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Application for E-Mail Account of International Students

E-Mail Account Application Form

Students Personal Details

Name, First Name Dhall, Karan Singh

Home University India, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences (SUAS)

Chosen Course of

Rights and Privileges

The Account contains access to the supplied operating systems (UNIX, WindowsNT) of the IT Department, as well as
an Email address, access in a house network over dial-up connection / WLAN, and self-service functions of the
student services office. The Account for members of other higher education institutions (technical colleges,
universities, etc.) will be deleted after the time of study. The Account is only issued upon the presentation of the
Student ID card with proof of enrolment.

The User is obligated to use the requested User Account exclusively for the aim of studying and/or service tasks.
Register beforehand if using the Account for other uses (e.g. commercial use of hardware and software). The User
affirms with his/her signature notice of the terms listed below.

The Applicant is obligated to acknowledge and adhere to the following points:

1. The eligible candidate (henceforth User) has to use the rights, the provisions and data processing (DP)
components in accordance with the administration within the using and work regulations, as well as to
call upon the offered services from the IT Department.
2. The User is obligated
a) to abide by the administrative and user regulations, in particular to refrain from anything that
interrupts the orderly operation in the IT Department.
b) to give meticulous and sparing attention to the used DP components and other mechanisms.
c) to prove his/her rights of use on demand.
d) to inform forthwith the IT Department interferences, damages and problems with the DP
e) to obey the instructions of the IT Department within its rooms, as well as with the usage of its
equipment and other devices.
f) to allow the IT Department, under adherence to confidentiality, access to programs and
information about programs and used systems for the protection of appropriate and correct
use of the DP equipment.
g) not to disclose or use without authorisation information about external programs and data.
h) not to install onto the DP components self-made or developed programs without authorisation
from the IT Department and to respect copyright regulations.
i) to ensure for himself/herself the protection of his/her own data and programs.
j) to refrain from sanctioning unauthorised procurement by external programs or third parties of
personal access information (e.g. passwords), as well as refraining from passing on personal
access information to external programs or third parties.
k) to bear possible accruing expenses through the use of the internet.
l) to inform himself/herself about and to heed licensing provisions of used systems.

A User who repeatedly or seriously violates the using and work regulations or who commits punishable actions with
his/her use, can be suspended or permanently excluded from further use. The User is not entitled to claims for
compensation due to suspension.

Length of Use, Data Security

The time of use of the DP components begins with the receipt of the assigned user name and password. After the
course of the standard period of study or by withdrawal from the university, the account will be deactivated and

Notice of impending departure from the university or termination of employment should be promptly given to the IT

I affirm that I have read and agree with the abovementioned terms.

Date: 29.04.2024 Dhall, Karan Singh

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