players and the GM. The
new GMs as they learn the GM sets the stage, and
joys of running their own the players explain
role-play campaign. This (hopefully with
section will go over expression) what they
adventuring, generating would like to do. The GM
creatures and designing then reacts to their
traps for your game attempts and so on.
sessions. You, the GM,
will have to choose a
pre-written adventure or For example…
create one yourself. A
prewritten adventure is Its 454 ab urbe condita
mostly self-explanatory (about 300 BC), and a
as it guides game play caravan of pioneers find
and gives advice to the themselves traveling
GM. This section will north from Hoddenhill, to
give advice for those who a lush piece of land,
would like to customize a ready to be developed.
pre-written adventure or
create their own.
The group consists of
about 40 pioneers. Half
As the GM, you will be of them are men and the
expected to clearly rest are women and
describe the world your children. Your three
group is playing in. players are among the
Enlightened uses The Twilight of children. About a day and
Fey play setting (more a half into the journey,
information to come). the caravan is ambushed
by a mighty clan of
elves. Much too fierce to
The GM will help players fend off, many of the
design their characters caravan’s men are killed
with setting appropriate and just before the
equipment, weapons, and slaughter of everyone
armor. With the player’s including women and
characters complete and children, a change of
ready to adventure, you heart by the leader.
will need to decide on a Because one of the
starting scenario. children grabs a dagger
Starting scenarios can be from one of the elves and
nearly any scenario, drives it into the gut of
which should be where the one of the ambushers.
fun really takes shape. This brave act catches
Think of game play as a the eye of this leader
tennis match of actions and a decree to not harm

© D9 Games 2022 32
the woman nor the Setup
children. The elves are
instructed to mark a
symbol on the wagons, a Make a list of setting
symbol noting that these appropriate names for
are not to be harmed. people, places, and
things. This will help
with the believability of
Arriving at their your world. There will be
destination with only a many names available in
ray of hope among them, The Twilight of Fey setting
the pioneers begin to section (to come).
give life to their new
home (Timber sprout). The
elders of the group begin Make a list of
to mark the symbol that encounters, creatures,
the elves etched on their and traps. Have an idea
wagons, everywhere. of what types of people,
places and creatures that
are in the game world.
About 10 years later, the Know the political
oldest of the children climate of your world to
become of age and are help role-play people and
ready to step into creature motivations. If
leadership in the hamlet. you listen close to your
The (number of players) players, they may give
oldest children take you some interesting
counsel with the elders ideas.
of Timbersprout to see
how they can help protect
the people and its It’s best to start with a
interests. simple map of the local
area. Decide the starting
point (home base) on the
Suddenly, a scream is map. Decide if the
heard. “Help” she cries, character's home base is
my daughter is gone a small village, a large
missing. Please Help! city or in the wild.
Your adventure begins… Enlightened recommends less
fierce conflicts near the
There are many other starting location and
scenarios to use, such fiercer conflicts the
as, but not limited to a further the characters
prison break, adrift on a adventure away from home.
boat that is about to
come aground a mysterious Decide if you want to
island, the classic in start the characters in
the tavern of a great trouble, such as during
city and so on… an epic battle or in
prison. Or you may begin
in a safer setting, such
as a tavern or getting
‘fetch me’ task by

© D9 Games 2022 33
a town elder. details will help to
satisfy your thinker.
Take some time each
Choose the degree of session to allow the
difficulty of the social player the chance
adventure. Start your to be social.
players with 30, 60, 90
or 120 POP. The more POP,
the easier the adventure. To start your first
encounter, decide what
types of creatures are in
In an effort to the area. It is best to
foreshadow degrees of have a general idea of
danger in the world, what landmarks and issues
Enlightened recommends using are in each direction
creatures that are from the home base area.
experienced 1-3 levels Maybe there is thick
for a one day’s journey forest to the north, a
from the characters home large city to the south,
base, experienced at 2-4 a swamp to the west and
levels at two day’s the coast to the east.
journey, 3-5 levels at Make some simple notes of
three day’s journey, etc. the types of creatures
found in each area, so if
As GM you can roll to the players tell you that
determine certain they are going to one of
environmental features or those directions, you’ll
situations. For example, have an idea of what they
to determine how many may encounter. Enlightened
creatures a party hopes that you will have
encounters roll 2d9. To some time to think of
determine the weather, some story goals before
roll 2d9 to determine the the game sessions and be
temperature. Use dice to prepared to give
determine creature’s suggestions to the party
strength (tier) , as to where they might
traveling direction and want to go.
many other things. Rolls
can also be made to A single session of game
determine world affairs, play should be able to fit
such as wars, weather, easily on one page of
special events, etc. notes. Keep it simple.
Once you have a good idea
As the GM, it is of the mischief the
important to know your characters will be
players. Three common facing, create a main
types of players are the encounter, including
combatant, the thinker, creatures and traps
and the social player. (whatever you want).
Your combat encounters
will satisfy combatants.
A good map and juicy

© D9 Games 2022 34
Creature Cards
Description of creature (keep your players guessing):

Level: Tier:
Size: Damage:
Health: Defense:
Resistance: Special 1:
Immunity: Special 2:
Vulnerability Special 3:
Morale: Tactics:
Loot: Name:

Description of creature (keep your players guessing):

Level: Tier:
Size: Damage:
Health: Defense:
Resistance: Special 1:
Immunity: Special 2:
Vulnerability: Special 3:
Morale: Tactics:
Loot: Name:

© D9 Games 2022 35
Creature Creation Tips • The immunity,
resistances and
• The Creatures level vulnerabilities are
dictates the amount of custom designed by the
health it has and the GM. Immunities should
base damage it does. be reserved for a tier
5 creature. All
creatures should have
• A level 1, tier one resistance and one
1 creature has 1 vulnerability.
point of health
(HP) and no
specials. • Size is usually
standard (medium),
most humans are
• A level 1, tier standard as well as
2 has 2 HP and 1 creatures. Creatures
special. can be tiny, small,
standard, large, huge,
• A level 1, tier or massive.
3 has 3 HP and 2
• Base damage is
calculated by the
• A level 1, tier creature’s level times
4 has 4 HP and 3 two (e.g., level 6
specials. creatures do a base
damage of 12, level 12
creatures do a base
• A level 1, tier damage of 24, etc.…)
5 has 5 HP and 3
specials with
less • Defense is the amount
vulnerability. of damage a creature
These are just absorbs when hit by an
suggestions. attack. If a character
hits a creature for 5
• All level 1 creatures damage and the
deal a base damage of creature has a defense
2. Specials can alter of 2, it only takes 3
the damage amounts and damage. Consult the
may include ‘armor and shield
conditions. attributes’ chart

• The tier is the depth

of ability in their • Morale is the
level. Each level has likelihood a creature
5 tiers. will flee during
battle. Players will
roll against the
creature’s morale
(0-18) score with

© D9 Games 2022 36
• abilities like • Special 3 is the most
intimidate or powerful ability. This
persuasion. ability can be
magical, (from a magic
item or otherwise),
• Special 1 is used to divine or just an
describe the basic awesome thing the
tendencies of the creature can do.
creature. This might Divine healing, magic
be a defensive spells, or
ability, basic ability supernatural talents
or something the most will be in this
inexperienced of their catagory. Tier 4
type begin with. Tier creatures have all 3
2 creatures have a specials.
special 1.

• The tactics are simply

• Special 2 is used to the motivations and
describe a creature's habits of the monster,
max standard ability, to help the GM decide
an ability that takes how to play them.
time to achieve, but
is what the creature
is known for. A • Loot is any treasure
special attack is the creature might
normally what a have on them. A tier 5
special 2 will creature might have
describe. Tier 3 the best loot; such as
creatures have a a magic item or scales
special 1 and a that can be fashioned
special 2. into something

Trap Creation
Trap creation is like The complexity determines
creature creation. A good the base damage amount
guideline with trap which can be ‘nerfed’ or
design is to create one ‘buffed’ by the special
at or below the creator attributes of the
of the trap’s level. A creature. These are only
trap designed by a level guidelines. The tier is
5 creature might make a used to label the amount
trap at complexity 5 or of complexity of the
lower. trap.

© D9 Games 2022 37
Trap Cards
Description of how the trap works, the trigger
and any disarm mechanism:

Complexity Tier

Damage Special

Name (optional):

Description of how the trap works, the trigger

and any disarm mechanism:

Complexity Tier

Damage Special

Name (optional):

© D9 Games 2022 38
Encounter Creation
For an example encounter encounter at level 1. You
let’s use a group of can assign the tiers as
hostile goblins… you see fit. Remember, you
can design all the
details as you wish or
This example encounter you can roll if you feel
will feature 2d9+4 the need, your choice.
goblins, each of these
goblins will play a
different role in the We have a complex
encounter. You roll an 8, encounter of goblins with
so there are 12 goblins 5 different creature
in total. There will types to manage. The
likely be 1 leader (the ‘boss’ (leader) would
‘boss’ of the group), 2 likely be tier 5 and have
priest types (healer, 3 specials and a
etc.), 1 magic type resistance because he is
(mage, etc.), 4 guard wearing a magic bracelet
types (defenders/tanks) (see the ‘Creature Card
and 4 fighter types Tips Chart’ above). The
(damage dealers). In priest would likely be
your journal or notes for tier 2 so he could have 1
the night of game play, special healing ability,
you’ll need to write the mage would likely be
these down. This tier 3 so he can cast two
encounter will be within different kinds of tier 1
a day’s journey from the spells or one tier 2
characters home base, so spell, you might want to
you roll again for level. keep the defender and
Since, 1 day’s journey fighters at tier 1 so as
can see a level of 1-3, to not destroy the party.
you will roll a 1d9: Mix-and-match the way you
see fit to ensure fun and
• A roll of 0 to 3 would
give a level 1
encounter, Enlightened recommends using
maps and miniatures, but
• 4 to 6 a level 2 it is certainly possible
encounter, to play in the ‘classic’
theater of the mind
style. Use your
• and 7 to 9, a level 3 imagination and play with
encounter. the creature’s tactics as
much as possible.
Remember, the creatures
In this example we will must be played to ‘win
say a ‘1’ was rolled, so every battle’ depending
you’ll run this

© D9 Games 2022 39
on their morale and happen to shake up the
motives, however, they game play. You can
also seek to survive to randomize the direction
fight another day. that this event occurs by
rolling a 1d9 and
whatever direction the
Traps can be added for die points (main edge)
fun and complexity with will determine at what
the same mindset. Replace direction the event will
one or more creatures enter the encounter at
with traps. (tell me we are not being
creative here?).
Time is very important in
an encounter. If the It is important to
encounter gets slow and include loot or treasure
bogged down, roll against in the mix of the game.
the creature’s morale, Loot can be many things.
and see if they decide to Finding an NPC that may
flee, only if they're help the players in their
losing of course. Enlightened journey is considered a
also suggests rolling a form of loot. Gold, gems,
1d9 during battle (from and magical items are
time-to-time) to loot for sure and you
determine if any other should encourage your
threats are nearby, which players to custom design
could cause the creatures some feature of what they
to flee, or add another have found. This can help
degree of difficulty to the players feel more
the encounter. One of rewarded because they
these threats might be will be more involved
another wandering party with key features of the
of creatures, a group of story as things unfold.
non-player characters One gold piece is about
(possibly friendly), or one day’s wage.
an environmental hazard
like a storm blowing
through. The main purpose Running an encounter
of these random or timed
rolls is to keep the game
flowing and keep the As GM, you will ask the
players engaged. players what their
characters are doing.
Whether the characters
A tip: roll a 1d9 and if are role playing (RP),
a 9 is rolled, something adventuring or acting in
(that you have prepared) combat, use simple-turn-
happens immediately. If a order (STO).
0 is rolled, it’s a false
alarm, and no event
happens. On a roll of 1 A round functions by
to 8, in that many asking each player, in
rounds, something will turn, starting with the

© D9 Games 2022 40
player on your left what the world might be ‘going
their character is doing, down’ and might need
resolve actions and then immediate attention, the
continue clockwise. In a foes know they're doomed
combat situation, when and flee, a prisoner is
the players have going to be executed and
initiative, you will ask the party will need to
each player to act first act fast, etc.…
(this includes action and
movement) and then defend
(but only if a defense is Another idea that can be
required, i.e., a monster used when running The
is trying to eat you). If Twilight of Fey setting is to
the foes have the roll to see if a
initiative, you will then transition into the ‘fey’
ask the players to make a happens. Roll 2d9 and on
roll to defense check a 16 or higher, the
first and then attempt surrounding area suddenly
their act. Continue STO but slowly changes into a
clockwise around the more beautiful scene.
table. They have entered the
Fey, where many new and
exciting creatures can be
When the STO arrives back found. There are more
to you (the GM), move the concentrations of mana in
creatures and NPCs, allow the air and mystery
for creature special awaits the adventurers!
actions like heals, pre-
determine the action of
each creature (attacks to Note: A round is 10
be resolved during the seconds in game time.
player’s ‘defend’ part of
their turn) and perform
any other ‘timers’ you Random Encounters
may have going-on.
Continue to the next Players will encounter
round in like fashion creatures, NPCs,
until the encounter is environmental hazards,
completed. and many other situations
in the game world. As GM,
If the game play is too you will roll for a
slow, the GM will need to random encounter based on
make a move. Making a the danger level of the
move means that the game area. For example, the
play needs a ‘spark’ characters are traveling
because the game play is through enemy territory
getting too slow, boring at night and during a
or the results of the time of war. This will be
battle are ‘obvious’. a roll every 2 hours to
Make a roll to see if see if a random encounter
something else is occurs. If the characters
approaching, something in are traveling through a

© D9 Games 2022 41
or generally safe area, Progression Chart
you will roll for a
random encounter once per
day. A random encounter
roll is made with a D9: POP Typical
Awarded Accomplishments
• A roll of 0 will
trigger an encounter 1-5 Standard
of the highest level encounter
of danger,
6-10 Standard
encounter with
• a 1 will trigger a role-play
moderately dangerous
encounter 11-15 Challenging
• and a 2 will be a 16-20 Challenging
basic encounter. encounter with
• A roll of 3 to 8
results in no 21-25 A major
encounter. mission
26-30 A major
• A roll of 9 will give mission with
safe passage through plenty of
the next random role-play
encounter check.

The GM will need to have If the players decide to

some of these encounters progress before they’ve
preplanned, but earned 30 POP, for
experienced GM may make whatever reason, you
them up ‘on the fly’. should increase the
difficulty of the next
season’s encounters.

A normal 1 days journey

Progression from an established city
or town triggers an
encounter of levels 1-3.
Award your players POP If the players have
based on the amount of progressed their
action and severity of characters into an
the accomplishments they offseason too early,
have achieved in a change the difficulty of
session. the encounter to a level

© D9 Games 2022 42
Glossary of Terms
Ab Urbe Condita (AUC) - the chosen beforehand by a
date of about 300 BC. player. There can only be
3 core dice.
Adventuring life meter - A
measure of the characters D9 – A 10-sided die but
ability to adventure-on with a 0 and not a 10.
with no aging penalties.
(Coming soon)
Difficulty - A roll with
disadvantage. The roll is
Agility (AGI) – A character made with 3 or more dice
stat that measures hand- depending on the degree
eye coordination, speed, of difficulty. The player
and flexibility. must use the lowest 2
dice rolled for their
Area of Effect (AOE) - The
area that a spell’s
effect covers. Divine - The power source
derives from a powerful
entity or a god.
Artefacts - Items of great
rarity and or power that
can be found in the game Ease - A roll with
world. advantage. This roll is
made with 3 or more dice
depending on the degree
Bell Curve – A greater of ease. The player will
probability of a use the highest 2 dice
resulting number to being rolled for their result.
closer to a medium range.
Encumbrance - A weight
Boon - A special and penalty to a character’s
often powerful gift from speed and/or defense,
a ‘higher’ being or God. caused by holding awkward
equipment, armor or
Catastrophe - A roll in
the game that results in
a ‘0’. Catastrophes are Enlightenment - A roll
normally accompanied by made in game that results
an additional ill effect. in an 18 with two core
dice. This roll grants
maximum success of an
Core Dice - The dice that action and the character
are ‘qualified’ to grant
enlightenment. These are
the main-colored dice

© D9 Games 2022 43
Fine armor - Better based on accomplishments.
crafted armor that has The POP is used to
been fashioned to give upgrade a character.
the wearer a bonus
reduction to encumbrance.
Proficient (Pro) - The next
level or tier of a talent
Hybrid magic - Magic that after enlightenment.
has been devised by at
least two different types
of magic. This magic Progression - The
pulls from different advancement of a
particles from mana. It character.
is rare and dangerous
(coming soon). Roll-over-target - The
amount rolled over a
Intellect (INT) - A character target number.
stat that measures
memory, intuition, Roll-under-target - The
awareness, and general amount rolled under a
intelligence, and/or target number.

Seasons of Experience (SOE)

Melee - Combat with a – the experience of
foe(s) that the character players, NPC and
is adjacent to. creatures measured in
Morale – Determines a
creature’s loyalty to a Simple-turn-order (STO) –
situation or cause. The simple flow of game
play which starts with
Off-season - The time the GM, or the player
inside of a standard sitting to the left of
season that is not spent the GM and continues
adventuring. This is the clockwise around the
time in which players table. Where you
will have their physically sit around the
characters train, upgrade table matters, just like
talents, and recover from with many popular board
injury. games.

One-Shot - an adventure Spell focus - An implement

that is designed to be that helps a spell
played in one night. caster.

Points of progression (POP) - Stat - A general

The amount of experience measurement of an ability
a character is granted of a character.

© D9 Games 2022 44
Strength (STR) - A Developed by D9 Games
character stat that (Jim Murphy & Steve Key)
measures strength, All rights reserved 2022
endurance, stamina, and
bulk gumption. With fonts from:

Talent - A special ability PR Fonts & Open Dyslexic

that a character uses in

Target number - The number For helpful information

a player must roll or about Dyslexia visit:
beat to succeed.
Taunt - A talent that
tests a foe’s morale, to
draw its attention.

Follow us:
Theater of the mind -
Imagining the game
instead of using props Games Methuselah
such as minis, maps, and

Tier – A specific level of YouTube & Patreon

something in game. This
could be a higher-level
spell, weapon, armor,
healing, etc.…
We’d like to get your
Tropes - Ideas in the thoughts on Enlightened.
game that are familiar to
players that may have Please fill out our
originated from a book,
movie, or another game.
Feedback form

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