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Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes In ​Defiance
Ace Gunner Leader.
This Leader is an Ace Gunner, and he influences ordnance firing units in his hex.
Before firing, roll 1d6, if the result is odd, subtract two (-2) from any to-hit rolls on the OFT;
if the result is even, ordnance firing units can fire twice in the same impulse, at the same
target or at two different targets.
Aimed Fire Leader or Hero, or WT.
These units are proficient at finding targets to fire on. They can fire on enemy units in an
unspotted hex.
If a Leader possesses this Skill, all units stacked with the Leader also share this Skill.
Ambusher Leader.
When units stacked with this Leader Melee enemy units that did not have a LOS to them
at the beginning of their impulse, the attacking units’ Firepower is tripled for the first round
of Melee. Additionally, the first round of Melee is non-simultaneous, and any
opponents eliminated are immediately removed from play.
Armour Piercer Leader or Sniper.
Fire from any MG SW or MG WT modified by the Leader with this Skill fires at vehicles
with armour factors less than or equal to 1 as if firing at an unarmoured vehicle.
A Sniper uses this Skill with his own rifle and can use it against ANY armoured vehicle
(whatever the armour factors} but rolls only 1d6 instead of 2d6 on his attack roll​.
Assaulter Leader.
Units stacked with this Leader are given Assault Movement capabilities. (See Rules)
Charismatic Leader.
This Leader is revered by his men. He can rally units in his own hex AND adjacent hexes.
Coordinated Fire Leader.
A Leader possessing this Skill can coordinate the eligible units in all adjacent hexes -
If LOS and range requirements are met - into one firing group.
To do so, the Leader must first pass a Morale Check (TMs apply). If he fails the MC, he’s
marked Ops Complete. If he passes the MC, tabulate the Firepower of all participating
units as if they were all in the same hex (follow multiple-attacking units rules). Use the
best DRM possible if there are differences between hexes, i.e., firing through degrading
terrain, etc.
Friendly Fire Cursed Skill​ - Leader or Hero.
Each time this man is involved in an attack and the attack roll is a 1, it results in friendly fire.
One hex containing friendly units (other player’s choice) to which the firing unit(s) have
LOS is targeted instead. Redo the attack and apply the results. If no friendly unit(s) is in
the firing unit(s) LOS, the attack has no effect and the firing unit(s) is marked with a Fired
La Marseillaise French Leader or Hero.
Play during the Rally Phase.
Out of nowhere, a murmur spreads through the French ranks, and within seconds it
morphs into a powerful song: “La Marseillaise”. Wounded and Shaken men join the
song. Despair fades. Hope is not dead. ALL French units, with or without a Leader or Hero in their
hex, can attempt to rally. Units previously eligible to rally due to the
presence of a Leader or Hero that have already failed to rally during this Rally Phase
can attempt a second rally attempt.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Leader-Hero Hero.
This Hero has exceptional Leadership.
In addition to Hero qualities, he also has a Leadership Modifier (LM) of 1, which can be
used for everything that Leaders use theirs for, e.g., during the Operations Phase they
can activate units in adjacent hexes.
The Hero suffers no Leadership penalties when wounded.
Maneuver Leader or Hero.
When receiving a Shaken result, the Leader (and all units stacked with him) or Hero
possessing this Skill, if unmarked by a Moved, Fired, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth,
Ops Complete can ignore the result, and retreat one hex instead without being marked
with a Moved marker.
The retreating unit cannot move towards an enemy unit in it’s LOS.
Op Movement Leader or Hero
If not marked by a Moved, Fired, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth or Ops Complete
marker, this Leader (and all units stacked with him), or Hero can Opportunity Move. At
any point that they would be eligible to Opportunity Fire, they can activate and move
instead, including to enter a Close Assault with an enemy vehicle.
Opportunist Leader or Hero.
This man can Opportunity Fire (OF) even if he is already marked by a Moved, Fired,
Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth or Ops Complete marker.
Leaders possessing this Skill extend this ability to all units stacked in the same hex with
him. Units stacked with a Hero possessing this Skill cannot OF unless they are unmarked
If the Leader’s stack or the Hero’s unmodified attack roll is even, mark the SMC with a
second Fired marker, The SMC loses this Skill for the duration of the turn​.
Running Killer Hero.
A Hero, acting alone, and not marked with an Assault Move or Low Crawl marker, can
move through a hex containing Shaken enemy units without stopping for Melee. When
entering such a hex, and if he decides to continue, he mercilessly empties his magazine
at one (and only one) of the enemy units present (choose randomly) and eliminates it
without entering Melee, the Hero can then continue his impulse.
Slayer Hero, MMC, or WT.
The unit possessing this Skill is/contains an expert machine-gunner. This unit can fire
more than once per turn. When the unit fires, resolve the attack and mark the firing unit
with a Fired marker and the targeted hex with the “Fired Slayer” marker. In subsequent
enemy impulses, during the same Ops Phase, the unit can Opportunity Fire at enemy
units that move in or adjacent to the hex containing the “Fired Slayer” marker. To do so,
However, the firing unit must first pass a Morale Check (MC). If the unit passes the MC, it
fires on the designated hex with 0FP. If the unit fails the MC, remove the “Fired Slayer” marker.
Stiff Upper Lip British Leader or Hero.
This Leader (and all units stacked with him), or Hero is defiant in the face of adversity.
Subtract one (-1) from all Damage Checks they must take.
Tank Killer Leader or Hero.
The Leader or Hero possessing this Skill doesn’t need to take a Morale Check (MC)
before entering an enemy armour unit’s hex. Units stacked with the Leader subtract two
(-2) from their MC.
Tromblon French Hero or MMC.
The Hero or a man in the MMC expertly fires a Tromblon VB (Grenade Launcher).
The Tromblon has a Firepower (FP) of 2 and a range of 4. The Tromblon VB can be fired
over Level-1 or Level-2 obstacles. The firer need not have LOS to the target hex if he is
adjacent to a friendly unit that does. If fired as part of a multi-unit attack, the Tromblon
is not halved, and it can target a hex different from the hex targeted by the other units.
If an MMC possesses this Skill it can use the Tromblon and uses its inherent FP in the
same impulse. A Hero uses the Tromblon instead of his IFP.
The Tromblon cannot be used in Melee or Close Assault.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of The​ ​Motherland

Assaulter Leader.
Units in the same hex with this Leader are given Assault Movement capabilities. (See Rules).
Dead Eye Leader or Hero.
Double the range of units stacked with Leader.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, only his range is doubled.
Deadly Leader or Hero.
Add one to the Firepower (FP) of attacks from units stacked with this Leader. That’s 1 FP TOTAL not
1 FP per unit in the stack.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, add 1 FP to his attacks.
Decisive Leader.
This Leader can activate both himself and units stacked in his hex twice. The activation occurs during
a second impulse. Remove any Fired, Moved, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth, or Ops Complete
markers immediately before the second activation. Mark the units as appropriate after the second
Die Hard Leader.
This Leader and any units (whether Good Order or Shaken) in his hex can roll 2d6 for any Damage
Check, choosing the single die result they wish to apply. Roll 2d6 for EACH unit.
Erratic Leader or Hero.
Utilize this Skill when combat results call for a Damage Check (DC). Roll 1d6: if the result is even,
neither the Leader or the units in the hex take a DC; if the result is odd, the Leader and the units in
the hex take double the initial DC, e.g., if the original DC was DC2, the DC would be DC4.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, it only applies to him.
Fanatic Leader.
Shaken units stacked with this Leader aren’t eliminated when an enemy enters the hex for Melee;
They attempt to rally (TMs apply). Leaders rally first and then other units. If the Leader does not
rally, the other units cannot attempt to rally. Units that do not rally are eliminated. Those who rally
can fight in Melee as normal.
Inspirational Hero.
If this Hero begins the Rally Phase in a hex with a friendly MMC (even if it’s a hex locked in Melee),
he creates another Hero. The new Hero does not draw a Skill counter. Normal Hero limits apply.
Leader-Hero Hero.
This Hero has exceptional Leadership.
In addition to Hero qualities, he also has a Leadership Modifier (LM) of 1, which can be used for
everything Leaders use theirs for, e.g., during the Operations Phase they can activate units in
adjacent hexes.
The Hero suffers no Leadership penalties when wounded.
Op Movement Leader or Hero.
If not marked by a Moved, Fired, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth or Ops Complete
marker, this Leader (and all units stacked with him), or Hero can Opportunity Move. At
any point that they would be eligible to Opportunity Fire, they can activate and move
instead, including to enter a Close Assault with an enemy vehicle.
Plough The Row Leader or Hero.
This Leader and the units in his hex can attack any TWO adjacent hexes when they attack.
Both hexes must meet all requirements for Fire Combat.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, it only applies to him. He can participate in an attack with other units
in his hex and then fire separately at an adjacent hex if desired.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of The​ ​Motherland

Preempt Leader or Hero.

After the opponent has declared which units will conduct their impulse, but before the impulse is
conducted, the Leader, and all units in his hex, can conduct an impulse. All units must be eligible to
Conduct an impulse (not marked with Fired, Moved, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth, or Ops
If a Hero possesses this Skill, only the Hero can conduct a Preempt impulse.
Rocket Man Hero.
This Hero is an expert with hand-held anti-tank weapons.
If ​Soviet​, give the Hero a 14.5 PTRS; if​ ​German​, give him a RPzB54.
Add ONE (1) to each range column on the PTRS/RPzB54 and subtract ONE (1) from all to-hit rolls.
Slayer Hero, MMC, or WT.
The unit possessing this Skill is/contains an expert machine-gunner. This unit can fire
more than once per turn. When the unit fires, resolve the attack and mark the firing unit
with a Fired marker and the targeted hex with the “Fired Slayer” marker. In subsequent
enemy impulses, during the same Ops Phase, the unit can Opportunity Fire at enemy
units that move in or adjacent to the hex containing the “Fired Slayer” marker. To do so,
However, the firing unit must first pass a Morale Check (MC). If the unit passes the MC, it
fires on the designated hex with 0FP. If the unit fails the MC, remove the “Fired Slayer” marker.
Speedy Leader or Hero​.
Add 2 Movement Points (MPs) to this Hero or to the Leader and all units in the Leader’s hex.
MMCs (not WTs) Double-Timing with this Leader have 8 MPs.
If units in the Leader’s hex are Assault Movement capable, they can expend up to 4 MPs then fire.
The Ambush Leader or Hero.
Utilize this Skill when a unit occupies an enemy hex or is adjacent to an enemy-occupied hex.
Roll 1d6 and place the forces allotted in the table below in or adjacent to the user’s hex (even if
enemy-occupied). Reinforcements assume the activation status of the user and must be of the user’s
type (Guards, SS,etc.), but randomly selected.

1d6 Result Reinforcements

1 Nothing
2 Half-Squad, MG SW
3-4 Squad, MG SW
5-6 2 x Squads

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of ​Normandy

Assaulter Leader.
Units in the same hex with this Leader are given Assault Movement capabilities. (See Rules).
Dead Eye Leader or Hero.
Double the range of units stacked with Leader.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, only his range is doubled.
Deadly Leader or Hero.
Add one to the Firepower (FP) of attacks from units stacked with this Leader. That’s 1 FP TOTAL not
1 FP per unit in the stack.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, add 1 FP to his attacks.
Decisive Leader.
This Leader can activate both himself and units stacked in his hex twice. The activation occurs during
a second impulse. Remove any Fired, Moved, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth, or Ops Complete
markers immediately before the second activation. Mark the units as appropriate after the second
Die Hard Leader.
This Leader and any units (whether Good Order or Shaken) in his hex can roll 2d6 for any Damage
Check, choosing the single die result they wish to apply. Roll 2d6 for EACH unit.
Erratic Leader or Hero.
Utilize this Skill when combat results call for a Damage Check (DC). Roll 1d6: if the result is even,
neither the Leader or the units in the hex take a DC; if the result is odd, the Leader and the units in
the hex take double the initial DC, e.g., if the original DC was DC2, the DC would be DC4.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, it only applies to him.
Fanatic Leader.
Shaken units stacked with this Leader aren’t eliminated when an enemy enters the hex for Melee;
They attempt to rally (TMs apply). Leaders rally first and then other units. If the Leader does not
rally, the other units cannot attempt to rally. Units that do not rally are eliminated. Those who rally
can fight in Melee as normal.
Inspirational Hero.
If this Hero begins the Rally Phase in a hex with a friendly MMC (even if it’s a hex locked in Melee),
he creates another Hero. The new Hero does not draw a Skill counter. Normal Hero limits apply.
Leader-Hero Hero.
This Hero has exceptional Leadership.
In addition to Hero qualities, he also has a Leadership Modifier (LM) of 1, which can be used for
everything Leaders use theirs for, e.g., during the Operations Phase they can activate units in
adjacent hexes.
The Hero suffers no Leadership penalties when wounded.
Op Movement Leader or Hero.
If not marked by a Moved, Fired, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth or Ops Complete
marker, this Leader (and all units stacked with him), or Hero can Opportunity Move. At
any point that they would be eligible to Opportunity Fire, they can activate and move
instead, including to enter a Close Assault with an enemy vehicle.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of ​Normandy

Plough The Row Leader or Hero.

This Leader and the units in his hex can attack any TWO adjacent hexes when they attack.
Both hexes must meet all requirements for Fire Combat.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, it only applies to him. He can participate in an attack with other units
in his hex and then fire separately at an adjacent hex if desired.

Preempt Leader or Hero.

After the opponent has declared which units will conduct their impulse, but before the impulse is
conducted, the Leader, and all units in his hex, can conduct an impulse. All units must be eligible to
Conduct an impulse (not marked with Fired, Moved, Assault Move, Low Crawl, Stealth, or Ops
If a Hero possesses this Skill, only the Hero can conduct a Preempt impulse.
Rocket Man Hero.
This Hero is an expert with hand-held anti-tank weapons.
If ​American​, give the Hero a Bazooka; if​ ​German​, give him an RPzB54; if ​British​ give him a PIAT.
Add ONE (1) to each range column on the Bazooka/RPzB54/PIAT and subtract ONE (1) from all
Speedy Leader or Hero.​
Add 2 Movement Points (MPs) to this Hero or to the Leader and all units in the Leader’s hex.
MMCs (not WTs) Double-Timing with this Leader have 8 MPs.
If units in the Leader’s hex are Assault Movement capable, they can expend up to 4 MPs then fire.
The Ambush Leader or Hero.
Utilize this Skill when a unit occupies an enemy hex or is adjacent to an enemy-occupied hex.
Roll 1d6 and place the forces allotted in the table below in or adjacent to the user’s hex (even if
enemy-occupied). Reinforcements assume the activation status of the user and must be of the user’s
type (Guards, SS,etc.), but randomly selected.

1d6 Result Reinforcements

1 Nothing
2 Half-Squad, MG SW
3-4 Squad, MG SW
5-6 2 x Squads

Versatile Leader or Hero.

Assault Movement (AM) capable MMCs in this Leader’s hex can fire BEFORE moving; the fire
still suffers the -2 penalty. After firing, the units can move as per AM rules. The units can enter
Melee via AM.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, only the Hero has the benefits, not the other units in his hex.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of The ​Pacific

A Leader’s Leader Leader.

This Skill allows the Leader, during the Operations Phase, to attempt to rally all the units in his current
hex. The Skill can be used once per turn and does not constitute an action. In other words, the
Leader can activate for movement,dash to a new hex and attempt to rally the units there. Or the
Leader can move with a stack, and if the stack takes fire and a unit, or units, are Shaken, the Leader
Can attempt to rally it (them) right there and then.
The Leader cannot use this Skill to Self-Rally, and he must be in Good Order to use the Skill.
From The Masses Single-Use.
This Skill is assigned to a side instead of a Leader or Hero, or another unit; keep the counter visible to
remind the possessing player of it. During the Rally Phase, the owner can utilize the Skill by
indicating a specific MMC on the Map. The indicated MMC, which can be Shaken or in Good Order,
takes a Morale Check (MC) - Leadership and TMs apply. (this is in addition to any normal rally
attempts). If the MMC passes the MC, place a randomly selected Leader, not currently in use, in the
MMC’s hex. The Leader functions normally after placement and can immediately attempt to rally
other units in the hex. If the MMC fails the MC, nothing happens. Remove the Skill counter from
Gung Ho US Marine Hero.
This Marine Hero can either ignore the first wound result or gain ONE additional FP in Melee. If used
in Melee, the Marine is removed from the Map after resolving the attack. Remove the Skill counter
after use.
Hail Of Lead Squad or WT.
This Squad or Weapon Team fires separately from the other units in its hex. If it causes a Damage
Check (DC), regardless of the results of the DC, it can fire again at the same target hex. The unit’s
impulse concludes when it does not cause a DC on its target. Leadership Modifiers will apply.
Lucky Man Leader or Hero.
Single Use.
When utilized, this Skill adds or subtracts (owner’s choice) THREE (3) from any die-roll, be it the
owner’s or the enemy’s, that involve this unit or, if the Skill belongs to a Leader, unit’s hex.
Remove the Skill counter from the Leader or Hero after use.
Pour It On Leader.
Single Use​.
If eligible, units in a Leader’s hex can participate in an attack initiated by another unit or stack of
units. Remove the Skill counter after use.
Quick Hero.
The enemy cannot Opportunity Fire (OF) on this unit in the first hex it enters in an enemy’s LOS.
Slayer Hero, MMC, or WT.
The unit possessing this Skill is/contains an expert machine-gunner. This unit can fire
more than once per turn. When the unit fires, resolve the attack and mark the firing unit
with a Fired marker and the targeted hex with the “Fired Slayer” marker. In subsequent
enemy impulses, during the same Ops Phase, the unit can Opportunity Fire at enemy
units that move in or adjacent to the hex containing the “Fired Slayer” marker. To do so,
However, the firing unit must first pass a Morale Check (MC). If the unit passes the MC, it
fires on the designated hex with 0 FP. If the unit fails the MC, remove the “Fired Slayer” marker.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of The ​Pacific

Suicide Sapper Japanese Remnant.

Single-Use (Obviously!)
A Soldier in this Remnant has strapped explosives to his body and has a dead man's switch in his
hand. He can detonate the explosives in lieu of Melee or Close Assault (Remnant does not have to
pass a Morale Check to enter Close Assault). The explosives attack all units in the hex with a
Firepower of 4. Against Leg units, the defending unit(s) does not get the benefit of the hex’s Terrain
Modifier; thus 1d6 + 4 vs. 1d6. Against vehicles, there is not to-hit roll; the explosives attack the
vehicle’s lowest armour factor; thus 1d6 + 4 vs. 1d6 + lowest armour factor. The explosion kills the
Remnant (obviously) and removes the Skill counter.
There They Are! Hero or WT.
“Wait ‘till I put a tracer on him and then open up!”
Mark the target of the unit’s attack with a “There They Are!” marker. All subsequent DFT attacks
against the hex in the current turn have ONE (1) added to their FP.
Warrior Spirit Japanese Leader.
Single Use.
This Leader and any units stacked with this Leader can ignore the results of one DFT attack.
Remove the Skill counter after use.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of ​North Africa

Agile Leader or Hero.

This Leader and any Good Order units moving (normal movement, Double-Time, or Assault
Movement) with him are not subject to the +1 DFT penalty when fired upon in any terrain-type
hex, even in Clear/Sand hexes.
If possessed by a Hero this Skill only applies to the Hero and not to any other units he is moving with.
Aimed Fire Leader, Hero, Armour Leader, or WT.
These units are proficient at finding targets to fire on. They can fire on enemy units in an
unspotted hex, within LOS and range requirements.
If a Leader possesses this Skill, all units stacked with the Leader also share this Skill.
An Armour Leader possessing this Skill can fire at unspotted units only if his vehicle is open.
It only applies to the Armour Leader’s vehicle and not to any other vehicles in his hex.
Assaulter Leader.
Units in the same hex with this Leader are given Assault Movement capabilities. (See Rules).
Avanti Savola Italian Leader or Hero.
Single Use.
Play during the Rally Phase.
ALL Italian units, with or without a Leader, Hero, Medic or Chaplin in their hex, can attempt to rally.
Eligible units that have already attempted - and failed - to rally during the current Rally Phase can
attempt to rally again. Leadership and Terrain Modifiers apply.
Battle Cry Leader, Armour Hero or Hero.
When this Leader is stacked with Assault Movement capable units, those units can fire first,
subtracting ONE (-1) from their total FP, and then move up to half of their Movement Factor, including
Double-Time movement. These units may fire and then enter Melee or attempt a Close Assault.
If a Hero, with Stealth or Assault Movement, possesses this Skill, it only applies to him, but he can fire
first and then move with other non-firing units.
An Armour Leader possessing this Skill can have his vehicle fire first, observing DFT (-1 to FP) and
OFT (+1 to-hit roll) penalties, and then move up to half of the vehicle’s printed MF; the vehicle can fire
and then perform an Overrun, if eligible.
Charismatic Leader.
This Leader is revered by his men. He can rally units in his own hex AND adjacent hexes.
Desert Rat Leader or Armour Leader.
A Leader possessing this Skill is adept at leading his men through desert terrain, and thus, if using
Double-Time Movement, the units still add TWO (2) to their MF even if entering a Sand or Hammada
hex, negating rules relating to “Bogging Down”.
An Armour Leader possessing this Skill is adept at directing his driver through desert terrain. His
Vehicle does not have to make a Bog Down Check in the first THREE (3) Sand or Hammada hexes
it enters during an impulse.
Die Hard Leader or Hero.
This Leader and any non-vehicle units (whether Good Order,Shaken or Wounded) in his hex can roll
2d6 for any Damage Check, choosing the single die result they wish to apply. Roll 2d6 for EACH unit.
If possessed by a Hero, this Skill (rolling 2d6) only applies to the Hero during Damage Checks, not
to any other units stacked with him.
Flexible Leader only.
This Leader is adept at making tactical decisions. During the Rally Phase, this Leader can split one
(and only one) GO Squad in to two Half Squads, observing the Squad’s normal Half-Squad
reductions; thus, if required to roll for Half-Squad type during reduction on a casualties result, you
roll for each of the two Half-Squads.

Last Update: 06/02/2019

Lock ‘n Load Tactical - WW2 Era - Skills Reference Cards ​Version 1

Heroes Of ​North Africa

Friendly Fire Cursed Skill​ - Leader or Hero.

Each time this man is involved in an attack and the attack roll is a 1, it results in friendly fire.
One hex containing friendly units (other player’s choice) to which the firing unit(s) have
LOS is targeted instead. Redo the attack and apply the results. If no friendly unit(s) is in
the firing unit(s) LOS, the attack has no effect and the firing unit(s) is marked with a Fired
Leader-Hero Hero.
This Hero has exceptional Leadership.
In addition to Hero qualities, he also has a Leadership Modifier (LM) of 1, which can be used for
everything Leaders use theirs for, e.g., during the Operations Phase they can activate units in
adjacent hexes.
The Hero suffers no Leadership penalties when wounded.
Plough The Row Leader or Hero.
This Leader and the units in his hex can attack any TWO adjacent hexes when they attack.
Both hexes must meet all requirements for Fire Combat. Roll separately for each attack.
If a Hero possesses this Skill, it only applies to him. He can participate in an attack with other units
in his hex and then fire separately at an adjacent hex if desired.
Scorpion Leader or Hero.
This Leader or Hero (and any units stacked with him) is a Melee specialist. During the Melee attack
in which this Leader or Hero participates, the player rolls THREE dice (3d6) instead of two and
chooses the two dice he wishes to apply.
Stiff Upper Lip British Leader or Hero.
This Leader (and all units stacked with him), or Hero is defiant in the face of adversity.
Subtract one (-1) from all Damage Checks they must take.
Tank Ace Armour Leader only.
This Armour Leader is an expert in mobile armoured warfare. Once during the Scenario he can either
Activate his vehicle and any TWO other non-adjacent vehicles (vehicles can be no more than THREE
(3) hexes away) OR activate his own vehicle a second time during a turn (but not twice in the same
impulse). The vehicle’s second activation is a fresh activation, as if on a new turn. The vehicle’s
second activation can also be used to conduct Opportunity Fire if desired.
Tank Killer Leader or Hero.
The Leader of Hero possessing this Skill does not have to take a Morale Check before entering an
Enemy armour unit’s hex for a Close Assault.
Units stacked with this Leader subtract TWO (-2) from their Morale Check, in addition to the minus
TWO (-2) for being in a hex with a positive Terrain Modifier..

Last Update: 06/02/2019

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