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CE-122: Civil Engineering Materials and Concrete Technology

Properties of Concrete


Prof. Dr. Khan Shahzada Engr. Izaz Ahmad

CED UET Peshawar Lecturer CED UET Peshawar

Lecture Outlines
Properties of Concrete
 Fresh Concrete
 Workability
 Segregation
 Bleeding
 Setting Time
 False Setting Time
 Hardened Concrete
 Strength Development of Concrete
 Dry Shrinkage
 Creep

2 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Fresh Concrete

Fresh Concrete
 Fresh concrete is the stage of concrete in which it is plastic and can be molded.
 Sometimes it is also known as green concrete.

3 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Fresh Concrete

Fresh Concrete
 The potential strength and durability of concrete depends upon the properties of
concrete in fresh state.

 It is therefore very vital that concrete in fresh state should be such that it can easily
be transported, placed and finished properly to attain expected strength and

4 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Fresh Concrete

Properties of Fresh Concrete

Workability Segregation Bleeding

Setting Time

5 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

 The ease with which a concrete can be compacted 100% having regard to the mode of
compaction and place of deposition
 Or
 Workability of concrete is the property of freshly mixed concrete which determines
the ease and homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and
finished’ as defined by ACI Standard 116R-90 (ACI 1990b).

 Workability is one of the physical parameters of concrete which affects the strength
and durability as well as the cost of labor and appearance of the finished product.

6 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

 Every job requires particular workability.

 For having right workability, concrete will be durable and economical.

 For having proper workability, a mix designer must satisfy in mix design, with
proper understanding of the following;

 Type of Work
 Distance of Transport
 Loss of Slump
 Method of Placing

7 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

Types of Workability of Concrete

Workability of concrete can be divided into following three types:

1. Unworkable Concrete
2. Medium Workable Concrete
3. Highly Workable Concrete

1. Unworkable Concrete
An unworkable concrete can also be called as harsh concrete. It is a concrete with very
little amount of water. The hand mixing of such concrete is not easy.

8 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

 Such type of concrete has high segregation of aggregates as cement paste is not
lubricated properly to stick to the aggregates. It is very difficult to maintain the
homogeneity of concrete mix and compaction of concrete requires much effort. Water
cement ratio of such concrete is below 0.4.

9 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

2. Medium Workable Concrete

 This type of concrete workability is used in most of the construction works. This
concrete is relatively easy to mix, transport, place and compact without much
segregation and loss of homogeneity.

 This type of concrete workability is generally used in all concrete construction with
light reinforcement (spacing of reinforcement is which allows the concrete to be
compacted effectively). Water cement ratio for medium workable concrete is 0.4 to

10 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

3. Highly Workable Concrete

 A highly workable concrete is very easy to mix, transport, place and compact in
structures. Such concrete is used where effective compaction of concrete is not
possible or in mass concrete or in case of heavy reinforcement where vibration of
concrete is not possible.

 Such concrete flow easily and settle down without much effort. But there is high
chances of segregation and loss of homogeneity in this case

11 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete (ASTM C 143)

Workability Slump (mm) Uses

Very Low 0 – 25 (0-1 inch) Roads - Pavements

Low 25 – 50 (1-2 inch) Foundations Concrete

Medium 50 – 100 (2-4 inch) Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced Concrete (High
High 100 – 175 (4-7 inch)

Workability of Concrete

Factors Affecting Workability of Concrete

The main factors affecting workability of concrete are:
1. Water/cement ratio
2. Size of aggregates
3. Shape of aggregates
4. Surface Texture of aggregates
5. Grading of aggregates
6. Use of admixture
7. Temperature of the concrete mix

By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad 13

Workability of Concrete

1. Water/Cement Ratio or Water Content of Concrete

 Water/cement ratio is one of the most important factor which influence the concrete
workability. Generally, a water cement ratio of 0.45 to 0.6 is used for good workable
concrete without the use of any admixture. Higher the water/cement ratio, higher
will be the water content per volume of concrete and concrete will be more

 Higher water/cement ratio is generally used for manual concrete mixing to make the
mixing process easier. For machine mixing, the water/cement ratio can be reduced.

14 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

2. Size of Aggregates

 Surface area of aggregates depends on the size of aggregates. For a unit volume of
aggregates with large size, the surface area is less compared to same volume of
aggregates with small sizes.

 When the surface area increases, the requirement of cement quantity also increase
to cover up the entire surface of aggregates with paste. This will make more use of
water to lubricate each aggregates.

 Hence, lower sizes of aggregates with same water content are less workable than the
large size aggregates.

15 By: Dr. Khan Shahzada & Engr. Izaz Ahmad

Workability of Concrete

Effect of aggregate size



Consider a single aggregate the size of 1”x1”x1”

Workability of Concrete

Compute the surface area as you break up the particles

block surface area = 0.5*0.5*6=1.5

block surface area = 1*1*6= 6

volume = 1 cubic in
surface area = 6 square inches
volume = 1 cubic in
surface area = 1.5*8= 12 square inches
Workability of Concrete
3. Shape of Aggregates
 The shape of aggregates affects the workability of concrete. It is easy to understand
that rounded aggregates will be easy to mix than elongated, angular and flaky
aggregates due to less frictional resistance.

 Other than that, the round aggregates also have less surface area compared to
elongated or irregular shaped aggregates.

Rounded aggregate Angular aggregate
Workability of Concrete

4. Grading of Aggregates
 Grading of aggregates have the maximum effect on the workability of concrete. A
well graded aggregates have all sizes in required percentages. This helps in reducing
the voids in a given volume of aggregates.

 The less volume of voids makes the cement paste available for aggregate surfaces to
provide better lubrication to the aggregates.

 With less volume of voids, the aggregate particles slide past each other and less
compacting effort is required for proper consolidation of aggregates. Thus low water
cement ratio is sufficient for properly graded aggregates.

Workability of Concrete

Grading of Aggregates

Workability of Concrete

5. Surface Texture of Aggregates

 Surface texture such as rough surface and smooth surface of aggregates affects the
workability of concrete in the same way as the shape of aggregates.

 With rough texture of aggregates, the surface area is more than the aggregates of
same volume with smooth texture. Thus concrete with smooth surfaces are more
workable than with rough textured aggregates.

Smooth aggregate river gravel

21 Angular and rough aggregate
Workability of Concrete

6. Use of Admixtures in Concrete

 There are many types of admixtures used in concrete for enhancing its properties.
There are some workability enhancer admixtures such as plasticizers and
superplasticizers which increases the workability of concrete even with low
water/cement ratio.

 They are also called as water reducing concrete admixtures. They reduce the quantity
of water required for same value of slump.
 Air entraining concrete admixtures are used in concrete to increase its workability.
This admixture reduces the friction between aggregates by the use of small air
bubbles which acts as the ball bearings between the aggregate particles

Workability of Concrete
7. Temperature of the concrete mix

fresh concrete

aggregates paste

Concrete Segregation

 Segregation can be defined as separation of the constituents of a concrete mix so that

their distribution is no longer uniform.
 The segregation of concrete is primarily caused due to the differences in the size of
particles and in the specific gravity of the mix constituents.

 But it can be controlled by doing the grading of concrete and by handling the concrete
in proper way. Concrete mixes should not segregate (i.e it ought to be cohesive; the
absence of segregation is essential if full compaction is to be achieved).

Concrete Segregation

 Generally, segregation occurs when we don’t mix concrete ingredients in correct

proportion or do not take care while handling, transporting, or placing of concrete.
Segregation creates porous concrete which reduces the strength of the concrete. It also
leads to the voids in concrete, which causes leakage in house and accelerate the process
of corrosion.

Concrete Segregation

There are three forms of segregation:

1. The coarser particles tend to separate out since they travel further along a slope or

settle more than finer particles. It occurs when the mix is too dry.

2. It occurs in wet mixes through separation of cement paste from the mix.

3. Separation of water from the concrete mix (Bleeding in concrete)

Concrete Segregation

Following are the factors that contribute to increased segregation;

 Dropping concrete from a considerable height (more than 1m).

 Larger maximum particle size (over 25 mm) and proportion of large particles.

 A high specific gravity of the coarse aggregate compared to that of fine aggregate.

 A decreased amount of fines (sand or cement).

Concrete Segregation

Following are the factors that contribute to increased segregation;

 Transporting concrete mixes for long distances.
 Poor workmanship i.e. proper engineering practices are not followed while

 Poorly proportioned mix.

 Vibrating concrete for a long time
 Segregation also increases when concrete is placed in heavily reinforced concrete

Concrete Segregation

Following are the factors that contribute to increased segregation;

 Mixes that are either too wet or too dry.

 Concrete ingredients are not properly mixed. i.e. Insufficient mixing time.

 Use of poor formwork (shuttering) materials. I.e. shuttering which leaks.

Concrete Segregation
(Awful effects of segregation)

Following are the awful effects of segregation:

 Segregation results into the lower strength of concrete.

 Segregation causes the porous or honeycombed concrete which develops the problem

of leakages in your house. It ultimately results into the defects like corrosion in

 Segregation develops the cracks in concrete which ultimately leads to the early repair

of house.
Concrete Segregation
(Awful effects of segregation)

Concrete Segregation

To Avoid Segregation
 Always use concrete which is predesigned with optimum quantity of water i.e. not too
wet nor too dry.

 Weight the ingredients of concrete properly before you mix them. They should be in
proportion according to the concrete mix design. The proportioned of concrete
ingredients can be decided by carrying out weigh or volumetric batching of concrete .

Concrete Segregation

To Avoid Segregation
 Make sure the concrete is properly mixed at the correct speed in a mixture for at least
two minutes. Regularly check the performance of mixer with respect to adequate
uniformity of distribution of constituents in each batch.

 If you buy ready mix, choose the supplier in such a way that the transportation of
concrete should be done via shortest route.

Concrete Segregation

To Avoid Segregation
 Place the concrete in its final position as soon as possible. Never pour concrete from
higher heights. Remember that the distance between the mixing and pouring place is

 Use proper shuttering materials and make the formwork water tight. This will
prevent the leakages of cement paste from the formwork and will give smooth
finished concrete.

Concrete Segregation

To Avoid Segregation
 Do the compaction of concrete properly while placing of concrete. There are
different methods of compaction and types of vibrators to be used to vibrate a
concrete. To overcome the effect of segregation, vibrate concrete at the particular
location for the particular time of interval. i.e. Vibrate the fresh concrete for just the
right time-not too long, not too less.

 Use the vibrator correctly and never use the vibrator to spread a heap of concrete
over a large area. i.e. Do not allow concrete to flow.

Concrete Segregation

To Avoid Segregation
 Use admixtures in concrete such as air entraining agent in the mix. Entrained air
reduces the danger of segregation.
 If any segregation is observed in concrete, remixing should be done to make it
homogeneous again.

 In a case where the depth of concrete is more than 1.5 meter, it should be placed
through inclined chutes. The end of the chute should be as close to the point of
concrete as possible. The angle of inclination should be kept so as to allow smooth
travel of the concrete. Also, lubricate the path using a small quantity of water at
regular intervals

Concrete Segregation
(To Avoid Segregation)

Concrete Bleeding

 Bleeding, is also known as water gain, is a form of segregation in which some of the

water in the mix tends to rise to the surface of freshly placed concrete. This is caused
by the inability of the solid constituents of the mix to hold all of the mixing water
when they settle downwards.

 Bleeding can be expressed quantitatively as the total settlement (reduction in height)

per unit height of concrete, and the bleeding capacity as well as the rate of bleeding
can be determined experimentally using the test of ASTM C 232-04.
 When the cement paste has stiffened sufficiently, bleeding of concrete ceases.
Concrete Bleeding

 Bleeding occurs in concrete when coarse aggregates tends to settle down and free
water rises up to the surface. This upward movement of water while traversing from
bottom to top, makes continuous channels.

 If the water cement ratio used is 0.6 or more, the bleeding channel will remain
continues. This continuous bleeding channels are often responsible for permeability
in the structure.

Concrete Bleeding
 Similarly, the water that accumulates below the reinforcing bars reduces the bond
between the reinforcement and concrete. Process of bleeding is a normal phenomena
if it is at normal rate, but can create weakening of bond if occurs at high rate.
Bleeding is a type of segregation, in which water comes out of concrete.

Concrete Bleeding

 The bleeding is not completely harmful if the rate of evaporation of water is equal to
the rate of bleeding. Normal bleeding is quite good for properties of concrete as it
enhances the workability of concrete. Bleeding replaces the water lost by evaporation
and prevents the surface from drying quickly before it has attained sufficient
strength to resist cracking.

 Early bleeding when the concrete mass is fully plastic, may not cause much harm,
because concrete being in a fully plastic condition, will get subsided and compacted.
It is the delayed bleeding, when the concrete has lost its plasticity, which causes
undue harm to the concrete. Controlled re-vibration may also be adopted to
overcome the effect of bleeding.

Concrete Bleeding

Concrete Bleeding

Causes of Concrete Bleeding

 Segregation is the cause of bleeding in the concrete mix. Segregation is the phenomena
in which heavy aggregate particles settles down, due to settling of heavy particles,
water rises up to the surface and forms a layer. This upward movement of water also
carries fine particles of cement with it. The top surface of slabs and pavements will not
have good wearing quality.

 The total amount of bleeding or settlement depends on mix properties, primarily water
content and amount of fines (cement, fly ash, fine sand). Increasing water content
increases bleeding, and increasing the amount of fines reduces bleeding. Amount of
bleeding is also proportional to the depth of concrete placed. More bleed water rises in
deep sections than in thin ones.

Concrete Bleeding

Causes of Concrete Bleeding

 Although dependent on the water content of the mix, the tendency to bleeding
depends largely on the properties of the cement. Bleeding is lower with finer cements
and is also affected by certain chemical factors: there is less bleeding when the
cement has a high alkali content (Na2O and K2O), a high C3A content, or when
calcium chloride is added.

Concrete Bleeding
Effects of Bleeding
 Due to bleeding concrete loses its homogeneity.
 Bleeding is responsible for causing permeability in concrete.
 As far as safety is concerned, water that accumulates below the reinforcing bars,
reduces the bond between the reinforcement and concrete.

 In the process of bleeding the accumulation of water creates a water voids and reduces
bond between the aggregate and cement paste.

 Increase in the water-cement ratio at the top layers of the concrete.

 The accumulation of water at the top, results in delayed surface finishing.

False and Flash Set

False Set of Cement/ Concrete

 False set is the name given to the abnormal premature stiffening of cement within a few
minutes of mixing with water. It differs from flash set, no appreciable heat is evolved,
and remixing the cement paste without addition of water restores plasticity of the paste
until it sets in the normal manner and without a loss of strength.

Causes of False Set

 Some of the causes of false set are to be found in the dehydration of gypsum when
inter-ground with too hot clinker: hemihydrate (CaSO4. H2O) or anhydrite (CaSO4)
are formed and when the cement is mixed with water these hydrate to form needle-
shaped crystals of gypsum. Thus what is called ‘plaster set’ takes place with a resulting
stiffening of the paste. 46
False and Flash Set

Flash Set of Cement/ Concrete

 Flash set can occur due to rapid development of rigidity in freshly mixed Portland
cement paste, mortar, or concrete. Further mixing can't dispel this rigidity, and a
large amount of heat is produced in the process. Rapid development of rigidity can
also be caused by false set. But in this case, little heat is generated

Causes of Flash Set

 If inadequate amount of gypsum are added to the cement, flash set can occur.

Hardened Concrete

 A Concrete that is in a solid state and has developed a certain strength is called

hardened concrete.

Properties of Hardened Concrete:

1. Compressive Strength of concrete
2. Tensile Strength of concrete
3. Flexure Strength of Concrete

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Strength of Concrete
 Strength of concrete could be defined as the ultimate load that causes failure (or its
resistance to rupture) and its units are force units divided by area (N/mm2 or psi
(pound per square inch)).

 Strength of concrete is commonly considered its most valuable property, although

in many practical cases, other characteristics, such as durability and permeability
may in fact be more important.

 The strength of concrete can be determined by the compressive strength test, tensile
strength test and flexural strength test.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

1. Compressive Strength of concrete

 It may be defined as the maximum compressive load that can be taken by concrete per
unit area.

 The compressive strength is also called the crushing strength, and it is determined by
loading axially cube-shaped (15cm (6 inch) x 15 cm (6 inch) x 15 cm (6 inch) ) (or
cylindrical shaped 15cm (6 inch) diameter and 30 cm (12 inch) height, in the USA)
specimens made out of the concrete.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

1. Compressive Strength of concrete

 The tests are carried out in 3 days, 7 days and 28 days after the casting of the samples.

 It has been observed that the compressive (crushing) strength of concrete is influenced
by a number of factors.

 Normally, the compressive strength of concrete is determined by testing, and the tensile
strength and modulus of elasticity are expressed in terms of the compressive strength.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Compressive Strength Testing;

 P = failure load

 D = diameter of cylinder

 a = one side of cube

Properties of Hardened Concrete
Compressive Strength of Concrete
 ASTM C39

 Empty molds are filled with fresh concrete using a standard procedure. After 24 hours

the specimens are taken out of the molds and cured for 28 days at the end of the curing
period they are tested by using Universal Testing Machine.

 Continue to apply load until the sample fails and displays a well-defined fracture


Properties of Hardened Concrete

Compressive Strength of concrete;

 A Universal Testing Machine (UTM),

also known as a Universal Tester,

materials testing machine or materials
test frame, is used to test the
compressive strength, tensile strength
and Flexural strength of materials.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Compressive Strength testing of concrete

Properties of Hardened Concrete
Compressive Strength of Concrete
 The strength of concrete is basically referred to compressive strength and it depends

upon three factors:

 Paste Strength

 Interfacial Bonding

 Aggregate Strength

Paste strength
 It is mainly due to the binding properties of cement paste. If the paste has higher

binding strength, higher will be the strength of concrete.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Compressive Strength of Concrete

Interfacial bonding
 Interfacial bonding is very necessary regarding the strength. Clay obstructs the

bonding between paste and aggregate. The aggregate should be washed for a better
bonding between paste and aggregate.

Aggregate strength
 It is mainly the aggregate that provide strength to concrete especially coarse

aggregates which act just like bones in the body. Rough and angular aggregate
provides better bonding and high strength.
Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting compressive Strength of concrete;

 Curing conditions

 Temperature

 Water/Cement , (inversely related) , 0.5 or 0.65, Which one will have more strength

 Aggregate characteristics, roughness, grading.

 Cement type, composition, fineness

 Cement content (directly related)

 Strength porosity relationship, More the voids less will be the strength and

minimum the voids or no voids more will be the strength

Properties of Hardened Concrete

2. Tensile Strength of Concrete

 Plain concrete (without steel reinforcement) is quite weak in tensile strength which
may vary from 1/8th to 1/20th of the ultimate compressive strength.

 It is primarily for this reason that steel bars (reinforcement) are introduced into the
concrete to get a block of reinforced cement concrete which is very Strong in
compression as well as in tension.

 In plain concrete, tensile strength depends largely on the same factors as of the
compressive strength.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

2. Tensile Strength of Concrete

 The tensile strength of concrete is measured by Splitting Tensile Strength test;

 The cylindrical specimens (placed with its axis horizontal) is subjected to a line load
(uniform) along the length of the specimen. (It is normally taken as 10% of
compressive strength)

Properties of Hardened Concrete

2. Tensile Strength of Concrete;

Splitting Tensile Strength

Properties of Hardened Concrete

3. Flexure Strength of Concrete

The flexural strength of concrete

is defined as the maximum
bending stress that can be
applied on the concrete before it

Strength Development of Concrete

Strength Development of Concrete
Tri- and di-calcium silicates:

The tri- and di-calcium silicates (C3S and C2S, respectively) comprise over 80% by
weight of most cement. It is known that C3S is the most important phase in cement for
strength development during the first month, while C2S reacts much more slowly, and
contributes to the long-term strength of the cement. Both the silicate phases react with
water as shown below to form calcium hydroxide and a rigid calcium-silicate hydrate
gel, C–S–H;

An induction period is an initial slow stage of a chemical reaction; after the induction
period, the reaction accelerates.
Strength Development of Concrete
Calcium silicate hydrate is produced by reaction of C3S or C2S with water. It is
frequently described as a gel rather than a crystalline material because no
consistent structure is visible using X-ray diffraction.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

 Shrinkage is the decrease in the volume of concrete during hardening and drying

under constant temperature. The amount of shrinkage increase with time, as shown
in Figure;

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Shrinkage of Concrete
 Shrinkage of concrete is caused by the settlement of solids and the loss of free

water from the plastic concrete (Plastic Shrinkage).

 Shrinkage of concrete caused by the chemical reaction of cement with water

(Autogenous Shrinkage) and

 Shrinkage of concrete caused by the drying of concrete (Drying Shrinkage)

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Autogenous Shrinkage
 Autogenous shrinkage is the uniform reduction of internal moisture due to cement
hydration, which is common in high-strength concrete. Autogenous shrinkage
contributes significantly to concrete cracking when the water–cement (w/c) ratio is low
(less than 0.4).

 The use of concrete with a somewhat higher w/c ratio can mitigate this problem.
However, the strength and impermeability of concrete will be decreased if the w/c ratio
is increased

 The main factors that influence the autogenous shrinkage of concrete are w/c ratio and
concrete maturity. There is no effective way to mitigate the autogenous shrinkage
for high-performance concrete. However, the use of pozzolanic materials or Internal
water absorbers can mitigate the effect of autogenous shrinkage.
Properties of Hardened Concrete

How to mitigate autogenous shrinkage

 As the hydration reaction goes on, more water is drained from increasingly finer
capillaries, so the tensile stresses developed. However, if during hydration an external
source of water (external to the paste) fills the porosity created by the chemical
contraction, the capillaries of the hydrated cement paste remain saturated and no
tensile stresses are developed in the hydrating paste.

 From a practical point of view, an external source of water (external to the concrete) or
an internal one (internal to the concrete but external to the paste) has to be supplied to
concrete to mitigate autogenous shrinkage.

 Use of internal water absorber in the concrete like bentonite, brickbats can reduce the
autogenous shrinkage
Properties of Hardened Concrete

Drying Shrinkage
 When a hardened concrete, cured in water, is allowed to dry it first loses water from its

voids and capillary pores and then water is drawn, out of its cement gel which results in
contraction of concrete known as drying shrinkage.

 When shrinkage of concrete is restrained by the foundation, or another part of the

structure, internal tensile stresses are developed.

 Concrete is weak in tension and when the tensile stresses exceed its tensile strength, the

cracks will develop.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

 Type, content and proportion of the constituent materials of concrete (cement, water,
aggregates, etc) have profound effect on concrete drying shrinkage.

 The total water content of a concrete mixture has a significant effect on its drying
shrinkage. Therefore, to minimize the drying shrinkage of concrete the total water
content must be kept as low as practically possible.

 For practical purposes, the type, composition and fineness of cement have also been
found to have relatively little effect on drying shrinkage.

Properties of Hardened Concrete
Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

 The effect of coarse aggregate on drying shrinkage is high. The use of a maximum
coarse aggregate content will minimize the total water and paste contents of the
concrete mixture and, therefore, drying shrinkage.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

 Admixtures form an integral part of concrete mixtures produced today. Their addition
to concrete typically increases the volume of fine pores in the cement hydration
product. As a result drying shrinkage is increased when admixtures such as calcium
chloride, slag cement and some pozzolans are used.

 With regard to water reducing admixtures, ACI 212 reports that long-term shrinkage
may be less depending on the degree to which the water content of the concrete is
reduced. Reductions in drying shrinkage have been obtained in instances where
significant reductions in total water content were realized through the use of high-
range water-reducing admixtures.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

 Steel reinforcement will reduce the drying shrinkage of concrete because of the
restraint provided by the steel.

 In the same environment, a small concrete member will, because of its higher surface
area-to-volume ratio, shrink more than a larger member.

 The greater the exposed surface area the greater the rate of moisture loss, and hence,
the potential for drying shrinkage.

 Therefore, it should be recognized that the drying shrinkage that will be experienced
in actual concrete structures will only be a fraction of that obtained in the laboratory.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

 The magnitude of drying shrinkage is also time dependent. Though the bulk of
drying shrinkage occurs within the first few months of drying, the process continues
for years.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Effects of Shrinkage

 The major concern with regard to the shrinkage of concrete is the potential for

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Concrete Creep
 Concrete creep is defined as: deformation of structure under sustained load.
Basically, long term pressure or stress on concrete can change its shape. This
deformation usually occurs in the direction the force is being applied. Like a
concrete column getting more compressed.

 Creep does not necessarily cause concrete to fail or break apart. When a load is
applied to concrete, it experiences a rapid elastic strain which develops into creep
strain if the load is sustained

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Concrete Creep

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Concrete Creep
 Creep occur because the adsorbed water layers tend to becomes thinner between gel
particles transmitting compressive stress.
 This change in thickness occurs rapidly at first, slowing down with time.

 With time, bonds form between the gel particles in their new position. If the load is
eventually removed, a portion of the strain is recovered elastically and other portion
by creep, but a residual strain remains (Figure in previous slide), due to the bonding
of the gel particles in the deformed position.

Properties of Hardened Concrete

Concrete Creep

 The amount of creep that the concrete undergoes is dependent upon

1. The magnitude of the sustained loading

2. Cement-paste content

3. The age and strength of the concrete when the stress is applied, and

4. Aggregate volumetric content

Thank You..


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